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View Full Version : The Night Before Chlexmas - G (complete)

7th November 2004, 02:30
Title: The Night Before Chlexmas
Rating: G
Summary: Remember that christmas poem, 'twas the night before christmas? Well, this is my chlex take on it, centred around the events of Lex's christmas party...
A/N: I totally live for feedback. Indulge me! Suggestions for new parodies are also welcome... :biggrin:

~The Night Before Chlexmas~

'Twas the night before Christmas, and deep in the house,
Chloe was creeping, hushed as a mouse

The decor was lavish and polished with care
Lord knows what would happen if Lex found her there...

This "Mansion" said "Money" with capital 'M's'
Yet all was so tasteful (being covered with gems)

The party downstairs had just started to whoop,
When Chloe'd slipped out for a nice crafty snoop

So now here she was in her new Sunday Best
Exploring, adoring Lex Luthor's Love Nest

Then Careless old Chloe bumped into a door
And grabbing a suit of arms, crashed to the floor

Lex, who was wandering jumped at the clatter,
Ran like the wind to see what was the matter

Such a sight to be seen, a memory to keep:
A blonde reporter in an ungraceful heap

Lex swooped to her rescue, and removed the Knight,
Pulled the girl to her feet and laughed at her plight

Chloe, embarrassed, didn't know what to do
As knowing Lex Luthor he'd probably sue

So she turned her eyes downward, gazed at the floor
Plotting her escape to the nearest fire door

"Just wanted a tour, please forgive me" said she
"Then toured you shall be, take my hand," replied he

She was shocked and surprised, yet duly obliged
Was Luthor a good guy who's just well disguised?

They walked every hall and passed through every door,
Her eyes wide with wonder at the sights she saw

"There's a room for every conceivable thing!"
Cried Chloe as she stood by the pool, peering in.

"And look you've got fishes, a fancy tank too,
Show me - have you named them? I know guys that do... "

Lex led her swiftly, and still holding her hand,
Said pointing to each fish with a tone most grand:

"That's Dollar, and Deutschmark, Sterling and Lira
Here's Euro, There's Franc and I've lost little Vera...

Saw her floating on the top - knew that she had passed,
But come, to the terrace, the best is saved for last."

Sprinting through the hallway, dragging Chlo' behind
He grasped her hand tightly, but she didn't mind

Like leaves in a whirlwind, through the house they flew
Chloe and a millionaire who was handsome too

He dragged her faster, and she shrieked in delight
They then reached the terrace, walked out to the night

It was there that they halted, laughing out loud
She straightening her top and he wiping his brow

And then peering over the smooth marble ledge
Chloe gave a gasp as the sights filled her head

The garden, extensive, was tended with care
and the smell of crisp jasmine tinted the air

She heard trickling water from an unseen stream,
And she held her breath to not wake from this dream

Tree branches dancing in the cool midnight breeze
Lex watched her hair blowing, moving with ease

Then taking a step so that Chloe was near,
He tucked a blonde strand behind her right ear

She turned to behold him basked in the moonlight,
Looked into his eyes as they shone like starlight

"Would you like to dance?" she said, nervously slow,
Swaying to music from the party below

He shook his head, smiling, swaying to and fro,
Then as if from nowhere, produced some Mistletoe

Holding it above his head, hand resting on her hips,
They met under the mistletoe and brushed each other's lips

World becoming blurry, warmth beginning to rise,
Chloe would spend forever swimming deep in his eyes

When the clock struck 12, the gathering was over
The party-folk leaving, not one of them sober.

From the stairs, Lex and Chloe looked down on the crowd
All collecting their coats and laughing out loud

Lex shouted to the party as he held Chloe tight:
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

7th November 2004, 03:09
that was so funny!

Becky, i always enjoy your parodies! You are just so good at this.

and i LOVED the part about the fish.

thankyou so much for writing this! you're awesome!

7th November 2004, 03:38
I like the fish bit :biggrin: :biggrin: Great job! :chlexsign2:

7th November 2004, 06:11
I suck at good rhymes, so I'm always impressed by those who can do it well. Great work!

7th November 2004, 06:37
That was great. :D

Hope ;)

7th November 2004, 09:05
I so can't rhyme so I love people who can and you can!

This was funny and sweet and fun!!


7th November 2004, 15:04
Wonderful Becky.... Very enjoyable :clap:


9th November 2004, 00:43
lol awesome ^__^v


7th December 2004, 08:46
Originally posted by becky@Nov 6 2004, 09:30 PM
Lex led her swiftly, and still holding her hand,
Said pointing to each fish with a tone most grand:

"That's Dollar, and Deutschmark, Sterling and Lira
Here's Euro, There's Franc and I've lost little Vera...
Nice fish.:tongue: :chlexsign3: ....that was so adorable!

7th December 2004, 19:23
You are amazing!! I don't see how you do the parodies, but you do it so well!! :worship2: Thanks for this wonderful picture of Chloe and Lex at Christmas!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

11th March 2005, 23:18
Greet story. I like how it rhymes, and I wish I could rhyme like you did.

24th November 2009, 01:27
"That's Dollar, and Deutschmark, Sterling and Lira
Here's Euro, There's Franc and I've lost little Vera"

LOL! Too cute.

Ami Rose
11th December 2013, 19:06
Lmao love it