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View Full Version : [Completed] Armani Suits and Kiwi Shampoo PG13

12th March 2005, 06:34
(A/N: Same story, put I posted the title wrong.)

Chapter One: Armani Suits and a New Printer

“What!” Chloe said out of sheer annoyance. “He did what? Urg I cannot believe him.”

“Well believe it. Lionel Luthor closed down the Torch. He got a fire marshal in there to say the old equipment wasn’t safe, no doubt that conclusion was drawn with the assistance of a couple Franklins, but anyway, his men came and confiscated all of the computers and such this morning. I’m very sorry Miss Sullivan. Unless you have a way to raise about 10,000 dollars for new equipment, it will stay closed if Lionel Luthor has anything to say about it, and he does.”

“Where am I going to get that kind of money, Principal Reynolds?”

“Like I said, I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything about it. All the school’s extra money went into a new Torch office after the fire. There isn’t a cent left, not even enough to throw the seniors a graduation party, and believe me, they are just as mad as you are. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some business to be attending to.”

Chloe got up out of her chair and left the office, still raving mad about her own private haven being destroyed by none other than Lionel Luthor. ‘I cannot believe him. This is absolutely, absolutely something,’ not being able to find the right words for how she felt at the moment. ‘It was my own private thing. Mine. My baby. And Lionel Luthor has to come and take it away. Why did he want to close down a high school newspaper, anyway? Its not as if I was writing about his dirty business dealings, but come to think of it, if I wanted to, I could. That would be some article.’

Chloe was so absorbed in her own rants that she did not even notice the bald son of the man currently at the top of her most wanted list staring at her intently as she sat on the bench outside the administration office.

Of course, little known to her, he was the reason her baby had been shut down. His father had seen the longing in his son’s eyes when he looked at the girl, and he was sick of it. He was going to force them together if it was the last thing he did, and it very well could be. Even from jail he had quite an influence on people, and he was going to use that to help his son. Lionel deserved to be in jail, he knew. And after that episode with Clark Kent’s body, he truly did have and epiphany and was going to help people. An old man had a lot of free time in jail, and he used this time to formulate one last scheme. The liver disease had returned, and he was dying once more, not even his wealth could save him from that. But his memory of Lillian was what kept him alive now, holding on to his last thread of life to see his son happy. Lex might hate him, he had every right, but nevertheless, he was his son, and he was going to everything in his power to make him happy, and thankfully, he had quite a lot of power.

Lex just stood there, watching Chloe sort out her thoughts. She was oblivious to him, and he was sure she was thinking about the Torch. He knew she would be absorbed for a while; the Torch was her baby. He took this opportunity to show his feeling for her in his eyes, something that he rarely did in her presence. No, Chloe meant a lot to him, although she would never know it, and he couldn’t stand to see her sad. But knowing her as well as he did, he knew only an obscene amount of caffeine could cure this.

“A latte for your thoughts?” He sat down on the couch beside her. She turned to him, grabbed the cup and downed it in one gulp.

“Ah, caffeine.” Chloe said, the taste of her little bit of heaven still on her tongue. “How did you know I needed it?”

“The fact that you always need caffeine in you, Miss Sullivan.”

“Right.” Remembering who had killed her baby, her voice lost all brightness.

She was upset about something.

“Chloe, what’s wrong. Don’t you dare tell me nothing, it’s something.”

When she didn’t answer, he tried again

“Chloe, come on. Spill.”

“I..I..He..He…” she started to speak but found she couldn’t. She immediately broke down crying into his purple silk shirt.”

Seeing she was upset, and knowing it was probably Clark or Lana related, he settled on comforting her, knowing that if he assumed too much she would most likely hit him, and hard.

“Shh, Chloe, it’ll be okay. Shh,”

He pulled her closer to him, and let her cry. Man, was she upset. He doubted that Clark could have made her this upset, no, she was crying too much for that. ‘What could make her more upset than Clark Kent? Ahh, it must be that newspaper of hers.’ He had wondered why he found her out here instead of in her own personal haven.

She was sobbing uncontrollably now.

‘I cannot believe I’m crying. Me, crying. Who am I? A certain obsessed-with-pink-perfect-princess that was the object of Clark Kent’s affection? Wait. Who’s holding me?’
Then it hit her. ‘Ohmigod, Lex Luthor. I am sitting here, crying into Lex Luthor’s way too expensive purple silk shirt.’

He pulled her into his arms. Her crying seemed to be slowing. Tears still rolling down her cheeks, she looked up at him.

“Thanks, Lex.”

Her crying ceased now, her body pumped with caffeine, he felt it was a good time to ask why she had been crying.

“What’s wrong Chloe?”

“Your dad. He..he shut down the Torch. He had a fire marshal come in and certify the computers ‘unsafe’. Why would he do that Lex?”

“I don’t know.” He let her just sit there for a while; she was still in his arms, and he loved the feeling; he could really get used to it. “Chloe, do you want me to take you home?”

“Yeah. Thanks Lex” When they stood up, she noticed the large wet spot in his shirt. “Oh, look what I did to your shirt.”

“Chloe, its fine, really. I have plenty more.”

He rested his hand lightly on the small of her back and walked her out to his car. She was still pretty shaken up, he could see. He opened the door for her and helped her inside. He drove cautiously to her house, opened her door and helped her inside. Seeing she was falling asleep, he picked her up and laid her upstairs on her bed. He pulled her comforter up on top of her, turned off the light and retreated downstairs. He closed the door to her house gently and flipped out his cell phone.

“Yes, Gabe? Chloe broke down at school, and I took her home. She’s resting now. Consider this a day off for your outstanding work. Ok. Ok.”

He got into his Porsche and sped away from the Sullivan household. ‘He knows. He just has to know. He wouldn’t have done it otherwise. Oh, shit he knows. I’m going to pay for this.’ Remembering Chloe’s saddened face, he thought, ‘No, he is the one to pay. I cannot believe him. He whipped out his phone again and was quickly connected.

“I’m taking a personal day. Oh, and I’m going to need you to set up an appointment with the prison.”

He hung up and put his foot down on the gas some more.

‘When my warden notified me that I had a visitor, I knew he found out. Perfect. If he’s furious, which he will be, it will confirm the fact that he loves that reporter girl.’

Lex came flying into the prison, furious, his coat drifting behind him.

“How could you dad? What would possess you to close down a high school newspaper? Its not like she’s publishing your dirty dealings, though if she wanted to, she probably could write one hell of an article. Why dad, why?”

“Are you finished son?”

“Yes dad. Just tell me why.”

“Why? The fire marshal should have told you. The computers weren’t safe.”

“Oh cut the crap dad. We both know that there was another reason.”

“You’re right, there is.”

There was a pause.

“Care to share that reason?”

“No thank you, I’d like to keep that to myself.”

Lex slammed his fist down on the table at his father’s response.

“Watch it Lex, they just might put you in here for violence.”

Lex turned to leave, furious. He was halfway out the door when Lionel felt the need to confess something.

“You’ll thank me when this is all over son.”

That just made Lex madder, as Lionel knew it would. ‘Good, now he has proper motivation.’ The warden informed the man he had another visitor. Lionel welcomed him and said, “It’s time.”

Lionel praised himself at the brilliance of his plan and how well it was working. If there was one thing he knew well, it was that people are easily manipulated, Lex and the girl he loved were some of the easiest. Lex would find out how much money would be needed to reopen the newspaper. He would call the bank to withdraw it, and when he did he would find his account had been frozen. If he called Lucas, he would find the boy’s funds very unreachable. Yes, Lucas had been eager to participate in this scheme. He too, had been tired of his lovesick older brother and had used immortal words, ‘They need to just get on with it.’ Yes, Lucas was a big help in this project.

“Ah, young love,” Lionel said to no one in particular.

Lex was fuming by now. ‘The nerve of that bastard. The nerve! That man was going to pay for doing this to his Chloe. No, not HIS Chloe, not yet. No, not ever. She’s too young. Plus, what would Gabe think? God he liked her though.

‘Oh please,’ the voice in his head said, ‘You don’t just ‘like’ her.’

‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Lex asked his mind.

‘Its supposed to mean that you more than like her. Face it Lex. You just ran furious out of the prison because your dad shut down a high school newspaper that she just happened to be the editor of.’

‘No, I don’t. I’m concerned because she’s Clark’s friend.’ Oh, god he was debating in his head. Great. He’d better stop before he needed to get himself an appointment with a phsychiastrist. But he had to win the debate. Lex Luthor doesn’t go down without a fight.

‘Lex, you’re not fooling anybody.’

‘I do not more than like her.’

‘Then why won’t you say the ‘L’ word then Lex? Why is that? One word. DENIAL!

‘I can say the ‘L’ word. In fact, I’ll say it right now. I do NOT l..l…l…ok, you may have a point. I do not l.l.l. You have a major point. Lets try it this way. I love Chloe Sullivan. Ah. There, I said it.’

‘Do you not realize what you just admitted?’

‘I said ‘I love Chloe Sullivan.’ Pause…..the lightbulb lights.. ‘Oh my god.’ “I love Chloe. I’m in love with her. Oh, this is not good. Not good at all. Crap, crap, crap.”

Lex was now in his office physically talking to himself. Rather loudly.

There was a knock on the door. When Lex didn’t answer, Gabe opened the door an inch. “I love Chloe.”

“Um, Lex?”

“Gabe!” ‘What if Gabe heard what I said? He might think I’m a weak person or something. Crap, crap’

“Did you just say ‘I love Chloe?’

Lex’s face turned bright red. “Um, no Gabe, I said um, ‘I’m above Joey, the janitor. Yeah, that’s what I said.”

“Ok, well, I just wanted to thank you for bringing Chloe home, and that I’ll be here the rest of the day. She’s doing okay now, and Lana took a shift off at the Talon so she could help Chloe recover from shock.”

“Ok, Gabe, I’m glad she’s doing okay.”

Gabe turned and left the office, still mulling over what he had heard. He had heard right, that he knew, mostly because his hearing was impeccable and the tiny fact that Lex’s face turned the color of a tomato when he said it, and Lex blushing is a rare sight. Lex, loves Chloe? Impossible. He was a billionaire playboy and she was, well, a middle class high school reporter. Nope, not possible. He shook the thought and took the elevator to get back to work.

‘Great, now Gabe thinks I’m this sissy, lovesick teenager. Wonderful.’ Lex sat in his office chair, his head resting on his hands. Then it hit him. “Gabe is Chloe’s father.”

For not the first time today, he cursed, loudly.

12th March 2005, 06:53
haha!! great chapter

12th March 2005, 07:20
ARGH! Why is there not MORE?! *sits down and bawls*

Fabulous chapter! Love what Lionel's doing and hey, we're gonna get to see some of Lucas? Even better!

Loved Lex's breakdown with himself.... loved when this kicked in:

‘Great, now Gabe thinks I’m this sissy, lovesick teenager. Wonderful.’ Lex sat in his office chair, his head resting on his hands. Then it hit him. “Gabe is Chloe’s father.”

For not the first time today, he cursed, loudly.

ETA: Whoops! *blushes* Just realized that this chapter was posted only 45 minutes ago! I realize that it MIGHT be a LITTLE unrealistic to be begging for another chapter already... but that's never stopped me before and it won't stop me now. :p

Queen Of Tact
12th March 2005, 07:41
oh i like this is good, but ur going to have to come back and post more soon...

I can't wait to read more.....


12th March 2005, 10:31
This is ssssoooo good! I loved my ass off!

Owh, please update soon!!


12th March 2005, 10:36
Chapter Two: A Phone Call and a Bank Account

“Dammit,” Lex said, finally finished with his round of verbal damnations directed at the desk in front of him “Dammit.”

‘What the hell was he going to do? Chloe’s father, HIS plant manager, knew he loved her before she did. Not that she would ever know. Yes, she never finds out. Never. Yes, that works,’ he reasoned.

‘And how the hell do you expect to live life with out her? At least now you’re on a semi-friends basis. What are you going to do, cut her out of your life completely?’ The little voice was right.

‘He couldn’t live life with out seeing her at least once a week at the bare minimum. Her 200-watt smile that can light up a room and turns his legs to mush, the way that she was as intelligent as him, and always up for a round of verbal judo. What the hell am I going to do?’

‘Be friends with her. Act as if you have never realized what you just did. Act like Clark, minus the Lana thing and the savior thing. Be her friend.’

‘I’m a genius.’

‘Indeed you are.’

‘And the first thing Clark would do is to get the Torch back.’

He picked up his phone and dialed the number for the local high school.

“Principal Reynolds, just the man I wanted to hear. How much will it take to buy new computers?”

“Well, we’re looking at almost 10,000 dollars for new equipment alone. Not to mention installation fees, software, all together about $12,000.”

‘Woah, that’s a lot of money for a high school newspaper.’

“Principal Reynolds, let me see what I can do.”

With that, he hung of the phone and dialed another number.

“Smallville Savings and Loan, how can I help you?”

“Yes, My name is Lex Luthor, I would like to withdraw $15,000.”

“Ok, let me bring it up here, ah, I’m sorry sir but it appears your account has been frozen.”

“What? Frozen? Who froze it?”

“That would be a Lionel Luthor sir.”

“Typical,” He muttered under his breath.

“Sir, there is a message here regarding the account.”

“And that would be?”

“Son, I have frozen your account, as you have already seen, and it will stay frozen until that Sullivan girl is in your arms. I’m not going to put up with your love-sick puppy crap any longer. The money stays frozen until you have proven to me that she is faithful to you and no one else. You’re staff will be paid, you’re expenses taken care of, but you are going to have to raise the money for the Torch the old fashioned way. Luthor. Sir, that’s it.”

“Ok, thank you.” He would just have to dip into dear brother Lucas’ account.

“Sir, there’s another note.”

“Go on.”

“It reads, ‘You can try Lucas’ account, but I do believe that that will be one task you will never accomplish. You see, unfortunately, I’ve rigged the account so only Lucas and Lionel Luthor have access. Have fun raising $12,000.’”

“Damn him,” Lex said, under his breath.

“Will that be all?”

“Yes.” He hung up the phone, furious. He sat there, fuming for a moment, before coming upon a revelation. There were other ways to get $12,000. Much simpler ways than raising it. Yes. There were.

He got up out of his chair and made his way out into the hallway. He ran along passageway after passageway until he came to his destination.

Pressing a small silver button, he said, “Lex Luthor.”

A cold, computerized voice replied, “Access denied.”

“What the hell do you mean, access denied? This is my fucking safe.” He kicked at the base of the large metallic door, but only received a throbbing pain in his toe.

At that moment, a maid approached him, holding a white envelope in her hands. She gave it to him, and then retreated into the mysterious hallways of his castle, not wanting to be caught in the wrath of Lex Luthor when he read the letter.

Lex ripped the envelope open, revealing a cream-colored piece of stationary. It could only be recognized as his father’s personal stationary.

“Damn him.” He quickly read through the letter, his fury growing with every word. “How dare he? This is my fucking safe and my fucking money. He has no right to do this. No right!” With that, he turned on his heel and retreated back to his study where he could marvel in his own fury.

He sat in his favorite leather chair and read the note again. It made perfectly clear what Lionel had done, but the last line seemed to puzzle him.

“Why don’t you just tell her?” it read.

‘What does he mean by that? He can’t. No, he can’t mean. No he cannot expect me to. I hate him.’

Lex stormed out of his office once more and down to his large, professional kitchen. A butler, noticing him, said, “What can I get for you, sir?”

“Nothing, I’ll make it myself.”

“Are you sure? Its no trouble.”

“I have no doubt that it is no trouble, as it is your job, but yes, I am sure, I would like to make this myself.” If Lex was going to have to raise $12,000, which he was apparently going to have to, he had better get used to doing things with out his wealth.

“As you wish.” The butler retreated into the larger foyer to the right of the room.

Lex struggled with the machine for some time, before finally giving up.

“What the hell am I going to do??”

Coughy: I think I did pretty well on the whole updating in a reasonable amount of time, don't ya think? Considering I have no idea that it was actually possible. But don't go around thinking it'll happen again. Chances are, it won't happen again in a million lifetimes.

12th March 2005, 11:16
This is a wonderful story. Thank you for the next update so quickly. I was lmao.
Hope you can update with more soon


12th March 2005, 17:53
There was a knock on the door. When Lex didn’t answer, Gabe opened the door an inch. “I love Chloe.”

“Um, Lex?”

“Gabe!” ‘What if Gabe heard what I said? He might think I’m a weak person or something. Crap, crap’

“Did you just say ‘I love Chloe?’

Lex’s face turned bright red. “Um, no Gabe, I said um, ‘I’m above Joey, the janitor. Yeah, that’s what I said.”

“Ok, well, I just wanted to thank you for bringing Chloe home, and that I’ll be here the rest of the day. She’s doing okay now, and Lana took a shift off at the Talon so she could help Chloe recover from shock.”

“Ok, Gabe, I’m glad she’s doing okay.”

Gabe turned and left the office, still mulling over what he had heard. He had heard right, that he knew, mostly because his hearing was impeccable and the tiny fact that Lex’s face turned the color of a tomato when he said it, and Lex blushing is a rare sight. Lex, loves Chloe? Impossible. He was a billionaire playboy and she was, well, a middle class high school reporter. Nope, not possible. He shook the thought and took the elevator to get back to work.

‘Great, now Gabe thinks I’m this sissy, lovesick teenager. Wonderful.’ Lex sat in his office chair, his head resting on his hands. Then it hit him. “Gabe is Chloe’s father.”

For not the first time today, he cursed, loudly.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry I had to quote so much of your first chapter, but I love it so much!! I can't stop laughing thinking of Gabe and Lex's reactions!! Thank you so much for the two posts to this fun story!! Can't wait for more!!

12th March 2005, 20:37
Coughy: I think I did pretty well on the whole updating in a reasonable amount of time, don't ya think? Considering I have no idea that it was actually possible. But don't go around thinking it'll happen again. Chances are, it won't happen again in a million lifetimes.
Sorry for my overzealousness before. I just got a little caught up in the fic... :p I really enjoyed the first chapter and craved more. lol. You did a fantastic job updating quickly! And I totally don't expect daily updates, i recognize that as unrealistic. (Doesn't stop me from checking back for updates all the time though ;) ...it's an addiction)

Great second chapter! I love that Lionel's thwarting Lex. Can't wait to see how Lex tries to get the money. fantasmic.

12th March 2005, 21:29
so cute

Kit Merlot
14th March 2005, 16:16
I am so thrilled that you brought this story here--YEAH!!

15th March 2005, 08:21
Cut and funny.

21st March 2005, 03:45
Short, I know. It's kind of a bridge to the next chapter.

Lucas Luthor and A Seed

His cell phone was ringing. As if he wanted to speak to anyone right now. It stopped ringing, then started again. ‘My God, just give up. I’m not going to answer.’

Lex had just had the mother of all bad days. He had sold one of his cars for money. His car. HIS car.

The phone rang again.

Lex took a deep breath, and calmly read the caller id display. He decided to answer it.


“So, how exactly were you planning on raising twelve thousand dollars Lex?”

“For your information, I sold the Spyder.”

“You WHAT?”

“I sold the Spyder.”

“What..but you were..that wasn’t supposed to..”

“That wasn’t supposed to what Lucas?”

“Um..nothing. “ ‘Shit, I’ve got to call Dad.’ Lex wasn’t supposed to sell his car, he was supposed to sit down with Chloe, have a meeting, get close to her and bond, and then get his hands dirty with her, helping her raise the money. ‘Dammit Lex, you’re messing up the plan.’

“Lucas, you there?”

“Yeah, but I, uh, have to go. Talk to you later Lex.”


“Oh, and Lex?” ‘If he had taken the time to call, he might as well do what he planned.

“Yes, Lucas?”

“Why don’t you just tell her?”

With that, he hung up.

Lucas knew he had made Lex furious, and had planted the seed that this was a big conspiracy, all planned to manipulate Lex and Chloe. And it was. It was just up to Lex to figure that out.

21st March 2005, 05:07
wow, he sold one of his beloved cars for her. if that's not love i'm not sure what is. go lex!!! all with the self sacrificial stuff.

21st March 2005, 08:30
omg this is so adorable, I love it!

Kit Merlot
21st March 2005, 14:40
I love that Lucas is also in on the plot to bring CHloe and Lex together :)

Excellent update!

28th March 2005, 06:17
Lex sold one of his cars for Chloe?!! That is so beyond sweet!! I hope Chloe realizes how much Lex loves her!! Update again soon please!!

5th April 2005, 22:59
Gabe Sullivan and the Ball


“Lucas, son, how’d the phone call go?”

“You could say it went…not according to plan.”

“Lucas, tell me what happened?”

“He sold the Spyder.”

“He did what? He was supposed to,”

“I know what he was supposed to do, and I also know he didn’t do it. The Spyder cost 90 thou and that’s plenty for Lex to help Chloe and for him to live on for a while. He totally screwed up the plan, Dad, and we need to readjust it.”

“Well, what do you propose we do?”

“We could always resort to kidnapping.”

“Hm..you know Lucas,”

“It was a joke, Dad.”

“Joke or not, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

“Dad, we are NOT kidnapping Lex and Ms. Sullivan.”

“If you say so.”

“Dad, no.”

“Well then what should we do, Lucas? We have no plan, and his staring at her is getting ridiculous, I’m sure.”

“You don’t have to look at it.”

“You know, we could always play the jealousy angle.”

“We could, but with whom?”

Lionel was silent.

“No, dad, you’re not thinking of…no.”

“Come on Lucas,”

“Dad, it’ll never work, and if it did, Lex would murder me. Besides, Ms. Sullivan is completely in love with him and no other guys would even merit a glance, including me. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

“Careful, Lucas. That sounded almost lustful.”

“It wasn’t, don’t worry. I’m just saying, she is a very attractive woman, and if she really wanted, she could have any guy in Smallville, probably Metropolis too. She’s got a brains and beauty, and that’s a lethal combination. Personally, I have always liked to live on the edge. But she only has eyes for Lex.”

“Alright, then, jealousy and kidnapping are out.”

“You know, we could always stick them at the same ball and have someone ‘accidentally’ lock them in the coatroom or something.”

“Lucas, I like the way you think. I can get Lex there, but what about Ms. Sullivan?”

“I was going over security tapes the other day, and I found something of interest. While on a rant about his love, Gabe, his plant manager, heard him.”

“And this is of importance how, Lucas?”

“Gabe is Chloe Sullivan’s father. And, from what I’ve heard, he’s noticed Lex’s behavior towards his daughter also. We could contact him and ask him to get Ms. Sullivan to the ball.”

“I suppose you’ll be doing that? There’s a ball next week they could go to, the Lex Corp Annual Charity Ball, I believe. There’s even a rather large coatroom.”

“Perfect. Who do you suggest we employ to lock them in?”

“There’s always Mr. and Mrs. Hannigan, I believe they would love to see Lex with someone new, someone with brains and spunk.”

“I’ll contact them as soon as we hang up. I think I’ve met them, and they have seemed to have taken a liking to Lex. I’m sure they’ll go along with our plan.”

“Goodbye, son.”

“Bye Dad.”

Lucas hung up the phone and dialed the LuthorCorp plant #3. He asked to speak with Gabe Sullivan and was immediately directed to him.

“Gabe Sullivan? Lucas Luthor.”

“Lucas Luthor? I’ve heard of you. You’re Lex’s younger brother, aren’t you?”

“Yes, and that’s why I’m calling.”

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Lex’s feelings toward my daughter, would it?”

“Yes, it does. My father and I have been trying to find a way to get them together. He and I are both tired of seeing them stare at each other constantly, hopelessly in love. I’m sure you’ve noticed something?”

“Does the fact that every time I speak with Lex, he asks how Chloe is doing or what she’s been up to count for something? Any plan you come up with, I’d be glad to help, as long as it’s not illegal.”

“For once, a Luthor scheme is legal. We need you to get Chloe to the LuthorCorp Charity Ball next week in Metropolis. When they’re both there, we’re going to have a couple that are close family friends lock them into a coatroom for a few hours. Hopefully, it will spur something between them.”

“That’s all I need to do? Get her to the ball? That should be no problem, she already begged me to let her go.”

“Perfect. I’ll let you get back to work, Gabe. I have some calls to make.”

“Sure thing, Lucas. I sincerely hope that your plan works.”

Lucas hung up and called his secretary. “Could you have Lex call my office? Thanks.”

The phone rang five minutes later.

“Lucas, what do you want?”

“I just go off the phone with dad. He wants us at the charity ball next week in Metropolis.”

“Fine. Anything else?”

“That’s it.”

“What did you mean by ‘why don’t you just tell her’?”

“I meant, why don’t you just tell Chloe Sullivan that you’re in love with her?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you do.”

“What ever gave you that very misguided impression?”

“Lex, I’m not an idiot, and neither is the local community. Apparently, even your plant manager has noticed.”

“Damn.” Lex muttered.

“And dad isn’t stupid either. Even from prison he noticed.”

“What is this supposed to mean, Lucas?”

“All I’m saying is that maybe you should consider confessing your feelings to Chloe.”

“Don’t be thick, Lucas.”

“Just make sure you’re at the benefit. It’s good for PR.”
“Whatever Lucas.”

He hung up the phone.

“I don’t know what you’re up to, Lucas, but I’m going to figure it out.”

~End Chapter~

6th April 2005, 01:33
heheheheheheh!!! oh I love it when people scheem to get the chlex on!!! and lucas and lionles musings were hillarious!!!! oh more soon please!!!


6th April 2005, 05:08
great update. so now gabes' in on it. can't wait to see what happens when they are locked in together.

Please post more soon


6th April 2005, 07:42
I'm so glad that Gabe's in on the plan now too!! Otherwise he might get worried if Chloe went missing from the benefit, look at her track record!! Great update!! Post again soon please!!

6th April 2005, 19:18
gah! update! *thud*

he sold the Spyder?!...well that surely put a kink in the scheme...

and Lucas ribbing at Lex would surely be a sight at the ball... :D

Kit Merlot
7th April 2005, 14:57
Excellent update!

I love the idea of Lex having to scramble around for money :D


12th April 2005, 23:30
:love2: :love2: Please please please come back and update. I really love stories where Lionel gets involved. Enjoying this fic.

13th April 2005, 06:19
An Epiphany and an Instruction Manual

“Chloe, honey, I have good news.”

“What is it, dad?”

“You know the LuthorCorp Charity Ball next week? The one you begged and begged me to let you go?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Well, I’ve decided you can go.”

“Oh, thanks Dad.” She threw her arms around him. “Any chance I can get a new dress out this?”



“Yeah, if you go out and buy it yourself.”

“Dad!” She smacked him on the arm. “No, really, why the sudden change of heart? I mean, yesterday, I was on my knees begging and I got nothing.”

“Well, I’ve decided that I’d rather have you in Metropolis with me where I can keep an eye on you that back here in Smallville unsupervised. I know what goes on during high school parties. Beer, sex, and some other things I’d rather not mention.”

“Yeah, because, Kansas, such the party state.”

“Ok, then who knows what would happen to you if you went chasing a story. Clark’s in Metropolis, remember? He’s not here to save you.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“And I don’t doubt that, honey. But I’d just feel safer if you were in Metropolis with me. Now, why don’t you get packed?”

“Thanks dad.”

She made it halfway up the stairs before he spoke again. “Chloe?”

“Yeah dad?”

“When we’re there, try to piss off too many politicians and business me, okay? We don’t need anymore lawsuits.”

“Sure thing dad.”

She ran the rest of the way up the stairs to start her packing procedure.

‘This is turning out to be quite a week. First, Lex sells one of his cars to get me the money to rebuild the Torch; then I get to go to Metropolis. Although, I’m not sure why he didn’t have enough money in the first place. I mean, he’s a multi-billionaire. You’d think he’d have $12,000 bucks lying around his enormous estate.’ Then, all of the sudden, an idea struck Chloe.

She ran to the top of the stairs. “Hey dad?”


“Just out of curiosity, is Lex gonna be at the ball?”

Gabe gulped and took a moment to consider his answer. “I would assume so, he is the CEO of the corporation. Why?” ‘Ok, I know my daughter’s smart, but she can’t be that intuitive.’

“Just wondering.”

‘Maybe she hasn’t figured it out yet. Maybe she just wanted to know so that she’d have someone to keep up intelligent conversation with. Uh huh. Yeah. That’s it.’ Gabe could only hope and pray that Chloe hadn’t figured out the plan yet.

‘Hmm, that’s interesting,’ Chloe thought to herself. ‘It’s almost as if he took time to make sure he was saying the right thing, that he didn’t slip or leak information.’

Chloe was too excited to care. She pushed all thoughts of a conspiracy to the back of her mind and merrily went along with her packing.


He was still trying to figure out why his father and his brother were acting the way they were. It was really disturbing him. Especially his father comment in the prison. What did he mean when he said that Lex would thank him when this is all over? So far his little dealings had upset Chloe to the point of tears, forced him to sell one of his precious cars, and come to think of it, Lucas was acting rather strange lately.

To the untrained eye, it would almost seem like- ‘No,’ Lex thought to himself. ‘No, they wouldn’t. Would they?’

In a span of five minutes he had his father’s plan figured out. Lionel had frozen his accounts, and then closed down the Torch, knowing Lex would hear about it and try to help out. He must have been expecting Lex to raise the money, so the car must have come as a shock. Which would explain Lucas’s ‘you weren’t supposed to’ comment. But what was the goal in this plan?

After mulling over everything for quite some time, he decided to take a break. He walked out into the hallway and looked out the window. Then, the answer hit him like a ton of bricks. The plan was to manipulate Chloe and himself into some sort of relationship. Lionel and Lucas were working together. The odd thing was, they knew that their plan didn’t work. They had to be thinking of their next move. They would have to readjust their plan.

Now all Lex had to do was figure out a way to squeeze information out of one of the world’s greatest former business tycoons, and his son.

If only the Luthor family came with an instruction manual.

13th April 2005, 06:19
And The Tears Kept Rolling

When Chloe glided down the stairs in her lavender dress, Gabe took note of the color she wore. It was the exact same color that painted most of Lex’s closet, with his Armani and Gucci shirts.

“Chloe, you look gorgeous.”

“Thanks daddy.”

“Now, come on, if we don’t go now, then we’ll be late.”

“Okay daddy. Just let me get my purse.”

Gabe opened the door to wait for his daughter out and saw a black limo parked on the curb, complete with driver. Then, his cell phone rang. He flipped it open.


“Ah, Gabe, it’s Lionel.”

“Lionel, I presume you’re responsible for the limo parked outside my house?”

“I wanted to make sure that she gets there. Oh, and there’s been a change of plans.”

“And they have been changed to?”

“Lucas is going to make Lex jealous.”

“You are kidding, right?”

“I would never kid with my son’s future.”

“What do you mean, his future?”

“That is the point of the plan, to get together my son and your daughter. Did you not know that?”

“No, I knew that. It’s the future thing I'm a little concerned about. I don’t want my daughter manipulated into something she doesn’t want or isn’t good for her. Not that I’m saying Lex isn’t good for her, but-. And what kind of future are we talking? Dating, or do you have their china patterns picked out already?”

“Now I know where Chloe gets her rants from. Apparently, it’s hereditary. And no. The goal of the plan is to give them a push in the right direction. If they choose to take it farther, then that’s all the better. But I am not trying to push your daughter into anything she doesn’t want.”

“Ok then. So what were you saying about Lucas making Lex jealous?”

“If it’s one thing Lex doesn’t have a defense for, its sibling rivalry. He’s always had everything he’s ever wanted. Before, what he wanted, he got. But, we’re gonna mix up the order a bit. Lex will be furious at the fact alone that Chloe is no longer available, not to mention that she was made not available by his own brother? He’ll blow a gasket. He’ll either make a pass at her, or confront Lucas. Either way, it’ll work.”

“Are you absolutely sure, Lionel?”

“Yes, I am. When he was here last, Lucas and Chloe began rather good friends. In fact, he’s in the limo right now. He’s calling to ask to take her out as we speak.”


Chloe reached for her purse just as she heard her phone ring upstairs. It rang twice, stopped, and then rang again. She decided that it must be important so she trudged upstairs to answer it.


“Now is that any way to address an old friend?”


“Ok, I don’t have much time, so I won’t beat around the bush.”

“What is it? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“No, for once, I’m not. I want to know if you’ll go to the LuthorCorp Ball tonight.”

“Like, a date?”

“Well, partially, but mostly just the fact that my usual, airhead bimbos, I think you called them, are busy, and I need someone intelligent enough to actually know how to walk and talk at the same time.”

“Well, in that case, I would be more than happy to make you look good.”

“Great, I’ve got a limo outside, your dad can come too.”

“Thanks. I’ll be right out.”


Lex stood, champagne flute hand, scanning the entrance for a familiar blonde head. Finally, he saw it. But she was attached to another blonde head that looked nothing like her father’s. When the crowd parted, Lex could see who it was.

‘Damn him.’

He watched the couple make their way to his dad. Lionel shook his hand, and then kissed Chloe’s.

The man leant down and whispered something in Chloe’s ear, and she took his outstretched hand. They made their way to the dance floor and proceeded to dance to the slow waltz that was playing. At the end of the song, he dipped Chloe and when he brought her back up, they were rather close. To close for Lex’s comfort, in fact. He saw red when he realized how close their lips really were.

He made his way over to the couple and tapped the man on the shoulder.

Lex said, “Lucas, could I have a word,” in such a tone that was angry, but at the same time trying to conceal his anger.

“If it’s okay with my date.”

But Lex had already taken Lucas by the arm and pulled him into an adjoining room.

“Lucas, what the hell is wrong with you?”

When Lex started yelling, Chloe realized that the entire ballroom could hear him. She made her way over to the wall to hear a little better over the music.

“Nothing, big bro. I don’t see what’s the problem.”

“There, there is no problem.”

“Well, then, I’ll get back to my date then.”

Something about the way he said date made Lex snap.

“No, Lucas, there is a problem.”

“And that would be?”


“Mind sharing with the class? Because if you have nothing to say, there is a beautiful woman outside waiting for me.”

“So that’s it? You’re just going to use her and then throw her away?”


“Well that what is it?”


“Lucas, what is it?”

“Lex, I still don’t see the problem.”

“The problem is, you’re going after the girl I l-”

“The girl you what?”

By now, you could have heard a pin drop in the ballroom. The musicians had stopped playing, people had stopped talking, everyone was listening to the conversation taking place in the room next door.

“Lex, if you can’t admit it to me, then how are you going to admit to Chloe that you like her?”

“I don’t like her.”

Chloe felt her heart shatter into a million pieces and decided it was time to go. If only people would move out of her way.

“I don’t like her,” Lex repeated. “I love her.”

A gasp echoed throughout the room and Chloe stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned around From across the dance floor, Lionel and Gabe shared a secret smile.

By this point, everyone in the room knew who Chloe was.

“That’s right, Lucas. I love her. I love Chloe. I am in love with Chloe Sullivan.” He was shouting at the ceiling by this point.

“Well, that’s good, big bro, because chances are, the entire ballroom is silent next door listening to your admission, and considering you were shouting it to the heavens, there’s a good chance they heard every word. It also just so happens that Chloe is in said room, also listening to your admission, and I would suggest that you go out there and tell her to her face how you feel about her.”

That would have been the logical thing to do. But Lex just couldn’t do it. He ran out through the back and called for his limo, scared of all the things he could never have, and would never be able to get, regardless of his feelings, and one of those things was Chloe’s love.


When Lucas came out alone and made his way over to her, she knew it was a bad sign already.

“Chloe, I’m sorry. He left.”

Chloe felt her heart break all over again.

And as her heart broke, every single compassionate heart in the room broke right along with it.

The hearts broke for love, longing, loss, but mostly for the little girl who gained and lost a love all in one night.

Gabe’s heart broke for his daughter’s obvious emotional pain.

Lionel’s heart broke for Chloe as well. She was like a daughter to him. But his heart also broke for Lex, who was probably cursing his last name and what it made people think of him.

Lucas’s heart broke for the only real friend he’d ever had. She was in great pain, and it was evident by the tears silently rolling down her cheeks.

“Lucas?” she said softly.


“Can you take me home?”

“Sure honey.”

And while every one else’s heart broke for her, Chloe tried to find a way to sew back together her shattered heart.

But she couldn’t.

And the tears kept rolling.

And the tears kept rolling.


No worries, a very happy sequel is in the works.

13th April 2005, 08:22
You promise about the sequel right?!! Otherwise I might just have to cry!! And I'd much rather laugh than cry, so please hurry with the happy Chlexy sequel!! ;)

13th April 2005, 08:35
Gah! That was quite an interesting ending... I've more to say but my bed is calling sweetly for me...


13th April 2005, 11:06
sequel?! did i just hear about a sequel?!


*ehem* will just sit still here and wait for it then. :D

13th April 2005, 17:05
A sequel? Well it's more than good, cause you need to make things better between them, come on , you can't let them like that. Otherwise beautiful story, who would know Lex as a coward?!! Great writhing.

Kit Merlot
13th April 2005, 17:22
Oh my God, please come back with the sequel--STAT!!!

Well, I'm glad that Chloe, and everyone in Metropolis, knows that Lex loves her. Now he just needs the courage to face her.

Great story!

15th April 2005, 04:27
I'm glad there is a sequal on the way because otherwise you'd be in very big trouble for ending the story like that:)

Loved it! Can't wait for more!

17th April 2005, 01:20
Great story so far. Can't wait for the sequel!!!!!!!

17th April 2005, 04:48
Awe... you better have a sequal and soon. That was just a messed up way of ending the story. I'm hoping that the next has a happier ending.