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View Full Version : [Completed] A Luthor Never Backs Down (NC-17) - Sequel to Come Get Me

19th April 2003, 00:47

Title: A Luthor Never Backs Down
Author: HumbugGirl
Email: humbuggirl@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/peacefulempress/home.html or http://www.geocities.com/oddfiction
Pairing: Lex/Chloe
Rating: NC17
Summary: Lex visits Chloe.
Spoilers: ‘Rush’
Disclaimer: Nothing to do with ‘Smallville’ belongs to me. They’re not mine. They will never belong to me either. This was just written for fun and because I love the characters.
Author’s Notes: 1) I wrote this without seeing ‘Rush’ but not without reading a hell of a lot about it. I hope I’ve captured the characters appropriately. 2) Sequel to ‘Come Get Me’ 3) If it seems like I tend to ignore the fact that Lex and Helen are in a relationships its simply because I haven’t really been following much to do with her character. Plus, the only person Lex should be a relationship with on that show is Chloe. 4) *must fight the uncontrollable need to write angst* lol
Feedback: Please. I’d love it.


It seemed that Chloe was developing a habit of catching him off guard and leaving him baffled. It was almost disconcerting. Sometimes it seemed like she spent her entire time breezing in and out of his life and, if Lex was completely honest with himself, he’d had just about enough of being left without a more definitive idea of what the situation was exactly between them.

After her leaving the house the day before Lex had perched on the edge of the pool table for a good half an hour trying to figure out what on earth had just happened. No, that was wrong. He knew exactly what had happened; Chloe Sullivan had just walked into his life and reminded him of exactly what it had been missing the last few months. Helen was all well and nice, he really did like her most of the time but… But she didn’t have the same passion and vitality that he had first recognised in Chloe and trust was still an issue between them...

A slow smile wandered over his features as he remembered the blonde girl’s words before leaving. Never let it be said that Lex Luthor was a man who said no to a challenge; especially one that promised to be so pleasurable.

Now the next day as he stood outside the hospital room and readied himself mentally to go inside there was only one niggling little doubt in his mind; Clark said she had lost her memory of all of the previous day’s events. Still, he couldn’t get the memory out of his head of her words the day before; she had been waiting for him to make a move.

It couldn’t have been a random comment just to placate him. Chloe never said anything unless she meant it and Lex seriously doubted that even through some type of parasitic worm had decided to invade her that even something like that would change the fact. Which only added up to one thing in Lex’s mind; Chloe Sullivan, in whatever incarnation she may be, wanted him and that thought was more than a little satisfying.

He took a deep breath before pushing down the door handle and stepping inside the silent little room. As always, Chloe had a private room at the hospital that was the result of her father’s medical plan at work and not for the first time Lex found himself grateful of the fact. She was laid in the bed, her eyes closed although he could tell from the way that she was breathing that she was not asleep and was aware of his presence. When he approached the bed and had been standing there for several seconds without saying anything Chloe slowly opened her eyes and looked at him curiously.

“Lex,” she said and it almost sounded as if it were a question.

“Hello Chloe,” he replied seriously, approaching the bed. She eyed him warily.

“Mind me asking what you’re doing here?”

Trying for as relaxed a stance as he could managed Lex answered, “No, not at all.”

The answer seemed to surprise her slightly and the blonde had to fight for control of her facial features so as not to betray it. She had clearly been expecting some mysterious reply from him. “Okay, what are you doing here then?”

“Visiting you and… and answering a challenge.” This time a frown was his answer and he took another step closer to the hospital bed.

Chloe opened her mouth and closed it again before finally speaking. “I know I’m going to regret this but…”

“What challenge?” She only nodded in reply. “The one you issued me with.” Before she had chance to reply he leaned down and laid a kiss almost tentatively on her lips. Now was not the time to press things too quickly.

He pulled away when a soft little moan elicited from her lips. “I don’t remember challenging you to do that,” she murmured, a dazed expression in her eyes.

“I guess I could try refreshing your memory.” He leaned down again and kissed her with a little bit more force, feeling her return it almost eagerly.

“You know, I’m only doing this because it’s a dream,” the blonde replied when she gently pushed him away a little with one hand.

“A dream?” he questioned.

“Sure,” Chloe said. “You know the drill. I’ve had this one before. Of course, the ‘challenge’ bit is new but I’m guessing that’s the result of something I did yesterday and just don’t remember.”

Her theory made him grin at her and teasingly, in a low voice he said, “And if it isn’t a dream?”

“Then I still want to know what the hell I did yesterday.”

For a second he paused and then he brushed his lips against hers before tracing down the line of her jaw. Reaching the bottom of her ear he let his tongue dart out, tasting her skin. A hand suddenly came up and wrapped around his arm as Lex slid his own hand over her stomach to cup around one breast. The girl on the bed drew in a shuddering breath and attempted to sit up only to find that he was holding her down. Looking at her Lex found her eyes wide and in that second there was some suspicion as to what had gone on forming in her because the expression on her face was no longer one solely of lust but also of confusion.

“You seemed to like games,” he said and darted his tongue over her lips once again.

“Let me guess…” Chloe breathed. “They happened to be ones you enjoyed too?”

Lex nodded and let a smirk drift onto his lips. “They were. In fact, you made a very deliberate point of showing me just how much you enjoyed them.”

“I did?”

Another nod and he felt her arch into his hand as his fingers found a hard nipple through the hospital gown she wore. Her eye’s fluttered shut momentarily and when they opened again she said, “This really isn’t a dream is it?”


“Well then… shit,” she said and he noticed that a brilliant blush had begun to wash over her features.

He frowned. “Not exactly the reaction I was looking for.”

“What were you looking for?”

“Well something along the lines of you stripping out of whatever clothing and throwing yourself at me seemed like a good idea.” He winced as she smacked him on the arm. “You did ask.”

“I know I did but… It’s just. I’m sorry okay! I mean, I was under the control of some weird parasitic worm and I, well, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.”

He sat back and pulled the jacket he was wearing straight. “That’s a shame then.”


“You think I’m here because I didn’t enjoy the experience? I thought we already cleared that up.”

Once again Chloe frowned, the expression looking as uncharacteristic on her as it always did. Chloe Sullivan did not get confused; she had a wonderfully clear and well working mind. “Yes but… you said it yourself, you could just be here because of the challenge. If there is one thing I’ve realised since you came to town Lex it’s that you always have to win.”

A sly little smile came over his lips. “Chloe, have you ever considered the idea that you alone are the challenge?”

“If you’re looking to get into my good books Lex insulting me isn’t the way to do it.” The comment made him laugh out loud and she looked at him strangely. “Don’t tell me I…” She trailed off, eyes widening. The blonde girl suddenly brought her hands up to cover her face and then peered out at Lex through parted fingers. “What did I say?”

“Something about a toupee…”

Once again her eyes widened with something resembling horror. “Oh god I’m sorry, I never meant… I mean, I would never mean to…”

“Relax. I’m not angry.”

She seemed to contemplate this for a moment. “You’re really not angry?” Lex shook his head in the negative. “Then why are you here teasing me?”

“I thought I was completing a challenge,” he quipped.

“You can do one and the other at the same time,” Chloe replied very seriously.

“I can do a lot of things at the same time.”

“And which one specifically do you have in mind at the moment?” she asked playfully.

Slowly Lex slipped his hand underneath the taunt bed sheet, down past the hem of the nightdress and laid his hand upon her thigh. She shifted slightly in the bed and to his surprise he felt her thighs edge apart to allow him easier access. Lex smiled at her knowingly and cupped her groin as a dull ache began to form there and she pressed up against him.

“You’re not actually going to do this,” she breathed as if trying to convince herself.

Another grin appeared on his face. “Why not?”

“Because I’m in a hospital Lex!”

He shrugged his reply. “Now seems like as good a time as any. Are you up for it?”

Chloe grinned at him. “A Luthor isn’t the only one who never backs down.”


Lady Candy
11th October 2003, 23:32
Wow, also the sequel is fantastic!

12th October 2003, 02:43
:drool: mmmmmmmmm wonderful!!! Only one question: Why the HELL did you stop there?

12th October 2003, 03:33
This was just as good as the first one, but Renee's right, why the hell did you stop there?

12th October 2003, 03:34
Oops, slippery fingers.

17th April 2004, 06:50
ohhhhhh. wow.


27th April 2004, 00:29
OOH! another sequel please!! That was cool... pocket sized smut :devil:


27th April 2004, 08:51
sequel was just as good as the first one which was so very good

12th April 2005, 00:57
WOW!!! i am glad that lex didn't back down and went after chloe. that was just great and the smut was perfect.

10th July 2005, 19:42
Great :)

A really great sequel for the really great story itself. Brilliant :)

11th July 2005, 17:02


11th August 2005, 04:55
It was good but u should have given us some :hankpank:.

1st January 2006, 02:18
Just as perfect as the first one. It's just too bad that you decided to stop there.

I loved it, thanks for writing.


8th January 2006, 17:55
Fantastic but i can't believe you ended it there !!! Great fic !!

11th December 2012, 07:44
Great sequel

21st February 2013, 17:56
*Gapes at screen* He didn't back down. He went to the hospital. Chloe .... *claps* Very very good!

Ami Rose
27th February 2020, 21:17
Great sequel