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View Full Version : [Completed] Heaven is a Place on Earth COMPLETE (R) (1/?)

8th February 2006, 19:34
i just found this story...omg im so excited about this story as well, but i hope this doesn't mean u'll update sunset less now...coz that story rocks, but so does this one and it's only beginning


9th February 2006, 00:53
It's off to a great start, keep it up.

9th February 2006, 05:54
great start...i can't wait for more...please update soon

9th February 2006, 08:42
Lovely start. Looking forward to some sweet moments between Lex and Chloe :)

10th February 2006, 10:24
That was good.Really hope that you´ll decide to update soon :blinkkiss

10th February 2006, 16:05
I love it already and DELETE is such a (somewhat) good episode that it deserves a once more good chlex fic on it!
can't wait to see what's next!

12th February 2006, 01:47
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (1/?)


Authors Notes: In order for the story to flow right I needed to stretch out the time that it takes Lex and Clark to track down the cyber assassin. FYI: I actually own the tee shirt and wear it any time I go to a computer store or an automotive shop!


Chloe POV:

This man has every modern convenience available at his freaking finger tips EXCEPT for a TV. Since Lex decided allow me free reign of his mansion while I stayed there I of course decided not to pass up a good thing. An hour soak in that marble bathtub complete with Jacuzzi was just what the doctor ordered. I armed myself with my IPod, donned on of my favorite sleeping tee shirt and decided to take a look around the house.
No sooner then I had stepped out of my bedroom door and started down the long hallway then I saw a man dressed in a black business suit come out of a room at the end of the hall. I raced for the staircase at the other end I could feel my heart in my throat. I understood that Lex said that he had his staff at my use but this guy looked scary. I made it downstairs and ran right into the house butler. He put out a steadying hand as I glanced backwards over my shoulder and saw no one there.
“Ms. Sullivan, are you alright,” he asked with a concerned expression on his face.
“There was a man upstairs,” I managed to gasp out.
“A man,” he looked past me concerned but saw no one else coming down the long staircase. “There is no one in the house except you, me and the maid,” he told me and my fear knotted tightly in the pit of my stomach.
“What about his security detail,” I asked, hoping that it was just one of Lex’s man Ken doll security men.
“They are currently as far as I know in the guard house,” the man told me as he gently took me by the elbow and led me down the hallway. “Why don’t you wait in the study and allow me to alert security.”
“No, its okay,” I told him feeling slightly wary. “But I think that I will wait for Mr. Luthor in his study if you don’t mind,” I tell him. I had not told anyone about Lionel Luthor’s thinly veiled threats. After everything that Lex had been through, I was not about to tell Lex about them either. He had enough on his plate to worry about without my adding to them.
I breathed a sigh of relief as he showed me to the study and politely inquired if I needed anything else. I felt vaguely paranoid about the whole incident and simply wanted some time to myself. I locked the door behind the butler and glanced around the huge open room. I found myself comforted by the faint lingering scent of Lex’s cologne that lingered in the air. After glancing around the room that he spent most of his time in I realized that he was not totally the cold aloof person that I first thought him to be.
It was the subtle tones of the room that brought it to the fore front of my mind. The huge colored stained glass window that dominated the room lent its colored brightness during the day and romantic softer tones in the evening. The expensive CD stereo system that was setup on the massive bookcase but a quick glance around the room indicated no speakers. There were also the various knickknacks and items of interest that also decorated the bookcase that caught my eye. It looked like little souvenir items from various trips that Lex had been on and of course the massive pool table that dominated the floor.
I venture to the second floor of the study and found an immense library filled with the literary classics as well as a few modern and not so modern writers. His taste out side of the classics ran along the science fiction genre. Near one of the many chairs lay one of the newest releases by a popular writer that I had been dying to read myself but was waiting for it to come out in paper back. I picked up the book intending to only read a few pages of the novel but soon found myself sucked into the story. I settled back with my head phones on to read.
Lex POV:
I became concerned and then very angry after hearing that there had been a strange man in the house. Chloe was counting on my protection and for once I felt more then willing to take on her slight burden. Clark Kent hesitated at times to say what he had on his mind. Even when I stretched the envelope of our friendships but not with Ms. Sullivan she never hesitated in telling me what was on her mind. I found her lack of fear rather refreshing and often instigated our verbal sparing matches.
A quick viewing of the security cameras told me that there had indeed been a stranger in the house and I fired both of my security officers on the spot. I headed for the house to find my butler anxiously waiting for me.
“Where is she,” I snapped at him not pausing.
“She has locked her self in your study sir,” he informed me. “I have been keeping an eye on her and she has not budged.”
I made a mental note to give him a generous bonus on his next pay check. The very fact that she has entrenched herself in my private sanctum gave me a slight pause. I wondered if I would find her poring over my private documents.
I unlock the doors to my study and stroll into the room expecting to find her not an empty room. I note that there are several missing pieces of fruit from its customary basket and several bottles of water missing. I turn to ask my butler again if he was sure that she was here but I spot a pair of bare feet resting on the rail of my library on the second floor. With her legs at that angle I could also see the crotch of her ivory colored panties. I dismiss him and close the doors behind him.
As I climb the stairs, I keep an eye on the feet tapping out a soundless beat. When I reached the top of the stairs I found her laying on her back wearing a long brightly colored blue tee shirt that read, “Don’t let the breast fool you, I’m smarter then you look”. I could feel an involuntary smile at the words.
She was shamelessly reading my novel. I frowned a bit waiting to find a spark of irritation but strangely enough there was none forth coming. I smirked as I carefully angled around to sit in one of the chairs near hers. I tried not to think about her smooth creamy legs that were bouncing to a beat that only she could hear. I reached out and lightly tugged her hair.
Chloe POV
I was totally engrossed in the book that I nearly fell off the couch that I was laying on. I sat up quickly only to find Lex smirking at me from a chair across from me.
“Are you trying to give me a coronary,” I snap at him. I tugged at my shirt when I realized that it had ridden up past the tops of my thighs. “What have you found out?”
“There has been a slight change of plans,” Lex told me. I was starting to feel a little self conscious as an unfamiliar expression passed across his face. “It’s going to take some time to track down this person that is sending out these cyber messages.”
“Okay so what do I do now,” I asked him with a frown.
“I want to move you to my apartment in Metropolis,” Lex told me as he rose from his chair.
“There was a stranger in the house,” I told him and watched with interest as his jaw line hardened.
“I know, that’s why I think that it would be best if you were moved,” He started down the staircase as I gathered my trash and followed more slowly.
“What makes you think that I’d be safer there,” I asked as I threw away my rubbish.
“We won’t tell anyone that you are there,” he said as he crossed to his desk. “It is smaller than this but more easily defensible.”
“What about security,” I asked feeling a little nervous.
“It is all state of the art,” Lex replied with smooth confidence.
“And the body guards,” I continue as I stand watching his smooth economical movements.
“I’ll be your body guard,” Lex told me with an expressionless face.
I couldn’t help but to feel a flutter of excitement. This was most every woman’s dream. Lex Luthor was going to guard my body.

12th February 2006, 08:32
I love thia update and how Lex can't help but have feelings for Chloe. And that guy in the mansion was creepy. Who is he and how did he get in? More please....

Hope :)

12th February 2006, 12:08
Good update, I can't wait for the next one, I wonder what will happen in Metropolis.

12th February 2006, 14:29
Lex as her own personal bodyguard :yeahbaby: Great update and the t-shirt made me chuckle must think about getting one myself ;)

Please update again soon.

12th February 2006, 23:28
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (3/?)


Chloe POV:

Lex was strangely quiet during the three hour ride to Metropolis. I shifted a little in my seat and studied his profile. I had been chattering nonstop since we left the mansion and he has only replied with short sentences and a few grunts. I felt like I was going to explode if he didn’t give me a real conversation soon.

“Oral sex,” came out of my mouth. I could feel myself cringe slightly as he glanced at me sharply.

“Excuse me,” he asked. I watched with interest as his eyes flickered to my mouth, breasts, and down lower. The devil in me made me reached for my hand bag for a Blow Pop.

“Sorry, I was just seeing if you were paying attention,” I told him in a prim voice as I unwrap the candy.

The scent of wild apples filled the confined space of the car. I glanced out the window and could see his faint reflection laminated by his dashboard lights. He glanced at me in time to see me wet my lips slightly with my tongue as I slide the candy slowly into my mouth. I slide that sucker slowly in and out of my mouth a few times before releasing it with a soft wet pop.

“You never answered my question,” I glanced at him in time to see his head snap around to focus on the road.

“What question,” he asked with a slight frown. I licked the sweetness off my lips as I watched the line of his jaw clench.

“What have you and Clark found out,” I asked as I slipped the candy past my lips again and slowly rotated the stick.

He shifted slightly in his seat as he glanced at me. He cleared his throat and told me about their theory being traced back to my articles about the good doctor from Sommerholt. He shifts a little more in his seat.

“Are you going to eat that or play with it,” he snaps. I swallow my grin and glance at him with innocent eyes.

“There is a fine art to eating a Blow Pop, Lex,” I tell him.

“To eating a what,” he glances at me clearly startled for a second and then snaps his eyes back to the road. I give a small laugh.

“A Blow Pop, Lex. Haven’t you ever heard of a Blow Pop,“ I ask him. He swallows hard and glances at my mouth watching the sucker slipping in and out slowly.

“They are the cream of the crop when it comes to suckers. All sweet and sour hard candy on the outside and juicy flavorful gum on the inside they’re definitely my favorite,” I watch with interest as a fine sheen of sweat breaks out across his forehead.

“I personally enjoy the rough texture of a fresh one and how the glide of my tongue smoothes out the rough edges. I like to rotate it in my mouth and keep an even consistency all the way around,” there are definitely advantages in being a writer as I knowingly torture him with my soft words.

“Sometimes if I find one side has lost a little too much hard candy then I have to work the other side more,” I wickedly slide it back into my mouth and innocently give it an audible suck. Lex reaches over and cracks his window letting in a chilly breeze.

“Do you want to taste it,” I ask as I hold my candy out to him. The molten desire in his eyes is enough to warm me. His eyes flicker to the light green candy and he actually reaches for it. There is an audible crunch as he bit what was left off the stick and hands it back to me. I could feel my eyes widen as I stare at my empty stick.


His apartment was nothing like I expected. It was very cold and very formal. It was also totally bare of any personal touches. The cream colored carpet was about the only thing that gave it a spark of warmth as I shivered in its neutral colored opulence. He gave me a guided tour of the place but I got a very strong impression that he didn’t spend a lot of time here.

“What do you think,” he asked me as he showed me to my room. Oh boy, couldn’t he have asked me about Bush’s war on terrorism? It would have been easier for me to answer.

“Do you really want to know,” I ask as I stare down at the glittering lights of the city and glanced back at him. He was casually leaning against the door frame of my room.

“Yes, I am a little curious,” he admitted with a smirk.

“Okay,” I hesitate then take a deep breath. “I hate it. I mean it’s very elegant and I am sure that Architects Digests loves it and all but…” I glance at him out of the corner of my eye to see he is pondering what I was saying. His sharp gaze finds mine.

“But what,” his tone is curious rather then annoyed.

“It isn’t you. There is no fire, no passion, and no personality. It feels more like your father then you,” I finish quietly. He gazes at the floor for a moment and then his eyes sweeps the room before settling on me.

“It’s funny that you should say that. This apartment was a birthday present from him several years ago,” he reached out to take the door knob in his hand. “It’s late and you need to get some rest.

Lex POV:

I am doing my damnedest to keep my mind off her ivory colored panties or the way that her firm slender legs looked when they were propped up on the rail in the study. She was killing me with the light scent of her perfume that keep distracting me as I tried to focus on anything else besides her. I was aware of every movement that she made.

When she mentioned oral sex my imagination ran away from me. I wondered what she would look like spread out beneath me gripped in the throes of her passion. I could almost taste her on my tongue. Her beautiful face flushed with passion. It took every ounce of control the keep my eyes on the road.

Then when she pulled out that sucker I knew that I was in trouble. I had never wanted to be a piece of candy so bad in my life. To watch those full lips caressing that candy was more then enough to make me squirm in my seat. The sounds of her occasional slurps and the faint pop it made when she pulled the candy from her wet mouth was enough to make me sweat. When she described the fine art of eating one I thought I was going to burst in my pants.

My mantra for the rest of the ride was that I was a Luthor and we didn’t give in to our baser needs but when she told me what she thought of the apartment gave me a moment of pause. In spite of my control I felt like she had seen right into my soul. She knew about my passions, my fire, and she knew me. My biggest problem over the next couple of days is going to bed keeping my hands to myself.

12th February 2006, 23:51
nonono! don't keep ur hands to urself pal!

love the subtle reference to Bush's politics lol

and chloe? She's pure evil! lol loved it!

13th February 2006, 01:43
That was a great update. I love the blow pop. Heee more please... ;)

Hope :)

13th February 2006, 01:50
The car scene was great, I can't wait for the next update.

18th February 2006, 14:45
Hoping for an update soon.Love the car scene :blinkkiss I cannot help but wonder who will be the first one to break the obvious sexual tension ;)

21st February 2006, 18:58
i love it, can't wait for the next part, great work.
i hope that lex doesn't keep his hands to himself for too long

27th February 2006, 17:18
I am really hoping for an update?? I love how evil Chloecan be. More please??

12th March 2006, 14:44
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (4/?)


Chloe POV

It’s 2:30 in the morning when I sit up in bed with a gasp. I slap a hand over my mouth to smoother my cry. Contrary to popular belief, it is not silent in the country. There are always sounds going on in the night but here in the city high above everyone else the silence is deafening. It didn’t help that I never could sleep in a strange place and the nightmare of my friends trying to kill me caused me to wake up in sweat soaked sheets. I slipped into a fresh nightgown and tip toed down the hallway past Lex’s room.

The apartment seemed hot and confining and I felt like I was struggling to breathe as I slipped past his room. The darkened hallway gave way to the dim living room as I slipped through the sliding glass doors and silently closed them behind me.

I was finally free to loosen my grip on the sobs that I had been holding back with a sheer force of will. The cool air felt wonderful on my overheated face. My harsh sobs finally die down to an occasional hiccup and I shiver in the cold damp air wishing that I had a box full of Kleenex with me. My heart stops for a second and then speeds up with an alarming rate as a heavy weight suddenly settled on my shoulders. I turn to find Lex standing there looking elegant in his robe.

“Are you alright,” he asks me gently as a fresh swell of tears threatened to fall at the sound of his concerned voice.

“Oh sure, I always get frustrated at late night programming,” I was trying for smarmy but my voice sounded hoarse even to my ears. “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I told him softly.

I ducked my face away to avoid Lex’s probing gaze as I felt fresh tears begin their trek down my cheeks. Everyone always seemed to have this faint condescending look on their faces but I never really felt like they were listening to what I had to say. I was so tired of feeling like I was to blame for everyone’s problems because I dared to ask questions to get to the truth. The problem was no on ever bothered to get to my truths.

To my horror my tears started falling faster then I was capable of keeping up with. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up as Lex settled me into his warm lap. For someone with his lean frame he is deceptively strong. I found myself with my face buried in the crook of his warm neck sobbing my heart out as he silently rubbed comforting circles on my back under the blanket. He held me silently until I had cried myself out. We sat in silence as we listened to the feint murmur of the city below.

“Oral sex,” I could feel his husky murmur vibrate across the side of my face as I drew back away from him startled.

“What,” I asked wide eyed.

“I was simply making sure that you didn’t fall asleep,” he delivered with his patent trade mark smirk.

“God, you must want to get back to bed, Lex. I am so sorry,” I told him as I started to get off his lap. He tightens his grip on me as he held me still.

“We’ll go to bed shortly,” he said as he pulled me into the shelter of his body shivering slightly. I manage to spread the blanket over the both of us as we sat in silence.

“I may not seem like the most caring of men, Chloe but that seemed like an awfully large amount of tears for just a nightmare,” he said as he tucked a few of my fly away strands of hair behind my ear with a tender touch.

“Not a caring man,” I stare at him with shock. “How can you even joke about that?”

“Usually from the adjectives that people often like to use such as aloof, conniving, manipulative, and secretive,” he said with a grimace.

“Well, I am afraid that I would have to disagree with their adjectives,” I snorted at him. “Let’s try compassionate, caring, resourceful,” I could feel him start at the last one as he tucked my head under his chin. “Generous, curious, and lets face it I don’t find curiosity a bad thing,” I really wanted to add good looking, sexy and richer then god but I managed to contain myself. “Let’s face it Lex you’re the total package.”

“Maybe LexCorp needs to hire you as the new head PR Director,” he said but I could feel him smiling against my forehead where he had tucked my forehead.

“Or maybe you should find better friends,” I told him bluntly as I cringed at what just fell out of my mouth. “It really pisses me off sometimes,” I told him as I stroked the soft lapels of his robe.

“What does,” he asked curiously. I hid my smile at his tone.

“Pots that call the kettle black,” I tell him with a soft sigh. “We really should try to get some sleep,” I tell him as I smother a yawn. I was safe and secure. The combined heat of our bodies was starting to make me sleepy as we sat there.

“Well that would be easier if you weren’t sitting on me,” Lex teased.

“But I’m comfortable,” I told him as I closed my eyes to drink in his scent.

“Are you comfortable with me,” he asked as he tilted my chin up to peer into my eyes.

“I feel safe for the first time all day Lex,” I told him with a soft smile. “I’m safe with you.”

He smiled at me as he stood still holding on to me. I grabbed the blanket and shivered in the cold air as he headed back inside the house. I had expected him to let me go but he always managed to surprise me. He carried me all the way to his bedroom and gently deposited me on his bed.

“Not to complain because your mattress is better then mine,” I tell him as I give it a light bounce. “But this isn’t the guest room.”

“You had a nightmare bad enough to drive you out into the cold night,” he asked as he slipped off his robe. “This way if you need me I’m right here.”

My mouth actually went dry. I had heard of things like that happening but had never actually experienced it myself until now. He was only wearing a pair of low slung pajama bottoms that rested so low on his hips that I could actually see the indent of his hip bones. Suddenly my pulse was beating double time and I felt flushed as I watched the sleek muscles of his back flex and pull as he tossed his robe on a chair. I cleared my throat.

“Efficient too,” I joked. ”My god is there no end to your talents.” He climbed into bed and pulled the covers over the both of us.

“Shut up, Sullivan,” he teased as he pulled me close.

My emotional out pour had left me exhausted as I found my self drifting away with the steady rhythm pf his heart beating under my ear and the warmth of his body was an alluring pull that dragged me under.



I have always been a light sleeper so when the floor boards creaked outside of my bedroom I held my breath and waited. A quick glance at the security panel assured me that we hadn’t been breached as I slipped my robe and slippers on. In the dim light I could see Chloe’s petite form slip through the doors that led to the balcony. I reset the alarm and assured the security detail that we were fine. As I approached the doors I noticed that she was wearing only a thin nightgown and her sobbing had finally slowed to a few gasping hiccup.

Like a small wounded animal she tried to distance herself from everyone to lick her wounds. That was something that I could appreciate having done it myself on more than one occasion after dealing with my father and his continuous disappointments in me. The look of pain on her face was almost too much. For the first time since I could remember I felt the need to comfort someone. When she broke down and started to cry again I flinched at my own callousness. It was easy to pick up her slight frame and let her cry herself out. When she finally ceased it was just too natural to sit and enjoy the silence with her.

Oral sex seemed like the best way to get her attention as she snapped her head up to look at me and I felt my breath catch in my throat. Her eyes seemed to glow in the dim light. Her tears had tracked wet lined down her pale face and glistened like diamonds. She was beautiful in her defense of me as the fire of her temper warmed me like nothing ever had.

When she said that she was comfortable with me it felt like someone had taken a hammer to my defenses. Blow by blow she battered at them until there was nothing left. She placed her absolute trust and safety in my hands. No one had ever placed so much faith in me and I felt strangely humbled.

12th March 2006, 15:00
“Oral sex,” I could feel his husky murmur vibrate across the side of my face as I drew back away from him startled.

“What,” I asked wide eyed.

“I was simply making sure that you didn’t fall asleep,” he delivered with his patent trade mark smirk.

After reading this I had to stop because a part of me thought that I missed something. One moment Chloe is crying and Lex is comforting her and next moment that. I thought perhaps he was talking to her and she just tuned him out. Great moment :)
I love how on the balcony they are both comforting eachother. Both of them are trying to help the other one out. They know the other one is strong but not invincible. I think it's sweet how they know eachother without really trying. And I think it's one of the reasons why they are so good for eachother.

12th March 2006, 15:38
Just caught up with this one & I love it ( of course). Really liked Lex comforting Chloe in his chair & then carrying her to bed ( sigh). Can't wait to read more.

12th March 2006, 17:15
wow this is amazing. can't wait for the next update!!

12th March 2006, 19:51
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (5/?)

Chloe POV

He tasted of moon lit kisses. So dark, seductive, and mysterious, his lips were sweet as he stroked his tongue in a slow wet slide against mine. The fire of passion made my blood boil as I writhed beneath him desperate for the feel of his smooth skin against mine, my breaths coming in hard sharp pants as he teased my nipples in hard points. He trailed wet nibbling kisses down the side of my neck and across my collar bones taking his time. I groan low and deep in my throat as a sign of appreciation and frustration.

“Please,” I beg and I smooth my hands across his shoulders only to feel my nails bite into his back as he takes one of my taunt nipples in his mouth. His elegant hands tease the curls at the axis of my legs causing me to buck against his questing fingers. I sob with my pleasure as he slowly teases and caresses me driving me to the edge of my control but before I can taste the first pleasure of my release I am jolted back into awareness.

“Hey, wake up,” Lex called to me quietly as he shook my shoulder lightly. My eyes snapped wide open as I stare at Lex with shock and horror. He is sitting on the side of the bed wearing a towel and I notice that he was covered with a few water droplets.

“Oh my god,” I gasp as I pull the sheets a little higher to cover my erect nipples. I could feel my face go up in flames as I valiantly hoped that a black hole would suddenly open up and suck me in. His face became shuttered and distant as he stared at me.

“Another nightmare,” he asked coolly. I ran a trembling hand across my face as I struggled to get my pulse back under a normal rhythm. I shifted uneasily as I pondered a way to answer him. His eyes seemed to dilate and his whole demeanor went on alert.

“No definitely not a nightmare,” I hesitated as I shifted feeling the wetness that had pooled in the crotch of my panties. He stared at me hard for a moment and seemed to draw into himself as he started to rise.

“Wait Lex,” I reached out to touch his shower dampened shoulder. He paused and glanced at me as I licked suddenly dry lips. “I was dreaming about us,” I tell him in a soft voice deciding to bite the bullet because if there was one thing that I have observed about Lex it was he didn’t like things being kept from him.

He settled back on the edge of the bed. His towel parted slightly to give me a glimpse of one lightly hair dusted thigh.

“Did I do something inappropriate,” he asked hesitantly as a slight frown caused his forehead to furrow.

“God no,” I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Another second and my world would have exploded,” I told him with a grin.

Screw it, I decided. I am a Sullivan and damn it we didn’t hide our feelings from anyone. I was frustrated in more ways then one and I was not about to let this get to me any more. I wanted him more than I wanted that pony when I was six. He glanced at me clearly thrown off balance as his eyes roved my face and body.

“What about Clark,” he asked as he traced a finger across my exposed collar bone. My bones seemed to turn into jelly at his touch.

“I have a confession to make,” I said as I glanced down at my lap and took a deep breath. “There never was a Clark,” I told him bluntly. “Don’t get me wrong I like Clark. He is a friend but he lives on another plane of existence from me full of secrets and insecurities. I’d end up chewing him up and spitting him out.” Lex was frowning at my words.

“But you seemed,” he paused.

“So hopelessly devoted to plaid,” I grimaced. “I know but it was a part of myself defense,” I told him as I glanced away. “I could keep everyone at bay because lets face it Clark can be an imposing figure when riled and then no one would know,” my voice trailed off as I suddenly had second thoughts about this whole honesty thing, after all this was Lex Luthor that we were talking about. Not some random dork from the hallowed halls of Smallville High. He was the reigning King of high society who had beautiful women tripping over themselves to get noticed by him and even had his own fan website. So okay I started the site but hey it was therapy.

“Chloe,” he took my hand in his gentle grip and I felt my heart drop. Here comes the dreaded speech.

“Hey no big, Luthor, I realize that I am not even on your radar,” I told him as he stared at me with a slightly shocked expression.

“Not on my radar,’ he stated dumbly. “Is that what you think?” He rose from the bed and paced the floor with quick controlled movements. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to admit that the closest thing to an intellectual equal that you have found is a sixteen year old girl? Or that you go twenty minutes out of your way everyday on the hopes that you might run into her at the coffee shop for a chat. I have spent years having to swallow any sort of attraction that I might feel because it would ruin your life. Then add to the fact that she is pining away for a farm boy. A boy who has nothing to offer her when all I want to do is set the world at your feet,” he paused as his chest rose and fell with aggravation and his hands rose to rake frustrated over his scalp.

“But what about all the women,” I asked quietly.

“The parade of striking brunettes,” He said with his back to me and his head tipped back to face the ceiling. “I tried like hell to forget about a pesky little blonde.” My heart suddenly remembered to beat. This was the closet thing to a loss of control that I had ever seen in Lex. I felt both exhilarated and a little frightened by it.

“So what are we going to do about this,” I asked praying for wild monkey sex.

“Nothing,” his shoulders dropped and he glanced at me with pain evident in his eyes.

“I am not sixteen any more Lex,” I told him as I struggled to understand why he would say that.

“No you’re not but you haven’t really begun to live yet. I don’t want to end up hurting you and that’s all that would end up happening,” Lex told her as he moved towards his bathroom and gently closed the door.

I sat there stunned for a few moments. Then I finally dragged myself out of his bedroom and into the guest room. That arrogant pompous ass says that he is attracted to me but then does nothing about it. My god, I’m stuck in the idiot zone. That’s the same line of crap that I have spent years listening spew out of both Clark and Lana. Mr. Luthor has another thing coming I’m afraid if he thinks that I am going to dance that jig with him.

12th March 2006, 20:17
That was cruel! (lol) I was like "OMG, when did they start having sex?" & then you viciously pulled the rug out from under me. I loved it( of course). Really like that Chloe was so honest about her feelings for Lex but ,Lex is being an idiot . Trying to protect her from him. Glad that Chloe isn't going to let that stop her . Can't wait for more please.

12th March 2006, 22:34
Oh my goodness what a great two updates. Go Chloe show lex what he will be missing. :clapclap:

Hope :)

12th March 2006, 22:47
Lex is such a lovable coward. Can't wait to see what Chloe is going to do.

13th March 2006, 02:35
Huh..I think I'm gonna throttle Lex... Here is the girl of his dreams, lying in his bed obviously hot for him and has just told him she wants him and he has to go be all moral and crap...come on Lex you know you wanna!!!

Brilliant update

13th March 2006, 04:12
i adore this fic. i couldn't wipe off my dumb grin the whole time. The lolli pop was just too much had me kackling and trust i usually don't kackle. i love their banter. let chloe whack some sense into this shiney head. i can't wait for you update. i think you just become one of my fave writers. now your stuck with me, like white on rice. keep on writing woman. =]

13th March 2006, 10:54
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (5/?)

All warfare is based on deception.

The Art of War
Chloe POV

“LoLo, it’s me. I need a favor,” I literally had to hold the phone a few inches away from my ear as I listened to my cousin’s ecstatic greeting.

“Yeah, I can’t explain it all right now but do you still have the ‘BOX’,” I asked in a hushed tone. Lex had been pacing the confines of his office with his cell phone attached to one ear.

“Yes, I am calling in my big guns and no you really don’t know him. No, it’s not about Clark,” I blew a few strands hair out of my face. “Can you just drop it off at this address and leave it with the doorman? Yes, I know whose address it belongs to and no I don’t think that Lionel Luthor is into cross dressing. Just leave it with the doorman. Okay LoLo I have to run. Yes, you’ll get the dirt later. Okay,” I spotted Lex striding towards me with a slight frown on his face. So I laughed brightly as if someone said something hilarious. “Okay, Okay, I have to go. I love you too.”

“Who was that,” Lex asked as he reached into the fridge for cold water.

“Just a friend, are you done,” I asked as his cell phone started ringing again. I rolled my eyes at him as I slipped my phone into my purse and started for the front door as I went. “I’ll be back later,” I called to him as I stepped out of the penthouse and into the hallway. The count down in my head actually reached seven before he raced out of the apartment.

“What do you think that you’re doing,” he asked scowling at me.

“Hmm,” I frowned at him. “I can sit in the apartment all day and listen to the fascinating world of high end business with my tail tucked under me or I can go to the Met U’s Black and White Art Exhibit and take in a little culture maybe some shopping and lunch,” I weighed my options in each hand like a scale. “I think I’ll go the art exhibit, thanks.” I told him as I stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the ground floor.

“Well, you aren’t going to get very far without the security card,” Lex smirked at me as I returned it and swiped the card that I had picked up from his dresser. The doors started to slide close as he recovered from his shock and jumped in before they could close.

Hold out baits to entice the enemy.
Feign disorder, and crush him.
The Art of War

“This isn’t a good idea Chloe,” Lex told me as I handed him his security card back.

“What is this cyber wack job going to do? Send an email to every person in Metropolis,” I asked him with a laugh. “Relax, Lex,” I told him as I leaned against the wall of the elevator. “You do know how to have fun don’t you,” I asked him in a mocking voice as his cell phone began to ring again. I threw my hands into the air in frustration as he took yet another call.

“Don’t you ever get a moment of peace,” I asked when he got off the phone.

“Of course I do,” he stated in a hurt tone.

“When,” I asked. “Between the hours of two and four in the morning, let me see that,” I held my hand out to him.

“I am not giving you my phone,” he smirked at me as he slid his phone into his pants pocket and I could feel my eyes narrow.

“We can do this the hard way,” I said in a soft seductive voice as I let my handbag slide sensuously to the floor.

“Or we can do this the easy way,” I purred as I backed him into the wall of the elevator and deliberately stepped into his personal space.

I made sure that I kept eye contact with him as I breathed in his scent and let my eyes flutter shut for a moment savoring the unique smell that was all Lex. I leaned my weight lightly against his body as his arms automatically wrapped them around my waist to steady me.

“Make it ‘hard’ for me Lex,” I said in a husky voice as the tip of my tongue licked my bottom lip wetly. “I enjoy a challenge.”

My voice was a throaty whisper as I flicked just the tip of my tongue against his bottom lip lightly. His lips parted slightly as he gasped against my mouth and in spite of how badly I wanted to lean in and really kiss him I stepped away and handed him his cell phone that was now empty of its battery. I made sure that he watched me slide his battery into my bra as I adjusted myself slightly to hide the tell tale bump.

“Now maybe we can enjoy our day without the ringing of your cell phone,” I smirked at him and ignored the first fires of desire that flickered in his expressive eyes.

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles
is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists
in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
The Art of War

The art was breath taking I thought as I strolled through the gallery with Lex. I couldn’t believe that he actually made me wait in the lobby while he made arrangements for a limo and added security. During the short ride we talked about some of the photographers that were going to be show cased there. I was actually surprised that this was an exhibit that he had wanted to see but never seemed to have time for it until now.

We walked along slowly, our shoulders occasionally brushing against each other as we took in the incredible pictures. At some point I slipped my hand inside of his. He glanced at me clearly startled at first but he didn’t let go of my hand.

Do not repeat the tactics which have gained
you one victory, but let your methods be regulated
by the infinite variety of circumstances.
The Art of War

It wasn’t until we had reached the restaurant that I had picked out for lunch did I begin phase two. As the maitre d’ began to sit us I heard my name called. I turned in time to be hugged by a very enthusiastic good looking young man with a striking shock of strawberry blonde red hair.

“Jimmy, oh my god you look great,” I beamed at him but I could feel Lex tensing tightly behind me.

“Are you back for good,” he asked excitedly as he tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear in a familiar manner. I swear I heard Lex Luthor’s teeth grind together.

“No, just a day or two,” I told him as I pitched my voice with regret.

“Too bad, well the number is still the same so give me a call if you end up staying longer,” he told me as he leaned in and kissed my cheek again. I waited for a moment as Jimmy walked away before taking my chair like nothing unusual had happened.

“Who was that,” Lex asked in his cool and aloof tone. I glanced up from my menu to find him studying his studiously but the muscle in his jaw was ticking slightly.

“Just a friend,” I said as I took a sip of water. “The special looks good,” I said casually. I looked up again to find Lex staring at me with a hard look in his eyes.

“He seemed pretty familiar with your person for someone who is just a friend,” Lex growled out as I frowned. I leaned forward and laced my fingers with his.

“You weren’t the only one using someone else to move on with Lex. I just never made headlines,” I glanced down at our locked hands. “We can fight about this but it really would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black wouldn’t?” Tension seemed to vibrate in Lex and then it was gone.

“You’re right. I’m sorry I have no right to,” he glanced away and blew out a deep breath as his fingers tightened slightly on mine.

“A jealous streak,” I grin at him. “I’ll have to remember to post a five foot maximum distance sign.”

“I just don’t like sharing what’s mine,” he said without thought as he glanced back at his menu.

“I have always been yours, Lex. It’s about time you realized it.”



I knew that she was smart, fearless, sensitive, and incredibly sex. The way that she had laid her cards on the table this morning touched something inside of me. The honesty in both her voice and eyes was not something that I came across very often.

The moral high ground can be damned. I didn’t know how Clark manages to do the right thing all the time. From the time that her breathing had smooth out in to a steady rhythm last night until I woke up this morning I have been resisting the urge to drag this woman beneath me.

I knew that she could be cocky and head strong but I have never been forced into doing something that I didn’t want to do until now. I had expected her to throw a temper tantrum when she realized that she needed a security card to operate the elevator but I never thought that she would steal it from the top of my dresser.

When she pinned me against the wall in the elevator I was completely throw off balance. Chloe in sex kitten mode was a very dangerous thing to my libido. I had to recite the periodical table to keep from hardening against her as she teased me with the softness of her body, her light crisp perfume, and the sound of her voice.

She is cracking through each of my defenses until I am almost helpless to resist her and what she wants, but when that guy at the restaurant dared to touch her I was flooded with an almost instant bout of jealousy. If he had touched her one more time in an intimate manner then I was going to rip him apart. I hoped to god that my security people found something soon or I was going to end up doing something that she was going to regret.

13th March 2006, 14:09
i love this fic!!! Jealous Lex=Incredibly hot Lex!!! Love how Chloe is totally running the show, thats our girl!!!


13th March 2006, 15:53
Go Chloe Go Chloe Go Chloe:nsparty: you go girl. Show Lex who is really boss. :rofl:

Hope :D

13th March 2006, 17:26
Omg, so good. Loved Chloe backing Lex up in the elevator. Very hot. More please.

13th March 2006, 22:04
wow I just caught up with the last few chapters this story is great!!

“A jealous streak,” I grin at him. “I’ll have to remember to post a five foot maximum distance sign.”

“I just don’t like sharing what’s mine,” he said without thought as he glanced back at his menu.

“I have always been yours, Lex. It’s about time you realized it.”

I loved this bit! :D

I totally agree with you kimmie a jealous Lex is so HOT! :drool:

Please update again soon!

13th March 2006, 22:55
amazing story

14th March 2006, 04:37
fun fun fun :)

14th March 2006, 11:44
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (7/?)

Bring war material with you from home, but forage
on the enemy. Thus the army will have food enough for its needs.
The Art of War


Chloe POV:

So far so good, I grinned at myself in the bathroom mirror as I replaced my lipstick after the incredible lunch that we just had. Lex’s smart and dry wit was a perfect match to mine and I couldn’t remember enjoying our banter more then I did now. Now all I had to do was to drag him off to do some shopping. I couldn’t wait.

“You want to shop here,” Lex asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Well, wait in the car then but I need necessities and I have the chance to pick out my own stuff rather then getting a care package from my cousin,” I told him with a grin. I knew that Lex had never met Lois so I let his imagination run away with him as I got out of the car and headed inside the lingerie boutique.

“What the hell is your ‘cousin’ doing picking out your lingerie,” his gritted tone was close to my ear. I was thumbing through a selection of bras when his voice so close to my ear startled me. Causing me to jump and gasp.

“Sorry,” Lex growled out as he laid a steadying hand on my back. I cocked my head and glanced at him. He was wearing that same jealous look that he had at the restaurant.

“Where is the closest lingerie shop in Smallville Lex,” I shot back at him as he pondered my question for a moment. “Exactly there is none. I have never been one for granny panties so my cousin shops for me and sends me care packages. Besides ‘she’ has great tastes in intimate apparel,” I told him with a frown as he blew out a breath and glanced around the little shop where Lois bought my emergency needs. A slight frown started to form between his eyebrows as he fingered the lace on one of the bras that I was holding.

“This stuff really isn’t of very good quality,” Lex said with an absent frown as he glanced down at the bra that I happened to be holding.

“Maybe not to you but this is what I can afford,” I told him with a faint blush staining my face.

“Let me take you some place else and I’ll take care of it,” Lex whispered in my ear.

“I am not letting you pay for my underwear, Lex,” I told him with a gasp and a frown as I picked up a scarlet red bra and added it to what I was holding in my hand. I added a few more random items and headed for the dressing room.

“I was thinking about going out to dinner tonight,” Lex called to me as I slipped in and out of the pieces that I picked out. My father would really have a heart attack if he knew what kind of underwear that I wore under my clothes.

“Sounds like fun,” I called back to him. A few more pieces of lingerie appeared of the top of the dressing room door. I cocked an eyebrow at the site of the tastefully sexy pieces.

“Try those on,” he called from the other side of the door.

Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer
without being able to do it.
The Art of War

We argued and bickered over my selected pieces and who was paying for it but in the end I won. My purchases made we headed back to the car. I sat in the crook of Lex’s shoulder and played with his elegant fingers as we drove back to the penthouse both of us lost in our own thoughts. I had almost forgotten about the package that Lois dropped off for me until the security guard mentioned it.

“Is this for me,” Lex asked as he started to take the box from his guard.

“No sir. It’s for your guest,” the guard told him as I grinned and tucked the box under my arm.

“I’m sure that you guys checked it for anything dangerous,” I grinned as I dragged Lex along behind me. “Thanks.”

“What’s in the box,” Lex asked as we boarded the private elevator.

“A surprise,” I told him with a smirk as I held to box against my body and leaned my head back against the elevator wall and closed my eyes.

“I like surprises,” Lex said softly as his breath tickled the loose hairs at my neck.

My eyes snapped open as he stepped close enough to let me feel the heat of his body. His piercing blue eyes held an unknown emotion as he brushed the tip of his nose against mine. My lips suddenly felt bone dry as his hands slid up the sides of my body causing me to shiver with awareness.

The backs of his hands lightly grazed the undersides of my breasts as he rubbed his smooth cheek lightly against mine. My breaths were coming in sharp needy little pants as I felt his heat and breathed in his cologne. The box that I was holding fell at my feet as Lex stepped back when the doors of the elevator opened. It took me several heart beats to break through the seductive sexual haze that I found myself in and realized that he what he had done. He grinned at me as he snapped his cell phone battery back into place.

Whoever is first in the field and
awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight;
whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle
will arrive exhausted.
The Art of War

I stood in the doorway of his office as he once again paced back and forth.

“Yeah, there was a glitch with my cell phone,” he was telling someone else on the other end as he took in what I was wearing or rather what I was not wearing. I was wearing the bathrobe that my father had picked up for me in Chinatown during his last convention. The short robe fell to the tops of my thighs and was in a shade of green that accented the green in my eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me as I waited for him. “Hang on just a moment,” he said then covered the cell phone.

“I just wanted to borrow your tub,” I told him in a stage whisper not daring to come closer to the burning look that his eyes still held after our encounter in the elevator. He nodded with out saying anything as his eyes devoured my body. I retreated without saying another word.

The war that I have been waging has taken on a significant change as I dumped a handful of my favorite bath salts in the tub and slipped into the tub. My pulse was still racing from our encounters on the elevator and then from his office. A gentle tap on the bathroom door caused me to jump slightly.

“Chloe,” he called to me through the door.

“Come on in Lex,” I told him as I made sure that my good parts were hidden under a blanket of bubbles. The door cracked open as Lex poked his head inside.

“I have to step out for a moment,” he told me. “I think that we’ve found something.” His eyes drank me in as his nostrils flared slightly to take in the scent of my bath.

“Okay,” I told him as I leaned forward slightly to grab my soap. For once I wasn’t kicking myself for adding to many bubbles to my bath as I ran the bar of soap from my neck to the tops of my shoulders. “I am sure that I can find something to entertain myself with.”

“We can go to dinner and hopefully celebrate as soon as I get back,” he told me as I noticed a fine sheen of perspiration begin to dot his forehead and with a jerky nod he left the bathroom. I struggled to maintain control over my riotous body as we played out the final maneuver. He was so close to cracking and I couldn’t afford to appear weak now.


I could feel myself clenching and unclenching my hands as I struggled with my control. If it hadn’t been for a fact that my guy was sure that he had a solid lock on the culprit I would have cheerfully joined her in that bathtub. I was never one to deny my hedonistic nature especially when it came to a woman and Chloe proved herself to be all woman. Our banter that always been a little on the biting side took on a sexual overture today that left me feeling slightly hot and flushed and definitely aroused.

When she said that her cousin sent her care packages from the boutique I instantly saw red. My control over my emotions was something that I usually prided myself on but in a space of a few hours she managed to rattle that sense of control as my imagination began to wonder what she was wearing under her street clothes. I know that she wants me and I find myself tired of fighting the desire that I feel for her. Maybe she is right maybe it was time to set aside all of the lies and petty deceits. Since she was bold enough to reach for what she wanted the consequences be damned it was time to take a page from her book.

14th March 2006, 15:13
Oh I can't wait. Please Lex take a page from Chloe's book. :D

Hope :)

14th March 2006, 18:08
OMG! He's picking out lingerie for her! I think Lex definitely should take a page from Chloe's book & reach for what he wants. Great update, can't wait for the next one.

14th March 2006, 19:56
I hope Lex does go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs to realize that he can be with Chloe without being weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please update soon!!!!!!

15th March 2006, 00:20
hehehehe, Chole's book has had lots of interesting pages so far can't wait to see what Lex does, and how Chloe reacts.

15th March 2006, 00:33
Great updates! I can't wait for the next one. I wonder what's in 'the box'...

15th March 2006, 02:16
I've just read the story, and I've enjoyed what I've read so far. I hope there's going to be more soon :)

15th March 2006, 03:31
You leave it there when he is just about ready to take what he wants and be damned!! :wth: I love how he manipulated Chloe in the elavator to get his battery back! Only Lex could have pulled that off so smoothly. I am really enjoying this story. Please update again soon. :D

Kit Merlot
16th March 2006, 02:54
Oh man, but I do adore this story:D

Chloe really is pulling out all of the stops to seduce Lex, isn't she?!

I love it!

16th March 2006, 04:40
The girl got skills!

16th March 2006, 05:13
Fun story. I like the chemestry between the two of them and how Chloe has be able to get under his skin so quickly... what it's been 3 days max? Update soon. :)

16th March 2006, 05:15
I just read it straight through and all I have to say is: NO MORE?????? WHY???
Why would you do that to me? Put me through this torture that is the everlasting wait fot an update.... not to mention the sequel to Coppertone Sunsets.....

mi amiga...come on now. The wait is killing me......UPDATE NOW!! or I may be forced to take serious action....BEWARE!! ( =) lol )

16th March 2006, 14:09
Heaven is a Place on Earth (R) (8/8)

Security against defeat implies defensive tactics;
ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive.
The Art of War

Chloe POV:

I smoothed my secret weapon over my hips as I stared at my reflection in the mirror and gave my hair a final pat. I move into Lex’s office where he was waiting for me and I almost miss the sight of Lex standing by the darken window over looking the city. His eyes took in my appearance with a slightly stunned expression as I crossed the room to lay my wrap over the back of the chair.

My clothes have always been a little on the unusual side and this dress was no exception. It was scarlet red with hints and highlights of a golden dragon that shimmered as I moved. His eyes took in my appearance from the demur high mandarin collar to the form fitting skirt that hugged my body as it fell half way to my calves. Like most blondes I have been cursed with peaches and cream complexion but tonight I was grateful for it. The brilliant scarlet showed off my skin to a polished alabaster.

“So are we celebrating or hiding,” I asked Lex as my mind digested the fact that he looked resplendent in his dark suit and opened throat royal purple dress shirt.

“Celebrating,” He said. “And you look stunning,” he seemed to finally find his voice. His eyes were dark with an unreadable expression.

“Thank you,” I struggled not to blush but I knew that there was a faint tinge of pink to my cheeks. I spun in a slow and lazy circle to show off the rest of the dress or rather what was left of the dress. It was completely backless down to the swell of my hips.

The stunned look in his eyes was well worth having Lois dropping off the dress to me. Lex couldn’t have looked any more startled by the smooth expanse of skin then if I had taken a two by four to his forehead. He seemed to shake off whatever was running around in his head to pick up my wrap and lead me towards the hallway, I felt his hand against the warm skin of my back. A jolt of awareness runs through my body.

We stood in companionable silence as we started the slow decent to the lobby. He never removed his hand from my back but rather traced lazy designs across the sensitive skin causing goose bumps to break out across my body. I could feel him shift closer as we rode down to the car.

“You skin is like silk,” he whispered against my ear sending my pulse racing. I wet suddenly dry lips as I took a step back from him and stared up into his eyes. I smiled softly as I reached out to adjust the matching purple handkerchief. I smoothed my hands across his leanly muscled chest as I grinned up at him.

“What is it with you and elevators Luthor,” I asked mischievously.

“You always seem to be leaving,” Lex smiled at me as he wrapped his arms around my slender waist. “I figured I’d have to catch you where I could.”

“I’m not leaving, Lex. Just going around the corner for coffee,” I sigh softly as I relax into the warmth of his embrace. He nuzzled my ear as I shivered against him.

“I want nothing more then to bury myself in your body,” he groaned against my lips before he swept in for a soul searing kiss.

It was as if my previous dream had come to life. He tasted of moon lit kisses but the dream paled to the reality of his questing tongue as it glided wetly against mine. He drank from the passion of my kiss like a thirsty man. The gentle ding of the elevator announcing our arrival was barely loud enough to break through the haze of desire that we were caught in as we were both left panting from the passion. Lex seemed to recover first as he gently steered me towards the opened doors.

“You know I am not going to object to going back to the apartment,” I told him as I hesitated. I watched in fascination as Lex closes his eyes and then they snap open.

“Patience is really not one of your virtues is it,” he asked in a teasing tone as he led me from the elevator.

“Funny I never thought that it was one of yours either,” I replied as I reluctantly followed him.

He had me completely off balance since I stole his cell phone battery this morning. He held me at bay one minute then seemed to embrace this new found intimacy between us the next. Of course the sexual banter that we had kept going all day really was driving me nuts. Not that it would have taken long; after all it was just a short drive from where I was concerning this man.

“If the prize is worth the wait I can be a very patient man,” Lex smiled at me as he took my wrap and gently draped it over my body. “Besides who knows when I’ll be able to whisk you away for an evening in Metropolis once we return to Smallville.” A flood of warmth coursed through my body at his words.

Thoughts of Smallville were suddenly buried as Lex wined me, dined me, and I certainly hoped that the rest of that particular thought would come later. The night had been magical to say the least. He introduced me to another world, his world. Even when business associates approached him I was what held his attention. His eyes followed me hotly as I walked back to our table from a quick stop in the ladies room. I knew that the man was extremely focused and sharply driven but when that intensity was focused on me I was both thrilled and a little frightened by it.

Thus the highest form of generalship is to
balk the enemy's plans; the next best is to prevent
the junction of the enemy's forces; the next in
order is to attack the enemy's army in the field;
and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities.
The Art of War

We were both silent as we rode back to the apartment. In the elevator I absently rubbed one foot against the other as we leaned against the wall each of us careful not to touch each other but supremely aware of the others presence.

“Do your feet hurt,” he asked as he noticed my movements.

“I think that heels are the tool of the devil,” I tell him with a smirk.

He knelt at my feet and reached for one foot as I touched his shoulders to steady myself. He slid my shoe off and began to knead my aching extremity before reaching for the other foot and tenderly repeating the gesture. I leaned my head against the wall weakly as I groaned with pleasure at his tender but firm touch. Lex carried my shoes as we entered the apartment and suddenly I was left with a feeling of uncertainty. I had finally succeeded in my goal.

“Hey, are you alright,” Lex asked softly as he set my shoes by the door and followed me silently into the darkened living room to wrap his arms around my waist from behind.

“I’m feeling a little nervous and I hate it,” I admitted to him as we stared out at the city lights.

“I know what you mean,” he says against the side of my neck. I start slightly as I glance over my shoulder at him. His eyes are serious as he gently turns me to face him and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers as he touches his lips lightly to mine.

“You’re nervous too,” I asked as I stared up at him silently seeking reassurance as he stroked his thumb against the soft skin of my cheek.

“Yeah, but maybe not for the same reasons that you are,” his lips twisted in a smirk. “I am nervous about returning you to Smallville. What your friends are going to say. What your father is going to say,” he glanced away for a moment. “What I am going to do if it gets to be too much for you.”

Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient
strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.
The Art of War

I leaned in and kissed him softly. I understood his fears because they almost mirrored my own exactly. I leaned into his sleek body and took advantage of the moment to chase my own fears away. My tongue begged entrance into his mouth ss he slid his hands around to glide against the skin of my back.
“It will never be too much Lex,” I whispered against his lips as I slipped his jacket from his shoulders to have it fall on the floor behind him.

“Do me a favor,” he asked as his nimble fingers began to unbutton my collar.

“Depends on what it is Lex,” my own hands had taken on an urgency as I tugged his shirt free from his pants. I nibbled and licked the strong column of his neck.

“Don’t wear this dress again unless I am with you,” He asked against the pounding pulse at my throat as he groaned when I gently bit down at on the sensitive flesh.

“Okay,” I growled in frustration as my fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Then I gripped the damn shirt at the sides and jerked and sent buttons flying. “But consider buying more pullovers,” I growled against the smooth expanse of his chest.

Lex pulled back slightly to watch as the bodice fell to my hips exposing the straining erect tips of my bare breasts. He used just his finger tips to trace the slopes of my breast.

“You are exquisite,” he said softly as he watched the goose bumps pepper my skin.

I backed away slightly and leaded against the cool glass of the window.

“Take it off for me Lex,” I asked in slightly panting breaths.

My eyes devoured him hungrily as he toed of his shoes and bent over to slide his socks off. He stared me in the eyes as he tossed his cufflinks on the table at his side. I could see the hard bulge of his erection tenting his pants as he slipped his shirt off.

“I think that you’re still over dressed for the event sweetheart,” Lex said as he watched me with burning eyes. The faint sound of the zipper sliding down was heard as I stepped out of my dress to leave me naked except for the scarlet red garter belt that held my stockings in place and matching panties that he had picked out.

“You have excellent tastes in lingerie,” I told him with a soft smile. He never made it to taking off his pants.

In war, then, let your great object be victory,
not lengthy campaigns.
The Art of War

He jerked me hard against his body as he mouth came crashing down on mine. His hands roved my body freely as he stroked his hands across my hips to glide over the soft skin. I almost forgot how to breathe as he nibbled, licked, and his elegant fingers teased the sensitive bundle of nerves in the apex of my thighs through my panties. He took in my cries of pleasure as my wetness soaked the crotch of my panties. I was almost thankful when he picked me up and carried me off to the bedroom. I didn’t think that my trembling legs were going to hold me up after my crashing orgasm.

Through the haze of my passion I barely noticed that he had tore my panties free of my body but left my garter belt and stockings in place. I was feeling soft and warm as I watched him remove his pants and reach for the box of condoms that he had in the drawer next to the bed. He rebuilt the fires of my passions with his body and mouth until I was so hot that when he began the slow press inside my clenching body I was sobbing with my need. It didn’t take long before we both felt the tremors of release.

I held him against my body as my emotions threatened to overwhelm me. He was perfect and he was with me. Lex left my side long enough to dispose of the condom before cuddling me against his hard body.

“You know Chloe,” he said as we entwined our bodies together. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. This was one “Art of War” that I didn’t mind losing.”



I can’t remember how old I was when I first learned that fire is hot and I would get burned if I touched it but I will always remember what it felt like to go up in complete flames as I watched Chloe step into the living room wearing that dress. She was stunning as she stood there. She was an ever changing mix confidence and shy allure.

Her sharp wit and slightly jaded comments were always stimulating. Chloe carried herself with a sophistication that surprised me. She smiled at my associates and made witty conversation with them. I knew that it surprised many of them that I was escorting someone with more than one brain cell.

Even when I realized that she was maneuvering me like a pawn on a chest board I didn’t care. She was everything that I could want in a woman. She was tough, smart, and sexy. She burned me with her passion and seared me with her tenderness. She was definitely one battle I didn’t mind losing.

The End

16th March 2006, 15:54
Oh that was so good. I am sad its gone. I loved how Chloe got her man. Great job girl. :clapclap:

Hope :)

16th March 2006, 16:55
wow that was excellent I loved it Chloe won her man :D Sad it has had to end but looking forward to the sequel to Coppertone Sunsets!!

Kit Merlot
16th March 2006, 18:57
Woo Hoo that was a great ending:D

I do like it when Lex and Chloe realize how much they love and need each other!

Wonderful story:grin3:

16th March 2006, 20:23
Great ending but, I still had wanted more. Like pipersmum said, can't wait for the sequel to Coppertone Sunsets.

16th March 2006, 21:21
That was a great ending, I really enjoyed it :)

16th March 2006, 22:12
wonderful, aahh, such a good little story

19th March 2006, 18:50
fabulously done =]

25th April 2008, 13:54
Nicely done story.

22nd May 2008, 02:04
love the story the ending was perfect!!!

Ami Rose
25th February 2018, 11:01
Hot! Love it!