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View Full Version : Getting Chloe (PG-13)

13th October 2005, 20:38
Title: Getting Chloe
Summary: Chloe is obsessing over Clark, Lex likes Chloe. Will Chloe see what she has right in front of her? How will Lex take her Clark blinders off?
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Chlex
Disclaimers: I don’t own Smallville although I wouldn’t mind it if Lex came over for a visit… ;)
Feedback: It’s always appreciated even from the ones that just lurk around the boards and leave no replies whatsoever. ;)
A/n: Thanks to my beta (meeaz) for beta-ing. :)

1. Frustrated

Just once I’d like a chance with him if anything at all. A kiss would be nice but I’ve kissed him twice. I know all I’ll ever be is second best. Well that’s not good enough for me. Chloe’s thoughts were jerked away by the sound of Clark’s voice approaching Lana at the counter. They were always friends and nothing more, but that wasn’t fine with her. She wanted them to be more than friends. She wanted him so bad. Chloe watched Clark take notice of Lana and her pretty figure. What did Clark see in Lana that he didn’t see in Chloe.? That bewildered her. Maybe all Clark saw was a pretty face and nothing more.

The Talon was Chloe’s place of getting away from her busy schedule, to indulge into some coffee for comfort from a stressful day. Sometimes beating a deadline can be stressful. Everyone would know when she was trying to beat a deadline, because she would be more jumpy and snappy than usual. She even blew off Lex once. Chloe sighed as she watched Clark like studying a book. She was so into him that she jumped at the sound of Lex’s voice.

“Wow, I’ve never seen you stare at Clark like that before.” Chloe spun around to see a smiling a Lex. She quickly hid her feelings and expressions as best as she could. She felt embarrassed because she was caught staring. Lex thought nothing of her emotions and sat down. He took a seat next to her. He thought she was a little crazy for staring at Clark it freaked him out. All he came here for was to ask her out on a date, but she seemed way to busy consuming herself with Clark like thoughts. He thought about breaking it off and asking later when she wasn’t so busy. He stared out the door of the Talon out of boredom. Fresh snow began falling over the small cow town. It was December after all. What a perfect opportunity to watch the snow with someone you love. If only Lex could break her train of thought.

“Chloe, I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?” He said as he turned his head to look at her. He thought he should just take the risk anyway. At first he thought she wasn’t listening because she was still staring at Clark.

“Chloe?” She felt him tap the back of her shoulder. She blinked once or twice.

“Did you say something Lex?” Her head spun around to meet his eyes. Lex felt a wave of frustration and smirked. He hid his emotions immediately. Chloe couldn’t tell what he was feeling. She could care less anyways. Once her mind was in Clark mode it was impossible for her to get out of. It would take a miracle or so Pete said. He knew of her obsession.

“That was a joke Lex. I think I’m free.” She said and took a glance at Clark. Lex gave a frustrated sigh. This was already bothering him.

“Either you are or you aren’t Chloe.” He snapped. Chloe placed a smile on her lips while turning to face a frustrated Lex.

“I’m free. What time?” Lex felt relieved to at least have part of her attention.

“How does eight sound?” He asked and glanced at his watch. The snow started to fall heavily.

“That’s a little late for dinner don’t you think?” Lex gave a slight smile of frustration.

“Chloe, I’m a busy man.”

“So you manage to spare time for a friend?”

“I don’t manage I do. Are you going to be there or not Chloe?” He was beginning to get snappy.

“Great I’ll tell Chloe.” Chloe heard Clark’s voice and saw him approaching her.

“Chloe, keep tomorrow night free I’m having a small gathering.” Chloe got excited and forgot that Lex had asked her out to dinner.

“Sure I’ll be there. Your place again?”

“Yup. Oh, you’d better get home before you get snowed in.” Clark joked and left.

Lex felt hurt by Chloe’s choice in mind. What could possibly be so special about a get together over at the Kent’s? Lex watched Chloe’s smile grow bigger. What did Clark have that he didn’t? Chloe got up to leave.

“Bye Lex.” Lex gave a weak smile and sat there all alone. Like he should be.
I understand if you wanna beat the crap out of Chloe... :D

13th October 2005, 22:20
Yes I do and if I were Lex I would say forget her. ;)

Hope ;)

14th October 2005, 01:34
Can I join the queue of people wanting to knock some sense into Chloe?????? She seriously needs a sharp blow to the head and maybe that will make her see what is right in front of her, i.e the most perfect man that ever walked the earth ~ Lex friggin' Luthor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine what the hell she was thinking blowing off a date with Lex for a hillbilly gathering with the world's most boring farmboy, i mean only he could make being a superhero seem boring!!!

That was a really great first chapter and It seems like its gonna be a funny and interesting fic, I'm looking forward to seeing how Chloe reacts when she finally realises what an idiot she has been lusting over little boy CLark when she could have had Lex!!!

Update again soon...PLEASE!!!


16th October 2005, 19:05
I can't imagine what the hell she was thinking blowing off a date with Lex for a hillbilly gathering with the world's most boring farmboy, i mean only he could make being a superhero seem boring!!!


LOL! You description of Clark is too funny.

But, honestly Chloe does need to see what's in front of her.
Update Soon.

16th October 2005, 19:39
Definitely agree there, lol looks forward to the next update.

16th October 2005, 20:33
lol that's too funny.. once I get the next chapter back I'll post it.

20th October 2005, 01:39
OMG, what is up with Chloe? Can't she see that she has something good right in front of her? But noooooo, she'd rather go to a gathering with Claaaarrrrk... *blech* Dude, I look forward to the next chapter with bells!

20th October 2005, 04:25
Really interested in your story! hope you update soon!!!


24th October 2005, 22:59
2. Snowed In

Friday night came all too fast for Chloe. She was excited at what Clark had planned. It was usually loud music fun and games. She lived for those nights. The snow never stopped falling since last night. Kansas didn’t get that much snow in the winter. It was very cold as Chloe made her way to the yellow house. Her arms were wrapped around her from the bitterness of the cold. She could really use some coffee right about now. She made her way in and was greeted by Clark. They were playing monopoly and Lana was giggling.

“Hey Chloe glad you made it.” Chloe gave her whatever smile and noticed it was couple night. Even Pete had a date. Clark saw Chloe’s shocked expression.
“Uh.” She started.
“What is it Chloe?” He asked worriedly.
“Nothing.” She joined Pete on the couch with his date. Gosh even Lois had a date. This isn’t fair. He knows I’m single! She was enraged. After waiting a few minutes she couldn’t stand it any longer and went out to the loft despite the bad weather.


Apollo Lex’s cat rubbed up against Lex’s legs while he sat at his desk. She meowed hoping to get his attention. He stopped what he was doing and got the message. He picked her up and placed her on his lap. He began petting her head. She immediately began purring. He wasn’t much of an animal lover but he had found her on the street, by his mansion one night. He felt compassion for the feline and brought her in.

“At least I can get your attention.” He said as he petted her head. The cat meowed in response as if agreeing with him.
“You know I wasn’t an animal lover but I don’t mind it so much. How do you think I should get Chloe’s attention Apollo?” He asked. The cat sniffed his mouth and jerked away. She meowed again as if telling him what to do.
“Maybe your right. If you’ll excuse me Apollo I have to go.” He lifted her off his lap and set her on the ground. He went to put his coat on.
“I don’t want you going outside tonight. It’s still snowing and I know you don’t like water.” He said as if the cat would listen to him. He left for Clark’s get together.


Lex made his way up the stairs in Clark’s loft. He was told he would find Chloe there. There he saw her looking through Clark’s telescope. She didn’t have her coat on and he noticed that she was shivering.

“Chloe?” You could see his breath it was so cold. He moved closer towards her. Her head shot up.
“L-l-lex.” She tried to get out. She was so cold she couldn’t speak properly. Lex saw her lips were almost blue. It must’ve been below zero. He quickly took off his coat and wrapped it around her. She smiled as he did that.
“W-wh-wh-,” Lex interrupted her.
“Chloe, you can barely talk let’s go inside.” He said seriously. She shook her head no.
“Clark, d-d-d-d," She would have kept going until Lex ushered her out of the loft. Her teeth were chattering. Lex got that concerned look in his eyes. He started walking her towards the yellow house. The snow beat on them as they walked. His arm was around her. They finally came in the house to the sound of laughter. The snow immediately melted as the heat touched them.

“Looks like the game is still going on.” Chloe could talk a little better now that she was in the warmth of the house. Lex looked towards the living room and saw the couples playing a board game. Chloe put her arms through Lex’s jacket to get more comfortable, and sat at the kitchen table. She thought it was generous of him to offer his coat, and sacrifice his body heat.
“You look like you could use some coffee.” He took off his gloves and set them on the table. He turned on the kettle and her eyes lit up.
“I don’t drink decaf Lex.”
“You’ll never get to sleep then.” He said as he searched for the coffee. Chloe ignored his comment, and watched for a while and decided to help him out.
“Top cabinet on the right.”
“That was my next guess.” He lied as he went to the top cabinet. He found the coffee and set it down on the counter. The kettle whistle blew and Lex removed the kettle to a different burner, and turned off the burner.
“Right Lex.” She said in a sarcastic tone. He smirked as he put coffee in the cup, and then poured the water. Steam drifted out.
“I’m not sure what the Kent’s have in coffee dressings.” He said as he handed her the coffee.
“Black coffee is fine.” He sat across from her. He stared at her and took in her beauty. She blew across her coffee mug and took a light sip. Chloe took a glance at Clark and the gang and wondered what all the fuss was about. They stopped playing the game and were just talking and having a grand old time. Chloe was not have a grand old time. She was thinking about Lex’s dinner date. She wondered if she would’ve had a better time with him then she was having here.

“Lex, is your dinner offer still open?” She asked as she turned to look at him. He was shocked that she remembered.
“Sure Chloe.”
“Good, let’s leave now.” She went to take his hand and practically dragged him out of the house. He quickly grabbed his gloves as he was being hulled away by an anxious reporter.

Lex and Chloe drove off. Chloe was mad at Clark because he didn’t’ tell her that it was couples night.

“I’m so mad at Clark. He knows I’m single.” She mumbled under her breath. Lex felt relieved when he heard single. The snow that was falling looked like ashes from a volcano.
“Chloe, I can barely see. I’m afraid we’re going to have to go to my mansion for the night.” Chloe felt a slight wave of panic but remained her cool. She got out her cell phone and called her father. She let him know that she was staying at Lex’s. Gabe wasn’t too thrilled with the idea but he let her because it was an emergency. Lex saw the lights on by his mansion. He followed them so he could see. They got there safely and went inside to his office.

Chloe saw his cat sleeping on the couch. She was shocked that he would take in a pet. She thought he didn’t like animals.

“I didn’t know you had a cat.” Chloe said surprisingly as she went over to pet it. She started petting it under it’s chin. Apollo began purring loudly. Lex heard his cat purr.

“How’d you do that? Only I can make her purr.” He said shocked as he sat on the couch.
“Cat’s love it when you pet them under their chin.” She moved her fingers to Apollo’s cheek. Chloe sat down next to Lex. She sighed. Apollo meowed and went to sit on Chloe’s lap. Lex smirked.
“Once you pet her that’s it.”
“Oh so she’s spoiled then?” Chloe started petting her again.
“Something like that. Would you like anything to drink?” He offered.
“I’m underage Lex.”
“Of water?” He went to open her a blue bottle of water, poured it in a glass, and handed it to her, as he sat down.
“So what about dinner? I’m starving.”
“Right.” He went to call the cook to bring them some food. Within a few minutes the food arrived and they ate.

“Mmm. That was so good.” Chloe said as she put her fork down.
“Any dessert?” He offered.
“No thanks Lex. If I eat another bite I think I might explode.” She joked. Lex chuckled.
“Any chance that I’ll make it home tonight?” Lex went to look out the balcony.
“Not likely. The snow is still falling pretty heavy. I think you might have to spend the night.” That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. He thought and closed the door to the balcony.
“Where will I sleep?” Lex turned to look at her and he smiled.
Hehe... I know what you think Lex is thinking... you'll have to wait for the next chap.

25th October 2005, 00:51
Hands up who wants to kick Clark's ass!!! That was such a Clark thing to do, inviting Chloe round and not telling her everyone had dates...AAAAGGH he is such an unbelievable ass!!! Ok now that's out of my system, I can say I loved that update and i'm so glad Chloe finally saw sense & went to dinner with Lex!!!


25th October 2005, 06:03
That was a great update. I can't wait to read what's next.

Hope :)

27th October 2005, 03:26

“I have a room close to mine incase you need me.” Lex was about to shut the balcony doors when Apollo slipped out. Lex groaned and went after “trouble”.
“Apollo get in here!” He said sternly while pointing his finger to the floor. Apollo turned his head around and meowed as if replying. He licked his paw and that made Lex more angry.
“You’re a cat! You’re not supposed to like wet things remember?” He reminded him as he went to pick him up but Apollo moved and got out of the way. Lex groaned again. He finally got to pick him up and held him in his arms. Chloe couldn’t help notice that Lex actually looked cute with the stripped red tabby. She gave a faint smile as Lex brought him in and shut the door. A cold drafter blew in. Lex noticed Chloe smiling at him curiously.

“So, Lex Luthor is a softie.” Chloe said as Lex put Apollo on the couch. Apollo gave him a slight hiss for putting him back inside, and got off the couch to sit on his chair behind his desk. He liked that spot the best because it was comfortable. The two had fights every time Lex went to sit on his chair.
“Only for that beast over there.” He snapped and pointed to his chair. The cat meowed as if mocking him. Chloe scoffed sarcastically.
“And what if I was in trouble?” Chloe said as she went to go sit on the couch. Lex looked at her curiously. She got out her laptop and set it on the coffee table. She was bored and there was nothing to do. Lex went to join her and watched her boot up her laptop.

“You know how I feel about you Chloe.”
“I do?” Chloe said quickly. She looked at him with her eyes not taking her head away from her laptop. She logged on the internet. Lex felt slightly uncomfortable but did an job excellent at hiding it.
“You’re my friend and I would never let anything bad happen to you. If someone messes with you they mess with me.” Chloe couldn’t help but feel all mushy inside. That was something Clark had never said to her. She could feel her cheeks were hot which meant that she was blushing. Chloe noticed she had one new email from Clark.

Are you ok? You left during our get together. Sorry I didn’t tell you it was couples night. I was busy with Lana. What do you think of this storm? Pretty cool eh? Looks like I’ll get out of chores for a while. Anyways I’m real sorry. Please email me asap.

While Chloe was replying to her email Lex went to get online as well. He couldn’t resist the urge to email her just for kicks. So he sent her a quick email then checked out the weather. After Chloe sent her email to Clark she had one new message. She rolled her eyes and didn’t bother to check it. She turned around to look at Lex smiling at her.

“Lex, I’m right here. You don’t need to email me.” She informed him. “So any chances of going home?” She asked as she shut her laptop.
“They’re calling it the storm of the century. I don’t think you’ll be home in a while.” Chloe bit her lip and turned around. She was scared about this storm. Wherever her father was she hoped he was safe. She even hoped that Clark was safe. Chloe sighed and leaned back in the leather sofa. It really was comfy. The fire flickered and sparked a little. Lex went to kindle the fire and sat on the chair across from Chloe.

“I’m supposed to have the next edition of the Torch done by tomorrow.”
“I think school will be closed tomorrow from what the weather is saying.” Chloe sighed annoyingly and rolled her eyes. Chloe open up her program to make the Torch and started finishing it anyway. Lex was curious how she did it so he sat beside her and watched her put images in, and typed a little. Chloe couldn’t concentrate that well. She didn’t like it when people leaned over her. She could feel his breath on her. He smelled of alcohol. Chloe stopped working for a few minutes. The silence was too much.

“You stopped working.” Lex said in a deep voice as if he was disappointed. Chloe turned her head slowly towards him and said “I know.” They locked eyes for a while. Lex was drawn into her eyes. He’s never seen such beautiful green eyes. They were a nice change from brown from previous dates. Chloe felt so nervous that she had to look away. She sighed and got up and went to pet Apollo. Lex’s eyes made her loose herself in him. That has never happen before with anyone. There was just something about him that she was drawn to. Lex began walking towards her. She started to panic.

“Well I’m going to turn in.” She said faking a stretch. Lex smiled as he picked up Apollo and began petting him. He began to purr.
“I’ll show you where your room is.” He said in a half whisper. He led Chloe to her room which was next to his incase of an emergency. Apollo was being fussy in his arms so he let him down, and he ran in Chloe’s room, and jumped on the bed. Lex was surprised. He smacked his lips and said “Apollo seems to be fond of you Chloe. Usually he’s mean to strangers. Especially Clark.” Chloe thought that was odd because Clark's a really great guy except for not telling her about “date night”.
“Apollo usually sleeps with me but I guess I can let him sleep with you.” Chloe didn’t say anything and smiled. She was still nervous as she stared at the cat, but she really wasn’t concentrating on him.
“Good night Chloe.” Lex said and they looked at each other like they wanted to kiss. Chloe was just confused. When Lex left and shut the door behind him Chloe spoke to herself.
“Good night Lex.” Chloe crawled in bed and got herself situated. She finally fell asleep after a while.

4 hours passed and she was tossing and turning. She woke up the cat who was sleeping comfortably on the covers. He glared in her direction but she wasn’t paying attention to him. Chloe sat up straight and looked frustrated.

“I can’t sleep!” She said to herself. Apollo meowed in answering her. Chloe did the only thing she knew to do. When she couldn’t sleep she usually made herself a pot of decaf. So she went to find the kitchen to do just that. It was dark so she had to turn on lights as she went. The house maid Clara was up and helped her make the coffee. She thanked her and went to Lex’s office to settle down. Her laptop was on. She had forgotten to save her work and shut it down. She was glad that her work wasn’t lost. That was the last thing she needed. Chloe took a sip of her coffee and set it on the coffee table, and sat down on the sofa. She open her laptop and checked her emails again. She thought about reading the one Lex sent her. So she did.

Chloe, make yourself at home. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.

Chloe rolled her eyes again. Chloe decided to check on the weather. She went to open the balcony doors and peered outside. The snow was still falling heavy. A few inches jumbled up on the balcony. Apollo came running in Lex’s office and slipped out the balcony. Chloe groaned just like Lex did earlier. She went after Apollo in her socks. When her feet hit the snow shivers were sent through her body. Apollo meowed and leaped on the railing.

“Apollo! Get off there!” Chloe yelled quietly as she stepped closer towards him. She went to grab him but the little bugger slipped away. He meowed again as if laughing at her.
“I’m not kidding Apollo! You know Lex doesn’t like you out here!” Apollo meowed again as if saying he didn’t care. All cats like to be outside. It’s their nature. Chloe finally grabbed Apollo and held him tightly in her arms.
“Ha! I gotcha!” Chloe said and brought him inside and shut the doors behind her. Lex startled her.
“Lex. I didn’t know you were up.” She said startled as she set Apollo down.
“I had a nightmare.” He went over to sit on the couch. Chloe felt sorry for him and joined him on the couch. Chloe sat Indian style and turned to face him. Lex seemed preoccupied. His thoughts were on his nightmare.

“Would you mind sharing it?” Chloe asked. She saved her work and shut off her laptop. Lex felt uncomfortable about sharing his dreams. He almost always had nightmares every night. They were mostly about his mother.
“It’s best if I don’t go back there.” He said quietly. Chloe felt disappointed but respected his privacy.
“Well whenever you’re ready I’m here to listen.” Lex couldn’t help but smile at her.
“Why are you up if you don’t mind me asking.” Chloe shook her head no and took a sip of her coffee.
“I don’t mind. I couldn’t sleep. I get that way before a deadline.” Lex looked to the balcony doors.
“Is it still snowing?” He asked with concern in his voice.
“Yeah. Your cat snuck out again. I told him you didn’t like that but he said he didn’t care.” Chloe joked as if she could read Apollo’s mind. Lex chuckled at her wit.
“He really doesn’t. Maybe I should let him out but I’m afraid he would get run over. I couldn’t handle that. I guess you could say I care a great deal about him.” Chloe thought that was so cute. She liked this side of Lex. It was a nice change then to see him as a serious business guy.
“I had a gold fish once. It died the day after my dad bought it.” She laughed at her own story. Lex didn’t think that was funny. When he didn’t respond Chloe could read his face in a heart beat.
“It was one of those carnival fishes Lex. I was five at the time.” She said as if answering his unspoken question.
“How’d you do that? I didn’t say anything.” He asked surprised. Chloe shrugged her shoulders.
“Women’s intuition.” She beamed a smile that could light up the whole room. Lex didn’t think that was the right answer but went along with it.
“So I guess men have intuition too?” Lex challenged her and waited for her answer.
“Lex, I can read your face like a book. You’re not that hard to fool. At least you’re not to me.” They were only friends and she had that ability. Lex thought he did a great job at hiding his emotions, but his mask has been revealed. He would have to hide it more. How was it possible that she could posses such an awesome ability? That bewildered him. He had to know about this girl sitting before him.
“We’re only friends Chloe. I thought that came when two people started dating.” He corrected her. Or at least tried to. Chloe didn’t seem pleased at all.
“You don’t have to date in order to read people’s faces Lex. I can also read Clark. I know he’s hiding something from me, but he won’t tell me.” Lex thought that was interesting. He also thought Clark was hiding something as well.
“What do you think he’s hiding?” Lex asked. Chloe hung her legs over the couch and absently leaned into Lex’s shoulder. He didn’t mind at all. He thought it was rather soothing.
“Something dark and mysterious. That’s all I could figure out.” Lex was intrigued. He turned a little so her head would have to be on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close. He took in her touch. It was peaceful and it made him at ease. Chloe sighed nervously. His arms felt like a blanket of protection. She couldn’t describe his touch it was so intoxicating she only prayed it wouldn’t kill her. Chloe moved his arms and looked at him confused.

"I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" He asked. Chloe didn't know what to think. He made her confused which made her frustrated.
"I'm not ready for a relationship right now." She lied. She felt uncomfortable even though she liked his touch. It was confusing really.
"Relationships are for people waiting for something better to come a long." Lex felt hurt by that. What could Chloe possibly be waiting for? Clark? Lex knew that Chloe would never get Clark. Lex sighed and said the only thing he could think of.

"Clark is never going to give you a chance Chloe. You might as well face the facts right now." Chloe felt anger scourging her from all directions. She slapped him the face.
"How dare you. Just because Clark is obsessed with Lana he could still change his mind." Lex was getting frustrated at this girl.
"Chloe! Get a hold of your self! Why don't you stop staring at Clark and look at what you got in front of you!" Lex about roared. Chloe jumped a littel from his sudden out burst of anger.
"Who?" She said dumbly.

To be continued.
Ok about the whole cat thing with the chair... my cat does the same thing! That's why I wrote it in. :D I'll go to move her and then she'll want to get back on it! lol. She's been outside a lot so she doesn't do that that much. What do you think about Lex and his cat? I think it's a nice change. :) Oh btw I got a job!!!! I start Monday! Woo! :)

27th October 2005, 04:15
You can't leave it like that! I demand that you get your butt back here and tell us Chloe's reaction. Please?

27th October 2005, 06:44
I want more please. I love Lex with the cat its cute. :)

Hope :)

27th October 2005, 12:19
Yay, you updated and how could you leave it there lol hope you update soon needs to know what chloe is gonna say back, great fic. :)

27th October 2005, 18:29
Yes Chloe Look at the most perfect man right in fromt of you, you stupid stupid woman!!!

Gimme 5 minutes in a room with her and I'll have her "reprogrammed" to love Lex she just need a bit of sense knocked into her and I am well up for the job because I am getting really frustrated with her singing the praises of a certain farmboy who probably practices looking that stupid in the mirror every morning.

Afterall no one and I mean no one could look that idiotic without practice not even Clark "Oh poor me I'm a super hero with lots of amazing powers" Kent!!!

Great Chapter and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next part!!!


28th October 2005, 05:20
she just need a bit of sense knocked into her and I am well up for the job because I am getting really frustrated with her singing the praises of a certain farmboy who probably practices looking that stupid in the mirror every morning.

Afterall no one and I mean no one could look that idiotic without practice not even Clark "Oh poor me I'm a super hero with lots of amazing powers" Kent!!!


Kimmie, I just love when you gave feedback.

Chloe, is just to blind to see what's in front of her. It's driving me crazy on how dense she can be. But, I enjoyed this chapter.

Update Soon


28th October 2005, 19:43
great so far i can't wait to see how chloe reacts to what lex just said so please update soon.

28th October 2005, 23:09
4. Connections/Denial

Chloe was flattered that the man sitting before her liked her. She was angry at Clark for not seeing her. She knew he would never see her. So why bother trying anyway? She pushed aside her feelings in the back of her mind. She wanted to be strong for Lex. She wouldn’t let him see her break down over a silly farm boy.
“How long have you liked me?” Chloe asked nervously. She kept her tears back as best as she could.
“Since the first day I first met you in the Torch office.” He saw a few tears escape that Chloe wasn’t aware of. He brushed them off with his hand. Chloe smirked and blushed.
“And your just telling me now? Why didn’t you make a move sooner?” She asked. She did find Lex attractive and had some feelings for him but she knew she would never get him so she didn’t bother.
“Because you were too into Clark not to notice me.” Lex said.
“That’s not true.” Chloe protested. She had a whiff of dejavu. Lex didn’t believe her.
“Chloe, you blew me off when I asked you out.” Chloe looked to the floor and shuffled her feet a bit embarrassed.
“Why me?” Lex looked deep into her eyes. Chloe locked her eyes with his. For a moment she felt a connection.
“Because you saw me in my darkest hour. You’ve always been there when I needed rescuing. You’re like my own super hero.” Lex must’ve had an infatuation with Chloe’s hair because he kept pushing it back. He must’ve liked how it felt through his fingers. Chloe shook her head no.
“Clark’s the real super hero. I’m just his shadow.” Lex shook his head no.
“No. You’re much, much more.” With that he leaned in forward and planted a kiss on her lips. They were soft and they fit his just perfectly. Chloe was surprised. She wasn’t expecting this. His touch was consuming her. She felt the connection he had for her. She didn’t understand. She was just an average girl wishing for something she couldn't have.
“I thought you only liked pretty girls with brown hair.” Chloe said after they broke apart. Lex smirked.

“I can choose whoever I want Chloe.” Chloe grit her teeth together in anger.
“So they have to comply with what you say?” She shot at him. Lex scoffed glanced at the floor then back at her. He was angry that she kept pushing him away.
“I let them decide but they usualy throw themselves at me.”
“Like you threw yourself on me?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t feel anything when we kissed.” He said bitterly. He was right about one thing. Chloe did feel the connection.
“I didn’t feel a thing.” She lied bitterly just to push him off the edge.
“Then why did you kiss me?” His eyes darted at her like daggers. His eyes were ice cold.
“You kissed me first.” She said above a whisper. “You kissed back.” They were at a stale mate. Both relying on the fact that they kissed each other.
“Clark will always be your friend Chloe, but he won’t see you the way I see you.” Chloe let down a few more tears. Why was she doing this to herself? Why did she keep pushing Lex away? It’s because she wanted herself available for Clark. Lex wiped them away with his hands.
“I should get to bed.” Chloe got up but Lex grabbed her arm and she turned around to face him.
“Don’t hide what you feel Chloe.” Lex looked at her with compasion and glidded his fingers up her arm sending shivers down her spine. Chloe wasn't going to let this man make her weak and fall helplessly in his arms. He was disappointed that she would leave after a serious conversation. He almost got the girl and she pushed him away.
“Lex, I…” You like him don't you? Chloe blinked at her conscience. Lex waited eagerly for her to finish her sentence. He was tired of playing cat and mouse. Chloe! Her mind shouted.
“I have to go to bed.” She rushed out leaving a disappointed Lex. He was certain that she was going to spill the beans.
“I can wait.” He said to himself. He was feeling tired too. It was 4AM. Time felt like it was going by so slow. At the rate Chloe was going Lex was going to have to wait till the next century before he got a chance with her.

The next day Chloe woke up at 1 in the afternoon. She stayed up half the night talking to Lex. Talking to him about what? She was tired that she forgot a little bit. Then she remembered. She almost told him her feelings. Chloe pulled up the blankets closer to her and looked at the stain glass window. She wondered if it was still snowing. She wanted to take a peek but she was too tired.

“Will I ever tell him how I feel?” Chloe asked herself. She shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep again forgetting all that was yesterday.

29th October 2005, 00:24
Ok I've said it many time before and I bet I'll say it again, Chloe you IDIOT. I'm staring an angry mob of people who wanna smack some sense into her. I mean she had him right there, kissing her and what does she do??? Goes to bed...ALONE!!!

Any one who wants to join my angry mob follow me...


29th October 2005, 00:58
kimmie, that gives me an idea for a dream I'm going to give to Chloe ;) :D lol!!!

29th October 2005, 03:28
Any one who wants to join my angry mob follow me...


*raises hand*

I'm ready to go

29th October 2005, 04:29
I wish there was a slapping icon because Chloe needs a big fat slap across the head right now. Idiot :rolleyes:

Hope ;)

29th October 2005, 22:33
Finally! It took me long enough to get on the stupid internet! Stupid internet connection.... *kicks it* anyways here's the next update. There short because I like short chapters... plus it doesn't make you sit there for hours reading a long chapter. Anyways...

5. Chloe’s dream

“No.” Chloe grunted in her sleep tossing and turning. A tear slid down her eye in mid sleep. Sweat beads were forming on her forehead. Her eyes were shut tight.

It was dark. Pitch black to be precise. Chloe couldn’t see a thing besides herself which was weird. She looked around and saw Clark staring at her. He was dressed in black so you could only see his face. He lifted a knife which sparkled. The only thing that was in color was Chloe and Clark. Clark began to walk towards Chloe with the knife in his hand. Chloe began to panic. She started backing up and then started sprinting, but she bumped into Clark. Chloe turned around and there he was in front of her again. It was like she couldn’t get away from him. Clark lunged the knife at her in her chest. Chloe squeaked in shocked. There was a faint knock. Clark looked in the direction of the knock and super sped away leaving Chloe fall to the ground.

When Lex heard Chloe scream he burst into the door and rushed to her side. Chloe bolted up right and into Lex’s arms. She hugged him tightly. Lex sat on the bed and held her close. Chloe sobbed into Lex’s chest leaving a damp mark. Lex began to rub her back and whispered sweet words into her ear. Chloe was half awake. When she shut her eyes…

Chloe pulled away from Lex and looked down at her chest. It was covered in blood. Then she looked back at him with horrid eyes. She was going to die and she didn’t even get to tell him her feelings.

“Lex, I didn’t even get to tell you…” She drew her last breath.

“Lex I’m scared.” Chloe said as she jolted her eyes open. She must’ve had too much sleep. Where the dreams get weird. She had one of those dreams within a dream. Lex still kept rubbing her back which was soothing her in a way he did not know. Chloe pulled away and looked down at her chest. No blood. It was just a dream. She gave a sigh of relief.
“That must’ve been some nightmare.” Lex said wishing he could do more. He wanted to erase whatever bad dream she had. “Would you mind sharing it with me?” A few tears slid down Chloe’s cheeks. She closed her eyes and saw Clark stabbing her. She quickly open her eyes.
“It’s too fresh. I’m going to need some time.” Lex nodded in agreement. He was eager to know her dream. When she was ready he would be willing to listen. More tears streamed down Chloe’s face. Her face was turning red.
“Clark killed me in my dream.” She embraced him in his chest again feeling the warmth and care of his body. Lex put his arms around her pulling her close. She’s never felt anything like his touch before. Clark was only able to save her from death but Lex was so much more. Lex looked at Chloe seriously. He wiped away her tears.

“It was just a dream Chloe. How many times did you have a brush with death? I lost count. Each time you walked away.” He smiled at her. “Chloe, you amaze me. Your endless sources of information is just amazing. Your computer skills. Your perky personality. Your quick sarcastic comments. I don’t understand how Clark could not look at you and go ‘Wow. That is the girl of my dreams.’ What he doesn’t see in you is beyond me.” Chloe’s face turned red and she turned away to hide her flattery.
“Is that why you like me?” She asked still looking away admiring the floor once again.
“That’s part of it. The other part is a still a mystery.” Lex turned Chloe’s chin to face his and their eyes locked.
“You don’t have to hide your feelings around me Chloe. I’m aware of our age difference that doesn’t matter. I don’t care what your father, or my father would think. I just want to be with you.” Chloe embraced him once again sighing. She wrapped her arms around him again taking in his touch. It was soothing and very relaxing. He really did care a great deal about her. She was beginning to see the lighter side of things.

30th October 2005, 01:29
Finally!!! Give the girl a medal!!!!!!!!!! She's finally starting to realise that PsychoBOY... ahem sorry I meant Superman is no match for the perfection that is Lex Luthor!!! I mean do you think Clark would comfort Chloe after a nightmare??? No freaking way i bet he would guilt her into telling him about it "just in case" it might have anything to do with Lana "I'm to dense to realise pink is most definitely not my colour" Lang!!!

Come on Chloe just grab Lex and kiss him until you forget all about the freak that is Clark "Mr holier than thou" Kent, which should take about 2 seconds but then keep kissing him anyway!!!

Loved the update,


30th October 2005, 03:36
6. Confessions/Beginning love

“In my dream I didn’t get to tell you how I feel. I thought I would be lost if I didn’t tell you if something were to happen to me.” Chloe sighed and looked at Lex square in the eyes.
“I do care about you. More then you’ll ever know. I know I’ve been an idiot the other day but that still won’t stop me from liking you. Yes I meant you. I guess I’ve just been denying it hoping that Clark would one day see me, but now I realize that that’s never going to happen, and you’re right Lex. Clark will only see me as second best. All I’ll ever be is his shadow as Pete put it.” Chloe felt disappointed that Clark would only see her as a friend but she did feel a difference being with Lex. He saw her for who she really was.
He was there in time of need.
“Chloe, I don’t know what to say.” Lex was speechless for once. That’s something that rarely happen to him. Chloe smiled.
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“Chloe, I can’t help but have this feeling in the pit of my stomach. If I don’t tell you now then I might talk myself out of it. I love you Chloe. I’ve always had. When I first saw you I knew it was love at first site.”
“Lex, I… wow.” Chloe wasn’t expecting that. Only her mother and father has told her she loved her. Clark hasn’t even told her he cared for her.
“Chloe,” Lex cupped his hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. Chloe didn’t shove him away. She let him consume himself. The kiss lasted for a while as neither wanted to depart. Outside the sun was peeking through, the clouds were dispersing, and the snow was stopping. The two pulled apart and looked at each other.

“I don’t know why I didn’t see you sooner.” She said.
“It’s alright Chloe. We all have to take time to realize our feelings.”
“Do you wanna go outside?” She asked.
“Chloe, it’s snowing.” Lex went to go to the balcony in Chloe’s room. He open the doors and it was so bright, he had to shield his eyes. The sky was clear the sun was bright, the grass was white. Lex shut the doors and looked at Chloe.
“Sure Chloe. We can go outside.”

Chloe and Lex got the proper winter clothes on and went outside to a few feet of snow. They were in his huge backyard. The snow was a little past their ankles. Chloe looked out to the horizon admiring the new look of Smallville or at least Luthor Manor. Lex got this wicked idea and gathered up some snow and put it down her back. Chloe inched up her neck together and let out a tiny screech. Lex laughed at her.

“Lex!” She turned around and he was smiling at her. Chloe got angry but it was a fun anger. “That’s it Mr. Luthor. You’re going to get it.” Chloe made a snow ball and she chased Lex around the backyard with a threat of a snow ball down his back.
“You’ll never catch me Chloe!” He taunted as he began to run faster. Chloe stopped running, aimed the snow ball at Lex and threw it at him. He turned around and the snow ball hit his face.
“Ha! Direct target!” She gleamed with pride. The snow dripped from Lex’s face. His instink kicked in.
“I think my eye is hurt.” He teased. Chloe must’ve believed him because he did a good job at acting like he was hurt.
“Lex, I doubt that I could injure your eye. You are like a man of steel.” She said. Lex wiped the snow off his face. He’s never been called the man of steel before. He liked it.
“Well I doubt that. What would you like to do in this mountain of snow, besides build a snow man?” The two couldn’t help but laugh.
“There’s something I need to do.” She said. “Will you take me home? I haven’t been home since yesterday.” Lex nodded his head.
“Sure.” With that the two left

When they reached Chloe’s front door step they stared at each other again.

“So are we a couple now?” She asked.
“If you want.” Chloe smiled and so did he. Chloe and Lex kissed at the same time.
“Lex, thank you for letting me stay at your house.” She said.
“Anytime Chloe. Anytime.” With that he left. Chloe sighed feeling refreshed. She went upstairs and turned on her lap top. She open the folder named Clark, and started deleting every single picture, and even her journal entries on Clark. From now on it would be Lex.

The End


The next day at the Talon Chloe saw Clark in a different light. He wasn’t as caring as Lex was. It has only been a week since Chloe and Lex have been dating but it felt like eternity. Chloe held on tightly to Lex’s hand never letting him go. I have come to realize that me & Clark will only be friends. Lex will only be the one I shall see. He will be the only one l will love and cherish. Lex is the only one for me.

30th October 2005, 04:05
Ooh, LOVED IT! Thank you so much for the great ending. It was very well written and I loved how Chloe deleted all her Clark files. Great job. :)

30th October 2005, 05:06
Aww I liked it it was a cute ending. But I wish the epilogue was longer. ;)

Hope :)

30th October 2005, 14:58
I love a happy ending!!! Chloe sure did take her time to realise what she had right in front of her but I'm gklad Lex was persistent and didn't give up on her!!! I'm also really happy that she finally saw that Clark the giant ass wasn't right for her, a boy like Clark could never keep Chloe interested, she's too vibrant and full of life, she needs excitement and Clark well he'll always be a small town boy in love with the girl next door who is just as happy with the same boring routine as he is. Chloe made the best choice in deciding to give up on Clark and go for it with Lex because something tells me life would never be boring with him!!!

Excellent story, I really enjoyed it.


2nd November 2005, 18:58
great ending and i am so glad that chloe relized that clark is not the one for her but lex is.

12th December 2005, 17:20
great story very funny though clark is a jerk for not telling chloe it was couples night. i am glad that chloe finialy decided to give lex a chance he deserves it more than clark besides lex is sexyer and sweeter when he wants to be. chlex forever!!!