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Ami Rose
12th December 2005, 22:35
She Didn’t Have Time
Author: Ami Rose
Rated: PG
Summery: Song Fiction! What happens when Chloe’s life is flipped upside down? She has to raise her daughter alone and doesn’t have time for any thing else. Or does she?
Disclaimer: I don’t own any thing here. The song is Terry Clarks.

Clark grabbed his coat and walked out the door. Chloe held their 9-month-old baby girl close as she followed her husband to the door. He stepped off the porch and turned to her. “Chlo’, your better off with out me. I’m not what you need.”
A tear escaped from Chloe’s eye as he turned, got in his car and drove off. He never even looked back. She couldn’t believe her father was right. Clark cared about everyone but his wife and child.

He said goodbye from the edge of the porch
Like she’d been some casual friend
He said “you’re better off with out me
I’m not what you need”
Like her momma had said about him
He started the car
Pulled out of the drive
Didn’t waste any time lookin’ back
She watched him go

She quickly wiped her eyes. She has to be strong for Kylie. She continued her day like nothing had changed. She found the lost pink blanket her father gave Kylie, cleaned the house, fed her baby and rocked her to sleep. When the day was through she went to bed herself, thinking of their future.

She could’ve cried but she didn’t have time
She had a baby to feed
A pink blanket to find
To rock their little one to sleep
She could’ve laid in bed for hours
Giving misery the power
But she didn’t have time

The divorce went through. Years went by. She got a job to pay the bills and a babysitter. Kylie was growing fast, growing strong like her father.
Lana stopped by after work one day and spoke to Chloe after Kylie fell asleep. “Chlo’!”
“Yah?” Chloe answered as she stared at her sleeping child.
“You need to start thinking about Kylie’s future. She needs a father. It’s been five years. You gotta get outta the house and maybe you’ll meet someone new.”

She got a sitter, she got a job
’Cause she had a promise to keep
Her day was a factory and evening survival
At night was exhaustion and sleep
Sometimes she felt life was passing her by
And watching was all she could do
Her friends said “you gotta get outta the house
And maybe you’ll meet someone new”

Chloe thought about what Lana had said, but she decided she didn’t have the time. Today was ballet, tomorrow piano lessons, Friday t-ball little league. She had no time to go on dates with strange men who wouldn’t live up to being a father. Kylie needed someone perfect.

She could’ve tried
But she didn’t have time
She had a five year old to feed
She had ballet class, piano lessons
And t-ball little league
She could’ve laid awake for hours
Giving lonely nights the power
But she didn’t have the time.

Chloe was on her normal route home when she got a flat tire. Just her luck! She looked up and saw Luther Corp. Hest then she heard a voice from her past.
“Mrs. Kent?” Chloe turned to see Lex Luther standing behind her.
“Actually, it’s Sullivan again.” She smiled and pointed to her car. “I got a flat. Stupid car has been acting up.”
“I’ll call someone to fix that. Why don’t you come inside out of the cold? We have coffee.” Her eyebrow quickly went up. She really needed some; her day was saying so now.

Not time where would she find the time
To trust a man again
Not time for that flat tire
A crowded parking lot and then
Not time to just have coffee with the man
Who got her tire fixed
She was thinking gosh he’s handsome
When he asked do you have kids

Chloe stared at Lex in shock. “Excuse me?”
“I saw the car seat.” Lex replied.
Chloe didn’t know what to say. It had been years since she’d seen Lex, and time was most defiantly on his side. So she said the truth. “She’s five.”
Lex leaned forward and softly touched her hand. “I love kids. Does she have your eyes?”
Chloe’s jaw dropped. “Yah, she does.” She paused for a moment. Her eyes wouldn’t leave Lex’s. “I…”
Lex raised his hand and softly touched Chloe’s cheek.

She could’ve lied
But she didn’t have time
All she said was “she’s five”
He said “I saw the car seat I love kids
Does she have your eyes?”
And they sat and talked for hours
Giving destiny its power

Months went by, and Lex never left her side. Kylie loved him and Chloe was starting to think she did too.
She got Lana to watch Kylie. Lex said he had a special night planned. It had been six months to this night that they’d bee seeing one another. She walked into darkness; a few candles lit her way. “Lex!” She called out.
Lex slowly stepped out of the darkness. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the living room. Chloe got chills when he pulled her close. He softly pressed his lips to hers and she shivered. He pulled back and looked down into her eyes. “I’ve wanted to ask you a question for a few months now.”
Chloe couldn’t stop shivering as Lex got down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box from his pocket. A tear ran down her cheek and she heard his next words.

She could’ve been afraid
To fall in love that night
But she didn’t have time

Sequel to follow soon!!!!

12th December 2005, 23:05
Interesting....very interesting

12th December 2005, 23:16
Well you can't leave it there! I want to know her answer. I want to know what Kylie thinks. I want to know why she didn't go for him in the first place instead of Clark. I want to know now. That isn't too demanding is it? Um.....please? :)

12th December 2005, 23:53
Please add a rating into the topic title/description. Forum rules can be found here (http:///). Please read them as this is your second violation.

Also, please limit the ----- and **** as they mess up the tables and I don't have the time to edit all of your posts.


13th December 2005, 03:05
That was just so sweet :) I loved the story. I can't wait for the next part.

21st December 2005, 19:57
That was cute. I love that song. Kinda wish Clark wasn't the dad, but it sort of fits. Can't wait for the rest.

Ami Rose
1st January 2006, 15:27
Hey guys! The sequal prolog is now up under general. So please go read and tell me what you think.

1st January 2006, 19:05
Clark is such a jerk...what an ass to just leave Chloe and their child. Oh well I am really glad that Chloe found Lex. Great Fic!

1st January 2006, 19:25
Oh yes, this is just what I needed to work on something. :) Inspiration---that's what fanfic is to me now---has been for a while. The show---nawww---fanfic, always fanfic. And this is a prime example of it. Oh, new years resolution---to find the time to read more fanfic and the time to send out feedback---yep, cut back on the caffeine for my muse, just so I can do it. Wonderful piece, sweetie. :) I loved it. :)

2nd January 2006, 03:46
I love that song too! cute story!

8th January 2006, 07:54
great story and song clark is a jerk and lex is perfect.

13th January 2006, 00:46
Awww... Wonderful as always... Stupid Clark left her and the baby... The only smart thing he did, because it gave Chloe and her daughter and Lex the chance to meet and fall in love with each other, and finally Chloe could be with the right guy for her!!!!