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12th September 2005, 10:49
Fandom: Smallville
Title: In Hiding
Characters: Chloe, Lex
Rated: R, language
Notes: Takes place between the end of season 3 and the second episode of season 4. And it was going to be much shorter, but I was looking at it before posting it and I just... kept writing. LOL. If it's not clear, which it should be, this is a series of phone calls.

[ in hiding ]
by kHo

“Will you come visit me when we’re… gone?”

“I’m not even certain it’s safe for me to speak to you over the phone.”

“Lex. This sucks. Everyone’s gonna… they’ll think. And I’ll just be there. I mean, my father’s great, but. Ya know?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I know. I’m sorry too.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“I know, but I still am.”

“I’ll try.”

“To come see me?”

“Yes. But only if and when it’s safe.”

“I’m not angry with you. I just want you to know that. I decided to do this. I did this.”

“My father did this.”

“You know what? I think I’m looking at this the wrong way. It’s going to be fine. It’ll even be fun. Like those Nancy Drew books I used to read. I’m going to start reading those again I think. I haven’t had the chance to read that much lately. With school and everything, I haven’t had enough time for myself. Which is kind of pathetic, cause I’m only, ya know… 17, and. And anyway, I’m going to get some much needed beauty sleep.”

“I don’t know how needed it is, but it’s good to look at it in a positive light.”

“God. Don’t do that. And oh my God, it’s 2! I can’t believe I called you so late!”

“This is why I got you that phone, Chloe. It’s secure. Untracable. You can call me any time, night or day. Whether you’re in trouble or not.”

“Thanks, Lex. I don’t know how I’d do this without you.”

“Please don’t say that.”

“What? Why?.”

“Because it’s just a reminder that without me, you wouldn’t be in this situation at all.”

“That’s not tr--”

“It most certainly is. It’s absolutely true.”


“I should go.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Call me again sometime. And I’ll try to come see you, okay?”

“Stop blaming yourself! God, you’re such an egotist!”


“… Lex? That was a joke, Lex.”

“Goodnight, Chloe.”

“Night, Lex.”


“The subscriber you are calling is unable to answer their phone. Leave a message after the tone.”

“Hey, Lex. It’s… me. It’s okay to leave messages right? I hope so. Anyway. I haven’t heard from you. Is it that I’m only supposed to call you? Everything went well, of course. It’s nice here. And I actually do get to go outside. I’ve gotten a lot of writing done, even though it’s only been a week. Anyway. You uh… you probably already know that. You probably know every time I go to the bathroom huh? I bet you have someone in the sewage department that can tell you every time this toilet flushes. I don’t know if that’s cool, or really, really scary. Anyway, call me back Lex. I’m tired of having to censor myself. There’s only so much scrabble I can play with the old man before I want regular people. And huh. Who knew. Apparently you fit into that category for me. Funny world.”


“The subscriber you are calling is unable to answer their phone. Leave a message after the tone.”

“Shit, Lex. They tried to keep it from me, but they forgot I’m an internet whiz. Are you okay? I guess you’re not or else you’d be calling me back. If for no other reason than to assuage your guilty conscience. Fuck, Lex, be okay, okay? Who did this? Was it really bad food? They said that’s what it was. But. I mean. Are you in a coma or something? Was it poisoning? I bet it was poisoning. I can’t believe him. Your father is so fucking sick. Be okay, Lex. I need you to be okay.”


“The subscriber you are calling is unable to answer their phone. Leave a message after the tone.”

“God damnit, Lex. I know you’re awake. They moved us today. They wouldn’t have done that if you hadn’t given them the order. And the only reason they would have if it’s not because of you is if they were working for him. Please tell me you’re awake. If I need to escape, I need to know that.”


“Oh, thank God.”

“I’m sorry, Chloe.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I don’t care! Are. You. Okay?!”

“Yes. I’m-- Everything’s fine. You were right, they moved on my order.”

“I was right about it being your father, wasn’t I? The papers said it was food poisoning, but that doesn’t make any sense.”

“You were right about that too. It seems my father has taken to drugging my brandy.”

“God. Again?”

“A… again?”

“Yeah, when he… oh. God. You don’t know that do you?”

“Know what?”

“Clark should have told you that.”


“Lex, your father’s drugged you before. When you went to Belle Reeve. That was because he paid Darius to drug your liquor.”

“Chloe. What are you saying?”

“I’m saying he drove you crazy, Lex. You didn’t go crazy, the drugs he put in you made you… Lex, I can’t believe he never told you this.”

“Yeah. Well. I guess he didn’t think it was relevant.”

“I don’t-- God. Sometimes I really don’t understand him.”

“Anyway. I’m fine now. I was… incapacitated for a week.”

“I know.”

“Which reminds me. Chloe, while I admire your perseverance, there was a reason internet access wasn’t set up for you. You shouldn’t be online.”

“Why? I didn’t email anyone. I didn’t post anything anywhere. I just… played.”

“There are ways to trace IP addresses--”

“Yes, Lex, I’m not stupid. Which is why I didn’t let my presence be known at all.”

“I know you’re not stupid, Chloe. Just be careful.”

“So you’ll let me keep it?”

“Yes, Chloe. I‘ll let you keep it. But if my people tell me they’ve caught even one trace of your being online--”

“Sure. That’s fine. Thanks!”

“So you’re doing alright? Your father?”

“Yeah. Two weeks down, only ten to go… God. Do you think you’ll be able to come here safely?”

“I’m still recuperating, but. I think I’ll be able to come by sometime soon.”

“Oh! Really? Awesome. I’ll get my Dad to make burgers.”

“I can bring dinner.”

“No, Lex, you don’t understand. He makes the best burgers ever.”

“Chloe, I don’t want your father to put himself out on my account. This is my doing, the least I can do is provide dinner.”

“Shut up. He’s making them.”


“See, you’re used to me doing what you tell me to do. And I have been, because you were right. But on this? you’re not. So here’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna shut up and let my Dad make you the best burger you’ve ever had in your life, and you’re gonna like it.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Goodnight, Chloe.”

“Don’t take that tone with me, mister.”

“Good night, Chloe.”

“Yeah. Night, Lex.”


“How did I know it was you?”

“Because I always call you before I go to bed.”

“It was good seeing you, Chloe. You seem happy. I’m glad it’s not… It’s not ideal, but I’m glad it’s not too terrible for you.”

“I told you it was fine. I mean yeah. Lonely sometimes. But. Whatever, ya know? Better than the… better than what he would do.”


“So are you okay? You kind of scared me when you left.”

“Did I?”

“Yeah. You’re very good at hiding, but I still noticed.”

“… noticed?”

“You’re not exactly the most tan man in America, Lex, but you were pale even for you. And your hands were shaking.”


“This is what I do Lex. I notice things.”

“I’m sorry I scared you, Chloe. I’m alright now.”

“You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“Tell you what?”

“You ever heard of Snopes, Lex? Snopes.com? It’s this website that snoops like me live off of.”

“Snopes? I believe I have, yes.”

“Yeah. So. You wanna tell me the real reason you looked like you were about to pass out before you left?”

“I… Listen, Chloe, you should--”

“You’re on there, you know? Your hospital records. Kind of funny, actually. Right there for everyone to see. Better than my contacts at MetU.”


“It said the levels of toxin of your blood, it says it would have killed a normal person. I’m quoting Lex, it’s right here in front of me right now. The level of poison in your body would have killed a large cow, it says. I’m not making that up.”

“Jesus, Chloe, it says that?”

“You’re offended by the cow comment, right?”


“I’m sorry. I thought. Stupid of me, I thought a joke… I know you don’t want me to know this, Lex, but it’s there, and… I was worried.”


“You want me to hack in and delete it? I mean, it’ll just pop back up when they notice it’s gone, but… I could do that.”

“… you can do that?”


“You’re right. They’ll just put it back up.”

“Sorry, Lex.”

“They have to recycle my blood, Chloe. Every fourteen hours, they have to hook me up to an IV and give me new blood.”

“God. Like dialysis?”



“Yeah. I thought one hour wouldn’t matter, but… Anyway, I’m sorry I scared you.”



“Is this something you’re going to have to do for the rest of your life?”

“I don’t know, Chloe. According to numerous people, including the internet, I should have died to begin with. So who knows. Apparently I take a licking and keep on ticking, so… maybe. But maybe not.”

“I’m seriously going to call you Timex now.”

“Don’t you dare, Chloe.”

“It’s good to hear you laugh, though, so I stand by that.”

“Go to bed, Chloe.”

“Sir, yes sir.”

“Sweet dreams.”

“That was different.”

“It’s something people say, is it not?”

“Yes, people. Not you. It was sweet.”

“Goodnight, Chloe.”

“That’s more like it. And you too, by the way. If life has to suck, the least dreams can do is be good to you.”


“I am so annoyed right now.”

“Well. Hello to you too.”

“Sorry. Hi. I am so annoyed right now!”

“Stir crazy?”

“Yeah. It’s like, they’re hawks, Lex. And they’re just circling me, like I’m the walking dead.”


“And they’re waiting to eat me.”


“Something happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“Something happened. He got too close. We’re about to move again aren’t we?”

“I’m sorry, Chloe. Yes. You are.”

“Oh God.”

“It’s okay, Chloe. We’re working on securing another--”

“That’s why Brock didn’t come back yesterday. He’s dead, isn’t he?”


“Shit. Lex.”

“It’s… Chloe, we’re working on securing another… It’s okay. You’re fine.”

“How the fuck could you not tell me?”


“Lex, someone died, and it’s my fault!”

“No! No, Chloe. It’s not your fault.”

“If I weren’t so busy fucking hiding like a god damned turtle in my shell… Somebody just--”

“Chloe. This is his fault. His.”

“-- died, Lex. Dead. God. I think he had kids. Didn’t he have kids, Lex?”


“I knew it. I knew he had kids. You think you can hide things from me, protect me from the truth, but I can read you now.”

“Two. Girls. Seven and six.”


“His family has been compensated, but…”

“Yeah. Not exactly an even trade.”

“I’m sorry, Chloe. I thought we were okay.”

“It’s not your fault.”


“You don’t get to say it’s not my fault and then turn around and say it’s yours, Lex. You don’t get to.”

“They’ll be moving you sometime tonight, most likely. You should really try and get some sleep beforehand.”

“You’re doing it again.”

“I’m trying to protect you, Chloe.”

“No, I know. You’re shutting it off again. You do that. Like you think changing the conversation is going to close the issue. Like I’m the kind of person that gets distracted by ‘hey look, shiny things!’ And I know you don’t think that about me, but Lex. I’m 17, yes, but I’ve seen a lot of shit, I’ve been through more than your average 40 year old, and I’m not naïve or stupid.”

“I don’t think you’re naïve or stupid, Chloe. Far from it.”

“I know you don’t, Lex. That’s not the point. The point is… God, Lex. Don’t you ever get tired of doing this by yourself? Why not let me in on it? I’m not going to break.”

“I know you won’t.”

“You don’t need to protect… ok. Let’s rephrase, because obviously… you do need to protect me. But you don’t need to hide this stuff from me, Lex. I’m actually a pretty capable person.”

“Chloe. I /know/ you are. But you don’t know my father like I do.”

“That’s fine, Lex, but in the meantime you keep all this shit to yourself, and you can pretend you’re fine with it all you want, but I’m really starting to get to know you, and you’re not. You’re just not.”

“Is this the one where you tell me if I keep it all bottled up inside I’m going to explode? You’re my psychologist now?”

“No, Lex, it’s the one where I say you’re not fucking alone.”


“Not used to people calling you on shit, are you?”

“Can’t say I am, no.”

“I’m a whole different breed, Lex.”

“I’m aware.”

“This is the part where you say ‘Goodnight, Chloe’.”

“Goodnight, Chloe.”

“Night, Lex.”


“Oh my God, Lex.”

“Hopefully a good ‘oh my god’?”

“This is a mansion.”

“Technically it’s not. It’s a manor.”

“Whatever! It’s huge!”

“Something to be said for hiding in the wide open.”

“Bullshit. You just felt guilty cause that last place was so small.”

“There were ten people in a three bedroom house.”

“This must have cost you a fortune.”

“This is why it’s good to have multiple, untraceable, overseas accounts.”

“You’re bringing a whole new light to the phrase ‘more money than God’, you know that right?”

“God doesn’t have to clean up my father’s messes.”

“Hm. Good point.”

“Have you been to your bedroom yet?”

“Yes. And gee, Lex, would that be the whole series of Nancy Drew books, old hardcovers and new paperbacks, I see looking at me from the bookshelf?”

“Even a few not previously released for public consumption.”

“There’s only a month left of my exile, Lex, how am I going to finish these?”

“I’ll build you a shelf when you get home to house them.”

“Ohhh kay. Since when are you into carpentry, Mr. Manual Labor is Not My Forte?”

“Let me amend. I’ll have a shelf built for you.”

“There we go.”

“There’s a hammock in the back yard.”


“Yes. Under a canopy of trees.”

“Just like I said. God, Lex.”

“It’s the least I could do, Chloe. You’ve had to move around a lot more often than I thought.”

“It’s a hell of a lot more than the least you could do, but thanks, Lex. Nothing quite like laying in a hammock and reading a good book.”

“I’ll have to try it.”

“Come visit and we’ll lay on the hammock. You can read to me.”

“I’m sorry, did you just order me to read to you?”

“Or I could read to you. I don’t care.”

“The last person that read to me was my mother-- just before she died. She used to… it wasn’t Nancy Drew, though. I haven’t thought about that in years.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No. It’s good. I’m… It’s good.”

“I don’t even know if mine ever read to me. She must have, I mean… don’t most mothers read to their kids at some point and time? I don’t remember. I’ll have to ask Dad.”

“When did she… I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”

“No. It’s okay. I was really young. It’s just been me and the old man for forever, so it doesn’t really… it doesn’t hurt that much anymore. I was like, five.”

“Have you ever tried to find her?”

“Oh, only every day.”

“I could… Chloe, I could put some feelers out if you want.”

“You don’t stop, do you?”

“Stop what?”

“Trying to make this up to me. I did this to myself, I made a choice, Lex. Stop.”

“If you don’t want me to--”

“No, no, I do. But not to make this up to me. You have nothing to make up for.”

“I’ll make some calls. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.”

“I know. I’ve been trying for years. You’ll likely not find anything. But, then again, there’s that whole ‘more money than God’ thing that you have going for you.”

“There is that.”

“Goodnight, Lex.”

“Night, Chloe.”


“The subscriber you are calling is unable to answer their phone. Leave a message after the tone.”

“Hey, Lex. You’re busy, I know, but. I don’t know, I got in the habit of calling you before I went to sleep, and now it seems like I can’t go to sleep until I talk to you, so… weird. But anyway. I’ll have to settle for this. Night, Lex.”


“The subscriber you are calling is unable to answer their phone. Leave a message after the tone.”

“Sorry I missed your call, Chloe, I was in a meeting. I miss the days when meetings didn’t happen at ten o’clock at night. Used to be I was getting ready to go out to a club at ten and now I’m putting on a fucking suit. Alright. Night.”


“I’m sorry.”

“I was expecting this, Lex. It’s getting close to the trial, he has to be getting desperate.”

“I just don’t understand how the fuck he keeps finding you.”

“He didn’t find me. You got me out in time.”

“It was so close, Chloe. Way too close.”

“I know.”

“I’m sorry the house is so small this time. Even smaller than the one before the last.”

“That’s okay. At least there weren’t any deaths this time… right? There wasn’t, was there?”

“No. No deaths. This time.”

“So this bracelet you gave me? It’s not a bracelet.”

“Well. It is a bracelet, but no… it’s not just a bracelet.”

“It’s a tracking device.”


“Lex. Is my uncle involved in this?”


“He is. Since when?”

“Since the beginning.”

“Jesus. How did you keep that from me this long?”

“I’m good, Chloe.”

“Oh, shut up. You’re good, but I’m nosy as hell!”

“Yes, and I’ve gotten used to that.”

“Are you saying you’re immune to my charms?”

“Not your charms, just your… nosiness.”

“So you’re saying I can woo you, but I can’t get you to tell me things.”


“Wait. Really?”


“Awesome. I’ll have to remember to woo you when I get home.”


“I love making you laugh. I never realized how rarely you laughed, Lex.”

“Not exactly a whole lot to laugh at.”

“Yeah, but. Laughter is the best medicine, and a teaspoon of sugar, and all that jazz.”

“I’m not entirely sure those two metaphors mix well, but if anyone can make it work…”

“I’m gonna go ahead and make an educated guess that you won’t be able to visit me these last two weeks, right?”

“Chloe, I don’t think--”

“It’s not safe, yeah. I understand.”

“But you can call me anytime.”

“Oh, trust me. I do, and will.”

“I’m pretty sure that was a yawn, so I’ll bid you adieu now.”

“Night, Lex.”

“Night, Chloe.”


“The subscriber you are calling is unable to answer their phone. Leave a message after the tone.”

“Lex… I think… I think they’re here… I have to be quiet, because… but they’ll find me anyway, so… pointless… listen, Lex, please don’t blame yourself. If I… Lex, if I die, know that I did this knowing I could, okay? I… God… Listen, I. I’m really glad I got to know you, okay? I’m just sorry that I didn’t get to know you sooner. Take… take care of yourself. Remember to sleep. And eat. And seriously, Lex, find things to make yourself laugh. Otherwise you’ll go insane. I. Fuck it, Lex, I’m just gonna say it. I love you.”



“I’m okay.”

“Jesus, Chloe.”

“I’m okay, Lex.”


“Lex, seriously. He didn’t even hurt me.”

“Chloe, you almost--”

“I’m okay.”

“When I heard that message--”

“I had to, Lex. I couldn’t just… I had to call you.”

“If I’d answered it… If I hadn’t been in that fucking meeting--”

“You couldn’t have known.”

“I should have answered it… I should have had it on me.”

“You couldn’t have done anything.”

“I sure as fuck could have, Chloe!”

“But I’m okay, Lex. Clark saved me.”

“I… I don’t know what I would have done.”

“Come see me.”


“I’m already busted, Lex. You coming to see me isn’t going to change anything.”

“Is Clark still there?”



“Look, fuck it. He doesn’t understand. And I’m sorry, but I don’t care. Come. See. Me.”

“He hates me more now than ever.”


“I’m coming, Chloe, I’m getting in my car now.”

“Thank you.”

“And Chloe?”


“I love you too.”

“Hurry okay?”

“Yeah. Porsche’s go pretty fast, ya know.”

“Yeah? Pedal to the metal mister.”

“Ma’am, yes ma’am.”

19th September 2005, 18:08

that wasn't exactly angst filled, but it was goood. real good

“You’re bringing a whole new light to the phrase ‘more money than God’, you know that right?”

“God doesn’t have to clean up my father’s messes.”

That line was perfect!

“I’ll build you a shelf when you get home to house them.”

“Ohhh kay. Since when are you into carpentry, Mr. Manual Labor is Not My Forte?”

“Let me amend. I’ll have a shelf built for you.”

awwww! and heee, yeah i see chloe's point in that

19th September 2005, 23:06
Awe. Very cute.

20th September 2005, 15:52
That was really nice, I loved the way you built up to them saying that they loved each other!!!


23rd September 2005, 20:05
that was really good

6th October 2005, 19:36
great story! i am glad that they said they love each and shouldn't care what clark thinks.

10th November 2005, 09:42
great story

10th November 2005, 23:09
very nice story..is there a possible sequel to this story

15th November 2005, 22:10
That was a lovely story... Quite interesting, seeing the conversations between them...

21st November 2005, 22:04
i love this story and even though it is sad it still has a little bit of a happy ending.

spaceboi's pixie
29th November 2005, 14:42
great fic it was so cute you kind of had me worried about chloe and i am really glad that they love each other and don't care what clark thinks tina

sadie kate
11th February 2006, 05:49
Oh, I loved this. Witty and sweet.