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View Full Version : A very white Christmas (Rated G) - Complete

Queen Of Tact
7th June 2005, 23:45
A Title: a very white Christmas
rating: G (or EC for extremely cheesy)
Disclaimer: Believe me when I tell you I don't own then. I'm only playing with them for a little while.
Summery: Smallville gets a very white Christmas
Distribution: If you want it you can have it, Just please let me know.
A/N: Ok, so I was going through some of my old stories and I came across this one… I wrote it a few yrs ago and it’s a very cheesy Xmas fic, but I thought it would be good for a laugh so I’m posting it… I think I might have posted it once before when I wrote it, but I looked and couldn’t find it so here it is again…

Chloe was franticly running around her bedroom throwing things into her overnight bag. "Shit! I'm going to be late." Chloe shrieked when she looked at the clock again, just as the phone rang.

"I'll get." Chloe started to yell. "What the hell am I yelling for, I'm the only one here." Then smiled when she saw who was calling.

"Hi sexy. Ready for a good time." Chloe said teasingly when she answered the phone.

"I hope that was meant for me." Lex said coolly.

"Oh, hey Lex." Chloe said a little disenchanted. I'm sorry, I thought you were my charming, debonair, sophisticated, and might I also add extremely sexy boyfriend.

"Oh wait a second." Chloe said slapping her forehead. You are my charming, debonair, sophisticated, and extremely sexy boyfriend.

Lex couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriend. She was the only person who could ever make him feel this way. "You think you're so cute don't you?" Lex said with is trademark smirk on his face.

"You know I am." Chloe said bluntly. "Now wipe that smirk off your face Luthor and tell me why you're calling me.

"Well, since you put it that way I was calling to see what was taking my sweet, loving, coffee addicted girlfriend so long to get over here." Lex said honestly.

"Sorry, I wanted to stop at the Torch, and finish a few last minuet things before the holiday, and just my luck." Chloe said sarcastically." When I went to leave my stupid car wouldn't start."

"I don't see why you wont let me get you a new car Chloe." Lex said a little frustrated

"Lex you and I have talked about this before." Chloe said taking a deep breath. "People still give us a hard enough time just being boyfriend and girlfriend. What do you think they would do once you start getting me things like new cars?"

"I don't care what they think or do Chloe. You are the one I care about not them, and I don't want my girlfriend to end up stranded in the middle of nowhere." Lex said in an almost pleading tone.

"I know Lex, let me think about it ok?" Chloe asked.

"I guess that's better then a no." Lex said happily that Chloe was finely starting to give in. "Now how about I come pick you up?"

"Aww that sweet of you to offer Lex, but I'm just about done here, but how about you keep those fires burning for me, and I'll see you in a little bit." Chloe said seductively.

"You are very persuasive Ms. Sullivan, I'll see you in a little bit." Lex said before hanging up.

Chloe was just about to walk out he door when the phone rang again. She quickly dropped her things and ran to get it.


"Hi sweetie." Gabe Sullivan's voice rang in to the phone.

"Hey dad, what's going on? I thought you were picking up Aunt Grace from the airport?"

"I'm at the airport right now, but your Aunts flight has been delayed do to a snow storm so I'm going to be late." Gabe spoke loudly, trying to speak over the noise at the airport.

"I hope you flight won't be delayed to long." Chloe said a bit disappointed. She wanted this to be a special Christmas.

"I hope not to, but It doesn't look like this storm is going to let up any time soon, and that's the other reason I'm calling. I know your going over to Lex's house, but with the storm on it's way to Smallville, and I would feel more comfortable if Lex came and got you." Gabe said hoping Chloe would give in just this once.

"Dad, I know I'm your baby girl and you like to worry, but I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Lex about 10 minuets ago." Chloe said trying not to be annoyed by the fact that the two mean in her life had a tendency to fuss way too much over her. "I'm a big girl now, and a little bit of snow will not hurt me."

"Lex, and I both know that sweetie, but we wouldn't be us if we didn't worry about our favorite girl." Gabe said shacking his head. He would have never believed if someone told him two years ago that is daughter would start to date Lex Luthor, and though not thrilled with the idea at first he would grow to love Lex as a son.

"I know dad, but I can still take care of myself."

"Alright, you win. Have fun with Lex, and I will talk to you later." Gabe said giving in yet again to his daughter.

"Bye dad, and I will." Chloe said laughing, and hanging up the phone.

Chloe was only about 3 miles from Lex's house when it started to snow really hard. "Wow it's really starting to some down." Chloe said to her self. "It would really suck having to be out side in that." And has if some one was listening to her, no sooner had she said that then her car started to die again.

"Oh come on! Don't do this to me know." Chloe begged her car. "It's only just a little bit more up the road, please you can do it." But her car wasn't listening, it just wasn't going to go any further.

"Me and my big mouth." Chloe said grabbing her sell phone to call Lex. "Ahhhhh" Chloe screamed when she saw the battery in her cell phone was dead. "This is so not funny." Chloe said not speaking to anyone unparticular, and grabbed her things. "Well, it looks like I'm walking the rest of the way."
~ ~ ~ ~

"Damn it Chloe! Why aren't you answering your cell phone?" Lex yelled more worried then angry.

The snow was coming down very hard now, and Chloe should have been there 30 minuets ago.

"I'm sure she just stopped by the Tollen for a cup of coffee, and got talking with Lana." Lex said trying to reassure himself but failed miserably.

Lex was putting on his coat to go looking for Chloe when he heard Napoleon barking at the front door.

"Napoleon, I know you want to go and play, but your going to have to wait a little longer." Lex told his large German shepherd.

Lex had never real saw himself as a dog person or any animal at all. But Chloe thought it would do him some good to have a dog. So she got him Napoleon for him for his birthday last year.

Even after Lex had told him to stop Napoleon continued to bark at the front door. Something wasn't right for Napoleon to completely ignore Lex.

Lex opened the front door to let Napoleon out, but when he did he found something he wasn't expecting, and the reason Napoleon wanted out so badly.

Chloe was sitting on the top step with her back to the door. She was so cold and tired she couldn't move.

"Oh my god! Chloe look at me." Lex said cupping her face.

Chloe slowly open her eyes and gave Lex a small smile, but even that was too much for her and she passed out.

"Hold on Chloe." Lex said softly as he carried her inside.

All but two of Lex servants had gone home for the Holidays.

"Mrs. Miller Please get some dry clothes for Chloe and some more blankets."

"Yes, sir." The elderly women said as she scurried off.

"Mr. Thomas, please start a fire in my room."

"Right away sir." Mr. Thomas said running up the stairs.

Lex changed Chloe into some dry clothes then places her in his bed.

"Chloe please wake up, you can't leave me." Lex said holding on tightly to her hand afraid to let go.

~ ~ ~

The early morning light was filtering through the bedroom window as Chloe began to stir. She felt so warm and comfortable that she didn't want to open her eyes. But why was she so warm the last thing she remembered was walking in the snow. She was so cold and tired, that she didn't think she would be able to make it. But the need to open her eyes became too much for her to fight any longer, and she opened her tired eyes. As the haziness began to lift, Chloe slowly recognized to room. She was in Lex's bedroom, in his bed, but where was he? Chloe's panic secedes when she saw Lex sleeping in the chair on the other side of the bed. Even in his sleep he looked troubled. Chloe knew he must have been up half the night worried about her.

"Lex" Chloe called out reaching over to him.

"Hmmm." Lex mumbled looking over to Chloe. "Chloe your awake!" Lex said quickly moving to sit next to her on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok Lex." Chloe said giving him the best smile she could. "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you."

"It's alright Chloe." Lex said touching the side of her face. "Your safe and that's all the matters now. But if you think I'm still going to let you drive that car of your any longer, you are sorely mistaken. There will be a new car in your drive way Friday morning, and you will not argue with me about this Chloe.

Chloe gave a deep sigh of defeat. "Fine you win. But I get to pick out."

"Deal." Lex said kissing Chloe on her nose. "Do you think you can try and eat some breakfast?"

"And coffee?" Chloe asked

"Yes, and coffee." Lex chuckled.

The day had gone by quickly. Chloe and Lex were curled up on the couch watching the glimmer of the fire that softly crackled in the fireplace. Chloe's father had called them that evening to let them know that her aunts had arrived safe, but because of the snow they wouldn't make it back tomorrow for Christmas. Chloe was devastated. She couldn't imagine a Christmas with out her father.

"Chloe how about we open a couple gifts?" Lex suggested trying to cheer her up.

"But Lex it's only Christmas Eve?"

"I know, but how about we start something new this year?"

"Ok." Chloe said smiling. "But you go first."

Chloe walked over to the tree and picked out a gift for Lex. "Here you should open this one first."

"I wonder who this could be from." Lex said opening the gift reviling a pair of dark blue silk boxers, and a dark blue silk negligee.

"I though they would go perfect together." Chloe whispered in his ear.

"Perfect indeed Ms Sullivan." Lex said drawing Chloe's lips to his.

After braking apart from the kiss Lex walked over to the tree, and picked up a small box for Chloe.

"I think this is for you." Lex said handing her the box.

Chloe gasped when to open the box to find an elegant but simple diamond and platinum eternity ring.

"I know you're not ready to get married yet Chloe, but with this ring I wanted to promise you that I will wait till the end of time for you.

Chloe couldn't help but cry when she listened to Lex. She knew from that moment on that there could never be another for her.

"I love you Alexander." Chloe said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you to Chloe." Lex said picking her up and caring her to his room. After all it was only fair if he got to try on his Christmas gift too.

Chloe and Lex were awaken by the slamming of a car door fallowed by knocking at the front door.

"I wonder who that can be." Chloe mumbled sleepily.

"I'm not sure." Lex said climbing out of bed and putting on a robe, but we better go find out.

"Do we have to?" Chloe asked not wanting to get out of the warm bed.

"Yes, now put on a robe and I'll meet you down stairs.

"Alright." Chloe grumbled getting out of bed and slipping on the robe.

Chloe heard laughing as she walked down stairs. Who could Lex me talking to she wondered.

Chloe couldn't believe her eyes when she walked into the main room.

"Daddy!" Chloe shrieked running into her fathers open arms. "But how did you get here? I though you were stuck in Metropolis."

"We were, but thanks to Lex we were able to get home." Gabe said giving Lex a knowing smile.

"Lex?" Chloe questioned turning to look her boyfriend.

"I know how much it means to you to spend Christmas with your family, so I pulled a few strings."

"Thank you so much Lex." Chloe said hugging him tightly. "You just made this the best Christmas ever."

"Merry Christmas Chloe." Lex whispered.

The End

8th June 2005, 04:21
that was great and so sweet. brings a tear of joy to my eyes.

8th June 2005, 08:55
That was wonderful! I love sensitive Lex!

8th June 2005, 08:58
Oh God, this brought a tear of joy to my eyes too. :: sob ::

Honey, this was incredible---from the beginning and Chloe's stubborness to get to Lex and be with him; to her finally saying---sure, get me a car but I get to pick and it's what---a beetle. :) One thing---has Lex ever owned a Lexus? Maybe she should have one instead. :) Seriously though, I needed this this early morning because of something happening on another show. And the last part, him getting Gabe there---oh, that was so sweet. Thank you for a wintery story, in the middle of a hot night here.

8th June 2005, 18:08
Loved every bit of it!!!

9th June 2005, 18:43
so sweet

11th June 2005, 03:52
That was so sweet

17th June 2005, 07:36
This is such a fun Christmas story!! Thank you so much for writing this wonderful fic!! It almost makes me wish it was December again!! :)

17th June 2005, 18:16
love the story

26th June 2005, 13:06
Really sweet... and i always thought Lex should get a dog!!!!!!


6th July 2005, 15:25
Oh that was sweet. :wub:

Hope ;)

7th July 2005, 12:44
Awwww, what a wonderful christmas :)

7th July 2005, 13:48
i think you posted this on ff.net, too, coz that's where i first read this story.

EC...extremely cheesy...:P

v.sweet, this one. makes me look forward to this year's Christmas. :wub:

13th June 2006, 09:03
{Claps and cheers} Beautiful!!

13th June 2006, 09:33
*sigh* this was really sweet. Lex making it so Gabe and Chloe could be together for that day :D

27th November 2007, 06:14
Well it was extremely cheesy, but fun to read...I love it!