View Full Version : [Completed] Déjà vu (PG-13)

12th June 2005, 08:37
Title: Déjà vu
Author: ellelea
Rating: PG-13?
Pairing: Chlex with some vaguely implied Clana
Summary: Déjà vu? I don't think so, Chloe... A girl awakens from a horrible nightmare only to find herself forced into a much more real one.
Disclaimer: You all know the drill... not mine... don't sue... etcetera, etcetera
Spoilers: Relatively AU. No spoilers, I don't think.

Déjà vu
Segment I

It was night. Only a cluster or two of brilliant stars lit the black sky, tiny pinpoints valiantly trying to illuminate the dark atmosphere. The moon was a perfect crescent hanging in the sky, tilting slightly as the Man in the Moon swung on its tip, vaulting upwards and into the swooping nook in which he slept. Metallic clouds floated drearily along at the push of the chilly wind, and their intimidating presence pushed back the timid stars into seclusion.

The urban part of Smallville was quiet, and the moonlight that filtered through the clouds reflected eerily building windows. The streets were quiet and solemn, inactive and deserted during this foreboding midnight hour. Only periodic streetlights let small, blurred circles of dingy orange light glow on the pavement, attracting late mosquitoes and gnats that hovered and buzzed about the sizzling colored light bulb. Houses and buildings were as lightless as the rest of the small town. Lamps were off, blinds pulled down, and curtains shut tightly. Some bedrooms held nightlights; gentle, reassuring heroes to fend off the monsters of the night.

The sky boomed in a threat of rain, and in one building a girl sat up suddenly, out of breath as if she'd been running a marathon. Her shaking hands clenched the bedspread and her frightened hazel eyes darted around in the darkness of the room, frantic. A thin sheen of sweat covered her skin, and small wisps of her ruffled blonde hair stuck to the back of her neck, wet with perspiration.

The girl stared into the darkness blankly, her heavy breathing slowing down as she sat there, trying to recollect what had scared her so awfully. She'd dreamt something horrifying, scary, and painful, but she couldn't remember just what, and it seemed strangely familiar….

"Déjà vu…" She muttered to herself, placing a hand on her forehead and exhaling loudly. The nightmare was fading away slowly, and she felt herself relax more as the memory of the event slipped from her mind. She slumped against the bed pillows and closed her eyes once, trying to return to sleep, but a ground-shaking crash made her eyes snap open.

Her forearms reflexively shot up in front of her face as the wall of her bedroom exploded inwards with an impossibly loud detonation. Dust and debris was showering her body and covering all her possessions with gray powder. The girl winced as chunks of the wall hit her, not quite hurting but hard enough to stun her. As the cloud dimmed, she coughed and wheezed, scrambling out of her bed and promptly tripping over the saggy bottoms of her purple pajamas, scraping her bare feet on sharp debris and banging her knee on the hard rocks of it. Her short blonde hair fell into her eyes and she brushed it away with a dusted hand. Her fall stirred up a bigger cloud inside the already massive one, and she squeezed her eyes shut, unable to see through the gray smog.

Loud footsteps stumbled their way toward her and she winced in surprise as a strong hand grasped her upper arm and heaved her to her feet, pulling her to him and supporting her when she wobbled on shaky knees. She coughed again, squinting up at the tall person and waving her hand around to clear the air and see who had helped her up. A strong jawline and bald head swam into her view. He was a tall young man somewhere in his mid- to early twenties, she suspected.

"What…?" She began, but he cut her off.

"Come on, we don’t have much time." He said harshly, and his grip on her tightened. He swept hurriedly through the demolished wall, taking care not to trip over anything with the teenager in tow. The dust cloud thinned and they emerged in a long hallway. They ran, skidding into an elevator at the end of the corridor, and the man grunted as he pulled the elevator doors shut, jamming the ground floor button and tapping his foot impatiently when the elevator finally started moving. The two leaned on the cool silver wall of the box, catching their breath. The girl stopped, realizing her companion was still holding onto her, and wrenched her arm from his grasp. She turned to face him, adjusting her overlarge t-shirt so that it didn't fall over her shoulder and pulling her baggy pajama pants up so as not to tread on their cuffs.

"Who are you?! What's going on?!" She demanded, panicking and glaring at him with piercing eyes. An explosion erupted in the distance, and the older man’s head snapped in that direction, ignoring her question.

“He-llooo?” She said loudly, waving her hand in his face. He swatted it away.

“The elevator wasn’t my first choice, but unfortunately the stairs have collapsed. They were demolished when it hit.” He said emotionlessly.

She grabbed onto his arm and tugged hard with unexpected strength from such a small girl, roughly grabbing his attention and staring into his eyes.

"What. Is. Going. On?" She said slowly, deliberately emphasizing each word. Her hazel eyes were burning in their intensity and she kept her gaze trained on his. The young man's face fell and the corners of his mouth turned down in disappointment and some other emotion she couldn't identify. He brought his hand tentatively up to her pale cheek and she stiffened as he gently traced her cheekbone, a look of pain arising in his eyes.

"You really don't remember…" He murmured softly.

The elevator made a loud and melodic "ding", much too upbeat and out of place in their situation. Tensing and tearing his gaze away from her, he ran out, looking behind him to make sure the girl was still following.

Another bomb went off, closer this time, and they could feel the ground shake beneath them. The bald man grabbed her and dragged her along, but she dug her heels in and glared at him.

"Tell me what's happening." She said ferociously.

He frowned, then his mouth opened in fear and surprised, he let go of her as the ground shook a second time, harder. The young woman lost her footing and fell backwards, a second from bashing her head on a jagged, hard piece of wall with rusted nails angrily sticking upwards at evil angles, but in a quick movement the man caught her. Another tremor burst through the building.

He scooped her up with a grunt though she protested and he ran, shielding her body with his as he dodged to the side quickly, seconds from being crushed beneath the falling ceiling. Shouts and screams echoed, and roars and explosions deafened the two. The girl squirmed against his chest, desperate to get away from him, but he held her close, refusing to drop her.

"Who are you?!" She screamed above the noise.

But the young man holding her didn't answer; a boy of about her age was approaching, running toward them, waving his hands in the air to catch their eyes as he did. The man stopped short, pausing in front of this newcomer, who was finally close enough to see clearly. He was incredibly tall and had dark, messy black hair that was currently salt-and-pepper due to the powder that coated it. The boy was sweaty, grimy, and covered in dirt and dust, but surprisingly (to the man) no visible wounds.

"Lex - " He panted, wiping a mustache of sweat from his upper lip. "Did you – get her?"

The girl huddled closer to the strangely comforting chest of the man holding her, shying away from yet another strange character. "Lex" squeezed his arms around her reassuringly, and looked at the other boy, then nodded down at her. The teenager nodded in response, offering a half-smile, which faded not long after it appeared.

"Good." He said, relieved. He had a kind sort of aura about him, and the girl found herself trusting him though she'd never met him before. He addressed "Lex". "I wish he hadn't gone alone, but Pete is gone looking for Lana…"


"Okay, okay, Chloe, let me try again. It’s up to me to save you from your bad mood!"

"No." She said shortly, clutching her coffee and shaking her messy locks. "You can't make me laugh and you never will ever, ever, ever again. Very sweet of you, but also very pointless."

The boy’s face fell for a moment, but then his eyes lit up as a girl walked by, holding a tray perched precariously on her right hand.

"Lana!” He said happily. “You’re just the person we need!”

The brunette turned and flashed a sweet smile at the pair, totally oblivious of Chloe’s groan of irritation.

“Hey you two! I was worried I’d lost my best customers.” Lana said, genuinely happy to see them.

"Great,” Pete said with a big grin. “Well, I’d like to get Chloe the biggest coffee you have, on my tab.”

Lana gave a soft, adorably girly chuckle that had Chloe suddenly filled with the urge to bang her head against the table. Lana shifted the tray to a more comfortable position and graced her company with another smile before departing, saying perkily, “Just give me a sec and I’ll have it ready to go!”

“See?” Pete said, nudging Chloe’s shoulder. “Life is good.”

Chloe groaned and put her head down on the table, but not before letting out a tiny chuckle.


"Has she remembered anything?" The teen's breathing had returned to normal, and he was still speaking. "Is she better?"

The bald man frowned and sighed.

"Not yet, Clark… She didn't even remember me."

The teenager’s eyes widened to almost comical proportions.

"Not even you?"

"Not even me."

The young woman suddenly squirmed, her pajamas twisting as she struggled to get free. Surprised, Lex dropped her, and she fell in a heap on the ground. She scrambled to her feet and bolted, running off in the opposite direction away from the two men. Both gasped, and Clark took off running after her, but the earth shook with another tremor and eruptions and explosions echoed as a meteor crashed into the ground, thundering and making both Lex and Clark fall to their knees. Both tried futilely to stand and catch the runaway girl, but the ground brought them mercilessly down each time.

The night sky wasn't black any more; the dust and meteor power had burst upwards and was hanging in the sky, sticking to the clouds like a second skin and coating the atmosphere. Now slate gray and heavy with scratchy particles, the air hung thick and hot around everyone, compressing and claustrophobically close. Buildings were crumbling now; the town was being destroyed.

Lex’s eyes widened as he saw the blonde head of his charge swing to look behind her as she ran and she fell, crying out in pain as her ankle twisted into a disturbing angle. She rocked back and forth, grasping her injury, and screamed as a slab of concrete broke from a withering office building behind her and landed heavily on her leg.

"Chloe!" Lex yelled hoarsely, but his voice was lost in the turmoil, just barely reaching her ears. He uselessly reached his hand out to her as if he might reach and save her.

'Chloe?' A small part of her thought through the throbbing pain.

12th June 2005, 08:39
Déjà vu
Segment II







A jumble of voices, all ones she knew, saying her name. Every tone was different, but they all said the same name…


As Lex watched her, a fog drifted over her eyes, clouding the vibrant hazel irises, and slowly moved away.

Her expression changed to one of shock and fear, and she stared with unabashed fright at Lex, who met her gaze and watched helplessly as the myriad of broken emotions flitted one after another in her eyes. She suddenly shook her head, grimacing and letting out an anguished whimper as the pain of her leg shot through her. Silent streams of tears trickled down her ashen cheeks and she feebly clutched at her leg and struggled to move the piece of ruined cement off of herself.

A woman screamed, a frighteningly familiar sound. Unable to move, the girl whipped her head around and saw a beautiful brunette wince as a fallen windowpane slammed down onto her stomach.

"Clark!" The girl screamed before her breath was knocked out of her.


Chloe was typing away at her computer, sipping on a latte she’d gotten beforehand on a quick stop at the Talon. There were papers and miscellaneous notes and jotted ideas scattered about her workstation. So absorbed was she in her work that she didn’t notice when a figure stopped in the doorway of the Torch office.

“Knock, knock,” Said a familiar voice.

Chloe looked up, startled. Her expression softened when she saw who was at the door. Lana had been particularly bearable this week. She decided to be nice.

“Hey, Lana,” She said with a small smile, turning her attention back to the screen. “What’s up?”


The impact sent her from flying down into the ground with a loud thump. A moan came from the indentation in which she lay, and Clark rolled, using the tremors to his advantage and making his way to Lana’s aid at a painfully slow pace.

The ground was still shaking angrily, ferocious and terrible. Lex was desperately trying to stand, horrified at the thought of the girl injured, but the earth below refused to let him rise. The heavy smog was dense and growing with the airborne rubble, tingeing the black night sky a grungy brown. One meteor after another pummeled the ground. Lex coughed, falling down yet again, and he angrily slammed his fist on the dirt, throwing all his frustration into the movement. Instantly, he realized this was a very bad decision.

It started with a miniature crack that grew bigger, its edges crumbling into dust and falling into an endless abyss. It grew two feet, then three, then seven and then ten, widening as it expanded, cracking and swallowing innocents into its cavernous mouth. Lex's eyes widened as the fracture opened deeper and he teetered on the edge, staring down into the cavity. It seemed alive, ready to eat after ages hungry and starved.

Lex gave a yell and it happened in slow motion. He slid off of solid ground and dangled, gripping the edge of the chasm with his fingers, only to end up with two fistfuls of crushed dust. He gave a surprised shout and fell downwards, barely catching himself. He pulled his body upwards.

Chloe gasped, half at the sight of her rescuer enveloped by the earth and half through the pain in her lower body. Her leg was numb, and through the ripped pajama pants she could see her skin purpling. She could feel the tears dripping down her cheeks and she couldn’t tear herself away from Lex’s.

"LEX!" She screamed, not even knowing the name that came from her mouth, uninvited.


Lex Luthor leaned back confidently in his chair, glancing over at the high school reporter. He supposed he could humor her.

"Please,” He said easily with the air of one bestowing another with a great privilege. “Call me Lex.”

The blonde eyed him levelly, completely unimpressed. She raised her eyebrows at him, tapping her pen on her pad of paper. Without missing a beat she responded snarkily,

“Okay, Lex. Are you gonna answer my question or not?”

Lex couldn’t stop the smirk that was making the corners of his mouth turn up in amusement. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the entrance of one of the help.

“Mr. Luthor, sir, there’s a call from your father. He wishes to speak with you.”

Lex looked up. “That’s fine. I’ll take it in the conservatory.” As the butler left, he added to Clark and his friend, “I’m sorry, but we’ll have to cut this short.”

He swiveled his chair around to face the intrepid reporter who sat on his couch, clearly unhappy with the disturbance. He leaned forward as if sharing a secret and steepled his hands.

“I look forward to continuing our verbal judo,” He said with a playful smirk. He stood abruptly and made his way out, assured that they would find their own exit, but not before he caught the smug look of something like satisfaction on Miss Sullivan’s face.


His blue eyes widened even more and he yelled out to her, voice filled with hopeful desperation as he tried frantically to grasp better holds.

"LEX!" She screamed again, sobs racking her body now. She reached out with her hands, snatching at the air and trying to pull herself forward before letting loose a muffled shriek as pain rocketed through her legs.

"LEX!" Her throat ached as his name was torn from her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.

The terrain crumbled away under his fingers and he was swallowed into the dark.


Summoning all her strength, she inched the concrete slab over. She managed to lift it just a bit, and hissed in both revulsion and pain as she got a glimpse of her skin, torn and scraped and an unsightly purple color. Biting her lip, she pulled her leg out from under it in one swift movement. The concrete thudded ominously beside her.

Tentatively, she moved forward. Quaking, she brought a hand up to her face and inspected it, trying to see her pale, bony fingers though they shook more violently with fear than due to the earthquakes racking the city.


"Look, I'm just not in the mood to talk right now, okay?" The girl was saying impatiently. She was half hidden by the door, ready to slam it shut. She blew a stray piece of hair from in front of her face.

"Chloe, something is wrong. I know it is. Tell me." A male voice was saying insistently. He ran a hand over his bald head, sighing in defeat. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"

The young woman's glare softened.

"Yeah…" She muttered. The door inched open and Lex took the opportunity. He seized the door and pulled open, revealing a forlorn-looking Chloe. She shuffled her feet and fidgeted in a very un-Chloe-like gesture. He walked forward into the bathroom, forcing her to move backward. He cupped her chin with his hand and forced her to look up at him.

“So,” He said. “Care to tell me why you’ve come to my home at 11 o’clock at night, refuse to tell me why you’re here, and then barricade yourself in my bathroom?” He looked around. “My very expensive bathroom, that is.”

Chloe’s lips quirked up in a reluctant smile. Lex felt his heart warm, but he crossed his arms across his chest and said expectantly, “So?”

“It was,” Chloe began, looking frustrated at herself for not finding the right words. “It was, I don’t know. I just had to see you. Had to get away from Clark and Lana, and all this Smallville drama and I just – ”

Lex silenced her with a kiss, covering her lips with his. Her eyes flew wide open in surprise but soon she kissed him back with a passion that made his head spin. She moaned into his mouth and he couldn’t stop himself; he kissed her feverently and Chloe found herself pushed up against the wall with Lex pressed against her and moving his mouth against hers as if the world was going to end. The towel rack was digging into her spine but the pain didn't even register. Her knees almost gave out on her, and she only pulled away when she ran out of air.

The two stared at each other for a moment, both breathing heavily. And then Chloe captured Lex’s lips again and the world outside, not Clark, not Lana, not anything or anyone mattered anymore. Except Lex Luthor.


The meteors seemed to never end. The ground kept shaking and fires were sprouting up, wild and licking the soiled air with their orange tongues. The flames jumped higher every moment and the smoke wafted upwards. Aleady the warm night was growing hotter.

The Man in the Moon packed his bags and drove off, flicking the metaphoric light switch of the moon to "OFF". As said sphere blinked out of existence, overrun by smoke, the girl crawled on her hands and knees toward the fissure. The only thing playing through her disoriented mind was the picture of this man who she felt she knew so well who she knew she had to help. She didn't even notice the tattered state of her baggy nightclothes, and paused only once to pull them up on her hipbones where they threatened to slip down. She shakily wiped sweat from her forehead.

The fires showered with bits of their sparking saliva and she tried to ignore the pain as the little sparks hit her like popped grease. Part of her overlarge pajama pants caught and burned, the soft fabric curling and searing the skin of her calf before she could put it out. With an "oof!" she was knocked to her side as the earth retched. She tumbled once, twice, and ended up right at the ledge of the crack. She squinted inside, her voice foreign and cracking.

"L-Lex?" She called. There was no answer.

"Lex!" She yelled again. She felt tears of frustration, confusion, and misplaced anger pour down her face. She didn't know anything, couldn't remember anything…

"Lex Luthor," She began loudly, coldly. "If you don't come out, I'll just have to go in there and find you!" She threatened.


"Look, Chloe," Lex said, exasperated. "You have to come out of there sometime!"

"Lex." Chloe said in frosty monotone. "Go. Away."

Lex groaned.

"Chloe Sullivan, if you don't come out, I'll just have to go in there and find you!" He threatened.


12th June 2005, 08:49
Déjà vu
Segment III

She scooted to the edge, sticking her feet in first and bringing in a haggard breath. She squeezed her eyes shut as she shimmied downwards with her fingers still tight on the edge of the crack. With a shout she let go and slid downwards against the side of the rift, wincing each time she hit the sharp points of earth and protruding rock. She felt the slashes as cuts etched into her pallid skin, painting little red brushstrokes there.

She came to a sudden stop, landing heavily on a hard slab of rock, and cried out loudly as the impact was met unwelcome on her broken leg. It was almost pitch black here, and only a sliver above showed a faint sift of light, which barely lit the space. She stood shakily, reaching out to steady herself on –

"L-L-Lex?" She stuttered. She pulled her hand off his cool chest and backed away.

He let out a small laugh.

"Did you think a little fall could hurt me?" He said, jokingly. His voice was rough and hoarse. He was dirty and bruised, and as he stepped he limped painfully. “Luthors are harder to get rid of than you would think.”

“Yeah, you’re like cockroaches.” Chloe said weakly, not even knowing what she was saying or why. “You’ll outlive every other being on this planet and be annoying and pesky all the while.”

"Chloe…" He said, serious now. He moved closer to her and she tried to back farther away only to find her back against the wall of the chasm. Her leg gave way underneath her and she fell, tears running down her face. She looked at him apprehensively, but he stayed where he was. "Oh, God… Are you okay? I mean, no, you’re not okay… Do you remember anything?"

She slid further away, wrapping her arms around her legs and hugging them to her chest. She buried her face in her knees.

"I don't – I mean, I just – I – What – Nothing –" She stopped, her sigh audible. "What happened…?" She faded off helplessly.

A memory hit her.


Strong arms picked her up. It seemed that gravity had pushed just a little too violently this time.

“I said GET OUT! Get out of my way! She’s hurt!"

Everything was a blur. Her eyelids flicked once, twice, and shut. Darkness… sweet darkness… just fade away into the darkness…

"Clark! Clark! You need to help me, help me get her --!"

Noises… so loud…. Head aching…

"God, Lex, what happened to her?!"

"Check her pulse, check her pulse!"

"Move, move, let me see her!"

"Get some water!"

"Hurry, she's fading fast!"

Voices... too many... voices...

"Damn it, don’t leave me, Chloe. I swear, you better not leave me."


Through half-sleep the voices filtered in…

"When do you think she'll recover?"

"I don't know if she'll recognize us, even…"

"They attacked her with everything they had, it's a miracle she survived…"

A frustrated noise. “If only she wouldn’t go into these insane ‘investigative journalism’ stunts… if she must she should do it with back up at least…”


Two blurry male silhouettes hovered outside the door, which was half open.

"Clark, I've never been more scared for someone in my entire life," A deep voice confided in a quiet whisper, causing the other muddled figure to put his hand the speaker's shoulder, a macho but intimate and reassuring gesture.

"She'll be okay. I'm positive."

The girl drifted off...


They didn't know she was awake, but she could hear their voices blearily…

"Let her rest, Lex. If something bad happens, you know you’ll be one of the first to know.”

"Ah, you're right…"

“Yes, I am.” Lana said determinedly. “Now c’mon, let’s go to the Talon and I can get you some coffee… we’re all worried, Lex. You need to relax.”


It was all coming back to her…

She squeezed her eyes shut, desperate to remember.


The sky boomed in a threat of rain, and in one house a girl sat up suddenly, out of breath as if she'd been running a marathon. Her shaking hands clenched the bedspread and her frightened hazel eyes darted around in the darkness of the room, frantic. A thin sheen of sweat covered her skin, and small wisps of her ruffled blonde hair stuck to the back of her neck, wet with perspiration.

The girl stared into the darkness blankly, her heavy breathing slowing down as she sat there, trying to recollect what had scared her so awfully. She'd dreamt something horrifying, scary, and painful, but she couldn't remember just what, but it seemed strangely familiar….

"Déjà vu…" She muttered to herself, placing a hand on her forehead and exhaling loudly. The nightmare was fading away slowly, and she felt herself relax more as the memory of the event slipped from her mind. She slumped against the bed pillows and closed her eyes once, trying to return to sleep, but a was distracted by an itch on her leg.

She pulled back the covers, sitting up and leaning forward to scratch whatever bug bite was irritating her, only to stare.

Her pajamas were ripped and torn, dirty and muddy, and covered in still-warm ash and scorch marks...

End Déjà vu

Did you like it? Please review!!! This story was meant to be slightly vague and leave you with questions. Hopefully it was as powerful as I wanted it to be. There was a nice Chlexy kiss in there too, I should get points for that one! :grin3: I'm thinking of making a prequel or something to pull it together more, that would be fun... ;)

12th June 2005, 09:22
I need more, much more. That can't be the end can it? Say it ain't so.

Seriously, very well written, shocking and exhilerating all at the same time. Whew, I felt like I had run a marathon after reading that. Powerful, and it must be continued. Please?

12th June 2005, 09:59
Nice job..you've left me all intrigued...

12th June 2005, 17:38
I need to know what hapened to Chloe :) Why did the gang let her be somewhere where she wasn't in contact with them, since she didn't recognize neither Lex nor Clark at least as someone she sees somewhere from time to time, just as two attratctive guys she sometimes runs accross. If she did get amnesia wouldn't they put her back in places she knew hoping her memory would recover? Or was it to dangerous for her to remember?
Please write more.

12th June 2005, 18:24
Just a reminder that you need to put a rating in the topic title as well. If you are unfamiliar with the forum rules, you can find them here: http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/forumdisplay.php?f=32

12th June 2005, 23:39
You need to give us more a prequel and sequal. It can't end there. It was amazing. :clapclap:

Hope ;)

2nd July 2005, 10:03
Wow... Loved the storyline and the unexpected end. :)

8th July 2005, 06:20
This was a very nice fic.

Ami Rose
25th February 2018, 15:35
That was very interesting! But I cant believe you cute it off there! Great fic!