View Full Version : [Completed] Just A Little Understanding (NC-17)

19th April 2003, 00:41

Title: Just A Little Understanding (1/1)
Author: HumbugGirl
Email: humbuggirl@hotmail.com
URL: Storyville http://www.geocities.com/peacefulempress/home.html
Pairing: Lex/Chloe
Rating: NC-17 – without a doubt.
Spoilers: None really.
Summary: Everything always happens during a rain storm.
Disclaimer: Okay so I haven’t had the chance to come up with a proper disclaimer yet so you’ll have to put up with the basic ‘none of the characters belong to me, this is a non-profit piece of work just written for fun with praise directed at the creators of Smallville’ kinda thing.
Author’s Notes: 1) My first ever Smallville fic so be gentle. 2) As far as I know I got Lex’s eye colour right so please don’t complain if I got it wrong. 3) I’m making the assumption that Chloe’s legal.
Feedback: Naturally I would love some.
Dedication: To all the wonderful Lex/Chloe ‘shippers out there. If it wasn’t for you I’m not sure I would ever have noticed the potential.

The blonde frowned and pouted slightly, her lower lip still slightly reddened from the manner in which she had been lightly biting it only moments before. Absently Chloe reached for the cup of coffee on the table in front of her and nearly knocked it over. She swore a little under her breath and mopped up the small spill that had formed with a handy paper napkin.

It was typical really. There little Miss Perfect was balancing a tray full of coffee cups and glasses with one hand and she could barely manage to keep her own drink on the table without sending the contents everywhere. Taking a deep breath Chloe leaned back in her seat and tried to calm the way her heart had suddenly decided to race at a hundred miles an hour. She was amazed that her face hadn’t blushed brightly in embarrassment to make it all the more obvious what a klutz she was.

At the other side of the café Clark suddenly spotted her and gave a little wave with a cheerful smile. Chloe returned the smile weakly wishing he hadn’t noticed her at all. Moments earlier he had been unable to take his eyes off the delicate little brunette who had been batty her big beautiful eyes at him and now he was trying to be all friendly and gooey eyed towards her. For a heart stopping second she thought he was going to approach her table and then Lana reappeared and all his attention was hers again.

The pout returned with vengeance.

“Is something particularly the matter?” a velvety voice asked. “Or is that a face that which is generally complaining about the world?”

The blonde jerked her head up and found that Lex Luthor was sinking into the cushioned seat next to her with his usual grace. There was an arrogant little smirk on his face; just like the one that always made her want to hit him. She couldn’t imagine actually doing so though. The problem was that he just always looked so charming, smirking aside. A light blush came to her cheeks at the thought that she had been caught staring.

“It’s nothing,” she said quickly.

He nodded briefly, seemingly accepting what she said though Chloe could tell that the young man had merely filed away the incident to think about later. There was a reason that he had gained the reputation for being calculating after all. “So how have you been?” he asked. “It’s been a while since I last saw you.”

Startled Chloe simply sat and stared at him. Since when did Lex make small talk? “I guess I’m okay,” she eventually replied a little nervously.

“That’s good. Everything’s going okay with the paper then?”

“Sure. I mean, as fine as covering pep rallies and canteen menus can be.”

He chuckled and Chloe felt herself relax slightly. That small laugh was proof that he was both human and didn’t think she was an idiot. There was a little something about Lex that always made her feel so adult. They could have a five minute conversation together and she would come away feeling so much older than she actually was. She supposed it was the knowledge that he would make the effort to speak to her as if she was an equal and not his junior by several years.

“Just think of what you’re going through now as a step towards what I’m sure will be a brilliant career.”

Chloe both smiled brightly and blushed at his compliment. Uncharacteristically she found she was dumb struck for a moment and reached for what remained of her coffee in an effort to hide her reaction. She sipped at it and watched Lex over the rim.

“I can only hope,” she said finally.

“I’ve read a few of your articles Chloe,” he said sincerely. “You’ve no need to worry.”

“Thank you. It means a lot to know that someone has confidence in me.”

Lex waved her thanks away with a small gesture. “It goes beyond confidence.” The young man leaned forwards, resting his elbows on knees clad in neat dark grey trousers. “I can understand what it’s like here for you. There’s this tremendous potential practically boiling over in you and for the moment there’s no outlet. It’s frustrating.”

The blonde nodded cautiously. “I suppose you do know,” she said. At the questioning expression that spread onto Lex’s face she continued. “I mean, here you are, stuck in the back of beyond where there’s pretty much nothing to do all day in and day out and there doesn’t seem to be a way for you to get away. Somehow it just seems like Smallville is too small to hold you.”

He chuckled a little. “I must admit that I occasionally do get a little claustrophobic.”

“That’s certainly one way to put it.”

“What?” he asked when she sat in silence for a moment just looking at him, taking in the intenseness of his eyes and the full swell of his lips.

“I was just thinking that I don’t think I’ve ever just talked to you before, it’s always been more like an interview.” She hesitated. “It’s been nice.”

He raised an eyebrow at her and with the action a mischievous came to the blue-green of his eyes. “Nice?” he replied and the way in which he said it made Chloe’s thoughts race. Sometimes it felt like he was trying to play with her mind. Sometimes it felt like he *was* playing with her mind. This happened to be one of the latter times.

“You don’t want it to be nice?” she asked and then blushed as she realised exactly how it must have sounded. Chloe Sullivan, queen of dirty mental images and sexual innuendo.

“Personally ‘nice’ isn’t my style,” Lex answered smiling at her and this time it was a true smile not the smirk he had originally displayed. There was something in his eyes that was hot and amused and for a moment Chloe had to resist the urge to squirm in her seat. If I didn’t know better, she thought, I’d say Lex Luthor was flirting with me. Chloe felt herself begin to clam up wondering what she could possibly say that wouldn’t make herself come out sounding like a gibbering idiot. This was not how she had imaged this conversation going. Hell, she hadn’t really imagined this conversation at all - but if she had this wasn’t how she had pictured things.

Leaning back in his seat again, closely resembling a feline of some kind, Lex added, “I didn’t think you embarrassed so easily.”

“I don’t. Not normally at least. I’m…”

“You just feel a little tongue tied today,” he supplied.

There was an increasingly flustered sensation growing in her heart and Chloe shifted in her seat, playing with the cup on the table in front of her. “Somehow I get the feeling you’re teasing me.”

“Maybe just a little,” he admitted under her gaze. “But then it was rather fun.”

The blonde girl shot to her feet, pulling on her coat. “I think I’d better go now. I’ve got a couple of things to do for The Torch. I’ll, em, see you around Lex.” Without saying another word she turned and hurried away through the café emerging out onto the sidewalk in double quick time. Outside she took a deep breath of the cool night air and told herself to stop being so foolish. It was only Lex. So what if he was older and incredibly intelligent and rich and her Dad’s boss and strangely attractive? She found Clark attractive and she’d never turned into a wreck around him.

Footsteps sounded behind her and Chloe spun to find that the young man had followed her out of Talon. As he approached the expression on his face was one that so foreign to Chloe that she had to look again more carefully to ensure that she wasn’t mistaken. She couldn’t be certain but he almost looked apologetic.

“Was there something that you particularly wanted or is this just another stop on the ‘how to embarrass Chloe’ train?” she asked tartly.

Lex winced a little. “Okay, I suppose I deserved that. I’ll make it up to you.” He gestured to the sky. “It’s going to rain – why don’t I give you a ride home?”

The reporter glanced at the sleek, silvery car sat by the side of the road knowing that Lex was the only person in town who would be able to afford it. With a determined tilt of her chin Chloe answered, “I’ve heard about your driving.”

A charming smile filtered onto his face. “I promise I’ll be extra careful.”

She looked up at the sky and then at the distant horizon. Both seemed to tell her the same thing; there was no doubting that it was going to rain. From the size of the clouds she had to admit that it looked like being quite a downpour as well. With a reluctant sigh she turned to the expectant young man, “Okay you can drive me home but only if you promise not to speed.”

With a self-satisfied grin he replied, “You can beat me up if I do.”

Chloe gave him a pointed glare and hid the smile that threatened then went to stand by the passenger door. Moments later he had unlocked the car with an audible beep and was climbing behind the wheel. At least he hadn’t tried to be all gentlemanly and open the door for her.

As she slipped into the car and onto the leather of the low seat the first drops of rain were already gently pounding on the widescreen. The blonde hastily slammed the door shut and arranged her bag down by her feet. It only took a couple of seconds to get settled with the seat belt firmly fastened across her body. Lex smiled knowingly at her then pulled away from the curb.

“You can put the radio on if you want,” he said peering out into the fast approaching gloom of the rain storm.

Without looking at him Chloe said, “I think I’ll pass. The rain sounds nice. It sounds sort of… alive.”

They drove on in silence with only the sound of the rain outside and the windscreen wipers for company. It seemed to Chloe that the rain grew heavier, driving at them relentlessly and she thanked god that Lex noticed the same thing and slowed from his usual breakneck speed to a more sensible pace. A quick, sideways glance told the girl that he was watching the road as avidly as she would have done herself with a slight air of concern about him.

“Maybe we should pull over for a while, until the worst passes,” she offered.

Lex shook his head. “I don’t think that would be such a good idea. I can’t tell for certain but there doesn’t look to be a break in the clouds any time soon. We might get stuck out here.”

“Lex you can’t see anything out there,” she objected waving a hand at the road in front of them.

“Just hand on a little while longer. It isn’t that much further to your place.” Outside the car a brilliant white flash of lightening struck and was closely followed by a thunderous roar.

Reluctantly she settled back again, crossing her arms across her middle so that he wouldn’t find nail marks in the armrest later. This was a really stupid idea. They shouldn’t be out here. No one knew where they were and knowing her luck recently then either they’d be out of range for a signal on a mobile phone or the phone just wouldn’t work. Silently Chloe scolded herself. She should never have got in the car with him. She should have caught the bus as she had planned. Getting in a car with Lex Luthor was never going to be the best decision of her young life. This was going to end disastrously. Chloe put her hand to her head and rubbed her brow feeling the onset of a headache.

“Is that your house?” Lex’s mellow voice asked breaking through the barrage of thoughts that had been assaulting the blonde’s mind. She looked up, pale eyes focusing through the stormy night outside.

“I think. It’s a little hard to tell. There should be a turning just up ahead.”

“I know.” She looked at him questioningly and from the corner of his eye Lex must have noticed because he added, “I came here once to speak to your father on business.”

“I must have been out at the time,” she said when the young man didn’t elaborate.

The tires screeched a little as they turned the corner into the long driveway leading up to the Chloe’s house and for a frightening moment she heard the engine groaning as they fought to stay on the road. It seemed to take an eternity to reach her house. She slammed her eyes shut certain that they were going to crash. Moments later however Lex braked hard, skidding the car to a halt in front of her home. Outside the rain continued to pound down creating a heavy blanket between them and the front door that stood no more than ten feet away.

Chloe fumbled around inside her bag and came up with her house keys. She sat uncomfortably then turned to Lex. “You can’t drive in this,” she told him pulling a key from her key ring and passed it to Lex whose face was covered with a bemused expression. “Put you car in the garage then come up to the house.”

Without waiting for an answer she flung open the car door and ran across the short gap to the relative safety of the front porch, the wind almost knocking her from her feet as she went. It took her several seconds to get the key in the lock as the wind caught her hair and danced it around her face and in front of her eyes. On what seemed like the millionth attempt she felt the key slide home and hurriedly rushed inside.

The calm inside was almost startling in contrast to the fury outside. For a brief moment Chloe paused, taking a deep breath and steadying the shaking of her body. After composing herself the blonde walked into her sitting room, dropping her bag on the couch and heading towards the mirror. On seeing her reflection Chloe let out a startled little curse and began to sort her hair back into something resembling a style using the tips of her fingers. She looked as if she had been crying. Her eyes were reddened by the wind and her cheeks had a rosy glow but she still looked unsteady on her feet. Absently she wiped rain away with her hands and then used a tissue to blow her nose.

Feeling happier with her appearance the blonde girl abandoned her reflection and went to the window to check on Lex’s progress. As she watched from the safety of the house the wind tore at his clothes, making then fly wildly around him. He fought with the garage door and for a moment she was certain it would be ripped from his grasp and then with a colossal shove he had it closed. Turning the young man strode across in the direction of the house. Before she was entirely certain what she was doing Chloe had retrieved a clean towel, warm from the airing cupboard and was handing it to him as he came through the front door.

“Thank you,” lex said taking it from her and rubbing at his face, head and neck.

“Let me take your jacket and hang it up,” she said and waited patiently while he pulled off the black leather coat to reveal a charcoal coloured sweater. When she turned back from placing it on a hook Lex was smiling at her again as if he knew something she didn’t. A little disconcerted she asked, “Do you want something to drink?” and headed away in the direction of the kitchen, vaguely aware that he was sauntering after her. Chloe offered a silent prayer that she wouldn’t do anything stupid.

“I’ll have a coffee if you feel like making one. The wind out there is bitter.”

“We only have instant,” she told him and immediately regretted the almost apologetic tone that had entered her voice on speaking. This was Lex Luthor not God; he could drink instant coffee and be grateful for it.

“That’ll be fine.”

Chloe nodded, reaching for a pair of mugs and spooning in the coffee. From the work top she took the kettle and filled it from the tap. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Lex, sat at the kitchen table, watching her and shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

“You’re flashing,” he said and at the shocked expression that covered her features pointed to the answer phone that was on the counter top to one side. There was that irritating hint of amusement about his face at her reaction that made Chloe glad she hadn’t come up with an immediate reply.

“Oh, can you play it for me?”

He didn’t say a word only pressed the play button. “You have two new messages,” the recording told her. “Chloe darling,” her father’s voice came. “I’m just calling to tell you not to worry. I’m going to stay at Donald’s until all this blows itself out. Hope you’re home okay, keep safe and take care.” There was a beep and Clark’s soft voice filled the room. “Hi Chloe. I’m just calling to make sure you got home okay. I’m at Talon now but I’m heading home so you won’t be able to reach me for a while. I’ll call back later.”

The line went dead and Chloe heard the tape resetting itself. At Lex’s inquisitive expression she said, “He fusses a lot.” Lex raised one of his pale eyebrows almost as if disbelieving her. “He does!” she added.

“Is there something going on between you two?”

“No!” she exclaimed spinning around so that he wouldn’t see her face and pretending to be fiddling with something on the counter top. Then realising that she might have been a little quick in answering she added. “I mean Clark would have told you right?”

“I guess he would. So you’re not seeing anyone then?”

“No. There was someone but…” She shook her head. “It was never going to work out.” The kettle clicked to signal its finish and the blonde reached for it again.

“You dumped him?” Lex asked and this time his voice betrayed a hint of surprise and the fact that he was much closer. A hand reached past her settling on the counter near to the coffee cup. She could feel him looming up behind her and all of a sudden Lex Luthor seemed like a giant of a man. Turning Chloe found herself with her eyes firmly fixed on his chest and trapped between his arms. It seemed they were standing impossibly close to each other.

“I suppose that’s one way of putting it,” she replied. Absently she licked her lips then said, “Um, Lex, what are you doing?”

A hand appeared beneath her chin and tilted her face up until they were looking each other in the eyes. “This,” he said and leaned down to brush his lips against hers briefly. He drew away momentarily to look at her then leaned back in and such was Chloe’s shock that she did not stop him.

Soft warm lips pressed against her and Chloe parted her own in reply. She felt the tip of his tongue putting light pressure on her and opened her mouth further to allow him entrance. For a moment they just stood there and then Lex had taken a step forwards and they were pressed tightly together. His hands had abandoned the counter top as he wrapped lightly muscled arms about her, one hand resting on the round of her bottom. Chloe guided a hand over his arm, fingers playing lightly on the surface as she luxuriated in the sensations he was causing and eventually sliding up around the back of his neck.

She suddenly broke away, gasping for breath and blushing deeply but staying in his arms. “You know that was a really stupid idea don’t you?” she asked, staring at the slightly glazed look in his eyes. His lips were reddened, full of blood and there seemed to be something about the normally immaculate young man that was flustered.

“Oh I don’t know. It seemed awfully sensible to me.”

Frowning she said, “You weren’t… aren’t thinking. Did you get hit on the head or something when I wasn’t looking?”

“No, not that I know of.” He brushed her lips again and lightly squeezed her arse. Chloe felt a rush of blood to her face and arms and everywhere. She couldn’t help but smile a little and he took it as an invitation to pull her firmly to him again.

“Stop that a moment,” she said as he lifted her and settled her on the counter top. Lex just smiled, shook his head and it was suddenly getting hard to think very clearly because he had slipped a hand beneath her skirt and was running it over the supple flesh of her thigh and towards somewhere where he really shouldn’t be reaching. “Lex, listen to me,” she said.

Looking into her eyes he said, “I don’t feel much like listening.” There was a mischievous look in his eyes as he said it and Chloe found herself wondering whether this was really such a bad idea. He was lightly stroking the satin of her panties now and a warm sensation began to grow in the blonde’s stomach. She wriggled a little pressing herself more firmly against his strong fingers. There was a wicked little pause and she suddenly became certain he was going to stop for good. “Don’t you dare,” she panted putting a hand on his arm to prevent him from pulling away. “You started so you finish.”

The fingers flitted across the damp material and played with the lightly laced edges. She was moaning as he slipped them around and cupped her naked groin. Chloe thrust into his hand almost involuntarily, her cheeks burning and eyes blurred with passion. A long finger was working its way inside of her and Chloe gave a small cry at the contact, clutching at his neck while he alternately whispered into her ear and lightly bit the lobe. The blonde girl rocked herself against his hand and the only thought that could enter her mind was that she couldn’t believe that it was Lex Luthor stood there in front of her.

Another finger pushed its way into her and she heard Lex murmur, “Fuck you’re tight,” by her ear and a kind of jubilation rushed through her at the hoarseness in his voice. He was forcing his fingers deeper and deeper now and in time another was added and it hurt now. The sound of her heart and her gasps and cries and groans filled her ears in the dead silence of the kitchen as he thrust deeper and deeper into her with almost painful force until she suddenly let out a loud, long cry and felt herself spasm about his fingers.

Chloe slumped against him fighting her breath with her arms still locked about his neck and tiny salty droplets trailing down her cheeks. “There, there,” he murmured drawing his hand from between her legs and wiping it on the towel. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head as Chloe found herself looking out the window.

“It’s stopped raining,” she said quietly.

“Chloe!” a voice called and the blonde’s head darted up, all sleepiness disappearing immediately. “Chloe are you in?”

“Is that..?” Lex began.

“Clark,” she said in confirmation. “He… he can’t walk in on this.”

“Maybe if we hold still he’ll go away,” the young man offered.

Shaking her head Chloe said, “He’ll come around back looking. Damn it I thought he was going to ring.” She pushed Lex away and jumped down from the counter, working her long skirt back down her legs from up around her thighs. There was a knock on the glass in the back door telling her that Clark had already made it around to the rear of the house. Smiling she looked up to find the dark haired boy watching the two occupants of the room with interest. Chloe crossed to the door and opened it for him.

“Hi Clark, I got your message,” she said. “I thought you were going to call back.”

“I was but I was worried so I thought I would call around,” he answered absently. He seemed to barely notice the blonde girl’s presence and was staring at Lex in something akin to amazement.

“Hello Clark,” the young billionaire said.

“Lex, I…. What are you doing here?”

“Lex gave me a ride home when the weather turned.” Chloe said by way of explanation. “I made him wait out the storm here.”

“Oh,” Clark answered, the openness of his face betraying no other suspicions.

A sudden alteration seemed to come over Lex’s demeanour and he straightened himself up to his full height. “Thank you for the coffee Chloe but I’m afraid I need to get going now the rain’s let up.”

“You’re welcome. Shall I get your coat?”

“No I’ll get it on my way out. Good to see you again Clark,” he said heading towards the door.

“You too,” the younger man answered.

“Drive carefully,” Chloe said and caught a sudden flicker of amusement on Lex’s face.

“You can beat me up if I don’t.”

“What did he mean?” Clark asked curiously when his friend had disappeared.

Turning to him Chloe smiled. “It doesn’t matter.”


19th April 2003, 00:42
I've read this before, it rocks!!!! YAY :D Now, go post your other stories!!! :D I love you too (in a friendly way here too folks.... move along folks... nothing to see here....)

19th April 2003, 00:45
Originally posted by Julie@Apr 18 2003, 11:42 PM
I've read this before, it rocks!!!! YAY :D Now, go post your other stories!!! :D I love you too (in a friendly way here too folks.... move along folks... nothing to see here....)
Aw, thanks hun :blinkkiss: please don't make me die from laughter though :)

24th July 2003, 22:57
:chlexsign2: **sigh** so romantic. Damn Clark for interrupting.....

I guess no sequel, huh? Very :wub: and :cool: fic.

25th July 2003, 05:42
i've read this before but i still like it.... although Clark should be hit w/ something really really hard.


27th July 2003, 13:23
great story loved it the last time and loved it this time :yay: :yay:
and I think you should consider a sequel

28th July 2003, 22:19
There´s no way you can stop here...where´s the sequel? This story is too good to be left on its own. It needs a little brother or sister. :biggrin:

Lady Candy
11th October 2003, 12:18
Nothing succession?
I am going for looking for it ;)

17th April 2004, 06:09

Stupid Clark, coming over to the house.

I want more please!!!


30th April 2004, 17:18
is there *absolutely* no way never no how nothing that we could do
to convince u to do a sequel??


2nd April 2005, 07:11
this is so wonderful and well written and interesting.

12th August 2005, 09:12
So good.....i think i might cry.

1st January 2006, 03:55
I think you should write fics where it rains more often if this is the result. I loved it. Very hot and very sexy.

Thanks for writing.


6th January 2006, 02:45
another hot story. rain and Lex's hand. i'm drooling. thanks. :drool2:

8th January 2006, 23:02
hot fic !! I loved it !!

17th September 2007, 22:53
OMG! Adorable!! Lex is really naughty in this one!
He can beat me up if he's not!

18th September 2007, 05:17
clark is REALLY annoying!

21st September 2007, 20:55
Clark Kent and his stupid timing
Great fic

12th May 2008, 22:37
Very amusing story. It would be nice to see a relationship build for this in another story. It was great as a one shot too. Stupid Clark ... always interrupting at the worst times.

25th July 2008, 06:54
this should have a sequel..you cant leave it at that..

24th January 2013, 01:18

17th December 2015, 14:53
damn it clark

Ami Rose
27th February 2020, 05:22
Great ficlet