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View Full Version : [Completed] Taking Lex - Sequel to Taking Liberties, NC-17

26th February 2005, 00:41
Disclaimer: We do not own any of the characters herein or the world we are toying with. They are the property of the WB.

A/N: Blue: So, you asked for it! Here’s the sequel to Taking Liberties. And I even roped Sabby into helping me! Enjoy.

A/N:Sabby: I got roped into this. I wasn't left a choice. How did I get roped into this? She said all I'd have to do is just sit there and provide the body. Hah, yeah right. As if. So blame her *points*

Breaking into Luthor Manor had been just as easy as she had expected. Though, she wouldn’t really consider it breaking in. She had merely opened one of the doors in the back. From what Clark had told Chloe, Lex had dismissed the whole staff for the rest of the night.

Clark had gone over there and tried to talk to Lex. He didn’t know what was wrong with his friend, and had tried to find out. He had been unsuccessful. But, at least he had gotten some useful information for Chloe. Even if he didn’t know it.

If Lex was off balance, this whole thing would be that much easier. Chloe knew what she wanted and she was there to take it. She’d waited long enough. She wasn’t stupid enough to think that what she would get would be anything beyond a physical interlude. But, that was what she needed at this point. Getting Lex to give it to her, so to speak, was the difficult part.

She crept up the stairs and could hear strains of some classical music that she couldn’t place. It was crashing and low pitched and sounded violent. Lex’s mood was not a happy one and Chloe wondered if that would work for or against her.

Opening the door to his study, Chloe looked around for the man in question. The music was almost deafening but Chloe wasn’t distracted by it. She saw Lex by the wet bar, pouring himself a drink. Yet another drink, she surmised from his rumpled and slightly flushed appearance.

Chloe leaned against his desk and waited until he caught sight of her. She had worn a very short black skirt that ended a few inches above her knees and a maroon tank top with no bra that bared her midriff. She looked cheap and ready and knew that Lex would be able to read that in her.

Lex turned around from his bar, the glass halfway to his lips before he caught sight of someone standing by his desk. Blinking once, he let his gaze travel up a pair of, admittedly sexy, bare legs and to an indecently short skirt. He didn't remember ordering a hooker for the night, but what he'd seen so far looked good enough.

His gaze wandered further up to land on a smooth, pale midriff followed by an ample chest covered in what looked like skintight lycra. His lip curled at the skanky style. Sometimes he wished the hookers would take a leaf out of the fashion magazines that every other woman seemed to read.

When his gaze finally landed on the face of his unexpected guest, his eyebrows rose slowly at the image of a skanked up Chloe Sullivan, leaning against his glass desk. Interesting.

”Hello, Chloe,” he drawled, keeping his gaze firmly on her face for the time being.

He'd bedded her a while ago. She'd been decent enough for a virgin and proven to show some natural talent. Lex hadn't thought that their brief encounter would have had that much of an affect on her though. Giving a mental shrug, he took a few steps away from the wet bar and slowly ambled over to the girl.

“What brings you here, this late hour,” and dressed like a 10 dollar whore from the suicide slums, went unsaid.

Chloe took his drink out of his hand and downed the amber liquid. She made sure to keep her eyes locked on Lex’s as she did so. She placed the drink on the desk and then looked back at him.

“I think you know what I’m here for, Lex. But, do you want me to say it? In graphic detail?” She licked her lips as she looked him up and down. He was definitely under the influence and hoped that it wouldn’t hinder his performance.

If he couldn’t get it up, that would certainly put a damper on her plans for the evening. After their first encounter, Chloe had just put it out of her mind. But, it kept coming back to her at the most inopportune times. Usually when someone else’s hands were on her. So, she figured the best course of action was to take Lex again on her terms.

Lex chuckled at Chloe's attempt at bravado. Cocking his head to the side he brought a hand up to trail it along her arm from her wrist to her shoulder and back again. “That doesn't sound like a bad idea. After all I wouldn't want to mistake your intentions,” he drawled.

Taking a step closer, he leaned in to speak in a low tone, letting his breath ghost over her ear. “Tell me what you want, Chloe.”

Her body reacted in the most predictable way that was possible. Chloe shivered at the contact and her body broke out in goosebumps. She wasn’t about to be intimidated by Lex and back down.

If he thought she was a little girl playing a game, he was sorely mistaken. Their encounter of over a year ago had been a turning point in her life. It was only recently that she saw it for what it was. Lex had taken advantage of her, plain and simple. He had fucked her, used her really, and gotten away with it. If you wanted to look at it that way.

But, Chloe wasn’t inclined to do so. He had opened her eyes to the way that things really were. And now, she was here to take what she wanted. The same as he had done to her.

First, she locked eyes with Lex. Then, she let her gaze wander slowly over his body. She licked her lips and then bit down on the lower one as she pretended to contemplate his question.

“I’ll try to be as clear as possible.” She started to unbutton his shirt, almost waiting for Lex’s hand to grab at her wrist. When it didn’t, she wondered again how much he had already had to drink. “I want to take you on the couch. Repay the favor.”

She looked back up at him. “But that’s not very specific, is it?”

His gaze flicked down to her mouth as she licked and bit down on her bottom lip. When she released it, he found himself staring at the full red flesh. He felt his cock give a twitch of notice at the mental image of Chloe on her knees, her lips wrapped around his cock as she tried to swallow him. She'd probably not be able to take much at first and gag at the first thrust.

Jerking back to reality, Lex's gaze narrowed as she reached out and started unbuttoning his shirt, but he let her continue, willing to see where she'd take this if he let her have her way.

He hadn't gotten laid in a few weeks, his business schedule to overfilled to find the time for a decent lay and the option of calling a hooker was just not one at all.

“Not particularly, so I'd appreciate it if you continued,” he murmured, bringing the hand on her arm up to slide into her hair to tilt her head up.

Even when he was tipsy, Lex wanted to be in control of the situation. Well, if he couldn’t give a little of that up, he’d find himself alone. Chloe let him tilt her head up until she was looking at his face again.

She kept her hands busy. His shirt was now open and she ghosted her hands over his torso as she took a step closer.

Her voice had a conversational tone to it as if she was discussing the weather when she spoke.

“Your shirt comes off.” She tugged at the fabric for emphasis. “But, I know that that’s as far as you’ll let me see you naked.” Chloe looked up at him and he didn’t argue with her so she went on.

Her fingers danced just above the waist of his pants. She licked her lips again before saying. “Next, I’m going to suck you off.” Chloe figured the rude words would only turn Lex on more. “Maybe I’ll let you come. Maybe I won’t.” She shrugged. “Haven’t really decided.”

Lex's brow rose at Chloe's last statement, a grin slowly curling up at the corners of his mouth. So she wanted to turn the tables and pay him back. Part of him was pleased that she'd apparently grown up and lost that naïveté that still seemed to cling to the other occupants of Smallville's youth.

His cock was definitely paying attention to the conversation, straining against the zipper of his pants and demanding some attention.

Keeping a hold of her hair, he stepped closer, his lashes lowering to half mast as their lips where only a mere inch apart. His other arm snaked around her waist to pull their lower bodies together, letting her feel his arousal.

“Sounds intriguing,” he murmured, turning his head to brush his lips over the side of her jaw.

“Does it now?” Chloe turned her head and let Lex begin to kiss her jawline. She could feel him hard and ready against her. Well, at least the alcohol wasn’t affecting his body. That was a plus to this whole situation. If Lex couldn’t get hard when she needed him to, she would have just left. She might have gone to the one bar in Smallville and just found someone to pound into her. Chloe was horny as hell, but Lex was her first choice.

Slowly, Chloe started to rock against Lex’s body. Just a little bit, nothing too overt. She put her left hand on the nape of his neck and held him in place as his lips moved to the column of her throat. “But, I wasn’t even done telling you everything.”

Her left hand moved to the small of his back and started to pull his shirt out of the waist of his pants. Lex was good to go but their little game was foreplay. And, Chloe did love foreplay. Especially when it involved matched barbs with Lex.

Lex let her fiddle with his shirt while he busied his hand running his fingertips over the exposed skin at the small of her back. He'd probably be able to enjoy it more if he hadn't already spent a good part of the evening drinking. Even with his mutated immune system and faster metabolism it would take hours before the alcohol was burned off completely.

He wondered if Chloe knew what effect alcohol could have on sustaining an erection if you weren't drunk enough to be left incapable.

“Really,” he whispered in her ear, then flicked his tongue out against the sensitive spot just behind it, “Then by all means, do continue.”

He left unsaid that if she continued too long, he just might decide to not let her have her way and take her right here on his desk. His patience was by far not that of a saint, especially not when it's been a while since he had the opportunity for a good fuck.

Lex’s voice had an edge to it that Chloe recognized. She hadn’t heard it in a long while and certainly not in this situation. But, a grin spread across her face when she placed it. Lex was trying to keep himself under control.

No doubt, he had some fantasy that involved nailing her on his desk. And, while she had entertained that one as well, she thought that the couch was more appropriate. Lex would appreciate the symbolism when he woke up alone with his head aching. Once he took a few aspirin that is.

“Well, you were so rushed the last time we fucked,” Chloe ground against him with her last word, “that I didn’t get the full repertoire of your talents. You’ll make up for it this time.”

Chloe’s right hand made its way down his back and joined her left in freeing Lex’s shirt from his pants. Once the material hung away from his body, Chloe worked her hands under the fabric and ran them up and down his back in a rhythmic motion.

She gave a little moan when Lex bit down on the spot behind her ear and said, “Harder,” before continuing on with her previous thought.

“If I’m going to be on my knees,” she paused, “so will you.” She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his teeth digging into her flesh. Lex wasn’t worried about leaving marks this time she wagered. And neither was she.

Chloe needed to wrap this up right now. “Then, you get back on the couch and I ride you for all you’re worth. And, just like last time, with nothing between us.” Chloe had tried it both ways and far preferred actually feeling a man. Some refused to get tested so Chloe just dropped them. There were enough men out there who wanted to fuck her so she could drop those who were obstinate on that point.

If she expected him to object to any of that, she'd be sorely mistaken. Quite literally. If time hadn't been of short supply at the time, he would have shown her quite a bit more of his talents that day in her living room. Her insistence on involving the couch in their games was...expected. Of course she would want her payback for things that happened. That was the typical female way to react.

It was a surprise though that she'd want to go bareback. Lex preferred it to rubbers, by far, but he could have sworn that Chloe would insist on protection, remembering the way she had reacted at first when he'd taken her that time.

Taking a firm hold of the back of her head once more he pulled back from ravaging her throat to look into her eyes.

“I trust that you're clean,” he stated bluntly.

It wasn't like he'd actually catch anything that would leave him out of commission for long if it wasn't something major. Still, it was a point of principle to make.

Chloe pushed herself away from Lex a little. “You think that I’ve come here to give you something?” She shook her head. “If I wasn’t so fucking horny and you weren’t so damn paranoid, I might be offended and just stop.”

She trailed one of her hands down Lex’s torso and then brushed her knuckles against his erection. “Don’t you know that that is no way to speak to a lady, Lex? Yes, I’m clean. You’re the only one that I haven’t used a condom with.” The lie slid off her lips with ease. She wasn’t placing Lex in any danger so her conscience didn’t even give a twitch.

She looked up at him. Seeing if he would have any outwardly reaction to that. Or, if he had anymore questions before they were both beyond putting sentences together in a coherent way.

Lex grinned at her, deciding to not comment on the 'lady' part. He accepted her answer with a nod and leaned into her touch as she ran her fingers over the bulge of his cock again.

“Alright,” he closed the distance between them once more, deciding it was time she lost a few of her clothes, for lack of a better word, as well. “But I think you might be a little overdressed for the occasion,” he ran his fingers under the back of her short cropped shirt lifting it slightly as he stroked his hands up and down over the skin beneath, “Mind if I change that?”

26th February 2005, 01:49
First off let me just tell you how much I loved 'Taking Liberities' and how much I know i'm going to enjoy this terrific sequel by two of my favorite writers.

Chloe pushed herself away from Lex a little. “You think that I’ve come here to give you something?” She shook her head. “If I wasn’t so fucking horny and you weren’t so damn paranoid, I might be offended and just stop.”

I loved that line. Lived every line if this chapter. Great start and I can't wait for more. :biggrin:

26th February 2005, 01:49
Wow. More, more, more!

26th February 2005, 05:18
I can't wait for Chloe's payback!! Please let her leave Lex begging for more!! Thanks for the sequel!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

26th February 2005, 05:30
Ooooh! I love the start of this fic, it was so good. The dialogue just flowed so easily between the two of them, well done. :yay2:
Update soon!

26th February 2005, 06:26
Go Chloe get him back for what he did :tease: and have a little fun while you are at it. :D

Hope :)

26th February 2005, 07:41
:chlexsign2: :chlexsign2: :chlexsign2:

YAY! Mean, bitter, no-strings, f**cking sexy Chlex!!

I'm so looking forward to the rest of this, seeing as the foreplay was freaking fantastic!!! Glad you decided to write a sequel!

Update sooooon??!


star del mar
26th February 2005, 08:16
Oh hell yea, loving this! Need more! Right away. Not only do I love the fact that this is a sequel to a story that I really enjoyed when I read it but from the way things are looking Chloe is going to be a total bad ass. I love that!


26th February 2005, 08:30
Yep, I think it's time for a little Chloe payback. No doubt about it ... bring on the Chlex smut!

Love this ladies and can't wait for more!


26th February 2005, 09:23
Thank you! It's time that Lex gets a little dose of his own medicine ;)
Great chapter, can't wait what happens next.

26th February 2005, 11:03
It's very nice to see an older, smarter Chloe get her own back with Lex. But with the unpredictability of the two, I can't guess who'll be left with the upper hand at the end of this encounter. Can't wait to see where you take this!

26th February 2005, 15:38
Sweet mercy! I'm so happy about this sequel I don't know what to do with myself. I keep hugging myself and pounding my feet on the floor, which is scaring my dog a little.

I can't wait to see what Chloe has in store for Lex. Good for her for "taking" him back.

It's a veritable cornucopia of BlueSabby fics this morning. What a way to start a Saturday.

26th February 2005, 18:12
Must have more soon!

This is fantastic. I hope Lex is begging for more at the end.

Shy Butterfly
26th February 2005, 20:18
more soon please?! :worship2:

26th February 2005, 20:18
*glances down at empty plate*
I think this almost qualifies as a nooner, ladies.

Can't wait for dessert :blinkkiss:

26th February 2005, 20:48
Yay a sequel. I really had no love for Lex in taking liberties (loved the story though) and I really hope Chloe gets her own back in this one. Can't wait for more.

26th February 2005, 21:00
This is good keep going. I hope after Chloe is done with him Lex can't get enough and wants Chloe all the time, but she refuses him. When he wants to know why she should say something like I got what I want and don't need you anymore. After that Lex would try to get her to want and need him to and in the end they say that they love one another. :chlexsign3: Chlex forever. I love how agressive Chloe is in this story please update soon. :wub:

26th February 2005, 23:33
:biggrin: you guys just keep on writeing corkers!! more more more!!! :yay: :blinkkiss:

27th February 2005, 01:29
oh please oh please post more soon.


27th February 2005, 05:33
that's what i call hot

....and one way to start a sequel!

more soon


27th February 2005, 09:14

Using Lex is no less than what Chloe deserves, but I'm expecting a certain depth of feeling to prop up whether she likes it or not. He's not someone to give in to demands unless he actually wants to be taken advantage of.

2nd March 2005, 00:16
Get back at him Chloe. Be mean and bitter and use him. It should be this way every once in a while. Make a guy pay.

Can we have more now? Please!


12th March 2005, 00:41
A/N: Sabby: Ok, next part is up you fiends! Enjoy *goes back to work*

A/N: Blue: This is pure smut so I don't have anything witty to say about it.

Chloe threw her head back a little, enjoying the feel of Lex’s hands on her body. It was nice to be with an experienced man again. After her short dalliance with one of her professors, the college aged boys were certainly dull.

“Actually,” Chloe said, “I do.” She put some space between her and Lex’s body. “For now, I stay clothed.” If Lex got her totally naked, she feared that they would end up rutting on his desk. And, with the alcohol pumping through his blood, she doubted that she’d get a second go with him. No, it was going to happen on the couch.

As she spoke, she started to undo his belt. “I don’t think that I’m particularly overdressed to have your cock in my mouth.” She looked back up at him as she pulled the belt through the loops. “I know that you’d rather have me naked and kneeling at your feet but,” she shrugged, “it’s not gonna happen.”

Lex suppressed a sigh and stepped back to let her have her way with his pants. He resigned himself to not even getting a good visual while Chloe tried her, probably underdeveloped, skills on his cock. Hopefully, the internet had at least given her a clue on the dos and don'ts of blowjobs.

Lifting his left hand to her face once more, he trailed his thumb over her cheekbone, his gaze fixed on her mouth. He could already imagine the way her mouth would look wrapped around his dick. Her cheeks hollowed just a little with suction.

“Very well,” he murmured, stroking his thumb down her cheek and outlining the shape of her lips.

Chloe smirked at his words and actions. Only Lex could sound resigned to only getting a blowjob by a woman that was fully clothed. Briefly, Chloe captured Lex’s thumb and drew it into her mouth. She ran her tongue over the pad of the digit and nipped it before releasing it from her mouth. “Glad that we’re agreed.”

She walked past him and made her way over to the couch. She could feel Lex’s eyes on her as she leaned over and pushed the coffee table away from the couch. Her skirt rose up and she wondered if Lex was just staring at her ass or getting an eyeful of a different sort. She hadn’t bothered to wear panties. Once the furniture was pushed far enough so it wouldn’t get in her way, Chloe straightened up and turned back to Lex.

“Care to join me?” She smiled and gestured to the couch. She was starting to get antsy. Chloe couldn’t wait to have Lex at her mercy. Though she would be on her knees and, some would think, servicing him Chloe knew that she would be able to get a reaction out of him. And, she couldn’t wait.

Lex had appreciated the view while Chloe was bent over, even though it reminded him a little too much of some of the cheaper porn movies he'd watched back in the days.

He'd taken the time to adjust himself never the less. Ambling over towards the couch, he decided to let her have her way for now, at least until she turned out to be too inexperienced to give him some release.

When he was at her side, he spread his arms slightly in offer. “Since you didn't come here to give, as you said yourself, feel free to take what you want.”

The bantering foreplay had been nice, but he was beginning to lose his patience at Chloe's evading. Neither of them was going to get satisfied that way.

“Thanks,” she said, smirking at him, “I will.” Lex had still not sat down on the couch so she gave his shoulders a gentle push. True to her suspicions, Lex had been expecting the move because he gracefully fell back onto the couch.

After Lex had settled himself in, spreading his arms over the back of the couch, Chloe sat down on the coffee table. She quickly took of the sandals that she had been wearing. Stilettos would have been more appropriate but she wasn’t willing to kill her feet for a few more inches.

She gracefully sank down on her knees and looked up at Lex. Off of her look, he took his shirt off and then placed his hands back on top of the couch. Chloe placed her hands on his knees and then slid them up to the fastenings of his pants. She made quick work of them and Lex raised his hips so she could work them, and his boxer briefs down to his knees.

The professor that she had had an affair with had taught Human Sexuality. He had studied it all over the world and had imparted a great deal of knowledge onto his students. Chloe, in particular. She had become obsessed with giving good head when he had called her ‘middling adept’ at it after their first encounter. She had worked past her gag reflex and had learned to relax and enjoy the experience. Now, she thrived on the power.

She took the base of his cock in her hand and applied firm pressure. Lex was already dripping and she bent forward, her tongue lazily making its way around the head and flicking over his slit.

Chloe started to cover the head of Lex’s cock with her lips as she kept up the circular motion with her tongue. Her hand had started to work its way up his shaft and she ran her thumb along one of the huge veins that marred its surface. She was testing Lex out, to see what he liked and just how much he could take in his state.

He'd contemplated giving her advice, or at least some hints, but it turned out she seemed to know what she was doing. Lex bit down on the inside of his cheek as her tongue delved into the slit at the head of his penis at the same time her thumb followed the large vein on the underside of his shaft.

Letting go of the back of the couch, he brought his left hand up and carded it through her hair, his gaze trailing lazily down to watch Chloe's face.

Lex still had enough of his control that he wasn’t bucking up against her. Plus, the hand in her hair had been placed there, he wasn’t grabbing onto her for dear life. Her eyes moved up to look at him and she slid further down on him as their gazes were locked.

Chloe incrementally increased the pressure on his shaft with her hand as she took more of him in her mouth. Her tongue was now tracing the same vein that her thumb was running over. She started to suck on his cock once she had about half of it in her mouth.

She slowly started to pull back, running her tongue up the vein as her thumb ran down it. Her lips dragged over the wet flesh and Chloe applied more suction as she made her way back up to the head of his dick.

Her other hand found Lex’s balls and began to gently massage them as she released his cock from her mouth briefly before wrapping her lips around it and bobbing her head once more. This time, she went about three quarters down his length, applying more pressure.

His fingers flexed of their own accord as Chloe kept teasing the right spots and when her teeth scraped lightly over his shaft as she took him deeper, he gave an experimental thrust, trying to gauge her reaction. She seemed have some experience after all, but he didn't want to risk having her up and running if he made her gag. At this point, it would be a disappointment.

His hand tightened in her hair again as she met his eyes and he thrust up again, waiting for a reaction.

Even without his mouth, Lex was excellent at communicating. He wanted to know just how much she could take. Truthfully, she could take more than he had. She slid further down on his cock, her lips brushing against the base of his shaft. She hollowed out her cheeks and started to bob her head up and down. She didn’t even pause in her ministrations and gagging was the last thing on her mind. She waited for Lex to act now.

He kept their gazes locked even as his eyes threatened to roll back at the pressure of Chloe's throat around the head of his cock. Since she could take him without problem, he didn't think about holding back. If she didn't know when to pull off, it wasn't his problem after all.

Bringing his other hand down to her head, he pulled back her hair to watch her cheeks hollow with suction as she took him to the root again and again. His eyes half closed, he could feel his climax building low in his stomach. If she didn't pull off soon, he'd come right down her throat.

The fact that Lex liked to watch wasn’t a new one for Chloe to take in. And, Chloe was sure that he’d love to watch her swallow him down, but that wasn’t on the menu for tonight. She bobbed her head one more time, taking him fully into her mouth before pulling back. This time, she released his dick with no intention of taking him back into her mouth.

His reactions had gotten her very wet. With Lex’s eyes still on her, Chloe licked her lips and then sucked her bottom one into her mouth, running her teeth against it before releasing it fully.

“I think that’s enough for now.” Her voice was husky and she smiled at Lex as she rose to her feet on shaky legs.

Chloe sat down on the coffee table and crossed one leg over the other. “You can take off my skirt now if you’d like. I think it would only be fair.”

Lex groaned as she left him high and dry. It took him a moment to will himself back in control and gather his senses enough to get into action. Giving Chloe a nonchalant look, he took his time pulling his pants and briefs back up, leaving the zipper open. He wasn't about to make a fool of himself, getting on his knees with his pants around his ankles.

The alcohol was slowly waning and he shook his head to clear it before reaching behind Chloe's knees, to pull her closer to the edge of the coffee table.

“Stand up for me,” he commanded huskily as he ran his hand further up her leg.

Chloe uncrossed her legs and let Lex continue to run his hand over her skin. The coffee table, like everything else in the Manor, was much fancier and bigger than it needed to be. She had plenty of room on it and leaned back on her elbows and lifted her hips up. “That work for you?” Lex should have no problem slipping her skirt off in this position.

Lex smirked up at Chloe from his bent position. It was obvious that she not only wanted to call the shots, she would also refuse to do anything he asked or demanded. The way her hips were canted would give him a nice view once he spread her legs, but she probably wouldn't be able to hold the position for long.

“This will do just fine,” he answered, running his hands up the outside of her thighs and over her skirt, making her hold the position just a tad longer before he pulled down the zipper on the side and hooked his fingers into the waistband of the skirt.

Slowly, he pulled the fabric down until it was around her knees, then waited for her to settle back on the table so he could lift her legs and pull it off her. Predictably, a hiss escaped her lips as her ass settled down onto the cold glass surface of the table.

He didn't offer her to move this to the couch, instead he closed his hands around her ankles with a firm grip, then slowly ran them back up her legs until he'd reached her knees.

Keeping their gazes locked, he pulled her legs apart, dragging his fingernails over the sensitive skin down the inside of her thighs as he leaned in. Realizing he'd have to get down on his knees, or exert the effort to lift her up and move her to the couch, he retreated for a moment to snatch a pillow from the couch and throw it on the floor in front of him.

This time, they had the entire night, as far as he was concerned, so he didn't need to hurry. And while he appreciated taking his time between a woman's thighs, he didn't appreciate the rugburn on his knees that ensued if he didn't take precautions.

Satisfied with his arrangements, he slowly sunk down from the couch between Chloe's legs, deciding to make this worth her while. He leaned in once more, his hands gliding up her legs and spreading her just that bit further as his eyes slowly trailed down the length of her body to the glistening curls above her cunt.

She was already wet, a fact that was interesting considering he hadn't done much for her at this point. He'd keep that in mind. Locking his gazes with her once more, he gently brought his fingers up to part the lips of her pussy, then blow a stream of air over the exposed flesh between from the bottom of her opening up to her clit.

Not caring that Lex would most likely turn into a smug bastard when she did so, Chloe arched up off the coffee table when she felt the cool air hit her pussy. She was very sensitive, a fact that she was rather pleased about. It made her sexual experiences that much better.

She lowered herself back down to the table and let out a breath. She spread herself wider and arched her hips towards him. “I’m ready, Lex. You don’t have to give me your whole bag of tricks to get me off.”

Arching a brow at Chloe's statement, he refrained from commenting, instead focusing his gaze back onto her cunt. Keeping the soft lips spread apart, he leaned in once again, inhaling the scent of her juices, before touching his tongue to her opening, barely pushing inside before pulling back and dragging the tip up and around her clit.

He felt Chloe's hips jerk against him, but she still kept her hands away, probably restraining herself from touching him in any way. Running his thumbs up the soft flesh they were holding, he thrust his tongue deeper this time. Curling it up to rub against the wall inside, he closed his mouth around her and sucked hard, moaning at the taste and feel as Chloe went wild under him.

Along with sensitive, Chloe had always been vocal, too. Well, she had been after her first encounter with Lex. She let out a long, low moan and started to thrust her hips towards him as she cursed loudly. She grabbed at his shoulders, her nails digging into his naked flesh. “Fuck, that’s good Lex.” He sucked harder and she groaned his name. “Yeah, god, just like that. So fucking good.”

Chloe tried to remain aware that the table was glass. She didn’t want to knock herself out as her head wildly went from side to side. She had already knocked off various knick knacks, distantly hearing them shatter on the ground.

Lex heard something shatter, but at the moment, he couldn't give a shit less. Chloe's hoarse cursing and the pleasure-pain of her nails digging into his skin was sending his arousal skyrocketing again, forcing him to reach down and take a firm grip on the base of his shaft to stop himself from coming.

As soon as he'd somewhat regained control, he released the suction around her cunt and instead thrust his tongue in and out of her opening a few times. Running his fingertips over the head of his cock, he gathered the precome from the slit.

Bringing the hand back up, he looked up along the length of Chloe's body, offering her the fingers wet with both their juices, pulling his tongue out of her cunt to quickly flick it over her clit a few times.

Chloe opened her mouth and Lex slid his fingers inside. She moaned around them as the taste of both Lex and herself hit her tongue. She sucked on his fingers until they were clean and whimpered when his tongue hit her clit. Chloe recovered long enough to remark, “We taste good, Lex.”

She had been so focused on one of Lex’s hands that she had forgotten about the other. So, when he slid two fingers inside of her and crooked them upwards, she yelped in surprise. “Oh god,” she moaned when she got her voice back. Her hands were still attached to Lex’s shoulders and she started to fuck his fingers as she felt her orgasm coming on quickly.

It took only a few short thrusts of her hips before Chloe felt herself coming. “So good, Lex,” she panted out. Nothing wrong with letting him know that he was pleasing her. “Just, god, harder.”

Adding a third finger to the other two, he kept pumping in and out of her, crooking his fingers to press into her sweet spot every time he pulled back out. He freed his other hand from her clutches to run it under the fabric of her shirt and over her breast, rolling his palm over an already distended nipple.

Closing his mouth over the top of her cunt once more, he flicked his tongue over her clit again, then carefully sunk his teeth into the soft flesh, sucking hard at the same time as he shoved his fingers inside and up and twisted the nipple between his fingers.

When Chloe threw her head back and opened her mouth nothing came out at first. Maybe it was because she was drawing in enough breath for the loud, jagged scream of Lex’s name that ripped through her body as she came. Chloe tried to arch her hips up as much as she could as she opened her legs even wider.

By now, she was holding onto the table for dear life. She was shaking and she had broken out in sweat all over her body. She could feel her cunt gripping Lex’s fingers tightly and she whimpered as he bit down harder on her clit. She really didn’t know how Lex had kept ahold of her throughout everything.

As her body started to relax, she lied back down on the table, trying to get her breathing under control.

It had taken most of his considerable strength to keep a hold on Chloe as she completely lost it under and around him. He'd somehow managed to keep his eyes locked on her face the entire time.

His cock was throbbing painfully in his open pants by now and Lex didn't know how long he'd be able to hold out anymore before he did something he'd not done since he was 13.

Taking a deep breath, he released Chloe's pussy from between his teeth and started lapping carefully over the abused flesh, allowing himself a low groan at the taste of her juices.

He wanted to be buried inside her and at this point, he couldn't care less how or where. He wanted to hear her scream his name again, just like that, while he was buried to the hilt inside her sweet cunt, wanted to feel her walls clamping around his shaft and bringing him off.

Lashing his tongue over her clit again, he slowly picked up the motion of his fingers inside of her, the pumping slow and steady, just a hint of what he actually wanted to do to her.

“You look gorgeous when you come,” he spoke against her flesh before giving the top of her cunt another swipe with his tongue, circling her clit and giving it a nip with his lips.

Chloe swallowed, her throat felt very dry, and she licked her lips before answering. Her hips had started to move against Lex’s fingers again. “Hmmm…I bet you,” she gasped as he briefly sucked on her clit again, “say that to all the girls.”

She whimpered when she felt his fingers clamp down on her nipple. Through the fabric of her shirt she placed her hand over his. “That’s good, Lex. Don’t stop.” She was glad when he picked up on the fact that she meant everything that he was doing to her. “You gave me two orgasms my first time.” She started to breathe heavily again. “You keep it up, you may be able to beat that.” Chloe arched up off the table again when he tweaked her nipple viciously.

Noticing her reaction to slight pain, he wondered just how kinky Chloe might be if it came down to it. Dragging his nails over the nipple between his fingers once more, he abandoned it in favor of the other one, giving it the same treatment.

“It will be my pleasure,” he murmured against the skin of her pussy, keeping up the light, teasing laps of his tongue while his fingers kept pumping shallowly inside her, rubbing against her sweet spot in no set rhythm. Keeping her on edge.

Dragging his mouth away from her cunt, he decided to test the pain theory a bit more, flicking his tongue out as he went to the crease between thigh and groin, sinking his teeth into the sensitive skin and sucking with increasing pressure.

Chloe cried out when she felt Lex’s teeth dig harder into her skin. Her head thumped against the glass table and she hissed in the not good kind of pain. She tried to keep her attention focused on what Lex was doing to her and keep tempo with him.

However, her body had different ideas. It was demanding another release as her hips started to move faster. Lex kept the speed of his fingers the same, though. She let out a frustrated groan. Slow and steady was all well and good. But, it wasn’t as if she and Lex were making love in a bed festooned with pillows and a room full of candles.

She was spread-eagle on a glass coffee table with a semi-drunk Lex between her thighs. He soothed his bite with his tongue and then moved over to her other hip, marking her in the same place. She cried out louder this time when he bit her harder. He was testing her threshold. Which, he would learn, was very high.

Panting, she said, “Faster, Lex. Close, Lex.” She started moving her hips urgently. “Almost there.” Not knowing if he liked it or not, Chloe lightly ran a hand over his head before guiding him back to where she needed him.

Lex let her guide his head where she wanted it, deciding he'd have to test his theory more later. Now he needed to get her off and then get off himself. Bringing his hand down to circle his fingers around the base of his cock and give firm pressure, he buried his nose in Chloe's cunt once more, pushing his tongue inside her between his fingers and her inner walls.

He scraped his teeth over her flesh, this time, less careful as before and closed his mouth around her like he'd done the first time, sucking ferociously as his fingers picked up a faster rhythm, putting firm pressure on that certain spot over and over again.

The hand he had firmly clamped around the base of his shaft was pulled away and he brought it back up to rake his nails over the inside of her thigh as he forced her legs further apart with his shoulders.

When she started thrashing against him once more, he draped the arm over her hips, holding her firmly down and pressed against the surface of the table as he kept sucking on her clit and thrusting three fingers inside her mercilessly.

At this point, Chloe didn’t even think that her cries could even be identified as a woman in the throes of passion. They sounded like an animal dying. Lex was working over her body, pushing her to see how much she could handle. When she felt his nails dig into her skin, she was able to form his name as the tension in her body burst.

As she flew over the edge again, she grabbed onto Lex’s shoulder and rode out her orgasm as her hips kept pumping. She tried to accommodate Lex as much as possible, moving legs even further apart until she felt her knees almost go around the edge of the table.

She moaned his name as she came down. Chloe felt the loss immediately when he pulled away from her body and she opened her eyes to see him licking his fingers clean of her juices. He was coated up to his wrist and looked smug. But he deserved to, so Chloe didn’t make a comment about it.

Lex’s eyes were dark and she could see that her reactions had turned him on. She shifted a little on the table as her eyes ran down Lex’s body. His dick was hard and dripping and he was probably very uncomfortable.

She cleared her throat before speaking. “I want you inside of me the next time I come. On the couch and if you take off your pants I’ll take off my shirt.”

Lex regarded her for a moment, then nodded in agreement. “Deal,” he answered shortly, not sure he was capable of saying more. At this point, he'd have agreed with a lot if it got him off. Standing up, he toed out of his loafers and removed his socks first, then reached for the waistband of his pants and briefs before he hesitated. “Or would you like to do the honors,” he asked, shooting her a smirk.

12th March 2005, 01:52
*drools* ......... *drools some more*

Hot damn! now that was what I call chlex smut!!!!! FNTASIC ladies, as ever!

I worship masters at work!

12th March 2005, 02:18
Yowza, that was twenty different kinds of hot. More, more, more please.

12th March 2005, 02:46
My God that was so eek!!!!! I am drooling all over. But when will chloe get her revenge? It seems Lex is in control again not Chloe. ;)

Hope :)

12th March 2005, 03:08
Damn ... that was just too hot for words. WONDERFUL!


12th March 2005, 04:13
I read that whole thing with my mouth open and breathing really heavy, that was HOT, HOT, HOT keep up the good work

12th March 2005, 04:23
ahhh. That was...Oh my god, cannot describe how hot that was. There will be more with chloe back in the position of power right? Can't wait

12th March 2005, 04:42
Sometimes the loss of control is worth it all.......

12th March 2005, 05:22

Oh ladies... :drool:

12th March 2005, 06:13
I love this sequel!! Chloe is definitely Lex's equal now!! And the smut is excellent!! Thank you guys for the wonderful update!! I can't wait for more!! Please post again soon!!

star del mar
12th March 2005, 07:27
God! How can you stop there?! That's just wrong! Alright so suffice to say that this was one amazing chapter and defnitely worth the wait. My mouth is bone dry...and why's that you ask? Because there's a puddle of drool on my keyboard :) Great update!!


12th March 2005, 15:11
Very hot, as usual. I'm intrigued with the way Chloe is planning to "take" Lex back. Not that I blame her for indulging in a few orgasms first--she'd be crazy not to--but I hope she makes him suffer a little. He deserves it. And if she can get a few more orgasms along the way . . . all the better.

12th March 2005, 20:14
Oh hot. So very, very hot!!! Yummy, yummy yummy!!!

I adored the way that Lex assumed she would be inexperienced at giving head - and the fact that she was fabulous made it so satisfying! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/bj.gif I love that he still thinks she's an inexperienced little girl and completely underestimates her. Can't wait til Chloe's vindicated!

Can't wait for more of this wonderfully scrummy fic!http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/drool.gif

13th March 2005, 00:59
Jesus Christ. That was amazing. Eagerly, eagerly waiting for what comes next.

13th March 2005, 02:13
hooooooly... that is just hot.

13th March 2005, 08:54

Whoa, and I thought I was getting to where I expected this reaction from you two enough to be only mildly and pleasently effected.


14th March 2005, 12:50
that was great ! I love that fic !

14th March 2005, 20:59

15th March 2005, 04:22
Update soon please. I hope Chloe and Lex fall in love but Chloe won't emit it and Lex has to do everything to prove he loves her.

16th March 2005, 00:58
GAH......... more, please this is fantastic!

red turtle
16th March 2005, 18:42
Another chapter please.

19th March 2005, 21:28
A/N: Blue: Here's the last part of this. The ending might surprise some of you so let us know what you think. Enjoy

A/N:Sabby: Ok fiends, like she said, last part and probably not what you expected, but we hope you like it anyway. Let us know! And all you lurkers out there, throw us a line *g*. Have fun

Chloe shook her head and laughed a little. “No, I think you can handle it all on your own.” She sat up and then took her shirt off. Her nipples hardened due to the temperature change and she stood up. Secretly, she was pleased that her legs would hold her after the workout her whole body had just gotten.

Lex dropped his pants without fanfare, settling back on the couch as soon as he had them off and taking in Chloe's body as she stepped closer and straddled his lap. Reaching around with one arm to hold her in place, he groaned as her slick pussy pressed down against his cock. Shooting a challenging glance up at Chloe, he brought his other hand up to knead one of her full breasts, waiting for her next move.

“I believe you mentioned something about riding me,” he murmured as he thrust his hips up, creating some much needed friction for his trapped length.

Chloe closed her eyes and murmured something noncommittally as she continued to grind against Lex’s erection. “That I did,” she gasped as her clit rubbed up against his shaft. A woman of her word, Chloe stopped her body’s teasing movements.

She locked eyes with Lex and situated her body until it was aligned with his. She felt his hands on her hips and, together, they guided his cock into her body. Chloe threw her head back and groaned as his length slid deeply inside of her.

“Feels much better than the first time,” she gritted out. She placed her hands on his shoulders and rose up until he was almost fully out of her body before sliding back down gracefully. Lex’s grip on her hips had tightened and she repeated the motion, starting to pick up speed.

“I love that I can feel all of you like this.” She continued to rock against him. “Do you still like it when I do this, Lex?” Chloe tightened her internal muscles around Lex and murmured, “Guess so,” when he groaned before rising up and down again.

Lex leaned back, giving himself up to the feeling for the moment, his hips only shallowly thrusting up in counterpoint. She couldn't have slept with a lot of men after him, since she was still deliciously tight around his cock. Not exactly the same as she'd been the first time he'd had her, but still incredibly good.

And she had obviously learned to consciously use her internal muscles, as she tightened them every time he was fully inside her. He'd never been a very verbal lover, knowing that one was likely to say the most disgusting things when not in full control of ones senses and also that praise wasn't likely to do anything other than blow up the ego of the other person. However, he didn't mind if Chloe decided to share some of her feelings while they had sex. It could only make it easier for him.

Running his hands up over her back, he countered her next downward move with a harsher thrust up, holding on to her shoulders, to push her down harder, grinding against her clit before he let her move up again.

The fact that a little pain seemed to turn her on was still intriguing and he wondered how far he could push it before she decided it was too much.

Being that Lex had taken his movements a step up, Chloe decided to as well. She moved faster against him and pushed down on him harder. She moved her hands off of his shoulders and onto the back of the couch behind him.

Using the better leverage, she rose up and then slammed her body back down. Her back arched as the pleasure traveled all over her body. Once Lex was fully encased in her cunt, she squeezed down on him viciously. She moved one hand to the back of Lex’s neck and guided it to her breast. She cried out as he took her nipple in his mouth and then placed her hand back onto the couch.

Closing his arm tighter around her waist, he pulled her closer, digging his fingers into her side as his tongue and teeth started ravishing her breast. Looking up to see her face, he bit down on the nipple between his teeth, holding the pressure for a moment before letting go, licking over the tiny bud against the sting.

He briefly thought how she'd feel about clamps, but dismissed it when he felt her hand on the back of his head, nails raking over his scalp. If she left marks there she'd have hell to pay for it.

Chloe wrapped her arms awkwardly around the back of Lex’s neck and his shoulder area. She hoped that he could breathe like this. If not, she was sure that he’d let her know somehow. She picked up the speed of her hips and closed her eyes. She could hear their flesh slapping together and smell their scent in the air.

She tightened her cunt as she moved up and down Lex’s shaft. She could feel her whole body tensing up again. She pulled slightly away from Lex, groaning when the contact between his mouth and her breast was broken.

But, to fuck him properly, she couldn’t have his mouth on her. Again, she placed her hands on his shoulders and rose up. She hadn’t been giving it all she had and wanted to come soon.

Having her hands locked on his shoulders and her body anchored by Lex’s hands, Chloe started to ride him in earnest. He started to harshly thrust up against her. It was rough and animalistic. Just how Chloe had wanted it to be.

When her clit brushed roughly against Lex’s pubic hair, Chloe came again. She screamed and clawed at his shoulders but still managed to ride him. Lex’s eyes were closed and he pulled her closer as he thrust up into her. He grunted a few times and she felt him spill into her.

Chloe’s head fell back and she closed her eyes as she felt him fill her. Keeping up the motion of her hips, she took everything he had to give. Just like their first time. “Give me it all, Lex.” She squeezed her cunt around him for emphasis.

Lex shivered through the last of his climax, hips still jerking erratically as Chloe kept milking his shaft inside her. 'Damn' He'd forgotten how heady it could get if you hadn't gotten laid in a while.

However, instead of draining him, as would have been expected, the arousal left him high and wired for more. If Chloe thought she could get up and leave now, she had another thing coming.

His cock softened enough to slip from her, but if the endorphins pumping through his veins and the tingling feeling was anything to go by, he was far from done for the night.

Dimly remembering her demand, he leaned forward to give one of her breasts a teasing bite before looking up at Chloe's flushed face with a sharkish smirk.

“I intend to, once you get that perky little ass of yours up and into my bedroom,” he challenged.

Chloe blinked, trying to get her thoughts in focus. Surely, Lex couldn’t still be ready for more. He’d been drinking…..then she reminded herself that that was a long while ago.

She’d come here to screw Lex on the couch. And, she’d done just that so she was free to leave. But, just because she could do that, didn’t mean that she should.

She quirked an eyebrow at him and then got to her feet. One of her hands fisted as she felt some of their combined fluids drip down her thighs. “Which way?” She looked towards the door.

Lex had been surprised when she'd readily agreed to follow him to the bedroom and not even put up a fuss when he'd spread her out on the bed, telling her to turn over onto her stomach.

Taking in her appearance, skin still gleaming with sweat and bruises already starting to show up on her fair skin, he was incredibly pleased with himself. The little minx had come to conquer and now found herself flat on her belly and at his mercy. Unlike the last time, however, he planned to make it enjoyable for her as much as for him.

The way she had changed over the last year, it didn't seem a good idea to try and use her solely for his pleasure. She might just decide to rip him to pieces if he did that.

Crawling up over her body, he pulled her up until she was up on her hands and knees and licked a slow stripe up the inside of her thigh, where their combined juices were still slowly dripping down her skin. It was time to find out a little more about the limits of one Chloe Sullivan.

Chloe relaxed her body as Lex positioned her how he wanted. She didn’t mind following his instructions now. She knew that he realized that they were even and everything that they did from now on was just a test for both of them.

To see how far they could push each other’s boundaries. And bodies. Chloe couldn’t wait. She moved her legs further apart, giving Lex better access as he licked at her skin. He was being gentle with her and most likely trying to see if she was comfortable in this position.

Which, she was. Chloe liked to be ridden from behind and generally enjoyed anal sex as long as the man knew what he was doing and didn’t just start pounding away at her. Her hands fisted in the sheets as Lex started licking his way to her pussy. Her eyes popped open when he stopped abruptly and pulled away from her.

Lex had pulled back momentarily from his ministrations to reach over into the drawer of his bedside table. It was time to up the ante and see how Chloe might react to something less vanilla.

Pulling out the tube of lubrication he left the drawer open and threw it on the mattress in direct line of Chloe's sight. If she hadn't gotten the message yet, this would be unmistakable.

“If you have objections to anything I'm going to do, you better tell me now,” he warned.

Then he leaned back in, keeping a firm hold on her hips, spreading her cheeks as he licked a long stripe from the top of her cunt all the way to the tight pucker of her asshole.

Chloe wantonly pushed back against Lex. Objections? She just wanted him back inside of her however he deemed right about now. She wouldn’t be picky.

“No objections,” she said. She wasn’t sure if he wanted any more information but she’d give it to him. If not, he might treat her a little too daintily. “I’ve done this before, Lex. So, no need to be too gentle with me. Careful, yes, gentle, no.”

She groaned as he licked her fully again. “But, if you don’t start soon, I may have to kill you.”

Chuckling against her at that idle threat, he pulled back to place a bite against her right asscheek, then reached around to grab the lube from beside her. So she definitely hadn't been idle during the last year. Good.

Opening the flip cap, he spread some of the clear liquid on his fingers, rubbing them against his thumb to warm it a little. “I could say something about patience and virtues,” he started, as he rubbed his finger against the tightly closed opening, “But it would be hypocritical, so I'll refrain,” he finished as he slowly pushed a finger inside to the first knuckle, waiting for Chloe to relax before he went deeper.

Chloe groaned as Lex worked a finger inside of her. It cut off her witty retort that she had planned. She couldn’t believe that Lex had the audacity to mention the word virtues when she was in the position she was.

She relaxed around him and felt him push his finger fully inside of her. She kept breathing deeply and after another minute, she felt him push another finger gently inside of her. Her muscles seemed to remember that this had happened in the past and were now cooperating.

Her mind cleared when her body relaxed fully and Chloe said, “I wouldn’t think you’d want someone virtuous right now, Lex.” He started to move his fingers and Chloe moaned.

When she'd relaxed enough that he could spread his fingers slightly apart, he pulled out to add more lube and worked another finger inside, watching as the tight ring of muscle stretched to accommodate the digits. His other hand started to run up and down Chloe's back almost absently, fingers curling to drag his nails down her skin on every downstroke.

Listening to Chloe's mewls and moans, feeling her relax more around his fingers, he decided she was ready, and for that snide little comment, she'd get to prove just how unvirtuous she could be.

“And this from the woman who claimed she was a lady a mere few hours ago,” he murmured as he twisted his fingers one more time before pulling them out.

Wiping his hand on the sheets beside him, he lined himself up behind her and started to push against her opening, hissing in a sharp breath as the head of his cock slipped past the tight sphincter and inside.

Chloe whimpered and wished the headboard was a little closer. That way, she could have braced herself against it. Instead, she just gripped the sheets even tighter when Lex pushed into her.

He only went a little deep and then paused, waiting for her to adjust. She let out a deep breath and mentally tried to slow down her tripping heartbeat. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it never was after a long dry spell, so to speak. But, at least she knew that Lex wasn’t going to go ahead with anything until she was ready for it.

“I still claim that I’m a lady,” Chloe gritted out. “Just one with a few more kinks, is all.” She took a deep breath and then tentatively moved back against Lex. Not too much or too quickly. Just to give him a sign.

He let her dictate the pace for a moment, then took a firm hold of her hips once more halting her progress when he was about half way in. Pulling out slowly, he made a grab for the lube and slicked his shaft with a few quick strokes. Maybe she'd done it before, and he didn't plan on being gentle, but it wasn't his intention to cause unnecessary pain either.

Taking hold of her hips once more, he eased inside a little, pulled out slowly, then eased further in until he was completely inside of her, is balls flush with her ass. Leaning over her until he could brush her hair back with a hand he whispered, “And I plan to find out just how kinky that would be,” before pulling almost all the way out.

A retort on just how long Lex planned to keep her in the Manor was on her lips when he thrust back inside of her. He was forceful and went as deep as he could get. He was testing her, Chloe knew that. There wasn’t any pain because, by now, her body had become accustomed to this again.

Lex pulled out and thrust back in. This time, Chloe started to move her hips along with Lex’s motions. He seemed to get the hint and kept pounding into her, not letting up. Chloe was panting the next time she spoke. She had to time it between thrusts because when he was fucking her, she could only make sounds, not words.

“Hope you don’t have any plans any time soon.” Lex’s grip on her hips tightened and he pulled her a little towards him as he thrust home.

Feeling the smooth walls against his shaft as he thrust in and out stoked his arousal and Lex planned to enjoy every second of it. The easy banter was something he hadn't expected. Usually, by that point, the women were either complaining, or they were reduced to whimpering, moaning creatures of flesh and sweat.

“Not for the moment, no,” he shot back as he brought a hand around her and under her body to lift her up.

When she was astride his lap, he used the arm to hold her in place across her chest with a firm grip on her breast. He brought his other hand to the front as well, bringing it down between her legs to part her cunt-lips and dip his fingers into the wet opening between, then pull them out to circle her clit and back down and in, deeper this time. The position wasn't ideal, but it would do.

Chloe felt firmly anchored by Lex’s body but placed her hand on his arm and trailed the other behind her until she found the back of Lex’s neck. It seemed a little less awkward now and she could concentrate on his words and body better.

She rocked between his cock and the fingers that were plunging in and out of her body. This position was a new one for her. Causing all sorts of nice feelings and Chloe tried to come up with a response to Lex before she was beyond doing so.

“Hope we don’t get any unexpected do-gooding guests, either.” She used her grip on Lex’s body to counteract the thrusts of her hips and closed her eyes as Lex’s fingers worked their way deeper inside of her.

Lex growled as he felt nails sinking into the back of his neck and thrust up harshly, taking her as hard as the position would allow. He could already feel Chloe's walls starting to contract around him and the back of his fingers actually felt the solid length of his shaft behind the thin membrane that separated the two channels.

”Anyone who shows up uninvited will be standing in front of closed gates,” he answered, then crooked his fingers sharply inside her, pressing up against the spot that was sure to shut her up, at least as far as coherent sentences went.

Riding out the moment, he pulled his fingers from inside her, to rub small circles over her clit, then delved back in, going right back for the spot. He could feel his climax building up as Chloe's movements became more erratic. The arm around her chest tightened and he pinched the nipple between his fingers before giving it a vicious twist.

The picture of Clark standing at the gates of Luthor Manor looking dumbfounded at how to open the ever so complicated contraption briefly distracted her. However, when Lex’s fingers rubbed exactly where she needed them, she quickly forgot her train of thought. Instead, she started bucking helplessly against Lex.

Just when she was close, he took his fingers away from her. She was about to protest until they returned to her and pressed harder against her. His hips had also begun to pick up speed and Chloe knew that she wasn’t the only one that was close.

She licked her lips before saying, “But the various screams that one might hear, even from the gates, would cause them to come charging in here.” She thrust back against him hard and squeezed on his fingers and cock at the same time. Chloe also covered his hand on her breast and scratched at his neck.

Lex bit back a groan as he buried his face against her neck, biting down just above the jugular. When he released the spot, he gave it a quick flick of the tongue to soothe the sting. That she could still be talking...

“In that case, I'll make sure to gag you from now on,” and not just because of any screaming that might happen, went unsaid.

Aside from the main effect, it might also be a big turn on. Imagining Chloe tied to the bedposts, her mouth stretched wide around a ballgag, nipples adorned with clamps connected by a steel chain and writhing on his cock was enough to send him over the edge.

Biting down on her shoulder to muffle his own scream, he seized up, shoving his fingers deep enough to flatten his palm against her clit as he kept thrusting through his climax, mind going blank at the incredible feeling washing over him.

For a moment Chloe actually felt frozen by all of the sensations that were coursing through her body. If she could have, she would have not screamed her release after Lex’s little comment. But, at the point she was at, it was impossible not to totally let go.

Thankfully she also felt, rather than heard, Lex’s pseudo-scream against the skin of her shoulder as she went over the edge. It gave her some satisfaction. Her orgasm was prolonged by Lex’s hand pressed against her clit and she kept thrusting her lower body back against his cock as he pumped into her.

When she felt his arms relax against her Chloe gingerly extracted her body from Lex’s, groaning as he slipped from her in two places. She flopped down on her stomach and closed her eyes, concentrating on just breathing for the moment.

Lex let her slip from him and flop onto the mattress like a ragdoll. He caught himself just before doing the same and instead turned over to stretch out his legs and crack his neck. That had been a much needed release indeed. Turning around he contemplated for a moment to order her to get dressed and get going, but dismissed the thought as ridiculous.

Getting up, he made his way to the bathroom, already planning on ways to convince her to hang around. Not that he wanted a relationship or something equally messy. It would just be good to have a casual fuck at reach if need required it, instead of having to put an effort into finding someone. He was pretty sure Chloe felt the same way, since a good lover was not something easily found these days, and for someone who appreciated the kinkier flavor, even less so.

At the door to the bathroom he turned around, shooting a glance over his shoulder at the thoroughly debauched woman on his bed and a smirk curled up at the corner of his mouth.

“You coming?”

Chloe propped herself up on her elbow before answering Lex. Joining him was tempting, but she had never been a big fan of shower sex. It seemed like a whole hell of a lot of work with the balancing and water and all with not all that much payoff.

She shook her head. “No thanks, I’m fine here for now.” She grabbed a pillow and then flopped back down on top of it. “Yes, here is much better than over there. To get over there, I’d have to move.”

Lex chuckled and moved on into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He took his time in the shower, cleaning up and relaxing the sore muscles. That sure had been quite a workout and the fact that he'd been close to drunk when it all started was playing no minor role either. If he'd known the night would end this way he wouldn't have done a damn thing different.

Grinning, he switched off the water and grabbed a towel from the rack beside the stall, drying himself off and wrapping it around his waist. He sure didn't look forward to sleeping on messy sheets and waking up next to a very messy woman the next morning, but the sacrifice would be minor considering he'd be probably dead asleep by the time he hit the mattress.

Opening the door and stepping back into the bedroom, he found it empty. No sign of clothes and definitely no blonde lying sprawled across the sheets. Arching an eyebrow he walked over to the bed, picking up the discarded tube of lubricant and throwing it back in the drawer, then closing it. He removed the messed up comforter in one swoop, bunching it up and putting it into a corner to be picked up with the laundry the next day.

Discarding the towel around his waist, he sat down on his bed, running a hand over his face as he stifled a yawn. When he reached over to turn out the light on his nightstand, his gaze fell on a small piece of paper, ripped out of one of his planners, if he wasn't mistaken with a number hastily scribbled on it. Under the number was a simple C.

Smirking, he shook his head, opened the drawer and put the piece of paper into the planner it had been ripped out of, making a mental note not to forget to complete the name on it. He'd never been good with keeping numbers that were handed to him on paper slips or the likes. They landed in the trash nine out of ten times.

Slipping the drawer shut, he turned out the light and rolled back onto the mattress, sprawling out under his comfortable, clean, sheets and was asleep within minutes.

The End

19th March 2005, 21:54
... ... totally speechless... ... fuck! I'm late for work!

19th March 2005, 21:59
woohoooo!!!!! love it, just loved it!!!!! man, now THAT was osme smut, and some good kinky shit too! nice. TYouy know I love your work already, But this is fantastic!

Queen Of Tact
19th March 2005, 22:41
Oh that was good....great fic u two... loved it as always.....


19th March 2005, 23:35
Ok the smut was great and the end was interesting. They both are now offcially hump buddies nothing more nothing less. :D

Hope ;)

20th March 2005, 02:34
I'm so glad that Chloe wasn't waiting for Lex at the end!! I love the fact that Lex is looking forward to more!! Does this mean a sequel? Great ending to your story!!

20th March 2005, 03:16
I must say I was kinda hoping that after chloe got her fill she would just ditch him and want nothing more to do with him and he would forever be obsessed with her but she would move on cause he's such an ass in this fic. However if that were the case then there would be no more chlex which would be sad!

20th March 2005, 05:03
Hot Hot Hot Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

star del mar
20th March 2005, 06:06
The smut! I love the smut! It's just beyond words. I loved this story!! Now Lex better use that number or he's a freaking idiot. Awesome as usual


20th March 2005, 06:27
oh! I think I've lost the power of speech. The was the hottest thing I've read in a long time. Jesus. Wow. Hnn. Loved the ending. all of it

20th March 2005, 21:21
... ... totally speechless... ... fuck! I'm late for work!

that's happened to me more times than I can count while rummaging through the smut sections here.

as for the final installment...wooooh

that was some fun stuff

and i liked the ending!

21st March 2005, 02:57
Yummy!!!!!!!!! Now that's how to leave a man wanting more. Great story.

27th June 2005, 22:34
Wonderful...I'm always a fan of people getting the tase of their own medicine...

Now where's the next one I know you're going to write? Huh? *prompt* I asked where the next one is. Now you're supposed to say "We're working on it, Lark" Got it? I know you can do it.... "We" "are" "working" "on" "it"


6th July 2005, 08:18
This is one of the best fics that i have ever read.

25th July 2005, 04:12
That was just great, great I tell you! If there were a Nobel Prize for smut, I'm certain you two would win it hands down. Excellent work.

2nd September 2005, 14:04
Still not my scene, but at the same time, can't forget to say is so well written...

3rd September 2005, 10:38
Loved it i thought it was great :clapclap:
The smut well what can i say very, very HOT :drool: :drool:

31st October 2005, 23:11
That was hot ! i loved it ,great work !

1st November 2005, 21:19
i was wondering if ur planning on writng a sequel to this story

26th January 2006, 02:27
I am absolutely speechless. All I can say is - - - absolutely brilliant/amazing/ took my breath away. More please

28th November 2006, 09:07
Geez...just found this fic. It is absolutely amazing! I love the way Chloe kept her emotions in check (the crappy whiny ones anyway) and how you portrayed Lex. He seemed so much more like his true self in this fic. Good for Chloe for taking what she wants after he took what he wanted from her. Loved your writing as always, ladies.

17th July 2008, 08:38
I'm' not surprised Chloe left in the end, I was actually hoping for it. However I was surprised at the fact she left him her number. Still though with the way they got it on with each other, how could she not? WONDERFUL FIC! ;)

21st July 2008, 22:23
good fic...

9th May 2009, 01:35
Maybe it wasn't everything I wanted it to be but it was still good.

After Lex used Chloe in "Taking Liberties", I'm glad there was some mutual using this time around.

And good girl Chloe for leaving him just when he was expecting you to stay.

10th September 2009, 03:22
Some very nice steamy aprts.

16th October 2010, 21:00
I actually really loved that Chloe somewhat left Lex hanging. She didn't need to stay and she didn't. Awesome and yummy sequel!!


31st October 2010, 01:19
Great work. Very hot.

16th January 2013, 03:50
Hot great fic

16th January 2013, 20:58
Its great story:) hooooot

17th January 2013, 07:31
only one word............HOT!

11th March 2013, 15:13
This is brilliant, I read Taking Liberties a few weeks ago but I didn't know that there was a sequel. It was perfect, I am so glad to see that Lex didn't get the upper hand. :D