View Full Version : [Completed] Banter Can Be Hell (NC-17)

11th April 2003, 01:23
Trying this again, since it didn't seem to work the first time...

Title: Banter Can Be Hell
Author: scifichick774
Rating: NC-17
Category: Romance/Smut
Spoilers: Anything through the end of the second season is fair game.
Summary: What? You wanted a plot? No plot for you. *sigh* Fine. Lex runs into Chloe at the library and their usual banter turns into something more. Happy?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Smallville or its characters, or anything from ‘No Exit’ or ‘Storm Front’.
Feedback: YES!! REVIEW!! Geez, that sounded incredibly needy.
Archival: Sure – just let me know where.
Author’s Note: Happy Birthday Adeylan! I doubt this will be finished by then, but at least you’ll get a couple of chapters to start you out. This is a response to her challenge. The requirements were: Chloe and Lex meet in the library, a mention of Sartre’s ‘No Exit’, a mention of white hyacinths, an invitation to the park, and the words: garrulous, Freud, and genuflect. Hope you like it!


Chloe placed the large headphones over her ears and pushed the play button on the CD player in front of her, briefly scanning her eyes over the ‘Property of the Smallville Public Library’ sticker that had been placed on it. She sorted out the books she had in front of her and got her pen and notebook ready. Even if it took her all day, she was going to get her research for the paper she had been assigned to write done.

Generally she would just use her computer, but both her dad and Lana were home sick with the flu, and Chloe had no desire to be their own personal nurse when she had work to do. She contemplated breaking into the school and using the computer in the Torch office, but decided against it when she remembered the lecture she had received from Principal Reynolds the last time she had done it.

And so now, she was forced to doing research the old-fashioned way by going to the town library. They had a few computers with internet access for general use, but they set a time limit of ten minutes for each person, and there was no way that she would possibly be able to get all the information she needed for her paper in that amount of time. She was good, but she wasn’t that good.

She let out an almost dreamy sigh when she heard the man’s voice come through her headphones. James Marsters reading ‘Storm Front’. Sure, it had nothing to do with her assignment, but Chloe was one of those people who had to be doing a few things at once in order to concentrate on any one of them; and she figured that if she was forced to be occupying part of her brain with the modern view of hell in comparison to ancient cultures, then she readily deserved the tingle of arousal that warmed her body with the sound of James Marsters’s voice – even if he wasn’t using his fake British accent like he did on TV.

‘You’d be surprised how many people call just to ask me if I’m serious. But then, if you’d seen the things I’d seen, if you knew half of what I knew, you’d wonder how anyone could not think I was serious.’

Chloe rolled her eyes.

“That sounds familiar,” she muttered to herself in a quiet voice.

“What does?”

Chloe turned at the sound of the familiar male voice behind her that had spoken loud enough to be heard over her headphones. Her eyebrows rose in surprise and she quickly turned back around to pause the CD. She lowered the headphones so the headband was resting around the back of her neck and then smiled at the man as she turned to face him again.

“Mr. Luthor,” she greeted quietly.

“Ms. Sullivan,” he said with a tiny smirk on his lips. Her eyes darted around the room and saw one of the passing patrons giving them a scornful look. Whether it was because she was talking to the most hated man in town or because Lex was still using his normal speaking voice, she couldn’t be sure. She motioned to the chair at the listening desk next to her and Lex sat down.

“What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question,” he said, now lowering his voice to mimic hers. He glanced over at a couple of the books she had on the desk and the CD cover for ‘Storm Front’.

“Paper,” Chloe answered, waving her hand along with the disgusted tone that lined her voice.

“I thought you enjoyed working on the Torch.”

“The Torch – yes. Unfortunately, I meant paper in the assignment definition of the word.”

“Ah,” Lex said understandingly. He motioned to the books and gave her an almost mocking grin. “Sartre’s ‘No Exit’, ‘Ancient Egyptian Mythology’, and ---” he paused while he arched an eyebrow at her, “an audio book of ‘Storm Front’. I’m intrigued, Ms. Sullivan. What’s this paper supposed to be about?”

“Honestly?” Chloe asked. Lex nodded. “It’s about my teacher trying to exact revenge on me for mentioning him in an article about giving the jocks preferential treatment.” Lex smiled.

“That bad, huh? What topic did he give you?”

“The modern view of hell in comparison to ancient cultures,” she grumbled. Chloe noticed that it looked like Lex was about to start laughing and she glared at him pointedly. “Your turn.”


“You never told me why you were here,” she reminded him. Lex’s smile fell to a neutral expression and he shrugged.

“The library has been pleading for additional funding from the city council, but they’re overburdened already, so ---”

“So they came to you,” Chloe finished for him. Lex nodded. “And you, of course, gave them something to shut them up and improve people’s images of you at the same time.” Lex gave her a lopsided smile.

“Something like that,” he admitted. He looked down at the headphones around her neck and then back up to her eyes. “I’m curious - how are you planning to tie a book about a wizard into your paper?” Chloe gave him a nervous smile and Lex noticed a light blush rise to her cheeks.

“I’m not,” she said hesitantly, not knowing whether to trust him with the information. He was one of Clark’s best friends, and although she didn’t have a crush on Clark anymore, she wasn’t sure she wanted to risk Lex telling Clark what she told him and being teased endlessly about it. Lex looked at her expectantly and she shrugged, trying to make it seem like it was no big deal. “James Marsters is the narrator,” she said.

“Oh. Well, that explains everything then,” he said sarcastically. Chloe’s lips spread into a wide smile.

“He plays Spike,” Chloe explained. Lex stared blankly at her. “On ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’,” she elaborated. Lex gave her a bemused grin, but it seemed to Chloe that he still had no idea who she was talking about. She rolled her eyes. “He’s *delicious*,” she finally said in frustration, motioning with her arms as she said it. Lex frowned and there was a look in his eyes that Chloe couldn’t quite place. “What?”

“You like him,” Lex stated. Chloe snickered.

“Ye-ah,” she answered. “Me and the rest of the female population.”

“No man can garner that much attention, Chloe.”

Chloe ignored the fact that Lex had just used her first name and slid the headphones off of her neck, holding them out to Lex expectantly.

“Put them on,” she said. Lex gave her a measured look and then slipped the headphones over his ears. Chloe pushed the pause button on the CD player again, causing it to play. Lex heard the low voice come through the headphones and arched an eyebrow at Chloe. She paused the player again and smiled smugly at him. “See?” Lex let out a light chuckle as he took the headphones off and handed them back to her.

“I sincerely doubt my body had the same physical reaction that yours does,” he pointed out. Chloe blushed ever so slightly, and desperately tried to force it down as Lex stood up and was apparently going to leave her there.

‘At least he’s not going to tease me too much, which means that he might not even mention it to Clark, and ---’ her thoughts cut off when she felt his mouth next to her ear from behind.

“Is that what you go for?” he asked in a low, husky voice that made Chloe’s body break out in goosebumps. “The voice?”

Chloe bit her lower lip, determined that he wasn’t going to get the best of her in this little game he had started playing. A devilish grin curled the corners of her mouth upward.

“That – and he’s gorgeous.”

“He’s too old for you,” Lex shrugged off calmly, if not arrogantly, and in his normal voice. Chloe’s head whipped around as her body twisted in the chair to face him. He was standing up straight now and looking down at her with a smile on his lips.

“I thought you didn’t know who he was?”

“Of course I know who he is, Chloe. You think I don’t watch TV?” he asked in a humored voice. Chloe’s mouth dropped open slightly in disbelief, but she quickly shut it and transformed her face into a scowling expression instead.

“He is not too old for me – not that I would have a chance with him anyway – but he’s not too old for me,” Chloe argued, suddenly back to her spirited self. Lex gave her a dry look.

“He’s forty.”

“He is not!” A few of the patrons glared in their direction because of Chloe’s outburst and she pursed her lips. “He is not,” she repeated quietly.

“Look it up on the computer when you get home if you don’t believe me,” he said. Chloe just looked at him with a stunned expression on her face. Her eyes took on a distant look and Lex frowned.

“Wow. He looks damn good for forty,” she said appraisingly. Lex squared his jaw and forced a smile on his face before she met his eyes again.

“Now, come on,” he said, extending a hand out to her, “It’s too nice of a day to spend inside.” Chloe gave him a tight grin.

“Tell my teacher that,” she said. “And what makes you think I’d go anywhere with you anyway?” He motioned with his hand again for her to take it and she shook her head lightly. Lex rolled his eyes.

“Are you always this stubborn?” Lex asked. “Most women would be thrilled at the prospect of going for a walk in the park and seeing the white hyacinths in bloom.”

“First of all, yes. I’m always this stubborn. Especially when I have an assignment from hell *about* hell that’s due in two weeks. Second, I’m not most women.”

“You don’t say,” Lex said wryly. Chloe gave him a fake smile and started to turn around to face the desk again. Lex frowned. When he had left the library’s administrative offices and seen Chloe in the audio room at a desk, with no Clark Kent or Pete Ross in sight no less, he decided to take the opportunity to act on his growing attraction for her. And now, even after some nice banter, she was turning down spending time with him. Not only was it a blow to his ego, but it made his heart constrict a little as well; an action that he didn’t want to delve into the meaning of just yet. A sly, Cheshire-like grin spread across his lips as an idea came to him. He stood behind her and leaned down to speak into her ear again.

“Would it help if I told you I can do the accent?” he asked, his voice returning to the low huskiness of before, only this time lined with the same accent that her celebrity infatuation used on the TV show. Chloe’s eyes grew wide and her body started to hum with the warmth of arousal.

“I – um ---” she stammered, suddenly finding her mouth incredibly dry.

“Come on, Sullivan,” he said, walking to her side and offering her his hand once again. “I’ll even help you with your paper if you want.”

Chloe arched a disbelieving eyebrow.

“*You’re* going to help me with my paper?” she asked.

“Who better to help you with a paper about hell than ---”

“I certainly hope you’re not going to refer to yourself as the devil,” Chloe said snarkily. Lex grinned as she pushed herself out of her chair and started to grab her things.

“If I was, would that make you *more* or *less* likely to go to the park with me?”

“More,” Chloe replied in a resigned grumble. “I need all the help on this paper I can get.”


11th April 2003, 01:40
That was SO yummy! I can't wait to see where you take this fic... mmm... James Masters... and Lex trying out a british accent... you really know how to write :blinkkiss:

11th April 2003, 01:43
Loving this story... love all your stories though ;)


11th April 2003, 01:52
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Great verbal judo, I hope to read more soon!

Tandy :blinkkiss:

11th April 2003, 04:15
Mmmmm... Lex. Mummm... Spike. I'm now imagining Lex doing the accent. This is definately going places and I can't wait to see where! And I so agree with Chloe, who cares that JM's 40 ... he looks damn good for his age! :) (Sorry, digressed into my Spike obsession there)

Seriously though, I've been feeling melancholy about moving back across country next week, and this cheered me up enormously! Can't wait for more!


11th April 2003, 04:48
That was GREAT!!!!! More please.....

Hope :blinkkiss:

11th April 2003, 04:59
Lex and Spike. I think that my brain just malfunctioned. I can't decided which one's better. sigh. A tough choice that I would LOVE to make.


11th April 2003, 09:06
I said it in the original thread, and I'll say it again, Lex isn't Satan, he's the son of Satan. More soon please!

11th April 2003, 10:16
OK, the thought of Lex and Spike was a bit of an overload to my...system, but now I think I can review without drooling on the keyboard. As all your fics are, this one is fantastic, lots of Chloe-snark (smallville seems to be running low on it at the moment except in...shudder Blana) and Lex's suaviness, and Lex doing a British accent? Yummy! But the fact you worked the perfectly dilectable James Marsters in here makes me want to bear your children, not literally of course, because we all know that Spike and Lex are the two hottest male species in the whole world. Nice work, can't wait for your next chapter!


12th April 2003, 07:14
Wait a minute--James is 40?! :huh: That's a shocker. Guess I'm not as in with the "Cult Times" as everyone else but I love Buffy nonetheless and I appreciate the references.
In any case, the banter is hella funny and you seem to be one of the best Chlex writers around so PLEASE update soon. :chlexsign1:

12th April 2003, 21:02
A/N: So glad you’re all enjoying this. Thanks for all the reviews! Please remember that there is no plot to this one. It’s just Chlexy goodness for Adeylan’s birthday. *smile*


“Could you please hold this for us? Lex asked, taking Chloe’s bag away from her and handing it to the clerk at the check-out desk. “We’ll be back in a little while.” The older woman nodded, but didn’t bother raising her eyes from her book as she clasped onto the bag with her other hand and put it down behind the counter. Lex proceeded to open the door for Chloe and she smiled at him as she stepped outside. “May I ask why you assumed that I was going to call myself the devil?”

“You weren’t?”

“No. Actually, I was going to say I was his son,” Lex responded. Chloe chuckled and shook her head.

“Hmm – I think I was lured out here on false pretenses, then,” she said jokingly. “Is your dad home? Maybe I could call him.”

“He’s in Metropolis and I doubt he’d appreciate your unique sense of humor as much as I do.”

“You appreciate my sense of humor?” Chloe asked with flattered surprise. “When did this happen?”

“Around the time you told Dr. Walden to kiss your ass,” he replied with a tiny smirk. Chloe stopped walking and turned her face to the side to stare at him.


“You were under the influence of that alien parasitic worm at the time,” Lex explained. Chloe cringed.

“Sorry. I really wasn’t myself, and from what people have told me, I’m glad I don’t remember any of it,” she said. Lex got a teasing grin on his lips and Chloe knew she was going to be in trouble.

“So – you *don’t* remember telling me that I needed a toupee and undressing me with your eyes?” he asked. Chloe placed a fake smile on her face and pushed down how she could almost feel the truth in his words.

“I don’t even remember almost having sex with Clark in the Talon, and you’d think if I was going to remember anything then it would be that,” she said. She saw Lex’s eyes flicker with something – jealousy? ‘No, that couldn’t be it,’ she thought to herself. They started walking again in silence until they got to the park.

“As I recall, Clark wasn’t acting like his normal self then either,” Lex said and then flashed a small smile at her. “I didn’t realize you had such a thing for bad boys, Miss Sullivan.” Chloe’s eyebrows shot up.

“Clark’s not a bad boy,” she said, immediately ducking her head to cover the blush that rose to her cheeks when she realized that she admitted her crush on Clark to Lex.

“But he was acting like one,” Lex said, ignoring the twinge of jealousy he felt when Chloe admitted to still liking Clark. “And then there’s *Spike*,” he said, looking at her teasingly.

“Yeah, but he’s not a bad guy anymore,” Chloe countered. “Although, I did kind of like him better before the whole ‘soul’ thing.” Lex snickered. “How did we get on this topic? I thought you were supposed to be helping me with my paper?”

“Hmm – you have a point. How about ‘question for a question’?” Lex asked. Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Pass. You answer all my questions with questions anyway,” she said. Lex laughed.

“No – I meant I ask you a question, you answer; you ask me a question, I answer,” he said. Chloe eyed him warily as she thought about it and he tilted his head to the side knowingly. “Off the record.” Chloe smiled and let out what sounded like a giggle, or as close to it as Chloe ever came Lex supposed.

“Okay,” she agreed.

“Good. I’ll go first,” he said. Chloe forced a fake smile onto her lips that quickly turned into a real one.

“How did I know you were going to say that?” she asked rhetorically. Lex grinned.

“My question is this: given your propensity for liking bad boys ---” he paused as she rolled her eyes “--- why haven’t you ever expressed an interest in me?” Chloe smiled over at him, trying to judge whether or not he was kidding.

“You’re joking, right?”

“No answering questions with questions,” he reminded her. She looked a little put-out by his response, but she decided to answer anyway.

“Fine. But you probably realize that you’re not actually a ‘bad boy’ anymore?” When he didn’t answer, Chloe continued. “You’re the head of your own company at twenty-two, you’re ---”

“So, you’re saying that I’m too responsible for you to be attracted to me?” he asked with a touch of disbelief.

“One question per turn,” Chloe said with a small smile. “How do you picture hell?” Lex frowned and gave her a strange look.

“You really want to work on your paper?” he asked in surprise.

“Uh – ye-ah,” she answered, stringing out ‘yeah’ as if Lex was an idiot. “And no answering questions with questions.” Chloe could have sworn she heard him sigh.

“My view of hell,” he repeated before answering. “I can’t say that I’ve ever thought about it.”

“Really? Never? Come on, give me something. Even if it’s a nightmare about you having to genuflect before your dad at the gates of hell,” she said with a bit of exasperation.

“If you want the truth ---”

“That would be nice.”

“Then I don’t think I’ve ever thought about an afterlife at all.”

“What? How is that possible?”

“For a long time, my life was significantly less than perfect. I used to try and escape it by any means necessary. I just thought of death as death – as an ending.”

“And now?”

“And now I think I’ll have to reevaluate that belief if you’re going to keep on with this garrulous line of questioning,” Lex said with his trademark smirk. Chloe smiled. “And just so you know, I’ve never had that nightmare,” he said. Chloe snickered.

“You will now.”

“The power of suggestion,” Lex agreed with a nod. Chloe nodded as well. “My turn again. Am I too responsible for you to be attracted to me?” Chloe pursed her lips. She had been hoping that he would forget about that question with her little comment about bowing before his father, but apparently he hadn’t.

“No. Responsibility is a good thing. My turn,” Chloe said quickly. Lex stopped walking and arched an eyebrow at her as she turned around to face him. Chloe sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “You’re going to make this into some big thing now, aren’t you? Well, don’t. Because I didn’t mean that like it sounded.”

“How did it sound?” Lex asked with some amusement.

“It sounded like I just said I was attracted to you and ---”

“Are you?” Lex asked taking a couple steps toward her.

‘Oh, shit,’ Chloe thought. ‘How the hell am I going to get out this?’ She smiled as the solution came to her mind. “One question per turn.” She watched as Lex pursed his lips in frustration, but his eyes still danced with – uh oh – lust? Chloe absently started to bite her lower lip while she was focused on his eyes and she saw him look down at the action.

She could feel her heart start to beat faster and Lex closed the small space left between them with a single large step. He rested his hands on her hips and before she knew it, his warm breath was against her ear. Chloe struggled to keep her body from giving into the sudden surge of arousal she felt, but she was quickly losing the battle.

“What’s your question?” he asked in the low, husky voice he had used earlier in the library.

“You never answered the last one I asked,” she pointed out in what was almost a whimper.

“Which was?”

“You’re going to make this into some big thing now, aren’t you?”

Chloe could practically feel him smirking, even though his face wasn’t touching her skin.

“Absolutely,” he answered. Chloe’s eyes fluttered closed as his breath tickled her ear and sent a shiver down her spine. “Are you attracted to me?”

“N---” Lex cut off her answer by moving his mouth to hers. The kiss started out gently, hesitantly, but soon their tongues were intertwined and playfully dancing with each other. Lex and Chloe pulled away at the same time, both in desperate need of air. He rested his forehead against hers as she looked at the ground, unable to completely comprehend what had just happened. Lex grinned at her reaction. “I don’t think I caught your answer. Would you mind repeating it?”


13th April 2003, 00:39
heeheehee. I loved this chapter. Post more soon.

13th April 2003, 01:06
Oh, silly Chloe, trying to play it like you don't find him attractive. Love that Lex wouldn't let her off so easy. I wonder if she'll change her answer, or if Lex will have to 'convince' her a little of it, first.


13th April 2003, 01:36
More please........ :biggrin:

Hope :chlexsign2:

13th April 2003, 03:37
LOL! :biggrin:

13th April 2003, 03:50
lol I love it when Chloe's in denial and Lex is all persistent, it's such a cute combination! :)


13th April 2003, 08:03
Amazing! once again you out do yourself! how do you come up with all these brillant ideas and keep with them? I havent been able to really commit to one and yet you seem to have hundreds. you are my role model. update soon!

13th April 2003, 09:04
question: is it possible to find Lex Luthor unattractive?? i mean, god, even the name is sexy.

great chappy's!! can't wait for more!!

:blinkkiss: Sway

13th April 2003, 23:26
Woho :D Not bad... Now... update! :D

14th April 2003, 02:28
Awww! That was wonderful :biggrin: This fic certainly puts people in a happy-chlex mood.

14th April 2003, 02:52
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: <---- how this fic makes me feel



16th April 2003, 01:29
A/N: I know I promised this chapter to you guys yesterday, but real life got in the way. Sorry. On the other hand, you finally get smut – so no complaining.


Chloe stared blankly at him for a second, wondering what the hell had just happened. Lex Luthor had not only just kissed her, but he had kissed her in a public place where anyone walking by could see them – and she had responded&#33; Chloe opened her mouth to speak, but her body overruled what she was about to say. She quickly reached out and cupped his face with her hands, bringing his mouth down to hers almost possessively.

Lex was startled by her reaction, having half expected her to slap him for kissing her in the middle of the park – not that he was complaining. His arms slid around her back, drawing her closer to him as the kiss deepened. Lex mused that there was definitely something to be said for timing. If Lana and Gabe hadn’t been sick, then Chloe never would have gone to the library, and Lex wouldn’t have run into her and forced himself to act on his growing attraction to her.

They were both breathing heavily when they finally pulled their mouths apart and Chloe rested her forehead against his chest.

“Sorry,” she mumbled quietly against his shirt. He looked down at her in confusion as she started to push herself away from him. She smiled, but she looked embarrassed more than anything else. “Guess I got more worked up listening to ‘Storm Front’ than I thought,” she explained, the blush on her cheeks deepening. Lex grinned at her.

“If that’s how you react every time you hear his voice, then I might have to buy you the damn audio book,” he teased. Chloe’s smile relaxed and Lex put on a mock frown. “Although, I’m not entirely sure I want you listening to him – especially not if Clark’s the one you take your sexual frustrations out on next time.” Chloe let her head fall back in laughter.

“Yeah, because that’ll happen,” she said sarcastically. Lex cleared his throat and looked pointedly at her.

“You almost had sex with him in the Talon.”

“Well, it’s not like it’s happened since then.”

“I think you’re missing ---”

“I should get back to the library,” Chloe said, cutting him off.

“I’ll walk you.”

“That’s not necessary.”

‘She’s trying to turn me down after kissing me like *that*?&#33;’ Lex thought to himself. ‘God, she must really still have it bad for Clark - and of course I had to bring him up. Way to go Luthor.’ Another little voice popped into his head. ‘But she kissed *you* - and she wasn’t under the influence of an alien worm at the time to make her do it.’ Lex gave her a slight smirk. “Of course it is,” he said, offering his arm to her. Chloe shook her head.

“It’s really n---”

“Chloe, think of it this way: who knows how many meteor freaks could be between here and there?” he asked. Chloe placed her hands on her hips and arched an eyebrow at him.

“And *you’re* going to protect me?”

“Unless you’d rather I call Clark to ask him to walk you back to the library,” he answered with a teasing smirk. He felt a little guilty, because the statement was tantamount to blackmail, but he knew it would get to her. She wouldn’t want Clark to know that they had kissed and he was exploiting that. At the same time though, Lex really didn’t care. He had been dreaming of her for the last several months and now that he had finally gotten a chance to actually kiss her – and it had been so much better than he had fantasized – he wasn’t about to let her go. ‘Ever,’ he thought, but quickly tried to push down the idea that he might be interested in her for something more permanent than a short-term relationship.

“Er – no,” Chloe said. “He and Pete are already acting all big-brothery on me lately.” He heard the disdain in her voice and had to force down a sigh.

“Are you still in love with him?” Lex asked as they started to walk back to the library. She hadn’t taken his arm and he hadn’t expected her to – just hoped.

“Clark?” she asked. Lex let out what Chloe could have sworn was a small growl and she frowned. ‘He’s jealous? He has no right to be jealous. We just kissed – it’s not like we’re going out – or like we’re ever going to be going out,’ she thought to herself. ‘Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.’ If the look on Lex’s face was any indication, Chloe realized she probably shouldn’t mention the part about him having no right to be jealous. “Honestly, I don’t know. I still love him, but the more time I spend with him, the less suited I think we are for each other as anything other than friends.”

Chloe winced slightly after the words poured out of her mouth. She hadn’t intended to spill her guts like that, especially when it was something she hadn’t completely admitted to herself yet. It also made her a little uncomfortable that she was having this conversation with Lex in the first place. They shouldn’t have bantered, they shouldn’t have kissed, and she should definitely not be having the x-rated thoughts she was having about him right now. Lex grinned. He could tell that she had told him the truth, and it would make it much easier to make her his without her having an undying crush on Clark Kent.

He noticed the slow blush rise on her cheeks and chose not to comment on it. If her thoughts were running along the same lines his were, then they would get around to fulfilling them soon enough.

They reached the library and Chloe retrieved her bag from the clerk at the front desk, who still didn’t look up at them. Chloe was about to head back to one of the rooms when Lex caught her arm. She looked at him questioningly and he smirked at her, taking the bag off her shoulder and draping it over his own.

“I told you that I’d help you with your paper.”

“And you’ve been invaluable so far,” Chloe quipped.

“I’m a man of my word, Chloe,” he said in a hushed tone. He leaned forward, resting a hand on her hip as his lips went to her ear. “And of my actions.”

The librarian rolled her eyes.

“Could you two please take your foreplay somewhere else? I’m trying to read here,” she said with annoyance, and still not looking up at the couple to whom she was speaking. Lex smirked again and Chloe covered her face with her hand in embarrassment.

‘This isn’t happening,’ she thought in a desperate attempt to convince herself that she was just imagining it. She felt Lex’s hand press on the small of her back and they started to walk in the direction she had originally started to go. Her brow furrowed when Lex led her up the stairs and to one of the rooms at the very back that were rarely used by anyone. Of course, the library itself was rarely used by anyone anymore – not since computers took over the town and everyone could suddenly log on to see the world rather than spending their time in a place that smelled of mold and dust.

They walked into the room and Lex quietly shut the door behind them. Chloe turned around to face him when she heard the distinctive sound of the door locking reverberate through the room. Her eyes grew a little bigger and she finally realized where he had taken her.

The tales of the room at the back of the second floor of the library were almost legendary when they were back in junior high. Of course, most of the stories had been passed down over the course of ten years or so – when people still went to the library to study. Chloe could vividly remember Pete’s story of one of his older brothers going there to make out with his girlfriend and how he was going to do the same when he got a girlfriend. A bemused grin quirked at her lips as she wondered whether Pete ever got around to doing it or not.

“You brought me to the library’s make-out room?” she asked with a smile and laughter dancing in her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest. Lex grinned and couple of steps toward her. “And how did you even know about it? You weren’t forced to move here until just a few years ago and it hardly seems like the kind of place your usual – uh – women, would be interested in.” She patted herself on the back for not taking the load road that a spark of jealousy was trying to lead her down by calling his dates bimbos, sluts, or a host of other colorful expletives.

“I’m not sure I should tell you,” he said, taking another step closer to her and nuzzling his face against her hair. “It might ruin the mood.” Chloe snickered and gave him a gentle push away with her hands.

“If you *don’t* tell me, then there’s no mood to spoil,” she countered with a smile that Lex could only really call threatening. He forced a grin onto his lips and gave her a small shrug of his shoulders.

“Clark told me,” he admitted. “We were talking about him and Lana and if he ever ---” Lex trailed off as he literally watched the shudder go through Chloe’s body. She held up her hands and waved them in front of her.

“Whoa&#33; Way too much information&#33;”

Lex chuckled and leaned his back against the door so she couldn’t leave if that ended up being her next reflex action.

“He hasn’t if you’re curious,” Lex said. Chloe rolled her eyes and sloughed off his comment with a flick of her hand.

“Of course he hasn’t,” she said. She didn’t know what prompted her to make her next statement, and the only thing she could attribute it to was the fact that, despite her best efforts, she was really enjoying Lex’s company. “But she has.” Lex’s eyebrows rose in questioning surprise and Chloe moved to sit down on the end of the single table that graced the small room. “With Whitney,” she elaborated, dangling her feet over the side of the table.

Her skirt hiked up every time her feet fell back and Lex found himself starting at her legs rather than listening to what she was saying. Chloe noticed and grinned smugly before speaking again.

“See something you like?” she teased. His eyes rose to meet hers and Chloe’s smug expression dropped the second she swathe dark lust harbored in them.

Lex swiftly took the few steps it took to close the space between them and slammed his mouth down against hers. Chloe’s eyes grew wide and her brain told her to push him away, but her body was the one to take charge. Her hands gripped his shirt and pulled him closer as she reciprocated the kiss with full passion. Their tongues drove into each other’s mouths and Lex quickly leaned her back against the table.

Her legs wrapped around his waist and Lex moved his mouth to her neck, running his hand under her shirt at the same time. Chloe gasped as his deft fingers released the front clasp to her bra and started to tease one of her nipples. His teeth grazed the soft skin of her neck and she let out a loud moan when he began to soothe the area by suckling on it.

In the back of her mind, on some level, she knew it was wrong; but she couldn’t stop it – she *wouldn’t* stop it. She was so sick of always going for the guy who didn’t like her back. Well, Lex liked her back. Even if it was just physical - and she had a strange feeling that it wasn’t – he liked her back.

The throbbing heat between her legs became unbearable and she started to rock her hips against him in a search for release. Lex groaned and moved his lips to hers once again, immediately sliding his tongue into her mouth and playing with her own. He continued to roll her nipple with the hand he had under her shirt, and trailed his other to the juncture of her thighs until it reached her damp panties.

“God, Chloe,” he rasped out against her mouth. Chloe closed her eyes and unhooked her legs from his waist while he removed her underwear. She whimpered when she felt his fingers at her curls and his thumb brushed her clit. Her hips jerked off the table when he slowly inserted a finger into her, massaging her clit at the same time.

“Lex,” she said in a begging voice. “Please.” She was surprised to hear the words coming from her mouth, and she refused to recognize the truth that lay beneath them. She *needed* him.

Lex obliged and started pumping his finger in and out, adding a second, and eventually a third to help stretch her out for what was to come. He couldn’t believe how tight she was and that she was actually letting him do this. He finally dared to hope that perhaps it wasn’t just physical attraction – and that she possibly did return his feelings for her. He doubted that she would be about to make love with him in the library if she didn’t. Lex tried to push aside his mind’s choice of words for what they were going to do, but he couldn’t.

Chloe’s inner walls clamped around his fingers and he barely lowered his mouth to hers in time to drown the sound of her scream. Her sounds of pleasure had been loud enough to encourage him, but not so loud as to alert anyone to their presence in the room – but if the other people in the library heard the loud cry of her orgasm shaking her body with release, then he felt quite sure that Chloe would never speak to him again.

Within the space of a couple of seconds, Lex released his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, and let the material pool around his ankles as he freed his cock. Chloe opened her eyes at the sound of the zipper and was still panting heavily when she managed to nod. Lex positioned himself, raising her feet to rest on the tops of his shoulders, and then moved into her slowly. He could still feel the residual juices from the last time she came and it helped to lubricate him into going in further more quickly than he thought.

Chloe and Lex started moaning loudly as they met each other thrust for thrust, harder and faster each time. He saw her biting her lip to try and keep the throaty noises coming with her impending second orgasm from springing forward and he grunted. She wasn’t going to let herself release again if she was worried about the natural sounds that her body wanted to make.

“Let it go, Chloe,” he said in a husky whisper, pushing into her harder and feeling his own climax coming upon him. “Let it go for me.”

Chloe’s head went back as her body arched toward him. Her wet velvet walls squeezed him tight and Lex and Chloe both gave made sounds that were a combination of a scream and a moan as they hit their releases together. Lex slowly gathered the strength to help lower her legs and then, taking in gulps of air, he slowly lowered himself on top of her.

Once they recovered their breath, their lips met again in a sweet, open embrace. Chloe hands circled around the back of his head and neck and Lex moaned into her mouth. He pulled away from the kiss ever so slightly so he could look in her eyes. Briefly catching a glimpse of the satiation he saw there, he let his own eyes flutter closed – and ignored the loud rapping on the outside of the door.


16th April 2003, 02:02
Ah, smut. Ok, for that I forgive you for takeing so long, but I expect the next chapter soon&#33;

16th April 2003, 05:15
sigh. That was oh so very nice. Ain&#39;t I can&#39;t wait to see who&#39;s on the other side of the door and what excuse they&#39;ll come up with for all of the noises they were making.


16th April 2003, 06:16
:drool: :drool:

who can it be at the door? lionel? :evilbat:

16th April 2003, 07:06
Oh no&#33; Who&#39;s at the door?&#33;?&#33; You&#39;ve made me appreciate Chlex in a library :lol:

16th April 2003, 07:34
well i&#39;m never gonna look at the library study room the same way again... pity we have glass winows tho...

that was awesome, well worth the wait&#33;&#33;

:yay: sorry, i just love this button... he&#39;s so cute....

:blinkkiss: Sway

16th April 2003, 21:47
:yay: Chlex smut in the Library&#33; :yay3:

It&#39;s gonna be interesting to see how they explain the moaning and screaming to the librarian- dragon :biggrin:

Does that mean they are a couple now or will they go all guilty/avoidy? Please not&#33; I want to see smut and happiness here and a little bit of Gabe-the-concerned-Daddy action, maybe.

Please update ASAP

can&#39;t wait to see what comes next


17th April 2003, 06:59
Ah smut. The joy. The thrill. The deliciousness of having a hellish day on the road end with some lovely library Chlex smut. Thank you, thank you, thank you&#33;&#33;

Oh and MORE, MORE, MORE&#33;&#33;


19th April 2003, 20:48
A/N: Happy birthday Adeylan&#33;&#33;&#33; In honor of your birthday, I had chocolate cake and strawberries this morning for breakfast. Seriously, I did – but not for your birthday – I was just hungry. *smile*


Chloe ignored the sound on the outside of the door and took Lex’s earlobe into her mouth, gently grazing it with her teeth before she started to suckle it. The warm arousal of her actions swept through Lex and he let out a stifled groan, bucking his hips against hers as he started to grow hard against her again.

“God, Chloe,” he rasped out. Chloe released his earlobe and trailed soft kisses along his jaw until she captured his mouth with her own. Their tongues met each other, slick and wet as they slid together in an age-old dance. Chloe’s hands went to the back of his head and neck as she tried in a vain attempt to get her body closer to his.

Chloe’s breathing went ragged and she was practically panting when their eyes connected and he understood her silent plea. He kissed her as he positioned himself between her legs once again. His cock drove into her and Chloe’s body arched toward him, her hips already starting to match the rhythm he was slowly developing. Chloe threw her head back and screamed as Lex adjusted his position just a little and hit her clit again and again as he pounded into her.

“Lex&#33;” she wailed, her inner walls clamping around him and milking him as her orgasm shot through her. Lex gasped at the sensation of Chloe’s body trying to suck him in even further and then let out a strangled moan of her name as his own climax hit him. He lay down on her again, breathing in gulps of air as he tried to regain his composure.

The knocking on the door became louder and more persistent and Lex gave a small sigh and finally, slowly pushed himself off of Chloe. She smiled up at him and started to rise from the table as well.

“Time to face the music,” Lex quipped. He pulled up his pants and arched an eyebrow at Chloe when she snickered.

“And what a pretty song it is too,” she said sarcastically. One corner of his mouth lifted into a lopsided grin when he realized that she wasn’t making fun of him.

“The shrill song of the bitter librarian,” he added in a voice and fake accent that reminded Chloe of all of the nature documentary films she had been forced to watch in school. Chloe smiled, but scrunched up her nose afterward.

“I like your James Marsters impression better,” she said. Lex let out a low chuckle and finished straightening his clothes.

“Why does that not surprise me?” he asked. He picked up her bag and slung it over his shoulder casually. “You know, if I had known ---”

The knocking on the door turned into a light pounding and Chloe and Lex exchanged a look. He could see the nervousness underneath her cool exterior and he half-grinned at her as he placed his palm against the small of her back.

“Open the door. I know you’re in there.”

Lex tried not to smirk when he heard the voice come from the other side of the door. It sounded like the person was trying to be as loud as they could without drawing other people’s attention in the library. Chloe just shook her head at him.

“I’m never going to be able to come back here,” she said.

“You look crushed,” Lex teased. Chloe arched an eyebrow and then looked down at her outfit.

“I *was* crushed.”

“I mean it - if you don’t open that door, I’ll ---”

Lex took a step forward and opened the door, revealing a boy who looked to be a little younger than Chloe. The boy’s face paled and he took a couple of steps back when he saw the rather imposing man in front of him.

“Friend of yours?” Lex asked Chloe. She shook her head.

“Never seen him before.”

“I – uh ---” the boy stammered, taking another step back. “I thought you were someone else,” he said. “Sorry.”

Chloe and Lex watched with amusement and a touch of disbelief as they watched him scurry away quickly.

“Well. That was --- interesting,” Chloe said. “You think we scarred him for life?”

“Probably,” Lex replied with a smile. His attention was soon turned away from Chloe and to her bag as it started to vibrate against his side. He arched a questioning eyebrow at her.

“Something I should know about?”

“My phone,” Chloe answered and held out her hand for her bag. A mischievous expression took over Lex’s face and Chloe’s eyes went wide. “Lex,” she said warningly.

Lex’s hand slid into the side pocket of her bag where he could see the top part of her cell phone sticking up. Chloe reached over and desperately tried to grab it away from him, but he tauntingly held it out of her reach and she only succeeded in rubbing herself up against him. Lex chuckled.

“You want it?” he asked huskily. Chloe responded by lightly punching him in the gut.

“Don’t be an ass,” she said and tried to snag the phone away from him while he clutched his stomach in mock pain. He smiled impishly and clicked the phone on, holding it up to his ear and dodging her as she continued to try and take the phone. “Lex&#33;”

“Hello?” he answered.

“Uh – is Chloe there?”

Lex frowned at the male voice he only partially recognized.

“Gabe? Is that you?” he asked. “God, you sound awful.”

Chloe winced at Lex’s greeting to her dad. She could tell from his sincere tone that he wasn’t joking about who he was talking to and she didn’t look forward to trying to explain why her dad’s boss was answering her cell phone. She was about to get very lucky.

“I feel worse than I sound,” Gabe answered.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Lex said. Chloe let out a small, suffered sigh and held her hand out for the phone. “Oh – here’s Chloe.”

“Hey Dad,” Chloe greeted carefully. “How are you feeling?”

“Horrible,” he answered. “My sinuses are all stuffed up – I could barely make out what Clark was saying.” Chloe glanced at Lex and bit her lip to keep from laughing; earning her a quizzical look from Lex that she brushed it off with a wave of her hand.

“Sorry,” Chloe told her dad. “So, what’s up?”

“I know you’re studying, sweetie, but do you think you could stop by the store for me? We’ve run out of cold medication and neither of us seems to be able to keep anything other than soup down ---”

“You want soup and meds,” Chloe stated as if she were writing it down on a checklist, “no problem. Anything else?” Chloe made a face as she heard the distinctive sound of Lana throwing up in the background. “Ginger ale or something?”

“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks, Chloe.”

“I’ll be there soon, Dad. Bye.” She hung up her phone and let out a breath of relief when she looked at Lex. “He thought you were Clark.”


“When you were on the phone with him – his ears are plugged, so he couldn’t hear you very well, and he thought you were Clark.”

“Why would Clark be answering your cell phone?” he asked. Chloe shrugged and they started walking back through the library.

“He’s my friend,” she answered.

“I don’t like it,” Lex thought aloud.

“You don’t like what?” Chloe asked. Lex blinked once in surprise, not realizing that the words had actually come out of his mouth.

“I don’t like the fact that he’s okay with Clark answering your phone.”


“Because it implies that you and he are more intimately involved than you are.”

“Wow. That didn’t sound jealous,” Chloe said sarcastically. He gave her a partial warning glare and she smiled teasingly at him. “If it would make you feel better, you can tell him that *you* were the one to answer the phone, and that *you’re* the one I’m intimately involved with – or, you know, whatever that was,” she said, motioning with her head back toward the room they had just come from. She had, of course, just been kidding when she made the suggestion; and she blanched slightly when he nodded in response.

“It would,” he said.

“Lex, no - I was just joking,” she said in an almost panicked voice. Lex allowed a small smirk to grace his lips.

“Then you shouldn’t have offered.”

“But I didn’t&#33; I ---” she stopped talking for a moment when a few people in the library glared at her for her sudden outburst. “I was just kidding - *really*,” she continued in a whisper. “I mean, how embarrassing would *that* be?” They reached the main doors and Lex held one open for her.

“I guess we’re about to find out,” he said, not able to completely conceal the teasing quality lining his voice. Chloe’s eyes grew wide and Lex circled his free arm around her back. “After we go to the store, of course.”

“Okay, I changed my mind.”


“You *are* the devil.”


19th April 2003, 21:50
Yay&#33; I loved this chapter&#33; Nice work making Gabe think it was Clark on the phone :lol: Then of course there&#39;s the fabulous jealous-Lex that you write all too well&#33;

19th April 2003, 22:37
Great chapter. heehee, jealous Lex. Update soon&#33;

20th April 2003, 02:47
I adore this fic&#33; There&#39;s absolutely nothing hellish about it. :biggrin:

20th April 2003, 03:45
So much smut&#33; You write the best smut ever, I mean, sex in a library? That is so unexplainably hot&#33; Write more soon&#33;


20th April 2003, 10:35
:yay2: an update&#33;&#33; wohoo&#33;&#33; great work, can&#39;t wait til they tell a sick Gabe that lex is sc&*wing his daughter... oh the words that will be said...

:blinkkiss: Sway

22nd April 2003, 17:09
A/N: The last part&#33; Yay&#33; Hope you’ve enjoyed this one, A&#33;


“Lex – this *really* wasn’t necessary,” Chloe said, holding the two containers of soup that Lex had insisted on getting from a local restaurant rather than purchasing at the store.

“Trust me,” Lex said, leaning past her to open the front door. “Their soup is much better than anything that could come out of a can.”

“Well, duh,” she said and walked into the house. “But it’s just dad and Lana.”

“Meaning they won’t care?”

“Meaning *I* don’t care,” she corrected. Lex snickered and set the grocery bags down on the floor. “Dad, Lana&#33; We’re home&#33;”

“We?” Gabe asked as he shuffled into the foyer. He blinked a couple of times when he saw Lex standing next to his daughter. “Lex?”

“Gabe,” Lex greeted. “I’d shake your hand, but ---” Gabe shook his head and held up his hand in understanding.

“Got it,” he said. He gave Chloe a bemused grin when he saw the soup containers in her hands. “You got real soup? I thought you would just pick up the canned stuff.”

“So did I,” Chloe said, handing one of the large cups to her dad and shooting a large fake smile at Lex, who grinned at her in return.

“Did someone say soup?” Lana asked as she straggled into the room. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot and she looked like she felt completely miserable. Chloe gave her a sympathetic grin.

“It’s *real* soup,” Chloe said, holding out the remaining container. Lana perked up ever so slightly.

“You got real soup?” she asked and gave Chloe a weak smile. “Wow.”

“Uh, yeah. Well, it was actually Lex’s idea,” Chloe admitted. Lana glanced at Lex, noticed his hand on the small of Chloe’s back, and grinned knowingly.

“Thought it would soften the blow, huh?”

“Something like that,” Lex admitted. Lana nodded. She reached over and took the soup from Chloe.

“Well, if it helps ---” Lana paused and took the lid off the container to take a sip of it, “--- I’m glad you two are finally together.” She took another sip of the soup, completely oblivious to the quizzical look that now marred Gabe’s face. “It certainly took you long enough.” Gabe looked over at Lex and Chloe, just now noticing how close they were standing together and how wide Chloe’s eyes had gotten with Lana’s statements.

“Together?” Gabe asked, tilting his head a little to the side. “She doesn’t mean ---”

“So, did you guys go out today?” Lana asked with a smile, still holding the hot cup of soup up to her mouth. “No wonder you didn’t want to stay home with us,” she said teasingly to Chloe. Chloe blushed, but it quickly paled when she saw the look on her father’s face.

“I ---”

“You’re dating my boss?” Gabe asked. Chloe and Lex looked at each other and Chloe bit her lip.

“Well, not ---”

“Yes,” Lex interrupted, with no hint of shame or embarrassment on his face. Gabe looked back and forth between the two of them a couple of times before he finally nodded lightly and shrugged.

“Okay,” he said and turned around to shuffle sickly back into the living room.

“Hey&#33;” Lana called after him. “Are you watching ‘Days of Our Lives’?” Gabe turned around and grinned at the girl who was starting to trail after him.

“I think ‘Orderly Bob’ is leaving the show,” he said.

“There’s an ‘Orderly Bob’?” Lana asked in confusion.

“Come on, I’ll explain at commercial,” Gabe said, motioning for her to follow him.

“Okay,” Lana said. “Has anyone taken down that manipulative bitch Cassie yet?”

“Not yet, but hopefully soon,” Gabe said.

Chloe watched on, mouth agape as she heard Lana use the word ‘bitch’ in front of her dad and not get scolded for it.

“That’s so not fair,” she said.

“You got away with telling your dad that you’re dating me and you think it’s unfair because she gets to cuss in front of him?” he asked with a bemused smile.

“Hmm – good point.”

“So, I was thinking,” Lex started, placing his hands on Chloe’s waist and drawing her closer to him, “my house? I can have the chef make us dinner after ---”

“After you help me with my paper?” Chloe asked cheekily.

“Not really what I had in mind,” Lex admitted, a light grin curling his lips upward.

“Tell you what,” Chloe said, leaning her body in against him, “you go back to the library with me for an hour and *then* we can go to your house.” Lex arched an eyebrow at her.

“The library?” he asked in a suggestive and husky voice. Chloe playfully hit his chest.

“That’s not how I meant it.”

“Of course not,” he teased.

A half hour later, Chloe was standing on her tiptoes to reach a book on one of the shelves while Lex leaned back and watched her.

“You could help me, you know?”

“I could,” Lex agreed. “But then I wouldn’t get the great view of your legs as your skirt hikes up.” Chloe spun around to face him and he smirked at her. She shot him a warning look and he backed her against the shelves, trapping her on either side with his hands. “Did your teacher give this assignment to anybody else?”

“No,” Chloe grumbled, “Like I told you ---”

“And do you have proof that he was giving the jocks preferential grading?”

“Of course,” Chloe said in as loud of a whisper as she could. “I wouldn’t have mentioned him by name if I didn’t.”

“Then,” he paused and kissed her lips lightly, pulling back before she could reciprocate, “don’t do the assignment.”

“But ---”

He cut her off by kissing her again, this time longer and with more force. His tongue snaked into her mouth and Chloe reached down to cup his groin. His hips bucked against her and she smiled into the kiss.

“I can’t just *not* do the assignment,” she said. Lex pressed himself up against her and her eyes grew wide with how hard he had gotten within the space of a couple of seconds. “Or maybe I ---” Lex captured her mouth with his own and grabbed her ass, lifting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. She moaned into his mouth as her back hit the shelves and they shook. “Lex, I ---” she trailed off when she saw that his eyes had become dark pools of lust and seemed to be staring inside of her. “Oh, God,” she half-groaned as he moved his face to her neck and started nibbling along the vein, “Lex.”

Her hand went down to the zipper of his slacks and she pulled it down to free his cock. She clasped her hand around him and he started to thrust into it.

“Chloe,” he breathed raggedly, “no.”


“I need ---”

Chloe nodded and let go of his length to grip onto his shoulders as she lifted herself up. Their eyes met as Lex’s hand went under her skirt and ripped off her underwear altogether. Chloe was about to protest when she felt him slowly bring her back down and his tip slid along her wet heat. Her eyes closed and her head lolled forward, and in one fluid motion, she rose up and then slammed herself down on him. Lex gave a half-gasp, half-moan at the sensation that suddenly surrounded him.

Chloe began pumping up and down on him, developing a rhythm that Lex quickly matched, meeting her thrust for thrust and pounding into her body. Chloe’s grip on his shoulders got tighter and she could feel the pleasure start to roll through her body.

“Lex,” she panted. Her inner walls began to squeeze tight around him and Lex found himself taking her harder and faster than he had intended. Chloe let out a strangled scream as her climax overtook her body and Lex soon followed, trying to muffle the sound of his own release by burying his mouth into her neck and biting her. Chloe’s eyes shot open to see only white as the pain mixed with pleasure sent another orgasm crashing through her. Lex slowly released her and brought her legs down so she could stand, her forehead leaning against him but her back pressed against the bookshelves.

“Chloe,” he whispered against her ear, his heavy breathing sending shivers down her spine. He felt her smile against his skin and turned his head to the side to look at her.

“It’s a little late to start following the library’s rule about being quiet, don’t you think?”

“Mmm,” he agreed, lightly peppering her jaw line with kisses. “Chloe?”


“I think we’ve been here for an hour,” he murmured huskily. Chloe let out a light chuckle as her smile grew wider. “Why are you laughing?”

“I was just thinking about what Lana said.”

“Lana’s a crack-up,” Lex said with a completely straight face. Chloe smiled broadly at him and Lex found himself grinning back at her. “What did she say?”

“She said that it took us long enough to get together.”

“Why is that funny? I agree with her.”

“Yeah, but you’d think if she thought we should be together that she would have said something to one of us,” Chloe said. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the impish smile light up Lex’s face. “She didn’t?”

“She did.”

“What did she say?”

“She said that listening to our banter was beginning to be hell.”


“Something about because it was so obvious that it was just foreplay, except we never actually got to the rest of it.”

“Oh.” Chloe paused for a second while a lopsided grin took over her lips. “Well, we have now. So, where does that put us?” Lex moved his mouth to kiss her, weaving his hands into her hair in a futile struggle to get her even closer to him than she was already. When they finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against hers and smiled down at her.


The End

22nd April 2003, 17:13
Love this story. :chlexsign4: Haha, Chloe will never get anything done in the library at this rate.

22nd April 2003, 20:13
Hehehe, I loved it all&#33; *grin* Great ending ;)

26th April 2003, 05:56
I almost keeled over at the Gabe/Lana interaction. I hereby declare that you have to write one of those in every fic. Great stuff&#33;


28th April 2003, 10:40
that was great&#33;&#33; the Lana/Gabe scene was unexpectedly calm - i loved it.

Awesome fic&#33;&#33;

:blinkkiss: Sway

2nd July 2003, 05:45
I am not sure if I originally read this story here or @ your archive/site but I swear libraries never looked the same to me ever again :blinkkiss: &#33;&#33;

:worship2: :worship2:

Lady Candy
15th October 2003, 18:53
This way at the end nothing homework, Lex is going for being her death :lol:
Anyways the ff is very beautiful, The love it&#33;

7th July 2004, 08:22
:yay: :yay: :yay: that was freaking superb&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; bravo&#33;&#33;&#33;
:worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

9th July 2004, 20:48
that was wicked&#33; loved it.... any plans for a sequel?


8th November 2004, 03:09
:biggrin: Sooo good&#33; Loved Lana & Gabe. They were great. Lex & Chloe were hot and funny. Great job as always.

12th April 2005, 00:21

5th May 2005, 17:38
That was so much fun to read. I especially loved the part when they come home to sick Lana and Gabe and "tell them" - just classic.

8th May 2005, 18:23
awesome! i liked the banter foreplay part

15th July 2005, 23:40
Great one. Loved it :)

6th August 2005, 09:51
This is lovely.....every time i read it i become more adicted.

9th August 2005, 07:43
loved it

18th November 2005, 06:34
This is just great. First we have the banter, then the build up, and then the explosive sex scene. Plus, as an added benefit we got to see Lex try and real-soup his way into Gabe’s good graces. Everything a girl could ask for in a fic. I also loved the play on words in the title (even if you didn't mean it).

I loved it, thanks for writing.


18th November 2005, 09:42
oh, yummy! *G*

19th November 2005, 23:40
I loved it! Love Gabe and Lana and of course, the way that Lex decided to act on his feelings. It's about damn time. If this is what happens in the private rooms of the library, maybe I should spend more time there! LOL! :)

28th December 2005, 11:13
Loved the idea of the private room in the library. It totally fits in with that whole small town mentality. Well done.

30th December 2005, 02:13
Loved it !!
Hot smut and the Lana/Gabe scene was priceless !!

6th August 2007, 22:00
Cute cute Cute....short sweet smut. Wonderful!

7th August 2007, 01:09
Love the banter, and hell yeah to the yumminess that is James Marsters! I love that Gabe and Lana watch soaps and that Lana so new why Lex wanted to bring Gabe soup. Yummy smut and the greatness of Chlex!

12th February 2008, 03:50
i love this story and i am glad i had help in finding it again.

9th June 2008, 06:33
Aww.... great story!

23rd November 2008, 01:35
This remains one of my favorite Chlex fics!

7th December 2008, 22:20
i love this story! it just makes me happy, haha!

17th January 2009, 11:33
Thanks for the fluffy chlex. With spike on top, Love these types of treats.


11th April 2010, 23:54
Really liked that in this story Chloe and Lex did not need any major event to get them together.

13th April 2010, 06:29

14th April 2010, 06:42
This was a really good short story...and really hot too! =D

24th April 2010, 08:46
I watched the dragoncon '08 Q&A with MR and James Marsters on youtube today and had to read this fic again after. Thanks for putting them together way before the show did.
P.S. If you haven't seen it you should check it out they are so funny and they even sing together alittle bit.

27th November 2010, 23:44
all i need in life is spike and lex :) thanks for all the fun

30th April 2013, 19:56
Brilliant, wonderful fantastic story! Completely worth not doing what I was actually meant to be doing to read it.

2nd May 2013, 06:25
my trips to the library are never that fun :'(

20th May 2013, 09:04
That was soo hot and wish the library really was that exciting. Love Chlex here. Thank you for writing it.

27th June 2013, 17:11
This was great! Loved the Lana/Gabe reactions... now I want to go to a library and get myself a bald billionaire!

Ami Rose
31st January 2020, 10:02
Wow lol