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View Full Version : Fanfic for Ellidyay - Anger Management (PG-13/R - /T/M)

20th April 2005, 19:49
Here's a look into Lucas trying his hand at getting them together. Poor character, you gotta feel for him in this one. Enjoy.

Title: Fanfic for Ellidyay - "Anger Management"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13/R - T/M (for language)

Category: Chloe/Lucas friendship, Chlex, emotional rollercoaster feelings, Futurefic, Chloe's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

Summary: Chloe's PMSing---you do not want to meet her in a dark alley!

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Iceman Cometh, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, FFA, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, WBFFZ, and Malu's site. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: Thanks goes to Ellidyay for giving me this idea and looking it over. Thanks, sweetie. : ) And to Kat, for saying, go for it. Thanks. Enjoy.

Fanfic For Ellidyay - "Anger Management" - by PMD

The Grounds Outside The Mansion

Okay---Chloe, you are PMSing---you know that. Try to calm down---think of the Gulf of Mexico. And that wonderful blue water that reminds you of Lex's eyes and how you want to gouge them out, because he forgot the stupid, fucking, interview.

I stamp up the steps and let out a primal scream of anger. Ahhhh---that feels better.

I rap on the door and it opens.

"James!" I rage as I walk in.


I turn around and glare. "Where's the asshole of the century?"

"Would that be Master Lex or Master Lucas?"

My eyes widen. "Ahhhhh---so that's why the ass blew me off---his brother's in trouble again."

"Actually---no. They were laughing a while ago---talking about you."

"ABOUT ME! Why that stupid bastard---he's supposed to be talking to me---not about me. Oh, wait till I get my hands on him!"

I start down the corridor and let out a sigh of frustration. I turn around. "Okay, where are they?"

"The kitchen, Miss."


"You're welcome, Miss. Should I call for the ambulance or wait till you injure them?"

I give him an evil smile and turn back around. Kitchen---knives--Chloe calm down.


The Kitchen

"Oh my God!" is what I hear as I arrive at the kitchen entrance.

"What is it, Lex?"

I lean against the doorframe. "I think he just remembered the interview, with me, today."

They both turn to look at me.

"Chloe," Lucas states, with a smile.

"Ass!" I say.

"Moi---an ass?" he questions, with light humor.

"Not you---your stupid half-wit of a half brother."

"Ah, Lex, she's paging you---good luck!"

Lucas moves out of the line of fire and I'm not having that. I let out a growl. "Lucas---stay where you are!"

He turns around, mildly surprised. "Did she just order me---"

"SHUT UP! Do not say another word or else."

"Or else what?" he questions.

"I will toss you out a window of my choosing, that's what!"

I hear a snicker from Lex and turn to glare at him. "Oh, you think that's funny, Alexander. You'll be joining him on that grassy knoll of a backyard too."

Now he's glaring back at me but I don't flinch.

He lets out a sigh. "Chloe, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, beyond the fact that you were talking about me rather than talking to me?"

"Well, I've missed interviews before, but you were never this hot about it before. You seem like a candidate for an anger management course at the moment---maybe I should take you to one right now?"

"Oh, like that helped you, Alexander."

"Will you please stop calling me that!" he rages.

"And there you go; proving my point!"

"Hey, can I go outside and have some fun?" we hear Lucas question.

"NO!" we both rage.

"All right---can't fault a man for trying to get away from the Hazel Fury or the Ice Man Cometh."

"Shut Up!" we both state.

He just shakes his head and then, I swear, there's a light bulb above his head.

"Lex, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"All right---and we're not finished, young lady."

"Oh, really---well, I think we are as friends and whatever else you had imagined in that pea brain of yours, Luthor."


He glares at me once more and walks towards his brother. "What?"

All of a sudden, Lucas stumbles and groans.


"What, Lucas?"

"I think I hurt myself."

"What?" I ask, as I walk over, my protective side showing up for a split second. Just enough time for Lucas to push us into the pantry and lock the door.

"LUCAS---LET US OUT, NOW!" Lex and I scream into the intercom.

"Not on your life---I've spent the last two months trying to figure out a way to get you two to talk---to admit what we've all known for so long," we hear him say through the intercom.

"Admit what?" I ask.

"The truth. Remember when you had that ability, Chloe? I bet you still have it."

"You talked to him about that?" I ask Lex.

He lets out a sigh. "Yes."


"Because I wished I had that ability to ask you a couple of questions."

"Them being?"

"Why are you so hot under the collar lately?"

"I'm PMSing and it hurts like hell. Bloating, headaches, backaches, mood swings---I've got it all. And I so wish I could give it to Lionel---or Lucas right now. Next stupid question?"

"Do you hate me?"

"Do I hate you? Why would I hate you?"

"You just act like you do."

"That's the PMSing talking. Lex---I like you, a lot."

His look is not of surprise but of relief. Then he smiles a wicked smile. "So----if I tried to hug you---you won't squeeze me so tight I couldn't breathe?"

"I don't know---you'll have to try," I answer, with a wicked smile of my own.

He moves towards me, pulling me into his arms and I stand rigid for a moment. Then I feel all the tension leave, just as he backs away.

"Good first step."

"First step?"

He smiles at me again. "Okay, if I try to kiss you, will you slap me so hard that it loosens some fillings."

"First off; Luthor's have perfect teeth. Second off, do I look like Clark Kent to you? I'm not that strong."

"Oh, you have strength and courage when you need it, Chloe. After all, I couldn't see anybody coming here and telling Lucas and I off and yet, leaving in one piece, except you."

I smile at him. "Only me? I'm honored. So?"


"Are you going to kiss me or what?"

"That was a rhetorical question. I didn't say I was."

"Oh," I state, my anger diminishing, being replaced by another roller coaster of an emotion. "I guess I don't have to go to anger management after all."


"Just thinking you will never kiss me makes me sad, not angry."

I turn away from him, looking at the cans on the shelf. I feel his hand on my arm, as he gently turns me around and leans in to kiss me. Okay this is the way to take away the physical and mental pain in my body and mind. I let out a sigh, allowing him into my warm recesses. And to gently lean me against the wall, by the shelf.

"You guys okay in there?" drives us apart.

"Can I maim him?" I ask Lex.

He chuckles. "Only if I can help."

I put my hand out. "Deal!"

Instead of shaking it, he kisses it gently.

I let out a sigh. "You really know how to take away the dreaded PMS, Lex."

"Always happy to help a lady through that part of life."

"Only me from now on, right?" I ask, uncertainity, another roller coaster emotion, showing itself.

"Right," he states, turning towards the door and knocking on it.

It flies open and Lucas looks in.

"Searching for blood, little brother?" Lex asks.

"Yeah---you two are in one piece?"

He moves away to let me out and I punch him on the arm. "Why did you do that?"

"Because you deserved it, Lucas," I state, with mock anger.

He turns to look at Lex. "Guess you don't need a bodyguard with her around. So---what are you going to do to me?"

"This," Lex replies, pulling him into the room and walking out of it, closing and locking the door.

"LET ME OUT!" we hear through the intercom.

"Hmmmm---who's PMSing now?" I question.

"No---I believe an anger management course is called for, in Lucas' case."

"You think?" I ask, leading him out of the room.

"So, how long should we keep him in there?" he asks me.

"I'd say a good hour or two."

"And what do we do till then?"

"Bedroom---you owe me for missing the interview."

"Always happy to pay my debts."

The End.

20th April 2005, 22:54
oh, my. here i am again with the quotes! :grin:

Okay---Chloe, you are PMSing---you know that. Try to calm down---think of the Gulf of Mexico. And that wonderful blue water that reminds you of Lex's eyes and how you want to gouge them out, because he forgot the stupid, fucking, interview.only at first paragraph and i could already relate to Chloe's pain. :D

I turn around and glare. "Where's the asshole of the century?"

"Would that be Master Lex or Master Lucas?"

"Should I call for the ambulance or wait till you injure them?"

I give him an evil smile and turn back around. Kitchen---knives--Chloe calm down.ah, James the butler...giving me another reason to love that man. and, Chloe...down girl!

"Chloe," Lucas states, with a smile.

"Ass!" I say.

"Moi---an ass?" he questions, with light humor.

"Not you---your stupid half-wit of a half brother."

"Ah, Lex, she's paging you---good luck!"

"Hey, can I go outside and have some fun?" we hear Lucas question.aahhhh, CheekyLucas!

"I will toss you out a window of my choosing, that's what!"

I hear a snicker from Lex and turn to glare at him. "Oh, you think that's funny, Alexander. You'll be joining him on that grassy knoll of a backyard too."nothing beats the Hazel Fury in action!

"All right---can't fault a man for trying to get away from the Hazel Fury or the Ice Man Cometh."oh the names you come up with...:grin:

"I'm PMSing and it hurts like hell. Bloating, headaches, backaches, mood swings---I've got it all. And I so wish I could give it to Lionel---or Lucas right now. Next stupid question?"Cower in fear...the Chloe Inquisition begins...good to know that her snark gets sharper with PMS. *hee!*

"Can I maim him?" I ask Lex.

He chuckles. "Only if I can help."

I put my hand out. "Deal!"and it's the CHLEX tagteam at work!

as usual, great job Peggy! the muse is now back up and raring for CHLEX! :yeahbaby:

21st April 2005, 08:31
Hey teejei:

Well, here I go again, answering your quotes, hon:

1. Oh man, yeah. Periods are not fun and PMSing is definitely---well, not something you want to fool with, especially with Chloe. :: heehee ::

2. Glad you enjoy James and Chloe---yeah, down girl. Why do I hear the character exclaim---what's the fun in that?

3. Heehee---for all those who love the little pest. Wow, I love that word that you use to describe him, hon. :)

4. Nope---unless it's the girl from Neptune who can send out revenge with the best of them. And in another how we never met, I'm hoping that Lionel meets up with both of them. Run, Lionel, run. <g>

5. Awwww---glad you enjoyed the names, sweetie. :) Here's another for you: Monster of Metro---oh, that be Lionel. :)

6. Yeah, it always seems to when she's in pain, mentally or physically, on the show at times. I think it's a cover to keep from crying. :( Clark stupid to let this one pass him by but at least in fanfic---sometimes he's not but often than not, Lex definitely isn't---even though, as some have told me---get those two together and the world would explode---ah but such a nice colorful explosion. <g>

7: Lucas doesn't stand a chance against those two. :)

Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. And yes, because of all you guys here and the feedback, my muse is raring to go on Chlex again---but at the moment, Weevil is knocking on her door and man, this character is persistant. What? I'm going to turn away a biker from Neptune? <bg>

21st April 2005, 09:13
Cute story!! I really feel sorry for Lucas at the end though!! Hopefully they don't leave him there for too long!! :) Thanks for the fic!!

21st April 2005, 13:36
Hey Autumn:

You know, I think that they probably didn't---maybe an hour, just to exact some needed retribution. But since the little pest got them together---yeah, just an hour. :) Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :)

22nd April 2005, 01:51
hahahaha that was hilarious!

22nd April 2005, 08:23
Hey Squash:

Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :) Somehow, my muse seldom goes funny with fanfic here---but once in a while she just gets pushed into it, by me. :)

29th April 2005, 23:59
that was great and funny i just loved it.

30th April 2005, 01:45
Hey Star:

Glad you enjoyed this funny piece, sweetie. :)

30th April 2005, 05:35
I didn't review this yet?? I must be loosing my mind. Anyway, this was great, as per usual. Gotta love the PMD fics!

1st May 2005, 07:54

Awwww---not losing your mind---more than likely just finding it hard to catch up with Chlex---and I can understand that. :) So much good fics here---so little time to read. :) Glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. :)

Ami Rose
3rd June 2013, 06:06
Lmao poor Lucas