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13th November 2004, 13:50
Title: Inconsiderate Bedmates
Author: CRae
Rating: PG (for cursing & a little Lex abuse)
Summary: Chloe wakes up alone & is none too happy about it.
Disclaimer: Smallville & its characters belongs to DC Comics & WB. I own nothing.
Category: Fluff/Humor/Future/Shortfic
Spoilers: Zip, zilch.
Feedback: Do I look crazy to you? Don't answer that. Yes, feedback is much appreciated.
Notes: I have a cold & I saw Lexana. This isn't my fault. :biggrin:

Inconsiderate Bedmates

Chloe's eyes opened slowly, knowing from experience that sunlight was not your friend when you first woke up. When her retinas weren't attacked by brightness, she sat up and looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. 3:18. Ugh, too early! Why was she awake then? Her hand shot out and patted the space next to her, seeking but finding only coolness. Where had the jackass gone?

Sighing and standing up, Chloe wrapped the purple satin sheet around her body. No need to give him a free peek when she found him, after all. He was definitely in the dog house for leaving her alone in bed. Muttering to herself about inconsiderate bedmates, she padded her way down the hall and into his study. She found him sitting at his desk studying his laptop intently. That made her a little mad, but that wasn't the worst of it! He was wearing pajama pants with all that delicious pale skin covered. All that delicious pale skin that belonged to her, dammit. First, he leaves her alone while she sleeps and to top it all off, he takes away her eye candy. How dare he!

She made her way to the desk, sheet trailing along behind her, and stared at the top of his head accusingly.

"Yes, Chloe?"

Her eyes narrowed.

When his question was met with only silence, Lex wisely or perhaps unwisely lifted his head to look at his glowering wife. A shudder wracked his body that had nothing to do with the temperature of the room. What had he done now?

Chloe's eyes became slits. Oh, hell, had he said that out loud?

"Is something wrong, love?" He asked meekly.

His executioner pursed her full pink lips. "Yes, there's something wrong, darling."

Was it just him or did that darling sound mocking?

"You left me alone in bed, Alexander." It was never good when she called him by his real name.

"And do you know what happens when you leave me alone in bed now? I wake up." Quick as a cat, she was behind the desk brandishing one of his folders. "She must have a sixth sense or something because she knows when you're not there and then she wakes me up and I need my sleep, Lex," Chloe rambled, waving the folder around threateningly. "You know what happens when I don't get enough of it. It gets very unpleasant for you."

The man once described as a 'stone-faced mean son of a bitch' rolled his chair away from his 5'5 wife, holding his hands up in surrender. "I was researching, Chloe."

Eying him suspiciously, she turned toward the computer and began reading before Lex could slap the top shut. Knowing what was coming, Lex prepared himself for her outburst but still winced when she turned on him with a snarl and a rather hard smack of the folder she had been clutching.

"How to Placate the Pregnant Demon?!"


13th November 2004, 14:48
Nice one! :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

13th November 2004, 15:13
:applause: Oh my- i'm trying not to burst out laughing here - unless everyone will really think i'm a little crazy.

:lol: - he's gonna have to do it for me.

that was just really funny.


13th November 2004, 15:36
:lol: :lol: nicely done.

13th November 2004, 16:16
Heh they're so cute together. I love crazy-pregnant Chloe.

13th November 2004, 19:23

Any intelligent man knows to fear his pregnant wife. That's just good sense. Great story!

13th November 2004, 20:34
That was great. :lol:

Hope ;)

13th November 2004, 23:30
Originally posted by nonky@Nov 13 2004, 07:23 PM

Any intelligent man knows to fear his pregnant wife. That's just good sense. Great story!
Lex is in for it now!! :biggrin: Love this story, it's so cute!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

13th November 2004, 23:49
:hehe: :hehe: That was so cute :wub:

14th November 2004, 00:52
:biggrin: that was too cute.

14th November 2004, 06:58
Absolutely Perfect!!!! :worship2: :worship2:


14th November 2004, 17:21
:lol: I love it!

15th November 2004, 03:06
I liked reading that nice and sweet

29th November 2004, 05:46
Awwww....a demon? I don't believe it... :ohmy: Nice work

3rd July 2005, 21:10
just stumbled into this...

always love Pregnant!Chlex. :wub: but Pregnant Demon?! :rofl:

the visual of Lex's face is priceless enough. :P

4th July 2005, 20:59
that was so cute! great job!

red turtle
4th July 2005, 21:10
That was so cute.

5th July 2005, 16:24
Wow. I feel really better now, becaue I'm laughing so hard :) Loved it.

5th July 2005, 19:47
So cute....Lexy Lexy is in some serious trouble with Chloe....

I wonder what the make up will be like... :devil:

7th July 2005, 00:52
This is a very funny fic. Good job.

24th July 2005, 13:58
that was really cute...


27th September 2005, 02:09
:lol: that was so cute. Not what I had been expecting. Poor Lex, what did he get himself into.

2nd November 2005, 21:56
very funny i feel a little sorry fro lex but hey what can you do.

1st January 2006, 05:06
Poor Lex!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!

3rd January 2006, 01:12
Laughed so hard almost swallowed on a cherry pit!

4th January 2006, 01:26
cute little fic !! i loved it !

12th March 2006, 01:22
Very good! That last line is great and, I confess, it had me snorting with laughter.

13th March 2006, 22:07
HAHAHAH, that's such a great last line, wonderful job!

6th July 2006, 03:35
ROFL!!! How to placate the pregnant demon? Oh man that is funny.

13th July 2006, 08:09
LOL!!! This was great!!!

31st July 2006, 13:21
LMAO that was priceless i loved it

8th August 2006, 06:58
That was incredibly cute. I feel so bad for Lex. Chloe's already emotional enough without being pregnant.

10th August 2006, 21:37
"How to Placate the Pregnant Demon?!"

hehehe!! that was too funny i bet she look athim like this :rules: "You know the rules Lex Luthor!"

good one! *thumbs up*


10th June 2007, 00:36

A shudder wracked his body that had nothing to do with the temperature of the room. What had he done now?

Chloe's eyes became slits. Oh, hell, had he said that out loud?

"Is something wrong, love?" He asked meekly.

I loved this part. He is actually living in fear of his short, blonde wife. I adored the image of whipped-Lex tiptoeing around Chloe on eggshells throughout her last trimesters.

The punchline was hilarious.... the Lex was furtively (and undoubtedly desperately) trying to find tricks and methods soothe Chloe whenever she got into a hormonally induced rage. And he actually cringed away from her when she found out what he was reading.

4th September 2007, 21:48
that was so cute!! wonderful

9th September 2007, 01:51
Pregnant Demon??? LOL
Poor Lex

Kit Merlot
21st March 2009, 16:16
I can't believe I never commented on this brilliantly hilarious fic--great work:grin3:

6th May 2009, 06:19
Lex {shakes head}. Really he should know better.