View Full Version : [Completed] Another Smallville Freak (G)

19th April 2003, 00:50

Title: Another Smallville Freak
Author: HumbugGirl
Email: humbuggirl@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/peacefulempress/home.html or
Pairing: Lex/Chloe, hints Clark/Lana
Rating: 15 – language, sexual situations
Spoilers: None really.
Summary: An accident at the Luthor Corp plant leads to interesting consequences.
Disclaimer: Okay so I haven’t had the chance to come up with a proper disclaimer yet so you’ll have to put up with the basic ‘none of the characters belong to me, this is a non-profit piece of work just written for fun with praise directed at the creators of Smallville’ kinda thing.
Author’s Notes: 1) This was intended as a break from the usual relationshipper fanfiction I’ve been working on. It hasn’t exactly worked out that way but at least there is a plot beyond an angst or smut. 2) This will be a ChLex piece but it takes some getting there. Have patience.
Feedback: Always appreciated.


Each vat stood nearly ten feet high, had a diameter of eight feet and was made of perfectly smooth stainless steel that shined in the dull lights. For each of the huge containers there was a set of steps attached to the side that enabled the lab technicians to climb up to check pressure gauges and temperature readings when the large lids were fastened on top. Tonight however they were not sealed letting the acid smell of chemicals fill the room along with the stench of waste that would turn anyone’s stomach.

Lyle Garner stared at the rows of containers and felt a heavy weight descend upon his shoulders. This was the part of his job he was really beginning to hate.

As a graduate straight out of Metropolis University he had still been naïve to believe that the world was his oyster. Tired with city life Lyle had opted to move away from the appropriately named city of his childhood years to Smallville, a place that had seemed nice enough especially when the large pay packet that came with working at the Luthor Corp plant there was taken into consideration. It hadn’t taken him long to realise that small town life wasn’t the idealised existence he had envisioned. Tonight was the perfect example. It was ten minutes after eight and most plant employees had gone home to their families and white picket fences and Lyle was still at work. He supposed that was the price for being the only unmarried single guy on his little team, whenever extra work had to be done they always managed to find some excuse to get out of it and leave him to take up the slack just because they had families and he didn’t. Well the way this was going he was never going to have a family to use an excuse if he didn’t have some free time soon. As it was he was exhausted by the time he got home on a night and the last thought on his mind was going out to enjoy himself.

With a reluctant sigh Lyle buttoned his lab coat to stop it flailing around him and mounted the steps heading up to the top of the vat. If the computer read outs were anything to go by then there was something blocking one of the gas escape tubes and if he didn’t figure out what it was and how to clear it then they were going to be in serious trouble come morning. Having reached the top he leaned over to tap the pressure gauge hoping that whatever it was would sort itself out. Maybe it was just a glitch in the system. When the reading did not alter Lyle groaned. He knew they should have powered down before now. But no, production was down five percent and they needed the new prototype formula to be ready within twenty four hours so trials could begin and hence some bright spark had decided that they should leave the vats to work overnight and it was because of that that Lyle found himself in this position now.

Leaning over the edge Lyle peered down, a frown appearing on his face as he noticed something unusual had begun to happen. What the hell was that?

The foam that covered the swirling, bubbling mass of liquid below seemed at first glance to have taken on a strange glistening quality. It appeared to sparkle and gave off a strange hissing sound as Lyle leaned further towards it with the curiosity that the man was feeling shining clearly on his face. This was like nothing that he had ever seen before. As he looked closer Lyle squinted his eyes and tried to see what it was that was causing the uncharacteristic sparkle. There was a green sheen over the surface of the foam and using one gloved hand he ran his finger through it, having to lean even further to do so. Suddenly a large bubble of gas broke to the surface and Lyle jumped, losing his grip on the side of the vat as the gas enveloped him and a dizzy sensation filled his head. He didn’t realise he was falling forwards until he hit the surface of the liquid.



The voice had been an annoyingly persistent sound in her ear now for some time and just wouldn’t go away no matter how much she wanted it to. Burying her head deeper in her pillow the small blonde girl tried to pretend that the voice had not just called her again and sounded like it too was beginning to get irritated. Maybe if she tried hard enough it would just disappear altogether.

“Chloe Sullivan I know you’re awake so stop pretending that you’re still asleep.” Cracking one eye the girl found herself staring up at the face of her father, illuminated only by the faint light that managed to reach through her thick bedroom curtains and into the room beyond. “Come on missy, it’s time to get ready for school.”

Letting out a groan the teenager refused the urge that predictably struck her to close her eyes and go back to sleep. With considerable effort she pushed herself into a sitting position and ran her hands back over her hair to stop it from waving around her eyes. It had gotten slightly longer over the summer and was now at a length was just long enough to be irritable. She really would have to do something about it soon. She had meant to before school started but had somehow never quite got around to it. Summer had seemed like it would last forever this year and now it had finally drawn to a close Chloe wished that she could live it all over again. She wasn’t sure she would do anything differently, only that it would be nice to have her break all over again.

“Are you going to go back to sleep if I leave?” Gabe asked. He had retreated to the doorway but had obviously had second thoughts about leaving entirely until he was sure his daughter was going to actually get out of bed.

Chloe shook her head and then added, having taken in his neat suit, “You’re leaving already? Isn’t it a bit early for work?”

“I got a call about a suspected accident at the plant.” Seeing the girl’s interest peek suddenly, her eyes widening ever so slightly, the man held up a restraining hand. “Don’t even think about it Chloe. This isn’t something that you can go sticking your nose into. I’m not even sure that there has been an accident yet. I just need to go and take a look around. Understand?”

“’Kay,” she said somewhat reluctantly.

He stared at her for a moment while thoughts rolled over in his mind the meaning of which Chloe could only begin to suspect. “Okay, I’m going to head off then. Don’t be late to school.”

“I won’t be.”

“Make sure you aren’t.” With that he turned and left. Moments later Chloe heard the front door slam shut as he left and after that there was the sound of a car engine starting. Chloe let out a long sigh and looked over at her suitcases in the corner with the daunting knowledge that she’d have to hunt through them in a minute for something clean and un-creased to wear to school that day. She half wished that she had unpacked late last night when she had returned from her Aunt’s place in Metropolis instead of deciding to leave it and climb into bed.

Looking at the cases again and remembering her hast in packing with a frown Chloe decided that maybe the level of creasing didn’t really matter after all.

The summer had been fun and had given her to opportunity to get her mind off the events of the past few months in Smallville and everything they had entailed. For a while she had been able to forget all about school and Clark and the increasingly frequent freak occurrences. While she loved the town’s weirder characteristics the way in which she had found herself increasingly at the centre of events recently had not be an enjoyable change. It had been nice to spend as few weeks in a place where normal really did mean normal and she did not have to find herself being careful around anything other than ordinary evils.

Reluctantly she climbed out of bed and dragged her suitcase over onto its side. Finding a shirt that looked reasonably presentable and settling on a mid-length denim skirt the blonde grabbed the first set of underwear she found and headed to the bathroom. After a quick shower and having struggled to her head hair into something like it’s usual style the blonde descended into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl breakfast of cereal followed by an apple before heading out the front door and locking it behind her. The drive to school was uneventful but by the time Chloe pulled into her parking space outside the school she was already feeling the odd bubbling of nerves inside her stomach that reminded the girl that she wasn’t quite sure she was ready to go back to this yet. As she sat behind the wheel staring out of the window at the crowds of students walking back and forth the blonde girl found herself fighting for breath and half reaching towards the ignition to start up the car and head back to the safety of home.

A knock on the window near her head startled Chloe and she let out a loud yelp jumping in her seat and spinning around to look at whoever had dared to invade her little world. She found herself looking up at Pete who had a broad smile on his face and Clark who was stood just behind him, peering over his smaller friend with a nervous expression painted on his features. In a brief moment of guilt filled silence Chloe remembered the last words she had said to him before going away and winced mentally. She had a major case of apologising to do. Almost instantly she found herself reminding herself that it was at least some part his fault. She still hadn’t forgiven him for running off during the dance and he still hadn’t properly apologised to her for doing so.

Putting a carefully considered smile on her face Chloe pushed open the door and climbed out pulling her book bag after her.

“Hey when did you get back?” Pete asked.

“Last night,” she replied as cheerfully as she could manage. “How was your vacation?”

He shrugged. “A little boring actually. Nothing really happened.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Nice to know I didn’t miss any of the fun.”

Pete grinned at her again. “Did you think anything would dare to happen while you were away, Chloe?”

A smile broke onto her face almost reluctantly and the blonde girl shook her head in agreement. Glancing at Clark who was standing dead still with an almost confused expression on his face she took a deep breath and said, “And how was your vacation? Did you and Lana have fun?”

There had been a little more bite to her words than she had really intended and the moment that they were out of her mouth Chloe began to regret them. The tall boy’s shoulders slouched as the words impacted with him and he seemed to withdraw into himself slightly. “They were fine. Lana’s fine.” Then as if realising his mistake the boy blushed brightly. “I mean…”

“I know what you meant,” she interrupted then mentally added, and that wasn’t what I answered anyway. Turning away from the both she started to walk away. “Come on, we should get to class.”


This was not how he had wanted Monday morning to go. When he had woken up this morning to the annoying sound of a telephone ringing in his ear as opposed to his radio-alarm clock Lex had known that it was going to be the perfect start to an absolutely terrible day almost instinctively. Now walking down the corridors of the plant and eventually emerging into one of the nameless vat rooms, only to find himself suddenly surrounded by plant staff all babbling on about things he wasn’t sure he cared about Lex had every one of his fears confirmed. It was going to be an absolutely terrible day.

Gabe Sullivan suddenly appeared in the crowd of faces and Lex found himself guided away from the main collection of people which the older man waved away as they tried to follow. When they were stood at one side, just out of ear shot of the others Gabe turned to him and said, “Mr Luthor, I’m sorry, I really don’t know how this could have happened.”

“How what could have happened Mr Sullivan? I’m afraid that no one has had the courtesy to inform me of exactly what has happened yet.”

He knew he had sounded curt and the expression that washed over the other man’s face confirmed his assumption. To his credit Gabe pretended to ignore his boss’s tone for which Lex found himself grateful. He was not in the habit of actually wanting to alienate his staff.

“Well, I was called at home this morning by some of the security people here at the plant. Apparently they were on their rounds and they found this,” Gabe said holding up a shoe that was sealed in a plastic bag, “sat on top of the platform up there.”

Lex followed where the man was pointing to with his eyes to find himself staring at one of the high platforms that were located at the side of each of the vats. “Someone fell in?” he asked trying to keep his voice calm while offering up a silent prayer to whoever was up there that he had mistaken Gabe’s meaning. Unfortunately the other man nodded. “Where’s the body?”

“This is the strange part Mr Luthor - there wasn’t one.”

“Sorry, what?”

“There was no body in the vat and we’ve done a thorough search of the plant and we haven’t been able to find one anywhere.”

Before he could stop it a groan escaped Lex and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay, do we know who it might be?”

“A man called Lyle Garner was working late last night. He’s a lab technician. We have some security footage of him walking through the plant in this direction but nothing after that. He never used his pass to check out of the plant though so it’s possible it might have been him.”

“Does he have any family in town?”

“As far as we know he doesn’t. I talked to a couple of his co-workers. He’s single and from Metropolis so they didn’t think he had any ties in town.”

Lex thought for a moment then asked, “Has anyone contacted the police?” Gabe shook his head. “Okay, do that, but make it discreetly. The last thing we need is another scandal. Wait to see what they have to say before contacting his family. For all we know it might not be him anyway.”

“Yes, Mr Luthor.”

As Gabe walked away from him Lex turned to face the crowd who had been waiting patiently for him to finish his conversation. They watched him with expectant faces and he took a deep breath. “Why don’t we all try getting back to work?” he said. “I think about as much as can be done has been done about this situation.” There were a few apprehensive glances but Lex chose to ignore them by walking away.


From his hiding place the creature who had been Lyle Garner watched as the confident, well groomed figure of Lex Luthor left the room and felt a sense of anger begin to boil inside of him. He wasn’t entirely sure why he was angered by the man’s casual, cool manner but he did know that it irked him so tremendously that a small hiss escaped him despite his decision to be quiet. As the anger grew the green mottling that now covered Lyle’s skin grew stronger, pulsing as his anger pulsed. Impulsively he scuttled across the ceiling, following the slight young man from the room and down the corridor. Lyle pursued him until it became clear he could go no further for fear of being noticed then halted.

A flurry of thoughts entered his head and he struggled to command them into any organised order. Frowning Lyle muttered something under his breath as one thought came to the fore of his mind.

His purpose had suddenly become clear.

“What the fuck?” a voice exclaimed from behind him and the creature who had been Lyle spun to find himself confronted with a pale young woman in overalls with the Luthor-Corp insignia on them. Her eye’s were widened in horror as she began to back away from him, too afraid of what might happen to turn her back on him and actually run away. Within thinking Lyle’s hand shot out, closing around her neck.

“Hello Lydia,” he said and the sound of his own voice startled him. It was hoarse, crackling out of his throat and for some reason it seemed difficult to annunciate the words he had intended to speak. “How are you?”

She didn’t answer, only cried and clawed hopelessly at the strong hand about her throat, desperate for him to let go as the life-breath began to drain out of her. A small smile slipped onto Lyle’s lips as he ever so slowly lifted her off her feet and slammed her against the wall. It trembled under the impact and it Lyle’s surprise softened as his fingertips brushed it. Without a second thought the creature who had been Lyle pushed the woman into the wall, watching in fascination as it closed again around her body again until only her hands were left sticking out into the corridor. Lyle gave an amused little giggle as the hands flapped for a few seconds in the air and then twitched violently, eventually stopping all together.

With a leap he reached the ceiling, using his strange new abilities to grip at the tiles there and scuttled off into the building.


At lunch there had been no sign of Chloe. Lana had sat nervously next to Clark and across from Pete and waited from the blonde girl to arrive but she never had and by the end of their lunch beak she had been left with a bitter, unsatisfied feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had wanted to get this first meeting after summer break over with for so long that she had convinced herself that it would all work according to plan. She had wanted to explain to the other girl that she had never intended to take Clark from her, but sometimes things just happened and they were unavoidable and undeniable and that this was one of those things. She wanted to explain that if she could turn back the clock and not fall in love with the handsome boy then she wouldn’t, not because she wanted to hurt Chloe but because she really was in love with him and then ask if that didn’t mean something to Chloe that could help her get past whatever it was that she was feeling?

Clark left abruptly half way through the meal leaving her alone with Pete who had looked up and met her eyes before saying, “Don’t worry. Everything will work its self out soon enough. Chloe won’t be able to stay mad at him forever.”

In reply she had simple muttered something in the affirmative and then changed the conversation not wanting to have to think about what Chloe’s no-show actually meant. Now as she wandered through the nearly deserted halls of the high school after all the students were meant to have gone home Lana had to wonder whether what Pete had said was true. She had the sneaking suspicion though that if anyone would be able to stay mad at Clark forever it was Chloe and she didn’t want to be the cause of their friendship breaking up. Arriving outside the door to The Torch the dark haired girl paused, taking a deep breath and readying herself for what she was sure was going to be a tense conversation.

She knocked once on the door then entered without waiting for a reply knowing that Chloe wasn’t likely to hear anything when she was concentrating. As she entered the room through she found the petite blonde sat at her desk, staring at the door as it opened with tired looking eyes and a rather dazed expression on her face. When she saw that it was Lana who had entered the room Chloe’s back visibly stiffened and she sat straighter in her chair. Her eyes flickered once more in Lana’s direction before turning back to the computer screen that lit up her face with a sickly glow.

“What do you want?” Chloe asked abruptly.

“We need to talk.”

“Now, how did I know you were going to say something like that?”

Lana sighed and slipped onto one of the other chairs near to Chloe’s desk despite the irritated expression shot in her direction. “Why do you always have to be so stubborn?” When the blonde girl looked at her with eyes wide and flashing she continued, “You don’t give anyone a chance to explain Chloe. You have to make things black and white when we both know they’re not always that way.”

“Are you going to give me the speech about how there are grey areas? Because believe me when I say I’ve told myself it several times over the past few weeks.”

“I don’t want to argue with you. I came here because I knew that we needed to get whatever it is that you’re feeling out in the open. You’re hurting. I can understand that. But that doesn’t mean that you should stop seeing your friends. It doesn’t mean that Clark is no longer your friend either. He misses you.”

Chloe pursed her lips and asked quietly, “And what if I don’t want to be Clark’s friend anymore?”

“Just give him a chance. Give us all the opportunity to prove to you that we can still be friends.”

The blonde glanced up and met her eyes and what Lana saw there was something bitter and deep rooted. “You and I were never friends Lana.”

Ignoring the stab of pain that Chloe’s comment created in her Lana forced a smile onto her lips. “But we could be,” she offered sincerely.

Chloe’s features seemed to soften as something occurred to her and dipping her head the blonde seemed unable to look at Lana. “Its just that I always held onto the hope that he’d wake up one day. I always thought that if he just saw me as a girl and not his little sidekick friend then we’d… he’d…” She brought her hands up to her face and scrunched her eyes shut. To her surprise Lana saw that the other girl was rubbing at already sore eyes. “I don’t want to be angry with him,” she finally confessed.

“But you can’t help it.”

“No, I can’t.”

“Come out with us tonight Chloe. The boys are going to go to Talon and keep me company while I do my shift and you could sit with them. It could be just like any other night. No stress, no pressure, perfectly comfortable and you could leave anytime that you wanted.”

The blonde let out a sigh. “I’ll think about it.”


It seemed that the entire student population of Smallville had decided to converge on Talon after their first day back at school after the summer break. The place was alive with the sound of people laughing and talking and the music that played in the background was a quiet buzz, hardly heard for the other noises. Lana looked harassed. The brunette was rushing around the coffee house her notepad in one hand and a tray balance on the other as she handed out orders left, right and centre. Chloe noticed that she still managed to give every person she talked to a sunny smile and knew that if their roles had been reversed that she doubted she could have been quite so cheerful.

It felt strange to walk back into this place with all its familiar charm after spending the summer so far away from it all. In one corner he spotted Clark and Lex sat together and surprisingly Pete was also relaxing in a chair with them without out any look of irritation on his face. The three of them looked up as she approached, Clark immediately moving aside to make room for her and reaching for a chair to fit in the gap between himself and Lex. Self-consciously she took the offered seat with a small smile that she refused to let falter.

“Lana mentioned that you had said you might be dropping by,” Clark said and to Chloe he sounded as if he was trying a little too hard to find something to say. She didn’t blame him. She was having a pretty hard time thinking of something to say herself to fill the uncomfortably silence that had been threatening to form ever since she joined the seated group.

Meeting warm brown eyes that were filled with something very like hope, Chloe replied, “She pretty much talked me into it actually. I didn’t feel like there was much of a choice.”

“Oh.” His face fell and Chloe couldn’t help but notice the disappointed look that Pete gave in her direction. She couldn’t decide whether she should feel bad about that or feel anger that he had so evidently decided to side with Clark.

For a moment there was an uncomfortable silence and then, to Chloe’s surprise, Lex’s voice filled the gap. “I hear you’ve been on vacation Miss Sullivan; I trust you had a pleasant time?”

Chloe had to remember not to let her jaw drop in surprise and for a moment she was stuck for what to say so she only nodded, then, apparently having recovered at least some of her higher brain functions said, “It was good to be back in the city, Metropolis I mean, for a while.”

“Lex was just telling us about the latest accident at the plant,” Pete offered, a smile of satisfaction filtering onto his face. Chloe gave him a withering expression quite unexpectedly then turned back to the young businessman who was watching her with a blank expression on his face. She doubted he had been giving away the information freely so she wondered how the two boys had goaded him into talking about it. He certainly didn’t look too happy that she had now found out about it.

Putting a small smile on her lips Chloe asked out of courtesy and so she wouldn’t betray that her father had already mentioned it to her, “Oh? What happened? Is that why my Dad had to rush off this morning?”

After picking up his coffee cup and taking a sip he replied, “It is.”

She waited for him to continue but when he said nothing more Chloe found herself forced to speak to fill the impending silence. “Want to tell what the accident was about? You know, what happened?”

“Real subtle there, Chloe,” Clark groaned.

“I’m not really doing ‘subtle’ today,” she said. “I’m still all tired so higher brain functions aren’t really all that engaged yet.”

“Why do I find that ‘yet’ ominous?” Clark asked, narrowing his innocent eyes at her in the closest thing to suspicion that Chloe had ever seen on his face. It was almost comical and she had to resist the sudden urge to laugh at him. Somehow she did not think that would go down all that well considering their current uneasy relationship.

“Because Mr Luthor here still hasn’t answered my question,” she said putting a small smile on her lips and turning back to the man. “Wishing I’d disappear yet?” Chloe asked, watching his face closely for any reaction.

He smirked, or was that an actual smile? It was always kind of difficult for Chloe to read. “Now why would I wish that, Miss Sullivan? Haven’t I told you before to call me Lex?”

“Yup you have ‘Lex’ and you’re avoiding the question again.”

That small smirk-smile had returned. “Unfortunately Miss Sullivan there isn’t anything of particular interest. There was small accident at the plant and someone overreacted. It has all been taken care of now so as you can see there really isn’t anything to tell.”

“You know that’s not fair,” Pete suddenly piped up. “If you’re going to force her to call you Lex then you should call her Chloe.”

“Shut up, Pete,” Clark said quickly.

As a thought entered Chloe’s mind the blonde stood up suddenly, grabbing her bag and slipping it over her head. “I’ve got to go,” she said.

“But you haven’t even had a drink yet,” the tall farm boy exclaimed. “Chloe Sullivan go without her caffeine fix? Impossible. Come on, just one drink.”

It brought a small reluctant smile to her lips. “No, I’ve really got to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

She turned and quickly made her way towards the exit not wanting to have to explain any further to Clark. As she had sat there watching Lex when he talked the thought had occurred to her that he was covering something up. Actually it had flashed into her mind with a megawatt light display but that didn’t really matter. On closer examination Chloe decided that it was only natural that he would try to keep things from her but Chloe felt the sudden urge to find out exactly what it was that he was covering up.

“You’re going so soon?” a voice called as she reached the door and Chloe spun to find Lana stood just behind her. The dark haired girl was carefully balancing a tray with one hand and had a wad of napkins in the other. “I thought we were going to get the chance to all sit down and have a chat.”

“Something came up,” Chloe told her.

“Oh,” she said and then after a moment added, “They didn’t do something to, you know, upset you did they?”

“No, no! They were all really, you know, nice.”

Lana’s brow creased a little again. “Then why are you going?”

Putting as cheerful an expression as she could manage on her face Chloe laughed, “Twenty questions much? I just want to get home and see my Dad. I’ve been away for a lot of the summer and as much of a geek as he can be I missed him.”

Lana gave an understanding smile and nodded. There was a sort of forlorn look on her face that Chloe recognised as the one that Lana always got when she thought of her own parents. “I guess I shouldn’t have hassled you into coming out tonight. Can you forgive me?”

“Sure,” Chloe replied feeling a tiny twinge of guilt in her chest. Why did Lana have to be so damn trusting all the time? “I’ll see you later okay?”


When she reached home there was another car in the driveway telling her that her father was home. The Chinese takeout containers on the kitchen counter and the noise of the television blaring out in the sitting room told her further that whatever type of day it had been at work that it had been an exhausting one. It was a fact that didn’t surprise Chloe in the least. The weary figure of Gabe Sullivan looked up as his daughter entered the room and flopped onto the couch next to him.

At the sunny smile she presented him with the man sighed and with suspicion filling his voice asked, “What do you want, Chloe?”

“What makes you think I want anything?”

“Because that’s the same look your mother used to give me when she wanted something so get on with it.”

Chloe gave him another, more sincere smile and said, “I was just wondering how your day at work was.”

“You’ve heard something haven’t you?”

“I might have.”

“Chloe this isn’t something you should go snooping around in.” At the sudden look of further interest that flowed onto his daughter’s face Gabe realised his mistake and panicked adding, “I’m serious, Chloe,” for all the use it would actually do.

“I know, I know. Can it honestly hurt to tell me about it though?”

“Yes, it could, so just drop it. I’m going to go get a drink, do you want anything?”

She shook her head. “No, I think I’m going to go and attack some of that homework my evil teachers gave me. You’d think they’d never heard of post-holiday blues.”

“Okay sweetie.”

Leaving the sitting room Chloe headed in the direction of the stairs but changed direction at last moment and went into her father’s small study. Quietly she closed the door behind her, muffling the noise with her hand and then immediately began to search the room for the plastic keycard to the plant that she knew he always kept at home. It wouldn’t be breaking and entering. It really wouldn’t because she had the card and even if she was caught by security Chloe was certain that she could talk herself out of whatever trouble it got her into. Besides she didn’t honestly believe that Lex would want to press charges against her. She just hoped that her father did not find out because explaining why she was running around the plant in the middle of the night would be all too difficult and would probably end up with her getting grounded for a good six months.

Oh well, Chloe thought. The things I do for the sake of journalism and a decent story.


Lex wasn’t entirely certain why he had decided to head back to the plant after leaving Talon. There was a niggling little insistent voice in the back of his mind trying to tell him something and although Lex was not certain what that something was he knew it had something to do with the plant. So he had decided to follow his instincts and that was why he was wandering around the huge facility in the middle of the night and slowly beginning to realise that maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all.

The plant was always disturbingly empty at the best of times; now it seemed to be a huge hollow shell that was dauntingly eerie and one that he didn’t particularly want to be in. Wandering around the corridors he felt oddly lost and wondered what he could do now that he was actually here. With nothing of importance immediately springing to mind Lex headed in the direction of his office. As he exited the elevator that led to the corridor that would take him there the young businessman spotted a streak of movement that made him tense and shrink away towards the wall so as not to be seen.

With a slight smirk Lex realised that it looked like he would have something to do after all. Trying to be as stealthy as he could Lex took to following whoever it was that he had seen. He watched as they appeared to head away from his office and down through the building until they entered one of the labs. Feeling a degree of concern coming over for him for the first time Lex watched further as they perched before a computer and tapped away. Whoever it was had dressed all in black with a black cap covering their hair but they had a brown leather satchel strapped across their body that looked distinctly out of place and more than a little familiar. Lex moved closer trying to get a better look at the person who was still intensely concentrating on the computer screen before them. To his surprise he realised that whoever it was she was female. Moving very slowly to avoid drawing attention to himself Lex edged around until he could see the person’s face and had to suppress a startled gasp.

After steadying himself Lex stepped forwards and into the ring of light given off by the desk lamp by the computer. He stood for a moment wondering whether she was going to notice him but when it became apparent that that wasn’t going to happen he coughed quietly, startling the girl and causing her to up tip her chair and land on the floor with a clatter that resounded loudly throughout the room.

“Okay, ouch!” she snapped and pushed herself back up into a sitting position. Looking up at Lex she said, “Now why did you go and do that?”

He stared at her in bafflement for a moment. “I didn’t do anything.”

She gave him a wry look and climbed to her feet, ignoring the offer of a helping hand that he gave. When she was safely back on her feet Chloe straightened her bag and pulled her top down over the revealing view of an expanse of creamy white flesh he was been given of her stomach.

“I don’t suppose you feel like explaining what you’re doing here do you?” he asked, picking up the chair and setting it back on its feet. As he did so he cast a curious eye at the computer screen and saw that she had somehow managed to access files on some of the latest experiments they had been working on. Frowning he turned back to her when he realised that she hadn’t said anything only to find the small blonde looking up at him defiantly.

“I think I’ll say no to that,” she answered.

“And I think I’ll have to insist.”

She let out a long sigh and pouted. “Why couldn’t you have been some dumb security guard?” she asked although the question didn’t seem to be addressed to Lex. He couldn’t help but stare at her in fascination.

“Chloe…” he said and there must have been something in his voice that sounded like a warning because she immediately took it as a challenge. That was one thing he had picked up on about Chloe almost the minute that he met her; if there was anything that Chloe enjoyed it was a challenge.

“Hey, so I was snooping. So what, it’s not like I found anything.”

“You found something,” he replied gesturing towards the computer screen.

“It didn’t really tell me anything.” She leaned forwards, brushing past him and switched the computer off again. “There. It’s all gone now. Are you going to frog march me out of here?”

“Let’s just say I’m going to make sure that you leave.” At a concerned look that passed through her eyes he added, “I won’t say anything to your father but you should really promise me you’re not going to do this again. It isn’t just yourself that you’d be getting into trouble if you got caught Chloe.”

She frowned at him and bit her lip. After a moment she said, “I guess I should thank you then even though it’s your fault I’m even here at all.”

He had been waiting for her to start walked towards the door and now that she did he followed closely, unwilling to let the small blonde out of his sight for a moment. “I’m afraid I don’t see your point.”

“Well, you have to admit that you did dangle this right in front of my nose. How on earth was I supposed to resist when you were being all secretive?”

He held the door open for her to walk through and after a moment’s startled pause she stepped through. “I wasn’t being particularly secretive, Chloe. I didn’t really think it was an appropriate conversation topic and even so, I would have thought that you would have had enough self-control not to go running off and do, well, this.”

“Is that an oh so eloquent way of you saying that you expected better from me?” she asked glancing at him as they walked down the corridor away from the labs. He didn’t catch the surprised look in her eye.

“It’s a way of me saying that you should have had more sense than to get caught if you found you really couldn’t resist.”

She gave him a little smile. “That’s alright then.”

“Chloe,” he said, taking hold of her arm and holding her still. “Seriously, you shouldn’t be snooping around here.”

“You sound like my Dad now.”

“Your Dad is right.”

She tugged her arm loose and looked at him with a look on her face that clearly told him she was more than a little annoyed. She was about to say something and then stopped. From this angle he could clearly see the sudden light that came into her eyes as she spotted something in the distance. “Hey, what’s that?” she asked and then set off towards whatever it was that she had spotted leaving Lex to have to jog a couple of steps to catch up with her.

“Chloe, I’m serious. You’re not even listening are you? What if it hadn’t been me who found you? What if it had been some security guard? You could have been in jail by now… Oh my God.”

He felt his breath stick in his throat as he stared at the sight which Chloe had spotted. The blonde girl had turned pale and had slumped against the opposite wall after slowly backed away from her discovery. Lex swallowed down the sudden rise of vomit that filled his throat and then coughed a little. There was a hand sticking out of the wall and the four fingers and the tip of a hand that could only have belonged to the matching hand. He reached forwards and brushed his fingers across them only to find them still warm.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Chloe shrieked. “Don’t touch it!”

Bending down he pick up something off the floor and held it up to her. “This is a security guard’s badge.”

“That… that was a security guard?”

“I’m guessing so.”

“Jesus. You don’t think… Has this something to do with the accident this morning?”

Looking over his shoulder at her he said, “Chloe…”

“What? It’s a valid question.”

“I don’t think so.”

She pushed away from the wall and came to stand beside him keeping her eyes averted from the hands. “That’s not a definite ‘no’.”

“What is the possibility that they’re even remotely connected? We don’t even have any proof that there was an accident this morning. Some guy has just gone missing. He could have just taken off and not told anyone or something. I’m sure there is another explanation.”

“Or he could be stuck in a wall somewhere with his hands stuck out!” she exclaimed and then let out a loud yelp as the lights suddenly went out and they were plunged into darkness. Lex felt her grab his arm and step closer so that he could feel the warm length of her body beside his. In the distance there was the sound of the turbines whirring as they shut down and the loud click of bolts being engaged.

“What was that?” Chloe asked, her voice trembling ever so slightly.

Lex blinked away some of the darkness as his eyes tried to adjust to the pitch blackness of the corridor. “It was the electronic locks engaging around the plant. It happens whenever there is a power cut so that nothing can be stolen while the security cameras are down.”

“By locks you mean the big scary ones that on all the doors leading to the outside that look like you would need a grenade to open them?” she asked, her panicked voice stringing the words altogether as she spoke rapidly.

“Yes. Then there are the gratings that come down over all the outside doors.”

“There isn’t even a fire escape open is there?” she asked quietly and Lex felt her shuffle even closer to him.

“No, there isn’t.”

“Lex, I don’t suppose I ever mentioned to you that I don’t exactly like the dark did I? Its kind of all collected to this time I was locked in a box underground when I was kidnapped…”

Taking a deep breath he fumbled around until he had his hand securely in hers. “We’re not in any danger Chloe.”

“Say that to the dead guy in the wall.”

There was the sound of clattering in the distance again and she jumped and leaned in closer to him. In a minute she was going to be on top of him if he didn’t do something quick. For a moment Lex contemplated the prospect and then pushed it away quickly. Now was not the time to be thinking like that. “I don’t suppose you had a flash light with you do you?” he asked.


She sounded mournful and her voice was trembling. Lord God he hoped she didn’t start to cry. As much as it did not seem like her style he knew that at the moment ‘style’ was the last thing on this girl’s mind. “We just need to get to a phone. Then I’ll call someone and they’ll get us out of here. Okay?”


He tugged a little on her hand and walked in what he thought was the direction to the nearest phone. “Come on then.”

One thought ran through his mind though and just wouldn’t go away. Why the hell had the backup system not switched on? A small ball of concern began to grow in his stomach. There was something wrong; something very wrong.


Clark pushed open the back door into his kitchen and stepped inside with an almost weary expression on his face. The day had been more tiring than he had expected and he had found himself several times wishing that he was at home rather than trying to lead the normal life of a teenager; even if that normal life as a teenager had included stolen Lana-smoochies throughout the day. The thought made him grin a little and he quickly tried to cover it in case anyone else noticed.

“Hey honey,” Martha Kent said with a wide smile on seeing her son entering the kitchen.

“Hi Mom. Where’s Dad?”

“He’s upstairs taking a shower. Do you want anything to eat? I think there is some pie left in the refrigerator.”

Clark thought this idea over from moment and then shook his head. “I think I might just head up to my room.”

With a concerned look on her features Martha nodded and said, “Before you go call Gabe Sullivan. He rang here earlier tonight looking for Chloe and I said you would call when you got in. I’m sure she’s home by now but you should call him to make sure.”

“Okay Mom.” Grabbing the cordless phone he made his way up into his room and dialled in the Sullivan number which he had long known by heart. Five minutes later Clark could feel himself beginning to share Gabe Sullivan’s concern as it appeared that the young blonde reporter still hadn’t turned up and they both had no idea as to where she had gone. After promising to ring around all of the friends that he could think of Clark rang off. He couldn’t help but think that he had left Gabe even more concerned than before despite his promises to find out where his daughter had gotten to.

There was already a sneaking suspicion that he knew exactly where Chloe had gone. After making his phone calls it became apparent that no one seemed to know where the blonde had gone. Even Pete and Lana didn’t know and he had been certain that she would have mentioned something to one of them. Coming to a decision he told them both to meet him at a designated spot and then went downstairs to tell his parents where he was going. They both gave him concerned looks but wished him luck with his search all the same and let him go but not before making him promise to be careful.

With that in mind Clark left, using his super-speed to reach the place where he had asked Lana and Pete to meet him. As he reached the spot Clark was unsurprised to find that Chloe’s car was parked up by the side of the road. She hadn’t even taken the time to try and hide it. Moments later Lana pulled up in her Aunt’s car and then Pete showed up with an extremely irritated expression on his face and proclaiming repeatedly that he was going to kill Chloe this time, he really was. Lana had simply cast him a mollifying look and turned to Clark to hear what he had to say.

“There is nothing wrong with her car,” Clark told them with a sigh after each had taken a few minutes to look the vehicle over for any signs of damage or interference. He could hardly believe this was happening. “It looks like she just left it here.”

“We are within walking distance of the plant,” Lana observed stepping back from the vehicle and looking at the two boys. “If she didn’t want to be noticed this would be perfect. No one would think to look this far out but she would be able to get away without too much difficulty.”

Pete looked up from his perusal of the car and at the plant in the distance with a frown on his features that slowly turned to a look of dismay. Echoing Clark’s own sigh he said, “It’s her first day back in Smallville and she’s already getting into trouble.”


It had been over two hours now and Chloe was getting more than a little concerned over exactly what they were going to. Of course, she had been concerned in the first place and had passed through hysteria and into an eerie calmness with the odd spattering of denial and now she was back around to concern; concern being only mildly better than hysteria because at least she didn’t have Lex alternately shaking her and holding her in an effort to calm her down. Chloe had been a little disturbed to learn that the latter of these two actions worked better than the first, as that only seemed to make her angrier at him. She couldn’t help but think it was strange how things worked out. Who would ever have thought that Lex Luthor would be comforting sort of guy? She could think of several other men that she would have expected to be more comforting, Pete and Clark not being the least of them, but there was something in the cool calmness and the collected manner in which he still held himself and her that was oddly reassuring to the blonde reporter.

They were sat in his office, on the floor, huddled around a torch that he had found after breaking the lock on a maintenance closet with a rather unexpected display of strength. Apparently even the boss’s keycard wouldn’t get you everywhere at the plant so Chloe had received a rather impressive display of him wielding an axe to break down the door. Of course then the axe had broken and she had been privileged to hear several new swearwords that she hadn’t known even existed. Being the gentleman he was Lex had apologised afterwards leaving Chloe grinning in amusement and him with a slightly petulant and charming pout on his face.

On some level at least she was actually pretty happy that the axe had broken. The repetitive sound of the blade hitting the wood had been too loud in Chloe’s opinion and she had been certain that it would attract whoever or whatever had murdered that poor security guard. The thought of spending your last few minutes on earth being somehow trapped in a wall terrified Chloe and sent shudders through her body that caught Lex’s attention and led to him lightly wrapping and arm about her again and giving her a brief hug.

It had taken her a good hour but Chloe had finally managed to get Lex to tell her about what had or had not happened to Lyle Garner. While the billionaire had seemed strangely reluctant to even consider the idea that Lyle’s accident had anything to do with the predicament they were in at present Chloe’s mind had already begun to tick over the possibility that this was another case for the Wall of Weird with relative ease. Hell, she knew in her heart that there was definitely something weird going on and no matter how much sweet talking and rationalising Lex did could detract from that. Beside it didn’t exactly take a genius to figure out that such was the case. And that, she figured, meant that Lex was either in denial or that he was deliberately covering something up. For everything Lex Luthor was, he wasn’t stupid.

Sighing loudly she reached forwards and picked up the bottle of water that Lex had found for her. Apparently he kept a private stash in his office so he wouldn’t have to venture out into the real world of the work place as often which confirmed several things about Lex that Chloe wasn’t sure whether she was glad to know. At the other side of their odd little camp Lex yawned and then immediately looked embarrassed for being caught off his guard. Chloe gave him an understanding smile which he seemed to accept grudgingly before rubbing his hand over his face.

They had retreated here only shortly after finding the second body. From the appearance of its hands, though she had been reluctant to look at them, Chloe was willing to bet that the corpse was female and the coolness of her flesh suggested she had been there considerably longer than the security guard had. A concerned expression had come over Lex’s face for the first time and he had suggested that they head to his office which he claimed would be safer than wandering the corridors. Once inside he had locked the door and said, very calmly “Perhaps we should stay here until tomorrow or until someone finds us.”

The way he had said it made Chloe suspect that he did not think anyone was going to find them before morning. As a result she had slowly begun to adjust herself to the idea of spending what she was certain was going to be several long hours in the young businessman’s company as fear kept them both awake.

After taking another sip of her water Chloe found herself wanting to fill the silence between them and asked, “Are you certain the phones aren’t working?”

Nodding he said, “Yes,” with only the slightest bit of irritation in his voice.

“And you’re still certain you haven’t got your cell phone?”

“It’s still outside; still locked in my car, Chloe.” There was a degree more irritation in his voice now and he shifted into a more comfortable position against the wall leaning his head back against it. After rubbing away some of the tension in her back Chloe crawled over to sit beside him.

After the curious look he gave her Chloe snapped, “What? I’m not allowed to be comfortable as well now am I?”

“You know I didn’t mean that.”

Looking around the dim gloom of the office Chloe observed, “I thought you would have a couch or something.”

“I’m not a psychiatrist, Chloe. What would I do with a couch?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. You could impress people with it or something. It would be like, ‘hey, I’m so important I don’t even need a desk to be intimidating.’”

A frown washed over his features and he half turned to look at her. “You think I’m intimidating?”

Looking sideways at him and meeting his stormy blue eyes Chloe found herself suddenly stumped for any kind of intelligent reply. “You know maybe you should just put that down to my lack-of-sleep befuddled mind and leave it at that okay? It’ll probably be safer for both of us.”

He nodded briefly in agreement then added, “You’re tired? Come here.” To her astonishment he lifted up his arm as if to suggest that she actually leaned against him.

“Now, just wait a minute…” she began but was promptly cut off by him as he insisted.

Reluctantly Chloe shuffled closer until she was in a comfortable position cradled against his side. Lex’s arm came down, closing the ring of warmth she felt and Chloe felt an almost instantaneous rush of doziness wash over her. He smelled good; like a mixture of coffee, soap and something underneath that was undeniably, purely male and Chloe couldn’t help but draw in several deep breaths as an odd feeling of contentment settled over her. She let out a long sigh even before she had realised that she had started to do so and heard Lex give a little chuckled at her. A sarcasm filled reply instantly came to mind but Chloe discovered that she did not really feel like voicing it aloud. For the moment it seemed like an unnecessary action that might disrupt their comfortable companionship.

They suddenly seemed to slump and Chloe realised that Lex was attempting to shuffle into a laying position. She lifted her head and let him make himself comfortable before taking up her previous position surrounded by what suddenly seemed like wonderfully protective arms. Chloe found herself having to admit silently to herself that the experience wasn’t entirely unpleasant. There was no way on earth that she was mentioning that fact to Lex though.

Ever so slowly her eyes fluttered shut and then Chloe Sullivan was asleep, still wrapped in the arms of an amused billionaire.

19th April 2003, 00:51

He had watched the young Luthor wandering around with interest and a steadily growing anger in his heart. All day long the man had acted as if nothing had happened; as if there had been no ‘accident’ as he chose to call it and his reappearance after dark had seemed like some form of gloating. Lyle wasn’t certain what was happening to him, had happened to him but he was sure it was nothing for Luthor to gloat about. That seemed like something entirely wrong and it grated on his nerves once again making the mottling on his flesh glow with an eerie, peculiar light.

It hadn’t taken long for him to discover the petite blonde girl who was also snooping around either. Momentarily breaking off from his pursuit of Lex Luthor he decided to follow her as she used stealth to nosey around the accident site then attempted to enter Luthor’s office before moving on into the laboratories and then tried to access the computer system. Moments later Luthor had entered the room, acting all friendly with the blonde although he had clearly been surprised to see her there. Lyle had found himself at a loss to explain what was going on between them.

An idea had then entered his mind and the creature that had been Lyle scuttled away, casually disposing of a security guard along the way in order to collect an all areas security pass before dealing with the lights and other power-dependant systems. Lyle had felt a thrill of satisfaction race through him as the plant locked down. There was no way that Luthor was going to be able to escape him now. When he returned to search for them they had already found the body of the guard and the blonde had been doing her best to climb all over Luthor as he easily accepted her attentions.

It was disgusting. Luthor had to realise that not all people were going to get down on bended knee to please him. He had to realise that he did not have the right to command everything in the world like he so believed and everyone else had to realise that he was no some charming prince come to save them. They had to know what he was.

As the anger began to bubble once again in his blood the creature that had been Lyle looked down and found himself staring at his hands as they took on the strange green glow again. Further inspection proved that the sensation was not just confined to his hands but had spread to over parts of his body and he found wonder spread through him. He had been given these abilities for a reason. He had been provided with the means of Luthor’s fall in some wonderful way and the ‘accident’ had not been an accident at all but some magical transformation. He hadn’t been cursed; he had been gifted!


The warm figure by his side breathed deeply and let out a ragged sigh. Glancing down Lex saw that the action had been done in her sleep as her eyes were still firmly shut, not even fluttering to show she was dreaming. In her sleep she shifted slightly, pressing against him tighter and muttered something that the young man couldn’t quite make out. As a hand wandered out over his chest he drew in a sharp breath and tried not to make any sudden movements less he accidentally wake the girl. The last thing he needed at the moment was to hear her wax lyrical to cover her embarrassment. If there was one thing for sure it was that Chloe Sullivan wasn’t in the least bit intimidated by him when she opened her mouth and really got talking. He didn’t care what she had said before.

It was something he found both amusing and distracting and occasionally more than a little irritating. And oddly enough he had long ago realised that it was something he wouldn’t actually have change.

Still at the moment, while in sleep he couldn’t remember having seen a sweeter face. There was a slight pout on her lips and she looked as if at any moment she would flutter her eyelashes at him and her eyes would open to him revealing green orbs. He wondered whether this was how she had seemed as a child or whether she had always been as opinionated as she was now. Somehow he thought the latter might be true. But at the moment he found he was almost capable of forgetting that Chloe Sullivan’s irritating alternate reporter ego even existed and she was just the pretty girl he had seen running around Smallville for months. Taking a moment Lex let himself enjoy the sight of her small features nuzzling against his chest. What on earth would Clark think now if he could see his precious little reporter friend? If he could see her now, there was no doubt in Lex’s mind that Lana Lang would be the furthest thing from his thoughts and that made a delicious sort of feeling of satisfaction grow in the young man’s chest.

Or maybe he was just caught in the moment.

He jerked his head upwards, startled by something from the other side of the door and realised that he had been drifting off to sleep while staring at the girl. Averting his eyes from the Chloe, to where they had drifted once again, he looked up and towards the door. If he wasn’t wrong, even despite the gloom, then the handle was twitching a little as if someone was trying to turn it. Lex felt himself tense, a vein of anticipation and fear ran up his spine. Ever so slowly he laid Chloe down on the floor trying not to wake her as he did so and using his jacket as a pillow for her head. The blonde did not even stir as he moved away which disappointed him slightly on some level that Lex wasn’t entirely sure that he wanted to admit to himself.

Climbing to his feet and shaking out the numbness that had set into one of his legs Lex crept closer to the door. There was a feeling of concern but the young man quickly shook it away and put his ear to the door trying to hear through the heavy dark wood. It was impossible he realised in irritation. There was no way that he was going to be able to tell anything this way.

“Lex, what on earth are you doing?” a sleepy voice said and glancing over his shoulder he saw that Chloe had propped herself up on a lone elbow and was watching him through heavy lidded eyes. He felt his breath catch as he looked at her then frowned and decided he was being foolishly.

“I thought I heard something,” he replied.

Her eyes widened. “You think there is someone behind the door?”

“Well they’re not at this side are they?”

She pulled a face at him and sat up properly. “You’re not going to actually open that are you?”

“What happened to the intrepid reporter you claim to be?”

“Oh she’s still here but she likes being here and as such would not like to end up with her hands sticking out of a wall.” Shaking his head at her and feeling all the more curious to see what was outside Lex reached for the door handle. “Lex, I’m serious. Please don’t open that door,” the blonde pleaded.

Ignoring her he continued to pull open the door. As it started to move he heard a rustle suddenly felt Chloe’s hand on his arm in an effort to prevent him from going through the door. Lex pulled away and stepped past the doorframe looking up and down the corridor but on seeing nothing there turned back to the blonde girl who was staring at him with a nervous expression on her face.

“It was nothing…” he began but never finished as he heard her cry out.


They had trudged along tracing Chloe’s steps along the side of the road for what seemed like an eternity to Clark. With his longer stride he had to keep glancing back to ensure that he hadn’t left the other two behind and with each glance he felt the level of impatience he was feeling go up another notch. It was Pete who complained the most and when he was whined from the sixth time that this was probably a waste of time Clark finally stopped and spun around causing Lana to pull up short immediately behind him grab his arm to stop herself from falling over. Clark immediately reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her into a steady position and smiled down at her apologetically before turned to Pete.

“You know you could always go home,” he told the other boy. “Chloe, your friend, may be in danger or getting into trouble as we speak but you could always go home if you really, really want to.” Pete’s features creased into a frown and he reluctantly shook his head. Satisfied with the reaction he had gained Clark said, “Good, so let’s get moving!”

Behind the tall young man’s back Lana and Pete exchanged curious glances. Giving a brief shrug Lana set off walking to catch up with him, eventually catching her boyfriend and taking hold of his hand while they walked along. The action was oddly reassuring for Clark who had been beginning to feel some panic well up in him as he realised how long they were taking. He knew, just knew instinctively that Chloe had already gotten into the plant and in addition he had the peculiar feeling that something had happened to her already. He didn’t know what but he knew something had happened and he was beginning to grow desperate to find out exactly what that something was.

It took very little time at all for Clark to discover a hole that had been cut in the fence that surrounded the plant with very little skill. Both Pete and Lana struggled through after Clark who gone before them and was now staring up at the huge building with an unrecognisable expression on his face.

As he joined Clark in staring up at the plant Pete’s expression turned to one of confusion. “You know, I don’t recognise all the bars. What’s with them?” the young man said glancing towards the others as he did so. “Since when did the plant have bars all over it?”

“Aren’t they security bars?” Lana asked. “I thought they only came down when there was an emergency.” Her eyes widened as she realised what she had just said. Nervously she brushed Clark’s arm with her finger tips and made him look down at her. “Do you think there’s trouble?” hoping that he would be able to reassure her.

Instead Clark just looked up at the building again. His expression turned serious as he took in the building. “There’s always trouble,” he replied and began to search for a way to get inside the building.


There was a pounding sensation inside her head and when Chloe tried to pull her hand up to her head to rub her temples she found she could not move it. Or rather, there was something preventing her from moving it. On closer inspection there was a dead weight on the end that stopped her from moving easily. Feeling weak and generally aware that everything seemed to ache all over her body Chloe pulled at her arm trying to get it to move and only succeeded to raising it a few inches before reluctantly letting it fall back by her side with a flush of irritation.

Repressing the nausea that swept through her Chloe blinked her eyes open and found herself staring into the darkness of a ceiling. It took a few seconds for her eyes to focus and then she immediately wished she hadn’t bothered making them. The room she was in was only a few feet squared with no windows, no furniture and a door that looked like it was made out of steel. There was a crate in one corner with the words ‘LuthorCorp: Smallville Division’ printed on the side in heavy type that made her breathe a half sigh of relief.

Well at least I know I’m still in Smallville, she thought and then reassessed her assumption. She knew she was probably still in Smallville but she didn’t know it for certain. The question was where in Smallville was she? It seemed probable that she was still somewhere in or near the plant which she supposed was good news. Hell, the fact that she was still alive was good news and there was no way on earth that Chloe was going to take that for granted. At least things weren’t getting any worse.

After a moment’s difficulty Chloe shuffled into a sitting position and realised what the weight attached to her arm had been. Lex was half sprawled across her, their wrists joined together by some type of metal cord and Chloe felt a slight panic rise inside of her at the sight of where it had rubbed at her flesh leaving a red mark on her skin. Did she just say her day couldn’t get any worse? Oh, how wrong she had been.

His head was rested on her shoulder and she was reminded of a similar setup between them earlier only that now their positions were reversed. Chloe pursed her lips and wondered whether he knew how he was laying or not. Of course, he might have been unconscious ever since their capture earlier but she could not help reserving some suspicions. There was brilliant streak of blood down the side of his face from where he had been hit and Chloe flinched as she remembered the sight of him being pulled out of the doorway and disappearing. She was still kicking herself for acting on impulse and running after him so readily and managing to get herself captured as well.

One of her hands was trapped beneath his body and Chloe had to work at it for a moment to drag it free. That done she laid a hand on Lex’s shoulder and shook him gently trying to wake the man. He remained stubbornly asleep or unconscious – whichever happened to be the case. “Damn-it you oaf wake up!” she exclaimed resorting to hitting on his arm. When he did not do much as stir she stopped with a quite dread filling her. Fighting the repulsion that rose up in her Chloe reached around his neck and laid her first two fingers there. A large sigh of relief escaped her as she felt a steady beating beneath her finger tips. Thank god things weren’t that bad.

Chloe scrambled out from underneath him and sat up. Absently she ran her fingers through her hair, taking a few moments to chase away the dizziness that threatened to invade again before getting to her knees. It took only a matter of seconds to discover she would never be able to work the cord loose on her own. Steadily herself Chloe reached as far as she could towards the door only to find that her fingers just fell short. With an irritated little exclamation she shuffled closer causing the cord to bit into her wrist even harder and a small whimper escaped her lips before she could stop it. There was no way she was going to be able to reach it without moving both herself and Lex closer. Chloe braced herself and tried to pull him along the ground but gave up quickly when he hardly moved. Who would ever have guessed that Lex Luthor weighed so much? He looked so light and trim. Once again she reached for the door and felt her fingers brushed the cool metal but she was no nearer reaching the handle.

Letting out a frustrated cry Chloe slammed her fist down on the floor while choking back tears then winced as she realised she had probably bruised herself.

“Damn-it Lex, wake up. Please! Lex…”

He stirred, his free hand clawing at the ground momentarily before stopping moving. Chloe found she could hardly believe her eyes.

“Lex?” she asked more quietly. When he made no reply Chloe moved closer to him again. Slipping her free hand underneath his head the blonde lifted it up and cradled it in her lap. After a moment his eyes flickered open, staring up at her curiously. They were a vivid blue and danced about her features before finally focusing and the blonde quickly felt herself beginning to blush. Chloe felt a tremble run through her when their eyes met. “Are you okay?” she asked him quietly, her voice coming out huskily.

It took a few seconds for him to answer her. “I don’t know. Is my head meant to feel the size of Metropolis?”

Chloe let out a low chuckle which she knew sounds more than a little hysterical and watched as the man looking at her winced. “Sorry,” she told him. “I’m just… just so glad you’re okay.”

He smiled at her although it seemed to hurt his head some as a flash of pain appeared across his features. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted reluctantly.

“You haven’t bothered finding out?”

Feeling defensive she said, “We’re tied together Lex and you aren’t exactly feather-light you know.”

He gave what almost resembled an apologetic smile. “Help me sit up,” he told her and began to move into a sitting position even without her aid. When she saw that he was going to sit up despite her objections and knowing that it wouldn’t be a good idea Chloe used her free arm to help him into a comfortable position upright position. Almost immediately the young businessman groaned and leaned forwards as a wave of nausea passed over him. Instinctively Chloe rubbed his back while they both waited for the sensation to pass.

It took a while but when he was feeling better he sat up again. “Feeling better now?” she asked.

“A little.” He looked down at their joined wrists. “Oh dear.”


Once he had regained his composure and had found he was able to stand easily enough Chloe immediately walked over to the metal door and had begun to pound on the door relentlessly. Lex found himself more than a little alarmed at the stream of obscenities that had come out of the girl’s voice when she had discovered that they were not able to undo the cord and that the door was locked. He was sure that he had heard a few of his own personal favourites thrown in there for good measure. However the sounds hadn’t helped his aching head at all and he felt himself beginning to wish that he had never woken up at all.

“Listen you meteorite freak!” the blonde shouted at the top of her voice, sounding more than a little irrational in her tirade. “Let us out! Let us out now!”

“Chloe…” Lex began but was interrupted as she shouted out again. When she had quietened down momentarily he said, “Chloe stop it. What’s the matter with you? We’re better in here than we are out there with whatever the hell that thing is anyway.”

She turned to look at him and a worried little expression on her face. “I don’t like enclosed spaces,” she said weakly.


“I don’t like small, enclosed spaces. Remember the thing I told you about being buried alive?”

He stared at her in amazement, not quite believing what he was hearing. This tiny, fiery girl was actually afraid of something? He kicked himself for not remembering her earlier confession quicker but still, the revelation shocked him more than he cared to admit and the young man had to act quickly to cover his surprise, guessing correctly that the girl in front of him would not receive the reaction kindly.

Feeling impulsive he reached out and brushed his fingertips over her cheek. The blonde looked up in surprise. “You’re going to be okay,” he told her and even to himself he seemed to sound surprisingly reassuring; much more so than he had expected to anyway. Noticing that the girl hadn’t immediately leapt away Lex dared to go so far as to wrap his arm about her shoulder and draw her into him until he could feel the soft crush of her body against his. After a moment she relaxed against him and Lex was struck with a sensation which was as close to surprise as his jaded mind could manage.

After a good five minutes by his reckoning the blonde girl let out a long sigh and stepped away from him although her arms seemed to linger around him as she did so. Lex himself found himself reluctant to give up the feeling of the girl in his arms. “Feeling better?” Lex asked softly.

She nodded a little. “Do you think we could work on getting this undone?” she asked pointing to their joined wrists.

Lex gave her an amused little smile. “You don’t like being tied to me?” he asked in mock horror.

Chloe had the good grace to blush and half turned away from him looking around the room. “It would probably be better under other circumstances. So what do you think?”

“I think other circumstances could only be an improvement.”

“Lex…” she said. “I’m serious.”

“Very well. We need something to lever the cord. Whoever managed to bend this was extremely strong and I doubt that either of us or both of us working together will manage it.”

“So what do you propose?”

The look he gave her was sympathetic. “I don’t propose anything, Chloe. There isn’t anything in this room that is capable of doing that job. I think we’re stuck like this for a while.”

“But you said…”

“I know.” He offered a weak smile. “I’m going to think on it okay? There is always a solution.”

She seemed to take some heart in his words and visibly relaxed. With a sigh she said, “Okay. But just think quicker okay?”


He had just had to make sure they weren’t looking and then one quick punch followed by the splintering noise that seemed considerably too loud in the silence of the night around them and the wood had given way.

“Must have been rotten,” he said by way of explanation when Pete and Lana looked around sharply at him with curious, surprised expressions repeated on both of their faces. With some apparent suspicions Pete simply nodded and went to investigate the hole that Clark had made in the broads that covered the door. After a moment the young man straightened up and could be seen to nod in approval. His suspicions were apparently satisfied because Pete didn’t say anymore.

This door that they had found was the old service entrance to the plant that had been unused for years and would take them into the older sections of the plant. Clark had recalled seeing it once before on a visit to the plant and had decided that this was as good a place as any to try and get into the seemingly impenetrable building. After all few people really thought about the older sections of the plant as they were mainly used for storage now-a-day. Clark had guessed that perhaps if there was one place where they may have failed on security measures then this was it. It was a stroke of luck that he was right.

The hole that he had created was just about large enough for them all the fit through. When it came to Clark’s turn he had to pry away a few more pieces of the wood to do so considering his larger size but in a surprisingly short amount of time they found themselves in the catacombs of corridors that ran through the basement of the Luthor-Corp plant. Clark could hardly believe that they had actually made it this far without being caught.

Clark lead the way as they wandered down the many corridors, making sure that the others were always within ear’s reach of him. There was no way on earth that he was going risk losing Lana and Pete as well as Chloe. He didn’t have to worry much about Lana. She kept close to his side most of the time and Pete was never very far away.

“We’re going to get lost,” Pete prophesised loudly, as they turned into yet another corridor that didn’t seem to end and in the pit of his stomach Clark felt something like fear begin to stir.


Lex had inspected every inch of the room with both his eyes and his fingertips. In fact she was certain that he had looked over some places twice and perhaps even a third time in some cases but she wasn’t going to mention that to him. As she had suspected it would be his hunt was fruitless and eventually exasperation forced him to give up the search for a possible means of escape. By that point Chloe found she was rather relieved that he gave up for it gave her the chance to sit down for a while. Her body was physically tired but even more so was her mind. She found she could not think clearly, that there appeared to be some type of fog over her thoughts and the girl began to wonder whether she hadn’t been hit harder than she had originally thought and that there had been some lasting damage. When she absently related this idea to Lex he simply nodded then reached towards her once again.

Chloe stepped away as far as she could considering the fact they were still joined together. Her previous nerves had all but disappeared and she was once again feeling the distance between herself and Lex. No, that wasn’t right. It wasn’t a distance so much as it was a barrier and it was one that she could do nothing about.

“What are you doing?” she asked curiously.

He raised an eyebrow at her and appeared impatient. “I was going to see whether you had any visible injuries; whether I could tell if there was anything wrong.”

“I… okay,” she said finally and allowed him to step closer. He did not try to use both his hands but instead carefully brushed her hair away slowly from the spot that she had indicated. It seemed to take forever and eventually she asked, “Anything?” A wince came across her features as the tips of his fingers danced across a lump. “Ouch Mister. Try being more careful.”

A chuckle went through him that even Chloe could feel through her body and spontaneously he said, “Sometimes you can be extremely adorable.”

Chloe’s head shot up sharply as she looked up at him. There was a strange expression on his features which she instantly recognised as amusement. A small disgruntled frown began to form on her brow and she readied herself to snap something back but instead a sigh escaped her lips as he quickly pressed his own lips against hers and let them linger, giving her no time to think.

“Do you always deal with problems that way?” she asked him when he broke away, hoping that she wouldn’t sound too breathless as she spoke.

He nodded and leaned down to kiss her again. Coming to her senses Chloe stepped away from him before he managed to and said in a shaking voice, “I’m not adorable.”

The smile was still there and he looked almost irritatingly smug to Chloe. “You’re clearly more adorable than you realise then.”

She found herself drawn close to him again with his free arm wrapped tightly about her waist and a slow moan escaped her mouth as he trapped her in another kiss. This appeared to satisfy Lex who let his hand slip beneath her shirt; now completely satisfied that she was a willing participant. His hand wandered to her front having spent time caressing the supple flesh of her back first dancing across her stomach and then reappearing. Chloe was stunned to find herself helping him to unfastened the difficult buttons down the front of her shirt. That done Lex brushed away the fabric baring her satin covered breast to the cool air and Chloe drew in a sudden shuddering breath.

Lex was murmuring something and although Chloe could not tell what she found herself responding all the more to his touch. Almost lethargically she laid back and he came after as a warm, comforting presence that brought with it an all too easy feeling of contentment. The sight of him looming over her jolted something in Chloe and she put up her free hand to stop him from coming any closer. “This isn’t a good idea,” she said not even believing her own words but knowing that she would be thankful for them later. Probably.

Something seemed to click in them both and after a moment Lex nodded in agreement. “This isn’t the time and the place,” he said and in that instance Chloe realised he hadn’t understood her. Or if he had then he had chosen to ignore her meaning. Sitting up he looked down on her and Chloe could feel herself flushing all over again. “Although it would have been a lot of fun,” he told her and there was a promise of something utterly delicious in his voice.

The blonde felt a burst of nervous laughter escape her before she had chance to stop it and some of the tension in the room dissipated. Lex’s face turned puzzled but he thankfully seemed to take no offence to her outburst. Taking hold of her other hand he helped her into a sitting position and said, “Note this is only a postponement. I fully expect to take advantage of you the next time we’re in a situation like this.”

“The next time we’re tied together or the next time we’re kidnapped?” she asked innocently then flushed again as she realised how her words might be interpreted. Lex returned her earlier laugh with one of his own which only made Chloe blush harder.

At the contemplative look that Lex then gave her Chloe felt her breath catch in her throat as a race of thoughts rushed through her head. She stood up quickly, half forgetting they were joined together and said, “Remember we’re trying to get out of here,” as much for her own benefit as for his.


It had taken him longer than he had expected to move through the plant and dispose of all the security guards that he knew would still be patrolling in the dark; waiting for someone to come and get them out of the lockdown. When he was certain that he had them all Lyle returned to Luthor’s office, breaking open every draw and cabinet that he could find in looking for evidence of Luthor’s crimes. Irritatingly he had come up with nothing. It seemed that the man and his father had hid them better than he had anticipated and although it irked the creature that had been Lyle dreadfully he had to reluctantly give up his plans; or rather he moved them ahead of schedule and scuttled back off into the plant again in the direction of the room where he had left them tied up.

He had left it too long and the sounds through the door told him that they had awoken. Lyle let out a low growl rumble from his throat feeling irritation well in him yet again. Stupid Luthor never bent to anyone’s will. The idiot didn’t even know when to be scared. It almost sounded as if they were not fazed at all by the ordeal he was putting them through. It almost sounded as if they were enjoying themselves.

In irritation and anger Lyle slammed his fist into the metal door, denting it with his considerable strength. The noise on the other side halted abruptly and the creature felt a wave of satisfaction wash through him. Maybe they weren’t as stupid as he had supposed. Filled with his new feeling of power he hit out again and this time there was some low, nervous talk to be heard on the other side. Pressing his ear to the metal he was mildly upset to find that he could not hear what was being said. It didn’t really matter of course but still he would have enjoyed hearing their fear fuelled pleadings. Drawing in a deep breath he leaned close to the door and shouted in crackling, “Not long now. Not long now, you bastard!”


When the sound of the voice came through the air and Chloe’s entire body twitched in surprise. Lex had half expected her to let out a small squeal but she apparently capable of resisting this urge. Still, he couldn’t help but notice the way that she seemed to take a step closer to him while staring at the door with wide eyes and somewhat gratefully he let her without comment.

“Someone really doesn’t like you Lex,” she said and her quiet voice sounded like she was in awe.

Giving her a wry look he said, “I think we had already established that.” Looking around the room Lex made a quick inventory of everything present then wandered towards one corner, Chloe following after him and not just because they were still connected.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Looking for a weapon,” he told her, pausing Lex bobbed down to inspect the box in the corner. “Hold this edge steady, will you?” he asked point to the edge of the box opposite them. When she had placed her free hand where he had indicated Lex gripped the wood of the crate and began to pull putting his entire back into to it. Eventually there was a loud noise as the wood splintered and he fell backwards taking her with him. When he sat back up he saw that Chloe had moved into a sitting position and was watching him with a somewhat smug expression on her face that burst into a smile of delight as he triumphantly held up a length of wood.

Chloe chuckled and clapped her free hand against her thigh in appreciation. Lex also looked decidedly happy with his achievement as he rose once again to his feet, bringing her with him. He hefted the length of wood from one hand to the other appreciatively. “This should do nicely.”

Watching him the blonde felt a sudden shudder of nervousness move through her and even Lex was able to note the physical change in her posture as a thought ran through her mind. Taking a deep breath Chloe said, “Just be careful okay? I don’t want you getting hurt.”

He looked at her and as he did a strange expression passed onto his face and Lex felt a sudden tenderness enter his heart. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you Chloe. Don’t worry.”

Glancing down, unable to meet the serious look in his eyes Chloe reached forwards and absently patted her finger tips on his chest. “I can’t help it,” she murmured half hoping that he had not heard her once the words were spoken. There was no such luck though and Lex captured her hand and held it against his chest.

“Do you honestly think I’m going to let some nobody, some Smallville freak, kill me?” he asked very seriously although there was a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Chloe focused her eyes on their entwined hands, feeling the strong beat of his heart beneath her fingers. “I guess not,” she replied and Lex leaned down to brush his lips against her forehead; the gesture sending a shiver of anticipation through her. “But that doesn’t stop me being concerned.”

“I’m touched,” he said very quickly with an air of sincerity.

She looked up to find him leaning down to place another kiss on her lips. It was soft and gentle and Chloe quickly stepped away again before it could deepen. “Let’s not start that again. Nothing will ever get done if we start that.”

He smiled at her indulgently. “No, I guess it wouldn’t. When we get out of here though…”

“Lex…” she began only to be interrupted by a sound from the other side of the door. “What was that?” she whispered.

Lex had tensed, gripping his makeshift weapon all the harder. “I don’t know. But I think we’re about to find out.”


“I still think we should try down this corridor,” Clark said growing evermore exasperated. Using his x-ray vision he had already determined that there were two human figures stood close together in one of the rooms that lead onto the corridor but there was no way he could tell Lana and Pete that. To make matters worse Pete was insisting that they check another corridor, heading in an entirely different direction first of all. They had been stood at this apex in the corridor for a good five minutes trying to come to a decision about which direction to go in and still they had made no decision.

After his silent appeals to Lana to agree with him failed Clark sighed and reluctantly said, “All right, we split up then. I’ll go this way and you two head off that way.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Clark,” Lana suddenly piped up and cast sympathetic eyes towards her boyfriend. When the two boys turned to look at her she added, “Let’s check out Clark’s corridor first Pete and then we’ll look into yours.”

Somewhat reluctantly and with a small pout on his lips Pete nodded and they set off down the corridor trying doors they passed as they went. All they came across were locked except for one which stood open and lay empty except for some crates which were also empty.

“What’s that?” Lana asked suddenly, pausing in her step as the sound which had long since reached Clark’s ears and which he had impatiently been waiting for one of them to notice reached Lana’s own ears.

“I think its coming from that door there,” he said helpfully pointing to the door behind which he had detected someone’s presence earlier.

Stepping towards it Pete tried the handle, tugging on it ruthlessly only to find it was locked. “We need a key,” he told them turning around.

“What about this?” Lana asked leaning down to pick up what seemed to be a piece of plastic. She held it up for them to see, wiping dark hair from her eyes. “It looks like one of those keycards that you get in hotels.” She stepped forwards and slipped the card into the box like socket on the wall. The red light turned green and there was an audible click. Suddenly the door swung open towards them, surprising the three teens, and two figured came stumbling out, tripping and falling to the floor in a heap.

Clark stared at the sight of Lex’s body covering Chloe’s smaller one in shock; not quite believing he was seeing what he was seeing. Within seconds there came Chloe’s voice saying in surprised tones, “Clark!” as she noticed the tall boy and then similar exclamations as Pete and Lana came into view.

“Aw, shit, my wrist!” Lex exclaimed and Clark peered down to see they were joined by a cord of some sort and that Lex’s hand was bent at what looked like a horribly uncomfortable angle. Bobbing down quickly the strong young man bent the cord loose, trying to cover the action with his body from the others.

Finding himself free Lex moved into a sitting position, cradling his wrist close to his chest while wincing visibly. Chloe’s head fell back to the floor and she let out a long sigh of relief before staring curiously up at Clark from her lying position. There was an unspoken question in her gaze that he knew had been coming.

“It must have come loose when you fell,” he offered by way of explanation.

The blonde girl nodded although he could still see a lingering suspicion in her eyes. Then Lana had dropped to her knees by her side, hugging the other girl hard as she sat up. Chloe received the gesture gratefully then leaned back against the wall looking over at Lex.

“You okay?”

He gave a weak smile. “My wrist hurts like hell but yeah, I’m fine.”

Chloe shifted so that she was closer to him and then Clark watched, stunned, as she carefully inspected the young man’s injury with delicate touches, conversing with him easily. He couldn’t help but noticed the frown on Pete’s face and then felt one form on his own as Lana also clustered around the fallen billionaire with a tender look on her face. Clark quickly pushed that observation away from the front of his mind. Of course Lana was going to want to see what was wrong.

“That looks nasty,” the brunette offered once she had also inspected Lex’s wrist, noting the deep bruising.

“I don’t think it’s broken,” Chloe said. “It’s probably just badly sprained. You did fall with one hell of a force.”

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Lex asked the blonde quickly, his voice laced with concern.

Chloe shook her head in the negative and smiled at him. “We need to get something to support that wrist.”

Lana sat back on her heals and looked around. Her eyes finally came to rest on Pete. “Give me your shirt,” she said.

“No way,” he responded, eyes widening.

The normally friendly faced girl suddenly grew an impatient expression. “You’re wearing a t-shirt anyway under it so get it off and pass it here.”

Noticing his friend glancing at him for support Clark shook his head, “I’m not getting involved.”

“Typical,” Pete sighed relinquishing the item of clothing.

Between them Chloe and Lana fashioned a sling of sorts that they helped Lex on with. When satisfied with how it fitted the two girls then helped the businessman to his feet. Clark could not help but notice that even when it had become abundantly clear that Lex was entirely capable of standing on his own that Chloe remained near to his side and that further more Lex made no effort to move away from the blonde reporter. A frown formed on his features as he wondered what was going on; then more importantly wondered what had gone on.

“We need to get out of here,” Lex said suddenly breaking whatever spell had formed over them all. Clark realised that they had been stood in the corridor for a good three or four minutes without saying anything to each other. “There is something in the plant that has killed people.”

Clark nodded. “We know. We passed one of the bodies on our way here.”

“Let’s move then,” Chloe said and walked off without a further word.


Lex could feel the eyes of the others on him as he walked ahead of them and staying close to Chloe as he did so. It was a sensation he was unsuccessfully trying to ignore. Anyone might have thought they knew something had gone on between them back in that tiny room but Lex reasoned that was just a degree of paranoia speaking. There was no way on earth that Chloe’s friends could have realised that only moments before their arrival he had been harbouring several x-rated thoughts about her that were still refusing to go away. That thought did not help to alleviate any of the tension that he felt between his shoulders.

Chloe, seeming to notice this, inclined her head towards him and asked in a quiet, discreet voice, “Are you okay?”

“I will be when we got out of here,” he replied, knowing in his heart that it was true that that he had no desire to lie to her.

There was a sudden shout from behind them and Lex was certain that he heard Lana scream before something barrelled sharply into him. He was knocked from his feet, landing heavily on the floor and Lex heard himself let out a short yelp of pain as his injured arm took the brunt of the fall. A hand snaked underneath the collar of his shirt at the back and suddenly he found he was being dragged backwards down the corridor from his friends at an alarming rate and with no way of stopping himself from moving.

“Lex!” he heard Chloe scream loudly and he desperately tried to focus his stunned eyes on the girl in the distance.

The four teenagers were running along after him but only Clark seemed capable of keeping up with the creature dragging him. Then suddenly they were through a door and it slammed shut behind them with a heavy metallic click that told Lex that the lock had engaged. Glancing around Lex saw that they were in one of the experimental vat rooms and that he was being pulled towards one of the large containers. An acid smell filled his nostrils and in that instance Lex realised this was one of the active rooms, that there were actually mixtures bubbling away inside the vats.

I’m going to die, he thought with startling clarity; his ears filled with the insane mutterings of the creature that had captured him.

There then came a huge, magnificently loud booming noise and looking in the direction of the door Lex saw that something impacted with it causing it to buckle and bend inwards. This seemed to give his captor reason to pause and for a second he let go of Lex’s collar. The young man immediately began to scrabble away but he had hardly moved any distance at all when the grip on his returned and they were moving again. He found himself bouncing painfully up a metal staircase, each step jarring his back painfully. There came another pounding noise and then another and to Lex’s amazement the door gave and Clark came racing through just as he was being hoisted into the air. Without even a pause Clark came towards them, tackling the creature low in the body and knocking it over.

For a second Lex felt an immense sensation of gratitude race through him and then the next thing he knew he was falling from the high platform and the only things he could think about were the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears and the noises of the continuing scuffle in the background. The pain of landing was like nothing he had ever experienced before and absently the young man noted that it was certainly his head which had taken some of the force on impact.

Then Chloe’s worried face appeared above his and her lips moved, “Lex? No Lex! Stay awake, damn-it… Lex…”


There was something about hospitals that made Chloe want to turn right around and flee the moment she stepped inside. Still she refused to do so now, instead nursing her swollen and bruised hand protectively in her lap as she sat in the excuse for a comfy chair that the nurse had provided her with and waited. She flexed her fingers experimentally to work loose some of the stiffness and winced as they ached in protest. The injury was her own fault, having been gained when she tackled the creature who had attacked Lex in a fit of rage as it broke loose from Clark and attempted to run away. She had succeeded in bringing it to the ground and had immediately aimed a punch at its jaw only to find her tightly clenched fist impacting with the floor instead of his face as the man, creature, whatever it had been, had shifted trying to throw her off. Then Lana and Pete had been there, piling on top of the creature and finally Clark as well, effectively pinning the man to the ground and leaving her free to return to Lex’s side.

At first she had been convinced he was dead and had felt tears coming into her eyes and a choked little cry escaped from her throat. Then cautiously she had placed two trembling fingers to his neck and found a pulse beating steadily there and a flood of relief had washed over her and Chloe had found herself crying anyway as she had tried to hug the figure on the floor to her.

She looked at the figure in the hospital bed and could not help but smile.

The doctors had told her he had a healthy sized concussion, two cracked ribs and a sprained wrist but other than that he was going to be perfectly fine. Chloe could hardly believe it. She had seen him fall. She had seen the force with which he hit the ground and she had difficulty believe that that was all that had resulted.

As his eyes flickered open the blonde reporter slipped to her feet and moved closer to the bed with almost childlike eagerness. For a second she felt the twinge of nerves only to have them dispelled as he smiled at her. Slowly she leaned down and brushed her lips against his.

“A wonderful way to wake up if ever there was one,” Lex murmured against her lips.

Chloe leaned back and grinned at him. “Don’t you dare do that again,” she scolded him softly.

Lex raised his eyebrows. “What?”

“Scare me like that Lex Luthor. I thought you were going to die or something.”

“I do apologise,” he said with a replying grin. “Although, if it brings about such a response every time then I shall be reluctant to give it up.”

“If I wasn’t so certain it would hurt both of us then I’d hit you mister.”

Once again he smiled and very seriously asked. “You didn’t honestly think I was going to die did you?”


“How could I possibly do that when I haven’t shown you how much fun it could be?” he interrupted before she could say anymore.

Frowning Chloe asked, “How much fun what could be?”

“Being tied up with me of course.”

Chloe blushed brilliantly and leaned in close to him. “Well hurry up and get well again then so you can show me,” she whispered and then kissed him.


12th December 2003, 10:46
If ever a story deserved a sequel, this one does!! What happened to Lyle after they caught him? Will he try to get even with Lex and Chloe? This is such a great story, I really enjoyed reading it!! :chlexsign4:

22nd December 2003, 23:07
:wub: this was soooo much fun. I agree, we need more!!!!

31st July 2005, 08:54

1st January 2006, 02:53
I really like the story line. This runs like an episode (a much more enjoyable episode). You did a really great job capturing everyone’s reactions. I liked Lyle Garner. I did have a little trouble picturing him though. I know you kept referring to him glowing green but I wasn’t sue if he was still human (and glowing) or some kind of spider thing.

Interesting story, thanks for writing.


3rd May 2008, 06:12
Nice story. I enjoyed reading this one. {Smiles} It is amazing how much Clark can do in front of people and they just brush it off with his feeble explanations. I swear it is like Sunnydale on Buffy ... the oblivious factor. Good story.

22nd May 2008, 01:59
i love it and would love it more if there was a sequel.