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View Full Version : [Completed] The Only Road I've Ever Been Down (R)

28th May 2003, 18:17
“The only road I’ve ever been down”
by A-u-r-o-r-a
Rating – R
Disclaimer – I’m an old man my eyes are dim my knees are old and bent my ears are grizzled my nose is knackered…I own nothing to do with Smallville

Notes – Get out the Kleenex…but its only for a little while! I’m a sucker for happy endings ^_^


Laying his palm softly on the Perspex window, time seemed to pass behind him. His Caring eyes, little proud smile. Long gentle gaze.

A tiny bundle of life was asleep in a wrap of hospital blankets. Gently Lex unclicked the door and stepped inside, the smell of exhaustion was still fresh in this room, and the scent lingered in the air.
A few steps closer and he gazed down at his daughter with disbelief. She opened her tiny eyes and looked directly at him, and all of a suddenly Lex didn’t know what to do

A small lump formed in his throat. He needed help. How could he possibly do this alone?
Lex squinted his eyes down at her as he wondered what to do. The tiny creature wriggled suddenly and brushed her minute hands on Lex’s monster fingers that hung over the edge of the cradle.
A harsh breath escaped him. She was tiny. Either that or He was a gigantic deamon of a father.

A magic passed from his proud eyes down onto her as he extended his huge index finger to her tiny palm. She grasped it
The lump in his throat became painful and Lex swallowed hard, giving a soft silent laugh. She had a tough little grip on her, this one.

‘To be this happy and this devastated at the same time must be euphoria’ he thought. His soul pounded against his chest and he longed to be held by someone. He wanted comfort, he longed for someone else to see this little miracle he had made.
She was his. He made that little wriggling pink prawn tumbled in white downy cloth.

With the boldness of a Luther, she brought the monster finger to her toothless gums and dribbled all over his fingertip. Lex’s smile broadened until he heard the soft breaths of his laughter echo in the hospital.
‘I cant stand this’ he thought to himself ‘I cant do this alone’

A misery like no other crept over him, and threatened to take away the joy of his newborn child had the nurse come at that moment.

Lex gave a long stubborn blink and turned to greet her. Pretty African American, short hair, typical staff uniform. She walked boldly up to the little child and spoke with kindness to Lex

“Do you want to hold her?”

Lex’s eyes widened, his voice was tight when he spoke

“I…I…don’t know how” he gasped, glancing at the eager face of his daughter. She was wide awake now and wriggling for him to pick her up. Challenging him. Lex frowned

“I cant” He said, alarmed at the monotone that was his voice

“Oh come now, she wants you to, see? Come here precious, Daddy wants to say hello”

The nurse picked the baby up and carried her over to Lex, who backed towards the door, for the first time of his life he was frightened by something smaller than he was, Infact he was terrified

“I cant do it” Whisper of a voice. The lump began to swell once more. The nurse’s eyes locked to his. She understood

“She needs you now” The sister said gently “Take her”

Lex studied the bundle of his child that rested silently against her shoulder. Pulling himself together he extended his hands for her and swallowed hard. The sister corrected the way he held her until she was looking up at him, her tiny head resting in the crook of his elbow
He forgot all the misery then, and just held his daughter in his arms. He couldn’t help but smile. That little Luther was his own creation, and it was the greatest thing he had ever made in his life

“There you see?” The grinning sister leaned over and rested a warm hand on Lex’s shoulder. He gasped a silent laugh and sniffed embarrassed as his eyes became hot and his vision fuzzy

“She looks like you”

“Like me? No way…” Lex smiled broadly at the nurse “She has Chloe’s eyes” that word, that name struck him hard when he actually said it.

“She has your hair” The nurse said with a polite laugh. Lex frowned in mock anger and laughed a little himself, she was wrong anyway. Lex could see a fuzzy covering of downy hair on her little scalp

“I’ll get you a bottle” She vanished. And the room was still once more, the tiny noises of her breath lingered in the air. Lex discovered he was trembling at he held her. Sitting down on the bedside he let a tear drop from his persistent eyes. It fell onto his daughters forehead and rolled away

The stillness became silence. The air became a little cold. The nylon curtains brushed as if in a breeze. Lex didn’t even have to look up. He felt his heart swell inside his chest.

“I’d say she has your eyes” Was Chloe’s voice real or inside his head, he couldn’t bear to see her. Her spirit chilled the room and Lex shivered as the hairs stood on the back of his neck. Little pimples formed all over his body

He looked up and the sight struck him hard

Her spirit stood solid as any human could be. The only indication that she wasn’t really there was the lingering of another place that throbbed around her. It was as if she had just arrived from wherever spirits vanish to, and she had brought back a little of the dimension with her

Lex felt his lips part, he felt his eyes grow huge and misty in his head as he beheld the spirit. When he breathed in he could even feel the sharp coldness of the air fill his lungs.
Chloe was watching Lex hold her daughter. She smiled at him

“You left me”

Was that really his voice? Or just a choked whisper? Was that sentence even audiable?

“No” Slow shaking of her head, each strand of her hair waved in front of her face. She gave him an odd pitiful smile. If only he could understand

“I’ll never leave you. But I had to go”

Her voice was like an orchestra of violins in his head. He couldn’t bear it. As he gazed at her in awe another teardrop slithered down his cheek. His eyes were throbbing.
Looking down he saw his daughter gurgling and wriggling as if nothing had changed at all

“She can’t see me. I came to you, I saw no reason to frighten her”

Chloe moved slowly and with more grace than any earthly form ever could before her child. She looked down at her daughter. Lex couldn’t take his eyes off her. The hairs on the back of his neck were positively upright.
Her spirit hovered for a while and then she placed herself on the corner of the bed, she was so close to Lex, he wondered what would happen if he touched her

“Why did you leave me?” Lex whispered out, he gave a little shake of his head, the lump in his throat was choking his voice into a tight strain

“I cant do this without you Chloe…”

Chloe’s spirit blinked at him and she smiled warmly. Lex closed his eyes, enveloped by the familiarity of her voice

“Of course you can. You have to. She needs you Lex”
He looked down at his daughter again, who, even thought Chloe thought she couldn’t see her, was looking right at the spot where her mother was sitting, she wasn’t moving, and her eyes were studying the spot carefully

“I need you…” He responded, annoyed that he sounded selfish, but this pain was too much. To have her back again knowing that she would leave once more was too harsh on him.

“I’ll be watching from… well, we aren’t really allowed to talk about it” She smirked a beautiful grin, Lex’s eyes controlled themselves, and the tears stopped for a moment

“Do you get the whole wings and halo deal?” He asked. Little smile, little gurgle from his daughter

“Its hard to explain, but I’ll get my ass kicked if I try” Chloe’s spirit replied. Lex laughed

“By who?”

“Who do you think?” She said in a little jest. Lex wasn’t sure what she meant. God? He didn’t want to think about it, and he wasn’t ready to become religious just now.
He couldn’t stop wondering about what she was made of

“Can I touch you?” He asked timidly, she laughed softly at him

“You can try” A little sadness in her voice. Lex did try, his fingers cautiously trembling towards her arm. He found that they penetrated her as if she was a hazy fog of light. But she wasn’t hurt, she didn’t change, it was as if she were a projection. A beam of light

Lex was overcome with misery. He could feel the coldness going from the room. The hairs on the back of his neck were relaxing. Chloe’s form was becoming fuzzy and almost transparent, Lex went into a panic

“Please don’t go…please” He pleaded. She was fading from sight, but as she faded she moved to stand above him, and Lex looked up into her eyes for the last time

“I love you” She hushed at him, Lex was shaking his head in denial, he echoed her response over and over again

“I’ll be watching” She whispered. Lex felt a warmth on his lips as she kissed him farewell but there was no material contact. He shivered at being so close to her spirit, their daughter stopped wriggling, and Lex was sure she felt it too

When he opened his eyes he was alone. And the chill had vanished, so had Chloe.
Looking about him his breaths became gasps, which then became cries, until he let everything go as tears fell silently, rocking his daughter against him. She was fine, and listened contently to the sound of her father’s heartbeat against her ear
Never in his life had Lex cried like this, but he cried now for all the tears he owed to Chloe’s death, he hoped that they would be replaced when he died.

28th May 2003, 18:24
To stop all of you hanging yourselves... heres the next bit straight away


The little red-head ran through the apartment, her odd little feet pattering on the wooden floors. Lex had moved away from the mansion long ago, it was no place to bring up his daughter. The apartment was in the city, warm, cosy and quite small. But little Jessica loved it
The doorbell rang

Lex looked up sharply, he had a babysized T-shirt in his mouth, a bottle in the other hand and a huge pack of newspapers in the cradle of his arm. Crawling on his hands and knees he put everything down and scrambled to the door

‘Oh Jesus…Coming!” Yelled the agitated father. Jessica tried to run past him in a fit of giggles but Lex caught her by the foot, she squealed in delight as he grabbed the other leg and held her upside down by the feet.

Casually he opened the door to his brother. Who raised his eyebrow at the upside down child Lex was holding. She giggled at him

“Err…she’s going purple, Lex” Luke said bluntly. Lex looked down at her. Indeed she was

“Yep, she’ll do that” With a slight strain Lex chucked her over his shoulder, she kicked her little feet against his T-shirt. He grinned at his brother and stepped aside for him to come in


After Lex had managed to put the T-shirt on the wriggling red head she went running wildly around in her diaper, then hid underneath the table where Lucas sat down

“I was gonna say ‘are you ready’ but the answer’s blatantly going to be no, isn’t it?” Lucus sat himself down at the table, Lex perched himself on the kitchen counter and started to pick at some KFC

“Yeh, well…” was all Lex could argue. He smirked as he saw Jessi edging further towards Lucas’ leg

“Whatever happened to the Lex that was always on time, always punctual, crossed every T and dotted every I” Luke asked, smiling

“He got bored” Replied Lex flatly. Luke shook his head. Jessi was crawling closer and closer

“So what does a guy have to do to get a beer around he…” Lucus looked bluntly at his small niece clinging to his leg, she started chewing on his jeans. Lex snorted in laughter, Lucus looked helplessly at him

“Err…how do I get it off?” He asked. Lex began to whistle and waved some chicken around

“Here Jessi!” He whistled again “Come on, unkie Luke’s not to play with, mmm chicken, see?”

Jessica leapt of Lucas’s leg and stood below where Lex was waving the chicken. Lex grinned down at her and chucked the chicken through the air and into the hallway. She scrambled after it

“Damn…I cant even get my dog that well trained” Lucus said, watching her devour the chicken, getting breadcrumbs all over her pudgy little legs. Lex smiled at her, this parenting thing wasn’t so hard.

“So listen, ‘mama Lex’ this is all very cute and everything but I don’t think this bar down the road takes dogs” Luke said hopefully, Lex leapt off the counter and put something in the microwave

“We’re not going” Lex told the microwave


“Sitter pulled out” He said, the tiny plate of food was set at the table, Lex whistled at his daughter to come. Luke watched her patter over and stand on Lex’s shoes. He was beginning to get a little freaked out

“I wish you wouldn’t do that…it creeps me out, doesn’t it talk?” He asked. Lex picked her up and sat her down in the baby seat

“Not really, besides whistling works just as well with a dog, why not my kid?” Replied Lex, he causally got a beer out of the fridge. Luke raised his eyebrows

“Please tell me that’s not for her…”

Lex sat himself down at the table with his brother and smirked. Lucas breathed a sigh of relief, although he wouldn’t of put it past Lex to give his daughter Budweiser for lunch, he noticed his niece was staring at him
Slowly, very slowly, he turned his head and stared back

She smiled blankly at him

He stared oddly at her

She grinned

He narrowed his eyes

“Cut it out!” Luke yelled suddenly. Jessi began to laugh, Luke spun his head around to see Lex chuckling at him under his breath.

“This thing!…” He exploded, pointed at his niece “…Freaks me out!, I mean why does she always have to stare at me like that!…Aaargh!” Quickly he withdrew his pointed finger when Jessi grabbed it and drooled all over it

“She’s just taking advantage of you, you shouldn’t put yourself in those situations” Lex explained, then prompted his daughter to get on and eat the plate of chicken in front of her

“They have training classes for these things…” Lucas whispered under his breath. Then received a clout on the head from his older brother


28th May 2003, 18:29
en finalement' ...


Lucas left that afternoon to explore the city a little more, but promised he would be back later, explaining that he needed a place to crash

Lex glanced upwards at the falling leaves in the park. Autumn, his favourite time of year. He had a lot of memories of first getting to know Chloe many years ago in the Autumn. Despite the amount of storms of that particular year
Jessi was running around somewhere. Lex wasn’t worried.

He walked along with his hands casually pushed into his jean pockets. Looking down at the leafy grass he felt the familiar chill on the back of his neck, the little hairs on his arms stood on end. Lex shivered

He knew she was near, he could feel it when the leaves rustled. He glanced around him and felt the familiar shivers of her presence, but she wouldn’t come to him now. She couldn’t.

Lex blinked happily to himself as he stared at the blue sky and the sunshine filtering through the leaves falling around him. From the distance he heard a loud high pitched yelp, he glanced to his side and saw Jessi on her side clutching her knee, tears falling from her eyes

He gave a little smile and strolled over to her, his huge looming shadow cast itself over his daughter, then he picked her up with affection and shh’d in her ear

“Hey…hey, it ok. Let me see” Lex said with gentle authority, Jessi calmed down a little but sniffed as she cried, pointing towards her knee, which had a tiny scratch on it.
Lex smiled at his daughter and blew lightly on it

“All better…better now?” He asked in a low voice. Jessi slowly nodded. Her big hazel eyes were reflecting Lex’s own as he stared at his beautiful little creation. He gently wiped at her tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead

“Luther-Sullivans aren’t afraid of anything” he said in a whisper. Those were almost the words Lionel had spoken to him as a boy, but they could be made to sound so much better when Lex said them.

Jessi gave a little sigh, then laughed loudly when Lex launched her up on his shoulders. She wiped at her remaining tears with her pudgy little hand and put her hands on Lex’s head.
Looking up, Lex grinned and began to stroll out of the park. Jessi swung her legs on his shoulders and began to laugh as the air flew past her long red hair. Lex’s huge long strides on the sidewalk gave her comfort, and Lex felt such a love for her as she sat on his shoulders.

The orange leaves continued to fall around them. An old fashioned black car drove past. The whole world seemed to slow down to an old fashioned movie scene. The sunlight bathed the father and daughter and Lex positively glowed in it.
He was strong for his daughter, he was tough. They were on their own now
He could do this on his own.

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Try to make ends meet
You're a slave to money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
where all the veins meet yeah,

No change, I can change
I can change, I can change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no

Well I never pray
But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now
But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
Have you've ever been down?

FIN - oddly enough i really enjoyed writing that

29th May 2003, 01:12
Originally posted by A-u-r-o-r-a@May 28 2003, 06:24 PM
“Not really, besides whistling works just as well with a dog, why not my kid?”

is it possible to love and hate a fic at the same time?

i hated that you killed Chloe. :crygreen:

but i loved Lex's parenting skills :yay:


LMAO i was on the floor when i read that... :biggrin:

I really did love this fic, you did a great job, it was sad and entertaining and touching all at the same time.

:wub: Roslyn

Not An Addict
29th May 2003, 03:52

I . . . I just . . . *sobs* :crygreen:

Great fic, but now I desperately need a happy.

29th May 2003, 04:14
Originally posted by Not An Addict@May 28 2003, 07:52 PM

Great fic, but now I desperately need a happy.
Yeah. I second that. Wonderfully written, but ugh. Need some happy Chlex to cheer me up so I can finish the latest chapter of the curse. This angst just won't do.

29th May 2003, 05:57
Oh that was good but sad :crygreen:


29th May 2003, 20:18
That was...incredible.

I cried...I mean me... I actually cried.

Thank you for that.


31st May 2003, 05:10
Were you trying to kill us all with that first chapter? Man, well-written and heartbreaking. But, Lex as a dad was definitly funny.


30th July 2003, 18:30
Very well written. The sadness of losing someone, yet happiness shone through with having little Jessi and the humor of Lex' parenting skills were brilliant. Don't get me wrong, I still :crygreen: but knowing that he was not bitter (after losing Chloe) made it all somewhat better :wub: .

2nd August 2003, 18:43
good parts and sad parts
loved it :yay:

2nd August 2003, 21:30
That was so beautiful! :wub: I loved Lex as a single dad and Uncle Lucas reactions were hilarious!


2nd August 2003, 22:58
I think I may have to go and cry all over again now! So sad, yet brilliant at the same time... poor Lex *sob*! Anyway I liked your characterization of Lucas it was very good and brought some humour to the tragedy of Chloes death... great fic! :)

7th August 2003, 09:22
Your story was well written, but I hate that you killed Chloe and the fact that you made me cry. :crygreen:
I am looking forward to reading your next HAPPY story. (hint, hint)


7th August 2003, 11:15
I Loved this.
Really well written

7th August 2003, 13:20
Hi, I just reread this and cried again, and then I laughed. I love this one, it has to be in my top five list.


15th December 2003, 20:55

Just reading this for the first time...the transformation of Lex was really cute.

Argh...must go read happy chlex now.

Nice job!

16th December 2003, 08:08
Waaah... This is what despair feels like. Dang. I feel so bad :( But Lucas was there. That makes it worth it. But too too sad.

20th December 2003, 12:33
The first chapter was soooo sad! Then I read the second and third... *cackles* OMG, Lucas cracks me up! And Lex was SO adorable with Jessica although he would've been even more adorable if Chloe hadn't died... erm, anyhoo.

Loved it!

~Manda :blinkkiss:

21st December 2003, 23:47
:crygreen: Poor Jessica!! I can't believe Lex treats her like a pet dog!! And you killed Chloe, how sad!! :crygreen: Your story was really good! I like how at the end Lex realizes that he and Jessica will be ok!! :chlexsign3:

22nd December 2003, 04:00
oh i loved this story. when chloe died i was crying :crygreen:

then his parenting skills and lucas as an uncle had me rolling and it strangely reminded me of how my dad would handle me as a kid. don't know if good or bad...

anywho great ending it was so beautiful and i love the song bitter sweet symphony.

14th May 2004, 19:04
aww, that was SO good!

Monty Python in the disclaimer to start with, then The Verve at the end... you're appealing to my englishness over here, :blinkkiss:

This was so sad, but at the same time utterly gorgeous.. thankyou!


31st July 2005, 08:37
Sniff. Chloe died but it was still a great story.

12th December 2005, 23:39
a very touching story and i tried very hard not to cry but a few tears excaped my eyes. i love it though i wish chloe was there with them.

Ami Rose
28th February 2018, 21:30
That was beautiful!