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View Full Version : [Completed] Bespelled, NC-17 *complete*

11th November 2004, 14:44
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound up to the current episode in U.S./ Canadian release, Spell.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

Distribution: I have posted these stories and have control of them on this site. I don't want them to be posted anywhere else unless I'm the one posting them. Please take down my stories if you have them posted on another archive site. I understand I can't stop you from doing this but I hope by asking politely you'll respect my work and my wishes. If anyone has more comfort and convenience saving the text of a story to their own computer, I have no problem with that.

A/N: I write the Chlex scenes that never appear on Smallville for fear of making people happy with the show. So I was kind of delighted that it was Chloe’s 18th birthday, and a little intrigued that Witchy Lana couldn’t use her hair for the spell she was doing. I’m taking that to mean that Chloe is a card-carrying non virgin because she’s been boffing Lex three ways from Sunday for months.

(Logic gap, what logic gap? I don’t see it. Wait I’ll go closer. Ow, I fell in this huge plot hole. Stupid plot. I’ll get you.)

This is a smutty reinterpretation, PWP, because we all know Chloe didn’t want to watch Clark convulse and call it dancing for her birthday.
So, it’s Chloe who finds Lex playing the piano infinitas and she has to . . . ahem . . . save him.

Bespelled (1/2)

Chloe woke up with a jolt, pushing herself up on her elbows. She winced as her strange bed scratched her arms through the thin sweater she was wearing. Prying open her eyes she saw that she was in the Kents’ barn, on top of a bale of hay. Harsh, blinding sun was blaring in through the large windows and she let her head fall back down.

When her hangover allowed, Chloe tried to think of what had led her to sleep in a barn. True, it had once featured prominently in certain fantasies in her youthful attraction to a certain farm boy, but those fantasies had been replaced by better material and reality.

She felt someone move around restlessly next to her and hoped it was some kind of meteor freak.

If I’ve been drugged with those damn rocks again, I’m going to cut off every part of Clark Kent that touched me, she thought bitterly.

Looking down seemed like a better alternative than seeing who was lying beside her, and Chloe did so.

Ew, she thought, what was the theme of my birthday - Legal and Easy? And how long has it been since it was fashionable to wear a shrug? Goodness ladies, no need to give away all the mystery.

Chloe tried to readjust her dress to cover more than half of her breasts, but there wasn’t enough cloth to do so. Huffing a sigh, she sat up and prepared to face her sleeping companion. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and turned her head to the side, chanting a litany of hopes in her head.

Let it be Lex, let it be Lex, let it be Lex . . .

She opened her eyes enough to see brown hair and closed them again, shuddering.

Let it be Lois, let it be Lois, let it be Lois . . .

Chloe forced herself to look again and managed about three seconds before her eyes closed up in self-preservation. She fisted her hands in the hay and analyzed the picture in her head.

Long, brown hair, female, fully clothed. Lois or Lana or a complete stranger. Just not Clark.

Reenergized by the discovery, Chloe opened her eyes and looked around the barn. There were naked couples everywhere and she briefly wondered who had decided the surprise part of her surprise party should be finding out who you slept with the previous night. Probably Lois.

Standing up, she looked back at her bed, seeing that the person beside her had indeed been Lois. Shaking her head, Chloe walked to the open barn doors.

“The next time I throw an orgy I’m staying sober.”

She did a cursory check of all the passed out teenagers, but they all seemed to be physically fine. She would have written the whole thing off as a group bender except it was Clark Kent and friends throwing a party for her. No party he planned could possibly be so interesting.

Meteor rocks, she thought. Definitely.

Looking balefully down at her partially exposed breasts, Chloe considered a solution. The only one she could come up with was unfortunate, but at least she would get to see Lex. Maybe he would even lend her a shirt and spare her the indignity of going home looking like the slutty witch from Charmed.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++

Chloe used the service entrance in deference to the early hour, but she still met a few members of Lex’s staff. They bobbed their heads in the curious little nod that she associated with domestics, and she smiled self-consciously, reminding herself that Lex had given her a key so she could use it.

Approaching the study she heard the piano playing a rather sloppy Schubert. It was unusual for 7:15 a.m. but not terribly so. Lex often didn’t sleep.

“Good morning, Lex.” She entered the room from a side entrance and found him sitting behind the piano looking exhausted. His face turned up to hers as she walked closer, and his expression was strange and drawn.

“Have you been up all night?”

She asked the question with the relative security of a girlfriend, moving around to stand beside him as she realized there was something wrong. He was sweaty and pale, dim panic gleaming in his eyes. His lips struggled to form words and finally came up with her name in a whisper.

“I’m here. What do you need?” She looked down and gasped. His fingers were bloody, yet he was still keeping up that endless repetition of music, the keys smearing with blood every time he touched them.

“Lex, what happened?”

He croaked out another painful word, still unable to stop moving his poor hands.


The word frissioned down her neck and over her back like a feather on hot skin. It tickled uncomfortably and she felt the woman inside her head awaken.

Bespelled to play forever, it said. Doomed.

Chloe shook her head in denial. Not doomed if you help me. Help me. She searched her mind for the word, the spell to make him stop. Stop, that was it.


He continued playing and she frowned. His eyes were rolled up to look at her, but Lex didn’t seem to be able to turn his head from the piano.

Not stop, the right word but not right. Latin, the witch in her head whispered, and she suddenly knew.


Lex felt the muscles of his arms still and he exhaled sharply. He had been stuck on the same composition for what had felt like days, unable to do anything but watch as his fingers went beyond bruised to tortured. The pain had been a sharp and queasy accompaniment to the loss of control and he had hated Lana in those hours.

His eyes closed as Chloe’s arms wrapped around his shoulders, and he found himself leaning into her weakly. His arms were too tired, but he embraced her with his nearness and breathed her in.

“Thank you.” Although he hadn’t noticed yet, Lex’s chin was nestled in her bared cleavage, and she was beginning to appreciate the slutty dress. His soft exhales warmed a patch of skin on her left breast, and the right one was jealous.

The strange voice in her head cackled and Chloe cringed at the sound. You have excellent taste, it told her. For a moment I was worried everyone in this colonial town chased after musclebound stable boys. But this one . . .

The voice purred and Chloe couldn’t help but agree. Lex was luxuriantly sensual in a way no one else would be capable of. She ran a hand over his smooth head and he sighed, rolling his neck back and forth.

Lex felt the wealth of bare skin for the first time and quirked an eyebrow. He opened his eyes to find a lot of Chloevage at the end of his nose.

“If that’s what you wore to your party I’m really sorry I missed it.”

She gave him a small laugh and pulled away. “I’m more worried about your hands. What happened?”

Lex looked at the swollen digits and tried to flex his cramping arm muscles. “Lana came by to get a bottle of wine for your birthday, but she wasn’t acting like herself. She saw the manuscript page and told me that the map wasn’t for me. Then she said something in Latin and made it disappear from the case. She told me to keep practicing forever and I just sat down at the piano and obeyed.”

Chloe dropped to her knees and helped him work out the kinks in his arms. She swore when she felt the spasms of exhausted muscles pushed beyond any limits. “So Lana has a witch in her head, too.”

She met his questioning glance. “Mine is named Madelyn, but I think we’re on pretty good terms. She finds you delicious.”

11th November 2004, 15:42
I like this version a lot better than last night's crap fest. :clap:

Hope :D

11th November 2004, 16:37
:yay2: :yay2: Me likey!! More please.

Kit Merlot
11th November 2004, 16:58
Agian, an excellent rememdy to a less than satisfying episode. Please continue :biggrin:

11th November 2004, 17:00
That was really good. I like this so much better. See, I live in a world where Lex would have been at Chloe's party if Lana hadn't put that spell on him. He would have given her the best gift ever and they would have spent days in his bedroom to celebrate that she was finally legal. I didn't hate the episode, I thought it was funny, but this is so much better.


11th November 2004, 17:25
more soon.

11th November 2004, 19:01
she briefly wondered who had decided the surprise part of her surprise party should be finding out who you slept with the previous night

I like to think Chloe's hair was unavailable because of Lex, too - good stuff!

11th November 2004, 19:02
I'm so glad that Chloe didn't sleep with anyone at the party!! That definitely had me worried!! Can't wait for the next part of this excellent story!! :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

Little Miss Vixen
11th November 2004, 19:57
awesome start, whos the slutty witch from Charmed? You must mean Phoebe, sadly

11th November 2004, 22:16
So much better than the pitiful looks at Lana. They have absolutely no chemistry, it is damn painful to watch.

YOUR version however, was very nice. Thank you SOOOO much for making it much more palatable. I actally liked Chloe's outfit, I'm glad when she gets to be sexy instead of the "pal" all the time.

Great work.


12th November 2004, 02:49
Yep, this is much better than what appeared on screen last night.

Please continue, please!


12th November 2004, 05:30
That was great, thank you for writing this! Chloe coming to Lex's rescue is so much better than Clark finding him because he's going to ask yet another favor *rolls eyes*.

Originally posted by nonky@Nov 11 2004, 07:44 AM
So I was kind of delighted that it was Chloe’s 18th birthday, and a little intrigued that Witchy Lana couldn’t use her hair for the spell she was doing. I’m taking that to mean that Chloe is a card-carrying non virgin because she’s been boffing Lex three ways from Sunday for months.

Yup, I love your idea. Secret Chlex rocks!

Can't wait to read the second part! :)

12th November 2004, 05:53
the slutty witch from Charmed.
Heh. I'm glad someone else made a pointed reference to the absolute lack of originality the SV production team is showing this season, pinching plots and characters off every show imaginable.

Anyway, I'm really liking it so far, I didn't watch the episode, so I'm pretending this is what actually happened.

Post the next part soon!

12th November 2004, 06:08
More, more, more&#33; :yay2: Need my fix, need my fix. <Eye twitches>

Let it be Lex, let it be Lex, let it be Lex . . .

She opened her eyes enough to see brown hair and closed them again, shuddering.

Let it be Lois, let it be Lois, let it be Lois . . .

Too funny&#33; Awesome fic, nonky&#33;

eurydices falling
12th November 2004, 06:31
i&#39;m baking you a batch of cookies for a job well done. i think you should just rewrite every episode from now on. :wub:

12th November 2004, 10:28
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound up to the current episode in U.S./ Canadian release, Spell.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: And the end . . . I only just realized, but this is a bit of a threesome in two bodies. Plus handcuffs. Yeah, there’s no way the WB could run the episodes I would write. Hopefully you guys enjoy them.

As for the rest of the tale, assume Hansel and Gretel grew up to become witch hunters and they saved the day.

Part 2/2

Chloe didn’t know how he managed a smirk, but it spread across his face until she was forced to bring his attention back to the matter at hand.

“Where’s your first aid kit?”

“There’s one in my bedroom.”

She led the way up the small staircase that led directly to his bedroom suite, with Lex following quietly behind. She could tell from the plodding footsteps that he was tired and in pain, but she knew better than to ask.

While he slumped back onto the bed, Chloe went to the cabinet that housed the first aid kit, keeping up a running patter as she pulled out bandages. “I’m pretty sure Lois is a witch too, so that makes three of them - or three of us, I guess. I don’t quite remember what happened at my party, but it most closely resembles the aftermath of an orgy.”

Lex opened his eyes to glare at her, and Chloe’s pride prickled. “Don’t look at me like that, I didn’t have sex with anyone. If anyone should be suspicious it’s me. You have twenty-seven different varieties of condoms in that cabinet.”

Closing his eyes again, he shrugged. “My employees think I’m a ho. Not my fault.”

“Uh-huh.” Chloe took one hand from his chest and cleaned the wounds, first daintily and then as quickly as possible once she realized Lex was all but numb. Once both hands were cleaned and bandaged she offered him a painkiller and a bottle of water. She waited until he was sitting up before she walked into the bathroom to throw out the used gauze.

I will want payment of course.

Chloe didn’t know which bothered her more; the voice in her head or that she warily replied to it.

Like what?

You have to share him with me. It’s been four hundred years since I’ve had a fine man between my thighs.

Chloe furrowed her brow. Lex is not a horse, and he’s exhausted. Even if I was going to oblige you he needs sleep.

I can make him ready.

So can I, witch, but he’s not a sex toy. He’s my boy-er, something or other.

Chloe cringed. They hadn’t quite worked out the labels yet.

Madelyn was angry and Chloe could hear it in her voice. I saved his life. Without me your lovely man would be dying as we speak.

And I had every intention of saying a hearty thank you, but I’m not going to let you take advantage of him with your slutty witchness.

I can send him off the roof believing he can fly, I can order him to kill every person he sees for the rest of his days, do not tempt me, girl. I will have him and you will allow it.

Chloe sighed out loud. The witch was probably telling the truth, she sounded confident enough to do it. Time to negotiate.

State your terms. Madelyn’s tone was satisfied, and she pushed down agitation.

I stay in control of my body at all times and neither of us gets hurt. You do not scare him or make him do anything. We do him once and then he gets to sleep, while you help me stop your coven or whatever.


The witch sounded giddy and Chloe narrowed her eyes. I can’t believe I’m pimping out Lex. This sucks. I’ve only had him to myself for a few months. I hate this town.

Stop complaining and fix your hair.

Chloe grudgingly took down her hair and finger combed it, reluctant to go searching through Lex’s bathroom for a brush. When she was satisfied with the riotous curls, she went back to the bedroom.

Lex was sprawled on the bed with his legs hanging over the side, snoring quietly. She smiled at the boyish pose and wanted desperately to let him sleep.

Can’t I just leave him for a few minutes?

And leave your little town to the mercy of that bitch Isabel?

Chloe sighed and started unbuttoning his shirt. The blood from his hands had ruined it anyway, so she pulled it down his arms with little regard for the fine fabric. She guided the cuffs carefully over his hands and threw the garment to the floor.

Splendor, Madelyn exclaimed.

Lex was more heavily muscled than was obvious, and his sculpted chest made Chloe’s mouth water. She unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the slacks, tickling along his waist as she moved her hands over him.

“Wake up, Lex.” She felt him harden slightly as her voice and her fingers found him. Chloe folded back the slacks around his opened zipper, but refused to go any further until he was awake. She leaned over and pressed her lips to his chin, running them up to his ear. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

I’ll do it, she heard, before another spell moved her lips and made the air hum.


Make ready, Chloe’s mind translated, and she growled at Madelyn in her head.

Lex, her exclusive something or other, was responding to the command and it made her jealous. His eyes were open and glazed with arousal and his penis was straining up to brush her body.

I can do that just as quickly if you’d given me the chance.

A low cackle was the witch’s only answer, and Chloe rolled her eyes. She got the distinct feeling Madelyn had never been the brains of any operation.

“Lex, are you okay?”

He smiled, his hands rising to touch her hair. It was getting longer, as per his fetish, and he often buried his fingers in the bright strands during sex. Unfortunately his hands needed a rest even more than he did, and Chloe guided them back down to his sides.

For once he actually stayed where he was, as she walked over to the cabinets lining one wall of his bedroom. She took a condom from one of the numerous boxes and pulled off the tedious boots on her feet. Tucking the condom into the cleft of her breasts, she reached up to remove the stainless steel handcuffs Lex kept for special occasions.

When Chloe turned back she was greeted by a bare-assed Lex, docilely lying in the middle of the bed with his hands already extended toward the headboard.

Madelyn let out a moan and it came out of Chloe’s mouth.

He’s so big and cooperative.

I’m pretty sure the cooperation is part of the magically delicious Lex. He’s not usually so . . . accommodating.

“Chloe . . .”

Her thighs clenched as his voice ran through her, making it seventeen syllables or more, every one dripping with sweaty filthy intentions. She walked to the bed quickly and straddled his legs, surprised to find there was no underwear underneath her skirt. The heat of his skin lit her up like a fire cracker.

So long, Madelyn whined. So empty.

Chloe pulled herself together and looked at her lover’s face. He was flushed and dazed, but seemed happy enough. She had to admit there wasn’t much to complain about at the moment. She hooked his hands into the handcuffs and around the headboard, making sure his wrists were supported by pillows.

“Just relax, baby.” She kissed him hard and let his tongue mingle with her own, before sitting back and pulling the tight dress down to bare her breasts. The condom fell to the bed beside her knee and Chloe leaned over his torso until his mouth could reach her begging nipples.

Lex smirked blearily and set out to prove he didn’t need his hands. His teeth and tongue alternated sharp tugs and light licks over the sweet peaks of Chloe’s breasts. She held herself above him on her arms, muttering nonsense.

No wonder you wanted him all to yourself, the witch preened. He’s a marvel.

Enjoy it while you can. This is a one-time thing.

Chloe sat up and started pulling on her skirts, only just realizing she had no idea how to get out of the dress. Little help?

Push them out of the way. I can’t wait.

She found herself lining up her hips with Lex’s hot erection, and Chloe barely managed to stop the downward lunge of her hips.

Don’t get me pregnant, witch&#33;

She found the condom in the rumpled covers and rolled it on quickly, ignoring Lex’s guttural sounds. She arched her back to a near-impossible curve and let him slide inside her body. Her hands rested on his chest as she gasped out the pleasant stretching of that initial penetration.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh-mmmmmmmmmmmmm.” Chloe’s voice echoed the sound Madelyn made in her head.

Heat was suddenly stifling them, and Lex and Chloe moved to their practiced rhythm. One hard thrust followed by a few shorter ones, stuttering furiously on nerve endings that could no longer tell pleasure from pain. Another hard thrust as she angled her hips to catch the withdrawal along her clitoris. Frantic, thwarted thrusts as he teased her or she teased him, building up the furnace-like heat inside their motions.

The thoughts of her own were wordless now, and Chloe could feel the same thing from Madelyn. She was undone by it, crushed by pleasure that felt like it would increase forever. It was too much and couldn’t continue, at the same time it would never be enough if they kept moving like this forever.

The witch’s control broke before her human partners and she borrowed Chloe’s voice again to speed them up.



Both Lex and Chloe were affected by the spell, hips grinding together at a punishing pace, the pushing inward and for each other an overwhelming pressure on their entire bodies. Scalps to toes tingled with a feeling like the air surrounding a lightening strike, and Chloe let her fingers curl up into the flesh of Lex’s stomach.

His knees bent up and drew her closer to his face, and she met his open mouth with her own. Lex’s entire body moved to lever her up and down on his cock, and Chloe clamped her muscles down on him mercilessly. She braced her hands on his locked arms and pushed up almost far enough to lose him from her body, then plunged back down and forward with a scream. His answering groan rumbled over them and their hips spasmed in release.

“Amor, amor, amor, amor . . . “

The chant of latin wasn’t a spell, it was a prayer to honour what Madelyn had been briefly allowed to experience between the two shaking bodies on the bed. It faded as Chloe’s eyes closed involuntarily and she curled herself into Lex’s chest. They were slumping together into unconsciousness and she left them alone for the moment. There would be plenty of time to stymie Isabel’s plan later.

12th November 2004, 11:11
:drool: smutalicious. :biggrin:

12th November 2004, 15:56
Originally posted by lexchloe@Nov 12 2004, 11:11 AM
:drool: smutalicious. :biggrin:
What she said.

12th November 2004, 16:45
:drool: :drool: Thanks to that Madelyn, we had that great SMUT&#33;&#33;&#33;

12th November 2004, 17:50
:drool: :biggrin: :worship2:

Kit Merlot
12th November 2004, 18:52
Excellent update :biggrin:

And even more excellent smut :chlexsign2:

12th November 2004, 18:55
Go Madelyne .. Go Chloe ..

Yummy, smutty goodness to start off my day.

This is SO how the episode should have gone, network censors be damned.


12th November 2004, 19:11
Originally posted by lexchloe@Nov 12 2004, 04:11 AM
:drool: smutalicious. :biggrin:
yeah that

Little Miss Vixen
12th November 2004, 19:29
that was hot and awesome

12th November 2004, 20:31
I need one of those spells... :devil:

This part cracked me up&#33;

Don’t get me pregnant, witch&#33;

Good work&#33;

eurydices falling
13th November 2004, 00:09
wipes away smut-mustache(sp?)

that was mmm-mmm does a body good&#33; :drool:

13th November 2004, 01:05
Wow that was :drool: :drool:

Hope :drool:

13th November 2004, 02:07
that was good..... :devil:


13th November 2004, 04:33
I don&#39;t like that Chloe had to share Lex with anyone, but still great story&#33;&#33; :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

13th November 2004, 05:28
Funny and hot. I liked the way Chloe kept insisting that she could have done everything herself.

Nice work :devil:

13th November 2004, 07:34

:yay: :worship2: :worship2: :yay:


13th November 2004, 09:47

19th November 2004, 05:19
Damn woman&#33; :smoker:

I finally got the chance to watch this episode....this is definately what should have happened&#33; :yay: :yay: :yay:


20th November 2004, 01:37
*sighs* :drool: That was incredible. I love your version of the episode better. Stupid SV people. :worship2:

22nd November 2004, 21:48

Spell is just *so* much more fulfilling after reading this&#33;&#33;

:drool: :worship2: :drool: :worship2: :drool:


7th April 2005, 07:43
I somehow missed this one. Very nice...as usual.

7th April 2005, 21:12
Nonky, I just really love this story. I know that I already left you some reviews; but I just wanted to say that reading this story is always a pleasure. I have read this story many times already, like 15 times and every time I read it I love it more. Keep up the good work! ;)

12th April 2005, 00:20
this is a great story and i love how it started.

16th July 2005, 09:57
Good one :)
Loved it.

6th August 2005, 09:45
i loved this story.

18th April 2006, 08:52
Hot damn, that was delish!! Soo much better than the ep we got.....gah, I wish this had happened. Thank you for erasing the crap we got on tv from my mind!!!

6th March 2007, 05:00
Excelent work
Hot hot hot

6th March 2007, 06:44
Absolutely. ;) Hooray for bringing what's between the lines into clear, deliciously smutty...um...thingy. What? Your delightful dirtiness made me go all stupefied. :p Well done.

28th September 2007, 05:29
That was just....Amazing!!!
Fun to read, and the smut, as always was really hot.

20th June 2009, 18:50
Ab-sol-freak-in-loute-ly brilliant and sexy. We all should have banded together and took over the shower awhile ago. We definitely have better writers here than on the show. =]

24th August 2010, 23:27
nicely done

29th August 2010, 05:52
a really great story

13th January 2011, 06:11
that was sooooo hot! I wish all of sv could be retaped and released on dvd with episodes that include stuff like this.

6th July 2011, 09:14
Very hot and I agree lets re-do smallville with the correct pairings.

Ami Rose
17th July 2012, 23:53
Oh my lol! Loved it!

11th December 2012, 05:02
I just read this delicious fic again :)

Pink Tree Lady
6th January 2018, 09:52
😍Nice one... I love the funny yet sexy tone of this one... too bad there isn't more!