View Full Version : [Completed] Blue Monday (NC-17)

14th December 2004, 09:15
Warning: implied underage sex/rape and drug abuse.

A/N: This is a bit of pointless darkness. Yet another take on the 'what if Chloe and Lex met in Metropolis before Smallville' story. Only I'm not changing any ages, so it's worse. Please give me honest feedback, as i'm trying to get out of my de-smallvilleized slump.

Blue Monday (don't worry: not a songfic)

Metropolis, 1999.

“I-I don’t know,” Chloe whispered, “I don’t think we should. What if you’re mom…”

“She doesn’t care,” Lois snapped, “you promised you wouldn’t chicken out. I bought you the clothes and the I.D card and everything. You promised,” she repeated off Chloe’s uncertain look. The two thirteen-year-olds were standing by the open window, Lois was tapping her foot impatiently on the carpet while Chloe danced around nervously.

The two cousins could be mistaken for twins. They each had their long, black hair down to their shoulder blades and thin, light bodies that were dressed in a way that indicated a more mature age. Their only real difference was Lois’ brown eyes and Chloe’s hazel ones.

“Lois, it’s just… what if…”

Lois changed tactics, “Please Chloe, I don’t want to go by myself. I really want to go with you. Please, you’d be the best cousin in the world. Pretty please, come on…” she goaded, smirking triumphantly at her cousin’s resigned frown.

“Okay… fine. But only for an hour!”

“Two!” Lois corrected.

“One and a half,” Chloe challenged.


“Fine, two… and no drinking!”


“Shut up!” Chloe hissed, lifting one heavy boot out the window and onto the platform of the fire escape.

Later On…

The two cousins clung to each other as they entered Club Zero, their eyes widened in unabashed interest. The bored-looking bouncer had let them past with barely a glance at their identification cards which they thrust enthusiastically in his face. But neither could think about that now. Strobe lights flashed and the music made the floor shake. A sea of people rippled, sweating and writhing like a giant animal. The animal heaved in a giant breath as the song reached its climax and Chloe was mesmerised at the sight.

There wasn’t even a pause as the next song started, no annoying DJ to throw glow-in-the-dark stickers into an eager crowd of little girls, just a spider of mechanical arms that set up CDs and changed the lighting from blue to silver.

“Wow,” Lois said, summing up Chloe’s thoughts exactly.

“What are we supposed to do?” the shorter of them asked, suddenly feeling very naked in her little white dress.

“I don’t know,” she replied thoughtfully, “Dance?”

A startling eighties number with a heavy beat came on and made it impossible for any kind of communication. The crowd quickly changed so they were all out of sync, their bodies twisting wildly and glimmering with sweat.

Chloe wanted to reveal her insecurities to her headstrong cousin, but she was already being dragged into the throng of people by said cousin, who immediately mimicked the people around her and was instantly a part of it. She, however, was scared out of her mind. The fear of losing the only face she recognised drove Chloe into the heart of crowd in pursuit of the ever-precocious Lois.

She watched in envy as Lois blended in, while Chloe was tossed from side to side. Her efforts to escape were always thwarted by a wall of lace, leather and human flesh. Bodies, male and female, would constantly attempt to engage her in dance but she would shrug them off.

‘This isn’t a club,’ she thought angrily, batting away another pair of hands, ‘it’s a free for all grope!’

She saw Lois fend of such attacks, but she didn’t seem as pissed off as Chloe felt. She growled as yet another body came up behind her, but tensed further as one sandwiched her from the front. They were good-looking of course, but they had to be twice her age and they leered at her in a way that was disturbing. She tried reasoning, struggling and pummelling, but they just laughed and pressed closer. Her face became a deep red as she felt something poke her backbone and below her ribs. It reminded her of her inferior height, and with a quick smile she took most of the weight off her feet and dropped down. Then, with all the grace Chloe could muster in a pair of four-inch heels and a mini-dress, she scrambled across the floor on her hands and knees.

“Oh yeah, I’m good,” she said aloud, but she couldn’t even hear herself speak. Suddenly, a slow song started. It was a mix between an old Led Zeppelin and Placebo, oddly enough, but it was slow and romantic and the crowd began to sway from side to side. She moved along with them, searching the sea of heads but unable to locate her cousin’s.

“You look lost,” a voice said in her ear, making her jump, “Need some help?”

“Oh, no, I’m fine thanks,” she said quickly, before her eyes met some pretty brown ones.

“What makes you think I’ll take no for an answer?” he asked, taking her hand in his and slipping his arm around her waist.

“Well, er…” she flushed bright red, trying to move away.

“Just one dance,” he said, not even posing it as a question.

“Oh-Okay,” she gulped, trying not to step on his feet.

“What’s you’re name?”

“Ch… Lois.” She didn’t know why she said her cousin’s name, but she made no attempt to back pedal as she looked up into the stranger’s eyes.

“Lois…” he said softly, his warm breath brushing over face, “it suits you.”

She let out an unladylike snort of laughter, which made him jerk his head back a little, and raise an eyebrow. She blushed again and smiled apologetically, “Sorry.”

Suddenly he seemed distracted as he pulled her closer, and she shifted uneasily. She really, really wanted this song to end so she could find the real Lois, but remixes had ways of going on, and on, and on…

“Do you wanna go somewhere?”


He rolled his eyes, seemingly not as enamoured with her as he was moments before.

“Do you want to go somewhere?”

“Well yes, but not with you,” she said, making a move to wiggle out of his arms when a sweaty and laughing Lois popped up beside them.

“Hey you! Isn’t this just the greatest? Who’s you’re friend?”

“Hi… Chloe!” she said too loudly, giving her cousin a look. Lois furrowed her brow in confusion.

“Um… hey… Lois?”

“Hi!” she said breathlessly, “this is…”

“Wayne, Bruce Wayne,” he interrupted, giving their new arrival a charming smile. “I was just talking your friend Lois into accompanying me into the Round Room, but it seems that…”

“Oh, no!” Lois said, shaking her head so hair fell into her eyes in an appealing way, “Lois just doesn’t like going anywhere without me. Could we both go?”

He gave her an appraising look, “Sure. Just follow me…”

“Are you insane!?” they whispered to each other at the same time.

“We can’t go off with a stranger! He might want sex… maybe a threesome!” Chloe said, “or maybe he has a gang of his friend’s waiting for us…”

“He won’t! We’re going to the Round Room! It’s where, like, rich kids and stuff go and hang out! The club owner’s kids and all their rich friends… I heard about it, apparently it’s a huge honour to be invited.”

“I’m not sure I…”

“Oh, Lois, quit being such a wuss!” Lois scolded, dragging Chloe after Bruce Wayne.

In the centre of the dance floor was a largeish circular obstruction, surrounded by one-way glass, so all Chloe saw as Bruce typed in some kind of code into the keypad was her own worried reflection and Lois’ excited one.

“Welcome, ladies,” he purred, opening the door for them with a beep and a gush of air, “to the Round Room.”

Lois sighed in amazement as Chloe bit her lip in worry. It was a rather nice room. Plush, black carpeting covered the floor and unexpectedly, the walls and ceiling too. Several fancy-looking chaise lounges scattered about the room, with a peculiarly dressed person sprawled on one. And when Chloe looked around, she saw that they were all dressed strangely.

She felt even more out of place when Bruce slipped out of his elegant dinner jacket to reveal a shirt that looked like it was made of nothing but shredded corduroy and safety pins. The cousins shared an awkward but encouraging look, but made no move to go further into the room.

“Come along ladies, don’t be intimidated,” some guy with a British accent called.

Chloe opened her mouth to reply, but Lois, knowing what ever she was about to say wouldn’t be polite, elbowed her harshly in the ribs. Chloe whimpered, but stayed quiet.

“Ignore Thomas, Chloe,” he said to Lois, ignoring Chloe, “he’s uncultured. I’m still not exactly sure how he got in here.”

“Fuck off,” the platinum blonde called calmly, dealing out cards to a tall, thin woman with long black hair and a solemn man with almost identical features. They were the only others in the room, aside from Bruce and the bald man on the couch. He hadn’t bothered opening his eyes since they arrived, but she could see that they were smeared with thick, black eyeliner.

She shivered as Lois was drawn away from her with Bruce’s arm around her shoulder. Lois threw an apologetic glance towards her, but made no move to go to Chloe when Bruce lead her to the nearest couch and ensconced them both cosily.

Chloe rolled her eyes and groaned under her breath. ‘I’m still leaving in two hours!’ she thought stubbornly, stomping over to the coffee table in the centre of the room where an impressive stack of Strawberries sat. She plucked a strawberry from the pyramid, and stomped to a nearby chair. The stomping was to make a point, but it didn’t work because she was being ignored. She rolled her eyes again and munched on the large, succulent strawberry. It was gone too soon, so she got up again and plucked about a dozen from the immaculate pyramid. Sadly, the Strawberries revolted and she watched in horror as the whole thing tumbled all over the coffee table and onto the floor.

“Whoops!” she said, bending over to pick up the fruit, her face going red, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I was just getting…” She trailed off when she realised nobody was paying attention anyway, rolled her eyes once more fore good measure, and returned to her seat with her Strawberries.

Just as she was finishing her twelfth and final strawberry, she noticed something odd. The bald guy she’d barely noticed before was staring at her, his eyes blank. Her face went hot and she cleared her throat.

“Er, Hey?”

He said nothing. He didn’t even react.

“What’s up?”




“Your strawberries taste like crap.”


“I was lying. Your strawberries are okay.”

She sighed, and wandered over to him, entertaining the possibility that he may just be asleep with his eyes open. She stood over him and waved. Still nothing. Sighing again, she just stared at him out of boredom. He was good-looking, in a weird way, and she kinda liked the eyeliner. It went well with his pale complexion.

Chloe dared looking at the shirt he was wearing. Though shirt was kind of an overstatement. It was like threads that webbed loosely over his chest and were held together, much like Bruce’s, with safety pins. At least the pants he was wearing were mildly acceptable. Leather, but loose and covering all the appropriate bits. Unlike the shirt. She looked at the shirt again.

Suddenly listless, she knelt down and began waving her hand front of his open eyes.

“Hello? Wake up, damn you.”

She squeaked in surprise when her wrist was unexpectedly grabbed, and a smile that brought cracks to his lips spread over the ‘sleeping guy’s’ face.

“Now that,” he said, “was annoying.”

“Yeah,” she said, her voice hoarse from surprise, “Sorry.”

He didn’t reply, just continued to smile and holding onto her wrist.

“So, this non-talking thing… it’s really fun, you know that?”

“I prefer to watch.”

Her eyes narrowed, “How long were you watching me?”

He shrugged, his grip loosening on her wrist so she pulled it away and stood up. “Since your first strawberry.”

Chloe nodded, “Am I allowed to know the name of my stalker or are you going to go all quiet again?”

“Though the latter is tempting… Lex Luthor.”

“Lex Luthor,” she murmured, “Where have I heard that before?”

“Who knows?” he said quickly, sitting up a little, “You want something to drink?”

“You’d get up for me?” she swooned, “and you couldn’t even be bothered talking a second ago!”

“Sarcasm noted. You want a drink?”


“What else?”

She bit her lip in indecision. During matters like this, she’d always ask Lois what to do, knowing full well her cousin would offer sage and helpful advice. But right now, her cousin was giggling madly while Bruce filled up her glass of champagne with one hand and massaged her thigh with his other. She shook her head and offered him a weak smile.

“Sure. Why not?”

He frowned at her for a second or two before shrugging. “What ever.” He leaped to his feet with an agility that was unexpected from someone who’d been lying on the couch for so long. She blushed and looked away, trying to occupy herself with her juice-stained fingers.

Chloe looked up, to seek out the eyes of her cousin, only to find them closed as Bruce was kissing her roughly, his hand now dangerously high on her leg…

“Lois,” she whispered, before getting up and approaching the two.

“L-er, Chl- Cousin! C’mon, we have to go now.” The couple broke apart and gave her mixed looks of reproach and confusion.


“You promised we could leave in two hours. It’s been two hours. We have to go.”

Lois was, at that point, willing to do anything. Bruce, on the other hand, was not.

“Leave her alone. She obviously wants to stay. Don’t you, sweetheart?”

Her cousin shrugged in a non-committal, but worryingly sluggish way. Chloe winced at the endearment and clenched her jaw.

“Do you think I don’t watch the news? She’s coming with me and we’re leaving right now. Go find someone else to…”

“I don’t want to,” he broke in stubbornly, wrapping an arm around Lois.

“Get off her, you jerk!” Chloe snapped, grabbing Lois’ arm and pulling.

“Go away!” he yelled childishly.

“You go away!” she yelled, equally childish.

A brief scuffle ensued, in which Chloe was the worse off as her grip on Lois came loose and she stumbled backwards, landing in a pair of accommodating arms.

“Pay no attention to him” the voice whispered in her ear, “he’s on speed. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

“Get off! Get off Get OFF!” she demanded, turning around to face a shocked looked Lex Luthor.

“I’ve had enough! I’ve been groped, attacked, ignored, I’ve fought with a billionaire on speed for my drugged up cousin and I’m getting sick of it! We’re going right now!”

There was an awkward silence for a while before Lex tilted his head around Chloe and addressed Bruce, “Hey man, lay off a bit will you?”

“Don’t tell him to lay off a bit, tell him to lay off completely. We’re going.”

Lex smirked, “Oh, really?”

Chloe groaned in frustration, “You’re one of those rich kids who think they can get what ever they want, aren’t you? Well, I’m…” she grimaced, throwing a glance towards her cousin, “She’s not on the list of your entitlements, okay?”

“You mistake me, Lois,” he said, smiling disarmingly, “I only meant that you shouldn’t leave before you have that drink you asked for. It’ll go to waste.”

“What? Oh… So if I drink it, you’ll let me and L-Chloe go?”

“Chloe and I,” he corrected, winking lasciviously as he picked up a glass of champagne from the coffee table, “And yes. Of course, if that’s what you really want.”

She snorted and strode over him, taking the glass from his hand and throwing it back in one gulp. Coughing at its surprisingly sharp taste, she threw the glass back to Lex. He caught it easily, grinning.

She rolled her eyes, turned and reached out for Lois’ hand. Bruce returned it sulkily. Okay she was getting out of here. She had her worryingly droopy cousin and she was getting out of here. Lois draped herself over Chloe like a rag doll and her legs buckled under the weight.

“Need a hand?” Lex patronised.

“No!” she snapped. Where was the door? The door, the door… God, this place was so confusing and Lois was so heavy… maybe she’d sit down for awhile. No! She had to go, there were some really mixed-up people in here. She had to leave. She had to leave right now.

“Are you sure you don’t need help?”

She was on the floor, with Lois resting against her. And the carpet, it was so wonderfully textured. She looked up, and saw him. Lex. And she felt an alarming rush of sorrow and guilt.

“I’m sorry,” she said, “I was so rude, I’m so sorry.”

He smiled and she smiled back. It was so nice to be forgiven, it was like something so soft and lovely it was almost unbearable. She hugged Lois, hoping she would share in her joy. Lois hugged her back and giggled, and Chloe giggled to.

“Oh Chloe,” Chloe gushed, “I love you.”

Lois echoed the same sentiment.

“Come on ladies, let’s get this party started.”

“Yes!” they chorused. Oh and it was such a wonderful sound, and all of them, such wonderful people. And Lex and the others took them onto the dance floor and the lights, they were there for her. She knew it she just knew it. It was like magic, like a sense that everything was going to be alright. Happy tears tickled her eyes and her tongue tasted bloody. But no, that was wrong.

“ ‘a ung,” she complained to Lex, sticking it out for his perusal. He darted forward and licked it and she had to cling to his shoulders to stay upright as she laughed so hard. Her tongue stung, but she couldn’t think about that. No, not when Lex’s skin was so pale and… big, yes. It covered all of his body and she couldn’t stop touching it. It was beautiful and it just glowed so iridescently as they danced.

“Oh, oh, Lex,” she whispered, “I think I love you.” No, not him, his wonderful skin. She loved his skin. So soft and wondrous and everywhere. It was the sky, the moon, the floor. She fell back, she wanted to fall in it.

“Woah, woah…” He caught her and she sucked in a lungful of air. It tasted like sweet and blood.

“Lex,” she chanted, over and over, “So beautiful.”

“So are you,” he said, stroking her face and then moving his hands down to her bare shoulders. It felt nice as the air pulsed around her like a giant heart, almost devouring her with its hot, throbbing walls. She felt her blood rush to her feet and she fell into Lex. Soon his lips were on hers and she laughed into his mouth, because it felt like her own mouth was detached from her face. She couldn’t help love him.

“Do you want to prove your love to me, Lois? Is that what you want?” He rasped in her ear, and she clung to him desperately. How? How had he read her mind?

“Beautiful… good,” Chloe whispered, “Good idea.”

He led her off the dance floor, her cousin nowhere near her mind, rather the skin of the man she loved, pouring over her like melted toffee.


A/N: I really don't know how to continue this without leading to melodrama, so I'll just let you make your own conclusions. Hope you enjoyed :dry:

14th December 2004, 12:46
Please add in a rating in the topic title or topic description. I suggest you go take a look at the forum rules (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/index.php?showtopic=1481) to make sure you don't break any other rules in the future.

14th December 2004, 13:20
I'm so sorry. I forgot :(


14th December 2004, 13:23
What the flying..... LEX! Shame on you!!!

Let me get this straight. He put something in her drink right? Oh My God. Please update. I need to know what happens. But why do you made it into a short fic? There is so much potential out there!!!

14th December 2004, 14:30
WOW. Just WOW. :worship2:

14th December 2004, 15:48
I'm a sucker for a good Club Zero story. Great job!
:blinkkiss: :chlexsign3:

14th December 2004, 18:23
I liked that you stopped it there. I wouldn't mind a sequel set present-day, though.

14th December 2004, 22:38
Amazing. Just amazing. I hope you'll consider writing a sequel. :worship2:

14th December 2004, 22:58
What a scary story!! Poor Lois and Chloe!! I would love a sequel where Lex realizes what he did to Chloe!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

17th March 2005, 05:39
*shakes head* Lex is a bastard! Shame on him! and you left it there? Why?

17th March 2005, 06:46
Damn you, Rohypnol enhanced drinks! Great story though, Michelle and I would have loved to have seen where you went with it. The after effects would have been bombastic.

17th March 2005, 22:05
I like this story it interesting and well written.

28th September 2005, 06:05
I'm jumping right along with the bandwagon that wants to see what happens next...wether in the form of a follow-up or the repercussions it really doesn't matter as long as you continue...this is waaaaaay too much of a good idea to go to waste. Plus it's honest and believable and I get that some people might be disturbed by it but it's (unfortunately) reality. It happens and I don't think it's so far fetched for Lex to do something of the like his wild past and background considered. Congratulations on the very mature approaching to such a complicated topic, it's new and it's bold and I'd really like to read more on it
Well done

28th September 2005, 10:37
Any sequel ??? Because that was reaaly great !

28th September 2005, 11:36
that was great, very diff

13th October 2005, 14:42
Was well written but would be better if we were to get an update set in the future when Lex realises he knows Chloe from somewhere!!!

14th October 2005, 06:08
gah! sequel of the morning-after! :tantrum:

30th October 2005, 19:49
Great Fic , im joining the others in a request for a sequel !

20th November 2009, 00:05
Hi Michelle,

I don't think you're a member anymore, but maybe you post under a different name. Anyway, I think this is a wonderful story for showing a side of Lex we were told exists but never really saw. Smallville brought out his good boy side for a while, then the various hypocrisies pushed him into super-villainy, but this is just dumb selfish rich boy bad. As much an addict as he was reputed to be, surely Lex took advantage of a few young women with his looks, money and privilege. I didn't like what I was seeing but it was absolutely accurate to the Lex who was hinted at pre-series.

4th January 2013, 16:56
Great job
I wish there was a sequel, with Lex meeting Chloe again for the first time at the Torch and how they'd deal with all that happened, now that Lex isn't that kind of guy anymore