View Full Version : [Completed] The Past Mirrors the Present - R

5th December 2004, 01:05
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: None in this chapter
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s .

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading role. Investigating the mystery of the first Alexander Luthor will no doubt, inspire this one to see what’s in front of him.)


Chloe Sullivan had graduated summa cum laude from Columbia University in the winter. Immediately afterwards, she took her savings and headed off for a month long vacation in Europe. Before she left, though, on a dare she decided to submit an application for a Fulbright Scholarship. It was Pete who’d put the idea in her head initially, when she first decided to give up on journalism as a major, focusing instead on Political Science.

“I’ve seen what it’s done to the people I love in the past, Pete,” she’d told him, “and I know what it has done to me. I can’t do it anymore. Don’t get me wrong – I still love to write and I still intend to write, but I need to take a….different approach.”

“So, find your own way then,” Pete had told her, “get out there and see more of the world. You’ve always talked about it and nothing’s holding you back from doing it now.”

That innocuous conversation had put the idea of leaving firmly in her mind. Her father was secure in his position as the head of LexCorp’s main plant in New Mexico. Surprisingly, Pete had found happiness back in Smallville – with Lana of all people. Two months after he’d graduated from Kansas State, he and Lana Lang became engaged. It had taken most of Smallville by complete surprise, but she’d wished them the best.

Strangely enough, the one person who had not offered up an opinion on their coming nuptials, was Clark Kent. Though she never talked about it, Chloe could sense Lana’s sadness and knew there had occurred something between the two of them. Whatever it had been – Chloe was too tactful to inquire further – had altered their relationship irrevocably. Lana had moved on with her life; a life that was now with Pete, as he headed to Harvard Law. The three had all flown out to the East Coast together, with Chloe flying out to Scotland shortly afterwards. No one had seen Clark for months.

Lex had remained one of Chloe’s closest friends despite Pete’s disapproval. He had been generous enough to offer to fly her out on his personal jet when he heard the good news about her scholarship. They’d met at her hotel bar on the night before she was to fly out.

“Why Scotland of all places?” he’d wondered.

“The University of Edinburgh offers a wonderful post-graduate program in politics and English,” she’d replied. “It’s time for a change, to explore a bit of that world I’m always talking about.”

“I thought you were hell-bent on journalism?” Lex questioned.

“Things changed,” she uttered calmly, “It’s still a part of me, but I don’t have the same zeal for it that I once did. That’s why I decided to focus my studies on writing and political science.”

“It sounds rather time-consuming.”

“Maybe it is,” she agreed,” but I have the time. I’m young, unattached and energetic. Besides, I’ve got a scholarship and my savings. I can afford the time.”

“You’ve got something else as well,” he’d said, handing her an envelope.

Puzzled, she took the envelope he handed to her and poured out the contents. One item was a set of keys.

“It’s for an apartment on Royal Terrace, right off Queen Street,” he’d said.

“Lex, you didn’t have to. The housing would have been fine-“

“And was not included in your scholarship, remember. This way your savings will go further. The second set of key on that ring is for your transportation.”

“I can’t take this-“

“Chloe, please let me do this,” he requested politely. “After all you’ve been through….with my father especially, I can’t help but feel responsible that you’ve somehow lost your dream.”

“We don’t know that. I’m just studying. Nothing’s carved in stone yet.”

“Even still, “ he’d insisted, “if you are on a new path towards a new dream, let me at least make the transition comfortable.”

“This better not be a huge, sprawling place, “she’d warned with a laugh, “otherwise I’m giving it back.”

“It’s a moderately sized, garden apartment with good security, centrally located and all yours.”

The sheaf of paperwork neatly folded up in the envelope was a deed of sale. It was in fact, a statement of ownership.

“Are you trying to say you bought this for me?”

“Consider it an investment into what I consider will be a very brilliant future. Yours.”

Both were silent for a moment. Chloe shook her head in disbelief. “Lex, as wonderful as this is, I’m not sure I can accept. It’s too much.”

“You’re worth it. Please accept it, Chloe. No strings attached. I just want to assure that your new life overseas starts off properly.”

“This is amazingly kind of you, Lex, “ she’d said, almost crying, “Thank you so very much.”

He’d taken hold of her hand and their eyes had locked for a moment. Chloe felt it impossible to break her gaze. There was such sad determination in his expression and at that moment, he was so unguarded. It was rare to see his defenses down.

“I’m going to miss you.”

“Then visit,” she’d teased. “I’ve got a place now. I’m sure it’s big enough for you to crash.”

He smiled as he let go of her hand and looked away. She regretted the loss almost immediately.

What the hell are you thinking, Chloe Sullivan, she thought to herself as she looked down at his hand.

Silently, Lex followed her gaze. Chloe seemed puzzled somehow and he was intrigued.

No, that’s not the only reason I’m intrigued. Chloe Sullivan has become a poised and charming woman. A very beautiful one at that.

“But you’ll have an entirely new life to lead. Having the old guy around will be like having the proverbial albatross around your neck.”

“No, it won’t,” she replied softly. “There will always be a place for you, Lex. That’s a promise....and you are far from being an old man.”

Although she’d always been sparring with him, there was always a warmth to Chloe he’d never quite admitted to himself. She was one person who had never looked for a way to expulse him from a friendship. Selfless kindness was a rare quality, one she possessed.

“What time is your flight?”

“Tomorrow morning at six.” She’d replied, “So I ‘d better be going. I have an early start in the morning.”

“I’ll be there,” he’d said suddenly, “to see you off.”

Why does it that make me so sad, she’d thought. Masking that emotion as best she could, Chloe had replied, “I’m glad, Lex. I’d hate to-“

She hesitated for a moment. Lex stood and placed his hand on her back. “It’s alright. It’s late and you’re probably nervous about tomorrow’s trip.”

“Yes, that’s it,” she’d replied, unconvinced as he walked to the elevator.

“Ever since you mentioned Edinburgh,” he told her, “I’ve been curious, I must admit. After the revelations about my grandparents-“

Chloe nodded, “You’ve been curious about your family tree?”

“Yes, exactly. I was able to trace a great-great granduncle. Apparently, he’s not only my namesake, but was a rather famous writer of his time.”

“You don’t say, “ she’d replied, “I’ll do some research and let you know if I find anything out. Alexander Luthor, the writer. Interesting.”

They came to the elevator and she smiled shyly at him. “I’d better go up.”

“Yes, “ Lex had replied.

As the elevator arrived, Chloe quickly turned and hugged him vigorously. “Thank you, Lex. I’m going to miss you as well.”

Intrigued, Lex continued to watch her as she entered the elevator, looking away only when the doors closed to ferry her upstairs.


True to her word, just as soon as she was settled in, Chloe set off to the main university at the University of Edinburgh to see what she could find about the obscure poet. She was directed to the library’s archives. Taking a slip and completing to enter her request, she patiently waited in the long, dark corridor.

“Is there a Chloe Sullivan present?” a voice called through an open office door. A tall, dark-haired woman stepped.

“Yes,” Chloe answered, walking up towards the spectacled, older woman. She was beckoned into the office.

“I take it you’re researching obscure Scottish poets, Miss Sullivan,” the woman replied. She had a stiff English accent. “Strange, for an American that is. I’m Madeleine Teslaine, head archivist for Collected Works, Poetry.”

“His name was mentioned to me by a friend prior to my arrival,” Chloe replied. “I’ll take it some of his work is available.”

“Indeed, it is. I’ll have my associate take you to the appropriate room. I’ve rung for her and she should be here momentarily.”

“Why did you think it was strange that I’d choose to research Luthor?” Chloe asked.

“Outside of the strictest poetic cliques, his name is forgotten, “ the woman replied haughtily, “and most of our American Fulbright’s stick to Donne.”

Thankfully, a moment later Ms. Teslaine’s associate arrived. She was a twenty-ish, redhaired student. Smiling at Chloe, she introduced herself.

“You mus’ be Ms. Sullivan,” the assistant said, “I’m Kaitlin MacTavish. I’ll take you to where you kin fin’ the Luthor archives.

“Thank you,” Chloe said.

Walking out of Ms. Teslaine’s office, they proceeded to the archive’s east wing.

“Only one box is allo’d out at a’ time,” she admonished, “Is there anything in particular you’d want first?”

“Did he keep yearly journals?”

“It were a custom of the time,” Kaitlin replied,” The papers are arranged by year. I’d suggest ya’ start with 1870. Here. You can wait in the examination area while I get them.”

She opened the door and motioned for Chloe to sit down. The room was dusty, but well lit – a series of desk and long tables. She sat down and waited for the records, placing her bag on one of the long tables and taking out a notepad.

Ten minutes later, Kaitlin returned with an archive box in her hands that she placed on Chloe’s table. “There it is, then. I expect that should keep you tied up for some hours.”

“Can you give me any background on Alexander Luthor?” Chloe asked.

“Very little is known ‘bout him,” Kaitlin said, “He was born in Edinburgh and lived here most o’ his life. His companion for twenty years was another writer name o’ Joseph Coleridge, an Englishman. Most of his work had to do with love and fidelity, but he changed towards the end o’ his life. I believe most o’ latter work dealt with loss and betrayal”


“Aye. That’s what it were called then.”

“Thanks, Kaitlin. Where can I find you once I’m done with this lot?”

“A’ the door to the left, there’s an intercom. Dial the star and 147 and you’ll reach my office. If you need me, that’s also my door number.

Stepping out, she left Chloe to examine the contents of the box. It contained notebooks of various sixes, loosely-bound letters, notepads and cards. She started with the larger notebooks which she assumed were the journals.

An hour later, Chloe was ready to climb the walls. Three journals and she’d found only minor details about daily events – visitors, recitations and parties – but nothing about Alexander himself. Placing the journals back in the box, she reached for another notebook.

This one was smaller, red oxblood leather and gilt bound. The title page was “Record of Visitors, 1870”. Most of the names were similar, but as she looked over the listing for March of that years, Chloe located an interested entry.

“Joseph, in Glasgow…..Held small dinner party…….four…….Caroline Donovan, poetess, in attendance.

And so began a pattern. Every time there was an entry for C. Donovan, Joseph was noted as being somewhere else. Also, it was always for a party of four. That made little sense. According to the other dinner parties, the minimal amount of guests he hosted was ten. Why was the number less when referenced with Miss Donovan?

Putting the book to the side, Chloe looked in the box for anything other document that might provide her with more information. One of the smaller notebooks, blue and weathered, was labeled “Recipes and Hosting, 1870”. Well, perhaps there might be something there.

Opening the book, she started to skim through the pages, finding nothing of note. When Chloe was about half-way through, she grew frustrated and opened the book midway. Towards the center of the page, she found a small, sealed and folded letter.

She looked around. Thankfully she was alone in the room. As quietly as possible, she broke the ancient seal and unfolded the letter. Her eyes grew large with surprise as she read:


Will there ever come a time when, resting on the banks of the river Esk, your face will not come to mind? Ah, but my soul decries that it will not be so. I am haunted, perplexed, chagrined by the reverie brought upon by this shunning. Why will you not speak? Pray, angel, if I cannot see your face, send to me a letter. Burn my eyes with acid recriminations, I beg of you. If I cannot have you, I shall have your words.

I have enclosed the result of your seclusion in the form of a poem. And it is to you that I must be grateful. Metamorphosis has indeed the vexation of self-flagellation. It is a whip you yield, a control you have yet discard.

The poem was simple, but beautiful:

And there it was
So as to be
the budding creature
within he
From pupa's birthing
here, to butterfly
if to her liking
so shall he fly

Chloe was stunned by the passion of the words chosen. If Alexander Luthor and Joseph Coleridge were indeed ‘companions’, who was this ‘Madam’ ? It had to be Caroline Donovan. She was the only female guest constantly in the presence of Alexander when Joseph was absent.

Unable to resist, she took another cursive look around and folded the letter up, secretly stashing it within her inner jacket pocket. Putting the rest of the books and papers back in the box, she rang for Kaitlin.

“Read everything already?” Kaitlin questioned when she walked in the room to collect the papers. “Aye, but you’ve been ‘ere three hours already.”

“I know,” Chloe replied, “I’ve got some notes, but there’s so much recorded detail on his entertainment, friends, comings, goings….etc. Before I look up anything else, I think I’d like to look into some of his work. But I will be back to look through more documents, that much I know.”

“Got a taste of it I see?” Kaitlin teased.

“For what?”

“You’ve got the look of a reporter to me, with a critical eye no doubt. It’s always the critic that makes the best literary detective.”

Chloe smiled at the compliment as she picked up her bag.

“Come straight to the East Wing,” Kaitlin instructed her, “no need to see the sourpuss. Nor ‘er fault, really. Only English after all.”

“I’ll be back, Kaitlin,” Chloe promised guiltily as she walked out of the room.

The moment she was out the door, she took her cellphone out of her jacket pocket and dialed Lex.

“Chloe? You do realize it’s 7:00 o’clock in the morning-“

“Yes, but this couldn’t wake. I finally made good on the promise I made to you.”

“Which one?”

“To look up Alexander Luthor. I think I may have found something in his archives here at Edinburgh.”

“If it’s about the fact he lived with a man, I already knew-“

“Oh, I think we can safely say he liked his bread buttered on both sides,” she teased.

“Come again?”

“I found something, as I just said. When can you come visit?”

“This must be good.”

“I’ve got a feeling it will be. Your ancestor had a hidden love. A hidden love that no one has uncovered.”

“Until now, that is.”

“Exactly. You’ve said that you wanted to know about the past – about your family history. Well, there’s a mystery here waiting to be unraveled. I think it’d be good for you.”

Hesitating slightly before he replied, Lex answered, “I think I can be there by the end of the week.”

“Perfect,” she replied, “I can do some more investigating in the meanwhile.”

“What about your classes?”

“Don’t worry about it. I can do both. I’ll see you soon.”

She hung up the phone and proceeded to the main library, intent on researching anything and everything she could find out on the poetess, Caroline Donovan.


Back in Smallville, Lex wondered why this particular bit of Luthor mystery had intrigued Chloe so deeply. He could hear the excitement in her voice as she confessed her discovery and couldn’t help but be flattered by it. Also, his own curiosity was sparked by the mention she’d found Luthor archives in Edinburgh.

Once again, Lex found his life was being called to where Chloe Sullivan was located.

5th December 2004, 01:34
good start. I can't wait to read more


5th December 2004, 01:52
I'm so glad that Lex is going to Scotland too!! Chloe and Lex will have such a great time together investigating his ancestor!! Great beginning to your story!! Can't wait for more!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

5th December 2004, 03:43
:chlexsign3: I have to say I was bored by the movie but what your writing is so much better. Can't wait to see how this unfolds :biggrin:

5th December 2004, 03:50
God yet another master piece from you. You have the best ideas. I love it. :D

Hope :)

6th December 2004, 02:39
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: None in this chapter
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s .

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading role. Investigating the mystery of the first Alexander Luthor will no doubt, inspire this one to see what’s in front of him.)


Caroline Donovan was a complete enigma. Considered a modern poet in an era of Romantic poets, she was an Irish born, outspoken rebel. Passionate writer of letters, it was odd to read that in her personal history, no romantic partner had ever been found. In all her years, she was thought of as the consummate and dedicated writer, but never as a lover. For two weeks, Chloe had been researching every possible document about Caroline Donovan.

I can relate, unfortunately. Caroline, I know how you felt.

But what if Caroline’s solitude was a disguise of sorts? Chloe skimmed through an enormous volume of her collected works, and there were huge gaps in her writing. In fact, for 1872, there were less than ten recorded works attributed to her. For a woman known to complete at least two dozen epic poems, volumes of letters not to mention short stories and criticisms, it was odd to have her complete only ten pieces. Those pieces themselves were unlike her other work. Oddly ranging from exuberance to utter despondency, she wrote as an observer mainly though from her language it was clear she was a participant.

Towards the index of the book, Chloe found a small biography stating a brief history of the poet. Born in Dublin in 1842, her father was a distinguished professor at Trinity College. Her mother was not referenced. Unable to receive an education at her father’s institution, Ms. Donovan sought the prestige of an education by surrounding herself with literary acquaintances. Able to quote all of Shakespeare’s sonnets, familiar and indoctrinated with Darwin, she was enamored of natural life, letters and emotions. Many of her poems dealt with nature.

By water’s edge
Earth gave way to man
Soft, upon the green
Of dark that was the sea
His face, it would not feign
What sounds were stolen
But given to the sea

“Dark” and “green” might be descriptive words for the River Esk. ‘Soft’ could possibly allude to the moss-bordered path along the river’s edge. Could this poem, dated 1870 actually mirror the letter she’d found in Alexander’s journal.

It sounds too simple, but then again only someone who knew about the letter would know about the Esk.

Could her poems actually be connected to the works of Alexander Luthor? Chloe collected her notes and prepared to turn in the book. As per the mini biography, Caroline Donovan’s papers and works were held in Trinity College. She needed to get back to her apartment and find the quickest way of getting there and back.


A familiar face awaited her in the gazebo. Not thinking it was him at first, Chloe squinted, holding her hand above her eyes to keep out the sun until she was certain that it was who she thought it was.

“Lex!” she said out loud, walking faster to catch up to him.

He placed his flight case next to his wheeled suitcase as she enveloped him in a hug. “I tried calling, but you didn’t answer your phone.”

“Sorry, I had it shut off. I was over in the main library and if that thing goes off, it’ll be flog the American time in the main gate.”

“Rough time?”

“No, not really. The other students have been very nice, but I get a ‘stupid American’ stab every now and again. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

She picked up his flight case over his hesitation. “Cut the crap, Luthor,” she insisted immediately. “I’m a big girl carrying a small bag. I’ll be fine.”

“Feminism won’t help you if you throw your back out.”


“Posh? You’ve picked up some new words.”

“You’ve no idea what I’ve picked up,” she said teasingly.

Intriguing, he thought to himself. “So, let’s see this new place of yours”

“It’s right this way,” she said, pointing the way. “Right past the main gardens on the first level. It’s a gorgeous ground floor apartment that I’m going to thank you for daily.”

“Let’s consider that today’s ‘thank you’”, he laughed,” and work our way through tomorrow’s.”

“Deal,” she agreed, taking the lead as she led him through the main gate. The gazebo and entry park were open to passerbys, but it took a key to see the true beauty of the building inside. Constructed in the late 17th century, the building itself was composed of a group of individual buildings linked together by a common center atrium.

Chloe took a left turn and began opening the ancient oak doors, “The building really looks like a medieval castle, but wait until you get inside.”

As Lex took his first look inside, he saw the small portal alcove, leading towards a large living room with a sunken floor. Chloe had kept the decorating simple, but as he looked to the right, he could see her desk and papered wall.

“I see some habits never die,” he said, rolling his suitcase down the small living room stairwell.

“Well, I did come here to work, “ Chloe insisted,” come on. I’ll take you to the guest room.”

“Guest room?”

“That what I can call it now, seeing as you’re my first guess. It was previously known as big closet room.”

He laughed as Chloe led him to a bedroom just left of the living room. It was directly opposite what he thought to be her bedroom. The room that was his had a two poster bed, dresser, writing desk, fireplace and armoire. It all looked Edwardian – dark oak and curved edges – and in extremely good taste.

“If you think this is great, wait until you see the balcony,” she warned,” It’s green as far as the eye can look. It may be cold enough to light a fire tonight, so I’d suggest eating in the kitchen tonight. Unless you want to go out, of course.”

“What would we be dining if we stayed in?”

“One hell of a frozen pizza.”

“Right. Out it is then.”


“So where are you taking me now?”

“Just outside of Edinburgh, to the city of Sterling. There’s a working farm and gourmet restaurant that you simply have to see to believe. Just don’t pet the sheep.”


“You’ll see what I mean.”

Located atop a ridge overlooked green mountains and a enormous herd of sheep, Chloe drove into the small, driveway of a working farm owned and operated by the Topp family. If you looked carefully in the distance, you could faintly make out a castle.

“That’s the castle at Sterling,” she pointed out, as they walked out of her Fiat. “Legend says that King Arthur wrested the original castle form the Saxons, but I hear the present castle dates only from the 15th or 16th century. It’s beautiful and extremely peaceful, despite the history of the place.”

“I’d say you like it here,” Lex said, unknowingly taking her hand.

“Yes,” she agreed, “I like it here very much.”

She was greeted affectionately by George’s wife who gave them a small table by the window, ten feet about from the fireplace. They dined on a rich salad of field greens, mushrooms, walnuts and goat cheese and drank a homemade Riesling.

“This food is amazing,” Lex agreed,” the trip was worth it.”

“Edinburgh is wonderful as well,” Chloe said,” but on your first night, I wanted to take you somewhere special.”

From the window, Lex could see the lights from various homes on the mountainside. Night was falling and the small restaurant was only slightly full. He couldn’t understand why – the food was exquisite.

Chloe told him all about her research. Lex found himself fascinated not only by all she had deduced, but also by how interested he himself was in this story. A Luthor who apparently was not interested in commerce or wealth and who may have had a clandestine love affair with an eccentric poet was the makings of new tale in his family history.

Dinner was served – a venison casserole served with chestnuts and hot rolls with Scottish honey.

“And that’s where the trail ends,” she said, “though I get the feeling I’ll be able to uncover more in Dublin.”


“Yes. It’s where Caroline Donovan’s papers are collected. If I can find her whereabouts in the year 1872, part of the mystery will be solved. No poem or work of Alexander Luthor from that year survived and he wrote very little in his journals to boot. But in his visitor’s records, there was no note of his companion. Caroline, however, is noted nearly every week.”

“Interesting. So that’s the year you believe they were together.”

“All the evidence I have so far points to that year, yes. I was planning a trip tomorrow to take another look at Alexander’s papers. Want to come along?”

“I’m not an alumni.”

“No, put you are a relation. I think we can work it out.”

“I think I’d like that. Chloe, I think you have a knack for this.”

“Critics often make the best literary detectives,” she said with a smile, remembering Kaitlin’s comment.

They ordered tea served with clotted cream and scones for dessert, as they discussed the possibility of a day trip to Dublin.

“I’ve got the jet, Chloe. It would be the fastest day.”

“And would have the paparazzi in Europe following you around faster than you know it. Trust me, we’ll take Aer Lingus and keep in low key.”

They fought briefly over the check, which Lex finally got to pay. As they finished his coffee, Chloe introduced Lex to George and his wife, who made them both promise to return again soon for a special meal.

“I think they like you,” he said.”

“I’ve come here a few times alone. They’re probably happy to see I actually have someone to take out.”

“So, I’m armcandy?”

“After a fashion,” she laughed.

He laughed with her as their eyes locked for a moment. Her hair was tied up tightly in a small bun, giving her the appearance of being studious and sedate. It was an appearance belied by her constant good cheer and ever-fixed smile. “I’ve missed you, Chloe.”

“Have you?” she replied, touched by his sincerity.

“Yes,” he replied. ‘It’s hard when your good friend is halfway across the world and has a great new life-“

“Which includes you,” she added,” and which will always include you. Don’t ever forget that.”

Their eyes met again, and for a moment Chloe thought he was about to kiss her. Time seemed to stand perfectly still as he touched her cheek, and traced her jaw with his finger. Something stopped him and regretfully, he retired his hand and looked away. It was a shy gesture on his part.

I’ve completely fallen for her and haven't got a clue what to do about it.

“Thank you,” he said, holding open the door to the driver’s seat. He helped her get in and entered the passenger side. She looked over in his direction and smiled sweetly.

Oh, Lex. Can’t you see what I’m too afraid to say out loud?

“Home, then?” he questioned.

“Yes,” she answered quickly. “Home it is.”


6th December 2004, 05:12
i love it :yay2:

i love it :yay2:

i love it :yay2:

more please...


6th December 2004, 06:10
Oh my God that was beautiful. :wub: More please....

Hope :chlexsign3:

6th December 2004, 07:06
I love Lex and Chloe's reactions to each other!! The mystery is great also!! Post again soon please!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

6th December 2004, 07:56
please please more soon.


Kit Merlot
6th December 2004, 15:45
This is wonderful--more please :biggrin:

6th December 2004, 21:16
I love this!! Chloe and Lex are so sweet together. And shy Lex is adorable.

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

6th December 2004, 22:33
Awww!!! :)

I love it, can't wait to see how the Caroline mystery works out....

7th December 2004, 02:25
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: None in this chapter
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and uncovered that ancestor's secret love.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading role. Investigating the mystery of the first Alexander Luthor will no doubt, inspire this one to see what’s in front of him.)


Lex awoke in the morning to the sound of the closing of a heavy door. By the time he’d gotten up and out of bed, Chloe was nowhere to be found. Walking over towards the kitchen, he found the short note she’d left for him prior to leaving her flat, stuck to a folder:

Have absolutely nothing to eat and stepped out to pick up breakfast. Such is the life of busy bee international student. While I’m gone, take a look at some of the work of another talented Alexander Luthor. C

Inside a manila folder, he found the letter she’d told him about at dinner last night. He’d presumed she had a copy of it, but this letter was no facsimile. This was an original, yellowing and creased with age, written by a man perhaps very much like himself. Chloe had been correct when she described the desperate passion conveyed, but he was struck by this line in particular:

Pray, angel, if I cannot see your face, send to me a letter.

If indeed Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan had been lovers, why was the seclusion necessary? They were, from what he’d been told by Chloe, both single, independent and financially sound individuals. And why, if they had gone beyond the seclusion mentioned in the letter, had they gone to such lengths to hide their relationship? He was growing as curious as Chloe was.

A third page had been enclosed. This was definitely a copy. It was a poem written by Alexander Luthor and dated August, 1871:

Where dungeon dwells in dark of day,
Is found the citrus, sweet but gray,
Upon the awning, two meet one,
‘Neath web of spider was undone
The will of man sworn to be true
Broke and battered unto you
South Esk, be damned,
I damn you well
For bringing to me times of hell
Despair you gave, forest green
By giving to me love much lean
Where Queen of Scots
And Wallace felled
Another name you add as well
And Walter Scott, what guard you there?
Are all these souls not lain to bare?
My torment, it will grow and shine
Bless it then, by will divine
For heaven opens not to sin

Queen of Scots and Wallace felled? Those had to be clues to some location – perhaps the place they first met? Lex re-read the poem at least a dozen times, not realizing that Chloe had re-entered the apartment.

“Wow, you must really like that one,” she said, laying down some bags on the kitchen table.

“It’s revelatory,” he replied, “because not only do I think it contains clues, but the last stanza…..it’s the admission of a man who knows he’s about to submit to love, knows it to be wrong, and doesn’t give a damn.”

“And how many times did you read it?”

“Half a dozen times, at least,” he admitted.

Chloe took out some fresh coffee and scones, laying them on the table. “I have to hit the market, but I was able to pick up some breakfast. There’s fresh cream butter and jam in the ‘fridge.” She got absolutely no response from him and when she stuck her head out of the kitchen and looked towards the desk, she saw Lex reading the poem one more time. She smiled and went back into the kitchen.

He looks so handsome when he concentrates, and when his shirt is slightly undone the way it is right now…..

Shaking her head, she went back out and leaned over to read over his shoulder.



“I’m going to have to ask you to step away from the poem now.”

He laughed as he turned to face her. Once again, her hair was tied up in a bun and he felt the strange urge to pull it loose since he’d always liked her best with her hair loose. Their eyes locked and he did not want to be the first one to look away first.

“I think you’re getting as curious about this mystery as I am, “she said quietly.

“I think you’re right.”

“Well, let’s have breakfast then. We’ve got a full day ahead of us. Library to check out archives of Luthor in the morning and flight to Dublin in the afternoon.”

“Both in the same day?”

“Absolutely. If we get back early enough, we can grab dinner on the Royal Mile. There’s a few great pubs down that way.”

You could kiss me now, you know.
I could kiss you now, if I weren’t such a damn coward.

Chloe straightened up and picked up a folder on her desk. “He’s quite an interesting character this ancestor of yours. Not only was he a poet, but he was quite the man about town.”


“Yes. He was successful during his lifetime, but that mostly due to his overall writing. The poetry itself became much more renowned after his death?”

“How did he die?”

“That’s another thing that’s odd,” she admitted, “The accounts of his death vary. One source I found online states he died in 1882 of tuberculosis and another says…”


“That it was pneumonia……after a suicide attempt.”

“Was it in the River Esk?”

“Yes,” she replied,” off the South Esk. He’d been staying at Dalhousie Castle.”

Lex took another look at the poem. “You wouldn’t happen to know if there’s a statue of Walter Scott there, would you?”

“No, why?”

“Because I think I might have found something as well,” he said proudly.

7th December 2004, 03:11
:yay: Great update!! :yay2: I'm really enjoying this story!! :yay: Update again soon please!!!! :chlexsign4:

7th December 2004, 06:37
Oh this is getting good. more please...

Hope :)

Kit Merlot
7th December 2004, 18:11
Great update!

This story is just excellent :biggrin:

7th December 2004, 18:58
I loved this chapter, the part where they each wanted to kiss was so sweet.

:wub: :wub: :wub:

7th December 2004, 19:21
This is getting good. I can't wait to find out where this story is going.

Hope you update soon.


7th December 2004, 19:52
Thank you for the great feedback! I should have the next chapter up by tonight, just as soon as I look up some references. By the time I'm done with this, I'm sure I'll be able to drive from Edinburgh to Glasgow blindfolded. The clues will continue to grow in both Scotland and Ireland. :biggrin:

Ami Rose
7th December 2004, 21:43
Originally posted by crankychick@Dec 6 2004, 05:25 PM
Where dungeon dwells in dark of day,
Is found the citrus, sweet but gray,
Upon the awning, two meet one,
‘Neath web of spider was undone
The will of man sworn to be true
Broke and battered unto you
South Esk, be damned,
I damn you well
For bringing to me times of hell
Despair you gave, forest green
By giving to me love much lean
Where Queen of Scots
And Wallace felled
Another name you add as well
And Walter Scott, what guard you there?
Are all these souls not lain to bare?
My torment, it will grow and shine
Bless it then, by will divine
For heaven opens not to sin
Ohhhh, I love it! :wub: :wub: :wub: Please continue! :devil:

7th December 2004, 21:55
Ami Rose, I'm so glad you like the poem I used. I stared at a half dozen picture of that castle, trying to put as many clues in for Lex as I could. Writing poems within this story takes a bit longer, but it's worth it.

7th December 2004, 23:21
:biggrin: you really are a great fic writer!!! Damn but I love your fics already!!! wonderful stuff, more as soon as you can!!! :worship2:

8th December 2004, 03:29
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: None in this chapter
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan. Hope that was fast enough, asharnanae :biggrin: )


Thankfully, despite the rain, the flight from Edinburgh to Dublin had been uneventful. Lex had spent most of his in-flight time reviewing the facsimiles Chloe had gotten from the Resource Centre at the University of Edinburgh regarding the life and work of Alexander Luthor, while Chloe reviewed some information on Caroline Donovan.

“I find it fascinating,” he’d said.

“What? The story itself?”

“Yes, that, but Alexander himself is fascinating as well. On some of the biographical information you’ve given me, it says he mixed with some of the best known intellectuals of the time. He’s even been photographed with Oscar Wilde.”

“He was quite the man about town, both in Edinburgh and London.”

“With a scandalous sex life to boot,” Lex added, “Men….women. Until he set up house with Joseph Coleridge, he was quite the rake.”

“And look who’s picking up the nice expressions this time?” she teased.


Chloe had arranged for them to stay at the historic Clontarf Castle, an historic castle that dated from 1172 and was located only five minutes away from Dublin Airport. It was also conveniently located only 2 miles away from the center of town. It was a beautifully preserved hotel now, large but very inviting. The main receiving area boasted a lovely sitting room and fireplace.

“I may have to hire you to do my bookings in the future,” Lex commented, impressed by the regal décor.

“Get me while the rate’s low,” she teased. “Because once I get that master’s, I plan on being very expensive.

Lex insisted on getting them an upgrade and on paying for an extra two night stay. “You might need a few days extra for research,” he said, “And besides, I’ve never seen Dublin. Who knows what other clues we’ll find that we’ll have to investigate?”

He has a good point, she’d thought to herself, begrudgingly accepting his offer.

They were shown to their suite, and Chloe thought she was entering a medieval fantasy. “Cue the dragon,” she said, looking at the expansive room. “This is gorgeous.”

Two bedrooms were separated by a main living room, a sitting room and a small dining area. The walls were inlain with cherry wood and oak panels and alternately covered with tapestries. When she went into her bedroom, she saw the largest four poster and antique armoire she’d ever seen up close. It was one of the loveliest rooms she’d ever seen.

“Lex, we’ve got to go,” she called out,” we have to be at Trinity College by 3:00.”

The Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies was located towards the southwest entrance of Trinity College on Westland Row. Chloe had her investigation gear all in check as she went over some of the details with Lex while in their cab.

“I have my U of E credentials with me, and I told the attendant that I’d be arriving with a research associate.”

“That would be me.”

“Yes. Smart ass.”

After the verification of her identification (as well as Lex’s), they were escorted to the Resources Centre where, after a short wait, a large brown box was brought into the viewing room. “Is it the only one?” she asked the librarian.

“This one is journals and household records. Only one archival box is permitted at a time. When you’re done, just ring and I’ll bring the correspondence.”

“What are your rules on copying?”

“The journal’s binding is very tender. Any information you need from them, you should copy into your notes. If that’s too long handed, note the journal title, year and we’ll print out the file. All materials have been scanned and are in our archives.”

“Got it,” Chloe added with a wink.

Chloe removed the top of the box and started to look at what was inside. She decided to start with the journal labeled ‘1870 - Household.

Lex poked his own hand into the box and pulled out ‘1870 – Visitors’. Both concentrated and read.

Half an hour passed. Chloe looked up from her journal and rubbed her eyes. Lex was deeply engrossed. He saw something that piqued his attention.

“Anything?” he questioned.

“Very little. 1870 was the year she left Dublin for Edinburgh, so most of the information I’ve found consists of the house purchase, the ferry ride and setting up house. Day to day mundane things. What did you find?”

“It could be nothing, but there are several notations for a dinner party of four. Strangely enough, she made only one notation for March of 1870. The name is S. Luthor.”

“Alexander Luthor had no other relatives in his literary circle, I’m assuming?”

“No, none.”

An idea came to her. “Wait a minute. On my first week of classes, I had to get a map at Services and I was helped by this young kid. They called him Sandy, but when he gave me his name before I left, it was Alexander. Sandy is the Scottish nickname for Alexander!”

The excitement on Chloe’s face brought an inexplicable joy to Lex. Seeing her happy moved him in a way few other things did.

“I’ve got to see what else I can find,” she said excitedly, opening the 1870 journal once again. Page after page of making new acquaintances over afternoon tea, and she could not find a single reference to A. or S. Luthor. She was about to lose hope, until she read the following notation:

Pleasant week is to be had by all, as I’ve just accepted an invitation for the Christmas celebrations hosted by Lord and Lady Barrows at Dalhousie Castle. I am most looking forward to the Ball being hosted Christmas Eve, to which I’ve been told, A. Luthor has been invited.* Am most anxious to make his acquaintance as I’ve garnered a keen appreciation for his prose and metaphors since quitting Dublin.

“Bingo,” she said, “take a look at that.” She moved closer to Lex to show him the passage. He read the passage she’d pointed to and looked at her, smiling mischievously. “Looks like we’ll jet setting from castle to castle.”

“Looks like,” she said with an impish grin.

Their eyes locked as the smile faded from Lex’s face. Knowing there was nothing worse than another wasted opportunity, he bent down and kissed her gently on the lips. She closed her eyes until their kiss broke, dazedly fluttering her eyes and blinking.

“I’ve been wishing you’d do that for so long,” she whispered.

“Have you?” he said, his fear dissipating.

“Yes,” she replied, briefly but decisively.

Chloe placed her hand on his cheek. “Let’s finish this up for the day. We can talk without a security camera recording our every move when we get back to the suite.”

He smiled, picked up his book and continued his work. It was no use. A few moments later, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, probing her sweet, warm mouth with his tongue. Now that he knew she wasn’t going to run away screaming, he felt free to kiss her….to touch her as he’d been longing to do since first arriving in Scotland.

“Lex,” she managed to say quietly, her hand resting on his shoulder.


“Let’s get out of here. We’ll come back tomorrow.”

8th December 2004, 03:58
YAY!!! I'm so happy! :wub: :wub: :wub:

8th December 2004, 05:08
:yay: Smoochies!! :wub: Chlex Smoochies!! :wub: My favorite thing!! :yay: Love your new chapter!! Thank you for your quick updates!! Can't wait for you to post more!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

8th December 2004, 05:41
Oh my that was :wub: smut please..... :blush:

Hope :chlexsign4:

8th December 2004, 14:23
* pokes her head out * smut? did I hear smut?! anyway, I loved everything, and the smoochies were the icing on my cake...but smut will give me a happy so... :chlexsign1: bring it on the smut please!! lol :goof:

xoox LaLa

8th December 2004, 14:32

I absolutey love this. I those how you've set the relationship between them, casal flirting and teasing simmering over something deeper. Well done.

Well, I am all caught up so you can post some more now! :biggrin:

Kit Merlot
8th December 2004, 14:47
I love this story :biggrin:

Chloe and Lex have that adorable, flirty thing going on that is just so sweet, yet also sexy :devil:

Well done!

Ami Rose
9th December 2004, 02:30
Loved :wub: this update... Please, please, please, please update more soon! :devil:

9th December 2004, 03:10
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan. In the next chapter - will Lex or won't he wear a kilt?)


The moment they got back to Clontarf, Chloe grabbed Lex by the back of the neck and pulled him into a kiss. At the suite door, Lex struggled to open the door entwined with Chloe as they embraced. He fidgeted, reaching into his pocket for the key.

“We should get inside,” Lex said, “before they throw us in the moat.”

“This castle has no moat,” she teased, “and I’ve got my key right here.”

She took the key and opened the door as she and Lex fell into each others arms again. Frantically, she moved her head rhythmically against his. She started to remove his jacket. Lex grabbed her jacket, shoving it off her body by sliding it down her arms until it fell into a heap on the floor.

As they followed the sounds of falling items from Chloe’s pockets, Lex saw the paperwork strewn over the floor. Urgently, his head of Development had been trying to reach him to send some documents to his attention. Frustrated and extremely angry, he bent to pick up some pages as he muttered, “Goddammit” under his breath.

“The real world beckons,” Chloe said sadly.

“Only a short delay,” he said assuringly, pecking her on the lips. “But if I don’t go through these documents, God only knows what disasters might take place.”


At five in the morning, he was dressed and ready to catch his flight back to the United States. For the entire evening, he’d been on conference call after conference, trying to find a way to handle matters without leaving Europe, all to no avail. The toxic explosion from some years back was being reinvestigated by the EPA and his entire research team was threatening to resign, unless he personally met before the commission that had been established. It was bureaucratic bullshit and he knew it, but there was no one else who could take his place in facing it.

He walked into Chloe’s room and saw her lying on the bed, fully dressed. As he’d worked that evening, she’d checked up on his progress constantly, hoping beyond hope that he could resolve the situation without having to leave. Moving very slowly so as not to wake her, he sat at her bedside. She was asleep on her side, looking so calm and peaceful that he hated disturbing her. Softly, he pressed his hand against the softness of her cheek.

She awoke instantly and saw he was dressed. Turning over to better face him, she took hold of his hand.

“Do you have to go?”

The heartbreak in her voice tore his heart. “I wish I didn’t have to, but it’s important. It won’t take long, I promise and I’ll be back.”

“You will?” she questioned.

“Yes,” he swore,” to get back to the mystery…”

Lex kissed her forehead, her cheek and her lips, sweeping her face with butterfly soft kisses.

“…..and much more importantly, to an enchanting lady who needs to get some sleep.”

“Hey, it’s Christmas in two weeks,” she said, yawning and stretching. “Know any castles we might want to visit for the holiday?”


“Yeah. That’s where Carolyn and Alexander met for the first time. I’ll finish up work here and make all the arrangements. But you have to stay and spend the holiday with me. No negotiation.”

Lex felt honored. Christmas had become just another day for him – nothing special, just another day to spend on the various pressing matters of Luthor Corp.

“Weren’t you planning on flying out to see Gabe?”

“No, he’s still settling in and spending the holidays with the new girlfriend. I’d promised to see him over the spring break, though.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to keep you-“

“Lex, I’m sure,” she insisted. “Christmas at Dalhousie will be perfect. A castle, a mystery to solve and most of all…………the guy….the right guy…….you.”

“I’m going to miss you. That little apartment is already starting to feel like…”

“Home,” she finished for him.

“Yes,” he said, kissing her forehead once more before rising. “God, how I hate goodbyes.”

Me too. It took all her strength not to cry in front of him. How had she become so attached to him in such a short stretch of time? It was irrational and annoyingly girlish, but there it was. She had gotten used to having him in her life.

“I’ll see you soon.”

“Damn right you will.”

Chloe threw herself into her class work. Most of the classes for her double declared met infrequently and consisted mostly of independent study, assignments and group ventures. She regularly met up with her group at Media Centre and consulted pages upon page of PoliSci texts. Most of it was monotonous, but occasionally she was able to link her true passion to her study work.

One such circumstance, was when she further investigated the background of Caroline Donovan. It turned out that not only was she well educated, but her father was briefly considered for the post of Provost at Trinity College. It was a position he turned down when the administrators refused his only child (a prodigy who completed her school certificate at age 14) her proper place. In fact, the man who was elected Provost swore that if women ever attended Trinity, he’d drop dead. He was a man of his word. In 1904, women were admitted for the first time to Trinity College and he suffered a major heart attack.

If I gather enough information, I can do a complete case study on Caroline Donovan. That should hit the snotty Lit majors below the belt.

Lex called her every other night. He was getting some terrible press regarding the EPA fines that were about to be levied on Luthor Corp. The press conveniently forgot about the incident itself, which had taken place over four years ago, concentrating instead on the monetary aspect. It infuriated him, but Chloe did her best to calm him down.

“So you’ll be arriving on the 23rd!” she said, trying not to sound annoying chirpy.

“Yes, and in my Gulf Stream. Hopefully, that should keep my arrival low key since the castle arranges for private travel. I love that they have their own landing strip.”

“Low key….high key, I don’t care,” she said happily, “I just want to see you.”

“And so do I. The 23rd will be here before you know it.”

“Good, because we’re going to have something to do once we’re at Dalhousie.”

“What would that be?”

“First of all, how do you feel about costume balls?”

“How ornate?”

“Full on Scottish.”


“Tartans and….”

“Kilts? Chloe, are you trying to get me into a kilt!”

“Well, apparently it’s a tradition there and I found out that at the Christmas celebration in 1871, Caroline and Alexander might have taken part in the Ceilidh together.”

“Come again?”

“The formal ball. It’s black tie, kilt optional and very formal.”

“I don’t know about this kilt business.”

“Hey, buddy, they’re squeezing me in to a corset. The least you could do is show me some leg.”

“This event sounds pretty fancy.”

“It’s a long standing tradition. There’s a formal line, presentation and dance cards.”

“Then I suppose I should ask formally, in keeping with the spirit of the event.”

Oh Lex, how you turn a girl’s head. Even on a cross atlantic phone call.

“Miss Chloe Sullivan?”

“Yes, Mr. Luthor?”

“Will you do me the honor of attending this year’s Christmas celebration as my companion?”

“Why, yes. I do believe I should like that.”

He laughed into the phone. Despite the hammering he was taking in the press and the multi-million dollar fines he’d be fighting in court for years to come, Chloe broke through all of that to give him a light-hearted moment. Really, he was exhausted, but she made him forget all of that. Was it any wonder that he missed working at her side desperately?

“I have to go,” he said,”because the longer I talk to you, the longer I realize the 23rd is still a week away.

“Pain in the ass,” she teased. “Call me again tomorrow when you get a minute.”

“Planning something special?”

“I’ve always wanted an international sex talk. Care to chat me up?”

“God, Chloe.”

She laughed along with him, throwing her head back in peals of enjoyment.

9th December 2004, 03:25
that was a wonderful chapter. can't wait to read about the x-mas party. Hope you write more soon


9th December 2004, 04:10
Oh that is what I call romantic. :wub:

Hope :chlexsign4:

9th December 2004, 05:24
It broke my heart that Lex had to leave!! I'm so glad that he's coming back to spend Christmas with Chloe!! Yay!! :yay: Thank you for the update!! I can't wait to read more of your story!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

Kit Merlot
9th December 2004, 18:55
This is an excellent romance :biggrin:

Can't wait for more!

9th December 2004, 20:58
It was sad that Lex had to leave to deal with all that EPA junk. :cryblue: :cryblue: :cryblue: I'm glad they'll have Christmas together though. :wub: :santa: :wub: Lex in a kilt, HAHA!!! :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

12th December 2004, 06:43
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan

December 22

You look towards others and strive to find
The very things once left behind,
But ‘tis myself, as you will see
Where can be found the mystery
But do you dare to peer inside
The very face that did divide
A home that once was shared by two
But proved weak and came unglued

Caroline Donovan, April 1872

Lex was due to arrive the following day, and the snow had begun to come down hard in the Highlands. Chloe had settled in comfortably into their suite, pouring herself into reading the parallel works of both Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan. Before she could understand the beginning – since that was an aspect she wanted to explore with Lex – she started by investigating the possible ending. April of 1872 seemed to be a very dark year for both poets, as she was finding out.

When two were one
And one were we
The pace of life moved frantically
To hide and shade what to the eye
Should not escape, did we deny
Inside yourself, the tale is wound
For only dust to now unbound

Alexander Luthor, March 1872

The references to something being held ‘inside’ seemed a bit rough to her. Was it ‘inside’ in a mental, limited sense or in a more literal capacity? Could the poems be alluding to a real item being stored away somewhere ‘for only dust to now unbound’?

She pushed away her papers, looking over towards the window at the falling snow over the ground. How beautiful this castle was and how overwhelmingly calm. Once you were sheltered away in a room, everything and every noise around you dissipated to nothing. It was very peaceful, and Chloe could almost imagine Caroline Donovan’s joy upon arriving.

It was the first excursion she’d taken since leaving Ireland on her own, having been invited here by the wife of the Lord Barrows. Could she possibly have imagined how radically her life would change by simply laying eyes on Alexander Luthor for the first time?

Yes, she could understand because she found herself having the same thoughts for her own Alexander Luthor. Lex had been away for so many weeks and she missed him. Even though their relationship was in its’ infancy period, she craved his company, his quips but especially the touch of him. It went merely wanting him in her bed, though there was that as well. She loved the way he took hold of her hand and his ability to come within an inch of her face and resist the urge to kiss her. He was intoxicatingly addictive. She was so engrossed with her thoughts that she failed to hear the wooden door opening behind her and a pair of cold, winter-touched lips approaching her cheek for a kiss.

“You were so deep in your thoughts that I almost hate disturbing you,” Lex said, as he observed the smile on her face.

“Lex!” she said excitedly, jumping out of her chair and hugging him,”But…how? You weren’t supposed to arrive until tomorrow.”

“My pilot got wind of the weather conditions and told me it would be safer to travel today. If I’d waited until tomorrow, I would have run the risk of being grounded.”

Leaning his face close to hers, he got the kiss he’d been dreaming of for days. He held her by the waist, tasting her sweet breath and closing his eyes. Their kiss deepened as their tongues met and Chloe’s hand reached behind his head. They broke off and their foreheads met.

“Being grounded was not an option,” he added, his eyes still closed as he felt her hair feathering about his forehead. “I needed to keep my promise and be here with you.”

“Oh, Lex,” she managed to say, placing her hand on his cheek, ”you have no idea how happy you make me.”

“As you do me,” he replied, pecking her on the cheek. “How’s the research going? Missed your partner?”

“Yes, I have,” she said, pecking him back, “but let’s talk about it later.”

“Later?” he questioned, employing his self control to keep from crushing her lips again.

“After,” she said, grabbing his face with both hands and bringing him down to her face again.

In the background, the bellboys quietly deposited Mr. Luthor’s luggage in the foyer of the suite and quietly walked out, having witnessed a snippet of the scene between the two. As they walked away, they cursed the man’s good luck – both had been hoping the attractive blonde was unattached.

“Chloe, are you sure?” he asked, as she began removing his jacket.

“Are you?” she questioned back. He replied by kissing her once again, untucking her shirt from her pants and sliding it up and off her body. His jacket already on the floor, she began to undo the buttons of his shirt, kissing the smooth, muscled chest as the flesh was revealed.

“Your skin is so warm,” she commented under her breath, sliding the shirt off his body where it fell to the floor. His pulse accelerated and eyes darkened. In one swift movement, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her, leading them both towards the bed.

Laying her gently on the bed, he ran his hands from his shoulders, down her breasts and down to her waist. Patiently, he undid her jeans as she lay quietly on the bed, watching him with bated breath.

No one’s ever taken their time with me like this, she thought to herself, remembering the frantic couplings that constituted her college sex life. Lex knew to simultaneously take his time and stew the possessive hunger of a quick possession. Relishing the feel of his hands upon her body, she arched her body catlike in response to his hands on her breasts.

Lex undressed and joined her on the bed. She drew him in for a kiss, their bodies intertwined. Their bodies fused, joining passionately as the snow continued to fall in droves, blessing their wild reverie with silent background.


They lay facing each other, after making love, Chloe’s hand on his face. Smiling tenderly at him, she rubbed his cheek.

“I feel so different,” she confessed,” and I know that’s a cliqued, corny thing to say, but I do.”

He touched her hand with his own, bringing it towards his face for a kiss. “I know. It’s the same for me.”

“So that’s what the elusive connecting is?” she said jokingly, “I’ve missed out on a lot.”

“Oh, I’ll make sure you make up for lost time.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“I’m counting on it.”

“You’ll never know how very special you are to me, Lex,” she said quietly, “and how I’ve missed you since you’ve been gone.”

“But now I’m back,” he said, “for as long as I can stay.”

“Then I’ll have to kidnap you and chain you to this bed.”

“Let me get my energy back first,” he said, laughing as she kissed him. He hugged her to him, pressing his body against hers. “and then I’m up for all the deviance you can muster up.”

“Speaking of which, we’ve got two days until I get to see you in a kilt,” she added, “and I cannot wait.”

“I’m still thinking about it.”

“Can’t I do anything to convince you?” she whispered with faux innocence.”

“Something will come to mind, I’m certain,” he barely managed to say, distracted by Chloe’s kissing of his neck.

“The ball’s not for two days,” she slurred, pressing her breasts against his chest, “so we’re going to have to find some way of amusing ourselves until then.”

“That won’t prove difficult,” he said, panting as she twined her leg around his hip, “and I already know where I plan on amusing myself.”

“Where would that be?” Chloe teased, her teeth lightly biting his shoulder.

“Undercover,” he gasped, pulling her atop him, as they both caressed underneath the covers of the luscious four poster bed.


12th December 2004, 10:47
Excellent chapter!! I'm getting so afraid, however, that Lex and Chloe are going to face the same fate as Lex and Caroline did!! Please let them find out what ruined that relationship so that it won't happen to theirs!! Post again soon please!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

12th December 2004, 12:01
inside? like maybe a baby, or a miscarrage? just speculating. i hope chloe and lex dont get into something like that, i hate when characters have unsafe sex then are all surprised at the outcome.

please update soon :blinkkiss:

12th December 2004, 14:42
like maybe a baby, or a miscarrage?

yeah that's what i was thinking, i hope it doesn't happen for them

love this more please

love lea

12th December 2004, 16:12
Great and romantic update. Lets hope Chloe is on the pill and it works 100%. :D

Hope :chlexsign2:

12th December 2004, 18:46
I focus so strongly in my other fics, on Chloe always using birth control that I did let it slide here, I'm afraid. Yes, Chloe's a modern girl - on the pill and using it like clockwork.

Love the speculating on 'inside'. That word will dominate the next stages of clue finding for both Lex and Chloe.

12th December 2004, 19:54
Lovely chapter. Their reunion was just perfect. :wub: :wub: :wub:

12th December 2004, 22:59
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed

Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unearthed a mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan

Chapter 7

“I’m going to hate this. Remind me again why I decided this would be a good idea?”

“Chloe, do I have to invoke the kilt again?” was Lex’s response.

It was the afternoon of the 24th, the day of the Dalhousie ball and Chloe was astounded by the amount of time that would be required for preparation. Not only was it going to take an hour to get her hair and makeup done period perfect, but she had an appointment with the dresser as well. She’d begun to have an irrational fear of corsets.

“I’m going to look awful, I know it,” she insisted.

“Chloe, you couldn’t look awful if you tried,” Lex replied, walking over to the desk where she was attempting to work and kissed her on the cheek. “Now stop worrying about it and let’s see what we can make from those notes.”

The previous day, Chloe had contacted Kaitlin at U of E and asked her to email some pages from Alexander Luthor’s journal for 1871. She’d poured over the pages, looking for anything that he might have recorded in reference to his meeting with Caroline but had so far, not found a thing.

“Oh, this is frustrating! Not a thing…not a damn thing!” she cried out. “There’s got to be something I’m missing.”

“Chloe, take it easy. Let me see what you’ve got there,” he asked, as she passed him some pages.

“He was in Dalhousie…….apparently the lord of the manor admired his work……………they struck up a friendship that lasted some years. I wonder.”

“Wonder what?”

“Have we seen all there is of the castle?” he asked.

“Possibly not?” Chloe replied, “Most of the castles open for the public have private areas reserved for the use of the owners.”

“And those are probably the areas once open to previous guests, right?”

“Where are you going with this?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but rest assured that I will make sure to speak to Lord and Lady Barrow at length tonight. Call it a hunch.”

“Oh, Lex. I love it when you talk academic.”

He winked as he handed her the paper work, “Don’t I know it.”


Seven o’clock had arrived and Lex went downstairs for the official presentation line. They had endured a rough rehearsal of what was to be expected that evening. It was all very formal, in keeping with the spirit of the manor.

Chloe had been gone for three hours and he could imagine her jitters. Not only would there be a formal presentation and introduction, but after the sit-down dinner, there was to be formal dancing. Among the dances to be performed were the quadrille, the minuet and the valse. He shocked her when he declared that he’d love to have her out and about doing the quadrille, the most complex of them all.

Dressed in his evening regalia, Lex adjusted his jacket and straightened his scarf. He had agreed to wear his kilt, to please Chloe, but was planning on escaping upstairs to change before the dancing began after dinner.

He went downstairs and took his numbered spot on the line. The ladies were scheduled to begin coming down the stairs at 7:15. The procedure was simple; as each one descended individually down the balustrade, their name and the name of their companion was announced and they took their place towards the left hand side of the room. After all the couples were matched, dinner was officially announced and they would proceed to the dining hall.

Lex waited and watched, making small talk with the other men on line. As it so happened, one of them happened to be Joseph Barrows, son of Dalhousie’s owner.

“You say your name’s Luthor, then?” he said, “Fascinating. As I recall, that’s the last name of one of the portraits kept in the family’s wing.”

“Very interesting. I did have an ancestor that lived near and visited Dalhousie as a matter of fact.”

“Then by all means, you should come. I’d be proud to show the portrait myself if you’ve a mind to it. How does Boxing Day strike you?”

“Strikes me as ideal. My companion will be glad to join us.”

Lex’s turn had come as had Chloe’s. “And that would be her,” he told Joseph.

“Lucky man,” he said, as Lex went to meet her.

“Miss Chloe Sullivan……..accompanied by Mr. Alexander Luthor.”

Chloe began to descend the stairs. She was breathtaking, adorned in a blue Edwardian gown. Her hair was upswept and she wore matching navy pin jewels in the carefully constructed bun. At her throat and ears, she wore diamond pendants and a drop necklace, a last minute, surprise present from Lex. She had selected the color of the gown to match the background color of the Luthor family tartan and as she took hold of Lex’s arm, they made an elegant, contented couple.

“You look beautiful,” he said, whispering down into her ear as they walked to their assigned spot.

“This is the most uncomfortable outfit I’ve ever worn,” she replied, gritting her teeth.

“Well, you take my breath away, Chloe Sullivan,” he said sincerely, “with your painful, yet highly appealing beauty.”

“Thank you,” she replied, looking up at them adoringly as their photograph was snapped. The event was private and the photographs were for the sole, personal use of the guests. Dalhousie guests valued their privacy.

At precisely eight o’clock, dinner was officially announced and they proceeded to the dining hall. Ever the gentleman, Lex held Chloe’s seat out for her, making sure she was properly seated before taking his own seat next to her. Under the table, they held hands.

As he looked over at her, Lex began to wonder about his predecessor and what he must have thought on this same evening so many years before.

Had he also been overwhelmed by the first sight of the woman he grew to love? How did he possibly keep the feeling from becoming public knowledge? If Caroline was half the woman she appears to be on the page, I can’t begin to imagine how he kept it to himself.

“What are you thinking about?” she wondered, peering over at him curiously.

“Not thinking…..feeling,” he replied, “for the first time in many years, I’m happy. Being here with you makes me happy.”

She squeezed his hand under the table.


Shortly after the dinner had ended, Lex excused himself briefly shortly before the dance was to begin at eleven o’clock. Chloe knew he was going to change, but she was still happy he’d worn the kilt in the first place. She was sure she could manage a private viewing of her own sometime in the future.

He came back downstairs happily in his trousers. Chloe couldn’t resist laughing as she saw the spring return to his step.

“Couldn’t wait to cover up again, I see,” she teased.

Lex took hold of her hand, “You have to admit, Chloe, I’m a lot cuter in pants.”

“You’re cute all the time,” she said.

“Flatterer,” he whispered, removing his tartan scarf and placing it over her shoulder. Many of the other women were adorned with the scarves of their companions. “It’s an honor to wear this, “she said quietly.

He led them to the main hall, where the dancing was about to begin. They found a place in the second group, who were about to dance the minuet. Lex bent towards Chloe as she curtsied towards him. Touching hands and changing sides, they carefully counted their steps.

“I hope I don’t trip. This train is a pain to manage,” she said, as their hands met.

“Just don’t think about it,” he advised, “and keep to my lead.”

They did a turn around the fourth couple, meeting in the center and changing direction again. Meeting hands with the couple to the left, they swung clockwise until they’d completed a full circle. Once again, Chloe and Lex met hand in hand, walking towards the front of the line, separating and meeting towards the end of the line.

“I can’t believe I’ve got the hang of this,” she exclaimed.

Lex watched her and smiled.


“I feel like Eliza Doolittle,” she confessed, in Lex’s arms for a valse.

“How so?” he questioned, twirling her about.

“I really could dance all night, as long as it’s with you.”

“If this is the reaction I get from you, I’ll be sure to brush up on my Fred Astaire classics the moment we get back.”

“Lex, what am I going to do with you. A gentleman in the formal light and a rake in the bedroom.”

“The best of both worlds,” he said, daringly kissing her in mid twirl.


At two in the morning, the exhausted pair finally retired for the evening. Leaning side to side, Lex and Chloe made their way up the stairs to their suite. The evening had been the perfect Christmas celebration indoors.

“I won’t be able to walk for at least a week,” she said, collapsing onto the sofa in their bedroom.

“Then I’ll have to keep you in bed until you recover.”

“Darling, if you keep me in bed the last thing I’ll do is recover.”

“I forgot to mention my good news. While I was on line tonight, I met Joseph Barrows, the son of Lord Barrows.”

“So what did you arrange?”

“A private viewing of their portrait gallery, including a possible portrait of Alexander Luthor.”

“Excellent work,” she said, tugging at her dress, “Dammit, there’s no way in hell I’ll manage to get this off. It’s permanently attached to me.”

“Stand up,” he said, “and let me try.”

The hooks of her dress were all located at her back, and Lex located them after a few moments. Undoing them one by one, he saw how tightly her corset was bound, so much so that her breasts spilled from the top of her gown. Turning around, he gave each one a kiss. Chloe thought she’d faint dead in her tracks.

He walked over to the back of her dress, slipping it off her body and throwing it on the sofa. Lex placed his hands on the stays of her corset and began to untie it, loosening it as he placed his hands on the thin chemise she wore underneath. As the corset finally fell off, she immediately turned in his direction and kissed him passionately. Lex ran his hands down her back, noticing immediately that she wore nothing underneath the thin material except her stockings.

In an instant, he removed the chemise until she was clad in nothing but her stockings, frantically undoing his shirt. Her fingers trembled as she undid the last of his buttons, while Lex undid his trousers. When he was finally free of his clothing, she led him towards their bed and pounced on him. Lex was flat on his back as Chloe seductively crawled towards him.

She straddled him as he sat up, hugging her towards them in their frantic coupling. Kissing him as she dominated his body, Chloe hugged him to her underneath his shoulders, her breasts flattened against his chest. Once again, they found a mutual rhythm, danced this time a deux.


13th December 2004, 00:18
Love the new chapter!! I can just picture Lex in a kilt!! Yummy!! Can't wait to read more!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

13th December 2004, 00:27
Haha, Lex in a kilt. Very good chapter! :wub:

13th December 2004, 01:33
Beautiful! THAT'S what I call romance.

13th December 2004, 02:35
:biggrin: beautiful wonderful!!!! loved every word!!!

:blinkkiss: :chlexsign1: :worship2:

13th December 2004, 04:21
Oh that was so romantic. :wub:

Hope :chlexsign2:

Kit Merlot
13th December 2004, 18:42
Wonderful update :biggrin:

More soon-okay?

15th December 2004, 03:50
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

Chapter 8


“Lex,” greeted Joseph, “you’re right on time. Right then, this must be Miss Sullivan.”

Chloe extended her hand to properly greet him, “Yes, I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Barrows. Your family castle is breathtaking.”

“Glad to hear it,” he said, “been in my mother’s family for generations. Now the Scottish side battles the English side over future rights. Land rights are nothing but tiffs in this part of the world.”

“It sounds very frustrating,” Lex agreed.

“It’s not without annoyance, but that’s enough family tribulation for the moment. Lord and Lady Barrows are anxious to meet a relation of a member of Visitor’s Alley.”

“Visitor’s Alley?” Chloe questioned as they walked toward the main elevator.

“It’s a small corridor, really, up in the family wing. Many portraits of different Dalhousie visitors throughout the years are located there, including the one I mentioned to Lex. And here’s the lift.”

The three proceeded up toward the top levels of the castle, by way of a special key used by Joseph to permit them further access. Once they arrived at the highest floor, Chloe took a look around at the high stone walls and beautiful animal tapestries. It was completely unlike the rest of the castle. Even Lex was amazed by the scope of the family wing.

“Completely authentic,” he said, “every piece you see on the walls from the tapestries to the sconces was up kept after the second World War. Grandfather practically kept this castle from capture with his family crest and sword.
They were led into the parlor and introduced to Lord Angus and Lady Mary Barrows who greeted them warmly and openly, tea and refreshments awaiting the group upon their arrival.

“Such a pleasure,” Lord Barrow said to Lex, “Lady Barrows enjoys meeting guests with a familial link to the castle. Joseph tells us you’re a relation of Alexander Luthor.”

“Yes, his nephew, several generations removed.”

“Well, Joseph,” cried Lady Barrows, “you simply must show Mr. Luthor and Miss Sullivan their portrait before tea. They must be dying of curiosity.”

Joseph gestured for them to follow him and they took their leave of the main parlor. “Mother does get caught up in the moment. It’s just her nature.”

Lex and Chloe looked at each other and smiled. Visitor’s Alley was located several hundred yards away from the main family chambers. Portrait upon portrait smiled and glowered at them as Joseph looked for the right one.

“We’re just about at the artists…….there’s Burns, Keats and…….ah, there he is. Lex, meet Alexander Luthor.”

The three looked into the face of Lex’s long deceased relative, a green-eyed man with an amused expression on his face and a shock of red hair. He looked distinctly like Lex, especially in his posture.

“That man is definitely a Luthor,” Lex said, carefully analyzing the portrait.

“I agree,” replied Chloe, “the jaw line, well, it’s you. It’s frightening.”

“Yes, one always finds resemblances in these portraits. Somehow the passage of time matters very little when it comes to certain family traits. Perhaps you’d like a moment to look it over among yourselves? I’ll join you just outside.”

“We’d appreciate that, Joseph,” Lex said appreciatively.

Chloe repeated the poem she’d memorized:

“Where dungeon dwells in dark of day,
Is found the citrus, sweet but gray,
Upon the awning, two meet one,
‘Neath web of spider was undone
The will of man sworn to be true
Broke and battered unto you”

“You memorized it?” said Lex, impressed.

“There’s got to be something else here,” she muttered to herself. “All of these portraits are name marked in the bottom left-hand corner. Three stand to a line. What’s the name of the one above Alexander’s?”

“Coleridge,” Lex said.

“Oh my God,” she said.

“What is it?”

“Lex, this one’s …..Donovan, C. This is her?”

A young, blond woman smiled up at them. She stood sideways and boldly raised her hand to her breast, holding a pin at her bodice.

“Two meet one,‘neath web of spider was undone” Chloe repeated. “The two of them……both located under the portrait of Coleridge…….that must be Joseph Coleridge.”

“How can you be sure?”

“The only other Coleridges that could be referenced as a castle visitors are Samuel Taylor and Hartley, both of which were dead in 1871. This section of seems to include portraits from 1860 onwards.”

“Very astute.”

“My poetic fact finding service opens in a month,” she said, “but let’s get going and join the others for tea. I’ll see what other information I can get out of Lady Barrows regarding Caroline Donovan.”


“Caroline Donovan?” questioned Lady Barrows, “what an obscure name to have found. Yes, she was a dear friend of my great-grandmother’s and a frequent visitor to the castle. In fact, great-grandmother had her room here preserved.”


“Yes. I can’t remember the exact words, but great grandmother Barrows made reference to a ‘shared loss of love’.”

“In her portrait in Visitor’s Alley, she looked very happy,” Chloe remarked.

“The unhappiness apparently didn’t come until later, though no one knows exactly why. It’s a mystery.”

Taking a sip of her tea, Chloe acted the part of the gracious guest. “I can understand why she’d chose to return time and again. Not only is Dalhousie beautiful, but there’s a timelessness about it. A sense that time holds still, to wait for the inhabitants to catch up.”

“You darling child! That’s exactly how I’ve always felt about Dalhousie. You must certainly tour Caroline’s rooms. I’ll have Sara bring you the key. It’s in one of the addendums not directly linked to the main castle hall.”


“You made quite the impression on Lady Barrows,” Sara remarked as she handed Chloe the keys, “she never allows anyone access to the historic rooms.”

“My love of the castle made the impression,” Chloe reasoned.

“Then it’s no wonder she spoke so well of you,” Sara replied, “for she adores her ancestral home.”

“We’ll bring them back as soon as we can,” she said, walking out the room to meet Lex.


When they had entered Caroline Donovan’s rooms, Chloe was overwhelmed by the sensation that she had in fact, stepped into a completely different time from her own. The tapestries, scarlet and red rich that hung from the small windows were at once welcoming and menacing. In the bedroom, she saw a tiny copy of the portrait that hung in the Barrow’s family hall. She moved towards it at lighting speed.

“Chloe,” Lex asked, “did you see something.”

“I’m not sure yet, but I keep replaying two lines of one of her poems in my head.”

“Which ones?”

“But ‘tis myself, as you will see,
Where can be found the mystery”

“Your ability to memorize poetry is frightening me.”

“Watch it, bud, or I’ll Lord Byron all over your butt.”

Chloe felt around the portrait, but found absolutely nothing. Frustrated, she finally took the thing off the wall and felt around the frame.

“Chloe,” Lex warned, “be careful. That miniature is over one hundred and thirty years old.”

“Dammit, there’s got to be something here!” she cried, as Lex viewed the wall curiously.

“Lex, the wall isn’t going to split open and reveal the secrets of the universe. Help me look this thing over.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he said, his hand reaching for what appeared to be a loose brick that he removed.

“I stand corrected,” she said, “look, that one looks loose as well.”

He removed that one, placing both bricks on the desk and reached inside.

“Anything?” Chloe questioned, nervously looking around.

“Almost,” he said, stretching his hand in further. “There. Got it.”

He took out a small jewel box and handed it to her as he replaced the bricks and portrait. Chloe opened the box and found two small bundles of letters, one addressed to C. Donovan, the other to A. Luthor.

“Jackpot?” Lex questioned.

“Holy shit, Lex! These are their letters……..their letters. “

“We’re going to have a lot of reading to do, but don’t you think we should tell the Barrows first?”

“Not yet,” she warned, “not until we know what’s in them. If we tell them now, the historic and monetary value will have them calling Christie’s before they call an appraiser. And if they go to a private collector, we may never know what the letters contain.”

“Good point, but where will be hide them when we go return the key.”

Impishly smiling, she tucked the box in the inside pocket of her oversized parka. “I always said getting a jacket extra sized was beneficial.”


15th December 2004, 07:07
This is getting good. I can't wait to see what are in this letters. One question does that blond woman resemble Chloei in anyway? :blush:

Hope :chlexsign3:

15th December 2004, 07:23
I love that Lex and Chloe are going to be able to read their letters!! I also love that Caroline was a blonde and the Lex looks so much like Alexander!! Can't wait to read more!! Please update soon!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

15th December 2004, 15:41
does that blond woman resemble Chloei in anyway?

Pretty good guess, hfce and I was thinking of taking the story in that direction until a better twist came to mind. There is a connection to Chloe in the story, but it's not through Caroline.

15th December 2004, 17:21
I'm glad they took the letters with them and didn't turn them in. I too thought that Chloe would look like Caroline, but seeing from the note you just posted, I guess not. I'm glad she will be a part of the story though. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Great update!! :yay2: :yay2: :worship2: :worship2: :yay2: :yay2:

Kit Merlot
15th December 2004, 18:45
Great update!

This story has it all--romance, intrigue and history :biggrin:

I like that there will be a connection from the past to Chloe--I can't wait to find out what it is :chlexsign2:

Ami Rose
15th December 2004, 19:27
Originally posted by buddyfozzy@Dec 15 2004, 08:21 AM
I too thought that Chloe would look like Caroline, but seeing from the note you just posted, I guess not.
Too bad! Oh well! :blush: Love the new updates. All of them! Please do continue! :devil:

16th December 2004, 15:02
Wonderful... I'm fascinated.. just as Chloe and lex... More, please...

17th December 2004, 04:21
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

Chapter 9



And so began the arduous task of arranging the letters in some sort of order to try and decipher some of the story behind them.

“I’m guessing the ones on the bottom are the oldest ones, but we should open them and lay them out flat to confirm that,” Chloe said. She was a bundle of nervous energy.

“This is amazing,” Lex said, fingering the lettering on one of the letters written by Alexander Luthor, “I have so very little connection to any family history, aside from the most rudimentary of familial trees. To have this in my hand – an actual letter written by a Luthor who escaped the usual trappings – astounds me.”

“I’d almost forgotten,” Chloe said, her eyes looking away.


“However exciting this is for me, ultimately it’s a search for something that belongs to you, Lex. This is a piece of your history.”

He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her lightly. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt his hand ruffle her hair. “Why are you so good to me?”

“I couldn’t be anything else, Chloe. You bring out the best in me.”

“Even when we fight?”

“Mostly then,” he laughed.

“Men,” she uttered with a shake of her head, “Let’s get to date checking, shall we?”

The paper was brittle and terse with age, making it difficult for them to proceed as quickly as they wanted to. About an hour later, they had the first ten letters somewhat in order. Chloe picked up the first one and began to read. A smile broke out across her face.

“What?” Lex questioned impatiently.

“He writes her that the image of her playing the piano has been eternally burned into his mind and quotes a Blake poem. It’s so…visual. I think that’s when he fell for her. I mean, listen:

Memory, hither come,
And tune your merry notes:
And, while upon the wind
Your music floats,
I’ll pore upon the stream
Where sighing lovers dream,
And fish for fancies as they pass
Within the watery glass.

Lex read the letter along with her. In his mind’s eye, he could see the impression Caroline Donovan had made on Alexander.

She was a bold, opinionated and charming woman where he had been used to seeing women as background music. Caroline was a published poetess, daughter of a professor, cultured and sought after. It’s easy to see how a man could get swept away.

“Let’s see what she had to say, Chloe said, peering down the letter. Laughing as she read the response, Lex took the letter from her hand and read it out loud.

“Dearest Sir,

I received your letter with much consternation. Does Master Shakespeare himself not advise us to love moderately or care you take advice from the word of Blake instead?

Can I see another’s woe,
And not be in sorrow too?
Can I see another’s grief,
And not seek for kind relief?

Lex laughed along with Chloe, “Smart. She’s playing hard to get and at the same time insinuating understanding.”

Pages upon pages continued, in which the two writers shared poems, bit of gossip and even snippets of their own writing.

“It’s as if even the letters they write to each other are coded,” Chloe said, trying to read between the lines.

“Well, keep in mind that he was living with another man. They had to employ some code, I imagine, in case one of their letters was ever discovered.”

Lex looked over the next letter from Caroline. “Chloe, listen. She’s referencing Blake again:

Never seek to tell thy love
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind does move
Silently, invisibly.

“That’s a clear message seen through a murky phrase,” she commented, “it’s a recognition of affection, and a recognition that said love should remain silent.”

“She asks him to meet her in Stirling. I thought you said she lived in Edinburgh.”

“Not right away, no. While her house was being finished, she did reside in Stirling for nearly a year.”

“So it would be easy for him to call on her there and have no one in Edinburgh be the wiser?”

“I suppose, in theory, that’s possible.”

“I’m sure he was mostly concerned with one person finding out.”

“Right. Joseph.”

Chloe skimmed through the next letter by Alexander.

“…..and yet I dare to put in words what I fear will strike you to the core. I can no longer wait, a beacon of words undone by the recollection of your soft face, your tender eyes and the embrace of the most nostalgic waltz. Your face is burned into my mind, but the image has scalded my soul. Without the source of the mark, I fear, it will wither and die. Send to me word, but do not delay dearest heart, for I must see you.”

“Wow,” she said, “if there was any doubt before, it’s gone now. That’s the letter of a man in love.”

“I absolutely agree.”

“What was her reply?”

Lex looked for Caroline’s letter of response and found it.

“My phantom of delight can remain an apparition no longer. You claim that my face has been burned into your soul, but that cannot be for it is here with me. I feel your presence enveloping me, surrounding me, like the boldest sirocco wind that howls its’ fierce jeer in the Highland moors. How have you haunted me, dear sir, when you have never crossed the doorway of this establishment? Perhaps you are a demon, then, and no gentlemanly phantom, but know you I must. Thursday next, at tea, if it please you.”

“He got his answer,” Lex said with a delighted expression on his face.

“Rather pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”

“I can’t say why exactly, but I like the guy,” Lex replied, “and it doesn’t all stem from his romance with Caroline. There’s something in his manner – cautiousness and determination – that’s out of the ordinary for a Luthor.

“Maybe he was better at pacing himself?” she questioned.

“Possibly, and it seems to have worked. He did get to see her in private within 2 months of first seeing her here at Dalhousie.”

Chloe read on to see what they could find out about that first rendezvous. “Looks like your boy made an impression. She wrote him one of her own poems.”

Islanded by a cloud
Upon a door, a pair of impetuous eyes
Gleamed their precious gaze
Upon a heart of ash
Did ever cloud appear so bright?
Or rain so full with glee?
Then on that day and on that hour
When your eyes greeted me?

“She wasn’t exactly indifferent to him, was she?”

“How could she be?” Chloe remarked, “He was handsome, educated and by all accounts she wasn’t accustomed to much attention from men. According to her biography, during her childhood, her father scared away many prospective suitors. Imagine her thoughts at having made such an impression on a young, handsome, intelligent bon vivant. I can see her getting swept away.”

Lex searched through the letters. There were more references to writer’s luncheons – lunches she was invited to, but did not attend – and to their frustration at finding publishing opportunities. He was about to hand over the letter to Chloe, when a photograph fell out of a partially unfolded letter. As he looked it over, she grew alarmed with the face he made.

“Lex, what’s wrong?”

“I think you’d better look for yourself.”

Two women in Edwardian dress cavorted by the seashore, cigarettes in hand. Caroline looked like her portrait, but the other woman was the mirror image of Chloe, save for the waist length braid and old fashioned dress. Transfixed, she traced the outline of the woman’s face.

“What the hell?” she said, “who is this? Why is she with Caroline?” Flipping it over, she found one single line “Nan and I, Dannemora ‘72”

“This is starting to get very strange,” he said.

“It’s not just me, right? This other woman – Nan – does look like me. I don’t recall ever reading anything about her in Caroline’s notes.”

“Then she’s someone else we’re going to have to investigate,” Lex said.

Chloe threw her hands around his waist and embraced him. “Something about this mystery is starting to frighten me, Lex. A woman who looks just like me…….an ancestor of yours……..coded, poetic love messages. It’s a lot to take.”

Lex kissed her as he pushed the letters to the side. “I think we both need some rest before continuing the reading. Seeing that picture was a shock to us both and we’re going to need to map out the steps of the lives of both Alexander and Caroline in 1872 if we’re to find out who Nan is.”

“Right,” she said, “but later.” Pulling him towards her, they fell back against the mattress as Lex caressed her face, lips soothing and exploring, as she began to remove his shirt.


Poetry References

William Blake, "Song" & "On Another's Sorrow"

17th December 2004, 04:41
Such an excellent update!! I can't wait until they find out more information about Nan, and how she is involved in the relationship between Alexander and Caroline!! Post again soon please!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

17th December 2004, 05:53
This mystery is getting scary.. :goof: more please....

Hope :chlexsign2:

17th December 2004, 15:37
love this fic

love lea

Kit Merlot
17th December 2004, 16:15
I love how the mystery keeps unfolding, and how Lex and Chloe make such a wonderful team :biggrin:


17th December 2004, 16:33
Come back here and tell us who's this "Nan".... pleaasseee.....

17th December 2004, 17:38
Originally posted by crankychick@Dec 17 2004, 04:21 AM
He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her lightly. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt his hand ruffle her hair. “Why are you so good to me?”

“I couldn’t be anything else, Chloe. You bring out the best in me.”

Awww :wub: :wub: :wub: I love this story :wub:

Great update! :chlexsign4:

19th December 2004, 10:01
the plot thickens!!! YAY!

update again soon please :blinkkiss:


28th December 2004, 01:19
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

Chapter 10



“Nan,” Chloe said out loud, fingering the woman’s picture with her finger as she continued to start at the black and white figure in utter fascination, “who the hell are you?”

Lex was still asleep after a rather vigorous train trip from Dalhousie back to Edinburgh. Chloe on the other hand, had been unable to sleep. A woman’s face – a face matching her own – stared at her from across time and she was mute. Chloe had to get to the bottom of who she was and how she was tied to the ever growing enigma of Caroline Donovan and Alexander Luthor. Ever since discovering the photograph in the batch of letters, it had not been far from Chloe’s hand.

Chloe leafed through some of her notes, trying desperately to catch some previously ignored clue. It was all a vain effort – she’d carefully noted the names of all those close to both Caroline and Alexander after they met in Dalhousie….

But what if she knew Nan before coming to Scotland?

She quickly drafted an email to her source at the Resource Centre at Trinity College in Dublin, hoping the name might be documented in the records she and Lex hadn’t been able to look over. It was a reasonable assumption – Caroline carefully documented most events and persons in her life – and there was no way to completely interpret every single one in a matter of weeks.

As she completed sending the email, she felt an arm around her. “How long have you been up?” Lex asked, leaning his head on top of her own.

“Not that long,” she replied.

“Which means?”

“Quite a while,” she confessed, “why can’t I get this damn picture out of my head? There’s so much other stuff to review…..the letters themselves will take days….but this woman, whoever she is has completely absorbed by concentration.”

“Chloe, it’s understandable,” he reasoned, “the resemblance to you is astonishing.”

“Who could she be?” she continued out loud, “And what’s the connection to our couple?”

“I’m sure you - we’ll – find out,” Lex said, pulling her up and out of her chair. Sweeping her up in his arms, he kissed her lips playfully, “but not right now?”

“So what would you suggest we do?” she winked.

“Let’s misbehave.”

“Mr. Luthor,” she slurred, “such an indecorous proposal.”

“To which, the response is?”

“Lead on.”


Later in the afternoon, Chloe and Lex were once again poured over the letters where he stumbled across one simple sentence that sent them both spinning:

“…and it was at your house in Stirling where you lay truth to the nature of your existence with Mr. Coleridge.”

“I thought you said Alexander lived in Edinburgh?” he questioned.

“He did,” Chloe replied, peering over at the letter he was reading, “and so did she by April of 1872. What’s this about a house in Stirling?”

“A meeting place, perhaps?”

“Hmm,” she grunted, “I have copies of his financial records for the year……none of which I’ve reviewed. There might be something there.”

“Where are they?”

“On my computer, in the folder labeled ‘A. Luthor – subfolder, ‘Financials’.”

“Got it,” he said, rising to access the archive file. Chloe, meanwhile went back to reading the letters, coming across a rather sad entry from Alexander:

“It was a promise made years before we knew each other. Far too many alliances in my own family have been quitted simply and the pattern with me, shall be broken. Though Joseph and I live simply as companions, I cannot extricate him from my life. Ask of me anything other than this and I will happily comply.”

Chloe looked for Caroline’s response to find she’d sent him a passage from Tennyson:

Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white;
Nor waves the cypress in the palace walk;
Nor winks the gold fin in the porphyry font,
The fire-fly wakens; waken thou with me.

“She really disliked him,” Chloe said out loud.

“Who did she hate?” Lex asked, still struggling to find the records.

“Joseph Coleridge,” she replied, “I found a letter from Alexander to Caroline. She asked him to leave Joseph and he wouldn’t. She sent him back a poem – one by Tennyson – in which I think she saw Joseph as the crimson petal and herself as the white.”

“Why wouldn’t he leave Joseph?”

“He said it was because too many unions in his own family were easily broken,” Chloe replied. “But I think it was more than that. He and Joseph had been together for many years and according to the archives, there was a history of mental illness in Coleridge’s family.”

“And what does that tell you?”

“I think Alexander didn’t want to abandon Joseph,” she said, eyeing the next letter from Caroline. “He seemed afraid of what might happen to him if he were left alone.”

“So his loyalty to Joseph might have compromised his relationship with Caroline?”

“There’s no ‘so’ about it,” Chloe stated, “listen to this”

“….and so it is that once again your friend has managed to seen fit to ruin what little time we’ve set aside to secret for each other. The situation is intolerable, Alexander, and I insist that something be done. You must separate him from your life, lest he be your ruination.”

“She told him,” Lex said, “now that’s odd.”

“What’s odd?”

“Alexander did own a house in Stirling,” he admitted, “but his home in Edinburgh was in the name of a J. Luthor.”

“Was it previously owned by a relative?”

“No. He was the first and only Luthor to establish residency. Also, a rather large sum of money was to be left in perpetuity to the same person.”

“But if there was no one else…who was-“

“A child,” he said finishing for her, “he would have left his home and a set sum of money to an heir.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, no that’s just not possible. Records would have been unearthed by now if a child had existed, especially one with his name. Wouldn’t that have implied that they were married?”

“Remember, we’re dealing with two cities and two countries,” he reminded her, “The marriage might have taken place in Ireland….or in Stirling….and because of Joseph, they might have chosen to keep it secret.”

“But why keep it secret?”

“Joseph Coleridge didn’t live many years past 1872, did he?”

“No, he died about 2 years after.”

“Of what?”

“It’s unclear,” she said, pulling her journal with her notes, “but a rather vague reference to consumption was made in his death certificate.”

“As we well know, that could mean anything.”

“And you think that…….could it be that Joseph found out and that brought on his death?”

“It’s possible, but we need to track down J. Luthor and what his relationship to this triangle is.”

Chloe stood up from her chair and began to pace. “This mystery seems to be getting more complicated, even as we try to decipher it. And still no further reference to Nan.”

“We’ll find her, Chloe,” Lex assured her, “believe me, we will.”

Back they went to their research, as Chloe sent another email to the Resource Centre at Trinity. “I’m going to need to go back there and review her journals. If I can find some reference to where she and Alexander might have gone to alone, I might be able to track possible marriage records.”

“Come here,” he said, beckoning with his hand. He pulled her down to his lap when she walked over and kissed her tenderly.

“We’ll figure this all out,” he promised, “step by step. It’s obviously going to take some time and we both need to patient.”

“That’s not one of my strengths,” she confessed, “but I’ll try.”

“We both will,” he said with a laugh, as Chloe leaned against him and relaxed reading the notes on the monitor as she did so. “They lived such a secret life. I wonder if they found any happiness together that wasn’t stolen time.”

“I get the feeling they did,” Lex replied, kissing her forehead.
Poetry Reference:

"Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal", Alfred, Lord Tennyson

28th December 2004, 02:19
:biggrin: oh I love it when plots thicken!! fantastic stuff! More soon!!!

28th December 2004, 03:11
Excellent update!! I think it's sweet that Alexander wouldn't leave Joseph!! Was it that he was worried for Joseph's health or Caroline? Can't wait for more!! Post again soon please!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

28th December 2004, 04:10
The plot thickens even more. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: I can't wait to find out who Nan is. :yay: :yay2: :yay: :yay2: :yay:

28th December 2004, 23:20
That was a great update.

Hope :)

29th December 2004, 12:31
wow that's such a great fic
i so loved it so far
more soon pelase

Kit Merlot
29th December 2004, 14:52
Beautiful update!

Who is this Nan chick? Will this be an ancestor if Chloe's?

So many questions!

But just to remind you, the romance is awesome, but I need more :biggrin:

30th December 2004, 00:14
keep on i love this fic

i reckon maybe an arranged marriage???

love lea

11th January 2005, 04:08
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

Chapter 11



Throughout the day, Chloe periodically checked her email to see if she’d received any scans from Trinity College, but it was all in vain. Nothing was sent to her that day, and she was practically climbing the walls with anxiety. Until they had some reference to Caroline’s diaries for those few months in 1872, she knew she was up against a wall.

“I’ll never forgive myself for not taking scans with me when we were in Ireland,” she told Lex as they finished a quick dinner of roast chicken and spiced potatoes. “And thanks again for dinner. Who’d have thought you were such a gourmet.”

“Don’t test my skills,” he laughed, serving the chutney sauce as Chloe poured some wine, “they’re limited to a few simple and limited-ingredient meals.”

“Well, you’ve got me beat,” she laughed, “no wonder I spend so much money on take-out food.”

“I like you the way you are, Chloe,” he said, taking a wine glass from her hand, “I don’t need you to give up your fabulous menu collection.”

“How do you do that?” she said, putting down her own glass to look at him with an amused grin on her face.

“Do what?” he asked.

“Find exactly the right thing to say,” she finished, “it’s damn-“

“Arousing?” he offered, sipping his wine slowly as Chloe nearly dropped her fork.

“I was going to say ‘charming’, but ‘arousing’ will do as well,” she said, certain she was blushing at this point.

“Did I embarrass you?” he asked, stifling his impending laughter as he picked up his utensils.

“Lex, I’m so bad at this,” she chuckled, “being sexy isn’t one of my notable characteristics.”

“Then you are not the best judge of yourself,” he countered, “because there’s little about you that isn’t sexy.”

She was about to crack another joke when she stopped to look over at him. Lex took her hand and planted a kiss right above her knuckles that made her forget her appetite and biting sarcasm. Whenever Lex Luthor got a certain darkened expression on his face, her knees and verbal acumen both followed parallel paths. They weakened.

“I think I’d like to take the rest of the evening off,” she announced, “before I burn myself out trying to find things that just aren’t in the notes I have.”

“And what would you like to do?” he asked provocatively, leaning back onto his seat and watching her pensively.

“Not talk,” was her simple answer, as she stood from the table and walked past him, brushing his shoulders seductively with her open palm. He watched as she walked towards the bedroom and could see the flaps of her shirt butterfly as she undid the buttons, the shirt flying to the ground as she walked inside. Not wasting a moment, he followed her inside.

Chloe stood by the bed clad in her jeans and an exquisite peach colored bra with her hand on her hip, her face slanted as she watched him move towards her. Lex walked to the other side of the bed and began to remove his own shirt, smiling as she motioned towards her pants.

“Are we playing tit for tat?” he laughed.

“What a dirty choice of words,” she replied, “are you trying to win my heart?”

“Desperately. I thought that was obvious.”

“We’ll get to that…later.”

Lex stood his ground as he observed Chloe lowering her zipper gently, sliding her hands down her hips and thighs as the denim came off her body. He saw her matching lace trimmed panties, freezing the mental picture into his mind of her delicate, warrior-like beauty.

“Take them off,” she whispered. Lex did so, sliding the black silk trousers off his body, under which he wore nothing. Chloe pursed her lips as she removed her bra. When she was about to remove her panties, he stopped her.

“Get into bed,” he said, his voice lowered and husky, “and let me take care of those.”

Chloe nodded and lay on the bed, followed a moment later by Lex. Stroking her body from shoulder to waist, he watched her skin goosebump and brought his lips to the tops of her breast, briefly lingering on one and then the other.

“So very lovely,” she heard him whisper, as her hands reached to caress the skin of his scalp. She always waited for the slight shudder from him before she went on. It was a very erotic sensation for Lex, and one he adored from her hand. Deftly, he moved his hands down to remove her underwear, his lips never straying from the pink, marbled flesh of her breast, his tongue an inch away from her nipple.

“Lex, you consume me,” she uttered mindlessly, feeling his lips tantalize and eroticize her fire cold skin.

“Good,” he replied, his fingers moving down to the heat of her inner thigh. She melted under the touch of his hand. Guiding him towards her, Chloe wrapped her legs around his hips and brought his face down to meet with hers, bodies intertwined as they made passionate love hand in hand, and lips upon lips.

By her side, Lex slept, as Chloe suddenly stirred and awoke with a start. Something she had read previously struck her as she dreamt about the woods around Balhousie. Rising from the bed, she grabbed her sweatshirt from the linen chest at the foot of the bed and threw it over her head. The bedroom had turned cold overnight and as she turned to look at Lex, she saw that he’d tossed the sheet over his body. Walking over to where he lay, she tucked him in once again, bending silently to kiss his forehead.

“Two letters,” she whispered out loud, slipping into her sweatpants as she walked out towards her desk, “written on the same day in April. Why the same day? One usually replied to a letter written by the other.”

Unless they were together on the day the letters were written.

“Now that makes no sense,” she said out loud.

“Talking to yourself again,” she heard Lex say, as she jumped in her chair.

“God, I hate it when you do that! I thought you were asleep.”

“This angel kissed my forehead and woke me from my slumber.”

“From anyone else, I’d hate that line,” she smiled. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Don’t worry about it. As you know by now, I need very little sleep. What are you working on?”

“As I was cursing my bad luck earlier, I happened upon two letters written by Caroline and Alexander, written and postmarked on the same day.”

“What’s so unusual about that?”

“They never wrote on the same day. One would reply to the other, with at least two to three days lapse from letter to letter. And the poem used – the same poem in both letters – there’s something familiar about it.”

It came to her with a sudden bolt. She struggled with a few strewn papers until she came upon a small, magenta colored paperbook.

“It’s a sonnet! Not just any sonnet – the sonnet. The one Shakespeare wrote for Anne Hathaway. We reviewed it in Theory class two months ago.”

Chloe flipped through the pages furiously, until she came across the right one. Smiling up at Lex as she compared the letters to the sonnet in the book, she triumphantly announced, “It’s the same one.”

Sonnet 145

Those lips that Love’s own hand did make
Breathed forth the sound that said “I hate”
To me that languished for her sake:
But when she saw my woeful state,
Straight in her heart did mercy come,
Chiding that tongue that ever sweet
Was used in giving gentle doom,
And taught it thus anew to greet:
“I hate” she altered with an end
That followed it as gentle day
Doth follow night, who, like a fiend,
From heaven to hell is flown away.
“I hate” from hate away she threw,
And saved my life, saying, “not you.”

Inexplicably, she felt like crying, fingering the writing on both letters. “He married her,” she whispered.

“Yes,” Lex said, nodding as he stroked her face with his finger, “I believe you may be right about that.”

“We might never find proof of it,” she said, sighing, “but Alexander was a meticulous Shakespearean. Using that poem was purposeful, as if he was leaving some clue behind for anyone who might strive to find it.”

“All this while, we’ve been assuming it was Caroline who left the letters,” he pondered,” but what if it was the other way around. What if it was the other way around?”

“But why would Caroline want to keep the relationship secret?”

“What wasn’t a secret was the fact her father, a high ranking, esteemed professor at Trinity College was a Catholic, notably intolerant of Protestant influence.”

“And he was her only family,” Chloe said out loud, “and even though she was far away from him, she still didn’t want to alienate him. She still wanted his approval.”

“Tomorrow, we have to go to Stirling,” she stated, “to try and find what records might still exist for either one of them. There’s got to be something, however slim, that might support this theory.”

“Alright then,” he agreed, taking the letters from her hand and placing them back on the desk. He then took her hands and lifted her to her feet, hugging her to him as he kissed her gently.

“But now,” he said, brushing his lips on her cheek, “we have to get some sleep.”


Sonnet 145, written by William Shakespeare

11th January 2005, 05:26
Thank you for updating this wonderful story!! I think it's my favorite of yours!! Actually I enjoy all of your stories, but this one has me intrigued!! Post more soon please!! :wub: :chlexsign2: :wub:

11th January 2005, 07:50
Great update but reading that poem I didnt get marriage out of that. What words say marriage? This is why I shake my head at Shakespeare. I dont understand a word he says. :blush:

Hope :chlexsign4:

Kit Merlot
11th January 2005, 19:00
Oh wow, you're putting in the good old Catholic vs. Protestant element. EXCELLENT!

Caroline and Irish Catholic and Alexander a British Protestant--a marriage between them would cause problems for a man who was particualarly devout, and Caroline's dad seemed like he was.

Brilliant twist! More soon :biggrin:

11th January 2005, 20:31
I've been reading this fic for a couple of hours, I shouldn't be on-line but it was impossible to stop!
All I can say is :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:
That twist on the last chapter is Brilliant! Although I'm still on google trying to find the sonnet in portuguese...My english is not taht good, I didn't get a word of ir ^^''
Please post more soon!!

12th January 2005, 10:59
great update i truly loved it more soon please

13th January 2005, 21:27
YAY, you updated! :yay: :yay: I'm happy they are starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together. :yay2: :yay2: :yay2: As always, the Chloe/Lex interaction is just perfect. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Kit Merlot
25th January 2005, 18:30
Please, I need an update to this superbly romantic fic :biggrin:


15th February 2005, 05:03
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

(Very, very sorry for the delay, but I'm putting this fic on the top of my pile and will complete it. A little romance for the ChLexers with a special shout-out to Kit Merlot)

Chapter 12


No search results available

“Dammit,” Chloe cursed at her computer, running her fingers through her hair as she vented her frustration by sighing dramatically as she bent her head backwards. For a week now, she had used every search method at her disposal to find out any additional information on Caroline Donovan, her background and any possible data on the mysterious Nan, but she had come up with absolutely nothing. Adding to her frustration was the fact Lex had been forced to return to the States temporarily, attending to some matters related to the environmental task force he’d been appointed co-chairman of last summer. All alone in her apartment, she began staring at the photograph of the two women at the seashore that now haunted her, tacked on the bulletin board.

Nan…..were you family? Were you a friend? I’m going nuts with all of this inner dialogue.

The last trip to Stirling had accomplished nothing and Chloe had left her contact information there and at Trinity College in the hopes that someone might be of assistance. So far she’d come up with nothing, though the Resource Centre assured her they would continue trying to assist her. Frustrated and lonely, she poured herself a generous glass of brandy, thought instantly about Lex and looked out her kitchen terrace window.

Winter’s blanket was still heavy upon Edinburgh and she watched the children playing in the park below, thinking how happy they all seemed. Life was happiest when one stopped complicating it and stopped to enjoy the simple pleasure of tossing about in the snow until your skin was red and numb from cold. She watched a toddler fall head first onto a snow pile, shook her head and walked back to her desk.

“Time to go through the pile again,” she muttered, picking up Caroline’s letters and starting to review them for the hundredth time. As she picked up one of the lengthier ones, she noticed.

“….with such a loss, there can be no consolation. Alexandra, so dear to us, so close, such a part of everything we sought to begin and nothing we strove to end.

What hast thou to do with sorrow,
Or the injuries of to-morrow?
Thou are a dew-drop, which the morn brings forth,
Ill fitted to sustain unkindly shocks,
Or to be trailed along the soiling earth;
A gem that glitters while it lives,
And no forewarning gives;
But, at the touch of wrong, without a strife
Slip in a moment out of life.

William Wordsworth

“How the hell did I miss this before?” she said out loud at the same time her phone began to ring. Taking the handset with her left hand, she continued to hold the other letter as she greeted the caller, “Hello.”

“Yes, hello. Would this happen to be Miss Sullivan?”

“It is? May I ask who’s calling?”

The voice belonged to a woman, speaking with a crisp, Irish accent. “You wouldn’t know my name, but I was told by the folks at Trinity that you might want a word with me.”

Finally! A lead that leads!

“Are you a poetry scholar?” Chloe asked, skeptical of the caller’s motives.

“Heaven’s no!” she insisted, “My great-great grandmother was a close friend of Caroline Donovan’s before she went to America. Her name was Anne Dougherty.”

“Anne? Did she have a nickname?”

“Ah, yes. Many Anne’s in the family, so I believe they called her Nan.”

“That’s the name I found in my files.”

“I’ve other records. They didn’t much matter to my family, but I thought it was a shame to send them to the burn pile. I was gathering them together to donate to Trinity, when I spotted your name in the register. From what I was told by the assistant there, you’re much interested in Caroline Donovan, no?”

“Some of her work’s been very...inspirational to me,” Chloe replied warily, not divulging more than she wished the other woman to know.

“It’s what I was told then. Let’s say this – come to Dublin and let’s have lunch. That way we can circle each other like cats, do a proper inspection and get down to the matter?”

“That sounds wonderful,” Chloe laughed, “but I don’t even know-“

“Bloody hell. Sorry, I’m always doing that. The name’s Siobhan…Siobhan O’Reilly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

Lex now knew the floor plan of the Edinburgh airport by heart. Chloe had insisted that he leave some of his things in her apartment, thankfully leaving him free to travel with little baggage. Customs was a pleasure to go through and within a short while, he was in his car and on his way to his girlfriend’s

Chloe is my girlfriend. Laughing at the comfort that thought gave him, he called her up on the phone.

“Hello, beautiful.”

“This better be my boyfriend,” she teased, “otherwise you’re in big trouble buddy. He’s mighty jealous.”

“Is he now?”

“And very protective.”

“Shall I fight him for your hand?”

“Sorry, but you’ve lost before you’ve fought. It’s hopeless. I love the protective, jealous bastard.”

“He’s a lucky man.”

“He’ll get lucky once he walks in the door.”

“What a mouth on you.”

“All the better to please you, baby,” she taunted, doing her best Groucho Marx imitation. “I’ve missed you, baby.”

“I’m on my way.” Lex laughed at her rather good imitation, making a mental note to pick up a copy of Duck Soup for a viewing.

“I’ll be in the bedroom. Lock the door. You know the way.”

As he stepped into the apartment, he found she wasn’t joking. The lights were dim in every room, save for the glimmer of light he saw in her bedroom towards the back of the flat. Following her instruction, he locked the door, placing his coat and briefcase on the armchair in the living room and proceeded to the bedroom. Resting his hand against the door, he pushed it gently to make his way into the room.

Chloe lay on her side, partially covered by her blanket and impishly leaning on her hand. From the devilishly erotic outline of her body against the bed linen, Lex could tell she was wearing exactly one item as adornment – the necklace he’d give her at the Christmas ball in Dalhousie.

“Hello,” he greeted, his voice husky as he saw her sit up.

“Hello,” she parroted, letting the sheet fall to her waist. Lex’s eyes immediately dropped to her exposed breasts. She smiled as she heard him gulp with pleasure.

“Nice necklace,” he said wryly.

“Nothing else here of interest?” she inquired innocently, batting her eyelashes coquettishly at him as Lex proceeded to rip the shirt off his body. Barechested, he removed his shoes and hovered over her side of the bed, bending down to kiss her.

Greedily, she pulled him down until he lay atop her body. His hands caressed her lower back as she pulled him closer for a kiss. Tasting the sweet, coffee scent of her breath, Lex’s hand cupped her buttocks as she squealed beneath him with utter delight.

“Missed you,” he breathed.

“Love you,” she replied, taking his hand and placing it on her breast. Gasping with pent-up lust, Lex watched as she bent her head further as his palm teased the tender orb. Her skin was warm to the touch, as he tasted the delicate outline of her breast with his lips. Chloe brought her hands to the nape of his neck, tenderly tracing circles at one of his most erogenous zones. Closing his eyes, he kissed her breast as Chloe grabbed for his pants.

“Off,” she pleaded, “Off…now.”

Lex grinned, continuing to embrace her breasts expertly with butterfly kisses. Underneath his body, Chloe squirmed and arched her back, desperate for the release she’d been denied for weeks. When he finally removed his trousers and joined her bed, naked as she was, he could hear the relief in her tiny sigh. She snaked her legs around his hips as Lex bent forward to kiss her. Chloe’s hand rested on his cheek as he heard her whisper, “I love you.”

“And I love you.”

“I’ve….missed you,” she panted, arching her back violently as she felt him enter her body.

“I’m here,” Lex whispered into her ear, moving in rhythm to her body, “and I’ve missed you.”

“Love hearing you talk to me,” she groaned, “your voice……that sexy growl.”

“Growl? Am I an animal?”

Chloe grabbed his shoulder, “Yes. My animal. My beautiful, sexy Lex.”

“Men…aren’t beautiful,” he argued.

“You aren’t any man,” she insisted, feeling him begin to move faster. “You’re my man. Beautiful. My Lex.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Closing his eyes as he rested against her breast, Lex pressed Chloe closer to his body.
”Am I allowed to feel jet lag yet?” he inquired.

“Yes. You can rest all you want as long as you’re naked, in bed with me and adorable.”

“I will happily comply,” he replied, “by the way, how’s our mystery?”

“Going rather well, actually,” she whispered, “but rest. We can talk about it in the morning.”

“No. I won’t sleep until you give me an update. It can be a small update.”

“Alright,” she said, complying with his wish. Kissing the top of his scalp, she said, “I found a distant relation of Nan, or rather Anne Dougherty, through the Resource Centre at Trinity College. We met up briefly in Dublin on Friday and she agreed to have me back, this time to her home to review some of the letters Nan sent back to Ireland after she moved to the United States. Supposedly, in some of them, she mentions her travel companion who was none other than Caroline Donovan. Oh Lex, it’s so….”

He breathed heavily against her shoulder, sound asleep and exhausted. Chloe traced his chin with her finger and placed a small kiss on his lips.

“And so he sleeps at home,” she whispered, “and all is right with the world.”

I’ve become a romantic. Could it be there’s a bit of Caroline Donovan in me yet?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~


William Wordsworth, To H.C., Six Years Old

15th February 2005, 05:07
I loved this movie great job mixing the two

star del mar
15th February 2005, 05:28
Great update! I love this story. Chloe and Lex are so sweet together...jealous, hehe


15th February 2005, 06:17
Yeah you finally updatd. I loved the smutty homecoming and I am glad Chloe got a lead.

Hope :)

15th February 2005, 06:33
I'm so happy that you updated this story!! It's one of my favorites!! Thank you so much for the incredible chapter!! I can't wait to find out more about Nan's relative, and I'm so glad that Lex is back in Ireland!! Update again soon please!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

15th February 2005, 06:47
Yeah Lex is back in Ireland.

15th February 2005, 12:52
:wub: oh wow loved the update deeply
more please

15th February 2005, 14:33
:biggrin: :drool: oh lovely!!!! plot and smut!! soooo goooddd!!!! but more?? more please! :worship2:

Kit Merlot
15th February 2005, 15:07
Thank you, crankychick, thank you.

A very romantic and beautiful update :biggrin:

You see, being a fanfic stalker pays off :devil:

Seriously, this story continues to be excellent, and the mystery deepens. Who is this Anne aka Nan? Very interesting!

15th February 2005, 17:00
I just started reading your fic today and, my my, I couldn't stop unitl i had finished all that I could read! Bravo....

15th February 2005, 18:57
*happy grin* An update! And a great chapter! I love the smutty scene, love all the roamance, and the mystery (it just keep getting me more curious, I wonder if Chloe will have to go back to the States in order to contiune the search...) Love it all!!!!!

Glad to no that this one is the first in your pile!Post more soon!

20th February 2005, 05:29
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

(Chapter rating - R. Chloe has a steamy dream! Zannie, this one's for you, for always inspiring me to write better, explore the relationship dynamics and enjoy the ChLex sensuality.)

Chapter 13

Home of Siobhan O’Reilly

Up the stairwell of the O’Reilly home, Chloe wondered how much more footwork it was going to take before she got to the bottom of deciphering the mysterious relationship between Caroline Donovan and Anne Dougherty.

“So how did Caroline and Anne know each other?”

“The Dougherty’s worked for the Donovans for generations. From what’s been told in the family, and the few existing records, Caroline and Nan were good friends from the time they were wee ones. How else would they have decided to go to America together?”

Chloe was dumbfounded. This was a piece of information she’d not known about. “They went to America?”

“Ah, yes. After Miss Donovan’s illness, they moved there together. Strange time that was, by all accounts. It was as if…”

“As if what?”

“I can’t really explain it, but I’ve always gotten the impression that Nan was helping Caroline escape from something…or someone. Mind you, there’s never been any evidence of that. It’s just something I’ve imagined.”

They finally reached the attic and Chloe watched as Siobhan unlocked the door and headed inside the dusty, dreary room. “Shame no one else cares about these things. There’s generations of information here going to waste. Out of my entire family, only I’ve taken the time to look through the papers. That’s how I came across this.”

Walking over to a desk located by the back wall, Siobhan picked up a worn, cloth bound diary and handed it to Chloe. She took the diary and opened it cautiously, noting its delicate, yellowed pages and frayed edges as she turned to the first page.

Diary of Anne Shaunnessy O’Dougherty

“It was the last diary she wrote before going to the States,” Siobhan commented, “I made a copy of it for you and kept it downstairs, but I had a feeling you’d like to see the real one.”

“There’s nothing like these old books,” Chloe noted, running her hands along the faded handwriting, “when it comes to giving a person a true sense of history.”

“Yes, there is that.”

“Siobhan, may I ask you a question? Why did you want to share this with me?”

“Call it instinct,” she replied, “I’ve had many requests in the past from scholars, biographers, even poets, to look through these papers for various projects and I’ve turned them all down. When I spoke to you, however, I got a very different impression. You really care about these people, don’t you?”

“I do,” Chloe said, nodding her head, “and I want to know what happened…not for some book, or a lecture series or anything academic. Somehow, I feel connected to this story. To Caroline and Anne.”

…..and to Alexander Luthor, both in past and present.

“I’d like you to have these,” Siobhan said quietly, picking up a stack of letters wrapped in lace and ribbon and handing them to Chloe, “for I suspect you know most of the story already.”

“Which one?” Chloe answered, not knowing how much information to share with her generous host.

“The one you’ve been researchin’ and trying to keep quiet. The story about Donovan and Luthor, of course.”

Her face fell. “You know?”

“I’m a descendant of the woman who helped that union take place,” she laughed, “naturally I know about it. It starts off very well, but take a warning, if you will. It doesn’t end well.”

Nodding, she took the letters and held them to her chest, “I had that impression.”

The older woman nodded in turn and motioned for Chloe to exit the room with her. “Let’s have some tea downstairs. You’ll want to start going over that now, I’m certain.”

Chloe laughed as she walked out of the room and reached the top step. “How did you know?”

With a strangely familiar smile, Siobhan looked at Chloe and answered, “It’s a very Dougherty quality that you share.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Two weeks later…

The mystery was all but solved with the letters providing the final clue. Folding the last, few photocopied sheets of paper over, Chloe sat back in her chair feeling numb. Lex’s plane was due to arrive shortly and she’d promised to remain awake until he came to the apartment. It was well past midnight and she had not been able to sleep properly for three days.

How am I going to tell him?

One of the letters in the pack given to her by Siobhan was a letter written by Caroline to her husband, Alexander Luthor. It was the only document in which Caroline specifically referred to Alexander as her ‘darling husband’ and it had been unusually visual. From the estimates she’d done on the timeline, Chloe suspected it was the last letter she’d ever written to him….and the only letter he’d never received.

Before he was gone……before she was gone to him forever.

Sitting back on her desk chair, Chloe could feel her eyelids growing heavy as she slowly drifted into sleep….

He stood by the table, lighting the candles as Caroline readied herself in the other room. Nervousness marked his every feature and his hand trembled slightly as the flame touched the wicks. When all were finally lit, he turned towards the window, running his hand through his auburn hair as he felt the pounding motion of his heartbeat in his brain.

The adjoining door squeaked and opened a crack. Alexander turned and began to walk toward her bedchamber. Resting his hand against the door, he pushed it until it was against the door and he was in the room. As he looked towards the bed, the vision of beauty presented by his new wife heightened his senses and eradicated his previous state of anxiety. Laying on her side atop the large, four poster bed, the recently named Mrs. Luthor was as naked as the day she was born. Her luscious, blonde locks flowed freely down her body, covering her breasts and falling to the bed. She smiled at him and motioned for him to come closer.

“The words have been uttered,” she called out, “and the union needs be bound.”

“You are a vision of charm and beauty,” he said, slowly walking towards her as he felt his skin burning with desire.

“I do not wish to be a vision, my beloved husband,” she replied, her hand rising to his neck as he sat on the bed, “I wish to be your wife in every sense. In soul, in heart and in body.”

“And you will be,” Alexander muttered, stroking her thigh with his arm, “my beautiful, enchanting vixen.”

Caroline sat up, placing her hands on his shoulder. With her hand, she stroked the front of his shirt and seductively murmured, ”Remove it”

His face bent towards her as with his hands, he unbuttoned his shirt. Kissing him as she sat up further, Caroline pushed the shirt off his body as his hands drifted to his trousers. When finally he had rid himself of his clothing impediments, he took her in his arms and fell back towards the bed again.

“I love you,” he heard her say, his face bent towards her breast as she cradled his head with her hand. Pressing his lips against her nipple, he listened for the sweetest sigh that emanated from her lips as she arched her back and exhaled wantonly. Gulping furiously, she felt his hand explore between her legs and she grabbed his shoulders, pushing up her body.

Positioning himself above her, he took her legs and wrapped them about him, leaning towards her and cupping her face in his hands, wishing he could take the pain that this coupling would cause her as his own.

“Why do you stop?” she asked.

“There will be pain,” he warned her.

“The bitter before the sweet,” she replied, “It is always that way. I am not afraid.”

He brought his face down to meet hers, the length of his body possessing of her body until the two were joined. Her screams were taken and enveloped in his mouth as his hands enveloped her neck. She felt his lips kiss the side of her jaw as they moved in rhythm.

“My love,” she panted.

“And mine.”


“No other.”


“So in love….,” she mumbled, “bathed in candlelight.”

Lex put his bag down on the floor as he bent down to pat her gently on the cheek. “Chloe, wake up. You’re dreaming.”

With a quick jump, she was awake. “Oh God,” she said, her eyes struggling to focus, “it was as if I could see them.”

He didn’t need to ask who.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

20th February 2005, 06:38
One more chappie!!!!!!!!!!! Thi just keeps geting me more curious, why did she went to the States? What happened to him? And Anne? Questions, questions and more questions. And I can't wait for the answers , but you managed to build a story that incite our curiosity, giving away just the right amount of information, not letting it get confusing!

Absolutely amazing! :wub:

Post more of this soon, please!

star del mar
20th February 2005, 06:58
Great chapter. So Chloe finally knows more and I'm dying to find out what it is!! Things are getting more interesting! Update soon!


20th February 2005, 07:05
First off wonderful update, as always

Second, how could you leave it there :yay:

please please please please come back and update I am dying to know what chloe is going to tell lex


20th February 2005, 07:19
More please that was a great update. :)

Hope :D

20th February 2005, 07:44
Please, please, please come back and update!! What destroyed Alex and Caroline? They just seem so good together!! I really can't wait til your next chapter!! And please, don't let the same thing happen to Lex and Chloe!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

20th February 2005, 15:38
And what a dream it was . . . but that damn Lex woke her up right at the good part.

Absolutely adored this line:

Originally posted by crankychick@Feb 20 2005, 05:29 AM
Caroline sat up, placing her hands on his shoulder. With her hand, she stroked the front of his shirt and seductively murmured, ”Remove it”

It's lovely and sexy, but it made me giggle because it sounds exactly like a nineteenth-century Chloe.

Wonderful update. I'm blissfully happy with it. Looking forward to seeing how this story concludes.

20th February 2005, 17:09
:biggrin: I'm so glad you have updated this story. I truly enjoy the literary slant. Nobody really writes like this anymore. Eagerly waiting for your next chapter.

21st February 2005, 09:42
Ack....with every word I was leaning close and closer to ther computer and almost smaked the screen with my face....

I need more, immediatly, for my own safety!

Kit Merlot
22nd February 2005, 14:52
Beautiful update!

The dream of Caroline and Alexander was just gorgeous--WELL DONE :biggrin:

10th March 2005, 05:09
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

(the finale of Caroline/Alexander is revealed. Warning; angst ahead)

Chapter 14

Banks of the River Esk

“Explain to me again why it was so important that we come here first thing in the morning,” Lex asked Chloe once again, holding her hand as the two walked along the moss green banks of the river Esk.

“It’s fitting that the final piece of the puzzle be unveiled here,” she said looking away from Lex, adding, “in the setting where the events took place.”

“You’re being very mysterious,” Lex noted, adjusting his grip on the small basket Chloe had packed up for their breakfast outing, “but I can be patient, so long as this final puzzle piece really is going to be revealed and you’re not just teasing me.”

How I wish that I was, Chloe thought to herself. Glancing over at Lex, she nodded her head brusquely and said, “It will be. I promise you that.”

“Good,” he replied, stopping as he looked around the woods that surrounded the babbling sounds of the river to their left. “Such a beautiful place this is. I can almost picture the two of them walking hand in hand along the river happily on a summer’s day.”

They did walk, but not in summer and not happily, Chloe thought to herself, stopping and pointing to what she thought was the perfect spot. “Let’s set up there,” she said, pointing to a small clearing underneath a large oak tree.”

For a moment, Lex thought he’d detected a note of sadness in her expression. Ever since his return the night before, she’d been withdrawn and evasive whenever he made reference to Alexander, Caroline or the research she’d been conducting. Also, after she’d finally gotten to sleep, Lex had searched her desk files to see if he could find what she’d discovered on her last trip to Ireland and found every piece of the entire investigation gone. Nothing was left in the drawers, not a single letter, not one poem.

Whatever Chloe was preparing to tell him, Lex’s instinct warned him to be prepared for the worst.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From her silver thermos, Chloe poured two, steaming hot mugs of coffee for both of them. She blew on her cup for an instant, before placing it on the flannel blanket they’d lain on the ground to sit on. Chloe drew up her strength, took a deep breath and began to work out the details.

“The woman in the picture with Caroline – the one who resembles me so closely – was nicknamed Nan, but her real name was Anne Dougherty,” Chloe began, “Her family had worked for the Donovans in Ireland for many years and she and Caroline had practically grown up together. That’s the beginning of their relationship.”

“And what’s the rest?” Lex questioned.

“That I found out when I read Nan’s letters to her family after she’d moved to the United States. Nan and Caroline were more than friends; they were half-sisters.”


“The picture of the two of them in Dannemora was taken before they left Ireland for America….for a permanent relocation.”

“But what about Alexander?” Lex wondered out loud, “According to every letter of hers we read, they were deeply in love.”

“They were, until the events that took place here transpired,” Chloe said. “Our suspicions were confirmed by both Nan’s letters and her diary. Well, the part of her diary that she wrote. As I looked through it, the handwriting changed. I could recognize Caroline’s hand by now and as I compared entries from the first part of the diary with the middle and end portions. Anne started the diary, but Caroline completed it.”

“This is what I was able to make out. Caroline and Alexander married quietly and were living here in Stirling, while he maintained his house in Edinburgh where Joseph lived and was cared for. At some point, Joseph found out about Alexander’s marriage and it took it very, very badly. One night, he followed him to their house, hid in the bushes and listened to the obviously mad ramblings of his mind. With no one around to curtail his actions, he tried to destroy who he now considered his enemy and rival – Caroline herself. While the staff slept, he broke into her bedroom, knocked her unconscious and taking a small rowboat, deposited her body in the current of the river.”

“My God,” Lex uttered aloud, placing his mug of coffee on the ground as his hand shook slightly. “what happened to her?”

Chloe drew breath once again and said, “Fortunately she was rescued in time by a member of her staff who’d been woken by the noise, but the damage was already done. Caroline was six months pregnant and the trauma of the evening caused her to give birth prematurely to a stillborn son.”

Lex looked horrified as a teary eyed Chloe turned in his direction. “He blamed himself. Alexander placed his wife under the best medical care and contacted Nan himself. Joseph Coleridge was institutionalized and Nan agreed to accompany her to New York, until he’d taken care of some business matters for himself and his wife.”

“Did she leave?”

“She did, but when it came time for Alexander to leave, he was alerted that Joseph had attempted suicide. Ironically, it was once again here…in the river Esk. Perhaps it was his madness, or if you think about, mad jealousy. He came to the site where Alexander set up a new life to rid him of his old one. Joseph must have known how this action would haunt his former lover. And he was right.”

Chloe took a long, drawn out sip of her coffee. When the small mug was empty, she took hold of Lex’s hand and continued. “Joseph lingered on, for several months and even though I think – no, I know – he wrote to Caroline to explain what happened, I don’t think she ever got those letters. She must have believed she’d been abandoned.”

“Chloe, this is horrible,” Lex said, his face clearly showing the sadness the story had brought out in him. “After all they’d suffered, they were separated by bad communication?”

“That’s all we’re left with,” Chloe admitted, “None of his archived letters make reference to Caroline. He must have believed she abandoned him as well.”

He rose to his feet, angrily rubbing his head as he looked around. “Why? Why the hell can’t one damn person in the Luthor legacy have happiness? He found an equal, a woman he adored and he tried to make a life with her….and it was stolen because he was trying to do the right thing! He just didn’t want Joseph to die in an insane asylum!”

Chloe rose as well, and placed her hand on his shoulder. Lex shoved it away and continued ranting. “Everything! Every damn thing we touch gets ruined. Why? He did nothing to deserve that!”

“Lex, there’s so much that we still don’t know. Like the year 1882-“

“I don’t want to hear anymore,” he bit back.

“Lex, please hear me out.”

“No, Chloe. I don’t – I can’t listen to anymore of this. For you, these are literary characters, but this man is my family!”

She tried to touch his arm, but he pulled away from her. “This place…I can’t be here. I need to leave.”

“Okay,” she said sadly.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“No, I’ll meet you back at the apartment,” she replied, looking away from him and towards the river. “I need to stay here for a bit longer.”


She held back her sobs and answered simply. “You don’t want to know, remember? You said you didn’t want to hear anymore and you won’t. But now I need to be alone.”

Lex took a step towards her, but stopped short of touching her. “Chloe, I-“

“Please leave, Lex. I’ll see you later.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(the next chapter is the final one!)

star del mar
10th March 2005, 05:37
oh! You can't leave it like that!! No cliffhangers! Gah, I really do love this story, the story that you've weaved is just so interesting...now get your butt back here and update!!! :)


10th March 2005, 05:58
Star is right. Damn these cliffhangers. Eagerly awaiting the final chapter.

10th March 2005, 06:03
Sitting back on her desk chair, Chloe could feel her eyelids growing heavy as she slowly drifted into sleep….

[i]He stood by the table, lighting the candles as Caroline readied herself in the other room. Nervousness marked his every feature and his hand trembled slightly as the flame touched the wicks. When all were finally lit, he turned towards the window, running his hand through his auburn hair as he felt the pounding motion of his heartbeat in his brain.

The adjoining door squeaked and opened a crack. Alexander turned and began to walk toward her bedchamber. Resting his hand against the door, he pushed it until it was against the door and he was in the room. As he looked towards the bed, the vision of beauty presented by his new wife heightened his senses and eradicated his previous state of anxiety. Laying on her side atop the large, four poster bed, the recently named Mrs. Luthor was as naked as the day she was born. Her luscious, blonde locks flowed freely down her body, covering her breasts and falling to the bed. She smiled at him and motioned for him to come closer.

“The words have been uttered,” she called out, “and the union needs be bound.”

“You are a vision of charm and beauty,” he said, slowly walking towards her as he felt his skin burning with desire.

“I do not wish to be a vision, my beloved husband,” she replied, her hand rising to his neck as he sat on the bed, “I wish to be your wife in every sense. In soul, in heart and in body.”

“And you will be,” Alexander muttered, stroking her thigh with his arm, “my beautiful, enchanting vixen.”

Awww, I don't think you're cranky at all. I think you're a romantic soul trapped in an unrequited television ship.

Lovely chapter, and a deft lead in to the conclusion of the story. I was a little worried about the candlelit love scene turning cheesy, but I should have had faith. It had a touch of modern Chlex and the feel of an old-fashioned movie.

I'm very happy and my plot bunny Pete is delighted.

10th March 2005, 09:55
No, remember, this is romance not angst!! I know it might not have a happy ending, but please let Chloe and Lex end up together!! Please!!

Kit Merlot
10th March 2005, 14:50
Excellent update!

Okay, I adore Lex but he needs to get a grip! Chloe wants him to know that not all hope is lost, but he refuses to listen.

The next chapter is the last?! Oh please resolve this, but with a happy Chlex ending!


10th March 2005, 15:46
Awww, I don't think you're cranky at all. I think you're a romantic soul trapped in an unrequited television ship.

I've been secretly suspecting the same thing.

However, you seem to be very much into the romantic angst lately, and I'm just hoping it's all going to lead to a happy resolution in this one. Since you only have one chapter left, you're going to have to fix things very quickly. But I'm sure you will. Won't you?

Poor Lex. It really sucks to be a Luthor.

But I'm sure Chloe can set him straight. Please? Happy, orgasmic ending?

10th March 2005, 16:18
They better get back together. This is romance dang it not angst. :(

Hope :(

11th March 2005, 06:47
She held back her sobs and answered simply. “You don’t want to know, remember? You said you didn’t want to hear anymore and you won’t. But now I need to be alone.”

Lex took a step towards her, but stopped short of touching her. “Chloe, I-“

“Please leave, Lex. I’ll see you later.”

Come on, twice in one week. You better fix this in the next chapter. I mean it. Please?

Great chapter, I adore this, much like the rest of your stories, greatly. Bring on the last chapter filled with happy Chlex! Happy. Chlex. Chloe and Lex. Happy. Just remember that.

Waiting patiently for another update.

12th March 2005, 08:30
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)

Chapter 15

Banks of the River Esk

(the final chapter)

“For you, these are literary characters…”

Lex’s words replayed in her mind as Chloe watched the calm flow of the river. The setting of Caroline’s horrific night was right in front of her and she simply could not look away. Frozen to the spot in which she was standing, Chloe peered at the river, tears flowing down her cheeks as she stood perfectly still.

The wind blew north as she closed her eyes. Certain places were haunted, not by ghosts or apparitions, but by human anguish and suffering. As she concentrated on the silence, she could almost make out the echoes of that night.

“Do not do this! Do not murder Alexander’s child. Even if you care nothing for me, you will turn him against you forever if you destroy his unborn child.”

“Liar. Thief. The river washes away all filth. The river will wash you away until you are no more.”

“I beg you, spare me for the child’s sake. Joseph, destroying his child will make you the thief. You will have stolen what is most precious to Alexander and he will never forgive you for it.”

Shuddering, Chloe opened her eyes and wiped her cheeks with her hands. Despite her warm jacket and sweater, she suddenly felt chilled to the very bone. As she was about to turn away, she placed her hand on the back of her neck. It was wet. Fright took possession of her senses as she looked up towards the sky to see the bright, cloudless day.

Was that real? Was that my own projection?

Grabbing the basket and hurriedly jamming the blanket into it, Chloe hastily walked away from the river bank as the wind once again blew in her direction.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It had begun to turn dark, Lex noticed, looking out the bay window at the rainy courtyard underneath. He had tried reaching Chloe’s cell phone several times and each time gotten only her voicemail in response. Pacing the dining area frantically, he wondered if this forsaken ability to drive a loved one away was innate to his legacy or if was a developed characteristic of his own flawed person. Sitting at the small table, he folded his hands underneath his chin and tried to keep scenarios of accidents and abductions out of his thoughts.

As he was about to try her cell again, he heard a small metallic rumbling at the door. A very forlorn, rain soaked Chloe walked through the door and began removing her jacket and scarf. Looking up at him as she hung the wet items up on the coat rack, she smiled sadly at him.

“I am such an ass,” he said by way of greeting.

Chloe shook her head and smiled. Raising her eyebrows, she sighed and replied, “It’s nothing I didn’t know before.”

Lex walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. The material of her thin slip on shirt was soaked through to her goose-bumped skin. “Jesus, you’re going to get an infection in those wet clothes, Chloe. We have to get you out of them.”

“Yes,” she replied weakly as Lex began taking her shirt off, nearly ripping her hair out in the process. “Ouch!” she argued.

“You’ll get sick,” he said.

“You’ll get beaten, nurse,” she replied, bringing her hands to meet his. “Calm down. I’m fine.”

Lex took both of her hands and brought them to his lips. “I’m sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am that I overreacted to the conclusion of your investigation.”

“It’s Ok,” she answered calmly, bringing her hand to the side of his neck, “it was too much…too much tragedy for you to absorb all at once.”

“Come on,” he said, walking her towards the bedroom as she leaned against the side of his body. Gently, he kissed the top of her forehead as they walked into the considerably warmer roomer. “Why do you put up with me?” he wondered out loud.

Chloe looked at him. That familiar shy, evasive look was on his face again, the one he gave when he truly wanted an honest answer to a question but did not wish to give an overly enthusiastic impression of how much he wanted this answer. Sitting down on the armchair by the window, she began removing the rest of her wet clothes. “The answer to that is simple, Lex. I love you. Loving you doesn’t mean only taking the good and dumping the whole package because you have an outburst. It’s everything, good and bad, temper and humor. It's everything you are.”

“How easily you do that,” he said, watching her intently, “show your heart and what you feel, even after you’ve been wronged.”

Once again, she looked up at him as she stood up and grabbed her robe from the bedpost on her side of the bed. “I wasn’t that wronged and I’m not afraid of showing you my heart.”

“Then marry me.”

Chloe stopped in her tracks, her robe hanging from her body as she sat down on the bed in shock. “Did you….did you just propose to me?”


“Because you feel guilty about a fight we had? Lex, you don’t have to-“

“That’s not what this is about,” he replied, sitting on the bed beside her. “As I walked away from you today….watched you growing smaller in the distance as I let my pride lead me away, I felt the weight of how wrong I was. As I waited for you to return today, I kept rationalizing mentally why it made sense for you not to return. Why it would be in your best interests never to come back to me.”

“Lex, that could never be best for me-“

“I know,” he said, embracing her tenderly as she leaned against his shoulder. “But strangely enough, I thought of Alexander. Of the regret and despondency he must have felt as he watched Caroline drift out of his life because he was unable to sever that final connection to his past.”

“That will never happen to us,” she assured him.

“No, it won’t,” he agreed. “Because as much as you and I may mirror the story that has consumed us both, we will not end that way. The past may mirror the present, but the present does not have to follow suit. Volatile as I am, imperfect as I am, Chloe, I love you. I didn’t plan this….I was not expecting to propose to you, but that is what I’m doing. Rather badly, I have to say.”

Through her tears, she smiled as she hugged him against her. “No, not badly at all. A bad proposal would not yield a positive answer.”

Lex grabbed her shoulders and looked directly into her eyes. “What are you saying?”

Freely, her tears drifted down her cheeks as she smiled gleefully at Lex. “I am saying yes. Yes, Lex. I will marry you and let the present write itself. The past has already been taken care of.”

Bringing her lips toward his own, Lex felt her hands warm against the heat of his chest as her small fingers began sliding downwards towards the waistband of his trousers. Pulling the shirt over his head, she quickly discarded it and tossed it to the ground. Trailing soft kisses along the side of his jaw, she felt her body weaken as they fell back against the bed, his hands pushing her robe away from her body.

“My beautiful, wife to be,” he whispered, fingers softly trailing up and down the sides of her breasts as she looked at him and blushed.

“I think I’m going to suck as a wife,” she confessed.

“Oh, I’m counting on that,” he said, seductively bending his head down towards her body as his hand began to trail up her inner thigh. Finally free of the last vestiges of his clothing, he slithered atop her body, her legs instinctively parting as she felt his tongue circling her nipple.

Chloe’s hand caressed Lex’s head, her fingers teasing the nape of his neck. Knowing well by this point how sensitive that area of his body was, she continued to run the tips of her fingers along the back of his neck. Lex groaned and captured her with one well timed thrust.

With the rain falling outside in droves, Lex and Chloe quietly made love, hands furiously clutching hands as their bodies joined.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

As she lay against his body, her hand trailing his arm, Chloe said. “Something you said today was wrong, you know?”

“And what was that?” he replied, smiling as he enjoyed the touch of her hand upon his body.

“On the river bank, you said that for me these people were literary characters. It may have started out that way, but life….life loves playing little games of chance.”

He frowned, wondering where she was going with this. “What are you talking about?”

“I tried to find Caroline’s life in the US by finding Anne. I found something else. Me.”


“Anne Dougherty is to me what Alexander Luthor is to you.”

“And that would mean-“

“Caroline also, yes. And I hold the three of them responsible for bringing us together.”

He could barely believe it. “When did you find this out?”

“About a week after I got the letters and diaries from Siobhan,” she replied, “and it took me for a loop, I’ll confess. The story that’s taken over so much of my life was really a story for us both.”

“Yes, it is.”

“About that,” she said carefully, “I’m still not done. Something about Caroline’s coming to America…..the fact her name was no longer referenced after 1882 in Anne’s correspondence…….the fact Alexander sold off his assets in Scotland and no further record exists for him after 1880. Call me an optimist, but I think-“

“That he found her?” Lex replied.

“If it were you,” Chloe asked, “and you had lost me, what would you do?”

“I would find you.”

“My point exactly.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The End

12th March 2005, 08:44
Freely, her tears drifted down her cheeks as she smiled gleefully at Lex. “I am saying yes. Yes, Lex. I will marry you and let the present write itself. The past has already been taken care of.”

My heart just grew two sizes . . . I have to go be teary-eyed and sentimental now. Thank you.

star del mar
12th March 2005, 09:24
“That he found her?” Lex replied.

“If it were you,” Chloe asked, “and you had lost me, what would you do?”

“I would find you.”

“My point exactly.”

What a great way to end this story. I really liked that last little bit of their conversation. I'm sorry to see this story go because I loved every minute of it but it was a good ending. Good job!!


12th March 2005, 09:34
Oh my Lord that was beautiful. I loved it from begining to end. You did a great job. :D

Hope :)

12th March 2005, 17:30
Amazing till the end!!! :) Chloe and Lex are together and everything is great

12th March 2005, 18:02
I love the happy ending!! Thank you so much for this incredible story!! The mystery was great, and I love the fact that both Lex and Chloe are connected to the past!! I really liked reading this fic!! Thanks for posting it!!

13th March 2005, 01:52
*sniffles* didn't I tell you I was a sucker for happy endings? Geeze, two cranky stories gone within one week. What am I going to do? *sighs*

“The answer to that is simple, Lex. I love you. Loving you doesn’t mean only taking the good and dumping the whole package because you have an outburst. It’s everything, good and bad, temper and humor. It's everything you are.”

“How easily you do that,” he said, watching her intently, “show your heart and what you feel, even after you’ve been wronged.”

Once again, she looked up at him as she stood up and grabbed her robe from the bedpost on her side of the bed. “I wasn’t that wronged and I’m not afraid of showing you my heart.”

“Then marry me.”

Oh lordy, lordy, lordy. I loved that. I loved this story. So sweet and just out there. No romantic notions, no sappy stuff just, deep connection. It is exactly how I see this happening with Chloe and Lex.

“If it were you,” Chloe asked, “and you had lost me, what would you do?”

“I would find you.”

“My point exactly.”

God, what a way to end the story. I love how you write the unconvential chlex stories and still make it great. And this was just a great story, all around fantastic. I am going to miss it.

Fantastic job.

13th March 2005, 06:14
Title: The Past Mirrors the Present
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters and none of the storylines.
Rating: R. It's romantic, a bit sexy but not dirty
Spoilers: One minor plotline from Season 4 is briefly discussed
Setting: Chloe Sullivan graduated from Columbia University and immediately afterwards got a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. While there, she looked up one of Lex’s ancestors and unlocked a literary mystery.

(This story is based upon the book & film “Possession”, but with our favorite characters in the leading roles. A casual reference to a Luthor ancestor has set off our pair in search of the hidden history of Alexander Luthor and Caroline Donovan)



Chloe typed away her final set of notes, preparing to archive most of her files and file the disks away the moment she was able to clear away the paperwork accumulating on her desk hutch. She’d recently completed her first complete year at the University of Edinburgh and had found time to not only finish in the top ten percent of her class, but had also solved a very involving and personal ancestral mystery. Smiling as she moved her files into the folders she’d created, Chloe pondered the many changes that had taken place during this intense time in her professional and private life.

Along the way to completing her inaugural year at Edinburgh, she’d also managed to pull off a small wedding to one of the richest men in the world, a coup simultaneously envied and detested. Glancing down at her wedding ring, Chloe laughed, recalling the dozens of tabloid front pages the one photograph they’d released to the press had made. The photograph was taken at the end of the midnight ceremony. Chloe, in a simple Vera Wang dress and Irish lace veil, placed her hand on Lex’s face as behind them, Gabe and Pete applauded as they were pronounced man and wife.

I touched his face, he smiled and the camera flashed. It was the happiest moment of our lives.

They had decided to spend most of the year in Scotland as Chloe insisted on finishing her doctorate in journalism and literary criticism. Her investigative reports on the lives of James Joyce and William Wordsworth had been published in the Guardian and her essay compilation on the lives of the female Romantic poets had recently been nominated for the National Book Award in the United States.

Alexander and Caroline…I owe this all to the two of you. Thank you wherever you are.

Inquiries had been sent out to various historical societies on the possible relocation of Caroline and Alexander, but to date she’d received nothing. Determined and stubborn in her resolve that they had indeed found each other once again, she would not give up the search. It was through her own ancestor, Anne, that Chloe had found a glimmer of hope.

Anne had been so cautious to drop any and all mention of her half-sister’s name in any correspondence and yet had taken great pains to immediately come to her sister’s aid in Scotland when she was called upon, leaving behind a rather prominent position as head mistress at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School for Girls in Fern, in Northern Ireland. How could two sisters, obviously so united, have fallen out of touch after having lived together for most of their childhood and reuniting to live together for nearly ten years in adulthood? Chloe wasn’t falling for it.

Lost in her thoughts, she barely noticed the door opening. Lex walked inside and placed his umbrella on the stand and removed his trench coat. He took some shopping bags and brought them into the kitchen, kissing Chloe as he greeted her. “Still working on those files?”

“I want to make sure everything is in proper order for when I pick up with my classes again,” she said, kissing Lex on the check, rising from her desk to help him put the few groceries away.

“Oh, sweetheart,” she chirped happily, “they had the strawberry ice cream. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied, smiling as Chloe hugged him. “Oh, before I forget, take a look inside that bag. A package arrived for you from some university in Oregon.”

Her face crunched up as she looked inside the plastic bag, taking the padded envelope and ripping it open. Skimming over the cover letter, she flipped the page and found a small 9x12 black and white photograph.

“Oh my God,” she said, slinking into a kitchen chair, unable to take her eyes off the picture.

Immediately concerned, Lex dropped the box of crackers on the counter and immediately went to her side. “What’s the matter, Chloe? Are you alright?”

He noticed she was crying and smiling simultaneously as she handed the photograph to him. “He did it. He did what you would have done.”

Oswego University, a now defunct institution in western Oregon, maintained its archives through the main campus of the University of Oregon. Upon the request of Dean Richard Dougherty, a direct descendant of esteemed professors Carol and Xander Dougherty, he’d sent Chloe a photograph taken of the English department upon their retirement in 1903.

Lex could barely believe that the proof Chloe had fought for over a year to find was in the palm of his hand. Despite the advanced years of the couple, it was unmistakably them.

“Our past,” he said, smiling down at his wife.

“Yes,” she replied, wiping the tears from her face. “And it ended well. Isn’t it strange to be suddenly filled with peace…with satisfaction that they did find each other?”

“A visit to this Richard Dougherty might be called for,” Lex said, putting the picture on the kitchen as he kneeled down and patted Chloe’s stomach, “in a few months, of course.”

She covered his hand with hers. Last week had marked the official start of her fifth month of pregnancy and if she’d thought her husband wonderful as only a companion, she was now filled with unshakeable faith that he would be an amazing father. He was so cautious, sometimes leaning towards doting, but always attentive. Chloe rested her hand on his head as he leaned to listen to the sound of their baby’s heartbeat.

“How has she been today?” he asked, rubbing her stomach delicately.

“Very busy. I think she’s an impatient, little one.”

Lex laughed, kissed her stomach and rose to his feet. She joined him and they leaned side by side as she stretched her hand across his lower back.

“Why are you so certain it’s a girl? Aren’t men supposed to want a boy?”

“Traditional expectations are not my forte,” he replied, “or haven’t you noticed?”

“I have indeed,” she replied, walking with him toward the bedroom. “Whether it’s a girl or a boy, he or she will be very loved and welcomed. His grandfather alone is buying out the Midwest as we speak, I’m sure.”

“Is his flight still this Saturday?”

“Yes. Pete can’t make it until Sunday, right before Dad’s birthday party.”

“Does he still insist that you put the telephone to the baby so he can say hello?”

“Lex, he’s a doting grandfather. What do you expect?”

She lay on the bed as Lex sat to her side and held her hand. “I feel very tired, but I’m not taking a nap unless you’re next to me. You don’t have to go back to the office today, do you?”

“Not today I don’t,” he said, lying down as Chloe shifted her body to rest her head on his shoulder, “not if you need me to stay.”

“I do. We do.”

“Then here is where I’ll stay.”

“We love you, Lex,” Chloe said, smiling as she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.”

Lex kissed the top of her head, his hand lightly embracing the curve of the baby. “And I love you both, but rest.”

On the kitchen table, the picture of past rested on the padded envelope. All during her investigation, Chloe had been filled with a sense of foreshadowing….the certainty that a happy conclusion with their ancestor would reflect beneficially on their own destiny. His wife wasn’t generally given to optimism and Lex had not believed her entirely, but with the proof firmly established and their own happiness solid, he’d gladly admit to being wrong. If Caroline and Alexander could overcome tragedy and adversity, find themselves after a ten year separation and still manage to recapture that first love, as that photograph clearly demonstrated, there was no argument possible and none that he wished to make.

A blessing from the past conveyed on the Luthors of the present. It was a good omen.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

13th March 2005, 06:51
Thank you so much for the beautiful epilogue!! It made your wonderful story just perfect!! Thank you for having both Alexander and Caroline and Lex and Chloe be so happy!! Love your happy ending!!

star del mar
13th March 2005, 07:02
I was so excited to see an epilogue!! sigh, I loved the happy ending. Beautiful as always


14th March 2005, 06:20
This truly was a beautiful story. I can't wait to read what you have next.

Kit Merlot
15th March 2005, 21:52
This was an excellent ending to a beautiful story.

I love that Alexander found Caroline in America and that they were able to make a life for themselves after the tragic death of their unborn baby.

ANd I love that Chloe accepts all the parts of Lex and was able to forgive his brooding and snapping out at her.

This was a wonderful story--WELL DONE :D

16th March 2005, 01:45
You pulled a quick one there, didn't you? Making me think the last chapter was the last chapter.. and then you bring out this... *sighs* Piece of art.

Chloe, in a simple Vera Wang dress and Irish lace veil, placed her hand on Lex’s face as behind them, Gabe and Pete applauded as they were pronounced man and wife.

I touched his face, he smiled and the camera flashed. It was the happiest moment of our lives.

Can I just tell you that I have an image of this in my mind it's is priceless.

She covered his hand with hers. Last week had marked the official start of her fifth month of pregnancy and if she’d thought her husband wonderful as only a companion, she was now filled with unshakeable faith that he would be an amazing father. He was so cautious, sometimes leaning towards doting, but always attentive. Chloe rested her hand on his head as he leaned to listen to the sound of their baby’s heartbeat.

Whenever I see Lex having kids in my mind I always picture him as a doting father. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but I never see him being like Lionel is to his own kids. Loved how you interpeted this in there.

This was just wonderful and I've said it before and I'll say it again: I adored this story and I'm going to miss it greatly. Perfect Job!

23rd March 2005, 05:27
Oh. My. F ing. God. You. Are. So. Amazing. This. Story. Is. Amazing. You. Are. So. Amazing. Poetry. Romantic.

See what you did? You reduced me to one-word sentences, and that is NOT an easy feat. It's like defying gravity or getting the writers on SV to write some chlex.


24th March 2005, 18:40
This story was really moving! AWESOME!

27th March 2005, 09:59
excellant story!

29th March 2005, 12:18
This was amazing!
Thank you for writing this - everything about it was so real.
I've seen the movie and not being a huge fan of Gweneth Paltrow, don't count it
as one of my favourites, but the actual story itself was good.
So to see 2 people I like placed in the middle of it was amazing.

So thank you thank you thank you so much for taking the time and effort of sharing
this story with us.


29th March 2005, 20:38
This was absolutley beautiful.And so romantic.Extremley well-written.

1st April 2005, 01:14
Wow. That was amazing. I loved the book this is based on, and the movie. I love your story.

31st May 2005, 22:39
Just spectacular. You wove the two stories together so well. Brava!!

18th June 2005, 00:29
Very well written!!!

29th June 2005, 11:54
“If it were you,” Chloe asked, “and you had lost me, what would you do?”

“I would find you.”

“My point exactly.”

Sooo cute, it got tears in my eyes. I loved the story and how the plot proceeded. I really really enjoyed the story.

13th January 2006, 06:23
Oh my God!!!! Wonderful story!!!! And so well written too!!!! And the ending... Happy for both couples... And a baby on the way too... Just beautiful...
Loved the way it was written, and the fact that both stories are so similar to each other...
A very great job, please continue writting these wonderful stories for us, will you?!?!

sadie kate
4th February 2006, 21:00
This is lovely. It's so difficult to write a fanfic based on other material, and you did it in a way that was beautiful and not remotely derivative. Nice job.

24th April 2006, 01:55
Wonderful story. Love it.

18th May 2006, 06:00
OMG---this is such a beautiful story, sweetie. I just love the romance, the warmth, the mystery of this piece. Words can't describe the feelings I feel right now after reading this---because they don't exist. This is how overwhelmingly beautiful it is---and it's inspired my muse, which is an added benefit to her. Thank you for sharing such an awe-inspiring story.

13th June 2006, 05:13
{Claps and cheers} Very romantic and passionate. A well tangled and web woven historical piece. You really have a flair for dramatics and romance. Very original plotline, and I enjoyed this piece immensely.

3rd July 2006, 00:51
Very beautiful story! You write so well! Loved the happy ending! Can't wait to read some more of your stories!

31st July 2006, 11:49
I love this story, I read it a while ago but my comp was going crazy... like it usually does when I desperately want to finish reading a chlex fic grrrr lol

anyways I saw that movie possession that you got the idea for... and your version is better... seeing as how its chloe and lex its like duh how could anything else be better then that heh

I especially liked the part where you incorporated someone in Chloe's family line in the past part... I don't exactly remember how that all happened I know it was in the end part of the story so I'm just going to read it again.. which I will only be happy to do :D

great job with this story, its one of my favorites... I do so love the stories with all the lovely twists and turns hehe

26th September 2006, 02:07
This was an amazing and beautiful story... Beautifully written. There's no need to say much more. Thank you!!

11th November 2006, 14:55
:drool: I loved it! :wub: I love Lex in this story!:wub: The use of poetry was perfect and I enjoyed every min of reading!

9th December 2006, 21:01
:rolleyes: i love this story

17th June 2007, 16:54
I've just found this wonderful gem. I've read 2-3 chapters and its so well written, a mystery a sweet love story and in a wonderful setting. I can't wait to read more. dagney

23rd April 2009, 18:41
This was so beautifully written. A believable progression of a Lex/Chloe relationship that does not sugarcoat any of their characters good or bad, but rather uses them to add much more insight into the story. Amazing job!

24th April 2009, 08:38
I loved the mystery involved with the story and thanks for the happy ending!

27th April 2009, 22:37
Wonderful fic

7th June 2010, 01:45
I utterly loved this story! The poetry woven through out was phenomenal! Just a perfectly beautiful love story, past and present!

24th October 2010, 18:02
Such a joy to read! I love the poetry woven into the story and it had me whipping out my Shakespeare in appreciation.
Thank you!

7th January 2011, 00:29
Wow! What a great story... I love the poetry and flashbacks!

24th February 2011, 04:33
I can’t believe I’ve read this just now. I love it! Really got me carried away and fallen in love as they were solving the mystery. Wow. You did a great job! :]