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9th November 2005, 00:48
Here it is: the sequel to Late---hope you guys enjoy it. Got a little something in there for everybody, I think. : )

Title: Sequel To 'Late' - "Right On Time"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: R/M (for language)

Category: Chlex Married, slight Clana Married, Lex's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

Summary: Chloe needs Lex---NOW!

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow, the Good Humor Man, The Flash, and Brahms Lullaby, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use, so don't sue me.

Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and the WBFFZ for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: Here it is---a sequel that has a bit of everything for everybody. Hope you enjoy it.

Sequel To 'Late' - "Right On Time" - by PMD


Prologue: When she told me we were pregnant, so many things went through my mind but one stands out, to this day. How does a world handle a pregnant Chloe?


Lex's Office - Lex Corp

"Will that be all, Mr. Luthor?"

I look up at Jenny, my secretary and surrogate mother.

I nod.

"Are you okay, Mr. Luthor?"

I smile. "We're off the clock, Jenny. Call me Lex."

She walks over and sits on the chair in front of the desk. "Alex, are you okay?"

I smile even wider to her and Chloe's pet name for me. "I'm nervous."

"About being a father?"

"No---about dealing with Chloe when I get home tonight," I snark.

She laughs. "Yes, I remember my husband being scared of me too. It'll pass---trust me on this."

I let out a sigh. "I hope so. She keeps saying I'll never touch her again. And maybe the *we* she used was the royal *we* and not the actual *we* when it came to her being pregnant. I did have something to do with it, you know."

She leans over and pats my hand. Then she leans back in her chair, saying, "Yes, I know. Alex, it's not only Chloe is it."

I give her a smirk. "Never could hide anything from you, could I?"

She smiles. "Not in a million years."

"Good thing you like me then."

"Alex, you are like one of my sons. I don't like you---I love you."


"No, I'm actually buttering you up for a raise."

I laugh at the snarkiness that reminds me of Chloe. Then I frown. "My father is making noises again."

"Oh---that damn bastard."

I sigh. "Yeah, he wants to be a grandfather to our child but Chloe says no."

"Smart woman."

"Yes she is. And I will do anything in my power to make sure he doesn't but still---"

She gets up out of her chair, and leans against the desk. "One of my sons knows people," she says, seriously.

My eyes widen. "What?"

She backs away, slightly. "No---not to kill---he knows lawyers."


"Listen, I wish I could stay but my youngest is bringing her boyfriend to meet us and I better be there, so my husband won't scare him away."

I get up and walk her to the door. She turns around and places a kiss on my cheek. Then she smiles and walks out---humming 'the sun will come out tomorrow'.

I smile and walk back to my desk. I turn the chair to the glass windows before me and sit, staring out---remembering how I got to where I am with Chloe right now.


Blast From the Past


I look up as the Hazel Fury storms into my office, trying to show the calm I don't feel at all.

Lately she's been on my mind---not as a friend but so much more than a friend. When she's been near, my hearts jumped. When she laughs, I can hear the angels sing. When she cries, I feel this need to beat up whoever made her cry. And when she's angry, oh boy, do I want to take her somewhere other than this and do great things to her body.

"Lex---are you listening to me?"


"Chloe, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that your father is at it again."

I let out a sigh. "What's he done now?"

"Set me up on a date."


She slumps down in a chair. "Yeah, don't ask me why but he has."

Damn it---I didn't hide it well enough. He knows how I feel about her.

I get up and walk over to her. "Chloe, I'm sorry. This is my fault."

"What? Why?"

I get down to her level, taking one of her hands. "He knows."

"He knows what? That we know what our mutual friend is and he thinks this bozo will get the information out of me?"

"No---he knows---about me and you."

"What? What me and you? What the hell are you talking about? He wants to destroy our friendship, is that it? Oh, right---Lex having friends makes you weak---"

"---and being in love with a friend makes you even weaker," I sigh out.

I get up and move away from her. As I stare out the stained glass window, I feel a hand on my arm.

"Having friends and a woman who loves you makes you richer than anybody in the world, Alex. Especially, when your friend feels the same way."

I turn around and smile. "You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"Nope," she states, as she leans up to kiss me.

We deepen it and then reluctantly move away, both of us smiling.

"I know what would piss your father off?"

"I thought we just did piss him off by falling in love."

"Something even better than that," she states, leaning up and whispering something.

"Let's do it," I reply, smiling.


A Few Days Later

"Father," I state, as I walk into his condo, her with me.

"Lex---to what do I owe this visit?"

His smile turns into a frown and then a glare at me, when he notices her. "What is she doing here?"

"She is here to support her husband," she answers.

"What? You married her? Why?"

"Well, father, this might be a foreign concept to you but I married for love, not money or fame. Just wanted you to meet the Missus and tell you, thanks for giving me the push to ask her to marry me."

"Ah---honey, I asked you," she says, whispering in my ear.

"Semantics," I whisper back.

She shrugs and then starts towards the door. Then she turns. "Bye, MB."

"Yes, goodbye, Father. Have a nice life, alone," I state, joining her at the door.

We hear grumbling as we close the door and then she smiles at me.

"Ready for the first day of the rest of our lives?"

"Ready and might I say, it's right on time."

"Always is for people fortunate to be in love," she says, leaning up to kiss me.


Back To the Present

*Ring Ring*

The phone breaks me out of my thoughts and I grab for it. "Luthor here."


"Chloe---what's wrong?" I ask, worried at her tone and her whispering one at that.

'He's here and he won't leave.'

"My father?"

'No, the Good Humor Man. Yes, your father.'

"But how?"

'Oh, I don't know. Maybe *non-existent* security had something to do with it.'

"Honey, calm down. This can't be good for the baby."

'Oh yeah, speaking of that----My Water Broke!'

Oh god, Father there and now my wife is about to have a baby---with him close by.

"I'll be there in a flash."

'Oh really---and how do you do that, 3 hours away. Did you by any chance turn into a superhero since I've seen you this morning?'

"No, but I know of one who can help."



'Okay---I'll have to explain this away---you were almost home when I called you. Hurry up, please. I need you now.'

"I know. I'll be there right on time. I promise. Chloe?"


"I love you."

She sobs. 'I love you too---hurry.'

I hear a dial tone and curse my father for creating this havoc when this should be the happiest time for her and I.

I run out of the office and towards the stairwell. I walk in and take a deep breath:

"Clark!" I whisper, urgently. Then I wait---for about a minute.

He speeds up the stairs and stares at me, worried.

"What's wrong, Lex?"

"My father found his way into the mansion and let's just say, I'm about to be a father with the devil beside my wife."

"Chloe's water broke!" Clark gasps.

"Boy and they call you a dim bulb, Clark."

He glares at me and I sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm just---"

"Its okay---I understand. Lana was the same way when she was---Lana---I'll get Lana over to the mansion---she'll take care of Chloe and get Lionel out of the way."

"No---don't do that. We've got it all planned---I was on the way home when she called me. Just get me there and then everything will be okay."

"All right but my wife has been known to take Lionel down a peg or two."

He lifts me into his arms and I glare at him. "Piggy back didn't work too well the last time, remember?"

I sigh. "Okay, let's get this embarrassing thing over and done with."

We rush down the stairs, my eyes closed and then---we're outside the mansion.

"Wow---and I thought the Flash was fast," I quip.

"He is---it took me 5 minutes---it would take him 20 seconds."

I smile as he puts me down and than pat his back. "Well, he doesn't have heat vision."

"That's true. Lex, you sure you don't need me or my alter ego."

"No---I can take it from here, my friend. Clark---thanks."

"For the ride, no problem."

"No, for being my friend even though I haven't always been truthful to you at times. You know, if not for you, Chloe, or Lana, I might be my father."

"Nobody could be your father, Lex," he states, pulling me into a quick hug.

"You will always be the brother I've always wanted and needed," he whispers to me.

I back away and give him a slight grin. "Well, I do have a half brother and although he's nice, I wish it had been you, Clark. However, we are brothers by choice."

"Yeah, and now I have to go make sure Lana, Mr. Sullivan, Mom and Dad get to the hospital to await your arrival. Laters, Lex."

"Bye Clark," I state, as he runs away.

Now to beard the ugly Lion-el.


Inside the Mansion

"Oooowww---will you quit touching me, you bastard. I'm okay."

"My dear, my grandchild is coming---you have to know that."

"Oh geez, I sure do. Now could you leave me alone, Mr. *Obvious Speaker*."

"No, I won't."

I walk into the study, my eyes narrowing, full of anger. "You will leave now, Father."

He turns to look at me. "Alexander, you're about to be a father."

"Yes, and you aren't going to be a grandfather. So please leave before I have you thrown out."

"With whom? You have no security to speak of."

I walk towards him about ready to take up that foil again and stick it into him---this time winning the battle and the war. Instead I take his arm.

"I don't need anybody else when it comes to the safety of my family against you. I have the strength of 10 men, when I'm angry enough."

I pull him along and see the startled look in his eyes. Then:

"I'm the grandfather---I have rights."

"No you don't!" I hear my wife yell. "You won't be seeing our baby ever, Lionel. You are a non-person in his or her life. And if you ever come close to us ever again---ever again---I won't be responsible for what I'll do."

I stop, listening to the anger in her voice. Then I see a fierceness that I have only seen when she's up against him, protecting me and our friends. I watch as she waddles over, obviously going through a contraction and then I feel him shudder. He's afraid of her. And something more.

He closes his eyes and turns white. Then it stops, whatever she's doing---her contractions---something more---I don't know. He opens his eyes and frowns.

"I'll leave but I'll be back."

He pulls his arm from my hand and walks out. Then I look at her.

"What the hell?"

"Hey, no talking like that around me and the baby."

I walk up to her and put my arm around her to steady her along towards the doorway. "What happened Chloe? I've never seen him so scared."

"Lex---see, I've got to tell you something but can we do it in the car. Or did Clark stay around?"

"Okay---we'll do it in the car. Come on---let's go have that baby and tell the proud grandpa's and grandma how good you were."

"Grandpas? Oh, God, Lex. My father---"

"It's okay. Clark is getting him. Come on," I state, opening the door to the outside and towards her car.

I get her in and check to make sure the suitcase is there---yes, it is. Then I get in the drivers seat just as another contraction comes.

"Ooooooo, I am so not letting you touch me ever again, Alexander Luthor!"

I smile. "Yeah, I bet."

She turns to look at me. "Yeah, I guess I will, if you go into the delivery room with me."

"Don't worry I will. Feeling a bit better?"

She nods and I start the car, driving out of the driveway, slowly.


"Yes?" I ask, as I glance at her.

"The reason he was scared was because he felt my contractional pains."

"What? How?"

"Welllll----seems that time I was gassed kept something back even after I lost the telling the truth ability---or opened this gift to me. I can send pain or take it away---I'm also empathic to a point. So, like you can heal with your hands---so can I too, I guess, with my mind."

I glance at her again and then back at the road, heading into Smallville now. "So, you kept this a secret because you didn't trust me?"

"How could I tell you? You would have thought me a freak."

We're at the hospital now and I turn off the engine. "Chloe, I think I understand now. You didn't tell me because at the time, I would have asked you to use the powers to destroy my father. But now, I won't. Maybe hurt a little but only to protect us and our own families."

"I know---that's why I told you now. You don't think he thought it was me, do you?"

"No---he was just probably scared of your death stare and thought it was food poisoning or something," I quip.

"Good---now get me into the hospital before this car turns into a taxi."

I chuckle at her obvious humor and then get out, running over to the other side. The nurse brings out the wheelchair and she gets in, me following close behind with the suitcase.


The Aftermath

I watch as she sleeps, exhausted from the hours of labor. She looks like an angel, her hair billowing around the pillow---a smile on her face.

I touch her cheek, gently, to make sure she's really here. She opens her eyes and smiles.

"Hey, Handsome."

"Hey, Beautiful."

"Yeah, right---I must look a mess."

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world right now, Chlo. I love you so much---and so does our son."

"Son---you have a chance to right the wrongs of your father now, with him, Lex."

"We have the chance to raise our son as a cherished individual who can be whatever he wants to be."

"Amen to that, Son."

I turn to see Mr. and Mrs. Kent standing in the doorway, flowers, yellow daisies, for my wife. And I think a box of cigars for me to hand out at work.

They walk in and Mrs. Kent makes her way to Chloe, placing the flowers by her bedside table. Mr. Kent places the box there too.

"How are you doing, Chloe?" she asks her.

"I'm tired---you?"

She strokes her cheek and smiles. "I'm fine and your little boy is doing well too. The nurse will be bringing him shortly. Oh, Lana and Clark had to head back to the farm---to do some chores for us. They'll be back this evening."


I turn my attention away from the scene before me to Mr. Kent. "Sir?"

He gestures I join him and I walk over. We leave the room, standing just outside of it.

"I hear you had some problems with your father."

I nod.

"Need help?"

"Do I really want to see my surrogate father in jail?" I quip.

"Surrogate father?" he gasps. Then he smiles. "I like that---so I'm a surrogate grandfather too, I take it?"

I nod. Then:

"It's okay. Chloe and I handled it. He said he would be back but we'll be ready for him---trust me on this."


We look at the nurse, holding my son and I smile. "May I?"

"Of course, you are the father. Here you go."

She hands me the baby and walks away. I try to get him comfortable in my arms.

"No, Lex---this way. Yes, that's right," Mr. Kent say, laughing.

"This is harder than I thought," I sigh.

"You'll get the hang of it---trust me---you'll know how to do much, right on time."

"I hope so. I don't want to be my father and fuck it up."

"Son, first thing---no swearing around children. They pick it up really quickly and embarrass the heck out of the parents."

"Let me guess---Clark."

He chuckles. "Yep---and he had super hearing---I wasn't even in the room," he whispers to me.

I laugh at that. Then:

"So, shall we join the ladies and we'll tell you the name of the baby."

"After you---or should we wait for Gabe?"


"Here I am---where is my baby?"

"She's lying in bed, Grandpa."

"Grandpa---Oh, hello, little fella. Sorry, I had to go get something for Chloe that she forgot."

He brandishes a music box and gestures we go in, which we do.

"Oooooo, baby---I want the baby, Lex. Please."

"Demanding isn't she?" I quip.

"Hey, you be in labor for several hours and have a basketball come through a narrow opening---then you will be demanding too, Buster. Come on."

"All right," I state, handing over our son to her.

"Hi, J.J. I'm your Mommy."

The baby lets out a yawn and then a smile. He then closes his eyes and snuggles to her.

"Awwww---he smiled at me. He likes me."

"J.J?" Mr. Kent queries.

She looks up at him. "Yes. We've discussed it for a long time and since my dad is hoping for more grandchildren, well, the next child will---"

"Jonathan---you're calling the baby Jonathan?" Mrs. Kent squeaks out.

"Yes---Jonathan Joseph Luthor. Or J.J. for short. So---is it okay?"

I see the tears in both of their eyes. Martha leans over and kisses her cheeks and then the babies. She backs away and they both look at me.

"Thank you," they both state.

"No thank you---for always believing in me, Martha. And for finally giving me the benefit of the doubt, Jonathan. Thank you for being my surrogate parents and for hopefully being grand parents to J.J."

"Try to keep him away from us," Martha says, before she and her husband pull me into their arms.

As the moment ends, Gabe moves closer, giving Chloe the music box. Then he kisses her gently on the forehead and does the same for J.J. He moves away and gestures to the Kent’s that maybe they should leave us alone with our bundle of joy and somewhere down the line, frustration.

They take their leave and I'm alone with them. I bring a chair to the edge of the bed and finger the music box.

"What does it play?"

"Open it up and find out," she states, as she touches the babies fingers. His grip is good---that's my boy.

I open up the box and Brahms Lullaby fills the air. I lay back, letting the sweet melody lull me to sleep. The last thing I see is my wife kissing our baby and I hear her whisper:

"You came to us, right on time, little one. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts."

The End.

9th November 2005, 04:33
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am so weepy now! I'd say "Gosh darn you to heck!", but the sweetness has melted me into a puddle of goo. :)

9th November 2005, 05:34
Aww that was so sweet. :wub:

9th November 2005, 08:29
Hey Guys:

Georgee: Awwww----sweetie. :: Peggy sending a virtual Kleenex Georgee's way :: Glad you enjoyed it, hon. :)

Hope: Awwwww---I'm glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :)

11th November 2005, 08:23
Awwww.... Just awwww.... So beautifuly written and so well tought...

11th November 2005, 14:46
Hey Thais:

Awwww----thank you, sweetie. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

12th November 2005, 06:09
that was a great sequel. I loved the way it developed.

12th November 2005, 16:20
Hey Tiger:

Gald you loved the story, sweetie. :) I really enjoyed doing it---dealing with Lionel and how they might not want him around their child.

21st November 2005, 22:41
that was a great stroy and so sweet. i like that chloe can hurt people with her mind like that and she made lional feel pain and scared him he deserved it and so much more.

22nd November 2005, 00:00
Oooooh that was just too cute!!! I love all the little quips in there:

"Well, father, this might be a foreign concept to you but I married for love, not money or fame. Just wanted you to meet the Missus and tell you, thanks for giving me the push to ask her to marry me."

"Ah---honey, I asked you," she says, whispering in my ear.

"Semantics," I whisper back.

That made me LMAO. So very cute!

She shrugs and then starts towards the door. Then she turns. "Bye, MB."

She called him "MB"!!! :rofl:

"Chloe---what's wrong?" I ask, worried at her tone and her whispering one at that.

'He's here and he won't leave.'

"My father?"

'No, the Good Humor Man. Yes, your father.'

"But how?"

'Oh, I don't know. Maybe *non-existent* security had something to do with it.'

"Honey, calm down. This can't be good for the baby."

'Oh yeah, speaking of that----My Water Broke!'

She was more worried about Lionel than the fact that her water broke? Well, it IS the MB...

"My father found his way into the mansion and let's just say, I'm about to be a father with the devil beside my wife."

"Chloe's water broke!" Clark gasps.

"Boy and they call you a dim bulb, Clark."

OMG, that is just too f'ing funny!!!

And I love how they named him after Jonathan Kent; that was just so nice!!


24th November 2005, 06:12
Hey Starmoon:

Glad you enjoyed the piece, sweetie. And yes, about time Lionel felt some of the pain he's inflicted on others---and I've heard, giving birth can be painful.

24th November 2005, 06:22
Hey Donutte:

Glad you enjoyed the piece, sweetie. :) Now to answer the quotes:

1. Yeah, I love to write things like I married for money father---but this time I got to add in that Lex asked her but in reality she asked him---and he got the last word in, even through she said she asked him, whispering of course. So Lionel wouldn't know the truth---actually, he wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him on his MB butt. <g>

2. Yep, this time around instead of the Monster of Metro---she called him MB. <g> Just for you guys. :)

3. Pain will go away with the contractions---Lionel---I think he stays around a lot longer than the momentary pain. :)

4. Yeah, a little dig against Clark but then, Lex did say he was sorry---he was just worried about his wife being with the devil by her side while she gave birth. Thank goodness for future superhero's as friends. :)

Yeah, I seem to gravitate to that name because I think if there was one person who could have helped Lex be good in the end, it's Jonathan. His acceptance would speak volumes to others. But then, we know where the show is going. :( Thank goodness for fanfic, eh? :) Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :)

26th November 2005, 17:11
That was so sweet, Lex having a secretary who's like a mother and bonding with Clark and the baby!!!:hug:

26th November 2005, 19:05
Hey Meg:

Awww---thanks, sweetie. :) Yeah, he needs a motherly secretary since he misses his own mother. :( As to the bonding, I hate the idea of Clark and him not being friends anymore---so I don't have that happen in fanfic. :) And the baby---he gets a chance at a happy family with him---and I've got a sequel planned too. :) Another daughter and the son---well, standing up for his parents against the true evil in Smallville. :) Glad you enjoyed the piece, sweetie. :)

17th December 2005, 04:49
This story was cute with Lex being afraid of a pregnant Chloe.

17th December 2005, 09:05
Hey chloedreamer:

Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :) And wouldn't you be scared of a pregnant Chloe? <g>

17th June 2007, 00:36
Great Sequel...as always