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4th March 2005, 22:12
*peeks her head in and looks around*

So this is what it looks like outside of the Short Stories forum. Huh.

Title: Four Square
Author: Reese
Disclaimer: They're not mine...blah blah blah...wish they were...blah blah blah.
Summary: Clark wasn't the only one to see Lex with Lana at the airport.
Author's Notes: The title of this fic is a complete rip-off of a Roswell episode title, I admit. The title stuck in my head from the opening scene and just wouldn't go away.

As most of you know, I do short (angsty) stories. I finish a fic, then I post it. But this time? Oh, this time it's going to be different. ;)

Chapter 1: Realignment


She stood on the street corner and just watched.

It was happening all over again.

She simply couldn’t win, could she?


“Chloe, is everything okay?” Lex approached her and put his hand on her lower back. She almost recoiled at his touch.

She took a step away and looked up at him. “Clark isn’t here.”

Lex looked worried as he glanced around him. “And you haven’t heard from him?”

“No.” It was true, actually. She hadn’t heard from him.

“Any idea where he might be?” He glanced down at his watch. “I don’t think we have much longer.”

She just shrugged.

Lex looked down at her, a worried expression crossing his face. “Chloe, are you okay?”

“I’ll survive, Lex. I always do.”

He kept his eyes on her a moment longer before something behind her caught his attention. “There he is…” he mumbled. “Clark!” He started to step towards Clark but before he had the chance, Clark had blown past them both. “Clark?” Lex called after him, but he’d already disappeared into the courtroom.

“I guess we should follow,” Chloe suggested but she didn’t wait for his response. She turned her back on him and walked away.

She only hoped it would get easier to do in the future.


“Clark, I really appreciate what you did in there and…”

“Save it, Lex. This had nothing to do with you.”

Chloe walked up next to them but neither noticed.

“Well fine, Clark. I just wanted to say…”

“Do me a favor, Lex. Don’t say anything to me…ever again.” Clark paused for a moment as though gathering his strength. “This friendship is over. Is that clear?”

Lex started to say something but closed his mouth slowly and opted just to nod his response.


She was almost startled at Clark saying her name. She didn’t even realize he knew she was there.

He finally tore his intense glare from Lex and looked down at her. “Need a ride?”

“I…um…” Chloe found herself unable to process what was happening around her. Every option had implications and she wasn’t fond of any of them.

“Actually, Clark, I’ll be taking Chloe home. That was the plan, wasn’t it Chloe?” Lex glanced down at her but her eyes were still focused on Clark who seemed to be taking breaths so as to avoid turning and tearing Lex’s heart right from his chest.

He just looked at her and waited.

Lex had regained his composure after Clark’s outburst and now he was staring down at her as well and she could just feel his confidence in what her choice would be.

“Sorry, Lex. Plans change.”

Clark tossed a victorious smile at Lex before reaching out and taking Chloe’s hand. “Let’s go home, Chlo.”

There was something in the way he said it that made her feel like it was more than just an offer to take her home but rather as an invitation to go back in time…to go back to the way things were.

And yet still she found herself wanting to turn around and take one last look at her most recent heartbreak.


The ride home was silent, almost painfully so. Chloe had known Clark long enough to know that he hadn’t enjoyed what happened back at the courthouse. He might even be having second thoughts if the memory of seeing Lex and Lana embracing outside of the airport didn’t keep passing through his line of vision.

He didn’t have to say anything. She just knew…because she was having the same problem.

She’d gotten the call from Lana about how Clark had flaked on her and Chloe couldn’t let her friend leave without seeing a familiar face.

Friend. Just the thought of it almost made her choke.

She’d had plenty of time before needing to be at the courthouse so she’d decided to swing by the airport to surprise Lana before she left.

She’d even used her lunch money to pay the cab fare, not giving a single thought to what or how she was going to eat after the hearing but rather focusing her attention on what Lana needed at the moment.

Seemed she wasn’t the only one.

She’d seen Lana first, getting off the airport shuttle. She couldn’t believe that this was how Lana had ended up getting to the airport. No friends, no family, just a stranger holding out his hand for money.

Chloe’s eyes burned a little at the idea of leaving Smallville one day and this being her farewell.

She took a deep breath though and congratulated herself for being a better friend to Lana than Clark was and started to take a step in the other girl’s direction when she saw him.

For the second time in as many years she felt her heart crumble in her chest and settle in her stomach.

He’d said that he had important business to attend to and that’s why he’d just meet up with her at the courthouse.

Now she knew what important business Lex had been referring to.

She remained frozen, looking down the sidewalk at them as he removed the bag from her shoulder.

She took a deep, steadying breath when she saw the familiar smiles they exchanged.

She begged under her breath for it not to happen but she watched nonetheless as it did…as he reached down and put his arms around Lana in a way that he’d never done with her.

Even when she’d basically offered him her life to take down his father.

She felt the tears threatening to fall so she turned to cross the street and that’s when she saw him.

He’d just watched the same thing play out as she had and he seemed to be taking it about as well.

She saw the flower fall to the ground and for the second time in as many minutes, she felt her heart break.

But this time it wasn’t for her own loss, but for his…for her friend’s.

She wiped the tears away and started to cross the street to get to him, to offer him support, but he was gone.

She blinked and focused her eyes on the spot where she’d just seen him…but nothing.

Then she saw the petite brunette cross the street, hope in her eyes and she realized…she wasn’t losing her mind. He had been there.

But now all that remained was a single white rose getting trampled by the passersby on the street.

Fitting, Chloe thought, as she pulled herself together and turned in the direction of the courthouse.


Chloe sat in companionable silence with Clark in the truck. She didn’t even mention that he’d forgotten to take her home first before returning to the farm.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She offered.

“Actually, Chloe. That’s the last thing I want to do.” He snapped back.

She flinched at first but then relaxed. “Okay.”

She offered him an understanding smile before starting to get out of the truck but he reached out and took hold of her hand. “Chloe, wait.” He finally looked over at her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to--”

“It’s okay, Clark. I understand. I won’t push…this time.” She winked at him and he smiled…almost.

She waited a moment more in silence, debating whether to remove her hand from his and try to exit the truck again when he spoke, his voice barely more than a whisper.

“Do you love him, Chloe?”

She froze, her eyes went wide and she looked across the front seat at him. “Wha—Who—Wha?” She almost laughed at her own inability to get a single completed word out.

He smiled this time, albeit a sad one, and almost chuckled at her. “I saw you too, Chlo.” He met her eyes with his and waited with an almost worried expression as though he expected her to blow up at him for even mentioning it.

“You did?” She finally relaxed back into the seat and closed the truck door, effectively closing them off from the rest of the world.

He just nodded.

“Oh.” She sucked in a deep breath.


He leaned back as though getting comfortable in his seat and then turned to look at her.

“This is kind of weird, isn’t it?”

“Uh, yeah.”


“So do you still not want to talk about it? Or is that what’s about to happen? I mean, are we talking about it now?” Chloe fumbled through the questions as best she could in her current state.

“Do you want to?”

She just nodded.

“There seems to be enough secrets out there, Clark. Let’s not have them in here.”

“Agreed.” She felt a slight squeeze of her left hand. The one she forgot he was still holding.

A year ago this would have been her dream.

“So who goes first?”

“You. You’re better at this than I am.”

“Better at what, Clark?”

“I don’t know, Chloe. The truth?”

She gave his hand a supportive squeeze back.

“Did you know about the two of them?”

He just shook his head, looking a little sad. He then turned so that his whole body was facing hers in the truck.

She did the same and they settled in for the long conversation ahead.


“What? No way! No way, Clark!”

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” He tossed his napkin at her and it ended up in her lap.

“There’s no way I’m going to see some rah-rah sports movie again tonight. You know what we’re going to see and don’t even try to get out of it.” She gave him a pointed look.

He held up his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. You win. Just know that it will slowly be killing me watching this kind of movie. Slowly. Killing me.”

“I’m perfectly okay with that.” She smiled and shrugged, then tossed his napkin back at him. “Let me get one to go,” she gestured to her empty coffee cup, “and I’ll be ready.”

“No, I’ll get it.” He placed a hand on her arm and smiled. “You just sit here and think about how seeing this movie is going to kill me.”

“Yes, slowly. And no, I’m not changing my mind.” She tossed her head back and laughed at the defeated look on his face as he turned and headed for the counter.

When she turned back around her laughter stopped.

And so did her heart.

“Chloe, we need to talk.”

She looked in Clark’s direction but he was too far away and with his back turned.

Lex noticed. “It’ll only take a minute.”

“I don’t have a minute, Lex. Clark and I have plans.”

Lex’s jaw seemed to twitch. But she wasn’t sure.

“I found out that you weren’t planning to go into protective custody like the authorities suggested. Why is that exactly?”

“Your father’s in jail, Lex. And I’m not going to spend the summer in hiding on the off chance that he decides to come after me.”

Lex took a step closer to her, his gaze intense. “Don’t be so cavalier, Chloe. This is your life we’re talking about.”

“And since when did you care so much about it?” She bit out.

“Since I promised to protect you for coming forward with such valuable information.”

She laughed bitterly. “That’s all I ever was to you, wasn’t it? Information?”

He looked taken aback. It took him a moment to respond.

It was a moment too long.

“Chloe are you okay?” Clark came up to stand right behind her. He wasn’t even looking at her when he asked though.

His eyes were focused on the man he no longer considered a friend.

“Yes, Clark. I’m fine. Are you ready?” She nudged him at the end to get his attention.

He looked down and offered an apologetic little smile. She’d asked him not to get into it with Lex on her account. It had been one thing they’d discussed in the truck a couple of weeks before.

He just nodded in the affirmative and they started to head for the door.

“Chloe, please.”

She stopped and turned to face Lex.

“Just please watch yourself, okay?”

She didn’t say anything, just turned back around and followed Clark out.


“Are you sure you’re okay?”

She just nodded.

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

“I’m sure.”


She turned to him. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”

“No,” he hesitated. “Why?” The last word he uttered with a bit of suspicion. He wasn’t sure what, but he’s pretty sure Chloe felt he should be talking about something.

“Oh, nothing.” She just shrugged and looked away.

They kept walking to the car in silence.

Suddenly she stopped and spun around.

“We said no more lies, Clark!”

He stopped, clearly confused, and put his hands on her shoulders. “Chloe, what are you…”

She shrugged him off. “Damn it, Clark! How can you expect me to be honest with you when you won’t do the same with me?”

Clark kept his hands to himself by shoving them deep into his jean pockets. “Chloe, really. I don’t know what it is you want me to say.”

“The postcard.”

He just raised his eyebrows for her to clarify.

“I saw the postcard. From Lana. At your house today.”

“Ahh.” Clark sighed and turned away from her.

But she wouldn’t allow it. She walked over to and then around him so he was facing her again.

“Don’t look at me like that. It was just sitting on the counter while I was talking to your mom this afternoon.”

He just looked down at her with suspicious eyes.

“What, Clark? It was! I mean, there was a postcard of the freakin’ Eiffel Tower sitting in today’s stack of mail…so call me crazy but I figured it was from Lana.”

“It was,” he conceded.

“And?” She prompted him for more information.

“And,” he hesitated, “she told me to tell you hello.”

“Oh, well…” Chloe stopped mid-sentence. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” Clark agreed with her unspoken realization.

“So the two of them…?” She didn’t even finish the question.

“Yeah. I’m guessing they’ve been in touch. I mean, how else would she know?”

“Huh.” Chloe’s shoulders sagged a bit. She’d always hoped that somehow they’d misinterpreted what they’d seen that day.

But apparently, they’d been right on.

“So why didn’t you tell me?” Chloe looked up at him, a little sadness in her eyes.

“I was going to Chloe, honest.” He looked down at her with his most sincere expression. “But then we ran into Lex and I could tell you were upset and I didn’t want to add to that by telling you…”

“Okay, Clark.” She sighed and leaned against his chest, wrapping her arms around him. “I believe you.”

He wrapped his arms around her in return. “Chloe, I meant what I said that day in the truck. I promised I’d work on being honest with you.”

“Yeah, Clark. I know you did.” She pulled away enough so she could look up at him. “But I also know you can’t be honest with me about everything. I just hope this isn’t one of those things.”

“It’s not, Chloe. I promise.” He pulled her close again and they stood there, holding on to each other like they were the last people on earth.

Clark wondered if somehow she already knew the secret he could never share with her.

Chloe wondered if Clark’s heart was breaking as hers was.

And somewhere, in the darkness that surrounded them, a pair of eyes watched…and waited.


4th March 2005, 22:27
:tease: CHLARK!!!!!!! and THATWHICHSHALLNOTBENAMED! BLUGH!!!!!!!! there better be some chlexy Goodness comeing soon!!!!! mmmm......... *disaproveing marge simpson noise* not good, not good at all.

other than that, good work, but I have to say, your going out on quite a limb hear!!

4th March 2005, 22:33
Oooh, neat! I like that you're tackling all of the greater issues between the main players, nice work. I can't wait for more, I'm so glad you're delving into longer fics. I'm also glad that this isn't immediately a typical "secrets and lies" story.

4th March 2005, 23:07
Originally posted by asharnanae@Mar 4 2005, 02:27 PM
:tease: CHLARK!!!!!!! and THATWHICHSHALLNOTBENAMED! BLUGH!!!!!!!! there better be some chlexy Goodness comeing soon!!!!!

I SOOOO second that motion!

Update quickly please!

4th March 2005, 23:23
Fantabulous, Reese, but given that you're writing this story, I don't think it's going to end with the "Happy Satisfying Orgasms of Reconciliation".

Oh, sure, you say it'll be different this time but it's my opinion that you're just planning on extending the angst to make us suffer more.

Well, good. I think.

Thessaly *trotting off to see whether she has enough chocolate to get her through this stretch-angst*

4th March 2005, 23:38
*looks over Reese's post to make sure this isn't an angsty fic* Great start, it will be good to see a long happy ending type fic from you :puppyeyes: .
I like that Chloe and Clark are bonding, as long as it's about the friendship. Really wish she'd at least talk to Lex. Also really curious about who was watching them both at the end. Can't wait for more.

4th March 2005, 23:40
I am sorry why I am I reading about Chlark and not Chlex and to top it off Lexana. Are you trying to kill me or something? :crygreen:

Hope :crygreen: :crygreen:

4th March 2005, 23:57
Great start
But please stop with Lexana :puke: and bring on some wonderful Chlex :chlexsign1:
And make Lex feel some pain first because he's stupid

4th March 2005, 23:59
First of love the first chapter; can't wait for the next update. Second, not to happy with the couples you setup, but I have full FAITH in you that there will be some good CHLEX in the future and and very very happy ending.

please update as soon as you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5th March 2005, 00:04
Good start. I like seeing Clark and Chloe being honest and supportive of each other: looking out for one another in the bad times. I'm completely fine if this doesn't have a happy Chlex-sex ending. Just take the characters out for a ride...

5th March 2005, 00:26
Whoa, the first free moment I have to come here and what do I get? An awesome story by my favorite writer. *sighs* You made my day Reese.

Don't have a lot of time to give you the proper amount of feedback you so rightly deserve but I just thought I would let you know that I have already fallen in love with this. Even with the Chlark and hints of Lexana, this is perfect. It really did make my day, my entire week actually.

5th March 2005, 01:20
Very interesting so far :) . Really really can't wait to see where you take this. I have to mention that I really like how your writing Chloe, it's perfectly in tune with her character. I could tell how heartbroken she was because in the first part with Lex she's so mellow...not her usual self. That also showed how much she already cared about Lex in the first place.

Suddenly she stopped and spun around.

“We said no more lies, Clark!”

He stopped, clearly confused, and put his hands on her shoulders. “Chloe, what are you…” Her reaction to Clark about the postcard was so Chloe-like.

"You. You’re better at this than I am.”

“Better at what, Clark?”

“I don’t know, Chloe. The truth?” I also love that you're making Clark a better character...making him appreciate Chloe or at least be less insensitive towards her.

Oh!...almost forgot to say...looking forward to the angst if there is some. :)

5th March 2005, 02:33
I like it so far, but I want an update and I want it soon!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, this is a plot twist to seasons 3-4 that actually seems interesting!

5th March 2005, 03:32
I really enjoyed the beginning to your story!! I like how Clark and Chloe are friends in your story, but please no Chlark!! And also, no Lex and Lana, that is just icky!! :tease: Can't wait for more!! When will Lex start to understand why Chloe is so upset? :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

5th March 2005, 03:47
I'm enjoying this. Hope you write more soon.

5th March 2005, 04:21
Hey, I thought the Chlark friendship was sweet. At least neither of them are being immature and self-centred this time. And even with the Peepex, I rather think Lex cares more about Chloe than she thinks. Anyway, great first chapter. Like Tehzo said, Chloe's characterisation is spot on, and I also like the spin you put on the season 3/4 summer-that-must-not-be-mentioned. Update soon please!

star del mar
5th March 2005, 05:06
What a mess, they all just need to back into their respective corners and then Lex and Chloe can throw themselves at each other :biggrin:

I liked it a lot and I hope you update soon!!!


5th March 2005, 05:34
interesting. I'm glad that the Chlark isn't romantic. I think it works that they are being friends. post more soon.

5th March 2005, 09:39
Great beginning!

The Chlark friendship is sweet - it's nice to see Clunk trying for once. As for the Lexana...I can accept it coz I'm pretty sure that Lex is just manipulating Blana...right? Yes, that has to be it.

I love these lines:
“I don’t have a minute, Lex. Clark and I have plans.”

Lex’s jaw seemed to twitch. But she wasn’t sure.
hah! He so is jealous of Clunk! :biggrin: And the fact that he's still looking out for her and wanting to protect her *sniffle, sniffle* he doesn't want to see her get hurt! Ahhhhh! :wub:

Can't wait for more of this!

5th March 2005, 09:59
Well done..it looks very interesting. Hopeing already for a soon update :biggrin:

5th March 2005, 10:47
More!! I'm really enjoying this I can't wait for the next part.

I like the friendship between chlow/clark.

bad lex for lying.

5th March 2005, 11:41
WOW, i loved it. It almost made me cry poor Chloe [ and I guess Clark ;) ] You have to write more! WHo is the mysterious someone keeping his/her's eyes on them? PLease write more!

Susan S
6th March 2005, 01:52
Great beginning. I love the friendship between Chloe and this Clark. I can't wait to see what happens when Lex and Lana figure out what happened and why Clark and Chloe are upset with them. Would love to see more soon.

Susan S

6th March 2005, 02:39
Thank God I'm not the only one taking heat for including some (unspeakable) Lexana in a recent update. However, you'll probably come off better than me because I'm convinced nothing serious is happening between Lex and Lana in your story--it just looks that way to Chloe and Clark. Me, on the other hand . . . oh, well.

Wonderful start. I'm so glad you're making this one longer, and I'm so glad that it's going to be different--which I have no doubts means a happy ending. Right? Right.

Great portrayal of character and emotion, and I love how you move the story along primarily through dialogue.

Looking forward to more.

6th March 2005, 03:14
Great start!!! I love how you've portrayed the friendship between Chloe and Clark. It's nice to see them being supportive of each other.

6th March 2005, 06:38
You got me, i'm intrigued. What happens next?

6th March 2005, 07:21
More! I'm really liking this fic!

6th March 2005, 21:10
more please....now...you know if you're ready

love lea

6th March 2005, 22:42
So this is the first of (probably) two updates today. ;)

Many thanks to all of you who have provided feedback so far. It kicked my muse into overdrive and this story is almost complete (yay!).

I wish I could provide more witty commentary but, at this point, I'm a little overwhelmed with trying to find my way around the new board. :(

Chapter 2: Realization


"Hello? HELLO? Quit calling me if you have nothing to say!" Chloe snapped her cell phone shut and let out what Clark could only relate to a low growl.

"Problem?" He laughed.

"That’s like the third time today!" She threw her phone back in her purse. "I’ve never had this problem before."

"Is something the matter, Chloe?"

They both looked up to see Lex standing next to their table.

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with, Lex." Clark went to take a sip of his drink, sneaking a peek at Chloe over the rim of his cup.

And he saw that she was doing the exact same thing.

Meanwhile, Lex just stood silently above them.

"I guess we should get going?" Chloe looked hopefully at Clark.

He just nodded and started to get up.

"Wait." Lex gestured for them to remain seated. "I’m leaving so there’s no reason why you can’t stay."

He looked them both over for a moment longer, clearly frustrated with the situation and wanting to say more, before turning and walking out.

Chloe finally let out the breath she’d been holding.

Clark reached across and put his hand on hers. "You okay?"

She used the other hand to wipe at the newly formed tears in her eyes. "I will be. Someday." She hesitated. "Right?"

He just nodded the sad little nod they’d both perfected in the weeks since that day in Metropolis. "Right."


Lex slid into the driver’s seat of his car, cursing under his breath.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number immediately.

He was too frustrated to wait.

He barked at the voice that answered. "This isn’t quite going as we’d planned."


"Dad, I’ll be fine…really." She gave him a quick hug and then tried pushing him in the direction of the door where his packed bags were waiting.

"Honey, forgive me for being worried. But let’s consider what the last month or so has been like, okay?"

Chloe couldn’t help but smile. Her Dad had been more attentive and more present since the whole thing with Lionel had come out.

He’d argued at first for them to enter protective custody as Lex had suggested but had finally agreed that she shouldn’t have to give up her life just to keep it.

And, apparently, he’d even stood up to Lex when he’d paid a visit one day last week to, yet again, encourage him to do so and with Chloe in tow.

"You’re right, Dad. I’m sorry. But I’ll be fine. I promise." She gave him her best smile. "And remember, I have my own personal bodyguard in Clark."

"Is he coming over tonight?"

Chloe almost laughed at how enthusiastic her Dad was about a boy coming over when he was going to be away.

"Yes, he’ll be over any minute." She shook her head at him as he glanced out the window as though expecting Clark to pull up at that very moment. "Seriously, go. Or you’ll miss your flight."

"I’ll call when I land. I don’t know what time that will be here so take the phone to bed with you, okay?"

"Yes, Dad."

"I mean it, young lady."

She saluted him before giving him one last shove in the direction of the door.

He finally conceded and picked up his bag. He turned back before closing the door behind him. "You know, if it’s okay with the Kents, I wouldn’t have any problem with Clark staying here while I’m away."

"Dad!" Chloe couldn’t believe her ears.

"Okay, okay…I was just saying."

Before she could respond, he ducked his head out the door.

Chloe let out an embarrassed little laugh and then turned towards the kitchen. She jumped at the sound of the phone.


"Hey, it’s me. Sorry, I’m running late."

"No, problem. Dad just left. I’ll start working on the popcorn."

"I’ll pick up the movies on my way. It’ll probably be at least a half hour though."

"Okay. Just don’t forget the chocolate and all will be forgiven."

"I won’t…see you soon."

Chloe didn’t even respond to the dial tone at the other end. She placed the phone on the counter next to the microwave and began preparing the first popcorn bag of the evening.


I’ll pick up the movies on my way. It’ll probably be at least a half hour though.

The man looked at his watch as he put down the headphones, then made a note on the pad in front of him before picking up the walkie talkie from his desk.

"You’ve got just under a half hour. Get in and get out."


Clark grabbed the bag out of the truck and headed up the stairs to the front door. He lifted his hand to knock but then something caught his eye in the window.


It was spilled all over the counter and the floor.

Without thinking, he pushed on the door until it almost came off the hinges.

"Chloe? Chloe?!?"

He found nothing.

Except the sign of a struggle.


Clark paced back and forth on the front porch, waiting for the police to finish their search of the inside.

He’d already called his parents and told them what happened. His father was out right now with Mr. Ross seeing if they noticed any suspicious activity in town while his mom manned the phone at the farm.

If someone had taken Chloe…and if somehow she got away…that would be the first place she’d call.

Clark turned to pace in another direction when he saw a car approaching.

He struggled with whether or not he was angry or relieved to see the familiar sports car.

"What happened?" Lex was out of the car and on the porch in a flash.

Clark couldn’t help but study the almost desperate expression on Lex’s face before answering. "I don’t know."

"Tell me what you do know then, Clark."

"I called her, told her I was running late, and then when I got here I saw," he gestured to the inside of the house, "I saw what looked to be like the sign of a struggle."

"You called her? On the house phone or on her cell?"

Clark just looked at him, confusion in his eyes. "On the house phone, why?"

"Excuse me, officer." Lex got the attention of one of the deputies walking by. "Has anyone checked to see if there are any taps on the phone lines?"

"Taps? Here? Sir, I think you’ve been reading one too many mystery novels or something."

Before he knew what was happening, Clark saw Lex reach out and grab the man. "Do you even know what you’re dealing with here? This is the household of a very important witness in a federal investigation. And I’m guessing they wouldn’t appreciate the cavalier attitude of a backwater ticket-writer when it comes to their star witness. What do you think?"

Clark reached over, forcing Lex to release his grip on the young man who was now scared into wide-eyed silence.

"Get out of here," Lex tossed the remark to the young officer before pulling out his cell phone.

"We have a situation at the Sullivan household. I need you here now." He snapped the cell shut and turned to face Clark. "Do you know anything else? Anything else suspicious lately?"

Clark started to shake his head in the negative before something dawned on him. "She’s been getting a lot of hang ups or wrong numbers on her cell phone lately." He looked at Lex, wondering if that meant anything.

Lex cursed under his breath. "They’ve been tracking her."

"Who has?"

"Someone working for my father, I’m sure." He looked back up at Clark. "This is why I wanted her in protective custody, Clark."

Clark, already feeling guilty for not having been there, looked away.

"If you two would have just talked to me, told me what was going on, maybe we could have prevented this."

Clark still didn’t look at him.

Finally, Lex asked the question that had been eating away at him for the last couple of weeks. "What happened, anyway?"

Eventually, Clark turned to look at him. "What do you mean? I already told you…"

"No, not tonight," he paused. "The day of the hearing. You two haven’t been able to even look at me since that day."

Clark looked down before looking, tentatively, back at the man he once considered a friend.

"We found out," he hesitated, willing himself to say the words out loud. "We found out about you and Lana."


Feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated...

6th March 2005, 23:04
Hmm who really took Chloe? Was it the MB or did Lex have her Kidnapped and put in to safe keepping? Hmm I wonder. Guess I'll have to stay tuned.


6th March 2005, 23:12
ARrrggghh you can't just stop it there, quick come back and update, really need to know what Lex's response will be. Who's grabbed Chloe????? *watches the thread closely for the next update*

6th March 2005, 23:43
Incredible update!! Lex just has to be able to get to Chloe in time!! I can't wait for your next post!! Thank you so much for this great story!!

6th March 2005, 23:50
ooo, who took her, Lex or Lionel, hm

can't wait to find out, no seriously, can't wait, no I mean I can't wait tell me now!!!

Fine, don't tell me be that way *sniff*

please more and fast!!

7th March 2005, 00:02
Ooh...I wonder if Lex will deny any relationship with Lana. I don't know about you guys, but that's what I'm voting for. That, and that Lex will say 'I don't love Lana, Clark, I love Chloe.' Now that would be a perfect next chapter!

7th March 2005, 00:22
you give us a wonderful update and then you just leave it there. I can't stand it. i can hardly sit still for the next update.

7th March 2005, 00:23

Reese, you've given me hope that you've broken with your normal M.O and that this might be a fic with (gasp) a happy ending. And possibly some fondling. I may be wrong but I think that Lex is in league with Lana, rather than in love. Oh God, I hope that's the case. I completely respect your and Zannie's right to sicken us all with Lexana. I just don't enjoy the limp, vapid, clammy images it evokes.

Please let it be so. Although I love your angsty fics, I'm all out of chocolate to console myself with.

More please?


7th March 2005, 00:24
So many questions...who took Chloe?, why'd they take her?, what plan wasn't working?, what will Lex sayto Clark?, is Chloe ok?...with all these questions I guess you'll have to come back soon an update so I'm not left hanging:)

7th March 2005, 00:41
well this should be interesting. can't wait to see what happens with Chloe and what Lex has to say.

7th March 2005, 00:53
Ok this is getting interesting. Who took Chloe? Get back here and tell us please...

Hope :)

7th March 2005, 01:08
wonderful! but please say that there is no Him and lana!

7th March 2005, 01:14
Great update!!! I'm dying to know who took Chloe.

7th March 2005, 01:50
Lana and Lex?! What is this world coming to?! Other than that terrific start. =)

Susan S
7th March 2005, 01:51
Good update! I can't wait to see Lex's response to that. I also think maybe that the MB doesn't have anything to do with taking Chloe. If he just wanted revenge wouldn't he just kill her Dad and then a bit later kill her? I hope you can update again today.

Susan S

7th March 2005, 02:25
Another great chapter :) . I'm really happy to hear that you've almost finished with it. I wanted to say again that I really like the relationship between Chloe and Clark. And you're doing a great job of writing Lex...his true character.

He barked at the voice that answered. "This isn’t quite going as we’d planned." I can't wait to find out who Lex was talking to!

Trying to wait patiently for your next update! :D

7th March 2005, 03:38
Ruh-ro! A double cliffhanger! I hope you get to that second update soon!

7th March 2005, 04:10
I said it before, despite the Lexana and the Chlark I love his fic. But you know what I would love even more? The next update. Clearly, that conversation between Lex and Clark isn't finished and should be sometime soon... like soon. You get what I mean by *soon*? It's for my health here, honestly. Addictions are baaad. And I've only read two chapters of this...

First of all what is it that isn't going exactly as planned? Second, how can Lex not now why they're mad at him. Unless, it's just one big misunderstanding and he's not with Lana they're just *chokes* friends. Which is still a possibility right?

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with, Lex." Clark went to take a sip of his drink, sneaking a peek at Chloe over the rim of his cup.

That hurt me and I'm just reading it.

Loved this update greatly, and I'm very excited to see who took chloe, what Lex's big plan is, the rest of the Clex convo, and *giggles* that hot chlex lovin you better be working in here somewhere...

Waiting patiently for the next update.

star del mar
7th March 2005, 04:32
Loved the update!!! Though I hope that Chloe's ok. Somebody stole Lex's Chloe!! Get her back safe and sound :)


7th March 2005, 04:36
Here's the second update as promised *pats self on back*

For the record, I think this might just be the most fun I've ever had with a fic. Thanks to everyone who offered feedback, questions and speculation.

And a special thanks to those who had faith that I wasn't the devil incarnate.

And even greater thanks to those who were willing to enjoy the story even if I was ;)

Chapter 3: Revelation


"What are you talking about, Clark?" Lex had waited until he’d gotten Clark off the porch and out of earshot of the various people still passing in and out of the Sullivan house. "What do you mean you found out about me and Lana?"

"I can’t believe you lied to us, Lex. I had my doubts about you but I never thought you’d do that."

"Do what, Clark? What is it exactly that you think I’ve done?" Lex was clearly getting frustrated.

"We saw you, okay? Chloe and I. We were both at the airport and we saw you with Lana. We know that you two are…together."

"Chloe was there?" Lex asked.

Clark just nodded.

"So she thinks I…" Lex just shook his head and looked away.

Clark couldn’t tell for sure but Lex’s expression seemed to be a combination of frustration and amusement.

"Well, you’re both wrong. And you both should have said something."

"What?" Clark couldn’t believe Lex was lecturing him on how to behave. "What did you want us to say?"

"You really believe that I’d go after Lana? After all I did to try to help get you two together?"

"Well, I saw you with my own two eyes, Lex, so…"

"No, Clark. What you saw was two friends saying goodbye to each other. Two friends who had an agreement."

"An agreement?" Clark couldn’t believe that Lex was trying to get out of this situation by referring to his relationship with Lana as an ‘agreement’.

"Yes, Clark. Lana was to take care of herself in Paris, out of harm’s way, and I was to make sure Chloe was safe and that you were okay as well."


"I figured it would be best to support Lana’s going to Paris because it would put her out of harm’s way this summer. She eventually questioned why I was being so encouraging and I figured it was best just to explain it to her. Even though my father didn’t have it out for her, she was still associated with me and, therefore, it might be best for her to be as far away from Smallville as possible for a couple of months."

"Oh." It’s all Clark could muster at that point.

"In return though, she made me swear I’d do everything in my power to keep Chloe safe. I think part of her wanted to stay to make sure of that herself."

Clark said nothing at this point, just listened to Lex with a dazed expression.

"I was also to keep an eye on you. Lana knew things were a bit strained between us but she made me promise to watch out for you while she was away. I think she was worried you’d up and disappear to Metropolis again."


"So yes, you and Chloe were both wrong. I did see Lana off but only to reassure her that I would take care of my end of our agreement and to provide her with my private numbers so she could reach me in case anything unusual happened while she was abroad."

"Lex, I don’t know what to say. I mean…"

"Clark, that doesn’t matter now. What matters is finding Chloe." Lex started to walk away but Clark reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Why are you so concerned with protecting Chloe anyway?"

"Because she’s my responsibility. She came forward to help me and I promised to keep her safe."

"Is that all?"

Lex hesitated for a moment, as if considering how honest he wanted to be in his response. "No."

He pulled away and started down the stairs.

Clark, satisfied with his answer, followed.


Clark knocked on the door and waited.

He didn’t even get a chance to open his mouth before the butler spoke. "Yes, Mr. Kent. Right this way. Mr. Luthor is expecting you."

Clark followed the man down the hall and then, surprisingly, up the stairs. Clark leaned back a little and realized that Lex wasn’t in the study as usual.

After another flight of stairs and a turn down the hallway, Clark finally realized where they were heading.

The butler opened the door and Clark hesitated for a moment before entering.

He stopped at the top of the short staircase as the door closed behind him and took in the sight around him.

It wasn’t quite how he remembered it.


He was broken from his reverie by the sound of Lex’s voice.


Lex started moving towards him and Clark finally started making his way down the stairs and into the room.


Clark finally pulled it together enough to focus. "Nothing."

Lex nodded before turning back to the table that now occupied the middle of the room. Clark followed, but slowly, as he took in the images around him.

Walls and monitors that had once been covered with his face were now covered with someone else’s.

Everywhere he turned, he saw Chloe looking back at him. Most of the pictures he recognized but some he didn’t.

He wondered for a moment where Lex had gotten those in particular.

"Clark?" Again, Lex had to get his attention.

Clark started to say something then stopped and decided to ask the inevitable. "Why here, Lex?"


"Why have you set all of this up in here?"

Lex stopped what he was working on and turned to face Clark. "Because this room has been empty for some time and I figured now would be a good time to put it to use again."

"Empty? Since when? Last time I was here it certainly seemed to be serving a purpose." Clark couldn’t keep the bitterness out of his voice.

Lex took a deep breath as though absorbing the memory of that day. "Yes, Clark. It was serving a purpose. But after that day, I realized that some things were more important. So I had it cleared out and it’s been empty ever since."

Clark just stared at him, unsure of what to think.

Lex took a step closer. "Look, Clark. I know we have some unresolved issues between us but do you think now is really the time?"

Clark just shook his head and looked down at the floor, ashamed that he’d let his own personal issues cloud him from the task at hand.

And, at the moment, both he and Lex shared the same important task: finding Chloe.

Lex, seeming to realize that he was going to hold off on any further accusations, gestured for Clark to follow him back to the table.

"Plus, we have something else to contend with now." He handed a piece of paper to Clark.

"He didn’t show up at the conference?" Clark looked at Lex as his shoulders slumped in a sign of defeat. "They’ve got her father now, too?"

"Apparently." Lex paused for a moment before continuing. "The plane landed in Birmingham as scheduled but the driver I had waiting never saw him get off the plane."

"So did he even make it on the plane?" Clark asked aloud.

"Not sure yet. I have someone looking into it."

Clark placed his hands on the table and leaned on them, lowering his head. "I should never have let this happen."

Lex looked up from the papers in front of him to the young man suffering beside him. "Clark, even you can’t be in two places at once."

Clark froze for a moment before making eye contact. "Lex, what--"

"Mr. Luthor?"

They both turned to see someone standing in the doorway. Lex seemed to recognize her immediately and started walking in her direction, leaving a confused Clark in his wake.

"Do you have them?"

"Yes, sir. But you aren’t going to be pleased." She offered a file to Lex which he snatched from her and flipped open.

Clark walked up slowly next to him to see what had Lex so intrigued.

His fists curled up at his sides at the images in Lex’s hands.

Picture after picture of Chloe being dragged out of the back door of her house by two men in dark coats. Unfortunately, the pictures were clearly taken from far away so there was no way to make out any distinguishing features of either man.

Clark started to say something but was cut off by Lex’s angry words. "I ask for twenty four hour surveillance and this is the best you can do?" He flips the folder shut and tosses it on the table behind them.

The woman before him doesn’t seem surprised, or even threatened, by his tone. "Sir, we were on orders for observation only. These were taken by an unmanned camera over 200 yards from the house, set up on a timer." She paused. "We were under the impression you thought she was already protected."

Lex doesn’t say anything but just turns his back on her and walks away.

Clark just stands there, trapped in the tension of the room for a moment, before speaking to the woman beside him. "Is there anything else you can tell us? Did you see the vehicle they used? Any tracks?" She just shook her head so his last question was asked with desperation. "Anything?"

She looks past Clark to Lex who’s now leaning on the table as Clark had been just moments before. "It seems that Miss Sullivan attempted to make a phone call around the time of her abduction."

This bit of information causes Lex to look up but it’s Clark who responds. "So where did she call? My house?"

"Actually, Mr. Kent," she hands him a piece of paper with a number on it, "she attempted to call Mr. Luthor’s cell phone."


"Why would she call you?" Clark paces behind where Lex is sitting. "Why would she call you and not me?"

Lex takes another sip of his drink, too lost in his own thoughts to respond.

"After everything that’s happened, it just doesn’t make sense. Why would she call you when she’s in trouble?"

Finally, Lex rises and turns to face Clark. The quickness of the motion catches Clark’s attention and he stops pacing.

"Clark, I don’t know. Chloe’s had that number for some time in case of emergencies. I just…" he rubs his hand over his head. "I just hoped she’d never have a need for it."

Clark takes a serious look at Lex for the first time since arriving at the mansion and when he does, he sees something he never expected.



And something he can’t quite put his finger on.

"Lex?" He walks up and puts his hand on the other man’s shoulder. "We will find her."

Lex just nods.

"This isn’t your fault."

Lex almost smiles at the pep talk he’s getting. He looks up at the young man beside him. "It’s not yours either, Clark."

Clark starts to pull away, apparently unable to believe the words, but he stops his retreat when he feels Lex’s hand covering the one on his shoulder.

"Clark, if it’s not my fault, it’s certainly not yours. You’ve kept her safe for weeks. Now we have to just work together to bring her home."

Clark just nods in response.

Their moment is interrupted by a light knocking on the door.

Clark turns around, surprised at who is staring back at him. "Mom?"

"Hi, honey." She looks past Clark to Lex. "Hi, Lex."

"Mrs. Kent." Lex looks almost as surprised as Clark to see her there.

She takes a step in and offers up a duffel bag to Clark. "I’ve packed some clothes for you in case you stay here another night."

Clark is overwhelmed by guilt, realizing that a whole night had passed and he hadn’t even called his parents since he’d left there the night before.

"Mom, I’m so sorry--"

"Now, Clark. That’s not why I’m here. Your father wanted me to come by and--"

"Chores," Clark blurted out. "I totally forgot. I’ll--"

"Clark." Martha said his name with a little force this time, trying to get him to just listen to her. "Your father suggested that I bring these by because he figured the two of you were going to be working non-stop to bring Chloe home."

"But what about the farm?"

"Clark," she looked almost sad at this point. "Your father and I will take care of that. What you need to focus on right now is finding Chloe."

Clark just nodded, relieved that his father wasn’t going to show up and try to talk him out of working with Lex.

"Well, I should get going. I’m working inside today so I can stay by the phone but right now your father is covering it and I’m sure he’s getting restless already." She gave her son a hug before whispering, "Be careful, Clark."

Before leaving though, Martha turned her attention on Lex who was keeping his distance from their interaction. She took a step towards him. "Lex, you will find her."

Lex seemed unable to speak. He just nodded.

She took a step closer. "She’s a strong girl. Stronger than any of you give her credit for. And she won’t give up. She has too much to live for."

Lex, who started to look so uncomfortable he might back away, found himself embraced in one of Martha Kent’s hugs.

"And it’s not my son she’s living for." She whispered in his ear before pulling back enough to look him in the eye. "It hasn’t been for some time."

Lex’s mouth opened slightly in what could only be described as a stunned response. He closed it quickly though and just nodded his thanks as she started to pull away.

"Keep us posted. And let me know if you need anything." She eyed them both before giving Clark’s arm a quick squeeze on her way out.

Clark watched her walk out and then turned to Lex, tempted to ask what had just happened between his mother and friend.

But then he saw something in Lex’s expression.


And he figured his questions could wait.


And please remember, feedback is joy in word form! :)

7th March 2005, 04:48
Great update Reese. I can't wait to see what happens next

star del mar
7th March 2005, 05:22
So glad you updated...again! Well at least Clark and Lex are talking, hopefully that way Clark can't meddle and will actually be helpful :) I loved Martha's little pep talk, at least someone else is noticing the Lex and Chloe chemistry. Update soon!!


7th March 2005, 05:33
Very very well done update. hope you will update with more soon!!!!!!!!!


7th March 2005, 05:45
omg that was so good i just didn't want it to ever end because i really wanted to see them find chloe. i can't wait for the next update because that was just wonderful. i love this story so much and i love the way you portray lex in a unique way.

7th March 2005, 05:59
*claps hands* This was fantastic. I really want to find out why Chloe attempted to call Lex. I really, really want Chloe and Lex to get along again and have all the faith in the world that you will get them to that point. Won't you? :) of course you will.

As much as I dislike Clark sometimes, I'm glad him and Lex are talking again. Now they can band together and save Chloe.

Love this update. Can't wait for more. Really, I can't wait.

7th March 2005, 06:11
I am glad they are working together. I am so worried for Chloe. :eek:

Hope :cool:

7th March 2005, 08:42
Yea Martha! Even though Clark is her son she might just recognise that he can be an asshat at times. Find Chloe!

7th March 2005, 09:29
I love the idea of the obsession room being now full of things about Chloe, not Clark. And I think the scene between Martha and Lex was just so sweet. Aout time Lex gets a little bit of support with no strings attached. Great work.

7th March 2005, 09:34
oooohhhhh. He loves her too!!!! Silly Clark and Chloe though, jumping to conclusions like that. At least they're working together now to find her. Hope Gabe and Chloe will be alright. Can't wait for more.

7th March 2005, 09:50
how can you not like martha, she's cool and insightful. great job.

suspension of disbelief
7th March 2005, 09:57
WOW!....that was good...

7th March 2005, 15:43
And a special thanks to those who had faith that I wasn't the devil incarnate.
Oh, no. No one would have been so foolish. After all, I'm afraid that particular term is reserved only for me. *sigh* Thessaly still hasn't forgiven me, although she's pretending to act mature and reasonable about it.

Two wonderful updates, with great fast-moving plot and good character development. And I do believe that I like every single person in your story, which might be a first.

"Well, you’re both wrong. And you both should have said something."
Not to gloat or anything, but . . . I knew it! I knew it! I knew Reese would never do anything mean to us on the Lexana front. *cringes* I'm the only one who is the devil incarnate.

And this was so sweet and powerful:

Lex, who started to look so uncomfortable he might back away, found himself embraced in one of Martha Kent’s hugs.

"And it’s not my son she’s living for." She whispered in his ear before pulling back enough to look him in the eye. "It hasn’t been for some time."

Lex’s mouth opened slightly in what could only be described as a stunned response. He closed it quickly though and just nodded his thanks as she started to pull away.
And now we're all set up for a happy ending! Although I have a sneaking suspicion that it won't include happy, satisfying orgasms of reconciliation. Maybe you can just allude to them . . . and I can fill in the blanks on my own.

For the record, I think this might just be the most fun I've ever had with a fic.
See, that should teach you to avoid angst . . . at least half the time.

Can't wait for the end.

7th March 2005, 18:33
I love that it wasn't Clark, but Lex Chloe tried to call when she was in trouble!! I really hope that Gabe and Chloe are ok!! Post again as soon as you can please!! This story is so addicting!! I can't wait for more!!

7th March 2005, 19:11
holy moly, Reese, ive been gone three days and you post a new story!
and im loving it.
so more soon, cause i think im addicted


7th March 2005, 19:51
Go Lex and find her.

Love how Chloe went to Lex in the end.

Can't wait for more.

7th March 2005, 20:30

Luved these last too updates.

Sorry 'bout pathetic feedback but am feeling like crap. Luvin' this story though!

7th March 2005, 21:19
I think I could kill Clark really slowly... Oh, and that officer too. It would be awfully fun... UPDATE!!!

7th March 2005, 22:01
Egads, how did I miss your great fic, Reese? I've sat this afternoon reading all of your chapters in slight amazement. Please don't hold that against me; after all, we haven't exactly been given any of this great story on that show that inspired these characters, have we? I'm bound to be amazed by anyone with a sense of continuity.

Damn good work, my friend. But I am upset that you're not the devil.

Kit Merlot
7th March 2005, 22:21
My God, how did I miss this?

Excellent fic, Reece, just excellent

7th March 2005, 22:32
Update as soon as possible, pretty please?!

7th March 2005, 23:29
Damn good work, my friend. But I am upset that you're not the devil.

Worry not, my friend. I'm still packin' the horns, the tail and the trident. I've just kept them locked away for the duration of this story...

*taps fingertips together*

Or so it seems....BWAHAHAHA

*looks over at a very worried June* Relax, I was kidding. Really, I was.

Anyway, a few notes/comments before updating:

1. Just thought I should mention that this story has been posted without the use of a beta so yes, I'm sure there are some errors and yes, feel free to point them out to me (preferably by PM) so that I can correct them before they go up at CG.

2. A special hello and thank you to some of the new feedbackers that I haven't seen around (at least, not around one of my stories) before. I'm getting a real kick out of saying, "Oooh...who's this and what do they have to say?"

3. That being said though, I have to acknowledge those who aren't new at all...those of you that have offered me FB since Day One (which, come to think of it, wasn't all that long ago). Your feedback not only cracks me up (and encourages me to write more!), it makes my day! I've gotten to the point that when I'm writing, I can guess how some of you will react and I always enjoy some of the perspectives (*coughdemandscough*) that you offer.

4. Is it wrong of me to say that this is my favorite part coming up?

Oh, it is? Oh well...because it is :D

Chapter 4 Recognition

"It’s been almost twenty-four hours."

"I’m well aware of that, Clark."

Clark felt like a caged animal. He didn’t know where to start looking and with each passing hour, his concern grew.

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye.

"Where are we going?"

"I’m going to see my father," Lex responded.

"Is that such a good idea?"

Lex put on his jacket. "I don’t know what else to do at this point, Clark."

"What are you going to say to him?"

Lex looked away from Clark when he answered. "I’m not sure yet. I’m hoping he’s going to want to make a deal."

"A deal? For Chloe?" Clark didn’t like the sound of it. "What do you have that he wants?"

"Evidence." Lex finally turned back to look at Clark. "I’ll offer him a ‘get out of jail free’ card, which is what this all about, I’m sure."

"Lex," Clark took a step towards him. "Once he’s out how do we know he won’t go after Chloe anyway? Or you?"

"We don’t," Lex admitted. "And that’s why you’ll have to keep an eye on her, Clark, when we get her back."

"And what about you?"

Lex just smiled. "I can take care of myself, Clark."

He started for the door but Clark blocked his path. "I don’t think you should go alone. Let me go with you."

"That’s not a good idea, Clark."

Just then Lex turned his attention to the hallway outside. He heard footsteps rapidly approaching before a figure appeared in the doorway.

"Lex Luthor?"


"I’m Agent Worley." He handed something to Lex. "We have permission to search these grounds and would appreciate your cooperation in this matter."

"And what matter is that exactly?" Clark had taken a step forward to stand next to Lex.

"We believe that Mr. Luthor here has removed a witness – a Ms. Chloe Sullivan -- from our protection."

Lex’s head snapped up at the agent’s words. "From your protection?"


"Since when has Chloe been under your protection? Last time I checked, she’d refused the FBI’s offer of protection."

Suddenly, the agent looked uncomfortable. "We deemed it necessary to bring Ms. Sullivan in so that--"

At this, Clark exploded. "You took her!" The only thing that held Clark back was Lex’s hand on his chest.

Once Clark had settled Lex turned his attention back to the agent. "So let me get this straight. It was your men who abducted Ms. Sullivan from her home last night." He paused for just a moment. "Is that correct?"

"It is."

Lex turned and pulled the file off of the table behind him, opened it and shoved the pictures in the agent’s hands. "So these are your men man-handling a seventeen year-old girl, dragging her out of her own house and against her will?"

The agent glanced down at the photos but refused to accept them. "Yes, but--"

"And now you’ve come into my home to accuse me of…what was it again? Removing a witness from your protection?" A pause. "The same witness you forcibly removed just twenty four hours ago yourself?"

The agent said nothing, just stared back at Lex.

It was Clark who finally broke the silence. "Wait…so who has her now?"

"Well," the voice came from behind the agent who’d already identified himself. Clark heard a low rumble from Lex when the young man appeared. "We believe that Mr. Luthor here got tired of just watching his little lady-friend from a distance and decided to take her into his custody."

Clark found himself in another stare down between Lex and a federal agent. This time though, he guessed that Lex had already had a run-in with the young man.

"Who are you?" Clark snapped.

"Agent Matthews." He offered his hand but Clark just looked at it. Eventually, he got the hint and let it drop back down to his side. "I was originally assigned to protect Ms. Sullivan when she came under our supervision but, being that she decided not to do so…"

"So what are you doing here now, Matthews?" Lex looked like it was taking all of his might to keep his temper under control.

"I’m here to find out where you’ve stashed her, Luthor." He took a step closer so he was almost nose-to-nose with Lex. "She’s a pretty little thing, Lex, I agree. But did you think that taking her from the United States Government was such a good idea?"

Clark reached out and grabbed Matthews by the collar, hurling him backwards several feet. It would have been further but halfway through the motion, Clark remembered that there were other people in the room.

"Clark!" Lex stepped between a still raging Clark and Matthews, who was back on his feet and obviously itching for a fight. "What the hell?"

Clark leaned in so only Lex could hear. "Chloe told me about him, Lex. She didn’t want to go into hiding because this guy was assigned to her. He freaked her out, Lex. Made her uncomfortable." He looked up and faced the man behind Lex. "And now I can see why."

"Hey farmboy, is that all you’ve got?"

Matthews tried to take a step towards where Lex was holding Clark back but was restrained by the other agent.

"Cool it, Matthews."

"What?" Matthews stepped back, a challenging smile spread across his features. "That kid started something and I was just wondering if he was willing to see it through."

"Enough. Outside." Agent Worley was clearly embarrassed by the young man’s behavior and knew by the look in the young man’s eyes that Lex was the only thing keeping his fellow agent from being torn to shreds.

"Fine." Matthews threw his hands in the air and turned to walk out. "I bet farmboy was tapping that fine young thing, too, and that’s what’s got him--"

"Clark!" Lex’s voice should have come as a warning but Matthews apparently didn’t think that Clark had heard him, which meant he wasn’t expecting what happened next.

Both Lex and Agent Worley tried to hold Clark back but he still managed to get his hands on Matthews back, spinning him around. "If you ever talk about Chloe like that again! Ever!" It was all he managed to get out before throwing the young man back into the steps leading out of the room.

Matthew shook off his surprise as he sat up, looking to his fellow agent. "You’re not going to let him get away with that, are you?"

"Get. Out."


"NOW!" The older agent had had just about enough. He’d come here to find out information about a missing witness and suddenly he’d found himself in a three ring circus complete with a pissing contest.

He turned around to find Lex still holding his young friend back and trying to calm him down.

"Mr. Luthor, Mr. Kent, I do apologize."

Once Lex seemed convinced that Clark wasn’t going to go barreling out of the room after the other agent, he responded. "It’s fine, Agent Worley. I’ve dealt with Matthews before so I’m quite familiar with his nature."

The agent hesitated for a moment. "Mr. Luthor, I’m sorry but I’m still going to need you to come with us."

"What?" Clark started to step forward and challenge him but Lex pulled him aside before turning to the agent behind him.

"I’ll be down in just a moment."

Agent Worley got the hint, turned and walked out of the room, leaving the young Luthor to calm down his friend…yet again.

"Clark, listen--"

"No, Lex. Why are they taking you in? This is crazy!"

"No, Clark. This is my life. Always has been and always will be." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I’m used to this, okay? So just let me handle it from here on out."

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"Go home, Clark. See if your parents have heard anything."

"What are you going to do?"

"I’m going to go with them and answer their questions." Clark opened his mouth to protest but Lex didn’t give him a chance. "It won’t take long. It’s just a formality at this point."


"Clark. Pull yourself together. Even if they do take me into custody, you need to remain calm so at least one of us is out there looking for Chloe. Understand?"

Finally, Lex had said something that registered with Clark. His large frame relaxed visibly and for the first time in some time, Clark had himself under control. "Fine. Just call me when you’re done."

"I will, Clark."

Clark started to walk out but then turned back. "Lex?"

Lex just raised his eyebrows in response.

"I don’t think I ever realized what it was like to be you until just now."

Lex just nodded in response as Clark walked out.


Clark continued to pace around the room as he finished relaying the story. "You guys wouldn’t believe the way they treated him. I don’t know how he kept his cool."

"Well, son, he’s had years of practice." Jonathan Kent watched as the emotions passed across his son’s face. By all accounts, even he was starting to feel bad for Lex Luthor at this point.

Clark glanced at the clock on the wall. "Why hasn’t he called yet? He should be finished by now."

"Son, you’ve got to give it time. I’m sure--"

"We don’t have time, Dad. That’s the problem. We don’t know where Chloe is or who has her and I need Lex’s help to find her." He paused for a moment. "Come with me."


"Come with me down to the station. I overheard them on my way out say they’d camped out down at the station so I’m sure that’s where they took him. And you said so yourself, I’ve already lost my temper once tonight so you should come along to keep me in check."

Jonathan eyed his son carefully. "Son?"

Clark gave in. "Come on, Dad. Who better to put in a good word for Lex than one of Smallville’s own upstanding citizens?"

"He’s right, Jonathan." He looked at his wife as though she’d lost her mind. "For Chloe’s sake," she added.

Jonathan sucked in a deep breath before turning back to his son. He didn’t want to admit it out loud but he’d always thought of Chloe as the daughter he’d never had. Granted, she was stubborn and tended to put her nose where it didn’t belong – including in his family’s business – but he also knew she would do anything in her power to save Clark from whatever out there might hurt him.

So, Jonathan concluded, the least he could do was put in a good word for the young man who could help his son find her.

And part of him had finally accepted that Lex was indeed the only man for the job.

"Come on, Clark. I’ll drive."


Lex sat back on the uncomfortable metal chair and started making a mental list of things he was going to do once they’d brought Chloe home.

And second on that list was to make sure that Agent Matthews never worked again.

"Mr. Luthor?"

The Sheriff appeared and Lex figured he was now going to be interrogated by Smallville’s finest.

I really don’t have time for this right now, he thought.

"It seems that the good members of this community feel that the FBI’s treatment of you has been unfair and demand that you be released immediately."

Lex didn’t say anything. He hesitated as though waiting for the punchline.

"And I, Mr. Luthor, never argue with the good people of this town because I’ve realized that you’re not the only ruthless bastard around here when it comes to not getting what you want."

Lex looked at her like she’d lost her mind before standing up, removing his jacket from the back of the chair and following her out.

He turned the corner to the most unexpected sight. Before him stood Clark, Mr. Kent and Mr. Ross all looking quite impatient and determined.

"Lex!" Clark reached out and pulled his friend into a hug.

"Clark, what…"

Jonathan answered the question Lex never got to ask. "According to my son, he needs you to help him find Chloe and you can’t do that stuck here with these," he paused for a moment, looking around "…these idiots."

Lex’s eyes wandered from Mr. Kent to Mr. Ross, an even more surprising addition to the group.

"Mr. Luthor, I know our families have never really seen eye-to-eye but Chloe Sullivan is like a daughter to me, too. And if Clark thinks you can help bring her home, well…then it was my duty to be here."

He offered his hand and Lex accepted. "Please. Call me, Lex."

Mr. Ross just nodded and then turned to Jonathan. "Now that our work here is done, I’m going to go home and call Pete with an update." He turned back to Clark and Lex. "Please call me if you hear anything."

"Yes, sir. We will." Clark smiled as the man walked out.

Lex turned to say something to Jonathan who just held his hand up to silence him. "Come on, Lex. Let’s get you home and fed so you and Clark can get back to work." Lex went to say something but Jonathan just laughed. "That last part was my wife’s idea, so I wouldn’t say ‘no’ if I were you."

"Yes, sir." Lex chuckled in response and then was overcome with an emotion he wasn’t quite familiar with as Mr. Kent put one hand on Clark’s back and the other on Lex’s and escorted them both out of the station.


"We should get going, Mom."

"I know, sweetie. Just be careful." Martha wiped her hands on the dish towel and turned to give her son a hug on his way out.

"I’ll bring the truck around, Lex." He didn’t wait for a response before taking off out the back door.

"Mrs. Kent, I just want to thank you for dinner and--"

"Lex, you’re always welcome here. You know that, right?"

"That is, as long as you leave my son alone." They both turned to find Jonathan looming in the doorway.

"Mr. Kent, I assure you that--"

His comment was waved off by the taller man. "I’m not talking about being friends with him or working on bringing Chloe home. I know you have questions about my son but if you want answers, you ask him. You don’t go researching him or spying on him behind his back." Mr. Kent paused, letting his words sink in. "Because if you’re the friend you claim to be, you won’t need anything more from my son than his friendship."

Lex nodded, then extended his hand. "You’re absolutely right, Mr. Kent."

Jonathan took Lex’s hand in his own as he heard Clark pull up outside the door. "Now go out there and bring our girl home."

Lex’s eyes flashed wider for a second before he nodded, turned and walked out the door.

Both of the Kents watched as their son pulled off with the young man they once worried would be his downfall.

"I’m proud of you, sweetheart." Martha snuggled into her husband’s side.

"Well, from what you’ve said about your discussions with Chloe over the past few weeks, I think I’m going to be seeing a lot more of Lex Luthor whether he’s Clark’s friend or not."

Martha got silent for a moment before looking up at her husband, her eyes lined with worry. "Do you think they’ll find her?"

Jonathan nodded, pulling his wife closer. "By the look in his eyes, I don’t think there’s anything in this world that could keep him from getting her back." He hesitated, looking out into the darkness of the night. "And I pity the man who tries to stop him."


"So they confirmed that they have her dad then?"

"They did."

Clark followed Lex into the mansion, relieved to hear that at least Mr. Sullivan was still safely under FBI protection. Apparently, they’d gotten to him at the airport before he’d boarded his plane.

"Did they tell you where they were keeping him?"

"They did not."

Clark stopped, eyeing his friend for a moment.

"But you know anyway, don’t you?"

Lex just smirked in response.

Clark knew the look in his eyes. "Lex, is Mr. Sullivan still even in the FBI’s hands at this point?"

"He’s far safer where he is now than he ever was under their protection. I think what happened to Chloe is a clear indication of that." The last part came out tinged with bitterness.

In the past, Clark might have argued with his friend about taking someone out from under FBI protection but, after what he’d seen tonight, he had to agree that wherever Lex had Gabe Sullivan was probably safer than anywhere the FBI could have come up with.

"I’m just going to grab a drink before we head up," Lex gestured to the study. Clark followed him in, wondering to himself what Chloe’s next move would be if she were there researching this with them.

"I can’t believe you still drink from that." Both Lex and Clark froze at the voice coming from above them on the balcony. "I would think you would have realized by now that it isn’t very good for your health…on so many levels."

They couldn’t see who it was in the darkness until he’d made his way down the stairs.

"Edge?" Lex’s voice shared the same shock that was written all over Clark’s face.

"Hello, gentlemen. It’s so good to see you both again."


Author's Notes (yes, more): Just wanted to add that I've noticed in this story several little "shout-outs" to people that weren't even intentional (at least, not to begin with) so I hope some of you are catching on to them and/or enjoying them.

You know what I'm saying there, Ms. Roll Tide? ;)

7th March 2005, 23:57
But......but....Isn't he........?

Oh man. You come back here right now! I need more!

8th March 2005, 00:51
MOREEEEEEE!!!!! this was fantastic!

8th March 2005, 01:15
So maybe I am a little disappointed and sad that there is no evil angst but...whatever :p. It made me happy to read that you've put away the horns during just this story :D .

I read chapter three late last night and thought I'll just post a reply tomorrow. But what do I see when I come back?...another whole chapter! So really it's your fault that I couldn't review for ch. three. But, what do I care?...I got two great chapters to read almost back to back :D . I'm really enjoying the constant mystery and the pace of it. The cliffhangers make me go 'Nooo!'...but I know that as a writer they are tempting.

I'm really looking foward to some Lex and Chloe interaction. Chloe's feelings were apparent from the beginning and Lex seems very determined to get her back. Can't wait to see how they are with each other!

I kinda wished that Clark had flicked ButtMonkeyMatthews unconscious. Good job in writing a truly annoying character :) .

"And now you’ve come into my home to accuse me of…what was it again? Removing a witness from your protection?" A pause. "The same witness you forcibly removed just twenty four hours ago yourself?" Liked this part for some reason.

suspension of disbelief
8th March 2005, 01:42
wow....wow....gosh...gosh......update please..

8th March 2005, 02:08
Ok am I the only one confused. My head is hurting with all the twist. More please....

Hope ~

8th March 2005, 02:21
so your like sitting somewhere writting the next udpate right? right? because there is no way on earth that you would just leave us hanging :o

So please come back and update, so you can explain how edge is there


8th March 2005, 03:20
You're going to update this fast, right? Right?? Cuz... cuz.. I'm kinda confused and all those twists are messing whith my head...and...Oh, just come back here and post more!!! Please!

star del mar
8th March 2005, 04:15
Oh my God!! That was an awesome update!!! Words cannot even express how much I'm enjoying all the little twists that you're throwing in, everyone's a bad guy at this point...well except for Lex and Clark. Loved it!! update soon!!!


8th March 2005, 04:25
Another unexpected twist... You are just full of them, right? Well, at least I'll know what to expect from the fic, besides the fact that's going to be absoultely AMAZING!

Keep on posting! Oh, and I hate you for making me dislike pa Kent a little less. You evil witch!

8th March 2005, 05:40
:) I absolutely love this story, I don't know how I missed it. I admit that I was a bit scared at the beginning, but you pulled it off. I do enjoy the occassional Chlark friendship and the Lex and Clark working together to bring her back is fabulous. Martha's little whisper about who Chloe was living for was absolutley priceless. Please let Chloe get word to them soon, and then lots of making up when they find her. MORE SOON!!!

8th March 2005, 06:15
Edge has Chloe? He'd better not hurt her!! What is he going to demand from Lex for her freedom? Fabulous update!! Please come back and post more!! Soon!!

8th March 2005, 12:19
This is getting better and better. The suspense is keeping me at the edge of my seat...oops, no pun intended. :D

Will wait patiently for the next update. (*tapping foot*)...and waiting...

8th March 2005, 13:43
Ooh, this fic is so exciting. I'm glad to see Lex and Clark have put aside their differences and teamed up to find Chloe together. And I'm really curious to see how Edge fits into all this and what exactly is happening to Chloe. Please update soon! :D

8th March 2005, 14:52
Oooh! I like all the twists. And let me just say that I have now found someone in your story to hate.

I'm dying to know how this is all going to turn out.

"I don’t think I ever realized what it was like to be you until just now."

I love how you're dealing with the Clark/Lex friendship in this fic. It has always been one of the most promising parts of the show, but has never been followed through with. You are really developing their friendship in a way that's plausible, in character, and moving.

And this line just gave me chills:

Jonathan nodded, pulling his wife closer. "By the look in his eyes, I don’t think there’s anything in this world that could keep him from getting her back." He hesitated, looking out into the darkness of the night. "And I pity the man who tries to stop him."

I can't wait until Chloe and Lex are reunited--I really want to see their interaction--and of course I'm on the edge of my seat to discover how all of these plot threads come together.

Great update. More as soon as you can manage it. Thank you.

Kit Merlot
8th March 2005, 15:49
Loved the update!

And I loved the twist with Mr. Edge making an appearance--Very nice!

8th March 2005, 16:23
You have got to be kidding me. You can't stop there! You made me growl and scare my little sister, shame on you. Hhrmph, despite the cliffhanger, this is a really great fic. I don't really mind the Chloe/Clark friendship because I know it won't evolve into anything more (where are we people?) and it's nice for Chloe to have a friend for once that isn't Lana or an O.C. anyway, good stuff. hope you update soon.

8th March 2005, 20:59
Reese, what a great update! I just adore the Clark/Lex pairing up aspect to the rescue Chloe mission. It's easy to forget these days, the friendship that once existed between the two. You bring it out and to the open, almost making me nostalgic.

"Clark. Pull yourself together. Even if they do take me into custody, you need to remain calm so at least one of us is out there looking for Chloe. Understand?"
Lex holding Clark back while he himself probably wants to string Matthews up on a fence and flog him was a great bit of continuity. Always in control and always thinking one step ahead, this made perfect sense.

He offered his hand and Lex accepted. "Please. Call me, Lex."
I love it when characters are nice to Lex and you brought in Mr. Ross! Even though I love it when everyone's in concordance, but...

"That is, as long as you leave my son alone." They both turned to find Jonathan looming in the doorway.

....you just have to bring in a Kent platitude to keep the continuity flowing. Another nice touch.

Edge has Chloe? Poor Edge. Lex hasn't used his heavy bag in some time and I'm sure he'll accept you as a substitute.

:D I am love, love, loving your story, Reese!

9th March 2005, 01:00
I really like this story. I just read it all the way through. You do a great job with the dialogue. It's very natural and fits in with each particular character. The plot is full of twists and turns, like I like. I can't believe Edge is now somehow involved. Also like the friendship between Clark and Lex and also between Chloe and Clark. I miss seeing that kind of true friendship on the show. Really want to see what happens when Chloe and Lex meet up again. But I kinda wish this were in the NC-17 section because I really would like some smut. I know. I'm pathetic. But that in no way gets in the way of how much I'm enjoying your story.

9th March 2005, 02:25
just wait one minute, missy! you cant be serious, Edge has Chloe?!? Are you mad woman?

(deep breath from the venting)

loved it. my favorite line was

"By the look in his eyes, I don’t think there’s anything in this world that could keep him from getting her back." He hesitated, looking out into the darkness of the night. "And I pity the man who tries to stop him."

i love the fact that jonathan has semi-accepted Lex in this statement and i can recognize lex's determination in finding chloe.

more soon


9th March 2005, 20:25
Whew. It's that time again! :)

Thanks again to everyone who has been offering feedback. I don't think I really appreciated until this story just how addictive feedback can be!

And lastly, a request...a request for muse-supportive vibes from all of you. I've already written through the next chapter (and have had that written for some time) but, for some reason, my muse seems incapable or unwilling of writing the last couple of chapters where we wrap things up. So, if you get around to it, could you just send some "Come on, muse, you can do it" vibes our way? Thanks ;)

Chapter 5 Resurrection


"How did you--"

"What are you doing here?" Lex interrupted Clark’s question with his own. He wasn’t concerned with how Morgan Edge had come back from the dead – yet again – he just wanted to know what he was doing there and if it had anything to do with Chloe.

Edge decided though that Clark’s question needed answering first. "Well, after you disappeared into thin air," he gestured to Clark. "And after they hauled you off to the loony bin where you belonged," he gestured to Lex, "some of my people were able to…well…replace my body with one more suited for burial."

"You took like six shots to the chest. How is it even possible that you survived?"

Edge looked amused that Clark Kent, of all people, was surprised by someone taking a bullet or two and living through it. "Do you really think I would be hanging around a safe house – let alone one provided by Lionel Luthor – without taking some safety precautions of my own? Not all of us are bulletproof, Mr. Kent. Which is why we wear the vests."

Clark didn’t say another word, just looked down and then eventually at Lex.

But Lex didn’t look all that interested in what Edge was saying. He looked bored, actually, like he was waiting for him to get to the point.

"So you survived. Congratulations," he sneered. "Mind telling me what you’re doing here?"

"Ahh, of course. A Luthor never enjoys the small talk as much as the deal making." He sat back down, this time on the couch so he could face them both. "I have something I think you’re both very interested in."

"And what might that be?"

"Chloe Sullivan."

Clark started to open his mouth but closed it as soon as his brain reminded him of something.

This is what Lex is best at. Let him handle it.

"You have Chloe Sullivan…why?" Lex looked suspicious.

"Well, it turns out she’s a very important witness in an upcoming trial regarding an old friend of mine."

"You hate my father almost as much as I do, Edge. So tell me why you really went to all the trouble to snatch a girl from the FBI."

Edge’s eyes slowly traveled from Lex to Clark. "As a bargaining chip, of course."

Lex noticed where Edge was looking but hid his confusion. "Bargaining chip for what?"

"Well, needless to say, I’ve notified your father of my most recent acquisition and have proposed what I consider a reasonable amount in exchange for her." He looked back at Lex, gesturing to the desk next to him. "You can find a copy of my proposal on the desk there."

Lex looked over and took the single piece of paper off of his desk, eyeing the amount on it.

And then he did something unexpected. He laughed out loud at the figure in front of him.

"You have to be kidding. Even my father doesn’t have access to that sum at this point."

"Ahh, well. I guess that means you don’t either then?"

Lex narrowed his eyes at the man sitting in front of him. There was more to his little game than wanting an obscene amount of money. Lex could just smell it.

"What is it you really want, Edge?"

The man’s eyes again drifted back to Clark. "I want my friend Kal here."

Lex tried to place where he’d heard the name before. And why it sounded so familiar coming from Edge.

"What do you want from me?" Clark was starting to look uncomfortable at the turn the conversation had taken.

"You and I have some unfinished business, my friend."

"What does this have to do with Chloe?" Lex interrupted the silence that lingered between the two other men in the room.

"Well," Edge looked amused. "What’s the best way to get a young man’s attention but to take his sweet, little girlfriend away?"

Both Lex and Clark stiffened at the remark, then waited for Edge to continue.

"Granted, at first I thought she belonged to you," he looked at Lex. "But lately I see that her tastes apparently favor those who aren’t – how do I say it? – follicley challenged."

"So you took Chloe because you thought she was my girlfriend?" Something in Clark breaks at that moment.

He realizes that none of this has anything to do with a Luthor.

And everything to do with him.

"Well, yes." Edge sounds amused, as if it was the only logical explanation for abducting a seventeen year old girl. "At first, I thought it was that lovely little doe-eyed one that was your fancy but apparently you have even better taste than I gave you credit for."

Clark just looked away, unable to respond.

"Of course, I can’t blame you for going for this Sullivan girl. She’s got – what do you call it? – oh yes, spunk."

Clark still didn’t respond, unable to process what all of this meant.

Chloe was in danger because of him.

Not because of her involvement with Lionel or Lex or for any other reason than she’d spent the last few weeks with him.

For the first time in awhile, Clark felt thankful that Pete had gotten out of Smallville and out of his life when he had.

Apparently, being his friend brought those he cared about nothing but trouble.

Clark looked up to see Edge had crossed the room and was standing right in front of him.

"Come with me, Kal, and I’ll let her go."

"No. I’m not going anywhere with you."

"Well," he took a step back and eyed both of the young men before him. "That’s just as well. She’s a lovely little creature and I’m sure I could have some fun with her even if this little deal doesn’t manage to work itself out."

"That’s enough." Lex’s sharp words cut through Edge’s taunting. "Besides Clark, what would you take in exchange for the girl?"

"Like I said, it’s either the amount on that slip in your hand or my friend here," he gestured to Clark.

"Give me until noon tomorrow and I’ll have what you want."

Edge’s face went blank for a moment before a smile started to spread. "You think you can get it for me by noon tomorrow?"

"I know I can."

At that point, Edge seemed to lose interest in Clark and started making his way over to Lex. "Huh. I guess it’s the Luthor curse, isn’t it? You can’t just have anything in life, you have to buy it or take it by force." He patted Lex on the face. "You’re just like your old man, son."

Lex turned his head away in disgust.

Edge leaned into Clark on his way out. "His father sold his own parents out for money. What makes you think his son won’t do the same to you?"

He just smiled and patted Clark on the arm as he walked out.

Clark swallowed hard before looking up and over at Lex.


"I’ve got some phone calls to make, Clark. I’ll see you in the morning." Without another word, Lex exited the room, leaving Clark alone in the dark with nothing but his doubts for company.


Clark woke the next morning after a fitful few hours of sleep. He threw on the clothes his mother had brought over the day before and made his way downstairs.

Instead of Lex, he found a note.

Taking care of some business. Will return shortly.

Clark inhaled slowly, trying to figure out what the note meant.

Edge’s words kept playing over and over in his mind, as they had for most of the night.

His father sold his own parents out for money. What makes you think his son won’t do the same to you?


"Good morning, son. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Lex said nothing in response.

Lionel Luthor took a moment to look over his son. "You don’t look well." A pause. "Is the guilt of putting your own father in jail keeping you up at night?"

"Morgan Edge came to see me."

"Really? Hmm…" Lionel looked interested but besides that, revealed nothing.

"I know he’s already made you an offer, Dad. What I need to know is if you have the resources to do so."

"Well, as the acting CEO of LuthorCorp, I’d figure that you’d know that better than I would."

"Despite your life long belief to the contrary, Dad, I’m not a fool. I know you have resources I know nothing about."

Lionel just nodded, then cut to the chase. "Son, why are you here?"

Lex took in a deep breath. "I need your help."

Lionel’s laugh echoed throughout the room. "You came here to ask for my help? Oh son, that’s priceless…really."

Lex just stared at his father and eventually Lionel’s laughter died down as he realized something.

His son was dead serious.

"All of this for Ms. Sullivan, I presume?"

Again, Lex said nothing in response.

"I can’t say that I blame you," Lionel turned and walked away from Lex, eventually coming to stand in the middle of his cage. "She is quite remarkable for a girl her age."

"Will you help me or not?"

Lionel turned around slowly, his voice low as he approached. "You must need further psychiatric treatments, son, if you think for one moment that I’d help you with anything after you put me in here." He was so close now that Lex could feel his breath on his face.

"Fine." Lex took a step back. "Then this is goodbye."

"Goodbye?" Lionel seemed taken aback by this.

"Yes, father. I came here willing to make a deal. Your freedom for her life. But apparently, you aren’t interested. So now I’m going to give Edge what he really wants."

Lionel just looked at his son, waiting for him to finish.

"I’m going to give him a chance at legitimacy…in the form of LutherCorp."

Lionel started to object but Lex continued.

"And I’m going to give him the one thing you always needed but could never bring yourself to love."

He paused, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"I’m going to give him the heir who was never good enough to be your son."


Kit Merlot
9th March 2005, 20:31
Okay, Reese this was an excellent update on so many levels!

We've got the over-protective Clark and Lex when they are dealing with Edge and then we have the noble, self-sacrificing Lex when he deals with Lionel.


And to Reese's Muse: This story is gorgeously written. Please continue inspiring as swiftly as you can :D

9th March 2005, 21:11
Edge looked amused that Clark Kent, of all people, was surprised by someone taking a bullet or two and living through it.
Seriously, I've got Edge's back on this one. Just what town has Clark been living in for his entire life, Grover's Corner? This is how we do it in Smallville (beeyotch)

This is what Lex is best at. Let him handle it.
Finally, Clark gets it! Lex negotiates well and it only took Clark five years to figure it out.

Lex tried to place where he’d heard the name before. And why it sounded so familiar coming from Edge.
Damn mindwipe contrivance.

"Granted, at first I thought she belonged to you," he looked at Lex. "But lately I see that her tastes apparently favor those who aren’t – how do I say it? – follicley challenged."
Consider the alternative, Edge. Who can blame her? Reese, is it wrong that aside from his kidnapping of Chloe, Edge's my kind of guy?

Edge leaned into Clark on his way out. "His father sold his own parents out for money. What makes you think his son won’t do the same to you?"
Even though the writers have always tried to play Lex's self-preservation instinct as being stronger than Clark's, I've always maintained the opposite was true. Good way of capturing it, Reese.

"I’m going to give him the heir who was never good enough to be your son."
Ouch. The things a man truly in love to save the object of his affection. First, seeing his [magnificent] bastard of a father and then admitting to the MB that he'll be submitting to his enemy-friend. It's like Medea's children aligning with Aegeus prior to Jason's betrayal.

Excellent update, Reese. Keep in mind that as you continue to make this story appealing, so you increase the probability of being pushed to write more multi-chapter stories similiar to this. And yes, I'll be doing the pushing. :)

9th March 2005, 21:12
Wow. More, more more more more!!!!!

*chants encouragement for Reese's muse*

9th March 2005, 21:13
OMG!!!!! Quick come back and give me Lionel's answer!!! He's not gonna let Lex is he?

Loved Clark's realisation that Chloe being endangered had nothing to do with the Luthors.

Great update. Need. More. NOW!!!!

oh BTW *starts chanting* "Come on, Reesy muse, you can do it! Come on, Reesy muse, you can do it.Come on, Reesy muse, you can do it...come on Reesy muse, you'll do it or I'll...."

9th March 2005, 21:25
Wow! That was.. WOW!! Those twists keep getting better! But tou couldn't have stop there, I wanna see MB's reaction! Update soon!

9th March 2005, 22:06
Another great update. More fascinating twists. I never would have guessed the direction this story would take when I started reading it.

Again, I like the relationship/friendship you're developing between Clark and Lex. Clark seems to have matured even from the beginning of the story. And this line is proof of it:

This is what Lex is best at. Let him handle it.
No way even the Clark from the first chapter would have come to this realization and then admitted to himself. But it rings perfectly true now, which shows what a good job you've done of developing him.

And this . . .

He realizes that none of this has anything to do with a Luthor.

And everything to do with him.
Powerfully written lines, but even more powerful idea. I love how all the twists and turnarounds all brought us back to somewhere pretty simple. And Clark's old, easy understandings of the world can no longer hold up under this realization.

And, as usual, thank you very much *note sarcasm here* for another cliff-hanger:

"I’m going to give him the heir who was never good enough to be your son."
Now that Lionel has entered the game, I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Also, I find it amazing how you've developed the relationship between Chloe and Lex and yet had very little Chlex interaction. I mean, almost none. And yet I'm perfectly convinced they are deeply in love and are meant for each other. And all of this is only going to make their relationship stronger.

Quite remarkable.

And, in case I didn't send you enough inspiration over PM, here's a little bit more: "orgasms," "smutty bedroom scene," "move story over to NC-17 forum," "more orgasms," "blissful, erotic resolution," "Chlexy sex," and "a few more orgasms."

See . . . don't you feel inspired now?

*grumbles about inability to convert Reese to smuttitude*

*starts hatching a new plan to pull Reese over to the smutty side*

9th March 2005, 23:38
meeepppppp! lexx, oh my lex!!!!!! *rages against the injustice* man, this is fantastic!

10th March 2005, 01:41
Hmm...wow :D ...could that just be my review? I can't think of anything else other than...well, wow. This is my favorite chapter. Even though there is a lack of Chloe, it balances out since at first there was a lack of Lex. Again, I really enjoyed the pace...it was interesting at all times. I loved that the reason behind Chloe's kidnapping was Clark. It was totally unexpected. It seemed so clear that it was related to the Luthors from the beginning that I never stopped to question it. And sure, I love your Clark...but it was great that he was kind of shoved off of his righteous wall :).

Edge’s words kept playing over and over in his mind, as they had for most of the night.

His father sold his own parents out for money. What makes you think his son won’t do the same to you? That was so Clark-like. It was his fault that Chloe was in danger. It had nothing to do with her involvement with either Luthor, yet...Clark still questions Lex's motives.

...Not all of us are bulletproof, Mr. Kent. Which is why we wear the vests."

Clark didn’t say another word, just looked down and then eventually at Lex.

But Lex didn’t look all that interested in what Edge was saying. He looked bored, actually, like he was waiting for him to get to the point. The way Lex was ignoring or simply not reacting to what Edge was saying showed again how determined he was to get Chloe back. I have to wonder though...did Lex stow the information away for later...or was he really too concerned with Chloe then?

Also, again...can't wait for some Lex and Chloe interaction. Though...I have this weird feeling that you're going to be evil about it and bring her back at almost the end...they'll make up and then it will be over :(.

"I’ve got some phone calls to make, Clark. I’ll see you in the morning." Without another word, Lex exited the room, leaving Clark alone in the dark with nothing but his doubts for company. Favorite part...why?...no reason really :).

10th March 2005, 01:58
Oh wow what a twist. EEK!!! More please..

Hope ;)

suspension of disbelief
10th March 2005, 02:35
wow....as in WOW!....

10th March 2005, 03:05
liked the twist. can't wait to see how Lionel reacts.

star del mar
10th March 2005, 05:21
Wow, well Lex is really throwing all his chips onto the table for Chloe...what a guy :) I enjoyed the update!


P.S. - I'm chanting for your muse, lol

10th March 2005, 07:13
Two wonderful updates and I am just now getting to read them *shakes head* What is the world coming to?

I feel the need to express to you how much I adore this story mainly because it's different, and has so may twists and ups and downs I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster.

Edge looked amused that Clark Kent, of all people, was surprised by someone taking a bullet or two and living through it. "Do you really think I would be hanging around a safe house – let alone one provided by Lionel Luthor – without taking some safety precautions of my own? Not all of us are bulletproof, Mr. Kent. Which is why we wear the vests."

Morgan Edge has always intrigued me as a minor character mainly because you can do so much with him, and I love the way you write him. Very believable.

He realizes that none of this has anything to do with a Luthor.

And everything to do with him.

Believe it or not, I am not a Clark hater, I adore TW, but Clark's Pa Kent ways make me agitated beyond belief sometimes. That, and his inability to take responsibility for his actions. I love that he realizes that is this case Lex isn't the bad guy, he is. Well, technically not the *bad* guy.. but you know what I mean.

"And I’m going to give him the one thing you always needed but could never bring yourself to love."

He paused, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"I’m going to give him the heir who was never good enough to be your son."

Much like everyone else, I loved the last bit. I'm always in the mood to read some good Lionel/Lex interaction and this totally hit the spot. I especially liked how Lex went to his father and tried to make a deal, it really strengthened my view on the Chlex realtionship that here... you know, the one we've seen so little of... *hint,hint*

The past two updates (I'd review the other one but it would be at least twice as long as this one so just take my word that I loved it and it was superb) were perfect and I am waiting anxiously on the edge of my seat for the next one.

Oh, and tell your muse I am not above giving bribes if it gets kickstarted. This is great and I know whatever you do next will be even better.

10th March 2005, 09:47
Amazing update!! I'm so scared for both Chloe and Lex!! Please come back and post again!! I can't wait to see what will happen next!!

10th March 2005, 10:16
Wow.... just wow. It's an AMAZING story. Extremely well written and a great plot! All the twists maintain the intrigue and suspense. :) I really hope Lex finds Chloe soon and they have a wonderful Chlexy reunion! <3 Please update soon!
BTW- I liked how Clark, Mr. Kent, and Mr. Ross got together to free Lex :) It was a nice touch

10th March 2005, 12:46
that was great. you're doing a really great job of this, it's like an episode of smallville... whoops, i mean it's like an episode of smallville with a decent writer. more than decent, actually. nicely done :).

*prods Reese's muse*

10th March 2005, 17:33
Oh, my God, this is the most tension-charged gangic I ever read. Your carachterization of Lex is brilliant and oc Clark the clueless Farmboy too!!! Please do continue and as soon as humanly possible!

10th March 2005, 21:14
holy cow, Reese , this is getting insanely crazy and wonderful. so could you please come back and add more? pretty pretty please!

amazing turn of events, more soon


11th March 2005, 07:31
omygosh! great update.

11th March 2005, 10:04

yep i think that covers it. love the twist.

11th March 2005, 11:33
Reese, this is fantastic, just read it all. Looking forward to finding out where everything will end up.

11th March 2005, 23:48
Wow. Just read the last three chapters in one go and I found myself leaning towards my laptop. And you know what I saw? Hmm?
Only 5 chapters. 5!
Great premise and twists. Please keep going. This is such a fun plot.
Do Not Go Angsty. That is an order.

13th March 2005, 00:14
What a great story, compact, and full of twists and turns. I hope your muse cooperates soon, because I'm anxiously awaiting more!


13th March 2005, 04:22
very nicely twistly done.
so, what's up next? do
we get to see our heroine?

13th March 2005, 21:18
Well, I guess it's that time again...

Thanks to everyone who offered feedback and support this last go 'round. It really is appreciated. :)

Chapter 6 Restitution


"Lex? There you are!" Clark rushed over to him as he entered. "Where have you been?"

"As I said in the note, I had some business to attend to." Lex brushed past Clark but not before the younger man had caught a glimpse of his friend’s expression.

"Lex? What happened?"

He just ignored the question.

"Did you go see your father?"

Lex froze for a moment before continuing to pour his drink. "What makes you ask that, Clark?"

Clark took a step closer, trying to close the gap between them. "The look on your face. It’s the same one I get when I’ve fought with my dad."

Lex let out a bitter laugh. "You and your father fight?" He tossed back the drink before setting the tumbler on the bar.

"Lex, tell me what happened."

"As I said, Clark. I just took care of some business. Everything is squared away for the exchange." He glanced at his watch. "I should get going soon considering how far out of town the meeting place is."

"I’m coming with you," Clark started for the door but Lex stopped him with a firm hand on his arm.

"No, Clark. The last thing we need is to tempt Edge with your presence. He’s obviously interested in you for reasons I don’t understand so it’s best if you stay as far away as possible."

"Lex, what’s going on? What aren’t you telling me?"

Lex looked at his friend, obviously torn yet determined. "Just trust me, Clark. I’m going to get Chloe back…and keep you safe in the process."

"You don’t need to worry about me, Lex." He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "And what about you?"

"I’m a Luthor, Clark…remember? I can take care of myself."

A flurry of emotions passed across Lex’s features before he stepped forward and embraced Clark. "Take care of her, okay Clark?"

"Lex, what do you mean?" Clark was starting to feel desperate for Lex to tell him what was going on.

"She deserves the best, Clark. She deserves to be loved and cherished for who she is. Don’t ever forget that, do you hear me?"

Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."

Lex spun around to face Clark but was unable to say anything in response.

"So whatever plan you have in mind, it better involve you coming back here afterwards so we can all celebrate. Is that clear?"

Lex just nodded and gave one last look at the young man he was happy to call a friend again before turning and walking out.

His only regret was that he wasn’t going to be around to find out if he deserved Chloe after all of this because, as his father had taught him, nothing of worth in life comes without personal sacrifice.

And Chloe was more than worth the sacrifice he was about to make to bring her home.


Clark looked at the clock on the wall.


He paced back and forth in Lex’s study, trying to determine his next move.

He knew something was up with Lex, confirmed by the fact that when he’d gone out to follow him, he’d found the truck disabled in a way that implied tampering.

Lex had wanted to make sure Clark wasn’t at that exchange.

Now Clark had to ask himself why.


"Did you bring the money?"

"Let me see her."

The two stared at each other for a moment before Edge motioned to one of his goons standing guard over the car behind him.

To Lex’s relief the man reached down and opened the door to the sedan’s back seat, reached in and grabbed an arm and started to pull the accompanying figure out.

What Lex saw next made his blood boil.

"What did you do to her?!"

He started to take a step towards her but was stopped by the barrel of a gun to his chest.

"She made the mistake of being difficult and trying to get away…on more than one occasion."

Lex had to keep himself from smirking at the genuine frustration he heard in Edge’s voice. Leave it to Chloe Sullivan to irritate a Metropolis mob boss by being difficult while being held hostage.

She was marched up to stand just a couple of feet from him, her hands still tied behind her back.

"Release her."

"Let me see the money first, Luthor."

"I’ve got something even better for you, Edge." He put the briefcase on the hood of the car but didn’t open it. "Now release her."

Something in the way Lex said it convinced Edge so he nodded for the girl’s release.

When the man released her, she almost fell forward but Lex was there to catch her.


"Lex?" Her voice was shaky and the hint of fear in it tore at something deep inside of him.

"I need you to listen to me, Chloe."

"What are you doing here, Lex?"

"I came for you, Chloe." He brushed the hair out of her face, resisting the temptation to show any further affection in front of their small audience. "Now listen, I need you to--"

"Where’s Clark? I heard them say they were getting Clark in the trade."

"They’re not, Chloe. Don’t worry." He tried to comfort her with his words.

"But then why are you here, Lex?" Her voice took on a tone that was part suspicion and part concern.

"It doesn’t matter." He pressed his keys into her hands and gestured to the SUV parked some distance behind them. "I want you to walk over there, turn it on and get out of her as quickly as possible. You know where you are, right? And how to get home?"

"Yes, but--"

"Go straight to the mansion. Clark is there waiting."

"But, Lex--"

"Please, Chloe. Just do this for me." The whispered voice he’d been using to keep their conversation as private as possible, turned into a plea with his last words.

He couldn’t stand there like this and say goodbye to her, not after realizing that he couldn’t live without her.

He’d learned so much in the last thirty-six hours. Life lessons that he’d never be able to put into practice because he was living on borrowed time.

But seeing her there before him, just feet from the means of her escape, made it all worthwhile.

He placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled it close to his. "It’s time to go now, Chloe."

"Lex, no." She could sense what was happening. Tears started to form in her eyes and she grabbed onto the front of his jacket, her small hands clinging to him for dear life.

"Chloe, please."


"Huh, maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe she does belong to you, Luthor."

And something about that almost made Lex smile.

"Say goodbye now, little lady. Your boyfriend’s about to." Edge chuckled as did the men who surrounded him.

His words confirmed Chloe’s worst fears and suddenly something in her expression changed. She looked intently at Lex. "Stay out of my way," she whispered.

Before Lex could respond she’d taken the keys and started walking purposefully towards his parked vehicle.

"Something tells me you don’t have the amount I requested in that briefcase of yours."

"As I told you, I have something better." Lex finally turned back to face Edge, convinced that Chloe was out of harm’s way.

"And what would that be, Lex? Unless you’ve managed to fit your young friend Clark Kent into that briefcase, I don’t see what you could possibly have that would be better than the amount I requested."

"I have two things to offer you," Lex opened the briefcase and pulled out a document folder. "First is an opportunity at a new life. One of legitimacy."

"Well, that doesn’t sound like much fun."

"It comes in the form of a position with LuthorCorp."

"A position?"

"Yes, that of CEO."

This got the older man’s attention. "And the second thing?"

Lex pulled out another file and laid it down in front of Edge. "This one is more…personal."

Edge narrowed his eyes before picking the file up off of the hood where Lex had placed it. His eyes went wide when he saw what was inside.

"What’s this about?" His voice was barely more than a growl.

"Haven’t you ever wondered what really happened the night you lost your daughter? Or did you really believe for all of these years that it was a random act of violence?"

"What are you saying?"

"I’m saying that I’m offering you closure. Proof that your daughter didn’t die randomly but rather as an act of revenge."

Edge flipped through the various documents in the file. "An act of revenge?"

"Yes. By my father."

Edge froze before letting the file fall. "It can’t be. He wouldn’t." He placed his hands on the car in front of him for support.

"Oh come now, Edge. You know my father well enough to know that isn’t true."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I’m offering you something in return."

"And what would that be?"

"My father took away your heir. And now I offer you his."

Edge stood straight again looking across at the young man who was offering himself up as penance for his father’s crime.

And as a sacrifice to save a girl who he could already tell was going to grow up to be quite a woman.

Edge allowed himself a moment to wonder if his little Megan would have found someone that loved her that much when she grew up.

But the thought reminded him of the fact that, thanks to the father of the young man across from him, Megan would never get the chance to grow up at all.

"Well, I--"

Edge went to accept the offer but was distracted by the sound of an engine roaring to life. Lex followed his gaze and turned around to see his white Tahoe heading straight for them.

He heard gunshots as he turned to step away.

He realized that all guns had been aimed at him.

He closed his eyes as he waited for the end.

Instead he felt a jarring sensation in his side and found himself tumbling toward the ground, a heavy weight landing on top of him.

"Stay down!"

Lex did as instructed, covering his head with his arms, when he heard what sounded like a helicopter and then more gunshots followed by yelling and screams.

The heavy weight lifted off of him and he heard the sound of metal screeching followed by a desperate voice.


Lex moved his arms and looked up to see a familiar figure removing Chloe from the smashed remains of his SUV. He started to get up to help but suddenly felt hands dragging him up off of the ground.

"Mr. Luthor, come with me."

Lex barely heard the voice over the whirling sound coming from above. He looked up to see a familiar black, unmarked helicopter hovering just above. He looked back to see that Edge and his small group of armed guards were sprawled out on the ground, covered in blood and being removed by other men like the one who was now directing him towards a black SUV parked to the side.

"Mr. Luthor, this way." The man barked commands and Lex followed, all the while trying to find Chloe in the war zone around them.

"Where is she?" He yelled.

"She and Mr. Kent are in another vehicle, Mr. Luthor. Now, please. Let’s get you out of here."


Lex didn’t bother to ask any further questions. He was satisfied knowing that Chloe was with Clark, figuring she was at least safe with him.


Lex looked out the window as he felt the vehicle come to a stop. They’d been driving for almost an hour and he’d given up trying to get any information from the driver within the first fifteen minutes.

He knew who these men were and he knew that one of their greatest strengths was the ability to remain silent when so instructed.

The door opened and Lex started to step out. "Mr. Luthor, you’ll find your party waiting for you." The man gestured to a vehicle, identical to the one Lex had been riding in, parked up ahead. "And you’ll find one of your personal vehicles parked in that shed," he gestured off into the adjacent field.

"Who sent you?" Lex asked as he took the keys from the man.

He got no response except for a nod as the man got back into the vehicle and started to pull away.

Lex turned to look at the figures getting out of the vehicle in front of him. Clark was the first to get out. He then turned and reached in picking up Chloe and lifting her out of the vehicle before closing the door and watching it pull away.

Then he turned to see Lex walking towards them. He leaned down and whispered something to Chloe who had her head buried against his chest. She looked up, eyes wide and glanced in the direction Clark gestured with his head.

She dropped down out of his arms and started running in Lex’s direction.

He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.

Eventually, he released her, allowing her to stand on her own two feet again.

"Chloe, there’s so much I want to say. So much--"

"I know, Lex. Me, too. But for now, can we just go home?"

Lex smiled, then dangled the keys in front of her. "I think our ride is waiting just over there."

He looked up to see Clark approaching. He reached out the arm not wrapped around Chloe and embraced Clark.

"Was I glad to see you."

Clark pulled back and shrugged, a smile on his lips. "I knew you were going to do something stupid. Couldn’t let you do it alone, I guess."

They all laughed before Lex nodded in the direction of the shed. "Let’s get out of here, shall we?"

Clark went around to Chloe’s other side and started to scoop her up into his arms.


He stopped, slightly confused by her protest.

"I can walk just fine. They went after my face, not my feet." She laughed but both of her companions went a little tense at her words.

"I’m fine, guys. Fine. Okay?"

Lex noticed that Clark must have used some first aid supplies on her face during their journey out to the middle of nowhere because she looked much better off than she had when she’d first emerged from Edge’s sedan.

"Yes, I believe we have some celebrating to do." Lex pulled Chloe close and then smiled over her head at Clark.

"Yeah, let’s go home."


Author's Notes...

Is it over? Ha! Do you hear a fat lady singing?

No. Me either.

I'm guessing there will be about two more updates and I'm *hoping* they will happen by this Friday (18th) before I go out of town. Trust me when I say, I'm doing everything I can to get my muse back to work so I can finish this before I leave for two weeks.

13th March 2005, 21:48
I am so glad this is not over. If not, I would have had to kill you... Oh, well, you are off the hook so you can finish this Wonderful, endearing fanfic.

Did I meantion that I love you? Cause I do, you know.

13th March 2005, 22:35
generally as a rule, I complain about Clark's timing in Chlex fics. But in this case, I'm willing to make an exception. Good work. can't wait for the next part.

13th March 2005, 23:50
Whoa! Gunfire and screeching cars. Have to take a breath. Thank goodness this isn't over. We need closure on the Chlex in the form of smoochies. In fact you could just move this over to the section with the label NC-17. I don't think anyone would mind. Raise your hand if you mind? Nope, no one minds.
Fantastic update.

14th March 2005, 02:27
Yeah that was an excoting update. I am so glad Lex and Chloe were saved. This is the first time I am glad Clark was there. LOL! More please...

Hope :)

14th March 2005, 02:37
Tremendously good update!! I love how both Clark and Chloe worked to save Lex!! I also love the Chlex hugs!! Maybe Chlex smoochies in your next update? I'm so glad that they're both ok!! Can't wait for more!!

14th March 2005, 02:56
I also love the Chlex hugs!! Maybe Chlex smoochies in your next update?
Oh, I can do better than that. How about some Chlex orgasms in the next updates--as in happy, satisfying orgasms of reconciliation. The NC-17 section is just waiting for you. Huh? How about it? For old times' sake?

Hmph! I was afraid you might be stubborn. But I'll forgive you because it was such a wonderful update. Exciting and fast-paced and action-packed.

Good job with the action--just exciting enough without being overdone. And I love how you wrapped up this part of the plot, with the three of them working together. Perfect and fitting.

Loved this . . .

She deserves the best, Clark. She deserves to be loved and cherished for who she is. Don’t ever forget that, do you hear me?"

Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."

Lex spun around to face Clark but was unable to say anything in response.

"So whatever plan you have in mind, it better involve you coming back here afterwards so we can all celebrate. Is that clear?"

and this . . .

He couldn’t stand there like this and say goodbye to her, not after realizing that he couldn’t live without her.

and this turned me into a big pile of mush:

She dropped down out of his arms and started running in Lex’s direction.

He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.

*happy sigh*

Can't wait for the rest. And just remember . . . orgasms are always appreciated.

star del mar
14th March 2005, 05:04
"She deserves the best, Clark. She deserves to be loved and cherished for who she is. Don’t ever forget that, do you hear me?"

Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."

So can I just say how much I love Lex? He is so romantic and foolish at the same time. I LOVED this update!!! awesome job!


14th March 2005, 06:38
Lex froze for a moment before continuing to pour his drink. "What makes you ask that, Clark?"
A Clark with accurate perception takes some getting used, I must admit.

Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."
Oh alright, this Clark I can stand. Your Clark is logical, sensitive and has good timing. For now, I'll toss my hat into the ring and not hope for red K to debilitate him.

Lex had to keep himself from smirking at the genuine frustration he heard in Edge’s voice. Leave it to Chloe Sullivan to irritate a Metropolis mob boss by being difficult while being held hostage.
Now that's the lady for Lex.

He couldn’t stand there like this and say goodbye to her, not after realizing that he couldn’t live without her.
Now that's the guy for Chloe

He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.
Damn, damn good. So damn Brief Encounter like and so very visual for Chloe and Lex.

Reese, excellent chapter! Screeching cars, gunfire, the revelation of yet another MB revenge chess move, and Lex's thwarted act of self-sacrifice. If I'm exhausted reading it, I can't imagine how you must have felt after plotting it out.

14th March 2005, 12:17
I love Clark! *looks shocked at herself* Ummm yeah, I don't think I've ever said that before but I really love your Clark!
Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."I mean firstly he's sp sweet and actually spot-on with what he says to Lex, and then with the whole showing up just in the nick of time thing! I really love him. Clark Kent on the side of good for once...on the right side of the Chlex!

As for the Chlex itself...well do I really need to tell you how much I loved that? I do? Oh. Well I loved it completely and utterly. Lex willing to give his life to save Chloe...*dies*...and Chloe not letting him and trying to run them down *comes back to life and dies all over again*...and then the hugging!!!
He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.OH! *big mushy puddle of goo* http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/luv.gif The way he buried his head in her hair and kept whispering her name just completely did me in *mushy sigh*

Wonderful Update! Want more as usual!

Kit Merlot
14th March 2005, 18:40
Reese, Excellent update!

You've made Clark semi-intelligent and the Chlex moments were perfect.


15th March 2005, 11:47
A great update as usual :)...not that I have to tell you.

"Mark of a good reporter..." -Lex. I remember Lex saying that to Chloe in some episode. Just slash out the 'reporter' and put 'writer' in for you. I really enjoy how you manage to place surprises in each chapter. At the end of ch. 5, I knew Lex was thinking of doing something big when he visited Lionel and then of course after he said something about giving Edge his heir. I knew what he was going to do since he made it obvious in ch. 5, I just didn't know how he would acheive it. You always succeed in making every chapter interesting, which I thing is a hard thing to do. I loved how you came up with Lionel taking away Edge's daughter so Lex in turn offered himself. Of course the best part was that Lex was willing to sacrifice himself for Chloe...that just shouted out his love for Chloe. And if, for some insane reason, he doesn't really love her just yet then I don't care. Let me live with my delusions :D.

Clark pulled back and shrugged, a smile on his lips. "I knew you were going to do something stupid. Couldn’t let you do it alone, I guess." I thought this was kinda cute. I think I said it before, I really like how you're portraying Clark. I also love the friendship between Clark and Lex is mending a little.

"Huh, maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe she does belong to you, Luthor."

And something about that almost made Lex smile. This is my favorite part out of your entire story :D. It just made me all gooey inside...in a good way. It was a very bittersweet and beautiful part.

15th March 2005, 22:40
"She deserves the best, Clark. She deserves to be loved and cherished for who she is. Don’t ever forget that, do you hear me?"

Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."

I love the Clex dynamic in this. No matter how much I hate Clark and the way he treats Lex, I am always looking for a story with some well written Lex with the friendly tones. Loved that Clark saw the truth before Lex.

She dropped down out of his arms and started running in Lex’s direction.

He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.

Chlex interactin is few and far between in this story, and while normally I would see that as a pitfall (I thrive on Chlex banter) this is just excellent. The conversations at the beginning of the story describe the hurt both of them are feeling, and while it is completely justified, I love that they both realize it's stupid. You've written the relationship in a subtle way I love, it's almost as if you have to read between the lines to see it, and I have so much fun doing it.

Loved this story, and damn right you better have at least two more chapters up. Chlex smoochies are in order. *ahem* for me? Please?

And just about everyone else has commented on this but...

"Huh, maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe she does belong to you, Luthor."

And something about that almost made Lex smile.

My favorite part. Excellent. Can't wait for more.

16th March 2005, 02:34
Awesome fic! And can I say (without getting stuff thrown at me) that I find it refreshing to read such a well-written story that's *not* NC-17? Seriously, too much smut can get tiresome. I like when certain things are left to the imagination rather than having everything explicitly spelled out.

So thanks for writing such a true-to-character & interesting fanfic, that I can read without being embarrassed if someone walks by and starts reading it over my shoulder. ;)

18th March 2005, 07:24
*waves* Hey everybody :)

Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm really, really sorry but there will not be an update of Four Square before I go out of town tomorrow as I'd hoped. Between finishing up the academic quarter and trying to get ready for the trip, I just didn't have the time to pull it all together. Sorry about that :(

But I do promise to have the last couple of chapters up around the first week of April when I get back.

Hope to see you all then...


19th March 2005, 09:06
Late to this story but, hey, better late than never right?

All I can say is wow. I love it. I love how you've incorporated so many plot strings from last season into your story. And I love your version of Clark. He's a doll.

Is April here yet?


2nd April 2005, 09:35
Oh no, no more fic until the next update!

Reese, once again I'm in awe of your ability to tell a fantastic story. I'm actually really enjoying the friendship between Clark and Chloe (which doesn't happen very often, trust me!) and love the fact that Lex is willing to sacrifice everything, even his own life, in order to save Chloe.

Please hurry back and post a new update!


P.S. Expect an email from me tomorrow - promise!

Kit Merlot
4th April 2005, 03:15
Okay, my dear Reese, it is now April and I'm awaiting your kickass update, to this fabulous story :D

Please don't make me wait too long--'KAY?! ;)

5th April 2005, 02:41
This is a great story, I hope there's going to be more

6th April 2005, 14:54
I almost forgot about this story. I was really wrapped up in it and I can't wait until you come back to finish it. There's going to be an update soon isn't there? Can there please be a few Chlex smoochies?

He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.

Eventually, he released her, allowing her to stand on her own two feet again.

After that little scene we've got to have a few smoochies at least. I love that last line about standing on her own two feet. It sounds almost symbolic. That's one of the things I love about Chlex when they're handled by good writers. Chloe stands on her own and Lex lets her.

6th April 2005, 18:31
This story is absolutely captivating. I would be here for hours making quotes and documentation of my favorite points, so I will simply leave you with ....


I look forward to your next update.

9th April 2005, 23:07
Sorry for the delay, folks. It seems my muse decided to stay behind in the Bahamas even after I'd returned home. But she was kind enough to join me in my current sickness long enough to make me some hot tea and finish up this latest update.

Thanks for your patience...hope it's worth the wait :)


Chapter 7: Reconstruction

"There you are."

Clark just glanced up at her and smiled briefly before turning back to gaze into the distance.

Chloe watched him for a moment before moving closer. "You know, I should get kidnapped more often."

This got his attention but before he could respond she continued.

"I mean your dad just hugged me…twice. It was well worth a few minor cuts and scrapes, I have to say."

Clark broke into his first true smile of the evening before speaking. "So now you have a thing for my dad, Chloe?"

She took his improved mood as an invitation to join him on the swing. "No, it’s just he’s never really…noticed me before. Your mom has always been great but your dad always seemed…I don’t know…civil?"

"And that’s a bad thing?" Clark laughed.

"No," Chloe was obviously getting frustrated by her own inability to get the words out right. "He just always seemed so reserved around me…but now? Now he’s treating me like I’m one of the family." The end of her sentence was highlighted by the almost giddy smile that had managed to spread across her features.

Clark reached over and took Chloe’s hand in his. "You are part of the family, Chloe. You always will be."

Chloe just grinned and looked away for a moment, a little embarrassed by how overwhelming she found his statement to be.

There was a time when she’d wanted to be a part of the family in a very different way.

But now…now she was quite content with being just an honorary member of the Kent clan.

She looked back up at Clark to find him leaning back once again on the swing, his tormented eyes surveying the landscape around them as though looking for something.

"You’re worried about him, too?"

He didn’t even look at her, just nodded in response.

Lex had dropped them off at the Kent farm, saying a quick hello to Clark’s parents before excusing himself, claiming he had some business to attend to following the day’s events.

Chloe and Clark were both a bit stunned by it but didn’t have much time to protest before his parents had pulled them inside, wanting to know every detail of the ordeal they’d faced earlier in the day.

Clark had caught the looks exchanged between Lex and Chloe before Lex had pulled away. He knew that whatever it was Lex had to take care of, it had to be done before he could move forward with Chloe.

And, Clark guessed, that’s exactly what Lex had in mind. A future with Chloe.

Last week, this would have automatically put Clark on the defensive, trying to protect his friend from what he’d considered imminent danger.

But now he found his fears eclipsed by something else.

A combination of joy and a little bit of sadness.

Joy at the idea of the two people closest to him finding their way to each other after all of the obstacles life had thrown at them.

And sadness at the realization that he hadn’t been able to find the same.


Clark looked apologetically at Chloe. He’d learned, from the weeks they’d spent together recently, that he had a tendency to get lost in his own thoughts and disappear on her in the past.

And that she hated it more than anything.

"I’m sorry, I just--"

"It’s okay, Clark. I know what – or should I say who – you were just thinking about."

Clark relaxed at the amused glint in her eyes. There was a time when this would have been a strained topic between the two of them.

But after the last few weeks – and the last few days in particular – he truly wondered if there would ever be anything the two of them couldn’t discuss in the future.

Then he remembered there was one thing.

If the last few days had taught him anything, it was that there would always be one thing he could never share with her.


Chloe tried to break Clark from his reverie. His face had taken on a pained expression and she wanted to help ease his concern.

"From what you’ve told me, it’s all been a misunderstanding with Lana. I’m sure when you talk to her…"

Clark looked over at her, a sad smile on his face. He realized that while he might always love Lana that Lex was right about Chloe. She was someone to be cherished simply for who she was. Here he was trying to accept that, for her own safety, he would always have to keep a certain truth from her and she was trying to ease his concern for a girl he hadn’t even though of in almost two days.

He sat up and reached out, pulling her close. "Come here, Chloe."

She looked confused at first, then laughed nervously before settling into his embrace.

She wasn’t used to Clark Kent offering random hugs that weren’t used as closure at the end of an apology.

Eventually though, her curiosity go the best of her. "Clark…are you okay?"

He pulled back, smiling sheepishly, before settling back into the swing. "Yeah, Chloe. I’m fine." He looked away, almost blushing. "I’m good, actually."

She eyed him with part amusement, part suspicion. "Are you sure, Clark? Because you are acting kind of…un-Clark-like."

A quick laugh escaped him before he turned amused eyes on her. "Un-Clark-like, huh?" He paused. "Lex isn’t going to be able to take you anywhere if you talk like that."

"Wha--?" Her mouth stayed open, even as she hauled off and slapped him across the arm.

Their laughter faded though as they both realized it was now starting to get dark around them.

"He still hasn’t called."

Clark just nodded.

"How much longer are we going to wait before we do something?"

Clark didn’t respond and Chloe started to feel the concern creeping in again.


"We know where he went, right?"

He hadn’t told them but they’d both narrowed it down over dinner as to what "business" he had to attend to.

"Yeah. And that’s why I’m worried."

"Don’t be, Chloe. Something happened out there today…something that changed Lex." Clark pauses, unsure if he could even describe it to her if he tried.

"It’s not Lex I’m worried about."

Clark didn’t argue any further. He understood why Chloe was concerned and, if pressed, would admit that he shared her concern to some degree.

But he wanted to have faith. Wanted to believe that people could change. Wanted to hope for the best.

But, in the end, his need to be sure won out.

"We’ll give it an hour."

Chloe just nodded and then sank back into the other end of the swing.

And the two of them just rocked in silence as they counted the minutes that passed into darkness.


Lex walked with confidence as he’d always been taught.

Inside, he was anything but.

He turned the corner to see his father sitting in a chair in his cell. No book or anything in his hands, just facing the door which Lex had just passed through.

It was like he’d been waiting.

Lex fought off the chill he felt tickling at his spine, especially since he wasn’t sure which of the many emotions flowing through him right now would take credit for causing it.

"Son." Lionel greeted him without moving a muscle. "I thought visiting hours were over."

"There are no such things as visiting hours when you’re a Luthor, Dad. You taught me that."

Granted, the guards had argued with the hour of Lex’s visit but he’d simply stated, yet again, that he was there to see his father.

He’d said it in a way that made it clear that he wasn’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.

The two men faced each other from opposite sides of the barrier between them and stared.

Lionel, composed and expressionless in his chair while Lex, equally composed and without expression, stood.

But Lex figured he wasn’t the only one in the room who was feeling something underneath their respective Luthor exteriors.

Lex decided to break the silence first. "So I had quite a day," he quipped.

"Did you now?" Lionel maintained his air of indifference and Lex had to admire him for it, considering he himself felt like he might burst from the conflicting feelings that were tearing themselves apart within him.

"I did." Lex rested one hand on the barrier between them and looked down, as though checking his shoes for scuff marks. "I had a near death experience but was spared by the unlikeliest savior."

Lionel shifted ever so slightly in his chair.

"Well, that’s good news, I suppose."

"Yes." Lex finally looked up again, making eye contact so that he could gauge his father’s reactions to his next words. "Clark Kent is quite the guardian angel, Dad. I’m lucky to have him in my life."

It was only a flash but Lex’s well-trained eye caught it.

For a moment, Lionel Luthor’s mask fell away and his son was able to see something akin to emotion cross his features.

Just as quickly though, he recovered and offered his son nothing but an indifferent smile. "I’m so happy you’ve found a friend to play with, son."

Lex chose to disregard the remark.

"But the interesting thing was, he wasn’t the only one who came to my rescue today."

Lionel’s response was simply a raised eyebrow.

"There was also a familiar looking black, unmarked helicopter and some other vehicles that appeared just in the nick of time and whisked me away to safety."

Lionel just shrugged, as though he was waiting for Lex to get to the point.

"I found it quite fascinating, really, how similar they were to a team that you once employed at LuthorCorp."

Lionel laughed. "Please, son. What need would LuthorCorp have for such a thing?"

"I just said they were employed by LuthorCorp. That doesn’t mean they were contracted to work on company business."

Lionel smiled in a way that had Lex feeling he was on the brink of getting him to confess.

But for once, he wasn’t looking to unearth his father’s sins.

But rather his father’s soul.

Which, until today, he had no tangible proof even existed.

The silence carried on for several more moments before Lex realized he’d been kidding himself coming here in the first place.

There was no way his father, Lionel Luthor, would confess to having called in an old favor or two to help save his son. Especially considering said son had put him in this cage to begin with.

Lex started to begin doubting it had even happened.

Before he became emotional at the letdown of his previous assumptions being shattered, he decided to leave.

"I should go."

He hesitated a moment longer wanting – needing – his father to confirm he’d had a hand in the day’s earlier events.

His father remained seated and expressionless.

Lex finally accepted he would never get the one thing he ever wanted from his father.

So he turned and started to walk away.


Lex froze, unsure whether or not he wanted to turn around. Unsure of whether or not his father had sensed his weakness, his need, and was now going to find a way to use it against him.

But he turned to face him once again -- like he always did -- because he never seemed able to stop himself.

Lionel rose and walked closer to the barrier between them, slowly and cautiously as though he were calculating his next words.

As though the previous one had escaped his lips and now he was having to do damage control.

Lex knew the look because he’d worn it a hundred times himself in the company of his father.

"I’ve made mistakes, Lex. I admit this."

He paused.

Lex waited.

"But, then again, we’ve all made mistakes." He looked directly at Lex at this point, making sure that his confession was in no way a sign of forgiveness for the injury Lex had done unto him.

"Most of them, I’m happy to say, have never cost me a moment’s concern." He smiled to himself. Lex figured he was recounting the numerous people he’d hurt to get where he was and how pleased he was with himself for never thinking twice about them.

"But some…" Lionel hesitated, not quite able to look at Lex as he spoke. "Some I wonder if I will ever be able to correct."

Lex’s hands clenched into fists deep inside his pockets. He hoped his father planned to continue because he was in no condition to respond.

Lionel waited for a moment before glancing up at his son. He found his expression to be unreadable.

Internally Lionel chuckled, realizing he’d trained his son so well that now not even he could gauge if he was getting through to him at this point.

They stared at each other a moment longer, Lionel refusing to reveal any more of himself while Lex, after years of falling for the ploys of the man before him, feared revealing anything.

"Anyway, son. I’m happy that you have young Mr. Kent to get you out of trouble, considering how often you find yourself in it."

And with that, the moment between them dissipated into the silence around them.

For some reason though, Lex was relieved.

He smiled as he spoke. "Yes, he’s always there for me. I can depend on him."

Lionel glanced back at his son before taking his seat and Lex knew his statement had hit its mark.

"Just remember where depending on others can get you, Lex. Self-sufficiency is strength, son. Dependence on anything other than yourself is weakness."

"Yes, father." Lex smiled as he felt them both sink back into their usual father-son roles.

He’d always wished for something different, something more between them.

But now he realized he was ill-equipped for such a relationship, even if it was with his own father.

What they had would do for now.

"I should get going." Lex hesitated for a moment, taking one last look at his father and trying to permanently imprint the image of this moment in his mind.

He knew, in the future, he would need to remember this moment at a time when things between them would not be so pleasant.

It was the way of their world. They were Luthors, after all.

His father simply nodded and watched as his son and heir turned and walked away.


9th April 2005, 23:53
Wonderful update.

I loved the easy comraderie between Chloe and Clark, and it's just so...satisfying to see the way that Clark is coming to actually appreciate Chloe.

The Luthor scene was pure brilliance! It can't be easy to write two such complex characters, especially in a scene with just the two of them but you do it so well and with such seeming effortlessness! They're so in character. It's wonderful!

10th April 2005, 01:16
..... *sits speachless*

Damn. now that was a masterpiece af fic writeing! That was brilliant. You NAILED it. Damn......

10th April 2005, 02:19
Wow! I just Love Lex/Lionel scenes, they give me chills. That one was very lovely...


Kit Merlot
10th April 2005, 02:54
Excellent update, Reese!

I loved the Chlark friendship and their obvious concern for Lex--AWESOME!

And the Lex/Lionel scene? Perfection, esoecially when you had Lex admitted to himself that he wanted to believe that his father has a soul. Beautiful.

10th April 2005, 03:40
That was a brillant update. I love Lex and Lionel scenes. You captured them perfectly. More please. :D

Hope ;)

10th April 2005, 05:34
This was a great update! I liked the interaction with Lionel and Lex, both were true to character and carried out very well! The friendship with Chloe and Clark is heartwarming too, though I can't help but hope that Clark's guilt deepens concerning how he's overlooked Chloe in the past, especially as some good CHLex developes right in front of his face! I can't wait to see how you're going to progress with this!

star del mar
10th April 2005, 06:17
Amazing update...I can't wait for some Chloe and Lex action in the next chapter. I'm so glad you're back!


10th April 2005, 08:12
This was well worth the wait.

Chloe watched him for a moment before moving closer. "You know, I should get kidnapped more often."

This got his attention but before he could respond she continued.

"I mean your dad just hugged me…twice. It was well worth a few minor cuts and scrapes, I have to say."

Clark broke into his first true smile of the evening before speaking. "So now you have a thing for my dad, Chloe?"

I love the Chlark interaction in this. I'm not one for Chlark Romance, but the friendship I'm all for and this is exactly how I wish it were. It's so lovely how you write them being so intune with one another, but not in the way where you have to question it (whether it's romantic or not). Loved it, loved it.

Just as quickly though, he recovered and offered his son nothing but an indifferent smile. "I’m so happy you’ve found a friend to play with, son."
God I could so picture Lionel saying this.

He knew, in the future, he would need to remember this moment at a time when things between them would not be so pleasant.

So damn realistic it's scary. I too am a sucker for well written Lionel/Lex and this was just what I needed.

Wonderful update, can't wait for more of this lovely story.

10th April 2005, 09:29
This chapterwas brilliant.

The Lex/Lionel scene - simply put it was a brilliant scene.

"Lex isn’t going to be able to take you anywhere if you talk like that."

Oh I'm sure Lex can find somewhere to take Chloe ;)

Brilliant interaction in the scenes in this chapter. Loved the whole thing.

Can't wait for more.

10th April 2005, 10:02
Excellent chappy!!!

10th April 2005, 11:01
Well, you know I'm happy that this is updated...I have been 'annoying' you about it since you got back from break. This chapter was worth the wait...I mean really, really worth it. First of all, I enjoyed the friendship between Chloe and Clark as usual. I love that Clark isn't insensitive towards Chloe...it's something I've always wished for the show. Clark Kent is a hero yet he's a big jerk to his best friend? - only in the screwed up universe of Smallville.

She eyed him with part amusement, part suspicion. "Are you sure, Clark? Because you are acting kind of…un-Clark-like." I laughed at that a little. I remember quoting something here before and saying it was so Clark-like. :)

I absolutely loved the Lex and Lionel interaction. Seriously. Not just great characterization, people, but perfect characterization!!! My favorite scene of Smallville so far and forever-will-be was from the episode 'Memoria.' It was the scene where Lex tells Lionel of his repressed memory of Lillian killing Julian. Reading the conversation between Lex and Lionel here made me remember that powerful scene.

"I’ve made mistakes, Lex. I admit this."

He paused.

Lex waited.

"But, then again, we’ve all made mistakes." He looked directly at Lex at this point, making sure that his confession was in no way a sign of forgiveness for the injury Lex had done unto him.

"Most of them, I’m happy to say, have never cost me a moment’s concern." He smiled to himself. Lex figured he was recounting the numerous people he’d hurt to get where he was and how pleased he was with himself for never thinking twice about them.

"But some…" Lionel hesitated, not quite able to look at Lex as he spoke. "Some I wonder if I will ever be able to correct." Because of what happened in 'Memoria,' it made this conversation between Lex and Lionel perfect. I believe that this scene would not have gone with Lionel's character if he'd never found out about Lillian. Lionel's still the MB so he makes it clear that what ever his regrets are, they don't push him to forgive Lex for putting him in jail. Lionel wouldn't forgive Lex that quickly...or probably at all. But he does have regrets...when he found out the truth in 'Memoria,' I remember seeing his very visible reaction...it had affected him greatly. This scene was constructed beautifully. You've made me want to look forward to any interaction between Lex and Lionel a little more than Chlex :o. Amazing chapter!

:starwars: Update soon....please?!

10th April 2005, 19:21
A moving, powerful update. Definitely well worth the wait.

"I mean your dad just hugged me…twice. It was well worth a few minor cuts and scrapes, I have to say."

Clark broke into his first true smile of the evening before speaking. "So now you have a thing for my dad, Chloe?"
Made me snort. Mostly because I too thought it was a strange thing for Chloe to say and, like Clark, was trying to figure out what she meant.

There was a time when she’d wanted to be a part of the family in a very different way.
I adore the Chlark friendship you've developed in this story, and I particularly like the acknowledgement and recognition of how much Chloe has grown and developed. She's outgrown her crush on Clark, but they've grown into their friendship. And you've conveyed it beautifully.

And, Clark guessed, that’s exactly what Lex had in mind. A future with Chloe.
Loved this line. The sound of it and what it meant. And the fact that Clark is actually being perceptive.

Clark didn’t argue any further. He understood why Chloe was concerned and, if pressed, would admit that he shared her concern to some degree.

But he wanted to have faith. Wanted to believe that people could change. Wanted to hope for the best.

But, in the end, his need to be sure won out.

"We’ll give it an hour."

Chloe just nodded and then sank back into the other end of the swing.

And the two of them just rocked in silence as they counted the minutes that passed into darkness.
This passage was beautiful. You built up the beauty and power of it into a (paradoxically) quiet crescendo--so the last line was both peaceful and dramatic.

The two men faced each other from opposite sides of the barrier between them and stared.
Just really liked that line. No particular reason why.

But for once, he wasn’t looking to unearth his father’s sins.

But rather his father’s soul.

Which, until today, he had no tangible proof even existed.
Wow! Wow! The whole Lex/Lionel scene was remarkably well done, but this bit really stood out. You have an amazing gift for conveying depths of emotion in a few well-chosen words.

He knew, in the future, he would need to remember this moment at a time when things between them would not be so pleasant.

It was the way of their world. They were Luthors, after all.

His father simply nodded and watched as his son and heir turned and walked away.
Poignant, powerful, and fitting. You've done a fabulous job tying up the various threads of this story.

But . . . I'm sure I need not remind you . . . there is at least one thread left untied. *ahem* I'm waiting (im)patiently for my Chlexy goodness. I realize no orgasms are in store for them (at least, not that we will witness), but I'm hoping for some good making-out yumminess at least, and my imagination will simply fill in the rest. Written--as all of your scenes are--in concise, polished, elegant prose. Of course.

Soon please?

10th April 2005, 21:04
I really enjoyed the scene with Clark and Chloe, which is really unusual for me!! I'm usually so anti-Clark, but you actually made him more human!! Lionel and Lex's conversation was perfect!! I can picture both of them trying to talk around the masks they've worn for so many years!! Great chapter!!

11th April 2005, 05:06
"I don’t think I ever realized what it was like to be you until just now."

This is my fav line, I love it, its got Clark being almost adult like without his fathers prigishness.

I love this story and I loved the almost clooser between Lex and Lionel.

Can't wait for more.

11th April 2005, 21:52
But for once, he wasn’t looking to unearth his father’s sins.

But rather his father’s soul.

Which, until today, he had no tangible proof even existed.

This part gave me chills, it really did. This was a wonderful chapter and you did a really good job with both the Chloe and Clark scene and the Lex and Lionel scene. Chloe and Clark's friendship is sweet and I like how they both have a stronger knowledge and appreciation of each othre now. And the scene with Lex and Lionel was chilling as I said before but it also got down into how they both were feeling which opened up a lot more depth in the characters. Its much better than anything we have on the show. I can't wait for the scene between Chloe and Lex, which must be coming next, right?

12th April 2005, 03:57
This is so good, I can't believe it's taken me this long to find it. Well, truthfully that's because I usually just read the NC-17 fics. Yeah, I admit it. I'm a perv. But seriously, I love this story and am waiting impatiently for you to update.

14th April 2005, 12:34
I'm just sneaking onto the PC while my sister's back is turned and look what I find! An update! Reese, this was a great chapter - I loved the interaction between both Chloe and Clark and Lex and his father, you have brought some great dynamics into this fic that I wish were in the show!

I'm looking forward to (and yet dreading it at the same time!) to when you finish this fix - I'm intending on starting all over and reading it again!


red turtle
15th April 2005, 00:04
I think this is the first Chlex story I've read that I actually like Clark's role. I also like the interaction between Lex and his father.

16th April 2005, 00:10
Written--as all of your scenes are--in concise, polished, elegant prose.

Amen to that. The entire scene between Lex and Lionel was so note-perfect it made my breath catch until I wheezed and squeeee-ed at the same time. No mean feat, I assure you. Fantastic update, Reese.

Do it again?


26th April 2005, 14:49
You are going to finish this aren't you? I thought you were almost finished but then you just stopped. Please update soon. I need resolution.

26th April 2005, 19:34
Yes, I know...I'm a terrible person...this delay has gone on too long...I should be ashamed.

*hangs head*

But I really do appreciate those who have asked for more (especially those of you who are part of some apparent PM conspiracy lately to bring FS back to life).

I've had my reasons (school, wrist injury, etc.) but I do hope to get something up by/on Sunday. No promises, of course, but an effort will be made on my part to get back into the FS groove.

Thanks again and (hopefully) we'll be seeing each other again real soon :)


Kit Merlot
26th April 2005, 21:04
Oh Reese, I didn't know that you had a wrist injury--YIKES!

I hope you are better soon, and I can wait for an update. I don't know for how long, but imagine the guilt I'd feel if you were permanently maimed just to appease our thirst for your kickass story.

So, go heal yourself and then update--'Kay?! :D

27th April 2005, 15:04
Please do take your time. With a wrist injury, we wouldn't want you to risk something that would prevent you from writing more of this great fanfiction. And as a fellow fanfiction writer with due dates, school and a job, I understand. Time just doesn't fall from of the sky!

28th April 2005, 03:58
Heal yourself. Don't worry about the fic for right now. (Unless of course, you feel the insane need to update, then I won't protest)

I just had an pretty bad ankle injury, so I know the importance of letting your body heal and not giving it more than it can handle.

*produces a get well card and signs it*

okay, who else is gonna sign the card for reese???

2nd May 2005, 00:07
*sniffles* You see I want to be nice and caring and tell you to heal yourself and focus on school (I really do! I swear) but is it awful that I miss my Resse Updates???

*Huggles "Four Square" as she waits patiently for the next update* I'm obsessed, I know, you don't have to say it.

I hope you get better soon!

*signs the get well card from bluengreenswmer*

I slipped some peanut butter cups in there too, btw :grin3:

31st May 2005, 23:19
Four Square and seven years ago... this fanfic was last updated! Please update again!

1st June 2005, 05:53
I've had my reasons (school, wrist injury, etc.) but I do hope to get something up by/on Sunday. No promises, of course, but an effort will be made on my part to get back into the FS groove.

:nsparty: Yeaaaaaa!!!!!! She didn't forget! RL just got in her way! I hope everything heals and ends well for you. :grin3:

1st June 2005, 17:21
Me like this story and want more!!!

4th June 2005, 03:30
I hope your wrist is okay but I'm dying for you to update this story. Please come back soon.

4th June 2005, 14:27
Four Square and seven years ago... this fanfic was last updated! Please update again!

Absolutely lovely piece of wordplay, chrisrose. I keep coming back here to read it again, and I get that fuzzy feeling I experience when words are put together so perfectly.

But, for those of you who are desperate for updates of this fic, Reese was just about to rejoin us but is now having computer issues. As in a computer crash. This means that at present she doesn't have internet access at home, and then might have lost everything "Four Square" related on her old computer. At present, she's not in the position to give us an update. And--believe me--if she was, I'd be hounding her endlessly about it.

However, as soon as she's fic-writing capable again, I will be the first to initiate Project Nag-Reese-Until-She-Finishes-Four-Square. Hopefully, it won't be too long in coming.

8th June 2005, 06:23
*runs around hugging everyone and thanking them for not forgetting about me or Four Square*

Whew. What a month it's been, y'all.

First there was the wrist thing. Then there were kidney stones. Then there was the end of the quarter at school. And then you know what happened? Yes, that's right, my computer decided it didn't want to play anymore :damncomp:

I'm up and running on the new one (just got it today...had to come by and say hello) but the true test will come when the computer guy comes out this week and tries to salvage my files from the old computer (as in, all of my stories -- including several WIPs -- and yes, all of my notes and what I'd started of the final chapters of FS). So wish me luck, ladies! Because if that goes well, it will certainly speed up the updating of this story...and possibly lead to some new stories being posted as well! :)

So consider this your heads up...re-read the old chapters in preparation if you need to (I know I do!) because I plan to have this story finished by the end of this month...assuming, of course, that the world doesn't come crashing down around me.

Hmm...maybe I shouldn't give the universe any ideas :wth:

Anyway, I hope you are all well and that you haven't lost all hope of FS getting finished.


P.S. And a special thanks to Zannie for keeping an eye on this thread while I was away. You're officially The Fairy Godmother of Four Square. And yes, that comes with special nagging rights ;)

8th June 2005, 15:10
Yes, Reese, avoide giving the universe ideas. It seems to be doing pretty fine on its own. But I'm glad you're back and I toally get you, my computer crashed as my parent signed the divroce and my sister left the house to go to God-Only-Know-Where a month ago and so I am owing a chapter from a fanfic (from another fandom, but anyway...)

Hope you can salvage everything. And for goodness sake, get a lucky charm already!

8th June 2005, 19:20
Just found this fic today and I'm really enjoying it. Reese, I'm glad your wrist is doing better and am sending good thoughts the computer guys way to recover all your information.

Really like how you're handling Clark in this one. He seems to have finally bought a clue. Wonderful. I can so see them doing this, so bravo for capturing the characters and still making them your own.

12th June 2005, 02:16
Really looking forward to an update on this fab fic!!!! :grin3:

14th June 2005, 08:50
It would really suck to lose your stories. :( Good luck on retrieving those computer files! I feel for you, 'cause I lost everything twice, when 2 computers in a row died on me...then I thought...maybe I should steer clear of Compaqs :P My current 'puter's been good to me (knock wood).

Anyway, I want to thank Reese and Zannie for increasing my Rep Power... whatever that is. :) But I just noticed I have little green squares beside my name, and that's cool. I like little green squares. ;) Oh my god... there are FOUR SQUARES! Freaky. :)

14th June 2005, 13:36
Drat, and after I just sent you a PM gently reminding you that this fic is still outstanding ;) I didn't realise that you were dealing with a computer gremlin! I hope that all of your files are resurrected intact - selfishly speaking, of course ;)


14th June 2005, 15:25
But I just noticed I have little green squares beside my name, and that's cool. I like little green squares. ;) Oh my god... there are FOUR SQUARES! Freaky. :)

Heh. How infinitely appropriate.

On a happy note (and she might hit me for saying this), Reese didn't lose all the files on her computer. So we can hold her to her complete-Four-Square-by-the-end-of-the-month promise (yes, I'm calling it a promise, Reese, so stop glaring at me).

Let the nagging commence!

13th July 2005, 14:30
Are you ever going to come back? :puppydog: :puppydog: Please update soon.

19th July 2005, 02:06
Only just found this so you have to update i was really getting in to this but i need more :D I want some Chlex goodness also i am loving the new better friendship between Clark and Chloe. So please come back and update as you have too :rules:

22nd July 2005, 01:28
Come back and update, want to see what happens when Lex and Chloe resolve everything....

Update soon


23rd July 2005, 03:44
You know why I'm here... :beg: :beg: :beg:

7th August 2005, 09:42
:beg: :puppydog:

18th August 2005, 20:21
Where are you? Did you get tired of us? I hope everything is all right with you. Please please please come back and finish. :beg: I haven't given up yet.

19th August 2005, 01:59
more soon please

25th August 2005, 08:34
I'm not even going to apologize (yet again). I'm just going to post.

Hope it'll do...for now :blinkkiss


Chapter 8: Realization II


Clark just watched as Chloe walked silently in and out of the kitchen.

Martha glanced out the window to make sure Chloe was at a safe distance before turning to Clark.

“You did tell her he called last night, right?”

His only response was a look.

“And that he’s coming today to the picnic?”

“Of course I did, Mom. Are you kidding?” He joined her at the window and watched as Chloe slowly set the table they’d set up in the yard for the day’s event.

Lex had called the night before but only left a message with Mrs. Kent. Clark had come in shortly thereafter to check the time and had gotten the message from his mom that Lex had called. He’d passed the message onto Chloe when he’d gone back outside.

Chloe had gone to bed shortly thereafter without saying a word.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with her, Mom. She’s barely said more than two words this morning.” He finally tore his gaze away from the sad girl outside and turned them towards his mother. “I don’t know what to do.”

Martha couldn’t help but smile at her son’s frustration. “Just be there for her, Clark. That’s all you can do.” She paused, sensing his wheels turning. “And sometimes just being there means accepting that you’re not the one that can make things right.”

Clark took a deep breath and glanced back out the window.

“Well, I just hope he gets here soon.”



She didn’t say anything but just glanced up, raised her eyebrows and offered a weak smile of interest.

“Are you okay?”

She just nodded and then quickly looked away, grabbing the last dishes off of the counter and starting to head back out the door.

She didn’t quite make it as Clark filled the doorframe, blocking her path. He gently took the dishes from her and put them back down. He’d been watching her work silently all morning and couldn’t resist trying something – anything – at this point to get through to her.

“What do you want, Clark?” Her voice had very little fight in it which caught Clark off guard. She sounded almost defeated.

“I just want you to tell me what’s wrong. You’ve barely said a word since last night.”

“I’m fine.”


“Clark,” she snapped back and both of them seemed surprised and then amused by her little outburst.

Chloe took a deep breath and then the dam broke. “I feel like an idiot, okay? I started developing all of these feelings for him, you know? Seeing him as more than your friend or even just as my friend. I started seeing him…well…like I used to see you.”

Clark was a little more than surprised by this burst of honesty and therefore didn’t know how to react. So he just stood there, eyes wide, and prayed she’d keep going so he’d have time to recover.

Luckily, she did.

“I mean, after everything that happened and the way he reacted and…I just thought maybe…you know maybe he cared for me. Maybe there was something there. Maybe – for once – someone thought of me as more than just a friend or acquaintance.”

“Chloe, I’m—“

“How could I have been so stupid, Clark? When will I ever learn?” She turned away from him and put her hands on the counter, resting her weight against it. “Apparently, never.”

Clark just stood for a moment and watched as her shoulders started to shake. He wanted to turn and walk out, not because he didn’t care but because he felt sick to his stomach. She felt rejected because of her experience with him, his blindness for all of these years. And now…now he had to hear her quietly crying in his kitchen for someone else.

He wished he was a better man. A man that didn’t feel jealousy. Or one that appreciated what he had before it was gone.

Chloe wasn’t gone, exactly. But her heart was. He’d known it for awhile now but somehow watching her crying in front of him for another man just made it unavoidable.

“I’m sorry.”

Chloe wiped her tears away before turning to face him, her expression one of confusion. “What?”

He stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders. She looked almost startled at the contact. “I’m sorry I didn’t know or understand your feelings for me for all those years. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you until recently. I’m sorry that somehow your experience with me makes you think you’re not worthy of love beyond friendship. I’m sorry…” He paused and looked away before settling his eyes on her once again. “I’m sorry that I’m jealous as hell knowing that you love him more than you ever loved me.”

Chloe’s mouth dropped open…but nothing came out.

Clark took a deep breath and pulled his arms from her shoulders and placed them back down at his sides where they belonged. He was afraid of the way she was looking at him now.

He might have said too much.

The irony of it didn’t escape him.

He started to back away and reach for the door but he’d barely made it one step when he felt something wrap itself around him.

That something was Chloe.

He couldn’t help but laugh at the force with which she hugged.

If he’d been anyone else, it might have knocked the breath out of him.

“Thank you.” She whispered into his shirt.

He wasn’t quite sure what was happening but he wrapped his arms around her, pretty sure that was the best course of action at this point. He had questions but figured they could wait.

He heard some sniffling from the blonde head buried in his chest and then a little giggle.

“What?” He couldn’t help but ask.

She pulled back enough to look up at him but keep her arms around him. “You give the best hugs, Clark Kent.”

He couldn’t help but feel a little proud. “I do?”

She pulled one hand back and smacked him on the stomach. “Don’t let it go to your head though, okay?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” They both laughed before a serious expression made its way back onto his face. “But seriously, Chloe. If you ever need one, just ask.”

She nodded, a grin overtaking her. “Deal.”

She pulled him close for one more quick squeeze and then disentangled herself and reached for the plates of food she’d come in for in the first place.

Clark reached out and put a hand on her arm. “And he has feelings for you, too, you know. Just for the record.”

A sad smile appeared. “Yeah, but not enough to want to talk to me last night.”

“Chloe. We can pretty much guess where he went and we can also guess how it went.” He paused, making sure she understood.

She nodded in reluctant agreement.

“Not everyone is as stupid as I am, Chloe. Especially not Lex Luthor.”

The sad smile disappeared and was replaced with a shy grin. “You think so, huh?” She asked playfully.

She didn’t wait for a response but rather walked past him and out the door, all the while with a smile on her face that revealed she was considering the implications of what Clark had just suggested.

He just smiled as he watched her, lost in thought, as she made her way back outside.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of a vehicle making its way up the Kent driveway.

Clark saw Chloe tense from behind at the sound.

He walked up behind her and offered a supportive squeeze on the shoulder.

She didn’t even turn around. Her eyes were keenly focused on the approaching vehicle. He wasn’t even sure if she knew he was there.

Clark realized this was just a dose of what was to come.

But still he prayed for the approaching red vehicle to be a sports car.

Because that’s what friends are for.


25th August 2005, 09:15
Great Update. I liked the interaction between Chloe and Clark.
Hope to read more.


25th August 2005, 10:47
Great update. glad to see that this fic is still alive and kicking. Come back soon please. :beg: :puppydog:

25th August 2005, 11:14
Nicely done and even Clark has some sense in him!

25th August 2005, 11:37
Loved Clark finally realising what an ass he has been to Chloe in the past, but at least he realises its too late now and that she loves Lex. That was really nice Chloe and Clark interaction!!!

Come back and give us some Chlex!!!


25th August 2005, 14:04
Good Lord, there's an update! I've been so afraid you might just give up on this. Of course, I can't even read it now since I'm on my way out the door. But I'll be back this evening.

I'm so happy.

25th August 2005, 18:27
For once Clark wasn't a butt head. Wow imagine that. Great update girl.

Hope :)

star del mar
26th August 2005, 05:21
Wow! An update! It was a goodie too. I love that Clark is being so supporting and such a good friend, which even with the best intentions he sometimes lacks. Chloe and Lex!! I need some interaction! :D Please update again soon!


Kit Merlot
26th August 2005, 13:46
This was an awesome update!

I love that you had Clark finally realize how much Chloe means to him at the exact time she'd fallen for another man--poetic justice I tell you :D

And your version of Clark is very mature, and thoughtful--I wish he was like this on the actual show!

I hate that Chloe, even for one minute, doubted Lex's feelings for her. But Clark came through in the end.

Excellent work, Reese, just excellent.

26th August 2005, 15:12
“And sometimes just being there means accepting that you’re not the one that can make things right.”

I really liked this line and the thought behind it. It seems profound in the most simple way, which is exactly how Martha should give advice.

“I mean, after everything that happened and the way he reacted and…I just thought maybe…you know maybe he cared for me. Maybe there was something there. Maybe – for once – someone thought of me as more than just a friend or acquaintance.”

“Chloe, I’m—“

“How could I have been so stupid, Clark? When will I ever learn?” She turned away from him and put her hands on the counter, resting her weight against it. “Apparently, never.”

This made me kind of achy. Poor Chloe--it's a completely natural and in character response from her, and it felt really real to me. I loved it, but am very glad that I know her concerns are unwarranted.

Chloe wasn’t gone, exactly. But her heart was. He’d known it for awhile now but somehow watching her crying in front of him for another man just made it unavoidable.

Clark's realization here was very nicely done. Kind of ironically fitting and inevitable. I really liked the hug.

Your Chloe, Lex, and Clark are all extraordinarily likeable, and the relationships you've restored between them are almost cleansing to read. So I can't wait to see how you conclude this, and would particularly appreciate any Chlexy make-out scenes you'd care to provide, since I know better than to expect any smut--and smut actually wouldn't fit into the polished simplicity of this story anyway.

26th August 2005, 17:12
Reese, I absolutely love this fic. I'm anxiously waiting to see how you will conclude it. Please tell me that that is Lex's car coming down the drive. I don't want to see Chloe's disappointment if it isn't.

27th August 2005, 01:09
:ecstatic: :ecstatic: You came back!! You came back!! :ecstatic: :ecstatic: I'm so happy!!! I was afraid you were gone for good. This was an amazing update, I love the Clark and Chloe friendship. My favorite part was how Clark finally realized what he had just when he found out it was gone. He was very sweet to Chloe and very Clarkish. Great writing of his character. :worship: Now Lex is on his way (I hope) and I can't wait to see the Chlex scene!! Please update again soon! Please!!! :beg: :beg: Thanks again for the update.

27th August 2005, 01:28
“I’m sorry.”

Chloe wiped her tears away before turning to face him, her expression one of confusion. “What?”

He stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders. She looked almost startled at the contact. “I’m sorry I didn’t know or understand your feelings for me for all those years. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you until recently. I’m sorry that somehow your experience with me makes you think you’re not worthy of love beyond friendship. I’m sorry…” He paused and looked away before settling his eyes on her once again. “I’m sorry that I’m jealous as hell knowing that you love him more than you ever loved me.”

I loved this part. It was just so heartbreaking, it made me cry. I feel sad that Clark will never realize how much suffering his utting Chloe through, how many scars she will carry just because he prefers not to see certain things.
Anyways I loved this interaction. I'm glad Clark knows when to step back. I hope Lex can make everything better :)

27th August 2005, 16:31
YOU ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so incredible! I have to make sure I didn't just dream that chapter up or something (entirely possible).

Willing to look away at the obvious no Chlex in here if you update this year...

31st August 2005, 08:43
Not the longest update ever...but it's something, right? And doubly impressive considering I'm in the last week of the quarter at school and in the middle of the move.

This goes out to Norah because everytime I stopped by NS during my "muse free period" she always had a positive little note of encouragement on this thread. Thanks to her and to all of you who didn't give up :)

Chapter 9: Reassurance


Clark exhaled slowly, releasing his own disappointment before turning back to face Chloe.

Now that the red vehicle was close enough, Clark could see that it was no sports car, but rather a beat up old truck they’d both known long before Lex Luthor had come to town.

He turned to see how Chloe was handling it.

She waved and offered an almost convincing smile as Mr. Ross got out of the truck and started making his way towards them.

“Hey there, Chloe girl!” He put his arms around her and almost picked her up off the ground. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you safe and sound. We were worried sick.”

Clark noticed a flash of genuine joy pass across Chloe’s features as she put an arm around Mr. Ross, turned and started to guide him toward his seat at the table.

“What’s this? I’ve been gone for like a minute and you’re already turning your back on me?”

Chloe froze mid-step at the sound of the voice behind her then looked up at an amused Mr. Ross.

“You know how my son hates to be ignored, especially by a beautiful lady like yourself.” He winked at her before taking a step back to reveal Pete standing outside of the truck behind him. “He drove here this morning in time to be here for your welcome home celebration.”

“PETE!” Chloe flew past Mr. Ross and almost knocked Pete over with her enthusiasm.

“Now that’s more like it,” Pete teased her, returning her hug with equal enthusiasm.

Upon closer inspection, however, Clark noticed there was almost a desperation in the way Pete was holding onto her.

Chloe eventually pulled away and started grilling Pete. “So how’s Wichita? How long are you here for? Why haven’t you called me? How’s the new place?”

Everyone started to laugh at the endless string of questions, even Chloe who realized her journalistic tendencies had gotten the best of her…yet again.

“Me? Why in the world would we talk about me? Aren’t you the one who just got rescued after being kidnapped – twice in the same 24 hours – by the government and then a presumed dead mob boss?”

“Well…” Chloe began but was interrupted by the sound of Mr. Kent calling them over to the table.

“I have to agree, Pete, Chloe does have the better stories this time but why don’t we all just take a seat here and at least get settled before the war stories begin?”

Everyone laughed and nodded as they made their way over to the picnic being served in the Kent’s yard. Martha was pleased by Pete’s surprise visit because she hoped it would keep Chloe’s spirits up since Gabe wouldn’t be returning until later that evening and she knew that Chloe couldn’t really put the situation to rest until she’d laid eyes on him.

That and the fact that the only man she probably wanted to see as much as much as her own father was nowhere to be found.


Clark smiled to himself as he watched Pete and Chloe banter about like they always had. He just enjoyed the sound of the two of them going at it like this.

Reminded him of days long gone by.

Chloe seemed enthralled not only in the pecan pie Clark’s mom had made especially for her but also in the stories Pete shared about his time so far in Wichita.

“I’m telling you, Chloe. There’s a story there. You come visit and I’m sure you’ll find something worth writing about.”

“Sounds like it.” Chloe grinned as she took the last rather large bite of her pie.

“Granted, it might not be as exciting as having a playboy billionaire offer up his life to save yours but hey, it’s just Wichita.”

Clark froze at Pete’s words. Even Pete realized, mere seconds after saying them, that they would only serve as a reminder of who wasn’t at the table.

Pete hadn’t been around lately but it had only taken him a few minutes to realize there was something more to the story of Chloe’s rescue than either she or Clark were letting on.

He could sense it in the way Chloe talked about Lex’s part in her rescue and the way Clark watched her as she did.

It was the same look he used to reserve for Lana. The one where he seemed to be holding his breath, waiting to swoop in and rescue her from whatever pain might present itself.

Pete laughed to himself, wondering when Clark was going to realize that Chloe was never going to need him the way Lana did.

Especially since it appeared Chloe had people lining up to fill the role of guardian angel these days.

He took a deep breath and sat back in his chair, confused by the sense of relief he felt in knowing there was someone else looking out for Chloe now that he was gone.

The relief came from knowing Chloe would have someone else to rely on besides Clark since, Pete had to admit, Clark’s track record when it came to Chloe was less than spotless.

And the confusion came from realizing he was particularly comforted by the idea of that someone else being Lex Luthor.

“No, no…I’ve got it.” Pete looked up to see Chloe insisting on helping Mrs. Kent clear the table.

“Well, okay dear. I’ll be right behind you.” Martha watched Chloe closely, realizing she was going to give the girl a moment alone inside before following.

She looked around the rest of the table, as the others settled back into conversation, and realized they just didn’t see it.

Chloe had been distracted as long as possible and now she needed a moment to compose herself.

Martha shook her head as she slowly cleared away the rest of the table.

Some things only a mother can see.


Chloe put the last of her load of dishes in the sink and then rested her hands on the counter.

“Don’t do this,” she whispered to herself. She could feel the tears burning in her eyes, begging for release.

She’d done the best she could. Smiled as brightly as she could, laughed at all the appropriate times, tried to be thankful for the people around her.

But when it came down to it, all she seemed to notice was the empty seat at the end of the table.

Clark’s pep talk had carried her through her earlier doubts. And Pete’s arrival had distracted her as well…but now the reality was settling in and there was no way she could deny it any longer.

She’d been wrong.

Yet again, she’d let her irrational hopes and dreams run away with her only to realize, in the end, that she simply wasn’t that girl.

She wasn’t the girl who got asked to the senior prom when she was only a freshman.

She wasn’t the girl who got her best friend to notice her as anything more than a back-up plan when the girl of his dreams didn’t work out.

And she certainly wasn’t the girl who was going to catch the undivided and lasting attention of a man like Lex Luthor.

“You’re an idiot,” she mumbled to herself as she started to slowly wipe away the tears that had managed to escape from her eyes.

She quickened the process of pulling herself together when she heard the door behind her open.

“Do you need any more help in here, Mrs. Kent?” Chloe fiddled with the dishes in the sink a moment, trying to regain her composure fully before turning around.

“She didn’t mention anything to me on the matter. But I could step back outside and ask her, if you’d like.”

Chloe’s whole body tensed at the voice coming from behind her.

She wanted to turn around, see him with her own eyes, confirm that he was really there.

But her body was frozen in place. So she kept her back to him and just tried to resume her breathing before she passed out.


Lex took a step closer, concerned as to why Chloe hadn’t turned around yet to face him. She seemed to almost be hiding from him.

“Yeah?” It came out as more of a squeak than a question. Chloe cursed herself inwardly for not pulling it together in time.

She didn’t want to have to explain why she was standing alone in the kitchen crying over a sink of dirty dishes.

She’d almost pulled herself together and was about to turn around when she felt a gentle hand against her cheek as a strand of hair was brushed out of the way.

“Tell me.”

Chloe felt her whole body go warm. His tone was gentle and soothing and she just wanted to get lost in it forever.

But instead she simply answered him with the truth.

“I didn’t think you were coming.”

“But I called last night and left a message…”

She could hear the confusion in his voice and didn’t want him to think Mrs. Kent hadn’t delivered it.

“I know.”

She tried to turn further away from him, ever so slightly. They were getting dangerously close to the truth.


He put a hand on her shoulder. A gesture that seemed to beg her to turn around.

By the time she turned around, the tears had started and there was no way she could hold them back. And part of her didn’t want to. She’d always tried her best to keep her sadness from Clark and, in that moment, realized that was something she didn’t want to do with Lex.

If he was going to see her, he was going to see all of her. Even the weepy, insecure little girl who had a crush on him despite every logical bone in her body screaming against it.

He watched her for a moment, his eyes scanning over her entire face. Then something in him changed, like he’d found something he was looking for in that moment. His whole body seemed to relax and—in an instant—he’d pulled her to him.

She stopped breathing for a moment, unsure of what it all meant. Her mind warned her not to get comfortable, not to enjoy it.

But then he said her name. Didn’t actually say it but rather breathed it.

It was almost as if her name escaped his lips in a sigh of relief.

She brought her hands up to his chest and clung to his shirt, burrowing herself further into his embrace. He responded by pulling her even closer.

She could feel him breathing against her hair, feel the warmth of his body and the strength of his arms around her.

She thought she was in heaven.

But then he spoke.

“I’ll always come for you, Chloe. Don’t ever doubt that.”

And she realized that being in his arms was only half the experience of this heaven.


31st August 2005, 11:22
That was lovely, I'm happy Lex came, i couldn't stand it if Chloe was let down again!!!

Great Update, come back with more!!!


31st August 2005, 14:33
So glad that lex showed up, Chloe was so sad and now it's getting better!

31st August 2005, 14:52
Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but that last scene was so sweet it made me teary. *sniffs*

Lovely update. I'll be back later with quotes and such.

Kit Merlot
31st August 2005, 15:18
Reese, this was an emotional and beautiful chapter!

And I love that Pete and Mrs. Kent know Chloe so well that they can tell when she is upset.

And I adored the Lex and Chloe moment in the kitchen--just gorgeous :D

31st August 2005, 16:44
Oh that was to beautiful for words. :wub:

Hope ;)

31st August 2005, 17:04
That was just so sweet. I can relate to trying to act like everyone is expecting us to instead of falling apart with an endless song of "why's?" in our head. I have no words to express how happy I'm that Lex came. And the ending just blew me away. I like the fact that Lex doesn't have to say a lot to still be a perfect match for Chloe.

star del mar
31st August 2005, 17:45
“I’ll always come for you, Chloe. Don’t ever doubt that

God, that one line just did me in. That was a sweet chapter, Lex showed up and I'm so glad that he knew that Chloe just needed to be near him, just needed that reassurance. Great update, I can't wait for more.


31st August 2005, 18:38
awww, more of the lovely togetherness soon please.

31st August 2005, 22:08
LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE EEE the Chlex. I like caring!Lex and insightful!Pete. Pete is always the one who understands what is going on behind the scenes and it's so much fun...

Update soon, as always. I think I've never reiviewed a fanfic without adding those words.

1st September 2005, 00:15
so sweet!!! more soon, please.

1st September 2005, 00:25
Beaytiful chapter. I hope Lex never leaves poor Chloe hanging like that again. Its a wonder she held herself together as well as she did. I'm glad she got her hug. I hope Lex is always there for her as he promises.

Please update this soon.

1st September 2005, 02:06
Sweet update. :wub:

1st September 2005, 02:10
:wub: Loved it what a great update :wub:
Chloe and Lex at the end was so lovely :wub:
Please come back with more soon as i can't wait to see what happens next between them :grin3:

1st September 2005, 15:53
Clark exhaled slowly, releasing his own disappointment before turning back to face Chloe.

Now that the red vehicle was close enough, Clark could see that it was no sports car, but rather a beat up old truck they’d both known long before Lex Luthor had come to town.

Now that was almost as much of a letdown for me as it was for poor Chloe. I'm totally feeling things with her all through this chapter.

PETE!” Chloe flew past Mr. Ross and almost knocked Pete over with her enthusiasm.

“Now that’s more like it,” Pete teased her, returning her hug with equal enthusiasm.

Upon closer inspection, however, Clark noticed there was almost a desperation in the way Pete was holding onto her.

This almost made up for the letdown, as I always like Chloe/Pete friendship, and the way he was holding on to Chloe here was very moving. Excellent, subtle detail that spoke so much.

“Granted, it might not be as exciting as having a playboy billionaire offer up his life to save yours but hey, it’s just Wichita.”

Clark froze at Pete’s words. Even Pete realized, mere seconds after saying them, that they would only serve as a reminder of who wasn’t at the table.

Very nice tense moment. At this point, I'm grumbling to myself that if Lex doesn't get himself over there soon I'm going to kick him in the ass.

I liked all of Pete's silent insights into the situation.

"Don’t do this,” she whispered to herself. She could feel the tears burning in her eyes, begging for release.

Poor, poor Chloe. You've done a great job capturing not only Chloe's character, but a universal emotional experience in this chapter. We've all been there before--wanting one thing in particular but knowing we should be happy with everything else that's going on, staying strong for as long as we can until finally we just need a little breakdown. Wonderful emotional portrayal.

And she certainly wasn’t the girl who was going to catch the undivided and lasting attention of a man like Lex Luthor.

“You’re an idiot,” she mumbled to herself as she started to slowly wipe away the tears that had managed to escape from her eyes.

And there's the emergence of all of her insecurities. Very Chloe, and very human.

She didn’t want to have to explain why she was standing alone in the kitchen crying over a sink of dirty dishes.

She’d almost pulled herself together and was about to turn around when she felt a gentle hand against her cheek as a strand of hair was brushed out of the way.

“Tell me.”

Chloe felt her whole body go warm. His tone was gentle and soothing and she just wanted to get lost in it forever.

So sweet and simple that I went all mushy.

By the time she turned around, the tears had started and there was no way she could hold them back. And part of her didn’t want to. She’d always tried her best to keep her sadness from Clark and, in that moment, realized that was something she didn’t want to do with Lex.

If he was going to see her, he was going to see all of her. Even the weepy, insecure little girl who had a crush on him despite every logical bone in her body screaming against it.

I particularly loved this. I think it really conveys how Chloe is growing, and how her relationship with Lex will be more real and mature than anything she's had before.

But then he said her name. Didn’t actually say it but rather breathed it.

It was almost as if her name escaped his lips in a sigh of relief.

She brought her hands up to his chest and clung to his shirt, burrowing herself further into his embrace. He responded by pulling her even closer.

See, reading it again today got me all misty again. Just a perfect moment.

Wonderful update. I love how you're slowly resolving all of the various threads of the story. I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

1st September 2005, 22:17
This goes out to Norah because everytime I stopped by NS during my "muse free period" she always had a positive little note of encouragement on this thread. Thanks to her and to all of you who didn't give up

:hug: Thank you!!!

I'm so glad you updated again so quickly and your chapter made me so happy. I felt bad for Chloe at the beginning of the chapter and just melted when Lex finally showed up. The scene at the end was just too sweet for words!! :wub: It was just beautiful. I love the hug!! Also liked the part with Pete and everything he noticed. Wonderful, thank you so much!! :clapclap:

2nd September 2005, 10:39
Yay! An update on this wonderful, wonderful fic!

I really enjoyed the Clark/Chloe interaction and the dark part of me enjoyed Clark's too late realisation on just what he is missing out on. But what stood out above the rest was that he was willing to be the kind of friend Chloe would want him to be and to be happy for her, no matter that she choose Lex.

And as for the Chloe and Lex part: *sigh*. Do I need to say more??!!

All I'll ask now is for more of this fic!


9th September 2005, 03:16
Chapter 8:

Martha couldn’t help but smile at her son’s frustration. “Just be there for her, Clark. That’s all you can do.” She paused, sensing his wheels turning. “And sometimes just being there means accepting that you’re not the one that can make things right. This was a nice little mother-son scene. It brought out what Clark was feeling, and his need for wanting to make things right. This last sentence was so plain and true. It was perfect motherly advice.

Clark was a little more than surprised by this burst of honesty and therefore didn’t know how to react. So he just stood there, eyes wide, and prayed she’d keep going so he’d have time to recover.

Luckily, she did. I loved this part. It was just so...Clark :). Sure he's grown more sensitive to Chloe's feeling and become a better friend. But I'm glad that you had this tiny reaction that showed he's still that farmboy that goes awkward when dealing with bluntness and uncomfortable feelings.

He wished he was a better man. A man that didn’t feel jealousy. Or one that appreciated what he had before it was gone. I think it's years of depressingly watching the manner in which Clark acts toward Chloe that makes it hard to believe him ever appreciating her feelings...even in fan-fiction. The feelings of jealously are completely reasonable. (Alien-shmalien) It was very human for Clark to feel that way. He had years of Chloe's undivided attention and more-than-great friendship due to her feelings toward him. And now, he's lost it...lost something he, at the time, didn't know he had had.

He started to back away and reach for the door but he’d barely made it one step when he felt something wrap itself around him.

That something was Chloe.

He couldn’t help but laugh at the force with which she hugged. I would hug him too! I loved that he actually said what he was feeling. He ignored his own unease with the issue and straight out told Chloe and apologized. And bonus points for admitting to the jealousy. Him admitting to it in front of her also reinforced the fact that he truly regretted not seeing her feelings before.

She didn’t even turn around. Her eyes were keenly focused on the approaching vehicle. He wasn’t even sure if she knew he was there.

Clark realized this was just a dose of what was to come. Also, really enjoyed this part. Clark's slowly realizing the changes in their friendship.

Chapter 9:

Pete laughed to himself, wondering when Clark was going to realize that Chloe was never going to need him the way Lana did. I simply loved this tiny part. And overall, I enjoyed how you wrote Pete. Very in character...just perfect.

Martha shook her head as she slowly cleared away the rest of the table.

Some things only a mother can see. I liked how you had Martha here. Her parts are small but the the way you write her doesn't take away from her importance. She's just there, being a wonderful mother...and providing understanding and guidance to anyone in need of it.

“Tell me.” ...

“I didn’t think you were coming.”

“But I called last night and left a message…”...

“I know.”...

“I’ll always come for you, Chloe. Don’t ever doubt that.”... Regarding dialogue, their interaction was very small. But this scene felt so strong. Like there was no need for words. It was beautifully written. Chloe turning around and showing Lex her tears, Lex searching her face before pulling her to him, Chloe's emotions over being wrapped in his arms...all of it was quiet, yet it spoke volumes. She'd been waiting for him and when they finally came together...it wasn't extravagant or anything to that extent. But the simplicity of it all contributed to its beauty.

Wonderful job on both chapters.

3rd October 2005, 17:51
Is this gonna be updated??? Please say it will!!!


2nd November 2005, 21:57
So…I hope no one minds another gargantuan dose of Josi commentary because that’s what I ended up with when I read this story. I was going to keep it brief, but if nothing else, everyone should know that keeping my rambling brief, just doesn’t happen…like ever. So consider yourself warned and feel free to skip ahead if my babbling gives you a headache. :blinkkiss

Chapter 1

“Sorry, Lex. Plans change.”

Clark tossed a victorious smile at Lex before reaching out and taking Chloe’s hand. “Let’s go home, Chlo.”

There was something in the way he said it that made her feel like it was more than just an offer to take her home but rather as an invitation to go back in time…to go back to the way things were.

And yet still she found herself wanting to turn around and take one last look at her most recent heartbreak.
I found this heart wrenching. *sigh* Poor Lex. Stupid Chloe letting herself be led around by that dumbass Clark. Grr...

For the second time in as many years she felt her heart crumble in her chest and settle in her stomach.

He’d said that he had important business to attend to and that’s why he’d just meet up with her at the courthouse.

Now she knew what important business Lex had been referring to.

She remained frozen, looking down the sidewalk at them as he removed the bag from her shoulder.

She took a deep, steadying breath when she saw the familiar smiles they exchanged.

She begged under her breath for it not to happen but she watched nonetheless as it did…as he reached down and put his arms around Lana in a way that he’d never done with her.

Even when she’d basically offered him her life to take down his father.
Ick. Now I feel bad for Chloe. Stupid Lex, mooning over that ever-vapid Lana. Grr.

“Did you know about the two of them?”
Hrm. Are they making assumptions or do they know something’s going on with Lana and Lex other than a tepidly friendly hug? I’m confused…

Chapter 2

He finally conceded and picked up his bag. He turned back before closing the door behind him. "You know, if it’s okay with the Kents, I wouldn’t have any problem with Clark staying here while I’m away."
Well, of course it’s okay…Clark being gay and all.

"Chloe? Chloe?!?"

He found nothing.

Except the sign of a struggle.
Count on Clark being late when Chloe needs him. If it was Lana, though…psh…

He struggled with whether or not he was angry or relieved to see the familiar sports car.
Aww…a knight never had this much horsepower…Woohoo!!

Finally, Lex asked the question that had been eating away at him for the last couple of weeks. "What happened, anyway?"

Eventually, Clark turned to look at him. "What do you mean? I already told you…"

"No, not tonight," he paused. "The day of the hearing. You two haven’t been able to even look at me since that day."

Clark looked down before looking, tentatively, back at the man he once considered a friend.

"We found out," he hesitated, willing himself to say the words out loud. "We found out about you and Lana."
Psh. Since I acbsolutely refuse to believe that Lex wuld have any truly romantice feelings for Lana, I hope he tells Clark off good for jumping to such an obnoxiously disgusting conclusion regarding a friendly hug. Idiots.
Chapter 3

"Why are you so concerned with protecting Chloe anyway?"

"Because she’s my responsibility. She came forward to help me and I promised to keep her safe."

"Is that all?"

Lex hesitated for a moment, as if considering how honest he wanted to be in his response. "No."

He pulled away and started down the stairs.

Clark, satisfied with his answer, followed.
Wow. Clark finally asked a relevant question. And Lex!! I can’t wait for Lex to divulge his personal reasons for being so concerned with protecting Chloe. *dance*

Before leaving though, Martha turned her attention on Lex who was keeping his distance from their interaction. She took a step towards him. "Lex, you will find her."

Lex seemed unable to speak. He just nodded.

She took a step closer. "She’s a strong girl. Stronger than any of you give her credit for. And she won’t give up. She has too much to live for."

Lex, who started to look so uncomfortable he might back away, found himself embraced in one of Martha Kent’s hugs.

"And it’s not my son she’s living for." She whispered in his ear before pulling back enough to look him in the eye. "It hasn’t been for some time."
Wow. I have so much heart for Ma Kent right now. Heh. She’s so perceptive and I’m glad she took the time to express her knowledge and acceptance to Lex.
Chapter 4

"We believe that Mr. Luthor here has removed a witness – a Ms. Chloe Sullivan -- from our protection."

Lex’s head snapped up at the agent’s words. "From your protection?"


"Since when has Chloe been under your protection? Last time I checked, she’d refused the FBI’s offer of protection."

Suddenly, the agent looked uncomfortable. "We deemed it necessary to bring Ms. Sullivan in so that--"

At this, Clark exploded. "You took her!" The only thing that held Clark back was Lex’s hand on his chest.
Ack! Let Clark tear him apart!! *mutter* That no good son of a… *scream*

"Fine." Matthews threw his hands in the air and turned to walk out. "I bet farmboy was tapping that fine young thing, too, and that’s what’s got him--"

"Clark!" Lex’s voice should have come as a warning but Matthews apparently didn’t think that Clark had heard him, which meant he wasn’t expecting what happened next.

Both Lex and Agent Worley tried to hold Clark back but he still managed to get his hands on Matthews back, spinning him around. "If you ever talk about Chloe like that again! Ever!" It was all he managed to get out before throwing the young man back into the steps leading out of the room.
Hit him again! Kick his ass! Dirty, rotten bastard thinks he can talk about Chloe like that…rip him a new asshole! *ehem*

Clark started to walk out but then turned back. "Lex?"

Lex just raised his eyebrows in response.

"I don’t think I ever realized what it was like to be you until just now."

Lex just nodded in response as Clark walked out.
Shit. Two instances of reasonable acknowledgment from Clark Kent. *looks around confusedly* Is it my birthday?

He turned the corner to the most unexpected sight. Before him stood Clark, Mr. Kent and Mr. Ross all looking quite impatient and determined.

"Lex!" Clark reached out and pulled his friend into a hug.

"Clark, what…"

Jonathan answered the question Lex never got to ask. "According to my son, he needs you to help him find Chloe and you can’t do that stuck here with these," he paused for a moment, looking around "…these idiots."
Ha! This is so in character with Pa Kent. And I can totally see this happening on the show...at least if the wasn’t written by a bunch of ignorant fools. Heh.
Lex’s eyes wandered from Mr. Kent to Mr. Ross, an even more surprising addition to the group.

Martha got silent for a moment before looking up at her husband, her eyes lined with worry. "Do you think they’ll find her?"

Jonathan nodded, pulling his wife closer. "By the look in his eyes, I don’t think there’s anything in this world that could keep him from getting her back." He hesitated, looking out into the darkness of the night. "And I pity the man who tries to stop him."
I love this interaction between the Kent’s and not just because Jonathan touts the determination and strength of my beloved Lex, but also because it’s just…*sigh*
Chapter 5

"Well, yes." Edge sounds amused, as if it was the only logical explanation for abducting a seventeen year old girl. "At first, I thought it was that lovely little doe-eyed one that was your fancy but apparently you have even better taste than I gave you credit for."
*cackle* Take that, Lana, you vapid inferior little girl!! *ehem*

"Yes, father. I came here willing to make a deal. Your freedom for her life. But apparently, you aren’t interested. So now I’m going to give Edge what he really wants."

Lionel just looked at his son, waiting for him to finish.

"I’m going to give him a chance at legitimacy…in the form of LutherCorp."

Lionel started to object but Lex continued.

"And I’m going to give him the one thing you always needed but could never bring yourself to love."

He paused, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"I’m going to give him the heir who was never good enough to be your son."
Uh. What?! No! Ack! *whimper* I don’t want Lex to do anything stupid, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to Chloe… *looks around anxiously*
Chapter 6

A flurry of emotions passed across Lex’s features before he stepped forward and embraced Clark. "Take care of her, okay Clark?"

"Lex, what do you mean?" Clark was starting to feel desperate for Lex to tell him what was going on.

"She deserves the best, Clark. She deserves to be loved and cherished for who she is. Don’t ever forget that, do you hear me?"

Lex started to walk past him but froze at the sound of Clark’s voice. "You’re right, Lex. She does deserve all those things." He walked up behind Lex before finishing. "She deserves you."

Lex spun around to face Clark but was unable to say anything in response.

"So whatever plan you have in mind, it better involve you coming back here afterwards so we can all celebrate. Is that clear?"

Lex just nodded and gave one last look at the young man he was happy to call a friend again before turning and walking out.

His only regret was that he wasn’t going to be around to find out if he deserved Chloe after all of this because, as his father had taught him, nothing of worth in life comes without personal sacrifice.

And Chloe was more than worth the sacrifice he was about to make to bring her home.
*whimper* Damn…I could almost cry…I love this part, in a twisted, masochistic sorta way… *sigh*

He placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled it close to his. "It’s time to go now, Chloe."

"Lex, no." She could sense what was happening. Tears started to form in her eyes and she grabbed onto the front of his jacket, her small hands clinging to him for dear life.

"Chloe, please."


"Huh, maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe she does belong to you, Luthor."

And something about that almost made Lex smile.

"Say goodbye now, little lady. Your boyfriend’s about to." Edge chuckled as did the men who surrounded him.

His words confirmed Chloe’s worst fears and suddenly something in her expression changed. She looked intently at Lex. "Stay out of my way," she whispered.
*blink* Uh. I’m getting the impression that Chloe’s going to be all bad ass and I have my fingers crossed she does something totally awesome and does some serious damage to the enemy. *nods emphatically*

Instead he felt a jarring sensation in his side and found himself tumbling toward the ground, a heavy weight landing on top of him.

"Stay down!"
WooHoo!! Clark saves the day!! I never thought I’d ever go excited about Clark showing up at an opportune moment! :ecstatic: Kudos.

Then he turned to see Lex walking towards them. He leaned down and whispered something to Chloe who had her head buried against his chest. She looked up, eyes wide and glanced in the direction Clark gestured with his head.

She dropped down out of his arms and started running in Lex’s direction.

He met her halfway and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground and burying his head in her hair as he whispered her name over and over again.

Eventually, he released her, allowing her to stand on her own two feet again.

"Chloe, there’s so much I want to say. So much--"

"I know, Lex. Me, too. But for now, can we just go home?"

Lex smiled, then dangled the keys in front of her. "I think our ride is waiting just over there."
*swoon* Oh what a great image. I’m now officially in Chlex heaven. Unfortunately, I doubt this is the end of the problems, so I’m trying not to get too comfortable with the warmth saturating my heart.
Chapter 7

"We know where he went, right?"

He hadn’t told them but they’d both narrowed it down over dinner as to what "business" he had to attend to.

"Yeah. And that’s why I’m worried."

"Don’t be, Chloe. Something happened out there today…something that changed Lex." Clark pauses, unsure if he could even describe it to her if he tried.

"It’s not Lex I’m worried about."

Clark didn’t argue any further. He understood why Chloe was concerned and, if pressed, would admit that he shared her concern to some degree.

But he wanted to have faith. Wanted to believe that people could change. Wanted to hope for the best.

But, in the end, his need to be sure won out.

"We’ll give it an hour."

Chloe just nodded and then sank back into the other end of the swing.

And the two of them just rocked in silence as they counted the minutes that passed into darkness.
I wouldn’t have been capable of waiting an hour. No way, no how.

Just as quickly though, he recovered and offered his son nothing but an indifferent smile. "I’m so happy you’ve found a friend to play with, son."
I must interject to quite crassly offer to be a friend for Lex to play with. Heheh.

Chapter 8

Lex had called the night before but only left a message with Mrs. Kent. Clark had come in shortly thereafter to check the time and had gotten the message from his mom that Lex had called. He’d passed the message onto Chloe when he’d gone back outside.
Chloe had gone to bed shortly thereafter without saying a word.
Just when I give Lex credit for being smarter than the average man he pulls this kind of asinine stereotypical shit. Leaving a message with Ma Kent rather than speaking to Chloe…how fucking stupid. I don’t blame Chloe for feeling hurt.

He stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders. She looked almost startled at the contact. “I’m sorry I didn’t know or understand your feelings for me for all those years. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you until recently. I’m sorry that somehow your experience with me makes you think you’re not worthy of love beyond friendship. I’m sorry…” He paused and looked away before settling his eyes on her once again. “I’m sorry that I’m jealous as hell knowing that you love him more than you ever loved me.”

Chloe’s mouth dropped open…but nothing came out.
Writer’s of Smallville take note – This is what Clark needs to say on the show. After the Chlex hook-up, of course. *sigh* Awesome. Too bad we’ll never see this…

Clark reached out and put a hand on her arm. “And he has feelings for you, too, you know. Just for the record.”

A sad smile appeared. “Yeah, but not enough to want to talk to me last night.”

“Chloe. We can pretty much guess where he went and we can also guess how it went.” He paused, making sure she understood.

She nodded in reluctant agreement.

“Not everyone is as stupid as I am, Chloe. Especially not Lex Luthor.”
Second best thing to ever come out of Clark’s mouth. Major kudos. And you’re totally playing my overly cynical heart strings like a pro. Awesome.

He walked up behind her and offered a supportive squeeze on the shoulder.

She didn’t even turn around. Her eyes were keenly focused on the approaching vehicle. He wasn’t even sure if she knew he was there.

Clark realized this was just a dose of what was to come.

But still he prayed for the approaching red vehicle to be a sports car.

Because that’s what friends are for.
Fuck. Clark actually being concerned about being a friend to Chloe. Better yet, Clark even acknowledging what a friend is. I’m impressed. I could actually like Clark…
Chapter 9

“PETE!” Chloe flew past Mr. Ross and almost knocked Pete over with her enthusiasm.
WooHoo! The return of Pete Ross!! Oh, how I’d pay to see this on my television.

“She didn’t mention anything to me on the matter. But I could step back outside and ask her, if you’d like.”

Chloe’s whole body tensed at the voice coming from behind her.

She wanted to turn around, see him with her own eyes, confirm that he was really there.

But her body was frozen in place. So she kept her back to him and just tried to resume her breathing before she passed out.
Squee!!! *ehem* It’s about frigging time, you insensitive cretin! Whew! I’m relieved the idiot finally showed up, but now I have a terrible knot in my stomach…

He put a hand on her shoulder. A gesture that seemed to beg her to turn around.

By the time she turned around, the tears had started and there was no way she could hold them back. And part of her didn’t want to. She’d always tried her best to keep her sadness from Clark and, in that moment, realized that was something she didn’t want to do with Lex.

If he was going to see her, he was going to see all of her. Even the weepy, insecure little girl who had a crush on him despite every logical bone in her body screaming against it.
And this is the most logical thought I’ve ever heard from Chloe in regards to relationships. And I agree completely, though, the cynic in me is screaming.

She thought she was in heaven.

But then he spoke.

“I’ll always come for you, Chloe. Don’t ever doubt that.”

And she realized that being in his arms was only half the experience of this heaven.
Heheh. Okay, the cynical smut-lover in me is screaming to be heard, so I must point out how hard I laughed at Lex’s supposed innocent comment about Lex always coming for Chloe. *ehem* WooHoo!! *dance* Chlex smut!

Reese ~ Wow. Great story. I love how you’ve portrayed the characters and how they interact with each other. Hell, you’ve even managed to make me like Clark, which almost never happens. Kudos. Of course, this means I’m going to have be all demanding and ask where the next chapter is. I need it…seriously….please… *holds up voodoo doll ominously* :yeahbaby:

4th November 2005, 09:51
Just a little something to get Josi to put away that damn voodoo doll ;)

Chapter 10: Resolution


“Well, I guess I better be going.” Mr. Ross got up from his seat and extended a hand towards his old friend. “Jonathon, Martha…a pleasure as always.” He then turned to Pete. “Let me guess, you’re staying here tonight.”

Pete just smiled. “You got it, dad. I’ll have Clark drop me off in the morning and we’ll have lunch before I head back.”

“Head back?” Chloe’s expression revealed not only her shock but her dislike of the idea. “You’re going back already?”

“Sorry, Chloe. I’ve got to get back for football camp. I’m the new guy, remember, so missing it wouldn’t exactly help my chances come this fall, you know?”

“But you’re staying here tonight?” He nodded. “Well, okay then.” She wasn’t exactly pleased but at least it was something.

“Lex,” Mr. Ross extended his hand. “Good to see you again and under these better circumstances.”

“Yes, sir. I agree.”

Mr. Ross finished a silent exchange over his handshake with Lex before turning his attention to Chloe who was standing by for her goodbye hug. “And you, little lady. Try keeping out of trouble, at least for a few days, okay?”

She jokingly rolled her eyes at his request before throwing her arms around him. It wasn’t as good as having her own father around but it was something.

“I’ll see you all later.” And with that, he turned and headed for his truck.

“Well, I guess I better get you set up in the guest room, Pete.” Martha picked up the remaining items from the table and started to head in.

“Why don’t you two help me with something in the barn before I turn you loose for the evening?” Mr. Kent gestured for Pete and Clark to follow him.

Clark said a quick goodbye to Lex, agreeing they’d meet for lunch in a couple of days, before turning and following his father.

Pete stepped up to Lex, clearly eyeing him from head to toe. “I have to say it, Lex…” Both Lex and Chloe held their breath for what was coming next. “It’s good to see you. And good to see you’ve decided to channel all that interest of yours in a more positive direction.” He winked at Chloe before giving Lex a good-natured pat on the arm before turning and walking away.

Chloe and Lex just stood in silence.

“Well, that was…”

“Yeah, I don’t have the words either.”

They laughed before turning to face each other. “I should probably go, too.”

Chloe just stood frozen, unsure of what to say.

“Do you want me to give you a ride tomorrow to the airport to pick up your dad?” He’d been the one to break the news to her that her dad wasn’t going to be home until tomorrow so the least he could do was quicken their reunion by taking her to the airport personally.

“That’d be great, Lex, but…”

“Clark already offered, didn’t he?” Lex looked down briefly at the ground on which he stood. Chloe just watched, unsure of what to make of it.

“You could come along, too, you know?”

Lex smiled, albeit a weak one. “It’s okay, Chloe. I know he’s an important part of your life and trust me, after the time I’ve spent with him lately, I know you’re an important part of his as well.”

“Yeah, we’ve had some good talks since I’ve been back.” She couldn’t quite face Lex as she spoke, afraid he’d be able to somehow read her mind about what she and Clark had actually discussed.

“So I’ll call you?” Chloe felt somewhat amused by the uncertainty in his voice but just smiled in response.

Lex took this as a sign that their conversation was over and turned to walk away.


He turned around to face her.

“Do you have to go?”

He took a couple of steps back to her and rested both hands on her shoulders, something he’d done a dozen times before in previous months but this time…this time it felt different.

“I should really leave you to your friends. Pete’s only here for tonight and…” he hesitated for a moment before continuing, “and I’m not going anywhere.”

Chloe didn’t think, just reacted. She reached out and put her arms around him, clinging to him as though she somehow doubted she’d ever see him again.

“Chloe, I promise.”

She pulled back and smiled sheepishly up at him. “Sorry, old insecurities die hard.”

He reached over and put his hand against the side of her face. “We both have a lot of old issues to work through.”

She nodded, crossing her arms and taking a step back. He smiled down at her one last time before and turning and walking away.

She watched him go and was overcome with a feeling she never would have expected.

Confidence. She was sure she was going to see him again…and soon.


Chloe realized around midnight she was never going to get to sleep. Not only was she in a bed that was not her own, she had other things on her mind than sleep.

Then she had an idea, laughed at how ridiculous it was and rolled over again.

A moment later she threw the covers off and started searching for her clothes. She couldn’t help how odd it was to be searching for her shirt in Clark Kent’s room.

She laughed at how her life had changed.

A year ago, this would have been a fantasy come true. Now it was just one step she needed to take in order to reach her fantasy.

She opened the door quietly, looking down the hall. As expected, all the lights were out as the rest of house had gone to bed a couple of hours before.

She tip-toed down the stairs, picking up her purse and fumbling around in the dark for her keys before realizing they would do her no good.

Her car was still at home, the place she’d been avoiding since she got back.

She cursed under her breath and then froze at what sounded like laughter coming from the darkened kitchen.

She turned the corner and the light flicked on revealing Pete and Clark at the table eating what was left of her pecan pie.

Pete just smiled. “Told you, Clark.” He looked pointedly at Clark who took a deep breath before surrendering the last piece of pie.

“What are you two doing up?” Chloe’s strained whisper sounded more like a shriek.

“Waiting for you, of course.”

She looked at the empty pie pan before them.

“Oh, and eating the rest of my pie?”

“We needed something to do while we waited.” Pete laughed before digging into the last piece.

Chloe finally walked over to the table where they sat.

“Seriously, what are you two doing up? I thought you were already in bed.”

“Pete here said we should stay up because your day wasn’t over.” Clark looked at her, his expression a mixture of amusement and concern. “Seems he was right.”

“Of course I was, Clark. Why do you doubt me when it comes to making Chloe-predictions? I’m better at this than you. Always have been, always will be.” Pete flashed a victorious smile at both of them before digging into what was left of the pie before him while Clark looked on in frustration.

Chloe just stood there, tapping her foot impatiently. She had somewhere to be and she wasn’t sure how serious of an obstacle the two of them were going to be in getting there.

Eventually, Pete finished his pie and looked up at her. “So do you want to tell us where you’re going at this hour, young lady?”

“No, not really.” Chloe was growing more and more agitated as she realized how much fun Pete was having with this.

Clark got up and made his way to her, his concern evident. “Chloe, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, it’s really late and it’s been a long couple of days and…”

At this point, Pete rose from his seat and gently nudged Clark out of the way. “What he’s trying to say, Chloe, is we want you to be sure this is what you want before you walk out that door.”

Clark looked shocked at Pete’s statement. “That’s not what I meant. I was just trying to…”

Pete just held up a hand to silence him. “Leave this to me, Clark.” He turned back to Chloe. “Well?”

Chloe slumped down in to the chair behind her. “Yes, this is what I want. This is what I’ve always wanted.”

She noticed the slight effect this statement had on Clark and amended her statement. “Well, not always but…”

The three of them stood there for a moment, just staring at each other.

“So I guess that just leaves one question.”

Chloe, pleased to see this interrogation wasn’t going to last all night, nodded for Pete to continue.

“Do you have protection?”

“What?!?” Both Chloe and Clark responded in shocked unison. The tension eased soon after as Pete broke into laughter.

“You two are just too easy sometimes, let me tell you.”

Both Chloe and Clark joined in with their own nervous laughter for a moment before they all again fell into silence.

“But seriously, Chloe…” Clark began.

Chloe rose from her seat quickly. “I swear, Clark, if you’re going to ask me if I have protection, I think I might—“

Pete laughed and put a hand on her shoulder. “I think he was just going to ask on how you plan to get there and back.” He looked over his shoulder and Clark just half-heartedly nodded, leaving Chloe to wonder if that’s what he was actually going to say.

“I was…um…hoping to take the truck?” Her face tightened into an unsure expression before Pete just nodded and turned back to Clark.

“Come on, man. Looks like we have some heavy pushing to do.”

“What?” Clark asked before following Pete out the back door.

Chloe looked after them for a moment in confusion before eventually following them out. By the time she got there, Pete and Clark were already pushing the truck down the long driveway of the Kent house.

Pete turned and signaled for her to follow them.

Chloe looked on, impressed that the two of them were pushing the truck with such ease.

When they got to the end of the driveway, Clark hesitantly handed over the keys while Pete looked on.

“Be careful,” he added as he placed them in her outstretched hand.

“What he means is, have fun…but don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Pete winked before giving her a pat on the arm.

Chloe just rolled her eyes in response. “Well, that does give me a lot of leeway, doesn’t it?”

They both laughed as Clark started to open his mouth to object. He closed it and smiled at them sheepishly, knowing they were just having fun at his expense.

Truth was he’d missed that about the three of them hanging out.

Chloe just gave him a quick hug before getting into the truck. “I’ll be back soon.” She closed the door and started up the engine, slowly pulling out of the driveway before turning on the lights.

Clark and Pete just watched her pull away in silence.

“I can’t believe I just did that.” Clark shook his head as they both turned to make their way back to the house.

“Just think, Chloe will owe you one when Lana’s back in town.” He gave Clark a friendly slap on the chest.

Clark blushed, not so much from the shock of the suggestion, but from the embarrassment of having thought of it first.



4th November 2005, 15:20
Well, I was having a crappy morning thanks to certain spoilers I just read, so this is just about the only thing that could have made my morning better. Thank you, Reese.

They laughed before turning to face each other. “I should probably go, too.”

Chloe just stood frozen, unsure of what to say.

Um, Chloe? You could say, "Don't you dare go yet, until we get a little real reconciliation."

You know the kind I mean. *winks broadly at Reese*

Erica knows the kind I mean . . .

Heheh. Okay, the cynical smut-lover in me is screaming to be heard, so I must point out how hard I laughed at Lex’s supposed innocent comment about Lex always coming for Chloe. *ehem* WooHoo!! *dance* Chlex smut!

. . . just thought I'd throw it in there.

Confidence. She was sure she was going to see him again…and soon.

I should certainly hope so. *sigh* I can wait one more day, I suppose.

She tip-toed down the stairs, picking up her purse and fumbling around in the dark for her keys before realizing they would do her no good.

Ooh! Very good idea, Chloe. Maybe I won't have to wait another day.

Pete and Clark were very cute as they teased Chloe.

“Do you have protection?”

“What?!?” Both Chloe and Clark responded in shocked unison. The tension eased soon after as Pete broke into laughter.

“You two are just too easy sometimes, let me tell you.”

*shocked look* Why are they laughing? I mean, seriously, it's a very good question. Isn't it? You wouldn't be stringing me along or anything, would you?

Clark blushed, not so much from the shock of the suggestion, but from the embarrassment of having thought of it first.


I loved it. Just what I needed. Sweet and light-hearted, with promises of yummy stuff to come.

Now, back to the primary issue . . . you aren't just teasing me with talk about protection and visits to Lex in the middle of the night, are you? Because, you know what I expect, don't you? You wouldn't want to crush me, would you?

The show has already crushed me enough.

Thank you very much for the update. I'll be looking forward to another one soon.

4th November 2005, 17:16
That was a great update. I can't wait until more like tomorrow right? :D

Hope ;)

4th November 2005, 17:52
Oh my goodness. This is such a great story! I absolutely adore the interactions you have created with Chloe, Pete, and Clark. Then JK and Ross pulling together for Lex was awesome. And the Chlark you created warms me to my toes.

So... when do you start writing for SV? Because, seriously, you rock where they suck. :D

4th November 2005, 18:27
Hee. Wonderful update. I was yelling at Chloe to not let Lex go but she made up for it by deciding to pay him the late night visit. *so tempted to say booty call*

At this point, Pete rose from his seat and gently nudged Clark out of the way. “What he’s trying to say, Chloe, is we want you to be sure this is what you want before you walk out that door.”

Clark looked shocked at Pete’s statement. “That’s not what I meant. I was just trying to…”

Pete just held up a hand to silence him. “Leave this to me, Clark.” He turned back to Chloe. “Well?”

Chloe slumped down in to the chair behind her. “Yes, this is what I want. This is what I’ve always wanted.”

She noticed the slight effect this statement had on Clark and amended her statement. “Well, not always but…”

The three of them stood there for a moment, just staring at each other.

“So I guess that just leaves one question.”

Chloe, pleased to see this interrogation wasn’t going to last all night, nodded for Pete to continue.

“Do you have protection?”

“What?!?” Both Chloe and Clark responded in shocked unison. The tension eased soon after as Pete broke into laughter.

“You two are just too easy sometimes, let me tell you.”

Both Chloe and Clark joined in with their own nervous laughter for a moment before they all again fell into silence.

“But seriously, Chloe…” Clark began.

Chloe rose from her seat quickly. “I swear, Clark, if you’re going to ask me if I have protection, I think I might—“

:D :D The Pete/Chloe/Clark dynamic is here is just excellent. Love that Pete knows his friends so well. Excellent update and can't wait to see what happens when Chloe reaches her destination.

Kit Merlot
4th November 2005, 18:31
Excellent work, Reese!

I love how you write the Chlark friendship--I genuinely believe that these two are best firends.

And I liked Lex being disappointed that the couldn't drive Chloe to the airport--how sweet was that?!

Please hurry back with your nre update:grin3:

4th November 2005, 19:15
That was a great update. Loved that she couldn't wait, I feel that impatient all the time.

4th November 2005, 21:00
Just a little something to get Josi to put away that damn voodoo doll
*hugs voodoo doll tightly* WooHoo! The Chlex voodoo works!!

Pete stepped up to Lex, clearly eyeing him from head to toe. “I have to say it, Lex…” Both Lex and Chloe held their breath for what was coming next. “It’s good to see you. And good to see you’ve decided to channel all that interest of yours in a more positive direction.” He winked at Chloe before giving Lex a good-natured pat on the arm before turning and walking away.
I like this Pete. It’s too bad the incompetent Smallville writer’s never let him have more than three plotlines to all three seasons. Idiots.


He turned around to face her.

“Do you have to go?”

He took a couple of steps back to her and rested both hands on her shoulders, something he’d done a dozen times before in previous months but this time…this time it felt different.

“I should really leave you to your friends. Pete’s only here for tonight and…” he hesitated for a moment before continuing, “and I’m not going anywhere.”
Aww…*sigh* He better not go anywhere. And he frigging better not go have any interaction with Lana what-so-ever with the exception of tying a brick to her head and heaving her bodily off a cliff, bridge or any other structure providing a long drop to water. Hrmph.

At this point, Pete rose from his seat and gently nudged Clark out of the way. “What he’s trying to say, Chloe, is we want you to be sure this is what you want before you walk out that door.”

Clark looked shocked at Pete’s statement. “That’s not what I meant. I was just trying to…”

Pete just held up a hand to silence him. “Leave this to me, Clark.” He turned back to Chloe. “Well?”

Chloe slumped down in to the chair behind her. “Yes, this is what I want. This is what I’ve always wanted.”

She noticed the slight effect this statement had on Clark and amended her statement. “Well, not always but…”

The three of them stood there for a moment, just staring at each other.

“So I guess that just leaves one question.”

Chloe, pleased to see this interrogation wasn’t going to last all night, nodded for Pete to continue.

“Do you have protection?”
Bwahahahahahaha!!!! It’s official. I love Pete! And the thought of you succumbing to my (and Zannie’s) incessant pleas for smut gets me all :ecstatic: *snicker*

“What he means is, have fun…but don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Pete winked before giving her a pat on the arm.
Better yet, have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Heh. There now that leaves you wide open for some Chlex fun…

“Just think, Chloe will owe you one when Lana’s back in town.” He gave Clark a friendly slap on the chest.

Clark blushed, not so much from the shock of the suggestion, but from the embarrassment of having thought of it first.
Ick. Then you go and ruin my imminent Chlex glow with mention of Clana nastiness. Ew. Ew. Ew. *gag*

Now, back to the primary issue . . . you aren't just teasing me with talk about protection and visits to Lex in the middle of the night, are you? Because, you know what I expect, don't you? You wouldn't want to crush me, would you?

The show has already crushed me enough.
And I'm with Zannie on this one as I too have once again been crushed by the injustice of the Smallville writers. I'm hoping you'll hear our plea and give us what we so yearn for. And if our undying gratitude is not enough, I'll pay you. Would you take cookies and pie? :yeahbaby:

Reese ~ Great update, thank you very much. I really enjoyed the interaction between Chloe, Clark and Pete, though it made me rather nostalgic…for what I’m not sure since AlMiles did with this relationship was fuck it up. *shrug* I guess I’m mourning for what could’ve been. Now…about that Chlex fun… *clutches voodoo doll behind back*
;) Erica

4th November 2005, 21:07
Oh bugger~

*sniff* You make me miss the male species so much. Wah!

Lex is so sweet - he CAME!!! *sigh*

Reese, that was so nice....

And Pete. *smiles* oh, he's so cool... he could always understand Chloe - he could always see things that Clark was too blind to see.... blahhhhhhhh why did he have to leave? *sniff*

Wonderful update....

I want a hug now!!!

4th November 2005, 21:41
i really loved this chapter, i think the interaction between Chloe, Clark and Pete is really sweet and Pete is too funny!!!


4th November 2005, 22:57
great story can't wait for more so please update as soon as possible.

star del mar
5th November 2005, 06:38
I'm so glad you updated but you had to stop there! What a mess, I can already feel myself getting impatient as I come up with all kinds of scenarios that could happen, all of them leaning towards an R rating :D It was good to see Chloe and Lex together, at least they recognize that they might have to work at what they have a little more but it's still ok. And thumbs up to Clark and Pete for helping a girl out, she's going to get her man, heh. Great update!


5th November 2005, 11:04
great story, totally loving it, hope you update soon

5th November 2005, 14:06
Buahahahaha! Oh lord the thought of Clark & Pete helping Chloe sneak out in the middle of the night to go and "see" Lex is just too much. :rofl: And then... Pete and his protection!!! Gah! :grin:

Wonderful update I can't wait to see what happens when Chloe gets to the mansion and wakes Lex up...:yeahbaby:

6th November 2005, 19:14
:worship: :worship: Thank you thank you thank you for updating!!! I'm so happy! I love this update, the Pete, Chloe, and Clark conversation was sweet and so funny! :rofl: I was sorry when Lex left but now she's going to go see him! I can't wait to see what happens. Please let there be some romance! :beg:

7th November 2005, 05:17
I am so glad you brought Pete back for this fic and then did THAT with him!!! The visual of him and Clark pushing Chloe to the road had me on my floor! No lie. You win the Best Use of Pete Ross Award! Man, I miss the three of them together.

Of all the great moments on this fic, and there are many, that one stands out, because it was so great to see Chloe finally getting the support she needed from her friends, not second-guessing her, not lecturing her, just letting her make her own choices and being there for her while she did it. After I stopped laughing, I got all choked up. It's the kind of Chloe/Pete/Clark friendship moment that never really materialized on the show even though it was sorely needed. Well done, Reese.

I know how crazy life is for you so get the next part up when you can.

7th November 2005, 07:28

Chloe tried her best to restrain herself as she followed one of Lex’s staff to his study.

“Mr. Luthor? There’s a Chloe Sullivan here to see you.” Lex must have signaled him to let her in because finally the man stepped out of her way and let her in, closing the door behind her.

Lex stared out the window, drink in hand, as she walked in.

“You stole the Kent’s truck?”

She laughed nervously. “I sort of borrowed it.”

He turned to face her. “And you managed to do so without being detected?”

She noticed he seemed to be quite amused at the idea.

“Not exactly.”

He raised his eyes in response. “Not exactly…?”

Chloe finally just gave in. “I came downstairs to find Pete and Clark up waiting for me. We had a little chat and then they helped me borrow the truck.”

Lex took another sip of his drink before placing the glass on the bar next to him. “A little chat? I’m sure that was…interesting.” He tried not to laugh.

“It’s not funny.” She plopped down on the couch. “It was far worse than facing my dad has ever been.”

“Oh, I doubt that,” Lex mused. “I’m not one to speak from experience on the matter, but I’ve always heard the concerned father lecture can be quite an experience. At least you didn’t have to endure one of those.”

He paused at her silence. “Did you?”

“Uh, worse. I got a version of the talk from Clark and Pete.”

Lex almost choked then started to laugh.

“I mean, Pete I can see…but Clark?”

“He mostly just nodded and suggested I go back to bed and sleep on it.”

Lex considered this for a moment.

“We should keep that in mind when Lana returns.”

“Oh, he’s going to pay. I can promise you that.” She stopped and looked up to where he was standing. “When does she get back anyway?”

He made his way over to the couch before responding. Chloe was disappointed that he chose the other end of the couch to take his seat.

“She has some final classes this coming week but arrangements have already been made to have her home soon after.”

“Arrangements?” She almost laughed at how he worded it. “So a LuthorCorp jet will be waiting for her as soon as she walks out of her last final?”

Lex laughed as well. “Something like that.”

Chloe stilled for a moment before speaking. “You’re anxious to have her home?”

“Yes,” he reached out the hand that had been resting on the back of the couch and rested it on Chloe’s shoulder. “For Clark’s sake.”

She just nodded.

“Clark did explain everything to you, didn’t he? About what you saw at the airport that day?”

She just nodded again, keeping her attention on the bag in her lap.


“Hm?” She looked up and over at him, trying to keep her composed expression intact.

“Do we need to talk about this?”

Something in her went soft at the expression on his face and the concern in his voice. She didn’t want to be some weak little girl that always needed reassurance but part of her had gone without it for so long, she knew it would take time to silence the doubts in her head.

So she just shook her head and changed the subject. “I’d rather talk about my dad. When is he coming home tomorrow anyway?”

Lex looked away briefly. “I told Clark I’d let him know when your father arrived.”

Chloe nodded slowly. “Right. Got to make sure he actually arrives where he’s supposed to this time.”

She hadn’t meant it to sound quite as bitter as it had.

Lex looked back at her. “Chloe, I’m sorry. I should have taken more precautions where your father was concerned and—“

“I didn’t mean it like that, Lex. Really. It’s just…” she hesitated. “Am I always going to feel like this? Afraid that someone or something is waiting in the shadows?” She threw her hands up in the air in an exasperated gesture. “I mean all of this, all that’s happened, wasn’t even your father’s doing. And that’s who I thought we were supposed to be worried about.”

She dropped her hands back into her lap. “I just don’t want to spend the rest of my life fearing what’s just around the corner, you know?”

She sensed Lex stiffen before he stood and made his way back to the bar. She slumped down into her seat, disappointed by his reaction.

She wasn’t sure what she’d wanted from him, but his walking away like that certainly wasn’t it.

He kept his back to her when he spoke. “Chloe, I promise I will do everything in my power to protect you. You risked a great deal by coming forward with the information you had on my father and I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life regretting it.”

“Lex, I don’t.” She tried to convey so much with just those three words. She could tell what he was struggling with and she wanted to do whatever she could to help ease his concern. “Please believe me when I tell you that.”

He finally turned to face her, a sad smile on his face. “But it’s not over yet, Chloe. We still have several weeks until the trial and while I doubt my father will try anything at this point, I can’t say for sure. He is, at best, unpredictable these days.” He took another drink and turned away from her again, putting his glass down and resting both hands on the bar as if needing the support.

Chloe felt a sense of dread wash over her. “I have to go into protective custody, don’t I? That’s what this is about?”

She unconsciously wrapped her arms around herself as a shiver raced down her spine.

She waited for Lex to respond but he said nothing.

“But I don’t want to. I mean that one agent, he gives me the creeps and then…”

Lex spun around. “You don’t have to worry about Matthews. He’s no longer an agent.”

Chloe took a sharp intake of breath. She could see something in Lex’s eyes that reminded her of something she’d almost forgotten.

He was a Luthor.

And he could be ruthless.

“Lex?” There were so many questions she wanted to ask.

Some of them she was afraid to ask for fear that she'd offend him.

And others she was afraid of the answers she might get in return.

Lex seemed to read her thoughts. “Turns out he’s made unwanted advances on some of his female co-workers in the past and it finally came to light. The Bureau dismissed him yesterday.”

Chloe just nodded and tried not to smile. She wasn’t sure how, but she was certain Lex had something to do with this information finally coming out.

“As for protective custody,” Lex stood standing several feet from her as he spoke. “That’s your decision to make.”

She hesitated, trying to figure out what to say in response.

“What do you think?” She asked softly.

He nodded, it seemed in relief, before taking his seat again on the couch. “I don’t honestly know, Chloe.” He put his hand back on her shoulder. “I just know I want you to be safe.”

She smiled and looked down for a moment before looking back up at him. “I don’t want to, even more now than I did before.” She took a deep breath. “I have a lot here I don’t want to leave, especially now.”

She tried to keep her voice casual and general but she was sure something in her eyes gave her away.

“I’m sure Clark and I can come up with another alternative.”

Chloe smiled brightly for the first time all evening.

Part of it was from the relief of not having to go into hiding for the next couple of months.

But a larger part came from the idea of Clark and Lex working together to keep her safe.

For the first time in days, she wasn’t afraid.

She noticed Lex glancing at the clock on his desk. “You should get going soon. Don’t want the Kents to wake up and find their truck missing.” He laughed to himself. “Simply because I don’t even want to imagine what story Clark would come up with to cover for you.”

She laughed and started to get up, noticing that he rose at the same time. She wasn’t sure what to do next. So she just smiled and started to back towards the door.

“Night, Lex.”

“Goodnight, Chloe.”

She noticed he started to open his mouth to say something before closing it and putting his hands in his pockets. He simply nodded as if to reaffirm their goodbye.

That’s when she stopped.

And he seemed to freeze when she did so.

And that’s when she realized she wasn’t leaving until she got what she came for.


*reaches out and tags NBG* You're it!

7th November 2005, 12:27


7th November 2005, 13:14
Umm, Where the frell is the rest of your post!!!!! :puppydog: Please come back and update again.

7th November 2005, 15:38
What! What! What! You left it there? How could you? How can writers do such a thing? String innocent readers along, playing with their emotions, and getting them all excited . . . and then drop off at the most crucial moments! Outrageous, I say! Writers shouldn't be allowed to . . .

*considers her own writing habits*

*ahem* Brilliant cliff-hanger, Reese. It's one of the best writing strategies I know. And a perfect way to leave the readers wanting more.

“Oh, I doubt that,” Lex mused. “I’m not one to speak from experience on the matter, but I’ve always heard the concerned father lecture can be quite an experience. At least you didn’t have to endure one of those.”

He paused at her silence. “Did you?”

I love thoughtful, amused Lex, and his added question at the end there was the most adorable thing in the world. It's so sweet that he got insecure and worried about Gabe's reaction. *pats Lex's shiny head*

He made his way over to the couch before responding. Chloe was disappointed that he chose the other end of the couch to take his seat.

I should certainly think so. Why are you being so coy and reserved, Lex? A little snuggling is in order . . . at the very least.

“Hm?” She looked up and over at him, trying to keep her composed expression intact.

“Do we need to talk about this?”

Something in her went soft at the expression on his face and the concern in his voice. She didn’t want to be some weak little girl that always needed reassurance but part of her had gone without it for so long, she knew it would take time to silence the doubts in her head.

I loved this part. Lex was once again being adorably sweet, but I love how realistically you handled it. Just because Chloe is on the way to getting the guy of her dreams doesn't mean all the doubts just automatically go away. I was really feeling with Chloe at this moment, and so it was very powerful.

She sensed Lex stiffen before he stood and made his way back to the bar. She slumped down into her seat, disappointed by his reaction.

She wasn’t sure what she’d wanted from him, but his walking away like that certainly wasn’t it.

That's for sure. What's up with all the coyness and distance, Lex? Are you trying to be a sacrificial martyr on us again? Letting your insecurities get in the way of what you want?

You know how we all feel about that kind of thing, don't you? *stops patting Lex's bald head*

Chloe took a sharp intake of breath. She could see something in Lex’s eyes that reminded her of something she’d almost forgotten.

He was a Luthor.

And he could be ruthless.

Very nice.

But a larger part came from the idea of Clark and Lex working together to keep her safe.

For the first time in days, she wasn’t afraid.

Now that's a perfect Reese resolution.

“Night, Lex.”

“Goodnight, Chloe.”

She noticed he started to open his mouth to say something before closing it and putting his hands in his pockets. He simply nodded as if to reaffirm their goodbye.

That’s when she stopped.

And he seemed to freeze when she did so.

And that’s when she realized she wasn’t leaving until she got what she came for.

Of course you haven't! What's going on? Tackle him, Chloe. Or yell at him until he kisses you. Or go and rub up against him--I'm sure he'd get the hint. Don't let him get away with this distant, sacrifice-my-happiness-for-the-good-of-the-woman-I-love act. Urgh.

Wonderful update and a lovely, human conversation between Chloe and Lex. Everything is wrapping up in very satisfying ways. Needless to say . . . I can't wait for more.

7th November 2005, 21:12
wtf? WHAT?! O_O *throws a fit*

Bugger, update update! That was cruel... utterly cruel... *cries*

What the hell does she want?? *yes I'm that naive* I can conjure up possible scenarios (one with a little *smut* in it) but I want to see what you come up with.

Please come back soon and finish this scene up!

Dont' leave us hanging to long!

7th November 2005, 21:45
Uhm I am scrolling down the board and I am looking for the rest where is it? ;) I know if I scroll donw some more I will find it right? Right? :eek:

Hope ;)

8th November 2005, 00:53
Reese, darliing, I think you were so anxious to tag me in that you forgot to post the rest of the chapter. You know, the part where Chloe tackles him, rips off his shirt and licks a line down to his... Oh wait, that was my dream.

Anyway, you left out something there.

Lex was almost shy in this, too cute. But...cuteness is over, let's see some smoochies! :) BTW, I know that I am "it", my chapter is being beta'd.

star del mar
8th November 2005, 04:01
And that’s when she realized she wasn’t leaving until she got what she came for.

Hell yes! That can only be a good thing, hopefully. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I love it when Lex is all protective and stuff :) Great update!


9th November 2005, 04:18
>Wags finger< Uh, uh. Not cool. You come back here and finish! There has to be more! There has to! Great job as usual.

14th November 2005, 03:35
Reese, oh Reese, *looks under the chair* Where are you? I had heard rumors about an update. I'll show mine if you show yours.:grin3:

15th November 2005, 05:07
*looks over FB for previous update*

Oh, come on, guys! I update twice in one week for the first time in ages
and then you piss and moan over a little cliffhanger? *shakes head*

Okay, I'm going to say this chapter is rated "R" because...well...I've always wanted an "R" chapter in one of my stories :yeahbaby:

And yes, to those of you who I can already sense are about to jump the gun, it's only an "R" rating. And barely even that, I assure you.

*dodges flying objects* What? I'm not a smut writer! Give me a break!


Chapter 12

He stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what she was doing.


He remained frozen in place waiting for her to say or do something – anything – to indicate why she wasn’t leaving.

He didn’t want her to leave.

But he needed her to leave.

He’d managed a degree of self-restraint when she’d walked through that door earlier that impressed even himself.

He’d made it through their conversation on the couch without taking her into his arms and saying things that could never be taken back.

And most importantly, he’d resisted the pull towards her he’d felt growing inside of him over the past several months. The one he’d tried to deny but had almost torn him apart when he’d gotten the call that she was missing just a few days ago.

He took a deep breath and tried to focus. There was more to consider right now than the two of them standing alone in his study in the middle of the night.

“I’m not leaving.”

He didn’t respond to her words, just kept telling himself over and over again how unreasonable it was to entertain fantasies about a person when they were standing in the same room.

“I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.” She dropped her bag on the couch as she made her way over to him.

Lex tried not to let her innocent words get warped into another one of his fantasies.

Then, after taking a look at the way she was eyeing him as she approached, he had to wonder how innocent those words actually were.

She stopped just shy of where he stood.

Lex felt divided, torn between what he knew he should do and what every fiber of him wanted to do.

She took a step closer, putting one hand on his chest. Instinctively, he took a step closer as well, placing a hand on her hip.

“Lex.” She didn’t look up to face him, hadn’t made eye contact with him since she’d started making her approach.

“Hmm?” He didn’t trust himself at that moment to use actual words. He was too busy breathing in the scent of her, and feeling the heat radiating off of her. He could almost see the energy of their desire pass between them.

He was on sensory overload.

“I…I um…” She laughed and looked away from where she’d been staring at her hand that kept bunching up and then releasing the material of his shirt.

With his free hand, he gently lifted her chin up to face him. He didn’t want to force her but he couldn’t stand for her not to look at him.

He needed to see it in her eyes. He felt it in her touch and sensed it coming off of her body in waves but he needed to see it in her eyes to believe it.

And it was there.

“Tell me, Chloe.” He whispered it, encouragingly and with patience. She felt delicate in a way he never imagined.

She took his hand from her chin and pulled him closer so that she could rest her face against his palm.

He felt the breath of her sigh against his wrist and it sent a chill through him.

There was no way he could go back now.

She opened her eyes again and smiled a soft, slow smile. It was unlike the ones he’d ever seen on her before.

They were bright and cheerful and full of life.

This one was full of something else.

And it was directed entirely at him.

“I want to stay…here…tonight.” She said the words slowly, each one laced with doubt.

Not doubting what she wanted, but whether he would agree. Whether she was reading him right.

Or was she, yet again, on a one-way road to heartbreak.

He smiled, caressing her jawline with his thumb. “I want that, too.”

She released the breath she’d been holding and then laughed lightly at herself for doing so.

He smiled at how nervous she looked.

And realized it was like a reflection of what he was feeling but had been trained never to show.

“I want you, Chloe. More than anything. But I don’t think you staying here tonight would be such a good idea.”

Her reaction was what he suspected. A wave of confusion then a settling of hurt upon her features.

She started to pull away but he gripped her hip tighter and placed his other hand around to her lower back, effectively pulling her closer.

“Please don’t. Let me explain.”

She looked away, finding herself unable to breathe being this close to him. She could feel the heat from his chest, the firmness of his grip on her hip, the way his fingers caressed her back through the material of her shirt.

She was barely able to get the words out. “You don’t have to explain, Lex. I understand.”

He took a deep breath of his own as one side of his mouth curled into a half smile. She’d been hurt before, he knew that, and he was planning to make sure that he communicated this as clearly as possible so there would be no misunderstanding.

This was not the rejection she’d experienced in the past.

Rather this was his attempt at showing her the respect she deserved. This was not going to be another one of his one-night stands.

This time would be different…because she was different.

“Chloe, please. Listen to me.”

She looked up at him and he was pained to see tears already forming in her eyes. He watched as one started to escape and make its way down her cheek.

Without thinking, he reached down and kissed it, ending its descent.

He felt her sharp intake of breath so he lingered a moment longer, not wanting to make any sudden movements. It was like he was waiting for her to adjust to the moment.

Then he felt her exhale slowly and her breath brushed against the exposed skin of his neck.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent and heat that surrounded her. He could feel a pull toward her lips but his mind told him not to send her mixed signals.

He was supposed to be explaining to her that he respected her as more than a plaything. That he wanted what was between them to be respectful, not only of her but of her father. He wanted to ask, for the first time in his life, a father’s permission to court his daughter.

He wanted everything to be perfect.

But right now, the only thing he could see as being perfect was the softness of her lips and the idea of feeling them against his own.

He slid one hand up into her hair, then pulled back enough to look into her eyes and to glance upon her lips that were slightly parted and begging to be kissed.

He couldn’t deny them.

He leaned in slowly, not wanting to scare her and giving her every opportunity to pull away, to change her mind.

She didn’t. Instead she met him halfway, apparently tired of waiting for the contact they’d both been dancing about all evening.

Her lips were even better than he’d imagined. She tasted slightly of peppermint and something about it relaxed him and yet made him feel like his lips were on fire.

His kisses were slow and patient. He just wanted to feel her lips against his, let his whole body adjust to making his fantasy a reality.

She, however, wasn’t as interested in this approach.

She snaked a hand up his chest and then around to the back of his head. She pulled him down closer and deepened the kiss, taking the final step to him so that her body was flush against his.

And then she moaned somewhere deep in her throat and he was lost.

He started stepping forward, effectively backing her towards the couch behind them. She stopped when the back of her knees came in contact with it, she dropped down pulling her with him so that he was bent over her.

This lasted for only a moment before she broke the kiss and tugged on his shirt until he was sitting next to her.

He started to say something but before he could form the words, she’d rolled over from her seat and onto his lap, straddling him.

“Lex.” His name escaped her lips as barely more than a breath.

He’d never heard anything so erotic in all of his life.

She leaned down into him, teasing his lips with her own. When he tried to rise up to meet her, she’d pull back just enough that he couldn’t have what he so desperately wanted.

He retaliated by sliding his hands up her thighs, squeezing and pulling her closer.

She straightened in response, groaning at the feeling of him taking control of her body.

She leaned her head back as she started to rock against him. Her breasts pressed against the confinement of her shirt.

Lex would have given anything to set them free.


“Huhh?” Her response was more of a sound than a word.

“Lips. Now. Please.”

She looked down at him and saw the want, the need, in his eyes.

It made her feel powerful. It made her feel complete in a way that she hadn’t known in so long, she’d almost forgotten what it felt like.

Her lips came crashing down against his, thanking him and needing him at the same time.

He responded accordingly.

Eventually, they parted to catch their breath. Each looking at the other, surprised not at what was happening between them but the force with which it was happening.

“Chloe, we really should—“

“Don’t.” She whispered it as she started to place soft kisses on his lips, then on other parts of his face. She eventually made her way to his jaw…then his neck.

He took a deep breath and tried to regain his senses.


“Unless you’re going to say that we need to take this upstairs, I don’t want to hear it.”

He laughed. But didn’t say anything.

She finally stopped the attention she was paying to his neck and pulled back. “Okay, fine. What?”

“Your father.”

Chloe pulled back a little further, obviously disturbed by his choice of a topic. “Wha—Why did you just say that?” She shook her head. “Eww. You really know how to kill the mood.”

He laughed and took her hands in his.

“Sorry, but I needed to get your attention.”

“Well,” her eyes flashed wide for a moment. “You’ve got it.”

“I want to do this right, Chloe.”

She smiled a wicked little smile. “Oh, Lex…I’m sure you will.” She started to lean into him but he used his control of her hands and arms to keep her at a distance, a smile on his lips.

“Chloe, really. Please stop or I’m never going to be able to say this.”

“Really?” His words did not have the desired effect. She seemed rather encouraged by them.


She sat further back on his legs, putting some distance between them. “Fine. But make it quick.”

He raised an eyebrow at her demand.

“Please,” she added, rolling her eyes playfully at him.

“I want this,” he gestured to the both of them, “to be done in a way that we won’t regret.”

“Well, it’s not like I’m planning on doing anything that I regret.” She bit back.

He paused for a moment, trying to determine how to proceed. “I just meant that I want to respect you and your father in this. He’ll be back tomorrow and I’d like to speak with him before this gets any more…” he found himself at a loss for words.

“Heated? Out of control? Infuriating?” She emphasized the last word, crossing her arms and looking at him as though she was out of patience.

And it hadn’t even been sixty seconds.

“Chloe, all I’m saying is--”

He was interrupted as Chloe managed to break her hands free of his grasp and moved forward, wrapping her arms around him and clinging to him.

He embraced her with one arm and gently stroked her hair with his other hand for a moment before speaking.


He felt her take a deep breath before sitting up enough to look him in the eye.

“I just want this so bad. I don’t want to wait…for my father or the trial or anything else. I understand what you’re saying, honestly I do, and I even see the logic in it but…”

Lex smiled before offering his interpretation.

“But being logical isn’t as appealing at the moment?”

“No.” She took another breath and her shoulders slumped down during the exhalation. “Not at all.”

Lex brushed the hair from her face as he watched her struggling with her emotions.

“I’m not sure if this helps any,” she looked up at him as he spoke, “but I agree completely.”

A smile started to appear and Lex felt relief wash over him. He hadn’t been sure of what to say or do to make things better so he figured he’d just give the truth a try.

He laughed to himself that maybe honesty could be the best policy, at least as far as she was concerned.

Chloe’s brow furrowed for a moment and Lex braced himself.

“So why is it so easy for you?”

Lex just raised his eyebrows in shocked confusion.

“I mean, you seemed more than ready to get rid of me earlier and you seem to have no problem resisting me and…”

Lex noticed she was picking up steam and decided to silence her with the only thing he could think of to make his point.

In one quick motion he’d taken her from her sitting position on his lap to being spread out under him on the couch.

She gasped at the sudden change of positions but he didn’t give her an opportunity to pick back up where she’d left off. Instead, he claimed her mouth with his own, letting this be the way he communicated the frustration, need and desire he’d felt not only that evening but for many previous ones before it.

He pressed his body into hers, needing to feel her warmth against his, and reveling in the way her body responded to him.

He let his hands roam over every part of her, taking mental notes of the way she felt, the way she responded to his touch.

His need for her became even more desperate as he realized it would be some time before he could make her his in all of the ways he wanted.

He had to be patient, let her live her own life and find her own way before asking her to be his.

He realized it could be a long and trying road until that day but he knew he didn’t want it any other way.

He’d never had the opportunity to find his own way and he resented it each and every day.

He didn’t want that for Chloe.

It would be hard but, in the end, he believed it would be worth it.

Lex was broken out of his reverie by the sound of Chloe’s voice.

“I take back what I said earlier.” He looked down to see a satisfied smile on her face.

Then he realized why.

He felt her small hand pressed against his erection and the thoughts that raced through his mind as a result sent a shiver down his spine.

“I guess it’s not quite as easy on you as I thought.”

He took a moment to regain his composure.

“You have…” there was a sharp intake of breath on his part as she moved her hand ever so slightly, “…no idea.”

“I do now.”

Normally, Lex would have challenged the smug and self-satisfied smile on her face but, at the moment, he was in no condition to argue.

And even if he was, there was something about the way her newfound confidence looked on her that appealed to him more anyway.


He looked down at her for a moment, taking in the sight of her beneath him, flushed and still breathing unsteadily, before lifting himself off of her and sitting back on the couch. He reached out to her and helped her sit up as well, pulling her close to him.

“Lex, promise me something.”

“Hmm?” He stroked her hair as he responded before dropping his hand to the back of the couch as she pulled away to look at him.

“Promise me this is just the beginning.”

He reached out and touched the side of her face with his hand.

“It is, Chloe…just the beginning.”

She smiled before settling back into him and Lex realized something.

This was one promise that would never be broken.


*smiles at NBG* Better late than never, right?

And next up on Four Square? The Epilogue.

15th November 2005, 05:19
aw. this was so sweet.

star del mar
15th November 2005, 05:36
“Lips. Now. Please.”

I just loved this line.

“Lex, promise me something.”

“Hmm?” He stroked her hair as he responded before dropping his hand to the back of the couch as she pulled away to look at him.

“Promise me this is just the beginning.”

He reached out and touched the side of her face with his hand.

“It is, Chloe…just the beginning."

She smiled before settling back into him and Lex realized something.

This was one promise that would never be broken.

Oh my God! They're just so good together and I love that Lex can get all sappy. Besides the fact that I just want to jump him a little because he wants to ask Gabe first about courting her...that deserves a big AWW. So we got some kissing, it's good enough for me :) They're just so sweet. Great update! I can't wait for the epilogue even though I'm sad to see it go.


15th November 2005, 06:03
She leaned down into him, teasing his lips with her own. When he tried to rise up to meet her, she’d pull back just enough that he couldn’t have what he so desperately wanted.
This turned me all gooey inside!

He had to be patient, let her live her own life and find her own way before asking her to be his.

And that completely melted me. I'm a NBG-shaped goo puddle on the floor right now. You should see me. Luckily I am a highly advanced puddle that can type well enough to say FANTASTIC!

This was so sweet? Lex is sweet. Chloe is not nearly as impatient as I would be in this situation. Lex being so considerate would turn me on even more!

Ummm...what's this about an epilogue? You're not saying this is over, are you?

15th November 2005, 06:17
*melts* shucks i'm grinning like an idiot... :) I loved that...

*sigh* I wish I was in that situation now.... i mean... you know... just the yummy on the couch with lex scenario.... ^__^

15th November 2005, 14:33
so sweet loved it, and "only the begining" i loved that part, great work

15th November 2005, 15:20
A very satisfying update (even without any smut!) Their scene was sweet and emotional, and I loved how they finally got a few things said--even though it took Lex a while to actually get a chance to say it. It was a perfect resolution to the relationship you've developed between Chlex in this story.

This story evokes a rare sort of innocence. It's not remotely naive or unrealistic: just innocent. And that's definitely a compliment (although somehow the word "innocent" has lost its original resonance). The story seems to function in a world that's not completely flawed--a world where things can right themselves almost completely. Where Lex can indulge his old-fashioned inclinations and insist on talking to Gabe before anything happens with Chloe. Where Clark and Lex and Chloe can remain friends. Where Lana's not the center of the universe.

It's heartening somehow.

Kit Merlot
15th November 2005, 16:23
This was a gorgeous update!

Lex and Chloe are very sweet together, but they aren't overly sappy, which is a good thing:D

Reese, there is no need to apologize for not being a smut writer, because what you've given us in this chapter is just as wonderful.

Nicely done!

15th November 2005, 16:27
Oh that was so ROMANTIC!!! Even though I was screaming at my monitor telling Lex do just forget about her father and take her to bad, I really like the idea that lex wanted to wait, it shows how much he repects her and cares for her. i also love that he's planning their future, thats so sweet.

Can't wait for the epilogue!!!


15th November 2005, 17:16
Listen Reese Chlex can be anything you want them to be. I read a Chlex story because it's Chlex not because it has smut in it. As long as you give me Chloe and Lex I don't care if there is no sex. That being said I loved this update.

Hope :)

15th November 2005, 17:47
damn hurry up...ur killing us here