View Full Version : [Completed] Move over (R) *complete*

28th January 2006, 05:26
Title: Move over
Summary: Lex has trouble sleeping at night
Rating: R for safety
Disclaimers: Ripped this off from Everybody Loves Raymond. So that show isn’t mine or um…Smallville…. *mumbles under breath*
A/n: Lex’s affections for Chloe may seem out of character

Chapter One

Lex was sound asleep until a hand landed on his stomach. Chloe moaned and his eyes popped open. He looked over at her and she looked so cute sleeping. He gave a soft smile and turned over to go back to sleep. Chloe’s hand followed Lex’s movements. Lex began to feel annoyed with it. He didn’t mind cuddling with her, but not when he was trying to sleep.

“Honey,” Lex said and Chloe moaned softly. He peeked under the covers and spoke to his genitals.
“Don’t get up, false alarm.” Lex said disappointedly. It was very rare that they would both wake up in the middle of the night, to have sex. Lex sighed and tried to go back to sleep. He just couldn’t with Chloe’s hand on his stomach. What was he to do? Take it off or shove her off the bed? The bed was too big to just shove someone off. Lex sighed annoyingly and looked at his wife. She was beautiful, but he just couldn’t sleep with her all over him.
“Chloe.” He said again. Chloe didn’t answer. She was too busy dreaming. Lex tried moving but Chloe followed him. Lex groaned and got out of bed. He went to the other side, and grabbed the covers pulling her away from his side of the bed. He was desperate for a few winks of sleep. He needed his sleep. Lex felt satisfied and went over to his side of the bed, and got in and went to sleep.

The next thing he knew Chloe’s arm was on his stomach again. His eyes popped open.

“This has to stop.” He said to himself. Lex decided to go to the study and sleep on the couch. The couch was comfortable because they made it so, they would be comfortable during make out sessions. He had a pillow and a blanket. He could sleep but it wasn’t the same with out Chloe.

The next morning Chloe woke up and saw that her bed was empty. She gave a weird face.

“That’s weird. Lex’s face is the one that I always see in the morning.” She knew something was up. She went into the kitchen and saw him sitting drinking a cup of coffee, and reading the business section. He looked tired which he was.
“Alright Lex. Spill.” She said as she poured herself a cup of coffee. Lex had gotten her cup ready. He always had in the morning. She felt that was so sweet of him.
“What?” He said avoiding the discussion. He didn’t want his wife to know, that he didn’t like her closeness.
“How come I didn’t see you this morning?” She asked as she sat down. She hated arguing. Especially first thing in the morning. Lex cleared his throat. He looked at her and smiled. He placed his hand on top of hers.
“You’re so beautiful.” He avoided the question. Chloe smiled.
“I know Lex. Please. Just tell me what’s bothering you?”
“What makes you think somethings bothering me?” He asked while getting up and looking out the window, by the kitchen sink. He had his hand on his hip. He rubbed his hand over his head. Chloe sighed.

“Whenever you rub your head your annoyed or troubled. Please Lex. Just tell me.” He turned to look at Chloe and kissed her.
“Nothing’s bother me Chlo. I assure you.” He left for his study and Chloe followed him. He forgot to get rid of the blanket and pillow. Chloe saw them and then stared at Lex.
“Uh huh. Nothings bothering you? Big lie Mr. Lier.” Chloe said as she sat on the blanket and took in his scent. Lex scoffed and looked away. He sat at his desk and signed online. Chloe played with her wedding ring.

“I thought we promised each other honesty Lex.” She spoke up bringing back their vows. Lex put his hand on his cheek and sighed.
“I know Chloe. It’s just that. This time it’s different.”
“What makes this time any different Lex? Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
Hey I'm back in action typing again! I will update my other stories, so stay tuned! :)

28th January 2006, 05:56
Good start so far! PPMS!!!!

28th January 2006, 06:08
Good start please more. :D

28th January 2006, 09:22
Great start! Can't wait for more!

28th January 2006, 19:03
Chapter Two:

Lex sighed. He went over and kissed her head.

“I got to go to work.” He gave a slight smile and left.
“But it’s Saturday!” She called after him.
“The plant never sleeps Chloe.” He called back. Chloe put her head on the table and stomped her foot and made some getsters with her hands. She mouthed some words. When she was done she sniffed and lifted her head up.
“Why do I even bother?”

At the Talon Chloe was enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Lois came over to chat with her.

“Hey cuz. Long time no see.” Chloe gave a slight smile.
“Hmph.” Chloe never looked at Lois. She was too busy sulking after a husband who couldn’t tell the truth.
“Uh oh. Something happen didn’t it? What, did Lex refuse sex again?” Lois said as she made her way behind the counter. Chloe shook her head no.
“No. That was only once because he was really tired. He’s a real pain when he’s exhausted. He’s no fun.” Chloe said depressed. She put her hand on her cheek.
“So where is he now?” Lois asked as she wiped the counter.
“But it’s Saturday.” Lois complained.
“I know. He never goes in on Saturdays. He’s hiding something Lois, and I’m going to find out.” Chloe said as she took her cup of coffee and started to leave.
“Hey, did you pay for that?”
“I don’t have to pay for coffee anymore Lois.” Chloe said and almost ran into Clark.
“I’m sorry.” Clark said with a smile. Chloe smiled back.
“Don’t worry about it.” Chloe said and Clark knew that something was bothering her. He didn’t question her. Clark gave a weird look. He went up to Lois.

“Lex refused sex again huh?” Clark said as he leaned his elbow on the counter.
“No. I think it’s something much worse.” Lois joked.
“You know I just cleaned where your arm is.” Lois said.
“Your point? I was wondering if we’re still on for tonight.” Clark asked hoping they were.
“Yeah. I wanna know what’s up with blondie and baldy.” They both snickered.
“We could always stake out the mansion.” Clark winked.
“Nah. You know Lex and his security.”
“Yeah, but I can get in and out. You know that Lo.” Clark said as he rubbed her hand.

Chloe drove home in a bad mood. She turned on the radio, and there was nothing good on. She and Lex sometimes switched cars every now and then. She turned on the CD player, and Lex had some alternative music in. So she listened to that.

‘Why don’t you just tell me Lex.’ She thought as she listened to the music, and watched the road. Chloe decided to pay a visit to the plant.

At a bar Lex was drinking. He wasn’t at the plant. He thought some early drinking was in order. He poured himself another glass.

“Problems with the wife?” The bar keep said. Lex was good friends with him, and they shared some private conversations.
“I’m having trouble sleeping at night.” Lex said as he took a sip.
“What is sex getting you down?” The bar keep said as he wiped the counter. “That’s very unlike you.” He added.
“No. It’s not that.”
“You’re having trouble actually sleeping?” The bar keep raised an eyebrow like ooook.
“Who are you and what have you done with Lex Luthor?” He added as he stared at him oddly. Lex smirked and shook his head.
“I know. I don’t seem like myself. She’s too cuddly at night. I’m trying to sleep, and she’s all over me.”
“Maybe Chloe doesn’t get enough loving during the day, so she takes it out on you at night.” Lex looked at him like he was crazy.
“Well, I have been busy lately.” Lex said thinking about his week.
“There you go. Show her that you still love her.” The bar keep advised.
“Thanks Warren.” Lex said and paid for his drink.

When Chloe went to the plant she asked her father if Lex was around.

“No I’m sorry hon. Lex isn’t here.” Gabe said. Chloe frowned and anger was on the verge of rising.
“That son of a” Chloe whispered.
“I gotta get back to work Chlo. Love ya.” Gabe kissed her hair and went back to work. Chloe gave a small smile.

Chloe and Lex arrived home after one another.

“Lex Luthor!” Chloe stormed in the study.
“Chloe.” Lex said as he went to her and kissed her passionately. Chloe felt his tongue.
“Woo!” Chloe said and backed away. Lex smiled. He was a little too close to her, to the point where she could feel him. She wondered what was up. First he avoided her question, now he was being passionate?
“You liked that eh? There’s more where that came from.” Lex said as he sat down on the couch. He patted the empty spot next to him, for her to join him.
“Lex, what’s going on?”
“Can’t I express my feelings for you?” He said with a seductive smile. He winked at her. Chloe was a little frighten but sat next to him anyway.
“Believe me Lex, you do that every night, and,” He cut her off with a kiss.
“Lex,” She whimpered. She just wanted to talk not make out.
“Shhh. Just let me do what I want.” Chloe didn’t want him to, so she pushed him away.
“No Lex. We need to talk. Now tell me dammit. What’s wrong?” She said to the point of shouting.

“Chloe hon. Nothing is wrong. I just want to make out with the women I love.” He said while brushing her hair aside. Chloe sighed and looked away. She was unsure. She wasn’t in the mood to make out.
“I have to go.” Chloe said and left the room. Lex sighed and sat back.
“Well I tried.” He spoke to his genitals again.

Chloe sat on the bed about to cry. Lex came in and sat next to her. She moved away. Lex put his arm around her.

“Chloe. I don’t know how to tell you this. That’s what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of your reaction.” He said as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
“Lex, I told you. You can tell me anything, and I mean anything! I won’t think any less of you.” She looked at him and her eyes began to water.
“You’re too cuddly at night.” Lex said and awaited her response.
“Me? Too cuddly during sleep? Now I know something is wrong.” Lex sighed annoyingly.
“It’s true. I couldn’t sleep at all last night because your arm was on my stomach.” He complained.
“Well excuse me for cuddling.” Chloe retorted and rolled her eyes.
“See? That’s why I didn’t want to tell you, because we’d end up fighting.”
“Oh we fight about everything Lex.” Chloe said angrily and got up.
“That’s not true.” Chloe looked at him with an angered face.
“Well…but we always make up, and have a hell of a time afterwards.” He winked at her.
“Because your so darn good at tempting me.” Lex smiled at his triumph.
“I can’t help it if I’m sexy.” He said with a smile. Chloe rolled her eyes again.
“So what am I banned from having my arm on your stomach at night?” Chloe retorted on the verge of tears.
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Lex said and Chloe turned away from him.

That night Chloe refrained from putting her arm around Lex. It was hard but she would get used to it. Lex slept soundly while Chloe had trouble. She tossed and turned for a while, and eventually fell asleep. Then she woke up and couldn’t sleep. She closed her eyes tightly in frustration.

“Maybe just once.” Chloe thought as she wrapped her arms around Lex. ‘Maybe my leg too.’ She thought as she wrapped his leg around his leg. She felt better and fell asleep in seconds.

Lex woke up and saw her. He was not a happy camper. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He got out of bed and went to find something that was like his body. He found a huge pillow that Chloe had. He waited for Chloe to turn over and she did. He then put the pillow in her arms, and quickly snuck in bed. He sighed and went to sleep.

The next morning Lex was in the kitchen and was as chipper as a bird. Chloe was tired as ever.

“Good morning snuggle pants.” Lex said as he kissed her lips. She moped around and sat at the table.
“Uh oh. Something’s wrong. No coffee this morning?” Chloe put her head on the table and went to sleep, or at least tried too.
“Someone put a pillow in my arms.” She complained.
“Well I, uh.” Lex said and he felt nervous.
“I’m going to bed.” She said and got up and went to the master bedroom. Lex sighed and went after her.

Chloe lay in bed sulking. Lex slid in next to her.

“Chloe, I just need my space.” Chloe wanted to slap him. She turned over to face him angrily.
“Space? You’re the one that wants to make out every night. Sometimes I don’t feel like it, but you always tempt me. Don’t tell me about space!” Chloe said with flair.
“Chloe,” Chloe couldn’t take it anymore and slapped him. Then she got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, and locked herself in.
“That went well.” Lex joked.
I know Lex can be a real jerk sometimes. :D

28th January 2006, 19:25
first chapter was a good start, they were a bit OOC in the begining of the second chapter

29th January 2006, 03:32
That was a great update and I agree with persephone47. :D

29th January 2006, 04:36
This is great story. I hope that these two can come up with some way to get over their "problem?" teehee!!

12th February 2006, 18:32
Chapter Three:

Clark and Lex were talking at the Talon and Lex decided to tell him about his “problem”.

“Hey Clark, when you’re with Lois, do you ever feel that you need, space?” He asked and Clark looked at him surprised.

“Sometimes, but we work it out.” He said as he set his coffee mug down. Lex was confused. He didn’t want it to be this way.

“Do you have any tips?” Lex felt weird asking Clark for tips on marriage problems.

“Tell her how you feel.”

“I did. It didn’t go over so well.” He said and slumped his shoulders.

“Hmm. Did you try separate beds?” Clark said thinking out of the box.

“Are you nuts? It’s bad enough I can’t sleep with out her. When she comes home late, it’s hard for me to sleep.”

“Aww Lex.” Clark said while patting his shoulder. Lex just rolled his eyes.

“Maybe I should just let her be all over me. I mean she does love me right? And just her being on me is amazing, and well I think I can get over this.” Lex said and left.

“Good luck!” Clark yelled after him.


That night Lex lay in bed with Chloe who wasn’t any where near him. He was startled by that, and actually wanted her on him. He looked at her sleeping. He knew she wasn’t asleep yet.

“Chloe,” Lex said as he got close to her and wrapped his arms around her. She was facing away from him, and her eyes popped open.

“Lex?” She said as she turned to face him. A smile spread across his face.

“You can always be all over me. I don’t mind it anymore.” He said as he kissed her.

“Lex.” She said again and cuddled up next to him. They both fell asleep.

The End!
Thanks for reading and reviewing guys!

14th February 2006, 14:35
that was too adorable!

kris 105
15th February 2006, 05:15
loved it. lex needed to make up his mind of whether he wanted chloe to cuddle at night. but in the end i loved the ending.:D

3rd May 2008, 04:27
Cute one.

15th May 2008, 02:37
Awww cute!

22nd May 2008, 01:21
that was very sweet and cute.

Ami Rose
25th February 2018, 13:03