View Full Version : Somebody Save Me (1/3-Complete!) PG-13

23rd May 2003, 06:05
Title: Somebody Save Me (original I know)
Author: SaraC
Rating: PG-13 (language for now but WILL go up)
Spoilers: EXODUS! If you didn't see the season 2 finale you will be spoiled and you won't understand things!

Setting: Up through Season 2, but for the purpose of this story, I'm making everyone a senior when the events of the season happen. It fits my plot line better!

Summary: It's Chloe to Lex's rescue!
Archive: Anywhere, just let me know

Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be.

Author Notes: God bless David for the quick beta and for recognizing Jarod! (More on him in ending AN) This comes from frustration over the season finale. Because it will never happen this way, I wrote it my way, which means its got lots of Chlexy goodness, as it should be!!

Chapter 1

Chloe held her breath as she pressed her body against the wall, desperately trying to hear what was going on in the room next to her. 'Brilliant, Sullivan. Accept the devil's offer then follow him back to his heavily armed lair to find out what this 'other appointment' is and if it has to do with his sudden interest in Clark.'

Her seesawing emotions after her blow up with Clark had made the idea seem like a good one at the time. Especially since she was even more determined now to see why Lionel was so interested in Clark- even if it meant making a deal with the devil himself.

Inching towards the open door, she could hear Lionel's deep voice and a softer female one. Her curiosity grew several notches when she finally placed the second voice. Why the hell was the very new Mrs. Lex Luthor talking to her husband's bastard of a father who hadn't even been invited to the wedding? Feeling a sense of doom, she pressed her ear to the door, praying no staff members would come along. Her fears were confirmed as she finally picked up the conversation.

"You know, Helen, you have a devious mind, very much like my own. Joining forces is definitely in both our best interests."

Chloe frowned. She was no fan of the brunette doctor, having placed her as a fake from the start, but she had really believed the woman at least felt more for Lex than his other girlfriends. Obviously, she'd been wrong.

"Not so loud, Lionel, anyone could hear. Besides, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for me and the very nice payoff you're giving me for my 'efforts.'"

That bitch! Chloe drew in her breath sharply as she realized that once again, Lex Luthor was about to be taken in by a devious brunette. While she did not know Lex that well, she knew enough about him to respect what he'd done for Smallville and the type of person he was trying to become. He did not deserve whatever these two had planned.

"Remember, Helen, you won't see a penny of that money until I get a confirmed report that my son is either dead or missing. Which of those options it is, I leave up to you."

Chloe's heart sank, realizing how much trouble she had just uncovered. Helen and Lionel were obviously planning for something to happen to Lex and from the sound of things, relatively soon.

"Trust me, Lionel, everything will go according to plan. That report will be on your desk tomorrow morning, and I'll be happily living off your money somewhere in the Mediterranean."

Tomorrow? Chloe bit her lower lip as she realized how little time she had to figure this out.

"Assuming you survive the jump, my dear. It's a rather daring plan."

The sound of two bodies moving towards the door had her pulling back quickly, puzzling over Lionel's last remark. Figuring she could deal with that later, she concentrated on more important things. She had to warn Lex and she had to warn him now.

'Right, you're just going to crash the reception and tell the groom his bride is going to try and kill him on their wedding night. That will go over real well.'

Slipping away from the door, Chloe fled down the hall and into the small alcove that led to the kitchen. The reception was on the lawn in back of the mansion and Lex was out there somewhere, she just had to find him.

Moving quickly through the crowd, she scanned the lawn for the familiar gleaming bald head. Breathing a sigh of relief, she spotted him next to a carefully pruned hedge across from her, involved in a seemingly deep conversation with a Chinese businessman. Murmuring 'excuse me' and 'pardon me' to those in her path, she made a beeline for Lex all while trying to figure out how to tell him that his new bride was going to take "till death do us part" literally.

"Chloe dear, I didn't see your father at the wedding. Is everything all right?"

She jumped at the voice and the hand that suddenly latched onto her arm. Turning, she found herself face to face with one of Smallville's most chatty residents. Faith Parker ran one of the antiques stores in downtown Smallville and was known to be a notorious gossip.

"Everything's fine, Mrs. Parker. Dad's away on plant business so I am here to deliver our regards and best wishes to the bride and groom." She hoped her voice did not sound as desperate as it seemed but she was losing precious time standing here.

"Well, give your father my best wishes and tell Lex it really was an amusing wedding, although I wonder what kept the best man. You don't know where Clark was, do you, dear?"

For a moment, Chloe considered telling the woman exactly where Clark was and who he most likely would be with. She stopped the petty thoughts and pushed down her anger as she focused instead on the task at hand.

"No I don't, Mrs. P, but I promise I'll let you know if I find out anything. Now I really have to find Lex." Pulling out of the woman's grasp, she turned to look at where Lex had been standing only to find no sign of him. Frantically moving through the crowd, she desperately looked around but did not see him.

Her heart sank as the crowd suddenly broke into cheers and applause. Whipping towards the driveway, she saw a long black limo pulling away from the party. The "Just Married" sign on the back gave away the passengers.


Pushing through the crowd, she bolted for the driveway, some ridiculous idea of throwing herself in front of the limo at the top of her mind. However, the sluggish crowd hindered her progress and by the time she reached the gravel drive, the limo was already halfway down the road.

'Shit! What the f*** do I do now?'

Running her hands through her hair, she made her way towards the mansion's gates and her car, which she'd parked outside of them. She was at a complete loss as to what to do. Lex most likely would not see what was coming and more than likely would be dead by morning. That was a scenario she was not going to accept.

Even if it meant facing the one man she'd just sworn she would never need. Jumping into the car, she sped off toward the Kent farm, bile rising in her throat as she realized she'd have to swallow her pride and talk to Clark. But really, what was more important- her pride or Lex's life? And seeing as Clark was probably the only person who knew where the Luthors' were heading and how to contact them, he was her only option.

Ten minutes later she found herself screeching to a halt in front of what had once been the Kent storm cellar. Mouth opening in surprise, she jumped from the car and walked over to the huge crater.

"What the hell happened here?" She wasn't aware she'd asked the question out loud until it was answered.

"Who knows, it's Smallville I guess."

She whipped around at Pete's resigned voice and suddenly noted a tearful Lana standing next to him. How the hell had she missed them both standing there?

"Pete, what the hell happened? And where's Clark?" She was proud her voice was only somewhat incredulous.

"Clark's gone. I don't know where or when he'll be back." Her friend's hard reply had her staring at Pete in shock.

"What do you mean gone? Clark doesn't just 'go' anywhere. Especially leaving a crater in his yard- or his new girlfriend." She knew that her bitterness hung in those last words, but she couldn't help it.

"He left me. Just like my parents. Just like Whitney. I lose everyone I love."

Chloe wanted to hit Lana as she heard the familiar whiny tone. Of course, it was just like the slug to make it all about her. Her "leaving" complex was coming out in force, as Chloe knew it always did when she was unhappy with something in her perfect life.

"I seriously doubt he wanted to leave you, not when he'd finally gotten what he's wanted for years, Lana." The harsh look she gave the brunette obviously did the trick as Lana remained silent, a guilty look in her now huge eyes.

"Chloe, I don't think it's the time-"

"I don't care about Lana and Clark. I know they're together, Pete, and I can't think about it now. I need Clark because Lex is in danger and he is probably the only one who can save him."

The words came out jumbled and in one breath, but she knew Pete understood by the look of shock on his face.

"The bastard of Smallville, newly married might I add, is in trouble? Why the hell should we care?"

Pete's hard voice had her struggling not to deck him as well. "I don't have time for your stupid vendettas, Pete. I need to find out where Lex and Helen are going, and I need to find out now. Before Lex meets a very untimely end."

She threw up her hands at the shocked looks her friends were giving her. Obviously, they were going to be of no help and either was the very absent Clark. Trust him to disappear the moment anyone other than Lana needed him.

"I think you're being overly dramatic, Chloe-"

"Just stuff it. If Clark isn't here, I'll find a way to save Lex myself." With that, she took off running for her car, ignoring their calls from behind. Turning the key in the ignition, she gunned the engine and raced down the Kents' driveway, the errant thought crossing her mind that Lex would be proud of her reckless driving.

But he might never get to be proud of it if she couldn't find a way to save him. Wracking her brain for anyone or anything that might help, she suddenly remembered there was one other person who might fit the bill.

Screeching to a halt in her driveway, she ran for the house and up to her room where she began frantically rummaging through her desk for the scrap of paper she knew she'd written his name and number down on. A few moments later she let out a cry of triumph as she pulled the paper from the drawer and reached for the phone.

'Please answer, Jarod, please.' The plea repeated itself in her head like a mantra as she heard the phone ring and ring and ring. Almost ready to hang up, she breathed a huge sigh of relief as she finally heard it picked up.

"Jarod?" Pausing for a moment, she closed her eyes in relief as he replied.

"Chloe Sullivan, what can I do for you?"

"I'm so glad you remembered. It's been so long and I didn't know if you would-" His soft voice cut off what was beginning to sound suspiciously like one of her endless ramblings.

"You think I can forget the young woman who saved my life and helped me find my family?"

She smiled quickly as she remembered the happiness she'd seen on his face when she'd reunited him with his mother a year ago. But she put that out of her mind, concentrating now on the matter at hand.

"I don't know if you can help but a friend of mine just got married and is headed off on his honeymoon. What he doesn't know is that his new bride is planning to kill him before they have a wedding night, much less a wedding morning. I don't know where they're going or what's going to happen, I just know it is and that I need to figure it out without arousing any suspicions. Can you help?"

There was silence on the other end and she bit her lip, catching her breath after delivering her statement in one breath.

"I don't know what kind of friends you have Chloe, or how you got that all out in one breath but I'll see what I can do. What is your friend's name?"

"Lex Luthor." She stopped at his quick laugh. "What?"

"Lex Luthor, the billionaire playboy who just married again? It shouldn't surprise me that he's your friend, being you're both in Smallville, but I never-"

"Jarod, I know connecting the dots is a fun game, but I need to know if you can find them. Can you and can you do it without alerting the authorities or anyone at LuthorCorp?" She didn't mean to pressure him but she couldn't help it. Lex was in danger and she was the only one around who seemed to care enough to help.

"I have a few connections, let me do some checking and I'll call you back as soon as I know anything. Hopefully, that will be within the hour."

Thanking him, she hung up and began pacing her room, wracking her brain for something to do that could save Lex. But absolutely nothing came to mind. Screaming to release her tension, she flopped down on her bed and tried not to think of how much of a mess her life had become in the last 12 hours.

She'd finally told Clark off and it had felt good. Then she had accepted Lionel's deal to research Clark in part because of her hurt and anger but in larger part because she wanted to know what the devil himself was up to. Finally, she had overheard Lex's bride and his father planning to murder him. Was her life never going to be normal?

The ringing phone brought her back to the present where she noted about a half an hour had passed. "Hello?" The adrenaline coursed through her body as she heard Jarod's steady voice.

"Okay. They're on the LuthorCorp jet headed to the Mediterranean. They've only been in the air for about 10 minutes and so far nothing seems wrong."

Chloe suddenly had a very bad feeling as something she'd heard earlier finally registered. "Oh God, Jarod, she's going to jump."

"Jump? What do you mean Chloe?"

The desperation was now clawing at her as everything fell into place. "Earlier today I heard Helen and Lex's father planning for Lex to go missing or end up dead. Lionel said something about it all working out if Helen 'survived the jump.' She's going to do something to Lex and then jump from the plane, most likely with the pilots."

It sounded fantastical even to her own ears, like something out of a season finale cliffhanger on one of her TV shows. But she knew with utter certainty that she was right.

"If you're right, we need to get to them before Helen sabotages the plane. Let me make a few calls and I'll figure out a plan."

She was eternally grateful for the reassuring tone of Jarod's voice. She hadn't realized how much she needed to hear it right now. "Thanks, Jarod." It was all she could offer at the moment and she knew it was a sign of how worried she was that she did not question how Jarod had gotten all his information. That was just Jarod.

"Try and hang tight, Chloe, I'll call you soon and we'll figure out how to save your friend."

Hanging up again, she fell back onto the bed, her mind awash with horrifying images of Lex crashing to his death. For some reason, the thought of the bald billionaire dying a fiery death sent a painful jolt through her heart. Which really did not surprise her when she thought about it. Lex was her friend, even if they did not talk that often. She had gotten to know him a little better in the past year and while she'd been obsessed with Clark it did not mean she couldn't appreciate what a fine looking man Smallville's resident playboy billionaire was.

He deserved a lot better than Helen.

Feeling agitated again, she rose from the bed and began pacing, praying that Jarod and his connections could figure out a way to prevent this tragedy from happening. Her mind was on mental overload and she knew she would not rest until things were resolved. At least it took her mind off her disastrous argument with Clark and the feeling of betrayal that still permeated her body at realizing she could not trust her supposed best friend.

The ringing phone was almost a relief. "Jarod?" She did not even pause, knowing he would be the only one calling right now.

"Listen, Chloe, is there a large enough area around you to land a helicopter? Some place that no one would be very suspicious of, especially Lionel Luthor?"

Frowning at his words she nodded, before realizing he could not see her. "Yes. There's a lot of open farmland on the Kent property. It's far enough away from the Luthor mansion and from town that it shouldn't raise any suspicions."

"Good, get there immediately. I'm already in the air, I'll be there in 20 minutes, can you be ready to jump on board?"

Feeling a sense of excitement mix with the worry she nodded again. "I'll be ready, what's the plan?"

"I'll fill you in when I get there, just be ready. Although Chloe, I'll understand if you don't want to be a part of this-"

"Jarod, even with what little you know of me, you know I won't be left out. Lex is my friend and if we're going to save him, I sure as hell am going to be a part of it!"

His small laugh made her feel a little better. "That's what I figured you'd say. You sound a lot like someone else I know."

Muttering a good-bye, she was already dashing down the stairs and out the front door. Within ten minutes she was once again at the Kent farm, thankfully, with no Martha, Jonathan, Pete or Lana in sight. Parking her car, she looked anxiously into the sky.

Ten minutes later she heard the whir of propellers and saw a small black speck in the sky slowly becoming larger. Watching with her hand over her eyes, she saw the chopper descend and when it had reached the ground she was already running towards it. Ducking to avoid the blades, she reached the door and reached up to take the offered hand.

"Nicely done and right on time. I'm impressed."

She smiled as she turned to face the handsome man sitting next to her as he nodded for the pilot to lift off.

"You should be, I'm hardly ever on time." It was lighter than she felt but it perfectly broke the nervous tension she'd been feeling for the past few hours.

"Well, you'll be happy to know I'm monitoring the LuthorCorp jet right now and so far, nothing unusual has occurred."

Looking curiously at the computer equipment sitting across from him her eyes widened. "Wow, you certainly got this together quickly. I'm not even going to ask at this moment how you did it but I'll just say thank you, again."

"Secrets of the trade. Besides, I owed you this." His small smile earned him one in return.

"So here's the plan. If nothing happens to the jet, we'll simply follow it until it lands, then we'll land and find your billionaire."

"And if it doesn't make it that far?" She knew the fear was in her voice but his reassuring clasp of her hand stilled her nerves.

"If he doesn't, we'll know where the plane went down and this chopper is fully equipped to rescue him. Sam and I can handle the situation and no one will be the wiser until you want it to be."

She looked at him in grateful awe. "I don't know how you did it, but I will forever owe you for this, Jarod." Impulsively she reached over to hug him, smiling as he hugged back.

"Chloe, you repaid me in full by helping me find my family. I can't thank you enough for that, even if they have to live in secrecy for the moment."

She sighed, knowing not to ask any more questions. She'd helped him find his family but she knew he was still on the run from the people trying to capture him. Which made helping her all the more dangerous.

"Chloe, it's okay. They aren't going to find me. Trust me." His reassuring words could not help but ease her turning stomach as she offered a small smile.

"I do trust you, Jarod. You're the only person I can at the moment." With that, she lapsed back into silence as she watched the green blob slowly moving across the screen in front of her, saying a quick prayer that Lex would be okay.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she became aware of was Jarod's curse as his body shook where her head rested against his shoulder.

"Damn it!"

"What? What happened?" Her eyes flew open and she jerked herself into an upright position, her gaze going directly to the screen where Jarod was staring at the quick descending green blob.

"The jet is quickly losing altitude over the water. It's going down and it's going down fast."

Chloe felt the panic begin to rise in her chest but forced it down. "How far away from them are we?" She watched as he hit a few buttons and a series of numbers popped up.

"Near as I can tell, we're still about 20 minutes away. But Chloe," he paused and turned to squeeze her hand, "we know where the jet will crash, we will find him and we will save him. Never doubt that."

She was amazed to find his words made her feel better. "Thanks, Jarod. Your confidence is overwhelming but needed."

His stiff smile was the only reply she got as she bit her lip and watched the green blob getting lower and lower on the computer screen until it suddenly became a steady smear. "It's in the water, Chloe." His soft words sent a bolt of fear through her system that she quickly tried to mask.

"Lex is resourceful, he'll find a way to survive. He has to." The words sounded desperate to her ears and she wrung her hands in unease. Lex was a survivor and she knew nothing would keep him down. Assuming he survived 'going down' over a huge body of water or that Helen hadn't done anything to incapacitate him. Still, she wouldn't put anything past the evil bitch.

"Five minutes until we're in range, Jarod." The pilot's voice broke into her thoughts as she saw Jarod slip on an orange life preserver.

"Jarod, what are you going to do?" She watched as he hooked the clip of a sturdy rope to a loop on the lifejacket and donned a pair of gloves.

"I'm going to lower myself down to grab him and then we pull him up. It's a simple process, I've done it before-"

"Yeah, but don't we have to have a victim in the water who can see us to make this work?" It was probably a stupid question but she needed to ask it.

"Lex will be in the water. He's a survivor. You said it yourself. We just have to look carefully to find him."

Biting her lip again she turned her gaze to the water below, the setting sun casting a fiery glow over the blue water. Scanning the waves for any sign of life, she caught her breath when a trail of debris became obvious.

"There's the wreckage, now let's find Lex." Jarod's voice was almost hypnotic as his eyes scanned the area. Chloe squinted her eyes, desperately searching for any sign of life in the rolling waves. She had a sudden thought to look for dye or some kind of coloring that might mark a survivor in the water- only to realize she'd only seen that done in military movies and TV shows- not on private billion dollar corporation jets. Despite her preoccupation, she suddenly caught a movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Look!" At first she thought it was her eyes playing tricks on her but a few seconds later, she knew it wasn't. There was a figure in the water, waving its arms frantically in their direction.

"Good eyes, Chloe. We found him." With that, Jarod instructed the pilot to fly over the area as he positioned himself at the chopper's door. "Just hold on, we'll have him up here in no time." Before she could do more than nod, he had jumped out of the chopper and was lowering himself towards the water.

She bit her lip as she watched Jarod struggle to stay balanced as he came closer and closer to the water. Skillful maneuvering from the pilot had him relatively steady but it was obviously harder than it looked for Jarod to grab Lex's hands. Her breath let out in a **whoosh** as she saw Jarod finally get a firm grasp on Lex and begin to pull him up. Unable to stop herself, she leaned out of the chopper and anxiously watched them ascend. It seemed like hours but was probably only minutes until the two bodies finally reached her. Reaching around Jarod she immediately latched onto Lex, pulling him into the chopper with Jarod pushing him up from below.


His teeth chattered as he struggled to pronounce her name and she instinctively reached for the blankets on the seat next to her. "None other. You're okay, you just need to get warm." With that, she wrapped a blanket tightly around him and began to rub the circulation back into his arms. She smiled quickly at Jarod who by now had pulled himself inside the chopper as well.


Her heart went out to him as she saw the look of desperation in his eyes although it was quickly masked. Something else in those dark depths, however, told her he might have already discovered, or at least suspected, the truth.

"I know, Lex. It was all part of a plot to kill you. But I'll tell you about it later." Using a soothing motion she was not even aware of, she ran her hands along his scalp and neck, massaging lightly as she went.


Chloe was beginning to get frustrated as she rubbed harder. "Questions later, warmth now." She was relieved to see his eyes flutter closed as his body relaxed back against hers. He was obviously going to relax, which was a good thing as Jarod did a quick check to make sure he was all right.

"He's fine, Chloe. Probably in the early stages of hypothermia but easily enough cured if we can get and keep him warm."

She smiled in relief at Jarod as she instinctively wrapped her arms around Lex's chest, pulling him tighter against her, hoping some of her body heat would help bring warmth back into his extremely pale body. He must have sensed her warmth because she could have sworn he burrowed closer to her.

Closing her eyes, she thanked whomever had been watching over Lex and prayed for the strength to explain this whole mess to him when he was feeling better. She was not looking forward to it. With a small sigh, she leaned back against the wall of the chopper and drifted into a light sleep; oblivious to the contemplative look Jarod was giving them both as he watched in silence.


AN 2: Yes, Jarod is the "Pretender" for those who recognize him!

23rd May 2003, 06:07
Notes, Disclaimers and such in Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Lex wondered if things could truly get any more fucked up in his life. Struggling to stay above water, he clung to the life jacket he'd managed to grab before bailing out of jet before it had crashed into the freezing water. Thankfully, the calm water made it relatively simply to stay afloat but the freezing temperature of that water was quickly numbing everything on his body.

Closing his eyes, he tried to find the sense of calm that usually appeared when he was in his most desperate hours. But it was tough to find at the moment, especially since he had no idea what had happened to his new wife.

He knew he would never forget the moment he'd woken up, dizzy and disoriented to feel the jet in a steep dive. Struggling to his feet, he'd fought the wave of nausea and looked frantically around for Helen. The jet was not that big and from his quick check, the passenger compartment was completely empty. Horror swept through him as he'd seen the cockpit- minus the pilots. That had been the moment he knew he was royally screwed.

Realizing it was up to him to save himself, he'd grabbed a life jacket from under the seat, struggling to stay upright as the jet plummeted towards the water. He'd noticed the cockpit door had been ripped off in the descent, which meant it probably had been open when the pilots and Helen had jumped out.

There had been no time to analyze the sick sensation in his body as he'd pulled himself towards the door and noting the water was nearly upon him, had jumped as far as he could. At the shock of cold water on impact he had sunk below the surface for a few moments, struggling to find his way up. He'd felt the water surging around him, no doubt as the jet crashed into it. A few scary seconds of thinking it impossible and he'd broken the surface, taking deep gasps of air and trying to orient himself.

Which brought him back to the present. Treading water in the middle of the ocean- most likely in the middle of nowhere- with nothing else anywhere in sight. Closing his eyes, he willed his body to be strong, to keep above water until he could figure out a plan. But for once, Lex Luthor was utterly stumped as to how to get out of this situation.

As the cold numbed his body and he moved slower and slower, his mind slid into the emotions he'd tried to ignore during his mid-air plunge. There was obviously one of two things that could have happened.

One- the pilots were out to get him for some reason, most likely his father, and they'd sabotaged the jet, drugged him, taken Helen and jumped out of the jet.

Two- Helen had planned this from the start and with the help of the pilots, and most likely his father, had drugged him then parachuted out of the jet with the pilots, leaving him to die.

He wanted to believe the first scenario, but the evidence and the cynical part of him that just could not die, figured it was more than likely the second. If he could be proven wrong, he would be forever grateful but he knew it was unlikely.

'Face it, Lex, you fell for her line again. She used you and tricked you and most likely is now off with my father somewhere. Or at least his money.'

He knew it was stupid to feel so betrayed. There had certainly been similar situations that he'd created where he was the betrayer but he hadn't realized how much it would hurt to be the victim. He'd really decided to make a new start with Helen. To try and forget about his obsession with understanding what had happened the day he met Clark Kent. He'd put it on the line, admitted his faults and hoped she was willing to give him another chance.

Obviously, he'd been wrong. While a tiny part of him still held out hope that Helen was as much a victim as he was, he resigned himself to reality. It was what Luthors did. They didn't know any other way to handle situations.

Feeling colder than he ever had in his life, he forced his eyes open, noting the sun was setting in the distance. It would be night soon and he had no illusions that he would not make it until the morning.

It was funny really. For the first time in his life, Lex knew he was not going to be able to get out of this situation. He was truly staring death in the face. It was not an appealing prospect.

Closing his eyes again, he allowed himself a hoarse laugh, wondering where Clark Kent was now. He was always around to save the day but it looked like his luck had finally run out. He was going to miss the farm boy, even though he'd long suspected that Clark was no average young man. Yes, he'd investigated the Kents but not to hurt them. Martha and Jonathan, despite the latter's distrust of him, were the closest facsimiles to parents he'd ever had. The last thing he'd ever wanted was to hurt them or their family. But he was desperate to know what it was about Clark that made the boy almost superhuman at times. To know how the young man had saved him once from a watery death. Ironically, it looked like things were coming full circle, only he had no illusions that lightening would strike twice.

Chloe Sullivan would have a field day with the story. The thought of the blonde spitfire surprisingly drew a smile to his nearly frozen lips. They were not close friends; especially since the few times she'd been to the mansion she'd ended up leaving with some type of injury. But over the past year, they'd run into each other more often and their verbal judo became more and more refined.

It was only recently that he'd realized that some of the only enjoyment in his life was to sit at the Talon and match his verbal wits against hers. Her face would light up with passion as she'd avidly defend or argue something with him. She was a very beautiful young woman when she was fired up. Although he'd forced his mind to ignore the images of a very passionate Chloe Sullivan elsewhere- such as in bed with him. He loved Helen, but he had to admit, there was a spark of something between him and Chloe. It was a shame he would never get to explore it more.

He wondered if Chloe would shed a tear for him when she wrote his obituary for the Torch. He could only imagine what she'd say although he had to believe it would be more flattering than what the "Inquisitor" or the "Daily Planet" would print. Chloe at least did not blame him for everything that was wrong in Smallville. It was a comforting thought as he felt his body shutting down from extreme cold. Visions of Chloe's sparkling eyes appeared quite clear in his mind as he gave in to the inevitable. If he had to go out like this, at least he would have a pleasant image to look at.

He was almost gone when he faintly heard a sound in the distance. Prying open his eyes, he squinted towards the sound, a feeling of euphoria hitting him as he saw a black dot nearing him in the sky. Today might not be such a good day to die after all.

Struggling to find any strength he had left, he managed to drag his arm from the water and wave it feebly in the air. It felt like lifting a dead weight but he forced himself to keep it moving. He closed his eyes in relief as he saw the chopper begin to circle and he spotted a figure climbing out of it. Managing to keep his eyes open, he saw an unfamiliar man dangling over him, reaching out a hand. For a moment, he wondered if he could trust the man or if this was simply another sick part of this plot.

The expression of relief in the man's eyes and the thought of getting out of the freezing water gave him the strength to grasp the outstretched hand. Closing his eyes, he felt himself pulled from the water and had an uncanny flashback to the incident on Level Three several years ago. Only this time it wasn't Clark to the rescue. Looking up at the chopper, he suddenly saw a flash of blonde as a small, familiar face appeared near the edge. Who would have thought Chloe Sullivan would be the one to rescue him?

Unable to believe he wasn't hallucinating, he found himself suddenly being pulled into her arms as she tugged him into the chopper with Jarod pushing him up from below. Unable to do more than collapse against her, he struggled to say her name.

"Ch-Ch-Chloe?" Her relieved smile sent a strange warmth through his numb body as she wrapped several blankets around him.

"None other. You're okay, you just need to get warm." The feel of her small hands massaging the circulation back into his neck and scalp accompanied the words. The warmth of the blankets and her body was fast helping the numbness fade, leaving him feeling extremely weak and lethargic. Still, he needed to make sure.


He barely recognized his voice but he knew she understood as he looked into her expressive eyes. He quickly masked the desperation, feeling his heart sink as he read the worry and guilt in her eyes. Closing his, he realized number two it most probably was. Her next words confirmed it.

"I know, Lex. It was all part of a plot to kill you. But I'll tell you about it later."

He needed to know more especially if his father was involved. And if so, he needed to figure out how to deal with the situation. But he was fast loosing consciousness at the feel of Chloe's warmth and the soothing stroke of her hands on his skin. Struggling to form coherent words he looked desperately again into her eyes.


"Questions later, warmth now." A spark of admiration lit his eyes as he realized she meant business. Chloe Sullivan was obviously a force to be reckoned with, not that that surprised him. He allowed his eyes to flutter closed as he felt her arms wrap around him, cocooning him in a delicious warmth that he immediately snuggled closer to. She knew what to do and she was handling things. He didn't even question why he suddenly trusted her with his life. He just knew he did. With a small sigh, he relaxed against her and gave into the warm darkness, knowing this time he would wake up from it.


Well, doing okay so far?? Feedback is craved!

23rd May 2003, 06:19
Great start! GRRRR Helen...I know that Chloe will be just dying to get her hands on her and smack her a few.

23rd May 2003, 06:22
*applauds* This is a really great idea and I can't wait to see where you go with this!

Queen Of Tact
23rd May 2003, 06:36
Very cool... And might I add I just love Jarod... I can't wait for more.....


23rd May 2003, 10:06
:yay: Yay Jarod and Chloe!!!! They make a good team and besides they save Lex. I was just wondering, is Jarod going to play matchmaker for them? :blinkkiss: Good job! Please update soon!!!!

23rd May 2003, 10:26
This crossover fits in really nicely because it makes sense that Jarod would come across Chloe in his travels and his search for his family. I can't wait to see where you go with it. I hope Jarod, Chloe and Lex combine forces to get Helen.

23rd May 2003, 18:46
:chlexsign3: :biggrin: I LOVE THIS STORY!! Post more soon please! I hope the shows writers read this and realize that Chlex is the way to go, and this is the way to do it! :yay2: :yay2: :worship2:

23rd May 2003, 19:42
Very cool. Jarod and Chloe make a good team. I would like to see Chloe get her hands on Helen. Now that would make :chlexsign1: for good reading!


23rd May 2003, 20:45
Originally posted by ShinyAdams@May 23 2003, 07:42 PM
Very cool. Jarod and Chloe make a good team. I would like to see Chloe get her hands on Helen. Now that would make :chlexsign1: for good reading!

Don't you worry... once we get the Chlex established... I'm itching to write a Chloe/Helen catfight. (more like a Helen beat down, but hey, author's perrogative and I don't think people will object :)

Yep, I think our Jarod is also working on his matchmaking skills (not that he can't get his own love life to work)

Still, the next chapter is in beta stages and should hopefully be up tonight or early tomorrow!


23rd May 2003, 22:45
I loved this, i can't wait for more.

I feel so bad for Lex, how many times now has his life been attempted at?

And the fact that it was by Helen, i actually started to think that maybe she did actually care (Not that i wanted her to, but someone is better then no one).

I'm glad Chloe was the one that was able to help, and i'm glad that you had her talking back to Lana, the girl needs some sense knocked into that thick head of hers.

Pete needs to get over his Luthor problems, and Clark really needs to grow up.

I'm sorry rambling, its just the season finale really disappointed me.

anyways i really liked this fic and i hope you update really soon. i can't wait to see Chloe kick some Helen ass!

:wub: Roslyn

24th May 2003, 00:02
MORE!!!!! :biggrin: That's great! Hmmm, i wonder how Lionel and Helen will react when they find out Lex is ALIVE!!!! :yay: :biggrin:

24th May 2003, 01:32
This is great! It's nice to see that someone is writing the way the episode should have ended. Can't wait till they return to Smallville! The look on Lionel's face..hee. More soon.


24th May 2003, 02:44
Chapter 3


Chloe's eyes fluttered open. She felt her ears pop as the helicopter descended for some reason. Coming fully awake, she quickly turned to meet Jarod's calm gaze.

"We're getting ready to land, everything is all right, Chloe."

His soft words made her release a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Where are we, Jarod?" She looked at the unfamiliar sights around her as Jarod laughed softly.

"We're in a remote part of Delaware. That house," he gestured to a two-story colonial looking home that came into view as they neared land, "was owned by a friend of mine. When he died, he left it to me. No one knows where it is and no one will be looking for you here."

"Jarod, thank you. It's exactly what we need for the moment." She smiled as he shrugged.

"I figure that until Mr. Luthor is able to make some decisions, the best thing for him would be to let everyone think he is missing if not dead."

"You fi-fi-gured right."

Both Chloe and Jarod turned at the weak sound of Lex's voice. Chloe's eyes softened as she noted he was still shivering a little but his eyes seemed clearer than before. Moving back towards him she tucked the blankets more tightly around him.

"Lex, we're almost on the ground. Don't try to talk until I've gotten you into a warm bath and then bed." It sounded motherly but she could not help the slight tingle she felt at the thought of seeing Lex Luthor naked. 'Bad Chloe! Very bad Chloe!'

"D-dad can't kn-know where I am. Need to talk to y-your fa-father."

Chloe frowned as Lex struggled to get the sentence out, finally stopping him by placing a finger against his lips. "No one knows where we are, and I won't call or talk to anyone until you and I have talked. I promise." Her words were serious and she was relieved to see from the grateful look in his eyes that Lex seemed to understand.

"Hang on, we're touching down." Jarod's voice brought both heads around to face him. A few seconds later, the chopper landed with a slight thump and the whir of the propellers died out.

"Lex, can you move at all?" Chloe looked at him in concern as he nodded and tried to sit up. Noting he wobbled a bit, she slid her arm behind his shoulders and helped him into a sitting position while Jarod jumped out of the chopper and reached up to help her maneuver him to the edge.

With some skillful moves, Chloe and Jarod managed to get Lex onto his feet and on either side of him, steered him towards the home.

"This is beautiful, Jarod. Your friend must have spent hours refurbishing this woodwork." Chloe was amazed at the intricacy of the wood design they passed as they led Lex through the front hall and towards the stairs.

"Thomas was a wonderful builder. He could find the beauty in just about everything- and everyone." She shot Jarod a look at the sadness in his voice, noting Lex was looking at the other man as well.

"He'd just finished this place when he was killed, but everything is in working order and it should be stocked to keep you set for a few days." Chloe made a note to ask Jarod about this Thomas later, sensing there was more to the story than her friend was letting on. Right now however, her first priority was Lex.

"Sounds good, let's put Lex in the master bedroom, which, I'm going with door number one here, would be this one, right?" Her friend nodded as she pushed open the door and they steered Lex into a large room. The king size bed in the center of the room was done up in a mixture of dark and light blues, with hints of purple in the curtains and rugs on the hardwood floors. What looked like antique furniture decorated the rest of the room, including an ornate dressing table complete with a huge mirror.

"Good color choice." Chloe laughed at Lex's reply, happy to hear he did not stutter this time. Helping him towards the bed, she relaxed as he quietly slipped from her arms and back onto the pillows, sighing in relief. When he'd settled in, she found his eyes looking up at her with an unreadable expression in them. Feeling uncomfortable, she shifted slightly from one foot to the other- until he smiled.

"Thank you, Chloe, and you too, Jarod. You both saved my life."

She nodded as Jarod moved to stand beside her.

"It was really Chloe who orchestrated all of this, so I'd thank her." He held up a hand as both of them tried to reply. "Still, it was no problem. But right now, I need you to relax and get some rest. You're going to have to figure out how to deal with this because I'm sure news of your 'demise' will hit the papers soon."

"Damn, I didn't think of that-" Chloe stopped as something else occurred to her. "My dad! Oh lord, he's going to completely freak out. And the plant-" she looked at Lex with true fear in her eyes. "Your father is probably going to try and take it over and then close it down-"

"Chloe." The calmness of Lex's still hoarse voice made her ramblings cease as she saw a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Don't worry. Plans are in place for if this situation were ever to happen. Your father will know what to do."

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "My father is prepared to deal with the fact you might be dead?" The bald billionaire's harsh laughter was still strained but a welcome sound.

"I promise I'll explain and we'll call your dad- after I've taken a very long, very hot shower." She refused to acknowledge the sudden heat that slid through her veins at the image of Lex covered in water. 'Not good, Chloe. You're not supposed to feel this way about anyone but Clark! Down, girl!'

"There should be some of Thomas's clothing that will fit you if you want, help yourself." Jarod's amused words brought their gazes back to him. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave, but I'll check in with you later tonight. I want to do a little snooping to see what I can find out about all this."

"Probably all will lead back to my father and LuthorCorp." Chloe winced at the bitter sound of Lex's voice, realizing that the emotional trauma of this entire day was probably going to hit with a vengeance, relatively soon. But she wanted to put it off until Lex was comfortable and warm and preferably off his feet where he could not do anything any harm.

"Lex, can you manage to get yourself into the shower?" She bit her lip as images of helping him take a shower flooded her mind. She nearly salivated at imagining the way the water would slip over the toned, hard muscles of his chest and abs. 'Dear God! The man was just betrayed by his new wife and father and nearly died in the ocean and all you can think of is how nice he'd look naked? Bad, Chloe!'

Unsure of where all these sudden thoughts were coming from, she forced her body to relax and meet Lex's unrelenting stare. She tried not to blush, feeling for some reason as if he could read her mind.

"I'll be fine. But when I'm showered and changed, we're going to talk, okay?" She nodded as she moved to follow Jarod from the room. "Chloe?" She stopped and turned back at his low call of her name. "In case I haven't said it, you're a remarkable woman." Clearly blushing now, she nodded and slipped from the room.

Calming her nerves, she followed Jarod down the steps and to the front door. "Are you going to be okay?" She watched as her friend sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'll be fine. Just take care of Lex and help him deal with what he has to. I promise, I'll let you know if I find anything out about the situation and I'll call you tonight." With that he leaned down to give her a quick hug.

Pulling back, she smiled up at him. "Again, I can't thank you enough, Jarod. You saved his life and I know he will be forever grateful to you." There was something in his eyes that made her look at him suspiciously as he laughed.

"I think you'll be the grateful one when you realize how you feel about him." She knew her mouth was gaping as Jarod laughed and winked. "We'll talk later and figure out when and how to get you out of here. Take care and be careful!" With that, he disappeared out the door and back over to the waiting helicopter.

Watching until the chopper disappeared, his words still ringing in her ears, she closed the front door and headed to the kitchen to see what she could find to eat. As she puttered around the room, pulling together the ingredients for ham sandwiches, a sense of unreality hit her.

Here she was, fixing dinner for Lex Luthor after having saved him from certain death at the hands of his wife and father. The two of them were pretty much in hiding until they could figure out a plan to resolve this whole mess. Not to mention these surprising, if not all that new, feelings she was suddenly having for Lex.

Stopping in mid-motion, she found herself trying to analyze her seesawing emotions. It was only natural she would still be upset over her confrontation with Clark. Mixed with her fear over wondering if Lex were alive and the adrenaline of actually saving him, it was probably only logical that her emotions culminated in this strange attraction.

'Oh admit it, girl. You might have pined for Clark but it was Lex who's been starring in some of your more X-rated dreams lately.' Blushing even though no one was around, she allowed herself to admit what she'd been trying to deny for weeks. Despite the fact she hardly knew him, despite the fact she thought she was in love with Clark, one fact was pretty clear. She was definitely attracted to Lex Luthor, the very married, much older, definitely out of her league Lex Luthor.

'Oh Lord, what the fuck do I do now?"


Lex sighed as the warm water brought feeling back to his numb extremities. Leaning against the shower wall, he relaxed under the spray, trying to make sense of the past 24 hours.

He'd started out the anxious groom, not even sure if he'd have a bride. For a few moments, he'd been sure Helen was never going to walk back into that room after he'd admitted to what he'd done. It had taken a lot of courage to do it and an even bigger amount to give her the choice of staying or going.

Then he'd become the hopeful husband, willing to try and become a new man for his new wife who he'd thought loved him. While he would admit to having doubts about why she suddenly returned, he'd pushed them aside, choosing for once in his life to believe that something good was finally happening to him. He had been determined to put his investigation of Clark behind him and concentrate on making a new life with Helen.

Those hopes had then been dashed at realizing the woman he'd thought he could spend his life with had left him to die in a plot most likely cooked up by the man who had given him life. It was more than likely that his father was up to his usual tricks, which disgustingly enough probably included sleeping with his son's future bride, and from what he'd picked up from Chloe, bribing her to leave him.

He really needed to talk to Chloe about everything before things got even worse. Not that he held any hope that she would disillusion him about what and who was behind everything that had happened in the past 24 hours.

Wincing as his muscles protested the sudden move to turn off the shower, he managed to dry himself off and wrapping the towel around his hips, headed for the huge dresser in hopes of finding something suitable to wear. To his relief, there were several T-shirts and pairs of boxer shorts in the top drawer. Grabbing a pair that looked his size, he quickly shed the towel and donned the garments; glad to see they fit relatively well. Once attired, he moved back towards the bed and climbed in, pulling the covers tightly around him, absorbing the welcome warmth the action brought. A slight knock on the door made him smile.

"Lex? You decent?" He smiled at Chloe's voice, refusing to analyze the tingle that slid down his spine as he pictured her biting her lip in nervous anticipation. Quickly controlling his thoughts he called out for her to come in.

He couldn't help but smile as he watched her carry a huge tray of food towards him, her gazed focused as she concentrated on keeping her balance. Amazingly, she made it across the room and to his side where she triumphantly deposited the tray on the bedside table.

"Dinner is served and you'd better eat because I slaved over making this." He couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the plate of ham sandwiches and the platter of potato chips and pickles.

"It takes real skill to put together a ham sandwich, Chloe. I'm impressed." He loved the way her cheeks grew red when he teased her. Her slight huff had him biting back another laugh.

"Don't knock it, Buster. I'd like to see you do the same."

"Oh, you might be surprised what I can whip up in a kitchen, Chloe." He was glad to see his words took some of the wind from her sails. Feeling slightly better about things, he smiled and reached for a sandwich as she settled into a chair she'd pulled up next to the bed and began to eat as well.

For a short while, they managed to have inane conversation, verbal judoing in a light form as they ate, both it seemed willing to put off the inevitable discussion they would have to have. But when Lex finally finished nearly two whole sandwiches, he knew it was time to get back to business. He was not surprised to see Chloe's expression turn serious as well.

"Chloe, I need you tell me what happened." His voice was low as he settled back against the pillows, bracing himself as he saw the worry appear in her eyes. "Don't leave anything out to spare me. I'm a big man, I can handle it." The words were brave but deep inside, he found himself hoping he could hold it together for whatever she might say. 'Luthors did not show weakness or emotion' was the mantra he kept repeating in his head as she began to talk. Ten minutes later he was trying to digest all she'd revealed although in hindsight, he should have expected it.

"Lex, tell me what you're feeling. I know this has to be rough-"

"It's a fact of life, Chloe." He knew his words were harsher than he intended but it was more difficult than he'd though to deal with the revelation that Helen had betrayed him and that his father wanted him dead. "My father never cared what I did as long as I was subservient to him. Helen obviously was like every other woman I've been involved with and only interested in my wealth." The bitterness in his tone did not surprise him either. He was definitely in the mood to feel sorry for himself and he was going to wallow in it.

"Then you just need to be a little more selective in the women you chose Lex."

His head shot up at her words, surprised to see her eyes were on fire as she looked at him. She really was an incredibly beautiful woman when she was angry. Her eyes sparkled and her face flushed while her chest heaved against the tight shirt she was wearing. He couldn't stop himself from noting that Chloe Sullivan had one of the nicest bodies he'd ever seen.

"You think you can focus on the situation we're in long enough to stop feeling sorry for yourself?"

He jumped at her words and guiltily brought his eyes back to her now even more irate face. 'Great, Luthor, you just got married, albeit to an evil bitch, was nearly buried alive at the bottom of the ocean and now all you can think about is how much you'd like to bury yourself in Chloe Sullivan. Good man, real good.'

"Lex, I know you're probably upset, hell I know I would be. But you can't just shut down and feel sorry for yourself, you have to overcome this and fight back. You're Lex Luthor and the man I know would not take this lying down!"

Images of what exactly he could take lying down, from Chloe, filled his mind even as he forced his attention back to the situation at hand. He knew she was right and it was about time that he pushed these un-Luthorlike thoughts away and concentrated on saving his company and life as he knew it.

"You're right, Chloe. I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sorry. It's natural to feel betrayed and confused. Just use it to help you fight this situation." Her soothing words had a strange effect on him. They actually made him feel a little better. "Now, you said something about talking to my dad and a plan for him to run the plant if something like this happened?"

Sighing, he ran a hand over his scalp and nodded. "Your father and I always suspected my dad might try something like this to get the plant." He knew the bitterness in his voice was obvious. "Several months ago we had papers drawn up in secret. Only my lawyer saw them and handled them. They basically give Gabe control of the plant if anything happens to me."

"Wait a second-" He stopped as Chloe cut him off. "My dad never mentioned anything like this to me. And how can you do that? Won't your father find some loophole or something? Or maybe even have my father killed?"

Lex heard the panic in her voice and instinctively reached out to grasp her hand. The warmth of her palm against his shut both of them up for a moment as they stared into each other's eyes. "Chloe, your father is the most remarkable man I know. He was well aware of the risks and I gave him the option to back out but he refused." Watching the look of pride on her face he found himself wistfully wishing that just once, he could have felt that way about his own father.

"So what about the legalities? I know Lionel and I'm sure he's not going to take things lying down. Assuming of course you think that this is a plot to get the plant?"

He sighed at the question in her voice. "I don't doubt it. Dad has threatened to shut the plant down outright or take it over because of what he calls my mismanagement. I've managed to thwart him at all turns so he must be getting desperate to take things this far." He was unaware he'd clenched his hands into fists, in the process, tightening his grip on Chloe's hand which he still held.

"Lex, your father is a complete and utter bastard, determined to ruin your life and all those people in it." He looked at her in confusion, sensing there was more to her words than she was telling him. She held up a hand to stop him before he could ask.

"Let's just say the reason I found out about this plan was because I'd decided to do a little snooping of my own by taking a 'job offer' your father had given me."

Lex frowned at the thought of Chloe anywhere near his father. "Chloe, don't you know how dangerous that is? Anything connected with my father is not what it seems-"

"Give me some credit, Lex. I might be mad at Clark and the world but I'm not so stupid as to not realize that Lionel Luthor has ulterior motives." He raised one eyebrow as he picked up on something she'd said.

"What's this about Clark?" The way her eyes suddenly shuttered made him sigh. He could pretty much figure things out from what Clark had told him the day before and the way Chloe suddenly shut down. "You found out about him and Lana, didn't you?"

He realized his mistake the moment he'd let the words slip. Chloe suddenly seemed to puff up, her eyes widening with an anger that should have frightened him. "What? You knew? Clark told you before he told me? After we'd promised to keep no secrets from each other? How could he?"

Lex watched her rage, somehow knowing she had to get the feelings out, suspecting she hadn't had time to release them what with trying to save him. Still, he couldn't help but wonder how blind the men of Smallville had to be to not see the beautiful woman right before them. She truly was magnificent when she was angry and he suddenly found himself realizing that he was glad no one other than him seemed to notice. He waited until she had finally calmed down before speaking.

"Feel better?" Her anger seemed to abate as she suddenly realized she'd been ranting for a while. He was delighted with the way she did not back down from his stare, just met it in contemplative silence.

"Actually, I do. Sorry to go off on you like that."

"Something tells me you needed to get it out." Once sure she was okay, he continued. "We'll get to what exactly my father wanted from you and where our erstwhile Smallville hero Clark Kent is in just a moment. First though, I need to call your father." He watched as her expression turned concerned again as she pulled out her cell phone.

"You're right! If this has hit the news, he must be frantic."

Watching as she dialed a familiar number Lex relaxed back against the bed, secure in the fact that Gabe Sullivan, like he was coming to realize the man's daughter, would not let him down. What he did not want to tell Chloe was just how worried he was about what Lionel might do to get his way. Gabe knew the risks but actually having to take them was an entirely different story.

"Daddy? Yes I'm fine. No, I'm not at home. Listen, Dad, if you'd just let me say something- Dad!" Lex watched in amusement as Chloe tried to get a word in edgewise with her father. It wasn't often he saw her lose control of a conversation but she was fascinating to watch when she did. Listening avidly he watched the many emotions filter across her face as she obviously tried to explain what was happening to her father.

"Daddy, please, just be quiet a moment." He smiled as it seemed the younger Sullivan had finally taken control of the conversation. "You haven't heard anything about Lex's plane going down, have you?" Well, she was nothing if not to the point. "No Daddy, that's good. Listen, it did. No, I'm not making this up; you think I would kid about something so important? And keep your voice down, no one is supposed to know." He had to give her credit, she could think fast. "Listen, I'm with Lex and I'm going to let him talk- don't ask me how, Dad, you don't want to know and it would take to long. No, I can't tell you where either! Talk to Lex!" With that, she handed him her phone with a relieved look on her face.

"Gabe, it's Lex-"

"What the hell is going on, Lex? What's this about your plane going down and why the hell is my daughter with you someplace she can't tell me?"

Lex closed his eyes, realizing he should have expected to have to deal with the irate father as well as the businessman. "Gabe, listen to me, you know the plan we set up several months ago, in case something happened to me?" There was silence on the other end before he heard a low curse.

"What happened, Lex?"

Glad that the older man's tone had relaxed he tried to explain as quickly as possible. "My father and my new 'wife'," he couldn't help the bitterness that colored his words, "pretty much sabotaged the jet and left me to die a watery death. Luckily, your daughter overheard the plan and with some help from a friend, managed to get to me and save me just in time. I owe her my life, Gabe, and I won't soon forget it." More silence before he got a reply.

"Chloe saved your life? She overheard this plan? What the hell is going on?"

At least it was confusion not anger this time in the older man's voice. "I don't know but for the moment, I think we need to play the card that I'm 'missing' probably 'dead.' It's obviously what Dad wanted and until he makes his move and alerts us to his game, we have to go with it. That is if you're still willing to go along with my plan." He held his breath waiting for a reply.

"Lex, you know I have more respect for you than most people and I agreed to your plan months ago knowing the risks. Of course I'll put it into action but I need you to promise me something now."

Having a good idea what he was about to be asked, he nodded, before realizing Gabe couldn't see the motion. "Whatever you need Gabe."

"Promise me that you'll keep Chloe safe. If anything happened to her-"

"Gabe, nothing is going to happen to her. I promise you I'll take care of her and get her safely home when this is all over. You have my word." The sigh of relief audible through the receiver made him feel marginally better.

"I believe you, Lex. Just make sure you get both of you home safe when this is over. Oh, and don't let her boss you around too much."

He laughed along with Gabe, earning an irritated glance from Chloe, who was obviously wondering what was being said. "I promise. Now, back to business, are you set on what needs to happen next?"

Ten minutes later he handed the phone back to Chloe, even more impressed with how levelheaded her father was. If there were any way to make this work, Gabe would see to it. Listening carefully, he found himself smiling at the end of Chloe's conversation with Gabe.

"Yes daddy, I promise to tell you how I did it when it's done with. Yes, you don't want to know right now. I promise to keep you informed, as I'm sure Lex will too, just be careful okay? Lionel is up to something and if anything happened to you- I know, Dad. I'll be fine, I trust you and I trust Lex." He felt a wave of something like amazement sweep over him at hearing her say she trusted him. "Oh, right, I forgot. Um, why don't I just call Lana and tell her I'm staying with Lois in Metropolis for a while? Yeah, she's got enough problems with Clark's disappearance and soon word of Lex's demise, might as well not add to them. Yes, he's gone, don't ask. I don't know. It was a hell of a night in Smallville."

His curiosity was peaked at hearing Chloe say Clark was gone. Obviously, whatever had kept his best man from the wedding was pretty serious. Which meant he was going to be asking Chloe quite a few more questions when she ended her call.

"Okay, Daddy, I love you too. Be careful. I'll call you soon. Bye."

Lex felt a strange longing in his chest as he realized just how much Gabe and Chloe loved each other. He could only imagine what it might feel like to have a father that loved him that much. Pulling himself out of his stupor, he was not surprised to find Chloe dialing another number.

"Chloe, we need to talk-"

"I know, I just have to call Lana. I don't need her getting all freaked out and raising suspicions. She's going to have enough to deal with when she realizes her business partner is gone just like Clark."

More curious and concerned by the second, he listened as she obviously tried to calm a hysterical Lana when she got through. "Lana, calm down. I'm sorry, I had to get away- yes, I know Clark left, remember, I was there with you and Pete? You didn't seem to care that Lex was in danger." Lex's eyebrow rose at the bitterness in Chloe's voice. Interesting.

"I don't know, I wasn't able to find him. I'm sure he's okay though, you haven't heard anything have you?" Chloe's sigh of relief told him his 'demise' was still not public knowledge. "No, I didn't-, oh God. Is she all right? How's Jonathan doing?" Lex immediately switched from curiosity to full blown worry as he realized something must have happened to Clark's parents. "No, Clark never told me. And now Clark's gone too? They don't know yet? Oh god, and no one has any clue?" Sitting up, Lex met Chloe's stunned gaze, desperate to know what had happened.

"Okay, Lana, no, I can't come home right now, Lois is in a crisis and she needs me. I promise, I'll call if anything changes. Take care okay? And give the Kents my sympathies. Okay. Bye."

Lex felt his chest tighten as he saw the pain in Chloe's eyes as she hung up. "Chloe, what happened to the Kents?" He knew it wasn't good as he saw the tears struggling to fall. "Chloe?"

"Martha and Jonathan were in an accident. It was probably something to do with the remains of the Kents' storm cellar. Martha … she was pregnant."

Lex felt his heart break a little as he suddenly realized what she'd said. "Was? She lost the baby?" A nod was his only reply as a tear slipped down her cheek. Unconsciously he reached for her hand, squeezing it tightly as she latched onto him, lacing their fingers tightly together. "What else?"

"Clark has disappeared. I went to the farm, to try and see if he knew where you were to help, but Pete said he'd left. Just taken off saying everything was 'his fault.' No one knows where he is and his parents have no clue their son is gone. It's going to break them to lose both their children on the same day."

Lex felt his own eyes water as he realized how much pain the family he secretly considered his own must be in. His pain at losing Helen and seeing his father's true colors emerge was one thing, but the Kent family's pain was something completely different.

"Oh God, Lex, what the hell is going on?"

He had no answer to her tearful question, no matter how much he wished he had. Feeling a sense of hopelessness he focused his gaze on the young woman now crying unashamedly in front of him. Not stopping to question the action, he sat up and reached for her, pulling her out of the chair and into his arms. She came immediately, her arms wrapping around his waist with no hesitancy as she buried her head against his shoulder and sobbed. He felt several tears escape his legendary control as well as he clutched the young woman tightly to him, clinging to her as if she were the only sure thing in the storm his life had become.

Unable to find any words, he simply held her as she cried, giving into his own grief as they mourned together for the loss of an unborn child, a cherished son, a new wife and a father's love.



24th May 2003, 04:09
:crygreen: Awww, poor guys. Chloe and Lex need some cheering up.

Geez, can Lana ever think about anyone but herself? Oh, right. That would be a NO.

24th May 2003, 05:03
You're just amazing. You realize that, don't you? I love this story more and more with every chapter.

And Thomas...*sniff*... Okay, I was always admittedly a Jarod/Miss Parker shipper, but I liked Thomas and the fact that Jarod sort of set them up was so sweet.

Please write more soon.

24th May 2003, 06:10
oooooh that was sad... i'm glad you mentioned thomas, he was such a sweetie.

24th May 2003, 10:25
:biggrin: That was one good chapter. Now they are alone in the house, what could they do? :blinkkiss: Did you write Lex can cooking, hehehehe....can't wait to read about it. Keep the good work.

24th May 2003, 15:48
Ok, i left a FB at TBT, but i decided to leave one here too, because you made my day : a crossover the Pretender/Smallville. You are my new hero !!

You know that both the Center and Lionel Luthor have experimented clonage, so i wouldn't be surprised if Luthor Sr was buddy/buddy with Mr Raines and The Center. Will you pursue in this way ? does this take place after the second The Pretender tv movie ? it would be important for Jarod to have a friend in Lex Luthor.

Will we see Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots ? The Center ?

Boy, the SV writers could really learn from the Pretender writers and creators, that was the best show for storylines, continuity, characters developpement, plots, surprises... well you can see i am in love with the Pretender !!

I hope that in this fic, Jarod will confide in Lex and Chloe about his childhood, the Center, his younger clone, his love for Sydney (as a father/son), Miss Parker hunting him down....

More soon, please.

24th May 2003, 16:33
Wow. That's all I can say. Having them comfort each other never fails to get to me. And I like the way you're writing the gradual progression of their feelings for each other. I'm anxious to see how they get Lionel and what you have in store for the rest of the characters.


25th May 2003, 08:37
:crygreen: O my! This fic just keeps getting better and better! Keep up the great work! :chlexsign3:

25th May 2003, 08:55
I have to say, I love this. It's all so cool. Chloe saving Lex, Lex having feelings for Chloe, Gabe being the cool dad I wish I had. Keep it up! :yay: :yay: :yay:

25th May 2003, 15:29
I love this fic! :wub: Can't wait for the next part. :yay2: :yay2:

25th May 2003, 16:03
More please!!! *throws herself on the floor and starts begging* :worship2:

29th May 2003, 06:12
Chapter 4

Notes, disclaimers and such in Part 1. Again, thanks to David for his wonderful beta!!


Lex woke up the next morning to the feel of a soft, warm body pressed against his side. For a moment, he kept his eyes closed, wondering if he'd dreamed everything and Helen was here with him, asleep without a care in the world.

But the light floral scent in his nose was definitely not Helen's and the feel of the body against his side was smaller and slighter than the current Mrs. Luthor. Cracking one eye open, he was greeted with a fall of blonde hair over his chest and the amazing sight of Chloe Sullivan curled up trustingly against him. For one moment, he allowed himself to simply enjoy the strange sense of contentment that he received from her presence- before the reality of everything that had happened hit.

Realizing that he needed to start working on damage control, he tried to ease himself away from Chloe, unable to hide a smile as she made a muffled sound and burrowed deeper against him. Relaxing back again, he decided to give her a few more moments of peace. After all, if it hadn't been for her, he would be dead.

Now, rested and more alert, he needed to try and take back control of his life. Gabe could handle the plant but Lex knew he would need to miraculously appear in a relatively short period of time- before Lionel found some other way to take over LexCorp and/or the Smallville plant. The hurt he felt at his father's betrayal was slowly fading to a dull ache- although it was easier to accept than the knowledge of Helen's betrayal. The pain was sharper when he thought of his wife, but as Chloe shifted against him once more, her head snuggling into the crook of his neck, the edge seemed to be taken off that pain. In some way, Chloe was good for him- something he'd always secretly suspected but had never been proven to him until this moment.

But he needed to put aside all these emotions and get back to doing what a Luthor did best. Unemotionally and calculatedly figuring out what to do next. However, to do that, he needed to find out more about what Chloe had overheard his father and Helen plotting; what had happened to make Clark leave; and finally, what kind of 'deal' his father had struck with Chloe. Although after listening to her, he was pretty sure that Chloe was more than capable of handling his father. But the thought of what tricks and underhanded schemes Lionel could pull against the young woman in his arms made him shiver.

Sighing, he gently stroked a hand down her cheek, hoping the move would wake her up. He did not expect the flash of desire that shot through his system at the feel of her silken skin against his palm. Unable to help himself, he allowed his fingers to trail over her nose and cheekbones, daringly running lightly across her lips as he whispered her name. His heart began to beat faster as he saw her eyes flutter open.


Chloe was involved in one of her better dreams- wherein she and Lex were curled up together in his king size bed, his strong fingers brushing lovingly across her face as he held her close. The sexy bald billionaire had been appearing in her fantasies more and more often lately, much to her surprise but not an unwelcome one.

The soft call of her name was not the harsh sound she usually heard used by Lana or her father but instead, almost a caress of it uttered in Lex's deep, husky voice. Sighing, she allowed her eyes to flutter open- only to meet the man in question's amused gaze.

"Lex?" Unsure if she were still dreaming, she unthinkingly raised a hand to his cheek, unsurprised to feel the warmth of his skin against her palm. It sent a flush of desire spreading through her body and awoke her fully. Pulling back quickly, fighting her blush, she could almost swear a look of disappointment crossed his eyes before they became their usual unreadable blue.

"Sleep well, Chloe?" His voice was still a little rough from sleep and the stress of his recent near death experience but it was enough to send a tingle down her spine. Still feeling a bit embarrassed at realizing she must have fallen asleep in his arms after her breakdown, she moved from the bed and straightened her clothes as she pasted on a smile.

"Very well actually. I'm sorry if I drooled on you or anything." It was a lame comeback, but it brought a flash of humor to the dark eyes staring intently at her and for that she was grateful.

"Not a problem, I think we both needed that emotional release and a good nights sleep." She knew what was coming as he paused and fixed one of his intent gazes on her. "But we really need to discuss what you overheard my father and Helen plotting and what my father wants from you."

Nodding at his words, she knew the discussion was inevitable but wanted to postpone it a little longer. She stretched and headed for the bathroom hoping to buy a little time. Slipping into the small room she felt little relief at being out from under the scrutiny of Lex's intent gaze. Taking several deep breaths, she splashed water on her face and did what she could to freshen up. She could still feel the delightful tingle of waking up in Lex's arms. Of course though, that feeling had to be crushed by the knowledge of the danger they were in and the discussion they must have. Finally, knowing she couldn't put it off any longer, she re-entered the room, only to find it empty.

"Lex?" Calling his name as she left the bedroom she heard a faint reply coming from downstairs. Wondering what he was up to, she followed the sounds of clanking pots and pans to the kitchen. The sight that greeted her was priceless. "Are you cooking?" She knew there was surprise and disbelief in her voice and the smirk he sent her way did not help.

"Surprised, Ms. Sullivan? I can cook you know. I just don't do it that often."

She raised an eyebrow before moving over to seat herself on one of the kitchen stools. "Will wonders never cease- and I'd hoped we were past the Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Luthor addresses since I recently saved your butt."

His low laugh sent a shivery tingle down her spine even as she tried to focus on the matters at hand instead of these increasingly distracting feelings that kept surfacing the more she was around Lex.

"Well, Chloe, if you insist. And I never did get around to properly thanking you for saving my life."

Her heart stopped for a moment as she wondered what a 'proper' thank you from Lex Luthor might entail. Needless to say, her thoughts were probably more appropriate to the gutter. 'Right, Chloe. The man nearly died at the hands of his new wife. The last thing on his mind is what you're imagining.'

"No thanks needed. It's what any friend would do." His small smile made the hair on the back of her neck stand up and not in a bad way.

"No, Chloe. I have very few friends who would do that for me." The intensity of his voice brought a blush to her face as she shrugged and headed over to check out the contents of the refrigerator.

"Well, I consider it thanks enough that the great Lex Luthor has deemed me worthy enough to make breakfast for. I'll treasure this experience even if it's not under the best of circumstances."

His low laughter was a welcome sound in the small kitchen. "Wait until you taste my efforts before thanking me, Chloe." The trepidation she knew appeared on her face obviously amused Lex if the smile he sent her way was anything to go by.

For the next few moments, they engaged in light banter, both willingly putting off the discussion they needed to have. Chloe found herself grateful that Lex seemed to understand her need to compose herself, figuring he was not looking forward to hearing what she had to say either.


Lex had never cooked for anyone before and to his surprise, he found himself enjoying the experience. Not that he cooked all that often, and never around anyone else, but it was still a nice feeling. He also knew it was helping Chloe relax before she told her tale. He knew it was going to be as hard for her to tell as it was for him to hear and he was all for fortifying themselves with food before settling down to talk things out.

"Wow, Lex, you surprise me. I never knew you were such a wiz at making omelets." He laughed at her wry tone as she devoured the impromptu meal he'd put together. Then again, it did not take much effort to cook eggs and toast. He mentally thanked the former owner for leaving well-stocked cabinets.

"I find surprise to be a valuable element in the business I'm in." Her raised eyebrow brought another smile to his face. She really was cute when she was trying to look annoyed with him.

"Why does that not surprise me?" His smile faded as her expression turned serious and he knew the time had come to discuss what happened next.

"Chloe," he spoke softly, seeing the acceptance dawn in her eyes, "what happened yesterday?" Unconsciously he caught his breath, bracing himself for what he was about to hear.

Chloe sighed and met his gaze head on as she replied. "I met with your father to accept a business proposition he offered." She held up her hand, signaling she'd elaborate more later. "When our meeting was over, he said he had another one to attend and you know the journalist in me just had to follow him." Ignoring the wry look on his face she continued. "I followed him to your office at the mansion and overheard him talking to Helen about paying her off to get rid of you." She twisted her hands as she forced herself to look him in the eye as she continued, "He basically said it was up to Helen whether you ended up 'missing' or 'dead' and that she would get none of the money until he'd gotten confirmation you were one or the other."

Biting her lip, she watched the way his eyes suddenly closed down and became a deep, unreadable dark blue. She knew it couldn't be easy to hear, but she was a little worried at his lack of visible emotion. Especially after his breakdown earlier although she figured it was probably best not to mention that now.

He was trying to comprehend everything Chloe had told him. Obviously, his father and Helen had this planned from the start. 'Of course they did. You didn't really think she could love you enough to overlook your 'betrayal' of her. And God forbid Dad not take advantage of that to destroy his son.'

"Lex, are you okay?"

The concern in Chloe's voice brought him out of his darker thoughts and had him trying to focus on the situation at hand. "I'm fine, Chloe." He knew the words were clipped and from her expression, she did not believe him. But he could not deal with emotions at the moment. He needed to logically hear and analyze the facts. "Okay, so you heard them plotting, but how did you know it involved the jet?"

Chloe knew he was not as unaffected as he seemed but realized he needed to play the scene this way, with the Luthor "cool" intact- at least on the surface. "I heard Lionel say ‘assuming you survive the jump’ and it just clicked in my head that you must be taking the LuthorCorp jet somewhere. It was a logical conclusion to me that by 'jump' it meant Helen would most likely do something to you, sabotage the jet and jump from it." She saw the incredulous expression on his face and shrugged. "Journalists minds and the connections they make are tough to understand sometimes."

Lex was puzzling her reply and how she'd come up with her theory, even though it was most likely spot on, when something else occurred. "How come you didn't come directly to me?" The flash of irritation in her eyes fascinated him as she shot him a death glare.

"I tried, but your wedding guests seemed determined to waylay me, and I missed you by seconds." She sighed as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't know how to reach you and my only solution was already riding into the Smallville sunset."

Lex frowned as he realized she must mean Clark. But he'd get to that in a moment, something else was puzzling him right now. "So how did you get Jarod involved and while I'm on the subject, how do you know him? Or do I want to know?" He had to admit, he was curious about the relationship he'd observed between Chloe and Jarod. Not that he'd been in a very good state at the time, but their closeness was hard to miss. It took quite a lot of effort to convince himself he was not asking because of a misplaced sense of jealousy as he saw her face relax into a smile.

"Jarod owed me a favor for some help I gave him last summer." At his confused look, she sighed and explained. "Jarod was searching for his family when I ran into him by accident in Metropolis last summer during my internship at the ‘Inquisitor.’ I was investigating fire and he happened to be there as well, looking for his mother." Pausing for a moment, she remembered the almost desperate look on Jarod's face as he'd begged her for information on the woman who owned the apartment that had been destroyed in the blaze.

Lex watched the emotions flitting across her face carefully, wondering just how well Chloe knew Jarod and not liking the track his mind was heading down.

"To make a long story short, I helped him track her down and reunited them." A true smile brightened her face as she remembered the joyous reunion. The smile faded to a sad frown a moment later as she continued. "However, Jarod is on the run from some truly evil people," she paused at Lex's raised eyebrow. "Trust me, the Center operatives make even your father look like a saint."

Lex choked on the sip of soda he'd taken at her words. "You really mean that, don't you?" He was not surprised to see her nod seriously. "What did they do to Jarod and his family?"

Sighing Chloe twisted her napkin between her fingers. "I'm not sure, but from what Jarod told me, the Center took him away from his family as a child and forced him to participate in all kinds of tests and experiments. He escaped years later and has spent the past few years searching for his family. He'd already found his father and sister when I met him and now all of them are reunited. Unfortunately, they have to live in hiding until Jarod can take down the Center before it finds and eliminates them."

Lex was growing more curious and concerned about this "Center" she kept mentioning, something about it ringing a bell, although he was not sure what.

"Lex?" Her curious statement of his name alerted him to the fact that she'd picked up on his thoughts. It was rather scary how good she was becoming at it.

"Sorry, it's just this "Center" sounds familiar, although I can't think why."

Chloe looked at him curiously as something she'd once wondered about again surfaced. "Lex, do you think LuthorCorp might be involved with the Center?" The look in his eyes was all the answer she needed. A separate part of her mind suddenly began wondering if they could both pay Jarod back for his help by finding a way to bring down the Center- possibly through LuthorCorp.

"It's a very good possibility, especially if they do strange and experimental research. Heaven knows my father is in it up to his neck with the meteor rocks and Clark." He muttered last phrase to himself but Chloe caught it.

"Lex, why is your father so interested in Clark?" It was a topic change but she couldn't help herself. She knew Lionel had an ulterior motive for asking her to research her friend and Lex might be able to help her find it.

Lex caught the urgency in her words and his internal radar went on alert. "Why don't you tell me, Chloe, since I'm guessing this 'deal' he struck with you had to do with our mutual friend." The startled yet guilty look on her face answered any questions he might have had left.

"He wants me to research Clark for him and we're talking in depth, personal information." She sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she tried to explain.

"What did he offer you?" He was curious to know what his father had offered that would even make Chloe consider accepting a deal- even if it were under false pretenses. Although he suspected a little of it was spurred on by the knowledge that Clark and Lana had kept their relationship secret from her.

"A column in the ‘Daily Planet’ and the 'opportunity' to have all my questions about Clark answered once and for all." She knew the words sounded cynical but couldn't help them. It rankled enough just knowing that Lionel was right about wanting her questions about Clark answered.

"Like father, like son I guess," Lex muttered, realizing his father was even more desperate than he was to figure out the mystery of Clark Kent that seemed to puzzle everyone.

"Wait a second," Chloe had just processed his words and found herself wondering if the conclusion she'd jumped to was the right one. "Are you implying you're investigating Clark as well? Your best friend?"

Lex closed his eyes and sighed as he ran a hand over his scalp. He couldn't lie to her, not now. Opening his eyes he met her gaze head on. "I've always been driven to figure out how Clark saved me that day on the bridge." He saw the understanding begin to dawn in her eyes and it made it easier to go on. "Something wasn't right about his story, not to mention the way he's made avoiding the issue of how he seems to save everyone an art form. Couple that with a crazy scientist I know claiming he was an alien meant to rule us all-"

"What?" Chloe couldn't believe she'd just heard him right. "An alien sent to rule us all? What the hell are you talking about Lex?"

He sighed and quickly sketched out what he could of the background of the doctor and his recent emergence from the coma, knowing it sounded like a science fiction novel. When she remained quiet, he became worried. "Chloe?"

Chloe was trying to process what she'd just learned, not the least of which was that Lex had been as suspicious of Clark as she had been. She now found herself wondering if Lex might suspect what she'd been wondering about recently. His soft call of her name knocked her out of her thoughts as she focused back on him.

"Lex, do you think Clark was affected in some way by the meteors?" It was an abrupt topic change again and it obviously startled him, but she had to ask. The question had been burning in her mind for years and would not go away.

Lex was surprised to hear her put forth the exact idea he'd sported for the past few years. It was certainly more plausible than the doctor's alien theory and it would explain a lot about his friend's oddities. He was impressed that Chloe's mind ran along the same track.

"I think it's entirely possible, although why he wouldn't tell us I don't know. It's not like both of us, not to mention Smallville, has not had its share of strange occurrences thanks to that damned meteor shower." It was really remarkable the way her eyes lit up as she eagerly latched onto his words.

"You know, it's possible. In fact, the more I think about it, that could be why he ran off."

Lex looked up at her curiously as she brought up something else that he'd been curious about. "Speaking of that, what happened with Clark and this running away you mentioned?" He sobered as he saw her eyes become softer and filled with a lingering pain.

"I don't know. Pete said he blamed himself for everything, including, I'm guessing, the loss of the baby." She saw the understanding in Lex's eyes and wondered if the situation were something Lex might be familiar with. Something Clark had once told her about Lex losing a brother lingered in her mind. She might ask him later but now she needed to focus. "Maybe he was upset that his supposed 'meteor' powers couldn't save them this time?" She knew it was improbable, but it made a strange sort of sense, especially considering she could not figure out why he'd left Lana when he'd finally gotten her.

Lex stroked a finger over his chin as he pondered her words. They did make a weird sort of sense when he thought about it. "You could be right, and I'm willing to bet my father suspects the same thing." He frowned as he realized another aspect he had not considered before.

"What is it, Lex?" Chloe was worried at the expression that now cloaked his features. She caught her breath as he suddenly reached across the table and grasped her hand tightly.

"Chloe, do you realize how much danger you've put yourself in by accepting my father's deal?" He held up his free hand before she could offer a protest. "He's going to be suspicious of why you accepted the offer, even if, I'm sure, he knows you're upset over Clark and Lana. If he even suspects you're double crossing him, he could hurt you. After all, it's completely acceptable to kill his son." The last words were bitter and hard but the undeniable truth.

Chloe found herself flattered and concerned by his obvious worry for her, although she was worried more herself about what Lionel could actually be capable of doing to his son when he discovered Lex was still alive. "Lex, I can handle Lionel. I just have to convince him I'm furious with Clark and curious about him. I can do it, I've certainly fooled others."

Lex raised an eyebrow, making a mental note to ask her about that little comment later. "Still, Chloe, I need you to know the risks-"

"Lex, I know the risks better than anyone. I'm willing to take them if it means getting my questions answered about Clark and possibly protecting him from Lionel." She squeezed his hand in added emphasis as she willed him to believe her with her words and eyes.

Lex sighed, again feeling a swell of amazement and respect for this slip of a girl who obviously looked danger in the face without backing down. It was a refreshing quality to find in anyone of his acquaintance.

"Chloe, just know that if you need me-" She cut him off with a soft smile.

"I know, Lex, and now that you know, I'm hoping maybe we can work together. That way you'll find your answers as well." It was risky but she needed to hear how he'd respond. The slight worry about why he was so determined to uncover Clark's secret weighed heavier on her chest than she'd thought.

Lex sighed as he looked into her eyes. He knew exactly what she wanted to hear and found himself eternally grateful that he could answer truthfully. "Chloe, I promise you, I just want to know for myself. I would never use it against Clark or his family. They're very special to me, in so many ways."

Chloe heard the sentiment in her voice as her doubts eased. Lex meant the words and combined with his earlier sympathy over the loss of Martha's child, she suddenly felt a little better. The Kents meant as much to him as they did to her.

"I believe you, Lex," she accompanied the words with a smile that quickly faded as she locked her eyes with his and finished her thought. "But if I ever find out you've lied to me-" She was cut off by the finger he suddenly placed over her lips. The move sent a tingle she tried to ignore racing through her body.

"Chloe, the one thing I can't do to you is lie. I don't know why, considering I'm admittedly skilled in the area with businessmen." He smiled at her raised eyebrow. "Trust me, Chloe, on this if nothing else." Holding his breath, he waited for her reply.

Studying his expression, Chloe made up her mind. "I trust you, Lex. Just don't disappoint me."

The words signed and sealed the discussion for them both. It would not be mentioned again. Feeling a sense of relief that that was out of the way, Lex again turned his attention to the situation at hand.

"Okay, Clark and your deal with my dad aside, we now need to figure out how to handle my 'miraculous' return from the missing, or worst case scenario, the dead and thwart whatever devious plot my father has put into motion. Any thoughts?"

"I might have a suggestion."

Both Chloe and Lex whirled around as Jarod entered the kitchen. Lex frowned as he realized he had not heard the man approach. He shot the other man a strange look, as Jarod seemed to read his mind.

"I'm used to sneaking up on people, it becomes habit after you've done it a few times."

Chloe smiled at Jarod as the tall man settled himself down at the table and placed a laptop on it. "I take it your suggestion has something to do with that wonderfully expensive piece of machinery you just placed in front of me?"

Lex couldn't help but smile at Chloe's admiration of the laptop. Trust the woman to salivate over a computer. It was kind of cute however. A quick look at Jarod told him the other man found Chloe's expression amusing too. He had to fight back the jealousy that rose in him once again.

"Yes it does, Chloe." Jarod smiled at her enthusiasm, not missing the sharp look Lex gave him. Secretly amused at the obvious jealousy, he stored the knowledge away for future reference. He had more important matters to discuss at the moment. "I did a little snooping overnight and you'll be happy to know, Lex, that right now you and Helen have been officially declared "missing" but not "dead." Your father is quite publicly announcing a 'search' for you both and expressing his grief to the world in general."

"I'm sure he's grief stricken." Lex clenched his hands into fists able to imagine the façade his father was capable of putting on. What was worse, how many people would believe the elder Luthor was actually upset at losing his son? A sudden squeeze of his hand brought his attention back to the woman who sat across from him, a sympathetic look on her features. Feeling a little better, he squeezed back and sent her a small smile.

Jarod noted the contact and smiled to himself before continuing. "I used a few contacts I've made over the years and found out your father is headed to Smallville today with every intent of taking over management of the plant." He paused as Lex and Chloe exchanged a look, realizing they'd probably figured this out already. Lex's next words confirmed it.

"We figured that out and put a plan in place that I prepared for just such an event," Lex said quietly, exchanging another look with Chloe.

Jarod remained quiet for a moment before nodding. "Good. I'm assuming this plan will prevent an immediate takeover by your father?" Receiving nods in reply, Jarod went on. "What isn't common knowledge is a deal that LuthorCorp has made based on the land the Smallville plant is located on- and research being secretly done there by LuthorCorp scientists."

Chloe and Lex exchanged confused looks. "What do you mean secretly done? I know I've had the meteor rocks analyzed but-" Lex's words were cut off by Jarod's raised hand.

"From what I could find out, your father has been doing some seriously illegal research of the rocks and their unusual powers. Research that is being paid highly for by a certain Blue Cove agency I know far too well."

Chloe's eyes widened. "So there is a LuthorCorp connection to the Center? I knew it!"

Both Lex and Jarod smiled at each other at her excitement although the smiles changed to frowns quickly as she went on. "But what does this have to do with the plant? Not to mention I find it more than coincidence that Lex has a sudden 'accident' just as this deal with the Center is coming into light."

"Well actually, the deal involves tearing down the plant to get better access to the land and the meteor rocks in it that surround the buildings. Of course, this plan is completely secret, I had some very elite sources that discovered it," Jarod said with a strange look.

Chloe noted the look and frowned. "If you're talking about that annoying Miss Parker-"

Lex watched as Jarod laughed at Chloe's heated outburst. "Chloe, she's not as bad as you think. She's a victim in all this as well-"

"Right, she's the victim. Chasing you down, hunting you across the world for years, some victim," she muttered, ignoring the confused look Lex gave her.

"Back to the topic at hand, Chloe," Jarod continued without pause, "I'm not sure how Helen fits into this, except to think that she was simply the means to your father's ends in this scenario. Sorry, Lex," the other man offered in a sympathetic voice.

Lex felt the betrayal again but to his relief, it was not as sharp as before. Now, he was starting to feel angry and disgusted that he'd been so stupid as to trust Helen.

"Lex, if you get all self-depressive on me, I'm going to have to kill you myself." Chloe was relieved to see the angsty expression dissipate from Lex's face as she tightened her grip on his hand.

"Sorry, do continue, Jarod." Lex calmed down enough to focus again but refused to let go of Chloe's hand. He was thankful she hadn't removed it either.

"As I was saying, it sounds like your father intends to shut down the plant, tear it down and capitalize on whatever the Center wants from these rocks. We don't have much time, although you might have bought us some if you figured out how to stop your father from taking immediate control of the plant."

Lex sighed and looked at Chloe. "Chloe's father has complete control of the plant in the event of my disappearance or death. But while it's all legal and binding, I know my father, and he'll find a way around it. We won't have much time."

Chloe looked between the two men as something suddenly occurred to her. "Jarod, could public knowledge of this 'plan' and LuthorCorp's research destroy the Center and/or LuthorCorp?" She couldn't help but notice the surprise and amazement on both mens' expressions although she tried not to feel too pleased.

Jarod looked at her in silence for a few moments, before a slight smile crossed his face. "If it in any way involves cloning, which I suspect is a main practice at the Center, I know it could certainly do enough damage to hurt it, if not shut it down completely depending on how radical the research is."

"Lex?" Chloe asked as she turned to face the man who still had not let go of her hand.

"It's possible," he frowned before continuing. "If I could expose my father as fully knowing what type of research was going on and actively implementing it, I'm willing to bet it could ruin him." He wondered if he should hate himself for the joy the thought of crushing Lionel brought. A gentle stroke of Chloe's thumb across his palm drew his attention to her understanding expression. As he was fast coming to realize, one look from her and he felt better about everything.

"Then I suggest we figure out a way to get proof and expose the Center and LuthorCorp to the public. If we can implicate Helen in any way, shape or form too, it'll be an added benefit." She stopped as her gaze flew to Lex, wondering if she'd offended him with the way she'd referred to the woman who, despite her treachery, was still his wife.

Lex smiled a little at her words, feeling something heal inside of him as he realized that Chloe was ready to take on Helen in defense of his honor. No one had ever been willing to do that for him and he found himself amazed and awed that Chloe would. "I'm all for added benefits Chloe," he said softly and saw from the look in her eyes that she understood. He was just glad she didn't seem to have picked up on the multiple meanings that could be inferred from his reply.

"Okay then, I suggest we get to work formulating a plan. I don't know about you two, but I'm ready to end this once and for all and get on with life. Agreed?" Jarod watched as the other two exchanged glances before nodding.

"Agreed," Chloe said in a determined tone. "So anyone got any brilliant ideas?"



29th May 2003, 10:58
Yay! A new chapter! Yeah, stating the obvious. I love Jarod as a matchmaker and just the story in general. :chlexsign3:

29th May 2003, 15:04
:yay2: Now that the team is complete I wonder what are they planning to do. :biggrin: Poor Lionel, he don't have a chance to survive with amazing three against him. :blinkkiss: Can't wait for more.

29th May 2003, 15:29
What a long chapter to get through but worth every minute of it.

Love what you're doing so far and Lionel is pure evil... :evil:

29th May 2003, 18:48
Yes, an update !! thank you so much !
HA, Lex has heard of the Center, why am i not surprised ? you can bet that in an universe where SV and The Pretender exist, Lionel would be doing dirty deals with the Center.
I bet that Lionel has cloned his own son, and made Lex No 2 his puppet. After all, there is a young Jarod clone somewhere with the Major Charles (Jarod's father for those who are not familiar with the Pretender's mythology).

Do you know what could make my day ? an encounter between Miss Parker and Chloe, at the end, with Miss Parker missing Jarod as usual, and Chloe speaking her mind to Miss P. I love Miss Parker, but that would be funny to read such a scene.

29th May 2003, 20:46
Originally posted by xmag@May 29 2003, 06:48 PM
Do you know what could make my day ? an encounter between Miss Parker and Chloe, at the end, with Miss Parker missing Jarod as usual, and Chloe speaking her mind to Miss P. I love Miss Parker, but that would be funny to read such a scene.
Oh trust me, Miss P will be making an appearance and yes, Chloe will have some choice words.

Glad you're enjoying it so far, the next part should be up in a day or two, as soon as I get home from my mini-break vacation!


31st May 2003, 05:13
I think that it would be hysterical to watch the friggin Pretender play matchmaker. I like how you are tying the two shows together. Amazing fic, cannot wait for another update.


5th June 2003, 05:01
Chapter 5


Gabe Sullivan sighed as he heard the propellers of the chopper carrying Lionel Luthor clearly through the walls of the fertilizer plant. Looking out the window, he found himself wondering how in the world he'd gotten himself so deeply involved in this situation- and how Chloe had gotten involved in it even deeper. The answer required no real thought however.


The cocky, self-assured multi-billionaire who happened to be his boss and whom over the past few years had become, much to his surprise, a man he respected and enjoyed working for. Not something he'd ever thought he'd associate with the name Luthor but now found himself glad he did.

While most of Smallville might persist in seeing Lex as a younger, just as lethal version of his father, he was proud to say he thought differently. Working with Lex over the years, seeing how much the plant and its employees meant to the young billionaire, not to mention the lengths he would go to making sure everyone who wanted a job had one, had strengthened his respect and admiration for the man.

Those feelings were what had caused him to agree to the plan Lex had proposed to him several months ago. At first, Gabe had been shocked when Lex had asked him if he would be willing to assume management of the plant if something should happen to him. A hour later he'd found himself won over by Lex's ideas and the knowledge that if he said no, one day the plant operations could be seriously compromised. He'd just never thought they'd actually have to implement the plan.

He'd also never thought his daughter would be involved. Although now that he was thinking about it, he realized he probably should have expected it. Chloe had a knack for being right in the center of whatever strange thing might be happening in Smallville. It was an added assumption that if it involved Lex Luthor or Clark Kent- Chloe would not be far behind.

He closed his eyes at the headache that had not left since he'd heard Chloe's voice early this morning. At first, he hadn't wanted to believe what she was saying, much less who she was with. The thought of his teenage daughter hiding out somewhere with Lex Luthor was not a thought many parents would feel good about, himself included. But bottom line, he found he trusted Lex when the young man had reassured him that he would keep Chloe safe. He really did not want to analyze why.

Still, he was worried about where they both were and the fact that Lionel obviously had something to do with it. Now he had to face the devil himself whom he had a suspicion would not be happy to learn who was now legally controlling the plant. Still, there was a crazy sense of satisfaction at knowing he was the wrench in the elder Luthor's plans- especially if the man was behind his son's presumed death.

Hearing the commotion in the hall outside Lex's office where he now sat, he took a deep breath and prepared to put on the act of his life.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Sullivan?"

Gabe met Lionel's gaze with an even one of his own. "Mr. Luthor, I am sorry to hear about your son-"

"That's not what I am here to discuss as I am sure you know."

Unwilling to show his utter disgust at the fact that Lionel seemed to show no concern for his son Gabe took a deep breath and continued. "As I'm sure you now know, Lex made provisions that if something should happen to him, I would assume full control of the plant." He hid his delight at the flash of annoyance that he saw come and go quickly in the elder Luthor's eyes. "It's all legal and binding, as I'm sure Lex's lawyers have informed you by now."

"A stupid and foolish plan that will soon be dealt with," offered Lionel with a wave of his hand as various other men and women, obviously lawyers, filtered into the room.

Gabe was not surprised to see things going exactly as Lex had informed him they would. His father's lawyers were looking for loopholes, but hopefully Lex's own legal wrangling would keep them occupied for the time being while Lex figured out what to do next.

"I assume these are lawyers you believe can find a loophole to this plan?" He knew the words were sarcastic but it was not everyday one got to confront Lionel Luthor. While he knew he was no match for Lex's way of handling his father, he was feeling a spurt of adrenaline at getting a shot at trying his own.

"Mr. Sullivan, this really is tiring. You know, as does Lex, that there are loopholes to everything and it will only be hours, maybe a day at most before one is discovered."

The bastard was a smug one and it took a lot for Gabe to keep silent and refrain from saying something that would exacerbate the situation. "That may be so, but until you find that loophole, I am in charge here and I am going to have to ask you to leave."

The anger that flashed in Lionel's eyes sent a slight shiver of fear down Gabe's spine but he stood his ground, meeting the older man's gaze without backing down.

"Again, Mr. Sullivan, I must ask you to reconsider the deal you made with my son." Gabe's eyebrow rose as Lionel turned and strode over to the window. "Whether Lex is found alive or not, I will acquire this plant and it will be shut down. Do not interfere in this, Mr. Sullivan. I can guarantee you will not like the consequences."

Oh, the bastard really was cold. Threatening him in the same breath he pretty much declared how little he cared for his son. Gabe suddenly realized what Lex had been fighting against his whole life- and could only find himself offering a prayer that the son would never become the father.

"Threats, Mr. Luthor? I would have thought you above such petty means." Gabe was proud of the calm voice as he watched the ire rising in the elder Luthor's eyes. "Now if we are finished, I have work to attend to. Good-bye, Mr. Luthor." Keeping his gaze steady, he watched as Lionel motioned for his minions to leave.

"This is far from over." The menace in Lionel's voice sent a chill down his spine but he kept his expression neutral. "Watch your back, Mr. Sullivan. You never know what could happen to you- or your lovely daughter." With that, Lionel spun on his heel and left before Gabe could make a reply.

Gabe's tried not to shudder as he sank back into the chair and rubbed his aching temples. Lionel had just threatened his life and that of his family. While he knew he could take care of himself, he was extremely grateful that Chloe was with Lex, wherever they were.
As strange as it sounded, that was probably the safest place for her to be at the moment. Trying to ignore his apprehension, he turned his attention back to plant business.


Jonathan Kent stared out over his farm, realizing how little his life's work seemed to mean now that he'd lost both of his children. The pain of losing his unborn child was only compounded by the knowledge that his other child was somewhere out there, probably doing something incredibly risky that would most likely get him killed.

"He's going to be all right, Jonathan."

The soft words of his wife did little to calm the turmoil raging inside him as she wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned against his side.

"He's wearing the red kryptonite ring, Martha. You know what that does to him- and now he's out there, thinking we don't love him-"

"He knows we love him. Never doubt that." Martha sighed as she tried to keep her voice strong, knowing her husband needed her support now more than ever. While her heart still ached for the loss of her unborn child, she was more concerned at the moment for the welfare of her surviving son.

"But you didn't see his eyes- or hear what I said to him-" Jonathan trailed off hoarsely, the memory of the absolute horror and guilt in Clark's eyes as he'd yelled at him about 'choices.' He'd been angry and upset and Clark had been the only person there to lash out at. Part of him had felt better putting his grief and guilt on someone else but now that he looked back, he wished it had been anyone else.

Martha sighed, searching for the right words. "Clark might have been hurt, he might have been feeling guilty, but no matter what, we have to trust that he'll do the right thing."

Jonathan let out a harsh bark of laughter. "Not when he's wearing that red kryptonite and suffering from a major guilt complex, given to him by his father."

Unable to find anything to say to comfort either of them, she simply wrapped her other arm around his waist and held him tighter, praying that everything would turn out all right in the end.

Neither knew how long they stood together on the porch until the sound of an engine approaching reached their ears. Turning, they saw Pete's car screech to a stop in front of the steps. With a quick glance at each other, they moved off the porch to where Pete was stepping from the driver’s seat.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I think I've got a lead on where Clark is." Pete sighed as he saw the naked relief reflected on both faces and only hoped he was right.

"Where, Pete? Have you heard from him?"

Shaking his head, Pete stopped their frantic questions with a raised hand. "I haven't heard from him but I think he's in Metropolis. A friend of ours who moved there a year ago gave me a call today to say he'd spotted Clark at one of the local nightclubs, acting very out of character."

"Was he okay?" Martha knew her voice sounded desperate but she was extremely worried about her son's mental state and what the red kryptonite might have caused him to do.

"Greg said Clark was drinking and picking fights at a local nightclub, but not anything out of the ordinary. I carefully asked about that," he offered simply, seeing they understood what he meant.

"We need to go get him, then," said Jonathan, already planning what he'd need to destroy the ring.

"Mr. Kent," Pete knew this was the risky part, but it had to be said. "I know you want to find him, we all do, but I think it would be better if you let me and Lana go, alone." He held up a hand at the protest he heard from both of them. "Hear me out, please?" When they became quiet, he took a deep breath and went on.

"Clark is obviously feeling guilty about everything and I'm not sure he'd respond well to you or Mrs. Kent coming to get him. Especially if the red kryptonite is affecting him in the way we suspect.” Pete paused as he saw the older couple contemplating his words. “If I can’t persuade him to take off the ring, Lana might be the only other person who can convince him to come home.”

Martha and Jonathan looked at each other, feeling a sense of helplessness but knowing Pete spoke the truth.

"I hate to say it, but you're probably right." Jonathan's voice held a myriad of emotions, not the least of which was guilt. "I'm sure I'm the last person he'd want to see." He barely felt the hand Martha placed on his arm in support.

"Mr. Kent, you can't be too hard on yourself. Everyone had a part in this, now we have to move on and fix things. And we can only do that if we work together," Pete finished quietly as the elder Kent nodded.

"What do you need from us, Pete?" Jonathan resigned himself to the inevitable but that was not going to stop him from moving heaven and earth to help find his son.

"Actually, I just wanted to tell you I was leaving for Metropolis today. I’m going to swing by and pick up Lana and we’ll be off. Hopefully, I'll be back with Clark by the end of the week."

Both nodded as Martha walked over to give him a hard hug. "Be careful, Pete, you know how hard it's going to be to get that ring."

Pete nodded and pulled out a lead lined box. Opening it, he revealed a medium sized piece of green kryptonite. "I think this will come in handy again, although I hate having to use it, especially if Lana’s around."

"Better safe than sorry though," Jonathan said quietly as he clasped Pete's hand in a firm grim.

"Bring him home safe, Pete, please." Martha's words were desperate but heartfelt and Pete felt a lump in his throat at the tears in her eyes.

"I promise. You two just take care of each other," he began, turning and heading back to the car. Before he could climb in however, he turned back. "Oh, and if either of you see Chloe, let her know what we’re doing, please? Neither Lana nor I have heard from her since all this happened and I'm sure she's going nuts with both Clark and Lex missing."

Martha looked curiously at Jonathan then back at Pete. "Lex is missing?" She felt something in her heart sink at the look Pete shot them.

"You guys haven't turned on the news lately, have you?" When both of them shook their heads, Pete sighed. "Lex and Helen's jet went down over the water on their way to the honeymoon. Both are listed as 'missing.'"

Martha felt something tugged at her heart as she realized the young man she'd come to think of as a surrogate son was also missing.

"This just gets better and better," Jonathan muttered, surprised at the worry he felt at the news. He and Lex might never see eye to eye, but lately, he'd come to develop a grudging respect for the man.

"Well, Gabe Sullivan is apparently running the plant, much to the outrage of Lionel Luthor," Pete said with satisfaction in his voice. At the Kents’ confused expressions he clarified. "Rumor has it that Lex and Gabe made some legal arrangement to give the latter control of the plant if something happened to Lex. I hear Lionel's called in the dogs to try and reverse it." He paused and smiled to himself as he climbed into his car and waved goodbye to the Kents. "If I know Lex, however, it's not going to be easy."

Martha and Jonathan watched in silence until Pete's car disappeared. Turning to her husband, Martha could not hide the worry in her eyes or her voice. "Lex is missing, Lionel is no doubt plotting a major takeover that could possibly destroy Gabe and most of Smallville and our son is probably letting Metropolis in on his secret. What else can go wrong?"

Jonathan laughed harshly. "You forgot the fact that Clark is still being contacted by his biological father, who seems intent on making our son the ruler of earth; not to mention that the newest Mrs. Luthor is also missing, with knowledge of who and what Clark is."

The two stared at each other for a long time without saying a word.



5th June 2003, 05:16
Wow. Great friggin update! I love Gabe giving Lionel the old heave ho and the way that you write the Kents. Can't wait to see where this one goes.


5th June 2003, 19:12
GO GABE!!!! :yay: And he trusts Chloe with Lex! :biggrin: Can't wait to read more, Lionel must be soooooo angry! :biggrin:

5th June 2003, 19:26
I love this story. :yay: :yay: Update soon please!

5th June 2003, 20:21
Do you know what 's sad ? the way your fic makes me wish how the show would go that way in SEason 3.

I would be even satisfied if in SV, Chloe, under Lionel's orders, investigates Lex's accident (because i don't believe he tried to kill his son, he raised him for years to make him what he is). But i bet that in the next season, Chloe would have done nothing for the whole time Clark and Lex are "missing".

But your fic is a great post Exodus fic. More Jarod, please.

8th June 2003, 06:21
Chapter 6

More Chlexish goodness... with a plot!


Lex struggled to hide his amusement as he watched Chloe mutter something that sounded suspiciously like a very unladylike swear word at the laptop computer in front of her. She’d been like that for the last half an hour since Jarod had left. His amusement disappeared as he thought back what the three had discussed a little less than an hour ago- why the Center and LuthorCorp might be teaming up.

Jarod had mentioned the Center’s main project had been cloning people. “Pretenders” he’d called them, and Lex, having seen the cloning experiments his father had done on little Emily, had agreed that that was most likely what the Center was interested in. When Lex had then mentioned the added “abilities” Emily had seemed to have, Chloe had thrown out her idea that if LuthorCorp was refining and perfecting super strength clones that could be the technology the Center wanted.

Proving this would be the hard part, however. Jarod had headed off to work his ‘sources’ a little more to see if he could get confirmation of anything. Meantime, he and Chloe had agreed to remain hidden another day at least, working the Internet to find anything linking or incriminating LuthorCorp. Lex figured he knew enough about his father that he could circumvent the company system presuming Chloe, who had seemed confident, could hack her way into it. This he’d discovered meant with the help of several of her online friends he’d rather not ask about at the moment. But if her frustration was anything to go by, these so called ‘friends’ were not providing much help.

“Problems, Chloe?”

Chloe threw him a distracted glance as she tapped something out on the keyboard. “Not exactly. Melvin is working to get the codes to get into the LuthorCorp mainframe but he keeps hitting viruses- obviously put there to prevent hacking.”

“Sounds like good old dad,” he muttered as he brought as cup of steaming hot coffee over to the table and placed it next to her. His heart did something funny at the brilliant smile that suddenly lit her face as she reached reverently for the mug.

“Coffee, how I’ve missed you!” Crooning something else that sounded suspiciously like an endearment to the beverage, she proceeded to take a long sip, savoring the flavor as it burst over her tongue. The little moan of satisfaction she uttered as she swallowed sent most of Lex’s blood southward. Taking a seat quickly, he settled himself so she would not notice the sudden tightness of his pants.

“If I’d have known that making you a cup of coffee would get that reaction, I would have done it a lot sooner.” He deliberately made the words light and teasing but the quick spark of something that looked a lot like desire that shot through her eyes made his pants even tighter.

Chloe told her body to relax. Lex was teasing her, and as their verbal judo often did as of late, it turned into light innuendo. Still, she couldn’t deny the flush of desire that went through her body at his words. Realizing she had remained silent for too long, she forced an unconcerned smile as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Never underestimate the power of a good cup of coffee- at least on me. You might be surprised at what it could get me to do.” It was not a half bad repost if she did say so herself. And the flash of heat that came and went quickly in Lex’s eyes sent a shiver of arousal through her body.

Lex was wonderfully surprised to see she was flirting with him, if in a very subtle way. What surprised him even more, however, was how much he was enjoying it. For a few hours there, he’d wondered cynically if he could ever trust another woman after Helen’s betrayal and his history with devious women. But the more he found himself around Chloe, the more he realized that maybe, just maybe, not all women were after him for his money- or his father. It was an unsettling, if not unpleasant, realization.

“Lex, I think we got something!” Chloe’s excited words brought his mind back to the present as he leaned forward to look at the computer screen with her.

“The boys found a way into the LuthorCorp mainframe and are now scanning the files!” Chloe knew her voice sounded excited but she couldn’t help it. They were now a step closer to figuring this whole mess out and going home. Although she had to admit, it was no hardship to have Lex’s body so close to hers as he read over her shoulder. In fact, the scent of him filled her nostrils pleasantly and she very cautiously found herself drawing in a deep breath to absorb more of it.

Lex lost his train of thought for a moment as he watched Chloe draw in a breath, her breasts trembling beneath the top she wore as she dragged in air almost as if it were a great effort. He found himself hoping desperately that her breathing problems were because of his close proximity. It was getting difficult to breathe himself, as he let the scent of her wash over him as his body registered how close they were.

“Lex?’ At her soft inquiry, he dragged his mind out of the pleasant gutter it had been in and turned his attention back to the screen.

“Now that they’re in, I’m guessing they’re going to encounter quite a few roadblocks, if my father is as paranoid as I am about hackers.” He muttered the last phrase under his breath but Chloe heard it and raised an eyebrow.

“I am going to go back to that comment later, Lex, but right now, I need you to talk with these guys and give them whatever they need to get into those restricted files.” Moving out of the chair she slid to the side and let him slip into it. She couldn’t help herself from moving to stand right behind him, almost directly against his back as she leaned over to read the screen with him.

“So, Chloe, who exactly am I going to be giving secret passwords and codes to?” Lex was seriously interested in her answer although a separate part of his brain was trying not to think about the fact that Chloe’s breasts were nearly pressed against his back as she leaned over his shoulder. Her laughter had him frowning even as it sent a shudder of delight down his spine.

“Melvin and his two friends are computer hackers that I met when they found the online version of “The Torch” and wrote me about their interest in the strange happenings in Smallville.” She smiled as she watched Lex’s eyebrow rise.

“Why am I not surprised?” The words were muttered under his breath but still audible and earned him a light slap on the shoulder.

“Don’t knock ‘em. They broke into your dad’s system and even you have to admit that’s not something just any old hacker could do.” She smiled in triumph as he simply shook his head and turned back to the computer, typing in a response to the questions that were popping up on screen.

“I just hope you’re right, or this whole thing could blow up in our faces.” He could sense her ire in the way her body tensed behind him but it was quickly forgotten when the next set of words appeared on the computer screen.

“Lex! They found something!” Chloe’s jubilant cry earned her a stoic look as Lex watched a file attachment appear on his screen. When the attachment was received and downloaded, Lex clicked on it carefully, hoping this was what they needed to bring this whole mess to an end.

For a moment, they read in an eager silence. The atmosphere suddenly turned darker as the words registered and when finished, the two had equal looks of horror on their faces.

“Oh my God, Lex-” Chloe trailed off, unable to form words to describe her fear at what she’d read.

“Damn it!” Lex’s own harsh curse said more than anything as he ran a hand over his scalp. “I knew Dad was experimenting with the meteor rocks and with cloning but I never expected it went this far.”

Chloe looked at him with sympathy, realizing it must be hard to realize exactly what type of research his father had been conducting in and around the plant his son considered his own. Placing a hand gently on his shoulder she found herself unable to find words to diffuse the situation.

Lex felt sick to his stomach as he reread the files they’d uncovered. Each one described numerous attempts to clone a young man. In every case, the clone had some type of supernatural powers or abilities- strength and speed brought on by exposure to the meteor rocks most notably- but every one reacted in an unpredictable and different manner than the one before. Even more troublesome was the fact noted on every report about how the clones did not seem to have a built in sense of right or wrong. In essence, it seemed they did whatever they were told, without question, which made a dangerous if not deadly combination.

“Supermen without a conscience.” She muttered the phrase under her breath, still unable to comprehend what she had just read. “LuthorCorp has found a way to use the meteor rocks to enhance and clone the perfect army of mercenaries-”

“And the Center is cloning ‘pretenders’ with the added abilities of these meteor-rock powers.”

Both Lex and Chloe whirled around at Jarod’s tense voice. Neither said a word as the taller man came over and sank wearily into an empty chair, running a hand through his hair in what could only be described as frustration.

“I take it your ‘source’ came through with the Center’s side of things then, assuming you can trust her?” Lex again noted the hard tone in Chloe’s voice as she addressed the other man. He was going to have to ask her what it was about Jarod’s so called ‘source’ that upset her so much. He hated the jealousy that shot through him as he remembered Chloe’s earlier outrage with someone named Miss Parker.

Jarod’s harsh laughter had Lex raising an eyebrow. “It was a ‘he’ for that matter, Chloe and I trust Sydney with my life. He was just as shocked as I was to learn what was going on with the pretender program.”

“Right, but he is still working for those bastards,” she muttered, earning a sigh from Jarod and another hard look from Lex.

“You know it’s not that simple, Chloe.” Jarod’s words were accompanied by a look that Lex did not understand, and did not much like, that passed between the two.

“Fine. Tell us what you found out then.” Chloe knew Lex was wondering about her attitude but she really did not want to get into it at the moment. She’d met these so-called friends of Jarod’s when she’d helped him last summer and she did not like them. Not in the least because they were hunting Jarod down to take him back to that hellhole of a place they worked for. Still, Jarod was the eternal optimist, a quality that both frustrated her and won her admiration.

“The Center cloned me a few years back,” he began, earning hard looks from both Lex and Chloe. Ignoring the pain of the memory, he forged on. “I told Sydney what we suspected and he and our friend Broots hacked into the Center records. It was all right there in the folder. A multi-billion dollar deal between both entities. The cloning program and what the Center hoped LuthorCorp could develop for them- an undefeatable force of super pretenders- and all with my face.” His voice was bitter as he finished.

Lex was silent as he absorbed what Jarod had just told him. Part of it seemed too far-fetched, right out of a science fiction novel. But after living through some of Smallville’s own meteor-induced events, not to mention his suspicions about Clark, and his father’s devious ways, sadly, it was not that unbelievable.

Chloe was still trying to wrap her mind around the knowledge that Jarod had been cloned. Her heart ached for the troubled man as she imagined how terrible he must feel to know that an army of inhumane freaks was being created with his face. A quick look at Lex’s face betrayed his own stony expression. Between Lionel Luthor and the Center, these two men sitting next to her had been put through hell.

Then of course, there was also Helen’s part in all this. The thought had her tightening her lips as she posed her next question, watching Lex carefully for a reaction. “One other factor I hate to bring up but we probably should address- Helen and if we need to assume she’s a part of this final master plan.”

Lex was surprised he’d forgotten for a moment exactly what role his new, soon to be ex, wife had played in all this. The memory was a bitter one, but Chloe’s encouraging smile made it bearable. And to his surprise, he found it easier than he’d thought to discuss Helen.

“From what you’ve told me, Chloe, I think we can safely assume she was simply in it for the money. I’m guessing she’s disappeared somewhere with the determination never to be found.” He was glad his tone was easy, surprised to find he really was not as upset at the mention of his devious wife as he had been. “However, once we’ve resolved this situation with LuthorCorp and the Center, I have a mind to search her out and extract a little vengeance before she signs the divorce papers.”

Chloe felt a shiver run down her spine at the malice in his voice, although she had to admit she would be in favor of whatever way he chose to get back at Dr. Drop Kick. Still, the overall feeling of relief was a welcome one as she noted Lex’s voice was calm and steady and his eyes did not reflect the complete and utter betrayal they had yesterday. Something in her heart shifted at that moment and a new determination to save Lex flowed through her as she straightened to her full height.

“Okay, we’ve got the plan behind Lex’s disappearance and Lionel’s attempt to close the plant, not to mention the Center’s involvement. Jarod, I assume you have printouts of this information?” At the man’s nod, she turned to Lex. “Save our files and between both, we should be able to present a solid case to the police.”

“No.” Jarod shook his head as he looked over at a confused Chloe. “We can’t just bring this to the police. Trust me, I’ve tried before and the Center has always found a way around it. Written proof is easily disposed of and disputed and if the Center is questioned the research and clones will simply disappear. The Center has perfected that technique,” he finished bitterly.

Lex sighed as he realized the truth in Jarod’s words and turned his gaze on Chloe as well. “I have to agree. My father has bought off most of the police and politicians in Metropolis and most likely will easily get his lawyers to get him out of anything. It’s what my father does well, avoiding all responsibility for his failures and claiming all the credit for others success.”

Chloe bit her lip as she realized both men had valid points, but their depressive attitudes did not sit well with her. Something needed to be done and if they couldn’t base it solely on written proof, then they’d just have to get actual proof.

“Well then, if written proof is only half the battle, I say we find a way to get real proof of this project.” She waited while both men absorbed her words. She almost laughed as comprehension dawned at nearly the same time.

“You’re suggesting we try and capture one of these cloned pretenders?” Jarod’s voice was a little surprised, but to her relief, not totally hostile.

“I know it won’t be easy but you’d think there has to be at least one ‘super pretender’ already imbibed with meteor-enhanced abilities. After all, I can’t see LuthorCorp striking a deal without proof of the product.”

Lex’s eyes widened as Chloe’s words sank in. “She’s right. I know my father and he would want to be extremely sure his product worked before selling it. Especially if it is to an entity like the Center, which from what I gather, has ways to make unsatisfied deals and dealers disappear.”

Jarod frowned. “You have a point. Which means somewhere in the Center is a clone of me just waiting for a test to prove its powers, if it hasn’t already.”

“The question then becomes, Jarod, how do we get a hold of him?” Lex sighed as the other man shook his head.

“I don’t know, Lex. I suppose I could try to break back into the Center and snoop around, but something tells me I couldn’t handle the clone on my own.” He looked up at the other two as something else hit. “Speaking of that, what makes any of us think we can handle this ‘super’ version of me if we find him? After all, it’s not like we have abilities to match his.”

Chloe and Lex looked at each other for a long moment, then back at Jarod.

“You’re right, we don’t have the abilities-” Chloe began.

“But I suspect someone we know has.” Lex finished her sentence as Jarod looked at them curiously.

“You really think Clark could defeat this super clone?” Chloe looked at Lex for confirmation, ignoring Jarod for a moment.

“Put all the evidence together Chloe and what do you get?” Lex’s voice grew more excited as he stood and began to pace the small kitchen. “Clark is always rescuing people, both of us included from meteor freaks and strange situations, but he’s never hurt. I’ve always suspected he had something in him that made him immune to danger.”

Chloe looked at him, her own eyes beginning to brighten. “He first appeared around the time of the meteor showers, it would be very likely that he was infected by them and developed some of these super powers. It would explain Lionel, and your, interest in him and all the strange things that happen when he’s around.”

“Wait a minute, guys, care to fill me in on this Clark person?”

Turning as one at Jarod’s confused voice, the two took turns filling him in on Clark Kent and the secret they were now pretty sure he carried. When they’d finished, Jarod had a dazed expression on his face.

“And I thought being a pretender was weird.” His muttered words drew laughter from both Lex and Chloe, who were watching him with bright eyes. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Jarod could not help but notice how good a team the two of them made. It was also rather amusing to listen to them finish each other’s sentences without realizing they were doing it.

“Jarod, you still with us?” Chloe’s voice made him smile as he focused again on the two people staring at him intensely.

“Yeah,” he said with wry humor. “So basically the situation is this. We have to find this cloned pretender and have your friend, whom you suspect has super powers, capture him. At the same time we have to deliver the written proof to police and make sure it’s done in a way to bring down both LuthorCorp and the Center. All this without getting ourselves killed.”

Lex and Chloe both seemed to deflate a bit at the words, returning to the table and settling into chairs with frowns.

“Okay, so it’s not going to be as easy as it sounds, but we can do it.” Chloe tried to infuse hope into her voice although the doubts were beginning to creep into her mind.

“We just have to do it soon. I don’t know how long it will be before my father finds a way to take control away from Gabe.” Lex’s voice was hard as he saw the fear in Chloe’s eyes at his words. Reaching over, he placed a soothing hand on hers. “Don’t worry, Chloe, I won’t let anything happen to you or your father, I promise.”

Chloe felt tears well behind her eyes at his words even as she laced her fingers with his. Despite everything he had gone through, was going through now, he was still concerned about protecting her and her father. Lex Luthor was one remarkable man. And when this was all over, she was definitely getting to know him better. Much better.

The sudden ringing of Jarod’s cell phone broke the moment and both Lex and Chloe turned towards the other man. They remained silent as a myriad of emotions flew across Jarod’s face before he muttered a terse “I’ll get back to you” before hanging up and turning to face them.

“I think I know where to find our super pretender, but you’re not going to like it.” Chloe felt her heart sink as she exchanged a concerned glance with Lex. Both looked at Jarod, waiting for him to continue.

“Apparently this super pretender was sent out today- to Smallville.”

Chloe went pale at the words, unconsciously clutching Lex’s hand tighter.

“He’s going to the plant, to make sure my father gets control of it, isn’t he?” Lex knew his words were harsh but the fear sweeping through him could not be denied. He suddenly realized how many people, including Gabe Sullivan, would be in danger.

Jarod’s sigh confirmed his fears. “It’s the only explanation I can think of. LuthorCorp is running out of time and I suspect the Center is ready to end this deal. Which means do whatever it takes to get rid of that plant and give them access to those rocks.”

“This super pretender will kill my dad.” Chloe spoke the words in a cold voice, a feeling of numbness coming over her limbs. She did not even notice when Lex pulled his hand from hers and moved to crouch down next to her chair, turning her face to his with a gentle pressure.

“I won’t allow that to happen, Chloe. I promise.” He spoke the words softly, but in a tone of voice that had Chloe focusing her eyes intently on his, wanting desperately to believe.

“You can’t promise me that, Lex, it’s just not possible, although I appreciate the gesture-” she began only to be stopped when he placed a finger across her lips.

“A Luthor does not break his promises and I won’t break this one. We’ll find a way to stop this, Chloe, believe me, we will.” He willed his words to be determined, knowing she needed to see he believed the words he was speaking. And he did believe them. A new determination filled his body as he realized that he would do everything in his power to make sure Chloe did not lose a father and he did not lose the best damned foreman, and friend, he’d ever had.

“I’m with Lex, Chloe. All we need to do is come up with a plan.” Jarod hid the smile that wanted to emerge even through the fear as he saw his words break whatever spell Lex and Chloe had been caught in. These two were making it almost too easy for anyone to guess what they felt for each other, even if they weren’t ready to acknowledge it yet.

“Well, the first part of that plan needs to be contacting Clark.” Lex rose to his full height as he moved back to his chair, settling into it and instinctively reaching for Chloe’s hand. Intwining it with his, he went on. “I don’t know what exactly we’re going to say to him, but I think we have to confront him about his abilites straight out.”

“Assuming he has these abilities you say he does. If he doesn’t, we’re back to square one.” Jarod hated to sound pessimistic, but he needed to at least try and be the voice of reason for a moment.

“He’s got them, and if we make him understand how important this is, I know he’ll admit to them and help us bring down the Center and LuthorCorp.” Chloe’s words were firm and sure. Without stopping to question them, she knew Clark would do the right thing. A frown marred her features, however, as something else occurred to her.

“Uh-oh, I know that look, what did you just think of, Chloe?” Lex was scared to realize he could suddenly read the young woman so well. Not that he was complaining mind you.

“Um, well, I think perhaps you better be the one to talk to Clark.” Sheepishly, she looked at both men and shrugged. “We didn’t exactly part on the best of terms.” The look of understanding in Lex’s eyes made her feel a slight bit better.

“Point taken, Chloe.” Lex stroked a finger across his chin as he continued to think out loud. “But you’ll have to be the one to contact him. Everyone else needs to think I’m dead until we reveal all.”

Chloe sighed knowing his words made sense. “True. I just hope he’ll listen.” She muttered the last part under her breath as she reached for her cell phone. She paused as something else occurred to her.

“Lex, shouldn’t we warn my dad?” The thought of the danger her father was in sent another bolt of fear running through her body. She calmed a bit as she felt the soothing stroke of his thumb against her palm.

“Yes. Let’s call him right now, then you can try and get in touch with Clark. I suspect Pete is the route we’ll have to go if what Lana told you earlier is true and he’s really missing.” Lex realized that was another problem, finding an obviously guilt ridden Clark.

“Right. I’ll just dial dad first-” She was stopped as Jarod grabbed the phone and disconnected it suddenly. Looking at him in confusion she waited for an explanation.

“It’s probably not a good idea at the moment. I’m guessing all your phones and possibly Lex’s phones tapped or wired, waiting for a call like this.”

Lex cursed to himself, realizing he should have thought of that first. “Jarod’s right. It would give us away if I contacted Gabe. Damn it!” Chloe was the one to squeeze his hand in reassurance this time and to his surprise, he felt the initial rage ebbing.

“Listen, you two try and contact your friend Clark. I’ll take care of warning Gabe and keeping an eye out on the plant in Smallville.” Jarod’s words had them both looking at him with expressions of relief.

“That’s probably best,” Lex said as he looked over at Chloe for a moment. “I think we should stay here tonight and if possible, you should send a chopper for us tomorrow. At least it will get us back to Smallvile and we can keep hidden until we need to reveal ourselves.”

Chloe smiled even though fear gripped her heart. “The Kents will help, I know they will. And no one would ever suspect to look for us there, knowing the antagonistic relationship you and Jonathan have.”

Lex looked at her in surprise, amazed at her thought process. Worried sick over her father yet clear headed enough to think of a place they could hide until the time came to reveal themselves. She truly was a remarkable woman.

“Sounds like a plan.” Jarod rose as he spoke, tucking his cell phone into his jacket pocket as they followed him to the front door. “I’ll call you guys from Smallville tonight, let you know everything is okay and when your transportation is coming tomorrow. Until then, try and relax a little, okay?”

With strained nods, Lex and Chloe said their good-byes and watched Jarod disappear once again into the darkness. Sighing, Lex closed the door and turned to give Chloe a small smile. “Remind me when this is over to ask you all about Jarod and how he manages to do what he does.”

Chloe smiled in reply. “When this is over, I’ll tell you everything you want to know about Jarod and then some.”

Lex felt a twinge of jealousy again as he wondered just how well Chloe did know Jarod. He was fast beginning to realize that the only man he wanted her to know that well, was him. It was definitely something to consider- and to his surprise; he found it did not scare him as much as it should have.

Maybe there was a point to his hellacious relationship with Helen, his father’s betrayal and his investigation into Clark Kent’s secrets. All three events had brought him closer to Chloe and to the possibility of a “them.” And he suddenly realized he very much wanted to see if there could be a “them” when this whole mess was resolved.

“Lex, you okay?” Chloe noted he had a far off expression in his eyes and wondered what was going through his mind. To her disappointment, his eyes were quickly masked even as he gave her what she now knew was a genuine smile in reply.

“I’m fine, just thinking about Jarod’s advice to relax.” Lex smiled at the quick spark of anticipation that shot through Chloe’s eyes, telling his heart to slow down. Now was not the time to start anything he couldn’t finish, especially not knowing how he or she felt.

“So what did you have in mind?” Chloe knew her reply was definitely more seductive than she would have liked but she couldn’t help herself. There was something hypnotizing about staring into Lex’s eyes, imagining them running over her completely naked body with a worshipful gaze. The thought had her quickly returning to reality and the knowledge that now was definitely not the time to be thinking like this. Besides, she had no idea if Lex even thought of her in a romantic way, especially since he’d just been betrayed by his wife and in no way did she want to be rebound girl.

Lex decided to take the high road for a moment, but pledged to himself that he would explore this teasing, sensual side of Chloe when this was all over. Smiling, he grabbed her hand and led her back towards the kitchen. “I saw some steak in the freezer earlier- so how about I make us dinner and you can entertain me while I cook?”

Chloe raised an eyebrow at his words; thankful he’d lightened the mood even if she felt a twinge of regret that their sensual verbal judo had obviously been put on hold. But when this was over, she was definitely exploring where this thing between them, whatever it was, was going.

“Lead on, although I think all the amusement we both need will come from seeing you in the kitchen.” With that, she tightened her grip on his hand and let him lead her towards the kitchen. For a few hours at least, she was going to try and enjoy being hidden away with Lex. Tomorrow, and all its problems, would come soon enough.


8th June 2003, 14:17
I've never watched the show "pretenders' before, so a lot of stuff in this chapter is quite new to me. but it sounds intriguing

8th June 2003, 17:24
More please ;)

Hope :chlexsign2:

8th June 2003, 17:25
Originally posted by drina@Jun 8 2003, 02:17 PM
I've never watched the show "pretenders' before, so a lot of stuff in this chapter is quite new to me. but it sounds intriguing

Drina, what a shame, The Pretender is one of the best show EVER. The SV writers would do well to watch reruns, because this show had :

- continuity : oh boy, did it have continuity, with original storylines
- characterisation : the characters were all flawed (Miss Parker was a bitch, but had a soft spot for her father and a blind love for her dead mother),
- storylines : one storyline, like Mrs Parker's death, lasted for all 4 seasons, with twists, plus Jarod's parents, Jarod's origins...
- the relationships : Jarod/Sydney, Miss Parker and her mother, or her father, were fantastically exploited and well written

I could go on and on, but i can't recommend this show enough. Sometimes, (and i am sorry to say this), i think that Smallville can't hold a candle to shows like the Pretender, The Xfiles, or Buffy.
SV has potential, great characters like Lex, Chloe, Lionel, some good episodes, an interesting mythology, but in the end, i don't see SV as a future "cult show", because of the lack of continuity, some bad actors, bad female characters portrayed, lack of ensemble group stories, or stories focusing on the same boring character, and boring relationships.

Now, back to this part (sorry for the long post about The Pretender, but this is a crossover), i think that ALL the characters will play a part, and i love this. But, boy, are they going to be busy, finding Clark, saving Gabe, going back to Smallville, avoiding Miss Parker and The Center, bringing Lionel Luthor down, what else ?

8th June 2003, 20:20
I loved The Pretender. Great show! I also love this crossover story, will you be adding any Jarod and Miss Parker romance? Update soon please. :worship2:

8th June 2003, 21:05
Wonderful, I loved the chlexiness and the way you incorporated the pretender. Great plot! Loving it!

Tandy :yay2:

8th June 2003, 23:53
Oh finally I found the time to read this. Wow I love it! And now this super pretender is coming to smallville eh? Hope Pete can find Clark in time and haul his Alien ass back to where it's needed



9th June 2003, 04:52
Fantastic update! You are weaving their romance and the plot together beautifully. THis story is amazing, please update it soon.


11th June 2003, 06:30
Chapter 7

(chlexy goodness)


Choe could not help but smile as she relaxed against the back of the plush sofa while Lex tried to figure out how to work the complicated entertainment center. Her stomach was full after the dinner the two of them had just eaten. To her surprise, the billionaire actually knew his way around a kitchen and could make a pretty mean steak. She’d insisted on being allowed to make salad and they’d found a bottle of red wine in one of the cabinets. It hadn’t taken much to convince Lex that one glass would not corrupt her- underage though she was.

During a search of the cabinets, she’d also found a box of chocolate instant pudding and some Cool Whip in the freezer and had created one of her favorite desserts that she was surprised he had never tried. The concoction was now sitting on the table in front of her, ready to eat as they watched television.

“You’d think for all the money this obviously cost, it would be a little easier to operate,” he muttered the words, fumbling with several remotes, grinning triumphantly when he managed to get a picture to appear on screen.

“See, that wasn’t so hard,” Chloe teased him as he moved over to settle next to her on the sofa. “Although if your business associates could see you now, they’d probably be shocked to find the great Lex Luthor has problems turning on the television.”

“Funny, Sullivan, real funny,” he muttered as he reached for the dessert in front of him. It looked appetizing, layers of pudding and Cool Whip stacked on top of each other. Tentatively, he dipped his spoon into the bowl and scooped up a mixture of the two. Lifting the spoon to his mouth, he tasted the dessert, surprised to find the combination of the two a delightful mix. A grin broke over his face as he turned to see her watching him with an amused smirk.

“I told you it was delicious.” She laughed at the surprised delight on his face, glad her words had proven true. “I know it’s a little below your cultured palate but for millions of people around the world, this is one of life’s little pleasures.”

He burst into laughter as he took another bite, savoring the taste as she reached for her bowl and did the same. “You know, I think I’ve missed quite a few of life’s little pleasures along the way,” he mused as he contemplated her words. “Although no one has tried to hard to point them out to me. Usually people are only interested in what they can get from me.”

She frowned as his words took on a darker tone and she knew he must be thinking of Helen. Sighing, she reached over and squeezed his arm gently, pulling him to look directly at her. “Lex, yes you tend to be a stick in the mud at times,” she stopped his protest with an upraised hand, “but you are really a good guy underneath it all. Any woman who doesn’t see that doesn’t know what she’s missing.” She smiled before adding one thing more. “You might be a little stiff and formal but we can work on that.”

Lex felt a warmth flow through him at the determination he heard in Chloe’s voice. It was also amusing to him that this young woman seemed so determined to help him relax. Not to mention she had seen him at his worst and so far had not called him on it. In fact, Chloe had seen sides of him that he never knew existed until the stress of the past few days. It was scary in a way to realize how much he had opened up to Chloe Sullivan in such a short period of time.

“Lex? Now would be the time for an annoying remark about me trying to reform you or something.” Chloe sensed he was thinking troubling thoughts and knew she needed to lighten the mood. She refused to allow her heart to speed up at the intense look he aimed her way before replying.

“Chloe, you aren’t the first woman who claimed she wanted to reform me, you can see how that turned out.” It came out more bitter than he’d expected but he was feeling some self-pity at the moment, the anger at allowing himself to be used by Helen and his father once again surfacing.

Chloe sighed, feeling frustrated at his words but knowing he needed to work through these emotions. But that did not mean she had to sit by and let him wallow. “So I might not be the first to try, Lex, but unlike all the other women in your life, I intend to succeed.” Bold words she knew but she intended to do everything in her power to prove them true.

Lex felt a grin cross his face at her determined words. She really was adorable when she set her mind to something. “Good luck,” he managed in a wry voice, only to frown as a pillow came flying at him. Ducking instinctively he felt the pillow brush by him and turned an accusing glance her way. “What was that for?”

“Your confidence in me is overwhelming,” she said dryly. “Give me a little credit, after all, who was it that rescued you from certain death?” Lex’s evil grin should have warned her.

“Jarod, if I remember correctly.” He ducked again as she launched a balled up napkin at him this time, an annoyed look on her face. “Hey, I’m just stating the facts. You weren’t the one who pulled me from a watery grave.”

Chloe knew he was teasing her but she was a little annoyed. After all, if it hadn’t been for her, Jarod would never have known where or what to look for. Still, she was not going to rise to his bait.

“Okay then, if you’re so confident in Jarod, I suppose you don’t need me around.” With that, she rose and set her bowl on the table, moving towards the door and softly counting under her breath. She hadn’t even reached five when he called out to her.

“Chloe, come on now, you know I’m just teasing!” Lex frowned as he watched her continue to walk away from him, a slight bit of unease creeping through him. He’d thought she was playing along with him, but he could have been wrong. After all, he really did not know her that well; she could truly be upset with him. Seeing that she did not stop, he felt panic set in.

“Chloe, wait-” He jumped from the sofa, nearly forgetting the bowl in his lap as it clattered to the floor. Luckily, it was empty. Moving quickly, he reached her before she could reach the door and spun her around to face him. “I was teasing, you can’t think I don’t appreciate everything you’ve done-” He stopped as he absorbed the huge smile that graced her face as she burst into laughter.

“Lex, loosen up! Of course I knew you were teasing. I just couldn’t resist egging you on!” The look of surprise on his face was priceless, not to mention a welcome relief from the tense look he’d seemed to be wearing more and more often. Not that the situation was not serious, but he needed to relax a little if he was going to be in any shape to deal with it. And if Lex relaxed, she would too, which would make things easier all around.

“You are something else Chloe Sullivan.” He wasn’t aware the words came out as more of a whisper, or of the fact that his thumbs had begun stroking an erratic pattern on the flesh of her arms. He wondered why he’d never realized her eyes were so expressive, or noticed the way her breath hitched in when she was nervous. Knowing he made her nervous was a refreshing change in and of itself. Usually the women he allowed in his life were calm, cool and collected and definitely confident in their affect on him. Chloe’s uncertainty was a welcome challenge.

Chloe swallowed hard as she felt the sparks skitter up her arm as Lex’s thumbs made patterns on her skin. His face was only inches from hers and his eyes had turned a dark blue that seemed to mesmerize her. She knew her breath was coming in small gasps but she couldn’t help it. Lex had always exuded a powerful presence and sensuality for her but now, so close she inhaled his unique scent with every breath, he was overpowering.

Almost without thought, her tongue slipped out to wet her suddenly dry lips, her breath completely halting at the sudden fiery look that appeared in Lex’s eyes as he observed the action. She forgot how to swallow as one hand moved from her arm to cup her cheek. The sensual stroke of his thumb across the bridge of her nose made her shiver with an uncontrollable delight. Her eyes began to flutter closed as he brushed his thumb over her lips and she could not hold back a soft moan at the contact.

Lex felt his body harden unbearably as the low sound of her moan washed over him, her body shuddering against his as he let himself revel in the feel of her soft skin against his palms. She was striking in the dim light of the room, her skin flushed with a rosy glow, her nipples peaked against the thin cotton of the shirt she wore, clearly visible to the heated gaze he ran down her body before returning again to her face.

The desire coursing through him was like nothing he’d ever felt before, so consuming, so overpowering, he wanted nothing more than to lean down and capture her lips with his, take her body to a place he knew she had never been and could never reach without him. He leaned forward, determined to take a taste of her sinfully full lips, when a harsh ringing sound jerked him back to the present.

Chloe jumped back from him as if shot, her breathing still ragged as she forced her body to move away from the warmth Lex was generating around her. Dragging her eyes from his, she quickly moved over to where she’d left her cell phone on the table. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she hit the button and muttered a “hello?”

Lex closed his eyes a moment struggling to bring his body back under control. He knew he needed to concentrate, especially since only a certain number of people could be calling Chloe’s cell. But his body was still vibrating with arousal and the scent of Chloe lingered in his nose. No woman had ever had this effect on him before and from Chloe’s response, he suspected she felt the same. Still, now was not the time to dwell on what could be. Chloe’s voice dragged him back to the present as she hit the ‘end’ button and turned to face him. Her words pushed all thoughts of romance from his mind.

“We’ve got problems.”



11th June 2003, 19:00
Oh more .... I can't believe that phone call ruined the moment. :tease:

Hope :chlexsign2:

11th June 2003, 19:23
:crygreen: What happpened? Oh, they were so close! Great chapter, the chlexiness was so sweet!


11th June 2003, 23:49
DAMMIT!!!!!! Ok, what problems would be bad enough to stop them?!?! :crygreen:
Now go write more! :biggrin:

12th June 2003, 04:55
You are a meanie! Yes, I know, not the most eloquent of words, but really...*stomps off in a huff*. Ok, back to beg for more. Please, more soon.


15th June 2003, 06:52
Chapter 8

(More Chlexy stuff for you... as the plot encroaches!)


“Problems? What sort of problems?” Lex did not like the look on Chloe’s face as she bit her lip and sank down to the sofa. Moving quickly, he resettled himself beside her, reaching out to grasp her hand in a reassuring grip. The action sent a now familiar tingle up his arm but he tried to ignore that, knowing he needed to concentrate on what was happening with their plan.

“That was Jarod. Apparently our ‘super pretender’ is already in Smallville, and in contact with the plant.” Chloe tried to keep her voice steady, although she could hear the worry in her strained tone. She tried to give Lex a weak smile as he squeezed her hand. “Apparently he’s been brought in as Lionel’s top lawyer.”

Lex frowned. “Interesting, I’m surprised dad let an experimental clone take such a high profile position.” He paused at Chloe’s harsh laugh.

“He’s a pretender, Lex. Pretenders, as you’ve heard, can become anyone they want to be.” She smiled slightly at his raised eyebrow. “Trust me, I’ve had first-hand experience in dealing with them. Remind me to tell you about some of Jarod’s past pretends when this is over.”

“I’m going to have a lot of things to discuss with you when this is over, Chloe.” He hoped the lighter tone might ease the worry he knew she was feeling over her father’s safety. “But for the moment, what else did Jarod have to say?”

Chloe sighed and ran her free hand through her hair. “Jarod isn’t sure what the plan is, but he’s keeping an eye on his clone, who is going by the name Jerry Klamper. Lionel’s apparently scheduled some sort of press conference for tomorrow night. Jarod says the heads of the Centre are supposed to attend.” The bitter tone of her words was not lost on Lex.

“Has Jarod talked to Gabe?” He frowned as Chloe shook her head.

“He hasn’t been able to get near Gabe- Lionel apparently has his henchmen watching him. Jarod’s afraid to get too close because of it, although, he says he’ll find a way.” She hated the waver in her voice but she couldn’t help but be afraid.

“He will, Chloe.” Lex didn’t know why he was so sure that Jarod would protect Gabe, he just knew he was. He knew if he kept reassuring her, Chloe would at least somewhat believe herself.

“Part of me knows that, Lex. But all I can think of is that whatever happens tomorrow is going to begin with something bad for my dad. Getting rid of him is the only way Lionel can quickly take over the plant.” She tried to keep the hysteria from her voice but barely succeeded. “And the only reason I can see that the Centre people will be there is to observe the satisfactory demonstration of the technology they’re about to buy.”

“Chloe, it’s going to be okay. You know Jarod, and he isn’t going to let anything happen to your father.” Reaching over, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him, closing his eyes as she wrapped both her arms around his waist.

“Jarod tried to be reassuring, telling me the same thing, but without knowing what this super pretender is capable of, he’s at a loss and it’s not like he can stop a clone with meteor enhanced powers.” She unconsciously tightened her arms around Lex as she started to shiver. “I don’t know what I’d do without my dad, Lex. He’s the only family I have left. I can’t lose him!”

Lex held her closer, running his hand gently up and down her back, trying to soothe her with the motions. He was extremely frustrated at realizing the truth in her words and even more upset at the events that had set this all in motion. The fact that he also had to stop himself from telling her that she would always have him did not help either.

Chloe clung to Lex tightly, trying to calm her rampant emotions. She knew it would do no good to panic but it was hard to do otherwise. Still, she had to admit; the safety she felt at being wrapped in Lex’s arms was a balm like no other. She wondered if she should be surprised that she could go from feeling a passionate lust to jump Lex to a desperate need for non-sexual comfort from him.

What might have been hours, but really was probably only moments later, she finally found the strength to pull back and give Lex a half-hearted smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to lose it again on you.” She blushed at the look in his eyes; the blue orbs reflecting an understanding and caring that amazed her.

“You can lose it around me anytime you want, Chloe.” He smiled as he brushed a fingertip across her cheek. “After everything we’ve been through in the past few days, I’d like to think we can both be ourselves around each other.”

Chloe smiled as she brushed away the tears that had gathered at the corner of her eyes. “Well, at least you’re not running screaming from me.” His light laugh eased her mood, but immediately brought her back to the situation they were facing.

“Okay, now that I can think a little clearer, I think we really need to concentrate on finding Clark and getting him and ourselves back to Smallville. Jarod is going to need all the help he can get.” She watched as Lex nodded then rose and began pacing the small living room.

“Well, I assume Jarod is still sending a chopper for us early tomorrow morning as planned?” When she nodded, he ran a hand over his scalp. “So we’ll be back in Smallville tomorrow mid-morning. I’m guessing we should just head for the Kents and hope they’ll take us in?”

Chloe nodded, contemplating the idea. “I think if we explain what we can to them, they’ll help us. They might even have heard from Clark, but I’m doubting it.”

“Well then, how about you make a call to Pete and see what he knows. If anyone can find Clark, its Pete.” Lex watched as she nodded and reached for her phone, and then frowned as she picked it up.

“Lex, Jarod had a scrambler on his line so they couldn’t trace it. If I call out, there’s a chance it could be traced to us.” She cursed as she put the phone back down, seeing Lex nod and again ran a hand over his scalp in frustration. Suddenly, a smile lit up his face and motioning to Chloe to follow headed for the computer.

“Phone lines may be tapped, but my father will have a hard time tracing my personal email account.” He smiled at Chloe’s confused look. “I have an account that no one knows but me. I created it through the top technology to be untraceable and unnoticeable. I’ve only used it several times, but I’m guessing it’s our safest bet for contacting Pete.”

Chloe frowned as she moved over to stand behind him at the computer, unconsciously placing her hands on his shoulders as she leaned over to see the screen better. “That’s a good idea, Lex, but what if Pete doesn’t check his email? He’s got an account I set up for him, but he never uses it, much less remembers to check it.”

Lex bit his lip as he continued to type through the security systems he’d crafted around this email account. “Well, we just have to hope that if he’s worried about you as well as Clark, he’ll remember to check on the off chance you’re trying to get in touch with him.” He knew it was weak, but at the moment, it was their only hope of contacting Clark.

Chloe sighed as she felt the tension in the shoulders under her hand and without thinking, began to stroke and knead the muscles until they relaxed. While her mind was filled with worry about what could possibly happen to her friends and family, she couldn’t help but register how strong his muscles felt.

Lex, for his part, was trying desperately to concentrate on the screen in front of him instead of the gentle hands working their magic behind him. Her touch seemed to be easing all the tension from his shoulders and sending a feeling of relaxation like he’d not felt in years through his body. But he couldn’t think too much about that right now, he was on a mission. Still, it did not stop him from relaxing against her hands as he worked.

Chloe noted his small movement and forced her heart rate to slow. Now, as it seemed was always the case, was not the time for the more sensual thoughts about Lex that were invading her mind. “So, you in yet?”

Lex refused to let his mind put a different interpretation on her words as he typed in his final security code. “There we go, untraceable access. You want to tell me what to say here? I think Pete would take it better coming from you than me. Although, I wonder if Pete will even understand why we need Clark-” His musings were cut off as Chloe gave a wry laugh.

“Lex, I think Pete probably suspects, if he doesn’t already know about the abilities we think Clark has.” She sighed at his confused look. “I can’t explain it, but watching them, observing things, Pete always seems to know more than he’s telling. If we word the message carefully, I have to believe he’ll get the picture. Not to mention I’ve brought up Clark’s strange habits of always rescuing people numerous times.”

Lex nodded. “I see your point. The question now becomes how are we going to convey all this to Pete in an email that anyone could possibly view.” Her dismayed look was almost comical, but it was quickly replaced with determination. She bit her lip as something occurred to her.

“I don’t know if he’ll remember, but years ago we came up with a secret code.” She blushed at his raised eyebrow. “We were bored and decided to try playing secret agents. We created this special code that only Clark, Pete and myself would understand. We spent weeks sending messages to each other that no one could understand.” She smiled at the fond memory, oblivious to the wistful look on Lex’s face.

Lex, for his part, was imagining what it might have been like to have a childhood where he could have played games like that. Hearing Chloe speak made him realize even more what he’d missed out on being Lionel Luthor’s heir.

Musing for a moment, Chloe finally reached over and placed her hands on the keyboard. She chose to ignore the way the move pressed her breasts tightly against the strong muscles of his back, or the harsh intake of breath she heard from the man now flush against her. Trying to keep a clear head she began to type. Five minutes later she had a carefully worded message that even to Lex seemed like a simple message to a friend.

“You’re sure Pete’s going to understand this?” He knew his voice was skeptical but he was still leery that this plan would work. Not that he had a better idea.

“No, but I’m hoping he will. If he’s aware of the situation the plant is in, and yours and Clark’s disappearances, he might put two and two together.” She bit her lip as she clicked the send button and moved her hands back to their former position on his shoulders.

“Well, here’s to hoping those childhood games are as memorable to him as they seem to be to you.” Lex smiled at her soft sigh, allowing himself once again to lean lightly back against her. He could still feel the imprint of her breasts pressed against his back as she’d typed. He wanted to feel that again.

Chloe continued to knead his shoulders lightly, almost absently running her nails along the nape of his neck and over the lower part of his scalp. The feel of the smooth skin made her fingertips tingle and she felt her heart quicken as he leaned back even further into her with a small sigh.

Lex closed his eyes and gave himself over to the pleasure of her gentle touch. Images of being so close to her a short time earlier once again flashed before his eyes and he had to bite back a groan at the thought of what she might do if he leaned up and kissed her like he wanted to.

Chloe felt the heat rising in her body again as she took the opportunity to study his face as his eyes closed in relaxation. He really was one of the handsomest men she’d ever met. His body, so hard and powerful, now looked relaxed and peaceful. The worry lines that had been between and around his eyes for the past few days were gone, smoothed out by his contented expression. The memory of those eyes locked on hers and those full lips nearly against hers suddenly overloaded her already overly stimulated senses.

The desire to resume what they’d started earlier was suddenly overwhelming. She didn’t know if it was fear or worry or just plain old-fashioned lust that was driving her but she needed to know how those lips would feel against hers. Wondering if she were going to regret it she leaned down and gently brushed her lips over his. She pulled back as his eyes shot open, locking on hers with a surprised heat that left her breathless once again.

He was sure he’d imagined the feel of her lips against his but something told him to open his eyes anyhow. When he did, he found that it hadn’t been a dream. Chloe was leaning over him, her lips parted and moist a question in her eyes that he suddenly wanted to answer. Without a word, he reached up and pulled her around the chair and onto his lap, bringing their lips together for a proper kiss.

Sparks of energy and desire shot through her body as his lips devoured hers, probing with tongue and teeth for entrance. Unable to do more than moan, she parted her lips and allowed his tongue to discover the wonders of her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him tightly against her as she did a little exploring of her own. He tasted like mint and a hint of the chocolate they’d eaten earlier. The feel of his hard body beneath hers was intoxicating, making her hips arch unconsciously against him.

Lex groaned as he bruised her lips with deep, wet kisses. She tasted like vanilla and chocolate- a combination like no other. Feeling her arch against him in desire, he tangled his hands in her hair and slanted their heads to take the kiss even deeper. One hand slid down to her waist and began stroking the side of her hip, feeling himself harden even more as her hips surged against him. He’d never felt anything like this and he knew only that it could not stop.

The overwhelming need for breath finally forced Chloe to draw back, a stunned expression in her eyes as she locked gazes with Lex. Unsure of what to say, unable to even form words, she waited in silence, trying to read whatever she could in his eyes.

“Chloe, that was- well, there are no words.” He meant it. His brain was so addled with lust at the moment he could barely string the sentence together. All he wanted to do was to get lost in the warmth of her embrace where he knew now he could feel no pain. Simply a rightness that should have scared but at the moment, awed him as well as gave him a tinge of guilt. Lives were in danger and all he wanted to do was show Chloe Sullivan that he could be the only man she would ever need- ever again.

“I know, Lex.” The words were whisper soft but she meant them. Looking into his eyes, she could read the desire shining in the beautiful orbs. But she could also see the confusion and guilt- and realized she understood those emotions all too well. Sighing, she leaned down and pressed a soft, unassuming kiss against his lips, feeling him once again relax under her.

“I don’t want to stop this, Chloe, but now isn’t the right time-” Again she stopped him but this time by placing a finger against his lips.

“I do know that, Lex.” She did, but she also wanted to make something else clear. Taking a deep breath, she looked him straight in the eye and finished. “But I also know that the second this thing is over, you’d better be ready, willing and able to start again.” She bit her lip as she waited for a response, trying to read what he was feeling.

Lex was amazed at the words. Chloe Sullivan had basically just given him leave to ravish her when this whole mess was cleared up. For a moment, he gave serious thought to giving it all up and taking her up on her offer right then and there. But the knowledge of what could happen if they did not think things through was enough to sober him. Still, he needed to make sure she knew he accepted her challenge.

“Trust me, Chloe, stopping will be the last thing on my mind once we get this situation taken care of.” His words brought a flash to her eyes that made him want to kiss her again. Hoping for control, he reached up and brought her lips once more to his, this time for a long, lazy kiss. When he finally realized the need for air, he pulled back, but kept his arms around her waist so she could not move from his lap.

Sighing, Chloe rested her head against his shoulder, her body humming with anticipation of when he would make good on his promise. She was still worried about what could possibly happen tomorrow, but for the moment, she wanted nothing more than to relax in Lex’s strong arms and take comfort from the fact that he at least felt something of the desire that arced between them.

Lex closed his eyes as he rested his chin on top of Chloe’s head, absorbing the peace she seemed to bring him even in the chaotic world they were both immersed in. For the moment, they could do nothing but wait, but he’d be damned if he would allow either of them to wait alone. Tightening his arms around her he simply held her until their peaceful existence was shattered by the truly unromantic ‘You’ve Got Mail!” that suddenly boomed from the computer.



15th June 2003, 07:51
Oh my lord this is good. I want more please.... :cool:

Hope :blinkkiss:

15th June 2003, 10:52
Great chapter!! :worship2:

15th June 2003, 14:32
You know, you succeeded in making their first kiss both passionnate and caring, with the way they were holding each other afterwards. I really loved to read how Chloe's touch was helping Lex to relax, as if he had found the person who can love him and give him confort from the rest of the world.

The first thing, in my opinion, is to find Clark. Without him, i don't see them succeeding in winning over this kryptonian pretender. Jarod's brain and Clark's invulnerability ? bad, really bad. Both Jarod and and Clark are needed here, with Lex and Chloe's ingeniosity, of course.

15th June 2003, 15:47
yummy chlexy goodness. great job with their kiss. and with the whole fic. I agree with xmag, Clark needs to be found first. I'm thinking this super pretender is going to be one heck of an opponent.

Imp...who's patiently waiting for some MP/J goodness.

15th June 2003, 17:56
That was some good stuff. You melded the hotness and sweetness of them together wonderfully. And, I love that you are working Pete into the storyline. More soon.


15th June 2003, 17:58
You just have to leave us with the cliff hangers don't you?
Well now you'll just HAVE TO update soon! :biggrin:

16th June 2003, 02:13
That was beautiful! :wub:
Great job! Can't wait for the next chapter! Hope they find Clark soon!


16th June 2003, 17:08
This is developing really nicely...can't wait to see what happens next.

23rd June 2003, 02:10
Chapter 9

(Notes and disclaimers in part 1)

Extra Note: This is how I brought Clark back, because he'll be integral to the story plot soon. But I promise, even as the plot increases, so does the Chlexy goodness in forthcoming installments! Enjoy!


“Pete, are you sure about this?” Lana bit her lip as she and Pete pulled up to the entrance of one of Metropolis’s hottest nightclubs.

“Not really, Lana, but we don’t have much choice. Clark was last seen here so it’s the first place I think we should look for him.” Pete tried to ignore the feeling of dread that crept through his system as he imagined the kind of state they might find Clark in. He only hoped his friend had managed to keep his super powers under control, although he doubted it.

“Okay, so let’s go over this once again.” She hoped her voice sounded calmer than she felt. “Once we find him, I go up and try to talk to him, convince him to come with me and hope he’ll listen.”

“While you’re doing that, I’ll come up behind him. If he hasn’t agreed to go back with you, I’ll give it a shot.” It sounded much simpler than it would be, he knew.

“We’re assuming he’ll agree but what if he doesn’t? What do we do then?”

Pete bit his lip at her words, knowing he couldn’t tell her about his ace in the hole. Fingering his jacket pocket, he felt a slight reassurance from the feel of the green meteor rock he’d placed there. If Clark wouldn’t agree, he’d have to use the rock to weaken him like before. In the process, he’d have to get the ring. The trick was how to accomplish that without having to explain it to her.

“Lana, I don’t know how Clark will react and I can’t explain a lot, but be prepared for a different Clark than the one you know.” At her worried expression he carefully elaborated. “When Clark gets in these moods, he can be a real bastard. I think you saw it several times before- remember the issues when we all got those class rings?”

Lana nodded, still feeling the pain of watching Clark and Jessie making out in front of her. Still, she couldn’t believe Clark would do that again, although from the mental state she figured he must in, it was a possibility.

“What I’m saying is be prepared for anything, okay. Don’t let whatever he says shake you. You know he doesn’t mean it.”

She wished she could take more comfort from Pete’s words. Still, she was going to make Clark see that his family needed him. More over, that she needed him. She’d finally admitted her feelings to him and she’d be damned if his self-pitying complex was going to keep them apart.

“I know, Pete, and I’m ready.” Taking a deep breath, she followed her friend to the front doors, refusing to think about how Pete had procured fake ID’s for them both.

Pete breathed a sigh of relief as the bouncer barely glanced at his ID, instead turning to give Lana a leering once over. To her credit, the brunette managed a sexy look, as the muscled man did not even glance at her ID.

“Enjoy yourselves and if you get bored, come find me. Beautiful.” With a leering wink at her, he turned to the next people in line. Shuddering, the brunette moved closer to Pete, letting her eyes adjust to the smoky atmosphere.

“Okay, let’s find Clark.” With that, Pete began making his way through the crowd, his arm firmly around Lana’s waist. The last thing he needed was to get separated from her before they found Clark. Scanning the masses of people around him, he offered a quick prayer that Clark would be among them.

Lana too was searching out his familiar face in the crowd, trying to ignore the rather lewd acts the other patrons seemed to be involved in right out on the dance floor. The flashing lights and hazy ring of smoke around the club made it difficult to see anything, much less a person’s face.

“There he is!” She turned at Pete’s low words and felt her breath catch. Clark was leaning against the bar, wearing a dark leather jacket with a beer in one hand. Her heart shrank a little as she noticed his arm was wrapped around the scantily clad body of a voluptuous blonde. There was no trace of remorse or guilt in his features that she could see and the knowledge made her shudder.

Pete felt it and turned to give his friend a sympathetic glance. This was not going to be easy and he hated putting her through it, but she realistically might be the only person that could get Clark out of this without some kind of violence.

“Remember, he’s not himself and everything he says or does is not our Clark. He loves you, Lana, never forget that.”

She nodded, steeling her heart against the jealousy and pain. Taking a deep breath, she slid out from under Pete’s arm and with a small smile for her friend, made her way towards the man she loved more than life itself.

Something in her heart breathed a little easier as she approached and saw the way Clark’s eyes flashed as he caught sight of her. The lustful gaze made her hesitate a moment, but she quickly pushed down her fear and made her way over to him. To her inner relief, he immediately dropped his arm from the woman he was with and focused all his attention on her. Taking a deep breath, she smiled as she reached his side.

“Fancy meeting you here, Clark.” She hoped she didn’t sound as nervous as she felt as she watched his eyes sweep over her.

“I’m surprised to see you here, Lana. Change your mind about having some fun?”

The voice did not belong to the Clark she knew; either did the way he was looking at her with unabashed lust. While she had to admit, the look sent a tingle of arousal through her body, she’d much prefer it if it came from the farm boy she’d grown to love over the past few years.

“Actually, I hoped to change your mind about coming home.” She bit her lip as she saw the disapproval flare in those dark depths. Still, it had been worth a try.

“No thanks, Lana. It’s much more fun here. If you give me a chance, I’ll show you.”

She gasped as he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against him as he began to move against her in time to the seductive beat of the music. The feeling of his hard body pressed against his was doing strange things to her mental state and she had to focus all her concentration on the matter at hand.

“Clark, I need you to come back. You said you loved me, won’t you give me a chance to prove how much I love you?”

The look in his eyes made her heart swell and break at the same time.

“I can prove how much I love you right here, in Metropolis.” His evil grin made her blood run cold. “Besides, why go back to that hicksville I spent my life in? Metropolis is so much more exciting and dangerous. There’s nothing for me in Smallville while I have a whole new life here in Metropolis.”

She had to force herself to remember Pete’s words and seeing the look in Clark’s eyes, she found it easier to believe this was a stranger. Her Clark would never talk like this. The trick now was how to get that Clark back. However, she was fresh out of ideas on how to do that. Not to mention her mind was beginning to focus more on the feel of Clark’s body against hers than her attempts at persuasion.

“Clark-” her words were cut off when he suddenly leaned down and kissed her with a passion that shocked her. Unconsciously, she responded, wrapping her arms around his neck, opening her lips to his demanding tongue. For endless moments, she lost herself in the ferocity of his kiss, thrilling to the new sensations he awakened in her. Until the knowledge that this was NOT the way she wanted to begin this relationship with Clark sank in.

Pulling away, gasping for breath, she felt relief flow through her as she saw a concerned looking Pete approach from behind.

“Clark- boy am I glad to see you!” Pete braced himself as his friend whirled around a look of disgust in his eyes.

“Not you too. What did you do Pete, convince her to seduce me back home?”

He did not wince at the harsh words; having seen and heard Clark like this before. Tuning out Lana’s hurt gaze, he shrugged his shoulders, settling his hands casually in his pockets, wrapping one tightly around the green rock.

“Actually, Clark, I asked her to come with me in hopes she could talk some sense into you. I see now that I was wrong.” Holding the rock tightly in his hand, he withdrew it from his pocket and reached out to place both hands on his friend’s shoulders. He steeled himself to the look of pain that suddenly marred Clark’s features.

“Damn it! Pete, how could you?”

Lana watched in horror, as Clark suddenly seemed to collapse in front of her. The look of excruciating pain on his face made her cry out and reach to help him. A hard look from Pete had her stepping back however, wondering what was going on.

“Clark, it’s for your own good buddy. Trust me.” While Clark writhed on the ground, Pete reached for his friend’s left hand. In one quick motion, he grasped and pulled the ring off Clark’s finger. The second it was free, he pulled his hand back, quickly hiding the meteor rock and ring in his coat pocket. He breathed a sigh of relief as his friend stopped convulsing and his eyes returned to their normal state.

“Pete? What- why-” Clark frowned in confusion as things came back into focus and he found his friend looking at him with sympathetic eyes. A quick turn of his head showed a concerned Lana watching him with an almost scared look. Cursing, he closed his eyes, feeling his body finally return to normal, and the effects of the meteor rock finally subsiding.

“Welcome back, Clark. We missed you.” With that, Pete reached down and offered his friend a hand. When Clark did not immediately take it, he realized that while ‘bad’ Clark was gone, ‘guilty’ Clark still had to be dealt with.

“Damn it! Why did you have to come after me? To remind me of how much I failed everyone I love?” The agony in Clark’s voice put any fears Lana might have had to rest. This was her Clark and she knew how to deal with him.

“Shut up, Clark.”

Both men turned to look at her in surprise at her outburst.

“Get over it. Yes, your father lashed out at the closest person there in his own grief, and he owes you an apology, but you know he loves you. You know your mother loves you as well, and now she’s sick with worry having lost another son.” She stopped as she read the horror in his eyes as her words sank in. “Exactly, did you even stop to think how she’d feel? Losing her unborn child and her son in the same day?”

“Lana-” he began.

However, she stopped him with a raised hand. “Enough of feeling sorry for yourself, Clark Kent. You’re a decent, caring, wondering man who has a capacity to love and help others that astounds me. You do more good for people in one day than most people do in a lifetime.” She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before crouching down so she was directly level with his face.

“Then there’s me. You told me you loved me. You promised me you weren’t going anywhere.” She struggled to keep her voice strong, refusing to let her pain take over. “I trusted you, Clark. I believed you. I believed you enough to give you my heart. Then you up and left, did you even think about how that would affect me?” A tear unconsciously slipped down her cheek and she wiped it away as she continued.

“I love you, Clark. It’s taken me quite a few years to realize it, but now that I have, I don’t want to let you go. Yes, you hurt me, but I can forgive you. I want to explore a relationship with you; I want to do all the things people in love do. But I can’t do that if you don’t trust me enough to let me in. To trust in our love and all the wonderful things I know can come of it.”

She trailed off as another tear escaped, turning away, not wanting Clark or Pete to see how helpless she felt. Her body was suddenly spun around and with a gasp, she found herself staring into the moist, familiar eyes of the man she loved.

“Lana, I’m sorry.”

Clark meant the words with every fiber of his being. Lana’s words had hit home but it was the sight of her tears that totally broke him. He’d fought so hard and so long for this woman to love him, and he’d almost thrown it all away. The fact that she could still want him after everything he’d done humbled him. It gave him hope that maybe things weren’t as bad as they seemed. The guilt he’d been feeling was still there, but she’d managed to make it more bearable. Not to mention he truly hadn’t thought how running away would affect his already fragile parents.

“I’m so sorry, for everything I’ve put you through. I love you, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you-” He was stopped by Lana’s lips. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, he poured everything he was feeling into the kiss, willing her to understand. When he finally pulled back for air, his heart began to heal at the look in her eyes.

“I love you too, Clark. Don’t forget it and don’t do something this stupid again, okay?” With that, she leaned in for another breathtaking kiss.

Pete couldn’t control the huge smile that broke over his face. “Well, all right then! Why don’t we get out of here and get something to eat. I’m starving!”

Pulling reluctantly away from Lana, he turned to face his friend. Meeting Pete’s eyes, he held out his hand. “No hard feelings?” His heart healed a little more at the grin on Pete’s face.

“None taken. Just promise me you won’t go looking for ‘red’ trouble again, okay?” The long look Clark gave him told him his message was understood. With a nod, Clark pulled Lana against his side and smiled.

“I need food before we make the drive home. I know this great little Internet café down the block that makes a mean hamburger. Who’s up for it?” With smiles all around, the three made their way from the club and five minutes later were settled around a table, munching on burgers and fries.

As he ate, Clark suddenly sobered. “Guys, how are my parents doing, really?” The guilt was settling in again, but it didn’t stay as Lana squeezed his hand.

“They’re holding up, but they’re devastated at losing you too. Your dad blames himself for making you run away, you know. He’s beating himself up over that.” She offered the knowledge softly, seeing the worry on his face deepen.

“He said some harsh things, but a lot of them were true. I am too impulsive, I don’t think things through-”

“Stop it, Clark.” Pete made his voice hard as he looked at his friend. “Everyone gets angry and says things they don’t mean. But it doesn’t mean you love each other any less, okay?” Seeing his friend nod, he took another sip of his milkshake. He tensed as Clark’s gaze turned worried again.

“Chloe! Oh God, she must hate me. You too.” He gestured towards Lana with a look of misery. The misery quickly changed to concern when he saw his friends looking at each other. “Guys, what aren’t you telling me? Is Chloe okay?” He refused to think about the stab of pain that went through him at the thought he might have caused something to happen to his best friend.

“Actually, Clark, I think she’ll be okay.” Lana tried to smile although it took some effort. “She’s upset but she’s spending a few days with her cousin to cool off. In fact,” Lana bit her lip as something occurred to her. “She’s here in Metropolis. Although I’m guessing she’ll head back to Smallville as soon as Gabe manages to tell her what’s going on at the plant.”

Clark’s ears perked up. “The plant? What else did I miss?” He felt his heart sink at the concerned looks Pete and Lana sent his way. “Guys, did something happen to Lex?”

Pete sighed and ran a hand over his head. “Lex and Helen’s plane went down over the Atlantic the night of the wedding.” He winced as he saw the horror appear in his friend’s eyes. He knew too that Clark would immediately be feeling guilty that he was not there to save his friend. As much as he disliked Lex, it was a horrible way to die.

“Have they been found?” Clark felt as if he were in a dream world. Lex couldn’t be dead. Lex was too strong to let something like this happen to him.

“Actually, they are still officially ‘missing’ and Gabe’s running the plant, much to Lionel’s dismay.” Lana couldn’t help the worry in her tone, knowing just how tough Gabe was having it.

Clark picked up on her distress immediately. “I’m guessing Lionel isn’t happy about that fact, right?” At the nods he received, he sighed. “The elder Luthor no doubt is making Gabe’s life hell trying to take control?”

Again, they nodded.

Closing his eyes, Clark tried to find hope that Lex was alive and would be found before things became worse.

“Clark, I know Lex is alive. He has to be.” Her voice was calm as she reached over to grasp his hand tightly. “Gabe is strong too, and when Chloe gets there, you can damn well believe she won’t let Lionel do anything to harm that plant or her father. She’ll probably even be the one who finds Lex,” she said, trying to make the situation a little lighter.

“I think we need to get a hold of Chloe. Not to mention the fact I have some apologizing to do.” Clark looked at his friends with a new determination. “Who’s got a cell phone?”

“Actually, I don’t think Chloe has her phone with her. I’ve tried calling it but I keep getting a ‘no service’ signal.” Pete’s frustration was evident. Lana had told him on the car ride to Metropolis that Chloe had gone to visit her cousin, but something did not seem right about it. He didn’t know what was eating at him, but he knew it would only be put to rest when he talked to Chloe.

“Um, you know, we are in an Internet café, maybe we should try and email her? You know Chloe’s never far from a computer.”

Lana’s suggestion made both men smile. “Lana, you’re a genius!” With a quick kiss to her lips, Clark turned to the computer at the table next to him. Then he frowned. “Um, next problem, I don’t have an email account to sign onto. I use Chloe’s,” he muttered in defeat.

A moment later, Pete’s face lit up. “Wait a second, I have an account!” At the confusion on both faces around him, he elaborated. “Chloe set up an account for me a while ago, but I never use it so I forgot about it. We can use it to try and contact her.”

Moving over to the computer, Pete hit a few keys and seconds later, proudly signed onto his account. “Would you look at that, I’ve got mail!” Smiling to himself, he began to skim through the messages, noting most of the 20 in his inbox were useless. However, a subject line of an email near the bottom caught his attention, although the address itself was not familiar. Clicking on the message, he smiled as he began to read. “Speak of the devil- I think Chloe is trying to contact us!”

Clark and Lana watched curiously as Pete continued reading. They both leaned over his shoulder as his face broke into a frown.

“What’s wrong, Pete? It looks like she’s okay and that she certainly wrote a lot, although I don’t recognize that as her usual email address,” Lana said as Pete continued to frown.

“That’s just it, Lana. Chloe doesn’t usually write this much and say so little.” He pointed to several sentences as they both watched curiously. “You know Chloe, she never minces words, always to the point. But here, she rambles for several sentences trying to describe how much fun she’s having with Lois. ”

“She’s having fun? Doesn’t sound like the upset Chloe that stormed off of the farm the other day,” Clark murmured as he took a closer look at the message. His eyes suddenly widened as something caught his attention.

“Pete, it’s in code!” The jubilation in his voice had his other companions looking at him as if he were crazy. “I mean it! Remember that summer we played spies? Chloe came up with that code, essentially saying small things with a lot of words-”

“To disguise the real meaning of a message! But why in the world would she need to disguise a message?” Pete finished the sentence as he turned back to the email and began trying to figure out what Chloe was really trying to say. Several minutes later, his eyes widened as things became clearer. His eyes darkened as what his friend was trying to tell them came through.

“Damn, we’ve got to get back to Smallville tonight.” At Clark and Lana’s confused expressions, he explained a little further. “I don’t know where Chloe is, but she’s not in Metropolis and she’s not with her cousin. What she’s trying to tell us is that there’s going to be, if there isn’t already, trouble at the plant. She needs us back there to deal with the situation.”

Lana looked even more concerned at the urgency in Pete’s voice. “That’s good enough for me, especially since trouble at the plant right now means trouble for Mr. Sullivan. I say we hit the road. I’m going to make a bathroom stop and I’ll be ready.” With that, she quickly grabbed her purse and left the table. When she was out of earshot, Pete leaned over to talk to Clark in a low voice.

“What I couldn’t say with Lana here is that Chloe’s message implies that you need to be there to stop whatever is going to happen. Not Lana, not me, you. She makes it sound like you’re the only person who can handle whatever is going on.” He stopped as the implication behind the words registered on his friend.

Clark wasn’t sure he believed Pete, but he had to examine all possibilities. “You don’t think she means, my abilities are needed?” The panic in his voice had Pete motioning for him to quiet down. Reaching a reasonable level, he went on. “She can’t know about me, Pete, can she?”

Pete sighed, wondering what to think, much less say. He’d suspected for a while that Chloe had pieced together the situation but hadn’t said anything. “I don’t know, Clark, there’ve been times in the past year that I’ve suspected she knows something, but she’s never come straight out with anything-”

Clark sighed. “I know, I’ve felt the same. But she hasn’t said anything, which leads me to believe the secret is safe if she does know it. Although, with how mad she was at me, she might be tempted to reveal it for revenge-”

“No.” Pete’s voice was sure and strong. “She might be angry but she’d never do that to you. Besides, if she wanted the world to know, she wouldn’t have sent us a cryptic message.”

Clark nodded, when something else hit him. “Pete, if she’s not with her cousin, nor in Metropolis, where do you think she could be?”

“I don’t know, Clark. I’d think she’d want to be with her dad with Lex missing now-” He was cut off by the look on his friend’s face.

“She knows something about Lex.” The firmness of the statement made Pete think before saying anything in reply. “I’m sure of it and if I know Chloe, she found Lex, or at least knows he’s alive.” He smiled at Pete’s incredulous expression.

“Right. Chloe and Lex are so close she’d go off searching for him.” Pete couldn’t believe what Clark seemed so willing to. Although, he had to admit, he would be looking for signs that Lex was alive if he were Clark.

“I think there’s more between Lex and Chloe than even they’re aware of,” Clark mused, missing the strange look Pete sent him. “Still, I bet that’s why she needs us, or at least me. I bet this has something to do with Lex’s disapperance and it’s connected to what’s happening at the plant.”

Pete sighed. “I don’t think it’s possible but I’m willing to consider anything at this point. I think we need to get back to Smallville and see what’s going on. Hopefully, Chloe will find her way there too.”

“Yeah, but I think we should email her first, let her know you found me and that we’re headed home.” Pete was already typing a reply before Clark finished. A few minutes later he was sending it off as Lana returned to the table.

“Okay, Chloe has an encoded message saying we’re on the way. I only hope it’s what she was looking for.” Pete tried to keep his words optimistic but felt an impending sense of doom. Something wasn’t right and he had a feeling Chloe was in the middle of it. As would they all be very soon.

“Okay, let’s go. The sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll get home.” Lana’s voice had them all rising and heading out of the café. Dropping some money on the table on the way out, Clark found himself wondering what exactly they were heading into and if he could really handle it the way Chloe was hoping. Forcing his doubts down, he followed his friends into the night, wishing for once that he could use his super speed to hasten the trip home. He had a feeling things were only going to get worse.


23rd June 2003, 02:15
Chapter 10

(See, two in one day!)

Back At the Luthor Mansion:

The three people talking quietly in Lex’s study had no idea that a fourth person overheard every word from behind the fake bookshelf where he was standing.

Jarod gave a mental thanks to Lex for telling him about the secret passageway he’d had built from his office to the mansion’s basement. Not for the first time was he glad that billionaires could be a bit eccentric at times. Shifting his position quietly, he pushed his ear to the paneling, trying to hear what was being said. From the voices he could make out, he knew the three people in question were Lionel Luthor, the Super Pretender, and if he was not mistaken, the man behind nearly everything evil at the Centre, Mr. Raines. ‘Well, Lex, you wanted confirmation, you’ve got some of it.’

For a moment, he wondered if there would be any chance of getting the mansion security tapes he knew were recording the conversation- but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that during this conversation, they had probably been turned off. His ears perked up, however, as the talk turned to the next day’s events.

“I want this to go flawlessly, Mr. Raines, and I trust your experiment here will make that happen?”

“The experiment does have a name, Mr. Luthor. I suggest you become familiar with it especially since I am going to be doing your dirty work for you.” The voice startled Jarod with the fact that aside from the darker tone, it could have well been him speaking. Once again the bitterness of being cloned crept up in his throat. Clenching his hands into fists, he continued to listen silently.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We still need to think rationally about how we’re going to pull tomorrow off without raising suspicion.” Jarod’s mood darkened at the delight he could hear in Raines’ voice, wondering only that the smug bastard had not burst out in a maniacal chuckle.

“It’s going to be relatively easy.” The super pretender was speaking again and Jarod leaned forward, pretty sure the plan was about to be revealed. “We are going to meet with Gabe Sullivan at 1PM as scheduled and tell him that since there’s no time to wait for a loophole to be found, we’re going to have to resort to unpleasant means.” The hairs on Jarod’s neck stood up at the pure malice he heard in the all too familiar voice.

“If he refuses to go along with our story of how he had a sudden nervous breakdown, I’ll be forced to demonstrate some of my more influential powers- which probably will not result in a happy end. Suicide is the easiest, most believable route.” Jarod’s blood ran cold at the knowledge that no matter what, it sounded like Gabe Sullivan was not going to be allowed to survive.

“When that problem is taken care of, you two will make hold the 4PM press conference, making sure the press finds it way into the office where the body will be found. You’ll make a show of being sympathetic and shocked and after expressing your concern for the well-being of the plant and its workers, you, Lionel, will announce you’re taking full control of the plant since your son is still missing and by now, probably presumed dead.”

“You assume that my son is indeed dead.” Lionel’s even tone made Jarod wonder what exactly the elder Luthor was thinking.

“You haven’t heard from his former ‘wife’ otherwise, have you? And from the wreckage of the plane that was found, experts said no one could have survived.” Jarod smiled grimly, imagining the shock Lex’s sudden appearance was going to cause.

“Still, my son has his own powerful friends. I would not be surprised if he is alive somewhere and waiting for us to make just this move.” Jarod’s antenna went up immediately as he frowned. Lionel was close enough to the truth to make him nervous.

“But how can he know we’re going to make this move? We’ve kept this whole thing between the three of us, no one else knows anything about it for just this reason. Your son could not possibly know what’s happening, Lionel, and if he did survive, I’m willing to bet he’s not in good shape.”

Jarod had to smile at Raines’ words, wondering only that the old bastard had not yet learned from his past mistaken assumptions.

“Do not underestimate my son, Mr. Raines. It would be foolish to do so. He obviously predicted I would make this move and put his own countermove in place by giving Sullivan control.” Jarod wondered if in some twisted way, Lionel Luthor was actually proud of his son. Even though it looked like he had no qualms in getting rid of the younger Luthor. He found it sad that such a powerful man chose to use his means for evil rather than good. Thankfully, it looked like the son fell very far from the tree.

“Well, even if he does show up, with my enhanced abilities, there’s no way he can stop me. We’ll just take him out too and chalk it all up to a conspiracy theory or something.” Jarod closed his eyes as he realized how ruthless this cloned menace had become. It was almost sickening to hear the glee in the voice as this creature talked about taking others lives. What made him even sicker was that with the exception of being more muscled, the creature looked exactly like him.

“Still, let us not be too cocky.” Raines was wheezing now and Jarod couldn’t help smile vindictively. “Stick to the plan and we’ll pray it all works out. I want this plant gone within the month. We need those rocks if we’re going to develop more super powered clones.”

“I could not agree more. You’re paying LuthorCorp enough for it.” That was the bottom line then, money and power. Sad that so many men who could have been great had fallen victim to greed. Jarod could only be thankful he was not one of them. He found himself smiling as he realized that there were a few other people in his life who had avoided the same fate.

The smile turned to a frown as he realized he needed to talk to Sydney one more time, to see if his former mentor and friend had come up with any type of weakness for this super pretender. He was still uncertain of what abilities Lex and Chloe believed their friend Clark might have. He wanted a backup plan in place as well.

For a moment, he wondered if Miss Parker had been able to break into her father’s secret files to get the information- and if she had, would she actually give it to him? A small, wry smile crossed his face as he remembered the hell they’d been through over the past six years. He’d found his family and she’d lost hers- but somehow, he had to believe that in the process, she’d become the woman he’d always known she would. And if he got out of this alive and destroyed the Centre as planned, he was determined to make sure of it.

Hearing the meeting breaking up, he quickly backtracked through the passage and ended up once again in the mansion’s cellar. Climbing quietly out the window he’d slid open he stealthily made his way back into the forest surrounding the Luthor Castle. When he was far enough away to feel comfortable, he pulled out his cell phone and prayed that Lex or Chloe were ready to hear what he had to say.


Returning to Lex & Chloe's hideaway:

“Pete and Lana got Clark and they’re bringing him back to Smallville tonight!” Chloe’s ecstatic cry made Lex smile as she read quickly through the email. Despite having their intimate moment interrupted again, he was glad to hear his friend had been found and their message understood.

“You do realize, Chloe, that if Pete knows Clark has meteor given powers, both of them are going to be wondering if we know as well since we made it clear Clark is the one we need.” He smiled at her frown even as she bit her lip.

“Well, we’re going to have to have a conversation with him I guess. Maybe he’ll actually tell us the truth for a change when he hears what’s at stake.” Chloe heard the sarcasm in her voice and immediately felt bad for thinking that way about Clark. While he had plenty of issues and ways of dealing with things she disliked, she did not like the feeling that he would keep this from her because he might worry she would reveal all in some newspaper article.

“Chloe, you know Clark trusts you. I’m guessing he’s worried what people will think, knowing how Smallville feels about ‘meteor freaks’ as I believe you’ve dubbed them. It’s not personal.”

She turned to smile at Lex, amazed once again that he’d seemingly read her mind. “How do you do that, Lex?” At his confused smile, she laid her head against his chest and snuggled deeper into his lap where she’d perched after reading Pete’s email.

“Do what?” He was trying to keep a grasp on his sanity but finding it hard to do with a lap full of Chloe.

“Read my mind. It’s almost as if you know what I’m thinking, without me saying it. No one’s ever done that with me before.” She looked down as she finished, wondering if she sounded stupid. A small smile graced her face as she felt Lex brush a finger under her chin, lifting her head to meet his serious gaze.

“I could say the same for you, Chloe. It’s rather scary, in a strangely appealing way.” He smiled at her expression, pulling her closer and planting a light kiss on her nose.

Sighing, Chloe snuggled further against him, basking in the warmth and comfort she felt in his arms. She frowned as the ringing of her cell phone once again interrupted the moment.

“You going to get that? I suspect its Jarod.” Lex smiled at Chloe’s grumble as the blonde reluctantly slid off his lap and walked over to grab her phone. He watched as she moved back towards him, holding out the phone so they both could hear.

“We’re both here, Jarod, what’s the plan?”

Chloe and Lex listened with growing expressions of horror on their faces as Jarod quickly filled them in on the conversation he’d overheard. Lex immediately reached for Chloe to steady her as she swayed when Jarod said it looked like they were planning to kill her father. Holding her tightly to him, he tried to push down his own feeling of hurt that his father did not seem to care.

“So what do we do? I want to go home and get my dad out of there!” She knew it was an emotional response, but she couldn’t help it. The thought that her father could be killed was terrifying in ways she did not even want to think about.

“Well, first things first, I want you two back her as soon as possible.” Jarod’s voice was reassuring and Chloe sank against Lex in relief as she listened. “I’m sending the chopper for you both, it should be there in about an hour. I’m going to tell the pilot to land you in a small field just outside of Smallville but out of range of anyone who might be watching. I’ll pick you up and take you to your friend Clark’s house, that’s where you said you can probably lay low for a little while?”

“Yes. And Clark we’ve just been informed is on his way home and should be there within a few hours as well.” Lex unconsciously began running his hand up and down Chloe’s arm in a soothing motion as she jumped in.

“Martha and Jonathan will help us, and my dad. Speaking of which, Jarod, he needs to be told what’s going on-”

“Chloe, I’ve already got that covered.” Jarod’s calm voice again made her feel better. “I’m going to somehow sneak into your house tonight and try and convince Gabe to trust me. Although if he’s met the evil clone of me, it won’t be easy.”

Chloe bit her lip for a moment then spoke. “Actually, it might not be as hard as you think. Tell my dad that you’re the man I helped find his family a few summers ago. I spoke enough about you that he’ll remember. And if you can’t make him believe what you’re telling him, have him call Lex and I on the phone and we’ll talk him through it.”

Lex smiled at the young woman; amazed she could think straight when it was obvious she was extremely worried about her father’s safety.

“I’ll make him believe me, Chloe.” The certainty in his voice made her feel a bit better. “Then I’ll find a way to get him to the Kents as well and we’ll all meet there around 8AM. That should give everyone time to collect themselves and at least they’ll be together when you two make your appearance.”

Chloe and Lex smiled at each other, picturing the various reactions they knew they’d get. “I think that’s probably best, since it’s going to be tricky explaining all this under the assumption that certain people have super powers and that an even more select few know about them.”

Chloe nodded, realizing Lex was right. She suspected Pete and the Kents must know about Clark, but Lana and her father most definitely did not. It wouldn’t hurt to keep it that way for a while at least either. Assuming her friend was ready and willing to be honest with them.

“I think we can explain the basic plan and the meteor affected pretender. After all, Smallville has seen enough strange things because of those damn rocks.” She smiled as she heard Lex’s sigh. “We’ll find a way to get my dad and Lana out of there before we see how the others react to veiled hints that we might need Clark’s suspected special abilities.” She gave Lex a wry glance as the man winced.

“You’re sure this friend of yours has some powers similar to this clone?” The skepticism in Jarod’s voice was not lost on Lex and Chloe.

“Trust me, Jarod, if you’ve seen some of the things Clark’s done or at least we think he’s done, you’d be amazed.” Lex sighed before continuing. “Not to mention the fact that those rocks created this super pretender, they’ve got to be pretty powerful.”

“I agree. But I’m still not willing to pin this all on Clark. We need a backup plan and I have a few people working on it right now.”

Chloe frowned. “By people I do hope you mean Sydney or Broots. Even Angelo would be preferable-”

“Chloe, trust me. She’s not going to sell us out. In fact, if she can access the information I suspect her father’s files contain, we might find a weakness for this super pretender and that might eliminate the risk of anyone, super or not, getting hurt.”

Lex again was lost at the undercurrents running between Chloe and Jarod. While he knew Chloe was most definitely interested in him, he did not like the jealousy he thought he suspected in her attitude towards this female friend of Jarod’s.

Chloe sighed as she caught Lex’s expression, fully aware of what he was thinking. When they finished this conversation, it was obvious she would have to set him straight. “I hope you’re right,” she muttered as she allowed Lex and Jarod to finalize plans for their pick-up. When the conversation was done, Chloe set the phone down on the table and pulled Lex with her to the couch.

“So you want to tell me what’s got you so riled up about this Miss Parker?” Lex hoped his tone did not sound jealous, but he knew it was a little petulant.

Chloe laughed wryly as she grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. “Miss Parker works for the Centre and has been hunting Jarod for the past five years.” At his raised eyebrow, she held up a hand. “Let me finish. Despite chasing Jarod, he says she has a weak spot for him and will never allow him to be captured. They’ve worked together quite a bit to uncover the Centre’s secrets- but so far, from what I’ve seen, it hasn’t done one thing to change her. She still hunts Jarod and I have no doubt would delight in seeing him imprisoned again."

Lex sighed at hearing the passion in Chloe’s voice. He couldn’t blame her, wondering himself about this woman whom Jarod seemed strangely tied to. Because he was pretty sure that there was a definite interest for this Miss Parker on Jarod’s part and it was most certainly not all professional.

“Well, Jarod seems to trust her, so I guess we should too.” He held a finger to her lips as she tried to protest. “However, if at any time it seems like she’s going to take Jarod, or hurt him, I will make sure she is taken care of.” The look she gave him made him smile. “However, if this goes our way, there will be no need because the Centre will go down with LuthorCorp and there will be no reason to capture Jarod.”

Chloe had to admit he had a point. Still, she was going to keep her eye on Miss Parker. Jarod had come to far, done too much good in the world to lose it because of some strange infatuation with the woman.

“I’ll hold you to that, Lex.” She bit her lip again as the seriousness of the situation again pressed down on her. Looking up at him, she tried not to sound too needy. “You really think we’ll be able to pull this off without anyone getting hurt? I couldn’t handle losing my father and you both. It would kill me.”

Lex felt an unusual lump in his throat at her words, realizing that it felt extremely good to know this young, beautiful woman cared about him. Pulling her towards him, he wrapped her in his arms, holding her tightly against him as he stroked her hair.

“You’re not going to lose either of us, Chloe. Both your father and I are too stubborn to let go of you.” He knew he spoke the truth and was glad to feel her lips turn up in a smile where her head rested against his neck.

“A quality I will never take for granted again, in either of you.” Chloe smiled at his low laugh.

“I’ll see if you hold to that when this is all over.” Lex grinned at her slight huff, beginning to feel the return of determined Chloe. He knew they were going to need every bit of strength and stamina they possessed to get through the next 24 hours.



23rd June 2003, 04:12
Woo Hoo. Two whole chapters. Of course, now you're going to have to post at least two chapters everytime you update a fic. :biggrin:

Great work. Just one question...where the heck are my MP/J interaction/smut...er romance scenes? :blinkkiss:

23rd June 2003, 05:45
Oh that was two great chapters. I loved it. More please....


23rd June 2003, 07:15
i've only got 5 words to say

more more more

loved it loved it loved it

update now update now update now!

:wub: Roslyn

23rd June 2003, 10:48
Two chapters! your so good to us. :wub: :worship2: I love this story.

26th June 2003, 06:20
It seems I have read most of the stories and been leaving reviews @ fanfiction. Just in case you did not get it, I love this story; very beautiful :yay: !!

The way you put these two shows together is ingenious. I still watch the Pretender reruns if TNT shows it.

Anyway, :worship2: and please post soon.


27th June 2003, 06:36
2 in a day? Now you're spoiling us. ;) Those were awesome installments. This story's addictive.

6th July 2003, 14:34
I'm getting withdrawal symptons from this story. :wacko: So update quick please. :wub: :worship2:

7th July 2003, 00:16
Ok, apparently, I'm as dumb as Clark and forgot to leave you some feedback when I first read the last updates. Well-done (but, really, that's to be expected). Waiting not so patiently for more.


8th July 2003, 09:25
aww! chloe and lex sooo complements each other in this fic!! i don't know what the heck the writers at sv are thinking of not putting these two together! :tease: and this story here just proves how much they belong with each other! this is a great fic! :chlexsign3: more please. :biggrin:

11th July 2003, 08:33
Chapter 11 (I think)

Still PG-13, characters are still not mine. All other information is in the first post!


Gabe Sullivan looked at the clock in confusion as his doorbell sounded throughout the house. It was past 11:30 at night and in Smallville- that could only mean one thing.

Something bad had happened.

Jumping from his bed, he threw on his robe and made his way down the stairs, his mind conjuring up horrific images of something happening to Chloe. Feeling his already freyed nerves nearing the breaking point, he tried to calm his breathing before opening the door.

“Mr. Sullivan?”

Gabe stared in surprise at the man who wore an old pair of coveralls and a baseball hat that shaded most of his face.

“Can I help you?”

“Sorry about the late hour, but I was told the leaking faucet in your upstairs bathroom is driving you crazy and needed to be fixed immediately.”

Every sense Gabe had went on red alert. How did this strange man know about the leak he’d only recently been complaining about to Chloe? The thought brought a number of possibilities to mind, not many pleasant.

“I don’t know about any leaky faucet, I think you must have the wrong house.” He waited, wondering at the small smile that crossed the man’s face. For some reason he suddenly felt less threatened.

“Your daughter says differently, and your boss is desperate to get her to stop complaining about it.”

Gabe tried not to let his surprise show as the man obviously referenced Chloe and Lex. Which mean he had to know the two knew each other- but did he know the Luthor heir was alive?

“I know you’re confused, but if I could come inside, there are people watching.”

Gabe took another look at the man, wondering what he was doing. Still, he didn’t seem threatening and he had a feeling if Lionel Luthor had sent him, he would have simply entered without waiting to be asked.

With a wary look, he opened the door and the man stepped inside. Closing the door behind them, Gabe turned to the man who pulled the cap off his head. There was something familiar about his face, but he couldn’t place just what.

“Now you want to tell me who you are and how you know my daughter and my boss?”

Jarod smiled as he took in the man before him, seeing where Chloe got her personality from. Holding out a hand, he offered a small smile.

“My name is Jarod and I’ve just come from where your daughter and Lex are hiding, in a house I own.”

Gabe studied the man, thinking the name rang a bell. It took a few moments, but suddenly things clicked.

“The Jarod Chloe helped several years ago in Metropolis. You were looking for your family-”

“And I found them, thanks to Chloe. It’s only fitting I could return the favor and help her rescue Lex.”

Gabe sighed and ran a hand through his hair, wondering what his daughter had gotten herself into now if she needed this man’s help. Chloe had told him a little about Jarod’s ‘talents’ and he suspected there was a lot about this ‘rescue’ mission she hadn’t told him. Holding out his hand in greeting, he wondered what his daughter had gotten them all into now.

“I’m Gabe Sullivan, pleased to meet you. Do I even want to know what happened to bring you here?”

Jarod laughed as he followed Gabe into the kitchen, gratefully sinking into a chair and accepting the glass of water Chloe’s father handed him.

“Probably not, although I can tell you that your daughter and Lex are fine. I’m actually having them flown here in a few hours-”

“Is that safe? Lionel Luthor is on a rampage and I don’t think it’s a good idea for Lex to show himself just yet.” Gabe heard the worry in his voice and something about Jarod’s expression made his blood run cold. “What aren’t you telling me, Jarod?”

Jarod sighed and without further ado, began to bring him up to date on the situation.


“You think Jarod got to my father and everyone will be waiting at the Kents’?”

Lex sighed as he looked out the window at the rolling prairies of Kansas below them. “I don’t know, but I’m guessing from what you’ve told me of Jarod, he’ll have found a way. I guess we’ll have to wait and see when we land.”

Chloe bit her lip as she leaned against his side, grateful when his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “I’m worried, Lex. So many things could go wrong- and we don’t even have much of a plan to stop whatever your father has put in motion."

Lex tightened his grip and brushed his lips over the top of her head. “I’m worried too, but I have to believe that we’ll make it through this. And who knows, we might even get to the bottom of some of those secrets Clark’s been keeping for so long.”

She gave a strained laugh. “I only hope we’re right about him. If not, we’re in big, big trouble.”

Lex remained silent, knowing she was right. Still, something told him that Clark would confide in them and that they were right about their friend’s special abilities- thanks to the damned meteor showers.

Several minutes later the pilot notified them they would be landing and they straightened in their seats. Once on the ground, the blades came to a stop and Lex opened the door, reaching back to help Chloe from the chopper. They’d landed in the middle of a field, and the only sign of life was the black car waiting a few feet away. That and the familiar figure leaning against it.


Chloe called his name as she and Lex walked to their friend, who nodded in greeting.

“Before you ask, your father is fine, he knows the situation and everyone is gathering at the Kents’. We’re headed there now.”

Lex felt a slight bit of relief at the words as he helped Chloe into the car and Jarod settled himself into the driver’s seat.

“Does anyone else know what’s going on? Or that Lex is alive and well?”

Jarod shook his head. “Only your father and he said he wouldn’t tell anyone anything until we got there. I still don’t know how he convinced your friends the Kents’ to host this early morning get together.”

Chloe and Lex looked at each other with smiles. “I have a feeling if Clark’s returned home, Martha and Jonathan won’t be that tired. And when Martha needs to express her emotion, she cooks.”

Lex nodded. “I bet she’s got a full breakfast ready for everyone.”

“Well, breakfast sounds good, although I wonder how people will react when we explain the situation. You must admit, it’s not really normal.”

Chloe laughed at Lex’s wry grimace. “Jarod, as I’ve mentioned before, strange things happen in Smallville, I think this is more normal than most.” She sobered as another realization hit. “Especially if Clark has the abilities we think.”

“Well, just in case he doesn’t, I have a backup plan in place.”

Chloe shot him a look. “Are we going to get another round of surprise visitors before this thing is all over?”

Lex sighed as he heard the acid in Chloe’s voice. He could only assume Miss Parker was about to come up.

“Parker, Sydney and Broots are headed to Smallville with something that could prevent our super pretender from ever harming anyone again.”

“And this isn’t a trap, how?”

Jarod sighed. “I know you don’t believe me, Chloe, but Parker wants this over with as much as I do. And when she realized what the Centre had created, she was more than willing to do whatever it took to stop it.”

“So she suddenly wants to help you instead of hunt you? People don’t change that much overnight.” Chloe knew she was being irrational but she couldn’t believe a woman like Miss Parker could change her spots so quickly.

“Actually, Chloe, they do.” Lex’s low words had her turning to him with a surprised expression. At her look he offered a small smile. “Look at what the past few months have done to me. The bad place where I was, and the much better one I am now. And most of it is because of you.”

Chloe felt something pull at her heart at his words. Biting her lip, she tried to play it cool. “Right. Your life is in danger, my dad’s life is in more danger and we’re about to embark on a mission that could get us killed. What part of this being a good thing is hard to grasp?”

Jarod laughed at her words, earning surprised glances from the other two. “Sorry, you just sounded a lot like Parker there, Chloe.”

Chloe sighed, knowing she needed to give the woman the benefit of the doubt if this was going to work. “On the bright side, I can’t wait to see how she finds life in Smallville.” It was a small thing, but she needed to find some kind of humor in the situation.

“Now that that’s out of the way, what is this that she’s bringing that could destroy the super pretender?” Lex was curious and if the look Jarod shot him was anything to go by, he well should be.

“Sydney says test results they found show that our super pretender’s abilities come from a refined form of the green meteor rock mined in Smallville.”

“Big surprise there, those rocks are responsible for most of the turmoil in my life.” Chloe’s muttered words made Lex smile.

“However, a red form of the rock seems to have the opposite effect on our pretender.”

Chloe’s ears perked up. “Red meteor rock? Like the kind they tried to pass of as rubies in our class rings a few years ago. So you think this red rock could hurt him?”

Jarod nodded. “Tapes Sydney watched of the creation of this super pretender showed that a refined form of the red rock caused him to first lose every bit of control he had, turning violent. But minutes later, all his abilities disappeared and he went into a comatose state. Syd suspects if enough of it is injected into the bloodstream, it will incapacitate if not kill him.”

Chloe shivered as she realized how deadly the stakes had just become. “But I’m guessing the stuff has to be injected- which means someone has to get close enough with a needle.”

Jarod nodded. “It’s part of the plan I’ve come up with, but it’s going to take all of us to pull it off.”

Lex took a look at Chloe’s worried, yet determined face in the rear-view mirror and felt the fear of losing her hit him full force. The thought of her getting hurt- possibly killed- was like a knife in his own heart. But he knew too that she would not sit idly by on the sidelines and watch her friends put themselves in danger. It was enough to drive a sane man crazy.

“Okay, we’re almost to outskirts of the Kents’ land. We’re going to park and sneak in- hopefully so no one sees us. You both ready?”

Taking a deep breath Chloe and Lex nodded as Jarod pulled the car over to the side of the road.

“Let’s get this show on the road.” Chloe instinctively reached for Lex’s hand as he helped her from the car, not letting go as they followed Jarod. Excitement and fear warred in her veins as she realized that by the end of the day, things would be completely different. She only hoped she and Lex and their friends were ready for what was in store.



11th July 2003, 12:20
my two fav shows together in one fic...

nicely tied together.... LOVE the chlex :biggrin:


11th July 2003, 12:57
Parker among the farmers, the cows, and Jonathan Kent ? oh my god, this is too good to be true :biggrin:

I read at TBT that you intend to write a crossover SV/Stargate SG1 ? Please, please, please, tell me it's true, tell me you have already started writing it and will post it soon, i just love this show. God, you are sooooo becoming my favorite author :worship2:

Hmm, you wouldn't like writing SV/Roswell or SV/The X-files crossovers ? my other favorite shows, just in case...

12th July 2003, 02:40
No, don't stop there. I want to see Martha's nervous cooking and the discussion that they shall all have soon. And their reaction the the closeness of Chloe and Lex.
More now.


12th July 2003, 07:37
Damn (excuse my language), this fic is really good :applause:! You are right...the plot thickens. Please update soon!

And just for the record and I know I've already said this: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: !!!

21st July 2003, 21:54
Somebody upppppppppdate !!! i really, really need to know what's going to happen next, please, please, please :chlexsign1:

22nd July 2003, 19:21
oh your story is damn thrilling and I love crossovers so update soon I've started to chew on my nails and they look like crap by now
:yay: :yay:

23rd July 2003, 06:41
Chapter 12

(Sorry it's been so long, hope you enjoy!)


“So, Gabe, what’s going on?”

Chloe’s father sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He hadn’t been surprised when Martha and Jonathan had asked no questions when he’d called them at 7AM and asked if he and Lana could come over around 8 for breakfast. He figured having Clark home was enough to deal with at the moment.

Although he knew that everyone would have questions when he arrived. He only hoped Lex, Chloe and Jarod were on time, because he still couldn’t figure out exactly how to explain it all. Not to mention the fact that he really didn’t want to mention Lex was alive until the man confirmed it himself.

“You know more than you’re letting on, don’t you? Did you talk to Chloe?” Pete’s concerned voice was heard next as Gabe offered a shrug.

“Actually, I have, but I can’t really explain it as well as she can-”

“So she’s coming, here? This morning?” Clark’s eager question made Gabe smile despite his worry. Jonathan and Martha Kent had their son sandwiched between them on the couch. All looked tired, but happier than he’d seen any of them in a long time. He guessed it had been a long night for the family and was glad they’d seemed to patch things up now that Clark was home once again.

“Yes, assuming her ride is on time- although I have it on assurance that it will be.”

He knew it was cryptic and realized he couldn’t hold out much longer. Not to mention he had no clear idea what plan Jarod and Lex had come up with to save LexCorp, the plant and his life. He shivered at the thought of what Lionel had planned for him this afternoon.

“Gabe? What’s wrong?” Jonathan’s concerned voice made him sigh again.

“Trust me; just give it a few more minutes. If I know my daughter, she’ll want to explain it all herself- or else I could be accused of stealing her scoop.”

“Gee, thanks, Dad. I missed you too.”

The entire room turned at the amused voice in the door. Shouts of “Chloe!” filled the room as he beat everyone over to his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug.

“Thank God you’re all right. I was worried about you, Sweetheart.”

Chloe closed her eyes and held on tightly to her father. She’d missed him over the past few days, not to mention she was still worried about what could happen to him. After all, Lionel and this super pretender had plans to kill him.

“Not half as worried as I am about you. Jarod said he talked to you about Lionel’s plans-”

“Plans? What does Lionel Luthor have to do with this?”

“Chloe, where have you been?”

“What’s with your cryptic message? I hadn’t thought of that code in years.”

The questions flew around her as she was passed from person to person, getting warm hugs from her friends and extended family. When she could finally breathe, she pulled back and smiled.

“We’ll explain everything in a few moments, but first, there’s someone I think you’ll all want to see- some more than others.” With that, she reached back and pulled Lex into the room.


Clark was the first across the room to pull his friend into a hug. Chloe had to bite back a laugh at the surprised look on the billionaire’s face. It really was priceless and she was going to tease him about it for a long time to come when this was all over.

“Breathing, Clark, it’s something I really would like to do.”

Lex smiled as Clark quickly released him, only to find himself pulled into Martha’s arms. He fought the lump in his throat as the small woman held onto him tightly.

“I’m so glad you’re all right, Lex. We were worried about you.”

He hadn’t realized how good it would feel to be welcomed back by a woman he’d secretly begun to look at as a mother. His surprise grew as Jonathan Kent reached for his hand and shook it heartily, the older man’s eyes reflecting relief.

“Good to see you alive and kicking, Lex. I knew nothing could keep you down.”

Chloe felt something twist in her heart again as she watched Lex’s reactions to the Kent family’s affections. It was sad that he’d been unloved for so long- and she was more than glad to see the Kents’ welcome him like the son she knew he wished at times that he was. Slipping an arm around her father’s waist, she held him a little tighter.

Gabe looked at his daughter, following her gaze to his boss. Something about the look made his heart feel a funny pang as he realized his baby girl had finally grown up.

“Lex, where’s Helen?”

Lana’s question brought silence to the room, the Kents’ suddenly looking embarrassed as they realized they hadn’t even asked about the new Mrs. Luthor.

“She’s all right, isn’t she? You both survived?” Something about the way Lex’s eyes hardened made Clark’s heart fall.

“Well, I assume she and my father’s bribe money are doing just fine.” His voice was tight, his face expressionless, but Chloe knew it still hurt. Without thinking, she moved from her father to Lex’s side, slipping an arm around his waist in support.

Lex wrapped his arm tightly around her as she pressed closer, taking solace from the familiar feel of her warmth, knowing she understood. Giving her a small smile, he turned to face the suspicious and concerned looks of the others in the room.

“Helen was working with my father to kill me. She parachuted off the jet and left me to drown.” Again, his words were expressionless but his arm grew tighter around Chloe. “If Chloe hadn’t overheard them talking and called her friend, Jarod, to help rescue me, I would be sitting at the bottom of the ocean as we speak.”

“Oh, Lex, I’m so sorry.”

Martha felt her heart break for the billionaire, knowing how hard it must be to realize yet another woman had betrayed him. Although if the way he was holding onto Chloe was any indication, he might not be dealing with it alone this time.

Gabe, however, was looking worriedly at the two. Jarod had told him Helen and Lionel were in this together and he’d known his boss would not take it well. Part of him was glad Chloe had been there to save him but a larger part was worried about what might have gone on between the two.

Lex saw the looks and squeezed Chloe’s waist again, needing to change things back to the topic at hand.

“I’m okay, let’s leave it at that. We have more important matters to discuss at the moment.” Turning to nod at Chloe, Lex called out for Jarod to come in. When the taller man entered the room, everyone grew quiet. Chloe smiled and reached to take Jarod’s hand, pulling him forward.

“Everyone, this is Jarod. He helped me rescue Lex and figure out what Lionel has planned for the plant and Smallville. He’s going to help us take Lionel and LuthorCorp down- along with an agency it’s working with called the Centre.”

Chloe saw the confusion on her friend’s faces and motioned for Jarod to speak.

“I know this is going to sound strange, so maybe you’d all better sit down.” Jarod smiled as he noted the varying looks being given him. They were nearly on par with the looks Chloe and Lex were getting as they stood with their arms around each other. This could prove amusing.

“So, Jarod, care to explain what’s going on?”

Clark looked at the man warily, not sure what to think. Obviously, Lex and Chloe trusted him but he wasn’t sure if he could yet.

With a small sigh, Jarod began his explanation. Chloe had to give him credit, he kept it short and concise, using words everyone could understand. She and Lex looked at each other, then at the Kents’ as he reached the part about the green meteor rocks and the properties the super pretender was demonstrating.

Clark wondered if his heart had stopped when Jarod looked directly at him as he explained what powers they would be up against with this super pretender. Not to mention he was trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Jarod could become almost anyone he wanted. The combination of the two made him realize that this man was very capable of figuring out his secret- that is if he didn’t already know.

Which meant Lex and Chloe must suspect as well, if the looks they were giving him were anything to go by. He held his tongue however, feeling his mother’s hand tighten on his. He was taking hope from the fact that Jarod was not asking for explanations with Gabe and Lana in the room. But he was going to get a few answers of his own as soon as the two left.

Jarod saw Clark’s eyes flash and noted the way the young man’s body tensed as he talked. Maybe there was something to Lex and Chloe’s suspicions. It would be fascinating to find out- although he was going to put his faith in his backup plan, if Parker, Sydney and Broots ever got here.

“So you’re saying this ‘super pretender’ is going to take out Gabe and then Luthor will tear down the plant to mine more meteor rocks to make more ‘super pretenders?’ Do you know what this sounds like? A science fiction novel!”

Pete’s voice made Chloe wince as she shot a glance at Lex. “Don’t think we haven’t thought it ourselves, Pete, but Jarod’s telling the truth. We’ve got to figure out how to stop this thing before it hurts anyone.”

“So, I take it someone’s got a plan?” Jonathan Kent’s dry words had all eyes turning to Chloe, Lex and Jarod.

“Wonder Boy here always has a plan, isn’t that right, Jarod?”

Chloe’s head whipped around at the tight voice, feeling her heart leap as she noted the tall brunette standing in the doorway. Jumping up, she moved instinctively in front of Jarod, ignoring Lex’s frown.

“Chloe, it’s okay.” Jarod touched her shoulder lightly before focusing his attention on his arch nemesis. “Miss Parker, it’s about time you arrived. Although I trust no sweepers are with you?”

“It would serve you right if they were, especially since you dragged us down here to Hicksville.”

The muttered words had several pairs of eyes looking between the two in concern.

“Now children, we all need to get along if we’re going to carry off whatever it is Jarod has planned.”

The slightly accented voice gained everyone’s attention this time as an older, graying man entered the living room, followed by a balding younger one.

“Sydney, Broots, glad you could make it as well.”

Jarod smiled as his father figure for so many years smiled back. Broots, as usual, looked nervous, sure the Centre’s goons were about to descend. As for Parker, well, she looked no different than the last few times he’d seen her. Her skirt was black and short, her heels almost obscenely high. The shell and suit jacket she wore hugged her curves, giving her the look of a sexy, yet determined predator. He pushed down the usual tingle of arousal he felt every time she was in his presence. Now was not the time for those kinds of thoughts.

Quickly making introductions, Jarod was glad to see Sydney, Jarod and Parker settle into seats, although he couldn’t help but smile at Parker’s grimace as she registered the homey, country décor of the Kents’ living room. Chloe’s amused yet exasperated gaze did not help his concentration.

“Okay, from what I’ve learned, the only way we can neutralize this ‘super pretender’ is to inject him with a refined form of red meteor rocks. It seems to counter the effects of the green-”


Clark’s outburst startled everyone.

“I mean, well, how do we know these red rocks won’t make him even more powerful, more dangerous? And isn’t it a bit risky to try and inject it with this?”

He knew he sounded desperate but the last thing he wanted to deal with were red meteor rocks. The effect on him was enough to scare him into wondering what damage this super pretender might do if exposed to the red. He felt his father squeeze his shoulder in warning and noted Pete was giving Jarod a hard look.

Pete too was thinking about what happened to Clark when he came near the red meteor rocks. Having just spent a frantic few days dealing with the effects, he really didn’t want to do the same with someone who was even more dangerous when angry. Although, what Jarod was saying made some strange sense- considering Clark was never exposed to large amounts of the rock, just small chips of it.

Lex and Chloe exchanged a glance as they noted the looks passing between the Kents’ and Pete. Obviously, something about the red meteor rocks upset Clark- and not to Chloe’s surprise, Pete seemed to know what it was. It only lent credence to her suspicion of Clark’s secret.

Jarod too noted the strange reaction and filing it away, continued.

“Actually, Sydney, I think you can explain better.”

Turning the floor over to his colleague, he settled back to observe the listeners, not surprised to find Parker’s gaze was resting on him. It was getting more and more difficult to keep himself distant from her when they met, especially since he was beginning to hope she might be harboring some hidden feelings of her own for him.

“Thank you, Jarod.” Sydney rose, taking in the people around him silently for a moment. Obviously, there was more going on under the surface here, especially with the Kent family. Still, it was a puzzle he could work on later. There were more important things to do at the moment.

“The corporation we work for is inherently evil.” He stopped at Jarod’s wide eyed expression, knowing the man was surprised to finally hear him admit it. But he wasn’t going to hide behind his good intentions anymore. It was time to choose sides and he’d chosen his path long ago. “It deals in all kinds of sick and twisted experiments and programs, geared only towards being sold to the highest bidder.”

“So why do you still work for it?” Chloe’s muttered words earned her a frown from Lex as she tried to temper her nerves. It didn’t help that the Parker woman kept giving her the eye. She really didn’t like the attitude the woman was giving off, not that she ever had.

“It’s complicated, and too long to go into now. Sufficient to say, we’re ready to take it down and what I discovered can do that- along with bringing the ruin of LuthorCorp.”

“Hear, hear.” This time it was Pete who muttered the words under his breath.

“Okay, explain about this red meteor rock theory, please?” Lana had been quiet for a while, but she too had noticed Clark’s agitation at the mention of the rocks. She wanted to know why he was so nervous and what it was about the rocks that could destroy this evil being she was learning about.

“I watched tapes of tests and read reports of this super pretender’s reaction to the red rocks. When exposed, he developed a sudden, intense burst of strength that lasted for only a few moments. Seconds later, he was doubled over in agony and nearly incoherent. It took him days to recover.”

Lex noted the intense expression on Clark’s face, more convinced than ever now that Clark knew a lot more than he was telling them.

“So, you’re thinking that by getting some red meteor rocks near this super freak, he’ll just collapse?” Pete’s incredulous voice filled the room. “I don’t like the sound of the whole ‘burst of strength’ before collapse thing. Anything could happen in those few seconds- potentially something fatal to someone else.”

Jarod sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I know, but we’ll deal with that when the time comes. We’ve got a plan.”

“I hate to break this up, especially since I’d like to know this plan but I have to get to work. It won’t look good if I’m late, especially today.”

Gabe’s voice brought the attention back to him. Chloe looked at her father with worry as he reached over and hugged her. “Jarod explained enough to me and I’m sure he’ll fill me in a little later this morning.” He paused as Jarod nodded at him. “It’s going to be all right, just do what he says and don’t take any unnecessary risks, okay?”

She swallowed the lump in her throat as she rose and walked her father to the door. “Promise me you’ll be careful, I can’t lose you too.”

“I’ll make sure he gets there all right, Chloe.” Lana smiled at her friend, giving her a big hug as she followed Gabe out the door. “I have to open the Talon, so I have to go too. But I want to be filled in as soon as you’re done here, got it?”

“Got it, thanks Lana.” Chloe swallowed hard as she watched her father and friend leave. She had a really bad feeling that it might be the last time she saw her dad.

“It’s going to be all right, Chloe. I promise, he’ll be fine.”

The room grew silent as they watched the billionaire walk over to Chloe and slip his arms around her waist. Sharp eyes noticed the way the young woman leaned back into him, seeing more than was being said- feeling mixed emotions that no one was quite ready to deal with yet.

“I hate to break up this little Hallmark moment, it’s so touching, it really is.” Parker’s dry voice set Chloe’s nerves on edge and it took all her willpower not to walk over and smash the brunette in the face.

“Easy, Chloe, she’s worried too.”

Lex’s soft words made her look at him as if he were crazy. He silenced her with a finger over her lips as he motioned for her to watch.

“You’re right. Do you have the red serum?” Jarod felt a sense of relief as Parker pulled out a vile containing a deep red liquid. He also noted the way Clark quickly shrank back against the sofa upon the site of the liquid.

Lex nudged Chloe as he too became aware of Clark’s reaction- and the way his parents seemed to be trying to shield him from it. Chloe’s eyes widened at the look of panic she read in Pete’s eyes- something was definitely up.

“Right here, although I hope you have a way to inject the bastard with this. Otherwise, it’s going to be a very short fight.”

“Oh trust me, Miss Parker, my plan is going to work. When hasn’t one?”

Parker remained quiet, wanting to say something but unable to form words as she faced his cockiness. It didn’t help that she’d been fighting her own inner battle not to go up and kiss the life out of him. These thoughts were increasing in frequency and starting to worry her. Not that she hadn’t had them for the past four years- but they were getting more intense.

“Parker, we need to get back to our hotel room. Broots needs time to hack into the fertilizer plant’s surveillance systems.”

Sydney smiled as he noted that both Parker and Jarod were engaged in a staring battle. He wondered only that the room did not go up in flames from the intensity. Those two were an explosion waiting to happen- as they’d always been.

“Fine. But Jarod, you better be right about all this.” Parker’s words made Jarod smile, able to hear the steel in her voice. He had no doubt now that she was behind him all the way. All he had to do was convince Chloe of that now- but he could work on it later.

“I am. I’ll meet you at the hotel in a few hours. I need to talk through a few more things with Lex and Chloe.”

With nods and terse goodbyes, the three left, leaving those remaining sitting in a rather uncomfortable silence. Seeing that no one was going to speak, Clark decided to take the plunge.

“Now that it’s just us- you want to explain what’s really going on- starting with Chloe’s cryptic email message about needing “me” specifically?”

Chloe, Lex and Jarod exchanged glances. Things were about to get interesting.


23rd July 2003, 07:57
Tey certianly are getting interesting. Update soon!

23rd July 2003, 10:01
An update, i was a little worried about this fic. So SHE has arrived ? when i write SHE, i mean the famous Miss Parker. One of the best female character on TV, this Miss Parker.
Well, all in all, it wasn't that bad, the revelations, but i can't help thinking Kent Sr won't be pleased to realize that Chloe and Lex know the truth, or the partial truth about Clark.

The next part should be interesting :blinkkiss:

23rd July 2003, 10:20
Yay you updated - it was worth the wait!!! It's exciting now that we've got all the players together.

I love the fact that Lex and Chloe aren't trying to hide their relationship from everyone. If one of them needs comforting the other supports them instictively, without thinking about everyone seeing.

I loved the way you showed us Clark, Pete and the Kents' reactions as observed by Chloe, Lex and Jared.

I can't wait for next Chapter - hopefully Clark will tell them the truth finally!!!

23rd July 2003, 17:24
Oh this was so good. I love it. More please....

Hope :chlexsign2:

24th July 2003, 00:11
AHHHH!!! As soon as I read the last line, I just *knew* you were going to end it there. *sigh* Great update. Love the looks and tenseness that was in the room. And the way that the Kents greeted Lex was great.


24th July 2003, 00:23
I've never seen the Pretender and you've got me kind of interested in the show but I think it might be cancelled here.

Great chapter and I can't wait for reactions to Lex and Chloe knowing about Clark's abilities

24th July 2003, 05:41
Oh, I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm impressed that Clark actually took the initiative. Also enjoyed the subtleties of Lex and Chole's relationship.

24th July 2003, 06:34
So glad to see you updated, I've been looking forward to seeing everyone's reactions to Lex and Chloe's return. The chapter was great! More soon, please!

24th July 2003, 21:14
great chapter especially the Jarod Parker scenes so I suggest you bring down the center destroy Lionel and then please smut although I can't decide which one Chlex or Wonder Boy and Predator, maybe you should do both (hint hint) :biggrin: :yay: :yay:

1st August 2003, 21:37
Does anybody know if Sydsvaughn is on holidays ? she usually updates her fics once a week and it's been two weeks now.

2nd August 2003, 00:44
:crygreen: when is the next chapter coming in?! great job so far :chlexsign3:

2nd August 2003, 19:06
I need my update :crygreen:
can you hear wherever you are please caome back soon :yay: :yay: :yay:

3rd August 2003, 10:12
Chapter 13


Now that the moment had arrived, Chloe wasn’t sure where to begin. Shooting Lex a quick look, she decided to jump right in. Better to get it out in the open and let everyone scream and yell and get it over with.

“Clark, I need you to be honest here, and trust that Lex, Jarod, nor I will ever repeat a word of what you tell us.”

Clark was feeling a mixture of fear and relief. He knew that Chloe was going to call him on his ‘super’ powers. He’d always figured that Lex suspected, maybe even knew, but Chloe, well, he should have seen it coming. One could only hide so much from his good friends.

“I’m not sure I like where you’re going with this, Chloe.”

Jonathan Kent’s clipped voice made Chloe wince. She hoped she wasn’t going to ruin years of friendship and alienate some of the only family she’d ever known- but she had to know.

“Please, Mr. Kent. My father’s life, along with Lex’s and the future of the plant depend on what Clark can do to help.” She bit her lip as she saw the elder Kent’s gaze move to Jarod and Lex.

“Mr. Kent,” Lex figured it was time to speak up, knowing that despite the acceptance the Kents’ had begun to show him, they were still wary. Not that he could blame them after some of the stunts he and his father had pulled before. “I know you’re worried about what I might do with any information we receive today, but I hope you realize that I am not my father.” The words hardened as Chloe reached for his hand and squeezed it, not letting go.

“Whether he knows it or not, I consider Clark a brother and my interest in any ‘abilities’ he might have has solely been because I needed to figure out how he saved my life that day so many years ago.” He saw the conflicted expressions on Martha and Jonathan’s faces and hoped they would believe him. He didn’t want to lose this newfound sense of ‘family’ he had received from them.

Clark felt something inside him constrict as he read the emotion on Lex’s face. Despite his inner sense of self-preservation, he found himself believing his friend. Lex would not hurt him. He didn’t know how he knew it, he just did. He only hoped his parents would be so accepting.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kent, please, you can trust us.” Chloe knew she sounded desperate, but she wasn’t sure what else to try. She could see the worry in the Kents’ eyes and she knew instinctively that what she and Lex had suspected was true.

“Despite what you might think, I believe you and Lex.” Jonathan Kent’s voice was calm as he squeezed his wife’s shoulders in support as she shot him a grateful look. “However, I don’t know this “Jarod” and I am reluctant-”

“Mr. Kent.” Jarod figured it was time to step in, admittedly curious as to the reactions he was witnessing. Obviously, Lex and Chloe were onto something and it would not surprise him now if they were right. “I know you don’t know me, but trust that the last thing I want to do is hurt anyone, or expose anyone. I spent most of my early life a prisoner of an institution that would exploit anything and everyone. They’re already doing it with these meteor rocks and super pretenders. I would never put anyone through that torture- I nearly lost my family because of it. I would have lost them if it hadn’t been for Chloe.”

“Clark?” Jonathan and Martha looked at Clark, who was watching the three with a contemplative expression.

Sighing, Clark realized that there was a lot more at stake than his secret here. He didn’t know how his family would react, but wasn’t it Chloe that had once told him that you had to take risks to win big?

“What do you want to know?”

Chloe felt Lex squeeze her hand in relief as she smiled at her friends.

“Did the meteors give you some extra abilities?”

There, it was out. No going back now. Clark took a deep breath.


Lex felt something inside him break free as he realized that finally, finally, he was going to truly get the answers he had been searching for. His grip tightened on Chloe’s hand in anticipation.

“Clark, man, you sure you want to lay this on them?” Pete’s voice drew all gazes to him as he cut in before Clark could continue.

Chloe looked at Pete, feeling hurt that he obviously didn’t trust them.

Noting her look, Pete tried to explain. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Chloe.” He refused to look at Lex, realizing that he’d have to admit to something he wasn’t ready to yet if he did. Not to mention he really did not want to see the two holding hands, it brought up all kinds of possibilities he did not want to think about.

“Then what is it, Pete? Obviously Clark trusts you.” The bitterness in her voice was obvious to the others, and Clark knew he had to say something.

“Chloe, it’s not that. It’s just- it’s a huge burden. I didn’t want to give it to Pete, I really don’t want to see you and Lex, and even Jarod, have to shoulder it too-”

“You don’t trust us.” It was Lex’s unemotional voice that made Clark finally break. The look of hurt in his friend’s eyes undid him. Chloe and Lex were like family and he hated keeping this from them, even if he’d thought it was for their own good.

“I do trust you; I just want you to be sure you understand what you’re getting into.”

Lex looked at Chloe, then Jarod, before speaking.

“I think we know better than you think. Especially since I have no doubt that whatever abilities you might have are probably going to be exposed anyway if this “super pretender” is not stopped.”

Jonathan looked at his son, then at the others in the room. He was still uneasy about telling these people Clark’s secret, after all, the more who knew, the greater risk Clark would be put in. But then again, it sounded like Lionel Luthor and this “Centre” would be the worse of the two evils.

Martha sighed as she watched everyone dancing around each other, understanding how everyone felt. Her heart even ached for the pain she could read in Jarod’s eyes, knowing that something terrible had happened to him in the past.

“I hope you’re ready for what I’m about to tell you.” Taking a deep breath, Clark looked at Chloe, Lex and Jarod. “For some reason, the meteors gave me added strength and speed, I literally can’t be hurt.”

Lex had suspected something of the kind, but it was still a shock to hear it admitted. Turning, he noticed Chloe wore a look of excited satisfaction.

“That’s why you’re always rushing off to save everyone, isn’t it? You’re indestructible.”

Clark sighed as he exchanged a look with his parents. He figured by he could leave out the ‘alien from another planet’ fact. At this point in time, it did not seem to have a bearing on the situation, since it seemed all that was needed was his super abilities. But that would have to include his weaknesses as well.

“Not quite.” He stopped as he noted the looks he was getting, especially from Jarod.

“The green meteor rocks, well, they seem to have a different effect on me than others we’ve seen over the years in Smallville.”

Chloe looked at Lex in confusion. “But I thought they were what gave you the extra power, I mean, look at how they’ve affected everyone else who has come into contact with them?”

Clark sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“For some reason, whenever I am near them, they weaken me.”

Lex nodded, certain things suddenly making sense. It would explain a lot of oddities he’d always chalked up to Clark simply being ‘different.’

“So, the green rocks don’t give you power, they take it away?”

Jarod was trying to figure out what that meant, along with the fact that the green rocks seemed to enhance the super pretender’s abilities- not weaken them. There was something he was missing, but at the moment, he had more important matters to deal with.

“Yes- although I’m not sure why. All I know is that I can’t be around them for long periods without losing all my powers and abilities.”

Chloe bit her lip, something else occurring to her. “You backed away when you saw the red liquid. What effect do the red meteor rocks have on you?” His guilty look only made her more suspicious.

“I’m guessing they increase your aggression and for lack of a better explanation, get rid of all your inhibitions.”

Lex’s matter of fact words drew a nod from Clark and surprised gazes from the others. He shrugged and tried to explain. “I figured something like that when I saw how Clark reacted that time with the class rings.”

“Of course!” Pieces began fitting together in Chloe’s mind. “You were a totally different person when you got that class ring. It was scary.” She shuddered at the memories, feeling Lex squeeze her hand in reassurance.

Clark nodded, looking ashamed. “I’m not proud of what I do under the influence of the red kryptonite, but thanks to the love of my family and friends, I hopefully won’t have to go through it again.”

He smiled at Pete, who simply nodded, looking a little embarrassed.

“Okay, so what you’re saying is that you have these ‘abilities’ but they can be eliminated by exposure to the green meteor rocks.” Jarod paused as the others nodded. “The red meteor rock does not affect the abilities but causes you to lose your inhibitions, in essence, making you do things that you normally would not, potentially dangerous and/or life threatening things.”

Jarod mused over the information as the others nodded. Pete’s question suddenly brought him back to the present.

“So, now that you know about Clark, how do you think he can help against this super pretender clone? Obviously, the green rocks give the clone strength and power, but does it equal Clark’s?”

Jarod sighed.

“I don’t know. All I know is that we need someone at least equal to this super pretender to do what we can to defeat him. At least disable him enough for me to inject him with the red serum and then keep him detained until the initial burst of strength runs out.”

“So you want me to be there to keep him under control, strength against strength, right?”

His parents immediately began to protest, but he stopped them with a raised hand.

“Chloe’s father’s life is on the line, not to mention the repercussions of what could happen if this super pretender is indeed cloned and used as a weapon. I have to do this.”

Turning back to face Jarod, he took a deep breath. “So what’s the plan?”


3rd August 2003, 19:28
:biggrin: another fantastic chapter!!, but how will clark get the red krypto into the pretender without geting some of it himself?? and if the pretender comes from green krpto, wioll that affedt clark?? aghhhh! to good brain shutdown! :huh:

3rd August 2003, 20:22
What is the plan!!! You have to tell us now! *calms self* I have to say that I liked that Clark knew that he needed to step up and admit what he was.


3rd August 2003, 22:33
This is getting so exciting.. More please :biggrin:


4th August 2003, 00:55
i can't believe you left us there! i need more...now!

by the way, another wonderful chapter, i'm getting so psyched up for this!

update soon! :wub: Roslyn

4th August 2003, 05:00
:biggrin: Thanks for the update, it was good. Can't wait to get past all the meteor stuff so I can read all the Chlexy romance! :wub:

4th August 2003, 20:13
nice trusting issues and now fight the überpretender and then some smutty Chlex and JarodParker interaction one of the steamy kind :devil:
update update update :yay: :yay:

13th August 2003, 21:55
“So what’s the plan?”

Please update!! This is to good. :chlexsign2:

14th August 2003, 08:36
hope everything will turn out alright! update soon please! :biggrin:

14th August 2003, 08:37
Hey there,

Same as for FAWH goes for this one. You haven't updated in ages! I wanna know the plan, too, you know? Come on, gimme the plan and let me see some serious ass kicking *G*


30th September 2003, 22:44
I just realized that it's been nearly two, count 'em two months, since you last updated this fic. While I loved FAWH, I also need my dose of Somebody Save Me.

Update soon, please?

1st October 2003, 06:37
Hope you didn't think we forgot about this fabulous fic... we were just being patient... :cool: ... but I think out patience is running out :evilbat:

Please update... the story was finally moving to the next stage.

Please don't make us beg... although we may not be above that. :worship2: :chlexsign3:

5th October 2003, 18:30

6th October 2003, 11:39
where is the update
update soon
i want one

Kit Merlot
13th November 2003, 19:41
Sara, I need resolution to this great fic. PLEASE???

14th November 2003, 08:15
I really enjoyed this fanfic over at ff.net! But it really, really needs an update! Please!! You can't just get us all addicted to a great story like this then leave us hanging! :biggrin: Please update again as soon as you possibly can!! :chlexsign3:

14th November 2003, 12:11
I add my plea for an update to all the others . Please don't leave us hanging like this ! We need to know . We need resolution. We need closure. We need more of Chloe and Lex making with the smoochies.

15th November 2003, 06:40
I agree with the other fellow Chlexers... it is time for an update.
:worship2: :crygreen: :worship2: :crygreen: :worship2: :crygreen:
This is a really good story... let us know what you need to be motivated and I am sure we can do it.

15th November 2003, 07:21
Okay, sorry it's been so long, RL and school work are killing me. Still, here we go with some more, let me know what you think and thanks for staying with me so far!!

Chapter 14 (I think, I can't remember!)


“I thought the Centre had more than your usual amount of hidden passageways, I guess I’ll have to add fertilizer plants to the list.”

Lex gave a wry laugh from his position, crouched against the hidden door that led to “his” office, that now was serving as Gabe’s. “Only plants run by Luthors, Jarod. Although, you probably should add the ‘mansion’ I call home to that list as well.”

Jarod only nodded, his fingers clenching a little tighter around the syringe of red liquid. He was still trying to absorb what he’d been told by Clark and the Kents earlier, although seeing what the super pretender was capable of was more than enough to make him believe.

“You’re sure you can inject that stuff into him before he does something that could potentially harm those of us with non-superhuman powers?”

Jarod sighed. “As long as Clark distracts him, your father and Raines, I think I can manage. Hopefully, Miss Parker, Chloe and the cavalry will be right behind and ready to charge to the rescue. Although, she’d probably kill me if she heard me describe her like that.”

Lex nodded, looking over at the other man who wore a small smile on his face. “So, I know it might not be the most appropriate time to get into this, but while we’re waiting to save the world, what’s the deal with you and Parker and why does Chloe seem to dislike her so intensely?”

Jarod shrugged and answered with a wry look. “I don’t know, Lex. There’s always been, something, between us, since we were kids. Parker’s been hunting me for years, but she could never bring herself to turn me in. It’s a strange sort of love/hate relationship.”

Lex nodded. “Well, if anyone knows about love/hate relationships, it’s me. I’m just thankful Chloe seems to know me better than I do, and even then, is still willing to take a chance on me.”

Jarod smiled. “Well, one thing I’ve learned from my experiences with Chloe- she definitely is one for taking chances and usually beating the odds.”

Lex had to restrain a laugh at the truth in Jarod’s words. “Very true, although, from what I hear of you, and your Miss Parker, you two have quite the track record of beating the odds, or at least dealing with love/hate relationships.”

“Yeah, if only I could get her to focus more on the ‘love’ part of that equation.” Jarod muttered the words under his breath, but Lex caught them. He gave the man a sympathetic look.

“Well, not that you want my opinion, but the woman has it bad for you. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who sees you together, Chloe included.”

Jarod smiled wryly. “She called me on it about a week after we met. Of course, I didn’t paint Miss Parker in quite the most favorable light, which probably is why Chloe still holds a grudge.”

“Yes, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect her friends, despite the trouble it tends to get her into. I’m only glad I convinced her to stay out of this until the dangerous part is over.” Lex said the words in a wry tone, all the while wishing he believed them. But he knew Chloe and when she was involved, things tended to not go as planned.

“Miss Parker is the same I suppose, although in a much more homicidal way. I suspect Chloe would kill me if I ever told her that though. That is, if they haven’t killed each other while waiting in the security office for this to go down.”

Lex nodded, thinking about how Chloe reacted to the woman. He’d been reluctant to even agree to letting her be anywhere near the plant, something Parker had strongly agreed with, but Chloe, being Chloe, had not taken no for an answer. Considering it was her father who was at greatest risk, he couldn’t blame her.

Still, despite the fact he knew Chloe was with him, it wouldn’t hurt to do what he could to make sure Parker and Jarod were too involved with each other to pay attention to Chloe.

“When this is all over, remind me to send you and Parker on a nice, long cruise somewhere, out of range of everything and everyone.”

Jarod smiled. “I’m holding you to that, Lex. Even if I have to drag her kicking and screaming onto the boat.”

Lex nodded, then stilled, his ears perking up as he heard voices through the thin paneling. Adrenaline began pumping through his system as he realized that it was nearly time to re-announce his presence to the world, while at the same time, saving it. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his father’s face.

Jarod felt the adrenaline rush through him as well as he shared a look with Lex, the two men pressing their ears closer to the wall, trying to hear what was going on. This was where Gabe took center stage, his words the only key they’d have to know when to act.

Lex sighed as he went over everything in his head one last time. The plan was simple. Gabe would stall them, hopefully getting them to admit everything they’d plotted, until Clark entered pretending to be unaware of the high level ‘meeting’ going on. With the others distracted and off guard, hopefully focused on Clark, Jarod would slip into the room, unnoticed and go straight for the super pretender. With luck, he could inject the serum into the clone, with Clark’s help holding him down if things got rough. Gabe knew well enough to get down when things hit the fan or so Lex hoped with having a daughter who attracted danger like Chloe. While confusion reigned, full of blustering and threats from no doubt Raines and Lionel, Parker, Chloe and backup would enter to keep Lionel and Raines at bay. Lex would then ‘appear’ and take back the reigns of the plant, having recorded the entire exchange, which would then be sent to the ‘proper authorities’ with judicious editing if needed.

It was simple and technically, foolproof, but he, and he suspected Jarod as well, knew that there was always, always room for the inevitable. And when dealing with Lionel Luthor and the evil that Jarod said the Centre embodied, the inevitable was almost certain.

“Think fast, we’re almost up.”

Lex came back to himself at Jarod’s words, leaning closer as he heard Gabe greet Lionel, Raines and the super pretender.

“Mr. Luthor, you and your colleagues are right on time, so I suggest we get down to business. I believe you are here to strong-arm me into giving you control of this plant.”

Lex couldn’t help but smile proudly to realize that there was no fear evident in Gabe’s voice. He now knew where Chloe got her courage.

“Mr. Sullivan, Gabe, I really would not put it in such crude terms, it almost sounds, barbaric.”

“Really, Mr. Luthor? I was under the impression that your ‘friend’ there was here for that exact purpose, considering I hear force is usually your mode of operatus.”

Lex knew Gabe had to bait Lionel to get the confession he needed, but still, he couldn’t help but worry about how his father would react to such a deliberate challenge.

“Really, Mr. Sullivan. You sound like my son. Naïve and misinformed as that might be. Although Lex never was a very good businessman. Too emotional for his own good, a trait that is definitely not among the Luthor genes. Such a disappointment, although irrelevant now that he is no longer with us.”

Lionel’s smooth voice had Lex’s hands clenching into fists. The uncaring way his father spoke about him stung, but for some reason, that sting wasn’t as sharp as normal. He suspected it was because he’d found a family and the love and support he craved, in Chloe, Gabe and the Kents. Still, it galled him to hear his father speak so callously about him.

“Your son was more of a man than you will ever be, Lionel. At least he didn’t conspire to shut down the only source of income for half this town, in a selfish effort to gain power.”

Lex felt a warmth and determination surge through him as he heard Gabe staunchly defend him, almost as if he were indeed, his father.

“Really, this is getting tiring. Mr. Sullivan, I suggest you simply sign the papers we have, or my ‘friend’ here will make you death look all too much like a suicide.”

Jarod clenched his fists at Raines' cold voice, praying with all his might that the end result of this crazy affair would be an end to the Centre. The cameras recording right now would be all the proof the authorities needed, if Gabe could push them a little bit further.

“You know, I did a little research into this Centre of yours, Mr. Raines. Seems like not everything is above board there, especially the experiments I hear you’ve been conducting involving cloning and Millville’s own meteor rocks.”

“You can prove nothing, which makes this conversation nothing more than a stalling technique. Sign the papers or die. It’s a simple choice.”

“What’s so important to you about this plant? What is it about those meteor rocks that makes you want them so bad? And just what is LuthorCorp getting out of all this?” Gabe’s voice still did not waver, much to Lex’s pride.

“That is something you need not concern yourself with-”

“You’re going to kill me one way or another, so the least you can do is let me know what I’m dying for.”

Lex and Jarod both held their breath as they waited for a reply to Gabe’s straightforward statement. This was what could make or break the Centre and LuthorCorp.

“Your death will mean nothing, as will the destruction of this plant. These meteor rocks hold a power so great that can we harness it, we can create a powerful army of soldiers that will not die.” Raines sounded almost too gleeful, in a sick, childish way. Jarod shuddered as the man went on.

“Imagine the possibilities of an undefeatable army, and the power behind those who create it. The Centre will be indestructible, able to carry out its plans without fear of any government interference.”

“And LuthorCorp will be the funding behind all this unethical research and in essence, in control of this ‘indestructible’ army. Am I getting warm here?”

“My son always said you were a smart man, Gabe. It’s such a shame you’ll soon be joining him in the afterlife.”

“You really are a cold-hearted bastard, aren’t you Lionel? And last I heard, there was no final word on if Lex survived the plane crash, yet you seem certain he is dead. Was he just another pawn in your sick game?”

Lex swallowed as Gabe laid the foundation for Lionel to either confess or evade. Sadly, he knew his father well enough to know that the man would not out rightly ever admit to being behind his son’s sudden death. But he had to hand it to Gabe, the man had guts to try getting a confession.

“I regret my son’s, untimely demise, but I must face facts. Lex is dead. And I really must now insist you sign these papers. A press conference has been scheduled in an hour to announce the unfortunate nature of your suicide and the plant reverting to my control.”

Jarod knew the Centre and its operatives were bastards, but he found himself wondering if Lionel Luthor was the worse of two evils. The cold hearted way he’d just delivered a man’s death sentence sent a chill through his bones.

“Your superboy there, is he really worth what you’re sacrificing, Lionel? And you Mr. Raines, you are ready to let lose an army that you most likely will soon lose control of? If they are so powerful, they can certainly defeat you?”

Raines’ laughter made the hair on Lex’s neck stand on end.

“Before long, there will be no power other than the Centre. We will be all powerful and all controlling. After everything we’ve done, it will be a clear vindication of the means justifying the ends.”

“And just what means would that be?”

Raines’ laughter was bone-chilling. “You have no idea the power the Centre is capable of wielding. The things we’ve done, the things we’ve created, the monsters we’ve helped keep in power. No one has ever crossed the Centre and the few who came close to revealing out ‘pet’ project, did not live to tell the tale. I personally made sure of that, by whatever means necessary.”

Jarod felt his blood chill as he realized that without naming names, Raines had pretty much just confirmed that he had murdered Miss Parker’s mother. It gave him another reason to wish the smug bastard dead, although, he had a feeling Parker would get more joy out of killing him. He only hoped she could contain her rage as she watched the scene from Lex’s hidden security office, knowing she must be ready to storm in and take out Raines herself. Although, part of him felt a relief for her, knowing she could at last put a name to her mother’s killer, and hopefully, move on.

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It’s a phrase I think you’d be familiar with, especially if you’re hanging around with Lionel Luthor.”

Lex was proud of Gabe’s response, even as he felt Jarod breathe a sigh of relief. Raines’ words had been good enough. At least to start an investigation into the Centre that would hopefully reveal its true purpose and lead to its destruction.

Now all they needed was for Clark to appear.

“I’ve had enough of this talk, sign the papers, Gabe and I promise we’ll make your death as painless as possible-”

Lex and Jarod tensed as they heard a commotion near the door. Jarod prepared to move as he listened for Clark’s voice.

However, it was Lex who went pale as he heard a tremor of fear in Gabe’s formerly unshakeable voice.

“Chloe, what are you doing here?”



Okay, this will be working towards a conclusion soon, I promise! Just have to get the actual school work out of the way!!

15th November 2003, 07:41
*shakes head* Lex, Lex, Lex, what were you thinking? You should have known that Chloe isn't one for sitting quietly by. That being said, I can't wait to see what happens next and his reactions to her sudden appearance.

Kudos to Gabe for keeping his cool and holding his own agains the elder Luthor. Too bad he wasn't able to get a confession. *sigh*.

Anyway, great update and prays for a quick dissipation of school work so you can continue this fic!

15th November 2003, 08:19
Ok, that's it, where is Clark? Looking at his reflection in the mirror? Seriously though, this story is awesome and I'm so glad that you updated it! Please let Chloe and Lex survive the upcoming battle!! Remember, Lex needs to be able to send Ms. Parker and Jarod on a cruise!! :biggrin: :chlexsign4:

15th November 2003, 11:05
:yay: :yay: :yay: Things are really getting tense now !!! I love the whole pretender crossover . I always thought Jarod was cool.

16th November 2003, 01:30
about time you update! Chloe what are you thinking! Go back and let Clark handle this! Please don't hurt her...update soon

16th November 2003, 21:07
:hug: You updated :clap: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :sunny: !

:nono: Chloe... will she ever learn to follow the plan?

This was a great chapter... full of suspence. I'm glad the two :devil: confessed to just about everything so they could be taken down later.

:worship2: Please update sooner than last time :yay: I can't wait to find out what happends next.


17th November 2003, 09:48
I Love this story! I read it on ff.net and I went absolutely gaga over it... the mix of smallville and the pretender is brilliant! I'm so glad you updated... please don't stop! :yay: :yay:

17th November 2003, 17:45
Yay Yay you still live! I'm so happy you updated again, but please don't let us wait so long again. I so love this story. :wub:

18th November 2003, 16:10
Good update, hope to read more soon.


18th November 2003, 20:40
:yay2: :yay2: :yay2:

You updated! Okay, now do it again.

Loved that chapter. Well worth the wait. Can't wait to see what happens next.

23rd November 2003, 11:21
Yay! An update!!! And we're getting to the action!!! Why is Chloe there? Has something gone wrong and the other's have come up with a spur of the moment substitute plan? Huh? Huh? I wanna know!!! So update again PUHLEASSSE!!!!! Wiv chewwy's 'n stuff! *bats eyes pleadingly*

Kit Merlot
28th November 2003, 21:39
I love this story!! I hope Chloe has a plan, hopefully involving her and Miss Parker kicking some Lionel Luthor ass!! Please update this awesome story :biggrin:

4th December 2003, 02:56
Oooh I just read the whole thing (not all of it today of course :p) and I love it!
I can't believe Chloe walked in! What the hell is she doing there?? She has a plan right? And where the hell is CLARK when he is needed!?

Update soon! Please! :yay:

17th December 2003, 19:18
:yay: I love this fic, please send us more soon.

23rd December 2003, 07:59
This will be up on my personal site when it gets back online after the server was hacked. Still, I figure most of you are reading this here... so enjoy! And yes, school is on break so the rest is nearly done and I will be ending this very soon! Until then, hope you're still enjoying this!

Chapter 15


Chloe clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into the tender skin of her palms as Miss Parker paced the small area of the security room behind her. She really did not want to be here, but when Jarod and Lex had explained the plan to them, minus the knowledge of Clark’s abilities for Miss Parker’s sake, it had really been the most logical choice. She knew extra bodies would only be in the way, and much as she’d like to be in the center of things, protecting both her father and Lex, she knew that Jarod, Lex and Clark were more than capable of doing it just as well, most likely better.

But that didn’t stop the annyoing tingle at the back of her neck that told her something was wrong. Not to mention the ire she felt rising as Miss Parker continued to pace and lit up another cigarette.

“You know, those will kill you and possibly me, second hand smoke and all.” She turned to see her response met with a raised eyebrow.

“Tell me something I don’t already know.” The dry reply was about what she was expecting, and with a small sigh, she turned her attention back to the monitors, watching her father doing a remarkable job of looking calm and collected while reading plant reports.

“Your friend Clark better be as good as your boyfriend and Jarod say he is, or else this is going to get ugly real fast.”

Chloe bit her lip to hold back a sarcastic remark. The last thing she needed right now was to get into the myriad of issues that remained unsettled between her and Miss Parker.

“Clark, Lex and Jarod will do what needs to be done. They always do.”

“You put a lot of faith in Jarod, after all he’s a lab rat himself-”

Chloe took a deep breath, turning to look the other woman straight in the eye. If they were going to get into this, she was going to say her piece. “Why do you insist on calling him that? After everything he’s done for you, the things you’ve been through, the times he’s saved you?” Her words must have hit something, judging by the flash in the dark eyes staring at her.

“Jarod’s always been blinded by the good in the world. Misguided as he can be, he always tries to help, even when he should simply let things go. Not everyone can be saved, not many want to be.”

Chloe bit her lip, deciding to go for broke and play out her hunch. Not to mention she wanted to see the woman taken down a peg. “Are you really that cruel and unfeeling that you can’t see why he does all this, despite your efforts to degrade him and bring him down?”

Another ironic laugh from the older woman followed her words, but Chloe could have sworn there was a tinge of desperation to them.

“Don’t get sentimental, Chloe. I’m just another of his misguided rescue projects.”

Chloe took a deep breath before she spoke. “You do know he’s in love with you?”

The flash in Miss Parker’s eyes told Chloe she’d been right in her assumption. Of course, getting the woman to admit it might be something else entirely.

“I don’t think you know either of us well enough to presume-”

“I know Jarod and despite what you think, I know enough about you to realize you’re just as in love with him. Only you’re too stubborn and he’s too scared to admit it.”

She waited as her words were absorbed, hoping that something might get through to the woman she suddenly found herself wanting to help, despite the hell she’d put her friends through. When Miss Parker remained silent, Chloe turned back to the monitors with a small sigh. She’d done what she could; the rest was up to the two of them.


Miss Parker wondered if anyone would notice if she simply shot the annoying blonde where she sat. She thought twice about that idea as she pictured the reaction of the bald billionaire hiding downstairs.

Probably not the best idea at the moment.

Besides, although she’d never admit it, Chloe had a point. She’d known Jarod was in love with her for longer than she’d cared to admit, she’d just chosen to ignore it, especially when she finally began to admit she felt the same.

It hadn’t been easy, realizing you were in love with the man supposed to be your sworn enemy. But over the years, as they’d played their cat and mouse game with each other, she’d found herself drawn to the lonely boy, now man, still searching for his family. At least she’d had her mother for a short time, he’d had no one.

Still, she couldn’t allow anyone to see her changing emotions. It wouldn’t do, especially being watched as carefully as she, Sydney and Broots were over the years. She’d admitted years ago that the Centre was evil, but hadn’t been able to really accept it until she’d started chasing Jarod. He’d made her see the harsh reality of the people she worked for, and what she had to do to get out.

Which was why she was here now, listening to the annoying teenager tell her how she felt. It would be worth it if this crazy plan worked and Raines gave her the ammunition to bring down the Centre for good.
Then maybe, just maybe, there would be a possibility of a future of her own making, possibly with Jarod.

It was a secret dream she’d harbored for several years now, although she’d never told a soul and never would. It would make her look weak to those she needed to see her as strong and stubborn. But maybe when this was over, she’d be able to change.

“Okay, let the show begin.”

Chloe’s words drew her over to the monitors and it was to her satisfaction, she saw Lionel Luthor, Raines and the super pretender enter the office. She couldn’t help the involunatry shudder as she realized how much the clone looked like Jarod, although his eyes were completely different, cold and hard, so unlike Jarod’s warm, soulful orbs.

The sentimenal thought was forced from her head as she focused on the screen, reaching to turn up the volume. “Finally. Now let’s see these bastards sign their own death warrants.”


Miss Parker’s words startled Chloe, and she fought down her instinctive need to agree. The thought of having anything in common with this ruthless woman was not appealing. Except for the fact, in some strange way, Miss Parker reminded her of Lex. Maybe it was the focused determination to succeed at all costs, no matter what the price. However, Lex now had her to help him make the right choices, sacrifices when necessary. She could only hope that Jarod might do the same for Miss Parker.

Chloe wanted to applaud her father as he stood up and confronted the evil triumvirate about their plans, breathing a sigh of relief when it seemed the confessions were out and recorded. She risked a quick look back at the older woman, not surprised to see a look of bitter enjoyment on her face.

“Okay, let’s just see if your boy Clark can do this without our help.”

Chloe bristled again at the tone in the woman’s voice, turning to say something biting in response, when a movement on the screen to her left caught the corner of her eye. Whipping back around in her seat, she focused on the monitor, more specifically, on the image of the super pretender fidding with something in his pocket.

“What’s he got in his pocket?” she muttered under her breath, feeling Miss Parker leaning around her to get a closer look.

“I doubt it’s a gun. Raines wouldn’t give his creation anything that deadly. No telling who it might shoot if it got out from under the Centre’s control.”

Miss Parker’s words did not do much for her peace of mind, something just didn’t feel right about this. Looking closer, Chloe caught her breath as she saw the evil looking version of Jarod pull his hand out of his pocket and begin playing with something in his hand. Squinting, trying to look closer, she recognized what the super pretender held so casually.

“Damn it! We’ve got a major problem!” She knew her words were gruff, but things were about to get seriously screwed.

“What’s wrong?” There was no fear in the older woman’s words, but the intensity told Chloe she understood the seriousness of the situation.

“The super pretender has meteor rocks-” Chloe stopped mid-sentencing, not wanting to have to explain the rocks effects on Clark. There wasn’t time and she really didn’t want Miss Parker privy to Clark’s secret. “Miss Parker, go find Clark, tell him the super pretender is carrying meteor rocks. Clark will know what to do, but you have to tell him before he enters that room!”

The older woman gave her clearly disbeliving look, about to say something, but Chloe wouldn’t let her finish.

“If you love Jarod half as much as I love Lex and my dad, you won’t question me. Just go tell Clark.” Chloe delivered the words in a firm tone, glad to hear no overt worry in her voice. The flash in Miss Parker’s eyes made her heart sink, bracing for another battle.

To her surprise, Miss Parker, after a moment of consideration, nodded. “What are you going to do while I get to Clark?”

Chloe decided she would count her blessings later. Right now, she needed to act. “I’m going to stall for time and hope Lex doesn’t kill me himself when he realizes it’s me creating a distraction rather than Clark.”

Miss Parker only raised an eyebrow before moving towards the door, motioning for the beefy bodyguard she always brought with her to follow. However, at the door, the woman turned around and crossed back to her.

“Be careful. And take this, as a precaution. You know how to fire one?” The words were cynical, but Chloe could tell there was a gruff sort of concern behind them. Deciding to analyze that later, she took the small silver gun into her palm.

“Of course. My dad taught me years ago.”

“Just don’t shoot your own eye out, or Jarod’s.”

With that, Miss Parker and her guard left. Chloe waited until she saw them appear on one camera recording the front of the building before she moved. Taking a deep breath, she headed for the office, praying that she could think of something that would buy Clark enough time to figure out how to protect himself without getting everyone killed in the process.


23rd December 2003, 11:26
Oh, come on you can't leave it there. I want more.

It was a great chapter. :biggrin:

Not An Addict
23rd December 2003, 22:25
*POUNCES* You updated!!! Oh, I love love love love LOVE you! Even though nothing actually happened plot-wise . . . and I still don't know if Chloe's going to get hurt . . . and Lex and Jarod are still in that damn secret passageway . . . argh! Ok, update again! Soon! Please? I'm not too proud to beg, I promise.

24th December 2003, 06:20
Awww Sara, that's just mean, leaving us hanging there! But I'm happy you updated! Yay! I can't wait for you to grace us with more!


24th December 2003, 07:03
Thank you, thank you, thank you for updating!! I was so scared that you had abandoned your great story!! Please don't let Lex get hurt trying to save Chloe!! Maybe she will be able to get the rocks away from the clone!! :chlexsign1:

26th December 2003, 16:10
Dang. You keep me waiting forever for an update and then you leave it on a cliffhanger. I'm glad that Chloe finally called Parker on the fact that she loves Jared, even if she didn't admit it. :) More soon please.

27th December 2003, 07:24
Wow, what a great chapter. Glad to see Chloe's POV about why she decided to go against "the plan" . Please update soon... can't watit to see what happens next.

27th December 2003, 13:01
:yay3: Whoohoo!!! You Updated!!! :yay3:

So that's why Chloe suddenly turned up!!! This was a great chappy! I loved the two character's different views of each other. It's interesting to see the same situation through the two women's thoughts.

Please update soon! I love this fic!!!

Kit Merlot
30th December 2003, 18:52
I knew Chloe had a plan!! And how cool is Miss Parker? She feels protective of CHloe but also annoyed at her--I LOVE IT!!

Sara, please continue this as soon as you can, or I'll be forced to beg. Trust me--it is not a pretty sight :biggrin:

31st December 2003, 06:30
Great chapters! I've been following this story since it first came out on ff.net and it's definitely been worth the wait. Though it would really be evil of you not to update soon, considering that you left us hanging in the middle of the action =D

2nd January 2004, 05:27
Aww man I want more. Why did you stop...? :ohmy:

Hope :cool:

2nd January 2004, 07:24
ok, we really need to get everyone out of here in one piece. Get over here and do it already!!!!

4th January 2004, 08:38
Notes: This is it, the final chapter. Sorry it's taken so long but I hope it was worth the wait!

Chapter 16


"I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in a meeting, Daddy, but I was worried about you. You said you didn’t feel too good before you left this morning and I figured seeing me would brighten your day."

Chloe hoped that Jarod and Lex, whom she knew were listening from their hiding place, would pick up on her cue and crack the door a bit. She needed them to be able to see her for the plan she’d just come up with to work. Trying not to seem obvious, she skimmed the room with her eyes, breathing an inaudible sigh of relief as her eyes picked up the slight crack in the woodwork on the far wall. Now all she had to do was hope that Jarod remembered he’d once told her that he knew sign language.

"Chloe, I appreciate the visit, but now is not a good time."

Gabe struggled not to show his unease, knowing something had gone wrong if Chloe was here instead of Clark. Still, he would play along until he figured out what was up and how it was going to play out. He only hoped it didn’t take long, judging from the infuriated looks on the faces of the others in the room.

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief as she realized her father had caught on. Now she just needed to buy time and convey to her hidden listeners that meteor rocks had now entered into the equation.

"I know it’s not a good time, but I was really worried about you, and you know how I get when you’re not feeling well." As she spoke, she moved impatiently around the room, making sure to keep her hands in plain sight of where she hoped Jarod was watching. Struggling to remain mentally calm, she let the fear she was feeling pour into her voice, hoping the others would mistake it for concern.

/Come on Jarod, pick up the message/


Jarod looked at Lex in confusion as he heard Chloe’s opening line to her father. He had no idea what the blonde was trying to do and hoped Lex might have a better idea.

Lex knew that Chloe was trying to tell them something, and it must be important for her to deviate from the plan they’d spent so long coming up with. Especially since he knew she would know he would be worried to death for her right about now. The question was, what were her words hiding? Playing them over in his mind, he allowed himself to focus on her emphasis, phrasing, structure-

"Watch her!" He hissed the words to Jarod, who looked at him in confusion. Leaning closer, he tried to explain. "She wants to make sure we see her, she’d going to try and convey something to us visually-"

"Sign language!" Jarod didn’t stop to explain further but simply moved forward and pushed against the wood paneling in front of him. Praying that he could get a clear view he pressed his face to the crack.

"Do you see her?" Lex wanted desperately to exchange places with the man, but knew that right now, Jarod might be the only one capable of understanding Chloe's message. The thought rankled a bit, but he quickly told himself that he didn’t need to be thinking like this at the moment. Especially since he knew full well that he didn’t understand sign language himself.

Jarod was carefully watching Chloe, noting that she was gesturing wildly as she went on with her speech of concern for her father. "Bingo!" He whispered the word to himself as he noted that when she paused for breath, her hands, which had been gesturing wildly in the air, had formed the sign language symbol for ‘rock.’

"What’s she saying?" Lex fought back his fear knowing that Chloe was only putting herself in more danger by antagonizing his father and Raines with her babbling. He hoped whatever message she wanted to convey was short and simple. But knowing Chloe, he had his doubts.

"She made the symbol for ‘rock,’" Jarod hissed back, desperately watching as the blonde’s arms again fluttered to a stop with her words. "Now she gave me the symbol for ‘room.’"

Comprehension suddenly hit Lex and he was absolutely sure of what Chloe was trying to say. He wasn't going to question how he knew, he just did. "Jarod, someone in that room has meteor rocks. That’s why Chloe’s there instead of Clark. She’s stalling for time until someone gets word to Clark!"

Jarod closed his eyes as Lex’s words registered. "Probably the super pretender. What the hell do we do if Clark can’t subdue him, or worse, gets into trouble himself?"

Lex closed his eyes this time, trying to figure out possible scenarios that did not end up with one if not all of them dead. His brain was working furiously, although no answers came to mind. Opening his eyes, he hopelessly stared at Jarod.

"I think we’re out of options except to hope Clark can find some way to protect himself."

The two men stared at each other silently, wondering what the hell to do next.


"You’re sure you’re okay with whatever you’re supposed to be okay with?"

Clark simply nodded to the woman at his side, shifting slightly to alleviate the coldness of the metal pressing against his body. It definitely wasn’t comfortable, but right now, it might be the only chance he had of saving his life and the life of his closest friends.

"I’m fine, let’s do this." Without another word, he strode towards the office, sending up a quick prayer that the lead vest he had on, which had protected him during past meetings with meteor freaks weilding kryptonite, would protect him long enough for Jarod to get the injection over and done with. Taking a deep breath, he reached the office door and without a backward glance, strode in.

Miss Parker watched him go from around the corner, something inside her body twisting in fear as she realized how much danger they all were in, and what everyone was willing to risk if they failed. Still, if it came to it, she’d be there in the thick of things. No one would take her, or Jarod, or the others, without a fight.

Muttering a terse order to the bulky man standing next to her, she watched until he disappeared down the hall. Moving slowly, she kept to the shadows, creeping towards the office door, trying to hear what was going on in the room to her right.


"Chloe! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

Chloe muttered a quick prayer of relief at Clark’s voice, finally allowing herself to breathe again. Looking quickly at her friend, she caught the slight nod of his head and realized he’d done what was necessary to protect himself.

"This is getting tedious, Mr. Sullivan. I suggest you send your daughter and this boy packing so we can finish this business pleasantly." Lionel Luthor’s voice was smooth enough to cut glass but held the deadly tone of a snake waiting to strike.

Swallowing hard, Clark turned to look at the men, shuddering slightly at the look of glee on the super pretender’s face. He sensed Chloe by his side and felt a little reassurance that she was okay, for the moment. She’d be fine if he could only find a way to take out the super pretender.

"I apologize." Gabe wasn’t sure what else to say, feeling the tension mounting, the sight of Clark not doing much to reassure him. Catching the looks of fury on Lionel and Raines’ faces, he attemped once more to stall with words. "Chloe, Clark, I know you two must have things to do and I assure you, I'm fine and feeling-"

"Mr. Sullivan, I do not have all day."

Even Chloe winced at the menace in the raspy voice that belonged to Raines. The man was a complete and utter psycho. And she knew this without having to hear more than a few sentences from his mouth.

Gabe sighed, knowing he was out of time. However, he had one final idea that might either buy them a few more minutes or end their lives altogether. Never let it be said he was a man who avoided risk.

"Chloe, Clark, before you go, I want you to meet the people you’re unfamiliar with." Taking a deep breath, he turned to face his livid captors and began to introduce them one by one. He sighed in relief as he noticed Clark was moving slowly closer to the super pretender.

Clark knew he would only have a short window of opportunity, so when it appeared, he took off running. As Gabe introduced him to the super pretender, he held out a hand to shake, sizing the clone up with a quick eye.

"It’s definitely not a pleasure to meet you."


Lex and Jarod nodded to each other as they heard Clark greet the clone. Sending up one more prayer for safety, Jarod slowly inched open the small door of the passageway, gun in hand. Thankfully, his entrance went unnoticed by the three men, now totally focused on Clark and the super pretender. Moving quietly, Jarod watched as Clark reached for his evil clone’s hand.

He had to give it to Clark as the young man used his superhuman strength to twist his arm and flip the super pretender over onto his back, the move totally unexpected on one side. Before pandamonium could break loose, he took a deep breath and bolted for the clone, wincing as his evil duplicate began punching at Clark.

"What the hell-"


The simultaneous yells barely registered as Jarod dove for his nemesis, catching the super pretender by the knees and tackling him back to the floor as he tried to rise.

"Clark!" He called, glad to feel the young man’s presence next to him, wincing as one of the super pretender’s knees caught him sharply in the side. "Hold him down!"

Without much care, Jarod managed to jab the syringe he held into the super pretender’s arm, holding tight even as the clone began to try and jerk his arm away. However, Clark’s iron grip held, although Jarod could see the boy wincing and noticed the super pretender was clutching tightly to a pair of glowing green rocks in his free hand.

His attention was quickly diverted to the clone beneath him as the super pretender once more began to struggle.


Chloe’s scream alerted both men to the danger just in the nick of time. Clark threw himself over Jarod and the super pretender and rolled them out of the way with superspeed, hopefully unnoticed by those in the room. Still, it was a close call as he felt two bullets whiz past his back. Wincing, he used his weight to help Jarod hold the super pretender down, thankful they’d avoided the bullets Raines had fired at them. He prepared to roll the trio again as he saw Raines take aim.

"Don’t even think about it Raines. There’s nothing I wouldn’t delight in more than blowing you to high heaven, or in your case, low hell."

The steely tone in Miss Parker’s voice as she entered the room, gun drawn, would have made Jarod smile if he were not so involved in holding his clone down, waiting for the red kryptonite to take effect. He quickly refocused as he felt the super pretender lash out against him, using both his weight and Clark’s to keep him somewhat immobile. He hoped against hope that Sydney had been right and it wouldn’t take more than a few moments for the red kryptonite to take effect.

"Who the hell are you?" Lionel’s angry voice was aimed at Miss Parker, who turned to him with a cool smile, although keeping her gun trained on Raines.

"Someone you really don’t want to mess with, Mr. Luthor."

"She’s insignificant to our plan, Lionel. Trust me, she’s as useless and stupid as her mother. It will be ironic to know she will die in the same way I killed her mother." Raines’ voice was cool, his eyes unphased as he stared at the woman in question.

Chloe swallowed hard as she saw the fire suddenly flame in Miss Parker’s eyes. She didn’t know too much about the woman’s past, but from what Jarod had told her, the murder of her mother had colored the way she viewed life and answered some of the questions about her seeming vendetta against Jarod. She had a feeling Raines’ words had just inflamed an already out of control blaze.

"You bastard!"

Chloe watched in horror as Parker turned her full attention back to Raines, leaving Lionel, for the moment, unguarded. She didn’t stop to think as she saw the elder Luthor reach for something in his jacket pocket.

"I’d think twice before moving, Mr. Luthor." She was proud her voice sounded strong even though she was quaking with fear as she pointed her small gun at the older man. She tried not to shiver at Lionel's evil smile.

"Miss Sullivan, you surprise me. Surely you don’t think I believe you capable of shooting that weapon. You forget, I know all about your background and weapons training, not to mention killing, is just not in your nature."

The smugness of the words made her hand tremble on the gun but she held her ground. "I have secrets too, Lionel," she drawled, again, hoping she sounded calmer than she felt. "Although I’d love to prove you wrong in your suppositions, just give me reason."

From his hiding spot, Lex had to fight the urge to burst into the room and get Chloe out of the situation she’d gotten herself into. But he knew he had to wait, trusting that from what he could see from his position, that Clark, Jarod, Chloe and Miss Parker had things under control for the moment. Still, his gaze never left his father, not trusting the man for an instant with Chloe in his sights.

"This is ridiculous." Lionel’s voice held its usual bored tone, but Lex could sense a desperation underneath it that told him his father wasn’t as calm as he seemed. "You have no proof of anything and you know full well that the power weilded between Mr. Raines and myself will easily get us out of whatever little legal troubles this might incite."

Chloe smiled bitterly. "Of that I have no doubt, but with what we recorded earlier, and the videotaping of your attempt to shoot Clark and Jarod, not to mention proof of your little plan, I think we can put you all away for a long, long time."

"You’re a stupid, foolish girl and I will ruin you, all of you, for this." Lionel’s voice was calm, but Chloe was pleased to note a wary look in his eyes.

"I don’t think so." Jarod’s voice drew all the attention in the room them. "Your clone is dead and your plan ruined." He offered a hand to Clark, who took it gratefully, a bit breathless from the feel of the meteors still in the clone’s hand. Both men rose to look down at the still form that lay on the ground. It was obvious there would be no more trouble from that front.

Raines smile sent a chill down Chloe’s spine as he suddenly spoke. "You forget, that clone is not the only one we created-"

"Oh but you forget that Sydney and Broots figured out what kills these clones and unless I miss my guess, they’re already administering the drug to them all back at the Centre." Miss Parker’s words made Chloe smile, especially since it made Raines and Lionel go pale.

"You think you’ve won, Miss Sullivan?" Lionel rasped as police sirens were heard in the distance. The look in his eyes should have worried her, but deep inside, she knew that this time, she had.

"I know I’ve won. You’ve lost Lionel, and you’re going to pay for all your crimes." She said the words in a bitter tone, ignoring the laugh he gave at her words.

"I have plenty of powerful allies, Miss Sullivan. Not to mention some of the best lawyers in the business. When I’m through with you, your father will be dead, your name will be mud and I will be in full control of LexCorp and all its assets."

Lex knew there had never been a better time to make his presence known. And never let it be said that Lex Luthor did not know how to make an entrance.

"Actually, Father, I plan to remain in control of my company and someday if I’m lucky, Chloe’s name will be Luthor as well."

Chloe’s grin nearly split her face as she leaned back on the desk, her gun still aimed straight at Lionel’s heart as Lex emerged from his hiding place. She was trying not to focus too much on the fact that it sounded like Lex had just proposed. The look of surprised shock on her father’s face, however, seemed to imply that indeed he had. Turning her attention back to the tableau in front of her, she was not surprised to see Lionel’s mouth pursed, although there was a strange look in his eyes.

"Lex? It’s you? You’re really alive?" The elder Luthor attempted to move forward but was stopped by Clark’s restraining hand.

"No thanks to you. Don't think I don't know about yours and Helen's plans for my untimely demise. I'm so sorry it didn't work out like you'd planned." Lex knew he sounded uncaring but all he really wanted was to cross the room and take Chloe in his arms. But he needed to make sure his father was taken care of first. He still had a gun and he was definitely in a mood to use it.

"My boy! Surely we can talk about this-"

"There’s nothing to talk about, Father. You tried to have me killed, and you threatened the woman I love, her father and our friends. Not to mention your plans for cloning I’m sure will not be looked on fondly by the authorities. And once the video and audio evidence is presented, even the best, most underhanded lawyer will be unable to get you out of this mess."

He smiled as his father went completely colorless, smiling as the sheriff and several armed men burst through the door.

"It’s about time!" Lionel turned to the sheriff with a haughty look, making one last desperate attempt. "These people are trying to kill me, you can see they’ve already killed one man-"

"Mr. Luthor, I wouldn’t speak if I were you. I have several video tapes that speak just fine for the both of you." The sheriff nodded to Raines as well as she smiled and Clark was not surprised to note it was not without a little vindication. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

The second the sheriff and her deputies had Raines and Lionel in handcuffs, Lex shot across the room and pulled Chloe tightly into his arms.

Chloe finally felt the fear take over and pulled herself closer, feeling her body trembling with delayed reaction.

"It’s over, Chloe. You did wonderfully." He whispered various words against her ear, soothing her trembling body as he held her closer. When she finally stopped shaking, he lifted her chin until her gaze was locked on his.

Chloe swallowed hard at the look in his eyes. Uncaring of those watching, she leaned up and pulled his lips down to hers. She poured all her fear, worry and love for him into that kiss, willing him to read her feelings in her actions.

Lex heard what remained unspoken and deepened the kiss, delighting in the way she responded to him. It was only the rather loud clearing of a throat that broke him out of his Chloe-induced haze.

"Um, you know, I really think I need to sit down."

Gabe closed his eyes and sank back into the chair, trying to come to grips with the past twenty minutes. Although he was sure his nightmares would be colored by the image of his boss and his daughter locked in an intimate embrace.

"Daddy, you okay?" Chloe smiled sheepisly but did not move from her position. She leaned against Lex’s chest as her gaze turned to encompass those in the room. She smiled at the look on Clark’s face. "Clark, you doing okay?"

Clark smiled at his friend before replying. "I’m fine." He made a slight motion to his chest and she nodded, winking to show she understood. Her gaze then turned to Jarod, sobering as she noted the man was now standing next to Miss Parker, who looked rather shaken herself. That fact in and of itself worried Chloe.

"You okay?" Jarod felt his heart aching for Miss Parker. He knew what it felt like to finally realize the truth about the horrors the Centre had subjected you to during your life. Reaching out, he placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling a little better when she did not shrug it off.

"Not really. I need a drink."

His heart sank at the cool tone in her voice, thinking she’d shut herself off from everyone and everything again. Exactly what he’d hoped she wouldn’t do. Which was why he was startled to feel her hand on his arm. Looking into her eyes, his heart beat a bit faster.

"Want to join me?"

"I’ve been waiting for you to ask." His smile was bright enough to be seen in three states. Turning to smile at the others, he took her arm and began to lead her from the room. As they reached the door, he turned back to Chloe and Lex. "We’ll meet up with you later."

Before either could speak, Clark jumped in. "My house. Dinner. I know mom will want the full story from everyone."

Nodding, Jarod and Miss Parker left the room, oblivious of the smiles being sent their way.

"Well, that was rather unexpected." Lex’s dry tone made Chloe laugh.

"I saw it coming. Wait until I get Jarod alone tonight, then I’ll get the full story." She winked as Lex burst into hearty, happy laughter for the first time in days. Pulling him closer, she turned to the others in the room, noting the sheriff and her deputies had cleared most of it out.

"Well, I think I need a drink as well. Lex, where’s that bar I know you keep hidden here?"

Lex laughed as he hugged her tightly. Turning, he saw Clark and Gabe smiling at them, although he noted the latter’s expression was a bit strained. Making a note to have a talk with him later, he contented himself with watching Chloe as she headed for the bar in the direction he’d indicated.

He knew things were far from over, knew his father was not out of the picture yet. But he would worry about that later. For now, the Centre was crumbling, LexCorp was still his, and he had the most beautiful woman in the world making him a drink, after literally and physically saving him in every way possible.

For now, life was definitely good and he intended to make sure it only got better.


The End

(Well, did it work?)

4th January 2004, 09:02
I loved this story so much and I'm sad to see it end. I'm hoping for an epilgoue to soften the blow. Please!

Not An Addict
4th January 2004, 09:21
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't say no to an epilogue, either. ^_~ Great story!! Everyone's (more or less) happy and healthy, and no one got shot, and Lex even escaped the situation concussion-free!

But uh . . . yeah, if you could throw in just a little epilogue . . . maybe with some smoochies? *hopeful grin*

4th January 2004, 10:54
Wonderful ending to a wonderful ficcy! You tied everything up really well! :applause: ...though I wouldn't be averse to an epilogue myself :blinkkiss:

4th January 2004, 18:58
What an excellent ending to your story!! Thank you for not hurting the characters !! I love the thought of Lionel going to jail!! Are you planning to write a sequel? It could have a double wedding in it?! :biggrin: :chlexsign4:

4th January 2004, 20:01
You finished it, happy ending!!! yipee!!!!
Loved it.

4th January 2004, 20:44
Bravo Bravo :clap:

Hope :)

4th January 2004, 21:52
:biggrin: YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! that ws fantastic!!!!!!! loved it alll! they ending was great! :chlexsign2: :yay: :worship2:

Kit Merlot
6th January 2004, 18:32
Sara, Yet another wonderful CHLEX fic!! This was great--I loved the Miss Parker and Jarod interactions too!!

WELL DONE :biggrin:

6th January 2004, 19:24
:clap: Bravo! :clap: Wonderful fic from the beginning to the end. Great ending... finally some happiness for the gang. Loved the informal proposal... poor Gabe, he never saw it coming.


7th January 2004, 15:42
Lex's entrance was brilliant, and so typical of him too. The impromptu proposal was cute too. Overall, a well plotted story =) Oh, and an epilogue wouldn't hurt, either.

7th January 2004, 16:30
I actually enjoyed the last chapter - in the respect that I won't be hounding you for a sequel or an epilogue. I thought you did a nice job of tying things together and though it's always tempting to want to know how the long term story ends, some things are better left to the imagination. ;) Nicely done.

13th January 2004, 14:36
It work, definetly. Loved the whole story!
And the proposal was really cute. :chlexsign2:

11th February 2004, 20:02
That was wonderful. Made me miss my beloved Pretender.... Jarod, Mr. Raines, Broots, Sydney, Mr. Parker, Mr. Lyle, Angelo, Bridget. That show was the bomb.

~deep sigh~ I miss it.


12th February 2004, 05:01
I don't know how I missed this story before today...excellent, excellent, excellent! :yay:

I only watched *at* The Pretender when it was on originally, but I&#39;m now going to do a Miss Parker and hunt it down until I watch it all <LOL>. I did a quick browse through the DirecTV schedule, and it doesn&#39;t appear to be showing at this time. I do remember that TNT was showing reruns a year or so back, so hopefully they&#39;ll return in the not-too-distant-future.

Loved the proposal, too...I could imagine my father&#39;s reaction in that situation, and it would have been identical to Gabe&#39;s :biggrin:


28th February 2004, 10:35


Where are you been hinding this fic&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

*dies again*

Ok, Ok, I know you weren&#39;t hiding this fic...it&#39;s just that I hadn&#39;t read it yet, but come on&#33;&#33; This was fantastic&#33;

Really, hon, I love your use of Jarod (I&#39;ve only seen The Pretender once or twice, but you really seemed to capture his character from what I remember) and the Centre. So cool&#33;

Oh, and having Lex and Chloe fall for each other after his near death experience? *sighs dreamily*

You really have a knack for writing a suspenseful, romantic tale. I can&#39;t wait to read more from you&#33;

17th December 2004, 19:51
I know this story was completed a while ago, but I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it. I never really watched the Pretender but you described the characters just enough so I could tell what was going on. Wonderful story&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:


15th March 2005, 07:40
This story was great and I loved Chloe's attitdue. I hate Lional and Helen they are pure evil.

Possibilities Unknown
22nd May 2005, 19:48
Holy wow Superman! That was a great story!! Even if I've never heard of the 'Pretenders', is that what its called? And was slightly confused about Jarod, but, you wrote this story in such a way that a person didn't need to know everything, you filled in all the blanks. Great!

28th June 2005, 13:35
And was slightly confused about Jarod, but, you wrote this story in such a way that a person didn't need to know everything, you filled in all the blanks.

I have to agree, although I 'know' Jarod and all about him, I kinda forgot the most things of the show since the last rerun has been ages ago here....but it all came back, once I started reading. It really was great :)

16th July 2005, 04:48
I just loved this fic. This was my first x-over an i am impressed.

18th October 2005, 13:20
That was wonderful! I love the pretender, Jarod/Ms. Parker is probably my fave ship after Chlex. Thank you!

spaceboi's pixie
1st December 2005, 08:21
:clapclap: great love story and action fic and chlex were so cute and i like clark in this one :D


23rd December 2005, 20:30
Just found this and can I say... WOW!!

21st May 2006, 08:10
Wow, this is great!!! I never watched 'The Pretender,' but after this story I really wish that I had. WOW!! Lots of action, drama, Chlexy love.....I loved it!!! Great job!!

25th May 2006, 11:29
I think it was perfect to combine The Centre with Lionel Luthor. Hard to imagine who is more evil: Lionel or Mr. Raines? I can't decide. Glad to see several other Pretender characters got a mention: like Broots, Sidney, Angelo, and even Tommy. God I miss Tommy, I would have been happy for Miss Parker to end up with him if she couldn't be with Jarod. As it stands we don't really know how that show ended. I hate things that are left without ends, and I don't remember seeing the latest made for tv movie. Too bad Mr. Lyle couldn't show up for this fic, I really did love him for all his evilness. Ok enough of my Pretender rant. I loved the ending especially what Lex said about Chloe eventually having the Luthor name. Man, I could so imagine Gabe going through a heart attack right then, poor Gabe. But whatever happened to Helen? I thought we were going to a showdown that would end up in a Helen beatdown. Is all hope for that gone?

8th July 2006, 08:23
I had never watched the Pretender, but you have actually peaked my interest in it. I believe I saw some DVD's out for the show. I might look to rent them or pick them up just to see what this is or was all about. Nicely done.

7th September 2006, 07:55
Very interesting story, and excellent characterisations. Lex and Chloe were so sweet! And your integration of the Pretenders into the story has also worked very nicely. Great story!

30th October 2006, 15:02
Oh my god!
Congratulation on writing such an amazing story!
I couldn't stop till the end.
Definately one of my favourite!

11th January 2007, 02:52
It a very good story and i feel so sad that alredy finish.
anyway i love the idea of this one very much. You have so much creativity that i realy admire.
Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!

11th January 2007, 11:57
OOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEE that was good!. So many opportunities for some good smut but o well, I was able to live without it. I hope there is more to this story.

18th February 2007, 07:26
Wow that was wonderful, very action packed! I have no idea what the pretender is, but this story has gotten me interested so i'm going to go google it now.:grin3:

24th February 2007, 03:03
I re-read your story and find it just as enjoyable this time through. Very well done!

18th May 2008, 17:54
Great story!:clapclap:
wow... amazing! What else can I say!
This story is a work VERY well done!

Ami Rose
10th August 2012, 06:40
Awsome loved it

28th January 2014, 06:23
How could I resist a story where Chloe saves Lex? :) I've never seen The Pretender, but now I'm thinking of checking it out! You did a great job making it easy to understand and enjoy the characters, even without necessarily knowing both shows... the fic had an exciting plot, very satisfying Chlex relationship, and interesting interaction among the whole cast. I enjoyed it a lot! :)