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View Full Version : Resolutions (G) - Complete

1st January 2006, 05:20
A/N: A tiny one-shot story that came to my mind; beginning with the very end and working it's way toward the beginning. I just felt like writing it. I hope you enjoy :) Happy New Year!


Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own none of the characters, locations, or anything else in this story; only the story itself.



Yet another year was almost over. It had flown by for Chloe, however. She had earned her Bachelor's Degree and, while not her dream job as reporter for the Daily Planet, she could at least say she held the honor of best reporter among the many of Metropolis' neighborhood papers. It wasn't exactly what she considered her best, and it definitely wasn't glamorous; however, it paid the bills, and that was what mattered, she thought as she silently made a toast to herself and her achievements. She hadn't given up on her dream job by for, but for the time being, the one she had would do.

One of the perks of being the best reporter, even for a neighborhood paper, was an invite to the fanciest New Year's Eve party in Metropolis, held at Luthorcorp Plaza. She got to mingle with society's higher-class people, drink champagne, and just have fun. However, she was beginning to re-think her decision to go stag to the party. She could only talk to people so long, and surprisingly enough, it wasn't all that long before she had talked to everyone in the room.

Everyone, that is, except for the person hosting the party - Lex Luthor.

Chloe hadn't seen Lex in a couple of years, though she thought of him often. Things were quite tense when they had last seen each other, and Chloe had been quite hurt because, although she really didn't want to admit it, she liked Lex; a lot. They had both said a lot of hurtful things to each other before parting that last time, and Chloe was hoping that, just perhaps, she would see him and they could reconcile before midnight. Sort of a really late new year's resolution. There was no sight of him however, and no one else appeared to have seen him either. Seeing as it was so close to midnight, she doubted she would fulfill that particular resolution.

Deciding to cut her losses, Chloe went grabbed another glass of champagne from one of the servers before heading out onto the balcony. While still warm for being a winter day, the wind cut right through her dress, causing a chill to run down her body. She figured, however, the champagne would take care of that in good time. She was on her fourth glass, and she could already feel the fuzzy warmth begin to make its way through her body.

"To unfulfilled resolutions," she said aloud, holding her glass out to the night sky before taking another sip. She had a tear in her eye at the disappointment in not having seen Lex, but she smiled regardless. There's always the next big party, she thought to herself. There would always be another party, and Lex would most likely be at them. However, for some reason, it just seemed important that she see him on that night; on New Year's Eve. It just seemed right to her.

She checked her watch. One minute to midnight. No way in hell she would see him. A tiny part of her held out hope, but it was smothered by the part telling her to come to her senses and accept that he wouldn't be there.


She could hear the countdown going on inside.


She sighed as she finished off her glass.


Chloe gasped when she turned around.


"Happy New Year, Chloe."


She smiled.

"Happy New Year, Lex."

As he grasped her in a warm embrace and kissed her, she realized that, just perhaps, her resolution had been fulfilled after all.


The End

1st January 2006, 06:21
Glad that Chloe got see Lex.

1st January 2006, 06:29
Hee hee, cute :)

Happy New Year, Donutte!

1st January 2006, 08:39
I loved that. :D

Hope :)

1st January 2006, 14:24
Thanks guys! Happy New Year to y'all as well :)

1st January 2006, 17:37
Loved it!

1st January 2006, 18:07
Very cute fic !! i like how lex had surprised chloe !


1st January 2006, 22:53
Simply. But it just hit the right spot.

1st January 2006, 23:22
Cute, love when resolutions are fulfilled. Cheers to all:)

Happy New Years!

2nd January 2006, 03:52
What a great way to welcome in the new year, lol!!

8th January 2006, 08:01
great story i am happy that chloe and lex are together and happy they deserve to be.

18th January 2006, 08:05
Awww----I loved this. :: crying happy tears :: Thanks for a wonderful story, sweetie. :)

23rd January 2006, 01:16
Aww. That's so sweet

23rd January 2006, 07:36
I just found this story. I have to say that I love it. She turns around and Lex is there-the best. great story as always.


23rd January 2006, 08:50
Awe... great short fic. Faboulus infact. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

27th January 2006, 22:38
Cute Chloe's resolution was done!!!!!!!
Good Story

16th June 2006, 22:40
Nice short holiday piece. {Smiles}

27th November 2007, 05:07
Really cute holiday story...short, but good!

I wish I got to kiss Lex on New Years.*sighs*