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View Full Version : A Sugary Christmas mix (PG13) - Complete

Queen Of Tact
21st November 2006, 17:01
Title: a sugary Christmas mix
Rated: OC for on crack, but since that’s not a real rating I’ll say PG13
Summery: a new chlex version of some old classics
A/N: So this is what happens when one has too much sugar and Christmas music stuck in her head... Enjoy, and feel free to laugh at me being a crack head...

Ok everyone sing with me...

Jingle bells Smallville smells Lana laid an egg sexy Lexy lost his balls and Chloe got away

And how about this all time favorite

You know Victoria and Desiree, and Helen and Molly, Mindy and Tina, Trixie, and Mimi, but do you recall the most annoying bimbo of them all... Lana the brown haired bimbo had a very whiny voice and if you ever heard it you would want to punch her in the face.

And who can forget the night before Christmas...

A story told by Chloe

Twas the night before Smallville and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a meteor freak

The column was saved on the computer with care in hope the daily planet would soon pick it up

Princess and farm boy were at it again. While visions of Lex danced in my head

With coffee near by and my lap top at hand I just settled down for a long boring night

When out on the drive way there arose such a clatter I sprang from my bed to see who the hell it was at this hour on the way to the window I almost fell on my ass

Pushed back the curtains and pulled up the shades what to my wondering eyes would appear, but a small silver car with Lex1 as the plate

I knew in a moment it must be Lex with abs of steal and a rock in his pants

He whistled and shouted and called me by name Chloe my love my coffee addicted vixen

I came here to take you all over the house in the kitchen on the counter in the bath in the shower

The next thing I knew he was pounding at the door... down stairs I ran and threw open the door

He was dressed in Armani from his head to his toes

With a smirk on his face and lust in his eye he made his way in with out missing a step. Tossing me over his shoulder I laughed with glee. Not saying a word he went straight to work... Filling the house with more noise then we should. Finely exhausted we snuggled close together and I heard him whisper more in the morning and always with you...

The end

21st November 2006, 18:06
I loved every single one of them!! But my favorite would have to be the last =]

I'm still laughing from the 1st one about Lex's balls!!

21st November 2006, 19:24
Ha! CC, I like you on the funny crack.

21st November 2006, 20:03
:rofl: Excellent CC!!!! Loved all of them. :rofl:

21st November 2006, 22:33
Christmas is always better with Chlex and crack.

21st November 2006, 23:47
Oh I want my Christmas with LEX please please please. Well I can dream at least;)
That was good but the last few lines definetly the best of all:rofl:

22nd November 2006, 20:16
Ok everyone sing with me...

Jingle bells Smallville smells Lana laid an egg sexy Lexy lost his balls and Chloe got away

OMG! i'm singing it with the tune right now. 'Jingle Bells' is one the first english songs i'd learned when i was pre-school but this version is much better than the real one.

Awesome work.

23rd November 2006, 01:25
Freaking fantastic!!! OMG!! I've def. got the first one stuck in my head. Great job, hon!!

23rd November 2006, 02:41
lol I just read it and it's brilliant! you can't help it but laugh your head off with this piece. absolutely brilliant! write one more, it's too damn funny

23rd November 2006, 10:28
I am sooooo dying laughing over Lana the brown haired bimbo to the Rudolph tune. I LOVE it. The Night Before Christmas Chlex version was cool too.

23rd November 2006, 21:48
ahhh that's why i love christmas. All the different ways to make fun of lana hahaha.
I think your versions are actually better then the originals! Maybe you should try to pass a law to change them to your version. :D

8th December 2006, 03:44
that was so great and funny i just loved it you should do more.

Ami Rose
22nd January 2007, 11:38
Lol! That was funny!