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View Full Version : Breaking Away (R) [Post-Spirit Fic]

25th April 2005, 20:49
Title: Breaking Away
Author: Blaire
Disclaimer: Uh...no. The theme from 'Spirit' wasn't mine but the rest is.
Rating: R for bad language and sexual uhm...stuff :yeahbaby:
Summary: BAD!Chloe
Pairing: Chloe/Lex
Song: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray


Chloe shifted in bed, the small, cramped one bedroom of her and her dad's one bedroom apartment and quelled the urge to cry. The pitter patter of rain on the tiny window overlooking a small concrete parking lot only urged her on. Her tears ran soft and scalding out of the corner of her eyes. The thought of the evening, and what she had learned of her best friend, of her peers. It was all a blur as that stupid prom queen tiarra taunted her from the dresser where she'd laid it.

The flowers she'd gotten were somewhere on the road from Smallville High to here as they'd been tossed out in a fit of rage.

She was sick and tired of being a fucking pawn to some otherwordly creature.

Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me

Gabe stuck his head into his daughter's room and tried to keep the worry out of his voice. "Hey, sweetie."

Chloe turned her face into her pillow, wrinkling her stupid prom dress with the movement and mumbled something incoherent.

Gabe moved into the room and sat down beside her on the bed. He lovingly stroked the back of her hair and waited patiently for her to say something.

It didn't take long. Chloe turned her head to the side and looked up at her dad from one mascara streaked eye. "Why me?"

Gabe frowned. "I thought you were happy that you were nominated."

Chloe snorted and Gabe reached for the nightstand and plucked a tissue from it's box. He handed it to Chloe and she rubbed her eye with it, causing her mascara to smear in unnatural angles. "I was. It was like a dream, ya know." He didn't speak as she blew her nose and sat herself up in front of him. "It was like a dream even for me. Hard ass Chloe Sullivan." She blew her nose again and wadded up the tissue into a ball before shaking her fist. "Something always has to fuck it up." And with that exclamation she tossed herself backwards on the single bed and landed with a thump on the hard mattress.

Gabe sighed and looked down at his daughter. She was almost completely grown up. Soon she'd be moving out, moving on, going to college, getting a new life with new friends. He couldn't be more proud of her. He was going to miss his little angel.

Deciding to forego the speech on cursing, figuring she'd earned it this evening, he picked up the pillow and swatted her in the face. "I'm ordering out, what do you want?"

Chloe held the pillow to her face in hopes of being able to smother herself. Her muffled response came as no shock to Gabe.

He stood up and moved out of the room, "Right, one of everything it is."

Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray (I would pray)
I could breakaway

Chloe went through the next three weeks of school with not a word to anyone. She dodged Lana's pouts, Clark's unexpected arrivals at the Torch, and stayed far away from the Talon for fear of exploding. She'd always known that Smallville was going to be a stepping stone in her life. She'd never belong, never stay longer than she needed to. And this summer, with her going to Metropolis and Clark and Lana both staying in Smallville, she was more than happy to hop the fastest route out of here.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

On the morning of her graduation Chloe walked into the principal's office, collected her diploma an hour and a half ahead of schedule and everyone else, and got into the right frame of mind to drive the three hours it would take to get to Metropolis.

For four years she'd been Clark's sidekick, keeping his secrets whenever they'd pop up. Afraid that if he knew what she was aware of he'd go ballistic. She understood sometimes why he was so secretive. If half the population of Smallville knew what she did they'd all be insane with fear. She was sure Clark Kent would make his way in life, maybe even arise to monumental things someday. But it would have to be without her by his side. Because she wasn't going to settle for anything less than being her own person, making her own future, carving her own name in stone.

Chloe Sullivan was going to be the greatest. And now she was on her way to a new life.

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway


"Miss Sullivan."

Chloe looked over to her right where flashes went off every second and where a team of people were huddled around eachother under the awning of the hippest club to open in Metropolis. Which she was going to tonight. Chloe smiled and waved, aware of the way in which her midriff top rose up another notch revealing creamy skin and toned muscle.

After several years of playing the beat journalist, she'd finally made a name for herself. And she didn't regret one minute of the fame even as she'd submitted her story on the unveiling of Metropolis' very own hero.

She wasn't sure when her hatred of Clark had bubbled up, when it had consumed her like a deadly virus, but now she was glad to have it behind her. And for Clark to be the one who'd finally had his rug of luxury pulled out from under him. She grinned even wider as people screamed her name and she was led into the dark cavernous club with it's writhing bodies and it's continuously morphing lights.

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

Chloe stepped out onto the dance floor, glad to be a part of the sea of bodies making love while standing up. The pulsing thrum of the bass coming out from under her made her body tingle in all the right places. The sweat that rolled down her nape and onto the small of her back made her feel more at home than she had been earlier tonight in her 40th floor penthouse.

The feel of warm, sweaty hands on her flesh, the hot breath of a mouth plastered against the side of her neck, the biting and suckling of teeth, tongue, electrically charged her and she turned to place her mouth against that of her molester and gasped out loud.

Lex grinned rakishly and snagged her hand with his, pulling her to a dark corner where they could have some privacy.

Chloe stared up at him, somewhat amused and somewhat shocked. "Lex?"

Lex leaned down, placing his mouth beside her ear and causing hers to be beside his as well. "Chloe."

Chloe latched onto his shirt as a passerby knocked into them. "What are you doing here?"

Lex chuckled in her ear, causing a delicious warmth to tingle and pool between her legs, her inner muscles clenching in a devious way. "I came for the grand opening." When his thigh nudged between hers she slipped her legs apart and groaned. "What about you?"

Chloe leaned her cheek against his and straddled his thigh, rubbing her swollen clit against the starchy material of his dark slacks. "Opening." She repeated breathlessly and leaned back to look at the enigma she hadn't seen in person or spoken to for nearly a decade.

"I see you got my invitation."

Chloe's brows pulled together and she stopped her grinding assault. Lex, noticing her withdraw, placed his hand on the small of her back and forced her body into close contact with his.

"You mean this is..."

"LexCorp is dabbling."

Chloe opened her mouth to speak and her words became muffled as he leaned his head down and took her lips with his, her tongue with his, her breath with his. He was relentless and Chloe gave up the fight, giving herself to him.

I'll spread my wings
And I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

"I've wanted to do that since Smallville."

Chloe looked over at Lex as they both sat in the backseat of her limo, her driver winding the car through the streets of downtown Metropolis.

"It's probably best you waited." At Lex's arched brows she smiled and shoved a sweaty chunk of hair out of her face. "Me being underage at the time and you being at the top of everyone's bad boy list."

Lex smiled and hooked his arm around her, pulling her halfway on top of him in one slick move.

"I read your article a few months back."

Chloe nodded and rearranged herself on his lap. "And?"


Chloe leaned back to look at him, his eyes clear and yet guarded at the same time. "And what did you think?"

"I think..." Lex played with a strand of her hair, pulling her face closer to his. "I think it was educational."

Chloe pulled back and stared at him incredulously. "That's it, educational?"

Lex laughed and pulled her closer by her hips. "And enlightening."

Chloe grinned and took two handfuls of his shirt. "And?"

Lex laughed again as he shifted her on his lap until his arousal was made evident. "And I think you're incredibly talented."

Chloe smiled back as she leaned her face closer to his. "I'm rich now."

Lex smiled against her lips and whispered. "So am I."

Chloe laughed out loud and moved her lower half against his.

Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

25th April 2005, 21:32
"I think..." Lex played with a strand of her hair, pulling her face closer to his. "I think it was educational."

Chloe pulled back and stared at him incredulously. "That's it, educational?"

Lex laughed and pulled her closer by her hips. "And enlightening."

Chloe grinned and took two handfuls of his shirt. "And?"

Lex laughed again as he shifted her on his lap until his arousal was made evident. "And I think you're incredibly talented."

And I think...this was a great spin on the tragedy that was 'Spirit'

Queen Of Tact
25th April 2005, 21:38
Oh that was good!!!! I just love evil Chloe... Great job hon...



star del mar
26th April 2005, 03:38
That was a fun little story...I always enjoy an older, wiser Chloe especially when she's sexing it up with Lex :D


26th April 2005, 03:41
evil chloe was fun chloe
good job


26th April 2005, 03:49
Ooh, that was yummy. But it was too short,hehehe.

26th April 2005, 17:50
I really, really wish that you wrote for Smallville!! I love your Chloe!! She's strong and not willing to be everyone's pawn anymore!! Excellent story!! :)

26th April 2005, 21:30
You go Chloe!!!
Nice one.....short,but oooh so nice:D

27th April 2005, 00:34
Let me just start by saying that I hated the episode Spirit, and this completely made up for it.

She'd always known that Smallville was going to be a stepping stone in her life. She'd never belong, never stay longer than she needed to. And this summer, with her going to Metropolis and Clark and Lana both staying in Smallville, she was more than happy to hop the fastest route out of here.

This is how I've always seen Chloe- Bigger and better than Smallville and almost every single person in it. This is the type of Chloe I like to read, because it is an excellent contrast to the one on the show and more realistic as well.

She wasn't sure when her hatred of Clark had bubbled up, when it had consumed her like a deadly virus, but now she was glad to have it behind her. And for Clark to be the one who'd finally had his rug of luxury pulled out from under him.

Chloe in power is definately a turn on and the vengeful attitude she has here for Clark is completely spot on and in in tune with the way you have her written.

"I've wanted to do that since Smallville."

Lex, trust me, we've wanted you to do that since Smallville too.

I've said it before, but it needs to be repeated: This completely makes up for the disappointment I felt after seeing "Spirit".

I loved how you took such a pitiful Chloe story line and turned it into something great. In case I haven't gotten it across good enough: I loved this.

27th April 2005, 02:15
That was some nice reading Blaire. I loved it. :wub:

Hope ;)

27th April 2005, 23:40
Nice work. I love the part with Gabe and Chloe - we never see that at all now, and it's seems like it should be so important. I love the thought that even though she's all runny-mascara and sad, he's still so proud of his daughter - you just know he probably cried a little bit that she was the prom queen.

Oh, and that part later... Bad Chloe. Bad, Baaaad Chloe. Yum! Makes me feel like hitting a club...

29th April 2005, 23:06
great job and evil chloe was perfect. i like it that lex and chloe are finialy together.

9th May 2005, 01:50
First I love Breakaway. I immediately thought of Chloe when I first heard it. I like your spin on "Spirit"- its no less than what that asshat deserved after everything that happened that night.

25th June 2005, 16:47
Really liked this version of Chloe, she is strong and confident and definitely not a pushover. You go Chloe!!!


24th July 2005, 04:34
I like this Chloe. She's not pathetic like in the show. She's strong and takes charge. Oh and the chem with Lex is smoking. Well done!

25th July 2005, 07:53
:omg: :OMG: This fic was so good. I am glad that she left smallville.

12th August 2008, 02:53
Like it!
Like BAD/Chloe! She kicks ass!

28th August 2008, 07:32
Now they may reign supreme.

27th September 2009, 12:40
Nice one. See I always felt that Chloe might hit a snapping point, depending on which season's Chloe you used. Clark lied to her and almost everyone for years. People try to blame all the crap on Lex, but really if the Kents had not treated him like Lionel and not lied to him, none of it would have happened. So yeah, Chloe could be the little sidekick puppy, or she could also snap. I liked how you showed her strength here to not take Clarks crap anymore and exposed him.

Ami Rose
27th October 2013, 16:47
That was hot... love that song!