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View Full Version : Let Her Cry (Completed) R

19th May 2003, 07:35
A/N: Seriously, you guys, I wrote this through tears,
and I had to stop twice to collect myself, I blame
this on Peg, she writes such good happy stuff that I
can't help but feel the need to balance it out with a
buttload of angst.
Rating: R
Summary: Lex leaves Chloe for a good reason, or was

Disclaimer: Don't own diddly except my f-ed up
emotions. 'Let Her Cry' is by Hootie and the


Let Her Cry:

She sits alone by a lampost
trying to find a thought that's escaped her mind
She says Dad's the one I love the most
but Stipe's not far behind

Her head turned in the direction the wind blew, her
eyes caught the refelctive glass of the windowshop she
was passing. Her eyes had turned to a light brown,
almost as if polluted by Gotham. In turn, the shades
of green they once sparkled, now only showed when she
heard his name, or saw him in the paper.

She never lets me in
only tells me where she's been
when she's had too much to drink
I say that I don't care, I just run my hands
through her dark hair then I pray to God
you gotta help me fly away

The First time she sat on the side of the bathtub.
Lex sat beside her in his pajamas, rubbing small
circles on her leather clad back. She felt the
alcohol and whatever drug she had decided to ingest
that night worm its way back up and he held back her
hair. He never said a word, just existed beside her.

And just...
Let her cry..if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

She looked up at herself, her reflection crying to
her. She had turned into what she feared most. Her
own mother. A complete junkie. She closed her eyes
and willed the image to go away. The images of Lex
walking in on her in the bathroom, one end of a rubber
tube caught between her teeth, pulling it as tight as
possible around her tiny arm. Her right hand tapping
the air bubbles to the surface of whatever colored
liquid she could find. And he'd just look at her,
stare at her, through her, into her, and with nothing
said, no words spoken, no verbal jarring, he'd walk
out and shut the door behind him.

This morning I woke up alone
found a note standin' by the phone
saying baby, maybe I'll be back some day
I wanted to look for you
You walked in I didn't know just what I should do
so I sat back down and had a beer
and felt sorry for myself.

She woke up beside the toilet, her head laying on the
sparkling white tile. Struggling to stand up she
caved in and crawled out of the bathroom, into the
hall. "Lex." She whispered, his name sounding like a
scream in her own head. Clinging to the wall she
pushed her way down the hall and into the kitchen,
searching for a glass, anything that would hold water.
She spotted the yellow post it note and knew. She
just knew she'd pushed him. She had wanted him to
lash out at her, she needed help. And instead of
conceding, he left her. Without reading it, without
looking twice in its direction she slid to the ground
and burried her knees into her chest, her arms wrapped
around them tightly. He was gone. Her body racked
with tears and she let them come. She hadn't cried in
a long time, and now, now it was time to let go.

Lex was gone. But she had been for so long. She saw
the knife on the counter across from her, grabbing it
she dug it deep into her skin, first a veritcal line,
then a horizontal one. 'Just a reminder.' She said
to herself. 'Just a reminder.' her mind repeated as
eyes fluttered close again.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

When she opened her eyes and the tears rolled down her face she winced as her left hand ached with the fresh wounds of the scar she had inflicted just a month ago. The lovely initial of her one true love. The one
person that loved her so much, couldn't stand seeing
her like she was. The one person she loved so much
for leaving her. For teaching her a lesson. Yet
still, she sobbed into her hands on the dark street of
Gotham. Just as a young man ran passed her and
grabbed her purse, just as she stood there doing
nothing. She didn't care. She didn't want her life
like this, without him. And if she couldn't have him,
she didn't want to live.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...awww...

Chloe watched him walk into Wayne Industries, a new
woman by his side. She sat on the bench across the
street as he laughed up at Bruce. Bruce smiled over
at her and waved. She stood and he patted Lex on the
arm, then left him to cross the street to come to her.
He reached her and kissed her lightly on the forhead.
It had been nearly a year since she had caused the
scar that decorated her wrist. The 'L' clearly
visible to anyone that got sight of it hidden under
her cuff.

Lex stared at her as she walked across the street on
Bruce's arm. He felt the tears well up in his eyes.

Last night I tried to leave
cried so much I could not believe
she was the same girl I fell in love
with long ago
She went in the back to get high
I sat down on my couch and cried
yellin' "Oh mama, please help me!
Won't you hold my hand?"

That night, so long ago he walked into the bathroom,
after hearing her come in from work. That damn club
she refused to quit working at. As he opened the
door, he peered down at the one thing that was solid
in his life. The one constant that kept him holding
on to each day. There she was, spread out on the
floor of the bathroom, holding a rubber tube tightly
pulling it with her teeth as the syringe tapped neatly
in the other hand. He wanted to reach out to her,
grab her shoulders and shake the hell out of her.
Maybe even hit her until she sobered up. It scared
him, she scared him. He never knew if he'd wake up to
her alive or dead beside him, which room he'd find her
in, what she'd inject into herself. He closed the
door behind him and collapsed onto the nearest peice
of furniture. The tears rolled and the sob that
escaped his throat went unnoticed by his fiancee.
Knowing she didn't care what she was doing to him, he
let the sobs overcome his body and silently prayed to
the only other woman he had ever loved to help him see
through this, his mom.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

Now she stood beside Bruce Wayne, she looked happy, to say the least. She looked healthy and she was
glowing. Little did he know, it was him that was
doing it to her. As soon as she saw him, she felt
immeasurable happiness. "Just came to say congrats,
Bruce." She smiled over at Lex and then to his
trophy. "Chloe." She let her hand out and the
brunette grasped it lightly. Smiling a bit and then
letting herself back into the role of hanging on his

"Come to lunch with us, won't you?" Bruce wrapped an
arm around her waist.

Smiling a little she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I
can't. But congratulations, both of you." She gave
Bruce a quick hug and smiled a goodbye to Lex and
turned away, she felt the silent tears behind her
eyes. Seeing him with another woman made her happy,
happy that he had moved on. Seeing him happy with
another woman, killed her. She touched her reminder
of that morning a year ago with her fingertips as she
turned the corner away from them. The reminder of
everything she had failed at. Them. Him. She had
failed him.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

The End

...I won't promise anything but I want to do a sequel
to this so bad...

19th May 2003, 08:55
*puts up hand* i'm voting for a sequel. this was so sad... but so damn good. *wipes away a tear*

if you do, can i make a request?? can you tell me how Chloe started on drugs? you'd think she'd be happy with Lex... i know alot of us that would be...

19th May 2003, 09:13
*raises hand* Cheering for a sequel...poor Chloe...poor Lex...sequell....... :worship2:

19th May 2003, 12:30
Yeah sequel, tht was so sad, :crygreen:

19th May 2003, 17:44
There are a few part which are a bit confusing...i think dealing with time shifts, but on the hold, this is good. However, you never really say how did Chloe get into drugs in the first place? Maybe you could explore that in the sequel.

19th May 2003, 18:58
Maybe reading this while already emotional wasn't a good idea cause....*sob*
This was really good. Damn you for being so talented!
Now I'm going to go try and stop crying but reading something fluffy!
It was really really good hon. Heart wrenching, (is there a w there??anyway.) but good!


21st May 2003, 03:54
Cry me a river!

"You dont have to say, what you did, i already know, i found out 'bout hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim"

"Now theres just no chance, that you and me, will ever be"

- Lex Luther as Justin Timberlake, this was too frikkin sad, man&#33; I&#39;m dying here :( i mean hello? its BATMAN... a BAT. he has a thing for BATS...BATS I TELL YOU&#33; >_<

9th June 2003, 06:33
Sequel to Let Her Cry
Title: Set Straight
Author: Blaire
Lyrics by: Joe, Franks, Hamilton and Reynolds
Song: Don&#39;t pull your love
Disclaimer: No, I don&#39;t own the lyrics and/ or the

&#39;Set Straight&#39;

"Don&#39;t pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I&#39;ll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don&#39;t pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don&#39;t leave me drownin&#39; in my tears

Lex watched her walk through the front door and
absentmindedly walk right past the barstool he sat
perched on. Instead she made a quick detour to the
bathroom, down the hallway, running her fingers along
the wall as to lead the way. It had been happening
more and more frequent. And although he only wanted
to find out where she was getting the crap she was
snorting, or loading up in her veins, he knew it
wouldn&#39;t be enough. And so the first tear of the
night fell.

You say you&#39;re gonna leave
Gonna take that big white bird
Gonna fly right out of here
Without a single word

He had threatened to leave her once if she ever came
home like this again. And as he stood here in the
doorway watching her heave over the toilet, her back
arching forward, her long lean neck following suit.
It was time. This time he&#39;d really do it. This time
he was gone for good.

Don&#39;t you know you&#39;ll break my heart
When I watch you close that door
Cause I know I won&#39;t see you anymore

He waited until he heard her stop. As soon as his
head leaned around the door frame and saw her curled
up beside the toilet on the cool tile of the marble
floor. He made his way to the kitchen, scrawling a
quick goodbye on a peice of paper. She wouldn&#39;t see
him leave. But it didn&#39;t make it any harder.

Don&#39;t pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I&#39;ll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don&#39;t pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don&#39;t leave me drownin&#39; in my tears

Lex stared out the window of the limo as the tears
freely fell down his face. Looking back on it now, he
didn&#39;t regret it. Looking back on it now, he couldn&#39;t
regret what they had, or that they&#39;d lost it.

Haven&#39;t I been good to you
What about that brand new ring
Doesn&#39;t that mean love to you
Doesn&#39;t that mean anything
If I threw away my pride
And I got down on my knees
Would I have to beg you, "pretty please"

As he rounded the corner and called out her name she
spun to look at him and he caught the glare off the
ring her had once upon a time placed on her finger.
She followed his gaze and then turned hurt brown eyes
on him. "What?" Her words bit at him and he felt a
shiver of something that he wanted back so bad. But
her and Bruce. How could that be?


Don&#39;t pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I&#39;ll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don&#39;t pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don&#39;t leave me drownin&#39; in my tears

She stared at him with cold eyes. Cold wet eyes that
held no amusement, no laughter. Just a hardness that
she felt. Lex&#39;s hand caught hers and his finger
stroked at the band on her finger. Meeting his eyes
she saw the tears there too.

There&#39;s so much I wanna do
I&#39;ve got love enough for two
But I&#39;ll never use it girl if I don&#39;t have you

Lex turned as his name was being called and Chloe&#39;s
hand fell away from his. "It&#39;s nothing, I don&#39;t love
her." Chloe nodded absently.

"Does she know that?" He turned to see his girlfriend
walking swiftly towards him. As he heard heels
coming, he heard another pair going and his eyes
traveled back to the blonde in front of him only to
find her retreating back a good half a block away from

Don&#39;t pull your love out on me baby
If you do then I think that maybe
I&#39;ll just lay me down and cry for a hundred years
Don&#39;t pull your love out on me honey
Take my heart, my soul, my money
But don&#39;t leave me drownin&#39; in my tears

Lex felt a warm hand on his arm and quickly pulled it
away. Looking down into lost orbs of the woman beside
him he shook his head. "I can&#39;t. I...I have to go."

And he took off running down the sidewalk, in hopes of
catching up with his fiancee. He spotted the blonde
getting into a cab, too far away. Running to where
the cab had just taken off from he watched as she
didn&#39;t even turn to look at him as he called out her

Only then did he realize he had pulled his love out on
her, not the other way around. A single tear fell
from his lashes, and escaped down the side of his face
to his jawline where it dipped under and led a small
clear trail down his neck.

The End

Now quit bugging me for a sequel&#33;


And just to remind you all, if it had a happy ending it wouldn&#39;t be posted in this section.

Ami Rose
20th October 2013, 02:53
So sad