View Full Version : [Completed] Storm Damage (NC-17)

8th May 2003, 04:42
Title: Storm Damage
Author: SaraC
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Futurefic
Summary: A roof + A rainstorm = Chlexy goodness

Disclaimer: Don't own any of these characters. Just borrowing them for some much needed fun!

Author Notes: Okay, this comes out of a certain "Blue Lounge" discussion on rooftop sex. It was screaming to be written so I had to oblige. Don't know if it's any good, but I had to try! My apologies for the minor "Alias" references, I'm still brooding after the season finale!

Archive: Anyone who wants it, just let me know!


Trapped with nowhere to run. The words took on new meaning for Chloe Sullivan as she stood with her back pressed against the cool bricks that made up the Luthor Mansion's roof. A desperate glance around told her that unless she had suddenly become Sydney Bristow, super spy, there was no way she was getting off the roof anytime soon.

If only she had her own personal Agent Vaughn to help her out of this situation! Although her ideal spy partner would have a lot less hair and lot more devious ways of resolving her current situation.

Sighing, she glanced down at the paper she clutched tightly in one hand. The bold "LuthorCorp" logo was clearly visible on the sheet but what was written on it had the power to shut down LexCorp for good- courtesy of one devious and definitely evil bride-to-be. It was also the reason she was in this ridiculous predicament.


She'd been watching Lex and Helen argue quietly in a corner of the Talon for twenty minutes trying her best to eavesdrop while being halfway across the room. What she wouldn't give to know what Dr. Drop-Kick was upset with now. More than likely it was Lex.

Still, she couldn't help but feel enormous satisfaction as the brunette threw her napkin down on the table and stormed from the Talon in a huff. Lex, to her pleasant surprise, did not follow but simply sat sipping his coffee with a contemplative look on his face.

Grabbing her own latte, Chloe took a deep breath and decided to brave the Luthor waters, simply for her curiosity about the argument between Smallville's most talked-about couple. At least that's what she told herself as she slid into the booth across from him.

"Miss Sullivan, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" His voice was sarcastic but there was warmth in his eyes that bellied the words.

"You know me Lex, always sniffing out a good story." She smiled brightly as she took a sip of coffee and contemplated him with amused eyes. "So want to tell me what the good doctor was so upset about?"

God he was cute when he got that look of frustrated annoyance on his face.

"It's really none of your business Chloe." She nodded as he stressed her first name in the same way she had his. Figuring that would be his response, she chose a different tactic.

"Figured you'd say that." It was a struggle to hide her amused look at the expression on his face. "Which is why I feel I must inform you that whatever it was will probably be all over town by tomorrow." She tried not to laugh at the blank expression that quickly came over his features.

"Do tell?" The words were clipped but she knew he was dying of curiosity. Smiling she shrugged.

"Mrs. Johnson was sitting behind you and from her facial expressions, she heard every word." She did laugh this time at the comical expression of annoyance that appeared on his handsome face.

"Great, Helen would pick a booth next to the town gossip to take me to task." Chloe perked up at the muttered words, a question on the tip of her tongue. But something about the look in his eyes had her remaining silent.

"Well then I suppose you'll find out with the rest of the town- tomorrow." She gave a fake pout at Lex's clipped reply as he began to gather his things. Chloe tried not to feel hurt that he was obviously so eager to leave.

"Fine, be that way. But don't say I didn't warn you. Who knows what story will be circulating by then if I know Smallville's gossip mill." With that she offered him a quick wave, turning back to her coffee.

"Good-evening Miss Sullivan. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around." She couldn't deny the tingle his words sent down her spine nor the anticipation that ran through her system at the look in his eyes as he towered over her for a moment.

"Good-evening Mr. Luthor and you can count on seeing me around." Proud of her response she watched as he nodded, heart jumping at the strange look in his eyes as he gazed at her in contemplation before striding quickly from the building. Her eyes followed him all the way with a hungry expression that went unnoticed by everyone in the Talon except Lana. The brunette shot her a worried look that Chloe chose to ignore in favor of her coffee.

Deciding she'd had enough, she chugged the rest of her coffee and slid from the seat. She jumped as her toe hit something on the floor. A quick look down revealed a leather case with the name "H. Bryce" written in gold lettering on the front.

Surreptitiously looking around, she reached down and grabbed the case, glad to see no one had noticed. Placing it on the seat beside her, she looked around to make sure no one was watching then opened it to reveal a sheaf of papers. Pulling them out, she began to skim through them with an editor's eye, dismayed to see they were nothing more than patient files.

She hit pay dirt with the last one however. Her eyes widened as she saw the LuthorCorp logo on a sheet of paper tucked underneath one of the patient reports. Pulling it out, she found herself staring at a memo from Lionel Luthor to one Helen Bryce. Her heart sinking, she began to read.

A few moments later she had to fight the righteous anger coursing through her, most of it aimed at Lex's fiancée. Because what this memo revealed was that Lionel Luthor had paid Helen to get close to Lex in a plot to bring down LexCorp and force Lex back to Metropolis and under his father's wing. And from the personal sound of the letter, she suspected the doctor was more than "friendly" with the elder Luthor.

This was going to break Lex's heart. Again. Part of her fury turned to sympathy then, knowing that despite their problems, Lex seemed to love Helen. Not that she was any expert on the emotion considering her disastrous failure with Clark several years ago. Still, Lex needed to know and he needed to know now before the wedding this weekend.

Folding the paper into a small square, she slipped it into her jacket pocket and returned the rest of the papers to the case. Not a moment too soon as she heard a car screech to a halt outside the Talon. A quick glance up alerted her that a very irate Helen Bryce was now striding towards the front door.

Slipping the case back to the floor, she quickly got up and walked over to the bar, settling onto a stool just as Helen strode in. She watched from the corner of her eye as Helen grabbed the case and walked quickly from the Talon again, not even looking through her bag.

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief as she realized she was off the hook. Now all she had to do was get to the mansion before Helen realized her incriminating note was gone.

"You look like you're deep in thought." She jumped at Clark's voice and turned to her friend even as she gathered her things.

"Not really, just dreading something I've got to do before the night ends." She knew it was vague but luckily before he could question her Clark, as usual, was distracted by Lana moving towards him with a smile.

Calling out good-bye's to a nearly oblivious Clark and a concerned looking Lana, she walked quickly from the Talon and over to her car. Slipping into the driver's seat she steered the car towards the mansion trying to figure out how to tell Lex that the latest woman he'd given his heart to was once again only after his money, his company and his father.

Part of her however couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Lex deserved a lot better than that bitch. She was helping him in the long run by making sure he did not make another marriage mistake. It was her duty as a journalist and as his friend.

What she would only admit to herself, however, was that despite the improbability of it she wanted Lex Luthor for herself. The feelings were not new; they'd been tormenting her for the past year, ever since she'd finally given up on Clark. Lex had been spending more time with them and by turns with her. They'd begun a strange sort of friendship, filled with innuendo-laden judo and even a few confidences much to her surprise.

During that time, she'd come to realize what a unique and fascinating person Lex really was. He had the same ruthless streak that was obvious in his father but she knew from listening to him that he did not want to turn into Lionel. That to her was the crowning proof that he wouldn't. Along with his seeming devotion to making his friendship with Clark and even herself work.

Then there was the fact that he had a body to die for. Her mouth watered as she imagined what his naked chest would look like, the muscles gleaming in the firelight as she stroked them with her hands; what his skin would taste like against her tongue. What's more, the image of Lex pounding into her, hard and fast, grew clearer every day, making her nights long, agonizingly arousing ones alone in her room.

Still, Lex was not going to need another lover tonight, he would need a friend. And that was as good a start as any. An old saying about "friendship being true love set on fire" filtered through her mind as she pulled up to the gates of the mansion.

Her forehead creased into a frown as she noted that Helen's car was already parked in the circular drive. Quickly turning off onto the side road next to the gate, she parked her car a ways down and quietly made her way back.

She easily slipped through the gates, realizing Lex's security was still well below par. Moving quietly to the side door she recalled Clark talking about using for delivering produce, she was grateful to find it unlocked. Creeping inside, she began to make her way through the dark kitchen and soon found herself slipping into the shadows of the long first floor hallway.

Hearing voices echoing down the hall, she crept towards the doors to Lex's study, praying his minimal staff was either asleep or gone for the night. Luck must have been with her because she reached the office with no interruptions. Settling herself outside the door, she listened to what was being said.

"Lex, I really don't want a huge wedding." Chloe rubbed her forehead at Helen's whiny tone. It sounded a bit too much like Lana for her taste. "Let's just elope to Las Vegas. We can do a quick wedding and get right to the honeymoon." Her senses went on red alert at the words. Helen not only sounded whiny but desperate as well. Which meant she must have discovered the missing memo and was now trying to do damage control.

"Helen, I can't leave right now." Chloe was relieved to hear Lex sounding rational. "I'm in the middle of a huge deal and I need to be here to close it." She tensed as she realized what the "big deal" must be since she'd read about it in the memo less than an hour earlier.

"You can do it by fax from Las Vegas." Definitely desperation in that annoying voice now, Chloe thought to herself. "Lex, I want to be your wife and I want that now. We've already waited six months."

Chloe's heart fell at Lex's reply.

"I know Helen and I can see your point about avoiding the fuss of a huge wedding." Oh no! Lex could not be considering this. Not now! She held her breath as he continued. "But I just can't leave right now. Please try and understand. Besides, it's only a few more days until the weekend and then you'll have the wedding you've been planning for months."

Chloe's sigh of relief was not enough to drown out the obvious anger of Lex's fiancée.

"You're being unreasonable Lex." Anger had now replaced the desperation in Helen's voice and Chloe found herself rooting for Lex to stand up to his fiancée.

"Actually, I think you are the one being unreasonable Helen." There was a note of annoyance in his voice that made her smile. "This is important business. If you can't understand why I need to deal with it then maybe you should rethink spending your life with me."

Chloe's heart nearly stopped at the words. She hoped against hope that Helen would break it off. Then she wouldn't have to tell Lex his fiancée was evil and set to betray him. Although she would miss out on the much hoped for "comforting Lex" phase of her plan.

"Fine. Take care of business. But when this deal is done, I come first in your priorities and we elope." Chloe's heart fell again as she heard the tonal change in Helen's voice, now sugary sweet.

"I'll consider it Helen. Now I really have work-" His words were cut off abruptly and Chloe felt sick as she imagined exactly how Helen had gotten him to be quiet and taken his mind off work. The spark of jealousy was fast fanning to a flame and she found herself wanting to do nothing more than burst in and expose Helen for the lying bastard she was. But that would give Helen the upper hand and she needed Lex alone to tell him the truth before the evil doctor could twist the situation to suit her evil agenda.

Wondering what to do now, she sank back against the wall, trying not to feel helpless. A sudden movement, however, made her freeze. Her eyes spotted an unfamiliar man walking towards her, his eyes thankfully on the papers he held in his hands. Panicking, Chloe turned and quietly made her way down the hall and into the first door she could find unlocked. Slipping inside, she pushed it closed and sank against the paneling with a small sigh.

Obviously, she was not going to be able to get to Lex immediately. But she had time, at least another day until Lex's deal was done. That was if Helen was waiting until it went through to make her move. Biting her lip, she unconsciously began to pace around the dark room. She froze again as she heard voices coming down the hallway. Pressing her ear to the door, her blood ran cold as she made out their words.

"I'm sure of it Ms. Bryce. Chloe Sullivan's car was spotted just outside the gates but the young lady herself is nowhere to be found."

Chloe shuddered as she realized it must be the man she'd seen in the hall. Obviously, he knew Helen. Her eyes widened as she heard the doctor's reply.

"Thanks Jack. She must have taken the note from my bag at the Talon." Chloe's heart began to beat faster at the pure evil she heard in Helen's voice. "I want you to search every last inch of this house for her. She's here somewhere and I can't allow her to get anywhere near Lex."

"Don't worry Ms. Bryce. She won't get near Lex. She won't get near anyone else ever again."

Fear hit Chloe full on as she realized that Helen had most likely just given her conspirators the okay to have her killed. Moving quietly back across the room, Chloe tried not to panic but instead to figure a way out of this situation. Obviously the guards would be looking for her discretely if Helen did not want to arouse Lex's suspicion, which at least gave her a fighting chance.

Gathering up her courage, she slipped back to the door and listened carefully for voices. Hearing none, she cracked it and managed to look up and down the hallway. The coast was clear but probably not for long. Not to mention she was sure Lex had security cameras around the mansion and no doubt Helen's henchmen were using them.

Cursing quietly, she slid the door closed again and leaned back against it. There had to be a way out of this. What would Sydney Bristow do? The ridiculous thought was at least enough to calm a smidgeon of her fears as she began to look around the room for anything that might help. Disguise was probably her best option although she wasn't sure what she could find.

Walking towards a huge closet near the window, she opened the doors on pay dirt. A bevy of what looked like maid's uniforms was displayed before her. She must have somehow stumbled into the servant's room. She only hoped the outfits were not of the French Maid variety. Although the image of Lex seeing her in such an outfit was enough to make her panties damp.

{{Enough! You need to think about saving your life, not fucking Lex Luthor. Concentrate girl!}}

Subduing her sub-conscious for the moment, she prayed there was something in her size. A few moments later she pulled out a gray skirt and white blouse that looked about right. The skirt was a bit too short but that could be overlooked as long as she did not bend down too far. The blouse however was a different story. It was very tight across the chest and would hardly button so she had to settle for leaving the top three open, hoping no one would notice how much of her cleavage it revealed. Still, being that it appeared to be the only size stocked, it would have to do. At least it covered the basics and hopefully would make her blend in with the other maids in the mansion. Not that she'd seen any at this hour.

As a final precaution however, she found a little maid's cap and tucked her hair up underneath it. That way no one could even get a hint of the bright blonde color that would surely alert everyone to who she was.

Keeping her head low, she again cracked the door and noting the coast was clear, slipped into the hallway and began to make her way towards the front door. Only to stop and turn directly around the other way as she heard voices coming towards her. Heart pounding, she kept her pace sedate and her head to the ground as she tried to distance herself from the voices. She wasn't sure where she was going but it really didn't matter as long as it was away from anyone searching for her.

Several minutes and several flights of stairs later, she finally found an open door after what seemed like hundreds of locked ones. Figuring she was on at least the second or third floor of the mansion she slipped through the door with a sigh of relief. Her mood brightened as she realized she was now outside. It immediately fell as she realized she was on the roof.

"Great, I get outside but I'm more than three stories up." Muttering to herself she reached for the door handle, resigning herself to finding another way out. She frowned as the knob refused to move. Turning a bit harder, she felt the panic begin to well up as she realized the door must have locked from the inside.

A muttered moan emerged from her throat as she sank against the metal, wondering what to do now. There was no other entrance to the house she could see from her position and nothing to even think of climbing down.

She was trapped on Lex Luthor's roof, holding the one piece of paper that could save his company and hopefully his heart. Could things get any worse?



Chloe sighed as she settled onto the hard, cold roof, wracking her brain for any great ideas. She had her bag but for once, her cell phone was not in it. She'd stupidly left it in the car without thinking. Everyone thought she was at the Torch, which meant no one would be missing her for another few hours. And it was progressively getting colder as storm clouds hovered over Smallville, visible even with the blackness of night around them.

"Just great. You've really done it this time Chloe." She muttered the words to herself as she wrapped her arms around her waist, trying to conserve body heat as the wind picked up. Closing her eyes, she continued to wrack her brain for a way out of this mess. She was so involved in her musings that she did not hear the door creak open or spot the menacing figure creeping towards her.

Chloe screamed as a large hand was clamped around her neck. Struggling with all her might she found herself no match for the burly man. Fear set in as the man dragged her closer and closer to the edge of the roof. Kicking and punching every part of him she could, she managed to break free for a moment but her attacker was obviously quicker and had her back in his grasp seconds later.

Chloe knew no one could hear her screams this far up but she hoped against hope someone, somewhere would hear. Her heart nearly stopped as she felt herself being lifted off her feet and shoved towards the edge of the roof. In full panic mode now, she struggled even harder but to no avail. Feeling her body begin to tip over the side she found herself with the insane thought that once again, a visit to Lex was going to end with her taking a fall, only this time she knew it would be fatal.

She gasped as she suddenly felt her attacker's weight pulled off of her and she fell forward, thankfully back onto the roof instead of over it. She watched with stunned amazement as Lex struggled with the man, not even thinking to question how he'd gotten there. However, seeing her attacker looked to have the upper hand, Chloe gathered all her strength and launched herself at the back of the man, wrapping her arms around his throat in an imitation of a move she'd seen Andre the Giant do in the "Princess Bride." She only hoped it would work long enough to give Lex a chance to move in again.

Her move must have startled the man because he staggered back from Lex, trying to claw her off his body. The distraction was the opening Lex needed as he sent one well aimed punch into the man's now unprotected face. At the same time, Chloe used all her strength to tighten her grip around the man's neck, hoping he would choke.

The attacker stumbled backwards, losing his balance and throwing Chloe off of him. The impact of hitting the ground stunned her for a moment as she watched Lex once again move in. Her attacker looked ready for another round, but seemed not to notice how close to the edge he was. Lex however must have, and in a move worthy of a Superbowl quarterback, lunged for the man and tackled him against the wall. The impact however overbalanced the larger man, who teetered on the edge then slipped backwards.

Chloe knew she would never forget the sound of his harsh scream as he toppled over the edge and disappeared from her sight. After a moment of shock, she managed to move over to where Lex lay panting on the ground, his body pressed against the hard stone of the roof. Thankfully, he didn't look as if he were hurt too badly.

"Chloe, are you okay?" The concern in his voice was music to her ears as she felt the emotion of the situation overcome her. Crawling towards him, she didn't think twice about going into the arms he opened as she approached.

"I'm fine now." She whispered the words against his chest as his arms closed around her, holding her tightly against him. Now this was the way to recover from a traumatic experience. Although she did have to wonder why she always ended up in danger every time she came to the mansion.

For a long time, she remained silent, content to reassure herself that they were both alive and unharmed by listening to his heart beat in time with her own. Finally though, she collected herself enough to realize she needed some answers. And she needed to tell Lex about Helen.

"Lex, Helen hired those men. She's probably got more-" She stopped as he placed a finger over her mouth to silence her.

"I know. They've all been taken care of. You're safe now Chloe." The calm words reassured her like nothing ever had. Breathing a sigh of relief, she rested her head against his chest, absorbing the knowledge that Helen's plan had been thwarted. But how had Lex known about it?

Raising her head she knew her eyes showed the suspicion she was beginning to develop. "How did you know Helen wanted those men to kill me Lex?" His sigh confirmed her suspicions.

"I knew Helen was working with my father to destroy LexCorp, I just didn't have any proof." The weariness in his voice tugged at her heart as she snuggled closer. "I've spent the past few weeks trying to establish the connection but had no luck. Still, she was so jumpy tonight I figured something had gone wrong."

Chloe chose not to comment on anything yet, wanting him to finish.

"When one of my guards mentioned to me that your car was spotted near the gates but you were nowhere to be found, I figured you'd stumbled onto something." Her look of surprise prompted a smile that quickly turned to a frown. "I really began to worry after remembering Helen's mood and the fact my men hadn't seen you. When I was told that there were several of Helen's 'guards' searching the house I knew they were trying to find you."

Chloe frowned as something occurred to her. "Lex, how did you find me?" His small smile sent a shiver down her spine.

"You forget this place has cameras everywhere, most installed by my father. I simply told security to use every one of them until we found you. I spotted you going out here and the rest, well, you saw what happened."

Chloe smiled as she realized how fast Lex must have run to make it here, just in time to save her. "I never thought I'd say it, but thank God for your father's worries you'll do something un-Luthorish." His low laughter set her senses on fire along with the knowledge that he hadn't removed his arms from around her waist.

"I agree. But I do want to know what you found on Helen, since I'm assuming that's why you're here?"

{{Oh, if you only knew I really wanted to be naked on top of you}}

Shaking herself out of the fantasy, she unfolded the paper still clenched in her hand. Handing it to him reluctantly she watched carefully as he read it. His reaction surprised her.

"Damn! I should have figured the deal was too good to be true!" With a muttered sigh, he struggled to his feet, pulling her with him but keeping his arms around her waist. She waited quietly, sensing he was working things out in his mind and not wanting to interrupt as he processed the situation. Although part of her was feeling pretty happy that he didn't seem heartbroken or devastated by the loss of Helen.

"So I take it this is what you need to bring her down?" It sounded like a line from a bad movie but the reaction she got made it worth her while. Lex broke out into a sly smile as he pulled her closer and lifted her off her feet in a hug. Feeling amazed at the show of emotion and giddy at his action, she allowed her brain to process the wonderful sensation of being so close to him, closing her eyes and inhaling his scent.

"Thank you Chloe. You've just given me the proof I need to prove Helen was hired by my father to destroy me and my company. You saved me and I won't forget it." The words were whispered against her ear as he kept her in his arms, almost as if he did not want to let her go. She wasn't going to complain.

"Well, if I'd have known I was going to get that reaction, I would have framed it or something." Lame she knew but it made him laugh and that was worth it. She smiled up at him, enjoying the amused look on his face. Suddenly though, something registered. "Lex, wait a minute. What about Helen?" She shivered at Lex's almost demonic chuckle.

"Helen will not be a problem anymore. And yes, the wedding's off."

She felt a tinge of sadness at the resignation in his voice, hating that things had to end like they had. But a larger part could not help but rejoice at the fact that Lex was single and could now begin the healing and moving on process.

"You okay with that?" She sighed at his curious look. "I meant, are you okay with losing yet another possible wife to your father's megalomaniac tendencies?"

His smile warmed her to her toes and sent butterflies loose in her stomach. "I'm more than okay Chloe. In fact, I don't think I've ever been better."

Smiling, she allowed him to pull back, catching her breath as he caught her hand in his and lead her towards the door. The smile faded as she noticed the door was closed tightly.

"Um, Lex, you do know that door locks from the inside, don't you?" Her tone was light but her heart sank as she noted the surprised expression on Lex's face.

"Oh damn." The muttered curse quickly turned into a string of expletatives as he repeated her actions of earlier and began to struggle with the doorknob. She knew he wouldn't rest until he was sure he couldn't open it so she did not even try to help or offer a comment. Her brain was still trying to process the fact that she and Lex were apparently trapped on the roof of the mansion.

Alone. Together.

Any fear she might have felt at being trapped was suddenly eliminated by the heat that swept over her as she imagined several lustful scenarios of what they might do to pass the time and keep warm until they were rescued.


8th May 2003, 04:43

"Damn it Chloe! You could have said something earlier about the door!"

She frowned at his clipped words, realizing the amiable Lex of earlier was gone. It shouldn't have surprised her nor the fact that he needed to blame something on her. His little burst of approval had been too good to last.

"Well I was a little busy trying to stop myself from unceremoniously taking another tumble out of your mansion." She felt a little better at the flicker of sympathy that flashed through his blue eyes, even though it was quickly replaced by annoyance. Watching as he ran a hand over his scalp, she had to admit, the man looked majorly hot when annoyed and upset.

"Come to think of it Mr. Big-Shot, don't you have your cell with you to call for help?" Her heart sank at the look he shot her.

"It's in my office. I really didn't think to grab it because I was worried about finding you."

Well, it was a good reason and she couldn't find fault with it. Frowning she sank back to the cold floor of the roof and ran a hand through her hair. "Well, I guess I can't fault you for that. I left mine in the car."

She chose not to acknowledge the frustrated look he gave her.

"Okay, we just need to attract some attention." The words were muttered to himself as he walked towards the edge of the roof and peered over. "Someone is going to have to notice a body lying in front of my house and get curious."

Chloe walked over to stand beside him, looking down and realizing just where the body had landed. Sighing, she tried to find the best words to burst his little bubble.

"Lex, you do realize we're on the back side of the mansion, right?" His impenetrable gaze was now turned on her face and she had to swallow hard before continuing. "I don't mean to rain on your parade, but no one really comes to the back of the mansion that often. It could be awhile before he's discovered."

Lex's curse made her wince even as he lowered his shoulders in defeat. "Damn, and I told my two security people to get Helen and her men out of here. Which means they won't be back for most of the night."

Chloe was about to say something when a crackle of thunder suddenly boomed overhead and a second later, the heavens opened in a massive downpour. The rain quickly soaked through the thin clothing she was wearing as she sank to her knees and began to laugh hysterically. Lex looked at her as if she were crazy. Which she probably was at the moment, but she really didn't care.

"You care to tell me what's so funny Miss Sullivan?" Oh, he was back to using her formal name which meant he was getting irritated. Still, it was cute in its own way.

"Other than the fact we're trapped on your roof in the middle of a rainstorm? It's just funny Lex. I mean, you have to admit, the whole situation is hysterical." She thought he might not agree if his look of annoyance was anything to go by, but she couldn't stop laughing.

"What is so funny about getting drenched and probably catching pneumonia?" She stopped laughing and instead pouted at his irate response. He really was not reacting well to the situation.

"Lex, you completely missed the point." She sighed and ran a hand through her wet hair, not noticing how Lex's eyes darkened as the move pulled the already tight, now transparent white shirt across her breasts. "The situation is funny, like it should be out of a bad movie or a bad trash novel. Trapped on the roof, in a rainstorm, it's a perfect plot device!"

She chose not to think of what exactly she would be 'plotting' if Lex had given any sign he was interested.

"Well if you're so familiar with the situation, what do you suggest we do to get out of it?" The annoyance in his tone killed her amusement and sparked her ire and she turned to him with a frown.

"I don't know genius. You're the one who's supposed to have experience dealing with these types of situations." Her muttered words made him issue a harsh bark of laughter.

"So says the queen of getting herself into unexplainable situations."

"Touché," she muttered, realizing he had a point but not liking it. Sighing, she rose to her feet and began pacing, trying to think of solutions.

"Would you stop that? You're making me nervous."

Frowning at his clipped tone, she turned to face him, hands on her hips and fire in her eyes. Once again, she was oblivious as to how her stance pressed her now tightly budded nipples against the soaked white cloth, giving Lex an eyeful. "I am nervous. I pace when I'm nervous. I talk when I'm very nervous so I suggest you remain quiet or you'll hear some things you definitely don't want to know about yourself."

She tried to ignore the spark of amusement that shone in his eyes, wanting to stay mad at his seemingly unfeeling attitude. There was also a darker look hovering at the back of those blue orbs and it made her skin tingle.

"Do tell. I'd love to know what the illustrious Chloe Sullivan really thinks of me."

Uh oh. He'd definitely just issued her a challenge and she knew he expected her to back down. But that wasn't her style. Feeling an evil smile cross her face, she decided to give him what he wanted in very graphic detail. The wary look that replaced the amusement in his eyes as she advanced made her grin even more feral.

"You want to know what I really think of you Mr. Luthor?" She drawled the words as she reached where he sat, delighting in the now uncertain expression his face wore. Refusing to give him time to comment, she pushed on.

"I find myself amazed that someone as prone to danger as you are cannot find the time to hire adequate security personnel to protect you and your guests." His eyes flashed but she ignored it and went on with her rant.

"I'm frustrated by the fact you say you won't become like your father but then refuse to answer any questions about your own shady experiments and research you have going on here in Smallville." She knew she'd surprised him with that one and felt the reckless abandon grow inside her as she moved closer to his prone form.

"I hate the fact that you always remain so calm and collected in my presence, even when I'm ranting at you or I hit a nerve. It's extremely annoying to watch you give that patented, sexy smirk and refuse to rise to the occasion!"

Ooops. She hoped he hadn't caught the "sexy" slip in her words but from the way he was now smiling at her, she had a feeling he had.

"You don't think I'm capable of "rising" to the occasion Chloe?"

Oh my. That was a definite innuendo laden response and it sent a tingle of desire down her spine that made her shudder. Watching the way his eyes suddenly darkened, she finally became aware of the fact she was wearing white in the middle of a rainstorm. A quick look down at herself proved her worries that she was giving him a free show.

Not good when she was supposed to be telling him what she really felt about him. Because there was no way she could tell him she wanted to pounce on him and fuck him senseless on his roof. Still, if the look in his eyes and the sexual tone their verbal judo had taken on were anything to go by, he might be having similar thoughts.

"Lex, I think you're capable of "rising" to almost any occasion, just not any "hard" situations dealing with me."

A little heavier than she'd wanted but if the fire that flashed in his eyes was her response she couldn't be upset. Instead, anticipation was now replacing the earlier anger and frustration. She could feel her nipples tighten even more as her breathing became labored.

"To the contrary Chloe, you just haven't given me a chance to show you I excel at dealing with "hard" situations, especially when you're involved."

She swallowed audibly as he rose to his feet, a predatory look in his eyes. The rain had plastered the lavender shirt he wore to his chest, outlining muscles she'd only dreamed about. The water, much to her delight, had also soaked through the silk of the pants he wore and nicely outlined the prominent bulge between his legs. She couldn't tear her gaze away from that bulge, seeing his cock swell and expand beneath the material simply from her glance.

Things were fast spiraling out of control and what scared her more was that she wanted them to. Still, she couldn't let him see how he was affecting her. At least not just yet. Taking a deep breath, she tried to focus on her words instead of his sinfully arousing body.

"Really, you could have fooled me Lex. After all, it's not like I've ever needed your help "rising" to certain occasions." The words came out a little breathy as she found herself retreating now as he advanced on her, the predatory look growing more feral in his eyes. Not to her surprise, fear was the last emotion on her mind at the moment.

"Well then Chloe, maybe we'll have to change that. Wouldn't want you to think that you couldn't get a "rise" out of me now would we?"

She gasped as her back hit the wall and Lex loomed in front of her. Unconsciously she licked her now dry lips, tasting the salt of the raindrops that fell down her face as the storm raged around them. Her breath stalled as his eyes darkened and focused on her mouth. Her breathing was coming in ragged gasps, each breath drawing in Lex's compelling scent, intoxicating her already shaky body.

"I've always been able to get a "rise" out of you Lex Luthor." The words were bold and daring and extremely breathless as she forced them past her lips while she reached down and stroked her hand across his cock. "I think that's proof enough."

Her eyes remained locked on his even as he growled and arched against her hand which she was now shamelessly using to stroke his cock through the soaked silk. The wildness was consuming her now and all she wanted was to hear him moan her name in ecstasy.

"I don't need proof Chloe. I know my reaction gets a "rise" out of you every time you look at me."

Her mind spiraled in several different directions, finally settling on the one she most wanted to go in, assuming from his words and the heated desire in his eyes that he would agree with her choice.

"Prove it."

The challenge was dropped and hung heavy in the air between them. She could feel his own heartbeat accelerate where his chest pressed against her breasts, his breathing also coming in short, aroused pants. The rain still fell in cold sheets around them but it was nothing compared to the heat of his body against hers.

"With pleasure."

She could do little more than gasp as his mouth took hers with a passion that she'd only read about in some of her more explicit romance novels. His lips were hard and firm and felt wonderful against hers. A small moan escaped her as his tongue probed against her mouth, urging her to open for him. He took advantage of the moan to deepen the kiss as his tongue swept over the roof of her mouth with sensual precision.

Lord, the man knew how to kiss! Her knees went week as she returned the kiss, her tongue eagerly exploring the roof of his mouth as her hands slid to lock behind his neck. She heard him moan as her fingertips brushed the skin of his nape and without stopping to think, she let her nails rake lightly along the underside of his scalp.

His reaction was instantaneous. Uttering what sounded like a low growl, Lex's arms went to her waist, pulling her lower body directly against his and pressing his leg between her thighs. The move slid her already ridiculously short skirt up to her waist and she cried out against his mouth as her heated center came into direct contact with his strong thigh as he arched into her.

Panting, she managed to draw her lips from his and began planting kisses along his neck and collarbone, all while arching against his thigh in a desperate need for friction. She could feel his cock pressing painfully against her hip and she was desperate to feel him buried deep inside her.

Her hands were now running frantically up and down his back, slipping over the wet material as she clawed at the thin silk, desperate to feel his bare skin against her. She gasped as she suddenly felt his warm mouth close over her breast through the thin cotton of her shirt. She whimpered and pressed herself against him as he used his teeth and tongue to torment her flesh.

"Lex-" was all she could manage as she felt his free hand slide inside the already parted front of her shirt and cup her other breast. Whimpering, she arched against his hand and mouth as both tormented and teased her pebbled nipples. She thanked God the shirt was so tight she'd had to discard her bra before putting it on. She gasped as she suddenly felt the hot wetness of Lex's mouth removed and her eyes flew open to demand he continue.

Her breath stalled as she saw the violent desire burning in his eyes, seeming to match the thunder that crackled around them. "Hope you didn't have a fondness for this shirt." She cried out his name at the words and the sensation as he slid both hands to the part of her shirt and ripped it down the center.

"Not mine. Your maid's." She could barely get the words out as she shrugged the shirt off, letting it drop to the ground, standing tall and proud before him. The rain slid down her chest and over her breasts, tightening the nipples even more as she shivered.

"Never looked that good on her." She moaned again as the cool brick of the roof hit her back as Lex pushed her up against it then muttered "beautiful" before taking her breast once again into the heat of his mouth.

His warm lips tugged and pulled at her nipple while his other hand pinched and stroked its companion. His hot mouth contrasted erotically with the cold water pouring over them and she wondered if she'd ever felt such an arousing sensation. Each touch sent a wave of desire jolting to her center, making her wetter than she'd ever been. She cried out as his teeth nipped her flesh while his hands slid down to run over her rib cage.

Desperate to feel more of him, her hands reluctantly pulled him from her chest and began to work on freeing the buttons of his lavender shirt. Frustrated when her fingers seemed too numb to unbutton the wet, sluggish silk, she gave into one of her long-standing fantasies and ripped the shirt open, buttons flying everywhere.

The dangerous look in Lex's eyes only spurred her on as she pressed her mouth to his hard chest, her teeth and tongue learning every angle and plane even as she pushed the ruined shirt off his shoulders and onto the ground. He shuddered against her touch as she mimicked his actions of earlier, nipping and licking his nipples then moving her mouth down his washboard stomach, sucking and licking the raindrops that coated his skin.

Not stopping to think, only to feel, her hands reached for his belt and with a quick move, had it undone and tossed to the floor. His low groan as her hand cupped him through the material of his pants made her wetter and she couldn't stop her fingers from caressing lightly, enjoying the sensual torture she knew her actions were causing him.

"Chloe!" His impassioned cry of her name had her legs clenching together to hold back the wave of desire that swamped her. Moving quickly, her fingers managed to get his zipper undone and with a quick tug, she had both his pants and briefs at his ankles. She barely noticed as he stepped out of the confining garments and kicked them away. All she could focus on at the moment was his straining cock, proud and hard and growing harder underneath her heated gaze and the coolness of the rain.

"Guess I got a rise out of you after all, didn't I Lex?" She breathed the words over his heated flesh leaning forward to place a kiss against the tip of his cock before pulling back to look up into his eyes. They were nearly black with desire, his hands clenched into fists at his side as his gaze locked on hers.

"Let's see just how "hard" I can make this situation." The challenge issued, she leaned closer and ran her tongue from base to tip, licking the raindrops and loving the way he shuddered against her. His musky taste mixed with the saltiness of the rain was actually quite pleasant to her surprise. Using the fluid leaking from the tip, she grabbed his cock with her left hand and ran it from base to tip keeping her grip tight but not choking. His low moan told her he liked what she was doing and his cock hardened even more as she repeated the action.

Feeling her own desire nearly crippling her, she leaned down and took him into her mouth. She barely heard his hissed curse as she began using her lips, tongue and now both hands on him. Lex was now thrusting into her mouth, his hands fisted in her hair, not forcing but guiding her motions. Allowing him to set the pace, she immersed herself in the feel of his cock stretching and expanding against her tongue. Finally, when she heard his whimpered "please" she relaxed her throat muscles and took him deep inside.

His cry was the most arousing she'd ever heard as he began frantically fucking her mouth, driving as deep as he could go with each thrust. She thanked God she'd read several interesting articles on the Internet about how to do this comfortably, although to be honest she really wasn't feeling any discomfort. Only a blinding ecstasy that she'd brought him to this abandoned state.

She cried out when he suddenly grabbed her head and pulled her off of him. Turning her gaze to his face she found his eyes now on fire with lust as he pulled her up his body and slammed his lips onto hers.

She whimpered as his hands literally ripped at the waistband of her skirt, his fingers quickly disposing of the confining garment and her panties with one quick pull. She barely had time to step out of them before he'd sunk to his knees and buried his mouth between her legs.

Chloe knew someone must have heard her shriek as his tongue ran the full length of her slit, probing and darting against her clit in a deliciously wanton motion. Her knees turned to jelly as she spread her legs a bit more to allow him full access to her nether regions. She whimpered and tightened her hands on his scalp as his tongue found her opening and thrust deeply into her. Her thighs clamped around his head, forcing him deeper as his fingers moved to replace his tongue. Looking up at her, she kept her gaze on his as he slid first one, then two long fingers inside her tight passage.

She arched her back as he suddenly thrust the digits high and hard against her. Frantically, she started fucking his hand, whimpering and moaning as each thrust sent her spiraling higher and higher. The wind whipped around them as the rain poured down almost as violently as their coupling. Chloe's keening cry emerged as more of a wail as his fingers crooked and hit her sweet spot, sending her skyrocketing to the stars.

"Lex!" She screamed his name as his tongue suddenly darted against her clit as his fingers thrust deeply into her. The dual sensations brought on a stunning climax during which she could only scream his name into the storm as she exploded around him.

Sinking weakly against the wall of the roof, she barely felt him move from between her thighs until his body was pressed fully against her. His cock was pressed hard against her thigh and suddenly, a fresh wave of desire coursed through her body. The aching need to have him buried inside her was almost unbearable.

"Lex-" she moaned again, as he lifted her against him, positioning his cock directly against her center. "Please-" she moaned, trying to thrust down against him. But to her frustration, he kept her poised there as he looked deeply into her eyes.

"So I guess I can get a "rise" out of you as well, can't I Chloe?" She stared at him in stunned amazement as his low words were accompanied by a light thrust that buried only the tip of his cock inside her weeping flesh.

"Lex-" she could only moan his name, unsure of what he wanted.

"Tell me Chloe. Tell me what you want me to do to you. Tell me how you want me to "rise" to the occasion."

His harsh words sent her over the edge. "Fuck me Lex. Make me scream your name as I come around your cock." It must have been what he wanted to hear because with a moan of her name, he suddenly thrust high and hard, burying himself deeply inside her.

She cried out at the sensation of him, full and hard, deep inside her where she'd wanted him for far too long. Unable to remain still, she arched down against him, hearing his strangled groan as he thrust upward to meet her. For a few moments, she lost herself in the sensation of his long, slow strokes deep into her body, but soon she needed more.

"Harder, Lex, I won't break!" The words had the desired effect as with a moan of her name, he began slamming his cock into her, the move pressing her back painfully against the uncomfortable stones that formed the castle's roof. But the pain was fleeting compared to the ecstasy building inside her as every thrust seemed to go deeper inside of her until she was positive his cock was battering her womb.

Nothing had ever felt so good, or so right, in her life. Panting against his neck, she reached for his head and slammed her lips against his, mimicking the movements of their lower bodies with her tongue.

"Chloe- Fuck- So hot-"

His words were barely audible but she didn't care. Pulling back, she threw her head back until it painfully hit the cement of the roof. "Lex, I need more, please!" She didn't know what she was asking, but Lex obviously did. With a harsh groan, he tightened his grip on her waist and yanked her hips down hard against him as he thrust upwards, burying himself even deeper inside her body.

Chloe screamed as the rough action sent her spiraling over the edge, waves of ecstasy pouring over her, drowning her in pleasure so great she wasn't sure she hadn't died and gone to heaven. She could feel nothing but his cock swelling inside her as with a few more strokes, she felt his release overtake him. His cry of her name sent another tremor of ecstasy through her body as her inner muscles clamped down even tighter around him.

It could have been minutes or hours later that she finally mustered enough strength to lift her head from where it had come to rest on Lex's shoulder. She was a little uncertain as to how he would react, now that the heat of the moment was over. Her heart took a huge leap at the emotions shining in the familiar blue depths.

"Was that "hard" enough for you Miss Sullivan? Or do I need to try again?"

His teasing words were bellied by the content look in his eyes. Smiling up at him, she snuggled her head back against his neck and tried to catch her breath.

"Oh, it was "hard" all right, but I think it's going to take a lot more of these occasions before I can give you a definitive answer Mr. Luthor." The teasing tone was obviously the right one as Lex smiled and sank to the ground, pulling her with him.

The rain seemed to follow their mood, dropping off to a slight drizzle as the moon began to peak out from behind a cloud. She was oblivious to the coolness of the roof, content instead to snuggle against Lex for warmth.

"Well, I don't think I'll ever be cold again." The words were whispered against her ear and sent a shiver of delight down her spine. Raising her head to look into his eyes, her breath caught at the wealth of emotions reflected there. She'd never seen Lex Luthor so open before and it was a highly intoxicating sight.

"Lex?" She knew the question in her voice was reflected in her eyes. His warm smile and the way he pulled her tightly against him went a long way to easing that confusion.

"Chloe, I know you might not believe it, but I've wanted you from almost the first moment I met you."

She blinked as his words registered, but she was unable to comprehend them for a moment. When they dawned, she shot him a confused look. That confusion was quickly replaced by annoyance at how much time they'd wasted.

"You could have fooled me." It wasn't the most grown up of responses but she couldn't help the way it came out. His low laughter made her feel only slightly better.

"Chloe, you were 16 when I met you. I couldn't act on anything I might be feeling then, not to mention you weren't exactly thinking of me then, were you?"

She knew he was talking about her crush on Clark and sighed as she turned to look at him as she nodded. "Point taken, but it's been about two years since I've gotten over Clark and developed this strange fixation with you Lex." She smiled as his eyes widened.

"Don't look so shocked. You're a very sexy man Lex Luthor, and you intrigue me. You always have." The way his eyes darkened sent a bolt of renewed desire coursing through her.

"You've always intrigued me Chloe, no matter who I was with, it was always you I kept wanting that person to be. Even-" she cut him off, preferring not to hear about his past lovers. She intended to be his only one from here on out.

"You've got me Lex, for as long as you want me. As long as I've got you in return." She knew it was probably not the best time to make demands, but she couldn't help herself. Now that she knew what it was like to have Lex buried deep inside her, she wasn't going to give him up without a fight. His sexy smile made her heart skip a beat.

"You've always had me Chloe." The words were whispered against her lips as he leaned down and kissed her, gently, almost reverently this time. She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck and letting the wonders of Lex's kiss wash over her. She could have sworn she heard bells and whistles as the kiss deepened.

A few moments later however she realized the whistles were more like calls and were coming from the ground below them. Pulling back, she noted Lex had heard them too. Placing a finger against his lips to signal for silence, she watched as Lex rose and reached for his pants. He shot her a wry look as he examined the torn shirt that was completely un-wearable. Smiling as she only shrugged, he moved to the edge of the roof and looked down. His sigh of relief had Chloe quickly dressing in what she could of her own clothing before heading to his side.

"Mark, we're up here, locked out!" Chloe couldn't help but feel a sense of loss as Lex called to the beefy looking man now looking up at them in amazement. He was going to rescue them and while part of her was glad to be getting inside, another part wished she and Lex had a little more time to themselves.

"You know, it's not that bad." She started as she heard his voice in her ear as she quickly turned to find herself wrapped in his arms. Sighing contentedly, she rested her head against his bare chest, noting how wonderful he looked in the moonlight.

"What's not that bad?" His reply had her heart thumping again.

"We've got plenty of unexplored rooms in this mansion and several other doors that lead to various parts of this roof." She perked up at his words as she caught the sparkle in his eyes. "I'm sure it will take a very long time for us to see just how much of a "rise" they can stir in us both."

Laughing, she allowed the delighted smile to creep over her face. "I'm going to hold you to that Lex. If you can "rise" to the challenge." Her heart thundered at the predatory look that returned to his eyes.

"You just wait until I get you inside Chloe. I intend to show you exactly how "up" to your challenge I am."

With that, he kissed her quickly, pulling away as she heard the door opening. Forcing her heartbeat to slow, she allowed Lex to link their hands as he moved forward to greet the guard. She held back her laughter at the man's surprised expression at seeing a shirtless Lex while noting she was holding the pieces of her transparent white blouse together over her breasts.

"Storm damage." She muttered the words to the man who simply raised his eyebrow at her amid Lex's amused laughter. Following him inside, she couldn't stop herself from taking one final look back at the roof. Her mind was already at work on ways to get him back out there again.


The End

Well, thoughts?

8th May 2003, 05:28
Thoughts? You want us to think after that? Are you mad? Me liked. Especially the reference to TPB and Alias.


8th May 2003, 07:11
WoW! :worship2: :worship2: :drool:


Queen Of Tact
8th May 2003, 07:35
Loved it!!! Wow it was so :drool:
Lex could :smut: me on his roof any time.... Again I loved it.....


8th May 2003, 13:26
ahem. yeah, so point me in the direction of Lex's roof please. and send him straight up.

that was great. another awesome fic!!

9th May 2003, 04:55
You know I loved it

just thought I'd tell you again

and please at least think about doing a SV/UL/ SB crossover, you know what I'm talking about ;) :blinkkiss:


9th May 2003, 06:48
Ahh, I love the Blue Lounge that much more for inspiring this.

9th May 2003, 08:37
SEXXX-y! :yay: :yay: :yay:
Amazing how these incredible scenarios come into play... *sigh* ...they almost seem fathomable. (Or maybe that's just me living in fantasyland. :chlexsign1: )

11th July 2003, 17:07
:devil: :worship2: :glow: :smut: enjoyed every minute of this!

:chlexsign4: and :wub: definitely!!


11th July 2003, 18:08
what kind of sick joke is that? thoughts?

*snorts with amusement*...yeah...sure....

i loved it the first time and the second time and the third time and the...

you get how much i like it right? Good.


12th July 2003, 05:01
I LOVE this story! The roof and it's raining...yummy!

12th July 2003, 05:54
:drool: ...roof...and...Lex...and....mmmmmmmmm...yummy

You asked for my thoughts. You didn't specify that they had to be coherant!!!

12th July 2003, 15:36
Dang it! I need to get into that Blue Lounge. If you guys discuss topics like that which in turn, produces such a steamy story like this one; then I need to have a looksee...

13th October 2003, 11:54
I really enjoyed reading your story! What a great idea; Lex and Chloe on a rooftop and Helen far, far away forever!! Great story!! :eyebrows: :applause:

13th October 2003, 11:57
mmmm lexy sexy...mmm lexy sexy's roof...mmm i want that to

ewwww bitchy helen....kill the bitch :hammer: :hammer: :puke:

greay story :clap: :clap: :clap:

14th October 2003, 00:33
Amazing story. I like the alias references as well. Nice touch! Oh and die helne, die! Well at least Lex has found the one girl who won't leave him heartbroken!

Jen :biggrin: :chlexsign3:

15th October 2003, 09:39
wow, that was just wow...... :huh: i love you.... ;)

15th October 2003, 13:17
Guh...... :goof:

Wow. That was hot. :worship2: :worship2:

Lady Candy
10th November 2003, 15:01
"Storm damage." She muttered the words to the man who simply raised his eyebrow at her amid Lex's amused laughter. Following him inside, she couldn't stop herself from taking one final look back at the roof. Her mind was already at work on ways to get him back out there again.
Intelligent Chloe ;) This ff is decidedly too hot :D I love it!

12th November 2003, 06:42
:huh: Wow!!

Wonderful Fic. I'm speachless. Thanks for writing it! :worship2: :yay:

12th November 2003, 21:01
Wow, that was hot. :smoker:

13th November 2003, 02:57
love the smut....beautiful fic!

21st January 2004, 08:02
God i loved that! very hot :yay:. Could there possably be another with more smutty roof fun? ;) Any Who, loved it, keep writtng cause that was too good.
Happy Writting :wub:

21st January 2004, 18:16
Hee hee...hot!

Loved the Alias references!

22nd January 2004, 00:41
Wow this was the hottest fic I've ever read. Great job! Dare i even ask about a sequel? :worship2:

21st November 2004, 18:21
A storm damage caused the lack of clothing? :D That was great and hot; but that Helen is such a stupid whore. Has she seen Lex. He's hot. Why would she go against him? Stupid! Great job!!! :wub:

21st November 2004, 19:23
I'd love to leave you some witty fb, but your fic's kinda made it hard to string a sentence together :huh:

totally devilish :smut:


21st December 2004, 13:08
:worship2: :chlexsign2: :worship2: Awsome fic. Too bad that I don't own Lex, Chloe and some great mansion with a roof ..... ! Fate sucks but we've got our best fanfic authors right here :biggrin:

7th January 2005, 06:26
God that was amazing. You really need to crank out a sequel. That was really amazing. Really.

:chlexsign1: :chlexsign2: :chlexsign3: :chlexsign4:

26th February 2005, 02:47
:chlexsign4: :chlexsign3: :devil: :wub:

This rocked!

17th March 2005, 23:15
I enjoyed this story very much the smut was good. It is a very interesting story.

19th March 2005, 16:50
How obsessed over a fic can you be that you save it on microsoft word just so you can read it again and again when you don't have internet connection? I will never tell... ;)

12th April 2005, 02:34
:D wonderful fic!

26th April 2005, 09:24
I have only gotten through the first page and already i am at lost of words for the incredibility that is this plotted smut...

28th April 2005, 22:22
Whle it was a bit clicheed, it was nonetheless very fun to read. Storm damage indeed ;)
Love Lex's stormy eyes!

30th April 2005, 06:55
Loved this fic. Loved the rain, the roof top, and the Chlex interaction. Really LOVED the smut...I'm a total Chlex smut fiend...

21st June 2005, 06:42
I know! The Alias season finale was just evil. I applaud you for going with the roof-sex concept... you've opened a whole new world for me!

28th June 2005, 15:28
Hmmmmm rooftop :) Loved it.

30th June 2005, 16:46
Wow, Wow and double wow!!! Kimmie likes sexy lexy!!!


6th July 2005, 04:13
this was a good smut filled fic.

6th July 2005, 07:05
loved it!

4th August 2007, 05:47
Awesome. Loved it!!

9th August 2007, 02:17
Chloe always gets to have the most fun when she goes snooping. Glad she was able to help Lex get rid of that skanky Helen. Smut was fabulous. Yay for rain an locked doors!

23rd October 2007, 05:10

18th May 2008, 10:21

18th May 2008, 22:58

That was very well written.... and very HOT.

Thank you.

22nd May 2008, 21:48
Stuck, rooftop, rain and chlex smut....Loved it ;)

Ami Rose
26th August 2012, 05:44
Amazing loved it!

26th August 2012, 15:00
Loved it! Hot and hilarious at the same time :)

28th August 2012, 16:48
That was fantastic!

29th August 2012, 18:28
wow, steamy