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22nd April 2005, 04:46
I never saw the eppy but from what I garnered from a friend tonight, this came out. Hope it looks right---would love to know. Enjoy

Title: Post Episodic For Spirit - "A Queen Without A King"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13/T

Category: Chlex, post episodic, songfic, Chloe's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game but especially Spirit for Smallville.

Summary: Chloe thought she was a Queen without a King---she was wrong.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, Monty Hall, any famous sayings, and the song lyrics to I'll Be, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don't sue me.

Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, WBFFZ, and Malus site. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: And once more I do a piece for an episode that I never saw. This is dedicated to all the Chlexers out there who have inspired all by writing, reading, and just chatting about it. And a special thanks to Rick and his help with the questions I asked. Enjoy.

Post Episodic For Spirit - "A Queen Without A King" - by PMD

Prologue: I never expected to be Prom Queen. And although it was oddly nice, what wasn't was I had no date---there was a Queen without a King. And that made me sad.


Chloe's Bedroom

I left the prom shortly after being made Prom Queen. What's the use---there was nobody to dance with? This must be the first year where the King and Queen didn't dance and of course, oddity of Smallville, me, initiated it. Hopefully it won't be repeated next year.

I put my prom dress away---the black and pink an odd combination for me. It's like I was channeling Lex and Lana at the same time---ewww---that sounded really nasty?

I feel my stomach lurch, unsure if it's because I didn't eat anything, because of being inhabited by a spirit, or maybe the idea of Lana and Lex, as a combo. Ewwww---yeah, I'll take door number 3, Monty.

I let out a sigh, my inner dream being remembered once more. I know it was stupid to wish that Lex could have been there---been my King---but really, are proms his style. Has he ever been to a prom, period? Probably not---still, I could picture it.

I'm standing on the podium, accepting my crown. The MC asks who's the king to my queen and the crowd parts. I watch as he strolls up to the steps and takes them two at a time. He comes closer, taking my hand.

He whispers, 'I'll be, if she'll have me.'

I nod and the crown is placed on his head. Then he leans in and kisses me, gently. He backs away and leads me to the dance floor---the music of 'I'll Be' swelling and we sway to the music.

A knock at the front door drives away the dream once more. Who the heck could it be? Clark---I don't think so. Lana---nawwww. Lois, why? Lex---sure Chloe, like you would be that lucky.

I put on my slippers and grab my dressing gown. I make my way downstairs and open the door.

He gives me a once up and down and then a smirk. Then the first volley:

"Nice prom dress."

I raise an eyebrow---yeah, I'm lucky and yet, unlucky. Why couldn't I have been wearing my prom dress when Lex came knocking on the door? Wait---why is he here?

"Why are you here, Luthor? To make my life more miserable tonight?"

His smirk turns into a sympathetic smile. Oh no---I can handle his indifference during this senior year; even him trying to kill me and not apologizing. But not this.

"Go away!"

"What?" he asks, taken aback.

"I don't need your charity or sympathy, Luthor. Just leave me alone."

I'm about to close the door when he puts his foot in the way. I glare at it and then him.

"Listen, Sullivan, against my better judgement, I came to see if you were okay. Clark and Lana were worried about you."

"Yeah, right, whatever. They were so lost in themselves, they didn't even see me leave, I bet."

"Could I please come in to finish this conversation."

I let out a sigh. "All right but you only have a few minutes. I've got a sad movie marathon to start."

He walks in and I close the door behind him. Then he turns around and offers his hand to me. I glance at it and then him.

"I won't bite, unless you want me too."

I give him a wiry grin. "Really? My father would be so happy to see a bite mark from Lex Luthor on my neck---he'd be so proud you bestowed one on me."

He gives me a small chuckle and I have to smile, despite myself. I take his hand, warm and inviting to the touch, and we walk into the living room, settling on the couch.

He pulls me closer, whispering, "Bad night?"

"You think."

"Having no date sucks."

"How'd you---oh forget it. Clark probably told you. Yeah it is but even worse is having no date when you are the Prom Queen."

"Wish I were there to be your King."

I pull back and glance up at him. "Really?"


"I thought so," I sigh out.

Then I feel the tears and have to get up, walking to the entrance to the kitchen.

"Want some coffee, Lex?" I ask, my voice drunk with emotion.

He gets up and is by my side, in seconds, pulling me into his arms.

"I'm sorry I hurt you all these months, Chloe. I'm sorry I didn't come to offer my apologies for trying to kill you. I'm sorry I made light of your situation tonight. I'm just so sorry that every time I'm around you, I seem to hurt you more."

"You know why?" I ask him.

He backs away, his head tilted, like a dog questioning me silently.

"Because you don't love me."

I back away from him further, about to walk into the kitchen. But I'm stopped by his hand. I turn to look up at him, his look full of wonder and amazement. And then a lightness I've never seen before.

"Now who ever said I didn't love you?"

Now I'm blown away. "What? But you---?"

He stops my words by leaning down and kissing me, thoroughly and extensively, to the point when I start to moan and think, this must be a dream---this really isn't happening to me? I'm on drugs, still with the spirit, or maybe the witch is playing with me right now?

As I back away, I do the only thing I know to find out if it's true---I pinch him.

"What the---if that's the reaction I'll be getting from you from now on, no more kisses, Chlo."

I give him a full blow, patented Chloe smile. "You always hurt the one you love."

He gives me a smile I haven't seen for a long time. Then he takes my hand and leads me towards the middle of the living room. He leaves me there and goes to the CD player, checking the CD's until he finds the one he wants and puts it into it. Then he presses the button and the music swells.

He comes back and takes me into his arms. "Now, the queen is with her king and the dance you missed is about to begin---may it be a part of us forever, this song and our love for each other."

I silently pray that this happens too, as we sway to the song and the lyrics fill the air:

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful

Stop me and steal my breath

Emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky

Never revealing their depth

Tell me that we belong together

Dress it up with the trappings of love

I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heartache that

Hang from above

I'll be your crying shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life

Rain falls angry on the tin roof

As we lie awake in my bed

You're my survival, you're my living proof

My love is alive, not dead

Tell me that we belong together

Dress it up with the trappings of love

I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heartache that

Hang from above

I'll be your crying shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life

I've been dropped out, burned up

Fought my way back from the dead

Tuned in, turned on

Remembered the things that you said

I'll be your crying shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life

Greatest fan of your life"

I let out a sigh, as the song ends. I feel his eyes on me and I look up.

"My father is gone for the weekend," I state, knowing he can read between the lines.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"I wouldn't have mentioned it if I wasn't."

He smiles a little boy smile and kisses me gently.

After we turn off the CD player and head towards the door, I speak once more:

"Want to see my prom dress when we're up there?"

"Nothing could be more beautiful that what you are wearing right now, Chlo."

I stop at the bottom of the stairs and look up at him. "What? Why?"

"Because you told me you cared for me, in them."

The End.

22nd April 2005, 05:09
"Because you told me you cared for me, in them."

That is SOOOOO sweet!!!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!! If only it would continue on forever....

and it was nice to have a better spin on the clana saturated episode...

Ah the joys of fanfiction......

22nd April 2005, 08:27
Hey Blue:

Yeah, I heard all about it. I love Lana in fanfic but really, even after Chloe has her moment in the sun, seems to be overshadowed by the Lana of the series, from what I could gather from snippets that I got from friends. :: sigh :: Glad you loved it, sweetie. :) And yes---fanfic rules! :) Now pray I survive the next three eppy's of Veronica Mars---yikes---grey hairs coming on. <g> So, anybody want a sequel---anybody got an idea for a sequel?

Little Miss Vixen
22nd April 2005, 14:19
That was really good. I think you did a very nice job with it. And the song you used in mine and my boyfriend's song, so bonus points for that.

22nd April 2005, 20:54
Hey Padme:

Awwww---glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :) And OMG---you and your boyfriends song---I really didn't know. And I bet it fits you two perfectly. :) Now, anybody up for a sequel cause my muse definitely is. :)

23rd April 2005, 01:24
Thank you so much for the sweet story!! I really needed to read something happy and you delivered!! Thanks!! :)

23rd April 2005, 01:46
Hey Autumn:

Awwww----thanks, sweetie. :) Glad you enjoyed it. :) You know, if those ptb could read some of this fanfic, they might take a chance at Chlex. Yeah, I know---but a girl can dream. :) Sequel being written, fast and furious.

23rd April 2005, 04:09
What a sweet little fic! It was well done, I'm pretty picky about my happy endings they usually have to be a little more problematic for me to accept them, because perfect happiness would mean Lex's redeption and that's not entirely possible. But this wasn't to sweet and improbible because the characters still seemed on target. Thanks.


23rd April 2005, 09:58
Hey Lark:

I'm sitting here, looking at your feedback and happy that you love it. :) And very interested in what you are saying about the type of happy endings you like. Ironically, I am a redemptionist myself but now, as I watch and listen to what people have to say about this year---especially this one, I knew I had to go more with the series and yet still have a happy ending. I'll still write future fics where Chloe saves Lex from going bad, but once in a while, I'll write something like this. And because of your feedback, I'm changing the ending to the sequel---was going to have Clark come and tell Lex the secret but now, I think I'll just go elsewhere. :) And because of your feedback, I know that I can do this---go with a more probable ending and yet still have it happy. :) Glad I could give a little Chlexy happiness to you, for an eppy which really stunk for Chloe in parts. Really---there was this spotlight over Lana when she and Clark danced? Talk about overkill. :: sigh ::

23rd April 2005, 22:04
Now if episodes ended like that I would watch the show. Great job, not too mushy just right.

23rd April 2005, 23:30
Hey Kelly:

You know, if I could have seen Lex coming to her rescue in this past eppy, I would have watched it myself. But then, well, I think them kissing would have to happen before I give the show another chance. :: sigh :: Thank goodness for fanfic, is all I can say. :)

As to the sequel---have to add a bit more to it, do some checking over, and it should be out real soon. :) Maybe a little bit more sentimental than the other one but not that much more. Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :)

23rd April 2005, 23:32
Hey Campbti:

Awww---glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :) Sequel coming soon---it's a touch more mushy than the last but not that much more. And it certainly deals with Clark's secret---about Lex and Lana not knowing it but them knowing Chloe knows. And trust me, if they had ended it this way---and had these two kiss, I would still be watching. As it is---well, fanfic rules! :)

24th April 2005, 22:08
That was great. I would have much prefered that then SV version.

Hope :)

25th April 2005, 09:21
Hey Hope:

Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :) And from what I've heard, a lot would have liked this ending---and whatever other Chlex pieces are out there too for this eppy. Why do they do this to Chloe? I mean, why? :: sigh ::

27th April 2005, 09:16
Hey AnnaBelle:

I'm so glad you loved this piece, sweetie. :) And that's my favorite line too because it says a lot in few words---and it was the perfect ending to this piece and that doesn't happen too often for me.

29th April 2005, 07:25
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love it s much it is so sweet and cute.

29th April 2005, 11:29
Hey Star:

Awwww---so glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :)

9th May 2005, 02:11
PMD awesome fic! I love your take on this and wish this had happened on the show! Chloe deserves so much more and if Lex can't walk into the Prom and claim her as his own then this is the next best thing!

9th May 2005, 02:12
PS I love "I'll Be" and its so Chlexy!

9th May 2005, 15:32
Hey Lexnchloerock:

Glad you enjoyed the piece, hon. :) Yep, she deserves better and Lex definitely is it in my books. :) Farmboy a little dense when it comes to the ladies noticing him, isn't he? <g>

Glad you enjoyed the song too---it's always been a favorite of mine, after hearing it on a certain time travel show a couple of years ago. :)

29th June 2005, 08:14
*swoons* can I be chloe today?

29th June 2005, 09:01
Hey Jaxie:

Awwww---if it was within my power, I would wish you a Lex Luthor into your life who would never go bad, sweetie. Then you could be his chloe. :) Glad you enjoyed the piece, sweetie. :)

30th May 2006, 06:38
So beautiful, Peggy. I loved how you chagned things around.

19th June 2006, 01:37
That was so cute... I'm off to read the sequel now...

16th June 2007, 23:39
Sweet..on to the sequel

Ami Rose
17th June 2015, 20:16
That was so sweet!