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View Full Version : How We Never Met Series - Part 6 - A Moment Like This (PG-13/T)

14th April 2005, 07:49
Here's the next in the series. Enjoy. :)

Title: How We Never Met Series - Part 6 - "A Moment Like This"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13/T (for language and certain situations)

Category: Friendship, Chlex, Clana, Lana and Chloe's POV, Futurefic, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game up to Gone.

Summary: Lex is having a birthday.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, Bruce Wayne, the situation from Singing In The Rain, Singing In The Rain, and the song title, A Moment Like This, found as the title and within the piece, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with them being used in the piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: At A_Talon_ Affair, BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, WBFFZ, and Malu's site. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: This is for David, who has encouraged my writing in Clana, as well as Chlex. Also, it's a surprise, so any mistakes are my own and you can't fault him. <g> Hope I got Lana right, Dude. This is like the second time I've done her POV. Enjoy.

How We Never Met Series - Part 6 - "A Moment Like This" - by PMD

Lana's POV

Prologue: How long he has tried to get Clark and I together, I will be forever grateful he did. Now, to pay him back the compliment. My heart breaks to see him so lonely---I hope this works tonight.


The Ballroom at the Luthor Mansion - Birthday Party For Lex

Lana's POV

"Lana, what's wrong?"

I turn towards Clark and smile. "Nothing's wrong, Clark."

"You keep looking at the door. Expecting another future husband to show up---Bruce Wayne, maybe?"

"No, I'm satisfied with you, Honey. I'm just wondering if the cake I ordered will be on time."

"I'm wondering if they can get it in the doorway---it's big."

I smile at that. Big enough to cram in my best friend from Metro. I just know she and Lex will hit it off.

For so many years I've told him about her and he's shrugged it off. Course, I couldn't have picked a worst time---him always trying to survive another broken heart or another bad date. The man goes out all the time---sowing wild oats is getting old for an excuse. He just keeps looking for love and coming up short. Well, I'm going to be forthright and stop this delusional search for love once and for all.

They're perfect for each other: strong, independent people, still searching for their soulmates and ending up trampled on. They have the gift of verbal judo that Clark and I can't even comprehend or do ourselves. They have the same quirky sense of humor; there's a light and dark to each of them. And most of all, they care about others above themselves. And are seekers of truth and can keep a secret. After all, if they couldn't, would Clark and I have told them his.

"Lana, Clark, glad you could make it."

I look at our best friend, a smile on his face.

"Happy Birthday, Lex," Clark states, walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"Clark---too much pressure---ease off, Buddy, or I'll have a broken rib or two."

He backs off, a shy smile, on his face. "Sorry, I keep forgetting my own strength."

I laugh at that and walk up to the man. "Happy Birthday, Lex," I state, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"I don't rate a hug?"

"I don't know---I have a very jealous future husband."

"Where?" he asks, looking around.

"Hey, not funny," Clark replies.

"Okay---a kiss on the cheek is all I'll get, I'll take it. Soooo---where's the birthday cake?" Lex asks us.

At that moment, one of the staff comes towards me. She leans in. "We have a problem, Ms. Lang," she whispers.

She backs away and I grimace. Oh God, she's not here or she's refusing to get into the cake.

"Guys, I have to leave you for a moment---seems there's a little problem with the cake."

"Can I help?" Clark and Lex ask at the same time.

I snicker at that. "Hey, if the party is boring, liven it up, guys. I'll be fine---just, tell jokes or something. Maybe that one about your father's head on a platter, Lex?"

I hear laughter as I leave the room to find out what the hell is going on.


The Kitchen

Chloe's POV

Oh my God---what were you thinking, girl? Popping out of a cake at a birthday party--- like something straight out of Singing In The Rain. I can't do this---I won't do this---I have to do this?

"Chloe, what's wrong?"

I turn to see my best friend standing there, her hands on her hips. "Stage fright?"

Her eyes narrow. "Try that again."

"Okay---it's just that---this is ridiculous. If you want me to meet the man, just set up a date."

She walks over to me, putting a hand in mine and leading me to a chair. "We've tried that---a couple of times. It didn't work."

I sigh. "Okay---but why this outfit. I mean, I'm freezing here."

"Then the sooner you get into the cake, the sooner you get out of it and get into something warm, preferably, his bed with him there."

"Whoa! Who's the sexual innuendo expert here?"

"Well, not you tonight, I guess," she saucily states. "Come on---get in and then win the heart of a loveless billionaire."

"Okay, okay. I know when I'm beaten," I state, walking toward the cake.

I walk up the ladder and into the cake. "You sure there's enough air in here."

"Plenty," she states.

I pop down and hear another ladder make its way to the edge of the cake. Then the lid is put on and I feel myself moving out of the room. I can hear Lana sighing and thank god for the thin surroundings, to know when to jump out.


The Ballroom

We stop suddenly and I hit the edge, pulling back, hoping no damage has been done---nope, none.

Then I hear my cue and I pop up, smiling.

"Happy Birthday, Mr. Luthor!"

We all start a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday but I seem to be on automatic, seeing that sly smile of his distracting me. Not surprised at all, were you, Luthor.

The song fades out and clapping is heard.

"Well, are you coming out or is the rent on that thing cheaper than a motel room?" he asks me.

I smile at that and watch as the ladder comes forward for me to get on, to get out. I start towards it but find I can't move. Oh God, I'm snagged on the edge of the cake.

I try to pull this way and that and finally, I'm free---with a little problem---my top is ruined.

I grab the remnants of the top and try to hold it against me so nobody can see my upper body. I go further into the cake, shaking like a leaf; I really am cold.

I hear somebody coming up the ladder and look up. Oh great---the birthday boy. It couldn't have been Lana.

"You okay? Stage fright?"

"Actually, a little problem with the cake. It wanted to eat my top and well, as you can see, I saved some of it but---"

"Say no more. Here you go."

He takes off his jacket and tosses it down. Then he turns around. I drop the top and put the jacket on, thankful for his generosity.

"Ready to meet your public?"


He turns around and offers a hand, which I take. He walks down the ladder and I join him. He's first to the ground and the last few steps, I don't feel, because he grasps me at the waist and swings me down to the floor.

"Thanks, Lex," I whisper to him.

"Think we should let them in on a little secret now?" he asks me.

"Yes, I guess so. But first---let's make Lana's night."

He smiles at my thinking and pushes me away. Then we take the stance of dancers and he dips me, bringing me back up part way---leaning in the rest---to kiss me passionately. Too passionately, it turns out, a minute later.

"What's going on, guys?"

He brings me up the rest of the way. "Busted?" he states.

"Busted---I told you this wouldn't work," I reply.

We hear a stomping of the feet and look at everybody turning away. We both turn to look at her and my Hazel Fury act has nothing on Typhoon Lana. Oh, man---

"We should have told her," we both state together.

"You two---outside now!"

"Honey, they---"

"Shut up, Clark!"


She glares at us again and we nod our bending to her will and follow her out into the corridor, Clark following close behind us.


"About what?"

"Chloe, I'm on my last nerve with you. Now talk!"

"Oh, you mean the familiarity between Lex and I. Well, you know how you meet somebody and you feel like you've known them all your life?"

"Cut the bull. Tell me the truth, now!"

I look at him and see him shrug. I look back at her and smile. "Ah---remember that last date you set up for us?"

"The one where he never showed up?"

"Actually, after you left, he did show up---had a meeting go late. And since he was staying in town, we got together and had some fun. And well, since he is in Metro a lot, we---well---"

"What my future wife is trying to say is that we've been together ever since."

She's about to rant at us both when the words he spoke penetrates her conscious. "Future wife?"

We nod together.

"Oh my God, it worked. I got them together, Clark."

"Well, when not under a microscope, a moment like this can happen easier, Lana," Lex states.

She gives us both a chagrined smile. Then she turns to Clark. "You think I should ask them?"

He nods.

She looks back at us. "How about a double wedding?"

I turn to look at Lex and he gives me a knowing look.

"Sure," we both say.

"Great---now Chloe, I've got this---"

"Hold on there, Lana. We can talk about things afterwards. Right now, I've got a birthday present to give the birthday boy."

"What is it?"

I give her a smirk and she blushes.

"Oh, like 'one you don't want to share with the others' present."

"Told you she was smart, Lex."

"Like I have dumb people as partners."

I snicker at that and look at the blushing girl again.

"So, you go back and be the hostess of the party and I'll just take the cake girl upstairs and have my way with her," he states, before sweeping me off my feet.

"Work better if you had a mustache, Lecherous Lex," I reply, with a wicked grin.

We turn to see the two, gapping at us. "Wow, capture this, Lex. A moment like this won't be happening too often with those two."

"Gapping at us?"


We leave the two behind, finally hearing a chuckle from the two statues, and smile ourselves. Not often is there much laughter in the mansion---but there is tonight. And moments like this are worth more than all the money in the Luthor vault. Just like Clark and Lana are worth more to us than anything else in the world.

The End.

14th April 2005, 22:36
i like this story very much. it is well written and interesting.

15th April 2005, 10:42
Hey starmoon:

Awwww---thanks, sweetie. :) Glad you enjoyed it. :)

16th April 2005, 06:36
Very cute!! I love how Lex and Chloe tricked Lana!! I can't believe Chloe actually jumped out of the cake!! She's braver than me!! Great story!!

17th April 2005, 09:45
Hey Autumn:

Glad you enjoyed this, sweetie. :) Heehee---well, you would think she'd wonder why would Chloe do something like this for a man she didn't really know. Unless, it was because of their friendship(Chloe and Lanas). Next up---I believe it's a romantic romp on a train. And the instigator this time---Lucas and Lillian. Yep, Lillian is still alive.

17th April 2005, 18:37
Hazel Fury! *gah!* Lecherous Lex! *swoon* Typhoon Lana! *thud*

*laugh trip* gets me everytime. *hee* :grin:

18th April 2005, 10:26
Hey teejei:

A friend of mine came up with the moniker of Hazel Fury a while ago and it just stuck with us, through many a fanfic. Lionel and the bad guys have certainly met with her once in a while. As to the other two---heehee---came up with them at the last moment, I guess. :) Glad you enjoyed the story, sweetie. :) Next up---a romantic train ride---during Valentines day. :)

23rd June 2006, 20:40
ROFL!!! Yeah, Clark and Lana both driven to silence that isn't just an awkward one between the two of them ... doesn't happen often. LOL. Cute one.

17th June 2007, 18:11
good one...

Ami Rose
2nd June 2013, 05:55
Lmao pore Lana. Great fic