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View Full Version : [Completed] For Kat - Hot Nights, Cool Love (PG-13)

2nd February 2007, 07:25
Well, this was supposed to be the NYE piece for Smallville Chlex but my muse is having other ideas at the moment. <g> It should be up though in a week, depending on her mood---at the earliest. Hope you enjoy this for the time being. It's slightly suggestive but not overly---PG-13 on the wild side. If I didn't put the right rating on, guys, Moderators, you have my permission to change it or tell me to edit. Enjoy.

Title: For Kat - "Hot Nights, Cool Love"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13 (slightly suggestive stuff)

Category: Friendship, Chlex, slight mentions of Clana, futurefic, Chloe's and Lex's POV's, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

Summary: Hot nights can sometimes lead to cool love.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, The Princess Bride, Mr. Clean, The Back Street Boys, and the lyrics from Incomplete, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: To BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and WBFFZ for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: This is for Kat and her wonderful birthday present she did for me. This one is a sight shorter than her wonderful piece, but I hope it's as full of love and inspiration, as her's is and always will be. Thanks, sweetie, for the wonderful present and I hope you like yours here. Enjoy.

For Kat - "Hot Nights Cool Love" - By PMD

Chloe's POV

Hot Summer Nights

I hate summers in Kansas. You would think it would be cooler out in the country but no. At least in Metro there was air conditioning that worked most of the time. And when it didn't, you didn't have to wait for a while for a repairman to come.

I think this while lying in my bed in my apartment above the Ledger. Yep, not far to go to work---just wish I could sleep so I could be sharp for work, with the heat wave bombarding us this summer.

I feel like I'm sweating off the pounds now. And I can't get somebody to come look at the air conditioner until who knows when---maybe Monday---maybe not. Well, at least I don't have the problem about work and keeping alert tomorrow or the next day. But what if they can't make it Monday---this heat wave is going to last the week at least and no rain is in sight.

I let out a sigh and get up, knowing I won't be sleeping tonight. Instead, I put on a T-shirt, shorts, and grab my keys and purse. At least there's air conditioning in my car.

I run down the steps, open the door, and out into a sauna. I make my way to the car, opening the door quickly, and closing it. I turn it on and feel the whoosh of the air meeting me. I let out a sigh and start out into the empty streets, making my way to the countryside outside of town---maybe do some stargazing.

I'm close to the resident Scottish castle when my car starts to sputter and then stop. No----I look down---out of gas. Darn it.

Thankfully I glided to the edge of the road. I turned the key and then got out, hit by the furnace known as air for Smallville at the moment. I let out a groan---hot nights---I hate hot nights. Why can't I ever have hot nights, cool love, like Clark and Lana? Why can't I have love, period?

I close the door and look around. In the short distance is the Luthor mansion. Guess I can go ask for help there? Hey, Lex, you got some extra gas around for me to use? Oh, maybe I could stay the night, in your bed, making love? Oh right---like that's going to happen.

I'm not his type, remember? Cool brunettes who want his money and will kill him to get it are his type. Although, I have wanted to strangle him once or twice.

Well, even though not his type, I do love him. Just that I'm betting he doesn't see me that way.

I lock my door and walk towards the castle. My feet are sluggish---the heat is really getting to me now. I'm almost to the top of the long driveway to the castle when I have to stop and sit.

"Maybe I'll just lie here for a bit," I state.

I hear a car behind me and turn around to watch a black Lexus stop just in front of me. The door opens and I sigh.

Great---the guy I love not only is destroying my heart---he's about to finish the job by yelling at me.


"Hey, Lex."

"What the hell are you doing here?"


He's kneeling by me now. "No air conditioning?"

I nod.


"Well, I took the car out and it ran out of gas."

"Ahhhh---air conditioning in the car?"


"Want to come in and cool down. The castle's air conditioned."

"You're not going to yell at me for almost causing you to kill me?"

"Chloe, you really don't think clearly in this heat, do you?" he laughs.

"Guess not."

He offers me his hand and I take it, my legs still not steady.

"Whoa," he states, supporting me as we walk around to the other side of the car. "You're a little unsteady there. Maybe I should get a doctor---"

"No---just need a nice cool drink, a cool bed, some cool love and you, Lexy," I say, before I can stop myself.

I can't look at him but I hear a soft laugh, as he leans me against the car and opens the passenger door.

"Well, I can offer you two out of four---you might have to wait for the other two, until you are in better health."

I get into the car and look at him. "Eh?" I query.

"We'll talk later. For now, cool drink and cool bed awaits milady."

"Damn---and I was hoping for cool love being one of them," I quip, making it look like I was joking, while my heart breaks. But then, he did say I might get the other ones.

He gets in and we drive into the grounds, a smile on my face and hopefully his too.


Health Issues

Lex's POV

I lead her up the steps, her legs still sluggish. I'm sure it's more than just being hit by the furnace known as Smallville air---she's probably exhausted too. Think I'll just lead her to the ground floor study and get her something to drink. The steps might be a bit much for the time being---these ones are bad enough.

She lets out an audible groan as we enter the mansion.

"God---coolness. I love you so much, coolness."

I smile at her thankfulness. "You're welcome."

She looks at me and smiles. Then she looks ahead as I help her to the study.

"Sit!" I demand as we enter and find ourselves at the couch.

"Do I look like a dog to you?" she queries.

"All right---please sit down and I'll get you whatever you want."

"Cold water is fine---or maybe lemonade if you have it. Ice tea?"

"Ice tea we have. Just sit and relax and I'll be back in a minute."

"Yes, sir," she states, flopping down on the couch.

I stare at her as she spreads herself out and lets out a sigh. "This is heaven," she whispers, just before she closes her eyes.

Yes, Chloe, this is heaven for me too---having you here---being able to be the one to be the hero and not Clark. Wishing that maybe you feel the same way as I do you but still afraid to say anything, because you probably still love Clark.

This is heaven and hell on earth, I think, as I walk out of the study and towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later I'm back with two glasses of ice tea. I place them down on the table as I notice she has drifted off to sleep.

I pull the blanket off the back of the couch and place it over her. I lean forward, kissing her forehead and then lean back, quickly---she's warm---a bit too warm for my liking.

I make my way to my desk and punch in the numbers for my doctor.

"Dr. Norris?"

'Mr. Luthor, do you know what time it is?'

"Yes, but I have an emergency. A friend of mine is a little too warm for my liking---could you---?"

'All right---I'll be there in a bit.'

I hear a deep breathe and then:

'Don't worry, young man. I'm sure they are fine---maybe heat stroke or possibly they can't sleep and the raise in temperature is because of fatigue. Or maybe it's just the flu. Be there soon, Mr. Luthor.'

"Thanks, Doctor."


Staying At The Mansion

Chloe's POV

"All right, already, Luthor. The doctor said I should stay here for a week---not that you could bug me all the time that I'm here."

He gives me a frown and I regret what I said.

"Lex, thank you for allowing me to stay here and for talking to my employer tomorrow about me not being in next week. Really, I appreciate it---but I can undress myself. Since when did you turn into Lana, by the way?"

"That's right---insult me again," he quips at me.

"She's not that bad---some of the times."

"Yeah but she can be a pest at times too. Thank God, Clark finally came to his senses and she's putting all her energy---oh God, Chloe, I'm sorry."

"Eh? What about?"

"Clark and Lana being together. I know how much you love him too."

My eyes widen. "Okay, who's got the temperature because of lack of sleep?"


"Focus, Luthor. You must have heard I've moved on or are you that much out of the loop with your friends."


"No, Lex. I'm just playing with you."

He chuckles at that and then leans over. My heart starts to beat faster, thinking he's going to kiss me. But instead, he plumps up my pillow and says goodnight. Damn---a week in the mansion is going to be hell and heaven on earth---I just know it.


Weekend, Monday and Tuesday

Lex's POV

The rest of the Saturday night and Sunday was quiet and calming.

I did make a few calls. I called her boss at home and he was so glad she was getting the needed rest---and sorry he had her run her ragged. I then had her computer brought here for her to check her e-mails---personal e-mails---not work. And maybe spend some time honing up on her solitaire skills.

On Monday, I called the air conditioning people, to make sure that they would be there that week to fix the air conditioner or else. I might not be evil but I still carry enough clout to make them squirm if they don't come through.

Other than that, it was uneventful. She spent most of the day sleeping. And I stuck around, just in case she needed something.

Tuesday, I left her in the capable hands of my right hand manservant, James. I had meetings at Lexcorp or I would have worked at home, like I did Monday. When I came home, I found them playing poker in her bedroom.

"Who's winning?"

"She's a mighty sharp card shark, Sir," James states, getting up.

"Don't I know it. So, what's for dinner, Dear?" I ask her.

"What---I'm sick."

"Not sick enough if you're playing cards."

"You've got a cook."

"She's off tonight."


"Pizza it is---but vegetarian."


And that was the end of Tuesday---eating pizza; drinking cola's, and then watching a movie before an early night for us both.

Then came Wednesday.



Chloe's POV

"Well, it's hump day."

"Excuse me?" he asks me.

"Gee, Lex, I keep forgetting. You went to private school and I bet hump day meant something else to you Richies---who could get any girl into the sack."

He gives me a smirk. "Okay, wise acre---what's hump day?"

"Wednesday---the middle of the week---hump day. You know---getting over the hump of a camel. That sorta a thing---the middle of the camel---the middle of the week."

"Where do people get these expressions?"

"I have no idea. And why the hell did I bring it up in the first place?" I ask myself.

"So, want to go watch some humpback whales on TV?"

"You staying home today?"


"Got a lot of work done yesterday?"


"That the only word you know today?"


I roll my eyes. "Well, I think we should have a picnic."

"No going outside---doctors orders."

"We can have one inside?"

"A picnic without ants?"

"Yep," I state, with a smile.

"All right---a picnic and then maybe some juvenile movies to watch."

"Juvy movies---what kinda juvy movies?"

"The Breakfast Club."

"Bite your tongue--that ain't a juvenile movie---that's a classic. Right up there with Pretty in Pink."

"Pretty in Pink too."

"No thanks."

"Why, Chloe?"

"Cause that would remind me of Lana and she's been calling me forever."


"She wants to come over and shoot the breeze. I told her okay--but on Friday."

"Why Friday?"

"I figure I would be bored by then."

"And you beat that by two days."

"I'm not bored---are you bored?"

"Not in the least."



"Let's just go to the plant nursery and watch the flowers grow. Maybe read to each other. I don't think I could take a picnic or movie day today. Maybe tomorrow."


"Yeah---is that okay?"

"Whatever the princess wants."

"Ewwww---another Lana reference. Lex, is there something going on between you two that Clark and I should know about?"




"Okay---so what shall we read?"

"How about---the Princess Bride?"




Thursday Arrives

Lex's POV

The phone rings and I pick it up.


"Lana? What's wrong?"

'Lex, they tried to fix the air conditioning at Chloe's but they couldn't.'

"Do they think I'm going to kill them for not doing it?"

'No but people hate to let you down now, considering---'

"---the power I wield?" I finish, letting out a sigh.

'No. The father you have.'

"Ah---okay then. We go with plan B---you go buy a new unit for her."

'Bad plan.'


'You tell her that she has to stay longer cause the air conditioning is taking longer to fix. Then you can wine and dine her and she won't want to leave.'


'Why not?'

"Its called manipulation and she'll see through it."

'Leeeeexxxxx----just jump her already.'

"Who are you?"

'A lady who's been having sex with her fiancé.'

"What---when---why didn't you tell Chloe?"

'Cause it happened last night. And it could happen to you too, if you would just get off your high horse and do it already.'

"Have sex with her?"

'Yeah and ask her to marry you.'


'Lex---come on---tell her already.'

I let out a sigh. "Lana---stop it or you won't be welcomed into the mansion tomorrow."

'You mean I can see her tomorrow---goody. I'll tell her how you---'

"No you won't," I growl.

'What---going to take away the Talon if I do? Oh right, you tried that before---and you said it would never happen again, remember?'

"That promise I made after I closed it the first year it was open, right?"

'Right---so I can tell her or you can tell her---which is it going to be?'

"I'll tell her. Satisfied, Pest?"

'I will be when you tell her.'

I let out a sigh. "Are you sure she feels the same way?"

'Is there cows in Smallville?'


'Tell you what---instead of buying AC for her, I'll go buy her something even better. But I'm not telling you what it is.'




'I'll see you tomorrow, Lex. Just set up a fancy dinner table and let me do the rest, okay? Bye.'

"Okay. Bye."


Friday - The Study

Chloe's POV

"Hey, Chloe---how are you feeling?"

I give Lana a smile as she walks in. She can be a pest but I'm bored and she's my pest---my best friend pest. My best friend pest with a present for me.

"Hey, Lana. Is that for me?"

She walks over and places the box on the couch and sits down.

"No, it's for Lex."

"I think he'll understand if I open it up," I state, lifting the lid and letting out a gasp.

"Lana, he likes black but he's never going to wear this."

"Silly---it's for you. Come on; let's go up and try it on."

"Okay," I state, being pulled up by her and dragged out of the room. "Lana---the box."


He appears. "Yes, Miss Lana?"

"Could you be a dear and bring the box up to Chloe's room?"

"It will be there before she arrives."

"I don't think so, James," I say, as Lana drags me away.

I hear a chuckle behind me, as we run up the stairs.


A Couple of Hours Later.



"Why'd you buy me this?"

"You don't like it?"

"No, I love it---it's just that it's a little drafty. And I have had a temperature."

She plops on the bed. "From exhaustion---are you well rested?"


"Oooooohhhhh, having dreams about Lex again, have we?"


"Honey, we were roommates once, remember? I've heard you moan like somebody making love to that special guy, in their dreams."

"How do you know it wasn't Clark?"

"Since when is Clark's nickname, Mr. Clean?"

"Oh; okay, you caught me."

She raises an eyebrow and then lifts her left hand, looking at it. Something sparkles there and I walk over to the bed.

"Oh my God---when did this happen?" I ask, staring at the ring.

"He asked me last night. Chloe---you're okay with this?"

"Honey, if I couldn't have him, I'm glad you do. After all, it could have been my cousin."


"Tell me about it. So, how'd he do it---on bended knee?"

"Right before we---you know?"

"I know---oh, wow---really?"

She starts to blush. "Yeah----and I had to say yes or he might not have finished."

"You would have said yes, even if he didn't finish."

"Yeah, I would have said yes. I love him as much as you love Lex and Lex loves you."

I turn away. "How do you know he loves me?"

"I can feel it."

I turn back. "Really?"

"Yes and tonight you will knock him for a loop in that dress. Stand up!"

I do and do a little turn around. "So, where's the shoes?"

She laughs as she gets up and goes into the box once more, taking out some slight black heels. "Here's your slippers, Princess."

"Thank you, Princess. Now---"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm off. Clark's taking me to the movies---we're going to go see the movie my mother went to see, when she first saw my father."

"Awwwww---that's so cute."

"Yeah, I think so. Chloe---he does love you. He just has to get up the courage to tell you."

"And me him. Okay, now git along, little doggie."

She kisses me goodbye and than is gone, leaving me staring into the mirror and hopping she's right about Lex loving me as much as I love him.


Friday Night

Lex's POV

I see Lana to the door, giving her a hug and raising an eyebrow at the ring.

"Wow. Clark does have good taste!"

"In rings and fiancee's. Hopefully, he's rubbed off on you now, with the future up there, coming down soon. So, got the dinner set up?"

"Sent James up with a note for her to come to the nursery."

"Nursery---putting the cart before the horse aren't we, Lex?"

"The plant nursery, Ms. Lang."

"Oh, okay. So, what are you dining on tonight."

"Hopefully, not crow."

She gives me a slight smile.


"Oh, you'll see. I'm good; I'm real good. And you can thank me later on."

I give her a smirk.

"No really. You will. For now, goodbye, partner. Have fun---but not too much. Remember, she's recovering."

I open the door for her and watch her walk out, laughter in her wake. I smile and close it. Now to get ready for---whatevers about to happen.


Half An Hour Later

Chloe's POV

The nursery---how cute. Bet Lana thought it was the nursery as in children---talk about putting the cart before the horse.

I walk into the room, leading to the nursery and see him standing there, his back to me.

I smooth down my long black dress. There's a slit on the side so I can walk easily in it. The neckline shows off my assets well and the back plunged, so I can feel his fingers caressing me, if we danced. Or when he leads me to the table in the nursery, he can feel my smooth, subtle skin.

"Lex?" I whisper out to him.

He turns around and looks at me---I've stuck him speechless. Lana did good. Maybe she's right---he feels the same about me as I do about him.

I glide towards him, my shoes barely making a sound. Then I'm in front of him and he's still staring at me.

"Cat got your tongue, Lex?"

He blinks and then gives me a solemn look.

"Chloe---isn't that a bit risqué to wear after having a temperature?"

Geez---and you wonder why he doesn't stay married long or they want to kill him, Chloe. Maybe Lana is wrong after all.

I give him a look of anger. Then, I turn and walk away, not wanting to show my tears. I'm almost to the door when I hear his shoes on the floor.

Within seconds, I feel him behind me and he whispers, "I'm sorry, Chloe. You do look lovely tonight. It's just that, I don't want to lose you to illness or anybody else."

I move away and turn around, giving him a smile. "I look lovely?"

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"You know why?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I'm in love with a wonderful guy."

His eyes widen and then narrow. "Better be me you're talking about."

I nod my head, words inadequate now. And then I'm left breathless and speechless by his kiss.

When we finally come up for breath, he takes out a remote and clicks it---and the CD player comes on, a soft whirl of a CD going into place to be played, the only sound in the room, for a second. He puts the remote in his pocket.

"This is how I felt when you weren't here, your senior year. Chloe, may I have this dance?"

I offer my hand and he takes it, leading me to the nursery and we dance among the flowers to the BackStreet Boys:

"Empty spaces fill me up with holes

Distant faces with no place left to go

Without you within me I can't find no rest

Where I'm going is anybody's guess

I've tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on

But I am swimming in an ocean all alone

Baby, my baby

It's written on your face

You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I've tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete

I don't mean to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you go

I don't wanna make you face this world alone

I wanna let you go (alone)

I've tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete


Lex turns off the CD player and puts the remote once more in his pocket.

I feel the tears coming, one after the other. He was so alone that senior year---he stayed away because he was afraid for my safety but he forgot about the safety of his own heart.

We were friends after that year but still, he felt like he was incomplete. Well no more.

I back away and see a tear stream down.

"You understand?" he whispers.

"Lex, I'm your soulmate. Of course I understand."

"Soulmate? Now----"

"---and when we were friends."

"I thought---"

"Lex, soulmates can be romantic or not," I state, brushing away the tear.

"Ahhhh---the one person who believed in you and trusted you, when nobody else did---well, doesn't that mean Clark for me?"

"Oh great---another person who's fallen for Clark," I quip.

"As a friend," he quips back.

I smile and then get serious with:

"Well, actually---I think I believed and trusted you longer than Clark did. And I know the big secret---so you trust me more than you trust Clark, I believe."

"Big secret?"

"Yes---the one about you wanting your father's love and knowing you'll never get it."

"Ahhhh---that big secret."

I smile at him and then glance at the table behind him. "Nice table. Do it for any other women you know?"

"I've only done it for one other woman in my life---not as romantic gesture like I'm doing now though."


"My mother."

"Awwww---God. I'm going to start crying again. Geez, where's a---"

Miraculously, a tissue appears in his hands and I take it, wiping away another errant tear from him and a few from myself.

"So, would you care to join me for dinner?"

"No---not hunger---for food. However, I have a counter offer for you."

"And that is?"

"A late dinner after some indoor exercise, in my bed."

Well, I never thought I would see Lex so eager. He sweeps me into his arms and leans in.

"I love you, Chloe."

"I knew that," I giggle, as he glares at me. "Okay---I love you too."

He walks out of the room and down the corridor. And as we make it up the stairs, I hear thunder and rain starting to come down.

"Guess the heat wave is over," he states, as we get to the landing.

"It served its purpose," I state, as we start towards my bedroom.

"It did?"

"Yes it did. The hot nights lead to some cool love."

"And a bright future together," he adds, kicking in the door and depositing me on the bed.

"Yes, and a bright future together," I say, as he places his body above mine and kisses me deeply.

The End.

3rd February 2007, 07:01
OooooOooooOooo I want a heat wave with sexy Lex!!!!

4th February 2007, 00:41
That was very very nice:) And you deserve an applause for making Lana likable:clapclap:
hugs, carly:blinkkiss

8th February 2007, 01:25
Aww..that was soo sweet. I loved it!

8th February 2007, 14:39
That was sweet and I completely didn't see the Lana thing coming.:grin3:

29th October 2007, 05:26
very cute i just loved it.

30th October 2007, 01:41
Just perfect
The heat wave really served its purpose
Wonderful fic

3rd December 2007, 19:50
That was a lovely bit of Chlexy fluff, thanks for sharing.

15th January 2008, 20:20
Squee!!! LOVE IT!!!! Good job, so funny.

Ami Rose
17th June 2015, 17:22
Very cute!