View Full Version : The BIG Secret (PG-13) - Complete

18th March 2006, 20:14
Hope you guys enjoy this little fic. I'm a little rough on Lana at one point but my muse needs to get these feelings out---trust me on this and it ends up okay at the end. Enjoy.

Title: St. Patricks Day Challenge Fic From Melissa - "The BIG Secret"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13

Category: Friendship, Chlex, Clana, challenge fic, Lex's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

Summary: Fun on St. Paddy's Day.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, the characters, the song lyrics to Tell My Ma, a quote from The Abyss, and the title Stranger In A Strange Land, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: To BAFsFF, BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and fan_fic_central. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: First off---word of warning to Lana likers, I am a little rough on her from Chloe's POV for a bit. But it turns out okay at the end. Enjoy and Melissa, thanks for the challenge. Oh, Challenge elements will be at the end.

St. Patricks Day Fic Challenge From Melissa - "The BIG Secret" - by PMD


The Talon

My cell rings and I pick it up.


'Hello me little friend, Lexy.'


'That's me name, me boy.'

"Are you drunk?"

'Ah---can you get drunk on two bottles of green beer?'

"Green beer?"

'Hey, want to come have dinner with me and my shadow?'

Changing subjects---hmmm---not that drunk.

"Chloe, what's wrong?"

'Come over and find out, if you dare, Sexy Lexy.'



She doesn't beg---this girl doesn't beg. What happened?

"Chloe, what happened?"

Before she can answer, I hear laughter and look up to see Lana and Clark standing, talking to each other. Then they grab their coats and leave the Talon. Could they have something to do with this?

'Lexy, you still there?'

"Ah---yeah, I am. Chloe, did you invite Clark and Lana to dinner too?"

'Yep---but they had prev---previ---another place to go. So---'

"You decided to get drunk and drown your sorrows because your so called friends couldn't come to dinner?"



'Is the world spinning for you?'

Oh dear God.

"Chloe, I'm coming over. Just go sit down on the couch, okay."

'Okay---I just wish it would stop moving on me.'

"Crawl over if you have to. Just sit down and close your eyes."

'Okay---I'll try. Lex, hurry, please.'

"I'm leaving right now---hang in there, Chlo."


"I know. Bye."

I close my cell, remembering, she didn't like that nickname anymore than I liked mine. After all, Clark used it all the time with her. Maybe I should just call her pest? Or C? Or something else I can come up with along the way.

I make my way to my car and to her, hoping I get there, before she--well, before I have to clean up the mess that Clark and Lana innocently left for me to clean up. Or at least more of a mess.


The Sullivan Home

I get out of my car and run up the steps. I'm about to pound on the door when I remember; I never liked it when I went on a binge.

I lightly rap on the door---nothing. Then I rap a little louder---still nothing.

"Chloe!" I yell through the door, now rapping even harder.

"Hold onto your pantyhose, will you, Lana. I'm coming!" I hear her grumble fairly loud, for a drunk person.

She opens the door and stares at me. "You're not Lana."

"Thank goodness---you can actually see."

"Yeah, I see you but you keep wobbling on me."

I'm not the one unsteady on their feet, she is. And I catch her just before she totters over.

Then I sweep her off her feet and she giggles. "My hero---always there at my dar---dark----when I'm down."

I carry her to the couch and place her down---then make my way to the door and close it. I turn around and walk back to the couch, seeing her, lying against the cushions, a seductive pose, and sigh.

I will not take advantage of her---I will not take advantage of her---I will not take advantage of her---goes through my head.

"You too," she states, with a frown.

I lift an eyebrow. "Me too, what?"

"You love the pink princess more than you love Me." she pouts.

Oh dear lord---not in the least.

"Chloe, why do you say that?"

"Because you hang around her all the time and give her special smiles."

I walk over and sit beside her. "Chloe I spend time around her because she is my partner in a business---as to the special smiles, well---"

She looks at me with probing eyes and then grins. "You think she knows Clark's secret and a smile and playing nice with her will get it out of her, don't you?"

"Yes," I sigh.

She starts to giggle and I think she's gone completely mad until I hear, "You picked the wrong girl, Luthor. That is so funny."

It hits me---she knows. I don't know how I know this but I know this.

I am now probing her with my eyes---I will not take advantage of her----but why do I try to take it of Lana. Because she's so trusting---and way too naive for her own good.

"You know the secret? I thought you didn't, Chloe."

She leans into me and whispers, "I lied."

She backs away and gives me a lopsided grin. "Want to know too, Lex?"

I sigh, leaning against the cushion now and closing my eyes. I do but I don't, at the moment.

"Not right now, Dear, I have a headache."

"Hey, that's my line."

I open my eyes and stare at her, a whisper of a smile, quickly replaced with a sad one. I notice her sobering up and the evidence is clear with the next question and the cadence of her voice.

"Why do guys go for Lana and not me, Lex?"


She huffs and sighs. "Yeah and---"

I touch her arm and she looks at me. "I think it's because you scare some guys, Chloe. You are so independent, smart, intuitive, brash, and banter so well, that----"

"---they can't handle it, that I might be more on the ball then them. Guess I should have lost to arm wrestling more often, eh, Lex."

I chuckle at that and then see her groan. "Headache?"

"Yeah---and it's the combo of the green beer I drank and thinking about Lana. I mean, really, Lex, I love the girl. But she can be self-centered at times. And the damsel in distress is wearing really thin since she kicked my butt during the 'let's kill Chloe cause of the e-mail we received' time. And you know what she said once to me?"


"That she didn't trust me. And that hurt. I don't think I ever got over it, you know."

She's slowly coming back to reality for sure and I know how it feels, not having the trust of a good friend. Clark comes to mind at times with that.


She stares at me. "Yes?"

"Lana is different from us---as is Clark and most of the people in this town. We're like---"

"---strangers in a strange land?"

I nod. "I guess---and someday we will find a place we belong and don't feel strange in."

"So, I shouldn't be jealous of Lana because I've got my own little light to shine?"

"Yes you do---and it shines as bright as Lana's. Just that the boys in this town see hers more clearly than yours. Or the fact, you are much too much woman for them."

"Awww---you do like me. Want to know the secret now?"

Okay---I don't want to know but it's killing me here. "Only if you want to say."

She leans over and whispers, "Clark big secret is he's the greatest kisser in Kansas."

She backs away and smiles, innocently at me. Riiiight---I know that's not the BIG secret but I guess if I want to find out the big secret, Clark will have to tell me. And if he never does, I'll have to live with that fact. Maybe it's to protect himself from my father and I'll live with that fact, especially.


"Ouch!" I grip.

I glare at her. "Why did you pinch me?"

"To get your attention and because you aren't wearing green."

"I'm not Irish and you already had my attention, right from the start."

Ooops, went a bit far with that last comment.

Her eyes widen and then narrow---and then go normal. They sparkle like two peridots in the sunlight and are amazingly deep and honest.

I reach out to touch her cheek and she sighs, her eyes closing.

"Clark lied," I whisper, as my hand moves away from her.

Her eyes open up slowly. "Oh?"

"Yes, Clark is not even close to being the greatest kisser in Kansas."

"Well, when we kissed it wasn't too shabby."

My eyes deepen and I give her a smirk. "Well, is he the only guy you have ever kissed?"

"Welllll----I have kissed a few. Jimmy and a few meteor freaks---and so far, Clark really is the tops in smooches. So, from my experience, he is the greatest kisser."

"Not even in Smallville," I growl.

"Oh---so who is the greatest kisser in Smallville?" she asks, an impish look in her eyes.

"You really want to know, Chloe?" I say, my eyes darkening deeper.

She moves closer to me and I wonder why I never knew---that we both were more than friends---so much more---if my beating heart is any indication.

She's by me now and reaching up to touch my cheek. "Yes---tell me who is the greatest kisser in Smallville."

"I'd rather show you," I groan out, before I make my way to her lips.

She moans as I lick her lips with my tongue and I find I might not be the greatest kisser for some women but I'm finding I am for her and she is for me.

She grants me entrance and we duel for a few minutes until:


We both back away and look at Lana and Clark, standing there.

"What are you two doing?" Lana asks us.

"Ah---I believe it's called kissing," Chloe quips.

"But its Lex---ewwwwww," Lana states.

"Hey, jealous, Lana," she replies, getting up and starting towards her.

"Chloe, what the hell has gotten into you?" Lana asks.

"What's gotten into me is a bit of the Lex, you brunette---whatever. You, running around like a damsel in distress is so old that it's gathering dust. You can fight---fight, Lana. Don't think that only Lex or Clark can get you out of trouble---do it for yourself. And by the way, I didn't care for the 'I don't trust you' words you sent my way once. It hurt me and it's because I trust you with everything and yet you didn't and---"

She stops talking as we see Lana standing there, stunned one moment and then understanding the next.

"Oh God, Chloe, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt my best friend. I do trust you now---it's just that---I didn't know I didn't and I didn't mean to say I didn't but---"

"Oh God, I'm sorry I said what I said. I guess I said it because I want the best for you and being less than you are, you might not get it."

The girls start to hug and cry with both Clark and I looking at them and smiling. He walks over and stares at me.


"What are you doing here?"

"Chloe called and invited me. I thought you had other plans."

"We did but we felt bad about her being alone on St. Paddy's Day. So---"

"You've grown a brain, Kent."

"I guess so. Besides, we were stupid---after all she does make the best corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes, around."

"And you wouldn't want to miss that. Oh, by the way, I know your secret."

Clark's eyes widen and then narrow. "Chloe!"

She backs away from Lana. "Yes, Clark?"

"What secret did you tell Lex?"

"Oh, the stupid one about you being the greatest kisser in Kansas."

Lana starts to giggle and Chloe starts in. I hold it in for the pride of the male until Clark starts to blush and I have to let go.

"Clark," I state, after I stop laughing.


"It's no secret that all males are the greatest kissers, to the women they love. So, I'm sure, you are one to Lana, if that makes you feel any better."

He pumps up, like a price winning bull and smiles. "Is that true, Lana?"

She grins and walks over. "Of course it is, silly."

"Cool!" he states, taking her hand

They both sit on the couch and then stare at each other, forgetting about us.

I walk over to Chloe and lean in, whispering, "That's not the real secret is it?"

I move away and she shakes her head. She's about to speak when I stop her:

"No, if he wants to tell me one day, he'll tell me. If not, well, I guess we can still be friends."

She leans up and whispers, "You are the greatest guy and best kisser in the whole world, in my books, Lex."

She backs away and I smirk at her. "Oh, really? Are you though?"

She rolls her eyes and starts to walk away from me, saying, "Lana, I need help in the kitchen, getting the dinner on the serving dishes. And you guys, set the table."

Before she can even get two steps in, I turn her around and pull her up and into a very intense kiss. Then I back away.

"So?" she asks, when she gets her breath back.


"Ah okay? Gee thanks, Lex. I'll have to remember to just shake your hand good night, after a date. That is if we ever date."

I pull her back and whisper, fiercely, "You're mine and only mine---to date or otherwise."

I know she doesn't like possessive but I need to say this. To see her with anybody else now, would break my resolve of trying to be semi-good, and hurt the person she was with. I do love her---more than I did anybody else I have ever dated.

Instead of love turning me into something I'm not, it's making me more of who I am, and it feels exhilarating and like home---a home I've been searching for all my life.


I blink and look into her eyes, green as green can be on this St. Paddy's Day, and smile. She doesn't mind---she doesn't mind.


"You're mine to and if anybody gets between you and me, I'll deal with it quickly and swiftly."

Wow, talk about being possessive.

"Now, get your butt into the kitchen and help set the table. Clark, Lana, will you two stop kissing and come help."

They move away and jump up, eager to help. We just snicker at them and then we're on our way, she and Lana humming a song. Both Clark and I stop.

They stop with us, as we have a hold of their hands. "What?" they both ask.

"What's the song?" we both query.

"Oh, just a tradition I do every year, since I first heard it on this day. Lana helped when she joined the household, didn't you, Lana?"

She nods.


"Now---it's dinnertime."

"Just the chorus---must not break tradition."

"Okay, Luthor, we won't. Lana, ready?"

She backs away from Clark and Chloe does from me. They stand together and then:

"Tell my ma when I go home,
The boys won't leave the girls alone,
They pulled my hair and stole my comb,
But that's all right 'till I go home.
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city,
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?"

The End.

Further Authors Notes:

And the challenge elements are:

Must has corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes for dinner
Someone must get pinched for not wearing green
Someone is having green beer someone must sing Irish song (well, I hope a chorus is okay cause the guys and gals were about to eat dinner <g>).

19th March 2006, 05:25
short and cute, drunk chloe in entertaining

24th March 2006, 08:49
i like the story and chloe being drunk was funny and it is great that they are all together and happy.

24th March 2006, 13:18
Lovely story!!

27th March 2006, 20:27
loved this fic and how possessive lex was

21st June 2006, 09:40
Drunk Chloe is a funny Chloe. Cute one.

21st June 2006, 10:27
Such a cute fic, I really like that Chloe and Lana dealt with the convo that happened in that episode called truth i think.. about lana not trusting chloe.. it was really sad.. but this fic is very good I loved it

Ami Rose
22nd January 2007, 12:31
I liked that! It was cute!

23rd January 2007, 05:40
Loved it, it was really good but it makes me want CHLEX together more and more.

14th February 2007, 18:53
I loved it PMD!

17th June 2007, 13:53
Great work...as always