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View Full Version : Fantasy And Reality - Smallville Style (R/M)

24th November 2005, 06:08
This is part of a trilogy I've worked on for a while. The first was CSI and the last one is going to be VM. It started because of something that happened on CSI---one of the characters had to let go of a fantasy because the reality of the situation was that the other character was married. Hope you enjoy this look at Chloe and her search for reality.

Title: "Fantasy And Reality - Smallville Style"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: R/M (for language)

Category: Friendship, Chlex, slight Clana, slight futurefic, Chloe's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

Summary: Chloe has moved on from fantasy to reality.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and its characters, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and WBFFZ. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: This is a companion piece to my CSI piece. There's one more to come too---Veronica Mars style. Enjoy. And I dedicate this piece to David and Charlie's, for their help through the years. Enjoy.

"Fantasy And Reality - Smallville Style" - by PMD

Prologue: For years I have fantasized that Clark would pick me over her. But now, I know that dream is gone---that he loves her with no reservations. And she the same, after finding out he's not from around here. Time to let go of the fantasy and find the reality meant only for me. Where do I start?


The Talon

"Hey, could you try to not look at each other for a moment and pour me a cup of java?" I quip.

They turn away from their gazes and I see them blushing. Then Lana smiles, as she pours me a coffee and then puts the pot down, looking at Clark once more.

"Geez---get a room already and do it," I laugh.

I turn away from the loving gaze of those two, with a smile on my face.

Yep, I'm giving up on the fantasy of being with Clark because of those two---I know; they're meant to be together. Just wish I hadn't taken so long to figure that out---would have saved on the heartache all those years---and the problems I've made for both too. Now, where is my reality---the reality they have together.

I gaze over to see a gentleman and a young lady, sitting at one of the tables. The pain I feel is deeper than what I used to feel, when I looked at Lana and Clark. It's heightened to the point that I gasp.

"Chloe---are you all right?"

I feel Clark’s arms around me and Lana is there by my side.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Who's that with Lex?"

She turns around and then looks back at me. "A business acquaintance as far as I know. Why do---oh---OH!"

Clark pulls away and I look at his look of understanding. "You love him."

"What? No---maybe? I don't know. I mean, can it really come this fast?"

"Yes---it can come really fast, Chloe. Go to him---tell him how you feel."

I look back at him and the brunette sitting next to him. "I'd have better luck having a fantasy roll in the hay with you, Clark, than having any reality with Alex."

"Not with my boyfriend you don't!" Lana states.

I look at her and the grin on her face. "Don't you mean your intended?"

"What---how'd you---oh never mind. Chloe I bet Clark is right---go to him. I bet he's fallen for you too."

"Nope---not brunette and don't want to kill him. As far as he's concerned I'm more of a search engine to him than I've ever been with Clark here."

They let out a collective sigh and I back away. "I think I'll go upstairs to bed---I'm tired."

They glare at me and I turn around.


I turn back around. "Yes?"

Lana thrusts the coffee pot in my hand and then Clark turns me around, pushing me towards the table where Lex is.

I turn around and glare at them. "What?" I ask, pointing to the pot.

"Refills," Lana mouths.

I turn back around and sigh. Well here goes nothing:

I walk up to them. "Would you like some more coffee?"

She looks at me. "I'm drinking tea!"


"That was rude, Sylvia."

She looks at Lex. "But I was drinking tea."

"You could have said thanks but I'm drinking tea."

"Lexxxy---come on, she's interrupting our merger here."

She looks at me again, as I raise an eyebrow.

"Buying another company, Alex?" I ask.

He mouths, 'help me' and I grin.

I lean over to pour coffee in his cup and the muffin with jam in front of her falls into her lap.

"Why you fucking idiot!" she screams.

"It was an accident!" I retort.

"Ladies, ladies---please. You are causing a scene. Lana?"

Lana is there in a heart beat. "Yes, Lex?"

"Could you show Sylvia the washroom so she can clean up?"

"Sure---come on."

Sylvia gets up and walks away with Lana. I sit down beside him, letting out a sigh.

"You owe me for that one, Alex."

He leans in, whispering, "So, what can I give you in return, Chloe?"

'Your love,' my heart screams.

"How about a night of watching television---like we used to do."

He backs away and I look over at him, his eyes pondering. "Tonight or tomorrow night?"

I smile and then we hear:

"So, the blonde hussy wants to cramp my style?"

I look up to see the seething brunette there. I get up.

"Listen here, Missy. I've dealt with your kind. Vicky wasn't that bad but she could get on my nerves. You wish you were in the leagues with Helen and how she duped Lex---sorry," I state, as I hear a gasp from Lex.

"No problem---continue."

"And you think he goes for airheads like you? I think he has more substance than that. Or maybe you are a plant by his father."

I see the look on her face and smile. "Wow, Lionel is at it again, Lex."

He moves over and gets up, just behind me. "Sylvia---is this true?"

She looks away.

"Wow, father is getting better at this---or at least he thought he was."

"What?" she asks.

"Please---I was playing you for a fool. Don't you know who I am? I'm Alexander Luthor---a chip off the old block. I have a woman and then throw her away, with a pair of diamond earrings. Be gone from my sight before I turn you into a toad."

She huuuphs, picking up her coat and purse and running out the door.

"I'll turn you into a toad?" I quip, turning around to look at him. "I thought that was Lana's gift---you've turned into a warlock, have you?"

He laughs---a quick one---and then gestures I sit down. I do and he sits beside me. "Just thought it had a nice ring to it, since she has invisible warts already."

"Nice one, Alex. The grasshopper has learned well. Alex, I think I've finally figured out why you gave diamond earrings to your conquests?"

"Oh---pray tell, why."

I look ahead, gathering my thoughts and then look back at him. "Because diamonds---you can see through them. And you could see through them for what they were---a momentary relapse into your father's realm. And they are cold to the touch---so, you weren't heated with them---cold as a cucumber---like you were going through the motions. And they are expensive and you had to keep up your image."

I feel his hand on mine and I look down and then up, seeing his eyes softening---feeling the warmth from their icy blue depths.

"You know what I will give to the woman I love after we make love?"

"Not diamonds."

He smiles. "No, not diamonds."

"Your heart?"

"Beyond that."

"A new car?"

"Maybe. But you can't put that on a bedside table."

"A reality filled with love?"

"And other things too."

"Okay, I give. What would you give her?"

He says not a word---just gets up and gestures I join him, which I do.

He takes my hand, leading me to the steps upstairs. I follow willingly, glancing at Lana and Clark as we arrive at the landing. Then he leads me to my apartment---taking out his key and opening it.

"I think I better take that back."

"Why?" he asks, closing the door.

"Because you might walk into something you don't want to see."

He walks over, putting it back into his pocket. "Well, then, I better tell you something so it won't ever happen."


He leans in and whispers, "Chloe---be mine---always."

He backs away and I wrap my arms around his waist. "Always," I say, hearing a sigh from him.

We back away and he leads me into the bedroom and onto the bed, covering his body with mine---looking into my hazel eyes, matching his, sensual look for sensual look.

Before he leans in to kiss me, I have to ask again. "What would you leave for the person you just made love to and stole your heart?"

He smiles. "Well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you."

I hit him on his chest and he grins wider, before leaning in to kiss me.


The Next Morning

I awake, feeling warmer and safer than I ever have. I look over at him, sleeping away, sated and safe too. Then I glance over at the table beside my bed and raise an eyebrow.

"Morning," I hear him say.

"Morning," I reply, looking back at him. "Is that for me?"

"Well, it's not for Lana."

"Good because Clark could take you on and win."

"And here I thought you stood up for the people you love."

"Dude, he's from another planet, remember?"

"Oh, right, I tend to forget that since he's sometimes so human it's scary. So, you want to open the box. Or are you afraid?"

"Afraid? Oh, that is a challenge I can't pass on."

I lean over and grab the box, bringing it back to me. "Hmmmm---a key to the car you got me last night? No---how about a key to use to lock Lionel in the dungeon?"

"Note to self---get extra key for Chloe to lock my father in the dungeon."

I laugh at that and then finger the velvet box.

"Chloe---trust me---you are going to love it."

I look at him. "Not as much as I love you, Alex."

He places a kiss on my lips and then gestures at the box.

As I'm about to open it, he stops me.

I look at him, quizzedly until:

"I've been carrying this around with me for a very long time. In fact, I didn't buy it at all---hope you like it."

"You stole it?"

He gives me an incredulous look and I grin. "Okay, you hired somebody to steal it."

"Open it."

"Okay---but if I go to jail for having stolen property on me, you better bail me out or our relationship is over," I quip.

I look at the box again and open it up. I gasp.

Nestled inside is a pair of pearl earrings----old from what I can see from the settings. Small and petite but shining like my eyes when I look at Lex.

"They were my mothers."

I look at him. "I'm getting something that Lionel bought her?"

"No---something I bought her."

I pull one out, rubbing my finger on it---feeling the smoothness---the heaviness of the real pearl.

"I did get an allowance you know," he quips.

I look at him. "I bet---100 a week at 8 years old."

"Around that. So---"

I place it back in and put the box back on the table. "Alex, I love them but you gave me something none of the others ever have, even without this present."

"My heart?"

I place my hand over it and smile. "Yes, your heart and something even more precious."

"My bank account?" he quips.

I chuckle. "Alex, be serious---you know I don't want your money---your body, sure. The money---nawwww."

I smile as he tries to put on that serious face of his and then laugh.

"Close enough. Alex, you gave me a chance at a reality full of love and passion."

"Oh, more than a chance---a certainty, I hope."

"A certainty it is---and I'll raise you a happily ever after, in life times to come."

"I'll take that. Chloe, you have my heart and my soul---don't hurt them."

"Don't hurt mine either, Alex. Love you."

"Love you too," he states, leaning down to kiss me once more before I snuggle into him.

Yes, fantasy was fun when I was a teen and had the crush on Clark---well, at times it was. But a reality with the person you're destined to be with---that's pure bliss, baby. And that's what I have with Lex---and Clark has with Lana.

The End

24th November 2005, 07:49

I want an Alex!!!

Any chance that Chloe could tell me where she picked hers up and if they're going on sale anytime soon??

24th November 2005, 08:02
Hey, Blue:

Awww---if I could, I'd wrap up an Alex in red and green for you for Christmas, sweetie. :) But since I can't---would a Christmas story do? I've got one planned in my How We Never Met Series. :) Man, now I want an Alex too. At least he'll never go bad. :( Darn it---sometimes canon just sucks. Thank goodness for fanfic, eh? :)

24th November 2005, 16:39
Aww that was so cute. :D

Hope :)

24th November 2005, 20:18
Hey Hope:

Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :) Prolific Peggy.

25th November 2005, 06:18
Christmas story eh? Hmm...I have always loved Christmas, and since well, you know, I can't afford to buy an unbuyable (but adorable wrapped up in red and gree) Alex, I may just have to take you up on that.

Which means......

Get working girl!!

25th November 2005, 08:33
Hey Blue:

How about a Christmas crossover/how we never met story. Somebody wanted a crossover between VM and SV---so kill two birds with one stone. Picture this---Sullivan And Mars---the best by far, in security and other things. <g> Yep, and the Mars come to Metro to visit (two offices of course). And Veronica has this feeling something special is about to happen to her and Chloe---which of course, it does. She meets up with Eli, who works for his grandmothers catering service---or is helping her that day. Chloe leaves her and him behind and goes for last minute things for the party when, she almost falls and lets just say pictures and the news footage on tv doesn't do Alex's eyes justice---the rest---you'll see. :)

Speaking of red and green---red dress for V and green for Chloe? Sound good? :)

26th November 2005, 17:30
Aww so sweet and cute that makes me cry! And wouldn't say no to another story from you!:clapclap:

26th November 2005, 19:01
Hey Meg:

Awww---thanks, sweetie. :) Glad you enjoyed it. And more will be coming in stories. My muse isn't finished with Smallville yet.

1st December 2005, 22:10
that was so sweet and i like what chloe said about diamonds (though i love diamonds) and that lex gave her the pearl earings he once bought his mother. that was so sweet and cute.

2nd December 2005, 05:43
Hey Starmoon:

Glad you enjoyed the piece, sweetie. ;) And glad you liked the explanation about the diamonds and how he gave her a part of his past with his mother---and thankfully, Lionel didn't buy it for his mom---he did. :)

11th June 2007, 17:48
totally loved it (as always)...where can one find the csi part to this?

Ami Rose
17th May 2017, 06:18