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3rd September 2006, 21:36
Woohoo, an update!!!!!! Omg, loved it. Glad Lex finally touched Chloe & boy did she touch him back. He recovered nicely though (lol). I'm just wondering what the centerpiece is . I'm a little unsure of what this thing is. As usual, you have been cruel & ended the chapter too soon...leaving me wanting more. Can't wait for the next update!

3rd September 2006, 22:18
Hopefully Lex will be pleased with Chloe's final thought about herself!! I'm so glad that Lex liked his blowjob, I was a little afraid he would be mad because she didn't follow his instructions exactly!! Thank you for the great update!! Can't wait to read more!!

3rd September 2006, 22:31
Talk about being worth the wait! Wow! They both completely let themselves go during their orgasms. I'm so incredibly happy that Lex is pleased with Chloe, I was a little scared for her. And there is something incredibly hot about being Lex Luthor's property, screw the feminist movement. I think Lex is the only guy I'd do that for, good thing he's fictional.

3rd September 2006, 23:52
All right and update!

When Lex said he was going to touch her he touched her all right.:yeahbaby: I was little worried when she reached down touch her self but it was all good.

“I see Lex Luthor’s property.”
I wondering how Lex will feel about her saying this. I assume he will become hard instantly.

Sorry no real energy to give a long review but wonderful chapter and I look foward to more soon.

4th September 2006, 01:11
Wow that was so good!!!! :drool2: I am so glad she got her orgasm finally and he got his. That was wow wow :drool: and I hope we soon get them actually having penis and vagina insertion time. :D

Hope :)

4th September 2006, 01:52

I am begging you not to make us wait too long for an update

4th September 2006, 02:34
What a statement!!! Fantastic chapter. Can't wait for what Lex has in store for his Chloe.

4th September 2006, 03:10
whoa, what a closer!
Lex's Property. great update. i was starting to go through withdrawl but, yay! we're back on track.

4th September 2006, 07:17
THANK YOU!!!! i'm so very very happy for both of them! *DROOL* ooooooooh and the mirror.... i can feel something very very hot coming on.... can't wait! please don't make us wait so long!

buckles squared
4th September 2006, 12:16
A most interesting story. I haven't commented because I don't know much about the dom/sub relationship. I have been learning alot and am glad to see their devotion to each other. I like that Chloe can totally put herself in Lex's hands because she trusts him implicitly. Very intriguing and very hot. Thanks!

4th September 2006, 15:47
This chapter really changed the tone for the fic. Uptil this point, the fic has been all about establishing roles, testing boundaries and limitations and setting up rules and punishment.

It has all about establishing the power dynamic in this arrangement. About making sure that the sub knew 'her place' and the role she was expected to play... and the kind of demands and behaviour she was to expect from her dom.

This chapter was different from the previous ones. It was about... reaping the benefits of this rigorously and carefully established arrangement.

In quite a few ways, this chapter was fantastic because it showed a more generous, giving and even gentler side of the dom/sub relationship. Yet... I somehow felt like Chloe was the one who was putting more effort and more of herself into what should have been a mutually pleasure seeking experience.

She gasped when his fingers slipped into her body. “Lex, oh, oh, oh.” Her hips pumped against his probing fingers and she wanted to reach out and steady herself on his shoulders, or spread her legs. She was coming undone after only a few small touches.

“Then come for me now.” His voice was rough and textured and tense and beautiful and perfect.

It was all she needed. He was all she needed. Three of his fingers pushed harder into her, chasing after that spot that was supposed to exist in every woman. His thumb kept circling her clit and she felt her cunt close up on his fingers. Her internal muscles tried to milk his hand for his come, not knowing the difference between that and his cock.

Lex barely had to touch her... he barely had to move his hand and say a few words before Chloe seemed to just spontaneously explode. It just didn't seem like had to to ANY-thing to make her come. I get the feeling that the hand wasn't even necessary... All that was required was for him to order her to come and she would have.

She let her lips rest on his cock as she slowly raised her head. Her tongue was flattened on the underside of his cock and then circled the head. Lex hissed when the cool air of the room hit his flesh. “Take me deeper,” he instructed.

There. His hips left the couch again and Chloe worked her fingers under his ass. And then inside of it. Only two, she didn’t want to overwhelm him. She pressed them deep inside until she found the mass she was looking for. She rubbed her fingers against it and then Lex went wild.

Chloe on the other hand had to put in some MAJOR thought and effort for Lex's release. Chloe had to utilize a lot of energy, skill, forcefulness and stamina to get Lex to get to the same 'out of control' peak that she had experienced with barely a touch and a twiddle.

Ok fine... perhaps Chloe's strong orgasm was caused because she had not been allowed to come in such a long time, and because she's basically had a good couple of weeks of very frustrating foreplay. But hasn't Lex been through a 'dry season' for the same amount of time?

Or has he? I also noticed the lack of condoms used... Lex told Chloe that she was NOT to seek out pleasure with anyone else (including herself) without his explicit permission. But Chloe has no such promise of fedility from Lex.

Even if Chloe is on birth control, Lex could have caught a myriad of diseases from all the women he has been fucking in between his 'Chloe encounters'. Basically, it is extrememly stupid for Chloe not to include the use of a condom as part of their Arrangement. Safe sex is important, and should be taken into consideration no matter how kinky bedroom games become.

But other than these two issues, this update was great. As I mentioned, it was really great to experience the 'other side' of the dom/sub relationship. All the angsty and extreme punishment, testing and stretching was really interesting to read through, but there was always a sense of frustration at the end. A sense of 'wanting something more'.

Basically I'm glad to see Lex and Chloe have taken the next step in this relationship. Trust has been established, lines have been drawn... and now fun's starting ;)

please update soon, I really missed this fic during its hibernation.

4th September 2006, 17:19
I have to admit that I love the feedback for this fic almost as much as I love the fic itself. It's sparked such an interesting conversation on a subject that most people consider fairly taboo so they never talk openly about it.

Lex barely had to touch her... he barely had to move his hand and say a few words before Chloe seemed to just spontaneously explode. It just didn't seem like had to to ANY-thing to make her come. I get the feeling that the hand wasn't even necessary... All that was required was for him to order her to come and she would have.

Chloe on the other hand had to put in some MAJOR thought and effort for Lex's release. Chloe had to utilize a lot of energy, skill, forcefulness and stamina to get Lex to get to the same 'out of control' peak that she had experienced with barely a touch and a twiddle.

First of all, let me say that I love, love, love reading all of your fb. It's so insightful and it raises really interesting plot points. I've found that it adds to the stories and I always make sure to scan for it after reading new chapters. Sometimes I just want to follow you around writing "me, too" but I think that would be cheating so I restrain myself. :)

As for Chloe's easy orgasm, I could be wrong, but I think it may be because part of what defines a sub is their desire to relinquish control. Even though Chloe always has to seem controlled as far as following orders and maintaining positions, she doesn't have to make choices and that can be an amazing experience. Sometimes she mentions doing something automatically or her sub programming and that's really a great deal of the allure for a submissive. That's why Lex had to teach Chloe that she could trust him - because she could never truly let go and have a meaningful sub/dom relationship without that trust since she would always be hanging onto some measure of control, never really letting herself get lost in the experience because she would feel the need to keep some level of awareness so that she wouldn't get hurt again.

On the other hand a dom has to be in control all of the time (which can also be a heady experience). More so because the sub is doing everything they say and so they have to be careful that what their doing doesn't damage their sub physically or mentally. Again, that's why the trust lesson. So that Chloe would understand that Lex was always aware of her needs, always keeping complete control of every facet of their relationship.

So I think that Chloe's orgasm came faster than Lex's because her whole experience is about not having to have control. It took more work for Lex to lose control because he's the one who always has to be vigilant.

As for the safe sex issue, I could be way off here but I think that may be why they put in the part about the check up that the club required. Not that that necessarily means that they couldn't catch anything in between exams, but I think that may have been the nod to the safe sex issue.

Ladies, this chapter was bliss. I'm so excited that everybody got to orgasm that I feel like I did, too. It's certainly excellent tension building. I have to agree with the thought that I'd love to see Lex run into Chloe's previous dom. I mean, honestly, what's the point in belonging to Lex Luthor if you don't have him unleash his wrath on everyone who's wronged you. ;)

please update soon, I really missed this fic during its hibernation.

Me, too. (couldn't resist. :) )

Can't wait for more...okay, I can but I'm gonna sulk about it.


4th September 2006, 19:11
Hey Skauble,
You raised some valid points about the 'easy orgasm' issue. And I have to admit the whole thing about 'it's easier for a sub to lose control' rings true. AND I have to admit that Lex has been putting some major effort into encounters preceding this 'final release'.

Basically Lex has been putting some major time, effort and creativity into the 'foreplay' encounters which finally led to this amazing orgasm for Chloe. Testing Chloe, teasing her, stretching her limits, firing up her imagination with promises of 'events yet to come' and building up her trust were key components in building up the orgasm that was finally released in this chapter.

It is also to Chloe's credit that she was able to reciprocate and give Lex an amazing session of his own despite all the limitations that have been placed on her ;)

As for the safe sex issue, I could be way off here but I think that may be why they put in the part about the check up that the club required. Not that that necessarily means that they couldn't catch anything in between exams, but I think that may have been the nod to the safe sex issue.

I also noticed the mention of 'regular testing' in this chapter.And I'm sorry, but that is NOWHERE near a good enough reason to forgo safe sex in a relationship where one person to free to go fuck other people.

The testing would take place... what?... One a year? That's terrible and nowhere frequent enough to justify the lack of a condom. And even if the testing took place every month... certain diseases (such as ever scary AIDS) can take up to THREE months after infection to start showing up on blood-tests. So basically, even a clean bill of health from a month ago doesn't necessarily mean your partner is safe.

Lex has guaranteed his safety by forbidding Chloe to have sex with other people... but Chloe has no such safety net, and she should be smarter than that!

of course, this is the world of fanfic, and Lex will always be disease free... But still remember kiddies... Never try this at home (or at the office, or at a club, or in the bathroom of an airplane)... Safe Sex is important... always use a condom :D

4th September 2006, 20:17
Never try this at home (or at the office, or at a club, or in the bathroom of an airplane)...

Not with a goat. Not on a boat. Not in the rain. Not on the train.

lol I had a Green Eggs and Ham moment. (Although I was serious about not with a goat. Some taboos are definitely of the good. ;) )

of course, this is the world of fanfic, and Lex will always be disease free... But still remember kiddies...

Safe Sex is important... always use a condom :D

Amen to that. Fanfic Lex is nice, but if I was with him in RL I'd have to rub him down with Lysol wipes, wrap him head to toe in plastic and still insist on masturbating in an entirely different room. Let's face it, Lex is a man ho.


4th September 2006, 20:46
Amen to that. Fanfic Lex is nice, but if I was with him in RL I'd have to rub him down with Lysol wipes, wrap him head to toe in plastic and still insist on masturbating in an entirely different room. Let's face it, Lex is a man ho.

LOL! So true... Quite a waste of some fine smooth flesh too. What a pity!

***added edit***

First of all, let me say that I love, love, love reading all of your fb. It's so insightful and it raises really interesting plot points. I've found that it adds to the stories and I always make sure to scan for it after reading new chapters. Sometimes I just want to follow you around writing "me, too" but I think that would be cheating so I restrain myself.

And I also wanted to thank you for the really sweet compliment here. I've never had a reviewer review any of my reviews and it really made my day :D

4th September 2006, 22:40
Chloe knew that was not what he was going for. “I see an accomplished woman. A woman who knows what she wants both professionally and sexually and is no longer afraid to go after it.” A hint of pride entered her voice.

I just wanted to add that I loved this part. It's good to see Chloe grow out of her insecurities and see herself in this way. It's sad that an intelligent, caring, loyal, talented, beautiful, and courageous young woman like Chloe is made to feel so bad about herself on the show because she's not the stereotype "perfect" woman - standard model looks, perpetual victim, and always in need of a man. I hate it when women like Lana are held up as the ideal of womanhood. It implies that even a woman with the depth of a thimble (which is a thimble more depth than Lana has) is unfeminine.

I also love Chloe's stand that she's strong to claim her pleasure. Being a sub doesn't make a person weak. If that's what gets a person off and they go for it than that's a form of empowerment.

And I also wanted to thank you for the really sweet compliment here. I've never had a reviewer review any of my reviews and it really made my day :D

On the subject of your reviews, I also wanted to say that I've noticed that you manage to get people to update almost instantly. I don't know if it's your skimpy cheerleader costume or a meteor rock power (I suspect a combination of the two), but it's pretty impressive. I'm just glad that you don't read fics in the fandom I write because I'm way to lazy for your mystical fic prompting skills. But here, where I just read fics I applaud the judicious use of your kyrptonite given talents.


5th September 2006, 00:20
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! That was a truely amazing update, and yet you continute to torture us by leaving it there! Why would you do that. I can't believe Lex just fingering her was so flippin hott! I can't wait til they actually have sex! Well done.

5th September 2006, 16:40
Wow. Just... wow. That was incredible.

That chapter affected my so very very differently than the others. Their enjoyment of each other, while meaningful, didn't really affect me as much as I was expecting. However, the way you ended the chapter, with Chloe analyzing herself physically and soulfully for Lex while staring at the mirror, really touched me. It was beautiful. The cadence of the writing, the setup of the scene, and the last line were all deep, moving, and insightful without being melodramatic. It was so matter-of-fact, yet not abrupt of brusque. Just... soft and bare. *applause*

5th September 2006, 17:33
Hey Skauble,
I also noticed the mention of 'regular testing' in this chapter.And I'm sorry, but that is NOWHERE near a good enough reason to forgo safe sex in a relationship where one person to free to go fuck other people.

The testing would take place... what?... One a year? That's terrible and nowhere frequent enough to justify the lack of a condom. And even if the testing took place every month... certain diseases (such as ever scary AIDS) can take up to THREE months after infection to start showing up on blood-tests. So basically, even a clean bill of health from a month ago doesn't necessarily mean your partner is safe.

Lex has guaranteed his safety by forbidding Chloe to have sex with other people... but Chloe has no such safety net, and she should be smarter than that!

of course, this is the world of fanfic, and Lex will always be disease free... But still remember kiddies... Never try this at home (or at the office, or at a club, or in the bathroom of an airplane)... Safe Sex is important... always use a condom :D

I really enjoyed the discussion you two had on the boards in the last few posts b/c it gave me a different perspective on the reciprocal pleasure exchange, but this subject is what really caught my eye.

I was a little leery of this fic to start with b/c of my preconceptions of a dom/sub relationship. While a part of me thrilled at the 'naughtiness' of the relationship, the inner me absolutely rebeled at the true subordination required. During the 'interview,' my kneejerk reaction to Lex's commands were "you first," and "Fuck no, you don't get to punish me, especially not at work before we've even come to an understanding." But I stuck with it because the ladies did an amazing job of education me about a true dom/sub relationship, and the responsibilites both have to each other. And that leads me to your problem about faithfullness.

In the first or second chapter, Lex laid out his responsibilities to Chloe at the same time he laid out what he expected from her. And one of his responsibilies to her is to not put her in danger. Giving her an STD would definitely be in that category. But more importantly, a dom is in a committed relationship as much if not more so than the sub is, and that is something I really appreciated from this fic. Lex in the very first chapter wasn't planning on taking on a sub b/c of the committment and time needed. But he did, and the ladies did a lovely job showing that his enjoyment came from Chloe and Chloe alone. She stated in the beginning that she doesn't share, and Lex was very pleased by that. He even created a test for her to break her mental doubt in regards to that aspect. And during that test Lex'x inner monologue showed fury at her previous dom by abandoning her and not living up to the trust she placed in him. Lex doesn't want anyone touching his things, and now his pleasure is wrapped up in Chloe, too. Her odedience is the source of his pleasure, he won't find that in another woman, and I thought the ladies were pretty clear in the first few chapters about explaining that.

I hope that came out clearly. If not, I'll paraphrase. You believe that Lex is out and about fucking around and that Chloe does not have a verbal declaration of committment to her. I firmly believe that Lex's committment to her was declared when he became her Dom, and that committment removed all interest in outside women. Proof is in every time the ladies mentioned him jacking off after their first meeting, and jacking off before and during the initial sessions, as well as jacking off to the video tape. Also, the ladies have shown that the Dom role is as life-consuming as the Sub role, and that Lex's pleasure is as tied into Chloe as Chloe's pleasure is tied into Lex. Her complete surrender to him has completely removed any interest whatsoever in any other female, ESPECIALLY of the vanilla kind.

That being said, I firmly agree with you that one should always practice safe sex; and even if you feel you are in a committed and HONEST relationship make sure you both get tested before removing that crucial piece of rubber. HIV isn't the only killer STD now. Certain strains of the most common STD is now proven to lead to cervical cancer in women. And that STD is the most common b/c it can lay active in the body without ever showing symptoms. So don't be stupid, and don't feel scared to ask for a blood test. It could save you or lady's life.

5th September 2006, 19:22
WOW Great chapter I am so pleased that he touched her and then allowed her to satisfy him :drool: and boy did she satisfy ;)
A huge mirror I can see some fun there but I am really curious about what is on the table???
Loved the way she described herself at the end.

Have you had fun researching this? Your writing would suggest you have I wouldn't even know where to start. Thankyou for writing such an interesting and different story.

5th September 2006, 19:55
You believe that Lex is out and about fucking around and that Chloe does not have a verbal declaration of committment to her. I firmly believe that Lex's committment to her was declared when he became her Dom, and that committment removed all interest in outside women.

Also, the ladies have shown that the Dom role is as life-consuming as the Sub role, and that Lex's pleasure is as tied into Chloe as Chloe's pleasure is tied into Lex. Her complete surrender to him has completely removed any interest whatsoever in any other female, ESPECIALLY of the vanilla kind.

All Arrangement readers have been given a bit of evidence that Lex is faithful to Chloe and Chloe alone (not to mention the fact that we desperately WANT to believe it). But CHLOE is not aware of (and has no way of confirming) Lex's fedility. Lex has not bothered to make her any promises OR any reassurances of his actions beyond what happens during the 'sessions'.

As far as Chloe knows, Lex could be out galavanting and fucking every single woman he comes across on all his 'non-Chloe' days. He could have a whole bunch of subs littered all over Metroplolis, he could be having sex with all the Society Ladies he keeps taking out on dates for all public events. At the end of the day, Chloe has no promise of faithfulness from Lex.

Therefore Chloe is very stupidly accepting a raw deal here. But... this is the world of fanfic... and suspension of disbelief would demand that Chloe is somehow justified in believing that Lex would always remain disease-free no matter how many subs or dates he 'encounters' :P

6th September 2006, 06:04
Loving this last update. I can see them getting closer based on the things that Chloe said as she was looking in the mirror. They share so much even if that is not why they are together.

6th September 2006, 06:20
All Arrangement readers have been given a bit of evidence that Lex is faithful to Chloe and Chloe alone (not to mention the fact that we desperately WANT to believe it). But CHLOE is not aware of (and has no way of confirming) Lex's fedility. Lex has not bothered to make her any promises OR any reassurances of his actions beyond what happens during the 'sessions'.
Do you really think Lex has another sub on the side?

I didn't read all of your talk on the matter but yeah I would agree in most cases Lex is a "man ho" but I think this arrangement is a bit different. I think he wants to have a sub that he trains and prefects to his liking so he won't have to go around looking for another. It seems like a lot of hard work to find the right match and I think he's found that in Chloe. I have faith that he won't get bored with her because I see him thinking of something new for them to do and of course Chloe being the best sub she can be will give him what he wants.

If he is seeing another woman on the side the man has a lot of time on his hands. He puts in such careful planning for his session with Chloe I can't image him doing that with another woman or several and still running Luthor Corp.

Just my two cents.

6th September 2006, 07:39
Wow! That was an interesting last line. It just insight into the relationship between a dom & sub. I am dying to see what happens between Lex and Chloe. Hope there will be another great update soon.


6th September 2006, 17:09
As far as Chloe knows, Lex could be out galavanting and fucking every single woman he comes across on all his 'non-Chloe' days. He could have a whole bunch of subs littered all over Metroplolis, he could be having sex with all the Society Ladies he keeps taking out on dates for all public events. At the end of the day, Chloe has no promise of faithfulness from Lex.

Aaaahhh. Well, I think we are going to have to agree to disagree here. I believe that part of the arrangement as a dom is full commitment to the sub. And with that commitment comes fidelity. In order to be an obedient sub, the sub must be able to trust the dom. As Chloe has open problems with being passed around, Lex's main mental hurdle was gaining her full trust. That would not be possible if she even considered he was out doing other women.

But, agree to disagree. :blinkkiss

6th September 2006, 19:30
But, agree to disagree. :blinkkiss

What??? No! Where's my catfight? Where's the bodice ripping anger? If things can't get 'wrestling in jello' style kinky in this thread then there's no hope left. *sigh*

~Sarah~ *wanders off mumbling about darned mature people spoiling my fun*

6th September 2006, 19:31
Aaaahhh. Well, I think we are going to have to agree to disagree here. I believe that part of the arrangement as a dom is full commitment to the sub. And with that commitment comes fidelity.

KnJ raised some very interesting points that I didn't quite consider. I suppose Lex's fedility could be an implied aspect of a permanent sub/dom relationship. But I would feel better if it was spelled out clearly and unambigiously :P

But... if fedility is implied... why did Lex make it a point to tell Chloe she wasn't to seek out her pleasure with other men? If the start of this kind of Arrangement comes with the expectation of a monogamous relationship, Lex would have had no reason to spell this part of the agreement out beforehand.

So Lex had to order Chloe to be faithful, but Chloe never made an issue of Lex's faithfulness.

9th September 2006, 17:07
Hello All,

I had to comment on the 'great debate' that is going on. First off, it's awesome and very complimentary to both myself and Sabby that you are all looking at this in the context of characterization and the real world.

Before I begin, I fell it necessary to say that the thoughts and opinions voiced here are mine and not Sabby's. So, you could read this and agree with me and she could read this and think that I've taken up the crack rock again. :) We often have different opinions and have to work through them before getting to another chapter or scene.

You also have to keep in mind that I *know* what happens down the road so it makes it easier for me

Couple of things:

In my opinion, both Chloe and Lex are proving themselves in different ways. Chloe has to prove herself more physically than Lex does. The proof of Lex's dedication to the relationship is more mental and with the care he takes of Chloe. Making sure that he guides her through everything while causing her the least amount of pain. Lex takes his responsibility very seriously. So, while Chloe may come with a simple touch, it is Lex's responsibility both to get her there *and* to not touch her until he thinks it's best for their arrangement.

Many, many, many thanks to somethingeasy, skauble and katieandjason for such a great back and forth. You all covered most of the points that I had. I think it goes without saying that sex safe in any and all circumstances is the only choice.

I'll try to say a few things about their relationship and how other people come into play, if they even do, without giving everything away. I think, and I'm not the be all and end all on this, I'd like to think that you can read any and all stories here and get a different interpretation than someone else, that you can believe Lex is gallivanting off with others or not. However, I do also think that Lex has shown that, above all else, he is responsible with Chloe. He takes it very seriously and wouldn't do anything that would cause Chloe any true harm.

Now, SE did make a point where she said that Chloe would not know that. That Lex demanded that fidelity but she got no such deal from him. That's true. But I also think that Chloe does know that he is not exposing her to harm in any way shape and form. That includes giving her an STD. And that comes down to the trust that is inherent in the relationship.

Having said all of that, it's important to stress that characters can't get sick from anything. So, yes, an actual conversation and testing is always necessary. I'm sure we've all hurt of spouses cheating on each other and giving their husband/wife something, so you can say you're never safe. But, in this story, in this exact instance, I believe that the lack of a condom comes as a result of their agreement.

I would never want anyone to think that either Sabby or myself condone playing Russian roulette with their health and life. That's not the case.

Ok, so read away and respond if you're confused or think what I've said is total bullshit. :)

11th September 2006, 17:50
Hello Folks,

just checking in to let you know that I have read the little discussion that the last update sparked and that I appreciated the engagement as much as Blue did. As far as the safe sex matter is concerned, Blue pretty much summed it up very well for me and I can vouch for the fact that she's not a crack head. When she has her moments of crack, choo choo trains and cheese are usually involved.

In any case, I just wanted to let you know that we're all on the same train here as far as safe sex and it's importance is concerned, but discussion on the more eyebrow worthy parts in this story is always welcome. Please keep in mind though that this is fiction, however realistic for the most part. So, watch out for A/N's and we shall make sure to include the "Don't try this at home" tag wherever it applies from now on.

Thank you and please continue giving us your incredible feedback, we thrive on it.


17th September 2006, 00:40
A/N: Blue: Here's the next installment. Let the debates begin! And, before the yelling starts, just keep in mind that cutting chapters so they aren't either three or thirteen pages can sometimes get tricky. Enjoy!

Lex silently closed the lid of the piano and got up to stand behind her, looking at their reflections in the mirror.

He was standing over her, dressed in black slacks and a shirt in the color of fresh bruises. His hands rested loosely at his sides as he took in the picture they made, Chloe kneeling naked at his feet, staring straight ahead into the mirror.

“Touch yourself and watch while you do it.”

Lex remained where he was and silently waited for her to carry out his order. This was the beginning of her transformation. He planned to have her watch as it happened, step by step, as she lost herself until nothing was left of the things she'd seen except the truth of her very last statement.

The hands in the mirror began to move. At first they traced her collarbones. She felt the feather light touches on her skin. Her eyes fell closed a little but she watched herself under her lids. One of her hands skimmed over the hollow of her throat before moving downwards.

Chloe ran the back of her hand over one of her breasts. The fingernail of her middle finger barely skimming the top of her hardened nipple. She saw her reflection gasp and take in more air. The hand returned to the breast and cradled the flesh briefly before beginning to knead it. She watched as her other hand rested briefly against her lower belly.

As her right hand tended to her breast, her left thumb circled her belly button. She’d always liked that part of her body. It was odd but she thought it formed a perfect circle and complimented her stomach rather nicely.

The mouth in the mirror was opened, harsh pants escaping it, as her tongue snaked out and moistened her lips. The fingers of her right hand pinched at the nipple and her left balled up on her stomach as her body felt the effects of the touch.

Chloe’s eyes were rooted to the mirror as her hands left their places on her body and trailed lower. She briefly felt the coarse hair above her sex before her hands moved between her thighs.

Eyes widened and mouth opened again, a grunt escaping, as the exploring fingers found her wet cunt.

Fingers sliding easily between the folds, toying with her as her reflection’s head arched backwards. But she still kept her eyes open enough to focus on her hands between her legs.

One hand opened her up, briefly brushing against her clit. Reflection moaning then biting her lip. Action repeated with the same effect. Louder moan and then a curse.

Left hand holding her open as two of the fingers on the right hand eased inside of her body. Eyes looking to see the right hand start to move. In and out. And up, up, up.

Mouth hanging open so it could form words. Good. Lex. Yes. Hand working faster. Left hand moving up to grab at breast and squeeze. Didn’t diminish the pressure Chloe felt in her pussy, only intensified it.

Hips locked in position, aching to move. To help. The reflection was starting to shine under the lights. Small droplets of sweat formed at the hairline. Golden hair bouncing against her chest and falling behind her shoulders.

Lex had watched her silently from his position behind her. She was already heading down the path of abandon and he enjoyed the sight and sounds that came with that.

However, he also had some questions that needed answering while she was at it.

“When was the first time you touched yourself like this? How old were you when your fingers snuck under the blanket for the first time to play with your pussy?”

The question might seem incongruous, but there was a purpose behind it. He was planning to take her all the way back to the beginning of her sexuality and follow her path to where she was now, right up to the current moment. Guide her to the point she would eventually reach during the course of this session.

“Fourteen,” she panted out. Her eyes were focused on the reflection as it spoke. “I heard about it at school.” She remembered being in the girls locker room as they talked about ‘getting fingered.’ Chloe listened avidly and then tried it at home.

“Dad was at work. No one in the house.” She remembered that it had taken a little while for her to get wet. “Didn’t see the big deal.” Hand speeding up again as she remembered. “Didn’t come. Was more frustrated than anything.”

Left hand dropping down to briefly finger her clit. Picking up moisture. Chloe watched as the glistening hand once again went back to her breast. Fingers rubbing the moisture over the nipple before working at it again.

Lex couldn't help the smirk that tugged at the corners of his mouth as a mental image passed fleetingly through his mind of Chloe at fourteen frustratedly wiping off her fingers and forgetting about the idea.

“So you gave up on it for a while?” he assumed.

Relaxing his stance, he put his hands in the pockets of his pants. “But eventually, you tried again. What made it happen?”

He kept watching her through the mirror, gauging how far she was from making herself come with her diligent efforts. She didn't know it yet, but he would allow her to reach climax soon. And not just once, but again and again until she begged for him to stop.

His gaze briefly flitted over to the table with the toys, before it was brought back to the mirror as Chloe started to speak.

The reflection was flushed all over. Her face showed the most color but her whole body was a pink hue. Her fair skin betraying how much she was turned on. The fingers that were working on her breast once again started to play with her clit.

“Driving home. Thinking about a movie I’d just seen. I got uncomfortable in the theater. Realized I was horny.” Chloe couldn’t even remember what movie. Remembered it was bad. But there’d been a sex scene. A good one.

“Got into my room and realized I was wet. Knew what people were talking about finally.” She’d been confused as to the term. And a little freaked out when she’d seen the moisture coating her fingers.

“Turned off the light and took off my jeans and panties.” Watched herself in the mirror. Right hand pumping steadily in her cunt. Could feel her legs widening as her fingers got deeper inside.

“Finger slid inside easily this time. I pumped it in and out. Still nothing.” Remembered feeling strange. And that pressure was still inside. Heard cars passing on the road outside. Life going on as she was touching herself.

The reflection’s left hand was pulled away from her pussy. Fingers put in her mouth as she tasted herself. Tongue tracing delicately over the pads of her fingers. Then fingertips playing over her lips.

Spoke again. “Then, I moved my hips.” Chloe remembered the pinpoint of feeling that had jolted through her body. “That worked. Felt good. Moved them faster as I had one finger inside. Spread my legs and then added another one.”

She could see herself in her mind’s eye. “Bed was squeaking and I was panting. But keeping quiet. Dad was watching TV downstairs. Moved faster and faster. Jaw clenched.”

Her body was beautiful, glowing. Hair a mess, lips looked swollen and right hand coated up to the wrist. Left joined it. Right taken out of her pussy, dripping. Moved it behind her as left slid inside.

Chloe held her breath as her right hand found her rear entrance. Once two fingers were nestled inside and moving, she started to speak again. “Thought about what it would be like for it to be someone else’s hands. Someone else’s fingers moving inside of me.”

Her chest was pushed a little forward now with her other hand behind her back. Chloe could feel her fingers pumping in and out of both of her holes.

“Touched my clit.” Her thumb brushed against it now. “Came. Whimpering through my teeth. Exhausted. Sated. Felt sexy. Ashamed.”

Hands moving in tandem now. Fingers in her ass moving up as fingers in her cunt moved down. Still not moving her hips.

“Did it again that night. Screamed into my pillow.” When she stopped speaking, guttural noises started to come out of her mouth.

Lex waited until she fell silent before he spoke up. “Touch your clit. Come for me, Chloe, now.”

His left hand was adjusting his cock inside his pants, incredibly turned on by her display. He hadn't given her specific instructions as to how to touch herself and seeing her using her body so thoroughly, not holding anything back as she tried to please him was ratcheting up his arousal fast and furious.

He bit down on the inside of his cheek as he watched her carry out his order. Pulling the fingers from her cunt, she rubbed her clit furiously and came completely undone. The fingers of her right hand continued to pump as she screamed out her orgasm.

Her head was thrown back, mouth open wide as she panted harshly through the last aftershocks of her climax. Through all that, she was still staring into the mirror, taking in her own reflection.

Lex released the flesh from his teeth, his own arousal tampered by the pain. He could taste copper as he licked over the spot.

“Keep touching yourself,” he instructed her neutrally.

“Yes,” fingers put back inside of her pussy, “Lex.” Her muscles were still tensing and she moaned as they fixed themselves against her fingers. She was still pumping her other hand, fingers in her ass.

When she had come, she’d watched herself. It seemed as if there was an earthquake under her skin. Her whole body had shook and then, after she crested, a shudder ran through her body.

She’d screamed things that her ear hadn’t been able to process. She’d looked feral and gorgeous. It was how Lex saw her. She understood that now.

Her hair was in her face and she turned her head to the side so she could get a better view of herself. Her hips, which had remained still previously, started to move.

She pumped them hard and grunted as she moved her hands in counterpoint. She could feel the fingers of each hand, separated by the thin membranes in her body.

Technically, he hadn't allowed her to move her hips, but this lesson was not about teaching her to remain in position. He knew that she could keep still if he wanted her to, despite whatever he put her through.

“After that second time, how long did it take before your thoughts became real? When was the first time that someone else's hands touched you, fucked you with his fingers?”

He could see that she had calmed down somewhat from her first climax, but was already well on the way to another one. His own arousal was coming back with a vengeance.

She did some quick math. The first time she’d come by her hand had been when she was fifteen. She’d lost her virginity a few months later. But there had been someone in between. Someone that she hadn’t fucked….by the strict definition.

“A few months,” she said. The fingers in her ass started to twist a little. Her wrist was rotating, causing the motion of her fingers.

“I barely knew him,” she volunteered. “It was in Metropolis. Was at a party.” She remembered being tipsy. And that feeling came over her again. That horny feeling. She saw him looking at her. He’d tipped his glass her way.

“Didn’t know him. Just wanted to be touched. He was older.” He’d told her that he was a freshman at Met U and she’d nodded politely. Wondering how long they had to talk.

Chloe pulled her fingers out of her ass and returned them to her pussy. One hand worked at her clit while the other slid in and out of her cunt.

“He took me to one of the rooms in the house.” She remembered that it smelled like moth balls for some reason. Hadn’t expected that from a room in a house in which five teenage boys lived. “Bed was covered with coats.”

Her heart had sunk. Then had spied the other piece of furniture that he was guiding her over to. “But there was a couch.”

One hand pulled away from her clit. Spread her juices over her tits. Watched the shiny, sticky substance coat her nipples. They were raised and aching.

Lex's stepped up and reached for her elbow to pull her up from the floor. “Keep looking at the mirror,” he murmured as he led her over to the couch that stood against the wall opposite the mirror. “Go on, spread your legs wide so you can watch yourself,” he instructed as soon as her ass hit the leather.

He took a step aside so he wasn't obscuring her view. Looking down at her, he simply drank in the display she made for a moment. A smirk curled up on his lips, anticipating what came next. “What happened once he had you on that couch?”

She spread her legs wide as she said, “He got down on his knees.” She kept driving her hand inside of her. Her eyes were mesmerized by the mirror. Chloe could see her fingers disappearing inside of her body. She moaned. Her breasts were swaying and she watched as her other hand moved between her legs to tease her clit.

The reflection pitched her hips forward, her body sliding down a little more on the couch as the position allowed her to get a better view of her cunt.

Lex's brow rose at her last comment. It was not what he had expected to happen. Still, his mind was made up on the proceeding of this session. He slowly stepped in front of her and sunk to his knees, his eyes rooted to her face the entire time.

His hands rested loosely on his thighs as he waited for her to continue her story. He could see the surprise in her face as she saw him on his knees in front of her through the reflection of the mirror.

“Oh, god.” Lex was on his knees in front of her. She wasn’t looking either at him or at his reflection but it was the hottest thing that Chloe had never seen. Her hips pitched forward harder. She was lost in her story and what was happening now. The two intermingling.

It was Lex in her mind’s eye on the floor of the house. Lex who had worked his hands under her skirt and then divested her of her panties as her hands had reached above her head and gripped the backrest of the couch.

In the here and now, her hands stayed between her thighs. “What happened next?” Lex was asking her, but again, she saw Lex on the floor of the house, dressed in the other man’s clothes.

She blinked and saw herself in the mirror. Some of her hair had been plastered to the back of her neck. The inside of her thighs were damp. “He took off my panties. Then, he started to finger me. First one and then two fingers.” Chloe swallowed, moistening her dry throat.

Lex used the moment to give his next instruction. “Remove your fingers.”

As she obeyed his order with a whimper, Lex leaned forward and pushed the middle finger of his left hand into her cunt. He fucked her slowly with it, then faster. After a few more thrusts, he added his index finger, picking up the speed of his thrusts.

His pants were getting uncomfortably tight around his cock. Lex tried to even out his breathing and relax. It was difficult when he could see Chloe's reaction to his touch, hear her outcries and feel her cunt tighten around his fingers. “Go on.”

Chloe’s fists were balled up at her sides. Her body was on the precipice of coming and she had to breathe through the urge. “Oh,” she started to move her hips, Lex’s fingers filling her. “Lex.” Her hands moved to rest on his shoulders. That’s what she’d done at the party. “Touch?” She moved her hands away from Lex. “Fuck.”

She fisted her hands in the cushion of the couch, gripping the leather tight. He hadn’t told her to touch him. “He fucked me with his fingers,” she panted out. “And I rode them.” Hips started moving again. And now, and now, oh god, she could see Lex’s fingers disappearing into her body. “I rode them and grabbed him and held on to his shoulder as he fucked my cunt with his fingers.”

Her back was arching, but she wouldn’t come yet because that wasn’t what had happened. She’d come, but not at that. Had been just out of her reach.

“Go ahead, hold on to me,” he instructed softly as he kept up the motion of his fingers, changing the speed of his thrusts at odd intervals to keep her on edge.

Her juices were already running down his wrist. He could remember the taste from their last session, almost as if it was still on his tongue. Lex took a deep breath and willed his mind away from dangerous ground. He was the one running this show, which meant not only asserting control over Chloe, but over his own impulses as well.

The piercing sting of her nails digging into his shoulder helped in that regard.

Chloe tried not to claw at him but she was fairly certain that she was failing. She moaned his name as she rode his fingers. She was tempted to let herself come. But her dom wanted the full story. She could no more allow herself to lie to him than she could deny him anything.

Chloe watched in the mirror as her hands gripped Lex’s shoulders and then bunched up the material of his expensive shirt. “I wasn’t coming. I was close. I was moaning and trying to get off. But I couldn’t.” She remembered how frustrated she was. “I changed the angle of my hips,” she moved them, “and he changed the angle of his fingers.”

Her reflection hissed as Lex’s fingers pressed up against her more forcefully. “But I still didn’t come.”

She started to shake a little at the memory of what happened next. “He fucked me with his tongue then. He sucked me off. I came, screaming. He had to hold me down.” At the time, Chloe thought that things couldn’t get any better than that feeling. But, years later, once she found her dom, she knew that she’d been wrong.

Lex kept pumping his fingers into her for another moment, then leaned in to act out her memory. Chloe started thrashing around him as soon as his mouth touched her cunt and he had to pull out his fingers to hold her down forcefully by her hips.

He ran his tongue flat up the length of her slit and back down, then pushed it inside, fucking her with quick hard jabs before he returned to lapping at the wet skin. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her hips as he held her down and latched his mouth onto her clit, sucking the flesh between his teeth and rubbing the small nub with the flat of his tongue.

His cock throbbed painfully as her taste exploded on his tongue and her screams rang in his ears as she thrashed through another climax. Closing his eyes, Lex moaned against the flesh still trapped in his mouth, willing himself to stay in control of the situation.

Chloe doubted that the craftsman who had constructed the mirror or the salesman who had unloaded it on Lex could have ever guessed that this was what the item was for. But, it served its purpose very well. Chloe could clearly see both of them as she came. Again.

She saw her back arch and her head whip back. She saw that her eyes did close as her release washed through her but opened back up as soon as it was possible. When her eyes were closed, she just let the sensation wash over her.

It had been over the moment that he’d touched his mouth to her body. She’d never been so grateful to feel a man’s touch in her life. Chloe hadn’t so much crested as she had snapped. No build up, just her body going into overload as she came.

When she opened her eyes again she saw her body, at least the parts that weren’t being held down by Lex, had moved slightly.

Her left hand was still on Lex’s shoulder, still digging into the flesh, but her right had moved to a different place. Currently, it was on the nape of Lex’s neck. Holding him gently in place, as if he needed the encouragement. She saw that her fingers were moving a little, stroking his skin. Then, she felt the sensation travel up her arm. Quickly, she removed her hands and placed them back to her sides.

She felt the drops of sweat that had gathered at the base of her skull slide down her back and she shivered a little in response. She could feel that the bottom half of her hair was now completely pasted to her skin.

Her gaze was drawn back to the mirror and she looked at herself as she said, “Thank you, Lex.”

Rules had been broken. She’d moved her hips and she’d placed her hand on his neck. Yes, he had said that she could touch him, but it was implied that he meant his shoulders. And she should not have been holding him in place.

“I regret that I was not able to follow your instructions fully.” She waited to see what her punishment for that would be.

Lex stood up and moved back from her, gathering his own wits. He hadn't even been aware of the hand on the back of his neck before she'd taken it away. Nevermind that he hadn't given her specific instructions where to hold on to him.

Licking his lips he stepped aside so her view of the mirror wasn't obstructed. “Touch yourself,” he instructed as he saw that her hands had remained prone on the couch.

They had barely started down the way and if her earlier comment was anything to go by, there would be a lot more breaking of the same rules if he didn't circumvent that problem right now. “You're allowed to move freely while you do it.” First rule taken care of. The other would have to wait.

Lex made sure she was following his order, then left the room to take care of his insistent hardon.

Lex’s figure disappeared from the mirror as she started to run her hands over her body delicately. Then she focused on her own reflection. She looked….debauched was the only word that came close to describing what she saw. And it still wasn’t enough.

She could see that her body glistened with sweat and that the area from her pussy to almost her knees was wet with her juices. There were slight red marks on her hips where Lex had been forced to hold her down as she came.

Along with her reflection, there were various sensations throughout her body that added to the general feeling that her body was being thoroughly tested and used. Her bare skin stuck to the couch and she knew it would be painful once Lex allowed her to stand up.

Her hips ached a little from the treatment Lex was forced to give them. Then there was her cunt.

Still fluttering a little and sensitive. It was well aware that her hands were on the move again. And, while they were still above her waist, it was only a matter of time before they dipped below.

Lex had given her a great gift when he had told her that she could move as she wanted. She leaned forward and hissed as her skin separated from the leather of the couch. She scooted up a little and the back of her thighs slid easily across the couch due to the wetness that was coating the cushions.

Chloe took her breasts in her hands and slowly kneaded the flesh. She watched as her nipples tightened and could see them peeking out between her fingers as she continued to rub the flesh. Her hips had started to jerk again.

She had started to moan a little when Lex came back into the room.

With his own urges taken care of, he was able to concentrate on his plan once more. Coming back into the room, he found Chloe leaned forward on the couch, massaging her breasts and staring into the mirror.

“You haven't told me what happened next. Was that your first time? Where you fucked that day on the couch, Chloe? Or did that happen later?”

17th September 2006, 01:32
W...O...W!!!!! Yeah, that's about all I can say right now. :eek:

17th September 2006, 01:37
damn. i always know when this updates it's going to be good, but wow.:drool:

17th September 2006, 02:40
I love the notion that Lex is taking Chloe through sex memory lane and making sure to replace all her memories of sex with him. Oh the fun that will be had in that room. Damn, this story is making me more jealous of a fictional character than I ever thought possible. Someone please tell me why Lex isn't real again?

17th September 2006, 03:35
Because we'd never get any work done, and its illegal to clone people?

17th September 2006, 04:18
What happened next Lex asks. I can't believe he still wants more. I mean I can, but does he want to turn Chloe into a puddle of goo before he's done with her? Fantastic chapter. More please.

17th September 2006, 05:23
Oh my Goodness that was HOT!! DAMN I am :drool2::drool2: all over . I loved how Chloe used Lex as her first time instead of that guy. I could just imagine it. I can't wait to read what happened next.

Hope :)

17th September 2006, 06:36

17th September 2006, 17:45
“Oh, god.” Lex was on his knees in front of her. She wasn’t looking either at him or at his reflection but it was the hottest thing that Chloe had never seen. Her hips pitched forward harder. She was lost in her story and what was happening now. The two intermingling.

It was Lex in her mind’s eye on the floor of the house. Lex who had worked his hands under her skirt and then divested her of her panties as her hands had reached above her head and gripped the backrest of the couch.

I wasn't sure what this next lesson would be but its very clear now from the quote above. Lex is almost reprogramming Chloe. All of her sexually experince will be directly related to Lex.

Very hot. I loving the use of the mirror. Poor Lex unable to keep him self undercontrol. I assume the next part hell be getting to finally do what wants when Chloe talks about the first time she had sex.

17th September 2006, 19:06
what can i say but wow, great update, can't wait for more and to see what else lex has planned for chloe

17th September 2006, 20:23
quote from bluemoongirl:
In my opinion, both Chloe and Lex are proving themselves in different ways. Chloe has to prove herself more physically than Lex does. The proof of Lex's dedication to the relationship is more mental and with the care he takes of Chloe. Making sure that he guides her through everything while causing her the least amount of pain. Lex takes his responsibility very seriously. So, while Chloe may come with a simple touch, it is Lex's responsibility both to get her there *and* to not touch her until he thinks it's best for their arrangement.

Hey Blue... Thanks for the clarification here. This helped me to understand how and why Chloe finds it much easier to let go of control and lose herself in physical pleasure as compared to Lex. It renders me all the more impressed by Chloe's 'extreme blow-job' effect on Lex... It really was quite an accomplishment for a sub to make her dom lose complete control like that :)

heh... And I'm glad BlueSabby enjoyed the little mini-debate/ranting we had going on earlier. It could only be a fic like this one that could inspire such heated arguments on the forum board. So kudos to BlueSabby for their excellent writing and plotting ;)

Hips locked in position, aching to move. To help. The reflection was starting to shine under the lights. Small droplets of sweat formed at the hairline. Golden hair bouncing against her chest and falling behind her shoulders.

Lex had watched her silently from his position behind her. She was already heading down the path of abandon and he enjoyed the sight and sounds that came with that.

Seriously hot. And I always enjoy seeing Lex's reaction to Chloe's actions and skills. I can just feel the sense of awe, admiration, pride and LUST that's seeping off him :D

“Turned off the light and took off my jeans and panties.” Watched herself in the mirror. Right hand pumping steadily in her cunt. Could feel her legs widening as her fingers got deeper inside.

“Finger slid inside easily this time. I pumped it in and out. Still nothing.” Remembered feeling strange. And that pressure was still inside. Heard cars passing on the road outside. Life going on as she was touching herself.

WOW! hot here. I never thought it could be exciting to hear a detailed story about someone's earliest experimentation in self-pleasure. Excellent work on the details here.

Spoke again. “Then, I moved my hips.” Chloe remembered the pinpoint of feeling that had jolted through her body. “That worked. Felt good. Moved them faster as I had one finger inside. Spread my legs and then added another one.”

She could see herself in her mind’s eye. “Bed was squeaking and I was panting. But keeping quiet. Dad was watching TV downstairs. Moved faster and faster. Jaw clenched.”

Getting hotter... more detailed and more intricate... self-exploration also getting more adventurous.

Chloe held her breath as her right hand found her rear entrance. Once two fingers were nestled inside and moving, she started to speak again. “Thought about what it would be like for it to be someone else’s hands. Someone else’s fingers moving inside of me.”

Her chest was pushed a little forward now with her other hand behind her back. Chloe could feel her fingers pumping in and out of both of her holes.

“Touched my clit.” Her thumb brushed against it now. “Came. Whimpering through my teeth. Exhausted. Sated. Felt sexy. Ashamed.”

Her self-pleasuring technique was getting bolder and more enthusiatic... and more exciting. And I loved that last little word there. No matter how old one gets, or how experienced they get at masturbation, there is ALWAYS that tiny thrice-damned feeling of shame that you have to coax away with reassuring yourself that 'this is normal, this is healthy' :P

Or is it just me?

“Didn’t know him. Just wanted to be touched. He was older.” He’d told her that he was a freshman at Met U and she’d nodded politely. Wondering how long they had to talk.

Chloe was FIFTEEN when she was fingered by a College Freshman??!! That is seriously NOT OK!!! That is statutory rape. Granted Chloe was obviously a willing and even enthusiastic participant... and the guy was gentle and focused on her pleasure... but still... Fifteen?!

She spread her legs wide as she said, “He got down on his knees.” She kept driving her hand inside of her. Her eyes were mesmerized by the mirror. Chloe could see her fingers disappearing inside of her body. She moaned. Her breasts were swaying and she watched as her other hand moved between her legs to tease her clit.

Did I mentioned HOTNESS! This is seriously the most arousing chapter of 'The Arrangment' I have had the pleasure of reading. Beautiful writing and extremely sexy.

Lex's brow rose at her last comment. It was not what he had expected to happen. Still, his mind was made up on the proceeding of this session. He slowly stepped in front of her and sunk to his knees, his eyes rooted to her face the entire time.

The college freshman getting on his knees thing surprise me too. That is not the typical way a 15 year old would have been treated by a college predator. Chloe was really lucky in this regard. But it could very easily have been a terrible experience with her being used for some 18 (?) year old guy's gratification.

It was at this point that I got an inkling of what Lex was doing here. It is absolutely brilliant, innovative and imaginative. I understand what Blue meant when she said that Lex had to exert himself more in terms of ideas, strategy and imagination while keeping firm control of his physical responses.

It was Lex in her mind’s eye on the floor of the house. Lex who had worked his hands under her skirt and then divested her of her panties as her hands had reached above her head and gripped the backrest of the couch.

In the here and now, her hands stayed between her thighs. “What happened next?” Lex was asking her, but again, she saw Lex on the floor of the house, dressed in the other man’s clothes.

Like I mentioned... this was a BRILLIANT idea and bit of strategy on Lex's part. Lex is completely reworking and reprogramming Chloe's memories to suit his own needs.

This plan actually verges on the disturbing edge of brainwashing. I just Chloe is strong enough to keep her own sense of self after Lex is done with training and 're-wiring' her.

Her juices were already running down his wrist. He could remember the taste from their last session, almost as if it was still on his tongue. Lex took a deep breath and willed his mind away from dangerous ground. He was the one running this show, which meant not only asserting control over Chloe, but over his own impulses as well.

I know that it is important that Lex keeps a firm hold on his physical responses and impulses. Lex losing control might result in Chloe getting hurt or compromised. But that being said, I LOVE these little lapses of control Lex keeps having every now and again. Besides the fact that I find a out-of-control Lex to be extremely sexy, it's also very gratifying to see how much he is effected by Chloe... to the extent of blundering and losing a little of that dom-control that he is so good at ;)

Lex kept pumping his fingers into her for another moment, then leaned in to act out her memory. Chloe started thrashing around him as soon as his mouth touched her cunt and he had to pull out his fingers to hold her down forcefully by her hips.

He ran his tongue flat up the length of her slit and back down, then pushed it inside, fucking her with quick hard jabs before he returned to lapping at the wet skin. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her hips as he held her down and latched his mouth onto her clit, sucking the flesh between his teeth and rubbing the small nub with the flat of his tongue.

Hot... hot hot hothothot!!! Did I mention... HOT... 'nuff said :P

Closing his eyes, Lex moaned against the flesh still trapped in his mouth, willing himself to stay in control of the situation.

heh... another little lapse that famous dom calmness and self-restraint.

Lex had given her a great gift when he had told her that she could move as she wanted. She leaned forward and hissed as her skin separated from the leather of the couch. She scooted up a little and the back of her thighs slid easily across the couch due to the wetness that was coating the cushions.

niiice! And will Lex be getting that couch cleaned or replaced? Or perhaps bronzed and placed in a 'shrine'o'Chloe' ;)

“You haven't told me what happened next. Was that your first time? Where you fucked that day on the couch, Chloe? Or did that happen later?”

LOL! This is going to take a while if they are going to be covering Chloe's entire sexual history. Are they even going to go over every single thing that she did with her previous dom. Or is Lex going to end it with 'pre-sub' sex era only?

He kept watching her through the mirror, gauging how far she was from making herself come with her diligent efforts. She didn't know it yet, but he would allow her to reach climax soon. And not just once, but again and again until she begged for him to stop.

Is Chloe going to have to use her safety word to get him to stop the walk down memory lane? I know that Chloe is a very talented sub with a great deal of stamina and endurance... but there's always a limit... even a limit to the number of orgasms a person can tolerate before crying out 'enough!'.

I wanted to congratulate BlueSabby on this new development. I was actually afraid that having Chlex pass into the 'nicer and more generous' stage of the dom-sub relationship might make Lex too... soft.

But he is still as formidable a dom as before. In fact... with all the brainwashing... he seems scarier than ever.

I said it before, but it bears repeating... I really hope Chloe is able to hang onto her sense of identity even after her training is finished. I remembered in an earlier chapter, Lex told Chloe that her last dom was incompetent because he failed to establish full trust and dominance over her. Lex said that if he had acted as a 'real' dom, Chloe would never have been able to leave him.

This chapter made me realize that all this training, reprogramming and indoctrination might end up with Chloe so dependent (and even fixated/obsessed) on Lex that she would be unable to leave him, even he does something that she considers repugnant and abusive.

And all this time I imagined the problem might occur when Chloe wants out and Lex finds he is too addicted to let her go. But what if CHLOE is the one who ends up addicted when Lex wants to get someone new??!!

Scary and scarier thoughts at 10pm. I might NEVER get to sleep.

pleeease update soon. Need more! Forget Lex's and Chloe's potetial problems... the addiction stops right here at THIS review/er :P

17th September 2006, 22:59
Oh no, what is going to happen since Chloe didn't perfectly follow Lex's instructions? I hope he isn't too mean!! It's interesting how Lex is adding himself to all of Chloe's significant sexual memories!! Great update!! Please post again soon!!

18th September 2006, 20:32
wow. jesus that was hot. that was so damn hot.

Lex is a tricky tricky dom. He is rewriting himself into every aspect of Chloe's sexual experience. That is complete mental domination, I hope Chloe survives it.

I saw a comment about Lex dominating Chloe fully and her losing her identity. I think that would be a serious problem if Chloe were just starting out in the field or she were not such a strong submissive. But at this stage in her growth, I believe she'll be able to handle and revel in complete mental and physical domination with Lex with only a few small scares along the way.

Kitty Black Cat
19th September 2006, 00:35
MMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE! I want to read more!!!! This fic is so addicting! REally. And I'm the one who told you that she had difficulties with this fic. Actually sometimes, that little part inside of me wants to rebel about some things in the sub/dom relationship, but it's not hard to read this fic anymore. WEll.....except for the punishments. I can't deal with those, I have personal issues with punishments. Anyway, this fic is really going great!!! You really put a lot of details and you really describe well the sub/dom realationship and how Chloe and Lex see it. I really like how you write this and I really hope I can read more soon. So please write more!!!!! You can't keep us hanging like that!!! Not when it seems as Lex is about to do so many dirty and sexy stuff!!! Please write more!!!

19th September 2006, 05:00
Damn. Seriously. That was hot. On a side note, Lex didn't really specify much about how she could touch him, so it's not like she literally broke a rule--you can't punish for not telling them the rules when the game starts, right? :) I can't wait to read more!

19th September 2006, 12:08
This story is seriously HOT!
The chapters keep getting better and better.
Please update soon.

19th September 2006, 16:08
Awesome. I think the chapter break was necessary there, so I don't turn into a pile of mush. :drool2:

21st September 2006, 06:46
WOW. *drool* that is just incredible... he's going to act out everything? re writing her sexual history. everything filled by him... wow... that is an incredibly great idea! lol. great job!

22nd September 2006, 02:27
damn, that was hot! and thanks for that update
cant wait to see where they go from here


26th September 2006, 22:37
A/N: Blue: Here are some more questions from Lex to continue on with this lesson. As you've all guessed and noted, he's taking Chloe through her history. You'll see how many experiences she regales him with. Hopefully, you all won't tire of it. Enjoy :)

He came to a halt beside the couch, looking at her directly instead of her reflection in the mirror. They had a long way to go.

Her eyes never wavered. They stayed focused on the mirror. “No, he didn’t fuck me.” She pinched her nipples at random intervals and then ran her palms over them in hard circles. She remembered when she came down from her orgasm that he was unbuttoning his jeans. He was hard and ready. And she was ready too.

“I reached up to help him out of his pants and then the door burst open. Drunk guy. Almost vomited on both of us.” They’d scurried from the room. But he held onto her hand, not wanting to lose his sure thing. “Cops came. The party was broken up. Never saw him again.”

“My virginity was taken about two months later,” she said. The benign looking face of her first sexual partner was called up into her mind. He was a very non threatening looking guy. Safe, the type you could bring home to your parents. “We worked at the Planet together.”

“He took me back to his place one day after work.” She remembered the narrow hallway that led up to the dive in which he lived. But, once inside, it was obvious that he’d done the best that he could with the space.

“Plenty of foreplay.” She dropped one of her hands and squeezed her breast clumsily. “He tried to please me.” He had, it just had not happened. “I did get wet,” she said. Other hand now reaching between her legs.

“It was his first time too.” Chloe remembered him whispering that in her ear as he guided her over to the bed.

“His bed was small.” They could both barely fit on it so Chloe knew that they wouldn’t be trying out any wild positions. Not that she wanted to, she was nervous and ‘regular’ sex was just fine with her.

“My heart was pounding as we got undressed.” Clothes were carefully taken off and placed on the chair. Both of them looking at each other’s bodies. Him unsure if he could touch. Her reaching out for his cock.

“We got under the covers. I remember feeling warm and safe. He tried to open the condom wrapper but his hands were shaking.” Chloe took the hand on her breast and moved it down to her pussy. She kept her touches light and teasing.

Lex watched her teasing herself and waited until she paused in her story. “Lie down on the couch, on your back, face turned to the mirror,” he instructed.

Leisurely walking over to the table with the toys, he picked up one of the dildos that were shaped to look like a real penis. Not particularly large, maybe seven inches long. He didn't have any condoms on the table, so the reenacting would have to do without them.

He returned to the couch and settled down on the armrest at Chloe's feet. “Did you help him with it, or wait until he'd managed to roll it on himself?”

Chloe had swung her legs around and gotten comfortable on the couch. Well, as comfortable as she could now that part of her lower back, her ass and her thighs were all damp. She spread her legs and continued to hold her gaze in the mirror.

Her hands were still busy between her thighs. Fingers sliding over her folds and briefly dipping inside of her. “I helped him,” she said a little breathlessly. “I took it out of his hands and got the condom out of the wrapper. Then, I rolled it on him.”

She remembered that they’d bumped heads a little when they both looked down and she really couldn’t see under the covers. But, she found his cock and had placed the condom on it. “He jerked forward in my hands. He was panting.”

“Then, he started to kiss me and we fell back onto the mattress.” Her hands started to move a little quicker.

It sounded like the regular fumbling first time. Images passed in flashes through his mind of a younger Chloe, spreading her legs for a man for the first time, taking charge of the situation even though she didn't really know what she was doing either. He was curious to find out what had changed her from that girl to the woman she was now.

“How did it feel?” he asked neutrally as he leaned forward, bracing his arm on the couch.

He pushed the dildo against the groove of her hip, letting her feel the texture of the fake cock. “Were you scared when you felt his cock pressing against you? Excited?” He moved the toy down to brush over the inside of her thigh.

Chloe jumped slightly when she felt the toy against her skin. It was obviously of high quality, it almost felt real.

“Yes, to both,” she said. She could see Lex’s arm in the mirror now, gripping the dildo and teasing her inner thighs with it. He would only brush against her and then withdraw.

“I knew it was going to hurt and it frightened me. Also,” she licked her lips before speaking again, “I knew I couldn’t go back. Once it was done, it was done. Once I got fucked, I would be different.”

“But,” she paused. “At least I was going to be first.” It was amazing to realize that her competitive streak had shown through during the experience. “Lana, Clark and Pete hadn’t fucked yet.”

“I spread my legs wider,” she said, her reflection in the mirror following her words, “and then I waited. Then I felt him, just the tip, at my pussy.” Chloe pressed the tip of one of her fingers to her hole.

Lex moved the toy up and to her cunt, pressing the tip against the hole just under Chloe's finger. “Take your hand away and go on. What happened next?”

He was amused that she'd seen her first time of somewhat of a competition to win. She hadn't waited for the 'right guy' or given in to any romantic notions. She'd found a guy she'd liked well enough and slept with him.

Smirking at the thought, he pushed the toy slightly inside, then pulled it back to just tease the opening with its tip.

Lex had assumed what had happened next when he had moved the toy a little into her. If that had been her, she would have been punished for something like that.

“He stopped,” she said, entranced by what she saw in the mirror. Lex’s shirtsleeves were rolled up so she could see the muscles tensing under the skin as he used the toy to play with her cunt.

Chloe had blinked a few times and looked up at him, waiting for him to move forward. To move inside of her. Instead, he took a few deep breaths…which quickly became a few more. She was a little worried that he would start to hyperventilate.

The toy that was slightly inside of her felt pretty real and she instinctively spread her legs, waiting for Lex to fill her. But, he wouldn’t proceed until he got the full story.

“I think he might have been scared about hurting me or not lasting or something,” she said. In the moment she’d kept her mouth shut. Instead, she had taken action. “I had to guide him inside of me.”

Lex shook his head at so much inexperience. He didn't remember that he'd ever been like that. Then again, it might have had to do with the fact that his first time had been with an 'escort' who had been paid to show him a good time.

He kept his hand still, holding the toy against her cunt. “Reach down and touch the cock between your legs,” he instructed.

Once Chloe brought her hand down to follow his order, he continued. “Is it the right size? Was he bigger?” Still smirking he added, “Or smaller?”

His eyes traveled over her body as he waited for his answer. She was panting harshly again, keyed up from her own teasing and sweat was covering her body and gluing her hair to her face and shoulders. Her juices ran down her inner thighs, she was so wet. The couch would be permanently stained with her bodily fluids by the time they were done. He'd have to replace it.

Once her fingers were wrapped around the dildo, Chloe squeezed it. Her eyes almost fluttered closed as she tried to remember how he had felt but she kept them open. She wanted to see herself in the mirror. Wanted to see her hand wrapped around the shaft of the toy and Lex’s wrapped around the end.

She ran her hand up and down the dildo, checking to see. “He was a little bigger,” she admitted. That was one complaint that she’d been unable to make to Lois later. “But, not as thick.”

Lex pulled the plastic shaft from her fingers and stood up to go back to the table. He chose another dildo, an inch or so longer, but thinner, like she had suggested. It was still flesh colored, but not textured as much as the other one.

He went back to the couch and placed the fake cock back against her cunt. “Like this?” he asked with a raised brow.

When she licked her lips and answered with a breathy “yeah” after she'd touched the toy and felt its length and girth, he slid down onto the cushions of the couch and settled more comfortably between her spread legs. “Guide it inside you, tell me what happened then.”

She could see more of Lex now. Half of his body was in the mirror, the other half cut off by the frame of it. She moved her right leg a little so she could see the dildo a little better.

Her hips were undulating in some sort of rhythm. Something that she hadn’t done when she’d actually been in the situation. Chloe wrapped her hand around the dildo, and arched her hips up a little in order to take the toy inside of her.

Only about halfway in, she stopped. “I felt pressure. A lot of it and I,” she cried out a little. “It hurt. He stopped again. His arms were shaking.”

The mirror allowed her to see that the dildo had stopped its course inside of her body. Her eyes were wide and her pupils had dilated. “He said he was sorry.” She remembered how gravelly his voice had sounded. “I couldn’t take it anymore. He had to get in or get out.”

“I arched my hips up and,” her hips moved up, “he thrust forward. Hard. I didn’t expect it.” Chloe had screamed. The pressure inside of her had burst and a new type of ache filled her. She was clawing at him and tears had formed in her eyes. “He broke me in. He started to move. Started to fuck me.”

Lex waited before her hips had lowered to the couch and kept the toy still inside her. The next time she arched them, he shoved the fake cock inside as far as it would go to the sound of her outcry. Without pause, he began to fuck her with the toy, slow and steady motions, almost all the way out then back in again. “Like this?” he asked as he kept thrusting the toy into her cunt.

His own cock was coming back to life as he watched her move in counterpoint to his motions, hands fisting at her sides as she rode out the thrusts.

Chloe thrust herself forward twice before answering. “No,” she said. It hadn’t been nearly this good. This controlled. He hadn’t been as adept as using his real cock as Lex was at using a fake one.

“It was hard to keep the rhythm,” she explained. “He would push all of the way inside of me, pull out only a quarter, push back in, pull out all of the way….” She trailed off, knowing that Lex would get the point.

He started altering the depth of the penetration. There wasn’t a pattern anymore to his movements.

“And, his fucking wasn’t steady,” she groaned. She could feel an orgasm approaching as she watched Lex fuck her with a toy in the mirror. “It was erratic. But, it was always too hard. God,” she arched her neck back and her hands reached above her head to start to claw at the armrest. “It hurt.”

She cried out as Lex pushed the dildo into her harder without much finesse. He knew she could take it, so he gave it to her very hard. She could feel the ache from years ago in her pussy start to bloom. The dildo didn’t touch her clit or afford her that much pleasure. Her pleasure was derived from watching them in the mirror and knowing that this was what Lex wanted from her.

“Like that, yes.” Chloe reached her hand down to go between her legs but stopped at her stomach. “I couldn’t reach my clit. I couldn’t get any friction on it. I was close but not there yet.” She thrust her hips up more.

“He came,” she strangled out, frustrated. “He came before I could and then flopped down on me.” Chloe remembered lying under him, twitching and writhing. “I kept pumping my hips up but it didn’t do any good. He couldn’t roll over, so he just got up.”

Chloe gasped when Lex pulled the dildo out of her cunt. Her hips still moved, fucking a phantom cock. “When he walked over to take the condom off, I could see that I’d bleed. He’d fucked me, hurt me, made me bleed and I hadn’t come.”

“You were frustrated and aching. Disappointed,” he surmised.

Lex walked to the table and cleaned the toy with a wet cloth then placed it back with the other ones. “You didn't stay with the boy. Probably never saw him again after you left the internship.”

He turned around and leaned against the table, looking at her calmly as she writhed and twitched, straining for an orgasm she wouldn't get. No yet, anyway. “How did you react to this disappointment? Did you try to find someone else to sleep with? Or did you give up on it for a while?”

He knew that this was around the time she'd still had a huge crush on Clark Kent. He didn't imagine that she'd went out to work her way through the football team or something equally ridiculous. From what little he'd known about her, she'd seemed more focused on her 'career' as journalist than anything else.

She'd been very self-sufficient even then, which made him add another possibility, “Or did you go out and find yourself a toy that would do the job just as well but without any complications or drawbacks?”

Chloe watched herself in the mirror. Her body was in constant motion, she couldn’t find a position that afforded her the least bit of comfort. Her skin glowed under the lights of the room and she could smell herself; a combination of her juices and sweat.

“I didn’t want to fuck anyone else for awhile,” she admitted. “I went back to Smallville so my choices were limited.” She remembered sitting in class after class thinking that the last time she’d been in the place, she hadn’t been fucked yet.

“Too many prying eyes in the town. It wasn’t as if I could fuck someone without repercussions, which was all I wanted.” She hadn’t really wanted to date. And when she tried, she’d almost ended up dead. Really, that was the best prophylactic in the damn town. Sex would literally end up killing you.

“When I was visiting Lois, we went to a shop.” She licked her lips. “A sex shop. My sixteenth birthday present was a vibrator. Complete with extra batteries.”

Lex smirked at the idea of sixteen year old Chloe Sullivan, somehow managing to get into a sex shop and acquiring her very first sex toy. “Describe it to me,” he ordered as he turned around to the table.

The selection was varied enough that he was sure he'd be able to find something close enough, if not exactly matching whatever she would describe.

His cock was completely hard again and once they got past this part, he knew what his next question would be, and its consequences. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

Lex's eyes went to the clock on the wall. It was a good thing that tomorrow was Saturday. This would be their longest session to date and Lex doubted she'd be able to get home under her own power once he was done with her. The guestroom was thankfully always ready for unexpected stayovers.

“It was pink,” she said, disdain clear in her voice. She’d almost discounted it on that fact alone. “But it was supposed to be the best on the market. Sort of see through. Long and thick. It had a few different speeds and an attachment specifically for your clit.”

Chloe had kept that particular vibrator for a long time. She’d been very sad when it finally refused to work for her anymore. “Lois bought it for me and we parted ways. But,” she paused, “I went back.”

Her slick hands went back up to her chest and her fingers twirled around her nipples. “Bought some clamps. I already knew my body pretty well.” She was breathing heavily again. “I didn’t want to buy them in front of Lois, though.”

Lex's brows rose at that. He hadn't expected her to get into the kinkier toys that early. But he didn't question the honesty of her statement. She wouldn't dare lie to him.

He picked up a purple vibrator that closely matched her description and reached for a pair of simple clamps with rubber snaps. Checking to make sure both items were working properly, he returned to the couch and settled down at its end once again.

“So young and already getting into kinks,” he murmured as he placed the clamps on her stomach. “Tell me about the first time you used the toys. What you were fantasizing about when you used them.”

Her fingers found the clamps and she clasped them in her left hand. The coolness of them on her hot skin was a contrast that, while enjoyable, she couldn’t tolerate for long.

“I thought about the next time I’d be fucked. How it would be a man who knew what he was doing.” She’d taken out the vibrator and cleaned it thoroughly. As she waited for it to dry, she’d opened and closed the clamps, a little frightened by them. They’d looked painful.

“I was in my room, again.” That was where most of her one on one sessions with herself had taken place. “Lois had been calling me every day and asking if I’d used it yet. She was driving me nuts so I used it the first time that I was alone in the house.”

“I took off all of my clothes. I felt weird doing that, but I decided that if I was mature enough to get fucked, I could be naked in my room while I fucked myself.” She’d briefly seen herself in the mirror but had turned away.

“Some women can’t come unless they’re on top, I read that somewhere,” she said. She had actually never been one of those women but she didn’t know it at the time. “I’d come by myself before on my back but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try out a new position, just to be sure.”

Chloe took one of the clamps and watched as she rubbed it against her clit. Her hips jerked and she moved the moist toy up to her nipple. She ran it over her breast.

“I was sitting on the edge of my bed. My legs were spread and then I realized that I’d need something to brace myself with, to get the vibrator up and in me deep.” She’d looked around her room for something to elevate at least one of her legs with.

“And then I…”

“Stop.” Lex’s voice was firm and Chloe immediately ceased both moving and speaking.

He'd listened silently up to that point, but when she mentioned the position she'd been in, he had to halt her story. Incorporating himself into this experience wasn't as easy as with anything that involved another person. “Get up and sit down in my lap, facing the mirror,” he ordered.

This should be interesting. He watched silently as she carried out his order on shaky legs. While she was off the couch, he moved more towards the middle of the seat so he was directly in front of the mirror.

Chloe watched in the mirror as Lex sat down and then spread his legs out in a ‘V.’ She waited until he was settled comfortably and then sat down in the space between his legs.

At first, she sat up perfectly straight but then leaned against his chest. She held her breath. If that was not what he wanted, he would be clear in telling her so. When she got no objection from Lex, she relaxed a little more.

When she focused her eyes on their reflection, she devoured what she saw. Her, naked, ready and glistening for him. Lex’s body behind her clothed in dark material. The contrast between them was obvious.

He let her watch them in the mirror for a moment, then brought his hands down to smooth along the outside of her thighs until he could hook them under her knees. Slowly, he moved first one, then the other leg over his own thighs, spreading her legs wide as he placed them over his knees.

Her body was leaning even more into him in this position and he could feel her lower back pressing into his crotch. “Continue your story,” he murmured into her ear. “What did you do once you found something to brace yourself with?”

His hands went back to the cushions of the couch, resting loosely at his sides as he watched them in the mirror and waited for Chloe's answer.

Even without her fingers inside of her, Chloe started to gyrate against Lex. She could feel his heat through his clothes. It seeped into her body. She could smell him. A dash of expensive cologne and sweat.

When he’d touched her legs, she had almost begged for him to touch her pussy. But that was not what he wanted. He would touch her when he was ready to touch her. Until then, she was to do as instructed. It had never failed her in the past.

“I took the vibrator in my hand and then brought it between my legs.” She remembered that it was cold at first. “It was cool to the touch so I warmed it up in my hands before returning it to my cunt.”

“Then I ran it over my folds,” she explained. “I closed my eyes and thought of a tall, strong man. He was toying with me. I started to get wet.” She moaned at the memory of how it felt to have the toy running over her as her body started to ready itself.

“I made sure that the toy was lubricated enough. I didn’t want it to hurt.” She’d had enough of that with the boy.

“I eased it inside of me. Tentative at first. Then, when I realized that I was taking it alright, I put it deeper inside.” Her neck arched back as her fingers were working at her clit. “I relaxed as much as I could, took a deep breath and then worked the rest of it inside of me. I tested out my cunt muscles, making them grip the cock.”

Lex listened attentively and moved his hand slowly to the toy he'd placed at his side when they'd changed their positions. That the name 'Clark Kent' hadn't fallen yet was a bit of a surprise, but then again, 'tall' and 'strong' fit the criteria, even though 'man' didn't. Not then.

He let his legs fall open wider, forcing hers to accommodate him and spread her further. Then he brought the hand with the toy around to imitate the actions she was telling him about. The vibrator slid easily over her dripping cunt.

She'd mentioned part of her fantasy and Lex was willing to oblige. As he eased the toy into her, he brought his free hand around to run up her stomach and to her breasts, massaging them and tweaking first one, then the other nipple.

When she bucked into his touch, he pushed the toy deeper, until it was all the way inside. The attachment meant for her clit at the base of the toy was the only thing showing as he looked at the mirror. “Go ahead, tighten your muscles around it,” he ordered with another pinch of her nipple. “Does it feel as good as it did back then?”

At first only breathy grunts, of all things, were the only responses that Chloe had for him. She had gotten to know the contours of the toy very well. And Lex had found one almost exactly like it. Except what was almost fully buried in her body wasn’t pink, it was a deep purple.

She clenched her muscles even more and gasped at the feel of the toy, thick and long inside of her. “Better,” she moaned. “Better with you holding it.” She started to move her hips and as she did, she started to babble out what had happened after the toy was inside of her over a decade ago.

“I started to ride it, hard and fast.” Her back kept hitting into Lex and she could feel that he was hard behind her. “It didn’t hurt like the boy had,” she told him. “I could control the pace and so I wasn’t scared.”

“I moved my hand quicker and quicker.” And then she felt Lex moving the toy like she said. “Yes, just like that, Lex. Perfect.”

She looked in the mirror and watched as her hips fucked the toy as Lex plunged it inside of her. “I pinched my nipple.” Again, Lex carried it out. “I could feel it happening. I was coming.”

Hips in the mirror kept pumping as Lex’s hand kept moving. “I angled it up, searching for that spot….” The angle of the toy changed. “I pushed it deeper.” Her voice was getting higher and tighter. “Until…..I…” Right in her reach now.

“This time I wasn’t quiet.” She was able to at least say that before she came. Her gaze held fairly steady as she watched herself come. The pressure inside of her burst as she rode the toy in a frenzy. Her hair falling in her face and her hands anchored on her own knees as she bucked her hips against the toy. Lex pushing it mercilessly inside of her.

Her mouth opening, allowing her screams to echo in the room. Hips moving, moving, moving until they couldn’t anymore. Collapsing against Lex’s chest.

Lex bit down on his cheek hard as she thrashed and writhed against him, riding out her climax. His own cock was close to bursting inside his pants and would have to be taken care of soon. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to think of something unpleasant or at least non-arousing for a moment or two. It helped to tamper his erection at least a little.

The toy remained inside Chloe's cunt, but he didn't move it for the moment. “So, you didn't dare use the clamps that first time?” he asked as he pinched her nipple harshly. “How long did it take you before you screwed up the courage to try them?”

26th September 2006, 22:54
WOW ( as always)!!! Great update. Love that Lex is replacing himself into all of Chloe's memories. Oh...Can't wait for more...need to know what happens next.

26th September 2006, 23:22
That was so friggin hot!!! WOW!!!


26th September 2006, 23:58
Incredible and hot again. I like the ways Lex is incorporating himself. Don't worry, memory lane won't be boring as long as it keeps ending up like this.

27th September 2006, 00:10
I'm dead!

:drool2: :drool2: :drool2:

27th September 2006, 00:22
DAMN!! That was so damn!!! That is all I can say. :drool2:

Hope :)

27th September 2006, 01:33
There is no need to worry about getting bored. The smut is far to hot for that.

I like this so much. Lex is replacing all those sex memories with him.

Lex's eyes went to the clock on the wall. It was a good thing that tomorrow was Saturday. This would be their longest session to date and Lex doubted she'd be able to get home under her own power once he was done with her. The guestroom was thankfully always ready for unexpected stayovers.
I was wondering what he would do about that. Seems like it will be a long night.

Lex bit down on his cheek hard as she thrashed and writhed against him, riding out her climax. His own cock was close to bursting inside his pants and would have to be taken care of soon. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to think of something unpleasant or at least non-arousing for a moment or two. It helped to tamper his erection at least a little.
I'm wondering how much of this can Lex take before he's using his own man part to act out Chloe’s sexual experience.

Great update. I can't wait to hear more about Chloe's past but I do hope she keeps in line and won't have to be punished any time soon.

27th September 2006, 02:13
Where do you get you ideas? As always a fantastic chapter.

27th September 2006, 11:27
Ho lala. I loved everything I read. Please next soon. Thanks.

27th September 2006, 20:51
Hot hot hot. And that banner of MR with the cigar that lj has right after the break was a nice bit of icing on the cake. :) I can't wait for the next "memory"...I hope I'm right about what's coming up next!

27th September 2006, 21:17
Her eyes never wavered. They stayed focused on the mirror. “No, he didn’t fuck me.” She pinched her nipples at random intervals and then ran her palms over them in hard circles. She remembered when she came down from her orgasm that he was unbuttoning his jeans. He was hard and ready. And she was ready too.

“I reached up to help him out of his pants and then the door burst open. Drunk guy. Almost vomited on both of us.” They’d scurried from the room. But he held onto her hand, not wanting to lose his sure thing. “Cops came. The party was broken up. Never saw him again.”

I was actually glad that the college fellow didn't fuck Chloe. I find the idea of college predators taking advantage of silly stupid 15 year olds to be too loathsome to tolerate. Even when the 15 year old is a comparitively enthusiastic and savvy Chloe Sullivan.

I especially found that line in bold to be a repulsive indication of THAT boy's intentions and character.

But then again, the college boy DID know what he was doing. So Chloe might have found losing her virginity to this college-kid to be much more satisfying than how it actually turned out...

oh well... No use wondering about what-ifs now... And at least Chloe's first sexual encounter with another person was quite pleasurable, even if the Jimmy encounter turned out to be a flop.

“His bed was small.” They could both barely fit on it so Chloe knew that they wouldn’t be trying out any wild positions. Not that she wanted to, she was nervous and ‘regular’ sex was just fine with her.

Verrrry nice work on the details here. So few girls get their 'perfect setting' when they have sex for the first time. In fact, some people lose virginities in disgusting roach ridden motels... and some on the back of motor-cycles. A 'narrow bed' in a well-kept apartment is definitely on the upper-scale. :P

Leisurely walking over to the table with the toys, he picked up one of the dildos that were shaped to look like a real penis. Not particularly large, maybe seven inches long. He didn't have any condoms on the table, so the reenacting would have to do without them.

And here we go again with the lack of condoms. Do I really need to go through my rant session again ;)

It sounded like the regular fumbling first time. Images passed in flashes through his mind of a younger Chloe, spreading her legs for a man for the first time, taking charge of the situation even though she didn't really know what she was doing either. He was curious to find out what had changed her from that girl to the woman she was now.

I'll admit, I'm also curious about that. Even when she was nervous, frightened and had no idea what to do, Chloe still took control of the situation... as much as she could anyway.

“But,” she paused. “At least I was going to be first.” It was amazing to realize that her competitive streak had shown through during the experience. “Lana, Clark and Pete hadn’t fucked yet.”

He was amused that she'd seen her first time of somewhat of a competition to win. She hadn't waited for the 'right guy' or given in to any romantic notions. She'd found a guy she'd liked well enough and slept with him.

ROFLMAO! Such a 'Chloe-reason' for losing her virginity. I applaud her! Some girls actually lose their virginities in casual sex out of peer-pressure (everyone's doing it, I should do it too). I was really pleased to see that Chloe's reasons for casual random sex was a from a lot more assertive and independent frame of mind.

Lex shook his head at so much inexperience. He didn't remember that he'd ever been like that. Then again, it might have had to do with the fact that his first time had been with an 'escort' who had been paid to show him a good time.

*snort* I think I actually feel sorry for the poor boy. Wait! What?! Do you mean 15 (or 13... 12?) year old Lex couldn't find any girl who wanted to have sex with him? He had to pay someone for his first sexual encounter??!! Or did his father hire someone...? *blech*

I really wanted to thank BlueSabby for this VERY creative way of showing how Chloe got to be a submissive of this caliber. I know that they said they would 'probably' not be going too in-depth with the psychoanaylysis of the Chlexy couple... but this was a FAN-tastic way of showing the readers how Chloe got to this point.

But I'm greedy... Could BlueSabby also show a little of Lex's backstory? Just a few details... Perhaps something concerning him losing his virginity to a prostitute... and then perhaps his first real dom session...? Whatever you feel comfortable telling the readers. :D

Once Chloe brought her hand down to follow his order, he continued. “Is it the right size? Was he bigger?” Still smirking he added, “Or smaller?”


“I arched my hips up and,” her hips moved up, “he thrust forward. Hard. I didn’t expect it.” Chloe had screamed. The pressure inside of her had burst and a new type of ache filled her. She was clawing at him and tears had formed in her eyes. “He broke me in. He started to move. Started to fuck me.”

ooooh ouch! I can almost feel the ache as I'm reading. Nice work in capturing the details of this trauma. It's not fun to read through, but it is still compelling...and I have an idea why it's important.

“It was hard to keep the rhythm,” she explained. “He would push all of the way inside of me, pull out only a quarter, push back in, pull out all of the way….” She trailed off, knowing that Lex would get the point.

He started altering the depth of the penetration. There wasn’t a pattern anymore to his movements.

...and the sex stays terrible.

“And, his fucking wasn’t steady,” she groaned. She could feel an orgasm approaching as she watched Lex fuck her with a toy in the mirror. “It was erratic. But, it was always too hard. God,” she arched her neck back and her hands reached above her head to start to claw at the armrest. “It hurt.”

She cried out as Lex pushed the dildo into her harder without much finesse. He knew she could take it, so he gave it to her very hard. She could feel the ache from years ago in her pussy start to bloom. The dildo didn’t touch her clit or afford her that much pleasure.

Poor Chloe.

Her pleasure was derived from watching them in the mirror and knowing that this was what Lex wanted from her.

heh... But even with Lex trying to provide 'bad sex', Chloe still finds him immensely arousing. He is quite the perfect dom to her perfect sub.

“He came,” she strangled out, frustrated. “He came before I could and then flopped down on me.” Chloe remembered lying under him, twitching and writhing. “I kept pumping my hips up but it didn’t do any good. He couldn’t roll over, so he just got up.”

Chloe gasped when Lex pulled the dildo out of her cunt. Her hips still moved, fucking a phantom cock. “When he walked over to take the condom off, I could see that I’d bleed. He’d fucked me, hurt me, made me bleed and I hadn’t come.”

“You were frustrated and aching. Disappointed,” he surmised.

Poor POOR little Chloe. At least that idiot didn't ask her 'was it good for you?'. Then again, Chloe would have replied with one HACK of a scathing answer... and she might have been able to guilt him into finishing her off with his hand or something :P

I think I understand why BlueSabby presented Chloe'sfirst time as so supremely disappointing (besides the obvious 'if it's not Lex, it's no good' adage).

Chloe placed her trust in an sweet, kind but woefully inexperienced boy. She tried to take charge of the situation to maximize her own pleasure, but it didn't work. On the OTHER hand, that college predator was VERY much in charge of the situation. He was demanding, controlling and not the least but sweet or considerate... And he made Chloe orgasm like she never had before.

So here starts the seeds of Chloe's learning that taking charge of her own pleasure will not get her good results. That letting someone more experienced and more controlling take charge of her body will bring her the rewards she craves.

verrry nice sequence of events here BlueSabby. Congratulations to you both :D

“Too many prying eyes in the town. It wasn’t as if I could fuck someone without repercussions, which was all I wanted.” She hadn’t really wanted to date. And when she tried, she’d almost ended up dead. Really, that was the best prophylactic in the damn town. Sex would literally end up killing you.

LOL! Basic 'surviving Smallville, Buffy or ANY horror movie 101'. If you have sex, you WILL suffer and die ;)

Lex's eyes went to the clock on the wall. It was a good thing that tomorrow was Saturday. This would be their longest session to date and Lex doubted she'd be able to get home under her own power once he was done with her. The guestroom was thankfully always ready for unexpected stayovers.

Always thinking ahead. Quite a dom that Lex. Does he have the pantry stocked with her favourite brand of cereal too?

Lex's brows rose at that. He hadn't expected her to get into the kinkier toys that early. But he didn't question the honesty of her statement. She wouldn't dare lie to him.

This took me by surprise too. Quite the little explorer, isn't she?!

“I thought about the next time I’d be fucked. How it would be a man who knew what he was doing.”

A man who knew how to take charge?

He'd listened silently up to that point, but when she mentioned the position she'd been in, he had to halt her story. Incorporating himself into this experience wasn't as easy as with anything that involved another person. “Get up and sit down in my lap, facing the mirror,” he ordered.

This should be interesting. He watched silently as she carried out his order on shaky legs. While she was off the couch, he moved more towards the middle of the seat so he was directly in front of the mirror.

very, VERY interesting indeed! I love it when I hear about the latest in Lex's brilliantly creative dom/sub plans. But I think I love it even more when he's creative just on the spur of the moment. AND the lack of meticulous planning doesn't make the creativity suffer :D

When she focused her eyes on their reflection, she devoured what she saw. Her, naked, ready and glistening for him. Lex’s body behind her clothed in dark material. The contrast between them was obvious.

I don't know what to say. This image is obviously a very clear picture of the inequal balance of power in their arrangement. Yet the snapshot visual is just so freaking HOT!

Even without her fingers inside of her, Chloe started to gyrate against Lex. She could feel his heat through his clothes. It seeped into her body. She could smell him. A dash of expensive cologne and sweat.

NOW we're talking. Time to generate some heat and sweat from the readers... Or is it just me...?

“I eased it inside of me. Tentative at first. Then, when I realized that I was taking it alright, I put it deeper inside.” Her neck arched back as her fingers were working at her clit. “I relaxed as much as I could, took a deep breath and then worked the rest of it inside of me. I tested out my cunt muscles, making them grip the cock.”

Lex listened attentively and moved his hand slowly to the toy he'd placed at his side when they'd changed their positions. That the name 'Clark Kent' hadn't fallen yet was a bit of a surprise, but then again, 'tall' and 'strong' fit the criteria, even though 'man' didn't. Not then.

WOW! Barely started, and it's SO hot already.

I did take notice of that fact that Lex acknowledged Chloe long-gone crush for Clark in a very matter-of-fact and very non-jealous way. It's possible that Lex is either VERY secure in his arrangment with Chloe... or he simply doesn't care enough to be jealous.

It's going to take a LOT to convince me that Lex doesn't care about Chloe... even if it is as a possession.

She'd mentioned part of her fantasy and Lex was willing to oblige. As he eased the toy into her, he brought his free hand around to run up her stomach and to her breasts, massaging them and tweaking first one, then the other nipple.

heh... So Lex is not only repeating history, but also working on re-writing and improving. Nice bit of brain-washing there :P

“This time I wasn’t quiet.” She was able to at least say that before she came. Her gaze held fairly steady as she watched herself come. The pressure inside of her burst as she rode the toy in a frenzy. Her hair falling in her face and her hands anchored on her own knees as she bucked her hips against the toy. Lex pushing it mercilessly inside of her.

Her mouth opening, allowing her screams to echo in the room. Hips moving, moving, moving until they couldn’t anymore. Collapsing against Lex’s chest.

Lex bit down on his cheek hard as she thrashed and writhed against him, riding out her climax. His own cock was close to bursting inside his pants and would have to be taken care of soon. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to think of something unpleasant or at least non-arousing for a moment or two. It helped to tamper his erection at least a little.

It's probably obnoxious to quote SO much of the story in one go. But I couldn't decide which part of these last three paragraphs were my favourites. HOT beyond anything. I've lost count of how many times Chloe has come, and Lex has still yet to put his cock into her.

This recounting of history might take several days :P

please update soon. I look forward to seeing more of Chloe's history and eventual evolution to the person she is now. AND I'm looking REALLY forward to seeing what happens with Chlexy conflict and disagreement finally takes place. I get the feeling it's going to be quite... extreme :D

28th September 2006, 07:57
A-FREAKIN-MAZING!!! Loved every second of it... Can't wait for more... I mean it, the few hours I'll be asleep is all I can afford you to post another chapter... Keep up the great work!

28th September 2006, 10:02
as always an amazing chapter, i can't wait to see what lex has planned next for chloe. great work keep it up

28th September 2006, 14:08
Great chapters I wonder how many more sexual encounters she is going to remember? You two certainly know your sex toys ;)

I can't wait for more please update soon.

29th September 2006, 06:36
Wonderful update like always!! I feel so sad about Chloe's first time!! That guy was such a jerk!! Thank goodness she discovered toys after that!! I'm glad that Lex is replacing all of her bad memories!! Hopefully, together, they can create great ones!! Can't wait to read more!!

30th September 2006, 15:41
Fantastic updates as usual,I can't wait to find out what Lex has planned for Chloe next. Keep up the great work and update soon!!

30th September 2006, 23:18
This is going great. I'm facinated that Chloe took such control of her sex-life and still became a sub. I can't wait to see how her story progresses into that type of lifestyle. I wonder if she'll work in any fantasies she might have had about Lex as a teenager maybe something while they worked together to bring down Lionel. I'd really like to see you work in some of their common history.

I'm also anticipating Lex's reaction to her previous Dom. He has expressed anger at how she had been mistreated. Will he find out the details and show her how it should have been?

12th October 2006, 00:37
well... sabby has returned, and I remember Blue was getting a little concerned about the dwindling number of updates backed up in their 'rainy-day-reserve-cache'.

I hope the reunion proves to be happy and productive. Please update 'Arrangement' soon. I have been seriously missing this fic, and I really NEED another chapter or so.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Chloe's sexual history recap. The history lesson is very informative and interesting, and I get the feeling Lex is getting some new and interesting methods of control from this 'interrogation'.

I asked earlier whether we would be getting a similar quick recap of Lex's sexual adventured into the world of sexual domination...? If BlueSabby consider it unnecessary or too cumbersome, then it's really NOT a problem... but I do hope they consider putting in a little of Lex's backstory in here. (pretty please?)

And I'm also looking VERY forward to the angsty conflict that's sure to arise later when the safety word is finally applied in earnest. OR when one of them wants out while the other is nowhere near ready to let go. I'm trying to decide whether I would prefer to see Chloe suffering Lex-withdrawls, or whether I want to see Lex trying horrible underhanded maneuvers to get back Chloe when she's ready to move on.

Actually, I definitely prefer the latter. Scary-Bastard-Lex would be a great deal more of a compelling read compared to Needy-Desperate-Chloe. Or is it just me?

sheeesh. all these words without anything really constructive to say. I should just shut up now and just wait patiently for the next chapter before I start in with my ranting...

please update ASAP...? :)

12th October 2006, 13:23
please update this story soon. i can't wait to see what happens next.

15th October 2006, 22:52
A/N: Sabby: What can I say? For those of you who didn't know it yet. I'm back. For those of you who already knew that. Sorry for the repeat. For all of you. Enjoy the continued story of the kinky life of Chloe and Lex. Feedback is still craved and appreciated.

A/N: Blue: This session draws to a close....finally! More delving into Chloe, her old dom and what she and Lex mean to each other. Enjoy and thanks for the wonderfully thought out feedback.

He didn't even know where they had ended up since she'd taken them from her stomach, so he removed his hands from her body to go in search of them with his palms flat on the cushions

The words that he had spoken finally poked through the haze of satisfaction that she was feeling. Along with his question, she could feel and hear him looking for the small contraptions. Chloe cleared her throat before saying, “I used them about ten minutes later.”

That was the first time that she’d realized that she might just be a woman who couldn’t get enough of sex. She’d already had one good orgasm. But, the house wasn’t empty all that often what with the addition of Lana. And, she had just bought the items. It seemed a shame to not use them.

As Lex continued to search for the clamps, Chloe leaned back a little, very aware that the toy was still deeply embedded inside of her, and then started to speak again. “It was an experiment of sorts. I wanted to see if I could come again. And, I wanted to know if I would actually like having the clamps on me.”

She spoke in a conversational tone as she looked at their reflection. Or hers. Lex had never given her permission to look at him. The most of him that she really noted was his legs and only because they almost seemed like a part of her at this point.

He finally found the clamps and caught them in his palm. How they'd gotten into the folds of the backrest, he had no idea.

Relaxing back into the seat, he kept silent for a moment, watching Chloe's reflection over her shoulder. His eyes trailed over the woman in the mirror, taking in the result of her efforts. His free hand trailed up to her breast, cupping and squeezing the mound firmly under his palm.

Bringing forth his other hand, he held it in front of Chloe. “Put them on,” he ordered, “Tell me what happened.”

Chloe was pleased to see that her hands, unlike other parts of her body, weren’t shaking. She took the clamps from Lex’s hand, careful not to touch his skin and paused briefly. He was still attending to her breast and his touch was intoxicating.

Some doms took the view that their sub was to be well versed in their touch from the beginning of the agreement. Others, such as Lex, took the stand that their touch was a privilege. However, she did not wish to test his patience or stave off his instruction.

“I touched my breast and then held it so I could put the clamp on.” Lex kneaded her breast once more and then pinched the flesh between his fingers, holding her areola for her so she could affix the clamp.

“Thank you,” she stated, clearly. Murmuring or whispering was a tactic used to draw a person closer. That was not necessary in these types of arrangements.

Her body jerked slightly when the clamp tightened on her flesh. “Then I did it to the other side.” Lex quickly gave the other breast the same treatment. Kneading and palming it before offering up her nipple for the clamp.

Once they were firmly in place, Chloe looked back at the mirror. What she saw, for the first time, looked kinky to her. There was something about being adorned with accessories that made it cross the line.

“They hurt,” she stated. “But it was a pleasant achy feeling, not stinging pain.” She felt the same thing now. Well, not exactly the same thing. “They were of lower quality, cheap toy ones so they hurt more than the ones that I became used to years later.”

“I tugged them,” she admitted. When Lex’s hand followed her words, pulling on the clamps and stretching her nipples, she gasped and shuddered. “Yes,” she said, “It was so good. I was ready to go again. Wet and my pussy started to throb.”

Like now, she didn’t need to add. She knew that Lex knew that. He was spreading her legs wider with his own already.

“This time when I fucked myself with the toy, I turned it on.” As Lex’s hand moved back downwards, she clarified her statement. “I didn’t bother with the lower settings, I turned it on full power.” She’d been too far gone and hadn’t wanted to waste her time.

He moved his left hand down to the toy and turned the switch, slowly, all the way to maximum. A low buzzing sound filled the room as Chloe's hips started to pump, rubbing her lower body against his crotch in the process.

Lex bit down on the inside of his cheek to stifle a groan. The sight of Chloe, and the noises she was making as he started fucking her with the toy, were getting to him in a bad way.

She started pumping her hips faster as Lex picked up the speed of the thrusts. She looked beautiful as she reached toward climax, straining to hold it at bay as he hadn't allowed her release yet.

The hand that wasn't using the toy returned to massage her breasts, tugging at the clamps then flicking them with a finger, listening to her cries of his name and her favorite obscenities. An idea formed in his mind while he enjoyed her reaction as he played with her sensitive flesh.

“Maybe you'd enjoy some piercings,” he mused out loud, moving the toy faster inside her. “Some day,” he promised.

With that, he twisted the nipple between his fingers harshly and gave her the order she'd been waiting for. “Come, now.”

Between the husky timbre of his voice, the harshness of his attention to her nipple and the plunging motion of the toy, it wasn’t a difficult command to follow.

Dutifully, Chloe kept her eyes on the mirror as she watched herself come again. Even though she’d just gotten off a few minutes ago, her orgasm was very strong.

Muscles contracting and relaxing, tongue forming curses and the name of her dom and lungs trying to keep up with the rest of her body.

While she crested, she noticed that her face looked as if it were in agony. But the pleasure spread throughout her, warming her and draining her of energy at the same time.

Chloe wondered how much of this her body could take. Then another thought occurred to her.

Perhaps that’s exactly what Lex was testing.

The theory of time as a concrete ideal had been debated by scholars. Papers written and money spent on the idea. Chloe didn’t know much about that. All she knew was that time, as she knew it, had stopped existing in any real manner.

She couldn’t hazard a guess at how long she’d been at Lex’s. Not too long, not days, because her body hadn’t dehydrated yet. But a guess of six hours sounded good. As did a guess of eight hours. She knew that she’d come more times than she could count. Knew that Lex had made her go through all of her sexual partners and what she’d done to them. Knew that her pleasure was now painful. Muscles ached in a way that she’d never felt.

Her fingers had pushed, plunged, pumped and fucked herself in so many ways and positions that she couldn’t remember them.

She’d been down on her knees numerous times, as well. Lex’s cock shoved far down her throat as she’d swallowed him. Come filling her mouth and waiting for the command to swallow. Four times, at least. She wondered if he’d taken something before she’d gotten there to allow him such potency. He’d quizzed about how and when she started to use her fingers to get a man off. What it felt like to have that power over them and if she did it to everyone or just the ones she really liked.

But, he hadn’t fucked her. Had barely even touched her. Just the constant barrage of questions.

He’d been interested in knowing how she’d gotten into the scene. Explained that she’d gone into the club with a friend of a friend who was a member. He thought it would shock her. Instead, it excited her. Felt right. She’d tried bondage and some light sub/dom stuff before. Never tried the real thing.

She’d become a member and was matched to a dom.

That’s what Lex wanted to know about. Her first dom.

And his favorite thing to do to her.

Which is why she was down on her hands and knees, staring at herself in the mirror. She looked exhausted, sweat pouring off of her as Lex kneeled behind her. Still hadn’t been permitted to look at him.

Lex took his time watching her, remaining silent as he took in her exhausted body. Her limit hadn't been reached yet, which was amazing considering he himself had lost count of how many times he'd ordered her to come over the last few hours. After coming in her mouth four times, at least he didn't have to worry about himself anymore. He was pretty sure that he couldn't get it up anymore to save his life.

“Move your arms behind your back,” he ordered finally.

He got up and moved to the table, picked up a length of nylon robe and looked over the selection of toys. “You said he liked to use your ass after he broke you in. What was the biggest you had to take for him?”

Lex played with the nylon rope in his hands. She'd also mentioned that her previous dom had liked to keep her holding the same position for hours. At this point, Lex was sure she wouldn't be able to do this anymore. Chloe might not be aware of anything outside this room and his orders at this point, but he knew that her body was reaching its limits fast.

Chloe’s hands met behind her back, wrists crossing over each other. She was still down on her knees and her upper body was leaning forward as Lex had not instructed her to kneel up straight.

The problem was that she honestly didn’t know the answer to the question. Her dom had not announced how big his cock was or the length of the dildos that he’d placed inside of her. She’d had a dildo put inside of her every day for eleven days, you remembered the number of days when that was done to you, but she wasn’t sure of the size.

But, she did remember something he’d done to her which might guide Lex. “I don’t know what the biggest toy was,” she told him.

She looked in the mirror. Her body was in an awkward position and she just looked strange. Her breasts swaying down from her body, hair in her eyes and arms behind her. “What I took for you in my ass was much bigger,” she said, trying to be helpful.

“That explains why you reached your limit while I was testing you,” he said more to himself as he picked up one of the regular sized dildos.

He took his time, making his way back to Chloe and got back on his knees behind her. His knees didn't complain much about the action, thanks to the soft carpet under them.

With a few quick movements he wrapped the nylon rope around her wrists and knotted it, securing her hands in place and forcing her to stay in the position or fall flat on her face.

His eyes rested on her swaying breasts for a moment. They looked heavy and flushed, her pink nipples prominent little tips. He'd taken the clamps off her some time ago and she'd screamed as the blood had rushed back into the freed flesh.

“Don't move,” he ordered.

He picked up the toy from the floor and slid it through her juices a few times then fucked her cunt with it for a while to get it wet and let her feel the size and texture. “I still have the other one. Would you like to feel it inside you again?”

Lex pulled the dildo from her pussy and positioned it at the other hole, barely pressing the tip against the puckered skin.

“If you’d like to watch it inside of me,” she answered, automatically. That was part of what Chloe loved about the situation. She’d considered being a dom but with it came much responsibility. She already had enough of that in her life. She wanted to be taken care of in one sector of her life and she’d chosen her sexuality.

She made sure not to sway on her knees. But it was even more difficult with the rope biting into her wrists. Her heart beat had picked up. She enjoyed being tied up.

“My body is yours,” she continued. “Do anything with it that will bring you pleasure. Please use me, Lex.” Yes, she wanted it inside of her. But her wants were secondary to Lex’s. It was his call. She was his possession.

Lex smirked at her mindless submission. She really would try and take anything for him. Whatever he decided to do to her, she would accept and willingly submit to. The feeling was heady and empowering. “Oh I will use you, don't worry. I'm not nearly done with you yet,” he threatened.

Lex pushed the toy inside, past the resistance of muscle that gave under his insistent pressure until it was all the way in, the base of it sticking out just far enough for him to keep a hold of it. Then he started to fuck her, slowly and carefully. “Did he fuck you like that?”

He was pretty sure that her previous dom hadn't had much finesse. From the little she'd told him so far, he seemed like a crude man with crude needs that could be fulfilled by any slut or hooker. Maybe he should have a talk with Gary on the subject of checking his members more thoroughly.

Chloe watched her body sway a little in the mirror from the motion of Lex’s actions. She concentrated on the toy in her ass and pondered Lex’s question. “He fucked me a little harder,” she volunteered. She focused on the feel of it sliding in and out of her flesh.

“Plus,” she added, as she had to check her balance a little to stay on her knees, “he wasn’t as thick.” Her last dom had been plenty big enough for her but most men couldn’t measure up, literally, to toys.

Lex hummed in acknowledgement but didn't change the speed or strength of the toy's thrusts. “Did he hurt you?”

His eyes roamed over her body. How she managed to still remain in position when her body was probably ready to drop with exhaustion amazed him. It showed an amazing strength of will. And to have that will submitted to him without question or hesitation was a gift.

He slowly sped up the thrusts of the toy inside her watching her reaction in the mirror. The wide blown pupils, mouth hanging open and panting in harsh breaths, cheeks flushed from the exertion. She still hadn't answered his question. He halted the toy halfway on the next instroke. “Did he?”

Lex wasn't sure why the answer to that question was so important. It didn't serve any purpose other than to satisfy his curiosity, but he wanted to know. He wanted to know if she enjoyed it, as well. Causing another person pain was not something he'd ever been into. Unless the person happened to be a business rival and the pain was merely financial or figurative in manner. The thought that Chloe might be into all out masochism on top of submission; it was not something he wanted to have to deal with.

“Sometimes,” Chloe breathed out. She found it was much easier to speak on her exhales so she timed them that way. That was what led to her delay in answering Lex. “Sometimes it was accidental and sometimes it was purposeful.”

When Lex didn’t ask another question, she knew that she was to go on. Lex liked as much information as possible. She imagined a file cabinet with her name on it tucked away in his brain. Files on her in high school, her as a person now and her as his sub.

“When he broke me in, that hurt,” she admitted. “But that couldn’t be avoided.” It was a biological fact. “But, sometimes, he would hurt me just to hear me beg or scream.” Chloe was a good sub and she took what she was given. They’d agreed to some pain but he sometimes gave her more than she could or wanted to handle.

Always after those sessions, when they were no longer in their roles, she would take him to task for it. He would be contrite and things would go along. A few months down the line he would relapse again. Chloe knew that it was because he got very into it, but it didn’t change the fact it had bothered her. She’d used her safe word more than she would have liked. If he hadn’t demanded the threesome, she now began to wonder how much longer it would have lasted.

She'd kept her voice mostly devoid of any judgment as she answered him, so Lex couldn't tell if she liked it or not. However, he would find out. Pushing the toy all the way inside he bent over her back to wrap his arm around her shoulders and pull her up into a kneeling position against his chest.

Her hands were brushing against his crotch and he wondered what she would make of the fact that he was completely soft. It didn't matter now, though.

Keeping her restrained with his arm high over her chest, he moved his mouth close to her ear, his eyes steady on their reflections. “Do you enjoy pain?” he asked in a low voice. “Do you want to be hurt on purpose?” His arm tightened around her while his other hand pushed against the toy inside her. “Answer honestly.”

Chloe looked at her body, taking in the stark contrast of Lex’s arm on her flesh. She was pale and the color of Lex’s shirt was deep. It was a relief to be in this position. It was easier for her tired muscles to be anchored to his body. Plus, she got to feel him. While Chloe would be glad of any contact between her and a dom, she preferred more rather than less. Chloe liked to be touched.

She knew that Lex did not want the answer that she’d do anything if it pleased him. He was looking for direction from her. A good dom would not gain pleasure from something that they knew their sub did not truly enjoy. Though others still had not learned that lesson.

“No,” she breathed out. The word, in this situation, seemed odd. It was not a word that a sub often said. Having it trip across her lips seemed incongruous to what they were doing.

“I don’t like pain,” she added. But, it seemed, her body liked what Lex was doing to it. It was his voice. Directly in her ear. Chloe learned that this was an effective way of Lex’s to ready her. Whether he knew it or not was open to debate.

He inhaled deeply as relief settled in his chest. “Good,” he murmured into her neck, then placed a soft kiss to the sweaty skin.

While his arm stayed around her, his other hand picked up the thrusting motions once again, steady and deep. Earlier, he'd intended to work her up to one of the larger dildos but now he wasn't sure he wanted to release her from his grip. Nothing would be worse for her than to fall on her face just now. “You're magnificent.”

There was nothing but need and desire written all over her features and he could feel the shivers running through her body against his own chest. “You've been so good today,” he spoke slowly. “Giving everything to please me, opening up yourself for me and showing me everything I want to see.”

Her juices were trickling over his fingers as he kept fucking her ass with the toy. Feeling it was time to bring the session to a close, he pushed the toy all the way in. “Hold it there,” he ordered in a whisper.

This was the sweetest kind of agony. Lex had kissed her. True, it was on the neck and had been barely more than a brush of his lips but she had had to contain herself from reacting in some way, either verbally or physically, to the touch.

She was fully pressed against his body but not in any meaningful way. However, her hands did brush against his groin. She was disappointed and a little upset that he wasn’t hard. Chloe logically knew that he’d been erect and been taken care of four times already that night. More than most men could muster. But, she still wanted to know that she pleased him. Having physical evidence was the easiest.

Lex’s words, though, soothed some of her anxiety. And she would continue to please him. Using what was left of her waning strength, Chloe gripped the toy and held it in place. She looked at herself in the mirror and wished that she was allowed to look at Lex. She wanted to see the satisfaction that she brought him in his eyes.

While she was busy looking at his arm across her chest, she missed the small motion of his other hand. So, when she felt his fingertips brushing against her cunt she gasped. The gasp turned into a drawn out groan when two of his fingers slid forcefully inside of her and started pumping. Just teasing her a little.

“You're so wet for me,” he said with a hint of pride as he kept fucking her with his fingers, his wrist brushing against her hand where she held the toy inside her ass.

“You've come so many times already, but you're still willing to give more.” On the last word, he pushed a third finger inside her, without losing the rhythm of his thrusts. “Such a good girl,” he purred. “I can see how exhausted you are, how tired. If I let you go, would you be able to stay upright on your own?” he teased with a quick nip to her earlobe. “Don't worry about it, I won't let go.”

Her muscles were clamping down hard on his fingers, stretching to take all of them, and he could feel the toy inside her through the thin wall as he curled his fingers to rub over it.

She was making the most delicious noises, shaking in spot as she tried to keep still. “Move with me, Chloe,” he instructed softly as he kept pushing into her with three fingers.

In the next instant her body was grinding against his. She whimpered from the relief. She moved against him as hard as she could. Making as much contact with his body as was possible. His voice right in her ear was driving all good sense out of her…but she was still able to move only when commanded to do so.

Even though he had spoken after his question, she wanted to answer it. Wanted him to know what he did to her. “Wouldn’t be able to stay, Lex. Can barely breathe it’s so good.” Her words quickly turned into grunts and breathy exhalations.

The fingers inside of her body were beginning to spread out from one another, widening her channel even more. She could feel Lex everywhere. He was the only thing she was aware of. Chloe remembered to look at herself in the mirror. Now she could see Lex’s hand working at her. Her thighs coated with wetness.

Her hands behind her fisted as she kept herself from begging. Her throat constricting and teeth mashing together. She’d beg when he wanted her to and not before. If he even asked her to do that.

The beginnings of her orgasm were quickly spreading through her body. She gripped the dildo tighter, trying to ignore the ache that was starting to spread in her lower belly.

He could see that she was close, it wouldn't take much to get her off now, but she was holding back everything, forcing herself to wait for his order. Not yet.

His fingers moved faster for a moment then stopped completely. “Do you want another one?” he asked directly into her ear, barely grazing the nail of his pinky over her sensitive skin.

If she went for it, he'd have to take care with his timing. Lex had no doubt that this orgasm would wipe her out completely, so he needed to be quick about finishing the session before that happened. His arm tightened more securely around her chest, in preparation for the inevitable.

“Yes, Lex,” she panted out. And then, once her mouth was open, everything else came pouring out. “Please, Lex. Please. Need it. Need you.” With every broken word, she pumped her hips, trying to take his hand more forcefully into her body.

When his fourth finger pressed its way inside of her, Chloe stopped for a moment. There had been an uncomfortable pressure at first but once she relaxed, it abated. And she started to move again with abandon. The orgasm that had been just below the surface started to blossom. She had to control herself, she wasn’t allowed to come yet.

And she wasn’t going to fail Lex again.

He kept his hand mostly still and let her work herself on his fingers, knowing that this session was almost over. He licked his lips and brought his face back to her ear. “You're so close, so beautiful, straining for it. Look at yourself,” he paused as he twisted his fingers inside her evoking a full body shudder.

“Look at us,” he instructed softly, then moved his face back a little until he could press a kiss to her temple. “What do you see now?”

He looked at them in the mirror, Chloe in front of him, naked, sweating and exhausted, held up by nothing but his arm around her chest and still straining to please him, moving into everything he decided to give her. He was surrounding her like a shadow, the only thing breaking through the dark colors of his persona being his face next to hers. To him, they looked stunning. The perfect picture of surrender and control.

Chloe was so close to coming that it was actually painful to hold herself back. But she was able to do it. Lex had given her an instruction and she would be damned if she was not going to follow it.

She looked up and was finally allowed to focus not only on her used, sweating and aching body but on Lex’s as well. He looked calm and in control. His eyes were focused on her body and then locked with hers. What passed between them was intense and unspoken, the exchange between them now complete. Their bodies an erotic picture that was reflected back at them.

“I see us,” she stated. But Lex was looking for more. “I see my dom controlling me and me bending to his will. I see myself loving it, craving it and knowing that I will need more. I see my dom exerting his full power over me. Taking responsibility of me.” She paused, thinking that he hadn’t given her more than she could handle. “Taking care of me.”

But, that was not the basic thing that she saw. “I see Lex and Chloe.” That was what it boiled down to. Though they were far different people than when they last knew each other, they were still them. They complemented each other. They always had. But now it was in a deeper way. They fit one another.

“We belong to each other now,” she whispered. It was something that should be on a card with flowery words inside. A card that neither she nor Lex would ever look at. But it was true. Their roles were firmly cemented. And it made her feel free.

Lex was taken aback at her last whispered statement, but didn't falter in his motions. He kissed her temple once again then ordered her to come for him. While she shuddered and screamed through her orgasm in his arms, Lex's body held on tight, keeping her anchored against his chest. His mind was somewhere else entirely.

We belong to each other now. It went beyond what he'd expected to hear. He'd been pushing for another admission of her submission, along with the revelation that would come later, that everything else fell away in the face of the pleasure she gained from submitting to him.

Instead she'd gone one step further and pulled him in, made him face that it was the same picture on the other side of the coin. For him, too, everything fell away the moment he shifted into his role as dom. He wasn't a cut-throat business man anymore, or a son trying to make the best of the gruesome heritage of a bastard father. He was simply Lex, controlling and taking care of Chloe, giving her everything she needed and taking pleasure from it.

Chloe’s body was humming. Her skin still burned from where he’d touched his lips to her. They’d only been in this arrangement for a short while and he’d already eclipsed every other person that she’d been with. Left them in the dust to a point where she couldn’t even remember why she had wanted them.

He’d taken her through every sexual experience she’d ever had and inserted himself into it. Inexorably linking all of her past pleasure with the man that was currently holding her up. Her muscles ached, tears had seeped out of her eyes, her body was exhausted and she was certain that she would crash to the floor as soon as he let her go. But, in spite of all of that, she felt safe.

“Thank you, Lex.” She wasn’t just thanking him for her release. But for what he’d forced her to see. For everything. Her lesson had been long but she’d grasped what she was supposed to learn.

As her mind began to wind down, so did her body. She fully relaxed in Lex’s arms, her body slumping against his. The exhaustion which had threatened to overtake her numerous times during the night seemed to be winning. She had to remain alert, he hadn’t given her an instruction to the contrary.

Chloe was strong, but biology was stronger. Her body loosened even more as her eyelids fluttered shut. She’d move in a moment, she promised herself.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when she suddenly went completely still and slumped forward against his arm. His muscles flexed as they had to accommodate to the dead weight, but he didn't let her fall. She was out cold and probably would be for awhile.

Slowly, he removed his fingers from inside her, then pulled out the toy still embedded in
her ass. Removing the nylon rope around her wrists took some effort, but he managed to get the special knot undone without having to drop Chloe. He shifted his grip until he could pick her up. His knees screamed in agony at the change of position and added weight after so long on the floor, but he gritted his teeth and carried her out of the room and down the hallway.

Thankfully, the door wasn't completely closed, so he could get it open by pushing his back against it. The moment he'd set down his burden on the guest bed, he allowed himself a silent grimace of pain. Chloe wouldn't be the only one feeling uncomfortable tomorrow morning.

Lex went to the adjourning bathroom, wet a washcloth with warm water and grabbed one of the smaller towels. He returned to his sub and washed some of the worst grime off her from her face down. Careful between her legs and over her thighs, not wanting to aggravate the sensitive area anymore. He dried her off as well as possible without waking her up, then returned the washcloth and towel to the bathroom.

Silently, he walked back to the bed one more time, to pull the comforter over Chloe's naked body. He needed a shower, and maybe some preemptive painkillers. He stroked her hair back from her face, then left the room and closed the door behind him with as little sound as possible.

15th October 2006, 23:37
The sexual experiences were great as always but what really got me was the kisses, gentle touches, the way Lex took care of Chloe at the end. I loved that Lex was floored by Chloe's statement that they belonged to each other. I'm glad to see that he doesn't seem to have any problem handling that thought though. I can't wait to see how this relationship progresses.

15th October 2006, 23:44
OMG!!!!!! Excellent chapter!!!!! I was hoping you would update soon so I'm so pleased that you did today. My FAVORITE part was when Chloe said that her & Lex belonged to each other. So good! When is Chloe gonna get the real thing instead of all those toys? Loved it. Can't wait for more!

16th October 2006, 00:17
WOW, there was a lot going on in ths chapter. That was amazing. Chloe is so strong willed lasting as long as she did and Lex as well not actually not having sex with her himself but using the toys. The mention of Lana living with her made me giggle. I can't image them living in the same home as her and being this version of Chloe.

I'm glad you guys made it clear that pain won't be a large part of this arrangment. I get a kick out how Lex thinks Chloe's other dom was a big joke. I can image him getting the guy kicked out of the club.

I woudl really love to know who Chloe's freind was that took her to the clube the first time. Mmmm....maybe its not that important.

“We belong to each other now,” she whispered. It was something that should be on a card with flowery words inside. A card that neither she nor Lex would ever look at. But it was true. Their roles were firmly cemented. And it made her feel free.
This was so sweet showing how they have become attached to each other. It was rather sweet Lex tucking her but cleaning her up first. I can't image what she will think we she wakes up and she is a sleep in the guest room.

This so good and its great how close the are getting to each adn realize they are a good match. I can't wait for Lex to actully get to enjoy another part of her. I wonder if well get a kiss soon?

16th October 2006, 02:20
Oh my goodness that was hot but what is also hot is that they are falling for eachother. ;) Interesting development I say. ..

Hope :)

16th October 2006, 02:36
oh.my.good.god. :yeahbaby:

16th October 2006, 05:17
I really like the depth that each of the characters find in their roles as a dom or sub...there's a lot more to it than I ever thought. Great job!

16th October 2006, 05:26
The way Lex took care of Chloe was so sweet!! I thought it was even hotter than the way he made her cum!! I can't wait until he finally lets her pleasure him!! Great update!! Welcome back Sabby!!

16th October 2006, 05:27
Great update.

16th October 2006, 07:36
I loved that last update!!! Seriously, it was kinda bittersweet, I loved the declaration of Lex and Chloe but I then remembered the love scene of Lex and Lana and it nearly killed me. Thank god for Sabby and Blue for keeping Chlex alive!

16th October 2006, 22:35
“It was an experiment of sorts. I wanted to see if I could come again. And, I wanted to know if I would actually like having the clamps on me.”

wow! Chloe was quite a brave little explorer. Charting out the depths and limits of her own sexuality from such a young age. I see now that her preference in sex (the extreme submission) is actually an extention of that same bravery and disregard for whatever might be considered 'normal' by other people. She's amazing!

Chloe was pleased to see that her hands, unlike other parts of her body, weren’t shaking. She took the clamps from Lex’s hand, careful not to touch his skin and paused briefly. He was still attending to her breast and his touch was intoxicating.

Some doms took the view that their sub was to be well versed in their touch from the beginning of the agreement. Others, such as Lex, took the stand that their touch was a privilege. However, she did not wish to test his patience or stave off his instruction.

Impressive! Even with her body humming and thrumming from her orgasms and her thoughts coming down from the high of her mind-delving experience, Chloe is still mindful of and maintains the careful conditions that Lex has set up for their arrangement.

She understands the limits Lex has set up for her, and she obeys them more strictly than he does. She really is the perfect sub!

“Thank you,” she stated, clearly. Murmuring or whispering was a tactic used to draw a person closer.

I love all the little details that keep showing up to show the difference between the Chlex arrangement and something that might have sprung up as a bit of kinky play between two people in an actual emotional relationship.

There was something about being adorned with accessories that made it cross the line.

*sigh* more of that lovely detail that adds the extra spice to the fic :D

“I didn’t bother with the lower settings, I turned it on full power.” She’d been too far gone and hadn’t wanted to waste her time.

and Chloe's nerve and daring continues to impress me.

Lex bit down on the inside of his cheek to stifle a groan. The sight of Chloe, and the noises she was making as he started fucking her with the toy, were getting to him in a bad way.

heh... good to see Lex was also impressed. I love the way Chloe manages to test and stretch his control. Even in the completely powerless position she has placed herself in, Chloe has quite an amazing effect on Lex.

The hand that wasn't using the toy returned to massage her breasts, tugging at the clamps then flicking them with a finger, listening to her cries of his name and her favorite obscenities. An idea formed in his mind while he enjoyed her reaction as he played with her sensitive flesh.

“Maybe you'd enjoy some piercings,” he mused out loud, moving the toy faster inside her. “Some day,” he promised.

hmmm. I don't like piercings myself. But they DO sound rather hot in this context. And I think Chloe would actually enjoy them. I get the feeling that Lex could order her to get piercings and she would get it done without second thoughts. But wouldn't it be an abuse of position to order her to disfigure her body, even if she DID like the end result?

Chloe wondered how much of this her body could take. Then another thought occurred to her.
Perhaps that’s exactly what Lex was testing.

heh...Chloe finally figured it out. Was she excited or frightened by the implications?

The theory of time as a concrete ideal had been debated by scholars. Papers written and money spent on the idea. Chloe didn’t know much about that. All she knew was that time, as she knew it, had stopped existing in any real manner.

She couldn’t hazard a guess at how long she’d been at Lex’s. Not too long, not days, because her body hadn’t dehydrated yet. But a guess of six hours sounded good. As did a guess of eight hours. She knew that she’d come more times than she could count. Knew that Lex had made her go through all of her sexual partners and what she’d done to them. Knew that her pleasure was now painful. Muscles ached in a way that she’d never felt.

yeeouch! I thought Chloe might end up in this state after hearing about Lex's plan to 'keep her coming till she couldn't take it'.

Quite honestly I was concerned about two things:
1) The history lesson would continue until the point arrived when the smut would actually become tedious for the viewer to read through. Don't scoff! There IS a limit to the amount of smut that certain readers can take before they start crying for plot progression.

2) Chloe would only be able to get out of this never-ending (and undoubtedly painful) cycle by using up one of her safety words.

I was SO glad to see that neither of my concerns came to reality :D
I was glad to see that my faith in BlueSabby's writing and plotting skills was not in vain. I worship thee!

She’d been down on her knees numerous times, as well. Lex’s cock shoved far down her throat as she’d swallowed him. Come filling her mouth and waiting for the command to swallow. Four times, at least. She wondered if he’d taken something before she’d gotten there to allow him such potency. He’d quizzed about how and when she started to use her fingers to get a man off. What it felt like to have that power over them and if she did it to everyone or just the ones she really liked.

I actually wanted to hear the answers to some of these questions. Especially the one in bold. Does Chloe only use her fingers during the times when she reaaally wants to impress her dom?

But, he hadn’t fucked her. Had barely even touched her. Just the constant barrage of questions.

Such an intense session and he STILL has yet to penetrate her??!! Imagine my jaw agape!

He’d been interested in knowing how she’d gotten into the scene. Explained that she’d gone into the club with a friend of a friend who was a member. He thought it would shock her. Instead, it excited her. Felt right. She’d tried bondage and some light sub/dom stuff before. Never tried the real thing.

I was wondering about this too. The explanation might not be very detailed, but it rings true and satisfies :)

Lex took his time watching her, remaining silent as he took in her exhausted body. Her limit hadn't been reached yet, which was amazing considering he himself had lost count of how many times he'd ordered her to come over the last few hours. After coming in her mouth four times, at least he didn't have to worry about himself anymore. He was pretty sure that he couldn't get it up anymore to save his life.

Chloe truly is amazing! And Lex appreciates the fact that Chloe not only met his expectations, but far exceeded them. AND she surpassed his own physical limitations... But to be fair, women were always built for multiple orgasms and endurance, while men fared better in 'short physical sprints' ;)

Lex played with the nylon rope in his hands. She'd also mentioned that her previous dom had liked to keep her holding the same position for hours. At this point, Lex was sure she wouldn't be able to do this anymore. Chloe might not be aware of anything outside this room and his orders at this point, but he knew that her body was reaching its limits fast.

Even as Lex is always stretching her limits, he always remains AWARE of her breaking point, and always takes care to never go beyond the point of hurting her. He is a most excellent, caring, considerate and careful dom. I LOVE it!

He took his time, making his way back to Chloe and got back on his knees behind her. His knees didn't complain much about the action, thanks to the soft carpet under them.

Once more an excellent detail that makes the scene all the more real and easier to digest. I remember in a previous chapter how Lex was chagrined to discover how uncomfortable the floor was when he was testing Chloe. This time he took measures to make sure the conditions were better. A wonderful dom who acknowledges and learns from his mistakes, even when his sub remains uncomplaining.

“If you’d like to watch it inside of me,” she answered, automatically. That was part of what Chloe loved about the situation. She’d considered being a dom but with it came much responsibility. She already had enough of that in her life. She wanted to be taken care of in one sector of her life and she’d chosen her sexuality.

It actually makes sense from a psychological point of view. I've already pointed out in an earlier review how Chloe's attempt to take control during sex seemed to result in less pleasure for her, which led to her eventually handing over ALL control to more experienced and forceful men.

ALSO... Chloe seems to have been neglected and ignored throughout her formative years of relationships and dating. It makes sense that she would make up for that lack of attention by now having her dom have his complete focus and attention foremost on her and her needs.

“My body is yours,” she continued. “Do anything with it that will bring you pleasure. Please use me, Lex.” Yes, she wanted it inside of her. But her wants were secondary to Lex’s. It was his call. She was his possession.

Lex smirked at her mindless submission. She really would try and take anything for him. Whatever he decided to do to her, she would accept and willingly submit to. The feeling was heady and empowering. “Oh I will use you, don't worry. I'm not nearly done with you yet,” he threatened.

It's only recently that I began to see how this would be a gesture of extreme bravery rather than surrender.

And that line in bold would have seriously frightened me is it came from any person who is a dom of less caliber and control than Lex Luthor.

*shudder* it makes me all the more freaked out about how her previous dom would have abused this position of power before Chloe finally said 'enough!'.

He was pretty sure that her previous dom hadn't had much finesse. From the little she'd told him so far, he seemed like a crude man with crude needs that could be fulfilled by any slut or hooker. Maybe he should have a talk with Gary on the subject of checking his members more thoroughly.

Can I say how much I am loving the fact that Lex is so indignant on Chloe's behalf about the mistreatment that her dom put her through. I love how angry Lex is about how Chloe was mishandled before coming into his possession.

His eyes roamed over her body. How she managed to still remain in position when her body was probably ready to drop with exhaustion amazed him. It showed an amazing strength of will. And to have that will submitted to him without question or hesitation was a gift.

It truly IS a priceless gift, and I'm REALLY pleased to see that Lex isn't simply taking her for granted. It seems like her former-dom took her skills as his due entitlement or something. Nasty thug.

I still think that former-dom is going to be making an appearance really soon. From what I've heard, he just seems to have the kind of personality that would believe Chloe would return if ordered forcefully enough... whether she really wanted to or not.

heh... I look forward to see Chloe shooting former-dom down with her scathing reply after he tries to order her around again... And I look reaaally forward to seeing how Lex deals with him when he becomes too much of a pest :D

Lex hummed in acknowledgement but didn't change the speed or strength of the toy's thrusts. “Did he hurt you?”

Lex wasn't sure why the answer to that question was so important. It didn't serve any purpose other than to satisfy his curiosity, but he wanted to know. He wanted to know if she enjoyed it, as well. Causing another person pain was not something he'd ever been into. Unless the person happened to be a business rival and the pain was merely financial or figurative in manner. The thought that Chloe might be into all out masochism on top of submission; it was not something he wanted to have to deal with.

BlueSabby have already made it clear that Lex does NOT enjoy causing pain to his subs. But it was still thrillingly great to read through his feelings on the matter again. In this fic, a little reassurance every so often helps provide a LOT of stability for the readers.

“When he broke me in, that hurt,” she admitted. “But that couldn’t be avoided.” It was a biological fact. “But, sometimes, he would hurt me just to hear me beg or scream.” Chloe was a good sub and she took what she was given. They’d agreed to some pain but he sometimes gave her more than she could or wanted to handle.

Always after those sessions, when they were no longer in their roles, she would take him to task for it. He would be contrite and things would go along. A few months down the line he would relapse again. Chloe knew that it was because he got very into it, but it didn’t change the fact it had bothered her. She’d used her safe word more than she would have liked. If he hadn’t demanded the threesome, she now began to wonder how much longer it would have lasted.

Lousy THUG! Here's me looking SO forward to former-dom getting his come-uppence.

heh... BlueSabby are doing quite a wonderful job in setting former-dom up as a nasty villian that we would ALL love to hate... LOL!

“Do you enjoy pain?” he asked in a low voice. “Do you want to be hurt on purpose?” His arm tightened around her while his other hand pushed against the toy inside her. “Answer honestly.”

Chloe looked at her body, taking in the stark contrast of Lex’s arm on her flesh. She was pale and the color of Lex’s shirt was deep. It was a relief to be in this position. It was easier for her tired muscles to be anchored to his body. Plus, she got to feel him. While Chloe would be glad of any contact between her and a dom, she preferred more rather than less. Chloe liked to be touched.

She knew that Lex did not want the answer that she’d do anything if it pleased him. He was looking for direction from her. A good dom would not gain pleasure from something that they knew their sub did not truly enjoy. Though others still had not learned that lesson.

“No,” she breathed out. The word, in this situation, seemed odd. It was not a word that a sub often said. Having it trip across her lips seemed incongruous to what they were doing.

“I don’t like pain,” she added. But, it seemed, her body liked what Lex was doing to it. It was his voice. Directly in her ear. Chloe learned that this was an effective way of Lex’s to ready her. Whether he knew it or not was open to debate.

He inhaled deeply as relief settled in his chest. “Good,” he murmured into her neck, then placed a soft kiss to the sweaty skin.

*swoon*... All this time they have been engaging in the most personal and intimate kind of contact... both mind and body, yet here was the part where I felt like they had made a real connection. Especially the part where Lex KISSED her as a means of expressing his approval... and affection...?

There was nothing but need and desire written all over her features and he could feel the shivers running through her body against his own chest. “You've been so good today,” he spoke slowly. “Giving everything to please me, opening up yourself for me and showing me everything I want to see.”

*sigh* and continueing the connection... Lex proceeds to spill his guts about how satisfied he is about how open, upfront and sincere she has been during this trying session.

He looked at them in the mirror, Chloe in front of him, naked, sweating and exhausted, held up by nothing but his arm around her chest and still straining to please him, moving into everything he decided to give her. He was surrounding her like a shadow, the only thing breaking through the dark colors of his persona being his face next to hers. To him, they looked stunning. The perfect picture of surrender and control.

The image here just took my breath away. Magnificient visual... amazing writing!

“I see us,” she stated. But Lex was looking for more. “I see my dom controlling me and me bending to his will. I see myself loving it, craving it and knowing that I will need more. I see my dom exerting his full power over me. Taking responsibility of me.” She paused, thinking that he hadn’t given her more than she could handle. “Taking care of me.”

She trusts him completely now. She believes that he can handle whatever needs she might have, AND he would never allow any harm to come to her.

“We belong to each other now,” she whispered. It was something that should be on a card with flowery words inside. A card that neither she nor Lex would ever look at. But it was true. Their roles were firmly cemented. And it made her feel free.

Lex was taken aback at her last whispered statement, but didn't falter in his motions. He kissed her temple once again then ordered her to come for him. While she shuddered and screamed through her orgasm in his arms, Lex's body held on tight, keeping her anchored against his chest. His mind was somewhere else entirely.

We belong to each other now. It went beyond what he'd expected to hear. He'd been pushing for another admission of her submission, along with the revelation that would come later, that everything else fell away in the face of the pleasure she gained from submitting to him.

WOW!!! oh wowowowow!!! And I thought there was a profound connection earlier... But that was NO-thing compared to what passed between them during Chloe's final statement. Lex admits that he is bound as completely to Chloe as she is to him. HOW will this beautiful arrangement come to an end??!! Who is going to back out first? Who is going to be able to LET GO first?!

Instead she'd gone one step further and pulled him in, made him face that it was the same picture on the other side of the coin. For him, too, everything fell away the moment he shifted into his role as dom. He wasn't a cut-throat business man anymore, or a son trying to make the best of the gruesome heritage of a bastard father. He was simply Lex, controlling and taking care of Chloe, giving her everything she needed and taking pleasure from it.

I just LOVE seeing the deep and profound influence Chloe has over Lex. He's not in love, and he might never actually fall in love... but there is something deep and strong forming.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when she suddenly went completely still and slumped forward against his arm. His muscles flexed as they had to accommodate to the dead weight, but he didn't let her fall. She was out cold and probably would be for awhile.

Lex went to the adjourning bathroom, wet a washcloth with warm water and grabbed one of the smaller towels. He returned to his sub and washed some of the worst grime off her from her face down. Careful between her legs and over her thighs, not wanting to aggravate the sensitive area anymore. He dried her off as well as possible without waking her up, then returned the washcloth and towel to the bathroom.

Silently, he walked back to the bed one more time, to pull the comforter over Chloe's naked body. He needed a shower, and maybe some preemptive painkillers. He stroked her hair back from her face, then left the room and closed the door behind him with as little sound as possible.

Like I mentioned. I thought this session would only stop when Chloe used her safeword to tell Lex 'no more!'. I certainly didn't expect it to go on past the point of exhaustion and consciousness. Chloe didn't expect it either... Lex however not only expected it, but even planned and prepared for it.

He truly IS a frighteningly, freakishly amazing dom. He seriously scares me!

*phew* this has to be one of the longest reviews I have EVER left.

heh... consider it to be a big 'welcome back Sabby'. We all missed you, and we missed the updates on this fic. Please update soon. I was seriously suffering from jitters and aches from the lack of updates on 'The Arrangment', and I don't think I can take much more delay before the next chapter rolls around...

please, please PLEASE write quickly.

Has this whole thing been plotted out to the end? Do BlueSabby know how it's going to finish? DON'T tell me the end, just tell me whether it has been planned out... ;)

17th October 2006, 01:04
What a beautiful chapter. How you put together the intensity of the session to the gentleness afterwards. They truly belong together. As always you rock!!!!!

17th October 2006, 05:58
AMAZING!!!! To write anything else would be superfluous...

17th October 2006, 19:22
*waves* Hello all. Thanks for the ongoing amazing feedback. We love it to pieces and get excited about it every time. I for one am surprised we haven't lost readers, but instead gained them, what with the controversial subject of this story and all.

Anyways, the reason for this post is also a quick answer to Somethingeasy's question whether:

Has this whole thing been plotted out to the end? Do BlueSabby know how it's going to finish? DON'T tell me the end, just tell me whether it has been planned out...

Well, you see, plans are tricky things. They pop up, they mutate, they get lost between the brain and the mouth especially when time passes and other projects fall in between....

So as far as plotline planning goes....We do not have pretty story boards and a lot of what we write 99.9% is off the cuff in the moment "So, what do we do now?" type stuff. There will be an end to this story, for sure...we just haven't quite gotten around to it yet, so there's no specific plans.

But in any case, we're still glad you all enjoy the story so much and keep giving us this wonderful feedback that makes us want to write and post stuff here.

Catch you on the flipside!


18th October 2006, 02:01
Cheese and freakin crackers! That was a beautiful update! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

That ending just cements what the dom/sub relationship is in my head. It's an equal partnership like most relationships should be, just in an entirely different context. And maybe just a tid bit more of taboo associated with it.

18th October 2006, 02:11
Well, you see, plans are tricky things. They pop up, they mutate, they get lost between the brain and the mouth especially when time passes and other projects fall in between....

So as far as plotline planning goes....We do not have pretty story boards and a lot of what we write 99.9% is off the cuff in the moment "So, what do we do now?" type stuff. There will be an end to this story, for sure...we just haven't quite gotten around to it yet, so there's no specific plans.

Wow! I have to say I am doubly impressed by the writing. For a fic that is being conceived, planned and plotted spontaneously on a chapter by chapter basis... this fic is truly AMAZING, and fantastically coherent... with a clear and steady progression in the plot line. I am in awe!

please update soon.

oh, and thanks for taking time out to answer my silly little question. Good luck with the writing. Here's me wishing you insight, inspiration and productivity ;)

18th October 2006, 09:31
yay! lex finally kissed chloe. it sounds so weird saying that given all the other things they've done. but it was very sweet. i love the whole, "we belong to each other," statement because its so true; lex can't get what he needs from the arrangment unless chloe is willing to give it so their pleasures/happiness are truly intertwined. wonderful update!

19th October 2006, 10:50
great update, loved how lex inserted himself into chloe's sexual history and how at the end lex took care of chloe. great work, can't wait for the next installment

23rd October 2006, 03:21
I need an update... pretty please?

23rd October 2006, 17:25
Just found the latest update. SPECTACULAR. As always your fic is amazing. Can't wait to see if the relationship between Lex and Chloe develops into anything else - DOM/SUB of a more permenant nature. Possible piercings are an interesting idea - but would it be limited to nipples or go further. Like always, more of my kink boundaries are widened.

Can't wait for the update!!!

24th October 2006, 22:07
Fantastic update I loved it :D More soon please!

28th October 2006, 18:20
A/N: Blue: Which one of these is not like the other? An odd chapter in this fic awaits you. Enjoy and thank you for the great feedback, support and debate that you've all given us.

A/N Sabby: I was trying to say something funny, too. But Blue's is better so...what she said.

Chloe awoke slowly. Usually, her alarm would bleat at her urgently, telling her that not only did she need to get up but it needed to happen now. There was no alarm, or familiar sounds of street traffic. While she could afford much more, she lived in a second floor walkup. She liked her artsy neighborhood and intended to stay there for at least another year or two.

But she didn’t hear any of the screeching tires or honking horns. In another moment she realized that she wasn’t in her bed. That epiphany was followed by the deduction that she must still be at Lex’s.

Chloe gingerly sat up, all too aware of the aching muscles present in almost every part of her body. She looked around the room and the first thing that her gaze settled upon was the mirror directly across from the bed.

Her hair was a total mess. Matted in some places and flattened against her head. However, there were also quite a few strands standing up and out from her skull. When she looked over at the clock in the room she was surprised to see that it was close to ten in the morning. As a rule, she was usually out of bed by this point in time.

As she scooted over to the side of the bed she hissed in discomfort. She hadn’t been able to take any aspirin before she had fallen asleep, or passed out, whichever way you wanted to put it, and she was paying the price now.

She looked around the room and saw her clothes from the night before folded on a chair, her shoes tucked under the chair. On the chair next to it, she saw a pair of jeans and a tank top, placed under that chair was a pair of sandals. The implication was clear to her.

When she stood up, Chloe swayed on her feet briefly. The pain was always the worst first thing in the morning and during the first steps you took. She knew this and knew that she would feel better in about half an hour.

As she reached out for the new clothes on the chair, she noticed that her wrists bore the marks of the rope that Lex had used to bind her last night. Her brow furrowed as she examined them closely. They weren’t too noticeable so they should fade by Monday morning.

Once in the bathroom, she noticed that the counter had been stocked with what Lex had previously instructed her to clean her body inside and out with. She couldn’t wait to get into the shower.

Lex had slept like a log after popping four prescription painkillers and woken up around seven in the morning. The feeling of 'just got ran over by a greyhound bus' disappeared after the first two cups of coffee and he was on his third when he heard the shower start in the guest bedroom.

He'd had the new clothes brought up and placed them in her room himself, making sure her decency was kept safe from the curious eyes of the help. That had been around eight and he'd taken his time in preparing breakfast once he'd realized Chloe was out like a light and likely not waking up soon.

Taking a swig from his coffee, he smirked into the business section of the newspaper and waited for her to appear. He was curious how this little run in would go, since he didn't plan on assuming his dom character this morning. He wanted to enjoy his breakfast and then take a slow start into an even slower Saturday.

The door to the guestroom opened and Lex put down the newspaper and his mug. Ambling over to the coffee machine, he poured another large mug of coffee and waited until he heard the sound of... bare feet slapping onto the cold tiles.

Lex turned around with an arched brow. “Milk or sugar?” Then he let his gaze travel down her front, taking in the simple but still form fitting outfit the help had gotten all the way to her bare feet. “Shoes?” He was pretty sure a pair of sandals had come with the rest of the outfit.

“Still in the bedroom,” Chloe reported. She didn’t wear shoes unless it was necessary and she didn’t think this constituted such an occasion. She was glad to see that one of her questions was already answered.

She had wondered if they were to start right in on their next session together. However, Lex’s tone of voice and body language was all wrong for being in dom mode. “And both please,” she said, looking around the kitchen.

During her time at Lex’s place she hadn’t really seen much of it. Just the entrance way and the study they’d used last night and a guest bedroom. The place was much warmer than the Manor in Smallville had been but still lacking something. Maybe a woman’s touch. She wouldn’t bother to hold her breath on that one happening again for Lex.

He silently held out a mug after putting in her preferred garnishes of choice for coffee and she took it gratefully. She actually didn’t drink it all that much anymore but she needed some at the moment.

“Thanks,” she said. She looked out of the kitchen, in the opposite direction of the entrance way. There was some other room back there. “How big is this place, anyway?”

Lex turned around to the stove and started preparing a second plate. “Not that big,” he shrugged as he scooped some scrambled eggs and sausages onto a plate. “Five bedrooms, a study, entertainment room,” he picked two slices of toast from the small oven and put them on the plate as he continued, “living room, four bathrooms and this kitchen.” With that he turned around and carried the plate to the counter that served as a breakfast table for him.

Placing the plate across from his own he cocked his head to the side and waited for Chloe to settle down. “Come on, food's getting cold.”

“Right,” she said, shaking her head and smiling a little, “it’s downright tiny.” She supposed your view on the subject was relative. Compared to other places that Lex had probably lived, this penthouse was cozy. If you asked her, the place was gigantic.

Chloe gingerly sat down on one of the stools that stood in front of the counter. They were wooden and didn’t have much padding. She winced a little as she settled herself down. When she looked at the heaping plate in front of her she turned towards Lex.

“How much food do you think I require, Lex?” Chloe picked up a piece of toast and spread some butter on it. Lex was still watching her and it was starting to get to her. When she glanced back at him she said, “Did I grow a second head or something?”

Lex shook his head. “I was just wondering how you would react to the consequences of fainting somewhere in the middle of the street, which would result in somebody calling an ambulance, who in turn would inevitably examine you and find the more obvious marks of last nights session, hook you up to an IV and when you come back around you would receive a nice lecture about the dangers of sexual play in combination with malnourishment.”

He looked her straight in the eyes while he painted out that little scenario, which wasn't all too far out there, considering the amount of calories she had burned during the hours of their extended session. She'd passed out last night, if she didn't eat now, she wouldn't make it halfway through the day without fainting again. Not to mention, that she wouldn't get any painkillers from him if she didn't have a solid foundation in her stomach.

Smirk firmly in place he picked up a small silver shaker and held it out to her. “Salt?”

Chloe wordlessly took the proffered item for a second. She shook it twice before answering him. “I suppose I’d react the way I always do, of course.”

Lex was being a little not melodramatic but something that was a close cousin about the whole thing. The odds of her actually passing out on her way back to her place were minimal. Especially since she was going to take a cab. But she didn’t think that Lex wanted to hear about that.

Now Lex was looking at her a little differently. He was leaning forward and his face had gotten serious, if not a little pinched. Oh, did he really think….

“I’m kidding, Lex,” she said, slowly. Then smiled brightly up at him. “If I had known that you were that gullible I would have tried to convince you to sign all of your worldly goods over to me.” She shoved a forkful of the eggs into her mouth to placate him.

“I'm not gullible, I just learned the hard way never to underestimate the stupidity, or the deliberate cruelty of people,” he answered her comment.

Watching her tuck into her breakfast went a long way to keep him from getting too irritated by her snark. As a matter of fact, it was amusing, in a way.

He returned to his newspaper and picked up his coffee mug. There was still a good part of the business section he hadn't read. Apparently it was open season on the pharmaceutical market. He wondered if he should acquire another company in that sector.

That part of the conversation was clearly over. Lex had picked up the paper and started reading it. Leaving Chloe to eat her breakfast in peace. Which wasn’t what she wanted at the moment. It wasn’t as if she and Lex talked all that much when they were together. Screaming each other’s names just didn’t count.

However, she didn’t want to bother him more than was necessary. She peered around him, looking for the other parts of the paper. Chloe didn’t do anything that she considered work on Saturday. It was a rule she tried to live by.

She reached under Lex, he held the paper a little above the counter, trying to get at the Lifestyle section. She tugged at it twice before she noticed the problem. One of Lex’s big mitts was resting on the paper.

Chloe rolled her eyes and said, “Lex, may I please see the paper,” in a monotone voice. She tried to jerk the section out from under his hand but he kept it there. “Is there another magic word that I’m not aware of?”

Lex slowly folded the paper to look around it at Chloe. She was clearly vexed by her inability to get at the section she was grabbing for. That would teach her to simply reach towards his crotch without any respect for his personal space whatsoever.

“Your problem isn't vocabulary, it's timing.”

He tried to keep a straight face in front of an increasingly disgruntled Chloe. Her nose was wrinkling up in irritation and her eyebrows pulled down in a frown of frustration at her inability to get what she wanted.

“You're supposed to ask first and then reach for whatever it is you want, or you wait until it's given to you,” he explained as seriously as possible.

“Wanna try again?” he asked

Lex couldn't resist to let the grin show on his face at that point. She looked kind of cute when she was vexed.

“No, I don’t,” she said. She had thought that she and Lex were past niceties but she’d been wrong. Yes, he had a point but he didn’t need to instruct her like she was a child.

The grin on his face only pissed her off even more. Which seemed to amuse him even more. She turned away from him and instead read the paper that he had put down. She didn’t touch it or move it towards her, just read what she was able to without moving either herself or the paper.

Lex picked it up with a flourish. Fine, she could work around it. He fanned the paper out, making a big deal of it, and held it with both hands as he read. Chloe merely leaned forward and read the back of the paper that Lex held.

Yes, she was being silly but she didn’t care. Lex was her dom, not Ms. Manners.

Lex shook his head again and tried to remember the last time he'd been amused by something that should clearly have been annoying as hell.

He knew she was reading the backside of his paper and that she'd sooner bite off her tongue than accept defeat and plainly ask him for it, nicely. How this woman had ever become a sub was really beyond him.

Relenting with a sigh he lowered the paper, ready to hand over the parts he didn't particularly care about or had already read. And promptly broke out in laughter at the sight of Chloe with her head cocked to the side, looking like an eager puppy in her concentration to read the bottom part of the paper. “I give in,” he managed to get out between breaths.

Victory was hers. That was what she should focus on. What she would be focusing on if it was anyone else but Lex. But, it was Lex.

Lex who she hadn’t had a thing for in Smallville, she’d been too busy with Clark, but had noticed that the once or twice she’d heard it, she’d liked his laugh.

Lex who had pushed her to and past her physical capabilities and who’d seen her naked and exposed.

This shouldn’t be happening just from hearing him laugh. She was turned on. But not in the ‘I must have you now’ sort of way. More in the pleasant full body tingle kind of way.

There was something more arousing to her at seeing him relaxed and having a good time than there was at the thought of him commanding her. Maybe it was because she’d already had the latter numerous times but the former was still something new to her.

Her expression had changed and she was looking at him oddly. Lex's laughter tapered off and he put the paper aside, straitening out some of the wrinkles in it. His gaze cut back to Chloe who was still looking at him with some kind of expression he couldn't really place. “What is it?”

She didn't look at him like he'd grown a second head, but the look was a little uncomfortable in its intensity. Granted, he didn't laugh a lot, but it wasn't so out of place that it would be considered something worth staring at, was it?

Chloe shook her head at first. She could only imagine the sort of look she was giving him. She didn’t know how to explain it to him without weirding him out. “Nothing,” she murmured.

But that wasn’t true. “You laughing.” She knew that that wasn’t going to be enough of an explanation for the man sitting beside her. “I like it.” And now she sounded like a four year old.

Lex was still looking at her, waiting for more. Clearing her throat, she said, “It turned me on.” Thinking that she’d done as best as she could, Chloe picked up the paper and started to read it.

Lex just sat there.

Staring at her.

Not saying anything.

Chloe picked up her fork and started to eat. She didn’t taste any of the food but that wasn’t the point. The point was that she needed an activity.

Why had she told him? It had been stupid but he’d asked a question and she thought that honesty would be the best policy in the situation. Obviously she was wrong. Because Lex kept staring at her. If he didn’t move soon, she’d be forced to check for a pulse.

He was trying to figure out what the hell was going on. During their last lesson, he'd learned that she pretty much had given up on finding gratification the normal way. She'd basically made it clear that it took being controlled to turn her on.

Now she was sitting there, telling him that his laughter was causing the same reaction she got when he ordered her to get down on her knees. It was odd, to say the least. He hadn't once slipped into dom mode this morning so that couldn't be a trigger for her reaction.

Of course, a basic attraction had to be present between them for this arrangement to work, but it still begged the question, what caused her to react this way to him outside of said arrangement?

They hadn't spent much time together outside of their sessions, so it was a little difficult to know if there were other things she reacted to in the same way as his laughter. “Did you notice anything else in the same vein?” he finally asked.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire. This was not a discussion that she wanted to have. Or, she thought, they should have. Maybe. It was a little strange to talk about what she found attractive about Lex, besides his body parts and ability to command her properly.

She peered up at him, her food and paper momentarily forgotten. Did he really want to do this? She saw the resolve on his face and sighed. Yes, yes he did.

“Your voice,” she said, simply. She turned back to the paper and read the same sentence again, almost holding her breath and waiting for his reaction.

Lex's brow rose and he took a swig of his coffee. That was pretty general. He could see that she was uncomfortable with this discussion, but it wouldn't hurt to know where they stood. This was a business arrangement, of a sort, and the terms had to be clear for the contract to be upheld.

“My voice in general or the tone I use during our sessions?”

He was aware of and deliberately used the difference between his tone as a dom and his every day talk in conversation. It had served to scare the hell out of some potential business rivals who found out about their own hidden submissive tendencies that way.

“Your voice in general,” Chloe answered. She had, of course, noticed the differences between the two. In their sessions, it was mostly devoid of any emotion. But, it was more the cadence of it when he spoke to her when they were out of their role playing.

She turned a page of the paper, having to fight with it briefly before origamiing it to bend it to her will. Lex was silent again. Giving her enough rope to hang herself with numerous times over. And, apparently, she was going to pick up the slack and go for it.

“Plus,” she said, still fighting with the paper, “you’re handsome. Not too pretty or too rugged. Just, you know,” she made a hand gesture, “a good looking man.”

Lex sipped more from his coffee, trying to digest the information. He made a face when the cold, bitter brew went down.

Getting up from the table, he went to replace his coffee with a fresh one. Lex had been called good looking before. In many different words and with a lot of gushing and fanning. It was flattering to be complimented but it got old after a while. Still, it was nice to hear it coming out in an honest and straight forward way. With an offhanded gesture no less.

He took a swig from the new coffee and remained where he was for a moment. So Chloe was attracted to his laughter, his voice and his looks in general. Nothing that would get in the way of their arrangement.

She was also still burying her nose in the paper, refusing to look at him. This was obviously embarrassing to her for some reason. Her foot was tapping against the leg of her barstool as if she was fighting the urge to jump and run. Maybe it was time to let her off the hook.

“Anything interesting in the society pages?”

Lex was letting the subject drop. And none too soon for Chloe. If left to her own devices, she might let it slip that she constantly wanted to bite him where his jaw met his neck. She’d keep that one to herself.

“Not really,” she commented, looking over the section. “Just the usual suspects up to their usual shenanigans.” She shook her head at the item mentioning an underage shipping heiress drinking so much that she had to be airlifted to the hospital.

Chloe settled herself more firmly on the stool, moving closer to where Lex had been sitting. She looked over her shoulder at where he stood. “No mention of you, I’m happy to report.” She thought about it for a moment. “You seem to have outgrown that.”

She turned back to her paper and Lex sat back down after a few more seconds. She was reaching out for her coffee, her eyes still on her paper, but her fingers kept only brushing up against the mug. After a moment of this, Lex moved her mug until she could reach it. Eyes still focused on the story she was reading, she said, “Thanks.”

Amused by her complete absorption in the paper, he turned back to his own sections. He did still make the newspapers, only these days it was usually on the business rather than the society pages.

It took a few minutes of silence, but slowly the oddness of the situation sunk in.

Lex had gotten used to spending most of his day alone, especially during meal times when he wasn't required to combine a meeting with wining and dining. The presence of another person for his breakfast routine was not something he was accustomed to. But the really odd thing about the situation was that he didn't mind as much as he thought he should.

Lowering the paper, he made a grab for his coffee cup. His gaze fell on Chloe's still filled plate. She had barely eaten more than three bites. A quick glance to the left showed her still absorbed by whatever news she was reading.

Lex reached for the plate and used her fork to spoon some of the eggs onto one of the toasts, then pushed the plate to roughly the same position where her coffee cup sat. If she didn't react to the silent suggestion, he'd have to drop into his dom mode after all.

Chloe hadn’t noticed the silence in the room until it was broken by the sound of a plate being scraped across the counter top. When her eyes traveled over to it, she saw that Lex had piled one of the pieces of toast high with eggs. Subtle, she thought.

She’d momentarily, okay maybe not momentarily, gotten distracted by what she was reading. Some of the items in the paper were downright hilarious. Keeping her eyes on the paper was a hard thing to do while moving but she managed to accomplish it while taking a bite of the toast.

Sure, some bits fell into her lap but she quickly picked them up and put them back on her plate. Once she was focused on the paper, she moved a little more to her right. As of now, she was stuck in between two of the hanging lamps that were bolted above the countertop. She needed better light.

Lex reached for his coffee mug again, his arm brushing against some unidentified part of Chloe with the motion. He took a large swig, then placed the mug back on the counter, again brushing against her.

His brows drew together and he flipped down a corner of his paper to look over at her. He blinked twice, trying to figure out why she was practically sitting in his lap while still ignoring him.

Then something else penetrated his mind. He wasn't bothered. Why wasn't he bothered? Usually his personal space had a radius of at least five feet. Now, there wasn't even five inches between them. And he wasn't bothered by the proximity.

Shaking his head, he flipped the corner of the paper back up and tried to focus on the article he'd been reading. He still couldn't figure out why he wasn't bothered. Even less, why he had yet to shift away. It had to have to do with the fact that she was his sub. Different rules and all.

He grabbed for his coffee mug again and, again, his arm brushed against Chloe's side. Nope, still not bothered. Odd.

Chloe’s natural inclination when someone kept rubbing, bumping or brushing up against her was to elbow them. Hard. Somewhere where it would hurt. But she couldn’t do that in this situation. Mostly because she was the one trespassing on Lex’s space.

She laid her folded paper on the counter and absently ran her thumb over her bottom lip. After reading about the socialites, she had moved on to the crossword. Before actually grabbing a writing utensil, she usually liked to scope out the clues.

If a crossword was impossible, she didn’t bother even starting it. But this one seemed fairly simple.

Lex reached for his mug again, touching her. Now that her brain wasn’t as occupied, her body started to notice the friction a little more.

She looked up from her paper and around the kitchen. She didn’t see a pen. When she spotted one, she almost reached over Lex to get it. Not wanting to repeat their earlier malarkey she said, “Lex, could you please pass me that pen,” while pointing at it.

The paper was slowly lowered to the desk. The formality of the question made a grin twitch at his mouth, but he was smart enough to hide it this time. He picked up the pen and held it out to her.

Taking a glance at her paper to find the crossword he'd expected to see, his eyes got caught on the first vertical. “Hit me baby, 7 letters?” His brows drew together. “Frazier?”

Chloe chuckled. Lex was clearly on a different level than the crossword puzzle. She took the pen from his hand and leaned forward to fill in the boxes. “It’s not a boxing clue, Lex,” she said.

She made sure to clearly write B-R-I-T-N-E-Y on the paper. “As in Spears,” she explained, just in case. “You’re thinking way too hard for this paper.” She checked the next clue and then filled in the boxes with Picasso.

The smile which graced her face quickly faded when she saw the next clue. She was crap at mostly anything scientific. Math she could do, but it didn’t seem like it was a math clue. She leaned forward a little more, as if being closer to the paper would make her smarter. “Outermost energy?” She looked over at Lex, who had also pulled closer to the paper. “Little help here.”

Lex counted out the boxes and nodded as in confirmation. He took a breath and thought about giving her a longer explanation, but released it, thinking better of that idea. “Valence.”

He braced his arm on the counter to get a better look at the other clues offered by the paper. Personal space was pretty much non existent now, but it still didn't bother him. That in turn did bother him a little though.

Noticing that he'd stared at the inch between their bodies rather than the crossword, he averted his eyes and concentrated on the clues. ...Gallore (Austin) “Pussy.”

Thankfully, Chloe had seen the clue before Lex made his declaration. Otherwise, things would have gotten very weird. Weirder than they already were, that is.

They worked together quietly for another minute or so, filling out most of the boxes but sometimes getting stumped. “Quarterback..too many letters, punter….oh,” Chloe said, when she realized the answer for ‘Baller position.’

“Tight end,” she murmured as she wrote the two words down. This happened sometimes, she’d noticed. The crossword people sometimes had vaguely dirty minds. She usually found it amusing. It was less so now, sitting next to Lex so close.

His mind wasn't usually in the gutter, but when the innuendoes kept coming, even he couldn't help it. Considering who was sitting next to him, Lex was getting mildly uncomfortable with the situation. It wouldn't say much about his self control if he started another session at the drop of a hat now.

When his eyes fell on the next clue, the limit was reached.

His gaze cut up to Chloe wondering if she'd noticed the clue yet. The look on her face told him she had, and that the situation was making her uncomfortable as well. He leaned back and grabbed for his cup of coffee, getting a little more distance between them.

“I think I've had about enough of crosswords for now.”

“I agree,” Chloe said, dropping the pen back onto the counter. And she thought that she had had enough of this strange situation that she and Lex found themselves in.

She stood up and looked at her wrist. Which was, she now remembered, devoid of a watch. The clock on the wall told her all that she needed to know. She should go. Preferably sooner rather than later.

“Thanks for breakfast but if there isn’t anything else, I should go.” It gave Lex the opening for another session if that’s what he had in mind. She didn’t think so but it was best to check.

“Yes,” he agreed whole heartedly with her statement.

When she looked at him oddly, he realized the inherent ambiguity of his statement. “I meant, there's nothing else. I'll call you some time next week to set up a meeting.”

This situation was getting a little awkward. “Don't forget your shoes,” he reminded her when she nodded and practically bolted from her seat.

Shaking his head, he remembered his own manners. He should at least bring her to the door, not stay in his seat looking like an idiot. What had given him the idea to go for breakfast together, anyway?

Once back in the guest bedroom, Chloe gathered up the clothes that she had worn to Lex’s the night before. She looked around and spotted a simple, black tote bag. After she shoved the items in the bag, she put on the sandals that had been left for her.

Why had things gotten so weird? It didn’t make any logical sense. They hadn’t even been doing anything. But, it didn’t do to dwell on it. She’d just take her leave and things would be better next time they saw one another.

Her body was glad that it was getting a break. But Lex was pretty good about recognizing those things so she shouldn’t have been surprised.

She walked back towards the door of the penthouse and saw Lex standing there, hands shoved in his pockets. He was turned away from her so she made some noise as she approached, she didn’t want to startle him.

Lex turned from his intense contemplation of nothing in particular and opened the door for her. A glance down revealed that the sandals seemed to fit. The jeans sat a little tight, but they did a lot to show off her luscious curves and the tank top didn't quite meet the waistband, flashing a small strip of her belly. Never mind the ample cleavage. Lex wasn't sure if he should fire the maid who had bought the clothes, or give her a raise.

He forced his eyes back to Chloe's face, and managed a smirk. “Have a good day, Chloe.”

“You too, Lex,” she said. The look that he had given her hadn’t gone unnoticed. But her body ached too much to get turned on.

As Chloe boarded the elevator, she wondered what Lex had in mind for their next meeting.
Lex wandered back into the kitchen and stared for a moment at the offending crossword. Quirking his brows, he picked up the pen and wrote down the answer that had ended this morning after.


28th October 2006, 19:25
OMG!!!! Loved this chapter. They feel really comfortable with each other outside the dom/sub thing. I think they really could have a relationship work here. Oh...so glad you updated. More please.

28th October 2006, 21:06
Am I weird if I say this is my favorite chapter yet? I mean I like smut as much as the next person who will be reviewing this fic, but sometimes it's chapters like this one that really make me happy. I like seeing the changes in their situation. It means that this has a shot at being more than just sex. I love the idea of Chloe and Lex working on a crossword together and finding out it was a naughty one. I can't wait for more.

28th October 2006, 23:39
Oh my goodness I got hot even though they did nothing. How sick is that. :rofl: I guess domestic stuff turns me on. LOL! I have a feeling they are starting to go to a place they thought they were safe from. This feeling of closeness will either break them or see eachother in a different way.

Hope :)

28th October 2006, 23:53
It was sweet and awkward at the same time. It makes me think that they're more comfortable in their sub/dom relationship rather than a normal one. As always a fantastic chapter.

29th October 2006, 00:50
Ohmigosh! I didn’t think it would be possible for me to love this fic more than I already do. But this hilariously awkward morning after passed me over from love to OBSESSION!

The tone was completely different from previous chapters, but it fit in so well with the established story line. Not only simply fit in but it also carried the plot to new and interesting places.

Brilliant work! Funny as hell!

Chloe awoke slowly. Usually, her alarm would bleat at her urgently, telling her that not only did she need to get up but it needed to happen now. There was no alarm, or familiar sounds of street traffic. While she could afford much more, she lived in a second floor walkup. She liked her artsy neighborhood and intended to stay there for at least another year or two.

Lovely intro. A nice way to ease Chloe into realizing that ‘something’s a little… off’. LOL!
I also liked the way Chloe’s living arrangements were described. How she preferred staying in a place that was quirky rather than settling for the ‘posh flat’ that her higher income bracket would allow her to inhabit.

Her hair was a total mess. Matted in some places and flattened against her head. However, there were also quite a few strands standing up and out from her skull. When she looked over at the clock in the room she was surprised to see that it was close to ten in the morning. As a rule, she was usually out of bed by this point in time.

I also appreciated the little extra bit of realism injected over here about how last night’s intense work-out left her completely wrung out… in physical aches and pain as well as in physical appearances.

None of that ridiculous Disney Princess waking up looking enticingly disheveled LOL!

She looked around the room and saw her clothes from the night before folded on a chair, her shoes tucked under the chair. On the chair next to it, she saw a pair of jeans and a tank top, placed under that chair was a pair of sandals. The implication was clear to her.

LOL! Clothes all newly purchased right down to a pair of sandals. Nice bit of planning ahead on Lex’s part… AND he must have bought all this stuff before the session even started. Wow!

When she stood up, Chloe swayed on her feet briefly. The pain was always the worst first thing in the morning and during the first steps you took. She knew this and knew that she would feel better in about half an hour.

Also a nice bit of detail that I REALLY appreciated. After MY most intense Judo lessons, the hardest part is always going to the toilet in the morning. The rest is (comparatively) smooth sailing.

As she reached out for the new clothes on the chair, she noticed that her wrists bore the marks of the rope that Lex had used to bind her last night. Her brow furrowed as she examined them closely. They weren’t too noticeable so they should fade by Monday morning.

Erm… I don’t remember any ropes in the last update. Am I going senile, or did we skip over the bondage?

Once in the bathroom, she noticed that the counter had been stocked with what Lex had previously instructed her to clean her body inside and out with. She couldn’t wait to get into the shower.

*snort*… it figures that Lex would have her engage in intensive washing and cleaning even when he didn’t actually have anything planned for the next morning. Does he just want her clean all the time, or does he want to keep her guessing?

Lex had slept like a log after popping four prescription painkillers and woken up around seven in the morning. The feeling of 'just got ran over by a greyhound bus' disappeared after the first two cups of coffee and he was on his third when he heard the shower start in the guest bedroom.

It was REALLY gratifying to know that Lex was also feeling some severe aftereffects from last night. I know that the balance of power favours him, but it really wouldn’t be fair to have Chloe in agony while Lex would blithely continue along with the rest of the day unscathed.

Taking a swig from his coffee, he smirked into the business section of the newspaper and waited for her to appear. He was curious how this little run in would go, since he didn't plan on assuming his dom character this morning. He wanted to enjoy his breakfast and then take a slow start into an even slower Saturday.

I really liked this. I LOVED seeing Lex so casual and relaxed. It was fantastic to see that billionaire business-men doms can also take a day off every now and then. Not only from domination, but also from the ruthless and unforgiving pacing of the high-stakes business world.

She had wondered if they were to start right in on their next session together. However, Lex’s tone of voice and body language was all wrong for being in dom mode. “And both please,” she said, looking around the kitchen.

Good to see that Chloe responded properly to the relaxed tone of her dom.

During her time at Lex’s place she hadn’t really seen much of it. Just the entrance way and the study they’d used last night and a guest bedroom. The place was much warmer than the Manor in Smallville had been but still lacking something. Maybe a woman’s touch. She wouldn’t bother to hold her breath on that one happening again for Lex.

Hmmmm. I wonder if there is any rule about subs getting a say in decorating and furnishing their dom’s living quarters. I also wonder whether Chloe is going to have to store some of her clothes in Lex’s apartment sometime in the future. Maybe stick the pantry with her favourite cereal? Put her personal toiletries in one of the bathrooms?

Lex turned around to the stove and started preparing a second plate. “Not that big,” he shrugged as he scooped some scrambled eggs and sausages onto a plate. “Five bedrooms, a study, entertainment room,” he picked two slices of toast from the small oven and put them on the plate as he continued, “living room, four bathrooms and this kitchen.” With that he turned around and carried the plate to the counter that served as a breakfast table for him.

“Right,” she said, shaking her head and smiling a little, “it’s downright tiny.” She supposed your view on the subject was relative. Compared to other places that Lex had probably lived, this penthouse was cozy. If you asked her, the place was gigantic.

Not that big at all… ROFLMAO! Five bedrooms??!! FIVE??? What does he do with so many of them?

Lex shook his head. “I was just wondering how you would react to the consequences of fainting somewhere in the middle of the street, which would result in somebody calling an ambulance, who in turn would inevitably examine you and find the more obvious marks of last nights session, hook you up to an IV and when you come back around you would receive a nice lecture about the dangers of sexual play in combination with malnourishment.”

He has reaaaally thought about this. Or perhaps speaking from horrible bitter experience? I wonder if any sub/woman implicated him in some kind of abuse charges.

He looked her straight in the eyes while he painted out that little scenario, which wasn't all too far out there, considering the amount of calories she had burned during the hours of their extended session. She'd passed out last night, if she didn't eat now, she wouldn't make it halfway through the day without fainting again. Not to mention, that she wouldn't get any painkillers from him if she didn't have a solid foundation in her stomach.

I was actually wondering why Chloe didn’t have asprin or pain-killers waiting for her on the nightstand when she woke up. But now I see that Lex didn’t overlook that particular need, only gave it more thought than I would have…

Not surprising actually. And another fantastic detail that I LOVE BlueSabby for :D

Chloe wordlessly took the proffered item for a second. She shook it twice before answering him. “I suppose I’d react the way I always do, of course.”


Now Lex was looking at her a little differently. He was leaning forward and his face had gotten serious, if not a little pinched. Oh, did he really think….

“I’m kidding, Lex,” she said, slowly. Then smiled brightly up at him. “If I had known that you were that gullible I would have tried to convince you to sign all of your worldly goods over to me.” She shoved a forkful of the eggs into her mouth to placate him.

ROFLMAO! It was at this point where I passed from love to obsession for ‘Arrangement’. The one thing I missed in this fic was the snarky banter that usually runs rapid-fire in most of the better Chlex fics. But, considering the interpretation of the lead characters in THIS fic, I never expected to see wit and biting humour between the two.

I am SO glad to see it how snark was introduced and maintained in this chapter.

“I'm not gullible, I just learned the hard way never to underestimate the stupidity, or the deliberate cruelty of people,” he answered her comment.

Very true, and a very Lex kind of observation to make. Let Clark go on and on about how humans have wonderful qualities that always make them worth saving, no matter how terrible they might behave. Lex and Chloe know better.

Watching her tuck into her breakfast went a long way to keep him from getting too irritated by her snark. As a matter of fact, it was amusing, in a way.

I was pleased to see that Lex was really enjoying the repartee he had going on with Chloe.

He returned to his newspaper and picked up his coffee mug. There was still a good part of the business section he hadn't read. Apparently it was open season on the pharmaceutical market. He wondered if he should acquire another company in that sector.

Heh… Even lazy Saturdays need some kind of planning for profit.

Chloe rolled her eyes and said, “Lex, may I please see the paper,” in a monotone voice. She tried to jerk the section out from under his hand but he kept it there. “Is there another magic word that I’m not aware of?”

Lex slowly folded the paper to look around it at Chloe. She was clearly vexed by her inability to get at the section she was grabbing for. That would teach her to simply reach towards his crotch without any respect for his personal space whatsoever.

LOL! He was not only enjoying her banter and company. He was actually PLAYING with her. The non-sexual, friendly and sweet kind of playing. I LOVE it!

“Your problem isn't vocabulary, it's timing.”

He tried to keep a straight face in front of an increasingly disgruntled Chloe. Her nose was wrinkling up in irritation and her eyebrows pulled down in a frown of frustration at her inability to get what she wanted.

“You're supposed to ask first and then reach for whatever it is you want, or you wait until it's given to you,” he explained as seriously as possible.

“Wanna try again?” he asked

ROFLMAO! More of that ridiculous playing… with wrestling over the lifestyle section of the newspaper no less. How very… domestic! :D

Lex couldn't resist to let the grin show on his face at that point. She looked kind of cute when she was vexed.

Squeaaaaalll! He thinks she’s CUTE! That’s somehow so much more significant that him admiring her for her beauty, skill and sexiness. Cute and quirky shows that he’s actually appreciating CHLOE, rather than admiring ‘his sub’.

Yes, she was being silly but she didn’t care. Lex was her dom, not Ms. Manners.

Not only does Lex feel free enough to be playful, but Chloe also feels safe enough to exhibit silliness. This is a significant moment in their relationship, and the two of them don’t even realize it. Hilarious!

Lex shook his head again and tried to remember the last time he'd been amused by something that should clearly have been annoying as hell.

More of that lovely appreciating Chloe’s personality rather than her skills. Now he’s finally starting to admire her for the person she is, rather than what she can do for him.

Now this is the true beginning of what will become a fantastic and deep Chlex relationship.

He knew she was reading the backside of his paper and that she'd sooner bite off her tongue than accept defeat and plainly ask him for it, nicely. How this woman had ever become a sub was really beyond him.

Relenting with a sigh he lowered the paper, ready to hand over the parts he didn't particularly care about or had already read. And promptly broke out in laughter at the sight of Chloe with her head cocked to the side, looking like an eager puppy in her concentration to read the bottom part of the paper. “I give in,” he managed to get out between breaths.

This part gave me the absolute whim-whams. But heart constricted at the image of Lex bursting into laughter at the sight of Chloe stubbornly cocking her head to unusual positions to keep track of the paper.

It was lovely that Lex would find something so simple about Chloe so unbelievably Delightful!

But that wasn’t true. “You laughing.” She knew that that wasn’t going to be enough of an explanation for the man sitting beside her. “I like it.” And now she sounded like a four year old.

Lex was still looking at her, waiting for more. Clearing her throat, she said, “It turned me on.” Thinking that she’d done as best as she could, Chloe picked up the paper and started to read it.

Lex just sat there.

Staring at her.

Not saying anything.

I HIGHLY approved of the way Chloe came clean about what she was feeling. And I LOVED Lex’s shocked response to her blunt statement.

Why had she told him? It had been stupid but he’d asked a question and she thought that honesty would be the best policy in the situation. Obviously she was wrong. Because Lex kept staring at her. If he didn’t move soon, she’d be forced to check for a pulse.

LOL! Check him out anyway. Rub his chest to check if his heart is beating too. Lick his wrist to get an accurate reading of his pulse.

He was trying to figure out what the hell was going on. During their last lesson, he'd learned that she pretty much had given up on finding gratification the normal way. She'd basically made it clear that it took being controlled to turn her on.

Now she was sitting there, telling him that his laughter was causing the same reaction she got when he ordered her to get down on her knees. It was odd, to say the least. He hadn't once slipped into dom mode this morning so that couldn't be a trigger for her reaction.

Of course, a basic attraction had to be present between them for this arrangement to work, but it still begged the question, what caused her to react this way to him outside of said arrangement?

They hadn't spent much time together outside of their sessions, so it was a little difficult to know if there were other things she reacted to in the same way as his laughter. “Did you notice anything else in the same vein?” he finally asked.

I’m sorry, but I HAD to quote the entire long series of paragraphs.

This whole paragraph introduced me to yet another mind-blowing nuance of dom/sub relationships. It makes sense that subs and doms wouldn’t be turned on by each other when they are not acting out the roles prescribed for whatever Arrangment they might have set up between them.

The only reason people like Lex and Chloe get into dom/sub roles is because they don’t get turned on any other way… and enjoying her dom’s company during his ‘off-day’ really should not have affected Chloe sexually.

But it did.

Which suggests that even Chloe is starting to appreciate Lex’s personality and person beyond his role as a dom. She’s starting to admire him for something more than what his skills have to offer her. She’s starting to LIKE him, just as he is starting to like her.

Crucial relationship point here. Crucial beginnings here!

I wonder if Lex is capable of being turned on by Chloe in her non-sub mode. When she’s not even trying to be sexy.

Lex's brow rose and he took a swig of his coffee. That was pretty general. He could see that she was uncomfortable with this discussion, but it wouldn't hurt to know where they stood. This was a business arrangement, of a sort, and the terms had to be clear for the contract to be upheld.

Yeah.. riiiiight. He’s still trying to convince himself that this is a simple business arrangement. The two idiots have turned a cornerstone and they don’t even realize it. I can hardly WAIT till one (or both) of them have to acknowledge feelings beyond lust. It promises to be fun… or perhaps traumatizing and horrifying for the Chlexy couple ;)

“My voice in general or the tone I use during our sessions?”

He was aware of and deliberately used the difference between his tone as a dom and his every day talk in conversation. It had served to scare the hell out of some potential business rivals who found out about their own hidden submissive tendencies that way.

I liked the little glimpse into how Lex lets his dom personality bleed into his public life, and how he carefully uses it to his benefit.

It’s a pity however, that I cannot imagine a scenario where Chloe can use her Sub Skills to benefit her career, social standing or anything outside her sex-life.

“Plus,” she said, still fighting with the paper, “you’re handsome. Not too pretty or too rugged. Just, you know,” she made a hand gesture, “a good looking man.”

Lex sipped more from his coffee, trying to digest the information. He made a face when the cold, bitter brew went down.

Getting up from the table, he went to replace his coffee with a fresh one. Lex had been called good looking before. In many different words and with a lot of gushing and fanning. It was flattering to be complimented but it got old after a while. Still, it was nice to hear it coming out in an honest and straight forward way. With an offhanded gesture no less.

It’s really sweet that Lex found the compliment from Chloe all the more sincere and reassuring because it was said in a very… Chloe-tone of voice :P

I love how the two of them are making this connection, and remaining oblivious to the significance of it…Or perhaps it’s simply denial.

He took a swig from the new coffee and remained where he was for a moment. So Chloe was attracted to his laughter, his voice and his looks in general. Nothing that would get in the way of their arrangement.

LOL! I’m literally HOWLING with laughter here.The denial is so strong, and yet so wrong… it’s just side-splittingly funny!

It took a few minutes of silence, but slowly the oddness of the situation sunk in.

Lex had gotten used to spending most of his day alone, especially during meal times when he wasn't required to combine a meeting with wining and dining. The presence of another person for his breakfast routine was not something he was accustomed to. But the really odd thing about the situation was that he didn't mind as much as he thought he should.

Perhaps Lex has never found the right person with which to enjoy such a pleasantly domestic morning.

Lowering the paper, he made a grab for his coffee cup. His gaze fell on Chloe's still filled plate. She had barely eaten more than three bites. A quick glance to the left showed her still absorbed by whatever news she was reading.

Lex reached for the plate and used her fork to spoon some of the eggs onto one of the toasts, then pushed the plate to roughly the same position where her coffee cup sat. If she didn't react to the silent suggestion, he'd have to drop into his dom mode after all.

There is something that feels a little… wrong about Lex using his dom influence in the middle of such a casual and domestic scene. I think it’s because I’m almost seeing this as a precursor to what their relationship will BECOME, and I realized that Lex cannot keep throwing around his dom attitude so casually in what will become a lasting relationship.

But I’m still a little slow in my comprehension of a dom/sub arrangement, and it’s transition to a dom/sub relationship. I wonder how the rules change to accommodate the transition.

His brows drew together and he flipped down a corner of his paper to look over at her. He blinked twice, trying to figure out why she was practically sitting in his lap while still ignoring him.

LOL! Actually I can’t imagine a scene where I would be touching Lex Luthor and still be able to keep my focus on the society section of the newspaper.

Then something else penetrated his mind. He wasn't bothered. Why wasn't he bothered? Usually his personal space had a radius of at least five feet. Now, there wasn't even five inches between them. And he wasn't bothered by the proximity.

Shaking his head, he flipped the corner of the paper back up and tried to focus on the article he'd been reading. He still couldn't figure out why he wasn't bothered. Even less, why he had yet to shift away. It had to have to do with the fact that she was his sub. Different rules and all.

Heh… That brings up the question whether Lex tolerated,or even allowed the same invasion of personal space with his OTHER subs. Or is this the VERY first time he’s in such a casual setting with one of his submissive partners.

Is Chloe the first sub Lex has entered into such a serious and exclusive arrangement with?

He grabbed for his coffee mug again and, again, his arm brushed against Chloe's side. Nope, still not bothered. Odd.

Chloe’s natural inclination when someone kept rubbing, bumping or brushing up against her was to elbow them. Hard. Somewhere where it would hurt. But she couldn’t do that in this situation. Mostly because she was the one trespassing on Lex’s space.

She looked up from her paper and around the kitchen. She didn’t see a pen. When she spotted one, she almost reached over Lex to get it. Not wanting to repeat their earlier malarkey she said, “Lex, could you please pass me that pen,” while pointing at it.

The paper was slowly lowered to the desk. The formality of the question made a grin twitch at his mouth, but he was smart enough to hide it this time. He picked up the pen and held it out to her.

ROFLOL! Even when they’re not actually snarking at each other, I can still feel the electrical nips going on between them. And the banter is amusing even when it’s not actually spoken out loud. Amazing writing BlueSabby. I am in awe.

He braced his arm on the counter to get a better look at the other clues offered by the paper. Personal space was pretty much non existent now, but it still didn't bother him. That in turn did bother him a little though.

About time that denial started being ebbed away a ‘little’.

“Tight end,” she murmured as she wrote the two words down. This happened sometimes, she’d noticed. The crossword people sometimes had vaguely dirty minds. She usually found it amusing. It was less so now, sitting next to Lex so close.

His mind wasn't usually in the gutter, but when the innuendoes kept coming, even he couldn't help it. Considering who was sitting next to him, Lex was getting mildly uncomfortable with the situation. It wouldn't say much about his self control if he started another session at the drop of a hat now.

Imagine being turned on by the Saturday morning crossword puzzle. But then again, this is Chlex! AND this is a BlueSabby crossword puzzle ;)

So anytime they want sexual gratification, they have to engage in one of their long, complicated sessions? It sounds rather… tedious actually. Would it ever be possible for Lex and Chloe to go for a fast hard and quick fuck before rushing off to their separate jobs?

When she looked at him oddly, he realized the inherent ambiguity of his statement. “I meant, there's nothing else. I'll call you some time next week to set up a meeting.”

And in the meantime they both remain celibate. Granted Lex has the option of pleasuring himself. But again, I have to ask, what happens if they don’t want a long, drawn out and painful session, and they just want a casual fuck in the middle of the day?

Shaking his head, he remembered his own manners. He should at least bring her to the door, not stay in his seat looking like an idiot. What had given him the idea to go for breakfast together, anyway?

A brilliant pair of authors named BS ;)

And the chance to engage in casual, playful conversation that was not centered around making money or making societal connections.

I get the feeling BOTH Lex and Chloe are deprived in terms of friends, interesting conversation and basic human interaction.

Why had things gotten so weird? It didn’t make any logical sense. They hadn’t even been doing anything. But, it didn’t do to dwell on it. She’d just take her leave and things would be better next time they saw one another.

The lack of human interaction has left them woefully and pathetically untrained to deal with relationship issues and milestones.

Both Chloe and Lex have no idea why a bit of simple interaction, connection and conversation has left them so jumpy, insecure and unsure about what’s happening.

Lex turned from his intense contemplation of nothing in particular and opened the door for her. A glance down revealed that the sandals seemed to fit. The jeans sat a little tight, but they did a lot to show off her luscious curves and the tank top didn't quite meet the waistband, flashing a small strip of her belly. Never mind the ample cleavage. Lex wasn't sure if he should fire the maid who had bought the clothes, or give her a raise.

LOL! Loved that! ROFLOL!

As Chloe boarded the elevator, she wondered what Lex had in mind for their next meeting.

I’m wondering that too. How is it going to progress after the intense session that actually had Chloe passed out from the pleasure.

Lex wandered back into the kitchen and stared for a moment at the offending crossword. Quirking his brows, he picked up the pen and wrote down the answer that had ended this morning after.


LOL! The idea of Lex and Chloe actually RUNNING away in fright from a crossword puzzle. And it seemed so right that Lex would go back and ‘confront and conquer’ the problem by filling in the last bit of space that had him running for the hills earlier… ROFLMAO.

Anyhow. This was one HILARIOUS and INCREDIBLE update. It provided the perfect moment to start bridging the gap between Business Arrangement to Budding Relationship. This is the first time I can actually see and believe in romance brewing between out favourite people.

Please update soon. I really, REALLY want to see how much more fight and panic the Chlexy couple have to go through before they admit their changing feelings to themselves :D

29th October 2006, 00:56
Great chapter! Of course they would't get uncomfortable doing anything else..:)
Okey, ready for the next part:)

29th October 2006, 03:13
LOVED IT! LOVED IT! LOVED IT! Can't friggin wait for their next meeting...

29th October 2006, 03:52
Lex shook his head. “I was just wondering how you would react to the consequences of fainting somewhere in the middle of the street, which would result in somebody calling an ambulance, who in turn would inevitably examine you and find the more obvious marks of last nights session, hook you up to an IV and when you come back around you would receive a nice lecture about the dangers of sexual play in combination with malnourishment.”
I don't know why but this amused me to no end.

Wonderful morning after. I love Lex enjoying his time with Chloe then questioning the hell out of it as if there is something wrong with him for enjoying. I think I asked before could there be a relationship out side of the arrangement and I think this chapter gave me a little insight into how that could be possible

Looking forward to the next smut filled update.

29th October 2006, 07:16
they are perrrfect for each other/

29th October 2006, 09:40
this was a great chap, loved the morning-after interaction, loved how that they were both comffatble with the proximity with one another during breakfast but uncomftable with the fact that they were, loved how they were doing the crossword together, keep up the great work!

29th October 2006, 17:59


yes please!

30th October 2006, 01:42
Great update!! I love that Lex didn't mind when Chloe intruded on his personal space!! I hope that she continues to surprise him in a good way!! Thanks for this chapter, which shows how they get along when they're not in their roles!! Can't wait for your next post!!

buckles squared
31st October 2006, 00:45
Interesting break in the action. I'm always curious to see where this story is headed next.

31st October 2006, 19:25
Fan-Freaking-Tastic! I loved it! The crosswords, the perfect amount of awkwardness, everything was great! I love that y'all are showing how they're progressing as characters outside of the dom/sub relationship. Great job!

4th November 2006, 22:50
A/N: Blue: A colorful update...I'm so cheesy. Sue me.

A/N:Sabby: More kink for the kinky. We're still working our way up that ladder.

The next few days had passed in a sort of haze. Work was absolutely crazy. The company was taking on more and more clients but couldn’t find the type of staff that they wanted to handle the work. That’s why Chloe really had to get Medley on their team.

She had been stressed out the whole time. Until a certain call on Wednesday. He’d called her cell phone and told her to pick up her business line when it rang in thirty seconds. Her heart had started pounding.

When the phone had rung exactly thirty seconds later, Chloe had practically lunged at it.

About forty minutes later she had hung up the receiver. It was damp from her juices but she wasn’t going to worry about that. Lex had given her three orgasms and she was more than ready to go back to work.

She cleaned the digits off with her tongue and mouth as he had instructed and then picked up her pen. She made a mental note to bring some of her toys to the office as Lex had told her to. He hadn’t specified which but he told her to make sure that she kept a set of clamps there.

During the course of their conversation he’d mentioned getting her pierced again. She wasn’t so sure she wanted that but she would consider it if it pleased Lex.

She’d received another call from Lex that very night. He’d instructed her that she was to leave work at 3pm the next day and make her way directly over to his penthouse.

Chloe had had meetings scheduled, but nothing important. She’d told her assistant that she was going to play hooky and the woman had laughed. They were back to their old relationship, which was good news. Chloe knew that she couldn’t have someone working for her that she didn’t trust. It was amazing how far Chloe had gotten with some threats followed by kindness.

When the elevator to the penthouse opened, Lex was standing in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back. She didn’t wait for the door to the elevator to close before walking over to Lex and dropping to her knees in front of him. Chloe didn’t know if the elevator operator had seen that, nor did she care.

Lex looked down at her for a moment, enjoying the view down her shirt that the position allowed. She was wearing a blazer over it, but the v-cut didn't distract from the cleavage, it enhanced it.

Chloe's hair was held up with a large clasp, only a few strands falling out of it over her ears. Lex stepped forward and reached around her head to remove the piece of metal and let her hair down. He liked it better that way. For now.

“Get up and follow me,” he instructed as he stepped back from her and wandered into the living room proper.

Half of the set up was already done. The furniture had been moved far enough to the side that there was a large empty space in front of one of the walls. A low but wide stage had been set up and covered with a sheep skin rug and the wall itself was draped with a pristine white cloth.

“Step up and get into position,” he ordered smoothly as he stepped aside to let her see the scenery for their session.

Within the span of a few seconds, Chloe took in what she saw and filed it away. She couldn’t stand there gaping at the strange setup before her. She had to obey Lex.

The area that had been set up was about as high as one step on a staircase. Chloe stepped onto the platform and then got down on her knees.

Whatever the throw was made of was very soft. Lex was making sure that she was comfortable on her knees. Very thoughtful. Good dom behavior.

Whenever she thought of it now, she realized that her previous dom wasn’t as good as she had originally thought. He had never taken her comfort into consideration when they were together.

Once down on her knees, she made sure her legs were widely spread and her wrists rested upon each other behind her back.

She stared straight ahead and waited for Lex to reveal what their new lesson would include. She was excited already.

Lex walked the length of the platform and noted appreciatively that she'd positioned herself in the center of it. The lighting was already close to perfect with the large bay windows off to her right side and some of the overhead spots turned on.

“Take off your jacket and shirt.”

After giving the command, Lex left her for a moment to collect the items he planned on using during the session. He had already selected them beforehand and stored them in the kitchen for the time being.

Lex took his time checking over the toys, ropes and other equipment that would become necessary.

He gathered up the large tablet that held most of the toys and shifted it to one hand so he could pick up the one item that he'd purchased specifically for this session. It was still packaged in its original cellophane.

Both arms loaded with equipment, he made his way back into the living room. The clock in the kitchen told him there was still time before his surprise would arrive.

Chloe smoothly took off her jacket and placed it next to her. She jerked her shirt over her head, the material sliding over her nipples. The action coupled with the temperature in the room caused them to harden.

Quickly, she folded both items of clothing and then returned her hands to their correct place behind her back. She wanted Lex to return. She craved his words, attention and the opportunity to please him.

She was addicted to him and needed her fix. Pleasing him was the most powerful drug that she’d ever found to date.

He entered the room and passed by the platform on his way to the glass coffee table that had been moved to the far wall with the rest of his usual living room furniture. When he'd put down the silver platter and the package from his other hand, he turned around to face Chloe.

Her jacket and shirt lay neatly folded beside her on the sheepskin. He moved over and picked up the small pile, then stayed where he was for a moment, looking at her naked upper body.

His eyes traced the paths where the ropes would run along her skin between her breasts and down over her belly. Lex planned on combining several different techniques to achieve the perfect result.

“Remove the rest of your clothing and hand it to me,” he ordered smoothly.

While she followed his instruction, he waited patiently next to the platform.

“I have several things planned for you today, Chloe. There will also be a few surprises that I will enjoy immensely. This session will take quite a while.”

He looked down at her face as he took her skirt and shoes from her hands. “Look at me.” When she raised her head to meet his eyes he continued, “Have you eaten today?”

“Yes, Lex.” She was glad of that now. She’d suspected that the session would be a long one when he had ordered her over to his place so early in the afternoon.

It was hard to focus on what he had said to her while his eyes ran over her body. Chloe knew that he liked what he saw. He thought she was beautiful. So, she was.

And what were the surprises? She’d seen that he had carried a tray into the room but she’d been unable to see what had been on it. But that was part of the thrill. Giving herself over and knowing that she would love it. That she would be likely to beg for more.

Lex trailed his eyes down her naked body once again. In this position, he could easily see that she was already excited just from the thought of being used by him, even though he hadn't done much of anything to her yet.

“You're aroused already,” he commented as he blatantly looked at her cunt, “So eager to please me.”

With a smirk, he turned around and brought the clothes over to the sitting arrangement where he placed them on the couch.

His gaze roamed over the assortment of toys and he picked up the slim metal vibrator. “I usually wouldn't have set this session for today, but some compromises had to be made to accommodate schedules,” he said as he made his way back to the platform.

“It's a pity you're not as starved as I would have liked to see you for this occasion, but I'm sure we can work around that little problem.”

He tapped the toy against the outside of his thigh as he watched her reaction to his words.

What schedules? Did Lex have some sort of a time table set up for them? A plan for what he intended to do to her every time they met? She wouldn’t put it past him.

But he was wrong. She was starved. Yes, she loved his voice. The phone call had been very fulfilling. But she preferred his hands over hers vastly. She also preferred having him in the room with her.

She’d pleased him yesterday and she, in turn, had derived great pleasure from it. However, there was no substitute for being in the room with Lex. Or having him touch her.

It occurred to Chloe for the first time that when they did fuck, if Lex ever gave her the honor of having his cock imbedded deeply in her body, that she had no idea how she would be able to handle it.

He smirked at the look on her face and casually looked at his watch. They had about 20 minutes before Charles would show up. “Touch yourself,” he ordered.

Lex wanted her to work up a sweat during this session, it would reflect beautifully on her skin and put more emphasis on the nylon later on.

“Up until today, I have preferred you very natural,” he fell into the monologue easily, mostly ignoring what Chloe was doing to herself. “Nothing to enhance or camouflage your appearance. A completely ordinary woman.”

He paused and cocked his head to the side, glancing at her with narrowed eyes. “But I don't think that does you quite the justice you deserve.”

Stepping a little closer, he watched her hands move over her body as she did what she was told, not for her own pleasure, but to please him. He knew that she reacted strongly to his voice, so he would use that to his advantage.

“You've already shown me how extraordinary you are, how much you're willing to do to please me.” As he spoke, he stepped up onto the platform until he was standing next to her.

His free hand reached out and combed her hair back from the right side of her face. “That doesn't speak of an ordinary woman.”

He stepped behind her and combed back the hair from the other side of her face as well. “Which is why I will turn you into something truly exotic today. Something far different from any average woman.”

Chloe wanted to tell him that she wasn’t average when she was with him. He was right. She was extraordinary because he allowed her to be. She was amazing when she wanted to show him how much it meant to her to please him.

Not leaning into his touch had been difficult. She wanted to feel him again. All in good time, though, if Lex deemed it so.

Her hands had made a cursory stop at her breasts. But not for long, she was already throbbing between her legs. Her palms skated across her nipples and then made tight circles, chafing at the sensitive flesh.

They moved lower. Past her stomach and then were between her legs. Chloe didn’t bother to tease herself. She knew she was wet enough so she just slid two fingers inside and began to pump them in and out. She kept the rest of her body completely still.

She could feel Lex’s gaze on her and knew she looked beautiful in his eyes.

Lex turned on the vibrator in his hand and a low hum started to fill the otherwise silent room. “But not yet,” he said in a low voice.

He brought his hand down until the tip of the toy was touching her breast. It trailed over her skin in a lazy path down to her nipple and back up, across her chest to the other breast. He circled the second nipple and teased it for a moment before he spoke.

Her fingers were moving more frantically between her legs and with a smirk he allowed her to make noises. However, she didn't get permission to move. She could hold still for now, being that her position would change often enough after Charles' arrival.

“I like watching you like this.”

Her grunts were rhythmic. They worked in tandem with the thrusts of her fingers to arouse her even more. Her hands were coated in her juices. The situation had gotten worse once Lex had touched her with the toy.

Any direct attention from him made her needier. She’d come to realize that. Lex probably was already aware of that fact. She was getting louder. Her voice now drowning out the buzzing sound in the room.

Three fingers now inside. With a thumb pressing randomly at her clit every now and again. Not her hands. Lex’s.

She blinked rapidly when a bead of sweat dipped into the corner of one of her eyes. She could feel her hair tickling her back. She became more aware of everything touching her skin. Including the metal of the toy.

Lex's gaze went back to his watch for a moment. Charles was supposed to be arriving in a few minutes. He'd given the man a keypass to the elevator, since he was a good acquaintance and could be trusted.

Chloe was getting more and more frenzied below him and Lex was satisfied with her performance as he kept teasing her breasts with the metallic toy. He trailed it up her neck and over her chin slowly.

He pushed the still vibrating toy against her panting lips.

“Suck it,” he ordered as he pushed the long tube into her mouth and started moving it in and out at a steady pace.

His gaze went to the elevator doors and he could see the numbers lighting up individually as the cabin made its way up to the penthouse floor. Show time.

“Come for me, Chloe, now!” His voice brooked no argument.

Chloe pressed her thumb forcefully against her clit and arched her fingers up inside of her body. The tension broke blissfully and she cried out Lex’s name.

Her cunt fluttered around her digits and she drew out her orgasm, moving her fingers slowly in and out of her body. She was breathing heavily and whimpered Lex’s name as she finally came down from the feeling fully.

Her eyes had closed and when she opened them she saw a man standing in the middle of the room. He had a camera bag slung over his shoulder and was carrying a tripod. His eyes were firmly fixed on her body.

Charles had known what to expect. Hell, he’d done this numerous times. But it was still a little disconcerting to watch a woman or a man come on command. This one had screamed Luthor’s name at first and then breathed it out pathetically after she’d come. Quite a feat being she had a vibrator in her mouth.

She was a pretty thing. And the lighting in the room would be very kind to her, as well. He could already tell that she was short but there were lenses to fix such things. The woman stared at him but didn’t move. Her hands were still between her legs and he admired the wax job that she had.

Always before these jobs, he took a cold shower. And had a talk with himself. It wouldn’t do to get hard while working. It was counter productive.

He looked over at the man who had hired him. “Hey, Lex.” He knew not to apologize for interrupting. It had clearly been Luthor’s plan for him to see her screaming his name. But he didn’t know if it was for his benefit or the blonde’s.

Chloe knew what was coming now. A photo session. She would be put on display and her image captured for Lex or whomever he wanted to see it.

Her hands were still in place, she didn’t dare move them. She’d come in front of another man. It was what Lex had wanted from her. She knew she’d pleased him. Someone else might have felt shame at her action, she only felt pride.
“Charles,” Lex nodded towards the man in greeting.

Then he turned his attention back to Chloe. “I told you, I like watching you. I enjoy seeing you like this a great deal.”

While he spoke, his eyes cut over to Charles to see that he was already setting up his camera and other equipment. “So today, while I use you for my pleasure, Charles will take pictures so I can look at you whenever I wish,” he continued. “And of course, display your body to whomever I please.”

Of course she would already have guessed that, but it never hurt to clarify things. “You may move your hands behind your back,” he added almost as an after thought as he plucked the toy from her mouth.

He ambled over to the coffee table that held the other toys and waved Charles over to him with a quick motion of two fingers.

“You remember the motifs we spoke about?” he asked in a low voice.

Lex had gotten the appointment on very short notice, and it was the only one that had been free in Charles’s busy schedule. The man was a professional and highly sought after. They'd covered the basics of what Lex wanted over the phone, but he wanted to make sure that everything would be perfect.

Charles had watched the way that Lex was with the woman. He’d seen many different couples that handled this situation differently. He was happy to see that Lex treated her with as much respect as could be imagined in this relationship.

He took a folded piece of paper out of one of the compartments of his camera bag. He’d made notes during his chat with Lex. He had a list of shots that the man had told him he wanted.

After handing it over to Lex and letting him read it, he said, “If there is anything else, just let me know. I may also take additional shots that strike me.” Lex looked back at him. “Sometimes I see something that others don’t.”

The man nodded and handed back the shot sheet. “And before I begin let me just say,” he looked over at the blond, “your taste is impeccable.”

Lex nodded in acknowledgement after he'd checked over the list once more. “I trust your judgment as a professional. I want the finished pictures and the negatives when they're done.”

There was no need to talk about payment. The man knew already that he would be compensated aptly for his work and then some. Lex only needed to make sure that none of the material got into the wrong hands. Which meant, any hands but his own.

Placing the list on the coffee table, Lex picked up the cosmetic bag from the tray and walked back to Chloe. By now she had returned to her default position, hands demurely clasped behind her back and facing forward.

“Stand up,” he ordered as he opened the bag.

Rising to her feet with her hands still behind her back, Chloe could tell that her whole body was flushed. She wondered what she looked like at the moment. And wondered if she would ever get to see the pictures that were about to be taken.

Lex held out the bag between them and told her to hold it. She held out her dampened hands and Lex placed the bag in them. Chloe stared straight ahead, looking at the center of Lex’s chest, so it was a few seconds before she realized what he was taking out.

Eyeliner. Lex instructed her to keep her eyes wide open at first. Then to close them. Then to look up. The whole situation was very odd. But it again went back to the principle of taking care of his possession. Her image was to be imprinted forever and Lex wanted her to look her best.

He went about it methodically. First one eye and then the other. Lex stepped back and told her to look at him.

Charles had watched the display with keen interest. This was a new one. He’d never seen this done before. Maybe it was the new trend. It unsettled him that Luthor was so good with the pencil for some reason.

Lex scrutinized his work and was satisfied with the black lines framing her eyes. Who would have thought that having theater actors as regular fuckbuddies would come in handy one day.

He smirked and dropped the pencil back into the bag, then pulled out another pencil and a small case with eye shadow in different shades of blue and green.

His eyes narrowed as he concentrated on creating the illusion of shadow and light with the different colors. This part was a bitch, in comparison; the eyeliner had been a piece of cake.

Finally done, he wiped his thumb over the thin skin below her eyes, removing some dust from the shadow.

The small case and pencil went back in the bag and he pulled out a soft brush and a case of rouge. “Hollow your cheeks,” he instructed plainly.

When she did as told, he applied the rouge and again wiped the excess off with his thumbs.

Both brush and case were dumped back into the bag and the last two items pulled out to finish the make up. A tube of lipstick and another thin pencil.

“Relax your mouth,” he instructed as he opened the tube and transferred some of the rich plum color onto the tip of the pencil.

He placed two fingers under her chin and tipped it up, then followed the line of her lips with the pencil. Went back for more color and filled out the missing spots. “Press your lips together.”

The color was extremely strong, but it would look perfect in the black and white shots he'd ordered and add to the exotic flair in the colored pictures.

Especially with the other items she was going to wear.

He dropped lipstick and pencil back into the bag and gave her face one more scrutinizing glance to check for any foibles. There were none to be found.

Lex picked up the bag from her hands and brought it back to the table.

Of all of the things that she’d experienced with Lex, Chloe had to admit that this was definitely the strangest. She wondered where Lex had learned the proper way to use make up. She didn’t know many men who would have been able to do what he had.

Of course, she didn’t know how she looked at the moment. But she would bet that she looked very good. Lex wouldn’t stand for anything less. He hadn’t given her a mirror and she doubted that she would get one any time soon if at all.

Charles looked at Lex’s handiwork and had to hand it to the man. He’d done a damn fine job. He glanced over at the man. “Nice work. You didn’t have an underground job as a make up artist that you’re hiding from the world at large, did you?”
He quickly assembled his camera. He knew that once Lex gave the word that he’d have to start taking pictures.

Lex smirked at the man as he passed him. “No, but I had a couple of friends in the field who taught me the basics.”

He dropped the bag on the coffee table and picked up the package beside the tray. Lex pulled out the first item, careful not to mar the feathers. It was a bird mask that covered the top half of the wearer's face. The nose was shaped like a small beak and the feathers around the eyes were slightly longer than the plume that covered the rest of the mask. The two silk ribbons connected to the mask weren't visible from the front at all.

Lex ran his fingers over the cheek area to straighten out any stray downs before he went back to Chloe.

He showed her the mask. “It's very soft. Unfortunately, I can't allow you to touch it, since your fingers are still wet with your juices,” he commented casually.

She couldn’t hear what was said when the two men spoke. They both kept their voices low. That meant that she didn’t need to hear what they were saying.

Chloe looked at the mask. Obviously hand made and very expensive. It was beautiful. Based on the color of it, she could guess what color eye shadow Lex had used on her.

He stepped behind her and placed the mask on her face. She blinked a few times and was happy to see that the holes for her eyes were bigger than they’d seemed.

“Assist me.”

Chloe ran her hands over the top of her head and gathered up her hair. She felt Lex tie the mask firmly to her. It wasn’t too tight but sat snugly on her. “Drop your arms.”

Her arms fell to her sides. The hair that she had been holding settled over the top of the ribbon that held the mask to her head, hiding it from sight.

Lex moved from her side again and went back to the table. He picked up the last item, fluffing the feathers a bit and inspecting the bottom part carefully.

The peacock tail had been delivered earlier today and he hadn't taken it out of its package until now. If there was any flaw in the small metal plug that was supposed to keep the tail in place, this part of the session would have to be changed.

His fingers ran over the surface smoothly. It was made of one solid piece and didn't show any rough edges or seams. Satisfied, he nodded and picked up a small tube of lubricant.

With both items in hand, he made his way back to Chloe and held the tail out for her to see.

Her mask sat perfectly in place on her face and the blue and green eye shadow made it almost impossible to tell the difference between feathers and skin.

“You'll be wearing this for your first few pictures,” he told her as he turned the tail in his hand to show her the genuine peacock feathers.

Even though Chloe was Lex’s at this point, she was still Chloe. Unbidden, the fact that it was the males of the species that had the beautiful coloring came to her mind. Lex had to know that and it wasn’t the point of the matter.

Her eyes made their way over the apparatus, taking in its measurements. Taking it inside of her body would be no problem at all. By now, she’d been stretched more than enough in order for the plug to slide into her comfortably. She noticed the tube of lube and wondered why Lex didn’t use her juices. That was his call, though.

The feathers were obviously real. About two to three feet in length. She couldn’t count how many of them there were but she knew that once it was inside of her and the features were fanned out that it would look quite impressive. As would she.

Chloe remained still until Lex gave her another order. He was clearly gauging her reaction to the latest turn of their play. Even though she knew he was in charge, she also knew that if he sensed any hesitancy or fear on her part that he would address it and help her to overcome it.

But there was none.

Seeing that she didn't show any reluctance to his idea, he nodded in approval. Holding out the lubricant to her he turned the tail until the plug was facing her.

“Usually I would use your juices to prepare the plug for you, but I don't want to ruin the feathers by getting them wet,” he explained. “So you will use this to slick it up.”

He watched as she took the tube from his fingers and opened it, then squirted a dollop of the gel onto the metal plug and covered it quickly but thoroughly, careful not to get anything onto the feathers.

“Very good,” he said as he took the tube from her fingers and tossed it to the side where it landed somewhere it would be out of the picture.

“Now spread your legs and bend forward a little,” he instructed as he circled around her to stand behind her.

He pushed the toy against the pucker of her asshole and held it there. “Push back and take it.”

Now that all of his lighting equipment and various cameras and lenses were at the ready, Charles watched what was happening on the platform avidly. More than once after he was done with a job, he would be invited to partake in an ‘after party.’ He always begged off. Yes, this kind of thing was a turn on, but it just wasn’t for him.

He watched the woman follow Luthor’s instructions.

Chloe was pitched forward slightly, her breasts pulling away from her body and swaying a little. She felt the plug at her rear entrance and relaxed herself. It slid in easily. The plug wasn’t too long or too wide so it didn’t press up against her uncomfortably. She supposed that was the point.

Her body remained motionless until Lex spoke again.

“Make sure to keep it inside you. The feathers might get a little heavy after a while,” he said as he took his hands from the stem of the tail, letting her take the whole weight of it on her own.

Lex wiped his hands on the front of his pants legs, even though he had taken great care before not to get them wet with anything. Once they seemed sufficiently dry, he reached out again and fanned out the feathers.

The greens and blues contrasted sharply with her pale skin, but it made her look just as exotic as he'd imagined when he'd ordered the mask and tail. Lex had deliberated using body paint for the full effect, but knowing what a mess this tended to create had begged off the idea and gone with his initial plan.
“Straighten up,” he ordered as he stepped back a little, “And bring your legs back together.”

His eyes ran appreciatively the length of her body as he took her in from head to toes. Chloe's feet were still bare and would stay that way. He could have gone with the high heels that were usually ordered with the set of mask and tail, but the green rhinestone covered shoes had looked more ridiculous than erotic in his opinion.

Lex reached out to tug at a few strands of her hair, putting them in place over her shoulder. Now, she didn't look anything like the plain woman that everyone else saw who didn't know her. She was the exotic creature that willingly came to him whenever he called to do as he pleased.

With a smile, Lex stepped back and down off the platform, then moved out of range of the camera. He nodded towards Charles to start taking his pictures.

“You will follow Charles' instructions as well as mine from now on.”


4th November 2006, 23:25
ARRRRRGGG!!! I can't believe you stopped there!! It's as if I could actually see the photograph. As always another great chapter.

4th November 2006, 23:55
Amazing chapter!!! Cut it off a little too soon though!!!! I loved how carefully Lex had thought all of the session out and how he carefully prepared his "possession".

Love it. More please.

5th November 2006, 00:10
OH...MY...GOD!!!! So smutty & kinky hot!!!! Chloe will be gorgeous in those pics. More please!

5th November 2006, 00:55
I can't tell you how upset I was when I came to the end of this chapter because I wanted to read more. Very interesting and I can't wait to find out all of the kinds of pictures Lex wants. I'm pretty sure Lex won't be showing the pictures around, he's possessive and though he might want to show Chloe off, I think he's more likely to keep these images of her to himself. Please don't make us wait too long for another update.

5th November 2006, 01:35
Of all of the things that she’d experienced with Lex, Chloe had to admit that this was definitely the strangest. She wondered where Lex had learned the proper way to use make up. She didn’t know many men who would have been able to do what he had.
Hmmm.... Lex putting on makeup was rather odd but then again if Lex wants something done right I would assume he would do it him self.

Even though Chloe was Lex’s at this point, she was still Chloe. Unbidden, the fact that it was the males of the species that had the beautiful coloring came to her mind. Lex had to know that and it wasn’t the point of the matter.
Glad you pointed this out. Wonder if this was deliberately in someone for Lex to have look this way. Acting as the dominant male when she is really the submissive.

Intresting update, to short, but you got my interest and I look forward to hearing more about Chloe's photo shoot.

5th November 2006, 01:43
Wow, Kinky!!! i like it alot!!! Really wish you hadn't ended it there though...


5th November 2006, 02:32
The next few days had passed in a sort of haze. Work was absolutely crazy. The company was taking on more and more clients but couldn’t find the type of staff that they wanted to handle the work. That’s why Chloe really had to get Medley on their team.

Nice way of starting off. It’s good to see how Chloe functions in her ‘normal life’ as apposed to the out-of-control wanton submissive that we’ve gotten used to.

It makes sense that she would want to de-stress after enduring such a relentless pace in her career by handing over decision-making powers to someone else during her off-time.

About forty minutes later she had hung up the receiver. It was damp from her juices but she wasn’t going to worry about that. Lex had given her three orgasms and she was more than ready to go back to work.

I know that most people here will probably be groaning and shreaiking at the fact that we didn’t get to ‘see’ the phone-sex. But I actually liked the way you kept it offstage.

Not going into detail made the encounter seem more casual. And it’s good to see that Chloe can get a little quickie in the middle of a stressful business day.

I wondered whether Lex KNEW that she was having a bad day, and therefore decided she needed the quickie, or whether it was just a happy coincidence. Could you please provide an answer and satisfy my curiosity BlueSabby? If it's not too much trouble of course.

During the course of their conversation he’d mentioned getting her pierced again. She wasn’t so sure she wanted that but she would consider it if it pleased Lex.

Hmmm. The likelihood of piercing becomes stronger and stronger. But I’m rather uncomfortable with the idea of Chloe getting pierced despite her own preferences. I do hope Lex doesn’t pressure her into doing something that she’s quite honestly indecisive about.

Half of the set up was already done. The furniture had been moved far enough to the side that there was a large empty space in front of one of the walls. A low but wide stage had been set up and covered with a sheep skin rug and the wall itself was draped with a pristine white cloth.

Every single new session starts out with BlueSabby mercilessly TEASING her readers with little hints before finally revealing what’s going on. I LOVE that!

I found this intriguing, although a little on the disturbing side. The stage had obviously been set up to display Chloe in some way, and it’s the ‘displaying the submissive’ part of this kind of arrangement that I always found rather hard to tolerate.

Just the idea of Chloe being relegated as part of the settings for random strangers to admire, envy and leer at. It puts her on par with furniture, or some other form of monetarily purchased possession.

Chloe might not have a problem with being regarded as ‘owned by Lex’, but she is not a product of his hard work, and he has no right to display her as if she is HIS accomplishment.

Whatever the throw was made of was very soft. Lex was making sure that she was comfortable on her knees. Very thoughtful. Good dom behavior.

Whenever she thought of it now, she realized that her previous dom wasn’t as good as she had originally thought. He had never taken her comfort into consideration when they were together.

I’ve noted many, MANY times that Lex is a fantastic and considerate dom. And I’m glad to see that Chloe has made the distinction between him and her previous dom.

I’m STILL looking forward to the smackdown that the old-dom will get when he shows his smug face around this fic… Hint Hint-hinthinthint! coughMakeOldDomSuffercough!

Once down on her knees, she made sure her legs were widely spread and her wrists rested upon each other behind her back.

Another one of little details that make everything so much easier to visualize, comprehend and accept as REAL!

He gathered up the large tablet that held most of the toys and shifted it to one hand so he could pick up the one item that he'd purchased specifically for this session. It was still packaged in its original cellophane.

Ooooohh. New toys! Now what could that be? All this teasing was frustrating, but immensely satisfying in it’s own right. Now I’m seeing why Chloe enjoys all that frustrating foreplay so much, right uptill the point she’s allowed to orgasm.

Both arms loaded with equipment, he made his way back into the living room. The clock in the kitchen told him there was still time before his surprise would arrive.

A surprise? Eeeee! More teasing!!!

Chloe smoothly took off her jacket and placed it next to her. She jerked her shirt over her head, the material sliding over her nipples. The action coupled with the temperature in the room caused them to harden.

Heh… nice detail here. It really helps the viewers to get into the scene. It’s all the little things that make your writing so brilliant!

She was addicted to him and needed her fix. Pleasing him was the most powerful drug that she’d ever found to date.

This actually struck me as ominous. What happens when Chloe can’t get her fix anymore? Does she start stalking Lex? ;)

His eyes traced the paths where the ropes would run along her skin between her breasts and down over her belly. Lex planned on combining several different techniques to achieve the perfect result.

Ropes??!! There are ropes too?! Be still my heart!

He looked down at her face as he took her skirt and shoes from her hands. “Look at me.” When she raised her head to meet his eyes he continued, “Have you eaten today?”

Verrrry nice! He might not be perfect, but he does try to consider EVERY-thing pertaining to Chloe’s comfort before starting in with the rough and grueling stuff. An excellent dom.

Lex trailed his eyes down her naked body once again. In this position, he could easily see that she was already excited just from the thought of being used by him, even though he hadn't done much of anything to her yet.

“You're aroused already,” he commented as he blatantly looked at her cunt, “So eager to please me.”

Erm… Am I the only one who found this immensely hot… Like ‘felt a jolt of heat in my nether regions’ levels of hot. Not only Chloe’s… wetness… but the amount of satisfied pleasure Lex felt upon seeing her in this state.


Just me then huh?

Let’s move on…

“It's a pity you're not as starved as I would have liked to see you for this occasion, but I'm sure we can work around that little problem.”

You want to know something funny? This statement coming so close on the heels of Lex asking her if she had anything to eat made me think they were going to indulge in some heavy duty food-sex or something… *sheepish expression*

But he was wrong. She was starved. Yes, she loved his voice. The phone call had been very fulfilling. But she preferred his hands over hers vastly. She also preferred having him in the room with her.

Heh… But this paragraph made me quickly realize that he didn’t mean ‘starved’ for nutritional nourishment ;)

I still feel foolish.

It occurred to Chloe for the first time that when they did fuck, if Lex ever gave her the honor of having his cock imbedded deeply in her body, that she had no idea how she would be able to handle it.

She JUST realized that?! I have been painfully aware of it for what seems like forever now.

Lex wanted her to work up a sweat during this session, it would reflect beautifully on her skin and put more emphasis on the nylon later on.

Ropes? Nylon? What the heck does Lex have in mind here?!

“Up until today, I have preferred you very natural,” he fell into the monologue easily, mostly ignoring what Chloe was doing to herself. “Nothing to enhance or camouflage your appearance. A completely ordinary woman.”

I really like it when Lex goes into dom-speech-giving mode. He is really good at it, and he manages to pick precisely the correct words to intrigue, arouse and enhance the experience. Not to mention the way I get Lex’s voice speaking those beautiful and powerful words in my head… It sends shivers down my spine, and I can’t imagine what it must be doing for Chloe.

Stepping a little closer, he watched her hands move over her body as she did what she was told, not for her own pleasure, but to please him. He knew that she reacted strongly to his voice, so he would use that to his advantage.

Smart dom! He really does pay attention to everything doesn’t he? He remembers what Chloe told him, and is using the information to enhance her experience.

“You've already shown me how extraordinary you are, how much you're willing to do to please me.” As he spoke, he stepped up onto the platform until he was standing next to her.

His free hand reached out and combed her hair back from the right side of her face. “That doesn't speak of an ordinary woman.”

He stepped behind her and combed back the hair from the other side of her face as well. “Which is why I will turn you into something truly exotic today. Something far different from any average woman.”

I just LOVED everything he said. The way he said Chloe was extraordinary and amazing, and he wanted every part of her to reflect that. How he wanted her physical presence to be striking and powerful enough to reflect her amazing skills and attitude.

Chloe wanted to tell him that she wasn’t average when she was with him. He was right. She was extraordinary because he allowed her to be. She was amazing when she wanted to show him how much it meant to her to please him.

I also liked how Chloe believed being with him made her amazing and extraordinary. The strongest relationships (friendships, marriages, ‘arrangements’, etc) are always ones that bring out the best and the strongest in all parties involved. I’m glad to see that BOTH Lex and Chloe feel powerful from this relationship.

She could feel Lex’s gaze on her and knew she looked beautiful in his eyes.

How lovely! She is completely confident in her skills and beauty. So much that she has no doubt that Lex has his complete focus, attention and admiring gaze on her.

He brought his hand down until the tip of the toy was touching her breast. It trailed over her skin in a lazy path down to her nipple and back up, across her chest to the other breast. He circled the second nipple and teased it for a moment before he spoke.

He’s a little more casual around her now, but he is still sparing with his physical skin-on-skin touches.

Her grunts were rhythmic. They worked in tandem with the thrusts of her fingers to arouse her even more. Her hands were coated in her juices. The situation had gotten worse once Lex had touched her with the toy.

Any direct attention from him made her needier. She’d come to realize that. Lex probably was already aware of that fact. She was getting louder. Her voice now drowning out the buzzing sound in the room.

Three fingers now inside. With a thumb pressing randomly at her clit every now and again. Not her hands. Lex’s.

YUMMY! Hot! Hothothot!

Her eyes had closed and when she opened them she saw a man standing in the middle of the room. He had a camera bag slung over his shoulder and was carrying a tripod. His eyes were firmly fixed on her body.

Charles had known what to expect. Hell, he’d done this numerous times. But it was still a little disconcerting to watch a woman or a man come on command. This one had screamed Luthor’s name at first and then breathed it out pathetically after she’d come. Quite a feat being she had a vibrator in her mouth.

Always before these jobs, he took a cold shower. And had a talk with himself. It wouldn’t do to get hard while working. It was counter productive.

WOW! This was really quite a surprise, and a startling introduction of a new and interesting character. I find myself warming up to him already, and I’m actually hoping that this fellow might make another couple of cameo appearances after his ‘function’ is finished.

Imagine having a job description that includes taking pictures of people in the middle of sexual sessions. Imagine making a good and respectable living off such a job.

While he spoke, his eyes cut over to Charles to see that he was already setting up his camera and other equipment. “So today, while I use you for my pleasure, Charles will take pictures so I can look at you whenever I wish,” he continued. “And of course, display your body to whomever I please.”

‘display your body’… This still bothers me. As if Lex is taking credit for Chloe’s beauty, skills, accomplishments and capabilities.

I just hate the thought of implied SMUGNESS that would accompany displays of Chloe (through photography or otherwise).

If only I knew that Lex was properly awed and grateful for having Chloe in his life and under his control… but I keep hearing this terrible smug tone that he would get whenever he would show off the pictures to other doms, or gloat over them in private.

Lex had gotten the appointment on very short notice, and it was the only one that had been free in Charles’s busy schedule. The man was a professional and highly sought after. They'd covered the basics of what Lex wanted over the phone, but he wanted to make sure that everything would be perfect.

Charles had watched the way that Lex was with the woman. He’d seen many different couples that handled this situation differently. He was happy to see that Lex treated her with as much respect as could be imagined in this relationship.

I’m finding Charles more interesting as the chapter goes by. I wonder what ‘other’ kinds of couples he has seen, and what he thought of the dynamics in those relationships.

There’s no mention here of Charles doing this kind of work for Lex before. When this fic started, I had the impression that Lex has entered into several similarly intense types of arrangements with a variety of submissives.

But now, I’m starting to believe that this is the first time that Lex has entered into this type of a long-term, exclusive agreement with a woman.

Am I right? Is Chloe truly Lex’s first exclusive sub? Or does she stand out as ‘best’ one?

After handing it over to Lex and letting him read it, he said, “If there is anything else, just let me know. I may also take additional shots that strike me.” Lex looked back at him. “Sometimes I see something that others don’t.”

I want to see Charles’s notes!!! I want to see what kind of shots he takes! I want MORE of this chapter!!!

Rising to her feet with her hands still behind her back, Chloe could tell that her whole body was flushed. She wondered what she looked like at the moment. And wondered if she would ever get to see the pictures that were about to be taken.

There was something truly unfair about the possibility of Lex being able to take Chloe’s pictures without letting her see the results. It is HER picture after all! Her little piece of soul being cut up and divided and then whisked away to whereabouts unknown.

Perhaps it’s just me, but I don’t like having my picture taken by strangers. I don’t like the thought of images of myself being taken away out of my control and into the hands of people who don’t really know me.

And I imagine these pictures of Chloe would be HIGHLY personal, and therefore record a very private part of her. A part that shouldn’t be treated casually and callously for the pleasure of strangers.

But that’s just me.

I suppose it’s the invasion of privacy that bugs me so much about the concept of ‘displaying one’s submissive’. As if privacy can be disregarded so coldly and callously, just so that the dom can feel a sense of smug satisfaction about other people envying ‘his possession’.

Eyeliner. Lex instructed her to keep her eyes wide open at first. Then to close them. Then to look up. The whole situation was very odd. But it again went back to the principle of taking care of his possession. Her image was to be imprinted forever and Lex wanted her to look her best.

*sigh*… on one hand, I think it’s sweet and lovely how Lex wants her to look beautiful and at her best for her shots. But on the other hand… refer again to my rant about my concerns as to what he does with these pictures and how he regards them

Charles had watched the display with keen interest. This was a new one. He’d never seen this done before. Maybe it was the new trend. It unsettled him that Luthor was so good with the pencil for some reason.

Heh. Not a new trend… just the extra step that Lex Luthor would apply to any activity that he gave his attention to. And it makes sense that anything that Lex does, he does perfectly well… OR he hires the absolute best in the field to do it for him.

Lex scrutinized his work and was satisfied with the black lines framing her eyes. Who would have thought that having theater actors as regular fuckbuddies would come in handy one day.

Hmmm. Actors as fuckbuddies? Sounds interesting and intriguing. But I suppose that’s one of the little teasing hints about Luthor’s past that we’re NEVER going to get the details of :(

He smirked and dropped the pencil back into the bag, then pulled out another pencil and a small case with eye shadow in different shades of blue and green.

His eyes narrowed as he concentrated on creating the illusion of shadow and light with the different colors. This part was a bitch, in comparison; the eyeliner had been a piece of cake.

I REALLY enjoyed how much detail BlueSabby put into the makeup. I could actually SEE how stunning Chloe must have looked. And I knew the makeup had been perfectly and beautifully applied… enough to be properly dramatic, but not too much. After all, Lex is actually a man with an eye for beauty and good taste, and he has spent enough time with enough women to know what complements a woman’s features best.

“Relax your mouth,” he instructed as he opened the tube and transferred some of the rich plum color onto the tip of the pencil.

He placed two fingers under her chin and tipped it up, then followed the line of her lips with the pencil. Went back for more color and filled out the missing spots. “Press your lips together.”

The color was extremely strong, but it would look perfect in the black and white shots he'd ordered and add to the exotic flair in the colored pictures.

I get the feeling I wasn’t the only one who found the image of Lex applying makeup on Chloe to be incredibly erotic.

Although, there was no mention here of Lex cleaning Chloe’s face, wiping away her existing base makeup, or moisturizing before putting on the extra heavy coating on her.

I would have thought he would have wanted to started from a clean base.

Of all of the things that she’d experienced with Lex, Chloe had to admit that this was definitely the strangest. She wondered where Lex had learned the proper way to use make up. She didn’t know many men who would have been able to do what he had.

Heh. Seems like THE question for both Charles and Chloe. I wonder if Chloe is going to ask Lex for details if and when they share another non-sub/dom moment together.

He dropped the bag on the coffee table and picked up the package beside the tray. Lex pulled out the first item, careful not to mar the feathers. It was a bird mask that covered the top half of the wearer's face. The nose was shaped like a small beak and the feathers around the eyes were slightly longer than the plume that covered the rest of the mask. The two silk ribbons connected to the mask weren't visible from the front at all.

Verrry nice. I love the visuals you’re making up here.

He showed her the mask. “It's very soft. Unfortunately, I can't allow you to touch it, since your fingers are still wet with your juices,” he commented casually.

*snort*… Of course the feathers must be fluffed up PERFECTLY for the shots. Even the tiniest imperfection that would be caused by Chloe’s grazing of sticky fingers must be guarded against. Sometimes Lex scares me in his perfectionist goals.

The peacock tail had been delivered earlier today and he hadn't taken it out of its package until now. If there was any flaw in the small metal plug that was supposed to keep the tail in place, this part of the session would have to be changed.

His fingers ran over the surface smoothly. It was made of one solid piece and didn't show any rough edges or seams. Satisfied, he nodded and picked up a small tube of lubricant.

A nice touch to have Lex checking to make sure all props and equipment were perfect before letting them anywhere near Chloe. It’s good to see where his priorities are. I get the feeling the old-dom would have used ANY-thing with Chloe (marred, rusted, sticky or otherwise) to get HIS shots the way he wanted.

I wonder what the backup plan would have been…?

Even though Chloe was Lex’s at this point, she was still Chloe. Unbidden, the fact that it was the males of the species that had the beautiful coloring came to her mind. Lex had to know that and it wasn’t the point of the matter.

The feathers were obviously real. About two to three feet in length. She couldn’t count how many of them there were but she knew that once it was inside of her and the features were fanned out that it would look quite impressive. As would she.

I’m still LOVING the vivid picture you’re building up here. One small layer after another, Chloe is being made into a Goddess. I’m getting some truly amazing pictures in my head.

Chloe remained still until Lex gave her another order. He was clearly gauging her reaction to the latest turn of their play. Even though she knew he was in charge, she also knew that if he sensed any hesitancy or fear on her part that he would address it and help her to overcome it.

He’s her dom, and he gets to control her and tell her what to do and how to behave. But he’s always careful to make sure she’s comfortable every step of the way. Or as comfortable as possible at least.

Once again, I love how BlueSabby keep putting in all these little gestures to show how the arrangement works, and how Lex is so careful with the power he wields over his possession.

Now that all of his lighting equipment and various cameras and lenses were at the ready, Charles watched what was happening on the platform avidly. More than once after he was done with a job, he would be invited to partake in an ‘after party.’ He always begged off. Yes, this kind of thing was a turn on, but it just wasn’t for him.

Ewwww. Just the idea of some horrible callous doms abusing their own power by inviting random photographers (and heaven knows who else) to come in and start playing around with the subs.

I’m glad to see that Charles never took advantage of any such invitation or opportunity. He might take photographs that verge on the edge of pornography (or IS outright pornographic in nature), but he is NOT a sleaze. I like Charles :)

The greens and blues contrasted sharply with her pale skin, but it made her look just as exotic as he'd imagined when he'd ordered the mask and tail. Lex had deliberated using body paint for the full effect, but knowing what a mess this tended to create had begged off the idea and gone with his initial plan.

“Straighten up,” he ordered as he stepped back a little, “And bring your legs back together.”

His eyes ran appreciatively the length of her body as he took her in from head to toes. Chloe's feet were still bare and would stay that way. He could have gone with the high heels that were usually ordered with the set of mask and tail, but the green rhinestone covered shoes had looked more ridiculous than erotic in his opinion.

Oh WOW! The picture has come together as a whole, and it looks STUNNING in my head. Oh the things I would give to be able to see the actual photograph. I don’t suppose there are any really talented photoshopping freaks who would be willing to manipulate a picture to accompany these words?

Every single update brings new and exciting layers and themes to this relationship and arrangement. Just when I think BlueSabby have reached a peak, they manage to add to my experience, visuals and expectations in new and exciting ways.

I cannot wait to see how this continues. Please update soon… Like tomorrow…? I’ve barely finished this review and I ALREADY need another Arrangment fix.

I’m pathetic :P

please update soon. I promise worship?

5th November 2006, 02:42
That was kinky and hot! :drool2: I want more please.... :beg:

Hope :)

5th November 2006, 03:07
oooohhhhh. wow. Great chapter.

5th November 2006, 08:42
whoa, whoa, why'd you have to stop it RIGHT THERE?!? Dang it was getting too good.

5th November 2006, 23:41
very intriguing chapter:D

6th November 2006, 04:58
Yet another great chapter!! Sometimes it's hard for me to see what Chloe gets out of these sessions with Lex, but I guess pleasing him is her main concern!! I would personally be so scared about who would see the pictures and the video Lex made, but at least Chloe is confident enough with Lex to realize he would never do anything with them to hurt her!! Please post more soon!!

6th November 2006, 22:20
Are you kidding me? Are you KIDDING ME?! You stopped it there?! What the hell?!

I must say, I really appreciate the situation you created with Charles' arrival. I saw Lex's choice of timing as a not-so-subtle reminder to Charles that Chloe is Lex's and Lex's alone, and what Charles is about to photograph is based on a mutual understanding between Lex and Chloe and no one else, no matter what they may witness.

Please hurry. This is ridiculously exciting.

6th November 2006, 22:45
I found this intriguing, although a little on the disturbing side. The stage had obviously been set up to display Chloe in some way, and it’s the ‘displaying the submissive’ part of this kind of arrangement that I always found rather hard to tolerate.

Just the idea of Chloe being relegated as part of the settings for random strangers to admire, envy and leer at. It puts her on par with furniture, or some other form of monetarily purchased possession.

Chloe might not have a problem with being regarded as ‘owned by Lex’, but she is not a product of his hard work, and he has no right to display her as if she is HIS accomplishment.

‘display your body’… This still bothers me. As if Lex is taking credit for Chloe’s beauty, skills, accomplishments and capabilities.

I just hate the thought of implied SMUGNESS that would accompany displays of Chloe (through photography or otherwise).

If only I knew that Lex was properly awed and grateful for having Chloe in his life and under his control… but I keep hearing this terrible smug tone that he would get whenever he would show off the pictures to other doms, or gloat over them in private.

You know, in most cases I would agree with you, but with what we know of Lex so far I don't think he underappreciates her like that. And I also believe he is entitled to a bit of smugness, since he is the reason Chloe has blossomed even more as a sub, which she even has an inner monologue about.

I also don't believe Lex would ever 'display' Chloe to anyone who wouldn't understand how to appreciate what they are seeing. Lex is very proud of her; he's proud of her capabilities, and proud that he is able to satisfy such a giving submissive. She is a very refined submissive, and the last thing I can imagine him doing is giving anyone with a coarse understanding of the relationship a chance to see her and what she is willing to do for him. And that really matters.

Finally, Chloe herself is proud of what she is able to do for Lex's pleasure. And I think that her quick aqcuiesence to the photo session shows that she fully trusts Lex's judgement if he ever shares the pictures with another person, and that she is not ashamed of anything Lex has her do because it is all a part of her ultimate pleasure, as it is his.

7th November 2006, 17:31
ADD MORE SOON!!! I think this is an amazing story!!

7th November 2006, 18:31
You know, in most cases I would agree with you, but with what we know of Lex so far I don't think he underappreciates her like that. And I also believe he is entitled to a bit of smugness, since he is the reason Chloe has blossomed even more as a sub, which she even has an inner monologue about.

ahhh. Now here's the only part of your review that I disagree with. I don't believe Lex has any right to be smug over Chloe's skills and capabilities. He is of course entitled to be proud of how he keeps her attention, and the way he maintains his domination over her... but there is a fine line between being proud of how Lex treats his possession as apposed to the smugness he might feel in the ownership itself.

Basically I was worried about Lex's attitude, frame of mind and perspective during the display. I was worried that he wouldn't show the proper amount of awe and respect that was due to Chloe.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining it very well. But BlueSabby have assured me that my fears were completely unfounded, and I trust them completely. Lex does indeed understand the difference between simply having 'something' in one's possession (some trinket lying around the house)... and actually owning it (taking care of it, minding it keeping it safe, etc).

I also don't believe Lex would ever 'display' Chloe to anyone who wouldn't understand how to appreciate what they are seeing. Lex is very proud of her; he's proud of her capabilities, and proud that he is able to satisfy such a giving submissive. She is a very refined submissive, and the last thing I can imagine him doing is giving anyone with a coarse understanding of the relationship a chance to see her and what she is willing to do for him. And that really matters.

Like I said... BlueSabby told me that THIS was in fact Lex's attitude towards Chloe, and although I hoped that WAS the case, it was great to get some reassurance :D

Thanks for your comments katieandjason, they were very insightful, and I was pleased to see that someone actually survived the harrowing journey through one of my hugely, obnoxiously looong reviews ;)

7th November 2006, 19:41
Of course I read your reviews! They are articulate, and usually provide a perspective that differs greatly from mine and cause me to reread parts of the story to see how you see things so differently from me.

8th November 2006, 19:59
this is one of the best stories i've read in a long time...can't wait for the next part!!!!

9th November 2006, 03:55
spantabulous! and i loved it that you ended with fornication. perfect

12th November 2006, 18:28
A/N:Blue: More pictures, orgasms and conversation. Oh, and a ratty place for us to stop. As usual.

A/N:Sabby: Hope we don't disappoint with the descriptions. Feedback is as always craved.

As the shutter clicked again, Charles knew that he’d gotten exactly what Luthor had wanted. It’d been about 20 minutes since Luthor had given him permission to start taking the shots.

One thing that was pleasant about jobs like these was the that models actually listened to what you said. There wasn’t any back talk and they didn’t voice their opinions. Yes, every now and again what they had to say was valid but more often than not they thought that a clichéd, trite shot needed to be taken.

The blonde had obeyed him perfectly and the roll of film in his camera and the rolls safely tucked away in his bag proved it. He’d taken both black and white and color and he thought that they’d be equally beautiful in very different ways.

Presently he was down on one knee about a foot away from the blonde, Chloe. Luthor had finally told him her name. Her head was tilted back slightly and she was fondling her breasts. In the viewfinder, you could see that she was wet between her legs. Her lips, which he’d told her to moisten, were damp as well. Her mouth was parted slightly. The fall of her hair had settled between and beside her breasts. After a shot of that, he told her to move the tendrils behind her shoulders and then get back into the same position again. She’d done so instantly.

Even though she’d been turned on the whole time, and it had to be bordering on pain by now, she hadn’t made a sound. He admired her will. And her muscle strength. The peacock feathers had to weigh a ton at this point. Her skin was shining with a thin layer of sweat but that only made her look more otherworldly.

Charles dropped the camera from his eyes and looked over his shoulder at Lex. “I think we’ve got all we need for this set.”

There were at least four more sets to go.

Lex had watched avidly and remained silent while Charles took his shots and Chloe got into the different positions demanded of her. During the last few minutes, his eyes had remained fixed to her face, watching carefully for signs of discomfort.

When Charles announced that the set was finished, Lex was about as relieved as Chloe had to be. The moment the words had left the photographer's mouth he'd made his way to the platform.

“You did very well, Chloe,” he praised as he brushed a hand down her arm. “Get on your knees.”

He was sure she would rather collapse, but instead she sunk gracefully into the position he ordered, looking straight ahead. The pride at her obedience and self-control, all to please him, made his hard cock jerk inside his pants.

Running a hand down her back, feeling the sweat under his palm, he got down on one knee beside her and carefully removed the tail. Her skin was red and it took a moment before her hole closed after the intrusion was removed.

“Shh, relax,” he spoke softly as he patted her back for another moment. “You're doing very well so far and I'm pleased with your performance.”

Standing up he turned the tail in his hand to trail the soft feathers over her skin. “We're not done yet, though, so I expect you to keep up your performance. I know you won't disappoint me.”

Lex stepped back down from the platform and brought the tail back to the coffee table where he let it fall onto the tray with a clang. Then he picked up the set of nipple clamps. They were connected with a thin metal chain and a third, longer chain was doubled up and looped over the connecting link. It would be dangling from the middle of her chest far enough to almost touch her clit. Almost, but not quite.

He took a firm grip on the base of his cock as he imagined her reaction to the sensation. “Touch yourself,” he ordered as he turned around to walk back to the platform.

As he passed Charles, he nodded shortly, giving the man the sign that this would be the start of the next set.

He stepped up onto the platform and stayed out of Chloe's sight and the camera range, waiting for Charles' signal that he'd gotten the first few shots.

Charles was thankful that he was a focused person. Otherwise, there would be no way that he’d be able to concentrate on the job. As the woman braced herself on one hand, the other trailed down her body and then plunged inside of her. Still, she made no noise.

Chloe’s resolve was being tested. The positioning hadn’t been bad at all. Yes, the feathers had become uncomfortable towards the end but it wasn’t that that had been the worst. It had been the feathers that Lex had trailed over her back. She was very ticklish.

But she’d managed to hold it together.

She worked at her cunt and could hear the clicking of the camera.

The woman still had no facial expression. She could have been waiting for a bus instead of on her knees in a mask as she masturbated. After a few shots, Charles realized the angle wasn’t going to work. He couldn’t get a clear shot as to the main event between her thighs. He’d gotten as close as possible and told her to rearrange her legs. He had gotten some shots, good ones. But he thought another position would work better.

He took another two shots as her damp hand moved up her body and worked at her breasts. It cradled the full flesh and then tweaked the nipple. He looked over towards Lex. “Can she get on her back?”

While Lex had told him that she would obey him in addition to Lex, this wasn’t a simple repositioning. The woman would have to move her body fully. Charles clearly understood that he should ask Luthor before instructing the woman to do so.

Lex held up a hand towards the man, signaling him to wait.

He stepped behind Chloe and looked down her body as she continued massaging her breast. Taking the clamps between his fingers, he slowly lowered his hands so the center chain fell in front of her between her breasts.

“Present your chest,” he murmured as he lowered the chain farther.

He had to bend over slightly so he could reach her nipples. They were hard enough that he didn't have to take hold of them to attach the clamps.

Lex clamped on both at the same time as he whispered in her ear. “You're allowed to make noise, now.”

She obeyed instantly and the first thing that fell from her lips was his name. Lex smirked as he stepped back far enough to be out of camera range.

“Lie on your back, legs spread wide. Brace your feet on the floor and raise your hips.”

As he spoke he nodded towards Charles to continue taking pictures.

Now the woman was making constant noise. Grunts and pleads and mostly Lex’s name. But she continued to obey his words.

He took pictures as her body moved. Once she was in position, he got up on the platform and focused on two areas of her body.

Her hands were moving constantly and her whole body was flushed. She sounded anguished. But her hips didn’t move. She stayed in position, open fully for Lex. So he could take pictures.

“Perfect,” he murmured. He could see everything now. He got down on his knees between her splayed legs, careful not to touch her and then started giving instructions.

Even though Charles was telling her what to do, she knew the words were really Lex’s. He was just another instrument for Lex to use.

Her hands tugged at the chain between the clamps. “Fuck, yes! God.” She was whimpering already.

She could feel the chain that hung from the clamps teasing her between her legs. Getting close to but never touching her clit.

Charles told her to spread herself with her hands. He took a few pictures. Then, “Fuck yourself. But slowly. One finger only.”

She did so. “Let me please you, Lex.” She knew he was watching but looked up at the ceiling.

“Faster, two fingers.” More clicks of the camera. “Do not come.”

The shots were wonderful. Detailed and she was so wet. Pity he couldn’t keep any of them for his portfolio, they’d get him a lot of business.

He took a long shot of her body. At the top of the frame were her tits, a beam of light shining off of one of the clamps. The chain was almost a straight line on her body, leading to just above her clit. One hand held her open as the other fucked her.

“Touch your clit,” he said. He knew that he should be turned on by this but he wasn’t thinking about that. He was in the zone. He knew the pictures would be fantastic and needed to stay completely focused. “Good, Chloe. Lex will be very pleased.”

She cried out harshly. “Now, rub your clit.” He remembered the specific words he was to say. “Small, tight, hard circles.”

Lex bit down on the inside of his cheek as he watched Charles give out the orders. If he didn't know that he'd given the man specific instructions as to exactly what to say during this set, he would have thought Charles might be into the scene after all.

Except that Lex could see the man was totally focused on the camera, not the sub he was giving the orders to.

His gaze went back to Chloe as she did as instructed, working herself into a frenzy on his demand. And it was his demand, regardless of the voice that spoke the orders.

Lex's cock was hard, his own arousal getting more insistent by the minute, but he would have to wait for a while for physical gratification. The high he got off of watching her submit was quite heady on its own, though.

Slowly, he stepped up to Chloe and knelt down beside her legs. “Spread them wider,” he instructed as he shifted into a somewhat comfortable position on lying his side. “Move your hands to your sides, and keep them there.”

He could see that she was close to coming, and her whimper was rather pitiful as she did what he'd ordered and denied herself release for his pleasure. “Good girl,” he said soothingly as his hand ran up the inside of her leg to her dripping cunt. “Hold it back for me, don't come!”

His fingers brushed over the wet folds, parting them and briefly teasing at her clit before they stroked back down to the wet opening of her pussy.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Charles coming closer for the next few shots. Making sure to keep his body as far from Chloe as possible, he moved his arm to slowly dip a finger inside. “Lower your right knee to the floor,” he ordered as he realized that the leg would otherwise obstruct the camera's view.

Chloe was dying. Her body needed release. She could hear herself practically sobbing Lex’s name. The begging tone in her voice obvious to all three of them in the room. But he’d let her come when it pleased him. Until then, she would stow her own needs for his.

Distantly, Charles heard and noted the agony the woman was in. But that wasn’t his concern. Now that there was another body involved, the light wouldn’t be as good. He had to change his position slightly to catch it in another way.

He took shot after shot of just one of Lex’s fingers pumping in and out of Chloe’s pussy. He nodded and then Lex added another. Followed by another cry from Chloe.

This happened two more times until four of Lex’s fingers were disappearing in and out of her willing flesh. Charles was happy that the shots were picking up the darkened stain on the cuff of Lex’s shirt. It would show just how wet Chloe was.

“You can go faster, now,” he remarked. Lex’s hand picked up speed. He took another few shots and then reared up on his knees. He clicked a few shots of Chloe’s twisted face.

When Lex pressed his thumb to Chloe’s clit she shrieked. Charles couldn’t believe that the noise had not been accompanied by an orgasm.

He nodded once more at Lex. They’d gotten all they needed from this angle. He walked on his knees so he could get Chloe’s body in profile. He waited for Lex’s next move.

Lex devoured the sight before him with his eyes, taking in her complete abandon to the sensations he was causing. The only thing holding her back from coming at this moment was her obedience to him. She would not come until he gave his permission.

Chloe didn't know it, but this was part of her training. He was sure that she had the potential to be the perfect sub to a point where his command was the only thing that would allow her release, no matter what he or anyone else did to her body.

“Your obedience pleases me, Chloe,” he pushed his fingers deeply inside her and crooked them up to press against her sensitive inner walls.

He had to raise his voice to be heard over her screams. “So wet and so ready for release, but you won't come. You won't let go until I tell you to.”

Lex pulled his fingers from her cunt and trailed the wet digits up her body until he could tug on the chain connecting the nipple clamps. The small motion was accompanied by more noises from Chloe, but she obeyed him, still fighting off her climax.

Lex shifted until he sat on his knees again, still mostly out of range of Charles' camera.

“Taste yourself,” he demanded as he brought his dripping fingers to her lips and pushed against them. “Clean your juices off my fingers.”

The camera kept clicking. Chloe could hear it but she didn’t register it as anything that mattered to her. The only thing that mattered was Lex’s voice and his commands. He was right, she wouldn’t come unless he commanded her to. It was the only thing that would open the floodgates.

He’d gotten a beautiful shot of Chloe’s face when Lex had tugged on the chain. You could see the agony on her face and could even see the chain pulled taunt, causing no doubt to whomever looked at the picture what the source of her pain/pleasure was.

When Chloe’s lips closed over Lex’s fingers, Charles moved a little to the side. He wanted a few different angles of this one. He was rewarded when he got a shot of Chloe’s tongue darting across the pad of one of Lex’s fingers. It was just too bad that the pictures didn’t come with audio.

When her taste exploded in her mouth, Chloe moaned around Lex’s digits. She worked her tongue around each finger, wiping herself off of Lex’s flesh. It, at least, gave her something else to concentrate on besides the throbbing in her nipples and between her legs.

The sensation of her tongue licking and running over his fingers gave a pleasant foreshadowing of what would happen later. With a smirk, Lex pushed his fingers deeper into her mouth and ordered her to “Suck them.”

He let her work on his fingers for a few moments more, then pulled them from between her lips with a smacking noise as she reluctantly let them go.

The pads of his fingers trailed down her chest and followed the length of the center chain. He slowly picked up the two dangling ends and shifted back.

Lex stood up completely, the chain still loosely held between his fingers. His eyes shifted to Charles who was already in position to capture the next shot in profile.

Slowly, Lex moved his arm back until the chain was taut, then kept pulling on it, forcing the flesh between the clamps to distend. “Kneel up, hands behind your back,” he ordered as he continued pulling the chain.

The shutter clicked twice and Lex watched as Charles shifted on his knees and adjusted the camera right away for the next few shots.

“Are you ready to come, Chloe?”

Once in the position that Lex wanted, Chloe eagerly said, “Yes, Lex. If you’d like me to come.” She honestly meant it. If he was not ready, if she could satisfy him by doing something else at first, she’d do it.

Lex still held onto the chain between the clamps, giving it a tug every now and again. The pain in her chest now took a hold over her body. It was more pressing than the throb between her legs. This was a mark of a good dom. They could change the sensations that you felt in your body every moment.

Lex had told Charles what would be happening next. He was very specific about what he wanted and the order of things. Again, it was a photographer’s dream. Some clients, both in the business and private sector, only gave him vague instructions. That usually led to unhappiness down the line.

“Whatever you want me to do, Lex, I’m yours.” Charles noted that the words held no guile. The woman clearly meant it. No games were being played in this situation. He supposed that was why people sought out such arrangements.

“Then prove it,” Lex purred, then barked out, “Come for me, now!” as he yanked harshly on the center chain, close enough to the connecting one to snap the clamps from her nipples.

He watched her face as pain and pleasure transformed it and she came apart at his command. The rapid clicking of the shutter was completely drowned out by screams of his name and various curses that streamed from Chloe's mouth as she shuddered through her seemingly endless climax.

His cock twitched inside his pants, begging for some attention. He gave the base of it a vicious squeeze, taking back control over his raging arousal. It would have to wait until the end of the next and last set.

There were things still to be done.

After her orgasm Chloe panted and whimpered with every breath she took. Her body still gave random twitches as she tried to recapture some semblance of control. That had been the first time she’d ever come like that. Her dom hadn’t even been touching her. Just his command. It had been amazing. She had tried to tell Lex that but didn’t think she’d communicated it properly with her words, “Lex. First.”

Once the thumping of her heartbeat started to fade out of her eardrums she could again hear the clicking of the camera. She wondered how many shots had been taken.

Chloe had performed perfectly and hadn’t even known it. Charles had been able to get dozens of shots of her face as she’d come. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman come like that. Or as hard as Chloe had come.

He realized he was out of film on this roll and went back to reload. He also had a question for Lex.

While he’d taken a lot of jobs from clubs in the area, he’d never seen a woman come like that on command. He wondered if it was something that was usually not shown to outsiders or if only a certain number of subs could do it.

He was sure to keep his voice low and turned away from Chloe. He doubted she could even process what was going on around her but you could never be too careful. “Lex, can all of the women and men who are subs do that/i]?”

Lex smiled as he looked down at the marvelous creature kneeling in front of him. “No.”

He motioned with his fingers for Charles to follow him as he walked back to the coffee table.

“The performance you've just witnessed is not something many subs are able to do,” he explained as he picked up a tissue from the tray to clean his still wet fingers. “Sure, all of them will come 'on command', but nine out of ten will still need some kind of direct stimulus to get there.”

He looked back towards Chloe as he continued speaking, not bothering to censor the pride in his voice. The man had asked a straight question and would get a straight answer. “She's still in training right now. I saw her potential and based on her performance just now, I'm sure she will improve even more.”

His gaze went to the tools for the next set for a moment, then squarely up to meet Charles' eyes. “It takes a very strong will to submit that completely. She's one of the few who actually has the capability to get there.”

His fingers trailed over smooth nylon as he continued. “I plan on bringing her to the point where [I]nothing except my direct order will make her achieve climax.”

Charles raised his eyebrows. He’d never really asked questions of his clients. But he had a working relationship with Lex so he didn’t think it was out of line. He took in all of the information that Lex had given him. But that just made another question come to mind. And then another.

“Ok, I do understand that, but, well,” he wasn’t sure it was very proper to bring it up but he’d try it. “What happens if the arrangement comes to an end? Doesn’t that sort of screw her up forever?” He gestured over to Chloe.

“And what about you?” He kept his eyes trained on Lex’s face. He didn’t need to look any lower. He’d seen the man’s state a number of times already. “I understand that her doing all of that gets you off and all. But when do you actually get to fuck her? Is it after she’s been trained? How do you not give in when she’s begging for it like that?”

Lex's lips twitched in amusement. It appeared as if Charles' curiosity was outweighing his professional sense. Since this little chat gave Chloe a few moments rest before the next set of pictures, he didn't mind it all too much though.

“Being a dom isn't merely about taking what you want,” he explained as he turned his back to the table to look fully at Chloe. “It's about giving your sub what they need. You're in complete control of them when they give themselves over, but that's just a part of it.”

Lex had discussed this subject before, extendedly, with other doms at the club he frequented. There were vast differences from one to the other when it came to their attitude towards slaves. Ironically, Lex had found that he had a lot more in common with female dominants, but that didn't bother him when compared to the distinct lack of responsibility and finesse found in most male doms.

He crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side. “You have to remain in control of both the sub and yourself at all points. That is the challenging part about being a dominant in this kind of arrangement.”

Seeing as he was talking to an outsider, he tried to clarify a little more. “Imagine you're a dom and in the middle of an intense session, your sub is tied up, gagged, maybe even blindfolded. They can't utter the safe word, even if they want to, you can't gauge their responses through eye contact. Now what happens if something is too much and the sub wants to end the game?”

Lex moved his eyes from Chloe to lock his gaze with Charles. “Of course ideally, the dom has to know his charge well enough to not disregard any rules or push past set limits without some kind of security, but for the sake of explanation, that is one of the clearest scenarios.”

His gaze went back to Chloe, who was still keeping her position on the middle of the sheepskin rug, hands clasped behind her back and facing straight forward. The mask had held firmly in place and nothing of the exotic look had vanished. Even the lipstick had held its promise of not smearing.

Crossing one leg over the other, he cocked his head to the side. “Yes, it is challenging to remain in control at all times, but if you are not, you could miss important clues and cause damage to the person that puts themselves completely in your care.”

For Lex, that was pretty much the worst offense a dom could commit against his sub. In his opinion, it nullified any contract for an arrangement immediately.

Turning away from this lecture before it could get too deep, he focused on the other question Charles had asked.

“As for your first question...” His eyes went back to Charles and he smirked. “It's a likely possibility,” he kept looking at the man and shrugged. “Unless she finds another dom strong enough to train her all over again.”

However, Lex had no intention of letting her go from their arrangement any time soon. He derived more pleasure from this than from any half baked relationship or one-night stand without the mess that tended to come with those.

“But, as long as neither of us breaks the rules of the contract, there's no reason to end this arrangement.”

With that, he turned towards the table and picked up the large coil of nylon rope he'd drawn his fingers over earlier.

“I suggest you prepare for the next set,” he told Charles as he made his way back to the platform, rope in hand.

He had many more questions to ask. Didn’t the subs mind that they were taking a huge chance like the one Lex had just described? What about marriage? Yes, Charles was nowhere near that himself but he couldn’t see any of these people marrying if they had this huge rhino sized skeleton in the closet. Plus, unless they were with their dom it wouldn’t be satisfying. Did doms and subs stay together for long periods of time?

Lex implied that he would be with Chloe for a long while. But, did they even speak to each other in the outside world?

Charles turned his thoughts back to his camera and the film he would need. He checked the shutter speed as well. He stowed any other questions in the back of his head.

Chloe hadn’t even tried to make out what was passing between the two men. She was naturally curious, but not in this situation. If Lex had wanted her to know what was being said, he would have instructed her to listen.

Her body had had a chance to settle itself once more and she was grateful for it. She was sweating profusely, her body’s natural reaction to what it had been put through, and the mask was now very hot on her skin. But she knew Lex wasn’t done with her yet.

Lex stood in front of her now. His hands lowered directly into her line of sight so she could see what he was holding. Rope. He told her to stand up.

12th November 2006, 19:19

12th November 2006, 19:25
That was awesome. The peacock thing was very cool as well. Interesting, I can't wait to hear more of Charles' reactions...

12th November 2006, 19:35
Chloe is an unbelievable woman. Being so strong with what Lex is putting her thru. What is Lex gonna do with these pics? I wonder what's gonna happen after the next set? Will he have sex with Chloe? Sp many questions. Happy you updated, excellent chapter!!!!!

12th November 2006, 20:03
Charles did ask a lot of interesting questions. And well we do know that Lex and Chloe know each other outside the "relationship" as well:)

And the images created.....vow

12th November 2006, 21:39
Great chapter, can't wait to see what other plans lex has!!! Update soon please!

12th November 2006, 21:47
Mother of pearl. That was intense. And I'm just a reader!

I adore Charles. It's like having one of us step up, ask direct questions and get direct answers on all of our worries. From Lex's perspective no less! Thank you for creating a situation where you were able to blatantly and skillfully address a few of our key issues about Lex.

12th November 2006, 23:14
Intense as always. Major props to Chloe for her control. Thank you Charles for being the go between and asking the questions that many of us have. I don't see the relationship between Chloe and Lex ending soon if ever, but I'm a sentimental fool so what do I know? I wonder what is next for the set of photographs.

12th November 2006, 23:17
Wow...so this is like along term thing...but what if one or the othe wants a relationship with emotions and love what happens then??? i loved how beautifully descriptive the pictures were and i really hope they don't fall inot wrong hands...

more soon please...


12th November 2006, 23:27
That was WOW!! :drool2: Very Very HOT!!! I am so glad Charles asked those questions. I have been wanting to know those questions myself. I have a feeling Lex won't let anynoe else have her. She is his and he is hers if that makes sense.

Hope :)

12th November 2006, 23:40
Wonderful update ladies. You attention to details always amazing me and is by far my fav part of this story. It shows that you did you did a lot of work in looking in to the sub/dom roles. I also have to say that this free POV is great. I don't think I could this if I was in Lex's head or Chloe's head all the time during very intense moments. You have really master the art of the Free POV.

His fingers trailed over smooth nylon as he continued. “I plan on bringing her to the point where nothing except my direct order will make her achieve climax.”
It seems like Chloe is very close to completing this goal but if this ever ends she will be ruined for any other dom. I wonder if Lex is working is way up to this point then he will allow to have a proper fuck from her (I have been watching to much Snatch if I just typed in proper fuck)

“Ok, I do understand that, but, well,” he wasn’t sure it was very proper to bring it up but he’d try it. “What happens if the arrangement comes to an end? Doesn’t that sort of screw her up forever?” He gestured over to Chloe.

“And what about you?” He kept his eyes trained on Lex’s face. He didn’t need to look any lower. He’d seen the man’s state a number of times already. “I understand that her doing all of that gets you off and all. But when do you actually get to fuck her? Is it after she’s been trained? How do you not give in when she’s begging for it like that?
All great question and one's I have been wondering myself since the start of the arrangement.

“But, as long as neither of us breaks the rules of the contract, there's no reason to end this arrangement.”
Lex gave some really great answers. His honesty was much appreciate. I love this idea that he cares for Chloe so much and not just looking to let him self get off. I'm under the assumption that they both have found the perfect arrangement and wonder I this will play out. What if Lex's interest start to sway and Chloe's no longer pleasing him? Well he leave her high and dry and almost ruined b/c she is so programed by him. I hope this never happen. I can see them being compatible for a long while even in the world out side of the sub/dom life style.

Lex stood in front of her now. His hands lowered directly into her line of sight so she could see what he was holding. Rope. He told her to stand up.

Always ending in place that leaves me waiting more. Can't wait for the next update and final set of pictures. :yeahbaby:

13th November 2006, 01:59
Blue was right… this IS a ratty place to stop. But I’ve gotten used to cliffhangers in this fic now… What really bothered me was length. Which was incredibly surprising, since I actually took a word count, and discovered that this was a 4500+ update. So WHY did it seem so short??!!

These chapters finish too quickly for me to get a properly satisfying fix anymore. Now I know how those drug addicts feel when they discover 600 grams of cocaine just doesn’t go as long as it used to :P

One thing that was pleasant about jobs like these was the that models actually listened to what you said. There wasn’t any back talk and they didn’t voice their opinions. Yes, every now and again what they had to say was valid but more often than not they thought that a clichéd, trite shot needed to be taken.

Heh. If only those silly models would understand that they are simple props rather than human beings with their own minds and opinions.

The blonde had obeyed him perfectly and the roll of film in his camera and the rolls safely tucked away in his bag proved it. He’d taken both black and white and color and he thought that they’d be equally beautiful in very different ways.

I desperately want those rolls of film. Here I am trying to figure out how to break into the darkroom of a fictional character. I’m pathetic.

Presently he was down on one knee about a foot away from the blonde, Chloe. Luthor had finally told him her name. Her head was tilted back slightly and she was fondling her breasts. In the viewfinder, you could see that she was wet between her legs. Her lips, which he’d told her to moisten, were damp as well. Her mouth was parted slightly. The fall of her hair had settled between and beside her breasts. After a shot of that, he told her to move the tendrils behind her shoulders and then get back into the same position again. She’d done so instantly.

Very nice details here. I imagined every single shot, and they looked lovely in my head.

Even though she’d been turned on the whole time, and it had to be bordering on pain by now, she hadn’t made a sound. He admired her will. And her muscle strength. The peacock feathers had to weigh a ton at this point. Her skin was shining with a thin layer of sweat but that only made her look more otherworldly.

Heh. Another person to admire the stunning skills of Chloe Sullivan. I understand the concept of ‘displaying’ a little better now. The photographer is admiring Chloe’s beauty and strength without doing anything as vulgar as gaping or leering at her.

And there’s also the fact that I LIKE Charles. So this display seems quite acceptable. A little session between friends.

There were at least four more sets to go.

Looks like this is going to be another strenuous session.

Lex had watched avidly and remained silent while Charles took his shots and Chloe got into the different positions demanded of her. During the last few minutes, his eyes had remained fixed to her face, watching carefully for signs of discomfort.

This part relieved me. The fact that Lex was always aware and careful about his sub’s condition and physical status. Truth be told, it used to bug me that Lex set a condition that if Chloe were to use the safe word more than once, then the arrangement would come to an end.

But it’s comforting to know that Lex will always be mindful and careful to make sure the safe word is never actually REQUIRED.

He was sure she would rather collapse, but instead she sunk gracefully into the position he ordered, looking straight ahead. The pride at her obedience and self-control, all to please him, made his hard cock jerk inside his pants.

Verrry impressive. Chloe is quite amazing, and I love how it’s more her magnificent skills rather than her body that makes Lex’s ‘body heat’ jump.

Lex stepped back down from the platform and brought the tail back to the coffee table where he let it fall onto the tray with a clang. Then he picked up the set of nipple clamps. They were connected with a thin metal chain and a third, longer chain was doubled up and looped over the connecting link. It would be dangling from the middle of her chest far enough to almost touch her clit. Almost, but not quite.

Yeeeouch! Nice details on the description here, but still… OUCH!

He took a firm grip on the base of his cock as he imagined her reaction to the sensation. “Touch yourself,” he ordered as he turned around to walk back to the platform.

Always nice to see Lex fighting for his OWN control. It’s always good to see the perfect dom mask slip just a ‘little’ bit to see the human underneath.

Of course it only slips a tiny fraction. The worst I remember if when Lex lost control in anger over Chloe failing one of her first sessions and biting a dildo that had been set in her mouth.

He actually came close to really hurting Chloe that time. I wonder if that memory still taunts him from time to time.

Chloe’s resolve was being tested. The positioning hadn’t been bad at all. Yes, the feathers had become uncomfortable towards the end but it wasn’t that that had been the worst. It had been the feathers that Lex had trailed over her back. She was very ticklish.

That was really VERY funny to know. I wonder how much more impressed Lex would have been if he knew Chloe had been fighting a involuntary reaction such as laughing over being tickled. Most people are used to fighting off fatigue or ignoring pain through will power… But resisting the urge to react to a tickle? THAT is really something.

The woman still had no facial expression. She could have been waiting for a bus instead of on her knees in a mask as she masturbated.

It is VERY interesting to get an outsider’s opinion on Chloe. Charles’s obvious awe of Chloe makes her seem all the more accomplished and talented.

While Lex had told him that she would obey him in addition to Lex, this wasn’t a simple repositioning. The woman would have to move her body fully. Charles clearly understood that he should ask Luthor before instructing the woman to do so.

I can see now why Charles comes so highly recommended. He’s talented and discreet, AND he also knows and respects all the rules and niceties involved in a situation as delicate as this. I really hope he comes back for another appearance after this photography session is finished.

I wonder how he would react if he met Chloe ‘in real life’. Or perhaps he can become Lex’s confidante later when the situation becomes a great deal more complicated, angsty and confusing for everyone :D

I’m already anticipating the breakdown of the arrangement.

What?... I LIKE pain in my fics, so sue me!

He stepped behind Chloe and looked down her body as she continued massaging her breast. Taking the clamps between his fingers, he slowly lowered his hands so the center chain fell in front of her between her breasts.

“Present your chest,” he murmured as he lowered the chain farther.

He had to bend over slightly so he could reach her nipples. They were hard enough that he didn't have to take hold of them to attach the clamps.

How is it that despite the ‘yeeouch’ factor represented by the clamps. I still find this immensely hot. Was I this sick BEFORE I started reading Arrangement? It’s a sincere question.

Lex clamped on both at the same time as he whispered in her ear. “You're allowed to make noise, now.”

“Lie on your back, legs spread wide. Brace your feet on the floor and raise your hips.”

That ‘old’ position again. Charles needn’t have worried about Chloe’s abilities to hold that one. It’s old hat ;)

Her hands were moving constantly and her whole body was flushed. She sounded anguished. But her hips didn’t move. She stayed in position, open fully for Lex. So he could take pictures.

“Perfect,” he murmured. He could see everything now. He got down on his knees between her splayed legs, careful not to touch her and then started giving instructions.

I read somewhere that deep inside every woman is an exhibitionist, just as deep down, every man is a voyeur. I suppose this must be true, because the thought of Chloe ‘presenting’ herself like this for an appreciative stranger is just so arousing…

Just me then, huh?

Let’s carry on. (ignore the sick person writing this review)

She could feel the chain that hung from the clamps teasing her between her legs. Getting close to but never touching her clit.

Erm… not to nit-pick, but Chloe’s head, shoulders and chest should be on a level LOWER than her raised hips. Why is the chain dangling UP to her pubic area in defiance of gravity?

Perhaps I misunderstood something. Please explain to dense little me.

Charles told her to spread herself with her hands. He took a few pictures. Then, “Fuck yourself. But slowly. One finger only.”

Interesting decision on Lex’s part… to have Charles ordering Chloe through her session instead of handling it himself. I suppose it must constitute part of her training.

Or he decided it would be easier to let to photographer have FULL control so he could find the perfect shot without Lex acting as the middleman.

Perhaps both?

The shots were wonderful. Detailed and she was so wet. Pity he couldn’t keep any of them for his portfolio, they’d get him a lot of business.

I imagine this must be the ONE drawback about his line of work. Photographers take pictures for the love of taking and exhibiting their work. Making money off it is just a bonus.

Yet Charles is never allowed to keep samples of his most interesting and fascinating subjects. He must find it unbelievably frustrating not to able to keep the pictures, even for his own prideful viewing pleasure.

He took a long shot of her body. At the top of the frame were her tits, a beam of light shining off of one of the clamps. The chain was almost a straight line on her body, leading to just above her clit. One hand held her open as the other fucked her.

Lovely detailed imagery. I can just imagine the beauty of the shots BlueSabby have created here. Magnificent writing!

“Touch your clit,” he said. He knew that he should be turned on by this but he wasn’t thinking about that. He was in the zone. He knew the pictures would be fantastic and needed to stay completely focused. “Good, Chloe. Lex will be very pleased.”

I approve of the way Charles is kept completely objective, focused and professional throughout the entirety of his presence in the fic. I REALLY like this character.

She cried out harshly. “Now, rub your clit.” He remembered the specific words he was to say. “Small, tight, hard circles.”

Hothot hothot!

Lex bit down on the inside of his cheek as he watched Charles give out the orders. If he didn't know that he'd given the man specific instructions as to exactly what to say during this set, he would have thought Charles might be into the scene after all.

Hmmm. I wonder what Lex would have done if he had believed Charles was getting turned on by Chloe’s actions. Would he have felt angry about Charles’s ‘lack of professionalism’? Or would he have felt amused that Charles was going to get no relief tonight?

Lex's cock was hard, his own arousal getting more insistent by the minute, but he would have to wait for a while for physical gratification. The high he got off of watching her submit was quite heady on its own, though.

Hmmm. Interesting. Neither Chloe nor Lex actually have to be touching each other to get to their mutually intense states of arousal. It’s satisfying to know that Lex finds this as intoxicating as Chloe does.

Slowly, he stepped up to Chloe and knelt down beside her legs. “Spread them wider,” he instructed as he shifted into a somewhat comfortable position on lying his side. “Move your hands to your sides, and keep them there.”

Lex also wants to be in the pictures? It took me by surprise, but it makes sense that he wants to be an integral part of the scene he’s capturing on film.

IS he in the picture here?

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Charles coming closer for the next few shots. Making sure to keep his body as far from Chloe as possible, he moved his arm to slowly dip a finger inside. “Lower your right knee to the floor,” he ordered as he realized that the leg would otherwise obstruct the camera's view.

Oh! Ok, he’s NOT in the picture… Just his fingers… for now.

Distantly, Charles heard and noted the agony the woman was in. But that wasn’t his concern. Now that there was another body involved, the light wouldn’t be as good. He had to change his position slightly to catch it in another way.

LOL! I love how Charles doesn’t seem to react to Lex fingering Chloe with any emotion stronger than irritation over the light changing.

This happened two more times until four of Lex’s fingers were disappearing in and out of her willing flesh. Charles was happy that the shots were picking up the darkened stain on the cuff of Lex’s shirt. It would show just how wet Chloe was.

He really IS quite a photographer. He’s concerned about little details like light and texture even in the middle of shooting heavy-handed pornography. I can’t help but wonder how long he’s been taking pictures of activities like this to have become to blasé about the whole thing.

“You can go faster, now,” he remarked. Lex’s hand picked up speed. He took another few shots and then reared up on his knees. He clicked a few shots of Chloe’s twisted face.

When Lex pressed his thumb to Chloe’s clit she shrieked. Charles couldn’t believe that the noise had not been accompanied by an orgasm.

SO hot! Intensely hot!

Chloe didn't know it, but this was part of her training. He was sure that she had the potential to be the perfect sub to a point where his command was the only thing that would allow her release, no matter what he or anyone else did to her body.

Very interesting. I wonder of Chloe has guessed that this session involves so much more than just getting some pretty pictures of her.

I wonder if she has guessed about Lex’s extensive and intensive plans for controlling his impulse and ability to orgasm at his command.

I wonder is she has ANY concerns about what this might mean in the long run. I wonder what she would have thought (or said) if she had heard Charles's question... and Lex's answers to said questions.

He’d gotten a beautiful shot of Chloe’s face when Lex had tugged on the chain. You could see the agony on her face and could even see the chain pulled taunt, causing no doubt to whomever looked at the picture what the source of her pain/pleasure was.

I love the way you keep punctuating the hot and intense action on-screen with little ‘still shots’ being taken in between. Just giving the viewer just enough time to admire the ‘beauty of the moment’ before moving on.

Amazing writing. I actually feel like I’m watching a video on screen. The writing is THAT descriptively detailed.

When Chloe’s lips closed over Lex’s fingers, Charles moved a little to the side. He wanted a few different angles of this one. He was rewarded when he got a shot of Chloe’s tongue darting across the pad of one of Lex’s fingers. It was just too bad that the pictures didn’t come with audio.

Well Lex has already DONE a video. Carefully edited and everything. LOL!

The pads of his fingers trailed down her chest and followed the length of the center chain. He slowly picked up the two dangling ends and shifted back.

Just the visual of Lex trailing his fingers so softly and casually along the length of Chloe’s body... it was so erotic, even more than the visual of Chloe sucking on Lex’s fingers.

Perhaps (for all my angst and kink addiction) I actually like the moments of gentleness and connection between the Chlex.

Once in the position that Lex wanted, Chloe eagerly said, “Yes, Lex. If you’d like me to come.” She honestly meant it. If he was not ready, if she could satisfy him by doing something else at first, she’d do it.

She’s quite an eager sub isn’t she? I have to wonder whether most other subs have the same amount of enthusiasm she seems to feel. Obviously, other subs do NOT have her abilities and capabilities… Chloe is exceptional in that regard. But is her attitude also exception, or is it atypical of most dedicated subs?

Lex still held onto the chain between the clamps, giving it a tug every now and again. The pain in her chest now took a hold over her body. It was more pressing than the throb between her legs. This was a mark of a good dom. They could change the sensations that you felt in your body every moment.

Once again, I love the ‘tiny’ glimpses that BlueSabby keep providing about ‘good dom’ behaviour. I feel like I’m getting quite an… interesting education here.

Lex had told Charles what would be happening next. He was very specific about what he wanted and the order of things. Again, it was a photographer’s dream. Some clients, both in the business and private sector, only gave him vague instructions. That usually led to unhappiness down the line.

Actually, too much instruction can kill a photo shoot as effectively as too vague a briefing. But I’m sure Lex knows how to keep control without killing creativity amongst his subordinates (and his subs too).

“Then prove it,” Lex purred, then barked out, “Come for me, now!” as he yanked harshly on the center chain, close enough to the connecting one to snap the clamps from her nipples.

He watched her face as pain and pleasure transformed it and she came apart at his command. The rapid clicking of the shutter was completely drowned out by screams of his name and various curses that streamed from Chloe's mouth as she shuddered through her seemingly endless climax.

I actually felt, heard EVERYTHING that you were describing here. I felt the pain that that the viciously snapped away clamps must have brought, the relief that Chloe must have felt at having the blood rush back into her nipples… and the rush she must have felt as relief and pain combined together to prodice and enhance her orgasm.

I could hear her screaming… the shutter clicking… AND I kept seeing still frames (in black and white) of a closeup of her face in between the intense animation of her contorting features.

Seriously, like a huge surround sound movie. AMAZING writing!

His cock twitched inside his pants, begging for some attention. He gave the base of it a vicious squeeze, taking back control over his raging arousal. It would have to wait until the end of the next and last set.

Will Chloe have the energy to be able to satisfy Lex properly by the end of the last set. This was only the second session, and it took a lot out of her. And there are at least three more to go…

And I’m guessing they are going to become more strenuous. How is she supposed to pleasure Lex by set 5… or set 7?

After her orgasm Chloe panted and whimpered with every breath she took. Her body still gave random twitches as she tried to recapture some semblance of control. That had been the first time she’d ever come like that. Her dom hadn’t even been touching her. Just his command. It had been amazing. She had tried to tell Lex that but didn’t think she’d communicated it properly with her words, “Lex. First.”

I guess Chloe had NO idea that Lex had this planned for her all along. To train her to come JUST at the sound of his voice braking out the appropriate order.

I wonder how she would have… WILL react once she finds out about his plans for her…?

Will she be pleased and aroused? Or will she be scared and concerned about her sense of self disappearing?

Chloe had performed perfectly and hadn’t even known it. Charles had been able to get dozens of shots of her face as she’d come. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman come like that. Or as hard as Chloe had come.

I see Charles was as impressed as the viewers here. It’s fantastic to see someone echoing our views AND our questions.

He looked back towards Chloe as he continued speaking, not bothering to censor the pride in his voice. The man had asked a straight question and would get a straight answer. “She's still in training right now. I saw her potential and based on her performance just now, I'm sure she will improve even more.”

His gaze went to the tools for the next set for a moment, then squarely up to meet Charles' eyes. “It takes a very strong will to submit that completely. She's one of the few who actually has the capability to get there.”

His fingers trailed over smooth nylon as he continued. “I plan on bringing her to the point where nothing except my direct order will make her achieve climax.”

I really LOVED the way Charles brought up the question/s that all readers have been wondering. And I really appreciated Lex’s answer. How he gave credit where credit was due. Yes, Lex was the one who actually brought Chloe to the point where she was able to climax just at a word (much to her own amazement as well as Charles’s).

But Lex made it a point to tell Charles that a good dom can only go so far, and it takes an equally strong, skilled and capable sub who would allow her considerable will to be manipulated and maneuvered like this.

But, even when he was being generous with praise, Lex still managed to make his answer sound sincerely scary… As is evidenced by Charles’s next question…

“Ok, I do understand that, but, well,” he wasn’t sure it was very proper to bring it up but he’d try it. “What happens if the arrangement comes to an end? Doesn’t that sort of screw her up forever?” He gestured over to Chloe.

YES! THIS was a question that has been concerning me ever since the ‘brainwashing’ session, when Lex practically wrote over all of Chloe’s memories and sexual experiences to HIS preferences.

I was always so scared that Chloe would reach a stage of such dependence and addiction that she would be UNABLE to let go of Lex under any circumstances. Even if he did something she considered horrible and repulsive, she would be deeply reluctant to use her safe word because using it twice would mean losing him forever.

She might reach a stage where she’s be willing to put up with ANY-thing (even something she might find personally humiliating, degrading or disgusting) to be able to keep Lex as her dom.

“And what about you?” He kept his eyes trained on Lex’s face. He didn’t need to look any lower. He’d seen the man’s state a number of times already. “I understand that her doing all of that gets you off and all. But when do you actually get to fuck her? Is it after she’s been trained? How do you not give in when she’s begging for it like that?”

hmmm. More questions that we wanted answered. THANK you BlueSabby for covering them :D

“Being a dom isn't merely about taking what you want,” he explained as he turned his back to the table to look fully at Chloe. “It's about giving your sub what they need. You're in complete control of them when they give themselves over, but that's just a part of it.”

Lex had discussed this subject before, extendedly, with other doms at the club he frequented. There were vast differences from one to the other when it came to their attitude towards slaves. Ironically, Lex had found that he had a lot more in common with female dominants, but that didn't bother him when compared to the distinct lack of responsibility and finesse found in most male doms.

This took my by surprise, but in retrospect it makes quite a bit of sense. Perhaps I’m making a hugely generalized statement over here, but it occurs to me that although male doms might be more common, women would make better dominators. Men might be more forceful and more likely to want control by nature… but women are a great deal more responsible and careful with power that they have been placed in charge of.

Oprah for president! :D

For the first time, it also occurred to me that ‘display sessions’ would not be a strictly ‘boy’s club’ thing. That it’s more likely that (considering that Lex respects female dominants more), such ‘parties’ would have more women invitees than male.

Hmmm… I wonder if they do anything like set up their separate subs in friendly competitions against each other.

Seeing as he was talking to an outsider, he tried to clarify a little more. “Imagine you're a dom and in the middle of an intense session, your sub is tied up, gagged, maybe even blindfolded. They can't utter the safe word, even if they want to, you can't gauge their responses through eye contact. Now what happens if something is too much and the sub wants to end the game?”

Yiiikes! Scary scenario. I wonder if Chloe’s old dom had used such sessions to inflict more pain on her than she would otherwise be willing to take. That is horrifically scary, and I find it terrifying that Chloe might have placed herself in danger like that from her old thug of a dom.

Lex moved his eyes from Chloe to lock his gaze with Charles. “Of course ideally, the dom has to know his charge well enough to not disregard any rules or push past set limits without some kind of security, but for the sake of explanation, that is one of the clearest scenarios.”

Hmmm. He IS a good dom, and I imagine he would always be VERY careful to set up some kind of a ‘backup’ for Chloe if she was put in a situation unable to say her safe word.

Grrrrr. I bet her OLD DOM never took such basic decency and niceties into consideration.

His gaze went back to Chloe, who was still keeping her position on the middle of the sheepskin rug, hands clasped behind her back and facing straight forward. The mask had held firmly in place and nothing of the exotic look had vanished. Even the lipstick had held its promise of not smearing.

I actually forgot about the mask and makeup. And it’s quite amazing that it wasn’t smeared to high heaven after that last session.

Loreal should include this session as part of their ad campaign. LOL!

I do wonder whether the mask obscured any of the raw pleasure that she was feeling. Whether it actually interfered with the beauty of the shots rather than enhanced them.

Crossing one leg over the other, he cocked his head to the side. “Yes, it is challenging to remain in control at all times, but if you are not, you could miss important clues and cause damage to the person that puts themselves completely in your care.”

For Lex, that was pretty much the worst offense a dom could commit against his sub. In his opinion, it nullified any contract for an arrangement immediately.

Lex continues to amaze me as to how seriously he takes his responsibilities as Chloe’s dom. He gets a high from having her submit so completely to him, but he never allows it to go to his head, and he respects her submission and treats it as a privilege rather than ‘his due’.

I can see why he would have been so disgusted by ‘other’ male doms who would have allowed their sense of entitlement to go to their heads and started mistreating their subs in a heady power trip. It reeks of a lack of control that Lex would hold in the highest contempt.

I’m looking SO forward to seeing the dressing down he gives the old dom when he FINALLY makes an appearance.

WHEN is that old dom showing up anyway??!! Can we please at least get the bastard’s name?!

“As for your first question...” His eyes went back to Charles and he smirked. “It's a likely possibility,” he kept looking at the man and shrugged. “Unless she finds another dom strong enough to train her all over again.”

However, Lex had no intention of letting her go from their arrangement any time soon. He derived more pleasure from this than from any half baked relationship or one-night stand without the mess that tended to come with those.

“But, as long as neither of us breaks the rules of the contract, there's no reason to end this arrangement.”

Eeeek! SCARY and terrifying beyond all reckoning! Once again, I have to wonder whether Chloe really knows what she’s getting herself into.

If she knew about Lex’s plans to gain ultimate control over EVERY aspect of her nerves, reflexes, impulses and body’s pleasures… Would she still find the training ‘within acceptable boundaries’?

Would it frighten her to know that Lex had intentions of controlling her to such extreme degrees? Or would it excite her?

Of course, this is a two way street here. Just as Chloe would never be able to find another Lex Luthor… Could Lex ever find someone who would satisfy him as much as Chloe could by the time her training is finished?

I wonder if he has considered the flip side of the equation here…?

But, what DOES happen when Lex is finished with her training and finds himself eventually bored with her. He MIGHT want another ‘project’ to work on, and therefore discard Chloe as ‘old news’. How would Chloe, who has been carefully programmed to only receive pleasure from Lex, survive such a callous rejection.

These are worries that have been plaguing me since the absolute beginning of this fic. Yes, Lex is a great dom, but he’s still just a man… a very powerful man who is used to getting whatever ha wants… who is used to being selfish and thinking of his own concerns first and foremost before all others.

He had many more questions to ask. Didn’t the subs mind that they were taking a huge chance like the one Lex had just described? What about marriage? Yes, Charles was nowhere near that himself but he couldn’t see any of these people marrying if they had this huge rhino sized skeleton in the closet. Plus, unless they were with their dom it wouldn’t be satisfying. Did doms and subs stay together for long periods of time?

Lex implied that he would be with Chloe for a long while. But, did they even speak to each other in the outside world?

Heh… Charles is asking ALL the question that the viewers have been WAILING about since this fic started. Isn’t it typical that he simply CANNOT ask them without losing the impressive professional façade he has going there.

Her body had had a chance to settle itself once more and she was grateful for it. She was sweating profusely, her body’s natural reaction to what it had been put through, and the mask was now very hot on her skin. But she knew Lex wasn’t done with her yet.

Hmmm. I wonder what kind of shape that mask is in now. Lex was being so careful and finicky about not getting the mask greasy or stained from Chloe’s wet fingers.

I’m guessing it’s in a far gone state now.

Aaaargh! I’m exhausted… I didn’t expect to have this WHOLE review finished by tonight…

Sleep is overrated anyway :P

In case any interested people didn’t die of old age on their way down this review… I have been nominated for ‘Best Feedbacker’ on the Forum. I really don't think I have a chance of winning, but I WOULD like enough votes to come out looking decent.

Just check out the Best Community Member – Feedbacker thread in the Announcements/News section.

Or even if you don't want to vote for me. There are other fabulous people who have been nominated. So go give them a lovely ego-boost ;)

13th November 2006, 04:49
Geez that was intense. All very good questions indeed. Is this all inside your heads or did you two read this somewhere? Can't wait for what's next with the rope.

13th November 2006, 05:58
Forgive me for not being more regular in my feedback of this fic as of late. I'm still reading, and still captivated. The update was delightfully hot, as always, and descriptively written so I, like many others, could picture the scene and wish we had our own cameras.

I did get slightly confused as to whether some thoughts/actions/speech was Lex or Charles just because Lex gave Charles control over the vocal commands and a lot of the update focused on Charles and his point of view. But a lot of my confusion could probably be attributed to my current/constant sleep deprivation :).

Thank you for allowing Charles to give voice to some of the many questions rolling around in my own head. Now all we need are the answers to the ones he didn't ask. Somethingeasy brings up a lot of good points about how a dissolution of this arrangement would impact both Lex and Chloe.

I realize that I'm a bit of a sap, but the breakfast scene fed my romantic ideals and gave me hope that Chloe and Lex might develop feelings for each other and/or develop a relationship outside of their sessions. It seems like they do everything except kiss on the mouth. Well, and fuck. They haven't done that yet. But I wouldn't give up this mounting anticipation for anything. I'm excited to see what will happen next.

13th November 2006, 07:30
k one word came to mind as i read this chap, AMAZING, i loved it, great work

18th November 2006, 21:20
A/N: Sabby: So yes, occasionally, we do a little research for our projects, but not everything is researched, but this is. Definitely. And rewritten several times. Ever thought how complicated it is to describe a knot in words? Anyway, Enjoy and don't forget that Feedback and Concrit is Always appreciated.

A/N: Blue: As for the research that Sabby noted, she did it all. So most of the props should go to her. Bow accordingly. Enjoy!

He looked down at her slightly, keeping the rope coiled in his hand for the moment.

“Have you ever heard about Shibari?” he asked conversationally as he picked out the two ends from the coil.

When Chloe shook her head, he continued, “It's a Japanese style of sexual bondage. The sub, or uke, is tied up in intricate patterns using different lengths of rope.”

While he spoke, Lex kept hold of the two ends as he released the rest of the loops. “Unlike the Western methods of bondage, it isn't meant to simply immobilize or restrain the sub.” The folded end clattered to the floor. “On the contrary, you will find the pressure and strain of your bindings will give you a certain degree of pleasure.”

Leave it to Lex to know about an Eastern style of something that she’d never heard about. Her dom had usually just used the standby of handcuffs or shackles.

Chloe liked to be immobilized, knowing that she was at the mercy of her dom. Plus there was the added bonus that he’d said that she’d become aroused by her bindings. She was always up for new experiences. And was anxious to begin on this one.

He lined up the ends and pulled the doubled up rope through his fingers until a large loop dangled from his left hand while he held the rest of it folded up in his right. “Shibari was mainly influenced by the Sengoku period of Japan. It goes back to a military restraint technique called Hojojutsu, meant to torture or even kill the bound person.”

Lex inspected the loop and checked the smoothness of the rope again.

“This method also included the use of knives, tattoos or fire and other rather unpleasant things,” he continued conversationally. “Eventually, in 1742, the Tokugawa government created a foundation of crime laws, which included seven different types of punishment and four kinds of torture.”

The rope kept trailing through his fingers as he counted them off, “Whipping, the use of a pressing stone, constriction by rope and hanging by rope.”

Stepping up to Chloe, he placed the loop around her neck.

Now Chloe was a little concerned. She trusted Lex. She knew that he would never harm her but she had to remember that with a noose around her neck. Besides, her other dom had used some choking games with her that had almost gone awry.

She took a few deep breaths and calmed the panic that was rising within her. Lex knew what he was doing. He wouldn’t harm her.

Lex could see her muscles tightening as she fought panic and for a moment, he looked up towards Charles and raised a brow at the man. She was beautifully illustrating the importance of his earlier point.

“However, Shibari does not make use of such cruelty.” He tied a simple knot a little above her breast bone to fix the length of the sling. “The binding techniques I will use on you are gentle and should not cause you any injury.” His voice softened with the last few words.

The rest of the rope fell almost silently onto the sheepskin. He picked up the lengths and tied six more knots. One would sit a little under her breastbone, one directly on her belly button, the next adjusted to press against her clit once the rope work was finished. The fourth would push against her rear entrance and two more would sit next to her spine on her back.

Charles had caught the look and understood it. Lex had been watching Chloe carefully for any sign of distress. Chloe, in turn, had fought off her own misgivings and accepted what was happening. He waited for the lesson, or whatever it was, to progress to the point where he needed to shoot it. For now, he took in the lesson that Lex was giving his sub. Maybe he could use the knowledge later when he tried to pick up a woman.

Lex’s words put her even more at ease. She wondered what she’d feel once he was done setting up the rope. Probably the usual combination of unbearable pleasure laced with the tension of not being able to come until he wanted it. Her body started to tingle again.

“In traditional Shibari, there are fairly specific rope patterns with very few knots. The ropes are also usually made out of hemp and only about 23 feet long.” While he spoke he flicked the long ends of the rope out of his way. “As you can see I am taking leeway with those rules.”

He stepped behind her and slowly pulled the rope between her legs and up her back, making sure the knots sat at their proper places as he pulled back the loop around her neck to thread the ends of the rope through it.

“I am going to use two different bindings on you today. One is the Karada, or full body net, the other will be a more simple binding, holding your arms behind your back.”

Lex was careful to leave at least a finger's width of space between rope and skin. This form of bondage wasn't meant to harm or cut off the blood circulation to any body parts. It was an art of pleasure, not pain.

He slowly trailed his fingers down the rope, leading it along her shoulder blades and around to the front of her body, then pushed them through the loop between the first two knots on her chest.

“According to different sources, this kind of bondage was first incorporated into sexual play during the late Edo period. In Japan it became wildly popular in magazine form in the 1950's while over here it was still unthinkable to even talk about sex in the public.”

He slowly pulled on the rope strings until they rested against her skin, caressing more than restraining. Then he led the rope under her arms to her back and threaded them through the loop between her neck and the first knot. Around to the front and through the loop between breastbone and navel.

Looking at her from the front, the rope was now shaping diamond patterns between her breasts and over her stomach. Lex repeated the threading with the third loop, creating the third diamond shape beneath the other two the knot on her belly button forming the tip with the widest part of the shape framing her crotch.

“Starting with the sixties Shibari became an art form in Japan and is recognized as such since then. Nowadays, it's become quite popular among our circles.”

He aligned the diamond shapes on her back after he'd finished the pattern, then pulled apart the strings to form a v where they crossed from her front to her backside.

When everything was finished, he tied the last knot just on top of her tailbone, leaving the rest of the rope to trail down between her legs.

Chloe wanted to move against the rope. It bound her loosely, creating a delicious friction. Especially between her legs. The rope constricted her movement a little. She couldn’t draw in deep breaths so she found herself panting already.

Charles picked up the camera. Lex wasn’t done yet but he found it helpful to be prepared at a moment’s notice. Chloe was clearly ready to go again. The black rope against her fair skin made for a lovely picture. As did the intricate patterns cris-crossing over her body. He hoped that Lex would allow him to take some shots from behind, too.

Lex left her for a moment to return to the coffee table. The Karada was for effect, the next binding would be for restriction and to put her front even more on display.

As he picked up the second length of black rope, his eyes fell on a different set of clamps he'd brought. These were not connected to a chain and shaped like spirals. Instead of the snappings, those were attached by pulling the nipple through the hole in the middle of the spiral that could be tightened or loosened.

He picked them up and kept them in his hand, then took the rope cutter, just in case, and put it in his pocket. The weight of the tool was resting a little uncomfortably against the side of his erection and Lex adjusted himself with a quick grip.

Returning to Chloe, he stopped in front of her to check over the knot work once more. The rope between her legs wasn't resting quite as it should, so he reached down and used his fingers to spread her pussy lips so the rope was running between them.

Lex adjusted the v-shapes crossing her hips and upper thighs again then stepped back to look at the display. “Present your chest,” he commanded.

The touch of his hand would have undone her a few weeks ago. Today it only made her want to cry out. He’d been professional about it. It wasn’t a caress, it was used to correct a mistake. Nonetheless, it excited her even more.

Dutifully, Chloe stuck out her chest, her breasts jutting forth so Lex could do with them what he wanted. He ducked his head slightly and she had to bite down on her tongue to keep from hissing when she felt his rough tongue flick over one nipple and then the next. He quickly attached the clamps. She could feel them tighten on her.

The rope between her legs was already damp.

Her breathing had increased again. She wasn’t lightheaded yet but could see it happening in the near future. Calming down would do little good because of the ropes crossing her body. The knot resting against her ass and the one on her clit were torturous. She wanted something else there. Something that would penetrate her body and she could buck up against it. The thought made small tremors begin to form under her skin.

She imagined how she looked for Lex. And how often he’d derive pleasure from the pictures. She didn’t bother to think up what else he could do to her body. She liked surprises and welcomed each new session, knowing it would bring her something different from their last time together.

Lex stepped behind her and corrected the knots in the back once again to make sure they were beside her spine, not directly on it.

“Bring your arms behind your back and roll your shoulders to relax them,” he instructed as he got the rope ready for the next binding. “Those bindings will stay on for a while and your arms will cramp if you don't adjust your shoulders.”

Lex waited for her to move her arms in the position he expected, then brought her wrists together and started curling the rope around them, starting about midway up her arm and going downwards in spirals until he'd reached her wrists. He made sure to leave enough give between them so he could pull the end of the rope through a small tunnel between her arms.

When the rope came out on top he brought it down in a straight line and repeated the move. Her arms were now immobile and forced to stay in the position until he chose to remove the rope.

Lex stepped away and took a look at his finished work. She looked magnificent with the dark bindings standing out against her fair skin, the feathered mask covering half of her face.

“Get on your knees, spread your legs wide so Charles can take a picture of the knots.”

Lex walked back to the coffee table, surveying the other toys on the tray. “You're a work of art now, Chloe.” He smirked, “But I don't think you're quite finished yet.”

He looked to Charles and nodded, letting the man know he could continue taking his pictures now and was allowed to give the necessary instructions to move Chloe as much as was possible in her restrictions.

Charles knew that this last set of pictures had to be taken quickly. Lex had instructed him that the last lesson would involve rope and would take up significantly less time than the rest.

He quickly walked over to the platform and boarded it. He circled Chloe as he gave her instructions, wanting to get every angle.

Chloe moved as much as she could being bound. Charles’s instructions kept her mobility in mind. He took picture after picture of the knots and then focused first on her breasts and then on her ass. He changed lenses quite a few times and instructed her to move her hair by jerking her head to the side.

He asked her to rise up as much as she could. She saw that he had a small, digital camera. He slid it under her, positioning it directly between her legs.

Charles had to get good shots of the rope between her legs. It would be difficult. He moved closer to Chloe but remembered not to touch her. “Move a little to your right. Yes, stay.” He pressed the button. “Rise up a little more. Perfect. Stay.”

Another few clicks. He picked up the camera and turned the display window towards Chloe. “Look at yourself.”

It was a picture of her pussy with the rope nestled between it. It was stark and like no other picture she’d seen of the female body part. She saw how wet she was.

Lex stepped away from the table and drew closer to the platform again.

“What do you think, Chloe? How do you feel, knowing that Charles has taken these pictures and a lot more of them? Captured you bound and put on display for my pleasure? Caught you on camera while we both watched you come?”

He shifted his stance to relieve some of the pressure on his groin. “And we're not done, yet. Tell me how the ropes feel wrapping around your body, the knots pressing against your skin. Can you feel them?”

His eyes roamed over her body, appreciating her form as she held her position. “Look at me,” he commanded.

“Tell me.”

The rapid fire questions. The command to look at him. They all told her that the session was almost over.

She tried to answer all of them. Hoping her voice would work.

Chloe looked up at Lex and was struck by what she saw there. The absolute possessive look. The demand he placed on her for the utter truth.

“It makes me feel proud to know that you want to look at me whenever it pleases you to do so,” she answered. “That you want to own me even in my absence. That the possession you have over me is complete. I belong to you so it makes perfect sense that you should have access to me at any time.”

“The fact that I came in front of Charles does the same. I came in front of him for you, because of you and by your will. Not my own. My will belongs to you.”

“The ropes feel like you,” she tried to explain. “Holding me the way that they want to be but still giving me movement. I can feel them marking me slightly, the way that you mark me. Even when we are not together, I bear your mark.”

Lex took a step closer to her.

“The knots on my skin press into my flesh and tease me. They promise my release if you deem to give it to me. The rope crosses over my body, putting it on display, accentuating everything that you own.”

Charles could barely breathe and he wasn’t even really involved in this whole thing. He hadn’t heard her speak that much before. But he was again struck by the honesty of what she said. And the blinding devotion. She was kneeling in front of a man, bound, naked but she wasn’t ashamed. That woman was damned proud of herself.

“Charles is irrelevant. He is merely an instrument you use. A means to an end. As is the rope. What is of importance is you and I. Our bodies. Our connection. The transfer of my free will, my wishes and my choices to you. ”

He should have been insulted by her words. But he had to agree with them. He was a fly on the wall of no consequence. He could wield a camera and that was all.

He looked over at Lex. The man had a will of steel. He still hadn’t fucked her. But if the look on his face and the erection that he was now sporting was anything to go by, it wouldn’t be long.

“It pleases me that you know your place,” Lex murmured as he started circling Chloe on the platform. “And never doubt that place, because it is yours.”

Even if he was still taking other subs, which he wasn't, Chloe would have been his favorite. She had a potential for submission that he'd not seen so far and Lex was used to having the best and not to bother with seconds.

“Your potential is amazing and I will use it to its full capacity. I will use your body and shape your mind to the point that it will make no difference if I am with you or not, you will always have only my pleasure in mind.”

He came to a stop in front of her, looking down at her face as she obediently looked up at him. “Just like these ropes, your own thoughts and needs will bind you to me. It will take time, but I don't doubt that you can live up to your full potential and take great pleasure from serving me at all times, in all ways.”

His gaze traveled down her body, his cock twitching inside his pants as he watched her chest straining under the ropes to take deep breaths. “You are practically dripping for me. The rope is getting soaked with your juices.”

He bent down to speak directly in her ear, lowering his voice to a murmur. “Have I told you how much I enjoyed your taste during our last session?”

Lex straightened back up and continued circling her. “I can see how aroused you are, how much you crave and relish what I'm doing to you. How close are you, Chloe?”

It was an impossible question to answer. It was not as if those things could be measured in time or length increments. How close?

“Nearly there, Lex. You’ve played my body as well as you always do.” She heard another click.

He couldn’t help it. Lex hadn’t told him to take pictures during this but he hadn’t told him not to either. It was the look on their faces that made him take the picture.

Chloe’s face was peaceful and serene. So incongruous with what he knew her body was feeling. The same held true for Lex.

Plus, he thought that the whole set up looked very hot, indeed. Maybe Lex would appreciate the shot and maybe he wouldn’t. But when Charles saw something like that, he had to take the picture. He didn’t have a real choice in the matter.

Chloe wondered about the motivation behind the question. Would he keep her on edge, untie her or send her home? Or, was Lex ready to let her give in to her need for release? It was always hard to tell.

Lex licked his bottom lip as he stepped closer to her again. His own arousal was almost sharp enough to slice through coherent thought, but he had to remain in control. This session was not over yet.

“You look so gorgeous like this, needy and straining. You would never beg for it though, would you? Not unless I told you to beg me. You submit so completely to my will that you wouldn't even think of trying to influence it with such petty things as begging.”

With another step, he was in front of her. Slowly lowering himself to his knees until he was eyelevel with her, he allowed a smile to his lips. It was strained, considering his current situation, but he wanted to show her how pleased he was with her performance.

“I won't make you beg, Chloe,” he told her to her face.

His eyes trailed over her body once more, a quick check to see if her arms could still take the strain of the ropes binding them behind her back. “Such an obedient girl. You deserve to come,” he muttered under his breath.

His eyes trailed back up to her face and he locked their gazes before he spoke. “Let yourself go, Chloe, come for me.”

The compliments that he gave her were genuine. He would never give her anything less than true words about her performance. She’d done well and this was her reward.

Along with the orgasm that rolled over her body as soon as he gave her his permission to let go. It was strong and steady and she could feel it everywhere, which made her feel the knots in the rope even more sharply.

Chloe didn’t thrash around or speak at all. She felt her mouth fall open and the small jerks that always accompanied her orgasm but she felt in control. Lex had given it to her briefly and she used it. It also calmed her that he was closer. She could have reached out and touched him had her hands not been bound.

Her body relaxed and she then became aware of the noise of the camera again.

This orgasm had been very different than the last. Charles didn’t think it was any less powerful for either of the people on the stage but there had been no theatrics about it. Chloe hadn’t seemed as if she was dying. It had been as peaceful as it could be.

He took a close up of her sated face before the hair fell back into it.

Lex kept smiling as he let her calm down for a second. “That was very good,” he murmured, still perched in front of her.

The praise was an extreme understatement to the pride he felt. The first time she had come on his command during this session, she had been much more revved up and received quite a bit more stimulus from her own hands and his beforehand. This time, all she had had was the ropes binding her body and his voice.

Her climax had been less explosive than the previous one, but it had rode through her while she was still fully there, not gone so far that she couldn't make a distinction between the different sensations causing it.

When her face returned to its straight forward position, he reached out his hand and pressed his palm flat against the rope between her legs. Her pussy was soaked with her juices and the smooth rope had become slippery, saturated with them.

“I could use you for hours from now and you would take it, wouldn't you?”

His voice was back to its neutral tone. “Just like I did during our last session. Do you remember?” His hand moved a little further between her legs.

The heel of his hand pressed the knot against her clit, while his fingers pushed the knot against her rear entrance barely inside her. “You'd let me use you in any way I want to, whether I allowed you to come or not.”

Of course that was not his plan. His cock needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. Then there was the fact that Charles wasn't booked for the rest of the day and a few pictures still had to be taken.

“Do you want to come again?” he asked as he moved his hand back and forth, causing the knots to alternately push into her and relieve their pressure.

He waited until she opened her mouth to answer before he continued. “Or would you rather have me fuck your mouth and come inside it?”

His eyes held her gaze as he pushed the rope firmly against her. “Answer honestly. Don't say 'Whatever you want, Lex. That would displease me.”

Chloe blinked a few times as she looked at his face. It was as close to a trick question as he could get. Especially since his hand was still pressed against two spots that wanted his attention.

But Chloe knew her answer. His pleasure was what was most important in this situation. In every situation. She would gladly deny herself another orgasm if she’d get to touch him.

Especially in such a way. And if she got to watch him as he came…

She would not get ahead of herself, however, it was dangerous.

Lex’s hand pressed forcefully against her once more. Instead of demanding his answer verbally, this was how he did it.

“Please come in my mouth, Lex. I want to feel your cock again. Then your come inside of me as I swallow you down.” She wondered if she was getting even wetter as she spoke. It felt that way but it could just be her imagination.

“I love the feel of your hard cock thrusting into me. Please give it to me again. Use my mouth.” She held his gaze as she spoke. Her voice breaking just the slightest at the end.

Lex nodded his approval and removed his hand immediately. Standing up in front of her, he licked her juices off his palm. The taste made his cock jerk inside his pants. This wouldn't last very long. His hands were steady as he opened his pants and pulled out his dick.

He brought his hand down to card his fingers through her hair and moved it out of her face. Lex kept a hold of it at the back of her head as he pulled her closer to his groin. “Open wide,” he demanded.

The moment her lips parted, he thrust inside, far enough to hit the back of her throat. Lex felt her mouth closing firmly around the length of his cock, her tongue washing over the shaft. His eyes closed for a moment as he enjoyed the sensation of wet heat then pulled out until just the tip of his dick was still in her mouth.

“Suck,” he ordered and suppressed a groan as he followed the slight suction that pulled his dick back into her mouth. “Harder.”

The moment Chloe had made her decision, Charles had focused the camera on her mouth. He’d gotten the shots of Lex’s cock right at the cusp of her mouth and then inside of it.

He took shot after shot of Lex plunging into her mouth. The motion began to speed up. He couldn’t believe that Luthor had lasted this long after having no gratification.

Chloe looked straight ahead as she felt Lex’s cock ram into her mouth and down her throat. His hand was holding her head forcefully and she sucked him harder upon command.

Her cheeks hollowed out and she stroked him with the flat of her tongue. He moved faster and she forced herself not to gag around him. She could already taste him. Chloe wanted to look up at Lex when he started to make noises but she knew that he would stop fucking her mouth and then she’d be punished if she did so.

Instead, she started to suck him harder.

His lungs were working hard to pull breath into his body and he could feel the tension coiling up inside as his climax came rushing up to him. A couple more thrusts.

He plunged as far as he would go, pulling her face flat against his groin. “Look,” was the only word he got out before it hit him.

Lex took deep breaths as he came down from the high, releasing her instantly from his hold so she could pull back enough to breathe.

Upon his command, Chloe’s eyes snapped up to Lex’s face. She loved to watch him come. It was an experience that couldn’t compare to anything else.

His eyes were screwed shut and his mouth gaped open, an animalistic sound coming from deep in his chest and working its way up his throat and past his lips.

His face was at the center of her focus so when the taste of him exploded in her mouth she wasn’t as prepared as she should have been.

But she regained her composure quickly and started to swallow him down swiftly. The hot liquid cascaded down her throat as he jerked forward a few last times.

She still had a little of him in her mouth when he released her. She swallowed again and then went back to how he had her positioned before.

Charles had gotten it all. Her looking up at Lex when he’d told her to do so. Then he’d swung the camera up to Lex’s face briefly and then back down to Chloe. He’d been given much more leeway on this set of pictures. He thought that Lex might like to see what Chloe did to him for once.

He took one last shot of her staring docilely ahead, a little bit of his come still on her bottom lip.

Lex stepped back until his cock slipped from her mouth. Looking down at her serene face, he smirked. He wiped his thumb over her bottom lip to catch the spot she'd missed and pushed it past her lips. She immediately sucked the digit into her mouth, still eager to please.

“Such a good girl,” he praised as he pulled out the wet digit and traced her lips with it.

With a smile he noticed that the lipstick still hadn't smudged. Despite Chloe's best efforts. Maybe he should write a 'thank you' note to the corporation. Then again, maybe not.

The endorphins running through his body from his recent orgasm were getting to him. Had to be.

Lex tucked himself back in his pants and then righted the pockets. His hand closed around the rope cutter in his left pocket. It was time to end this session.

On steady legs, he walked around Chloe and crouched down. “Hold very still now,” he ordered before he opened the blades of the cutter and set them against the rope binding her wrists.

The ropes gave with a scrunching sound as he slowly cut through them to free her arms. “Don't move until I tell you to.”

If she moved her arms too fast, she could end up pulling a muscle. Lex concentrated on his task, careful that the cutter barely brushed her skin and didn't cause any injuries.

He heard movement and clicking sounds behind him. Charles was apparently preparing his camera for the last shot.

Chloe held perfectly still as Lex freed her body from the ropes. She had no desire to have a razor nick her skin. She could feel the blood rushing through the spots that had been deprived previous of it and it hurt a little.

Until Lex started touching her. She almost jumped because she hadn’t been expecting it. He started at the base of her skull. Three fingers pressing in circles and making their way down to the nape of her neck.

His other hand joined its mate and he started to massage her shoulders gently but firmly. Once they loosened, each hand started to work on one of her arms.

Lex’s hands were sure as they moved down to her biceps and he began to straighten out her arms a little. His chest was now pressed firmly against her back. As fully as it could be with the rope that was still wrapped around her body, that was.

He made his way back up her arms and worked on her shoulders again. “Bring your arms forward.”

The muscles and joints under his hands shifted and he watched carefully as she completed his order. The massage seemed to have done its job.

Satisfied, he trailed his hands down her back to the knot over her tailbone that held the other rope together. He could have used the cutter for this one as well, but he planned on keeping the rope and using it again if the mood struck him.

His fingers worked on the knot until it came loose and he started retracing the steps of the binding, slowly pulling the ends of the rope along her skin, back through the individual loops, careful not to chaff her.

When he'd pulled the ends through the last loop so that only the sling around her neck was holding it on her body, he let the rope fall to the floor and stood up to walk around her.

“I enjoyed binding you today,” he said as he pulled the rope to her front between her legs. “Maybe I will do it again sometime.”

He lifted the sling from around her neck and started coiling up the nylon, leaving the sling and individual knots so he wouldn't have to adjust them again the next time he decided to use it. “Stay,” he instructed as he walked back to the coffee table.

On his way, he motioned for Charles to follow him.

Charles ran a hand over his face as he walked over to Lex. Only when he stood back and thought about what he’d seen and documented in the past few hours did it strike him how odd his job could sometimes be.

“Nice work,” he said, tilting his head over to Chloe. “Just the last set now, correct?”

Chloe again could hear the low murmurings of Lex and Charles talking. But she was more focused on the feel of her own body. It was humming with pleasure and she could feel her body temperature finally dropping.

She could feel where the rope had marked her a little. Some aspirin should take care of any pain that she might feel in the morning.

The taste of Lex was still strong in her mouth. She almost smiled at it.

“Yes,” Lex answered the question as he busied himself with picking out make up remover and soft cotton pads from the cosmetic bag. “Get your camera ready while I remove her make up and take off her mask.”

He cut a glance at Chloe in her position, then looked over at Charles. “I want the first shot to be right. She's taken a lot today and I don't want to drag this out longer than necessary.”

Without waiting for Charles to answer, he walked back to Chloe and knelt down in front of her.

Only now he realized that the clamps were still on her. “Let's take these off, shall we?” he asked rhetorically as he set down the items in his hands.

For this next picture, he didn't want anything to adorn her. No mask, no make up, no toys. Just her as she was. The bindings and peacock get up had only been to emphasize to others what was plainly visible to him without any enhancements.

He carefully removed the spiral clamps from her breasts and massaged the soft mounds for a moment, enjoying the feel in his palms. “Close your eyes,” he instructed as he took his hands away.

Her lids feel closed as soon as Lex was done speaking. She was feeling more and more relaxed. Nothing was on or in her anymore.

She felt and sensed Lex reaching around her body. He fumbled for a moment but then released the ribbon from around her head.

The cool air of the room felt wonderful on her face.

Chloe heard a bag being unzipped. In the next moment, she heard the swishing sound of a liquid and then felt a cotton ball running over her closed lid.

Lex worked methodically at removing the makeup from one eye and then the other. Then he turned to her cheeks. Next came her mouth. He was gentle and she could feel herself being lulled into some kind of trance like state.

Dropping the used cotton and the remover back into the bag, then tossed it aside to land on the floor somewhere beside the platform. He reached up to brush his hands through her hair and combed the tresses out as much as possible with his fingers.

“One more picture, Chloe.”

He stood up and stepped back, then righted his clothing, smoothing out the front of his shirt and brushing down his pants. He tugged at the cuffs to straighten out the sleeves and stepped behind Chloe, a little to her side.

As he looked up to face Charles, he could see the man was ready to take the picture.

Lex moved his hand to cradle her face just under her jaw and tilted her head to look up at him. “Open your eyes,” he instructed softly, his eyes looking down at her, though his face was turned towards the camera, chin only slightly tilted down.

The shutter clicked. And clicked again.

Lex held the position for a moment, his thumb brushing over her cheek as his gaze went back to the photographer.

“Thank you Charles, that will be all.”

18th November 2006, 22:31
He cut a glance at Chloe in her position, then looked over at Charles. “I want the first shot to be right. She's taken a lot today and I don't want to drag this out longer than necessary.”

For this next picture, he didn't want anything to adorn her. No mask, no make up, no toys. Just her as she was. The bindings and peacock get up had only been to emphasize to others what was plainly visible to him without any enhancements.

Both show a level of feeling that is just so amazing for words. Genuine feelings....I loved it!

18th November 2006, 22:43
Excuse me while I take a moment to gather my thoughts. First, I need to find my brain and it somehow melted during this last chapter.

I like that you do research. I find that learning new things no matter what the subject is, is interesting. I'm not surprised that Lex would have extensive knowledge about Japanese binding methods.

I'm understanding this concept of complete control that Chloe is handing over to Lex. It makes sense that pleasing Lex would give her more pleasure than just the release of her own pleasure. I like the comment about how doing so makes her feel proud.

Though it sounds odd on the surface, there really is equality in their relationship. Hence why Lex is given just as much pleasure from Chloe as she receives from him. I liked Chloe's phrasing "Our bodies. Our connection." It truly seems that in these moments the only thing that matters to each of them is eachother. I like the things Lex does to make sure she is comfortable like how he didn't want her to move too quickly or she strain a muscle. I like that he looks out for her because that is what being a Dom is about.

I like the final picture because it's the two of them and who they are and none of the extra things that play a part in their relationship.

19th November 2006, 00:07
Wow!!!! Excellent update...can't really say anything but that I loved it and can't wait for more.

19th November 2006, 01:36

i googled shibari....it looks pretty interesting:grin3:

19th November 2006, 03:36
This fic just gets better and better. I just love how he keeps pushing her boundaries. Great job girls. ;)

19th November 2006, 20:24
“It makes me feel proud to know that you want to look at me whenever it pleases you to do so,” she answered. “That you want to own me even in my absence. That the possession you have over me is complete. I belong to you so it makes perfect sense that you should have access to me at any time.”

“The fact that I came in front of Charles does the same. I came in front of him for you, because of you and by your will. Not my own. My will belongs to you.”

“The ropes feel like you,” she tried to explain. “Holding me the way that they want to be but still giving me movement. I can feel them marking me slightly, the way that you mark me. Even when we are not together, I bear your mark.”

When a sub says something like this this is when you know she has the true power. The power of truth. Fantastic chapter.

19th November 2006, 21:21
You guys are the best with the cliffhangers!! I swear every time I read one of your chapters I'm left screaming "No!! Don't stop it there!!!!" Fabulous update, as always!! Thanks for explaining more about the dom/sub roles!! It helps me understand a lot more!! Post again soon!!

19th November 2006, 21:24
I'm almost disturbed by how intrigued I am by this story.

You guys are honestly doing an excellent job at characterization, research, I mean... everything...

I'm almost out of breath just from reading it...

It's so engaging...

20th November 2006, 01:59
A/N: Sabby: So yes, occasionally, we do a little research for our projects, but not everything is researched, but this is. Definitely. And rewritten several times. Ever thought how complicated it is to describe a knot in words? Anyway, Enjoy and don't forget that Feedback and Concrit is Always appreciated.

A/N: Blue: As for the research that Sabby noted, she did it all. So most of the props should go to her. Bow accordingly. Enjoy!
I had to read this chapter a few times to fully appreciate your description of the knots that Lex tied. Thank you for the bit of history lesson. Your attention to detail just makes this fic better and better.

“The ropes feel like you,” she tried to explain. “Holding me the way that they want to be but still giving me movement. I can feel them marking me slightly, the way that you mark me. Even when we are not together, I bear your mark.”
Great answer from Chloe here. Reaffirming what Lex already knows that she is solely his possession. I really don't think they can end this arrangement anytime soon. They both seem very in sync with one another to point of ending things and moving on would be impossible since Chloe has been programmed so well and enjoys who she is now with Lex.

Charles could barely breathe and he wasn’t even really involved in this whole thing.
Poor Charles. I almost wanted to give him a chance to excuse him self to release some of his tension. His presence the whole time I thought would be odd but I sort of forget he's there unless he chimes in with his thoughts about the way things are going.

His eyes trailed back up to her face and he locked their gazes before he spoke. “Let yourself go, Chloe, come for me.”

The compliments that he gave her were genuine. He would never give her anything less than true words about her performance. She’d done well and this was her reward.

Along with the orgasm that rolled over her body as soon as he gave her his permission to let go. It was strong and steady and she could feel it everywhere, which made her feel the knots in the rope even more sharply.
Wow, I didn't think that would happen this chapter. I thought there woudl be more build up to Chloe coming on command with little to no stimulation other then the binding of the ropes. Again just showing this arrangement has them both hooked no signs of ending. Lex question was so wrong but then again I think he knew Chloe's answer before he asked. His needs before hers. This is a rough life style and have to be really committed.

Charles had gotten it all. Her looking up at Lex when he’d told her to do so. Then he’d swung the camera up to Lex’s face briefly and then back down to Chloe. He’d been given much more leeway on this set of pictures. He thought that Lex might like to see what Chloe did to him for once.
I wonder how Lex will react to this picture of him looking so out of control. Charles wasn't told to take the picture could he pissed of, will he pissed off by what he sees and how Chloe makes him lose him self, or could he be pleased with what Chloe does to him. Its a minor point but I can still wonder.

Lex moved his hand to cradle her face just under her jaw and tilted her head to look up at him. “Open your eyes,” he instructed softly, his eyes looking down at her, though his face was turned towards the camera, chin only slightly tilted down.
This last shot is the ultimate sign of possession and affection Lex has for Chloe now. Almost creepy in a sense that he has that much control over her but then again its what she wants.

Great Chapter, I look forward to their next session. :yeahbaby:

20th November 2006, 02:52
That was a wonderful update. Way to go with the research!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next. I wonder what lex is going to think of the pictures let alone the picture that was taken of himself. Looking forward to another wonderful update!!! Hopefully soon.

20th November 2006, 15:41
Lex held the position for a moment, his thumb brushing over her cheek...

OK, so your story is totally hot. But it was this phrase that has made it for me. The action is Lex's, but for some reason this is where I think that the connection beyond Dom/Sub is made between the two. The tenderness of it after such a stressful (yet again, HOT) encounter is simply incredible.

20th November 2006, 18:02
OMG ! I just caught up on the last few updates and I really don't know what to say other than :drool2: :drool2: . Loved it and look forward to the next update.

21st November 2006, 07:15
what can i say but this is so great, i am loving the whole sub/dom thing that chloe and lex have and how confidant chloe is giving lex control of her body and the faith that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her only to give her pleasure. i can't wait for the next installment, keep up the great work!

21st November 2006, 19:00
“Have you ever heard about Shibari?” he asked conversationally as he picked out the two ends from the coil.

Kudos to Sabby for introducing us to new levels of depravity. This was something that I did some research in after reading through this chapter. You descriptions were so very precise and vivid, that even the pictures I found later didn’t really provide any new information… but they did enhance my reading pleasure.

While he spoke, Lex kept hold of the two ends as he released the rest of the loops. “Unlike the Western methods of bondage, it isn't meant to simply immobilize or restrain the sub.” The folded end clattered to the floor. “On the contrary, you will find the pressure and strain of your bindings will give you a certain degree of pleasure.”

Trust the Eastern mind to come up with lateral and creative thought where the Western mind dare not even imagine ;)

Chloe liked to be immobilized, knowing that she was at the mercy of her dom. Plus there was the added bonus that he’d said that she’d become aroused by her bindings. She was always up for new experiences. And was anxious to begin on this one.

I got the feeling Chloe would be into bondage. And THIS kind of bondage… I get the feeling even dominants can be coaxed into playing with being tied down in this style of rope-play.

“This method also included the use of knives, tattoos or fire and other rather unpleasant things,” he continued conversationally. “Eventually, in 1742, the Tokugawa government created a foundation of crime laws, which included seven different types of punishment and four kinds of torture.”

The rope kept trailing through his fingers as he counted them off, “Whipping, the use of a pressing stone, constriction by rope and hanging by rope.”

Heh he heh… (sing song voice) I know where this paragraph came from (singing finished). The first place I looked up ‘Shibari’ was wikepedia too. ;)

Now Chloe was a little concerned. She trusted Lex. She knew that he would never harm her but she had to remember that with a noose around her neck. Besides, her other dom had used some choking games with her that had almost gone awry.

I know that BlueSabby keep on bringing up the ‘old dom who’s name shall never be said out loud’, (shall we just call him Voldie and stop all this 'old dom' nonsense?) as a means of comparing and contrasting against the Good-Dom-Lex.

But now I have to wonder how many kinds of idiot Chloe was for sticking around with a brute like the one that used to CHOKE her when the mood struck him??!!

“However, Shibari does not make use of such cruelty.” He tied a simple knot a little above her breast bone to fix the length of the sling. “The binding techniques I will use on you are gentle and should not cause you any injury.” His voice softened with the last few words.

I love how Lex took careful notice of the way Chloe reacted to the possibility of the ropes being too constricting or painful, and he made a point of reassuring her that she was going to be perfectly safe at all times.

And he did all this without Chloe voicing even a murmur of protest or concern against using the ropes. He knew she would have gone through with it anyway, but he wanted to make the situation clear from the very beginning.

The rest of the rope fell almost silently onto the sheepskin. He picked up the lengths and tied six more knots. One would sit a little under her breastbone, one directly on her belly button, the next adjusted to press against her clit once the rope work was finished. The fourth would push against her rear entrance and two more would sit next to her spine on her back.

Lovely detail. I checked out Internet Pictures, and I really couldn’t have described it any better than you did.

Charles had caught the look and understood it. Lex had been watching Chloe carefully for any sign of distress. Chloe, in turn, had fought off her own misgivings and accepted what was happening. He waited for the lesson, or whatever it was, to progress to the point where he needed to shoot it. For now, he took in the lesson that Lex was giving his sub. Maybe he could use the knowledge later when he tried to pick up a woman.

Heh. Riiiight. Nice pickup line. I know how to put a sexy knot on your clit?


Actually, that might work after all. :P

“In traditional Shibari, there are fairly specific rope patterns with very few knots. The ropes are also usually made out of hemp and only about 23 feet long.” While he spoke he flicked the long ends of the rope out of his way. “As you can see I am taking leeway with those rules.”

What a WONDERFUL job BlueSabby keep doing with their details. Excellent writing.

“According to different sources, this kind of bondage was first incorporated into sexual play during the late Edo period. In Japan it became wildly popular in magazine form in the 1950's while over here it was still unthinkable to even talk about sex in the public.”

Entertaining AND informative. I love NBG’s ‘The Infedility Project’ for the exact same reason. I keep getting such lovely, interesting, insightful information from the fic at the most surprising moments. It’s amazing.

Looking at her from the front, the rope was now shaping diamond patterns between her breasts and over her stomach. Lex repeated the threading with the third loop, creating the third diamond shape beneath the other two the knot on her belly button forming the tip with the widest part of the shape framing her crotch.

I love the picture you’ve formed here. It’s beautiful, and I can see how that would make such a stunning and compelling visual between a dom and his sub.

“Starting with the sixties Shibari became an art form in Japan and is recognized as such since then. Nowadays, it's become quite popular among our circles.”

‘Our Circles’ huh? When he first said that, I actually thought he meant the circles that HE traveled around in (filled with bored billionaire elite society people). It took me a second to catch on to ‘our’ meaning ‘people with out sexual preferences.

I think that’s a sign that I’ve started accepting Lex and Chloe’s arrangement as ‘normal’ and almost ‘everyday mundane’ now. BlueSabby have really done excellent work in helping wean us into the depraved world of masters and servants in the bedroom.

Chloe wanted to move against the rope. It bound her loosely, creating a delicious friction. Especially between her legs. The rope constricted her movement a little. She couldn’t draw in deep breaths so she found herself panting already.

Sexy as hell! Very arousing!

Charles picked up the camera. Lex wasn’t done yet but he found it helpful to be prepared at a moment’s notice. Chloe was clearly ready to go again. The black rope against her fair skin made for a lovely picture. As did the intricate patterns cris-crossing over her body. He hoped that Lex would allow him to take some shots from behind, too.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one in awe of this visual that Lex has created. But I do wonder why Charles has never seen or heard of this Shibari technique before. Lex said it was popular amongst the ‘elite dom crowd’, and Charles is definitely a highly sought after dom/sub photographer. And considering what a lovely and compelling picture can come from the ‘Shibari technique’, Charles should have really heard about this before Lex introduced him to it.

As he picked up the second length of black rope, his eyes fell on a different set of clamps he'd brought. These were not connected to a chain and shaped like spirals. Instead of the snappings, those were attached by pulling the nipple through the hole in the middle of the spiral that could be tightened or loosened.

VERY nice description of all of Lex’s props and toys. I didn’t find a visual of the clamps that you have described here, but I can imagine how stunning they must have looked against the roped criss-crossing Chloe’s body.

He picked them up and kept them in his hand, then took the rope cutter, just in case, and put it in his pocket. The weight of the tool was resting a little uncomfortably against the side of his erection and Lex adjusted himself with a quick grip.

Heh he heh… Lex is horny! I’m always enjoy these ‘little’ looks into how close Lex gets into losing control over himself during the sessions.

The touch of his hand would have undone her a few weeks ago. Today it only made her want to cry out. He’d been professional about it. It wasn’t a caress, it was used to correct a mistake. Nonetheless, it excited her even more.

Such a casual touch, and Chloe was aroused beyond belief. I guess Lex really knew what he was doing when he started training Chloe to regard his touch as a privilege rather than a given during their times together.

Dutifully, Chloe stuck out her chest, her breasts jutting forth so Lex could do with them what he wanted. He ducked his head slightly and she had to bite down on her tongue to keep from hissing when she felt his rough tongue flick over one nipple and then the next. He quickly attached the clamps. She could feel them tighten on her.

If his finger in a strategic location was almost enough to get her to lose her iron control, I don’t want to know how much Lex’s tongue on her nipples affected her… OR how she was able to keep it in.

Her breathing had increased again. She wasn’t lightheaded yet but could see it happening in the near future. Calming down would do little good because of the ropes crossing her body. The knot resting against her ass and the one on her clit were torturous. She wanted something else there. Something that would penetrate her body and she could buck up against it. The thought made small tremors begin to form under her skin.

I loved this paragraph. Especially the part which describes how desperately Chloe wanted and needed hardness and friction. It only serves to further underline how amazing she is to be able to keep so absolutely still despite such stimulus.

She imagined how she looked for Lex. And how often he’d derive pleasure from the pictures. She didn’t bother to think up what else he could do to her body. She liked surprises and welcomed each new session, knowing it would bring her something different from their last time together.

I’m glad Chloe is so adventurous and courageous, and how she is enjoying herself so. BUT I have to keep wondering about the foolhardiness with which she continues to surrender her will and mind to Lex without thinking about the future or the consequences of this arrangement… and her training.

She has even noted that she’s becoming addicted to Lex. Isn’t she concerned about becoming hopelessly dependant on him? Does she HAVE to shut off her brain when it comes to her life concerning Lex Luthor?!

Chloe moved as much as she could being bound. Charles’s instructions kept her mobility in mind. He took picture after picture of the knots and then focused first on her breasts and then on her ass. He changed lenses quite a few times and instructed her to move her hair by jerking her head to the side.

I loved how BlueSabby took special care and attention to not only describe the props, studio settings and model positioning… But they also made a note to describe everything that the photographer thought, did and felt during the entirety of the photo-shoot. It was all these little details that made me feel like I was there myself.

Amazing writing!

He asked her to rise up as much as she could. She saw that he had a small, digital camera. He slid it under her, positioning it directly between her legs.

Charles had to get good shots of the rope between her legs. It would be difficult. He moved closer to Chloe but remembered not to touch her. “Move a little to your right. Yes, stay.” He pressed the button. “Rise up a little more. Perfect. Stay.”

Another few clicks. He picked up the camera and turned the display window towards Chloe. “Look at yourself.”

It was a picture of her pussy with the rope nestled between it. It was stark and like no other picture she’d seen of the female body part. She saw how wet she was.

I REALLY liked this part. It was such a creative and imaginative way to rev Chloe up. At first, I wasn’t sure about Charles giving orders to Chloe as if he was her dom too… but I can see how wonderfully it worked out, how well it was done. And how sensitively it was handled so as to not cross any lines.

“What do you think, Chloe? How do you feel, knowing that Charles has taken these pictures and a lot more of them? Captured you bound and put on display for my pleasure? Caught you on camera while we both watched you come?”

He shifted his stance to relieve some of the pressure on his groin. “And we're not done, yet. Tell me how the ropes feel wrapping around your body, the knots pressing against your skin. Can you feel them?”

His eyes roamed over her body, appreciating her form as she held her position. “Look at me,” he commanded.

“Tell me.”

The rapid fire questions. The command to look at him. They all told her that the session was almost over.

I find Lex in his interrogating mood to be sexy beyond all belief. It’s when he’s giving out rapid-fire questions that his true dom nature comes out. Lex has always displayed his power through words rather than force, and it really shows how he has honed his skills in that area.

Chloe looked up at Lex and was struck by what she saw there. The absolute possessive look. The demand he placed on her for the utter truth.

Lex being absolutely possessive. It can be incredibly arousing and sexy… OR possessive Lex can be scary and frightening. It depends on the circumstances. I still have not decided whether I fully trust this Lex or not. Right now, he and Chloe see eye to eye… But what happens when they disagree on something?

“It makes me feel proud to know that you want to look at me whenever it pleases you to do so,” she answered. “That you want to own me even in my absence. That the possession you have over me is complete. I belong to you so it makes perfect sense that you should have access to me at any time.”

I really appreciated the way BlueSabby made it a point to describe this situation from Chloe’s perspective. How she felt so flattered by the fact that Lex desired a series of beautiful pictures of her. How she acknowledged Charles, not as a man, but as an extension of Lex’s will and training. How the ropes actually turned into an EMBRACE in her mind.

“The knots on my skin press into my flesh and tease me. They promise my release if you deem to give it to me. The rope crosses over my body, putting it on display, accentuating everything that you own.”

She is so eloquent. Beautiful, strong, intelligent… I wonder how much Lex is kicking himself for all the years he wasted on vapid women.

Charles could barely breathe and he wasn’t even really involved in this whole thing. He hadn’t heard her speak that much before. But he was again struck by the honesty of what she said. And the blinding devotion. She was kneeling in front of a man, bound, naked but she wasn’t ashamed. That woman was damned proud of herself.

And Charles is in awe. Even as Chloe describes him as a tool or a puppet, he still admires and even agrees with everything she says.

I have to say I am greatly impressed by this fellow. And I desperately hope that he comes makes an appearance later in this fic after his function is finished.

What is of importance is you and I. Our bodies. Our connection. The transfer of my free will, my wishes and my choices to you. ”

I LOVED this paragraph, how Chloe makes a point about how even as she surrenders to Lex, he is equally tied and connected to her and her desires.

He looked over at Lex. The man had a will of steel. He still hadn’t fucked her. But if the look on his face and the erection that he was now sporting was anything to go by, it wouldn’t be long.

Heh.. Even Charles noticed Lex’s waning control. LOL!

“It pleases me that you know your place,” Lex murmured as he started circling Chloe on the platform. “And never doubt that place, because it is yours.”

This statement strikes me as rather scary. I’m STILL getting bad vibes and ideas from the thought of Lex being so possessive.

Even if he was still taking other subs, which he wasn't, Chloe would have been his favorite. She had a potential for submission that he'd not seen so far and Lex was used to having the best and not to bother with seconds.

Again, his appreciation of Chloe is flattering and delightful. But that possessiveness is still giving me a ominous feeling about ‘bad things to come soon’.

“Your potential is amazing and I will use it to its full capacity. I will use your body and shape your mind to the point that it will make no difference if I am with you or not, you will always have only my pleasure in mind.”

And there’s an allusion to that brain-washing that Lex has been indoctrinating into Chloe’s mind and body… erm… Still scared!

He came to a stop in front of her, looking down at her face as she obediently looked up at him. “Just like these ropes, your own thoughts and needs will bind you to me. It will take time, but I don't doubt that you can live up to your full potential and take great pleasure from serving me at all times, in all ways.”

His gaze traveled down her body, his cock twitching inside his pants as he watched her chest straining under the ropes to take deep breaths. “You are practically dripping for me. The rope is getting soaked with your juices.”

He bent down to speak directly in her ear, lowering his voice to a murmur. “Have I told you how much I enjoyed your taste during our last session?”

WOW! He might be a scary, possessive SOB, but there’s no denying the sexy. He uses his words to arouse and excite just as easily as he uses it to command and interrogate. Amazing writing BlueSabby!

It was an impossible question to answer. It was not as if those things could be measured in time or length increments. How close?

How about ‘not as close as I would like to be’? ;)
That would be the most accurate answer after all.

Chloe’s face was peaceful and serene. So incongruous with what he knew her body was feeling. The same held true for Lex.

Plus, he thought that the whole set up looked very hot, indeed. Maybe Lex would appreciate the shot and maybe he wouldn’t. But when Charles saw something like that, he had to take the picture. He didn’t have a real choice in the matter.

Charles really is a brilliant photographer. I get the feeling these impromptu pictures are going to be highlights of the entire shoot.

I loved how you described Charles’s photographer’s instincts taking over to compel him to take pictures that might have been deemed intrusive or unwelcome.

Lex licked his bottom lip as he stepped closer to her again. His own arousal was almost sharp enough to slice through coherent thought, but he had to remain in control. This session was not over yet.

WOW! I’m loving each and EVERY single reference to how close Lex gets to losing control during his sessions. I can’t help but wonder whether he ever found his sense of control taxed and strained to this extent before. And if not, does he get worried that Chloe inspires such slack on his normally iron clad will and focus?

With another step, he was in front of her. Slowly lowering himself to his knees until he was eyelevel with her, he allowed a smile to his lips. It was strained, considering his current situation, but he wanted to show her how pleased he was with her performance.

This visual really got to me. The image of Lex lowering himself to Chloe’s level to make sure she fully understood and appreciated the sincerity of his praise and compliments.

“I won't make you beg, Chloe,” he told her to her face.

His eyes trailed over her body once more, a quick check to see if her arms could still take the strain of the ropes binding them behind her back. “Such an obedient girl. You deserve to come,” he muttered under his breath.

And even when he’s on the verge of losing himself to his lust, he STILL makes a point of checking up on her to make sure she’s never unaccountably uncomfortable.

The praise was an extreme understatement to the pride he felt. The first time she had come on his command during this session, she had been much more revved up and received quite a bit more stimulus from her own hands and his beforehand. This time, all she had had was the ropes binding her body and his voice.

Her climax had been less explosive than the previous one, but it had rode through her while she was still fully there, not gone so far that she couldn't make a distinction between the different sensations causing it.

This orgasm, and the ease with which Chloe achieved it took me by surprise too. I also understood the difference between this climax, and the orgasm she had last time when she had been on the verge of coming with only her strength of will holding the orgasm at bay.

Lex is making some scary progress in indoctrinating her to his will and commands.

Of course that was not his plan. His cock needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. Then there was the fact that Charles wasn't booked for the rest of the day and a few pictures still had to be taken.

This part struck me as hilarious. Lex choosing to stop the session not only because he wanted to finally ease his blue-balls, but also because the photographer has another appointment.

“Do you want to come again?” he asked as he moved his hand back and forth, causing the knots to alternately push into her and relieve their pressure.

He waited until she opened her mouth to answer before he continued. “Or would you rather have me fuck your mouth and come inside it?”

Omigod! SO hot! I felt a jolt at these two paragraphs.

His eyes held her gaze as he pushed the rope firmly against her. “Answer honestly. Don't say 'Whatever you want, Lex. That would displease me.”

Interesting. Was this a test? Or was he honestly finding out about her preferences?

Lex’s hand pressed forcefully against her once more. Instead of demanding his answer verbally, this was how he did it.

Yikes… another jolt here!

He brought his hand down to card his fingers through her hair and moved it out of her face. Lex kept a hold of it at the back of her head as he pulled her closer to his groin. “Open wide,” he demanded.

The moment her lips parted, he thrust inside, far enough to hit the back of her throat. Lex felt her mouth closing firmly around the length of his cock, her tongue washing over the shaft. His eyes closed for a moment as he enjoyed the sensation of wet heat then pulled out until just the tip of his dick was still in her mouth.

“Suck,” he ordered and suppressed a groan as he followed the slight suction that pulled his dick back into her mouth. “Harder.”

I honestly would have KILLED any man who would have even thought about behaving this way with me. But on ‘Arrangment-Lex’, his commanding tone and imperious attitude is undeniably sexy, arousing and hot.

He plunged as far as he would go, pulling her face flat against his groin. “Look,” was the only word he got out before it hit him.

I found this very interesting. Did Lex know that Chloe got immense satisfaction from pleasuring him? Or did he simply want her to see the full effect her ministrations had on him?

Charles had gotten it all. Her looking up at Lex when he’d told her to do so. Then he’d swung the camera up to Lex’s face briefly and then back down to Chloe. He’d been given much more leeway on this set of pictures. He thought that Lex might like to see what Chloe did to him for once.

I’m glad Charles made this decision, and I do wonder whether Lex would be pleased at his expression of complete abandoned pleasure… or whether he would feel disturbed by how much of a distorting effect Chloe has on his focus and tight control.

With a smile he noticed that the lipstick still hadn't smudged. Despite Chloe's best efforts. Maybe he should write a 'thank you' note to the corporation. Then again, maybe not.


Until Lex started touching her. She almost jumped because she hadn’t been expecting it. He started at the base of her skull. Three fingers pressing in circles and making their way down to the nape of her neck.

His other hand joined its mate and he started to massage her shoulders gently but firmly. Once they loosened, each hand started to work on one of her arms.

How lovely!!! This part was undoubtedly the most unexpectedly sweetest moment. It’s one thing to take special care and make sure Chloe is not uncomfortable or in unnecessary pain during her sessions… But to take the time and care to give her a massage and physical therapy to help her recover?! He really is amazing!

Satisfied, he trailed his hands down her back to the knot over her tailbone that held the other rope together. He could have used the cutter for this one as well, but he planned on keeping the rope and using it again if the mood struck him.

Huh! I wonder what further plans he has for tonight. I look forward to finding out.

Charles ran a hand over his face as he walked over to Lex. Only when he stood back and thought about what he’d seen and documented in the past few hours did it strike him how odd his job could sometimes be.

It JUST struck him??!! He really can be quite an amusing fellow too. :)

He cut a glance at Chloe in her position, then looked over at Charles. “I want the first shot to be right. She's taken a lot today and I don't want to drag this out longer than necessary.”

Yet he still has some plans for her tonight… Perhaps something not as strenuous as usual?

Only now he realized that the clamps were still on her. “Let's take these off, shall we?” he asked rhetorically as he set down the items in his hands.

Again BlueSabby leave me in awe with their stunning attention to details.

For this next picture, he didn't want anything to adorn her. No mask, no make up, no toys. Just her as she was. The bindings and peacock get up had only been to emphasize to others what was plainly visible to him without any enhancements.

I thought this was great. The costumes, props and makeup were excellent and obviously dramatic. But it’s good to know that Lex also wants a picture of her as CHLOE rather than as an adorned and decorated possession.

He stood up and stepped back, then righted his clothing, smoothing out the front of his shirt and brushing down his pants. He tugged at the cuffs to straighten out the sleeves and stepped behind Chloe, a little to her side.

AND he also wanted to make himself an integral part of the picture, which was also wonderful.

Of course there was still the unequal power thing here. Lex being fully dressed, smooth and composed; while Chloe was naked, sweaty and almost shaking with fatigue. I got quite an interesting visual in my head of the last picture.

Lex moved his hand to cradle her face just under her jaw and tilted her head to look up at him. “Open your eyes,” he instructed softly, his eyes looking down at her, though his face was turned towards the camera, chin only slightly tilted down.

This part struck me as very sweet and intimate. The way that he’s focusing all his attention on Chloe, even though he’s posing for a picture. I thought it was lovely that this was the way he wanted to remember and capture this moment.

“Thank you Charles, that will be all.”

Heh… I wonder what’s coming up next. More sub acrobats? Or perhaps some more of that lovely banter that happens when Lex and Chloe temporarily drop their designated roles.

Just one last word… Lex still scares me, and I don’t trust him. Right now, Chloe is safe because she wants exactly what Lex is giving her… but what happens when they have a disagreement about how the Arrangement works? What happens when one of them wants to stop? Lex holds all the power in this situation… not only as a dom, but also as LEX LUTHOR, and if Chloe drops him, he can make life very miserable for her until she agrees to some back…

But on the other hand, there is absolutely NO-thing Chloe can do if LEX decides to end things between them. Except remain addicted to him, and feel never fully satisfied with another man ever again.

23rd November 2006, 04:42
well, holy hell...that was amazing. pretty much perfection, with a capitol T!


26th November 2006, 15:29
It's been over a week since the last update on this fic. I'm feeling jittery from my lack of 'Arrangement' fic fix. What is the phrase that I heard someone using once... oh yeah! e-crack! I need my fix NOW!


pretty please with a cherry on top and strawberry syrup on the side?

26th November 2006, 22:59
It's been over a week since the last update on this fic. I'm feeling jittery from my lack of 'Arrangement' fic fix. What is the phrase that I heard someone using once... oh yeah! e-crack! I need my fix NOW!


pretty please with a cherry on top and strawberry syrup on the side?

i agree! its time for an update;)

28th November 2006, 19:36
I was just re-reading through the fic (AGAIN!) and something that Lex said to Charles struck me as a contradiction.

His fingers trailed over smooth nylon as he continued. “I plan on bringing her to the point where nothing except my direct order will make her achieve climax.”

Charles raised his eyebrows. “Ok, I do understand that, but, well,” he wasn’t sure it was very proper to bring it up but he’d try it. “What happens if the arrangement comes to an end? Doesn’t that sort of screw her up forever?” He gestured over to Chloe.

His eyes went back to Charles and he smirked. “It's a likely possibility,” he kept looking at the man and shrugged. “Unless she finds another dom strong enough to train her all over again.”

However, Lex had no intention of letting her go from their arrangement any time soon. He derived more pleasure from this than from any half baked relationship or one-night stand without the mess that tended to come with those.

“But, as long as neither of us breaks the rules of the contract, there's no reason to end this arrangement.”

Lex admits quite openly that all the brainwashing, rewiring, reprogramming and intensive training that he's putting Chloe through might render her completely and helplessly addicted to him. That it might indoctrinate her to the point where she is unable to derive pleasire from ANY other person other than him.

Lex know that his training might cause severe and perhaps even irreparable psychological harm on Chloe. Rendering her unable to gain sexual satisfaction from any other partner, dom.. and perhaps even through self-pleasure.

The training suits his needs (for the MOMENT) perfectly, because he's assured that Chloe will never even think about seeking pleasure from any other person, even she were inclined to roam.

and in another part...

Crossing one leg over the other, he cocked his head to the side. “Yes, it is challenging to remain in control at all times, but if you are not, you could miss important clues and cause damage to the person that puts themselves completely in your care.”

For Lex, that was pretty much the worst offense a dom could commit against his sub. In his opinion, it nullified any contract for an arrangement immediately.

Is Lex in denial about the kind of damage he might be inflicting on Chloe? Does he keep reassuring himself that he doesn't have any intention of leaving Chloe (or letting her go) and therefore the indoctrination doesn't count as 'harmful'?

Surely he has considered the possiblity that the Arrangment will come to and end eventually. Perhaps not for a few years, but eventually, enough time will go by for Chloe to get royally screwed up and completely helpless under Lex's overwhelming domination.

Right now, she's dominated, but definitely NOT helpless, she still has options. If Lex does something repulsive, then Chloe has the option of saying her safety word and just leaving the arrangment if he refuses to comply or cater to her fears and boundaries.

But what happens when her training is complete and Lex does something that she considers too repulsive to be tolerated, but she's unable to leave because there is no other way for her to orgasm EVER again?!

Or... what happens when her training is complete, and Lex wants a 'new project' to work on. He's Lex Luthor, and he's going to want challenges. And no matter how delightful and skilled a sub Chloe is, there is the chance that Lex is simply going to get bored with his 'completed perfect project' and want a newbie to train all over again.

Where does such a situation leave Chloe? She doesn't have the right to even ask him to stay with her, but she been trained too well to only orgasm at HIS command, and she would find herself incapable of pleasure without him.

Is Lex simply blind to possibilities of the horrible scenarios that I just listed out? Or does he not CARE about the psychological damage he's inflicting? After all, causing her unnecessary bruising or physical pain might affect her performance as a sub, but the psychological harm he's inflicting actually benefits, supports and reinforces the hold and dependancy that he's training into her.

I guess I'm just scaring myself, but I remember I was beginning to trust Lex a couple of chapters ago, until I started getting suspicious about the brainwashing and training that he was putting her through. This conversation only sealed the deal on my suspicions, and made me realize that I do NOT trust Lex (not one bit, not at all) with Chloe's welfare and state of mind.

And I do wonder how Chloe would have reacted if SHE had heard the conversation and questions that passed between Charles and Lex during her last session. She was simply delighted by the fact that she was able to come ONLY from Lex's command, but she hasn't really fully grasped the implications of what's happening to her.

phew... long ranting review here. please update and do something to lay my fears to rest... OR find another way to increase the fear, shivers and chills that run through my body at the thought of 'what might be'. This really is one amazing fic, with lots of interesting, insightful and very original layers that your readers can peel away.

please write quickly, post soon.

28th November 2006, 22:11
Well I do must say somethingeasy that you put my thoughts into writing. Because it seems to be the case with Lex that he just gets tired of things very quickly. Chloe is something exotic to him, an enigma is some cases. Especially a few updates back, were he found it interesting that Chloe found pleasure from his voice, his laugh, when clearly she had said before that she cannot get pleasure in the "normal' way.
And I do think that Chloe is aware of what Lex is trying to do to her, but she is clearly not letting it really sink in. She enjoys the power that Lex has over her.
But the question does remain- what happens when the project is completed and the arrangement meets its end...
Please ladies we need an update.

28th November 2006, 23:45
A/N: Blue: Don't you find that things are more fun with friends? Lex does. Enjoy. *G*
A/N: Sabby: Let's have a Partay! YAY!


The dress swished around her ankles as she boarded the elevator. The same operator that had been on duty two days ago was manning the contraption. He nodded at her but nothing more. Perhaps he hadn’t seen Chloe drop to her knees. Or he was pretending that he hadn’t seen it.

Usually on her way to parties Chloe would do some last minute fixes and tugs. It wasn’t necessary. The dress fit her perfectly. She shouldn’t have been surprised.

Lex had picked it out, of course.

When she’d arrived home from work about three hours ago, she found a box sitting on her bed. She’d known who it was from the moment she’d seen it.

Chloe hadn’t felt any rage that Lex had gained access to where she lived. It seemed petty to do so after he’d been inside of her body. Well, certain parts of him had been in certain parts of her. When she wasn’t in her sub mode she realized that she was a little frustrated that he hadn’t fucked her yet. But all in due time.

It was a deep shade of blue and cut just right. There were two identical slits in the skirt part of the dress. One in the front and the other in the back. They went almost all the way up. They were dangerous being that she wasn’t to wear underwear.

There was no back of the dress to speak of. The fabric ended about three inches above her ass. Two strips of fabric hung down from the waist when she’d picked it up out of the box. They were to be fastened around her neck and to cover her breasts.

They barely did. Her breasts swelled slightly out of the sides of the fabric.

Chloe looked fucking amazing.

When she’d seen the other items in the box, her breath had caught.

A peacock feather. And a garter.

The note indicated that she was to be at his place at 9pm that evening. She was to wear the feather so it tickled her pussy but not so it was very uncomfortable.

Chloe had showered quickly and then put the dress on. She’d done her makeup, only a little, and then spent a lot of time on the placement of the feather. Lex had sent high, strappy shoes and she put those on and then walked around her apartment with the feather in place.

Now, she confidently walked into his penthouse. And was surprised to see a party already in full swing.

Lex's eyes were drawn to the elevator as the doors opened. He knew whose arrival to expect since his other guests had already shown up an hour previous.

He'd invited twenty of his acquaintances from the club he and Chloe frequented, leaving it open to them if they wanted to take their charges along or not. Some had, others hadn't.

A few of his previous subs were among the guests as well, but he didn't bother with them beyond a nod of acknowledgement.

But the real challenge for Chloe would be the dozen or so other people he had invited. They'd been told this would be a soiree to show the works of a newcomer in the world of art photography.

Lex had arranged for some of the pictures of their last session to be blown up and framed in silver. They were hung up on the walls and arranged to follow them around the living room.

“If you'll excuse me for a moment,” he told the group of doms he'd been in conversation with as Chloe stepped into the room. “I believe my charge has come to join us.”

As he made his way through the people to welcome Chloe, he heard one of the female doms comment behind his back. “She really must be something for him to go get her, don't you think?”

He brushed the comment and subsequent laughter off with a smirk as he approached his charge.

She looked magnificent in the dress he'd bought for her. The straps that had been barely wide enough to span his palm covered her breasts enough to allow a teasing glimpse at their sides and bared the center of her chest all the way down to below her navel. The blue fabric contrasted nicely with her skin, the color similar to the blue of the peacock feathers she'd worn for him a couple of days ago.

Chloe smiled at Lex as he approached. He stopped about a foot in front of her and looked her up and down. She tried to ignore the heat that she saw in his eyes and how it affected her body.

She also tried to ignore how downright tasty the man looked. When she’d seen how the others were dressed she’d expected nothing less than the tux. But he wasn’t wearing a tie. Instead, the first two buttons of his shirt were open. And Chloe wanted nothing more than to lick and suck at the exposed skin.

“You approve of your choice,” she asked. It was clear that the dress was everything that he’d hoped for but it was still polite to ask.

“I do,” he answered, letting his gaze slowly travel back to her face. “I trust you've followed all my instructions?”

Lex stepped closer and moved his hand to the small of her back, then slipped under the waistline of the skirt to reach between her legs and feel the feather against the inside of her thigh. He enjoyed the slight jerk she gave at the bold move. “Very good.”

His hand moved back up to hover over the small of her back, not touching her skin at all. “Let me show you around,” he said smoothly.

She hadn't seen the pictures yet, or he was sure she would have shown some kind of reaction. It was time to see how she reacted to being displayed in front of a larger audience. And a not entirely approving one at that.

Lex’s bold move was surprising to Chloe. Until she saw some faces that she recognized from the club. Not ones that she’d spoken to, these were the high rollers. Not her usual crowd.

She leaned a little towards Lex. “Show me around or show me off,” she teased.

But then she stopped when she caught sight of something hanging on the wall. A picture of her. Blown up to epic proportions. She was on her back, her nipples clamped with the chain dangling just above her clit. Her fingers were shoved deeply inside of her body.

Chloe turned towards the other side of the room, still being led by Lex, and she saw another picture. A close up of her pussy. Turned her head again. Her breasts.


A picture of her in the mask and the peacock tail inserted in her. The picture had her in profile, it was clear that the tail was nestled in her ass.

“How can a woman allow that to happen to her?” Chloe heard the comment as she passed a fortyish man.

“Well,” a female voice replied, “she’s probably paid by the hour if you know what I mean.”

Chloe felt her cheeks flush at the comments. She could see that Lex was watching her for her reactions. Another lesson. This one in humiliation.

But she had nothing to be humiliated about. They clearly didn’t get it. They probably hadn’t had a good orgasm in at least five years. And that was being kind.

They passed one more picture before Lex brought them to a stop. This was one that Charles had taken at her feet. Her legs looked as if they were a mile long. Her breasts were cradled by her hands and her head was tilted back in obvious pleasure.

“What do you think of it?” he asked as he looked at her.

He'd seen the picture before. Charles had outdone himself with lighting and the camera. In Lex's opinion, there was not a single picture in this room, or in the other one that didn't do Chloe justice.

The comments from the peanut gallery didn't surprise Lex. To think the pictures he'd put out on display were comparatively tame to some of the others that had been taken made him wonder how they would have reacted if confronted with the latter.

Chloe quickly processed what she’d seen out there and said the first thing that she thought of. “That last one looked to be a trick of the lens.” She leaned back a little, trying to get a look at it again. “My legs aren’t nearly that long.”

Then thought again for a moment. “They’re very well done pictures. Even if some people don’t agree.” She inclined her head slightly, indicating the people they’d just passed.

Lex ignored her insistent issue with her legs. He had expected the picture wouldn't be able to convince her.

“How do you feel when you hear them calling you a whore? Do you think you're a whore for what you let me do to you?” he asked as he started walking again, slowly leading Chloe to the group of doms he'd left behind earlier to greet her.

“A whore indicates payment,” she said, thinking through the question. “Unless you count the pleasure that you gave me and the come in my mouth, nothing was exchanged between us.”

Chloe turned towards the loose grouping of people that was now in front of her. She could tell that they’d heard her last sentence from the looks on their faces.

Lex smiled, satisfied with her unknowing performance in front of the other doms.

The circle of women and men opened to admit them and Lex placed his hand firmly on the small of her back as he introduced her. “This is Chloe, my latest charge.”

He turned slightly so he could look at her. “She's still in training but has shown great potential that I hope to display at some point in the near future.” His eyes roamed over her face as he said that.

Chloe didn’t know what ‘displaying’ entailed. Her old dom had invited others to watch her but she thought from the tone in his voice that Lex had something far more involved in mind.

“Nice to meet you, Chloe,” a tall, elegant looking black woman said to her. “You have a very lovely pussy. It’s impressive to see how wet you are in every shot. Lex is a lucky, lucky man.”

Lex smiled at the comment. “Thank you, Bella, I consider myself quite lucky to have found such a gem.” He nodded his head in acknowledgement. “And I have to thank you again for your kindness. I hope you didn't mind that your charge came back to you in quite a state.” He smirked as Bella's smile widened.

“Oh, that's right, she told me about that session.” The interruption came from George, a male dom that preferred to keep several subs and use them with, or against each other. Lex kept his expression neutral as he turned to face the man. “Quite a work you did on her, but I don't understand why you let her get away with it. She's yours, if you want to see her get fucked by another guy, or even by another girl, she should go ahead and obey you.”

Bella and one of her female colleagues rolled their eyes and Lex bit down on his tongue as the second woman spoke up. “We all know how you treat your subs, George, it's just not everyone's cup of tea to use them like that,” she spoke in a crisp British accent. “Yes, they are property, but you wouldn't treat one of your cars with that lack of care, would you?”

Lex interrupted the dispute before it could really start. “I think we've established that we are of varying minds where it comes to the treatment of our charges,” he said smoothly, drawing everyone's attention back to him.

Chloe took an immediate disliking to George. She’d seen him around the club he seemed more like he wanted a harem than a proper arrangement. Of course, the woman comparing subs to cars didn’t sit too well with her, either. Yes, she knew that woman was trying to make a point. But a car couldn’t make you come so hard that you saw stars, now could it? Unless you had some sort of fetish. Some doms just didn’t get how enriching their arrangements were.

Another voice piped up. A deep male baritone with an accent that Chloe couldn’t quite place. “Here, here, Lex,” he said, while raising a glass. “But I think that we can all agree that if our subs came to us after a session with Chloe and did what John did to Bella, we’d all be very lucky. In fact,” he turned towards Lex, “I’d like to volunteer Heidi’s services at any point in time.” He chuckled. “We agreed that I’d mention that specifically.”

Chloe smiled a little at him. She knew that subs were to show respect to other doms. Just not too much interest unless instructed otherwise.

“The feathers were a nice touch,” Bella noted. “They must have tickled like a motherfucker, though, if they touched you.”

“How apropos of you to ask,” he said with a smirk.

He took a step to the side to give Chloe a little more room. “Let me take this opportunity to explain the reason for this little soiree.”

A few chuckles piped up from the listening doms, but they didn't interrupt. “This event has been arranged mainly for the purpose of Chloe's training. You will notice a few unfamiliar faces among us.” He indicated the peanut gallery with a wave of his hand.

“As we speak she is undergoing a lesson for my enjoyment. Pull open your skirt, Chloe, and show us what you are wearing underneath.”

He had decided to put her on display tonight and she would be. And not only in the form of pictures.

This she could handle. It was almost comical to watch the way in which all of the pairs of eyes before her immediately fell to her skirt.

Without sparing a glance around, Chloe opened her skirt, spreading the fabric wide and raising it slightly. This afforded the small group an unobstructed view of both the feather in the garter and her pussy.

The baritone moaned slightly. “She’s even more gorgeous in person, Lex. And the contrast of the feather against her skin.” He shook his head. “And to think that your cock hasn’t been inside of her cunt yet. You have more willpower than I.”

Bella looked at the sub on display and then at Lex. He titled his head slightly towards Chloe and nodded. “Spread your legs wider, Chloe. Then open your pussy for us.”

She smiled when Chloe’s head turned to Lex. A simple, but important test. Lex nodded.

The sub’s stance widened and she opened her cunt up for them to look at. Horace moaned again. He was a lover of the female form if ever there was one. “She must be pierced Lex. A gem right there.” He had begun to sweat. “Excuse me, I am in dire need of taking Heidi up the ass at the moment.”

Lex bit down on the inside of his cheek as he watched Horace scampering off in search of his sub. He could only pity the man for his lack of control. The comment he'd made about the piercing was intriguing. Lex had had the idea of piercing her nipples and brought it up to Chloe as well, but hadn't gone as far as to imagine a clitoris piercing. Lex wasn't quite sure yet, one way or the other, if he wanted to mark her that permanently. He would keep it in mind as a possibility, though.

“In any case,” he continued with a smirk. “She's been wearing this feather since early this evening,” he bent slightly so he could run his fingers up the length of the feather. “And she will be wearing it for the entire duration of the party.”

Lex started to reposition the feather slightly. “Make noise if you feel the need to do so,” he said a he adjusted the silky tendrils to touch directly on her clit.

Chloe harshly gasped his name when she felt the tip of the feather brush against her clit. She hadn’t expected him to move it again so her voice was louder the second time.

She felt herself getting wet as she watched the doms watching her. Their eyes were fixed to the sight of the feather brushing up against her pussy. “Oh, oh, oh, god, fuck.” Lex was now moving the feather back and forth over her sensitive flesh. The motion abruptly stopped.

The feather was now fully teasing her clit. It would be delicious torture once she started to walk.

Lex straightened up and pulled the skirt from her hands to let it fall back in place. “Cite your instructions,” he ordered.

His teasing had been deliberate to rev her up and test her control to obey his orders. The feather would do the rest to drive her insane. The only thing working against it would be her will and the fear of punishment, should she fail to do as instructed.

Lex could feel his cock twitching inside his pants at the idea of Chloe spending the entire night, teased and aroused for his pleasure. He would keep a close eye on her from now. It was a good thing that the slacks of his tuxedo had been tailored with a little more slack than usual.

“I am not to come without your order to do so. I am not to touch any part of my body in order to bring myself pleasure. My pleasure, my body, my orgasms are all belong to you and will be given at your will.” Because of the heels, she was almost at the same level as Bella. To an outsider, it would have looked as if she was reciting the words to her.

Bella thought that they were very lucky Horace was not around. That little performance might have led to an accident. He was so easily aroused. But she had to admit that he was an excellent fuck. She’d partaken of him a few times herself.

Again, a signal from Lex. “Chloe, go and acquaint yourself with John. Tell him and show him of your predicament. But do not let certain others see. You will find him one room over on your right. There are four close ups of you orgasming. He will be standing in front of them.”

After looking over at Lex and getting a nod from him, she started on her way. And almost cried out. The feeling of the feather was too much. But she kept walking, she forced herself to do it. And not to come.

Once she reached the other room, she rested a little against the doorframe. She had to because the room was being blocked by a rather large man. Chloe could feel herself starting to sweat already from the strain. And she’d only gone a few feet.

The man seemed to realize what he was doing when he caught sight of her and apologized immediately. To her tits. She smiled at him and then scanned the room from John. He wasn’t hard to find. The four pictures he stood under were hard to miss.

She looked at them as she approached him. Every step a fight against her own body. “Hi, John,” she breathed out.

The pictures were amazing. She could now see how good the makeup job that Lex had done on her was. Her eyes blended into the mask.

The first showed her clearly on the edge of coming. The next two were taken as she came. The wild look on her face, the eyes first opened and then closed, the open mouth. No doubt as to what was happening. The last was of her face, sated and peaceful.

“Christ.” She was turned on completely by remembering how she’d felt at the time.

John turned towards her. “Amen to that.” He looked back at the pictures. “You’re fucking amazing, Chloe. I’ve never seen a sub come so far in such a short amount of time.”

He scanned the room, knowing that a dom was probably watching them somewhere. Chloe had no doubt been given instructions about how to interact with him and a dom had to make sure that they were carried out.

He looked at her closely. “You ok, you seem a little flushed.” He looked at her dress. “Nice tits.”

“Thank you,” she said. Subs always had strange conversations. Filled with compliments and tip sharing.

“I’m dying,” she admitted. She gestured towards her lower region and then looked around. No one was looking in their direction. She quickly hiked up her skirt and spread the fabric and her legs.

John saw a feather perfectly placed so it would brush up against her clit. Her inner thighs were wet. It was a feat that the feather hadn’t bent because of the moisture.

“Oh, poor thing,” he said as she lowered her dress. He was hard from the sight of her. Bella had told him to fully enjoy Chloe’s presence. Just not to touch her.

“I’ll say,” a smooth voice said, “she’s going to be thrown aside in no time if she can’t handle what he wants to dish out.”

Chloe saw John roll his eyes and then a woman sidled up to her right side.

“Chloe, this is Evangaline. Evangaline, Chloe.” This was going to be trouble. Hopefully the dom would pull Chloe away before the claws could fully come out.

The tall brunette looked her over. “Really, you’re Lex’s new flavor of the month?” She knocked back the shot she had in her hand.

A group of older people passed them. “Pornographic. It’s against human decency, I tell you.” A man looked above them at the shots of Chloe coming. “I have half a mind to report this.”

Evangaline chuckled. “Perhaps we should tell them that the slut of the hour is right in from of them, what do you say?”

She started to move and Chloe grabbed the woman’s arm. “Let me guess, you couldn’t handle what Lex wanted to give you.”

The woman was as transparent as a window. It was the only reason that she would react in such a manner.

John laughed as Evangaline glared ineffectually at Chloe. “I’ll have you know that I took nine inches up the ass. Two inches thick, too. Lex was quite pleased.” Evangeline remembered that day very clearly. It still made her proud.

“Eleven inches, three thick,” Chloe shot back. “He ever throw a party in your honor.” The woman’s face tightened. “I didn’t think so. Was his cock in your mouth two days ago?” The woman said nothing. “Pity, he tastes excellent sliding down your throat. I doubt you’d remember how good, though.”

Chloe looked at the woman. She had clearly had work done. “It must have been at least five or ten years ago.” Lex had told her that he’d been out of the game for awhile.

“Evangaline.” It was a voice that Chloe recognized. George. He looked rather put out. He walked over to her. “Meet me in the cloak room. You are going to bend over for me. You will not come. You will then swallow me down. You will not come tonight or tomorrow as I use you. Perhaps that will teach you to not speak of your former doms. We’ve discussed this more times than is proper.”

He nodded at John and Chloe and began to walk off and then stopped. “But first I’d like you to tell Chloe that you are sorry. And that she can please Lex more than you ever could.”

Oh, this was great. John was practically salivating. He couldn’t wait to blab all over the place about this. The bitch needed to be knocked down a few pegs.

Evangaline bowed her head. She needed to watch her mouth. She constantly forgot that. Looking back up at Chloe she said, “I apologize. You can please Lex like I never could. That is what tonight is about.” With that, she walked over in search of the cloak room.

“That was awesome,” John said. “Everyone is going to be talking about it for quite a while.”

He watched as a man bumped into Chloe and she closed her eyes and bit down on her lip as she adjusted her body. “Oh, I’m dreadfully sorry.” His brow furrowed. “Are you alright Miss?”

“Yes,” Chloe breathed out. “I’m fine.” In reality the bump had almost caused her to lose it.

“Chloe,” John said, “I hate to abandon you but I really do have to go and rat out Evangeline before she gets a chance to tell her side of the story.”

“Go,” she said, waving her hand, “I’ll see you later.” Once John had left, Chloe decided that she’d make her way back into the room that Lex was in. When she reached the doorway, she could see that the other doms were still loosely grouped together.

The walk back was even worse than the walk into the room. She caught sight of Lex but he was talking to another man so she waited for him to be done with his conversation.

Lex watched her return to him on unsteady legs. He'd been informed by one of the doms who'd kept an eye on her that she looked about two steps away from coming on the spot.

The man had looked at Lex in awe and asked him how he'd managed that without even being in the same room. He wasn't really an acquaintance and hadn't been part of the circle when Lex had displayed Chloe before sending her off.

“That would be telling wouldn't it?” He sent the man on his way with a smirk.

Once the man left Lex’s side, Chloe walked over to him. She did not look him straight in the face. “I saw my other pictures. They document your victory very well, Lex.”

The circle opened to admit Chloe and Lex took hold of her arm to position her in front of him as it closed again. He didn't answer her comment directly. “I can see you've been suffering for me,” he told her instead as his hands moved down her arms and came to rest on her waist.

His cock was pushing into her from behind and he could feel the slight tremors going through her body as she fought off her climax. “Very well done, Chloe.”

He moved his eyes to look at the men and women surrounding them. “If you like, I invite you to observe another display.” His thumbs rubbed in small circles over the naked skin of her back. “I think Chloe has earned herself a reward for her obedience.”

His hold on her tightened. “Unlatch the top of your dress.”

Chloe bowed her head and concentrated on the fastenings behind her neck. She couldn’t focus on the feel of Lex’s hard cock pressing against her or the pattern that his thumb was making on her skin. It would make her come.

The fabric finally gave and she exposed herself to the small circle in front of her. She saw that Horace was back but George was missing. Bella was there as was the other British female dom. Another male dom had appeared.

They murmured their approval and all looked at one another. “Lex,” the stranger said, “they are magnificent. And real. One can only imagine how good they feel.”

Lex ignored Mel's comment and focused completely on Chloe.

“You're allowed to move freely and make as much noise as you want to,” he spoke loud enough for the rest of the group to hear him as well.

His hands moved to her front and to the folds of the skirt. He took hold of the separate parts and pulled them up to her waist, baring her fully to the view of their audience. “Hold on to this, don't drop it.”

The moment she'd gotten a tight grip on the skirt, his hands moved to her chest to cup and squeeze her breasts. His hard cock was still pushing into her and Lex had to suppress a groan as she started rocking her hips into him.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and looked down the length of her body to her pussy. “You're soaked. It's a miracle your juices haven't dripped onto the floor.” His hands moved down to run over her inner thighs, spreading her sweat and juices over the soft skin. “Or did you leave a wet trail on your way here?”

Chloe bucked against him erratically and her hands made tight fists around the fabric of her dress. Her fingernails dug into her palms. At first all she could do was whimper as Lex started to touch her.

“Please, god, Lex, please.” Chloe was shaking already. But she would not come. She would not displease Lex in front of the other doms. She would show them all how much she could submit to him.

His hands stopped. He wanted his answer. She licked her lips as she kept pressing back into him. “No, no trail. But feather must be soaked. Didn’t fall though. Still touched me. Teased me. But really you.”

“Shh, calm down, my sweet.”

His fingers started moving again and ghosted up the length of the feather. He pushed harder against her ass while they followed it all the way up to her soaking pussy. “I know what you want, what you need.” His nails scratched lightly over the crease of her hip as he spoke softly.

“Come for me, Chloe, come now.” The tip of his finger barely brushed over her clit as he gave the order.

Chloe honestly wouldn’t have needed the stimulation. The whole situation was too much and her body was ready. Having seen her photographs, the feather tormenting her all night and the crowd around them was more than enough to break her already taxed body.

She shook and jerked in Lex’s arms, they’d appeared out of nowhere. Her hips riding out her orgasm even though there was nothing inside of her. She gasped, whimpered and sobbed Lex’s name. All at once it seemed to her. She couldn’t tell how long it went on but it seemed too long to endure but too short to afford her any real pleasure after what she’d been through.

The feeling started in the tiny spot that Lex had barely touched and then raced through the rest of her body. She felt her nails digging viciously into her palms, her toes flexing in her shoes and her eyes slam closed. Her cunt closed up, looking for something to hold inside of her. Finding nothing.

The area between her legs was soaked, but so was the skin at the base of her neck. Her hips still kept jerking erratically, pushing into Lex’s cock behind her. As if that would cause it to slide inside where she really ached for it to be.

Once she became aware of her surroundings again, she noticed that the conversation had picked up and continued. The doms were talking amongst themselves. She wasn’t sure if they had even spoken about her. But they’d been affected by her performance. It was very easy to tell on the male doms but the females were flushed as well.

Chloe tried to get herself under some semblance of control but it was a little difficult. She knew that the doms would continue to cast glances her way. The pictures adorning Lex’s walls now informed of how she must look. Debauched and beautiful. The image of one who had been perfectly used.

Her hips gave once last jerk and she whimpered. With her body now still she tried to focus on what was happening around her. The first thing she became aware of was Lex’s hand. It was caressing her thigh and trailing upwards.

She barely had time to register his touch before she heard him say, “Again.” The feather brushed against her clit.

This orgasm was unexpected. The volume of her voice was quite loud but she couldn’t be concerned with that. Her orgasm ripped through her body, it wasn’t delicate, it was demanding and brutal.

Chloe grabbed one of her breasts and tugged at the nipple, the fabric of the dress still clasped in her hand, as her head fell forward. She grunted hard as the waves of her orgasm washed over her. A high pitched breathy squeak of Lex’s name passed through her lips when she reached her peak.

She honestly didn’t know how much more of this she could take without collapsing to the floor. Her legs were shaking unsteadily as her cunt muscles flexed and relaxed.

Lex’s arm went around her waist to hold her steady for the moment as he took in the faces of the other doms as they watched her come apart and practically melt into him as she came down from her second climax. “Very well done, Chloe.”

Ingrid, the British dom that had spoken up against George earlier, was looking appreciatively at the sub. “She gives a lovely performance. I would be delighted to borrow her for one of my shows. Do you think that could be arranged?”

Knowing her 'shows' from visits to it in London and Paris, Lex shook his head immediately. “I'm afraid not, Ingrid.”

“Pity.” The woman sighed but accepted his refusal.

“Oh, come one, Iggy,” Bella nudged the other woman in the ribs. “It's not like you don't have enough girls putting themselves on display for your pleasure. And that of everyone in the scene who can afford the tickets.”

The doms laughed and even Lex couldn't stifle a chuckle. Bella's words rang absolutely true.


29th November 2006, 00:42
WOW!!!! I don't even really know what to say. An incredible update. Loved Chloe's victory over Evangaline. Glad he won't put her in one of Ingrid's shows. I don't know how Lex can hold out without having sex with Chloe. Can;t wait for the next update!

29th November 2006, 01:01
That was an important lesson because if Chloe couldn't handle the opinions of others (and in being placed on display) in and out of the scene then she would have no reason to be a sub. I like that she was able to handle everything so well and pleased Lex. Her telling off Evangeline was the best and serves the girl right for all the punishment she got. Chloe obviously is very special to Lex for him to do all of this for her, and I know there will be questions and possible angsty situations in the future, but for now I'm going to enjoy the present and assume that there can be a better future.

And all of that was truly amazing and hot.

29th November 2006, 01:51

i can't say anything else:drool2:

29th November 2006, 02:01
Um. I kind of love and hate you guys at the same time.
Y'all are simply EXCELLENT...




I'm nearly in tears...

29th November 2006, 08:49
Well, great update. I'm not a modest person but I think I'm blushing. the descriptions given were so vivid, I became Chloe as I read. Great job, update soon.

29th November 2006, 21:56
Chloe hadn’t felt any rage that Lex had gained access to where she lived. It seemed petty to do so after he’d been inside of her body. Well, certain parts of him had been in certain parts of her. When she wasn’t in her sub mode she realized that she was a little frustrated that he hadn’t fucked her yet. But all in due time.

I am of two minds when it comes to Chloe’s easy acceptance of Lex breaking and entering into her home. On one hand, I have to accept that it is a part of their arrangement to have Lex having complete control of significant aspects of her life. It is part of the deal they have made, and I should accept it as fair.

On the other hand, it seems like Lex is becoming more controlling and more pervasive and entrenched in her life… slowly, little by little, in slow and gradual increments. This ties in again with my fear of her becoming dependant on his presence, and eventually becoming lost when he decides he wants a new project.

It was a deep shade of blue and cut just right. There were two identical slits in the skirt part of the dress. One in the front and the other in the back. They went almost all the way up. They were dangerous being that she wasn’t to wear underwear.

There was no back of the dress to speak of. The fabric ended about three inches above her ass. Two strips of fabric hung down from the waist when she’d picked it up out of the box. They were to be fastened around her neck and to cover her breasts.

That is one AMAZING dress, and it’s an amazing description of said dress. I imagined it perfectly, and it looked stunning in my mind’s eye.

A peacock feather. And a garter.

The note indicated that she was to be at his place at 9pm that evening. She was to wear the feather so it tickled her pussy but not so it was very uncomfortable.

Heh. Who would have thought Lex had a peacock fetish?! But it makes sense that Lex would want to continue the theme he established in the pictures, and it sounds unbelievably erotic.

He'd invited twenty of his acquaintances from the club he and Chloe frequented, leaving it open to them if they wanted to take their charges along or not. Some had, others hadn't.

I’m so glad BlueSabby made Lex’s attitude towards ‘displaying Chloe’ very clear. I might have felt a little squeamish about having her flashed around like a party favour if I wasn’t sure that Lex always maintained a properly awed and respectful attitude towards ‘his charge’.

A few of his previous subs were among the guests as well, but he didn't bother with them beyond a nod of acknowledgement.

This part I didn’t really like. Lex invited a couple of his discarded subs in his display party too? It just seemed tacky to show off his latest prize as if to prove to them how inferior and lacking in talent they were.

Lex should be a bigger man than snapping his fingers under the noses of his former subs. Is this how he’s going to treat Chloe once he finds someone who is actually more skilled than her???!!!

But the real challenge for Chloe would be the dozen or so other people he had invited. They'd been told this would be a soiree to show the works of a newcomer in the world of art photography.

This was an interesting move on Lex’s part, and I actually approved of this aspect of the lesson. I’ll give more details why later…

But right now I want to discus CHARLES! Charles should have been invited to this party too, and it’s colossally unfair that he wasn’t part of the gathering.

Professional Photographers get their living from doing shots according to client specifications. But they LIVE for their gallery and photo showings. Charles has already been deprived of the beautiful pictures and the hard work he has done when he was forced to surrender the negatives of this risqué photo-shoot to Lex, but now he’s ALSO being deprived of being able to see the public audience’s reaction to the beauty he captured on film.

It’s a real shame that he missed out on this, and he SHOULD have been there to enjoy the reaction and claim just SOME of the credit that was due to him.

Perhaps he’ll make an appearance at the party later? (hinthinthint)

“If you'll excuse me for a moment,” he told the group of doms he'd been in conversation with as Chloe stepped into the room. “I believe my charge has come to join us.”

As he made his way through the people to welcome Chloe, he heard one of the female doms comment behind his back. “She really must be something for him to go get her, don't you think?”

He brushed the comment and subsequent laughter off with a smirk as he approached his charge.

I liked the way Lex referred to Chloe as ‘his charge’. It shows that he takes his responsibility to her seriously. Seriously enough to take the risk of appearing over-eager and weak by rushing over to greet her the moment she entered the party. And not even caring about the teasing he got for the rushing.

I’m really glad that he doesn’t allow his ego to come in the way in making sure his sub is taken care of properly.

She looked magnificent in the dress he'd bought for her. The straps that had been barely wide enough to span his palm covered her breasts enough to allow a teasing glimpse at their sides and bared the center of her chest all the way down to below her navel. The blue fabric contrasted nicely with her skin, the color similar to the blue of the peacock feathers she'd worn for him a couple of days ago.

WOW! Amazing visual here!

Chloe smiled at Lex as he approached. He stopped about a foot in front of her and looked her up and down. She tried to ignore the heat that she saw in his eyes and how it affected her body.

She also tried to ignore how downright tasty the man looked. When she’d seen how the others were dressed she’d expected nothing less than the tux. But he wasn’t wearing a tie. Instead, the first two buttons of his shirt were open. And Chloe wanted nothing more than to lick and suck at the exposed skin.

Double WOW! I’m getting a REALLY hot visual of these two incredibly sexy people looking at each other with barely concealed lust. Amazing writing and visualization here!

Lex stepped closer and moved his hand to the small of her back, then slipped under the waistline of the skirt to reach between her legs and feel the feather against the inside of her thigh. He enjoyed the slight jerk she gave at the bold move. “Very good.”

They have come a long way from when Chloe considered it a big deal when he just ‘allowed’ his shirt to brush against her skin or something. It’s amazing how the two of them have reached so many levels of depravity and intimacy, and yet BlueSabby still manage to make every Chlexy touch seem special and something to be savoured.

She leaned a little towards Lex. “Show me around or show me off,” she teased.

Heh… I guess the causal settings mean that Chloe can relax her ‘sub settings’ a little bit. She’s allowed to tease and snark a little.

But then she stopped when she caught sight of something hanging on the wall. A picture of her. Blown up to epic proportions. She was on her back, her nipples clamped with the chain dangling just above her clit. Her fingers were shoved deeply inside of her body.

Chloe turned towards the other side of the room, still being led by Lex, and she saw another picture. A close up of her pussy. Turned her head again. Her breasts.


A picture of her in the mask and the peacock tail inserted in her. The picture had her in profile, it was clear that the tail was nestled in her ass.

This was an amazing visual you painted here. I could sense Chloe’s utter shock as she kept turning around and around only to be confronted by various aspects of herself.

“How can a woman allow that to happen to her?” Chloe heard the comment as she passed a fortyish man.

“Well,” a female voice replied, “she’s probably paid by the hour if you know what I mean.”

That is a disgusting attitude. I have seen many beautiful and/or powerful photographs that have used sex and/or nudity as a means of making a point. If done properly, they can create an amazing and even life altering experience for the viewer.

Assuming that such work is based on gratuitous vulgarity and prostitution is an insult to the photographer as well as to the subject.

Lex must have gone out of his way to extend his invitation to the most petty, small and narrow-minded of his colleagues.

The comments from the peanut gallery didn't surprise Lex. To think the pictures he'd put out on display were comparatively tame to some of the others that had been taken made him wonder how they would have reacted if confronted with the latter.

I think the crowd he picked out for the exhibition were the types of people who would have fainted or even called the police for such a display. Where did he find such people?

Lex ignored her insistent issue with her legs. He had expected the picture wouldn't be able to convince her.

That was kind of sweet… that Lex wanted Chloe to see the pictures to be able to acknowledge how beautiful she was/is.

“How do you feel when you hear them calling you a whore? Do you think you're a whore for what you let me do to you?” he asked as he started walking again, slowly leading Chloe to the group of doms he'd left behind earlier to greet her.

“A whore indicates payment,” she said, thinking through the question. “Unless you count the pleasure that you gave me and the come in my mouth, nothing was exchanged between us.”

Like I said, I approved of this ‘lesson’ that Lex engaged Chloe in. I can see why it would be important to have Chloe acknowledge and openly accept what is a large aspect of her life and personality instead of hiding it behind closed doors like a dirty, filthy secret.

It goes a long way towards helping her accept her sexual tastes and preferences as an extension of herself instead of a weakness or defect or something.

If only Lex was as concerned about OTHER aspects of her psychological well-being (look up an earlier review/rant of mine)

He turned slightly so he could look at her. “She's still in training but has shown great potential that I hope to display at some point in the near future.” His eyes roamed over her face as he said that.

So THIS is not a display?! Well, she IS fully dressed and not being contorted into difficult postitions.

Chloe didn’t know what ‘displaying’ entailed. Her old dom had invited others to watch her but she thought from the tone in his voice that Lex had something far more involved in mind.

I’m intrigued! Now I WANT to see the display as soon as possible. WHY do BlueSabby have to keep teasing me with hints about things yet to come?!

“Nice to meet you, Chloe,” a tall, elegant looking black woman said to her. “You have a very lovely pussy. It’s impressive to see how wet you are in every shot. Lex is a lucky, lucky man.”

*choke*… LOL! This is not exactly the usual kind of party gathering, so I suppose I should have expected unusual ‘small-talk’. ROFLOL!

Lex smiled at the comment. “Thank you, Bella, I consider myself quite lucky to have found such a gem.” He nodded his head in acknowledgement. “And I have to thank you again for your kindness. I hope you didn't mind that your charge came back to you in quite a state.” He smirked as Bella's smile widened.

It’s good to see the other half of the dom/sub couple. And it’s certainly interesting to see all these doms and subs interacting with each other under ‘casual’ settings.

Brilliant chapter BlueSabby, you keep surprising me with all the nuances that you keep introducing about this world of submission and domination games.

“Oh, that's right, she told me about that session.” The interruption came from George, a male dom that preferred to keep several subs and use them with, or against each other. Lex kept his expression neutral as he turned to face the man. “Quite a work you did on her, but I don't understand why you let her get away with it. She's yours, if you want to see her get fucked by another guy, or even by another girl, she should go ahead and obey you.”

It was interesting to get first hand interaction and experience with other dom’s attitudes towards their roles and charges. I can see why Lex would find male doms with THIS common (and crude) attitude to be so repulsive.

Some people just don’t know how to responsibly handle power that’s been placed in their trust and control, and they shouldn’t have been given that power in the first place. I can’t imagine how George manages to maintain that attitude and still keep his hold over SEVERAL subs. I can’t imagine how Chloe was trapped with a dom of similar disposition for so long.

Bella and one of her female colleagues rolled their eyes and Lex bit down on his tongue as the second woman spoke up. “We all know how you treat your subs, George, it's just not everyone's cup of tea to use them like that,” she spoke in a crisp British accent. “Yes, they are property, but you wouldn't treat one of your cars with that lack of care, would you?”

I shared Chloe’s attitude about this woman too. Although I like the fact that this second woman was putting George in his place, she doesn’t seem to understand that cars (no matter how shiny and expensive) are NOTHING compared to having a human being place his/her complete trust and safety in your competence and control.

Lex interrupted the dispute before it could really start. “I think we've established that we are of varying minds where it comes to the treatment of our charges,” he said smoothly, drawing everyone's attention back to him.

Heh. I can just imagine the kind of heated arguments (filled with insults, raised voices and perhaps even raised fists) that take place when doms argue about how to ‘properly care for their subs’.

Probably about as dangerous as enraging a mother by suggesting to her that she’s not handling her kids ‘the right way’.

Chloe took an immediate disliking to George. She’d seen him around the club he seemed more like he wanted a harem than a proper arrangement. Of course, the woman comparing subs to cars didn’t sit too well with her, either. Yes, she knew that woman was trying to make a point. But a car couldn’t make you come so hard that you saw stars, now could it? Unless you had some sort of fetish. Some doms just didn’t get how enriching their arrangements were.

How DID Chloe’s ‘old dom who shall not be named’ manage to keep her with him for so long? She seems too savvy and intelligent to have withstood the kind of barbaric treatment for such a long time.

Or did she only gain proper perspective AFTER experiencing the behaviour of a ‘proper dom’.

He took a step to the side to give Chloe a little more room. “Let me take this opportunity to explain the reason for this little soiree.”

The baritone moaned slightly. “She’s even more gorgeous in person, Lex. And the contrast of the feather against her skin.” He shook his head. “And to think that your cock hasn’t been inside of her cunt yet. You have more willpower than I.”

Yet another dom (Horace?) who shouldn’t be able to get away with having power over a sub when he obviously can’t even exert control over himself.

I can see why Lex respects and has more in common with female doms as compared to the regular male counterpart.

The comment he'd made about the piercing was intriguing. Lex had had the idea of piercing her nipples and brought it up to Chloe as well, but hadn't gone as far as to imagine a clitoris piercing. Lex wasn't quite sure yet, one way or the other, if he wanted to mark her that permanently. He would keep it in mind as a possibility, though.

I’m rather squeamish when it comes to piercing. I’ve had bad experiences regarding infection and those stupid studs getting caught in my hair and clothes at horrible (and painful) times. I’ve let them all close now, and I don’t even wear earrings.

My point is that getting pierced (or tattooed, etc) is a highly personal choice, and it would leave a permanent mark, and I desperately hope that Lex makes SURE that Chloe wholeheartedly agrees and has NO trepidations, doubts or anxieties before simply ordering her to get it done.

Just how far can a dom order his sub to alter her body to suit his aesthetic sense anyway? Piercing everywhere? Tattoos from head to toe? Breast enhancement surgery? A nose job?

Lex started to reposition the feather slightly. “Make noise if you feel the need to do so,” he said a he adjusted the silky tendrils to touch directly on her clit.

Chloe harshly gasped his name when she felt the tip of the feather brush against her clit. She hadn’t expected him to move it again so her voice was louder the second time.

She felt herself getting wet as she watched the doms watching her. Their eyes were fixed to the sight of the feather brushing up against her pussy. “Oh, oh, oh, god, fuck.” Lex was now moving the feather back and forth over her sensitive flesh. The motion abruptly stopped.

The feather was now fully teasing her clit. It would be delicious torture once she started to walk.

WOW again! How DOES Lex manage to think of such fascinating ways to keep upping the intensity of her arousal and therefore her stamina for holding back.

His teasing had been deliberate to rev her up and test her control to obey his orders. The feather would do the rest to drive her insane. The only thing working against it would be her will and the fear of punishment, should she fail to do as instructed.

I prefer to think that it’s sheer will power that drives Chloe to excellence in sub behaviour. I refuse to believe that fear of punishment acts as a motivation in any way.

Lex could feel his cock twitching inside his pants at the idea of Chloe spending the entire night, teased and aroused for his pleasure. He would keep a close eye on her from now. It was a good thing that the slacks of his tuxedo had been tailored with a little more slack than usual.

LOL! I admire Lex’s willpower, his pants might be a little tighter, but I can bet Horace would have come straight in his pants at this.

Bella thought that they were very lucky Horace was not around. That little performance might have led to an accident. He was so easily aroused. But she had to admit that he was an excellent fuck. She’d partaken of him a few times herself.

I find the characters of Bella, Ingrid, Horace and George to be very interesting and engaging. I might not LIKE them very much, but I get the feeling I’d love to see more of them. Congratulations to BlueSabby for creating such fascinating and original characters.

The pictures were amazing. She could now see how good the makeup job that Lex had done on her was. Her eyes blended into the mask.

The first showed her clearly on the edge of coming. The next two were taken as she came. The wild look on her face, the eyes first opened and then closed, the open mouth. No doubt as to what was happening. The last was of her face, sated and peaceful.

“Christ.” She was turned on completely by remembering how she’d felt at the time.

Once again, the visuals are amazing! I just love the detail that BlueSabby put into every aspect of this fic. Taking special care to fully describe every article of clothing, every toy, surrounding environment. Excellent writing!

John turned towards her. “Amen to that.” He looked back at the pictures. “You’re fucking amazing, Chloe. I’ve never seen a sub come so far in such a short amount of time.”

Well, Chloe was a pretty amazing sub before Lex started her training. Her ‘old dom who shall never be seen/named’ was a fool for not appreciating her.

But I do wonder, how much of her skills and stamina can be attributed to the training and testing that her old dom must have put her through.

He looked at her closely. “You ok, you seem a little flushed.” He looked at her dress. “Nice tits.”

LOL! A statement coming from any other man would have been offensive and vulgar. But from John, it seems like a true compliment or aesthetic appreciation. ROFLOL!

“Thank you,” she said. Subs always had strange conversations. Filled with compliments and tip sharing.

ROFLOL at Chloe’s wry observation.

“Oh, poor thing,” he said as she lowered her dress. He was hard from the sight of her. Bella had told him to fully enjoy Chloe’s presence. Just not to touch her.

This makes me wonder what kind of a point or lesson Bella is trying for with John. Or what are her plans for later this evening…?

“I’ll say,” a smooth voice said, “she’s going to be thrown aside in no time if she can’t handle what he wants to dish out.”

‘thrown aside’, huh? I know that the woman was being trying to be snide, offensive and scathingly rude to get a reaction. But I do wonder how much of this phrase speaks of the way Lex treats his subs.

When he tires of them, he doesn’t owe them any explanation or rationalization. He can just tell them he’s not interested anymore, that he’s found someone else, and leave it at that.

The tall brunette looked her over. “Really, you’re Lex’s new flavor of the month?” She knocked back the shot she had in her hand.

Evengaline is obviously obnoxious… but, let’s consider how Lex enjoys training his subs to become dependant on him, and how they must feel when he tires of them. Are we seeing a vision of a future version of horribly embittered Chloe here?

John laughed as Evangaline glared ineffectually at Chloe. “I’ll have you know that I took nine inches up the ass. Two inches thick, too. Lex was quite pleased.” Evangeline remembered that day very clearly. It still made her proud.

Just like Chloe pleased Lex that day, and it made her feel so consequently proud for pleasing him so? I’m seeing horrible parallels here… Past Lex-sub, meet Present Lex-sub! Present Lex-sub, meet your future self!

“Eleven inches, three thick,” Chloe shot back. “He ever throw a party in your honor.” The woman’s face tightened. “I didn’t think so. Was his cock in your mouth two days ago?” The woman said nothing. “Pity, he tastes excellent sliding down your throat. I doubt you’d remember how good, though.”

I did not like this. Although it was clear that Chloe had to say something and not allow this woman to get away with her mocking statements and insinuations… surely, she could have handled it without falling into petty rivalry and one-upmanship.

Listing out the ways in which Evangaline was obviously inferior to her was such a petty response to Evangaline’s catty behaviour.

And Chloe is acting decidedly high and mighty for someone who might be looking at a future version of herself. Then again, I guess she has not considered what’s going to be her reaction (and trauma) when Lex gets bored with her.

Chloe looked at the woman. She had clearly had work done. “It must have been at least five or ten years ago.” Lex had told her that he’d been out of the game for awhile.

I WANT to know details about what happened between Evangaline and Lex!! I want to know how and why they broke their arrangement! I want to know if Evangaline used to be as eager, talented and open as Chloe is now. I want to know when and why Lex decided to ‘discard her’.

“Evangaline.” It was a voice that Chloe recognized. George. He looked rather put out. He walked over to her. “Meet me in the cloak room. You are going to bend over for me. You will not come. You will then swallow me down. You will not come tonight or tomorrow as I use you. Perhaps that will teach you to not speak of your former doms. We’ve discussed this more times than is proper.”

Yiikes! I feel more sorry for Evangaline than ever. No wonder she can’t get over Lex if she is now forced to ‘make do’ with doms like clumsy and crude George. I wonder how often (and how desperately) Evangaline is with George, thinking of Lex and imagining HIS hands and voice making her climax.

I wonder how much of her bitterness comes from knowing that Lex has ruined her chances for full and complete sexual satisfaction with any other lesser dom.

Evangaline bowed her head. She needed to watch her mouth. She constantly forgot that. Looking back up at Chloe she said, “I apologize. You can please Lex like I never could. That is what tonight is about.” With that, she walked over in search of the cloak room.

This was probably not the impression BlueSabby were trying to give, but I really worked myself into a state of pity and tears over Evangaline’s state and predicament. It just seems to FIT that her bitterness comes from being used and abused by the brainwashing that Lex puts his subs through.

Lex watched her return to him on unsteady legs. He'd been informed by one of the doms who'd kept an eye on her that she looked about two steps away from coming on the spot.

Heh… All those doms watching, not only their own subs, but also supervising OTHER dom’s subs. This really is one big happy family, isn’t it? ;)

The man had looked at Lex in awe and asked him how he'd managed that without even being in the same room. He wasn't really an acquaintance and hadn't been part of the circle when Lex had displayed Chloe before sending her off.

George and Horace make the cut into Lex’s ‘inner circle’? I shudder to imagine how horrible the other male doms would be.

His cock was pushing into her from behind and he could feel the slight tremors going through her body as she fought off her climax. “Very well done, Chloe.”

He moved his eyes to look at the men and women surrounding them. “If you like, I invite you to observe another display.” His thumbs rubbed in small circles over the naked skin of her back. “I think Chloe has earned herself a reward for her obedience.”

His hold on her tightened. “Unlatch the top of your dress.”

I guess I must be a closet exhibitionist (now there’s a oxymoron if there ever was one). The thought of Chloe being felt up and exposed amongst a group of highly appreciating strangers was intensely hot.

They murmured their approval and all looked at one another. “Lex,” the stranger said, “they are magnificent. And real. One can only imagine how good they feel.”

One good thing that can come from this display session. If Chloe decides to leave, or if Lex decides to discard her, I’m sure Chloe would have NO problem in finding another highly skilled dom to take Lex’s place. Perhaps Bella can be convinced to take on a female sub?

“Please, god, Lex, please.” Chloe was shaking already. But she would not come. She would not displease Lex in front of the other doms. She would show them all how much she could submit to him.

The interesting implication here is that Chloe didn’t want to embarrass Lex in front of the other doms, but there is no concern for herself or her own pride. She doesn’t care about humiliating herself, or making a fool of herself, as long as Lex doesn’t suffer as a consequence of her mistake or clumsiness.

His hands stopped. He wanted his answer. She licked her lips as she kept pressing back into him. “No, no trail. But feather must be soaked. Didn’t fall though. Still touched me. Teased me. But really you.”

“Shh, calm down, my sweet.”

This part really struck me as the best part. Lex whispering sweet endearments and reassurances to her was actually more arousing than him touching her and caressing her.

She shook and jerked in Lex’s arms, they’d appeared out of nowhere. Her hips riding out her orgasm even though there was nothing inside of her. She gasped, whimpered and sobbed Lex’s name. All at once it seemed to her. She couldn’t tell how long it went on but it seemed too long to endure but too short to afford her any real pleasure after what she’d been through.

The feeling started in the tiny spot that Lex had barely touched and then raced through the rest of her body. She felt her nails digging viciously into her palms, her toes flexing in her shoes and her eyes slam closed. Her cunt closed up, looking for something to hold inside of her. Finding nothing.

Amazing! I loved how you described how Chloe achieved such an unbelievably powerful climax alongside a feeling of ‘emptiness’.

Once she became aware of her surroundings again, she noticed that the conversation had picked up and continued. The doms were talking amongst themselves. She wasn’t sure if they had even spoken about her. But they’d been affected by her performance. It was very easy to tell on the male doms but the females were flushed as well.

Heh. I wonder how many female doms would be harrying and bidding for Chloe’s company on another arrangement if (or when) she and Lex break away from each other.

Another possible ending occurred to me. Chloe has a ‘proper and revelation filled’ talk with one of Lex’s old subs (perhaps Evangaline) who tell her about the details and end results of Lex’s training. Chloe realizes that she might lose her ability to ‘settle’ for anyone other than Lex if he completes his indoctrination, and she breaks it off with him before she gets sucked in too deep.

Just a random scenario that came to me after reading about how Evagaline reacted with such jealousy over Lex taking on a new sub. Even after five+ years, the woman cannot forget him.

Chloe tried to get herself under some semblance of control but it was a little difficult. She knew that the doms would continue to cast glances her way. The pictures adorning Lex’s walls now informed of how she must look. Debauched and beautiful. The image of one who had been perfectly used.

I loved this paragraph. How Chloe made the direct connection between how much pleasure she derived just now with the face that she’s seeing in the photos in front of her.

Her hips gave once last jerk and she whimpered. With her body now still she tried to focus on what was happening around her. The first thing she became aware of was Lex’s hand. It was caressing her thigh and trailing upwards.

She barely had time to register his touch before she heard him say, “Again.” The feather brushed against her clit.

This orgasm was unexpected. The volume of her voice was quite loud but she couldn’t be concerned with that. Her orgasm ripped through her body, it wasn’t delicate, it was demanding and brutal.

AMAZING writing! Incredible! Breathtaking! Stunning! This orgasm took me by surprise too, but it didn’t seem any less powerful despite how it was so unexpected.

Ingrid, the British dom that had spoken up against George earlier, was looking appreciatively at the sub. “She gives a lovely performance. I would be delighted to borrow her for one of my shows. Do you think that could be arranged?”

Knowing her 'shows' from visits to it in London and Paris, Lex shook his head immediately. “I'm afraid not, Ingrid.”

I’d like to know about these shows. More details, please…?

“Pity.” The woman sighed but accepted his refusal.

“Oh, come one, Iggy,” Bella nudged the other woman in the ribs. “It's not like you don't have enough girls putting themselves on display for your pleasure. And that of everyone in the scene who can afford the tickets.”

Ingrid makes a profit from the displays of her subs??!! That’s horrible and shameless exploitation! No wonder Lex doesn’t want her getting her claws in Chloe.

Or perhaps I misunderstood and took literally what was meant to be a teasing jest. Please do tell more details about Ingrid’s show… not to mention more details about the relationship between Bella and John… and perhaps a little bit of a backstory between Lex and Evangaline…?

While I’m being so demanding, let’s have Charles come in too.

AND Chloe’s ‘he who shall not be named’ too. ;)

1st December 2006, 03:27
An amazing chapter. The complete confidence in her and her pride in the photographs is fantastic. But when are they going to do the deed? Or maybe that the point, that it's not about sex? Fantastico!!!

2nd December 2006, 11:41
this was a great update, this was amazing, great work, keep it up, i can't wait to read the next one.

2nd December 2006, 12:25
Well that was interesting....very interesting...:)

2nd December 2006, 23:38
Hoooooottt. For real. At first I was a little freaked out at the idea of all those pictures blown up--I certainly couldn't deal with it!

3rd December 2006, 08:40
Man I've been away for a while and that's the first fic I read in times
Really hot
Now I hope I can acess more times to catch up with all the fics

3rd December 2006, 14:39
I know there will be questions and possible angsty situations in the future, but for now I'm going to enjoy the present and assume that there can be a better future.

heh. Now if only I could adopt the same attitude and stop stressing so much about what kind of horrible ending and consequences this Arrangement is going to have for Lex and/or Chloe. As things stand now, even during the the happiest, most tender and orgasmic spectacular moments, I keep looking for clues about the upcoming apocalyptic style ending that I'm sure is on its way.

I hate spoilers, but I'm almost tempted to start begging for hints about the ending just to put an end to the wrenching suspense :P

otherwise all I can do is beg BlueSabby to write quickly, post soon and carry the fic through to its ending ASAP. I'm in anguish here! please update soon.

4th December 2006, 00:06
heh. Now if only I could adopt the same attitude and stop stressing so much about what kind of horrible ending and consequences this Arrangement is going to have for Lex and/or Chloe. As things stand now, even during the the happiest, most tender and orgasmic spectacular moments, I keep looking for clues about the upcoming apocalyptic style ending that I'm sure is on its way.

I would much rather have a personality that lets me expect the worse in fictional aspects and hope for the best in real life. As it stands, I have a very morbid outlook on life and a need to prepare myself for worse case scenarios. I'm am such a worrywart in real life that I need to hope for the best in fiction just to balance myself out. I really need to rethink my priorities and perspectives in/on life but at the moment I just don't care.

I would love an update on this fic as well. Reading quality fanfic is what keeps me from worrying about college. It also keeps me from doing the work I need to do but don't worry about that. I've pretty much ruined my chances of a good career, but as long as I have BlueSabby fanfics to keep me sane everything will be fine.

4th December 2006, 03:52
I feel bad for Chloe then again she is so proud that there is no need to feel bad. Just seems like Lex put her on the spot and threw her into the lions din but Chloe has handle things well so far. The will power on the girl is amazing.

Chloe hadn’t felt any rage that Lex had gained access to where she lived. It seemed petty to do so after he’d been inside of her body. Well, certain parts of him had been in certain parts of her. When she wasn’t in her sub mode she realized that she was a little frustrated that he hadn’t fucked her yet. But all in due time.
This sort of puts me off that he can get into her place and she didn't give him a key or anything. I understand he is suppose to have complete control but just seems wrong even if he's a Dom that he just walked in to her place. Seems like he would just us a carrier service instead to drop off the box as soon as she got home.

A few of his previous subs were among the guests as well, but he didn't bother with them beyond a nod of acknowledgement.
HA! This is going to be interesting.

He nodded at John and Chloe and began to walk off and then stopped. “But first I’d like you to tell Chloe that you are sorry. And that she can please Lex more than you ever could.”

Oh, this was great. John was practically salivating. He couldn’t wait to blab all over the place about this. The bitch needed to be knocked down a few pegs.

Evangaline bowed her head. She needed to watch her mouth. She constantly forgot that. Looking back up at Chloe she said, “I apologize. You can please Lex like I never could. That is what tonight is about.” With that, she walked over in search of the cloak room.
HA!:rofl: Just like I thought interesting in deed. So glad Chloe was able to stand up for her self. That woman had it coming acting like a bitch for no reason.

She barely had time to register his touch before she heard him say, “Again.” The feather brushed against her clit.

This orgasm was unexpected. The volume of her voice was quite loud but she couldn’t be concerned with that. Her orgasm ripped through her body, it wasn’t delicate, it was demanding and brutal.
Hmmm..:yeahbaby: Wasn't expecting that to happen either but then again Chloe's been coming on command the last few chapters with no stimulus anything can happen.

Knowing her 'shows' from visits to it in London and Paris, Lex shook his head immediately. “I'm afraid not, Ingrid.”
Good to know Lex isn't into that much sharing. I can't image her being in a show and him being okay with some else touching her.

Great part. I assume there is more party to come.

5th December 2006, 13:53
I would much rather have a personality that lets me expect the worse in fictional aspects and hope for the best in real life. As it stands, I have a very morbid outlook on life and a need to prepare myself for worse case scenarios. I'm am such a worrywart in real life that I need to hope for the best in fiction just to balance myself out. I really need to rethink my priorities and perspectives in/on life but at the moment I just don't care.

I have the exact opposite problem. My nature leans towards optimism and simplicity in real life, which is something that I feel makes me a sitting duck target for all the 'nasty things around the corner' (rudeness, pushy sales people, etc). Sometimes I believe applying my mistrusting and paranoid 'fic-attitude' to real life would be a LOT more helpful in enabling me to better protect myself.

Don't feel bad about being a little paranoid when dealing with the real world. It just means you're a little better prepared that others ;)

And speaking of people who REALLY should be adopting a more paranoid and self-protecting attitude, I STILL firmly believe Chloe should start thinking of the long-term consequences of her Arrangement with Lex and the training he's putting her through. I understand that part of the seductive quality of being a sub is being able to just surrender all need to think for oneself during what is sometimes a stressful situation. Allowing oneself to be 'taken care of' and controlled could be quite an intoxicating experience.

But Chloe is taking that attitude to an extreme that's going to end up with dire repercussions and consequences unless she takes some steps to start protecting her sense of self and independence.

She was able to protect the core of her personality with her old dom. To the extent that she was able to 'take him to task' for abusing the trust she would place in him from time to time (like when he would over-enthusiastically hurt her or CHOKE her during sessions). But with Lex, Chloe actually seems incapable of contradicting him, and not only because of the 'use the safe word ONLY twice' rule he has imposed, but also because he's just so overwhelming in in dom role.

I didn't think it was possible for me to get so damned concerned about a FICTIONAL character... but I am! And I know that there is STILL a long way to go (filled with a strange combination of kink and tenderness between the Chlex), but I'm near giving myself ulcers imagining the terrible kinds of ways this Arrangement is going to come to a horrific end. Let's get to the angst and put me out of my misery... please?

please update soon. Is the party going to continue? Are we getting more details about other sub/dom personalities and relationships? Is Charles going to show up to be 'allowed' to take proper due credit for his stunning work? Are we going to get a little more of the back-story concerning Lex and Evangaline? I DESPERATELY want to know if she has a valid reason for her bitterness or not.

update soon... like tonight? pretty please with sprinkles on top?

6th December 2006, 19:23
I am hooked to this film as I am to my coffee and that's saying something. This is unlike any Chlex fic I've every read and I'm loving the darkness. While some of the previous posts have valid points, I can't help but thinking, 'But this isn't the normal fluff fic'. I don't think Lex would ever let something bad happen to Chloe, and if worse comes to worse, Chloe is still Chloe. She already has said no when she thought the other sub was going to touch her. I'm hoping for a 'happy' ending, but at this point I'm so addicted I'll take what I can get... Please Update!!!

6th December 2006, 20:04
I've tried a few times to write a comment about this chapter and things just haven't been coming out because I am so conflicted over this. But here goes anyway.

When first reading about the party I stopped and remembered my confident post after the photoshoot. I posted that I was fine with the photo shoot and Lex's declaration of display rights because of COURSE Lex would only show them off to people who could understand and appreciate what they saw. And as I read on I felt as though the update was to address my confident and judgemental belief because some of the regulars invited to the 'opening' sounded a lot like me. While I sincerely doubt that my little post spawned this chapter, I appreciate the perspective it provided me.

The conflict comes from this... Chloe is obviously proud of herself, and has granted Lex complete control over her body for their mutual pleasure. She has no shame at the party, and is unphased by Lex's showcase of herself to a wide audience. And since it is her comfort level that counts, that should be fine. UNFORTUNATELY, I am having a huge problem with this latest encounter because it moves their relationship into a highly public setting.

All along Chloe has been very clear in seperating her work lifestyle from her person lifestyle. And while she is not ashamed of what she does outside the office, she has acknowledged society's perspective of her personal choice and has been very adamant about her privacy. That was made clear when she took the manager of the club to task over divulging her file. And when Lex intentionally made a public exhibition out of her photos and her, he took her personal life, and JUST her personal life, into the open. Yes, I am sure Lex was very careful in choosing which regulars to invite, but life has a funny way of turning in circles and Lex is an extremely high-profile person.

I don't know if I'm saying it right, so here it is againt. Lex took photos of her in circumstances she is fine with but about which society is highly taboo. He then took those photos and sent them into society. I see that as a violation of her body. She is a highly professional person whose career would be destroyed by the information of what she does in her personal life. Yet Lex deliberately puts that potential out there. He sees it as a test of her perspective, she sees it as an open claim on her body. I see it as an open claim on her entire life. He has extended his dominance and control beyond that of her body and her sex life; he has claimed control of the rest of her life as well. Chloe was able to remove herself from sub position and interact with her dom on equal territory. I feel as though she has lost that with this exhibition. I feel like she has lost perspective, as well as the other aspects of her life which her not controlled by her arrangement.

6th December 2006, 20:15
I have to say that I agree with katieandjason on this one. I started thinking the same thing a couple of days ago. Chloe is successful in what she does, but what happens when some of her clients are poeple that have seen her pictures or her release with Lex? Lex had viloeted her privacy. But could it really be that allthough she feel a level of control,that she has forgotten about the aspect of it destroying her in the end as a career women?
Anyway- the fic really makes you think about the abolute control and trust you can share with another person. And of course while I would want a happy ending, in this case it could really be impossible....then again there can still be twists coming up. Chloe has yet to mention the safe word...and I do hope there will be something coming were she uses it.
Anyway ladies- update ASAP:)

6th December 2006, 21:29
All along Chloe has been very clear in separating her work lifestyle from her person lifestyle. And while she is not ashamed of what she does outside the office, she has acknowledged society's perspective of her personal choice and has been very adamant about her privacy. That was made clear when she took the manager of the club to task over divulging her file. And when Lex intentionally made a public exhibition out of her photos and her, he took her personal life, and JUST her personal life, into the open. Yes, I am sure Lex was very careful in choosing which regulars to invite, but life has a funny way of turning in circles and Lex is an extremely high-profile person.

I don't know if I'm saying it right, so here it is againt. Lex took photos of her in circumstances she is fine with but about which society is highly taboo. He then took those photos and sent them into society. I see that as a violation of her body. She is a highly professional person whose career would be destroyed by the information of what she does in her personal life. Yet Lex deliberately puts that potential out there. He sees it as a test of her perspective, she sees it as an open claim on her body. I see it as an open claim on her entire life. He has extended his dominance and control beyond that of her body and her sex life; he has claimed control of the rest of her life as well. Chloe was able to remove herself from sub position and interact with her dom on equal territory. I feel as though she has lost that with this exhibition. I feel like she has lost perspective, as well as the other aspects of her life which her not controlled by her arrangement.

I agree with everything kateandjason has covered here. Lex took horrible advantage of his dominance over Chloe, by arranging circumstances to make their 'arrangement' bleed over to every aspect of Chloe's life. He alienated her from her childhood friend (Clark), he took away any chance she has/had for a personal life outside the arrangement by not allowing her to even casually date other men, he has invaded her privacy by having her apartment broken into to leave presents, and NOW he is taking a HUGE risk with Chloe's reputation by having risqué and scandalous pictures of her exposed to a disapproving high profile public.

Exposing her taboo preferences to the public could hurt her career VERY badly. Those people that viewed her pictures might be future clients who will immediately recognize her as 'the prostitute from the pictures' and take their business elsewhere. Worse still, these people will have a name attached to the fact and they will be able to gossip about her to all their friends...

I can just imagine the kind of gossip that would happen if just a SINGLE one of those judging high society snobs were able to connect her name with those pictures...

'Did you know Ms. Sullivan is into kink and all manners of sexual depravities... I also believe she enjoys sadomasochism'.

Chloe's reputation wouldn't be able able to survive such 'juicy' and compelling news. And her chosen career is one that is highly dependent on her ability to build and maintain connections with important clients and accounts.

I'm so glad kateandjason brought this up. I was pleased to see that I was not the only person getting stressed out about Lex being so intensely careful about Chloe's physical well-being, while paradoxically being so unforgivably careless with Chloe's reputation and psychological welfare.

And Chloe is being far too naive and thoughtless. She has lost every bit of self-preservation in her extreme trust for her dom. She has stopped questioning and thinking about everything that is being done to her and every demand being made of her. I get the feeling her old dom would NEVER have been able to get away with this amount of control, not to mention the blatant disregard of her privacy and mental state. But Lex has just overwhelmed her to the extent that she has stopped considering the long-term effects of everything that has happened to her while in his 'care'.

I'm more scared than ever before. I've been having fears and anxieties for a while now, but kateandjason just brought a new nuance for me to worry about. I don't know whether to thank her or STRANGLE her!

Just kidding kateandjason. I loved your review, and do continue with your interesting and insightful comments.

please update this soon.

6th December 2006, 23:17
I understand the questions raised by katieandjason and somethingeasy, and feel free to say that I'm in denial or whatever, but we also need to look at how Chloe is handling it. If she was truely outraged, then she would have said something to Lex. At times she expresses some problems with the things Lex does, but nothing upsets her to the point of needing to say something or ask Lex to stop. If anything, she seems to get a bigger thrill out of it. A huge part of this story seems to be about Lex trying to find Chloe's limit, and it's been hinted that things are going to get more difficult and more outrageous as the story progresses. Yes, society considers this to be a taboo subject and yes it's probably going to have an effect on what happens, but to give Chloe some credit she's doing this because she wants to and she's not being tricked into anything. Chloe's well aware of what the consequences are and she's not ashamed. I'm not talking Lex's idea to make her orgasm on command, because that is a completely different subject (one that I'm well aware will have serious consequences, but I'm willing to see where Blue and Sabby go with it), but the pictures, the deal with Clark, all other things she accepted when she could have said no if she really wanted to. At least from what we've seen she isn't ashamed, only Blue and Sabby know where this is going, but I'm getting the sense that this fic (in maybe some small way) is about breaking society's beliefs and that there is a "normal" or "safe" quality to the dom/sub lifestyle. Again, that's just what I see now, I have no idea where this fic is going but I'm anxious to find out.

6th December 2006, 23:35
I've been reading the previous posts & ..well, this may sound unsophisticated & uneducated but...those issues don't bother me @ all. I could care less about Lex's control over Chloe & his dominance over her sex life & society's beliefs & whatever. If Chloe, as written, is not concerned over it I'm sure not. As long as the story has enough smut & doesn't have gigantic plotholes & inconsistencies... I'm a happy camper.

Not to say that anybody else can't be concerned over those issues. I just like to enjoy the story. Wouldn't want to think too much now :D

6th December 2006, 23:46
A huge part of this story seems to be about Lex trying to find Chloe's limit, and it's been hinted that things are going to get more difficult and more outrageous as the story progresses. Yes, society considers this to be a taboo subject and yes it's probably going to have an effect on what happens, but to give Chloe some credit she's doing this because she wants to and she's not being tricked into anything. Chloe's well aware of what the consequences are and she's not ashamed.

At least from what we've seen she isn't ashamed, only Blue and Sabby know where this is going, but I'm getting the sense that this fic (in maybe some small way) is about breaking society's beliefs and that there is a "normal" or "safe" quality to the dom/sub lifestyle. Again, that's just what I see now, I have no idea where this fic is going but I'm anxious to find out.

Am I the most fickle, wishy-washy person on the Forum or what? Both kateandjason AND westwingwolf have brought up excellent opposing sides to the argument, and I honestly don't know which one to go for. But westwingwolf brought up a good point that, concerning the picture gallery display and the session involving Clark. Chloe is an adult, and is/was fully capable of voicing her objections about how Lex was handling his dom duties and demands.

Assuming that she isn't capable of voicing her objections reduces her to the level of a needy, desperate-to-please child, and that is NOT Chloe Sullivan. At least, not yet! Not while she is STILL, at least, theoretically capable of having an orgasm without Lex ordering her to. That power and capability might not last much longer within her though.

Although, the picture display came as an unexpected surprise to Chloe, and any objections she might have had would have been voiced too late to 'repair the damage' if she HAD minded having her personal preferences on display like that. It's fortunate that Chloe didn't have any objections then.

I'm still not sure about the B&E Lex engaged in to 'deliver' Chloe's present. It seems small and trivial compared to the other stuff, but perhaps that's precisely why it bothered me so... That this 'small and trivial' detail about someone breaking into Chloe's home and invading her privacy was just swept away and forgotten under the weight of everything else Lex was controlling and getting done in the arrangement.

please update soon. BlueSabby, let's just forget about eating, sleeping and bathroom breaks and just RUSH straight through all remaining chapters right to completion, shall we?

please? :)

7th December 2006, 01:48
that's quite a discussion going on. interesting turn of events and im excited to see where this goes. im enjoying the questions everyone brings up along with the story itself.


7th December 2006, 15:58
I understand the questions raised by katieandjason and somethingeasy, and feel free to say that I'm in denial or whatever, but we also need to look at how Chloe is handling it. If she was truely outraged, then she would have said something to Lex. At times she expresses some problems with the things Lex does, but nothing upsets her to the point of needing to say something or ask Lex to stop. If anything, she seems to get a bigger thrill out of it. A huge part of this story seems to be about Lex trying to find Chloe's limit, and it's been hinted that things are going to get more difficult and more outrageous as the story progresses. Yes, society considers this to be a taboo subject and yes it's probably going to have an effect on what happens, but to give Chloe some credit she's doing this because she wants to and she's not being tricked into anything. Chloe's well aware of what the consequences are and she's not ashamed. I'm not talking Lex's idea to make her orgasm on command, because that is a completely different subject (one that I'm well aware will have serious consequences, but I'm willing to see where Blue and Sabby go with it), but the pictures, the deal with Clark, all other things she accepted when she could have said no if she really wanted to. At least from what we've seen she isn't ashamed, only Blue and Sabby know where this is going, but I'm getting the sense that this fic (in maybe some small way) is about breaking society's beliefs and that there is a "normal" or "safe" quality to the dom/sub lifestyle. Again, that's just what I see now, I have no idea where this fic is going but I'm anxious to find out.

And you are so right! That's what has me conflicted! She is perfectly fine with everything that he has put her through, and thrills in it. And since the relatioship is between them and what they can handle, that should be that.

I'm not fine with it though, and not just because I was totally ignorant of their lifestyle and so am still surprised by every chapter. I'm an outside perspective who sees the start of a destructive relationship. I know I'm judging again, and BS hopefully know what they are doing :P , but I'm conflicted b/c I can see how things could start to careen out of control for Chloe though that hasn't happened yet.

7th December 2006, 20:34
This is so great *basks in the light of fervent discussion*. Seriously guys, this is perhaps the best that has ever happened to a story of ours, at least as far as I am concerned. To have you people think and discuss and argue and generally treat this story like it's something worth while to think about.

And as far as all your concerns go. They're understandable. I'll have to re read the chapters I guess, because I was sure that we'd made something clear that must have come off as ambiguous.

Two things for the pictures and the general clientele that is not of the dom sub variety. You remember the big fuss we made about the make up and mask when the pictures were taken? And do you remember the things that ended up actually ON the pictures? Let me assure you that the pictures that ended up in the exhibition were not pictures that allowed the viewer to see Chloe's face.

Added to that, the general public was not included or still in attendance to see the show that Chloe put on later in front of the doms. Hence, her 'secret identity' is still safe.

As for the concerns about the extent of Lex's control over her, yes, it is absolute control, however. ...nah, I'm not going to spoil you now.

And I'd like to think that the problems you see now should be resolved at a point further into the story...or not...now you've got me unsure.

I'll think about this.

7th December 2006, 22:47
And I'd like to think that the problems you see now should be resolved at a point further into the story...or not...now you've got me unsure.

I'll think about this.

We made you unsure? Thanks. But at least you like the discussion.:)
By the way- any updates coming? Soon maybe?

7th December 2006, 23:13
Blue here: I, like Sabby, am incredibly happy at the debate that we’ve managed to start with our story. It means that it’s being taken seriously and, more importantly, that readers feel that they can call us out on something that concerns them, irks them, etc.

I’d like to address some issues that were brought up. Sabby already mentioned the mask thing. But I guess I also make some assumptions about the arrangement between them that not everyone makes. Yes, Lex takes care of her as his sub when she is physically in his presence. But I believe that that carries on elsewhere. For example, Lex would have had the non club members vetted before they were invited to the party. He would have ensured that none of the fuddy duddys were connected to Chloe in any way. If the club members were to blab, Lex would find out who it was and make them pay.

We are trying to push the boundaries in this story. Both of the character of Chloe and of what’s out there in fic. I think that’s something that Sabby and I strive to do so you guys don’t have to read the same story over and over again. This makes us push the envelope, in this story especially.

I think it also should be borne in mind that we know where this story is going while you guys are trapped out there without a map and a flashlight with weak batteries. So just take our hand and follow us into the haunted woods, we’ll take care of you. Or kill you. Either one. :-)

Sabby *nods*


The party had been a complete success. After Chloe's amazing performance, Lex had adjusted the feather to give her some breathing room and sent her mingling again, still on shaky legs, to the amusement of the other doms.

The last few guests had left only minutes ago. Honestly, Lex was glad to have closed the door behind them. His hard on had been on the painful side the last couple of hours, watching Chloe making the rounds knowing she was still being teased by the feather.

While he'd been saying goodbye to the last few doms, he hadn't been able to keep his hands off her. The entire time he was shaking hands, his other hand had been down her skirt, fingering her pussy.

“There's something I want to show you,” he spoke in a neutral tone as they were finally alone in the living room. “You'll have noticed that quite a few pictures are missing from this showing.”

With a smile, he stepped away from her and started walking down the hallway towards one of the guest rooms. “Follow me.”

Chloe followed Lex down the hall dutifully and tried to get her wits about her again. She’d been on the edge of an orgasm for hours now. While the new placement of the feather made it possible for her to walk without feeling the need to scream, it still brushed up against her pussy every now and again.

Then there were Lex’s hands. They’d been all over her toward the end of the night. They were skilled and had stoked the flame of her need for release. Once the ‘normal’ people had left, Lex hadn’t bothered to control himself. His erection had been prominently displayed in his slacks.

She’d seen the amusement on more than one dom’s face when they saw Lex with his hand up her skirt, talking to someone causally as if he wasn’t rock hard. Even though her face had been still, she knew that they knew how aroused she was.

Chloe had wanted to sink to her knees more times than she could count in order to please him with her mouth. But no order had come from Lex.

This was the first one in quite awhile. Since her show for the doms. Chloe had been proud of her performance. She’d shown how skilled Lex was to his friends.

Lex was standing in an open doorway, she walked past him and heard the door close behind her.

The huge bay windows presented a lovely view of the city as you entered the room, but Lex knew that wouldn't be what would hold Chloe's attention. The display he'd arranged just for the two of them would be.

“I thought those were better left for private entertainment,” he commented.

Lex stepped up behind her as she approached the first picture. It was one of the shots taken during the bondage set, shortly before he'd taken hold of her to fuck her mouth. His dick twitched in his pants.

“What do you think of them?”

While he asked her, his eyes were already straying to the last in the display. Charles had taken this picture while he was unaware, but Lex had seen the result and decided it was well worth showing to Chloe.

It was a close up of his face as he came. Lex wasn't narcissist, but there was no denying that the picture looked damn good.

Chloe took in the first picture. It was smaller than any of the ones on display out in the other rooms. That made it seem more intimate. Her head was tilted upwards, she was clearly listening to Lex speak and her body was bound by the ropes. She had to hand it to Lex, the man really did know how to tie a knot.

The ropes crossed over her body, creating diamond shapes and the color of it stood out in sharp contrast to her skin. Her body was almost shining, a few beads of sweat stood out clearly in the shot.

She was literally the picture of a perfect sub.

“I think that I look completely yours in this shot,” she said. Chloe started to explain. “I am awaiting your next need while held in place by your work.” She started to get even more uncomfortable. “You can almost tell that I’m shaking with my desperation to come.”

When she looked at the next shot, her breath caught in her throat for a moment. It was a close up of her pussy with the rope running over it. She was horribly wet and the rope fit against her snugly. The shot caused her to remember just how it had felt.

The next shot made her smile slightly. It was of Lex’s face as he came. “You’re gorgeous,” she murmured and she realized that she had reached out towards the photograph. When she caught herself, she dropped her hand. Her eyes crawled over the picture.

There had only been few times when she’d been allowed to look at his face as he’d come undone. “I love seeing how I please you like this,” she said. “To see how your face changes as you use my mouth. As you can feel my lips and tongue working at you.”

The last picture in the line was also the last shot taken by Charles. It was the only shot that showed both of them fully. Something powerful was passing between them, you could tell that even from the picture.

Chloe moistened her lips before speaking. “We’re beautiful. You above me, guiding me and taking care of me at the same time. Me below you, wanting you to control me.”

She kept her head straight, not looking at Lex. “I love them. And while I know that it is your right to show them to whomever you wish, that I am your possession to be displayed, shared or discarded, I’m glad that you did not show these shots to anyone but me.”

Lex kept his hands clenched at his sides as he watched her reaction to the pictures, to hold back from grabbing her and taking her where she stood. Her unconscious gesture as she'd reached out to touch even just an image of him; her guileless words as she talked about her place at his side. He swallowed harshly, closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Control.

“Take off the dress,” he commanded more neutral than he felt.

His eyes devoured her body as she obeyed and took off the dress, leaving her in nothing but the garter and her shoes. He reached out to touch her hair, finding the pins that kept it up in a French twist.

Lex was still fighting to keep his reactions under control, so he concentrated on removing the bobby pins one at a time, sending them scattering around the room as soon as they were out of her hair.

His fingers combed through the tresses. Rough silk, not as slippery as shampoo commercials would like to have it. Ideal to hold on to while he sunk his cock into her mouth.

He forced his hands away and stepped aside. “Go to the window and brace yourself against the panes.”

She wondered if she looked as bad off as she felt. Her arousal had bypassed being uncomfortable a long while ago and would now be categorized as torturous. And the voice that Lex was using did nothing to calm her.

He was using his dom voice but she could still hear his normal one laced through it. All of these thoughts and feelings went through her head in an instant. In the next, her body was on the move. She could see herself reflected in the window and she could only think that she looked in need of a good fuck.

But Chloe wasn’t certain that she would get it tonight. He’d already let her come very hard twice, she wasn’t sure a third one was in the cards for her.

The building across the way was dark. It was a little to her right but she could still tell that it was a business of some sort. But being that their room was fully lighted if there was a stray worker in there, he or she would have quite of a view of her body. Even when they were alone, Lex put her on display.

The city bustled both above and below her. She could hear the sounds of the cars with their horns honking. If she tried, she could make out the floodlights of the construction site below her. A plane flew over the building to her left, its lights blinking.

She stared straight ahead and sensed more than saw Lex approach. She didn’t feel his touch on her, only felt the feather being slid out of the garter. Only to be pressed against her clit again.

Closing her eyes against the urge to come, Chloe was able to hold herself together. But she could feel her thighs shaking.

Lex trailed the feather up over her lower belly and away, then discarded it to the floor. His fingers retraced the path until they dipped between her legs, stroking between the folds of her pussy and spreading her juices.

“Come for me,” he whispered in her ear as he pressed his finger against her clit.

The shaking started immediately. While Chloe shuddered out her orgasm he practically ripped his pants open, unable to wait any longer.

The litany of curses repeated itself in Chloe’s brain. But her mouth remained closed. She kept her body as still as possible as she came. It was a much needed orgasm that brought her some instant relief.

Not as much as she wanted. But she knew that her swift obedience had to please Lex. She was turning into a better sub than she had ever imagined she could be.

Her cunt was still pulsing and her thighs were caked with her juices. Her internal muscles continued to spasm as she pressed her hands harder against the window.

A moment later, Chloe almost screamed. Her vocal chords started to quiver but she locked her throat up.

Lex’s cock was inside of her. Fully inside of her. Stretching her. She could feel him pulsing. Could feel his hot, hard flesh encased in her body.

Her hips cried out to move. Her cunt wanted to flex. She stood still.

Lex did not move.

He took a deep breath, then slowly released it. Took another one and exhaled even slower. It took all of his will power not to come on the spot. Her muscles were still quivering around him, her cunt a tight, hot sheath around his cock, driving him insane.

His eyes opened slowly and he leaned over her shoulder, taking hold of her waist to brace himself.

It took effort to speak, but he managed it somehow.

“This city, everything that you see below you, might be my whore,” he rasped out as his hands smoothed down her sides to her hips. “But you are my favored concubine.”

With that, he finally started to move, pulling back out until just the tip of his cock was inside her, then thrusting in again.

What he’d done to her previously, everything that had come before, paled in comparison to what he was doing to her now. Chloe could feel every brush of Lex against her and it drove her mad.

Screaming seemed to be her only option but it was denied to her. She made no movement or noise. She just felt what being done to her. How Lex was finally using her cunt with his cock.

It plunged in and out of her body in a steady, delicious rhythm. Of its own volition, her pussy kept closing around it as he pushed his dick back into her. Opening her to him before she closed around him. Completing their bond.

He had taken everything she had to give. Her mouth, her hands, her ass, her throat and now her pussy. They all were his property, he’d staked his claim with his flesh and words.

She could hear him panting in her ear, his breaths blowing her hair slightly.

Her hands wanted to claw at the window. Her head wanted to rest against the cool glass to relieve the heat that was overtaking her body. Chloe stood still.

“Tighten your muscles.” He forced the words out as he picked up the speed of his thrusts.

He could feel his own orgasm rushing up and knew it wouldn't take long now.

“Permission to move.”

His eyes fell closed and a curse ripped from his throat. The moment he'd given permission, she started thrashing against him, clenching and unclenching her muscles around his dick like she was trying to milk it of his come.

Chloe kept her cunt tight as she rode him hard and fast. She bent over as much as the arm around her waist would allow and thrust back against him. She needed him deeper, needed to feel him everywhere.

Her screams were inhuman and no words were formed that made any intelligible sense. All that there was in her world was Lex’s cock thrusting in and out of her body. The force of Lex’s body had moved them closer to the glass. Chloe was now pressed up against it. She could only brutally jerk her hips back from this angle.

By now, she’d figured out how to speak again. “Use me. Fuck me. Take me.” They were low grunts that she wasn’t even sure that Lex could hear. Both arms were wrapped around her now and her head was turned, her cheek resting against the window.

Her breasts were pressed flat against the window. She had to move her arms and so she placed them over Lex’s, holding onto him for support.

His cock was pushing into her harder and harder. Her cries matching the force of his fucking.

“Fuck. Fuck. God. Lex. Please. Please.” Hips crashing together. The sound of their coupling audible between her cries and his grunts. She could smell them. “Yes. Yours. Lex. Good. Please.” Thighs dripping by now. Legs shaking and lungs burning.

Lex had left control well and truly behind. This was animalistic rutting, his orgasm on the back of his teeth and her screamed pleas were driving him to take her harder, faster. Slamming into her over and over again.

“Fuck. NOW!”

He barked out his climax, uncaring if she'd understood his order, uncaring if she obeyed it. The only thing he cared about was the incredible rush of his orgasm as it ripped through him.
Chloe’s body knew what to do even if her mind didn’t. At Lex’s outburst, Chloe came. Hard. The force of it caused her to jerk and shudder, her head bumping against the window.

She closed her eyes and moaned when she felt Lex come with her. Their bodies in synch. Her cunt flexed as he filled her with his hot come. Lex kept thrusting, he kept coming and Chloe kept pace with him.

The spurts of his come bathing her pussy as he grunted in her ear. It was a welcome, blissful sensation. Her cunt held onto his cock, flexing and relaxing over and over. “Yes. More. Everything.”

His hand changed position, guiding her hips out from the window. One last harsh thrust and she barked out his name as her cunt let up on his cock.

Their bodies jerked and grinded against each other for another few seconds, winding up their fucking. She enjoyed having Lex panting behind her.

But then he was gone. He had withdrawn from her quickly, leaving her empty. Her cunt flexed once.

She whimpered a little as she felt some of his come slide out of her body. She grunted as more started to shift inside of her. Her thighs were drenched with her juices and Lex’s come. She realized she was a little wet as far down as an inch or two above her knees.

He took a step or two back and put some necessary distance between them. Looking down the length of her body, there was no part that didn't speak of having been thoroughly used.

Lex tucked himself back in and straightened out his clothing as much as possible. This had been an extraordinary fuck, but it wouldn't do to let her know that. Subs could easily get complacent if they were too sure of themselves. Not that he could see this happening with Chloe, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.

Once his appearance was as immaculate as it would get, he stepped closer to her again. His hand reached out slowly between her legs, trailing through some of the juices that had spread down her thigh.

He brought the fingers up to her face. “Taste.”

Once his fingers were inside her mouth, he crooked them up, hooking them behind her teeth. “Follow me.”

Chloe’s mouth had been dry from hanging open while she grunted, panted and screamed for the past few minutes. Perhaps that was why the taste of them seemed so strong and sharp.

Her feet started to move as she sucked on Lex’s fingers. The pressure of his fingers relaxed a little as she followed him over to the bed. Her tongue ran over the fissure that his fingers created, seeking out more of their taste.

Lex stopped once they were beside the bed. Chloe hadn’t gotten a good look at it when they’d come into the room and she wasn’t getting one now. Her eyes were fastened straight ahead.

And her mind was busy trying to ignore the fact that she was at the point of physical exhaustion. She would push herself until she passed out if Lex wanted her to.

“Lie down on your back and spread your legs.”

He turned away and went to the ensuite bathroom. She might look good covered in sweat and their juices, but in a little while the smell wouldn't be so much enticing as sickening. Lex also didn't like the idea of come stains on his pants.

He returned with a warm washcloth and a hand towel. The last time he'd done this for her she'd been out cold. Lex wondered if it might not be spoiling her to clean her up, but then again, he didn't do it for entirely unselfish reasons.

Settling down beside her on the bed, he picked up her left arm and went to his task.

Lex worked methodically at cleaning her up. Chloe kept staring straight ahead and tried not to close her eyes. The warm towel on her body felt heavenly. After her left arm, Lex got up and rounded the bed to move on to her right arm.

After he was done with her arm, he ran the towel over her breasts. They were still tender. Lex knew that and he applied just the right amount of pressure to clean her but not to arouse her. Her eyes really wanted to close but she continued to stare up at the ceiling.

He made quick work of her torso and belly. Once he reached the skin above her pubic hair he commanded, “Kneel up.”

Once Chloe was in position, her hands behind her back, Lex switched towels. He gently cleaned between her legs, running the towel first over her cunt, angling upwards. He folded the towel and then went in small circles as he ran it over first her inner thighs and then to her knees.

“Head forward.”

Her head bent, Chloe felt the smaller towel run over the nape of her neck and then continue downwards until it reached the swell of her ass. Lex paused, and then she felt the material on her ass again. She thought he had folded that towel, as well.

She was practically humming in contentment.

Her other dom had never done anything of the sort for her. She was usually left used, spent and dirty.

Lex finished up and got off the mattress. He left Chloe in position while he brought the towel and washcloth back to the bathroom and put them away.

As he entered the room again, he took a long look, taking notice of her exhausted, but otherwise flawless appearance. He could tell that she'd been satisfied with the whole experience of tonight.

Slowly, he ambled over to the bed and settled down with his back against the headrest, making himself comfortable against the large pillow and stretching out his legs.

“Come, lay down,” he said in a low voice, as he reached out to take hold of her shoulder to guide her movements. “Close your eyes and rest.”

“Yes, Lex,” Chloe said. She felt Lex’s gentle touch steering her body. “Thank you,” she said. As she moved, she realized what position he wanted her in.

Chloe sighed once her head rested in his lap. It was only then that her eyes fluttered closed. Her breathing finally started to even out and she felt her muscles relaxing. After a few minutes, she felt languid and ready to call it a night.

She couldn’t be sure, but she thought that she felt Lex begin to stroke her hair. But before she could figure out if it was real or her imagination, she fell asleep.

Chloe awoke with a start. She wasn’t sure why but one moment she was asleep and the next she was sitting up in a strange bed. One of Lex’s. In his penthouse. She was alone.

Looking around the room, she realized that it was probably around 7 in the morning. She also spied something stuck to the mirror.

She gingerly got up and walked over to the mirror. The yellow note had curled up a little and she patted it down. Then smiled. Then laughed.

Lex had left her a note. And an instruction.

Eat, that's an order


7th December 2006, 23:46
FINALLY!!!! WOW, excellent chapter as always. They didn't use a condom though. Very interesting. Glad that Lex had her sleep with him. Can't wait for more.

8th December 2006, 01:31
It finally happened!!! But I wonder at what point does the game turn into true feelings. You're in this entrenched relationship does one confuse this intimacy into love?

8th December 2006, 03:42
Two things for the pictures and the general clientele that is not of the dom sub variety. You remember the big fuss we made about the make up and mask when the pictures were taken? And do you remember the things that ended up actually ON the pictures? Let me assure you that the pictures that ended up in the exhibition were not pictures that allowed the viewer to see Chloe's face.

Added to that, the general public was not included or still in attendance to see the show that Chloe put on later in front of the doms. Hence, her 'secret identity' is still safe.

*makes the Homer Simpson sound* ‘DOH!’
Of COURSE! How could I have missed that little detail? And once I read through the fic, I could see that there was no part where Lex OR Chloe let sleep that SHE was the model in the pictures… not in front of the non-club member crowd anyway.

As for the concerns about the extent of Lex's control over her, yes, it is absolute control, however. ...nah, I'm not going to spoil you now.

I’m torn between my hatred for spoilers, and the suspense that I feel choking the life out of me…

I can be strong. I CAN be STRONG! (repeat until insane)

I think I can be strong and patient for a little while longer… Perhaps until the end of this review at least.

We are trying to push the boundaries in this story. Both of the character of Chloe and of what’s out there in fic. I think that’s something that Sabby and I strive to do so you guys don’t have to read the same story over and over again. This makes us push the envelope, in this story especially.

I think you ladies have truly outdone yourselves with regards to ‘pushing past all expectations’ with this fic. I have never seen such a dedicated following or a thread filled with so much debating and controversy. Bravo on this magnificent work!

I think it also should be borne in mind that we know where this story is going while you guys are trapped out there without a map and a flashlight with weak batteries. So just take our hand and follow us into the haunted woods, we’ll take care of you. Or kill you. Either one. :-)


Also LOL on the apt visual of your readers groping and feeling their way one step forward at a time… with only the sound of BlueSabby’s voices and reassurances guiding them onwards.

While he'd been saying goodbye to the last few doms, he hadn't been able to keep his hands off her. The entire time he was shaking hands, his other hand had been down her skirt, fingering her pussy.

I REALLY loved how BlueSabby described how irresistible Lex finds Chloe. How he literally cannot keep his hands off her. How his very impressive control is being taxed to the limits… and all this from a combination of the way she looked tonight as well as the performance she gave.

Chloe followed Lex down the hall dutifully and tried to get her wits about her again. She’d been on the edge of an orgasm for hours now. While the new placement of the feather made it possible for her to walk without feeling the need to scream, it still brushed up against her pussy every now and again.

HOT! But I can also imagine the torture the poor girl is in. I really don’t know whether to love Lex or HATE him for Chloe’s present condition.

Then there were Lex’s hands. They’d been all over her toward the end of the night. They were skilled and had stoked the flame of her need for release. Once the ‘normal’ people had left, Lex hadn’t bothered to control himself. His erection had been prominently displayed in his slacks.

She’d seen the amusement on more than one dom’s face when they saw Lex with his hand up her skirt, talking to someone causally as if he wasn’t rock hard. Even though her face had been still, she knew that they knew how aroused she was.

I enjoyed this. I liked that Chloe was aware of her affect on Lex. She knew he was finding it difficult to control himself or keep his hands off her because of how she looked and how she acted tonight.

I have to wonder whether the other doms amusement was caused purely by Chloe’s obvious torturous state, or whether they were amused that Lex had finally met his match and found a sub that challenged that formidable control of his.

I can easily imagine many doms being jealous of Lex and his VERY impressive control in his sexual life. It might please them to know that he’s finally having ‘problems’ keeping it together.

This was the first one in quite awhile. Since her show for the doms. Chloe had been proud of her performance. She’d shown how skilled Lex was to his friends.

Besides her dress and performance. I get the feeling a lot of Lex’s arousal comes from pride. Pride in Chloe for being so wonderful and magnificent, and personal pride in being able to find such a ‘prize’ and being able to train her to her current level of performance.

It was a close up of his face as he came. Lex wasn't narcissist, but there was no denying that the picture looked damn good.

I was a little worried about how Lex might have reacted to seeing a captured shot of him being so out of control. He might have felt offended or even humiliated at being caught at such a vulnerable moment. But he took the picture very well, and appreciated it the way Charles hoped he would.

The ropes crossed over her body, creating diamond shapes and the color of it stood out in sharp contrast to her skin. Her body was almost shining, a few beads of sweat stood out clearly in the shot.

She was literally the picture of a perfect sub.

I loved that last phrase. It went very well with the lovely image you painted of the photograph. I DESPERATELY wish it was real so I could compare the ‘real thing’ with the beautiful image I have in my head.

The next shot made her smile slightly. It was of Lex’s face as he came. “You’re gorgeous,” she murmured and she realized that she had reached out towards the photograph. When she caught herself, she dropped her hand. Her eyes crawled over the picture.

There had only been few times when she’d been allowed to look at his face as he’d come undone. “I love seeing how I please you like this,” she said. “To see how your face changes as you use my mouth. As you can feel my lips and tongue working at you.”

This was a beautiful moment. It was a small gesture, but I can sense actual feelings growing in this moment. The two of them are only fooling themselves if they believe they can keep Arrangement as an emotionally detached, albeit intense and passionate, sexual affair.

The last picture in the line was also the last shot taken by Charles. It was the only shot that showed both of them fully. Something powerful was passing between them, you could tell that even from the picture.

Chloe moistened her lips before speaking. “We’re beautiful. You above me, guiding me and taking care of me at the same time. Me below you, wanting you to control me.”

Even if they don’t want to admit to feelings existing and growing between them, Chloe and Lex have to admit there is SOME-thing besides just the sex and games they indulge in.

She kept her head straight, not looking at Lex. “I love them. And while I know that it is your right to show them to whomever you wish, that I am your possession to be displayed, shared or discarded, I’m glad that you did not show these shots to anyone but me.”

I was glad to see that Chloe made her wishes clear here. Although it was obvious that Lex had been careful to respect her privacy and anonymity, it was still reassuring to have Chloe give voice to her preferences… Even if it was as an indirect reference.

Lex kept his hands clenched at his sides as he watched her reaction to the pictures, to hold back from grabbing her and taking her where she stood. Her unconscious gesture as she'd reached out to touch even just an image of him; her guileless words as she talked about her place at his side. He swallowed harshly, closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Control.

I’m STILL loving every word, sentence and paragraph that shows how Luthor is right on the edge of his control. I love how he finds Chloe as overwhelming and compelling as she finds him. How he feels as strong and powerful a pull towards her, as she does towards him.

It helps the viewers to see that, although he might be the dominant, she still has as much power over him as he does over her.

The BEST part was that he felt this powerful draw towards her after seeing her make that beautiful, innocent, sweet and guileless gesture to touch his picture. There are definitely feelings growing there. Affection and fondness forming… But what happens when one or both of them realize that they are becoming too emotionally vested in this Arrangement than is considered advisable. Would Lex and/or Chloe get scared by their emotions and want to call it off? Would the other person want or SURVIVE such a break-off?

Lex was still fighting to keep his reactions under control, so he concentrated on removing the bobby pins one at a time, sending them scattering around the room as soon as they were out of her hair.

Again, more signs of Lex being right on the verge of losing command over himself. I think I’m getting spoiled by this chapter ;)

His fingers combed through the tresses. Rough silk, not as slippery as shampoo commercials would like to have it. Ideal to hold on to while he sunk his cock into her mouth.

That was a VERY hot and visceral detail that shot right through my body.

He was using his dom voice but she could still hear his normal one laced through it. All of these thoughts and feelings went through her head in an instant. In the next, her body was on the move. She could see herself reflected in the window and she could only think that she looked in need of a good fuck.

But Chloe wasn’t certain that she would get it tonight. He’d already let her come very hard twice, she wasn’t sure a third one was in the cards for her.

How could Chloe believe that Lex was going to just leave her in this tortured state? Especially after she performed so well, and impressed all the other doms in Lex’s company tonight. Surely she knows by NOW that Lex doesn’t enjoy causing discomfort, and wouldn’t torture her just for the ‘fun of it’.

She still has a few lessons that she needs to ‘unlearn’ from the behaviour of her previous dom.

She stared straight ahead and sensed more than saw Lex approach. She didn’t feel his touch on her, only felt the feather being slid out of the garter. Only to be pressed against her clit again.

Closing her eyes against the urge to come, Chloe was able to hold herself together. But she could feel her thighs shaking.

Lex trailed the feather up over her lower belly and away, then discarded it to the floor. His fingers retraced the path until they dipped between her legs, stroking between the folds of her pussy and spreading her juices.

“Come for me,” he whispered in her ear as he pressed his finger against her clit.

Oh MY GOD! This has got the be the sexiest part in the entire chapter. The images, the combination of Lex’s playing with her clit, first gently with the feather, and then carefully and precisely with his fingers. This part nearly killed me!

Not as much as she wanted. But she knew that her swift obedience had to please Lex. She was turning into a better sub than she had ever imagined she could be.

I was impressed that Chloe was able to keep hold of her body and tongue to such an extent, even though she was probably on the verge of collapsing here.

Lex’s cock was inside of her. Fully inside of her. Stretching her. She could feel him pulsing. Could feel his hot, hard flesh encased in her body.

This took my completely by surprise. There was an earlier mention of ‘Lex tearing his pants off in desperation’, but it still took me by surprise… PLEASANT surprise!

First of all, I was again happy to see hoe truly desperate Lex was to finally have the satisfaction of having his cock inside Chloe’s body.

And I LOVED the way BlueSabby arranged circumstances to have their first ‘complete’ sexual encounter happens without any pomp, preparation or ceremony. Just something that seemed to happen suddenly and almost as if on the spur of the moment. I can see how Chloe was taken by shock and a very satisfied and happy species of surprise here.

He took a deep breath, then slowly released it. Took another one and exhaled even slower. It took all of his will power not to come on the spot. Her muscles were still quivering around him, her cunt a tight, hot sheath around his cock, driving him insane.

LOL at the thought that Chloe was not the only one being tortured tonight from excessive arousal. I’m seriously impressed by Lex’s iron-will control. ANY other man would have been pounding into her, and probably already on the verge of embarrassing himself. Lex truly is a dom-sex-GOD among lowly mortals.

What he’d done to her previously, everything that had come before, paled in comparison to what he was doing to her now. Chloe could feel every brush of Lex against her and it drove her mad.

Screaming seemed to be her only option but it was denied to her. She made no movement or noise. She just felt what being done to her. How Lex was finally using her cunt with his cock.

It plunged in and out of her body in a steady, delicious rhythm. Of its own volition, her pussy kept closing around it as he pushed his dick back into her. Opening her to him before she closed around him. Completing their bond.

He had taken everything she had to give. Her mouth, her hands, her ass, her throat and now her pussy. They all were his property, he’d staked his claim with his flesh and words.

Beautiful. I don’t know how BlueSabby managed to make this Dom/Sub species of fucking so beautiful, sweet and romantic. But I should have learned to never underestimate their writing abilities. This ‘first time’ for Chloe and Lex was a profound and powerful experience, and that feeling really came through in the writing. Magnificent word-play, ladies!

Her screams were inhuman and no words were formed that made any intelligible sense. All that there was in her world was Lex’s cock thrusting in and out of her body. The force of Lex’s body had moved them closer to the glass. Chloe was now pressed up against it. She could only brutally jerk her hips back from this angle.

By now, she’d figured out how to speak again. “Use me. Fuck me. Take me.” They were low grunts that she wasn’t even sure that Lex could hear. Both arms were wrapped around her now and her head was turned, her cheek resting against the window.

Heh… The ‘sweet romance’ didn’t last beyond the initial moment though. It might have started out as something akin to ‘making love’, but the encounter very quickly turned into near animalistic sex… but that doesn’t mean the experience was any less satisfying or powerful. It was undoubtedly still amazing!

Her breasts were pressed flat against the window. She had to move her arms and so she placed them over Lex’s, holding onto him for support.

His cock was pushing into her harder and harder. Her cries matching the force of his fucking.

“Fuck. Fuck. God. Lex. Please. Please.” Hips crashing together. The sound of their coupling audible between her cries and his grunts. She could smell them. “Yes. Yours. Lex. Good. Please.” Thighs dripping by now. Legs shaking and lungs burning.

Lex had left control well and truly behind. This was animalistic rutting, his orgasm on the back of his teeth and her screamed pleas were driving him to take her harder, faster. Slamming into her over and over again.

“Fuck. NOW!”

He barked out his climax, uncaring if she'd understood his order, uncaring if she obeyed it. The only thing he cared about was the incredible rush of his orgasm as it ripped through him.

WOW! Wow. Wow. WOW! I’ve been rendered speechless by the sheer POWER of the sex that has taken place. All this time, I always thought that after so much build-up, ‘actual sex’ (involving Lex penetrating Chloe with his cock), might end up being a let-down after we have raised out expectations to near impossible levels.

But this was amazing, and actually exceeded whatever paltry expectations our limited imaginations were able to concoct.

I have to wonder whether Chloe would have come, even WITHOUT Lex’s permission, this one time. The sex was too amazing and powerful to put up with something as insignificant as willpower. I get the feeling that this is ONE time Chloe would have come, whether she had Lex’s permission or not.

She whimpered a little as she felt some of his come slide out of her body. She grunted as more started to shift inside of her. Her thighs were drenched with her juices and Lex’s come. She realized she was a little wet as far down as an inch or two above her knees.

Erm… eww! I do appreciate the details that are always provided, but still… yuck!

Lex tucked himself back in and straightened out his clothing as much as possible. This had been an extraordinary fuck, but it wouldn't do to let her know that. Subs could easily get complacent if they were too sure of themselves. Not that he could see this happening with Chloe, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.

I was pleased to see that Lex considered this to be an amazing experience too. Hmmm. This makes me wonder about Lex’s experience with his past subs. We keep getting SO many details and hints about everything that happened between Chloe and her old dom, but almost nothing about Lex’s past sexual encounters, or the rigorous training he must have put himself through to become the dom he is now.

Once his fingers were inside her mouth, he crooked them up, hooking them behind her teeth. “Follow me.”

That was an interesting image evoked by this paragraph.

Chloe’s mouth had been dry from hanging open while she grunted, panted and screamed for the past few minutes. Perhaps that was why the taste of them seemed so strong and sharp.

Her feet started to move as she sucked on Lex’s fingers. The pressure of his fingers relaxed a little as she followed him over to the bed. Her tongue ran over the fissure that his fingers created, seeking out more of their taste.

I wasn’t sure whether or not to be offended by the offhand way Lex was leading her around like a wayward pet. But Chloe seemed to be enjoying it, so I guess I have to trust her.

He turned away and went to the ensuite bathroom. She might look good covered in sweat and their juices, but in a little while the smell wouldn't be so much enticing as sickening. Lex also didn't like the idea of come stains on his pants.

He returned with a warm washcloth and a hand towel. The last time he'd done this for her she'd been out cold. Lex wondered if it might not be spoiling her to clean her up, but then again, he didn't do it for entirely unselfish reasons.

Heh. I liked that Lex was actually worried about the amount of care and attention he was/is showing Chloe. He’s probably disconcerted by how much more careful and considerate he acts around her compared to the way he treated his previous subs. And I really enjoyed how he rationalized his care and (possible) growing affection with the reasoning that he had selfish motivations.

Once Chloe was in position, her hands behind her back, Lex switched towels. He gently cleaned between her legs, running the towel first over her cunt, angling upwards. He folded the towel and then went in small circles as he ran it over first her inner thighs and then to her knees.

“Head forward.”

Her head bent, Chloe felt the smaller towel run over the nape of her neck and then continue downwards until it reached the swell of her ass. Lex paused, and then she felt the material on her ass again. She thought he had folded that towel, as well.

She was practically humming in contentment.

Her other dom had never done anything of the sort for her. She was usually left used, spent and dirty.

The care and gentleness that Lex showed during this towel massage was amazing to behold. I’m STILL getting the impression that it’s not going to be much longer before their feelings grow to the extent that their emotions might end up FRIGHTENING them.

Beautiful writing, and I always appreciate the comparison between Lex and old-dom. It’s good to see that Chloe is learning what a valuable and highly skilled sub she is, and that she DESERVES a dom who can properly appreciate and care for ‘valuable property’ like her.

I still cannot believe Chloe stayed with some bastard who used and abused her to such a horrific extent.

Heh. But at least there was no real chance of Chloe getting addicted and dependant on her old-dom. Is it really worth the psychological danger to have Lex as a highly satisfying, masterful and amazing dom?

“Yes, Lex,” Chloe said. She felt Lex’s gentle touch steering her body. “Thank you,” she said. As she moved, she realized what position he wanted her in.

Chloe sighed once her head rested in his lap. It was only then that her eyes fluttered closed. Her breathing finally started to even out and she felt her muscles relaxing. After a few minutes, she felt languid and ready to call it a night.

She couldn’t be sure, but she thought that she felt Lex begin to stroke her hair. But before she could figure out if it was real or her imagination, she fell asleep.

This was a VERY interesting position for Lex to put Chloe into. I DESPERATELY want to know what was going through his head. This position seemed so… fond, affectionate, gentle and caring. Having her sleep with her head actually CRADLED in his lap, while fondling her hair??!! How much longer is he going to keep denying the intensity of his growing feelings for her?

And what happens when he finally admits how much he is in danger of growing emotionally dependent on her?

She gingerly got up and walked over to the mirror. The yellow note had curled up a little and she patted it down. Then smiled. Then laughed.

Lex had left her a note. And an instruction.

Eat, that's an order

LOL on Lex’s order. He undoubtedly still remembered how difficult Chloe had been last time they had breakfast together. It’s a pity they didn’t share another casual morning meal together, but the note was a cute and funny touch, and helped bring a ‘little’ of the casual camaraderie they shared during the previous breakfast session.

8th December 2006, 04:17
I'm with everyone else on the thank God it finally happened. I like that Lex couldn't control his need to touch her. And again, he takes care of her, he can tell himself all he wants that he does it for purely selfish reasons, I don't care, that's still nice. Excellent smut, ladies, I love how inventive you are with this fic.

8th December 2006, 05:20
Great chapter and thanks for clearing up some of the great debate, I'm sure you haven't seen the end of it.

Lex’s cock was inside of her. Fully inside of her. Stretching her. She could feel him pulsing. Could feel his hot, hard flesh encased in her body.
Finally he's going to give her a "proper fuck". Very interesting way for them to do it the first time against the window. Very hot and great images. Poor Chloe has no control over her self when she's with Lex. Still amazed by Lex's will power and control but finally he gets the prize.

What he’d done to her previously, everything that had come before, paled in comparison to what he was doing to her now. Chloe could feel every brush of Lex against her and it drove her mad.
This gave me a chill. What on earth is Lex going to do to her now? I know it was mentioned that he wanted to bend her over in various places like her office for starters. I wonder if they going a sex spree to various location. I could see him taking her away for a mini break and that being a great smut fest to read. I wonder what will Lex do next.

“Come, lay down,” he said in a low voice, as he reached out to take hold of her shoulder to guide her movements. “Close your eyes and rest.”

“Yes, Lex,” Chloe said. She felt Lex’s gentle touch steering her body. “Thank you,” she said. As she moved, she realized what position he wanted her in.

Chloe sighed once her head rested in his lap. It was only then that her eyes fluttered closed. Her breathing finally started to even out and she felt her muscles relaxing. After a few minutes, she felt languid and ready to call it a night.
This was so sweet. Like how he takes care of her. Makes me think he has so many feelings for Chloe other then acting as her dom.

Lex had left her a note. And an instruction.

Eat, that's an order
HA! I was hoping for some more morning banter but I guess I can't have it all.

Can't wait for the next part to see what Lex has in store for Chloe next.

8th December 2006, 05:28

that was hot!

8th December 2006, 05:50
Um... wow? I think I need some alone time now... Excuse me...

8th December 2006, 16:38
I'm not so concerned about the condom bit--it's clearly a monogramous relationship, and they're both being tested, right? And I'd highly doubt that Chloe wasn't on birth control (heh, at least for this reality's Chloe, pregnancy seems pretty unlikely at this point). And it's Lex's responsibility to take care of Chloe, so I doubt he would let that kind of issue go unaddressed. Great job girls--that was incredibly hot! And I just watched that last scene from Sub-crap-terranean with Lex's music video strutting, so I had that AFI song in my head the whole--it was a nice addition. :) Can't wait for more!

8th December 2006, 19:27
I'm not so concerned about the condom bit--it's clearly a monogramous relationship, and they're both being tested, right? And I'd highly doubt that Chloe wasn't on birth control (heh, at least for this reality's Chloe, pregnancy seems pretty unlikely at this point). And it's Lex's responsibility to take care of Chloe, so I doubt he would let that kind of issue go unaddressed. Great job girls--that was incredibly hot! And I just watched that last scene from Sub-crap-terranean with Lex's music video strutting, so I had that AFI song in my head the whole--it was a nice addition. :) Can't wait for more!

I agree on everything about this post, so thanks for saving me the typing time! And yeah, that ending with Lex in 33.1 was freaking HOT. I was sitting next to my boyfriend while watching it and didn't exactly do a great job of controlling myself.

And back to the story! Thank you very much for the clarification ladies, I will try to follow you blindly. ;) That sex scene was incredible. The sudden-ness Lex took her with was great, and her control over her movements and vocal cords was hot. My muscles were feeling antsy for her!

That final scene, though, with her falling asleep on his lap, was beautiful. I feel as though it completed Lex's care for her. Like she said, her old dom left her dirty and tired with her clean-up her problem. Lex took care of the mess he created, and that showed the high quality dom that he is to me. I feel bad making this analogy, but in this situation it's a bit apropriate: Chloe has given herself over to him and now is a possession of his, much like one of his cars. Just like his prized Porche requires frequent washings and regular oil changes to keep everything running smoothly, Chloe requires service after use to ensure a long and mutually pleasurable relationship. It all comes along with being an attentive owner, and Lex is definitely an attentive owner.

PS: Obviously you two are successfully pushing boundaries with this story; the discussions are proof of that. Please don't ease up a bit because a few of us are hashing out our issues. Instead, be concerned when all you get after a bunch of updates is 'hot!' 'Awesome!' and 'I wish I was Chloe!' :D

8th December 2006, 21:16
PS: Obviously you two are successfully pushing boundaries with this story; the discussions are proof of that. Please don't ease up a bit because a few of us are hashing out our issues. Instead, be concerned when all you get after a bunch of updates is 'hot!' 'Awesome!' and 'I wish I was Chloe!' :D

Awesome update! It was hot! I wish I was Chloe too!


I'm sorry, I couldn't resist answering kateandjason's reply like this ;)

But honestly, even with the complete domination and control going on over her, and even with all the TORTURE that Chloe is put through... I read this fic wishing I could step into her place. I never would have imagined myself to be anything other than 'the aggressive one' in a relationship, but this fic has brought out whole new possibility of preferences for me. Am I the only sick, closet submissive here?

Do Blue and Sabby happen to remember a suggestion I made in an earlier post? Something about not eating, sleeping or taking any kinds of breaks away from the computer keyboards until 'Arrangement' is finished...? Any chance of either of them taking my advice/plea seriously?

Just like his prized Porche requires frequent washings and regular oil changes to keep everything running smoothly, Chloe requires service after use to ensure a long and mutually pleasurable relationship. It all comes along with being an attentive owner, and Lex is definitely an attentive owner.

This was a good analogy on 'some' levels. I believe it IS an attitude shared by many doms. They obviously believe in taking care of 'their possessions' as the valuable property they perceive them to be. But, their reason for wanting to care for the property is to make sure that it continues to run smoothly, efficiently and perfectly for years to come... or until it's time to get a replacement... whatever scenario comes first.

Lex however treats Chloe with the care, attentiveness and consideration that other doms give to their valuable 'breathing machines', not JUST because he wants efficient years of service and performance from them (although that it part of the motivation), but also because he feels it's his duty to care for his subs. To show them attentiveness and consideration in return for the trust they have placed in him, and for the pleasure they give him.

Am I making sense here, or just rambling on in a way that only reiterates the point to myself?

I guess the basic difference is that... other doms view their subs as dehumanized slaves or property. Lex still views them as people. And in Chloe's case, a very talented, beautiful, intelligent and skilled person, rather than a vehicle for pleasure.

please update soon.

*produces a chain which has one end attached to the computer, and the other end with a manacle big enough for one's ankle*
I just thought this might come in handy over the next month or so.

9th December 2006, 02:03
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! That was beyond amazing. I loved the smut and the way Lex took care of Chloe, again reminding us that this is a mutually benifitial arrangement. Keep up the amazingly stellar work. Can't wait to see what the nest installment brings!!!!!!!!!!!!

9th December 2006, 04:13
Finally! I thought that would never come. And as much as I would like to comment more I'm just to tired. So tommorrow I'm going to read it again with a fresh point of view. But still, one line just made me happy....very weird..

Eat, that's an order

Oh yes- the lovely images of the wonderful breakfast they shared...:)

Ladies, I kneel before you :respect:

9th December 2006, 10:05
Thank you for clarifying just who at the party saw which photographs and who at the party left with no knowledge of Chloe's role in them.

I found Chloe's observation at the window interesting and accurate, as she contemplated how Lex put her on display. He had her perform in front of Clark, He videotaped their session at the club, he photographed her, displaying the photos to the public, he exposed her in front of the other doms, and now he positions her at the window. Even his order to eliminate undergarments exposes her to some scrutiny as her lady bits are closer to being viewed by the public. Is this a compulsion of Lex's, deeply rooted in his personality because of his upbringing forcing him to exhibit his personal and professional wealth to others to reaffirm himself? Does Chloe have and strong feelings about exhibitionism or is she content to display herself as ordered if it will please Lex?

I too, and slightly squicked by the concept of Lex ruining her future orgasmic capabilities and tossing her aside when she is no longer a challenge to him, a sub ready to be bent and molded to his will. However, this is your plot, and if Chloe understands the risks and makes these choices as a consenting adult, I'll trust your creative genius. In the meantime, I welcome more as soon as you can post it.

10th December 2006, 00:28
I know that I haven't left feedback for a while, but let me just say that I love this story. *Every* part of it.

The way that you guys have taken it slowly, building it up over time is so realistic. By having Lex hold back instead of jumping immediately into intimacy gives each touch greater significance. It is also one of the things that makes Lex such a great dom – he let's Chloe experience her sub side to the fullest, to stretch her limits.

And the true mark of the greatness of this story is the fascinating and passionate discussion it has generated. Although I feel somewhat in the minority in some of my opinions.

His fingers trailed over smooth nylon as he continued. “I plan on bringing her to the point where nothing except my direct order will make her achieve climax.”

Charles raised his eyebrows. He’d never really asked questions of his clients. But he had a working relationship with Lex so he didn’t think it was out of line. He took in all of the information that Lex had given him. But that just made another question come to mind. And then another.

“Ok, I do understand that, but, well,” he wasn’t sure it was very proper to bring it up but he’d try it. “What happens if the arrangement comes to an end? Doesn’t that sort of screw her up forever?” He gestured over to Chloe.

“As for your first question...” His eyes went back to Charles and he smirked. “It's a likely possibility,” he kept looking at the man and shrugged. “Unless she finds another dom strong enough to train her all over again.”

It's funny, but I took this as a good thing. What I read into that statement was that Lex was planning to be the most amazing dom that Chloe had ever had and that the only way that she would enjoy a D/S relationship after him would be to find a better dom.

If I had a boyfriend and he worked hard to be the best boyfriend I ever had that would be 1000% fine with me. Would it mean that if we broke up all the other guys I dated would seem second best until I found someone that suited me better? Yep. But that's what happens when you have the best of something – It makes everything a little less until you finally find something equal to or greater than what you had.

It seems, to me, that Chloe's willing to take a chance to grab something special, even if it means some loss later on. And I don't think that's a bad thing. They say “'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Pain is the risk we *all* take to enjoy pleasure. I like to see a Chloe who will put it all on the line instead of settling for the mediocre so she never suffers a loss.

Of course, this is a two way street here. Just as Chloe would never be able to find another Lex Luthor… Could Lex ever find someone who would satisfy him as much as Chloe could by the time her training is finished?

I wonder if he has considered the flip side of the equation here…?

I completely agree with this assessment of Lex's risk. After Chloe's near perfect submission what are the chances that any other lesser sub will fulfill his desires to the same extent?

That's the thing that I think is most interesting about D/S relationships. There is an equality in it and it requires trust on *both* sides.

When Lex displayed the photos of Chloe they both were on the line there.

Yes, Chloe had to trust that Lex would respect her limits and not expose her to emotional harm.

But Lex had to trust Chloe, too. She wasn't the only one on display there. By putting her submissiveness in the open he also opened his ability as a dom for judgment.

Imagine if he hadn't thought the situation through with incredible care and consideration for Chloe's feelings and needs. He knows from experience that Chloe can stand up for herself (confronting the man about giving her file to Lex) and has definite limits (using her safe word to not have sex with that guy). So what if he hadn't thought about what would please both himself and Chloe and she'd turned up, gotten royally pissed off, and humiliated him in front of everyone there?

Both of them took a chance by being in the public eye, and it's just one more reason that Lex has to keep Chloe's needs foremost in his mind.

Lex doesn't just receive Chloe's submission. He *earns* it. That was shown, so amazingly by the two of you, in the first part when the man was a less than sufficient dom and Chloe left.

And, if you think about it, Chloe always gets her needs met first.

Because so much of the relationship is tied to sex, we tend to think of pleasure as the culmination – the orgasm. But for Chloe, the pleasure comes from being dominated – having that sense of someone else being entirely responsible so she can give herself up for a while. And Lex's pleasure comes in the submission. Having complete control. So he has to fulfill Chloe's need first – dominance; before she fulfills his need – submission. It places the burden on the dom to prove himself and leaves the power to continue in the hands of the sub by allowing them to judge the worthiness of the dom's performance. Which is why it's a power exchange, as opposed to just Lex having power.

And I have to say ladies, that I think you have done a brilliant job showcasing this. IMO, this kind of relationship is one of the most difficult to portray in a realistic way. I think that society is so inundated with the “classic” love story that it's sometimes hard to see that some people receive their pleasure in other ways. And D/S relationships in no way exclude the possibility of love. As with any union between two people, the ones that last are the one's that are based on caring and respect.

Are there some D/S relationships that are not serious, not long term, or just about sex? Sure. But that's true of every type of relationship out there.

And, in the context of the story, I'm really happy for Chloe and Lex because they're willing to go after what they want. A lot of people with these desires sublimate them because they believe that they're wrong, degrading, or immoral. IMO, when two consenting adults explore what makes them happy while retaining they're ability to enforce their limits, it's all good.

Not that I don't understand difficulties with it. There are tons of life choices people make that I look at and think ewww to myself. I'm as much a product of the mainstream media mentality as anyone...probably more so sometimes. ;)

“Do you want to come again?” he asked as he moved his hand back and forth, causing the knots to alternately push into her and relieve their pressure.

He waited until she opened her mouth to answer before he continued. “Or would you rather have me fuck your mouth and come inside it?”

His eyes held her gaze as he pushed the rope firmly against her. “Answer honestly. Don't say 'Whatever you want, Lex. That would displease me.”

Chloe blinked a few times as she looked at his face. It was as close to a trick question as he could get. Especially since his hand was still pressed against two spots that wanted his attention.

But Chloe knew her answer. His pleasure was what was most important in this situation. In every situation. She would gladly deny herself another orgasm if she’d get to touch him.

Especially in such a way. And if she got to watch him as he came…

She would not get ahead of herself, however, it was dangerous.

Lex’s hand pressed forcefully against her once more. Instead of demanding his answer verbally, this was how he did it.

“Please come in my mouth, Lex. I want to feel your cock again. Then your come inside of me as I swallow you down.” She wondered if she was getting even wetter as she spoke. It felt that way but it could just be her imagination.

“I love the feel of your hard cock thrusting into me. Please give it to me again. Use my mouth.” She held his gaze as she spoke. Her voice breaking just the slightest at the end.

Lex nodded his approval and removed his hand immediately. Standing up in front of her, he licked her juices off his palm. The taste made his cock jerk inside his pants. This wouldn't last very long. His hands were steady as he opened his pants and pulled out his dick.

I found this quote amazing because it showed Lex's subtlety in his domination. He could have just told Chloe to give him pleasure. But by denying her own needs *and* seeing to his, she gets *twice* the enjoyment.

This took my by surprise, but in retrospect it makes quite a bit of sense. Perhaps I’m making a hugely generalized statement over here, but it occurs to me that although male doms might be more common, women would make better doms. Men might be more forceful and more likely to want control by nature… but women are a great deal more responsible and careful with power that they have been placed in charge of.

I've often wondered about this. Society, in some ways, programs men to see women as sex objects. So I can see how that could extend itself into their D/S relationships and make them less careful.

However, women experience a great deal of powerlessness in the outside world, despite the strides we've made towards equality. Given the chance to gain a sense of empowerment by having complete control of someone, I sometimes wonder if personal frustrations wouldn't leak through.

Someone needs to do a study, darnit! I volunteer to interview Lex. Lol ;)

But now I have to wonder how many kinds of idiot Chloe was for sticking around with a brute like the one that used to CHOKE her when the mood struck him??!!

I'm kind of glad for Chloe's relationship with her old dom. Like a lot of people, sometimes you need a crappy relationship to figure out what you really want and what you will and will not put up with.

Plus, like Sabrina, I really want to see Lex meet the guy.

I also wanted to comment on this point -

Exposing her taboo preferences to the public could hurt her career VERY badly. Those people that viewed her pictures might be future clients who will immediately recognize her as 'the prostitute from the pictures' and take their business elsewhere. Worse still, these people will have a name attached to the fact and they will be able to gossip about her to all their friends...

I can just imagine the kind of gossip that would happen if just a SINGLE one of those judging high society snobs were able to connect her name with those pictures...

'Did you know Ms. Sullivan is into kink and all manners of sexual depravities... I also believe she enjoys sadomasochism'.

While I agree that I could see people saying this about Chloe if they found out, I just wanted to point out that there is, in fact, an enormous difference between a Dominant/Submissive relationship and a Sadist/Masochist relationship.

Not that I have a problem with either of them between two consenting adults. But a D/S relationship is about a person who enjoys the sense of having absolute control and a person who relishes the freedom of giving up a sense of responsibility completely.

An S/M relationship is about someone who derives satisfaction from inflicting abuse, and someone who derives satisfaction from receiving it.

Like I said, whatever floats a person's boat is okay with me, but the two lifestyles are different. Not that they can't be combine, but so can lots of different preferences.

This story is soooooooooooooo unbelievably spectacular. The details that the two of you weave into every scene make the entire thing come alive. The intricacy of the ropes was so perfectly described that I could almost feel them myself.

More than that, your insight and respect for for the characters and their choices comes through. And the way that you've made them both strong enough to pursue their wants without allowing society to dictate to them what they “should” be feeling is wonderful, and, IMO, in keeping with what we know of Chloe and Lex.

Thanks you so much for this excellent story and I can't wait to read more.


P.S. Happy birthday, Sabby! :)

10th December 2006, 19:11
So, i was just re-reading the first couple of chapters and Chloe clearly states she is okay with Lex putting her on display, showing her off, and letting other people watch him use her, as long as they were not directly involved.. so any qualms I had about the the party scene (and to be honest it didn't really bother me at all, so much as it did other people) were quickly vanquished... Can't wait for the next chapters!!!

12th December 2006, 08:35
I love this story!! The way that he cares for her and the way the she gives herself to him! I can't wait to read more!!!

12th December 2006, 18:44
I missed a few updates... but I just read them... and all I have to say is WOW.. and wow again great job guys! Your good at sucking people into your stories!

14th December 2006, 21:17
PS: Obviously you two are successfully pushing boundaries with this story; the discussions are proof of that. Please don't ease up a bit because a few of us are hashing out our issues. Instead, be concerned when all you get after a bunch of updates is 'hot!' 'Awesome!' and 'I wish I was Chloe!'

I really am enjoying this fic and must admit I am not the best at reviewing. Part of the reason I enjoy reading this fic as much is because of the issues and comments the other readers post and they really get me thinking too !! I just do not have the confidence or same writting ability to enter the discussion arena with everybody. So although I might only leave a 'hot' or 'I wish I was Chloe' review from time to time,I wanted to let you know I love it just as much and am taking the views on board just as much as everyone else. So Please keep the updates coming.

16th December 2006, 14:54
It's been quite a while since the last update. Is everything all right? I feel like the ridiculous smut-obssessed version of a mother hen. I feel anxious and worried when the thread is a little less active, and the fic seems to have stalled in development. I'm feeling a strange urge to start throwing vitamin pills at it.

please update

16th December 2006, 19:17
A/N: Sabby: A change of scenery, a new game, still no underwear. Enjoy

A/N: Blue: More boundary pushing. Consider yourselves warned. Oh, and every bit of feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Even the one liners encourage us. Enjoy!

Lex passed the assistant and stepped into the office he'd arranged to be their playground for the next two hours. His guest was already waiting for him.

“I'm glad you could take the time, Charlize.”

“For you, always, Lex.”

Charlize was a good looking woman in her early forties, exclusive member of the club both he and Chloe frequented. She was also a high ranking accountant in Chloe's corporation.

He smirked as he took a glance over the desk that would play a major part in today's session.

“Why don't you get comfortable?” He pointed towards the large leather chair behind the desk. “I just have to make a call.”

Charlize grinned, but didn't comment. Instead, she settled down in the chair he'd indicated and opened her jacket. “I've heard much about your new girl, Chloe, right?”

Lex had already pulled out his cell phone, but looked up at the woman's question. “Yes, this is a little surprise for her. It's a shame you couldn't come to the soiree last night. You would have loved to see her display.”

“Well, I'm getting a private display now, so I really don't see reason to complain.” Charlize smirked and raised one leg over the arm of the chair, sprawling out on the leather as much as it allowed.

Lex turned his back on her with a smirk and dialed the number. It rang two times before Chloe picked up.

“Accounting department, room A122. You have five minutes.”

He hung up before waiting for an answer.

Chloe quickly replaced the phone on the cradle. She didn’t even know where accounting was. Phoebe took care of the entire minutia of her work. She looked at her watch.

She got up from her chair, grabbing her suit jacket off of the back of it, and walked out of her office.

Her assistant looked up. “I’ll be gone for the next few hours.” Chloe walked out of her assistant’s office, paused and turned back. “Phoebe, just where in the hell is the accounting department?”

Three minutes and thirty seven seconds later, a slightly out of breath Chloe knocked on room A122.

She’d gotten aroused on the way there wondering what Lex had in store so her suit jacket was buttoned to hide her hard nipples.

The door swung open, Lex on the other side.

Lex looked at his watch, then up at Chloe. “Very good.”

She was panting slightly and he would bet a nice sum that she'd been running. Her chest was rising and falling nicely with every breath.

“Why don't you take off your jacket, I'm sure it's a little constricting.”

As he spoke he circled around her to close the door. He didn't throw the lock. There was no reason to do so.

“Charlize,” he spoke from behind her, “This is Chloe.”

“Pleasure,” the woman replied from her seat in the chair, laying it on maybe a little too thick. Lex smirked.

As Chloe took off her jacket, she could see that the woman, Charlize, was watching her every move. The woman grinned widely when she saw that Chloe’s nipples were hard.

“Very nice work, Lex.” Charlize was amazed. She’d heard that the blonde had actually come from the public section of the club. Lex must have put a ton of work into the young woman in front of her.

Chloe remained silent.

Her face remained impassive as she felt Lex’s fingers touching her cunt and then probing until they were inside of her. He pumped them twice before retreating from her body. He would be pleased. In addition to being out of breath she was also wet.

“Oh,” Charlize said, looking somewhere above Chloe’s shoulder, “she’s ready to go.” Chloe could only assume that Lex had held his hand up for the woman to see.

“She is ready whenever I want her to be.”

He made it sound like nothing special, but both of them knew better. Some subs took a long while to get heated up. With Chloe, all it seemed to take was calling on her.

“Take off your clothes,” he commanded.

Stepping away from behind her, he moved over to the desk and settled down on the corner, facing towards Charlize. He offered his wet fingers and she didn't disappoint and leaned in for a taste. “Nice.”

“But that's not all,” he continued, barely sparing a glance while Chloe got undressed. “She has shown amazing potential from the start. Last night during the party, I decorated her with a feather, aimed to stimulate her cunt and specifically her clit.”

Charlize's eyebrows went high on her forehead. Apparently, gossip hadn't made the rounds quite yet. “She didn't come until she had my express permission to do so.”

Lex got hard just remembering the last night. Especially the part of the session that had happened after the guests had left. He didn't bother to hide his movements as he adjusted his cock inside his pants. “Of course, she's still in training, but I don't doubt she will exceed any expectations put on her.”

He got up from his place and stepped a little aside. “Come here and bend over the desk, brace yourself on your arms so Charlize can get a good look at your breasts.”

Having Lex talk about what had happened last night, the pride evident in his voice, made Chloe all the more aroused. She’d pleased him and he wasn’t shy about telling people about it.

She quickly moved to obey him. She stepped up to the desk and placed her hands as far away from her body as she could, leaned over and stared straight ahead. Which put her directly in line with Charlize.

The woman’s eyes were fixated on Chloe’s swaying breasts. The speed of her movements was impressive. As was her body, it was toned and fabulous. Her breasts were obviously real. Charlize moved her eyes up to Chloe’s face.

There were a few hairs in front of her eyes but Chloe didn’t brush them away. She hadn’t been told to. She couldn’t wait for the show to begin.

The thought of Lex fucking Chloe Sullivan, one of the top earners in the firm, in front of her had Charlize practically squirming in her chair.

“They’re lovely,” she said, gesturing to her breasts. “The nipples stand out in contrast wonderfully to her pale skin.”

Lex stepped around to see things from Charlize's perspective. Chloe's breasts were indeed a lovely sight to behold. “They're extremely sensitive,” he said as his eyes took in her display. “She loves having them clamped and toyed with.”

His gaze trailed over the desk as he thought of something. With a smirk, he picked up two small items. “During our first session in her office, I had to improvise a little, so I used these.” He showed Charlize the two paperclips.

“Show her how to put them on,” he instructed Chloe, keeping his hand in front of her face.

Memories from their first lesson flashed through Chloe’s mind. She remembered being splayed out on her desk. Her whole body on display for an audience of one. The marks from her heels were still there. Her assistant had offered to have the desk replaced but Chloe had refused.

She could feel that her breasts were swaying more now. A product of the fact that she was breathing more heavily.

Though Lex’s hand was in front of her, she didn’t focus her eyes on the items in his palm. Instead, she kept her eyes forward.

She was successful in touching only the clip, not Lex, as she picked up the first clip.

The nail of her thumb worked its way between the metal and separated it. Once that was done, she brought the office supply to her nipple and clamped it on. The familiar sting of pain and accompanying throb permeated her right breast.

Charlize watched with avid attention. Her eyes rooted on Chloe’s nipple, she imagined how much that had to hurt. But she hadn’t flinched. Hadn’t even looked at the clip or touched Lex’s hand. This woman was good. Lex could get anything he wanted at the club if he was prepared to barter with her services. Something told her that he wasn’t inclined to do so.

Sharing Chloe would cause her value to plummet. Besides, Lex liked being the only one to partake in the cream of the crop. Charlize knew that he wouldn’t allow anyone to touch the woman that stood before her.

Said woman was about to affix the second clip that she’d snagged off of Lex’s hand onto her left breast. However, it didn’t go as planned.

When Chloe pressed her nail between the metal, it flew out of her hand. In the next moment, Charlize watched as Chloe’s right hand appeared in the air and made a fist. She’d caught the clip.

Charlize realized it was the clip that she herself had been cursing at moments before Lex had entered her office.

That had been close. She’d almost failed Lex in front of another person. Chloe’s heart was still tripping hard as she finally got the damn paperclip to cooperate. She hadn’t thought, she’d just reacted. If she had had time to think she would have never been able to catch the small item.

Once both paperclips were firmly attached to her body Chloe waited for Lex’s next instruction.

The chair was starting to get uncomfortable. Blind devotion and obedience always got to Charlize.

“So eager to please,” she commented. “Tell me, how would you have punished her if she had dropped it?”

She inclined her head up to look at Lex.

Lex arched a brow and looked at Chloe, checking to see that the clips were attached properly.

Charlize had an opinion of punishment much like his own. It was a necessary evil to be used in case of failure, but not something to be indulged in.

“The offense would have been minor,” he drawled as he circled the desk to stand beside Chloe once more.

Truth be told, he was amazed that she'd caught the little thing. It showed him once more that her obedience to him and her submission was something instinctive, not a forced reaction. He was pleased.

“The first time I had to punish her, was also at our first session,” he said as he casually slipped two fingers into Chloe's pussy, pushing them down against the sensitive inner walls. “She moved without permission,” he continued while his fingers slowly started pumping in and out of her. “Tell her what your punishment was, Chloe.”

He remembered well enough what he'd done to her, but it would be more impressive to let Chloe tell it from her side. His fingers kept casually fucking her cunt and he occasionally slipped one of the wet digits out to circle it over her asshole, teasing her.

Still not making eye contact with Charlize, Chloe began to speak.

“Lex used a ruler to punish me.” It was still in her office, as well. She didn’t use it all that often. Hell, she probably would need a few minutes to find it if pressed to do so. She knew that some subs kept things like that as trinkets. But, to Chloe, what was used made no difference. It was the experience that was important, not the mechanism.

“There were five strokes to each of my breasts which I was to count out.” Lex’s fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy easily. No part of her body moved. Her hands remained flat on the desk and her breathing didn’t even change.

Lex had now worked up to two fingers in her ass and three in her pussy. The thought of both holes being used in front of another dom excited her. Everything that Lex even hinted at excited her.

“It was excellent. I deserved it. I was begging him by the end. On the sixth stroke, the first to my right breast, the clip was grazed and it was thrown from my body. It hurt but the pain was exquisite.” While their first session had been amazing, they had come so far since it. The current position she was in proved it.

“I was on my desk, naked except for my heels. My legs spread wide and my hips held off the desk so he could see my cunt properly.” Lex’s fingers sped up a little, one hand now working at her pussy and the other at her ass.

“Lex gave me one more stroke. He told me to spread myself wide.” Chloe could tell that the woman in front of her was very affected by what she was saying, she was squirming around on the chair more and more.

“Then he hit my clit. The feeling radiated throughout my whole body. I wanted to scream, to move, to come,” she told Charlize honestly. There was nothing wrong with admitting your own will. As long as your actions went counter to it.

“I stayed perfectly still for Lex.” Both of her holes were now spread wide, ready for what Lex wanted to give them.

He watched his fingers pumping in and out of her holes, spreading them wider for what he intended to do in a while. Lex had decided he wouldn't fuck her until the sleeve of his shirt was soaked with her juices. He could tell that it turned her on to recount their prior sessions, so it wouldn't hurt to have her remember more of them.

“Yes, I have to say I was pleased with her obedience after that first failure.”

His eyes went up to take in Charlize. The woman had spread her legs obscenely wide at this point and looked about ready to start fucking herself.

“If that turns you on, Charlize, I'm sure you'd like to hear of some of our other sessions.”

The memory of the particular session he thought of was bittersweet, due to Chloe's failure to keep her teeth off the plug in her mouth, but withstanding that, she had been perfect for him and accepted everything he gave her that day.

“We encountered some limits that day, but Chloe did very well. She pushed past her boundaries to please me.”

At that, he pulled his fingers from her ass and ran them through the juices in his palm, then pushed three back inside, spreading her wide.

“Tell her what I did to you, Chloe, tell Charlize how I tested you.”

His cock was painfully hard by now, but he wasn't the only one suffering. However, Charlize seemed to be slipping already. As his gaze traveled over to the woman, he could see that one of her hands was kneading her breast and the other one had wandered between her legs already. She was staring at Chloe's breasts as if hypnotized by the swaying mounds.

“Would you like to hear about it, Charlize?”

Charlize trailed her fingers over her inner thigh as her other hand worked at her breast. “Yes, I’d love to hear about it.” Her voice was more than a little breathless and she was kicking herself for not wearing a skirt that day. And for wearing underwear.

The picture before her was one of the most erotic she’d seen. A naked woman adorned with paper clips on her tits in front of a fully clothed man. They were standing in the middle of a pedestrian office. Chloe’s skin was shining but she didn’t move. The perfect sub.

Then there were the sounds. She could hear Chloe’s breaths mixing with Lex’s mixing with her own. And the sounds of his hands working at her body.

Charlize started to unbutton her shirt.

Chloe knew exactly what Lex was talking about. The talk of boundaries and the fact that his hand was spreading her ass wide was all that she needed.

“Lex pushed me further than I thought I could go,” Chloe answered. Her memory of that day was mostly pleasant but marred by the fact that she had failed him.

“My holes were opened further than ever, Lex helped me to attain what he wanted of my pussy and my ass.” She remembered how she thought she would never be able to take the huge dildo up her ass. But, with Lex’s help, she’d been able to.

“I was gagged,” she added, she couldn’t forget about that.

Charlize was moving about a little more, the sound of squeaking leather permeated the office for a few seconds. Chloe heard Lex’s voice at her ear.

“No need to tell her of your failure.” Then he was gone. Pulled away to his former position behind her.

“He gave me dildo after dildo,” she said, remembering them in her hand and then inside of her body. “I’d first put them in my cunt and fuck myself for him. Then, I’d put them in my ass.”

“The last one in my cunt stretched me,” she explained, “and I wasn’t able to put it fully up my ass.”

As she spoke, Lex’s hand in her ass started to spread her. He thrust inside a little more forcefully.

Charlize’s hand was inside of her bra, tweaking her nipple. The other hand was at the fastening of her pants. She wasn’t going to be able to wait until this little demonstration was over.

She could see Chloe on the floor, taking dildo after dildo up her ass, gagged as Lex circled her.

“It was eleven inches long and three wide,” Chloe said. “I couldn’t do it. I was exhausted, sweating and covered in my juices.”

“Fuck.” Charlize slipped her hand inside of pants and then her underwear. She was so fucking wet.

“I was on my knees and Lex got down behind me. He took it out of my ass, lubed it up with my cunt and then pushed it back in.”

Lex’s hand at her ass followed her words.

When a fourth finger entered her hole, Chloe almost reacted. But she was able to maintain herself.

“He worked it all the way in. He made me take it like he wanted it.” Charlize groaned. “Then I felt it with my ass. The end of it sticking out of my ass. I felt how much I was spread for him.”

Her hips were now moving in the chair, two fingers inside of her pussy. Looking up at Lex and Chloe, she quickly extracted them. She had to see.

On shaky legs, she walked over to see their bodies in profile. Then moaned. Lex had four fingers in her ass and probably just as many in her cunt. “Jesus.” She would have paid any amount of money to be Lex. Or Chloe. She couldn’t decide.

She took a step closer and watched as Lex worked over her ass. He pulled his hand out and switched it with his other one. The sleeve of the hand that had previously been at her cunt was soaked.

She looked down the front of his body and could see his erection tenting the front of his pants. Chloe did not move.

Charlize fumbled with her pants again. She wanted to see them like this when she came. She could either drag her chair over or…..

Chloe couldn’t see what Charlize was doing, she had disappeared from her line of sight. But she could hear the woman practically panting.

Before seating herself on the couch that was placed on the far side of the wall, Charlize took off her pants and underwear. She spread herself wide and then started to ride her fingers.

Lex bit his lips to stifle a groan as his eyes followed Charlize. She was a beautiful woman, but more so, she was one of the strictest dommes at the club. The idea that he and Chloe had been able to reduce her to shamelessly fucking her own hand was an incredible turn on.

He had no intention to wait much longer. While his fingers kept pumping inside Chloe's ass, he snatched the belt of his hands with his free hand and ripped it open furiously. A few quick moves had the button undone and his zipper open. He'd chosen to forgo underwear for this meeting, thank goodness.

He took hold of his cock and gave it a few strokes, relieving some of the pressure that had been tormenting him for the last half hour.

“Look at Charlize,” he commanded Chloe, “Over on the couch.”

The woman was frantically rubbing her clit and thrusting three of her fingers inside her cunt. Her otherwise pretty face was screwed up grotesquely as she rode her own hand towards orgasm.

“Tell her to come, Chloe, just like I would tell you.”

There were all sorts of rules that were to be followed in their world. Subs could never tell a dom what to do. It was forbidden. But they must also do what their dom told them to do. Chloe didn’t even consider disobeying Lex.

Chloe looked over at the woman. She was grunting and writhing on the couch. She was close to orgasming, that much was very clear.

“Charlize,” Chloe said, hardening her voice. “Let yourself go. Come for me. Now.”

Lex's eyes stayed hard on Charlize as the woman jerked and twitched, then came with a shout, pumping her hips wildly with four fingers inside her cunt.

The fingers of his left made a tight circle over his dick, keeping his own climax at bay. Watching a self proclaimed domme come apart at the command of his sub was the hottest thing he'd seen in a long time.

He bent over Chloe and moved the hair from her face to whisper in her ear. “Do you know what you just did?” A quick bite to the juncture of neck and shoulder, trying to keep himself under control for just a little longer. “You fucking broke her. You made a domme come apart, just to please me. She'll never be able to claim her status the way she's done before.” Another hard bite. “Fuck, you're amazing.”

He pulled back and righted himself up behind her. There was no wait he could wait a second longer. Holding on to the base, he shoved his cock inside her cunt to the hilt. A strangled groan ripped from his throat as her muscles tightened around him. He could feel his fingers through the thin walls and pressed them against his cock from the other side.

“Stay still, and don't make a sound.” His voice was harsh as he set up a brutal rhythm.

His eyes fell closed as he let the feelings take over for a moment. This gorgeous woman that was letting him use her however he wished could hold the same power over others he did. She didn't need to submit to anyone but she gave herself to him completely.

He opened his eyes to see the mark his teeth had left on her neck. It pleased him, but it wasn't enough. He had intended to mark her during this session even before it started, so he'd come prepared.

The idea of what he would do to her forced him to take a hand to his cock and put a firm grip on the base to stop him from coming.

Lex was pumping in and out of her in an uncontrolled fashion. He didn’t need to speak for her to know how much she’d pleased him. His cock said it all. But his voice in her ear was still a welcome stimulus.

The ramification of what he had told her set in. For a moment, with his say so, she’d become a dom. He’d given that to her. But had then taken it away with instruction to not move.

Her breasts jiggled with every thrust, causing a flareup of pain.

After a few more thrusts, Chloe felt Lex’s cock slip from her body. He hadn’t come yet. Her brain processed that fact before the muscles in her cunt did. They were still moving, trying to clasp around something that was no longer available.

In another moment, she felt Lex ram himself home inside of her ass. There was no teasing, just one moment she was empty and the next she was full of his cock. She took him in easily.

She felt his balls against her ass as he kept pumping in and out of her.

Charlize weakly looked up. Her orgasm had been powerful. She groaned at what she saw. Lex was fucking Chloe up the ass. His face contorted in both pleasure and pain from holding back his orgasm. Chloe’s breasts swayed but nothing else on her moved.

One of his hands made its way to the small of her back and his fingers pressed her forward. Chloe understood what he wanted and leaned further over the desk. She didn’t stop until she felt the pressure of his fingertips let up.

She found herself pressed fully against the desk, her head turned to the side. The paperclips scraped against the wood and her nipples. Lex’s hands found her hips and pulled her back a little. Then, he started to fuck her in earnest.

His grip tightened on her hips, pulling her into every thrust of his cock, burying himself to the hilt every time. He could feel the signs of his climax, coiling up low in his stomach and tightening his spine.

Lex closed his eyes and picked up the speed of his thrusts once more, fucking her brutally as the coil inside exploded and orgasm rushed through his system. His teeth clamped down on his bottom lip to stop himself from shouting out, but the groan escaped anyway.

His pumping slowed down as he returned to reality, but he didn't pull out, not yet.

He brought one hand down on her back to keep her in the position while his other hand went into the pocket of the jacket he was wearing. Lex pulled out the toy he'd brought for this session. It was a black rubber plug, diamond shaped and about two inches at the widest part with a flared base. Perfect for the purpose he had in mind.

Righting himself up, he slowly pulled out. The hole was still stretched, looking an angry red already, and it wouldn't be getting better any time soon. But that was nothing that a little cream couldn't repair later on.

His gaze went to Charlize for a moment, who was sprawled out on the couch, apparently still wiped from her climax, but interested in the proceedings.

Lex wiped the come that was sticking to his cock off on two fingers.

“Move your hands back and spread your cheeks,” he instructed neutrally.

Chloe felt perfectly used. She hadn’t been allowed to come. She’d only been a vessel that Lex had needed to bring about his pleasure. And she’d done an excellent job.

She tried to ignore the throbbing in her pussy and that fact that the muscles were again flexing.

Keeping her chest on the desk, she moved her arms back and then spread her ass for Lex.

“Can you feel my come inside you?” he asked as he stepped back to allow Charlize a short look at his work.

He moved closer again and brought his fingers to her sore ass, scooping up a small glob that had already dribbled out. He pushed the digits inside and brushed them off on her inner walls. “I hope you enjoy the feeling, because you will be feeling it inside of you for the rest of the day.”

The thought that she would walk around all day with the plug snugly nestled inside her, serving as a reminder of what he'd done to her, was incredibly arousing. If he hadn't come less than five minutes ago, his cock would have been twitching to fuck her.

Without further explanation, he wiped his hand through the juices that had accumulated between her legs and used them to coat the plug. He brought the slightly pointed tip to her closing hole and just rested it there. “Push back,” he ordered.

Breathing heavily now, Chloe did as Lex instructed. She could feel the plug being inserted into her ass. She’d be full of Lex until he wanted her otherwise.

Once it was inside he ran his finger over the base of the plug and her hole. “Touch it.”

Charlize watched as Chloe let go of her ass and Lex now held her open so she could feel. She watched as Chloe ran her fingers over the plug.

Lex stepped back again and let his gaze roam over Chloe's body. This session wasn't quite over yet. His work was almost done, but his lovely sub would not be finished until he called her.

“This will stay inside you until I tell you to remove it,” he said neutrally.

Turning to Charlize, he could see the woman was still not bothering to move.

“Tissues?” he asked shortly.

“Top drawer,” she answered.

Charlize didn't quite know the whole of Lex's plan, she'd only been given some basic info. Now, she was hell of curious to see what the man had up his sleeve. Not curious enough to move, though.

Lex shook his head and rounded the desk to get the tissues. He pulled the package out and wiped his hands clean, then tugged himself back into his pants and straightened his clothes.

”Charlize will check up on you in three hours and report back to me,” he continued as he made his way back around to Chloe.

“Stand up and turn around.”

He watched her carry out his order and noticed that her legs were quivering a little as she moved. She also kept them spread a little, probably trying to adjust to the feeling of the plug inside her.

Lex's gaze trailed down to her breasts. Her nipples were distended and looked raw from the clips. They might even need some treatment.

“Push your chest out,” he instructed in a low voice.

She didn't wince, but he was sure even that move was uncomfortable for her.

Keeping his eyes on her face, he bent over slowly and lowered his mouth to her left breast. He closed his lips carefully over her areola then used his teeth and tongue to remove the clip.

Even through the pain and frustration that her body was feeling, Chloe knew that she should be proud. Lex had done a perfect job with her and had shown her off to yet another person at the club. He was clearly very pleased with her.

When his mouth worked at the clip attached to her, Chloe found that she didn’t want to cry out. She knew that it would not please Lex. Her body seemed to be catching up to her mind, finally.

She knew that Charlize was watching the scene carefully. Thinking about the woman made Chloe ponder Lex’s words. The woman would check her to make sure that the plug was still in place, no doubt. She’d be bent over in her place of business and inspected by a woman who she didn’t know.

All to please Lex and bend to his will.

Pushing the metal under his tongue, he laved over the sore bud of flesh for a moment. Releasing her breast, he moved on to the other one and gave it the same treatment.

When he pulled back completely, the skin looked raw and used. Wearing the
shirt would probably be uncomfortable for the rest of the day, but it would also remind her of this session.

It also would get her acquainted with the idea of living with the uncomfortable soreness and itching for a longer period of time. Chloe didn't know it yet, but this session was part of her training for a second party he was planning to throw in a few days time. She would be displayed in front of the crowd more so then at the previous party and he wanted her to be able to please him and meet his demands.

Her training was also the reason he hadn't let her come. Chloe's potential had convinced him to push her further than he'd ever thought to go with any other sub. They hadn't been worth his time of day when it came down to it, but Chloe was worth every bit of control he had to exert over himself and every bit of effort he put into her training.

Lex removed the paperclips from his mouth and tossed them back onto the desk. There was one more instruction he had to give before he could leave.

“You will also tell somebody on your way home what I did to you today,” he stated neutrally. “Pick a random man on the street and tell him explicitly what I've done to you, but don't use my name. If you need to, call me your master,” his lips turned into a sneer. He didn't like that particular title. “But I'd rather you didn't use that term.”

Charlize's brows perked up. She'd heard rumors that Lex wasn't the run of the mill dom, but hearing it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, was different. Then again, witnessing what the man had just done to his sub and how the woman had enjoyed it...Lex sure as hell didn't need to insist on any title or status marker to support his place as a dom.

“Fuck,” Charlize breathed in awe. She'd never be that good.

Lex's gaze didn't waver from Chloe's face, but a smirk curled up on his mouth at the whispered curse.

“You will hear from me,” he told Chloe, then turned to the woman on the couch. “Charlize.” He nodded at her, sure she'd been listening to everything he'd said and would play her part. “I'll be expecting your call.”

Without another word in her direction, Lex left the room. Chloe remained in place for a moment, thinking over what she would have to do before her day was over. Tell a perfect stranger what had happened. Tell a man that she’d been bent over a desk, fucked with her dom’s hands in her ass and cunt and then had a plug inserted. All with another woman watching.

Her breasts were throbbing along with her ass and cunt. But the thought of the humiliation she would feel was still able to arouse her.

She finally looked over at Charlize. The other woman didn’t appear as if she would move anytime soon. Slowly, testing out her legs and how her ass felt, Chloe walked over to where she had left her clothes. She could feel the plug pressed up against her. And she could feel Lex’s still warm come in her ass. She gasped and placed her hands on the desk.

Charlize lazily started to play with one of her breasts at the sight of Chloe’s reaction to the plug.

After a moment, Chloe moved again. She dressed quickly, hissing as her shirt was put over her raw nipples.

“I’ll see you in three hours,” she said to Charlize.

“I can’t wait,” the other woman drawled, looking her up and down.

Chloe walked out of the office, aware with every step that a part of Lex was still with her.

16th December 2006, 20:29
I'm a little upset that Lex didn't allow her to come but if it is part of her training and he's doing just to make their time together all that more enjoyable I'll let it go.

I love in each of the sessions, Chloe has a chance to make Lex proud and proves herself. The fact that she made another dom come on command and she did it all for Lex is telling on multiple levels. She's not an ordinary sub and Lex is no ordinary dom. Lex gives her a lot, and she's able to give a lot to Lex. I love that things like this make Lex want and respect Chloe more and make Chloe proud to have Lex for her dom and proud of herself for what she can do.

OK so yes Lex chose someone who worked in Chloe's business to watch her, but I don't see that this will be damaging. For one thing I'm not sure if Chloe was fully aware of who the woman was, it may seep into her brain later because she's got a lot to process. But even after she realizes it, it won't be bad, Charlize is not going to saying anything. She'd have to implicate herself as well as Chloe. And she can't feel as if she has any power over Chloe because of what Chloe was able to do to her in the session so if anything this woman has more respect for Chloe. And Lex while wanting to push boundaries must still want to protect Chloe because that's his job and would consider all problems before attempting this.

As for the actual sexual acts all I can say is everything was amazing and you two still manage to come up with new ideas that continue to make this story interesting. I like the fact that Lex chose to mark her and the ways he did so. Glad she'll have a reminder of Lex for the rest of the day, though I'm not really sure after all that happened she'd need a tangible reminder.

Ooooh and she has to tell a random person what happened. Interesting and am I wrong or did she still think that would be arousing despite the humiliation? She obviously loves what she does. But my worrysome part of my brain is hoping that random man won't turn out to cause problems in the future. I'll just wait to see how that goes.

I hope the next installment is the party, I can't wait to see what Lex has planned for Chloe to do at that event.

16th December 2006, 20:35

16th December 2006, 20:37
WOW!!!!! I think that's all I have to say. I'd also say "poor Chloe" ( because she's so sore) but ...hell...she likes it so no sympathy for her there. Love that she has to tell a stranger what happened to her with Lex . Can't wait for this man's reaction. :D Can't wait for the next update.

16th December 2006, 20:45
I have to hand it to you ladies you always think of great new ways for Lex to push Chloe's limits.

“Charlize,” Chloe said, hardening her voice. “Let yourself go. Come for me. Now.”

Lex's eyes stayed hard on Charlize as the woman jerked and twitched, then came with a shout, pumping her hips wildly with four fingers inside her cunt.
I can't believe Chloe did that and it actually worked on such well known dom. This is going to Lex some props in the community and Chloe as well.

He bent over Chloe and moved the hair from her face to whisper in her ear. “Do you know what you just did?” A quick bite to the juncture of neck and shoulder, trying to keep himself under control for just a little longer. “You fucking broke her. You made a domme come apart, just to please me. She'll never be able to claim her status the way she's done before.” Another hard bite. “Fuck, you're amazing.”
Awww.. He's so proud of her and this scares me a little. There has been no angst in this and Chloe not disappointing Lex in the last few sessions. I can't imagine her making a mistake now and if she did what on earth would the punishment be?

It also would get her acquainted with the idea of living with the uncomfortable soreness and itching for a longer period of time. Chloe didn't know it yet, but this session was part of her training for a second party he was planning to throw in a few days time. She would be displayed in front of the crowd more so then at the previous party and he wanted her to be able to please him and meet his demands.
More training for a another party? I can't wait to read what Lex is going to do next to push Chloe's limits. Will she have to walk around the party the entire time with something similar inside her.

“You will also tell somebody on your way home what I did to you today,” he stated neutrally. “Pick a random man on the street and tell him explicitly what I've done to you, but don't use my name. If you need to, call me your master,” his lips turned into a sneer. He didn't like that particular title. “But I'd rather you didn't use that term.”
What? He is evil telling her to do that. I wonder who she will pick and if they will listen to her?

I hope Chloe can last the day with the plug in her. Again hate for her to fail Lex now after he has shown so much pride he has for her. Update soon. :yeahbaby:

17th December 2006, 00:07
Another excellent chapter.

I love the research that you guys have done to incorporate a very accurate (I think) picture of a BDSM relationship. More than that, your portrayal of a unique relationship in general.

I'm very proud of Chloe, and I'm glad that Lex was able to show her how powerful she is. She could be a Domme, but she has found what she needs as a Sub with Lex, and I know that she is very fortunate for that.

I'm looking forward to more!

17th December 2006, 03:46
Wow!! Wow!! I'm repelled and aroused at what Lex had done to Chloe at the same time. Is that wrong? As always a fantastic chapter

17th December 2006, 06:33
Sooo, I was trying to read that while studying in the library...I pretty much had to hide my computer screen while trying to play off that your story made me want to jump the cute boy sitting behind me! It was entertaining to say the least. :) Great job--and I like how you even pulled in someone from Chloe's work after the commentary-wars that were going on about her professional life. But she did agree to it, and clearly Chloe liked it as well. Can't wait for more!

17th December 2006, 17:53
Good lord. Again I'm going to have to sort out my mixed emotions before being able to review.

However, I would like to clear up my comment about simple reviews b/c it was mentioned by others. This story is all out pushing boundaries and broadening perspectives. If that is actually being done, then debate is inevitable as the readers fight with their personal boundaries. However, not everyone is willing or able to jump in, and the little reviews are fine. My comment was just that if ALL they got in review were quick ones, then the ones willing and able to debate weren't feeling the need. Therefore, since they are getting debaters, they are doing just fine. I meant no insult or fingerpointing to those who leave the quick reviews, because I am a quick reviewer in other stories. This one just gets me fired up.

18th December 2006, 13:51
Well...the level of control Lex has over Chloe is a bit..disturbing.
Charlize can actually be see in this case as a "normal" by stander. She found in hard to believe as well, that someone can have such control over another person.
This needs to be read again...oh yes.

18th December 2006, 16:43
A/N: Sabby: A change of scenery, a new game, still no underwear. Enjoy

A/N: Blue: More boundary pushing. Consider yourselves warned. Oh, and every bit of feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Even the one liners encourage us. Enjoy!

I definitely enjoyed the change in scenary, and the chapter was interesting, compelling and a real treat to read through as always. BUT it wasn’t really ‘boundary pushing’. Chloe has already set herself on display in front of Lex’s coterie, AND she has already done the paperclip thing combines with the ‘not being able orgasm’ routine. So this was more a combination of previous lessons rather than new things being taught to the sub.

I did enjoy the combination of different routines into a single session.

Charlize grinned, but didn't comment. Instead, she settled down in the chair he'd indicated and opened her jacket. “I've heard much about your new girl, Chloe, right?”

Lex had already pulled out his cell phone, but looked up at the woman's question. “Yes, this is a little surprise for her. It's a shame you couldn't come to the soiree last night. You would have loved to see her display.”

“Well, I'm getting a private display now, so I really don't see reason to complain.” Charlize smirked and raised one leg over the arm of the chair, sprawling out on the leather as much as it allowed.

I was VERY pleased about being able to meet with a new character from the sub-dom background. Charlize sounded really interesting, and Lex seems genuinely warmer with her as compared with some of the other doms. I wonder if Charlize is a closer and more respected friend of Lex, hence she’s getting the ‘private viewing. The fact that she’s also Chloe’s boss might have been a happy coincidental bonus.

I keep snapping up these little hints of Lex’s personal life (outside of the Arrangement) like a kid consumes M&Ms. I just can’t get enough of them, even if I have to grab and suck them off the floor.

She’d gotten aroused on the way there wondering what Lex had in store so her suit jacket was buttoned to hide her hard nipples.

The door swung open, Lex on the other side.

Lex looked at his watch, then up at Chloe. “Very good.”

She was panting slightly and he would bet a nice sum that she'd been running. Her chest was rising and falling nicely with every breath.

I found the thought of Chloe desperately searching for Accounting Department in her office building to be hilarious. I wonder what people thought when she barked out her inquiries about the location of the pertinent room. They might have suspected she was being audited or something.

But I’m glad she made it in time, and I can see Lex was also similarly pleased and impressed by her quick obedience.

As he spoke he circled around her to close the door. He didn't throw the lock. There was no reason to do so.

Erm… Why not?! This is Chloe’s work place, and he had better have a good reason for taking the risk of exposing her to this kind of humiliation. Accountants gossip like no-one’s business.

“Very nice work, Lex.” Charlize was amazed. She’d heard that the blonde had actually come from the public section of the club. Lex must have put a ton of work into the young woman in front of her.

I liked how Charlize was impressed (and mildly aroused) solely by Chloe’s disheveled appearance. But I have to raise an eye-brow at her assumption that LEX is the one to be credited with Chloe beauty, skills, talents and accomplishments.

It’s a good things Lex was so quick to set the record straight about Chloe’s skills and talents… and explained how he was only responsible for the ‘polishing and honing’ of Chloe’s sub performance. That she was naturally an especially talented sub.

I also found the mention of a ‘public sector’ of the club VERY interesting. It makes sense that this is the reason why Chloe hasn’t met any of these ‘elite’ dom people before. Is money the only thing that separates the ‘public’ and ‘private’ sector of the club?

If it IS 'only money' that separates the private and public sector, I have to say Charlize is a snob for being surprised that such talent could emerge from the 'commoner's section' of the club. Is she one of those people who believes that strength, skills and breeding only comes from moneyed lineage?

I wonder how many of the 'elite doms' believe the same thing. And how many of them are going to realize the error of their ways and start 'talent scouting' along the 'less wealthy' members of the club for another couple of subs like Chloe.

Her face remained impassive as she felt Lex’s fingers touching her cunt and then probing until they were inside of her. He pumped them twice before retreating from her body. He would be pleased. In addition to being out of breath she was also wet.

“Oh,” Charlize said, looking somewhere above Chloe’s shoulder, “she’s ready to go.” Chloe could only assume that Lex had held his hand up for the woman to see.

“She is ready whenever I want her to be.”

He made it sound like nothing special, but both of them knew better. Some subs took a long while to get heated up. With Chloe, all it seemed to take was calling on her.

It DOES seem like it’s far too easy sometimes to get Chloe ‘revved and ready to go’. But, where any other dom might have allowed himself to become lazy in his duties, Lex doesn’t let this ‘ease of arousal’ to affect his own performance as a sub. Chloe deserves the best of everything he has to offer, and he sets every bit of intellect and control into satisfying her properly.

Lex got hard just remembering the last night. Especially the part of the session that had happened after the guests had left. He didn't bother to hide his movements as he adjusted his cock inside his pants. “Of course, she's still in training, but I don't doubt she will exceed any expectations put on her.”

I suppose I’m really getting into the ‘display’ aspect of this Arrangement, because I REALLY love hearing Lex boasting about his sub and what she is capable of. It really shows he appreciates her the way she is meant to be admired, and he want EVERY-one to know how remarkable she is.

I LOVE seeing him so puffed up with pride that the boasts just bubble out of him as if he can’t help himself.

He got up from his place and stepped a little aside. “Come here and bend over the desk, brace yourself on your arms so Charlize can get a good look at your breasts.”

Having Lex talk about what had happened last night, the pride evident in his voice, made Chloe all the more aroused. She’d pleased him and he wasn’t shy about telling people about it.

She quickly moved to obey him. She stepped up to the desk and placed her hands as far away from her body as she could, leaned over and stared straight ahead. Which put her directly in line with Charlize.

The woman’s eyes were fixated on Chloe’s swaying breasts. The speed of her movements was impressive. As was her body, it was toned and fabulous. Her breasts were obviously real. Charlize moved her eyes up to Chloe’s face.

BlueSabby didn’t make it clear whether Charlize was a lesbian or a bisexual… but whatever the case, it’s obvious that Charlize was turned on like anything by Chloe’s body.

And somehow, getting this positive appraisal (toned and fabulous?) from another woman makes Chloe’s body seem more luscious than ever before. Sometimes it seems like men get turned out by ANY-thing, but having another woman judge you to be ‘fabulous’ is a real ego-raising moment.

Memories from their first lesson flashed through Chloe’s mind. She remembered being splayed out on her desk. Her whole body on display for an audience of one. The marks from her heels were still there. Her assistant had offered to have the desk replaced but Chloe had refused.

Heh. Nice detail here about how Chloe marred the desk from her first session, AND how she refuses to get those marks removed or the desk replaced. Oh happy memories!

Charlize watched with avid attention. Her eyes rooted on Chloe’s nipple, she imagined how much that had to hurt. But she hadn’t flinched. Hadn’t even looked at the clip or touched Lex’s hand. This woman was good. Lex could get anything he wanted at the club if he was prepared to barter with her services. Something told her that he wasn’t inclined to do so.

Thank heaven for THAT! I found this to be an immensely scary thought… that ‘some’ doms might trade the services of their subs for their own profit. How is that different from pimping out enslaved prostitutes? Revolting idea!

But there is the small part of me that wonder just HOW much other doms would be willing to ‘pay for Chloe once they see what she’s capable of. I guess the second party is going to have Lex inundated with offers… Or perhaps Chloe too? Do any of the less scrupulous doms approach the subs themselves to try and offer them ‘better deals’?

And I’m still waiting with bated breath over when is Chloe’s old dom going to show his face and start kicking himself over the prize he lost.

Sharing Chloe would cause her value to plummet. Besides, Lex liked being the only one to partake in the cream of the crop. Charlize knew that he wouldn’t allow anyone to touch the woman that stood before her.

Again, I am VERY pleased to see that Lex is so possessive and protective of his charge. AND it’s interesting to hear about how it’s possible for a sub’s ‘value to plummet’ as if they really are material possessions with a set stock price and expiry date. Actually, I didn’t like the idea of attaching ‘value’ in that sense to a sub, but I can see how it would be a natural extension of such arrangements.

Not all subs are equal, and the most beautiful and skilled ones are always going to be more highly sought after ‘commodities’ than others.

I do hope BlueSabby get a little more into this ‘bartering’ and ‘negotiating’ aspect of deal making between doms. It sounds intriguing and very interesting.

Charlize realized it was the clip that she herself had been cursing at moments before Lex had entered her office.

This made me want to laugh. The ‘cursed clip’ must have picked up some negative karma from Charlize that nearly translated into immensely bad luck for Chloe. LOL!

“So eager to please,” she commented. “Tell me, how would you have punished her if she had dropped it?”

Charlize had an opinion of punishment much like his own. It was a necessary evil to be used in case of failure, but not something to be indulged in.

Oh good! I can see why Charlize (and other female doms) would be closer to Lex is terms of mutual respect and company. Now I’m liking her too, even if she is NOT as spectacular a dom as Lex, her attitude is in the right place.

“The offense would have been minor,” he drawled as he circled the desk to stand beside Chloe once more.

Truth be told, he was amazed that she'd caught the little thing. It showed him once more that her obedience to him and her submission was something instinctive, not a forced reaction. He was pleased.

Heh. Even more than seeing Lex boasting about her, I love it when Chloe does something that SHE considers ‘adequate’ and ordinary but is completely breathtaking and amazing to Lex.

“The first time I had to punish her, was also at our first session,” he said as he casually slipped two fingers into Chloe's pussy, pushing them down against the sensitive inner walls. “She moved without permission,” he continued while his fingers slowly started pumping in and out of her. “Tell her what your punishment was, Chloe.”

He remembered well enough what he'd done to her, but it would be more impressive to let Chloe tell it from her side. His fingers kept casually fucking her cunt and he occasionally slipped one of the wet digits out to circle it over her asshole, teasing her.

Ooooh HOT! I can imagine the torture Chloe must be going through… not only to keep herself form coming, but to keep herself from MOVING!

Lex had now worked up to two fingers in her ass and three in her pussy. The thought of both holes being used in front of another dom excited her. Everything that Lex even hinted at excited her.

I wanna be Chloe!! Only, without the restriction of not being allowed to move :P

“It was excellent. I deserved it. I was begging him by the end. On the sixth stroke, the first to my right breast, the clip was grazed and it was thrown from my body. It hurt but the pain was exquisite.” While their first session had been amazing, they had come so far since it. The current position she was in proved it.

“I was on my desk, naked except for my heels. My legs spread wide and my hips held off the desk so he could see my cunt properly.” Lex’s fingers sped up a little, one hand now working at her pussy and the other at her ass.

“Lex gave me one more stroke. He told me to spread myself wide.” Chloe could tell that the woman in front of her was very affected by what she was saying, she was squirming around on the chair more and more.

“Then he hit my clit. The feeling radiated throughout my whole body. I wanted to scream, to move, to come,” she told Charlize honestly. There was nothing wrong with admitting your own will. As long as your actions went counter to it.

Wow! I’ll have to go back and re-read the first session, but I DO remember that I didn’t find it arousing at the time. I didn’t even realize how far BlueSabby had brought me until I realized that even the thought of intense pain, punishment and possible humiliation of the first encounter doesn’t even faze me anymore.

BlueSabby have made me into a kink freak! How about that?

“I stayed perfectly still for Lex.” Both of her holes were now spread wide, ready for what Lex wanted to give them.

He watched his fingers pumping in and out of her holes, spreading them wider for what he intended to do in a while. Lex had decided he wouldn't fuck her until the sleeve of his shirt was soaked with her juices. He could tell that it turned her on to recount their prior sessions, so it wouldn't hurt to have her remember more of them.

Still intensely hot and YUMMY! I’m loving the smutty visuals BlueSabby keep creating for her humble, desperate viewers.

His eyes went up to take in Charlize. The woman had spread her legs obscenely wide at this point and looked about ready to start fucking herself.

Even the visual of Charlize was painted as incredibly erotic. I know that Chloe can’t see Charlize’s reaction to the story, but she probably KNOWS how the other dom is reacting, and that only enhances Chloe’s own pleasure… which is both wonderful and torturous!

His cock was painfully hard by now, but he wasn't the only one suffering. However, Charlize seemed to be slipping already. As his gaze traveled over to the woman, he could see that one of her hands was kneading her breast and the other one had wandered between her legs already. She was staring at Chloe's breasts as if hypnotized by the swaying mounds.

Forget about being Chloe, I wanna be Charlize! At least Charlize gets to touch herself and get off from this session.

Is it also kind of sick that I… kind of… want to fuck Charlize too?

*runs away to hide after her shameful admission*

sheeesh. This fic is bringing out the kink lover AND the inner-lesbian within me. I really should STOP reading for my own psychological well-being.

Hmmm. Maybe after the next chapter…?

“Would you like to hear about it, Charlize?”

Charlize trailed her fingers over her inner thigh as her other hand worked at her breast. “Yes, I’d love to hear about it.” Her voice was more than a little breathless and she was kicking herself for not wearing a skirt that day. And for wearing underwear.

LOL! The troubles that come with not thinking ahead and planning accordingly. ROFLOL!

The picture before her was one of the most erotic she’d seen. A naked woman adorned with paper clips on her tits in front of a fully clothed man. They were standing in the middle of a pedestrian office. Chloe’s skin was shining but she didn’t move. The perfect sub.

What an amazing visual. No wonder Charlize was almost undone. HOW does Lex manage to control himself under these circumstances??!!

“No need to tell her of your failure.” Then he was gone. Pulled away to his former position behind her.

I wonder whether Lex was protecting Chloe’s reputation as a sub, or whether he was protecting his own status as the ‘perfect dom’ who creates nothing less than flawless and perfect sessions. Or perhaps he just didn’t want to disturb the spell he was weaving over Charlize with a little disturbing truth? Perhaps a little of all these things?

Perhaps he doesn't want Charlize to know how he shamefully lost control during the punishment part of the session?

Whatever his reasons, I’m glad Chloe didn’t have to go into the more painful aspect of her session that day.

Charlize’s hand was inside of her bra, tweaking her nipple. The other hand was at the fastening of her pants. She wasn’t going to be able to wait until this little demonstration was over.

She could see Chloe on the floor, taking dildo after dildo up her ass, gagged as Lex circled her.

“It was eleven inches long and three wide,” Chloe said. “I couldn’t do it. I was exhausted, sweating and covered in my juices.”

“Fuck.” Charlize slipped her hand inside of pants and then her underwear. She was so fucking wet.

I still want to fuck Charlize! AND Chloe… and especially Lex! Am I actually fantasizing about engaging in a foursome in which I am just one of three other girls?!

Lex’s hand at her ass followed her words.

When a fourth finger entered her hole, Chloe almost reacted. But she was able to maintain herself.

I still cannot believe Chloe is managing all of Lex’s attentions without moving or even reacting! Her self-control is ridiculously impressive.

Even Charlize, who is supposed to be a dom, cannot demonstrate the level of control both Chloe and Lex are showing.

It’s ironic that the only person in this room who is falling apart with desire and lust is the one who is only touching, and being touched, by herself.

Lex bit his lips to stifle a groan as his eyes followed Charlize. She was a beautiful woman, but more so, she was one of the strictest dommes at the club. The idea that he and Chloe had been able to reduce her to shamelessly fucking her own hand was an incredible turn on.

Charlize is supposed to be one of the strictest doms?! She should be really ashamed of the lack of control she’s showing here. I guess the shame will hit her later… right now, she has other concerns on her mind.

And this factoid really speaks volumes about Chloe and Lex, and their ability to keep challenging each other with magnificent performances in each session.

I’m beginning to think that there truly is no dom with the same abilities and skills as Lex. Or is there? I’d actually love to see some serious competition for Lex with reference to his status as top-dog-dom.

He had no intention to wait much longer. While his fingers kept pumping inside Chloe's ass, he snatched the belt of his hands with his free hand and ripped it open furiously. A few quick moves had the button undone and his zipper open. He'd chosen to forgo underwear for this meeting, thank goodness.

LOL! At least Lex thought ahead and dressed accordingly. And it seems like he’s getting close to losing control as quickly as poor Charlize.

“Tell her to come, Chloe, just like I would tell you.”

There were all sorts of rules that were to be followed in their world. Subs could never tell a dom what to do. It was forbidden. But they must also do what their dom told them to do. Chloe didn’t even consider disobeying Lex.

Verrry interesting. I love getting these little insights into the dom/sub world… and the twists that can take place within with the application of a little imagination.

“Charlize,” Chloe said, hardening her voice. “Let yourself go. Come for me. Now.”

Lex's eyes stayed hard on Charlize as the woman jerked and twitched, then came with a shout, pumping her hips wildly with four fingers inside her cunt.

The fingers of his left made a tight circle over his dick, keeping his own climax at bay. Watching a self proclaimed domme come apart at the command of his sub was the hottest thing he'd seen in a long time.

It seems like Charlize has discovered her inner-sub. I wonder if she’s going to start indulging in the ‘other side’ of the Arrangement. AND Chloe has also discovered a little taste of her inner-dom, she definitely has the talent, although not the inclination. Chloe continues to impress me with every passing chapter.

He bent over Chloe and moved the hair from her face to whisper in her ear. “Do you know what you just did?” A quick bite to the juncture of neck and shoulder, trying to keep himself under control for just a little longer. “You fucking broke her. You made a domme come apart, just to please me. She'll never be able to claim her status the way she's done before.” Another hard bite. “Fuck, you're amazing.”

Charlize will never be able to claim her status ONLY if word of this comes out. Is Charlize obliged to tell people about what happened? Or is Lex sure to start spreading the news about how TRULY talented and versatile his sub can be.

I wonder if Charlize is going to try and take any form of revenge against Lex (or Chloe) for this little shameful humiliation…?

He pulled back and righted himself up behind her. There was no wait he could wait a second longer. Holding on to the base, he shoved his cock inside her cunt to the hilt. A strangled groan ripped from his throat as her muscles tightened around him. He could feel his fingers through the thin walls and pressed them against his cock from the other side.

Slight grammatical error over here? Did you mean to say ‘There was no WAY he could wait a second longer’?

I'm pleased to see Lex had finally reached his own breaking point as far as his self-control goes. He seems to be becoming more addicted to Chloe with every passing session. He actually seems to be finding it more difficult to keep control over himself and keep resisting the urge to touch her. And I'm not such talkng about sexual touches, I'm also talking about those 'casual touches' that have been becoming more frequent, as if he has been unable to help himself.

I wonder how much longer he's going to be able to maintain a tight hold over the self control that makes him such a formiddable and high status dom. What happens when if/when he loses control again like the time he punished Chloe with the paddle, but next time he might seriously injure her?!

eeek! More scary thoughts!

“Stay still, and don't make a sound.” His voice was harsh as he set up a brutal rhythm.

BASTARD! How could he torture Chloe like this?! I know how Chloe finds it difficult to keep from reacting from even the most innocuous of his touches, I cannot imagine the torture she’s going through to remain still and silent as he’s actually fucking her.

His eyes fell closed as he let the feelings take over for a moment. This gorgeous woman that was letting him use her however he wished could hold the same power over others he did. She didn't need to submit to anyone but she gave herself to him completely.

I can understand why Lex would find this arousing. He can see the kind of power that Chloe is capable of wielding, but she chooses to let him control her. I can see why the idea of having such a powerful being under his ‘thrall’ would be so intoxicating to a man like Lex.

After a few more thrusts, Chloe felt Lex’s cock slip from her body. He hadn’t come yet. Her brain processed that fact before the muscles in her cunt did. They were still moving, trying to clasp around something that was no longer available.

In another moment, she felt Lex ram himself home inside of her ass. There was no teasing, just one moment she was empty and the next she was full of his cock. She took him in easily.

Yeeeowch! Granted he was careful to stretch her out properly beforehand, AND he lubed himself up by fucking her cunt first, but still… the suddenness of the anal intrusion… OUCH!

She found herself pressed fully against the desk, her head turned to the side. The paperclips scraped against the wood and her nipples. Lex’s hands found her hips and pulled her back a little. Then, he started to fuck her in earnest.

His grip tightened on her hips, pulling her into every thrust of his cock, burying himself to the hilt every time. He could feel the signs of his climax, coiling up low in his stomach and tightening his spine.

Lex closed his eyes and picked up the speed of his thrusts once more, fucking her brutally as the coil inside exploded and orgasm rushed through his system. His teeth clamped down on his bottom lip to stop himself from shouting out, but the groan escaped anyway.

Despite the ‘owie’ factor. This was still majorly hot! And even more arousing than Charlize losing HER sense of self-control. I just love watching Lex lose himself in Chloe.

Righting himself up, he slowly pulled out. The hole was still stretched, looking an angry red already, and it wouldn't be getting better any time soon. But that was nothing that a little cream couldn't repair later on.

Erm… Still owie! Lex WAS being careful about how he handled Chloe during this rather brutal session, but I guess some damage was unavoiadable.

His gaze went to Charlize for a moment, who was sprawled out on the couch, apparently still wiped from her climax, but interested in the proceedings.

LOL at the image of a very satisfied and sated Charlize. I guess she wasn’t as humiliated and ashamed as I would have thought. OR she’s hiding her shame very well.

Chloe felt perfectly used. She hadn’t been allowed to come. She’d only been a vessel that Lex had needed to bring about his pleasure. And she’d done an excellent job.

And the reward for her ‘excellent job’ is not being allowed to come or even to clean herself… or tend to her soreness and wounds? How would punishment have been worse than this?!

Breathing heavily now, Chloe did as Lex instructed. She could feel the plug being inserted into her ass. She’d be full of Lex until he wanted her otherwise.

I rather liked this last line. Chloe describing herself as being ‘full of Lex’. It seems like she loves and obsesses over every little bit of connection with him that comes with every session.

Lex's gaze trailed down to her breasts. Her nipples were distended and looked raw from the clips. They might even need some treatment.

Is Chloe ‘allowed’ to give herself treatment? Lex gave the suggection that he doesn’t want her to clean herself or rid herself of any reminders of this session. Does that include the rawness and soreness caused by the session too?

“Push your chest out,” he instructed in a low voice.

She didn't wince, but he was sure even that move was uncomfortable for her.

Keeping his eyes on her face, he bent over slowly and lowered his mouth to her left breast. He closed his lips carefully over her areola then used his teeth and tongue to remove the clip.

He really IS very pleased with her. Lex is not one to use his touch casually. I guess, since he’s not allowing her to come, he has to use other means to reward her for her excellent performance this day.

Even through the pain and frustration that her body was feeling, Chloe knew that she should be proud. Lex had done a perfect job with her and had shown her off to yet another person at the club. He was clearly very pleased with her.

I can’t imagine how horrific Chloe’s situation would have been if she had NOT performed well. As it is, her good performance is being dubiously rewarded with a sore plugged up ass, raw and stinging nipples and utter frustration due to her not being able to orgasm until she has permission.

The only actual evidence she’s getting of Lex’s approval is some tenderness from him.

When his mouth worked at the clip attached to her, Chloe found that she didn’t want to cry out. She knew that it would not please Lex. Her body seemed to be catching up to her mind, finally.

It seems like Lex’s training and pushing Chloe’s boundaries is yielding results that are surprising even to her.

It also would get her acquainted with the idea of living with the uncomfortable soreness and itching for a longer period of time. Chloe didn't know it yet, but this session was part of her training for a second party he was planning to throw in a few days time. She would be displayed in front of the crowd more so then at the previous party and he wanted her to be able to please him and meet his demands.

So he ‘doesn’t’ want Chloe to apply soothing treatment onto the injured parts of herself? I wonder how much more extensive will be the demands set on Chloe during a display comprising of more than a single person.

Her training was also the reason he hadn't let her come. Chloe's potential had convinced him to push her further than he'd ever thought to go with any other sub. They hadn't been worth his time of day when it came down to it, but Chloe was worth every bit of control he had to exert over himself and every bit of effort he put into her training.

I get Lex’s reasoning here. Not pushing and challenging Chloe to her full potential and abilities would only do her a disservice. But I desperately hope that Lex doesn’t send up pushing too far and too fast… otherwise he’ll only be setting both Chloe and himself up for horrible disappointments and perhaps even pain.

I’m STILL getting horrible thoughts about all kinds of possible angst that’s going to inevitably happen. Every new chapter brings new and even more horrific possibilities into my head.

Can BlueSabby just put me out of my misery and get on with the angst PLEASE??!!

“You will also tell somebody on your way home what I did to you today,” he stated neutrally. “Pick a random man on the street and tell him explicitly what I've done to you, but don't use my name. If you need to, call me your master,” his lips turned into a sneer. He didn't like that particular title. “But I'd rather you didn't use that term.”

Charlize's brows perked up. She'd heard rumors that Lex wasn't the run of the mill dom, but hearing it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, was different. Then again, witnessing what the man had just done to his sub and how the woman had enjoyed it...Lex sure as hell didn't need to insist on any title or status marker to support his place as a dom.

“Fuck,” Charlize breathed in awe. She'd never be that good.

I liked that Lex doesn’t like (or need) the term ‘master’. That factoid has been mentioned before. And I’m glad to see Charlize appreciates Lex’s reasoning behind not liking the term. It speaks volumes about Lex’s confidence in himself and his abilities that he doesn’t NEED such trite reassurances to reaffirm his status. He really is quite the dom.

I wonder if Charlize is making notes. She might never become as good a dom as Lex, but she can strive to be better than she is right now.

Without another word in her direction, Lex left the room. Chloe remained in place for a moment, thinking over what she would have to do before her day was over. Tell a perfect stranger what had happened. Tell a man that she’d been bent over a desk, fucked with her dom’s hands in her ass and cunt and then had a plug inserted. All with another woman watching.

Her breasts were throbbing along with her ass and cunt. But the thought of the humiliation she would feel was still able to arouse her.

This is a new and surprising detail. Chloe gets off on humiliation??!! This doesn’t bode well! It suggests that she would be a lot less lenient about her privacy than I would have liked.

She finally looked over at Charlize. The other woman didn’t appear as if she would move anytime soon. Slowly, testing out her legs and how her ass felt, Chloe walked over to where she had left her clothes. She could feel the plug pressed up against her. And she could feel Lex’s still warm come in her ass. She gasped and placed her hands on the desk.

Charlize lazily started to play with one of her breasts at the sight of Chloe’s reaction to the plug.

I guess this IS a form of reward after all. It all depends on Chloe’s attitude. I remember another time, Lex ordered her not to clean herself up as ‘punishment’, so Chloe undoubtedly felt NO pleasure at the feel of the mixture of her sweat and juices and Lex’s come running down her leg on that day.

It’s interesting that punishment or reward is simply a matter of perspective and attitude in the sub/dom world. Both can be equally painful, uncomfortable, torturous or pleasurable, depending on the perspective of the sub (and the dom)

After a moment, Chloe moved again. She dressed quickly, hissing as her shirt was put over her raw nipples.

“I’ll see you in three hours,” she said to Charlize.

“I can’t wait,” the other woman drawled, looking her up and down.

I’m still worried whether Charlize has any intention of ‘punishing’ Chloe for the humiliating way she ordered her to come. Can another dom punish someone else’s sub if they believe they are justified? Or do they have to report to the sub’s dom and let him/her handle the punishment?

How far does this ‘obeying all doms within the general vicinity’ rule work? What are the limits it can be pushed to? I guess we’ll find out in about 3 hours… OR at the party!

Please update soon. This fic is getting mightily interesting, and I’m coming close to passing out from all the possible ‘inevitable fallout possibilities’ that keep occurring to me.

Please write quickly, please post soon.

19th December 2006, 08:54
Oh my gosh! I didn't have time to read the update but I read some of the feedback... and wow... I can't wait till I have time to read the whole thing!

19th December 2006, 16:20
Ok. I've got quite a few things squirrelling around in my head and I hope they make it out safely. Here goes...

I feel that a few boundaries were pushed with this update, and not the traditional ones. And they were pushed in very ?subliminal? ways.

As a reader, my boundary was pushed in regards to the fact that Chloe was given physical pleasure but not physical satisfaction. I feel like this situation was a reminder that there is soooo much more going on beyond the physical in their relationship. When Lex used her body how he wanted without allowing her to move, react, or come I was indignant and upset for Chloe. And then when he plugged her butt and instructed her to show Charlize the plug was still in 3 hours later irritated me because I just couldn't see how that would in any way provide pleasure. And now after having ruminated over it I realize that he went a long way to satisfy her desire to serve and please him. Her satisfaction comes from pleasing Lex, which is actually the basis of their entire relationship. She showed during the photosession that she would much rather bring Lex physical pleasure than just recieve it. And by holding his come in her body for an extended period, she is continuosly reminded of how much she pleased him. It's rather like intricate and extremely specialized foreplay. That being said, I really hope that this session turns out to be just exactly that... foreplay for the main event.

In regards to Chloe, I believe Lex was testing her by having her order Charlize to come. I think it was a huge test, definitely more for him than for her. Chloe has the exterior personality of a dom, and that was what Lex pegged her for initally. Yet she knew enough what she needed and was a strong enough person to choose to be a sub. Despite all that they've been through, I think Lex needed some reassurance that she was his sub through and through, and that was what Charlize's purpose was. He put Chloe in a tough situation by having her order another dom to come. If she was weaker person, she would be naturally subservient to all doms and would have hesitated to outright order one to come. Yet since in her head she is Lex's, she did his command without recognition of subservience to anyone else, and that was huge. HUGE. At least to me.

Thank you for the update.

Well, I just went over SE's review, and I wanted to comment on it b/c I feel differently is some parts than she does. :D

In regards to the 'public vs. private' part of the club, I don't think it has to do solely with money. The public part is a.) for people who pop in here and there for a kick, and b.) for people who's anonymity is important but not crucial. I was under the impression that Chloe was a part of the public club b/c she had not gotten an invitation into the private sector. And being part of the public club was a large part of her trouble in finding a good dom; the ones being offered were just not as in to the lifestyle as she was. That was shown by her trial session with the one dom.

SE then commented about Lex intructing Chloe not to divulge her failure and subsequent punishment. She speculated that it had to do with Lex wanting to protect their reputations, but I think it has more to do with his attitude toward punishment. He does not usually enjoy it because it means his sub disappointed him. Punishment is meant to teach a lesson and that is it. By having her share that she failed him and that he punished her after such an intense session would not serve to bring any pleasure or enjoyment to the now. The initial punishment she described was rather appropriate because it related to what they were doing in the now: Sexual situation in an office over a desk, paperclips on tits, a third party present (because Chloe's secretary had heard everything). But by having her share the punishment from the dildo session, they both would have been pulled out of the now and relived the disappointment of that day, which would have served no good to anyone. And that is why I think Lex had Chloe skip over that part, not because he was worried over their reputation.

And finally, in regards to Charlize being broken by Lex and Chloe, and Charlize possibly punishing Chloe for it, I don't see that happening ever. For one, Charlize had an inkling of what she was getting in to, Lex is very good about clearing the path before Chloe shows up. Also, I think Charlize with talk about what happened to her but not with anger, rather with amazement and lust. She wasn't dominated by any means, she was shown what Lex and Chloe do for each other and was thoroughly aroused by it. Next, in regards to punishment, I believe it has been shown that doms are only to punish their own subs. If a dom has a problem with another sub, then that dom is to take it up the the sub's dom. Also, I don't believe Chloe would ever let anyone other than Lex punish her. A sub has to submit to the dom for punishment, and there is no way Chloe would ever give subservience to Charlize. Chloe is Lex's.

19th December 2006, 16:52
In regards to Chloe, I believe Lex was testing her by having her order Charlize to come. I think it was a huge test, definitely more for him than for her. Chloe has the exterior personality of a dom, and that was what Lex pegged her for initally. Yet she knew enough what she needed and was a strong enough person to choose to be a sub. Despite all that they've been through, I think Lex needed some reassurance that she was his sub through and through, and that was what Charlize's purpose was. He put Chloe in a tough situation by having her order another dom to come. If she was weaker person, she would be naturally subservient to all doms and would have hesitated to outright order one to come. Yet since in her head she is Lex's, she did his command without recognition of subservience to anyone else, and that was huge. HUGE. At least to me.

kateandjason raised a very interesting perspective over here. When I was first reading it, I thought Lex ordering Chloe to order Charlize to come was more a spur of the moment decision, but I see now how the whole thing could have been planned from the start to test his sub's potential power to dominate. Of course, this is based on the assumption that Lex knew exactly how Charlize was going to react and planned the session accordingly.

So what was it? Was the whole thing planned waaay in advance, or did Lex realize and acknowledge Charlize's reactions and grapped an unexpectedly opportune moment?

When Lex used her body how he wanted without allowing her to move, react, or come I was indignant and upset for Chloe. And then when he plugged her butt and instructed her to show Charlize the plug was still in 3 hours later irritated me because I just couldn't see how that would in any way provide pleasure.

And now after having ruminated over it I realize that he went a long way to satisfy her desire to serve and please him. Her satisfaction comes from pleasing Lex, which is actually the basis of their entire relationship. She showed during the photosession that she would much rather bring Lex physical pleasure than just recieve it. And by holding his come in her body for an extended period, she is continuosly reminded of how much she pleased him. It's rather like intricate and extremely specialized foreplay. That being said, I really hope that this session turns out to be just exactly that... foreplay for the main event.

I also felt a sense of pity and sympathetic frustration for Chloe. And I even mentioned that everything that Lex put her through this session felt and seemed more like 'punishment' rather than rewards bestowed for excellent performance. It was only Lex and Chloe's perspective that turned this pain and frustration into a good thing rather than 'withheld pleasure'.

And kateandjason is right yet again that this COULD be just extended foreplay rather than another frustrated ending of a session. I look forward to seeing Chloe get her just desserts later.

By the way kateandjason, I LOVE the comments you keep making throughout Arrangement Reviews. Your comments usually bring out a point of view or perspective that I never really considered before, and it's a treat to re-read the chapter with your comments in mind. And you're right when you say that Arrangment challenges the viewers to contemplation and debating about issues that have never been considered before.

Kudos to BlueSabby for inspiring such debates! please post the next chapter soon. And I seem to remember begging to them to start bringing in the Chlexy angst and conflict. I'm going nuts just waiting for the boom to lower on this lovely couple. please update soon!

***added edit***

LOL! I just finished writing this reply to kateandjason's review when I went back to the thread and noticed that kateandjason had edited/added a little reply to MY review

And finally, in regards to Charlize being broken by Lex and Chloe, and Charlize possibly punishing Chloe for it, I don't see that happening ever. For one, Charlize had an inkling of what she was getting in to, Lex is very good about clearing the path before Chloe shows up. Also, I think Charlize with talk about what happened to her but not with anger, rather with amazement and lust. She wasn't dominated by any means, she was shown what Lex and Chloe do for each other and was thoroughly aroused by it. Next, in regards to punishment, I believe it has been shown that doms are only to punish their own subs. If a dom has a problem with another sub, then that dom is to take it up the the sub's dom. Also, I don't believe Chloe would ever let anyone other than Lex punish her. A sub has to submit to the dom for punishment, and there is no way Chloe would ever give subservience to Charlize. Chloe is Lex's.

I agree with kateandjason's reasoning here. It seems to fit and make sense, but there is always the POSSIBLITY of another dom taking out his/her frustrations on someone else's sub when their own (for some reason or another) is just not available. I can't help but wonder whether there are any doms who would outrageously abuse the power they hold by taking out their will and irritation on whoever is handy and available.

And a sub weaker than Chloe might not be able to refuse 'punishment', even if the person is not technically authorized to give it.

OR, even direct punishment might not be necessary for an especially malicious and vindictive dom. He/she might just have to tell that particular sub's dom some kind if silly lie 'Your sub's eyes have been straying', or even 'She looked directly at me, instead of keeping her eyes downcast'... and that sub's dom would be obliged to punish her/him.

Am I making sense here? Is it possible for this kind of scenario to take place in the world of 'The Arrangement'?

Probably not between Charlize and Chloe. Chloe would be too smart to allow herself to be punished unfairly, and Charlize just doesn't seem that malicious. AND Lex is not the sort who would punish Chloe without confirming that the reports he was getting were actually true.

26th December 2006, 19:11
So... How goes this fic? I was just in the neighborhood when I stopped by this thread to check out how it was faring. It seems like this thread needs some action and turning over. Quite frankly, the thread seems to be getting a little flabby... losing some of the hard-gained muscle that it used to be so proud of.

A good vigorous excercise session (about 7,000 words or so) should be enough to get the thread all nice and toned up again. Let's get cracking, shall we?

Please update soon.

28th December 2006, 05:41
Wow, I love the recent updates. I have missed a bit because I have been sick. What a pick me up. I do admire the effort that the two of you put into your stores. I can’t wait until the next update- dying to see what is going to happen next

28th December 2006, 11:04
OMG wow, im speachless, this is great, i loved this chap, loved how lex told chloe to tell the other woman to come giving chloe some power over the other woman, i cant wait for the next installment

3rd January 2007, 17:01
Sooooooo... Who's in the mood for some angst, conflict and chaos here?

*multiple voices from all directions* I am! I AM!

Please update, I cannot express how much I'm missing this fic.

4th January 2007, 23:02
A/N: Sabby: You know how sometimes even the best plan can go terribly down the toilet? Yea...you'll see. Enjoy and give us the feedback we crave! *swings the whip*

A/N: Blue: Here's some more of Charlize. And her domme ways. Enjoy.

Charlize had been impatient for the last three hours. Concentrating on her work had been impossible. Once the haze had lifted from her mind, it had penetrated her brain that she'd submitted to a sub. The thought was not only frightening, it had raised her ire.

She was a domme, she gave orders and didn't take them.

As her watch told her it was time, she left her office and gave her assistant notice to tell anyone who called she was out for the day. Her pulse was going faster as she got the information from the guy at the reception where to find Chloe Sullivan.

Charlize brushed past Sullivan's assistant without a word and didn't bother knocking before she stepped inside the office.

Her eyes narrowed. It was much larger than her own. This girl really was getting all the perks. Charlize closed the door behind her with finality.

“Get up and come here,” she ordered without preamble.

By instructing her to check up on Chloe, Lex had given her a certain amount of power over the sub. She would have to do as told until Charlize heard from Lex otherwise.

The feeling of power was exquisite.

Thankfully the woman had at least closed the door. She knew that her assistant wouldn’t bother them. If people came charging into her office, it was usually for a very good reason.

Chloe was up out of the chair instantaneously and stood in front of the other woman in her default stance.

She started to circle Chloe.

“So, you're Lex's obedient little slut, hrm?” Charlize's tone was deceptively nice as she kept circling the sub. She would make her pay for her boldness. And pay in spades.

“How much of a whore are you really, hrm?” She stopped in front of Chloe and looked down her body. “Let your breasts be abused and love to take it up your cunt and ass.” She leaned in and took a breath through her nose. “You still smell like come.”

Charlize took a step back and began circling Chloe once more. “You know, until I call Lex, you have to follow my instructions. You have to do everything I tell you to.”

Her gaze fell down to Chloe's ass, imagining the plug that was still stuck inside her, under the sensible business skirt. “Tell me how much of a slut you are. How many cocks have you taken up your ass at this point? Or your cunt for that matter?”

She made her way back to Chloe's front. “How much come have you swallowed from any man who told you to get down on your knees?”

Chloe knew that she was in a very dangerous situation. The woman was clearly enraged by what had happened earlier. She knew that this woman’s reputation was at stake if Lex decided to let it slip that she’d come on the order of a sub.

But she had to listen to the woman as if she were Lex. “Yes, I am Lex’s slut.” He’d never called her anything so degrading.

Chloe quickly went through her sexual partners. “I have taken five cocks up my ass.” She held her head still. She knew that any deviation from her stance would result in punishment.

“My cunt has been used more than that,” she reported. She’d only gotten into anal after college. But, she had had numerous partners in the usual way. She did a quick, but accurate count.

“There have been seventeen cocks in my cunt.” Charlize now stood in front of her, looking down at her. She remembered that she asked about the come.

“I have swallowed more come than I can count,” she said. “I have sucked off each man who was in my ass but not every man that has been in my cunt. I have not been on my knees at all points in which I was swallowing down the come.”

The only way she could respond was honestly and thoroughly. This woman represented Lex. “But I have taken more cocks in my mouth than my pussy. I’ve swallowed close to a gallon of come, I’d estimate.”

“Such a cock hungry bitch,” Charlize said coldly. “Giving yourself away like a cheap, dirty whore.”

She took another step back from the sub. “You're nothing but a walking, talking cunt, aren't you?” she asked challengingly. “Take off your clothes, cunt. Show me your gaping fuckholes.” Her tone was cruel and commanding.

She would show this sub some manners before she called Lex. Usually, she wasn't into punishment, but this slave had overstepped the boundaries too far.

“Yes, Charlize,” Chloe said, obediently. She had to keep herself in control. Nothing too bad could happen. Lex had trusted her with this woman. Perhaps it was another test. That made sense.

It eased Chloe’s mind to think that Lex had told Charlize to be particularly brutal with her verbally. But there was a part of Chloe that doubted, very much, that that was true.

Quickly, Chloe took off her clothes. She stood naked, without any shoes on, in the middle of her office. Her nipples were aching and she could feel the plug in her ass. Lex’s come was still inside of her, she could feel it as she moved.

Charlize's eyes narrowed as the sub stood before her in the same stance. She smirked cruelly. “Didn't I tell you to show me your gaping cunt and ass? Do you think I can see them like that?”

She stepped back and stretched out an arm to point to the desk. “Not just a whore, but stupid too. Get flat on the fucking desk and spread your legs, cunt.”

Charlize looked at her watch as she waited for the sub to do as told. She had a few more minutes before she had to call Lex. Surely, he'd allow her to have some more fun with the woman if she played things right.

Dutifully, Chloe walked over to her desk and got on top of it. She laid herself flat, ignoring the paper work and other items that dug into her back. She stared up at the ceiling.

She planted her feet and then raised up her hips, her legs spread wide. She opened her cunt up so Charlize could see it.

Chloe also made sure that her hips were elevated enough so Charlize could look at her ass at the same time.

Charlize walked up to the desk between the sub's legs and took a good look at Chloe's pussy. “Look at that dirty cunt,” she drawled. “Your juices are caked all over it. Can't even think far enough to keep yourself clean for your master, can you?”

She shook her head and snorted derisively. “If you belonged to me, I'd wash your cunt with steel wool and iodine to remind you to keep yourself clean at any time.”

Her gaze trailed down to the plug, the large base sticking out from the hole, keeping Lex's come inside her ass. “Tell me, did you get Lex's cock dirty with that ass?”

Charlize looked back up at Chloe's cunt. So far, she was only spreading the folds apart to give her a look at the opening. “Hook your fingers in that fuckhole and spread it wide. I've seen how much you took for Lex earlier. I bet you can take more, can't you?”

“I clean myself inside and out every morning for Lex,” she explained. “I am not dirty.”

“I can take whatever Lex wishes to give me,” Chloe said, evenly. But she didn’t feel as calm as she sounded. She didn’t want this woman to touch her. But if she did, Chloe couldn’t say no.

The woman didn’t know her safe word. And, at this point, Chloe doubted the woman would stop. She wanted Chloe to know her place. It was upsetting her more than she thought it would.

Chloe made sure her body was locked and then she placed her fingers inside of her cunt and spread it open for the woman.

“Really now,” Charlize purred as she watched the sub spreading her cunt. “Wider,” she ordered.

Her gaze went up over the sub's body to her breasts. The nipples still looked sore from their earlier treatment. They had to hurt like a bitch when they came in contact with anything. A cruel smile curled up on her lips.

“That's enough,” she decided on a whim. “Take your hands off your cunt and knead your breasts.”

She watched with her arms crossed over her chest as the sub fulfilled her order. Oh, she would have fun with this one. “Pinch your nipples, hard. Twist and pull them taut.”

Lex hadn't given her permission to touch his property, so she would have to be very specific in her orders. Not that Charlize had a problem with that. She wondered if she should get out some paperclips from the sub's desk.

“Use your fingernails, too.” Charlize walked around the desk to get a closer look at what the sub was doing. “Scratch your breasts and dig those nails into your nipples. I want to see marks.”

She could see that the woman was suffering. It wasn't so much the expression on her face as the tightness around the eyes and mouth. Charlize wasn't nearly done. “Such a slut. You have no self respect, don't you? Causing yourself pain, just because someone orders you to do so? Abusing your breasts without a word. You probably loved having your tits spanked with a ruler. Sluts like you get off on that.”

Charlize was itching to go looking for a ruler and really give the woman what was coming to her. She was getting lost in the heady feelings of control and power. “Pinch those nipples harder, cunt. Use your nails, I don't care if you break skin.”

Inside, Chloe was screaming. The pain was almost unbearable but she kept clawing, rubbing and pinching at her nipples. She was surprised that she wasn’t bleeding. At least, not yet.

But she didn’t stop the motion of her hands. She wouldn’t let Lex down. Chloe didn’t make any sound, but she felt the tears forming in her eyes.

The next time she blinked, they escaped from the corners of her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks.

The pain wasn’t pleasant nor was it laced with pleasure. It was torture, plain and simple.

This woman would use her until she bled. Of that, Chloe was sure.

Charlize looked at the tears with a sense of satisfaction. A little longer and this sub would bleed. She would definitely never get it in her head again to challenge a domme.

With a look at her watch, she realized it was time to call Lex. This should be fun.

“Keep going until I tell you to stop,” she ordered the sub.

She pulled out her cell and dialed the number she had. After two rings, Lex picked up.

“Hey, Lex.”

“Charlize, you're a bit late,” Lex's voice was smooth, but she could hear the slight reprimand.

“Sorry, it took me a while to find my way,” she lied.

“So, have you checked on Chloe?”

Charlize's eyes went over to the sub who was still torturing her breasts, tears streaming down her face now.

“Yes, I did, the plug is still firmly in place where you left it. Snug and tight,” she reported neutrally.

“Good. I reckon her imagination has made her quite antsy over the last few hours.”

“Hrm, I'm not sure. Do you want me to inspect her cunt for wetness?”

Charlize was hoping for the go, once she was allowed to touch, she could have that much more fun.

“No, don't touch her.”

She wanted to pout. “Don't you want to know how wet she is?” she tried again.

Lex was silent for a moment, then his voice came over the receiver again.

“You can tell me from what you see, but I don't want you to touch her, understood?”

“Fine,” she sighed.

“Describe her to me. What does she look like right now? And don't forget any details.”

Charlize let her gaze trail over to the sub. “She's on her desk right now. I made her take off her clothes and lie down on it with her legs spread so I could see properly if she followed your instructions.”

Lex was silent for a long moment so Charlize continued. “She's playing with her breasts as we speak.” She stepped closer to the sub, taking another look at the dirty cunt. “She's not as wet as you'd want her to be though, maybe hearing your voice would help?” she teased.

She paused again, letting her gaze roam over the tear stained face.

Lex was about to speak when she went on, “She's also crying a little, her face doesn't look so pretty when she does...”

“Charlize, why is she crying?”

The voice that cut her off sounded low and deadly. It caused a shiver of fear to run down her spine. She swallowed and tried to think of the best way to answer that question.

“She...” Charlize paused, “Maybe she doesn't take too well to playing with her breasts...”

“What. Did. You. Do.” Every word sounded like the stab of a knife.

“I may have told her to pinch them and...”

“Charlize, hand the phone over to Chloe immediately and get the fuck out of the room.”

His voice was sharp and cold and for a second, Charlize could see a headline in front of her eyes. “Accountant found dead in gutter. Murder case unsolved.”

“Yes, Lex.”

“And I assure you, this will have consequences.”

Silence as she brought the phone over to the sub who was still torturing her breasts. Charlize saw that she'd actually drawn blood from the left nipple.

“Lex wants to speak to you,” she said as she handed over the phone.

She was as good as fucking dead.

Chloe stayed in position. She had heard Lex through the phone. She knew as well as Charlize did that the woman was in very, very, very deep trouble.

She held out one of her hand, the other continuing to work at one of her nipples, and she felt the phone being slipped into it.

Her chest was on fire and throbbing. The fingers of her left hand were slightly wet and she was certain that she was bleeding.

“Hello.” She could hear the quaver in her voice and mentally kicked herself for it.

At the sound of her choked voice Lex sat ramrod straight in his chair. “Chloe, immediately stop doing whatever Charlize told you to do.”

His breathing sped up as he heard a tiny whimper over the phone. “It's okay my sweet, calm down. Everything is going to be okay.”

Charlize was a dead woman. Lex wasn't sure yet if just figuratively or literally speaking. “Take a deep breath,” he told himself as much as Chloe.

“Tell me if Charlize has left. If she hasn't tell her to get the fuck out if she cherishes her life.”

Chloe hadn’t been paying any attention to the other woman. When Lex had told her to stop, she’d allowed her lower body to ease back down on the desk and she’d sat up. She looked around the room and saw that Charlize was gone.

Relief flooded through her. Her chest still hurt but it was much better now that her hands weren’t on it.

“Yes,” she said, “she’s gone.” Thank god, she thought, but didn’t say.

The concern in Lex’s voice, tempered by obvious anger, calmed her down a little bit. He seemed as upset by this as she was. Well, murderous was probably a better word….

He tried to will himself back under control. Chloe was his immediate concern. Charlize could wait. “What did she do to you?”

There was still a slight tremor to Chloe's voice and he could only guess what she'd gone through until he'd broken it off. If that woman had touched his Chloe, she would die, no question.

His first thought was to drive back to Chloe's office and check her out himself, but there was no way he could get there and back in time for his meeting with the head of Kentashi Corporation. Billions rested on this meeting. He was still tempted to blow the man off, but knew he couldn't.

“Tell me, Chloe, speak freely.”

Chloe took a few deep breaths before talking again. She was trying to calm herself down. She could hear the tension in Lex’s voice and didn’t want to upset him anymore than was necessary. But she wasn’t about to lie, either.

“She hurt me,” she said. Chloe looked down at her chest and her suspicions were confirmed. “I’m bleeding.”

Before Lex could react, Chloe gave him a little more information. “She came in and I knew that she was mad that she’d obeyed me before. She called me a slut and a whore and said I was dirty.” The details could come later. For now, Lex just needed to get the big picture.

“She ordered me up on the desk and made me open my cunt with my hands.” That hadn’t been all that bad.

While Lex deserved to know what had happened, she wanted to get off of the phone so she could attend to her wounds.

“Then, she had me start to scratch and pinch my nipples.”

The pain was bad. But the whole situation was horrible because Lex had given Chloe to this woman. She knew that he never would have done so if he had known this would happen, but she hadn’t been able to do anything because an order from Charlize had been an order from Lex. The whole thing was very upsetting.

Chloe found that she was shaking a little. Then she heard herself sniffling again and realized she’d started to cry. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t like being so emotional. It had been an accident and she knew it.

The broken sob on the other end of the line had him out of his chair and pacing the room. He was going to have to tell Kentashi to shove it and reschedule the meeting. His fingers pressed harshly against the bridge of his nose as he tried to find some words to calm Chloe down until he could get there.

“Shh, my sweet, calm down. It's okay,” he forced the words out through his teeth when all he wanted to do was curse up a blue streak and call a hitman on Charlize.

“I never should have left you alone with that woman.”

He realized what had transpired was entirely his fault. He'd been the one to make Chloe dominate the other woman and bitch that she was, Charlize had abused her temporary power over Chloe.

She would sorely regret that.

“You'll never have to see her again, I promise.”

His mind was already working on figuring out the right people to call to take care of this issue. Gary was only one of them.

“I want you to go take care of any injuries she's caused, then go home. I'll be there as soon as I can.”

Chloe was nodding as Lex spoke. “Ok, Lex.” She knew him well enough to know that he was pacing around his office like a caged animal. Probably coming up with strange, savage ways in order to kill Charlize.

She also knew that Lex had a very important meeting that was supposed to start, she looked over at the clock on the wall, in twenty minutes.

Her predicament was unique. She was his sub and would do as she was told and shouldn’t speak back to him. But she didn’t want him to ruin what could potentially be the deal of his life to tend to her. She wouldn’t forgive herself for that. No matter what Lex tried to tell her.

But he had told her to speak freely. “Lex, please,” she paused, trying to think of the best way to phrase this.

“Please don’t cancel your meeting.” He was silent on the other end of the line. “It’s nothing serious, my injury,” she said. “I just need some antiseptic and a band aid.”

She was inspecting the wound as she spoke to him. “There isn’t a need for you to rush over. It’ll keep.”

“How do you know...” At this point, Lex didn't care how she knew about a meeting that was on a strict need to know basis.

He shook his head and paced the length of his office again. The thought didn't sit well with him to leave her alone now. This entire debacle could be considered a failure on his part to keep up with his responsibilities, which meant a breach of their contract.

“I never should have let this happen. But the only thing I can promise you now is that nothing like this will ever happen again.”

He swallowed down the anger he felt at his own failure and Charlize's actions. “Go take care of your injuries, I'll see you as soon as I'm out of the meeting.”

Lex wanted to say 'I'm sorry', but it would have been a shallow thing to do. You could say 'I'm sorry' if you accidentally stepped on somebody's foot. This called for something much more substantial than a verbal apology.

“Ok, Lex, I’ll see you in a few hours.” She hoped that it was unspoken that he shouldn’t rush through the meeting. She gently put the phone back on the cradle and spent a few more minutes sitting on the desk.

She used some tissues that she kept in her desk drawer to clean herself up. There wasn’t much blood and the wound was mostly superficial. That stupid bitch didn’t know what in the hell was coming her way.

Chloe got off of her desk and put her clothes back on. She left her shoes off for the moment.

Her shirt hurt her even more but she was grateful that it was black. That way, no one would be able to see any blood that she wasn’t able to clean off at the moment.

She looked at her calendar for the day and was happy to see that there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be rescheduled.

Picking up her jacket and bag, she walked out of the door to go home.

“I got fucked at work today.”

The man looked up from his coffee and bagel.

Chloe’s hands rested on the back of the vacant chair that was at his small table.

She had needed some water before returning home and had stopped in a coffee shop. Not one that she’d been to before and not one that she would stop in ever again.

His mouth was agape. His lips started to move but Chloe wasn’t going to let him speak just yet.

“I was bent over a desk. By my dom.” Even though her body was in pain, she still remembered the pleasure she’d felt only a few hours ago.

“Your, your what?” Hank was from Utah. He was visiting his daughter at her college. He couldn’t believe that the woman had used such language.

“My dom. He tells me what to do and I do it. He uses my body. He controls me.” Her grip tightened on the chair.

“Miss, I’d appreciate it if you’d…” He gestured for her to leave.

“A friend of his watched. A woman. She masturbated as she watched his hands fuck my cunt and ass. She came when I told her to.” The man’s eyes widened and he started to get up from the table. Chloe had to tell him everything.

He’d heard enough.

But the woman followed him.

“He fucked my cunt,” Chloe said, keeping stride with the man. She could feel the plug and Lex’s come in her ass again. She bit down on her lip. She felt herself getting wet.

“Taxi,” he yelled. He ignored the vile woman. She kept talking.

“But he didn’t come there,” Chloe scanned the street. There weren’t any taxis in sight. The man looked down at her. Perfect.

“He pushed me down on the desk. My tits were pushed flat against the desk.” She’d forgotten about the clips. “I had paperclips on them and it hurt to be put in that position. But I liked the pain.” The man was horrified.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” the man said. “What is wrong with you?”

She ignored the question and went on. “He grabbed my hips and fucked my ass harder and harder. I’ll have bruises because of the force of it. But my ass could take it. It took an eleven inch dildo that was three inches thick.”

He started to walk away again. Chloe walked faster, passed him and then turned back around.

“He came in my ass. Hard. I could feel his hot come filling me. He barely let a drop slide out of my ass when he pulled his cock out.”

This time the man actually pushed passed her.

She was almost done. Chloe let him get a few feet away and he stopped at the crosswalk. She walked up next to him. He looked down at her.

“I have a plug up my ass,” she said. The man looked at her with disgust. This was all for Lex. He wanted her to feel that.

She would finish this for him. Chloe let the humiliation and shame wash over her.

“I can feel his come inside of me now.” She was breathing heavily. “And the sides of the plug in my ass. I’ll keep it in there until he takes it out of me.”

Hank looked down at the blonde. “Young lady, I hope that my daughter never has an occasion to meet a whore such as yourself. You are a sick fuck and I hope that you get some help.”

With that, the man walked away.

Chloe steadied herself on the lamppost that was nearest to her. She was done. She could go home now.

4th January 2007, 23:35
Damn that Charlize....what a bitch! I hope that she gets what she deserves for treating Chloe that way. I'm glad that Lex realizes his mistake & promised Chloe that nothing like that would happen again.

Leave it to Chloe to worry about Lex & his meeting when she was in pain. You know Lex doesn't want his contract with her to be void because of this.

I forgot all about the fact that Chloe had to tell a stranger about what had happened that day. In light of what happened I think Lex wouldn't of had her do that.

As always you ended it way too soon. Can't wait for more.

5th January 2007, 01:09
The rage that I was consumed by when Charlize decided to play dirty was equaled only by the satisfaction of knowing how much shit she'd get from Lex. The girl was stupid enough to do it in the first place and then she was even more stupid to say that Chloe was crying as if she was bragging about it. Dumbass needs to die. If only to increase the world's higher IQ.

Charlize is not a good Domme, forgetting that she came for a sub, she let her emotions get the better of her and put herself before care for a sub. Once more a sub that she was intrusted with by another Dom. She was majorly worried about the status in the community before but now that will be the least of her worries. If I cared about her, I'd suggest she change her name and hit the road. As it stands, I hope she remains her dumb self and sit right down in her office waiting for Lex's hired hitman to kill her.

Throughout this I was certain of two things: 1) Lex was going to be majorly pissed and 2) he was going to feel like crap for leaving Chloe in Charlize's 'care'.

Loved that he was going to cancel the meeting for her and that she cared and made him not.

Please don't skip the scene where Lex goes to check up on Chloe. And as bad as this whole thing ended up, some times the bad needs to happen so everything gets that much better. Yes there is going to be some trust problems. But I don't think Chloe will let this event destroy her arrangement with Lex. She still carries on his orders, so there is still trust there. And Lex is going to be just that much more careful when regarding Chloe now. He's going to have some of his own issues to deal with, going through blame and such, but I do think that they will able to get through this.

Thanks for ending it on a kind of light note. I was surprised to see that Chloe actually still did Lex's original order. I guess I thought she would forget with all the drama or it would be mute or something. The guy's reaction was priceless and even if you are understanding of a person's sexual choices, it is quite random and weird to just have them spouted out like that. Guess that just says something about our society.

5th January 2007, 03:48
booo hisss to Charlize.

bravo to blue and sabby for another excellent chapter :grin3:

5th January 2007, 04:36
Oooooooo I can't wait to see what Lex has in store for Charlize, I'd hope it would be ALOT of humiliation and suffering. I just felt a tear come up when he was trying to calm her down, it just shows how much he really cares for her. And the guy she told on the street! the last comment must have really hurt Chloe. :(

5th January 2007, 04:46
Tallk about taking the game too far. Charlize got what she deserved, but shame on Lex for letting anyone near his Chloe. That whole thing with the man at the coffee shop was just disturbing, I wonder if I would be disgusted as the man was or ask her if she needed help to get away from Lex. All in all a fascinating chapter.

5th January 2007, 10:09
Oooooooo I can't wait to see what Lex has in store for Charlize, I'd hope it would be ALOT of humiliation and suffering. I just felt a tear come up when he was trying to calm her down, it just shows how much he really cares for her. And the guy she told on the street! the last comment must have really hurt Chloe. :(

OH i know what ever Lex does to Charlize will be worth reading about... she is in so much trouble, and she needs to be punished right away, im sure Lex wont let this go for long.

5th January 2007, 10:15
I really enjoyed this update. Not because Chloe was hurt, but because it shows the gravity of Lex's responsibility and how the dom-sub relationship pulls both ways. I am so looking forward to the scene at Chloe's apartment when Lex gets out of his meeting.

I had forgotten all about Lex's instruction to tell someone about the experience after work and I marvel at Chloe's ability to complete every bit of the task even after the ordeal with Charlize.

I didn't really like the way Lex hushed and reassured Chloe over the phone, but I've never been a big fan of the endearment 'my sweet' because it always reminds me of vampires and their prey. So that's probably just my own neurosis being nitpicky.

I'm looking forward to the next update ALMOST as much as I crave an update of U.R. But I can't wait for any bluesabby story update and I would be delighted with a new chapter for any of them.

5th January 2007, 13:55
Oh Lex is going to do something really really REALLY bad to her. But what is really going to be interesting is seeing what Lex will do once he sees Chloe...and coming to that, she actually remembered what she had to do...Lex had most likely forgotten about that himself. Wonderful.
Next part please

5th January 2007, 18:50
Oh god oh god oh god. As you know, I'll reply in a bit. I've got tears in my eyes. Part of me is upset with Lex. Part of me feels sympathy for him. All of me wants to hug Chloe.

6th January 2007, 05:04
That damn bitch. Shit. I can't even type. :(

6th January 2007, 06:57
first of all, it's been awhile since the last time i left feedback on this story so i gotta say, i've been faithfully keeping up with every single chapter and they're so wonderful. i'm really intrigued with each chapter with this world of dom/sub relationship. i must say, you're very daring to take on this subject. it's so exciting to see where you take the story every single time! anywho, this particular chapter.... wow. i'm so disappointed in lex for not knowing charlize enough and yet allowing her into his sacred relationship with chloe. he better make it up to her big time. i mean, away from being chloe's dom, no one should be forced to go through that kind of torture... poor chloe. after all that, she still carried out her "assignment". her devotion to lex is incredible. and lex should show the same devotion to her. i hope he destroys charlize. that biznatch. can't wait to see what happens!

6th January 2007, 08:53
is it bad that i'm hoping for a scene where lex orders a hit on charlize? or at the very least, she should be living in a shack in Bolivia... i can't wait to hear what lex has to say to chloe when he meets her later tonight. :)

6th January 2007, 09:05
OH i would love a scene where a hit is ordered on charlize that would be awesome!

7th January 2007, 03:36
What a bitch-I hope that Lex rips her a new one for hurting Chloe. This was a wonderful chapter. Very will written. It gives the reader further understanding into the relationship between a sub/dom-not just the sexual element but trust & responsibility. Loved ending the chapter with Chloe telling someone about what happend had me smiling. I had forgotten all about that part. Can hardly wait for the next update.

7th January 2007, 12:16
Charlize had been impatient for the last three hours. Concentrating on her work had been impossible. Once the haze had lifted from her mind, it had penetrated her brain that she'd submitted to a sub. The thought was not only frightening, it had raised her ire.

She was a domme, she gave orders and didn't take them.

HA! I made a note of this in my last review. I THOUGHT Charlize’s possible reaction would include humiliation, anger and outrage once she came to her senses again. And it was thrilling to see that I had actually guessed correctly.

Her eyes narrowed. It was much larger than her own. This girl really was getting all the perks. Charlize closed the door behind her with finality.

How strange… I was under the impression that Charlize was a higher authority figure in the company compared to Chloe. Perhaps not…?

“Get up and come here,” she ordered without preamble.

By instructing her to check up on Chloe, Lex had given her a certain amount of power over the sub. She would have to do as told until Charlize heard from Lex otherwise.

The feeling of power was exquisite.

Yikes! This statement struck me with a sense of uneasy foreboding. AND it also helped me see (from the very beginning) the different way by which Lex views and treats the power he’s placed in charge of as compared to other doms.

I actually used to LIKE Charlize. I though her aversion to unnecessary punishment, and her obvious and very vocal appreciation of Chloe made her a ‘good’ domme.

But from this sentence, I got the impression that Charlize falls into the trap of letting her power go to her head. She becomes addicted to wielding it, without respecting or appreciating the consequences of being placed in charge of such power.

“So, you're Lex's obedient little slut, hrm?” Charlize's tone was deceptively nice as she kept circling the sub. She would make her pay for her boldness. And pay in spades.

“How much of a whore are you really, hrm?” She stopped in front of Chloe and looked down her body. “Let your breasts be abused and love to take it up your cunt and ass.” She leaned in and took a breath through her nose. “You still smell like come.”

That is DISGUSTING! Any affection I had for Charlize completely evaporated when I heard her using such filthy language. Filthy language delivered in a malicious fashion designed to hurt. Disgusting!

Chloe knew that she was in a very dangerous situation. The woman was clearly enraged by what had happened earlier. She knew that this woman’s reputation was at stake if Lex decided to let it slip that she’d come on the order of a sub.

Chloe is unfortunately bright enough to see how dangerous a situation she is in. But she’s helpless to do anything about it, except just suffer in silence, and hope it won’t get as bad as she imagines.

But she had to listen to the woman as if she were Lex. “Yes, I am Lex’s slut.” He’d never called her anything so degrading.

Lex would NEVER use such foul language. Even when he was furious with Chloe for biting on the dildo during her ‘testing session’… he never resorted to such vulgarity. And he certainly never took malicious, sadistic satisfaction in punishing Chloe the way Charlize is right now.

The only way she could respond was honestly and thoroughly. This woman represented Lex. “But I have taken more cocks in my mouth than my pussy. I’ve swallowed close to a gallon of come, I’d estimate.”

ewww! It was interesting to get the statistics of Chloe’s sexual history. And I raised my eyebrows when I realized Chloe had actually engaged in oral sex MORE than missionary. But still, the visual of swallowing a gallon of semen? ewwww!

“Such a cock hungry bitch,” Charlize said coldly. “Giving yourself away like a cheap, dirty whore.”

She took another step back from the sub. “You're nothing but a walking, talking cunt, aren't you?” she asked challengingly. “Take off your clothes, cunt. Show me your gaping fuckholes.” Her tone was cruel and commanding.

I thought my regard and respect for Charlize had hit rock bottom before, but every passing vulgar comment makes me want to CLAW her face open. This is disgusting behaviour, and unbecoming of a dom… even one who is in ‘punishment mode’.

She would show this sub some manners before she called Lex. Usually, she wasn't into punishment, but this slave had overstepped the boundaries too far.

Actually, it seemed like Charlize was seriously ENJOYING this punishment session too much for someone who was NOT supposed to be into causing pain for her subs.

I found it interesting that she thought of Chloe as a slave. Some doms seem to have such low regard for the human beings who have entrusted themselves into their care. It just puzzles me why self-respecting subs would allow themselves to be referred to in such a degrading and contempt filled way.

“Yes, Charlize,” Chloe said, obediently. She had to keep herself in control. Nothing too bad could happen. Lex had trusted her with this woman. Perhaps it was another test. That made sense.

It eased Chloe’s mind to think that Lex had told Charlize to be particularly brutal with her verbally. But there was a part of Chloe that doubted, very much, that that was true.

This spoke volumes about how much Chloe trusts Lex. That she would be willing to put up with such abuse, just on the suspicion that it was authorized by Lex.

She stepped back and stretched out an arm to point to the desk. “Not just a whore, but stupid too. Get flat on the fucking desk and spread your legs, cunt.”

Calling Chloe stupid? Calling her a cunt? My opinion of Charlize keeps sinking lower. It was actually calling her ‘stupid’ that really set my blood boiling. How DARE she?!

The woman didn’t know her safe word. And, at this point, Chloe doubted the woman would stop. She wanted Chloe to know her place. It was upsetting her more than she thought it would.

I didn’t realize HOW dangerous a situation this was until I realized that even the safety net of the safe word was gone. This is DEFINITELY wrong and immoral behaviour for a dom, forcing a sub into an uncomfortable and even potentially harmful situation without taking steps to ensure the safety and rights of the sub.

Don’t doms have ethical obligations to their subs? The first of which should include ensuring safe words before starting in with play and punishment? hmm... The ethics of a sub-dom relationship. ARE there any unwritten rules of conduct that must be obeyed, or is the phrase 'anything goes' applicable? (short of non-consensual sex, of course).

Charlize is NOT a good dom in ANY sense of the word. She can’t control herself during sessions (as evidenced by her reaction to Chlex during their strange threesome. AND she cannot handle power when placed in the advantageous position during sessions either.

She watched with her arms crossed over her chest as the sub fulfilled her order. Oh, she would have fun with this one. “Pinch your nipples, hard. Twist and pull them taut.”

Lex hadn't given her permission to touch his property, so she would have to be very specific in her orders. Not that Charlize had a problem with that. She wondered if she should get out some paperclips from the sub's desk.

“Use your fingernails, too.” Charlize walked around the desk to get a closer look at what the sub was doing. “Scratch your breasts and dig those nails into your nipples. I want to see marks.”

She could see that the woman was suffering. It wasn't so much the expression on her face as the tightness around the eyes and mouth. Charlize wasn't nearly done. “Such a slut. You have no self respect, don't you? Causing yourself pain, just because someone orders you to do so? Abusing your breasts without a word. You probably loved having your tits spanked with a ruler. Sluts like you get off on that.”

Charlize is SICK! Why did the last chapter say that she doesn’t enjoy doling out punishment, when it’s so obvious that she’s getting such satisfaction right now. It’s not really sexually satisfying for her, but the power-trip is definitely something that Charlize is really getting into.

I don’t want to imagine what kind of harm she does to her own subs when she loses her senses and perspectives during this intoxicating power-thrill she’s in the throes of right now.

Charlize was itching to go looking for a ruler and really give the woman what was coming to her. She was getting lost in the heady feelings of control and power. “Pinch those nipples harder, cunt. Use your nails, I don't care if you break skin.”

From the description, implications and observations in the last chapter, I had the impression that Charlize was actually a GOOD dom. She was nowhere near Lex’s level of control and style, but her attitude suggested that she was respectful of the power she held, and that she was even careful about how she wielded it.

This chapter blew all my initial impressions straight to hell.

She doesn’t deserve to be a dom or to have power like this. She doesn’t know how to handle it, or respect it. Charlize allowed her power-hungry/addictive nature get the better of her here. She let this power over Chloe go straight to her head, and she just stopped THINKING! If Charlize had managed to maintain proper control over herself, she would have had the sense of realize that Lex would NOT appreciate having ‘his property’ damaged and abused in this fashion, but the stupid woman just shut her brain off in the power trip she lost herself in.

Like I mentioned, she doesn’t know how to respect the cost and consequences of being a dom, so she doesn’t deserve to be one.

Inside, Chloe was screaming. The pain was almost unbearable but she kept clawing, rubbing and pinching at her nipples. She was surprised that she wasn’t bleeding. At least, not yet.

AND there is the fact that Charlize is sick enough to want blood in exchange for the humiliation she suffered. THAT is really pushing the ‘punish the sub’ envelope. Is this an exceptionally horrendous punishment, or is it considered acceptable to draw a ‘little’ blood during dom/sub sessions?

Has Lex ever forced blood from a sub before? During punishment? Or otherwise?

The pain wasn’t pleasant nor was it laced with pleasure. It was torture, plain and simple.

This woman would use her until she bled. Of that, Chloe was sure.

Poor Chloe! She is trapped in this horrible, horrific situation by her own determination to not fail. I wonder if anything like this happened during her session with her old dom…? She did mention once that he also often got carried away and caused some (more than tolerable) pain during his sessions with Chloe.

I get the feeling that bastard wasn’t able to handle power and it’s effects on himself any better than Charlize is able to.

I can’t believe Charlize was having smug thoughts about being part of the ‘private sector’ of the club. Kateandjason suggested that the ‘private’ and ‘public’ sectors of the club were not divided by wealth and ‘gentility’ as I originally believed, but actually by skills and reputation.

Once a person has proven his/her skills, he/she is deemed ‘worthy’ and invited to join the private sector… regardless of social background or breeding.

So how did such inept doms make it past any set standards to join the elite members of the club? All the doms that I have been 'introduced' to throughout this fic appear to be remorseless and crass ego-maniacs who have no real sense of respect for the power that has been handed to them.

“Good. I reckon her imagination has made her quite antsy over the last few hours.”

I feel a little sorry for Lex here too. He worked so hard to arrange and provide a ‘perfect session’ for Chloe, and all his hard work has come undone. Chloe is most definitely not going to be in the mood for whatever it was he had in mind for her tonight.

If not tonight, I was assuming that Lex was planning to close this extended foreplay with a huge finish sometime soon. But the mood has been broken.

“Hrm, I'm not sure. Do you want me to inspect her cunt for wetness?”

Charlize was hoping for the go, once she was allowed to touch, she could have that much more fun.

“No, don't touch her.”

I wanted to shudder in disgust and trepidation at Charlize’s request… AND her motivations behind the request. What could that disgusting woman have been planning??!! Wasn’t this torture enough to satisfy her ego-burn and her lust for yet more power?!

Charlize let her gaze trail over to the sub. “She's on her desk right now. I made her take off her clothes and lie down on it with her legs spread so I could see properly if she followed your instructions.”

Lex was silent for a long moment so Charlize continued. “She's playing with her breasts as we speak.” She stepped closer to the sub, taking another look at the dirty cunt. “She's not as wet as you'd want her to be though, maybe hearing your voice would help?” she teased.

Lex’s ‘silence for a long moment’ was interesting. I wonder whether he was starting to have nagging concerns about the situation even from this point. After all, he only asked (or told) Charlize to CHECK on Chloe… not to engage her in another session involving positional holds and self-stimulation.

Or perhaps he was just temporarily lost in the image of Chloe pleasuring herself again… But I somehow doubt it. Lex doesn’t like to share, which, I suppose, would include the exclusive SIGHT of Chloe as well as the feel of her.

I don’t suppose BlueSabby would like to confirm whether it was the former or the latter that was the cause of Lex’s silence…?

Lex was about to speak when she went on, “She's also crying a little, her face doesn't look so pretty when she does...”

Charlize really IS an idiot! WHAT was she thinking??!!

“Charlize, why is she crying?”

The voice that cut her off sounded low and deadly. It caused a shiver of fear to run down her spine. She swallowed and tried to think of the best way to answer that question.

“She...” Charlize paused, “Maybe she doesn't take too well to playing with her breasts...”

“What. Did. You. Do.” Every word sounded like the stab of a knife.

“I may have told her to pinch them and...”

“Charlize, hand the phone over to Chloe immediately and get the fuck out of the room.”

His voice was sharp and cold and for a second, Charlize could see a headline in front of her eyes. “Accountant found dead in gutter. Murder case unsolved.”

Like I mentioned earlier, Charlize allowed her power-trip to render her immensely stupid. If she had retained control over herself, she would have had the sense to not take things to such extremes. NOW she’s paying in spades for her second loss of control for the day.

“And I assure you, this will have consequences.”

I get the feeling the consequences are not going to be something as ‘relatively’ innocuous as Lex teasing and spreading the word about how Charlize submitted so contemptfully easily to Chloe’s order. Perhaps Lex is going to have her drummed and banned right out of the club.

Do the private dom members of the club have the right to penalize and punish each other if the situation calls for it? I’m sure there must be SOME form of penalty involved for serious transgressions.

I wonder if they have something as formal as lodging complaints, bringing up charges and getting a right to defend themselves in front of their peers.

“Hello.” She could hear the quaver in her voice and mentally kicked herself for it.

At the sound of her choked voice Lex sat ramrod straight in his chair. “Chloe, immediately stop doing whatever Charlize told you to do.”

His breathing sped up as he heard a tiny whimper over the phone. “It's okay my sweet, calm down. Everything is going to be okay.”

Charlize was a dead woman. Lex wasn't sure yet if just figuratively or literally speaking. “Take a deep breath,” he told himself as much as Chloe.

The horrific situation seems to have exacted quite an emotional toll from Lex as well as from Chloe. And probably for some of the similar reasons, both of them feel terrible about how helpless and vulnerable they are/were to this form of a… violating attack (an accurate way of describing what happened).

This is going to be quite a blow to Lex’s pride as a dom. He didn’t take Charlize’s nature into consideration, and he placed Chloe at risk because of his negligence and thoughtlessness.

There was still a slight tremor to Chloe's voice and he could only guess what she'd gone through until he'd broken it off. If that woman had touched his Chloe, she would die, no question.

His first thought was to drive back to Chloe's office and check her out himself, but there was no way he could get there and back in time for his meeting with the head of Kentashi Corporation. Billions rested on this meeting. He was still tempted to blow the man off, but knew he couldn't.

“Tell me, Chloe, speak freely.”

Chloe took a few deep breaths before talking again. She was trying to calm herself down. She could hear the tension in Lex’s voice and didn’t want to upset him anymore than was necessary. But she wasn’t about to lie, either.

“She hurt me,” she said. Chloe looked down at her chest and her suspicions were confirmed. “I’m bleeding.”

Before Lex could react, Chloe gave him a little more information. “She came in and I knew that she was mad that she’d obeyed me before. She called me a slut and a whore and said I was dirty.” The details could come later. For now, Lex just needed to get the big picture.

Hearing Chloe describing the situation in such dry tones doesn’t encompass the vulgarity and obscenity of what happened. But Lex is a smart boy, he can probably fill in the blanks.

“She ordered me up on the desk and made me open my cunt with my hands.” That hadn’t been all that bad.

While Lex deserved to know what had happened, she wanted to get off of the phone so she could attend to her wounds.

“Then, she had me start to scratch and pinch my nipples.”

The pain was bad. But the whole situation was horrible because Lex had given Chloe to this woman. She knew that he never would have done so if he had known this would happen, but she hadn’t been able to do anything because an order from Charlize had been an order from Lex. The whole thing was very upsetting.

It’s quite a paradox that only a sub as strong and determined as Chloe would be completely helpless in a unique situation like this. Any sub who was less steadfast in her control and her determination to submit perfectly and completely would have had the power to tell Charlize to shove off, but Chloe was determined not to fail, and therefore she was trapped in this horrific scenario.

Chloe found that she was shaking a little. Then she heard herself sniffling again and realized she’d started to cry. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t like being so emotional. It had been an accident and she knew it.

The broken sob on the other end of the line had him out of his chair and pacing the room. He was going to have to tell Kentashi to shove it and reschedule the meeting. His fingers pressed harshly against the bridge of his nose as he tried to find some words to calm Chloe down until he could get there.

Chloe has really lost her very finely tuned sense of control. But then again, I suppose it’s considered ‘within Lex’s orders’ for her to be emotionally distraught. He DID tell her to speak freely.

And her reaction really helps to show how upsetting she found this experience to be. And Lex knows Chloe well enough by now to know that she wouldn’t have been so BROKEN, unless the Charlize session had been particularly traumatizing.

I think it’s VERY interesting that Lex considers his relationship and arrangement with Chloe to be more important than his work. I wonder if he always treated his long-term subs on equal or higher par than LuthorCorp… or whether it’s only Chloe who is being given priority over making money (even if it is billions of dollars).

“Shh, my sweet, calm down. It's okay,” he forced the words out through his teeth when all he wanted to do was curse up a blue streak and call a hitman on Charlize.

This part was sweet, but struck me as immensely creepy. The way Lex was treating Chloe, it was the same way a parent would soothe a child after he/she woke up crying about monsters in the closet. I understand that it is the balance of power between them that leads Lex into this role of ‘protector’ and ‘supportive comforting authority figure’, but it still strikes me as creepy.

He realized what had transpired was entirely his fault. He'd been the one to make Chloe dominate the other woman and bitch that she was, Charlize had abused her temporary power over Chloe.

She would sorely regret that.

I’m ALSO very glad to see that Lex is accepting his share of the responsibility for what happened. He never should have left his precious sub in the care of a dom who was obviously unstable.

But I have to say I was/am VERY disappointed in Charlize. From the last chapter, I inferred that she was a dom who had a similar attitude towards subs, pain and punishment as Lex did. But then, this chapter revealed she was an unstable power-hungry freak who enjoyed proving her dominance over others through pain and humiliation.

Just ONCE, I’d like to see a dom who is within a hair almost as good at taking care of his charges as Lex is. All the other doms have shown themselves to be woefully inferior to Lex in terms of both attitude and skills… Isn’t there ANY dom who could considered a peer to Lex?

Hmmm. I don’t suppose there’s any chance of bringing in an alternative version of Bruce Wayne? Now THERE is someone (if twisted from canon correctly) who could give Lex serious competition for ‘top dom’. ;)

His mind was already working on figuring out the right people to call to take care of this issue. Gary was only one of them.

Erm… He wants Gary to comfort and take care of Chloe? Or does he want Gary’s help in bringing pain and misery to Charlize?

“I want you to go take care of any injuries she's caused, then go home. I'll be there as soon as I can.”

What about the minor injuries that HE caused. Lex was careful, but he DID use her rather roughly. I remember some mention of her ass being sore and red when he was done with her.

But he had told her to speak freely. “Lex, please,” she paused, trying to think of the best way to phrase this.

“Please don’t cancel your meeting.” He was silent on the other end of the line. “It’s nothing serious, my injury,” she said. “I just need some antiseptic and a band aid.”

She really IS quite a sub. She even goes to the point of placing more importance on Lex’s job than he does himself. Although, I certainly would not, COULD not have given up the chance of being pampered by a guilt-stricken Lex Luthor.

“How do you know...” At this point, Lex didn't care how she knew about a meeting that was on a strict need to know basis.

Heh. I’m also curious about this. I hope Lex is going to ask her how she knew. And why she felt the urge to find out about his affairs and business outside their arrangement. She’s a sub, after all. It is the dom’s duty to keep himself informed of all major activities taking place in his sub’s life and routine, so that he can plan out sessions accordingly… what does Chloe gain from learning about Lex’s business plans?

He shook his head and paced the length of his office again. The thought didn't sit well with him to leave her alone now. This entire debacle could be considered a failure on his part to keep up with his responsibilities, which meant a breach of their contract.

A ‘breach in contract’… I really liked this perception of the situation. It really helped to drive home the fact that this relationship between Lex and Chloe is first and foremost an Arrangement, or agreement with specified terms, conditions and responsibilities to be upheld by both parties.

The core of this relationship is really a cold, calculated business partnership. Nothing personal involved… At least, not YET!

I wonder if this slight ‘breach in contract’ means a re-negotiation is in order. Or whether Lex gets any penalties for ‘behaviour unbecoming a responsible dom’. Perhaps Chloe gets an increase in the number of times she can use her safe word…?

Lex wanted to say 'I'm sorry', but it would have been a shallow thing to do. You could say 'I'm sorry' if you accidentally stepped on somebody's foot. This called for something much more substantial than a verbal apology.

I LOVE how guilty Lex feels about what happened. It really shows how seriously he takes his responsibilities as a dom. And I can’t wait to see what he does to ‘make up’ for his ‘irresponsible behaviour’.

“He fucked my cunt,” Chloe said, keeping stride with the man. She could feel the plug and Lex’s come in her ass again. She bit down on her lip. She felt herself getting wet.

“Taxi,” he yelled. He ignored the vile woman. She kept talking.

“He pushed me down on the desk. My tits were pushed flat against the desk.” She’d forgotten about the clips. “I had paperclips on them and it hurt to be put in that position. But I liked the pain.” The man was horrified.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” the man said. “What is wrong with you?”

I didn’t know whether I found this visual of Chloe saying such graphic and vulgar things to a complete stranger to be incredibly shocking and horrifying… or incredibly hilarious.

Just the thought of Chloe following this poor distraught man out into the streets, and continuing with her confession despite his obvious disgust and attempts to keep FLEEING from her. Poor Hank! ROFLOL!

She would finish this for him. Chloe let the humiliation and shame wash over her.

Erm… Does Chloe ‘enjoy’ humiliation? I remember that this took me by surprise in the last chapter too. She enjoys being forced to make a fool of herself in public? Or was this some small part of a larger lesson Lex has in mind for her?

“I can feel his come inside of me now.” She was breathing heavily. “And the sides of the plug in my ass. I’ll keep it in there until he takes it out of me.”

Hank looked down at the blonde. “Young lady, I hope that my daughter never has an occasion to meet a whore such as yourself. You are a sick fuck and I hope that you get some help.”

With that, the man walked away.

Chloe steadied herself on the lamppost that was nearest to her. She was done. She could go home now.

It seems like she didn’t enjoy it after all. It seemed to be quite a trial for her. Poor Chloe has had one HELL of a bad day. First she was roughly used by Lex, and even though she performed beautifully, she wasn’t allowed to come… and then she was assaulted by Charlize… and finally had to end the day on a sense of shame. Lex had better have something GREAT in mind to make this day up to her.

I wonder if Lex would have excused Chloe if she had not done this confession thing after the trauma she suffered at Charlize’s hands. I wonder whether he would have considered telling Chloe not to go through with it (considering the trying day she’s already had)… if he had remembered what his orders had been.

As I mentioned, I would also LOVE to see more doms who up to the same standards of behaviour and responsibility as Lex is. Lex doesn't tolerate any nonsense or even the slightest sign of disobedience from his subs, but he RESPECTS them. All other doms in this fic seem to regard subs like slaves, or like cheap, disposable toys... there doesn't seem to be any real care, consideration or respect for the subs as real people.

Lex is the only dom (so far) who has demonstrated a fair (albeit strict) code of conduct towards his charge. Is there any chance of meeting a dom (other than Lex) that I don't end up completely disgusted with?

I’m looking REALLY forward to another chapter. Please, please, PLEASE update ASAP. I need more.

And thank you for the conflict in this chapter. I LOVED reading it… (So I’m ALSO a sick puppy who takes pleasure in the suffering and angst of others… sue me!).

More angst!!! please…?

12th January 2007, 07:37
I like this fick it's really verry insterinsting. I shows another side of both Lex and Chloe.

12th January 2007, 18:43
Ok. Hi there. I hope I make sense during this but I can't promise anything b/c there is just so much to cover.

First off, Charlize in the second part was different from the first part, but not entirely off the initial character. In the first episode she was very analytical and detached from Chloe as a person, she spoke about Chloe as a though Chloe were LESS than her and Lex, not just subservient to them, which bothered me a bit but not enough to really comment on it b/c honestly after everything I've read having an outside person view Chloe as an ends to a means was not something I really felt compelled to raise a flag about. Turns out I should have, because I think that was a big clue that I totally missed. Her treatment of Chloe in the second part is entirely misplaced if she had the same views on Domination as Lex did. If she had the same perspective Lex did on dominating, then Charlize should have been royally pissed at LEX, not Chloe, for the instruction to come. Charlize would not be a dominator if there was not a person who WANTED to be dominated. She was high on a powerkick intended to re-establish her superiority over Chloe, but she didn't seem to get that the only reason Chloe would do ANYTHING was because in Chloe's mind Chloe as ALLOWED that power to Lex.

And Lex. Lex Lex Lex. I just don't know how I feel about this situation. On the one hand, he's so thorough I feel that he would have definitely done some investigation into Charlize's treatment of her subs before planning on putting Chloe into her care, no matter how brief that time is. So I really can't blame him for Charlize's absolute abuse that that privilege. Yet on the other hand I can't believe he had his sub dominate a dominator without telling them beforehand that he was planning it. Of course that would piss of the other dom! Doms don't test or push other doms, and they certainly don't have their subs do it for them. And then he put his sub in the power of the other dom. Looking back, I just can't believe he was so trusting of Charlize. I'm sure that in his mind he was quite confident that Charlize would enter Chloe's office, Chloe would bend over and show the plug, Charlize would confirm and Lex would have words for Chloe to further their pleasure. That would be it because that is was what he told Charlize to do and he was Lex Luthor, of course she would do just exactly what he instructed. But in the world of Domination, don't doms all consider themselves equal? Once you enter the situation, power is power, no matter who you are. That's the appeal. Hindsite is 20/20, and I feel I've got perfect vision. :(

Finally, poor Chloe. I can't believe she stopped and followed through on her instructions. I know Lex wouldn't have wanted her to, and we know he's scared she will break off their relationship due to gross negligence on his part, but the fact that she accepted further abuse from a stranger for him shows to me that she is certainly still committed to their relationship and that she doesn't blame Lex yet for what happened to her. Even though it'll be hard, I hope she does get angry at him at least a bit for leaving her in the care of another dom. It's hard to get upset at the person you love when there is someone else to blame, but I hope she is able to do it b/c then it shows that she is still in control of the power she gives up. Does that make sense?

12th January 2007, 20:07
First off, Charlize in the second part was different from the first part, but not entirely off the initial character.

If she had the same perspective Lex did on dominating, then Charlize should have been royally pissed at LEX, not Chloe, for the instruction to come. Charlize would not be a dominator if there was not a person who WANTED to be dominated. She was high on a powerkick intended to re-establish her superiority over Chloe, but she didn't seem to get that the only reason Chloe would do ANYTHING was because in Chloe's mind Chloe as ALLOWED that power to Lex.

I was also really disappointed in Charlize... and I am with ALL the doms I have seen so far. They seem to regard and treat their subs with thinly veiled contempt, as if it proves that they are strong and powerful because their charges are made to seem weak and insignificant.

Lex seems to be the ONLY person who actually has respect for the subs, and regards them as human beings rather than cattle or slaves.

I feel that he would have definitely done some investigation into Charlize's treatment of her subs before planning on putting Chloe into her care, no matter how brief that time is.

But in the world of Domination, don't doms all consider themselves equal? Once you enter the situation, power is power, no matter who you are. That's the appeal.

Lex DID acknowledge that he had been negligent in his dom-duties when he handed Chloe over in Charlize's care. He was responsible for Chloe's safety, and he freely admitted to himself that he should have known better than to have handed Chloe off to someone who she had so recently humiliated.

I'm quite sure he feels terrible about what happened, and he's going to try his utmost to make sure such a thing NEVER happens again.

I know Lex wouldn't have wanted her to, and we know he's scared she will break off their relationship due to gross negligence on his part, but the fact that she accepted further abuse from a stranger for him shows to me that she is certainly still committed to their relationship and that she doesn't blame Lex yet for what happened to her.

I think it's been covered that Chloe knows what happened was an accident. And I'm pretty sure Lex is not seriously scared that Chloe is planning on leaving him, but he also knows he has some amends to make. AND he might be scared that he might have lost some of Chloe's trust on this day...

Which is a real blow to the Arrangement considering how hard Lex has worked to establish the trust in the first place.

I’m still wondering about the term ‘breach of contract) and whether or not this entails renegotiating of some sort. There was also mention of Lex making a note that he would have to apologise to Chloe in ‘some substantial way’? I mentioned already that a good gesture of apology could have been to increase the number of times Chloe can use her safe word.

But there is also a possibility of Lex making a Chloe/Lex gesture rather than a dom/sub gesture. Like inviting her out for an evening of dinner and conversation as Chloe Sullivan rather than ‘Lex’s sub’. I guess I’m just trying to needle BlueSabby into setting up another casual conversation between the two of them that DOESN’T involve Chloe being still and silent unless ordered otherwise…

Something like that lovely snarky breakfast they shared a couple of chapter back?

And there is also the matter of ‘the consequences’ that are due to Charlize. Of course there is always the possibility of Lex convincing her sub/s to leave her… or perhaps even having them confiscated from her (on the grounds that she doesn’t really deserve them), and then getting her drummed out of the private sector of the sub/dom community, ruining her career, etc, etc…

I was also considering the matter of a public apology to Chloe herself.

Is Chloe obliged to be magnanimous and accept an apology from Charlize, even if she really, REALLY doesn’t want to? Are subs supposed to act submissive towards other doms that have wronged them? I wonder how Chloe is supposed to behave around her old dom…? Is she ‘allowed’ to carry a grudge for the way she was treated by him?

What if ‘old-dom’ orders Chloe to announce out loud (at one of those sub/dom parties) that SHE was completely in the wrong and therefore solely responsible for the break in their Arrangement?

I have waaay too many thoughts about this fic. I haven’t even covered HALF the questions that keep springing to mind about what’s happened and what MIGHT happen. The only thing that keeps the clamour in my mind silent (for a few minutes) is actually READING another chapter of Arrangement. Please, for the peace of my mind, update ASAP!!!

14th January 2007, 04:22
i'm not much for long reviews so i'll sum it up in a few words...i'm dying here! please write more soon! the suspense is killing me! ok, so a little more than a few words but you get the idea.

14th January 2007, 06:16
She was a domme, she gave orders and didn't take them.
This is not starting off well. She has to be pissed but what can she really do to her.

But she had to listen to the woman as if she were Lex. “Yes, I am Lex’s slut.” He’d never called her anything so degrading.
I don't like her talking to her this way. Lex has never called her anything like this before and I don't think he would approve.

It eased Chloe’s mind to think that Lex had told Charlize to be particularly brutal with her verbally. But there was a part of Chloe that doubted, very much, that that was true.
Yup there is plenty of doubt here. I don't think Lex would ever want anyone else calling Chloe names and bossing her around as if she was his to share.

“Charlize, why is she crying?”

The voice that cut her off sounded low and deadly. It caused a shiver of fear to run down her spine. She swallowed and tried to think of the best way to answer that question.
She should be scared and I think that Charlize better leave town and quick.

His voice was sharp and cold and for a second, Charlize could see a headline in front of her eyes. “Accountant found dead in gutter. Murder case unsolved.”
HA! I don't think he'd kill her but getting her fired and getting her throw out on the sub/dom world because she submitted to a sub. Disgrace is better then death. She'll have to live with it.

Chloe steadied herself on the lamppost that was nearest to her. She was done. She could go home now.
WOW! I was wonder who she would tell and I guess it went well enough since she got it all out and didn't have to restart the story and stop another stranger.

Great update. I hope Lex and assure Chloe that something like that won't happen again. I'm sure they can get back all this and move on with Lex plans for the next party.

14th January 2007, 19:20
Blue: A/N: So here's the fallout. Hope you're not disappointed. Enjoy!

Sabby: She stole my line, so there's really not much more to say. Keep giving us the good stuff feedback wise, we really do appreciate it.

Lex was doing a good job at kicking himself while driving through the busy streets of downtown Metropolis.

He'd been about ten minutes into his meeting with Kentashi when his mind had flashed back on his conversation with Chloe. That was when he'd realized he'd forgotten to take back the orders he'd given her before he'd left the office.

His mind had been screaming at him to leave the room and call her immediately, but rationally, he had known that it was already too late by then. She would have done as told and gone straight home as he told her.

Lex had become quite vicious at that point and wrapped up the meeting fast enough to make the other business man's head spin. He was glad his Japanese was fluent enough that he hadn't had to rely on an interpreter.

The thought that Chloe had to go through more humiliation after already being abused by a woman he had left her with was turning his stomach.

Tires squealed as he took another turn. His mind was working frantically. He remembered that she'd bled from whatever Charlize had made her do to herself. His eyes narrowed and he pulled into the next drive of a pharmacy.

The assistant looked dumbstruck as he rattled off the list of supplies he wanted from gauze pads to antiseptic, involving a few creams for bruises and sore skin and rounding off with bathing and massage oils.

He slapped two hundreds on the table and left with a large brown paper bag.

The moment he was back in his car, he realized his anger still hadn't abated. He needed to do something about Charlize, now.

Lex pulled out his cell and punched in the number. After four rings, someone finally picked up.



The man sounded surprised. He would be even more so in a minute.

“I'm calling because I expect you to do yourself and your club a favor,” Lex growled coldly.

“What the hell? Lex what's going on?” Gary had gone from confused to confused and pissed in a heartbeat. Good.

“Charlize far overstepped her boundaries today, she hurt Chloe and I expect her to be removed from the member list of the club.”

“What do you mean, she hurt Chloe?” Gary sounded more pissed than confused now. The voice of a woman cut in over his next few words. “She did WHAT?!”

Lex stared at his cell phone as two voices came through simultaneously. “Honey, why don't you let me...” “Oh, no you don't. Lex, it's Mary Ann, what happened?”

She glared over at Gary. He might be the face of the club but they both owned it. When she had heard that a member had been hurt, she’d picked up the other phone that was in the office. If someone needed to be dealt with, she’d do it. Especially if someone hurt a sub. Mary Ann might be a sub but that didn’t mean that she stood by and took whatever was dished out.

There were rules and god forbid someone had broken them.

She listened as Lex described, in great detail, what Charlize had done. She’d overstepped her bounds because she’d been undone by a sub. Mary Ann gripped the receiver of the phone even tighter.

She looked over at Gary, his expression mirrored hers.

“Lex,” she said, “Charlize will be fired from her job for incompetence, her file will be leaked to the press and her life will be ruined by the end of business today.” That was in twenty minutes but she was a fast worker.

Lex blinked at the vehement tone of Mary Ann's voice. He hadn't ever dealt with the woman on a personal level. He knew she was Gary's sub and must have been for a while. She wore the man's collar, so was off limits to everyone else.

He'd suspected she might hold more than the average power in her position, but this confirmed it. Mary Ann obviously had a lot to say about what was going on inside the club and outside of it.

His gaze fell to his hand on the steering wheel and he noticed it was still shaking from anger. If Mary Ann really had the power to go through with what she'd just promised, it would spare him a lot of work.

“I'd appreciate it, but be honest if you can't arrange it and I'll get my own people on it.”

His mind was still on reel from his retelling of the story and at this point he just wanted to get back on the road and to Chloe's apartment as fast as possible.

“I can arrange all of it,” she said, confidently. She knew the head of the company that Chloe worked for. Not socially or from the club scene. They’d actually grown up on the same street, of all things. They had been friends since they were children.

The man trusted her and she would use that to her advantage. Charlize would be fired in ten minutes.

The file was easy enough. She’d give it to one of her friends who was a horrible gossip. Not a photocopy of the file. The woman’s real file full of all of the details that were to be kept totally secret.

Mary Ann would call Charlize herself and tell her that she was no longer welcome at the club.

“Tend to Chloe, Lex.” She knew that that was what the man was going to do as well as she knew her own name. “Everything else will be taken care of.”

“Thank you,” Lex said honestly, then hung up.

He'd have to find an appropriate way to thank this woman for her help later.

Now, he needed to get to Chloe's.
Traffic had held him up, but he was at Chloe's front door about twenty minutes later. Keeping hold of the bag of medical supplies with one arm, he knocked on her door.

Lex was still kicking himself for his neglectfulness. He should have remembered to take back his orders. Never mind etiquette or the rules, the situation would have demanded of him to relieve her of any other obligations he put on her after this disastrous meeting.

When the door still didn't open, he knocked again, a bit more forcefully.

Chloe had been asleep. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep but it had happened anyway. The knocking at the door had woken her up. Lex.

She got up out of the bed and wrapped the sheet around her body. She carefully avoided her nipples. As she walked to the door she felt Lex’s come inside of her. She had enjoyed this lesson immensely. It was a pity it had gone so wrong at the end.

After checking that it was indeed Lex through the peephole, she opened the door.

Once she saw him, she felt her knees bend automatically. She had to get into position. It didn’t matter if her neighbors saw.

Lex caught her arm the moment he realized what she was doing. “None of that.”

He stepped inside fully and kicked the door shut behind his back.

Now that he was inside he immediately checked over Chloe. First her face. She hadn't spilled any more tears, thank goodness, then her body. She was covered by a sheet.

“Show me,” he voiced softly and let go of her arm.

When Chloe let the sheet fall, he couldn't stifle a hiss at the sight. Her breasts looked sore. Both nipples were chafed and her nails had left angry red marks that stood out starkly on her pale skin. Some small capillaries had broken and bruises were starting to form.

“Fuck,” he cursed as he took in the pain he had ultimately been the cause of.

His eyes trailed further down to take in the bruises he had left on her during the beginning of the session. They looked angry as well. He couldn't imagine what she felt like right now. Abused like a cheap piece of meat instead of being taken care of properly.

Lex shook his head. “I..” Words failed him for a moment. “Where's your bedroom?”

They were standing in her living room. He could take care of this on the couch, but the idea of causing her any more discomfort was as repulsing as the sight of her abused body.

Lex’s tone was strange. It was caught somewhere between his regular voice and his dom voice. Plus there was the look he had gotten on his face when he’d seen her body.

She had known what his reaction would be when he looked at her breasts. But he also looked upset by the bruises that his hands had left on her hips. And she’d enjoyed that.

She wanted to set him straight but wasn’t sure if she was allowed to speak about that.

“It’s this way,” she said, gesturing over her left shoulder. She turned around and started walking towards it.

Lex's gaze fell down the line of her body as he followed her. Seeing the plug sticking out between her legs, he wanted to kick himself again. This would be the first thing to take care of.

He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings. The most important thing was to get her comfortable on her bed and start repairing the damage he'd caused.

“Lie down on the bed, on your side.”

His eyes followed her movements, noticing that they were pretty steady. Assessing her, he could tell that the worst damage had been done to her breasts. At least as far as her body was concerned.

How much this had damaged their partnership, he couldn't quite tell yet.

Lex settled down on the bed behind her and put the paper bag at his side.

“Move up your leg a little,” he instructed as he moved one hand under the limb to support its weight.

He could see that the skin around the toy was red and stretched taut. Lex gritted his teeth against his anger and stayed calm. “Take a deep breath and try to expel the plug when you breathe out.”

Lex’s touch calmed Chloe at once. He was here now and they would work through what had happened and what it meant for each of them.

She did as instructed and pushed the plug out of her ass. The alleviation of the constant pressure she had felt during the course of the day felt odd.

Her hands fisted on the pillow that was in front of her. “Lex.” She breathed out his name as she felt his come spill from her body.

She breathed heavily and arched her neck slightly as the come settled between her legs. Her body had kept it warm and it was as if he’d just come in her.

“Shh, it's alright,” he lowered his voice to a murmur.

His gaze flicked around and he found a waste basket next to the bed under her nightstand. He dumped the toy in the trash, then went for the paper bag to find the antiseptic tissues he'd bought.

“Tell me if this hurts,” he said as he brought the first wet cloth down on her sore skin, wiping off the come and already caked juices as gently as possible.

He watched as her hole slowly closed up, now that the toy was removed, and there didn't seem to be any further damage.

Listening for any signs of discomfort, he exchanged the soiled tissue with a fresh one and started looking for the cream he'd gotten to take care of the aggravated skin.

When the bag didn't immediately deliver, he dumped the entire contents on the mattress at her feet.

The way that he was cleaning her and treating her gently felt wonderful. She knew that he was trying to make up for the treatment that she’d suffered at Charlize’s hands. She appreciated it but it still felt strange.

Yes, part of the fault of this lay on Lex’s shoulders. But it wouldn’t do for him to continue to flagellate himself over it. They wouldn’t be able to move on. He wouldn’t properly use her body if he was worried about her comfort all of the time.

Chloe could hear Lex’s annoyed sounds behind her. He didn’t need the added stress. Even though she hadn’t been told to do so, she wanted to turn around and tell him that he needed to start talking to her. Her pain was a temporary thing which had already begun to fade.

She needed to tell him that she’d enjoyed the lesson up until the point where Charlize had become rough with her. Being fucked at work with someone watching. Having someone act as Lex. Telling the man on the way home. All had taken her to another height. But Lex didn’t think that any of that mattered at the moment.

Instead, she lay there silently and hoped that she would be given permission to speak.

Lex finished applying the cream and put it away, then wiped his hands on another antiseptic tissue. The bruises on her hips were taken care of already and it looked like no further damage had been done to her back.

“Roll over onto your back.”

This would be the hard part. He knew that going over the scratch marks and scabs would cause her discomfort, but he needed to make sure that she didn't get an infection from what Charlize had forced her to do.

As she turned around, he could see that her face was drawn tight. Her entire body was tense as she lay silently staring at the ceiling. “Relax, my sweet, you don't need to impress me right now.”

His gaze went to her chest and he shook his head. “I should have taken care of this sooner.”

He pulled out yet another antiseptic tissue and slowly started running it down her chest and to her left breast. He could tell that this one had taken the worse abuse.

“You're my responsibility and I shouldn't have left you alone with that woman. It can't be changed now, but,” he trailed off as Chloe winced and removed the tissue from her skin for a moment.

Bending over her, he blew a cool stream of breath over the strip of skin he'd just treated, then dumped the tissue in the trash.

The waste basket was slowly filling up.

“I realize that your last dom might not have cared about things like this,” he continued as he sat back up and squeezed a small line of the cream onto his finger.

Lex covered the injured area as carefully as possible, adding more cream as he worked. “This is part of my duty as your dom. It's not just in my obligation to use you as I see fit, but also to take care that you are used properly and according to our agreement.”

He pulled up a gauze pad and gently covered her breast with it. “I failed to do that today.” His words were hard and blunt. There was no need to sweet talk about it. “It won't happen again.”

His fingers worked steadily at her other breast, giving it the same treatment as the left. When he was done, he wiped his fingers with the last clean tissue and dumped it in the trash.

Picking up the bandage tape, he tore of a few strips and fixed the gauze pads to her chest as securely as possible.

“You are not going to be fit for another session for a while, so I expect you to recuperate properly. Stay home for a few days and take care of your injuries. I'll leave the supplies here with you.”

Having said his piece, his eyes went back up to Chloe's face. The look had changed slightly, but she was still a little tense.

Lex stood up to cover her lower body with the sheet, then settled back down beside her.

“I can tell you have something to say.” He cocked his head to the side.

He wasn't sure what to expect once he gave her permission to speak, but since she hadn't used her safe word, he didn't believe it would be anything as rash as reneging their agreement.

“Look at me and tell me.”

There was so much that Chloe wanted to say that she took a moment before she spoke. She knew that her words wouldn’t be as organized as she would like but the content, not the way she delivered them, was what was important.

“You didn’t mean for this to happen,” she said, softly. “I know that Lex.” She locked her gaze with his. “I will not pretend that what happened today wasn’t upsetting.” She wouldn’t lie to him. “To be hurt by someone acting as you…”

She trailed off. She didn’t know how to finish that sentence. “Was painful in more ways than one,” she finished.

“However,” she said, “I know that you would have stopped it had you had the power. You researched her and there was nothing in her file that would have told you that she would act in that way.” It wasn’t a question, she knew the way that Lex worked.

“I enjoyed everything that happened up to that point,” she said, steadily. “It was freeing and invigorating. The bruises that are on my hips are a small price to pay for feeling you as I did this afternoon. Your cock and hands working at my body furiously…” Her chest was rising and falling heavily now.

“My body is yours to use as you please. If you go back on that, I will be forced to end our arrangement.” She didn’t want Lex going easy on her because of today. “I agreed to be yours because I knew that you would push me. You would show me pleasure and pain that I hadn’t experienced before. I crave it.”

“I thank you for the break,” she said, carefully. “I know part of your job is to take care of me.” She paused. “However, I do not necessarily need a few days. I will take it if you still think I need it after I have spoken. But, you can use my cunt, ass and mouth. They have not been injured.”

She licked her lips. She wasn’t used to speaking to Lex for such a long period of time. “Even after this occurred, I became wet when telling the stranger about you using my ass as I was bent over the desk. I could feel your come in my body while I spoke to him. He was disgusted, called me a whore and told me I needed help. I felt ashamed but knew I had done well.”

“This did not break me, Lex.” She looked at him levelly. “It will take more than that cunt to do so.”

Lex's eyes narrowed and a smirk was tugging at his mouth. Pride washed through him at her honest words and he was glad that after all that had happened, she was still willing to go on with their agreement.

Of course he was not pleased at her threat of ending the contract. It seemed she didn't trust him to fulfill his part completely since he'd shown concern and kindness. There was still a lot she had to learn.

“I'm pleased that you're reacting so well,” he spoke slowly, “And that you want to serve me despite the obvious discomfort you’re in.”

His gaze traveled the length of her body before it settled back on her face. “Don't make the mistake to take my kindness as weakness. I will continue to use your body as I see fit and I will do it when I think you are ready to bear what I demand of you.”

It was part of is role to know her body better than she did herself. Right now, even though she thought she might be able to take it, Lex knew that wasn't the case. “I have arranged for another party in a week's time and I want you to be ready and in top shape by then.”

He had planned to surprise Chloe with this, but under the circumstances, it was better to tell her straight on. To remove any trace of doubt that his behavior towards her might change.

“You will be presented to a group of our mutual acquaintances and I expect you to show yourself in your full glory and be prepared to obey any and all of my orders flawlessly.”

As Chloe looked up at him, she wanted to ask if he thought she was ready now. She wanted his touch and wanted to please him after the harrowing day that they’d both had.

“I will do whatever you desire of me, Lex.” Her voice was stronger now. She supposed that a week wasn’t too long to wait. Even though she was already damp now after thinking about her afternoon chat with a stranger.

“I love it when you put me on display for all to see. I’ve never particularly enjoyed that before you.” Her other dom hadn’t come up with such interesting situations. Now she could recognize that she’d always felt a little sleazy when he’d arranged things. But not with Lex.

He’d changed numerous things for her. “If you desire not to use me for a week, I will obey you.”

“I expect nothing less.”

Lex got up from the bed and stepped back. “Sleep now, I will call on you to check if you're following my orders and when it's time for the party.”

Her little speech had gotten him aroused again, but his mind had discarded any and all scenarios it had come up with. There was no way he could use her tonight that wouldn't aggravate her injured breasts and that was not something he planned to do.

He left the room and consoled himself with the fact that he would use her again in due time. The party would be an excellent venue for that, being that this time, only an exclusive number of club members were invited. He made a mental note to include Gary and Mary Ann on the guest list.

Mary Ann looked around the club. The appearance of it had been changed slightly. The floor that was usually crowded with tables and chairs was now more Spartan. Just as Lex had requested.

They would lose out on a shitload of money but Gary, after a few minutes of her asking some pointed questions, had finally confessed that they had to do whatever Lex wanted. Or else Chloe would sue.

She still couldn’t believe Gary’s stupidity of just handing over Chloe’s file to Lex.

Mary Ann ran her fingers over her collar. If only she wasn’t so fucking devoted to him.

There were only a few couples milling around. As requested, everyone was dressed to the nines. For some that meant leather, for others it meant crotchless apparel and for others it meant only wearing their piercings. Those were the doms. The subs, of course, were all naked. Mary Ann included.

In the middle of the room there was a circular, white, padded platform that had been lit. Chloe was in for an experience.

She heard various doms talking about Chloe. Horace had been practically salivating and Bella had been singing her praises. Iggy kept wondering if doubling her price would sway Lex to let her borrow her.

The other topic of conversation was Charlize’s fall from grace. The woman had already moved out of town. No doubt happy to escape with her life.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door under the stairs opened. Lex was perfectly on time as usual. Gary appeared at her side. “Go introduce yourself.” His voice was stern.

The walk over to Lex and Chloe was difficult. Gary had strapped a vibrator to her body and it had been on the low setting for the past few minutes.

Chloe had entered the club naked. Lex had allowed her to wear a coat from her apartment into his limo, but he’d taken it from her as soon as she’d been safely tucked away in the car.

They’d waited by the side door for thirty seconds. Chloe naked and cold, Lex looking at her body. She’d made sure to get waxed a few days ago. She called him for his permission and he’d instructed her to do something different with her cunt. She now had a Brazilin wax. Instead of the usual kept triangular shape, Chloe now just had one thin line of hair leading to her pussy. When the yanking motion hadn’t killed her swaying breasts, she had known she was fully healed.

A small Asian woman was approaching her and Lex. Lex had told her in the car to look at whomever and whatever she wanted before he gave her other instructions. Chloe could see that there were barely thirty people in the club.

The woman stopped in front of them and Chloe heard a sound. Her eyes were drawn downwards. The woman had an active vibrator in her pussy.

Her eyes also made note of the leather strap around the woman’s neck. She’d been collared. It meant that she was off limits to everyone else but her dom unless express permission had been given. Chloe had read about that but actually never seen it. Those in the public arena didn’t make such long term commitments.

Mary Ann took in Chloe’s appearance. Her body was a gift and she was curiously looking about her. “Hello.” She did not make eye contact with either Lex or his sub. “I am Mary Ann. My body belongs to Gary. All is ready.”

Lex looked the woman up and down. Somehow the picture before him was incongruent with the voice he remembered clearly from a week ago. The stern and vicious woman he'd heard then was nowhere to be seen.

“Very good, Mary Ann, we will begin shortly.”

He turned his attention back to Chloe. Her breasts had healed nicely with no trace left of the damage that had been done. The other bruises also had had time to fade, so her skin was flawless from head to toe. Chloe's hair was held up in a French twist, keeping it out of her face. There was no make up to be seen. Perfect.

“Follow me,” he instructed her as he moved towards the stage in the center of the room.

He took the few steps up to get onto the platform and waited for Chloe to join him. She still had to be prepared for her presentation.

Lex turned his attention to the crowd for a moment. “My friends,” he raised his voice, waiting until he had the attention of the doms milling around the room. “The official part of the evening will begin shortly. If you care to watch while I prepare Chloe here for her display, feel free to gather around the platform.”

14th January 2007, 20:27
Nooooo!!!!! You've done it again & ended it right when I wanted to know what was going to happen on the platform. Excellent chapter. So glad CHarlize was fired & ruined. SHe deserved it. Glad that LEx was there for Chloe. Important that he pointed out that his attentiveness shouldn't be confused for weakness. Can't wait for more.

15th January 2007, 00:09
Nice to know that a sub could dominate. A very interesting part. But that collar thing got me interested- will we see Lex going down that road?
Seeing Lex so.....angry, was quit nice as weird as it might sound. The dom control of his part had obviously been...wounded. At the same time the scene in the apartment made them look even more connected than before- very interesting.

Well my dears- can't wait for the display to start...and lj715 is right, you keep as hanging in the worst/best parts:)

15th January 2007, 00:24
I'm glad that Lex's main concern is Chloe. Glad he took care of her and did feel like an ass. I'm also happy that they both understand each other now and that their arrangement doesn't appear to be damaged. They went through a trial and are now better for it, good for them.

Mary Ann is awesome and I was a tad bit worried about Charlize because desperate and crazy people will do bad things when they have nothing but I hope that the knowledge that Lex will kill her if she ever does anything bad to Chloe again will make her smart enough to stay away.

I like learning about all the specifics of the dom/sub life. Just because Mary Ann is a sub, doesn't mean she's lost all since of herself. Very much like Chloe and they take even more pleasure out of the choice they made.

I can't wait to see what's going to happen next and I really hope Chloe doesn't displease Lex because he will have to show her he means business about not letting up just because he was nice before. I want things to go well for both of them, so good things only please for now.

15th January 2007, 01:05
YAY an update, and i cant wait to see what Lex has in mind for Chloe now... please update soon!

15th January 2007, 01:47
But that collar thing got me interested- will we see Lex going down that road?

I was wondering that myself.

I loved hoe Lex took care of Chloe.

Please, Please update this soon.