View Full Version : [Completed] Gotcha! (G)

22nd October 2004, 20:18
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue yadda blah

A/N: I just whipped this up as a comment drabble, but it kinda got to long for a real drabble, hence me posting it here.

The study doors swung open and Lex strode into his office, only to stop dead about halfway into the room.

There was a cake. A giant, white, cheesy, cake with fake candles in the middle of his office. Lex's brow arched slowly as he stepped closer to the thing.

Now, his birthday had been a week ago. He'd flown to Japan to avoid any unwanted incidents. Like a cake, in his study.

Running a hand over his head, he decided to bite the bullet. He made sure to clomp a little louder with his next few steps, stepping even closer to the saccharine monstrosity.

'Any time now,' Some ditzy, bottle blond, nip/tucked wanna be actress/model/singer was going to jump out and give an earshattering rendition of Happy birthday. Lex hated birthdays.

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants and waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing happened.

A few minutes later, he decided it had been long enough and stepped up to the fake sugar bomb, tapping on the top of the cake. His finger was immediately covered in sticky goo.

But that was it. Drawing his eyebrows together, he went looking for a latch or a grip to remove the top, but all there was to find was a big fake candle in the middle.

With a sigh, Lex grabbed it hard and pulled.

"I appreciate the effort but this is really not..."

His sentence trailed off into nothing as he found the inside of the cake empty, except for a note placed in the center of a fake bottom.


A smirk already growing on his face, he turned the card around

'Thought you could get away that easy? I think not.
Happy Birthday, Lex ~ C.S.'

Shaking his head, he turned his back on the cake, deciding he had to make a 'thank you' call....and plan his revenge.

The End

22nd October 2004, 20:24
Hey! you can't end it there! what about the smutty revenge? you forgot that part! aren't you glad you have me around to tell you these things? now, go finish it!

Great job btw, just the kind of thing Chloe would do.

22nd October 2004, 20:41
He never gets anything past Chloe! :biggrin:

Great story. You need to write Chloe's birthday so we can see his revenge.

22nd October 2004, 22:05

23rd October 2004, 17:00
ahh sequal

love lea

S.Ann Smith
23rd October 2004, 19:37

i agree....sequal! please

23rd October 2004, 20:29
Yup, this one just screams sequel!

24th October 2004, 17:16
Yes!! Sequel, sequel, sequel!! Please!!!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

24th October 2004, 17:59
:lol: that was great. We need to see his revenge now please....

Hope :D

25th October 2004, 05:24
Hee! Cute!

Sabby? I'll be mercilessly bugging you for a sequel. Just so you know.

27th October 2004, 17:22
Yes please write a sequel for this! :yay:

27th October 2004, 17:59
Awwww :wub:

SEQUEL ? :biggrin:

5th March 2005, 02:27
that was funny. :biggrin: :blinkkiss: ;)

Ami Rose
5th March 2005, 02:52
That's cute!

Lots of Love,
Ami Rose :devil:

4th April 2005, 04:42
I know that everybody else has call it sweet. But I'm going to do it too: Awwwwwww, that is so sweet and sooo cute. :p Very nice fic.

4th April 2005, 06:05
Oh, I'd forgotten about this one. Very Chloe like. Did you right the sequel yet?


25th April 2005, 05:29
sequel sequel sequel...come on, join in on the chant everyone!

23rd June 2006, 20:56
LOL ... loved this. It was amusing

23rd June 2006, 20:59
that was cute