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View Full Version : How We Never Met Series - Part 10 - "It Happened One Easter" (PG-13) - Complete

22nd April 2006, 03:09
Thanks goes to Esther for proving that I do have a couple more Chlex's in me yet. Enjoy.

Title: How We Never Met Series - Part 10 - "It Happened One Easter"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13 (language)

Category: Chlex (eventually), Holiday Fic, Lex's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

Summary: Lex meets his match one Easter Day.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, The Twilight Zone, Easter, and Easter eggs, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their in this piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: At BAFsFF, BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and fan_fic_certral, for the time being. If somebody else wants it all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: This is dedicated to Esther for her being here at the birth of this piece. If not for that, it would never be. And that is the honest truth---she has become my human muse while my other muse is musing in VM and now CSI Miami. Thanks, sweetie. Enjoy guys.

How We Never Met Series - Part 10 - "It Happened One Easter" - by PMD

Prologue: Another party---why me?


Metropolis Towers - Rooftop – Outdoor Garden

I walk outside into the garden, letting out a deep sigh, bored out of my mind.

My father couldn't make it to this business soiree---Mom was with Julian and he joined her at the hospital---one of those things that happens to kids. I was happy to come at first but then, I forgot how boring these things could be. Not even a girl by my side, that's how quickly I had to come.

"Hey, watch where you're walking, Jackass!"

I didn't know I had bumped into a person until that very moment---I thought I was alone---evidently not.

She turns around and I see her hazel eyes glowing---with anger. Then they calm down.

"Sorry, Mr. Luthor."

"You know my name?"


"I don't know yours."

"Evidently too."

"You're not going to tell me."

"Why should I?"

"Because it's the polite thing to do.

"And not bumping into me in the first place would be polite too."

She moves away from me and I feel strange---almost bereft without her so near to me.

"You really aren't going to tell me your name."

She looks at me. "Evidently you are smarter than they say you are."

She turns and walks towards the door leading to the party inside.

"Hey, come back here."

She stops and turns around. "Why?"

"Because I say so?"

"Ooooo, no wonder your girlfriends don't stay around long, Mr. Luthor. You order them around."

Wow---what the hell did I ever do to her except bump her by mistake?

I walk up to her as she turns towards the door again. I pull at her arm and I hear a slosh and a yelp.

Oh shit! I didn't see her before and I missed the drink too---why didn't I see that?

She turns back around.

"Why you bastard! Look at my dress now---you know how many months I had to save for this---and now it's ruined."

"I'm sorry."

"Gee that makes it all better," she states, rolling her eyes, as she places the empty glass on a nearby table.

"Here, let me just dry you off," I state, taking out my hanky and brushing across her chest.

"Hey, first you douse me and then you try to cop a feel. Back off, buster."

I hand her the hanky, knowing I'm not going to win with the blonde bombshell. Mama said there would be days like these. Dad warned me about girls like this. Julian would just laugh his ass off and say I deserved this. I don't even want to think about what Lucas would say.

"Here," she states, handing me back the hanky, a little worse for wear.

"Keep it."

"No---I don't want to owe you anything."

"Well, I owe you something."

"An apology---yeah right. When Hell freezes over."

I toss the hanky on a nearby table and glare at her. "What the hell have I ever done to you?"

"Spill my drink on me? Treat girls like objects? Been a spoiled rich kid all your life?"

"Don't hold back on my account."

She smiles at me now and sighs. "I'm sorry."

Eh? Okay---the signpost has to be up ahead cause I believe we are in the Twilight Zone.

My eyes narrow, thinking this is a girl that Morgan Edge might have sent to set me up.

"You don't know Morgan Edge, do you?"

"Ahhhh----the competition---most evil man in the world---nope, never heard of him."

"Then why the sudden change?"

She lets out another sigh. "Your mother."

"My mother?"

"Yeah, she asked me to come to try to turn your around---get you away from the brunettes that want to hurt you---be your---"


She nods and I groan.


"She's not here, you know that, right?"

I snort. "I know---just feel better saying it."

She laughs. "Yeah, I have a father like that too. Always wanting to protect me from myself."

"And his name would be?"

She laughs. "You really want to know my name, don't you?"

I smile. "Yes."

"All right---I'm Chloe Sullivan of Sullivan Security."

"And how do you know my mother?"

"We met at a restaurant and she asked me if I was seeing somebody---I said no---and she said---"

"---I have a son who's unattached too. Would you like to meet him?"

"Wow, are you psychic, Alex?"

"No---know my mother that well. Chloe?"


"Want to leave this boring Easter Bash?"

"And miss the Easter Egg Hunt out here during the night---sure."

"Even if the eggs are gold you would leave?"

"Yep, I work hard for my money---I don't like it handed to me as a gold egg."

I like this girl.



"Can I at least buy you a new dress?"

"Don't need to---this is drip and dry---and I had water as my drink."

Explains why I missed the glass and the contents---both were clear. I shake my head and start to laugh. She smiles at me.


"Your mother is right---you have a great laugh."


"Hey, is it true?"


"That you are a great kisser."

"Where'd you hear that---and don't say it was my mother. Too---"


I nod.

"No---I heard that tidbit of information from your baby brother Julian---he was there with her. He said he had heard from some of the girls you went out with that you were a great kisser."

"I'm going to kill him," I growl.

I notice her shivering.

"I didn't mean it."

"No---not that---that growl is amazing."

"Well, my kisses are better than my bark or growl."

"Yeah---prove it."

As I move closer towards her, she leans up and I lean down, our lips sliding together. Then she moans, opening her mouth to me.

We fit so well together, me pulling her closer and her leaning towards me, breathing through our noses to allow this incredible kiss to continue.

Finally we back away and:


"It's okay."


She starts to laugh and ends up on the floor, tears rolling down her face. I kneel by her, lifting her head to me.

"Better than okay?"

"Oh god---the earth moved."

I start to laugh too, as I help her up and smile.

"Shall we head out to the hospital?"

"What---I didn't bust a gut?"

"No---but that's where my mother is at the moment, with the rest of the conspirators."

"Oh---I hope she's not hurt?"

"No---Jules just in for his tonsils."

"Oh---okay---I have nothing else to do for the rest of the night."

"How about the rest of your life?"

"You work fast, Luthor."

"Have to in order to keep up with you, Sullivan."


A Couple Years Later


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Tell me about you and Daddy and how you met."

I stand at the doorway and see Lilly watching Chloe intently. She's so beautiful---my Chloe---the blonde fury who loves me without reservation. As I love her. She smiles at our darling daughter and I chuckle as she starts with:

"Well, it happened one Easter."

The End.

23rd April 2006, 07:28
SQUEE!!!!! YW, sweetie!! Loved it the first time and even more the second. Aww, I'm happy you've still got some Chlex love in ya. Great fic, hon!!

24th April 2006, 22:50
that was just funny and sweet i can't wait for another one of your stories.

21st June 2006, 09:14
That was cute, Peggy. I like all the different ways that you get these two together. LOL. There are so many possibilities and alternate universe ways.

17th June 2007, 18:38
again i loved the idea of a happy luthor family

Ami Rose
2nd June 2013, 08:54
Lmao so funny loved it.