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View Full Version : Conversationally Satisfying (PG-13) 1/1

29th July 2005, 19:27
Title: Conversationally Satisfying
Rated: PG-13
Pairing: Chloe/Lex
Notes: Chloe/Lex is my Het OTP for Smallville, and I've been wanting to write it for a while. And it's my birthday, so that means I get a get out of jail free car where the sap is concerned. LOL. It takes place sometime during the season 4 opening arm, I guess before Gone though. First attempt at Chloe/Lex, and really, first attempt at Chloe period.


Gabe poked his head in the kitchen, his frown briefly sliding over Lex before landing on Chloe and softening into a worried smile. “Don’t stay up too late, honey.”

Chloe smiled back at him. “I won’t Dad,” she said, glancing at Lex. “At least, no later than I usually stay up. And it’s not as though I have anything to wake up for.”

Gabe’s smile grew tighter and he stepped back to the doorway. “Well. Just get some sleep, ok?”

“Night Dad,” Chloe said, giving him a small little wave and waiting for him to close the kitchen door behind him. She glanced at Lex and squinted sympathetically. “Sorry.”

“I should go,” Lex said, smiling and standing.

“No,” Chloe said quickly, her hand darting out and catching on his arm. “No. Please, stay. I mean, I know it’s weird and all, but you’re as close to normal as I’ve got right now,” she said, laughing and tugging on his arm. “The security team is nice enough, but not exactly conversationally satisfying.”

Lex laughed softly, sinking back into the barstool next to her, cupping his hands around his mug of hot chocolate. He sighs, casting her a sideways look. “I think your father hates me.”

Chloe cringed, slouching slightly and leaning on the counter. “Yeah. He doesn’t hate you Lex, but…” She sighed, a hand coming up to cover her eyes. “And anyway, that’s my fault.”

“No, Chloe, it’s mine,” Lex said softly, reaching over and covering her hand with his. “Because of me, you’re completely isolated from everyone you love, while those same people think that you’re dead.”

“That’s your father’s fault, Lex, not yours,” Chloe answered, anger tingeing her voice as she flipped her hand and laced her fingers with his. “And I’m not talking about that. My Dad doesn’t know about my dealings with your father. He thinks I’m just doing this out of some kind of loyalty to you.”

Lex looked down at their entwined fingers and smiled, squeezing her hand. “Good,” he said, looking up at her. “It’s good for him to have someone to blame.”

“But he should be blaming me,” Chloe said, looking him in the eyes. “I did this. This was my choice.”

Lex sighed, looking away. “Chloe… I shouldn’t have gotten you involved. I knew this was a possibility and I never should--”

“Oh shut up, you idiot,” Chloe said, causing Lex to look at her, his expression shocked as she started to laugh. “I bet that’s the first time someone’s called you an idiot, huh?” She shrugged, continuing before he could answer. “You told me this could happen. You warned me, repeatedly, what I was getting into . For the past year you’ve been warning me away from your father. I’m stubborn Lex. I’m stubborn when I’m getting into trouble, and I’m stubborn getting out of it. I did this.”

Lex looked at her, unwinding his fingers from hers and reaching over to brush back the spiky blond hair from her face. “You’re really something amazing, you know that?”

She snuffled out a laugh, looking down and blushing slightly. “I wish I was though,” she said, looking back up at him. “Doing this for you.”

“It doesn’t matter why you’re doing it,” Lex said, his hand resting on her shoulder, his smile small but real. “What matters is that you’re doing it.”

“I’d like to think I would,” she said softly. “I’d like to think I’d do it just because I should. Just because he deserves it for everything he did to you.”

Lex’s smile widened. “I think you would, Chloe. If for no other reason than it would provide you with wonderful material for your first book.”

Chloe looked offended for only a moment before she was laughing, reaching out and swatting him on the shoulder. “I’m sitting here trying to be sweet and say I want to do this for you, and you go and say I’d only use it as material!”

Lex laughed and shrugged, his hand slipping from her shoulder. “You don’t need to try to be sweet, Chloe. You just are.”

“God,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. She laughed again. “So. Um.” She paused, looking at him with a calculating look. “So how is everybody?”

Lex sighed. “They’re…” He sighed again, reaching up and scrubbing at his face. “Pretty awful, Chloe. They’re devastated over you. I think Clark wants to kill me.”

She frowned, sighing as well and leaning her shoulder into him. “I’m sorry, Lex.”

Lex looked at her, letting out a choked off laugh. “For what?”

“I know how much Clark means to you,” she said softly. “I’m sorry he’s using this as an excuse to stay angry with you.”

“It’s not an excuse, Chloe,” Lex said, frowning. “He has every right and every reason to be angry with me. For this, and for a lot more.”

She grinned at him. “And I suppose my continuing to question you on what it was he was pissed at you to begin with will remain pointless?”

Lex smirked. “No further comments, Ms. Sullivan.”

Chloe sighed, shaking her head. “Sometimes I wonder if he even knows how much devastation he causes just by being himself.” She laughed and shook her head. “He just sits there and makes you fall in love with him, and then… he just, keeps sitting there. And he’s totally shocked that you’re in love with him, and even more shocked when you get angry when you catch him in a lie.”

Lex propped his head in his hands and studied her for a moment. “He’s young, Chloe. Lana’s just an infatuation.”

She snorted, rolling her eyes. “They’re Romeo and Juliet, Lex. I’m just the servant girl, and I’m sick of pining from afar.”

Lex reached out again, threading his fingers through her hair and making her look at him. “You’ll never be just a servant girl, Chloe. You shine too brightly.”

Chloe’s eyes closed and her head tilted into Lex’s palm as she smiled and blushed again. “God, Lex.”

He smiled, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. “It’s true. Just wait. You’ll leave them all in the dust one day.” He raised an eyebrow and his smile widened. “They’ll realize you’re so much more than they thought, and it’ll be up to you to forgive them.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him, her hand coming up to cover his hand. “You know, you really can be sickeningly sweet when you want to be, Lex.”

Lex laughed, his hand sliding out of her hair and dropping. He watched as her had followed his, catching it between them. “Old habits. Charm gets you pretty far in this world.”

Chloe’s mouth twisted on a smirk. “Oh, I see. So you were just charming me there.”

His eyes widened. “No. No, I meant what I said--”

Chloe’s smirk turned into a smile, blindingly bright, and she laughed. “I’m kidding Lex. God. Doesn’t anyone ever tease you?”

He shook his head, looking down at their hands still clasped between them, resting on his leg. “Not really.”

“Well then it’s official. I’m your designated teaser,” she said, leaning forward and grinning at him until he looked up at her.

He laughed. “Guess I don’t really get a choice in the matter.”

“Nope,” she said, shaking her head and looking at him. “You’ll grow to love it.”

He was in the middle of formulating his next comment when she leaned forward, her lips closing over his before he even realized she was close enough to do so. Her hand came up and cupped his cheek, her hand squeezing his lightly as she leaned into the kiss. When she finally pulled back he looked at her, still completely shocked and more than a little confused. “Chloe,” he breathed out.

She grinned. “I’ve kind of wanted to do that for a while.”

He shook his head. “Chloe--”

She laughed, her hand still on his face, her fingers spreading across his cheek. “You’re kind of funny, all speechless like this.”

He smiled, looking down. “Listen--”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “That wasn’t gratitude, or some sort of obligation I felt,” she said, leaning forward until he looked back up at her. “I know that’s what you think it is. But really, I’m not that grateful.” She grinned at him but didn’t allow him to interrupt her. “We’ve really gotten to know each other the past few months, Lex. I wanted to kiss you.”

His mouth worked open a few times before he regained control of it. “What about Clark?”

She rolled her eyes, sitting back and letting her hand slide off of his face, their hands remaining entwined. “Clark doesn’t love me, Lex. As a friend, yes, but it’s Lana he loves. I’ve come to accept that.”

He looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing together. “Why?”

She laughed. “Why have I come to accept it, or why did I want to kiss you?”

He looked away, laughing uncomfortably. “I think you know, Chloe.”

“Because,” she said, shrugging. “Because you’re good looking, and you’re rich, and powerful.” When he looked at her she laughed. “I thought you might believe that, whereas me saying that it was because I really like you, you might not.”

He took a deep breath, leaning forward and wrapping his fingers around the back of her neck, looking her finally in the eyes. “And what if I said I didn’t deserve you?”

She grinned. “I’d say that you saying you didn’t is kind of the reason why you do.”

The smile on his face was the most open one she’d ever seen on him, and she thought it was maybe the most beautiful thing in the world.

Then he kissed her again, his lips soft and undemanding, his fingers grasping hers lightly, the other hand still wrapped around the back of her neck, thumb stroking up the side of it, and she thought no.

No. This is the most beautiful thing in the world.

29th July 2005, 19:43
Chloe/Lex is my Het OTP for Smallville

Quick question, what does OTP stand for?

This was very cute though, and a very good first attempt at writing Chloe and Chlex - welcome to Chlex fanfic writing, isn't it fun :)

I especially loved this:

“Well then it’s official. I’m your designated teaser,” she said, leaning forward and grinning at him until he looked up at her.

because Chloe is right, everyone should have someone to tease them, even, or especially, billionaires who take themselves too seriously!

And this

“Because,” she said, shrugging. “Because you’re good looking, and you’re rich, and powerful.” When he looked at her she laughed. “I thought you might believe that, whereas me saying that it was because I really like you, you might not.”

was both sweet and sad, because Lex probably would be more likely to believe that someone wants his money and status than just that they want him.

And finally:

She grinned. “I’d say that you saying you didn’t is kind of the reason why you do.”

The smile on his face was the most open one she’d ever seen and she thought it was maybe the most beautiful thing in the world.

Then he kissed her again, his lips soft and undemanding, his fingers grasping her lightly, the other hand still wrapped around the back of her neck, thumb stroking up the side of it, and she thought no.

No. This is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Just awww...so very sweet :) I always love Chloe-and-Lex-in-the-safe-house stories :) Happy birthday and welcome to the boards, I hope you write more Chlex stories.

30th July 2005, 04:58
Oh my goodness that was so cute. It wasnt sappy at all. I loved it. :D Oh and Happy Birthday :cake:

Hope :)

star del mar
30th July 2005, 05:06
Aww, I needed some sap...that was too cute. Great job!

30th July 2005, 05:35
Sweet, it was perfect. Ch/Lex were so great. The kisses were fantastic and I loved their conversation. Well done! ;)

30th July 2005, 16:19
“And what if I said I didn’t deserve you?”

She grinned. “I’d say that you saying you didn’t is kind of the reason why you do.”

And you may call it sap, but it's *good* sap. Well written, good characterisation-- I love the Chloe dialogue especially. Hope to see more of your writing around here soon!

Quick question, what does OTP stand for?
"One True Pairing". Came across it in this fascinating fanfiction glossary (http://www.subreality.com/glossary/terms.htm). I believe it's a sort of 'shipper monogamy -- basically means that the idea of any other 'ship makes you sick.

1st August 2005, 14:38
Loved it all the way, they were so cute!

1st August 2005, 16:46
He took a deep breath, leaning forward and wrapping his fingers around the back of her neck, looking her finally in the eyes. “And what if I said I didn’t deserve you?”

She grinned. “I’d say that you saying you didn’t is kind of the reason why you do.”

The smile on his face was the most open one she’d ever seen on him, and she thought it was maybe the most beautiful thing in the world.

Then he kissed her again, his lips soft and undemanding, his fingers grasping hers lightly, the other hand still wrapped around the back of her neck, thumb stroking up the side of it, and she thought no.

No. This is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Aww, this was so sweet! ;) I love safehouse fics. :ecstatic: Great job!


2nd August 2005, 09:37
Thanks so very much everybody! I loved writing it. I'll have to wait for another idea to pop into my h ead before I do them again, but I most likely will be. I loooooooove them together. Or hell, maybe I'll just write a pwp. LOL.

Thanks again! You make me feel so welcome!

2nd August 2005, 10:46
:wub: That was so sweet. Great job and welcome to the boards.

3rd August 2005, 01:48
HeyO!! Happie Late B-day! Oh, my little cousin and you share the same birthday. Isn't that just cool. Great fic you have here. Write more okie dokie =]

3rd August 2005, 05:34
If that was sap then plzzz pour me another bowl cuz I loved it!! This is really how they should have ended up in the show they could have salvaged the 4th season. Honestly this was very well written and the last few lines had me awwing. You were right on the ball with Lex rather believing that she'd want him for money instead of wanting him for well him. It was scrumdiddlyumcious!! OH AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY...YOU ROCK... KEEP ON WRITING!!!

3rd August 2005, 13:29
That was beautiful, loved the last line...just perfect!!!


4th August 2005, 05:13
That was lovely. I've just started watching the show but the characters of Chloe and Lex have really captured me.
Hope to see something else from you soon,

9th August 2005, 00:20
that was sweet and cute i realy enjoyed reading it.

4th September 2005, 07:15
loved it!

4th September 2005, 12:27
lovely fic

11th October 2005, 17:14
Great beginning here. For your first time writing Chloe I was pleased by your characterization. You got Lex's stuffy guilt out, and his reluctance to show it as well. This passage was something I could see and hear in my head and it had a certain intensity that comes of real chemistry between characters. It was just authentic.

Lex sighed, looking away. “Chloe… I shouldn’t have gotten you involved. I knew this was a possibility and I never should--”

“Oh shut up, you idiot,” Chloe said, causing Lex to look at her, his expression shocked as she started to laugh. “I bet that’s the first time someone’s called you an idiot, huh?” She shrugged, continuing before he could answer. “You told me this could happen. You warned me, repeatedly, what I was getting into . For the past year you’ve been warning me away from your father. I’m stubborn Lex. I’m stubborn when I’m getting into trouble, and I’m stubborn getting out of it. I did this.”

Lex looked at her, unwinding his fingers from hers and reaching over to brush back the spiky blond hair from her face. “You’re really something amazing, you know that?”

She snuffled out a laugh, looking down and blushing slightly. “I wish I was though,” she said, looking back up at him. “Doing this for you.”

“It doesn’t matter why you’re doing it,” Lex said, his hand resting on her shoulder, his smile small but real. “What matters is that you’re doing it.”

“I’d like to think I would,” she said softly. “I’d like to think I’d do it just because I should. Just because he deserves it for everything he did to you.”

A fine debut into Chlex. I look forward to reading more from you.

21st October 2005, 08:19
*sigh* Another good one. You have more around here, don't you? *eyes the rest of NS frantically*

Now this is one I'd love to see more about. Maybe other short stories wrapped up in this timeline? Drop one now and again that either led up to this or follow it? Huh? Maybe? If I ask real nice? ;)

Good work. Thanks for sharing...


Ami Rose
17th March 2018, 10:35
Very sweet