View Full Version : [Completed] His Girl Friday (NC-17)

7th April 2003, 22:34
Ok guys something happened and my fic got lost in cyberspace somewhere. So I'm posting it again...Fiona


His Girl Friday
Author: RuaFair (AKA Fiona)
Email: redwitchire@yahoo.co.uk
Rating: R-NC17
Dedicated to Hope….
Spoilers: Everything to date will probably be mentioned and mutated for my own needs.
Disclaimer: Smallville, its characters, all belong to someone else. (Sigh) I’m just borrowing them.
Feedback: Please, let me know what you think, the muse craves it.

Summery: Chloe wants to earn some extra cash and soon finds herself taking a job that leads too much more. Set in season two but not following the path of the episodes, but take it that events will be mentioned. Helen is around, and Lucas will make the odd appearance. Lionel is still at the house and can see, but is letting on he’s blind. Lana is living with the Sullivan’s but she and Chloe aren’t that close, her moving in was Gabe’s idea. Clark and Chloe’s friendship has been slightly strained due to her looking into his adoption, and Pete knows Clark’s secret.

Chapter One – The Grail

It lay there, taunting her. Chloe didn’t know why she tortured herself like this, unless she won the lottery she could never afford it. But still every other day she’d walk past the store and see it in the window.

“You’re drooling Chlo,” said Pete.

On reflex Chloe lifted her hand to her mouth to wipe away the imaginary drool. “Ha, ha Pete,” she said when she snapped back to reality.

“But honestly Chloe, how can you get so worked up about a computer.”

Chloe rolled her eyes, “Peter, for the millionth time, it is *not* at computer. It’s a work of art.” She allowed her gaze to once again fall on the Laptop in the window.

“You are so shallow,” he said with a grin.

“I am not shallow, $3000.00 worth of expert laptop engineering is not shallow,” she retorted. Chloe didn’t usually get like this about material things but with this she could ‘write on the run’, or at least in her mind she could. She dreamt of being able to write her stories anywhere and at any time. Yes it was expensive, but the reporter in her just fell in love with it.

“Maybe I could get a part time job,” she muttered.

“Well Lana is always looking for help at the Talon,” said Pete.

Chloe glared at him. “Ok, maybe not there,” he said. “Chloe, she’s living at your house…”

“Exactly, which means I don’t need to see her every minute of every day. I know she’s your friend as well, but have you any idea how annoying Lana Lang is. No matter what you are talking about she will, and I don’t know if it’s a ‘Wall of Weird’ mutant ability that she has, she will turn the topic of conversation towards herself. You could be lying on the ground bleeding to death and asking for help and it will turn into a conversation about her, it’s a pain in the ass.”

Pete laughed at Chloe’s rant. He loved his blonde friend he really did, but sometimes he felt like he was always acting like a buffer between her and Lana, and her and Clark.

“Whatever you say Chloe. I’m heading over to the Talon to meet Clark. Are you coming?”

“I’ll follow you over,” she said. With a nod Pete left her and made his way to his car.

After a few moments Chloe let out a big sigh and headed to get her car. As she walked to it she spotted Lex Luthor and his new *girlfriend*, Hilda or Helen or something. To Chloe they didn’t seem like boyfriend/girlfriend, they seemed more like cousins or something. ‘And how *Ew* was that thought,’ she added to herself. Lex Luthor, although she didn’t know him that well, didn’t strike her as someone who would ‘date’ a woman like what’s-her-name. Even though publicly anyway Lex was about as emotional as a brick wall, the guy was incredibly sexy and Chloe would have thought his *women* would be as well. But his latest ornament was kind of plain.

‘Right Chloe,’ she thought, ‘and you are a such a beauty queen that you can make comments like that.’

Helen was prattling on about something that had happened at the hospital when Lex’s gaze fell on Chloe. He watched, as she seemed to have an internal conversation with herself. He smirked to himself as she rolled her eyes and then smiled to herself. ‘How in the space of about ten seconds can so many emotions flit across one face?’ he thought.

“Are you listening to me Lex?” whined Helen.

“Not really,” he replied.

Helen pouted. Lex Luthor was unlike anyone she had ever met before. And sometimes she felt like he was just with her until something better came along. Like she was just a chapter in his life, and when it got to the last page he turn to the next and forget about her.

Still looking at Chloe, he caught her eye and she smiled at him. Unable to resist he smiled back. Helen looked over to see whom he was smiling at. She narrowed her eyes at the blonde. Chloe gave Lex a small wave and got into her car.

“Who is that?” she asked.

“Chloe Sullivan,” replied Lex. “She is a friend of Clark’s.”

“And is she a friend of yours?”

Lex turned his gaze to Helen. “Not really, I’ve only spoken to her a few times. I have a meeting to get to I’ll call you later.” He kissed her cheek and headed to his car.

Helen stared after him for a moment before turning in the opposite direction to head to the hospital.


Chloe entered the Talon and looked around. Spying Clark and Lana talking at the counter, she bypassed them and headed over to Pete, grabbing a paper on the way.

“I see you managed to drag yourself away from the *computer*,” he grinned. “Be a dear and get me a latte please?” she asked.

Pete got up and headed to the counter. Chloe took out a pen and opened the paper at the job section. She needed to find something she could do after school, and weekends. And it would also have to something that wouldn’t interfere with the Torch and her mutant hunting time.

“Yeah and pay me enough to get me my laptop,” she muttered to herself.

“One latte for the lady,” said Pete, setting it down in front of her.

“Thanks Pete,” she said, taking a large gulp. “MMM, caffeine.”

“So, do you find anything interesting?” indicating to the paper.

“Well I’ve only started looking,” she replied. “But judging from my first quick scan no there is nothing interesting. Well nothing that will suit the times I could work.”

“Chloe…” began Pete.

“It’s not just money for the laptop,” she said. “I could do with some extra cash. We can’t all have a bottomless pit of billions like Lex Luthor does.”

Pete was about to answer when Chloe’s phone rang. “Hello,” she said. “Oh hi dad…I’m just on the Talon with Pete…Can I what? … Why what happened? … Oh, ok, what time? … Sure thing, see you then. Bye.”

“Damn,” she muttered when she hung up her phone.

“Everything ok?” asked Pete.

“Yeah, my dad’s car isn’t well and he wants me to pick him up from work. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok, bye Chlo.” “Bye.” And she hurried out of the Talon.


“Elaine, why is the German office saying they didn’t get the fax?” asked Lex, trying to keep his temper in check.

“Oops I forgot to send them,” she replied.

‘Stupid woman,’ thought Lex. ‘Why on earth does that temp agency insist on sending me IDIOTS?’

“And what part of, “these are really urgent and have to go out immediately,” didn’t you understand?”

The young woman just shrugged her shoulders. “Get out,” said Lex. “You’re fired,” he clarified to the confused expression on her faced.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times. “NOW,” said Lex and headed out to talk to Gabe Sullivan.

Lex was mumbling to himself about why it was so difficult to get a good PA when he ran into Chloe.

“Oops,” she said as he walked into her. “Miss Sullivan,” he said surprised. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you.”

“No harm done Mr Luthor,” she said.

“Why are you here?”

“I’m picking up my dad, his car’s not well.”

As if on cue Gabe Sullivan walked around the corner. “Hey sweetie,” he said. “Mr Luthor.”

“Gabe, you need to redo those figures for Germany, that idiot ex-PA of mine *forgot* to fax them,” said Lex. “No problem,” smiled Gabe. “Honey I’ll be a few minutes,” he directed to Chloe.

“You can wait in my office if you like,” said Lex. “Ok,” she replied, and followed him.

When they entered the office and tearful woman was packing up her desk. Lex ignored her and headed into his own office, quickly followed by Chloe. “Upsetting the staff,” she quipped.

“No I fired her for complete incompetence,” he replied. “Do you know she is the fifth temp I’ve had and fired?”

Before Chloe could reply, Gabe came into the office and handed a file to Lex. “Updated figures.”

“Thank you Gabe. You can head home now sorry to have kept you.”

“Come on Chlo.”

“Bye Mr Luthor,” she said. “Bye,” he muttered.

As she and Gabe made their way to her car a thought crept into Chloe’s head. She smiled to herself.

“Ok, what’s that ‘oh it probably isn’t a good idea but what the hell I’ll give it a shot anyway’ smile for?” asked Gabe with a grin.

“Oh nothing,” she said. “Nothing at all.”

Chapter Two – The Proposition

“And another weeks ends,” muttered Chloe as she rummaged around in her locker. Grabbing the books she needed she slammed the door shut and headed to the Torch office. When she got here, Clark was sitting in her chair and Lana was parked on her desk talking to him.

“Make yourselves at home,” said Chloe.

“We didn’t think you’d mind,” said Lana, a smile on her face. “Yeah Chlo, it’s only a desk,” said Clark.

“Well I have work to do so please,…” she said, making a general gesture towards the door.

Clark stood up and Lana slipped off the desk. “Can you give me a hand at the Talon Clark,” she asked. Chloe rolled her eyes, she cold practically hear the brunette fluttering her eyelashes at him.

“Oh Chloe, Pete mentioned you were looking fore a part-time job. Well we’re always looking for extra help at the Talon.”

‘I’m going to kill Pete,’ thought Chloe. “That’s very kind of you, Lana,” she said with a fake smile plastered on her face. “But I have something else in mind.”

“Ok,” she said and left he room. “She was only being nice,” said Clark. Chloe turned to face him, “what does that mean,” she asked, a confused look on her face.

“Your tone with Lana, it wasn’t very nice.”

“Go away Clark,” said Chloe as she sat in her chair. Since she had continued to look into Clark’s adoption their friendship had been a little strained. Also Clark had overheard Chloe and her dad talking about letting Lana move in with them. He had heard some of Chloe’s les than nice comments about the ex-cheerleader. And now he tended to bring them up whenever they did manage to have a conversation.

“What?” said Clark.

“I said, ‘go away Clark,’ if we can’t have a conversation that doesn’t involve Lana then I don’t want to talk to you. I’m sorry if my *tone* doesn’t meet with your standards of how one should speak to Lana, and at this stage I don’t really care. Now I have a lot to do, so for the third time, go away Clark.” She turned her back to him and began looking through some papers on her desk.

Clark stared at Chloe’s back for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders. He left the room and when Chloe heard the door closing she took a long deep breath. Part of her wished that Clark would have stayed and tried to work things out.

“Ok Chloe,” she said to herself. “You need to get into the correct frame of mind for what you’re going to do.” She grabbed the bag of clothes she had thrown under her desk earlier and headed for the bathroom to change.


“I heard we nearly lost the German contract,” said Lionel s he entered Lex’s office.

“Come in dad why don’t you?” muttered Lex from behind his desk. He had left the plat early to come home and get some more work done. He had hoped the relative silence of the castle would have assisted him in getting more done.

“So what have you to say for yourself?” said Lionel reaching for a chair and sitting down. He took off his glasses and stared at Lex with unseeing eyes.

“We didn’t lose the contract, it’s being signed as we speak. Get your lackeys upgraded to ones that actually have the entire story before reporting back to you.”

“How stupid you would have looked had they not signed because some incompetent PA couldn’t fax off paper you asked her too,” continued Lionel, ignoring what Lex had said.

“She is gone, the papers where sent, crisis averted. Now was there anything else dad, I am rather busy.”

“You got lucky Lex. Luck doesn’t cut it in business. You need too…”

Lex switched off as his father went on and on with his ‘how to succeed in business’ speech. Lex had heard this monologue so many times he knew the words by heart. He allowed his mind to wonder on how he was going to break his date with Helen tonight.

Lex ran a hand over his head. Things weren’t working out with Helen and she was starting to get a little clingy. She had also been dropping hints about them living together. He snapped out of his thoughts as his father’s speech finished.

“Is that it?” he asked.

‘These little speeches and tests aren’t working anymore,’ thought Lionel. ‘I need to find something else to get the fear back.’

“Don’t screw up anymore deals,” said Lionel. He left the room, his cane clicking on the floor as he walked.

“Goodbye dad, always a pleasure,” muttered Lex sarcastically; and turned his attention back to his paperwork.


Chloe sat in her car at the gates. She checked her watch; she had been there twenty minutes. “This seemed like a good idea a couple of days ago,” she said to herself. “In fact this sounded like a Chloe Sullivan prize winning good idea. But now that I’m here it’s beginning to look like a really bad idea. And I have *got* to stop talking to myself, it can’t be healthy.”

She took a deep breath and stared at the imposing structure that was the Luthor castle. “For goodness sake Chloe, you’ve stood up to meteor mutants, you can talk to Lex Luthor.” That decided she started the engine and headed up the long driveway.


“Mr Luthor.”

“What is it?” said Lex, not looking up from his computer screen.

“Mr Luthor, there is a Chloe Sullivan asking too see you.”

This time Lex lifted his gaze to the housekeeper. “Did she say what she wanted?” he asked, wondering what on earth she was doing here.

“She didn’t. I told here you were busy and not to be disturbed, but she was quite insistent.”

Lex smirked. ‘That’s Chloe Sullivan for you,’ he thought. “Show her in," he said to the housekeeper. “Now please,” he added when the woman didn’t move. “I am destined to have staff that will never listen to me.’

The woman left and a few minutes later she appeared again with Chloe in tow. The older woman left, closing the door to Lex’s office behind her. Lex looked the blonde reporter up and down, taking in her un-Chloe like outfit. She was dress in a suit and looked very professional. She wore a knee length olive green skirt, with a matching jacket and a cream shirt underneath. ‘She looks good,’ he thought. Chloe fought the urge to fidget as Lex stared at her.

“You wanted to se me Miss Sullivan,” he aid, indicating for her to sit down. She hesitated for a moment before taking the offered seat.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Mr Luthor, your housekeeper said you were busy and normally I would of just left. But if I didn’t actually say what I came over to say I would have never said it.”

Lex watched with a bemused expression as the words spilled from her mouth. “How much coffee have you had?”

“Just three cups, but that’s not important. Mr Luthor I have a proposition for you.”

Lex just about kept the look of surprise off his face, “and what kind of proposition would this be?” he asked with a smirk.

Chloe took a deep breath. “You need a PA and I need a job. I’m good with computers; I’m far from stupid and I think I could help you. Now I wouldn’t be able to work full time with school and such, but weekends are fine as are some evening, it’s not like I have a social life or anything, although you do. Anyway after next week school will be closed for three weeks and I could do more hours then. So what do you think?”

“How did you get that out in one breath?” asked an impressed Lex.

“It’s a gift,” she replied, “so what do you think?”

“You want to work for me?”

“That was the point of the conversation.”


“I need the money,” she said honestly.

“Hence the deal with the devil,” he smirked.

“Is that a yes or a no in Luthor speak.”

“Not quite the attitude I look for in a PA,” he teased.

“Yeah well neither are brains if the last one is anything to go by. My dad told me about her aversion to fax machines,” she clarified for him.

Lex pursed his lips and looked at Chloe. Yes she was intelligent, but she was also stubborn, curious, a reporter, she wasn’t afraid of him nor did she have any problem answering him back. ‘And she looks very sexy in that suit,’ he thought.

Lex smirked, “ok you have the job, on a temporary basis first. You can’t do any worse than the others.”

“Really,” she said.

“Really Miss Sullivan.” He stood up and held out his hand. “I look forward to you working for me.”

Chloe stood and shook his hand, and Lex wondered what he was letting himself in for.

Chapter Three – Rules and Conditions

When Chloe got back home from Lex’s it took her almost two hours to convince her dad that it was a good idea, her working for his boss. She was grateful that Lana was still at the Talon; she couldn’t have handled Lana Lang giving her two cents worth. Gabe couldn’t understand why she would want to work for Lex Luthor. Chloe explained to him about the laptop and her general need for extra cash. She said he worked hard and she wanted to start pulling her weight around the place, she always threw in a ‘daddy’ now and then. A lengthy speech about her wanting some independence intermitted with her saying she needed his trust eventually swayed Gabe.

“I am still not completely happy about it Chloe,” he had said. “And if your grades start suffering because of it you will quit immediately. Also you are not to be working tool ate in the evenings and neither are you to waste all of your weekends working. You are young, you should be enjoying yourself.”

Chloe agreed to these conditions if her dad promised not to go all ‘dad-like’ with Lex. Gabe said he would just mention that he was not to take advantage of his daughter and just because she was in high school he was still to pay her what the job was worth.

Elder and younger Sullivan came to an agreement and the moment was celebrated over one of Gabe Sullivan’s infamous pizzas. When Lana got home from the Talon she found Chloe and Gabe laughing in the sitting room. Knowing things were a little weird between her and Chloe she decided not to disturb them and headed to her room.


Lex hung up the phone and allowed a smile to grace his features. He had guessed Chloe had comer to see him without saying anything to her father. And after securing the *job* she then told her father what she had done.

Nothing Gabe said surprised him. He knew that Chloe’s schoolwork was more important. Lex had assured Gabe that this arrangement was on a temporary basis and that she would be paid the going rate. He also assured the older man that he wouldn’t take advantage of Chloe. Lex had laughed out loud when Gabe told him that he wasn’t to let his daughter boss him around or answer him back.

Lex didn’t think Chloe would last long, in fact he had only agreed to the idea because he needed someone. When a suitable replacement could be found he would let Chloe go. He also hadn’t told Lionel of his latest member of staff. His father would only go off on one of his tirades about Lex’s complete lack of business sense. Also if Lionel knew that Chloe was a reporter, albeit for a high school paper, the senior Luthor would probably have a coronary. ‘Actually that might not be such a bad idea,’ he thought with a smirk.

He figured it must have taken a lot of nerve on Chloe’s part to come and ask him for the job, although she disguised it as a proposition. Granted three cups of coffee no doubted helped her bravery. He didn’t know Chloe Sullivan that well, but her quick mind and theories surrounding the meteors impressed him. And if she continued to wear outfits like she had word yesterday he’d be more than happy to keep her around for a while.

The sound of his phone ringing jarred Lex from his thoughts of how Chloe Sullivan looked in a suit.

“Lex,” he said as way of an answer. He managed to prevent the groan escaping his lips when he heard Helen’s voice. Her glanced at the clock, in an hour Chloe would be arriving for her first day and he had stuff to do. The sooner he got rid of Helen off the phone the better.


Chloe flew through what homework she had and even managed to finish her editorial. She was now standing in front of the full-length mirror in her room, trying to decide if she looked ok. She had felt Lex’s eyes run over her yesterday evening as he took in what she had worn. So she had decided to go with the suit option again. Her only problem being that she didn’t have many suits. She had somehow found a pair of black pants at the back of her wardrobe and added to it a red sleeveless shirt. She also had a black jacket, and while it didn’t match the pants perfectly, if looked professional enough as long as no one examined it in great detail.

“Well it’s a good as it gets,” she muttered and grabbed her bag. She could hear the shower running indicating that Lana was up. She ran down the stairs and grabbed the cup of coffee left for her. Hi dad, bye dad,” she said, breezing past him.

“Good luck sweetie,” he shouted after her. “Thanks,” she shouted back, before slamming the door shut. Less than a minute later she came running back in. “Car keys,” she muttered, grabbing them off the counter and running out again, her dad’s laughter ringing in her ears.


“Mr Luthor,” said the housekeeper, “Chloe Sullivan is here.”

“Very well, you can send her in.” Lex glanced at his watch. ‘She’s punctual,’ he thought.

He heard Chloe mutter a thank you to the housekeeper. When he heard the door to his office closing he lifted his head to look at her.

“Morning,” she said brightly, a large smile on her face. Lex couldn’t help but smile back. “Good morning Miss Sullivan, please have a seat.”

Chloe sat down in the chair and faced Lex. “Now before I let you get down to work,” began Lex, “there are a few *conditions* I want to explain to you first.”

“Conditions,” repeated Chloe, “is that just Lex Luthor’s fancy word for *rules*?”

“Rules, condition, call them whatever you want,” he smirked, “But if you are to work for me they have to be adhered too.”

“First and foremost anything you see in regard to contracts and Lex-Corp business are *not* to appear in the Torch or any other newspaper for that matter. You work for me and while that is the case you are not a reporter. Also when this employment terminates you will still not be reporting on Lex-Corp business, or you will find yourself at the end of a lawsuit. Is that understood Miss Sullivan?”

“I suppose,” muttered Chloe, not at all happy about having to curb her reporting nature. ‘I’ll find some way around it,’ she added to herself.

“While you are in the mansion you will use that area over there.” Chloe looked over to where he was pointing. There was a small desk with a computer and a phone on it, with a small filing cabinet beside it. A large pile of papers sat on the desk. “When you are at the plant you will use the desk outside my office. Ok?”

“Ok,” she nodded.

“Is there something in particular you need the money for?” he asked.

“Is that a *condition* Mr Luthor?”

“No just curiosity on my part. Oh one other condition, call me Lex.”

“Ok, one condition of my own, call me Chloe,” she said with a grin.

“Very well Chloe, are you ready to start?” he asked, standing up and walking around his desk to her. “I sure am,” she replied, following him over to the small desk in the corner.

“These,” indicating to the stack of paper, “are contacts being renewed. I‘ve marked in them numerous changes that need to be made. They need to be typed and printed off with those changes.” He turned away and headed back to his own desk.

Chloe took a deep breath and sat down. She switched on the computer, put her bag under the desk and took the first handful of pages off the top of the pile.

She stole a quick glance at Lex and saw him staring in concentration sat his computer screen. She saw him reach for a coffee cup to his left and grimace when he saw it was empty. Chloe quickly turned her attention back to her work when she saw his head turn in her direction.

“I have one other condition Lex,” she said, not looking at him. “You make your own coffee, unless I’m getting one for myself.”

Lex laughed softly and got up to get his refill. With a smile to herself Chloe got stuck into the task at hand.

Chapter Four – The First Day

Chloe lifted her arms over her head and stretched. She closed her eyes and arched her back and she tried to get her muscles to wake up. Lex glanced at her when he heard the soft moan and managed to bite back a moan of his own. He watched as Chloe’s shirt rode up, exposing her stomach and he allowed his gaze to move up to her chest, his eyes lingered on her breasts for a moment and then moved his gaze to her face. With a sigh Chloe lowered her arms and opened her eyes. She blushed slightly when she locked eyes with Lex. “Sorry,” she muttered, “I just got a little stiff sitting in the same position.”

Lex smiled gently back at her; “it’s ok. Why don’t you take a break? Go out and stretch your legs or something.”

“Do you ever take a break?” she asked.

“Not usually,” he replied. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t.”

“Tell you what Lex, you take a break as well and I’ll even make you a coffee.”

“Jeez with an offer like that how can I possibly refuse,” he replied with a smirk. He got up from his desk and pulled his jacket on. “Come on then Miss Sullivan, let’s stretch our legs.”

Chloe grinned and threw on her own jacket. She saved the latest document she was working on and crossed the room to him. “As for the coffee,” he said as the exited the room; “there are others around here that look after that.”

“So why take a break then?”

“Well Chloe, I can’t have you snooping around the house now can I?”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” she mumbled, “you are *not* that interesting Lex Luthor.” She glared at him for a moment before adding, “anyway the last time I went wandering around your house I ended up taking a dive out a window.” A whisper of guilt covered Lex’s face and he worked to cover it up. His mind was suddenly filled with the sight of Chloe lying all bruised and broken in the hospital bed.

“Hey,” she said, laying a small hand on his arm, “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

Lex looked down at her hand and then into her face. “It’s fine,” he said, his usual Luthor face firmly back in place, and he continued walking. Chloe stared at his back for a moment before sighing and hurrying after him.

“Is your father still in Smallville?” she asked after they had walked in silence for a while. Lex opened the front door and they stepped out into the afternoon sun. “He is in Metropolis today and tomorrow, but will be back.” ‘Unfortunately,’ he added to himself.

‘Ok now his mood is officially pissed,’ thought Chloe. ‘Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut for the time being. Well at least till I know what to say and what not to say to Lex. But then again it’s not in my nature to keep quiet, I can’t help myself, I *need* to ask questions. Ok I’m doing it again, I’m having a conversation with myself and oops Lex is looking at me funny.’

Lex watched as a number of emotions danced across Chloe’s face, as she seemed to be having an internal conversation with herself. “Have you come to a decision?” he asked with a smirk. “With the conversation you were having,” he added when she looked at him confused.

“Come on you can’t tell me that even the great Lex Luthor doesn’t have the odd internal monologue,” she said. “Or do you hire people to do that for you?”

“This may come as a surprise to you Chloe, but there are some things that I actually do myself,” he replied.

“Like what? Dress yourself,” she retorted.

“No I have a nubile young woman hidden away in my bedroom for that,” he replied seriously, his voice low, “she also looks after all my bathing needs.”

‘Do not blush, do NOT blush,’ ran like a mantra trough Chloe’s mind as she vainly fought to keep pictures of helping Lex into his boxers from her mind.

“Good thing I didn’t apply for that job,” she muttered. Lex heard what she had said and laughed. He leaned closer to her and whispered, “I don’t know Chloe, that job pays the best.”

“Yes…well…oh look at the time I should get back and finish those contracts.” She turned and headed back into the house. Lex smiled to himself and followed her.

When they got back to his office a tray of coffee had been left on the table. Chloe headed over to it and poured a cup for herself and Lex. “See told you I’d make coffee for you,” she said with a grin as she handed a cup to him. “Thanks,” he said sarcastically and headed to his own desk. Chloe went over too her own and tackled her paper work again.

A few hours ticked by and Chloe couldn’t find anything of interest in the contracts, they were all about standing orders the companies had with Lex-Corp and even Chloe’s inquisitive nature couldn’t get excited about how much fertiliser each one got.

She had also done a search on what was already on the computer she was using but again found nothing of interest. Lex had either had the machine wiped before giving it to her to use or there was never anything on it to start with. She liked to think the reason was the former and that Lex was worried about her reporting skills.

“I don’t care what they say, the terms of the contract are very specific,” she heard Lex say. She glanced up to see him on the phone. “They can’t change it now just because it doesn’t suit them. Why didn’t they bring this up during the negotiations?”

“I don’t fucking believe this,” she heard him say after a moment. “Ok, leave it with me, I’ll call you back.” He slammed the phone down and Chloe returned her gaze to her own work. She could hear him pacing up and down muttering to himself.

‘Damn it,’ thought Lex. ‘Dad will have fun with this if the contact isn’t signed.’ He glanced over at Chloe; even though she was concentrating on her computer screen, Lex knew she was listening to what was going on. He made his way over to her, “have you finished the Griffin contact?” he asked.

“Yeah I think so,” she said. She stood up, leaned forward and began rummaging through the pile she had finished and printed off. As hard as he tried Lex couldn’t help but look down her shirt, the top button had somehow managed to come undone and he could see the lacy outline of her bra, it was red like her shirt. “Here is it,” she said, looking at him. Lex brought his eyes back to her face. “Thank you,” he muttered as he took it from her. He began reading it as he walked over to his desk.

Chloe glanced down and saw what Lex had been staring it. She blushed and quickly closed the button, ‘he was looking down my shirt,’ she thought. ‘Lex Luthor was being a guy.’ She didn’t know why that surprised her, he was a man after all, but somehow it didn’t seem like him to do something like that. ‘Well done Chloe, your first day and you give your boss an eyeful.’

She glanced up and saw that Lex was still reading the contact. “I’m just going to the bathroom,” she murmured and left the room.

Lex breathed a sigh of relief when she as gone. ‘Jesus it’s like a bad porn movie,’ he thought. ‘Boss looking down secretary’s shirt, and 10 seconds they are naked and sweaty on the desk.’ He groaned as he pictured himself and Chloe naked and sweaty on his desk. ‘For goodness sake Lex, she’s a teenager, so being so immature. You never had thoughts of getting naked and sweaty on your desk with Helen. Ok contracts, Germans causing trouble.’ He tried to fill his mind with non-erotic thoughts. He picked up his phone to make a call.

When Chloe came back into the room Lex was deep in a phone conversation, she caught snippets of the conversation, but it didn’t seem that interesting so she ignored it.

“There that should keep them happy,” he muttered a while later putting down the phone. “Chloe if you want to get something to eat just let the kitchen now and they’ll make it for you.”

“Ok thanks,” she replied and as if on cue her stomach rumbled.


After getting something to eat the rest of the afternoon passed in relative silence and it was killing Chloe. She wasn’t use to being quiet for so long, but Lex didn’t strike her as someone she could chat away to while they worked. Anyway when she was around him, her reporter sense tingled and all she wanted to do was ask questions about Lex-Corp. Although after catching him staring down her shirt, other parts had began to tingle.

She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. Lex heard her and glanced at his watch 4.00pm it said. “Why don’t you call it a day Chloe? You’ve got a lot done.”

“I wanted to get these finished,” she said, pointing to the last few contacts remaining.

“If you can, come in tomorrow for a few hours to finish them,” he said.

“Oh ok.” She shut down her computer and tidied up her desk. She pulled on her jacket, grabbed her bag and headed over to Lex. “So how was day one?” he asked with a smile.

“I think it went ok,” she replied. “So do I,” he said, “thanks for your help.”

“No problem, see you tomorrow Lex.”

“See you tomorrow Chloe.” And with that she left the office and made her way out of the house to her car, a smile on her face. Lex watched from his window as she drove off. He wondered how long she would be able to last without trying to dig up some information to satisfy the reporter in her. ‘I’ll have to make sure she’s kept busy,’ he thought and then groaned and their *porn movie* played in his mind as a way to keep her busy.

“Get back to work Lex,” he mumbled and sat down at his desk again.

Chapter Five – The Loophole

Chloe didn’t head straight home after leaving Lex’s; instead she headed to the Talon for an injection of caffeine. Also she needed to get her mind off of fertiliser contracts, although thoughts of Lex staring down her shirt didn’t seem to bother her anymore. ‘Maybe it was just a one off thing,’ she thought. But an evil voice in the back of her mind was egging her to wear a more revealing top tomorrow just to see what the reaction would be.

“Hey Chloe haven’t seen you all day,” said Lana as she approached the counter.

“Yeah I’ve been kind of busy,” she replied. “Can I get a cappuccino please?”

“Sure thing,” said the brunette turning to fill Chloe’s order.

“Hey Chlo,” said Pete coming up beside her, “how’s the job hunting going?”

Chloe bit her lip, trying to decide if she should tell him about her job, considering Pete’s hatred of all things Luthor.

“Here’s your cappuccino,” said Lana, placing it on the counter. “Yeah your dad said you had got a part time job, but he didn’t say where. He mentioned something about leaving you to tell all.”

‘Thanks dad,’ she thought. “Oh it’s nothing that exciting,” she replied. “Just a little admin work at the weekends and a few hours in the evening on week days. There will probably be more hours when school closes for the break.” She sipped on her coffee.

“Where?” asked Pete.

“Oh just around,” she replied vaguely.

“Come on Chlo, why all the secrecy?” asked Pete, “it’s not like you’re working for Lex Luthor.”

The colour drained from Chloe’s face and she nearly choked on her coffee. “Please Chloe tell me you are NOT working for him,” said Pete with a note of pleading in his voice.

“It’s just on a temporary basis till I get the money that I need,” she said.

“Why him of all people?” said Pete, anger creeping into his voice.

Chloe couldn’t help but roll her eyes, she loved Pete she really did but he didn’t half piss her off with his campaign to hate Lex Luthor. ‘He and Mr Kent should start a club,’ she thought.

“Pete, I don’t have to justify myself to you,” she said, anger now getting the better of her. “Because of school etc, Lex was the best option he agreed to my hours.”

“Oh it’s Lex now,” said Pete with sneer.

“Oh for goodness sake grow up Pete,” said an exasperated Chloe. She grabbed her coffee, nodded a goodbye to Lana and left the Talon. She got into her car and headed for home, not looking back once.


“You can’t be still working,” announced Helen as she walked into Lex’s office.

‘Great,’ he thought. “Not really, I’m just finishing up some things,” he replied.

“Good, so are we going out tonight, seeing as how you couldn’t make it yesterday?” she asked. She moved over to him and kissed him gently. She went to kiss him again and Lex stood up, “I can’t Helen.”

“Why?” she pouted.

“That’s not your concern,” he replied. “It’s business.”

Helen placed her hands on Lex’s desk and leaned over. Lex suddenly found himself thinking of how Chloe looked leaning over, her shirt open, that red lacy bra peeking out. Helen smiled to herself as she saw the beginnings of lust flare in Lex’s eyes. “Or we could just stay here,” she said as she pressed up against him.

He looked down at her, “we could,” he said with a smirk. “Let me get the cook to make something I’m starving.” And he moved away from her towards the door. “Aren’t you hungry Helen?”

‘Not for food,’ she thought. With a sigh she followed him out the door.



Chloe stood in front of her mirror clad in just a long black skirt and a bra. In her hand she held two tops while her bed was a sea of many others.

Despite the little devil on her shoulder telling her to wear something revealing Chloe wasn’t so sure it was a good idea. “This is Lex Luthor,” she murmured, “he probably has a degree in flirting.”

She turned to her bed and closed her eyes. She reached out and rummaged through the pile, “whatever I pick I wear,” she said. She grabbed a top and opened her eyes. She pulled it on and grabbed her stuff to head to Lex’s.


Lex smiled to himself as the contract came back from Germany all signed. It had taken a bit more negotiation on his part but he managed to get them to sign. “At least Lionel will be happy,” he muttered.

“Hey Lex.” He turned around to see Chloe entering the office.

“Afternoon Chloe,” he replied.

She headed to *her* desk and switched on the computer. “As soon as you get the rest of those contracts done you can head home,” he said.

“I don’t mind staying if you have other things that you want me to do,” she replied.

“We’ll see,” he replied with a smirk. He sat down at his own desk, and a few seconds later was grateful that he did. Chloe had slipped her jacket off and was wearing a very low cut orange top and gave a tantalising view of the tops of her breasts. He covered up a groan with a cough. Chloe glanced over at him when he coughed and saw his eyes move quickly from her chest to her face. “Are you ok?” she asked.

Lex nodded and drank some water.

‘Oh yeah,’ she thought, ‘he was definitely staring. There must have been some higher power at work when I picked this top.’ With a sly smile to herself she set about with her work.


“No I can’t make it out,” she muttered. Picking up the contact she headed over to Lex. “Have you got a minute?” she asked. “Sure, what it is?” he replied.

“I can’t make this out,” she said, rounding the desk and standing beside him. She placed the paper in front of him and leaned down. “I can’t read your writing here,” she said pointing at the sentence he had written.

Scenes from the personal porn-movie involving the two of them that Lex had dreamt up last night ran through his mind. And using every ounce of the famous Luthor control he had he kept his gaze on the paper in front of him.

As Lex studied the page Chloe glanced around his desk. When she brought her gaze back to Lex he was looking at her. “Sorry about that Chloe, it says the terms have changed to 45 days.”

“And I thought my writing was bad,” she laughed. She reached across Lex and grabbed a pen and wrote on the page ’45 days’. When she lifted her head to look at Lex she noticed their faces where very close. “Was that all Miss Sullivan?” he asked softly.

She was about to reply when the door opened and Helen walked in. Helen narrowed her eyes when she saw the small blonde woman leaning over Lex. “I thought I could drag you away for some lunch,” she said, approaching the desk.

“Thanks Lex,” said Chloe with a smile and took the paper from his desk. She glanced briefly at Helen and then returned to her own desk.

Chloe could hear the pair muttered to each other, she could also see the woman starting to lose her patience. “Fine,” snapped Helen, and stormed out, glaring at Chloe as she did. She watched as Lex ran a hand over his head and followed the brunette out the door.

‘Interesting,’ thought Chloe. She got up and headed over to the window and could see them talking. Chloe turned her attention back to Lex’s desk and had a look around it. She saw a pile of files and she glanced to see if Lex was still outside. Seeing that he was she picked up the first one, she didn’t know what it was about but *Luthor-Corp* was all over it. She glanced out the window again and saw the Helen was driving off; she quickly replaced the files and hurried over to her desk.

Lex stormed in to the office and Chloe could tell by his body language that he was pissed.

As she tried to concentrate on what she was doing her mind kept drifting back to the Luthor-Corp files on Lex’s desk. ‘MMM,’ she thought, ‘Lex’s condition was that I wasn’t to go snooping into Lex-Corp business, he never said *anything* about Luthor-Corp though.’ Feeling happy that she might get a story after all Chloe set about getting her work finished quickly.

7th April 2003, 22:35
Chapter Six – At The Plant

“Thank God that is over,” muttered Chloe as her last class finished. As she grabbed her bag and books she could feel Pete glaring at her. ‘This is ridiculous,’ she thought. She brushed past him and headed the corridors to the Torch office.

She was no more than five minutes in the room when Clark, Lana and Pete came in. Before anyone could speak Chloe’s phone rang. “Hello,” she answered.

“Oh hi Lex. Yeah just finished now. I can do that. No that’s fine. Sure thing, I’ll see you at the plant in an hour or so.” She hung up the phone and sat at her desk.

“Is there something you three wanted?” she asked

“Chloe,” began Pete, “I’m sorry about going off at you yesterday, I know it’s not your fault. And you must have been really desperate to take a job form Lex Luthor. But I’ve been talking to Lana and she’s willing to give you a job at the Talon for a little more money than what the normal waitress’ earn.”

“Ok Pete,” said Chloe standing up. “First off, I didn’t take the job from Lex, I was the one who asked him for it. Yes I asked him for a job. Second, I don’t want to be a waitress, no offence Lana, and Lex is paying me the standard rate for a PA. Third who the hell do you think you are going behind *my* back to find* me* a job because you don’t happen to like the one I’ve got? You’re my friend Pete and I care for you but at the moment all I want to do is kill you.”

“But Chloe it’s the Luthors, and what…what does your dad think?”

“My dad is fine with it, I talked everything over with him and he was cool. He even rang Lex and they came to an arrangement. Oh I know who have this whole ‘Hate Luthors’ campaign going and with good reason, well in your mind anyway, and I’m probably breaking a cardinal rule regarding friendship by working for him. But I so do not remember you getting on Clark’s back this much when he and Lex became friends.” She turned to Clark. “And I suppose Mr High and Mighty has his opinions on this as well. Well Clark, do you want to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing?”

“Chloe we don’t…”began Lana, only to stop when Chloe glared at her. “Personally I don’t see what the problem is with her working for Lex,” muttered the brunette to herself.

“Well Clark,” she repeated, “what do you think of the situation? Do you have a problem with *me* working for Lex? And remember before you answer that *Lana* works for him too.”

Clark took a deep breath, Chloe was really angry and their friendship was already skating on thin ice. He wanted to say he wasn’t happy but then she threw in the remark about Lana working for Lex and if he still protested it would only make things worse. He decided to stay quiet for the moment at least until she calmed down.

“Wow Clark Kent with no opinion, I think I’ll make that the next headline in the Torch.” She turned away form them and gathered her stuff of her desk. “Now if you’ll excuse me but I have to get to *work, *” and with that she brushed past them and out of the door.

“That went well,” muttered Pete, and the other two remained quiet.


By the time Chloe had got to the plant she had calmed down. She figured she and Pete would be ok in a few days, ‘as long as he apologises,’ she thought, ‘but I certainly not going to.’

After parking her car and security letting her in she made her way to Lex’s office, stopping briefly on the way to say hello to her dad. After promising him she wouldn’t work later she continued on her way. She hoped Lex was in a better mood than yesterday. After his little spat with Helen he was in a pretty unapproachable mood for the rest of the afternoon.

When she got to the office Lex was pacing up and down, talking on his phone. When he saw her he put the caller on hold. “Chloe hi, I need these faxed out immediately,” he said handing her a pile of papers. “Each of the numbers listed here,” handing her another page, “need to get a copy of everything.” And with that he walked into his own office and resumed his call.

“Hello to you too,” she said to the closed door. She dropped her bag and jacket on the chair and stood over by the fax machine and began sending the documents.

Half an hour later Chloe was slowly losing the will to live, ‘this is SO boring,’ she thought. Noticing Lex’s door still closed she moved over the desk and began rummaging through the drawers. “Nothing of excitement there,” she muttered. She switched on the computer and as she waited for it to boot up she returned to the fax machine and began sending through the last document.

“Thankfully the last one,’ she thought. She headed back to the desk and began looking through the files on the computer, glancing every now and then at the door to Lex’s office. She found a folder called ‘Luthor-Corp’ but when she tried to open it, it asked her for a password. “Damn,” she muttered.

The fax machine beeped indicating the fax had gone through; with a sigh Chloe went over and gathered all the papers together. She knocked gently on Lex’s door.

“Come in.”

“Hi Lex, I’ve sent all those for you,” she said.

“Thanks, there is a filing cabinet just outside can you file them away please. And then I need you to filled in the orders spreadsheets your dad should be dropping the figures up soon.” He looked her over as they spoke, part of him happy that she had worn a slightly more conservative top, but also a large part of him was disappointed.

“It should take you a couple of hours to get that all done and then you can head home,” he said with a smile, “wouldn’t want to keep you here too late.”

“No problem Lex,” she turned and left the office, leaving the door open as per his request.

As she was filing the documents away she came across a small file at the back, opening it up she found that it had been left by the last temp and it was a list of the password used for certain documents. ‘How stupid was she,’ thought Chloe. She finished the filing quickly and after taking note of the password to the ‘Luthor-Corp’ folder she headed back to her desk.

Before she had a chance to use it her dad came in. “Hi sweetie,” he said, handing her a disk, “here are the figures for the orders. And can I just say how weird this is seeing my daughter sitting there.”

Chloe just smiled at her dad and took the disk from him. Inside his office Lex listened to the easy conversation flowing between Chloe and Gabe. He couldn’t remember ever having a conversation like that with his father. Actually deep down he didn’t think he wanted too. When he heard Gabe leave he got up and headed out to Chloe.

He leaned down beside her, “ok the files that need to be updated are in here.” He moved his hand to the mouse and called up the relevant files. Chloe could smell his cologne and she found herself savouring it. ‘His skin looks so smooth, I wonder what is feels like,’ she thought. And then suddenly blushed at her thoughts. Lex turned to speak to her and saw the blush on her cheeks. “Everything ok Chloe?” he asked, a smirk on his face.

“Fine,” she all but squeaked as she ridded her mind of touching Lex’s skin.

“Are you sure?” he whispered leaning closer to her. Chloe unconsciously licked her lips and Lex’s eyes darkened as he watched her tongue run over her lips. The urge to replace her tongue with his was almost overwhelming.

Before she could answer him, Lex’s cell-phone rang and they both jumped slightly at the sound. Lex composed himself very quickly and answered it, walking into is office as he spoke. When the door closed Chloe let out a shuddering breath. “What was that all about?” she murmured. “And has it suddenly got very hot in here?”

Chloe flew through updating the spreadsheets in about an hour. Glancing briefly at Lex’s door she typed in the password for the ‘Luthor-Corp’ folder. After a few moments a list of documents appeared on screen.

‘MMM, this looks interesting,’ she thought and opened up the document entitled, {Nemesis}. As she read the contents her eyes widened. Hearing a noise come from Lex’s office, she quickly copied all the files in the folder on disks and closed down the one she was in. Just as she had put the disks into her bag Lex came out of his office.

“Lex, I have those spreadsheets finished,” she said brightly.

“That was quick,” he replied. “You can head home now if you like. Do you think you’ll be able to give a few hours tomorrow?”

Chloe thought for a moment, “Yeah that should be fine. Do you want me here on at the mansion?”

Visions of having her on his desk flooded through Lex’s mind. “Here will be fine Chloe. I‘ll see you then.”

“Ok, see you tomorrow Lex.” She did actually want to get home quickly, she wanted to get her homework done and she then wanted to go through the files.

Chapter Seven – Meeting Lionel

It was almost 4.00am by the time Chloe finally decided that she needed some sleep. After getting her homework and a couple of articles for the Torch done she spent the rest of the time looking through the documents she had *borrowed* from the plant.

Most of it was rubbish, the documents where just contracts like the ones she had been amending for Lex. But there were a couple of interesting memos. One was from Lionel Luthor to some guy called Frank Dalton, and all the message said was ‘Move onto Plan B,’ and that was pretty much it. And as hard as she tried Chloe couldn’t find any information on this Mr Dalton. The other document of interest was the one had first read at the plant. The document contained a list of all Lex-Corp holdings and beside each one was a contact name. And on the proceeding pages where filled with information on each of those names.

And boy did they contain information. It had everything about the, down to what their blood groups were. Another page was filled with what Chloe could only call, *blackmail* information.

Chloe surmised that Lionel was going after everyone who had signed a contract with Lex, and he was going to get all of them to sign with him, either willingly or by force, hence the blackmail information. He was trying to put Lex-Corp out of business. A couple of things baffled Chloe, one was how the hell this document ended up on the computer at the plant and the other was who was Frank Dalton.

She had fallen asleep with both these questions in her mind.


“I’ll be gone for a couple of weeks,” said Helen. “It’s really important that I go to this conference.”

“Don’t let me stop you,” replied Lex, barely looking at her.

Helen narrowed her eyes, she was lying about the conference it wasn’t that important at all. But she wanted Lex to ask her to stay. He glanced at her to see she hadn’t moved. He walked over and kissed her gently, “have a great time,” he said. And just managed to keep the smirk off his face at the look on hers. He knew she wanted him to ask her to stay, but he couldn’t, in fact if he was honest with himself he couldn’t wait for her to go. ‘Maybe a couple of weeks apart will be good,’ he thought.

“If I have the time I’ll call you,” she said her voice cold. And with that she turned and left the room.

“I think I’ll survive if you don’t,” he muttered. He glanced at his watch; Chloe would be finishing her classes now. He rang the number of the Torch; he waited for the answering machine message to finish, “Chloe, its Lex I’ve been working from the mansion today, so can you head over here instead of the plant. I will see you later. Bye.”

He hung up the phone and began getting together work for her to do. He kind of liked having her around. And he had to admit she was very efficient and very easy on the eye. In fact nearly every time she stared at the desk in the corner of the room where she worked he was flooded with visions of the two of them on it and the way she looked in those low-cut tops just send his blood rushing south. He wondered how she would react if he was to kiss her. “Probably slap my face and the serve me with a sexual harassment suit,” he muttered. “Still it would almost be worth it to taste that mouth.”


Chloe finished the first draft of the Torch layout and got her articles typed up. She was glad Lex had decided to work from home; she preferred the mansion to the plant. Pete and Clark had been a bit weird with her all day, while Lana had actually been her usual friendly self. Either way Chloe didn’t care, she would give Pete a few days to calm down. And then they would sort things out.

Clark was another matter, but Chloe was sick and tired of always being the one to apologise to him. It was about time that he was the one that did the apologising; he just needed to get down from his pedestal first. “Chance would be a fine thing,” she muttered to herself and she gathered her stuff together. She rang her dad to let him know that she was going over to Lex’s.

As she was driving to the mansion she thought about the Lionel Luthor and the documents she had discovered. “Lex needs to know,” she said, “but how to tell him? I’ll wait and see if I can get anymore information on this Frank Dalton first.” She turned up the driveway towards the *house* and as she reached the main door she saw Lex standing on the steps. She parked her car and got out. “Hi,” she said as she approached him, “this must be a first the boss waiting for the employee.”

“I would love to say I’m waiting for you Chloe but unfortunately I’m not,” he replied, “I’m waiting for my father. I’ve left some memos on your desk that need to be typed, so if you can make a start no those please.”

“No problem, I’ll head in now.” She smiled at him and headed along the corridors to his office.


Ten minutes after Chloe had entered the house Lionel’s limo pulled up. Lex watched as his father exited the car. “I assume you are there Lex,” said the elder Luthor.

“How was Metropolis?” asked Lex.

“Did Germany sign?” said Lionel, ignoring Lex’s question. “Yes they did, I have all the contracts would you like me to *read* them to you?”

“Don’t be childish Lex,” retorted Lionel, and brushed past him into the house. Lex rolled his eyes and followed his father. When they got to Lex’s office the door was open and Lionel just walked in and headed the desk.

“Mr Luthor,” said Chloe. Lionel spun around in the direction of her voice. “Who is that?”

“Dad this is Chloe Sullivan, she’s my new PA.”

“She sounds young,” commented Lionel.

“She is in the room,” replied Chloe.

Lex smirked at her answer, “Chloe is in high school and is helping out on a temporary basis, her father is Gabe Sullivan, the plant manager.” Lex decided to tell his father the truth, because Lionel would go digging anyway.

“High-school,” said Lionel as if it was a disease or something, “what were you thinking? What on earth would she know about business?"

“Hello, still in the room,” said Chloe. “I know you can’t see Mr Luthor, but I didn’t know your hearing was affected as well.”

“This is nothing wrong with my hearing,” said Lionel.

“Wow he heard me,” muttered Chloe, and earned a smile from Lex.

“I think *your* staff need to learn manners when talking to their elders Lex.”

“I would if the *elder* in question had manners of their own,” retorted Chloe.

Lex watched in amusement at Chloe answering his father back. ‘I could make another million if I sold tickets to people to watch these two,’ he thought. Sensing his father was going to explode Lex stepped in. “Chloe, why don’t you go get a coffee?”

Chloe glanced at him and he looked like he was pleading with her. “Ok Lex, would you like one too?”

“Yes thank you.”

“I would like one too,” said Lionel.

Chloe ignored him and walked out of the room. ‘You can get your own,’ she thought. ‘Unless I can find some rat poison to put in his.’

“She’s a spirited one,” commented Lionel when she was gone. “I suggest you find a *qualified* replacement soon and let her get back to *school*.” And with the he left, his cane stretched out in front of him.

“Duly noted and ignore,” murmured Lex.

“Is it safe?” asked Chloe with a smile, as she entered the room.

Lex nodded and took the coffee from her. “Now that little distraction is over with let’s get some work done.”

Chapter Eight – Meeting Lucas

The next few days passed by without incident. Chloe went to school, worked on the Torch and then headed to Lex’s to put in a few hours. She hadn’t seen Lionel since that first time. Also she hadn’t been able to find out anything about Frank Dalton. What she really needed to do was to get a look at Lionel’s files.

Today was Friday, she was in her last class and school was closing for three weeks. The Torch went out yesterday and she was now free to work more hours. Pete had sort of mumbled an apology to her, and then she called him an ass and all was ok. Things were a still a little strained but ok.

‘Yea,’ she thought excitedly as her class finished. And for once she didn’t mind the general traffic jam on the corridors as everybody in the school tried to get out at the same time. “Chloe, hey wait up.” She turned to see Clark weaving his way through the crowds over to her.

“Clark,” she said when he reached her.

They stared at each other for a moment. “Is there something you want Clark?”

“I just wanted to see how you were,” he replied. “ I haven’t seen you around much outside school.”

“I’ve been busy with the Torch and working for Lex,” she replied.

“Ah yeah, so how is that going? Lex said you were excellent.”

Chloe fought the urge to break out into a big smile at what Lex had said. “It’s going good, and when where you talking to Lex?”

“I met him this morning on my way to school and we chatted briefly. So what are your plans for the next three weeks now that you’re free from school.”

They began walking towards the main doors. “I going to put in some extra hours working” she said. ‘And try and find a way to stop Lionel taking of Lex’s business,’ she added silently. “What are you doing?”

“Extra chores on the farm and helping out Lana at the Talon,” he replied. “And *hopefully* getting a certain friendship back on track.”

Chloe glanced at him and smiled. “What did you and Lex have a falling out, or you and Pete maybe?”

Clark grinned. He walked her to her car. “Can I give you a call over the weekend?” he asked.

“I’d like that,” she replied. “So do you want a ride home?”

“It’s ok, I’m going to the Talon. Bye Chlo.”

“Bye Clark.” She started her car and drove off. ‘Ok it wasn’t quite an apology but it was a start,’ she thought as she drove along, ‘but I’m not letting him off that easily.’


“Mr Luthor is in a meeting at the moment,” said the housekeeper as she led Chloe along to the office. “But he said I was to let you in and that he left stuff for you to do on his desk.”

“Thank you,” said Chloe. After leaving the school Chloe headed home to change and then set off for Lex’s. She put on a long green skirt with a slit up one side and a matching green silk shirt. She went over to Lex’s desk and found a pile of papers with a disk sitting on top if it. Also there was a note form Lex.


Can you make a start on updating the contacts, you will be happy to know that these are the last of them? Also the disk contains some more memos that I need typed out. I should be back later on this evening.


Chloe smiled to herself and took the papers and disk from Lex’s desk and carried them over to her own. While she waited for her computer to boot up she helped herself to some coffee. Settling at her desk with her coffee Chloe got down to work.

An hour or so later she had reached the last contract. She went though it and began making the changes when suddenly a name jumped out at her. Frank Dalton. She went back over the document and found the name of the company, ‘Hexagon’. “Ok, a company name at least it’s something to look into,” she exclaimed. Quickly she finished updating the contract and made a copy of it for herself, stuffing it into her bag when it had finished printing.

Excitement coursed through her body at the thought of a breakthrough in her story. But first she wanted to get her *work* out of the way. She checked the disk and saw there were only a handful of memos. “Piece of cake,” she muttered.

“Hey Lex, how’s it….” The voice trailed off when they saw Chloe. “You’re not Lex,” he said with a grin.

“Well I wasn’t the last time I looked,” she replied with a grin of her own. “Chloe Sullivan,” she said standing up and holding her hand out.

“Lucas,” he said, shaking it, “Lucas *Luthor*.”

“Ah the prodigal son,” she grinned. Lucas looked Chloe over and liked what he saw. “So where is Lex?”

“He’s at a meeting but should be back later. I think Mr Luthor is in the house somewhere.”

“Dear old dad, I don’t think so,” he replied. “Anyway the present company in much more pleasant. So what do you do here?”

“I’m Lex’s PA, well for the time being anyway,” she replied.

“You look a little young for that, and I mean no offence by that statement.”

“I’m in high-school and this is only temporary. I needed the cash, Lex was stuck for someone and the rest is history. It has actually worked out well.”

‘Wouldn’t mind you being my personal assistant,’ Lucas thought. “So Chloe, how long are you going to be here tonight?”

“I don’t know, I’m nearly finished the work Lex left for me, but I’m not sure if he has more. I guess I’ll find out when he gets back. Why do you ask?”

“Well I wondered if you wanted to grab a coffee later?”

Lex entered the room before Chloe could answer. He had been standing outside and heard the conversation. And he wasn’t too happy that Lucas was flirting with Chloe.

“Hi Chloe,” he said, “and Lucas what brings you back?”

“Thought I’d drop by and say hello,” grinned the younger Luthor. “And your lovely PA has been keeping me company.”

Chloe rolled her eyes, ok Lucas was cute, but please could he be any cheesier. She glanced at Lex and saw him smiling at her.

“Lucas,” Lionel’s voice rang out. “I heard you were here,” he said as he entered the room.

“Three Luthors,” muttered Chloe.

“Miss Sullivan you still here?” said Lionel.

“No I’m sitting the Talon throwing my voice,” she said sarcastically, causing both Lex and Lucas to smile.

“Insolent girl,” muttered Lionel. “Don’t you have something to do?”

“Lex do I have something to do?” she asked turning to him, a grin on her face.

He couldn’t help but grin back and Lucas observed how relaxed his *brother* was around the pretty blonde. “Actually Chloe I have a lot for you to do. You might want to call your dad and let him know you’ll be late.”

“Lucas, come walk with me,” said Lionel turning and leaving the room.

“Run along now Lucas,” said Chloe. He grinned at her and headed out after his father. “He’s nice,” she commented to Lex when they were alone. Lex said nothing and walked over to his desk.

“I’ve just got a few memos left to type and I’ll ring my dad now,” she said.

“That’s fine Chloe, I need to get everything together anyway.”


“Lucas have you ever considered running your own corporation?” asked Lionel as they made their way down the corridors.

“It’s not something I’ve given much thought too,” he replied. “Sitting behind a desk is not really for me. Why do you ask?”

Lionel faced his son, his dark glasses hiding the movement of his eyes. He could see Lucas looking at him warily. “I’m just curious,” he replied, and managed to cover a smirk and the look of disbelief on Lucas’ face.

“Whatever you say,” muttered Lucas, wondering what the old man was up too.

“I assume you are staying for dinner, I shall inform the kitchen.” And with that Lionel walked off.

‘What ARE you up too?’ thought Lucas. He shrugged his shoulders and headed back to Lex’s office.

Chapter Nine – Working Late

“I think my back, neck and shoulders have disowned me,” muttered Chloe. She arched her back and moaned slightly with the pain. For the last three hours she and Lex had been huddled over the large table in his office going through reams and reams of paper. Lex was putting together a multi-million dollar deal and needed to get all the information together for it.

Lucas had helped them for a little while before being summoned to dinner by Lionel. That was almost two hours ago and neither Chloe nor Lex had seen him since. Lionel hadn’t bothered asking either of them if they wanted something to eat. Not that Chloe expected that she would be asked but she would have thought he would have asked Lex. But so they wouldn’t starve Lex had got the kitchen to make them something, the remnants of which sat on Chloe’s desk.

Chloe’s eyes were blurred from staring at the pages for so long. And of course Lex looked like he could continue on for the rest of the night. The only sign of any change in his normally perfect appearance was that he had removed his jacket and tie. More than a few times Chloe had found herself staring at the pale skin of his throat and the tiny bit of his chest that was exposed when he undid the top buttons of his shirt.

She cried out a little louder as she tried to undo the knots in her neck. “May I help?” asked Lex. Chloe looked at him suspiciously. “Help…how?”

He moved around to her side of the table and stood right behind her. Chloe tensed slightly when he rested his hands on her shoulders, she could feel the heat of his palms through the silk of her shirt. “Relax,” he whispered and slowly began to massage her shoulders.

‘How weird is this?’ she thought as Lex kneaded her aching shoulders. “Better,” he asked softly. Chloe nodded and unconsciously leaned back against him.

Lex smirked to himself when she leaned back. He could smell her shampoo and vanilla on her skin. He lightly ran his fingers up and down her spine. His fingers sliding over the silk. She moaned again although this time it had nothing to do with pain.

‘You need to stop now Lex,’ he thought, but made no attempt to remove his hands from her. “That feels so much better Lex,” she whispered.

He patted her shoulders awkwardly and moved away. “Your turn,” she said and pushed him gently till he was sitting on the edge of the table. He cocked an eyebrow and smirked at her. “Now I am nowhere near as good as you, but I’ll do my best,” she said with a grin. ‘I can not believe I am doing this,’’ she thought. She stood facing him, standing between his legs and rested her hands gently on his shoulders. She began to rub them gently like he had done to her. She fixed her gaze on his throat, unable to look into his eyes. Lex watched her face; she bit her lip as she concentrated on his shoulders. “You are doing good Chloe,” he said softly.

She looked up and they locked eyes. Her hands worked harder on his muscles and he moaned softly. Her innocent touch was driving him wild. Lex hesitantly rested his hands on her waist. ‘Ok things have shifted slightly,’ she thought. ‘This needs to stop or something will happen.’ Her gaze fell to his lips and then back to his eyes. ‘Chloe Sullivan,’ her conscience spoke up. ‘This is Lex Luthor *and* he has a girlfriend. You are a high school girl and he is just teasing you.’

“Ok I think you’re done,” she said, and moved out of his arms. Lex sighed and got off the table.

Outside the door Lucas had watched the proceedings with great interest. Lex might claim to be in a relationship with this Hilda, or Helen or whatever her name was but Lucas could see the way his brother looked at Chloe. Lex wanted the blonde and he wanted her very much.

He waited a few moments and then cleared his throat loudly as he entered the room. Lex was now looking over the papers again and Chloe was pouring herself a cup of coffee. “Hi Lucas,” she said when she saw him, “would you like a cup?”

Lucas nodded and walked over to Lex. Chloe could hear them talking quietly between themselves as she poured a cup for the younger of the brothers. “Here you go,” she said brightly, carrying over two cups. Lex took one and muttered thanks.

“Thanks Chloe,” said Lucas flashing the girl a smile as he took his.

“Chloe why don’t you head home,” said Lex, “this could take another while.”

“I don’t mind staying and helping,” she replied, feeling a little disappointed that he was asking her to leave.

“I know you don’t,” he said, “but you have done more than enough for today. And I will need you here tomorrow.”

“Oh ok,” replied Chloe and went over to collect her stuff. “Nice meeting you Lucas, and I’ll see you tomorrow Lex.”

“Bye,” he muttered, his attention back on the papers on the table. Lucas frowned at his brother. “Nice meeting you too Chloe,” he said to her, “hey let me walk you out.”

The two of them left Lex and walked down the corridors to the main door. “Will you be ok driving home?” asked Lucas.

“I’ll be fine, will you be here tomorrow?”

“If you want me too,” he answered with a grin. Chloe laughed and rolled her eyes at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow then Lucas,” she said as she walked to her car.

She waved at him as she drove off and Lucas waited till her car was out of sight before heading back to Lex’s office.


As she drove home Chloe decided to put the little *incident* with Lex out of her mind. She was going to check into the company ‘Hexagon’ when she got home and see what they did. She thought about Lucas and wondered if he was someone she could confide in about what she had found. There was no real point going to Lex with it yet until she had more concrete information.

“Let me find some evidence first,” she muttered. “And then think about talking to Lucas.”


“I like her,” commented Lucas when he got back to the office.

“Like who?” asked Lex, not looking up from the table.


“What about her Lucas?” Lex lifted his head to look at his brother.

“I just said I like her. She’s cute, funny, and isn’t immediately swayed by my charm.”

“I think it would take a lot more than *charm* to sway, as you put it, Chloe Sullivan. She’s not easily duped. Unlike most of the women I’d say that *you* have entertained Chloe actually has a brain.”

“You seem to know a lot about her bro, anything you’d like to share with me?” said Lucas with a grin.

“She is a friend of a friend Lucas and now an employee and that is all,” replied Lex, his voice carefully modulated.

“Of course, you always following an *employee* around the room with your eyes. Your gaze always manages to rest on her lips or her breasts.”

“Shut up Lucas, you’re talking more crap than usual,” retorted Lex.

“Hey relax Lex, I just wanted to see if there was anything going between the two of you. Well it seem there isn’t so I think I’ll make a move.”

“You will leave her alone Lucas,” ordered Lex. The thought of his brother and Chloe getting *close* unnerved Lex.

“I think that decision should be Chloe’s,” said Lucas, “don’t you Lex? After all you were the one who said she had a brain. Anyway she is just a friend of a friend to you, why should it matter?”

“I’d better ring Helen and see how she is getting on,” muttered Lex, brushing past his brother. The conversation surrounding Chloe was getting a little uncomfortable for him.

“Interesting,” said Lucas when Lex has left, and then smiled to himself. Where Lionel was concerned Lucas wasn’t sure how he felt about the old man, but he did like Lex. And even more he liked the thought of him as an older brother. Lex just needed do loosen up a little.

“And I think I know how to achieve that and have some fun in the process,” he said to himself, a grin on his face.

Chapter Ten – Partners

Chloe grabbed a quick shower when she got home to try and wake her body up. “Lex’s hands had no problem waking me up,” she mumbled as the water pounding down onto her. She shivered as she remembered his fingers dancing up and down her spine and she let out a low moan. She wondered what his hands would feel like on other parts of her body. “Oh God,” she groaned as she pictured him leaning her over his desk, kissing his way down her body. His oh-so-talented hands pulling her skirt up before sliding one of them between her thighs, the other hand cupping her breast…

“Jesus Chloe, that sounds like a bad porn movie,” she muttered. She turned the water to cold and yelped as it hit her body. “That’s it, cold water to make the hot thoughts go away.” She turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a large towel before heading into her room.

On her bed lay a copy of the contract Lex-Corp had with the company Hexagon and Frank Dalton. She dried and dressed herself quickly. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was 9.00pm. “Right Chloe, a quick trip to the school to use the computer.”

She headed downstairs, “dad I’m heading to the Talon, I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” she shouted before running out the door.


Lucas was sitting in the Talon having a coffee when he saw Chloe’s car pull up outside. She entered the coffee house and headed straight for the counter. As the girl got her order, he watched as she looked impatiently around the Talon. He caught her eye and she smiled at him.

“Hello again Chloe,” he said sauntering over to her. “Lucas, I see you managed to escape from your dad,” she said with a grin.

“Yeah between him and Lex a guy could seriously get depressed. I don’t know if it’s a Luthor thing to be all suave and emotionless but it is definitely not for me, well the emotionless bit anyway. So what are you up too?”

Chloe bit her lip, if she said nothing, he would probably ask her to join him. And if she said she had something to do he would probably ask what is was. “I need to use of the computers at school for something,” she said after a moment.

Lucas cocked an eyebrow at her, “I see,” he said, not believing her. “Well I’m free for the evening, why don’t I join you??”

“There is no need for that,” replied Chloe, “I’m sure you have far more interesting things to do with your time.”

“Actually I don’t Chloe. Come on let me accompany you; I don’t know anyone else in Smallville except Lex and my dad. Please.” He gave her his best puppy dog look.

Chloe laughed at him, “does that look usually work for you?”

“Yes,” he replied with a smirk very similar to Lex’s. “Is it working now?”

“Not really, but I guess you aren’t going to take no for an answer.” He grinned at her again, “ok Lucas let’s go.”

“Excellent,” he said and held out his arm. Chloe rolled her eyes and took it and they left the Talon.


Lex drove fast along the roads, the top down on her Ferrari, the wind clearing his head. He had to get out of the mansion and sway from his father. Since Lucas had pulled one of his disappearing acts Lionel had decided to tell Lex for about the millionth time that he had no business sense.

Also Lex found he couldn’t concentrate on the deal. His conversation with Lucas about Chloe kept playing in his mind. Lex was failing in convincing himself that all he *felt* for the blonde was physical. She was very attractive and sexy and he was a man after all. His body was just reacting to that. But he couldn’t ignore the fact that even before she had started working for him, Chloe had filled some of his more x-rated thoughts. In fact the first time he had kissed Helen it was Chloe’s lips he had imagined he was kissing. Her tongue tangling with his…

He shook his head, “not the thoughts to have while driving,” he muttered. He pulled up in front of the Talon and parked. Glancing inside he saw Clark talking to Lana and headed in.

“Hi Lex,” said Lana with a smile as he approached. “Lana, Clark,” replied Lex.

“Your brother was in earlier,” said Clark. “Yes, and then he left with Chloe,” added Lana. “I didn’t know they knew each other.”

“They just met,” muttered Lex. ‘Lucas and Chloe together,’ a voice that sounded very much like his father sang in his head.

“They look cute together,” commented Lana and wondered why Lex was suddenly glaring at her.

“So Lex, has Chloe pushed you into firing her yet?” asked Clark with a grin.

“She is a very able PA Clark and so far has been doing an excellent job,” replied Lex honestly. ‘Although I need to keep her away from my brother,’ he added silently.

“Did either of them say where they were going?” he asked. Both Lana and Clark said no. Lex fell silent as the other two chatted about what they were going to do with their three weeks off school.
“So are you going to tell me what this is really about?” asked Lucas, as Chloe sat down at her computer in the Torch office.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she replied. Lucas stood looking at her ‘Wall of Weird’ and Chloe had called up Hexagon on her computer.

“Come on Chloe, I know I’m not a genius like Lex but there is more going on than you are telling me. Now I know you don’t know me that well, but you do look like someone who is bursting to talk.”

Chloe sighed. She did really want to tell someone, although she would have preferred that person to be Lex, his brother seemed like the next best option. And if she were going to get enough evidence Lucas’ help would be a benefit. “Ok, but this is between you and me. You have to promise that you will tell no one, especially your father and Lex.”

“Ok now I’m intrigued,” he said, moving over and taking the seat beside her. “I promise,” he added to the look on her face. “This will stay between you and me.”

Chloe took as deep breath and told Lucas about the file she had found on the computer at the plant. About making a copy of said file and then finding Frank Dalton’s name on a contract she had been amending for Lex. And through that she found the name of the company and she had come to the school to use the computer to find out what information she could on ‘Hexagon.’ She finished by saying she was convinced that Lionel was trying to put Lex-Corp out of business and in the process ruin Lex.

Lucas listened in amazement at what she had said, that and the fact she managed to get it all out in one breath. “How did you say all that in one breath?” he asked.

“It’s a gift,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “So what do you think?”

“I think you might be right,” he said. And proceeded to tell her about Lionel asking him if he ever thought about running his own corporation.

“I can’t believe that man,” exclaimed Chloe, “he’s planning to destroy Lex’s business and then hand it over to you. What kind of a bastard is he?”

“A very successful one Chloe.”

“So what happens now?” she asked.

“*We* find out what we can about Hexagon and Dalton first, and then we plan our second move.” He held his hand out to her. “So what do you say partner?”

Chloe took his hand and shook it firmly, “I say let’s get researching partner.”

7th April 2003, 22:37
Chapter Eleven – Warnings

Over the course of about two hours Chloe and Lucas found out all they could about Hexagon, and unfortunately it wasn't much. It was a small company with a couple of branches in Metropolis and its head office was just outside Smallville. They supplied agricultural equipment and took an order of fertiliser from Lex-Corp every month. Even their monthly order wasn’t of any great value and it wouldn’t make a dent in the Lex-Corp accounts if they lost the contract. Frank Dalton owned the company and employed about twenty-five people over its three offices.

Even the information on him was sketchy. Aged 45, married with one son there was nothing spectacular about him at all. And they couldn’t find any link between him and Lionel other than the memo Chloe had found where Lionel mentioned him.

“I think we are at a dead end,” muttered Lucas.

“MMM,” replied Chloe, not really listening to him. Lucas glanced at her to see she was in deep concentration. He waved a hand in front of her face. “Don’t do that,” she said pushing his hand away.

“So what now?” he asked.

“Lucas how do you feel about taking a trip to Hexagon’s offices?” she said with a grin.

“I think that would be an excellent idea Miss Sullivan,” he replied with a grin of his own. “When do you want to go?”

“Let’s see, I have work tomorrow but I’m sure Lex would let me finish a little early and then we could head off. Say about 4.00pm.”

“It’s a *date* Chloe.”

Chloe shook her head slightly and laughed at him. ‘I have to give him points for persistence,’ she thought. “Ok let me print off the information we have and then I need to head home.”


Just a Lex was leaving the Talon he spotted Chloe and Lucas walking towards him. He ducked back into the coffee shop and watched. The two of them walked to Chloe’s car and seemed to talk for a minute.

He watched as she laughed at something his brother had said and then seconds later roll her eyes at him.

Chloe opened the door to her car and turned to say goodbye to Lucas. Lex felt a stab in his gut as he watched his brother kiss her cheek, and although the kiss was very chaste Lex felt sick. Chloe smiled at Lucas and got into her car; with a small wave she drove away. When her car was out of sight Lex left the Talon and walked towards his brother.

“Lucas,” he said his voice and expression giving nothing away to how he was really feeling inside.

“Ah Lex,” he replied turning to face him, “I thought that was your car.” Lucas had spotted the Ferrari and he and Chloe walked to her car. He guessed his brother was inside the coffee shop and on the off chance that he might be watching Lucas had kissed Chloe’s cheek. He was telling the truth when he told Lex that he liked her, and would have no qualms about making a play for her. But he knew she was interested in him in that way and so Lucas found himself in a unique situation for him. He had found a female friend at least he hoped that he and Chloe were friends. And if he could flirt and banter with her and in the process piss Lex off and push him into doing something it was an added bonus.

“Where have you been all this time?” asked Lex.

“Here and there,” replied a vague Lucas.


Lucas just managed to prevent a grin gracing his face. “No actually I went for a walk with Chloe, it was *very* pleasant.”

The only sign of any reaction from Lex was a tiny clenching of his jaw. “I see,” he said. “Well I need to head back, I still have lot of work to do.” He brushed past him and headed to his car.

“Friend of a friend indeed,” said Lucas with a smile and headed to his own car.



“Hi Lex,” said Chloe brightly as she walked into the office. “I come bearing gifts.” She walked over to his desk and placed a large coffee from the Talon on his desk.

“You’re welcome,” she said sarcastically when he didn’t even acknowledge her. Lex muttered something but didn’t lift his eyes from his computer screen. Chloe stared at him for a minute before sighing and heading over to her own desk.

There were papers on the desk with a note from Lex on what he wanted done with them. She slipped off her jacket and sat down.

An hour later he had still not spoken to her. And now she had a problem with one of the files he wanted her to update, it didn’t have the information in it that he said would be there. She bit her lip and she tried to decide how best to approach him. He was really in a bad mood.

‘Just ask him,’ a voice in her head spoke up.

“Lex,” she said tentatively. There was no answer. Lex,” she said louder. He looked up from his screen. “What?”

“This file you want updated has none of the information in it, in fact it looks like a completely different file.”

Lex took a deep breath and left his desk to walk over to hers. “Let me see,” he said, leaning down to look at the screen. “That can’t be right,” he muttered. He opened a number of files and after a few moments found the one he wanted. “It had been renamed,” he said, turning to look at her.

“Are you ok Lex?” she asked softly.

“What do you mean?”

“You…you seem out of sorts today,” she said, “is everything ok?”

“Everything is *fine* Chloe.”

She laid her hand on his gently, “are you sure?”

Lex looked at her hand on his, and covered it with his other hand. “I’m fine,” he said, smiling at her. They stared at each other and Chloe watched as his expression softened. He was about to speak when Lucas walked in. He saw the two of them together and smiled.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he said with a smirk.

Chloe glanced at Lex as he released her hand and saw the mask fall over his face again. ‘I must get him to teach me that,’ she thought.

“That’s the file,” he said and walked back to his own desk. “Lucas is there something you want?”

“I just want a quick word with the lovely Chloe,” he said walking towards her. Lex narrowed his eyes at his brother’s back and returned his attention to his work. But he tried to listen in to their conversation.


“Hey,” said Lucas to her, “did you ask?”

“No not yet, he was like a bear with a sore head when I got in,” she replied. “I’ll say it to him,” said Lucas, and turned to head towards Lex. “No,” said Chloe, but he ignored her.

“Lex,” he said, “what the chances of you letting Chloe go early today, say around 2.00pm?”


“Because she and I have somewhere to be,” he replied.

Lex glanced over at Chloe, “and you couldn’t ask me why?”

“Well you weren’t the most approachable person earlier,” she retorted.

“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth.

“So she can?” prompted Lucas.

“Yes,” sighed Lex.

“See you later Chloe,” said Lucas and left the room.

“Thank you Lex,” she said.

“Chloe, I know my brother can be very…charming where women are concerned,” began Lex.

“Lex, he and I are just friends,” interrupted Chloe. “He doesn’t seem to have many and I like him.”

“Just be careful Chloe.”

“I CAN take care of myself Lex,” she said.

“I am not doubting that Chloe, it’s just that none of us know that much about Lucas,” he said. ‘And I don’t want anything to happen to you,’ he added silently. Lex liked his brother but he didn’t know him. And there was always the fact that he had Lionel’s genes.

“I’ll be ok Lex,” she replied, her voice and tone indicating that the subject was now closed.

Lex sighed and turned back to his work.

Chapter Twelve – Hexagon

“So how do you want to play this?” asked Lucas as they drove along.

Chloe didn’t hear him, she was thinking about Lex. He had acted very weird with her after Lucas had left. He barely spoke to her and when he did it was always to do with work. And he avoided eye contact with her. Chloe felt like she had done something really, really bad to him but couldn’t figure of what it was. And then he was downright rude when Lucas called back for her.

He ignored his brother completely and just kept glaring at her. Chloe didn’t want Lex mad with her. But she didn’t know what she had done, and therefore didn’t know how too fix it. ‘What if he says he doesn’t want me to work for him anymore?’ she thought. ‘I couldn’t bare that.’

“Earth to Chloe Sullivan, come in Chloe Sullivan.”

Chloe blinked and turned to look at Lucas. His eyes were focussed on the road but he had a huge grin on his face. Chloe had driven back to her own house and Lucas had followed. She left her car there and they took his.

“Did you say something?” she asked.

“I asked how you wanted to play this,” he repeated. “You were miles away, what were you thinking about?”

“Lex,” she blurted out.

Lucas glanced at her briefly before turning back to the road. “Care to elaborate or was it x-rated?”

Chloe blushed, “shut up Lucas,” she said, turning to look out the window. She took a deep breath, “I was thinking about how weird he was acting earlier. I feel like I’ve done something wrong but I can’t fathom what I did.”

Lucas managed to keep a smirk from his face. ‘For an intelligent girl she is completely oblivious,’ he thought. Lucas knew Lex was *uncomfortable* with him and Chloe being friends. He wasn’t quite sure if his brother was jealous yet, but he was definitely heading in that direction. In his short time as a Luthor, Lucas had learned quickly that they didn’t show emotion. Lionel was like a brick wall and Lex wasn’t much better. But around Chloe he did tend to let the mask down, but in true Luthor fashion he would never say or do anything.

“Don’t mind Lex,” he said with a grin, “maybe it’s his time of the month or something.”

“Maybe he is missing his girlfriend,” offered Chloe, almost choking on the word *girlfriend. *

“That wet blanket, I doubt if very much,” replied Lucas.

“Don’t you like her?”

“I don’t know her that well Chloe but she strikes me as all wrong for Lex. Granted I don’t know my brother very well,” he added when Chloe was about to speak. “Lex needs someone who isn’t afraid of him, that’s why I think he plays the cold fish with woman.”

“And how do you know all this, like you said you don’t know him that well?” she asked.

“We had a chat about women over a few drinks one night. Did you know that Lex was a very talkative drunk?”

“Oh yeah Lucas…Lex and I get wasted all the time,” she said sarcastically.

Lucas laughed. “Anyway Chloe, back to my original question how do you want to approach this?”

“Well earlier I rang ahead and asked about doing an interview for the school paper,” she said.

“Go Chloe with the devious plan,” he said.

“So I’m going to interview him and you’re going to snoop,” she said.

“Ah do we get to synchronize watches and have cool code names?”

“How old are you Lucas?” And both started laughing.


“It’s no use, I can’t concentrate,” said Lex, throwing his hands into the air. Ever since Chloe and Lucas had left, together, Lex’s mind was running through all sorts of scenarios. Most of which disturbed him.

“Why should I care if they are…together?” he said to the empty office. “He’s my brother, she’s a…nice girl…” He paced around for a little while. “Who am I trying to kid? And why I am talking to myself?”

He grabbed his keys and jacket and decided to go for a drive. And as he drove off he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t going to find Chloe and Lucas. That this was just a drive and if he managed to bump into his brother and PA then it was just a coincidence.


“Ok you help me carry my stuff in,” said Chloe as she took her tape recorder and camera out of the car, “And then leave to snoop around.”

“How long have I got?” asked Lucas as they walked up to the main door of the ‘Hexagon’ building.

“I told Mr Dalton the interview would take about thirty minutes. Will that be enough time for you?”

“More than enough,” he said with a grin. “Ok let’s go.” They walked into a small foyer with a woman behind a desk and a security guard talking to her.

“Can I help you?” she said when she saw them.

“Hi I’m Chloe Sullivan I have an appointment with Mr Dalton,” she said sweetly.

She checked a page in front of her. “Ah yes, and who is this?” she directed at Lucas. “I’m Lucas…Kent, I help Chloe out.” He smiled at her.

Chloe bit her lip to stop from laughing out loud as his choice of surname.

“Very well, sign in here,” she said pointing at a clipboard. They both signed their names and she gave them two visitors badges. The security guard escorted them to Frank Dalton’s office. A man in his late forties greeted them. After making introductions Chloe suggested that Lucas go take some pictures if it was all right with Mr Dalton.

“That is fine, off you go young man.”

Good luck,” he whispered in her ear and left the room.


Lucas made a show of taking pictures of the building. As he walked along the corridors he saw a room marked ‘No Admittance’, with a small desk outside it. A young woman sat behind it reading a magazine.

He grinned to himself and sauntered over to her. “Hello,” he said, giving her his best smile.

She smiled back, “can I help you?” she asked.

He looked down at the nameplate on her desk, “well Laura, I think you can.”


Chloe had gone through the usual boring questions. She asked him how he got started in business, when he started Hexagon, how big the company was, etc. She had managed to drag the interview out fifteen minutes.

She had wanted to end it sooner; Mr Dalton was giving her the creeps. “So Mr Dalton, do you have any business dealings with any of the bigger companies on the area?” she asked.

“Call me Frank my dear,” he said smiling at her. “I have a small contract with Lex-Corp.”

“As in Lex Luthor,” said Chloe innocently.

“Yes, although he isn’t anywhere near as good a business man as his father,” he replied. “Anyway the contract won’t be with Lex for long.”

“What do you mean?”

“My dear, young Mr Luthor will never survive, not with his father in competition with him,” he said to her.

“And you know this how?”

“That’s not important, we are not here to talk about the Luthors my dear,” he said. “We are here to talk about me. By the way you are very pretty.”

“Thanks,” she mumbled looking down at her notebook to ask another question.


Laura went of to the bathroom to fix her make up, laughing. Lucas wiped her lipstick off his lips and went through the door. In the room were a number of filing cabinets and a pile of videotapes on a table.

“Shit, this could take forever,” he muttered. He picked up one of the files and flipped through it. He gasped. He stuffed the file into the camera bag and grabbed the first videotape. He left the room and breathed a sigh relief when he saw the secretary still wasn’t there. He quickly headed back to get Chloe.


“I should probably go now Mr Dalton,” said Chloe, backing away from him. “My boyfriend *Lucas* should be back now.” As if on cue Lucas entered the room.

“There you are,” said a relieved Chloe kissing his cheek. Lucas cocked an eyebrow at her and smiled. “Let’s go,” she said. “Bye Mr Dalton thank you for your time.”

She practically pulled Lucas out of the office and down the corridor. In fact she didn’t let up till they got to the car. “Whoa, where is the fire?” he asked.

“Sorry Lucas, he…he gave me the creeps.”

He hugged her gently and they got into his car. “So did you find out anything?” she asked.

“Oh honey WAIT till you see what I found,” he grinned and started the engine.

Chapter Thirteen – Files and Videotape

“So tell,” she said.

“When we get back to Smallville,” replied Lucas.

“I don’t believe you,” she muttered. “Why can’t you tell me now?”

“Because we need to be somewhere quiet so we can go over everything. And yes I know the car is quiet, but we also need a VCR.”

“What exactly did you take Lucas?”

“A file and a video tape,” he said, “and the phone number of the secretary,” he added with a grin.

Chloe rolled her eyes at him. “We can go back to my house. It’s my dad’s bowling night so he wont be home till later and Lana will be working at the Talon.”

“Excellent,” and he pressed his foot harder on the accelerator. “Oh exactly what did you mean about Dalton giving you the creeps?”

Chloe shrugged her shoulders, “ don’t know really, he just kept staring at me, it was unnerving.”

“Did he try anything Chloe?” asked Lucas, a hint of anger in his voice.

“No, no nothing like that,” she said, “I just got a bad vibe from him. Thanks for your concern though.”

“No problem, we are friends after all.”

“Yes we are,” she said with a grin.


Lex had driven around for ages. He had been to the Talon twice and had even driven past Chloe’s house a few times. He had seen her car there but the lack of lights on in the house indicated that no one was home. For a moment his mind was filled with images of Chloe and his brother upstairs in her house fumbling around in the dark.

And now he was sitting in the Talon having yet another cup of coffee. ‘Oh no,’ he thought as he saw Clark make his way over to him. He wasn’t in the mood for his friend.

“Hi Lex,” said the dark haired boy, taking the seat opposite Lex.

“Clark,” replied Lex.

“Lana’s busy at the moment so I thought I’d come over and say hello. Oh by the way I saw your brother earlier with Chloe.”

“Where did you see them?” asked Lex, keeping his interest out of his voice.

“They were in Lucas’ car and heading out onto the road out of Smallville. I didn’t know they were getting on so well,” he said.

“Yeah they seem to have hit it off,” muttered Lex.

“You don’t sound too happy about that Lex,” commented Clark. “I know Chloe’s a reporter but I don’t Lucas would say anything, although she might go on and on about an interview.”

“It’s not that,” replied Lex, “it’s just that none of us know Lucas that well, and I hope Chloe knows what she is doing.”

“Chloe can look after herself Lex.”

“I suppose, but she hasn’t had the greatest of luck as far as men are concerned.”

“You don’t think she and Lucas are…you know…like together?”

‘I hope not,’ he thought. Lex just shrugged his shoulders and sipped his coffee.


“Come on in,” said Chloe opening the door. Lucas followed her into the living room. “Do you want a coffee?” she asked.

“Yes please,” he replied, sitting on the couch.

Chloe headed into the kitchen to make the coffee. While she was there Lucas took the file and video he had taken from Hexagon out of the camera bag. He opened the file again and shook his head at the pictures that were inside.

“Here’s your coffee,” said Chloe, handing a cup to him.

“Thanks. Chloe you might want to sit down before seeing these.”

She looked at him slightly baffled and sat down beside him. Lucas handed her the file. She took it and opened it up. “Oh my God,” she gasped.


Lex walked wearily out of the Talon and towards his car. He had been in the coffee shop for over an hour and after deciding neither Chloe nor his brother was going to show up he left.

He drove along towards his place, his mind on Chloe. ‘I should have never given her that job,’ he thought, ‘it has just made things awkward.’

As he got to the turning for the Luthor estate he stopped the car. He sighed deeply and look down the empty road. He revved the engine and took off down the road at high speed.


“I…I just can’t believe it,” exclaimed Chloe for about the twentieth time. “I know,” agreed Lucas. He glanced down at the photos that were in the file. “This is going to break him,” said Chloe. “Something like this happened before.”

Lucas sighed and put the videotape in the VCR. He sat down beside Chloe again and hit the play button. The grainy image showed a figure sneaking around what looked like an office. After a few minutes someone else entered the room. They seemed to speak for a moment but the tape picked up no sound. Neither Chloe nor Lucas could make the people out; the tape was of very bad quality.

Something seemed to change hands and then the pair started kissing. “Well at least we can surmise it’s a man and a woman,” said Chloe. The on-screen *couple* kissed for a while and then left, each leaving the room by a different door.

“Damn I wish we could make out who they are,” said Lucas. “I might know someone who can help us,” muttered Chloe.

She reached across and grabbed the phone, dialling a number. “Karl hi it’s Chloe Sullivan. I’m good and you? Listen; are you still into all that surveillance stuff etc? You are, brilliant, listen I have a tape here and it’s hard to make out exactly what is going on, do you think you could take a look at it? Yeah it’s kind of urgent. You can…. You are the best; I will drop it off to you tomorrow. Can I what? For you…yes. Thanks Karl, see you tomorrow.”

She hung up the phone and grinned at Lucas. “Karl use to go to our school, but he has like an IQ of a million and now works for some software company. He’s totally paranoid, and watches WAY too much X-Files but the guy is a genius with electronics. If anyone can get that tape to give us more information he can, unless we go to the FBI or something.”

“Chloe Sullivan you know some weird people.”

She shrugged her shoulders, “he use to write for the Torch that’s how I got to know him. People thought his was weird, well he is weird, but they thought he was scary weird. I liked him, despite his paranoia.”

“So, when do you want to go to Lex with this information?”

“I think we should wait and see what Karl can come up with. And whether or not he can help us, we will go to Lex with whatever we have. What do you think?”

“I agree,” said Lucas. “Either way, big brother is going to be pissed.”

“Yes, poor Lex,” said Chloe softly.

Lucas smiled at her. “I better head back to the castle, count Dracula wants to talk to me.”

Chloe laughed and they walked to the front door.


Parked just down the street Lex watched as Chloe and Lucas talked at her front door. His hands clenched around the steering wheel as Lucas kissed her cheek.

Lucas walked to his car and waved at Chloe before driving off. When he was out of sight and Chloe had gone back into her house, Lex drove his car closer and parked in front of her house.

Chloe put the file and videotape upstairs in her room. She hid them in her underwear drawer knowing there was no chance of anyone finding them there. She heard the doorbell ring.

She ran down the stairs, “did you forget…” she trailed off when she saw Lex standing there. “Sorry Lex I thought you were Lucas.”

“Oh has he gone?” asked Lex innocently.

“Yeah you literally just missed him. He said he was heading back, something about your dad wanting to talk to him.”

They stood in silence for a moment. “Was there something else Lex?” she asked.

“What? No, no it’s ok.” He turned to leave and then stopped. “Actually Chloe can I come in, I want to talk to you about something.”

Chapter Fourteen – Shift

“Sure Lex, come on in,” she said. She stood back and Lex entered. He followed her into the front room. “Let me clear these up first,” she said, grabbing the two coffee cups off the table. Have a seat I’ll be back in a moment.”

Lex watched as she headed to the kitchen. “Do you want a coffee or something?” she called out.

“No thanks,” he replied, and followed her to the kitchen. She was at the sink rinsing the cups. After drying and putting them away she turned to face him. She took in his appearance, he looked tired, not just physically but mentally tired as well.

“Are you ok Lex?” she asked.

“I’m fine, why do you ask?”

“You look tired.”

Lex ran a hand over his head. “I am, this deal his taking a lot out of me. I’ll be better when it’s all wrapped up.”

“Oh about that,” she began. “I’m sorry about having to leave early today. I know this deal is important and there is still a lot of work to do. But it won’t happen again, I will be commitment PA for now on.” As she was speaking she had unconsciously walked over to were Lex was and now the two of them where standing by the kitchen counter.

“Yes about that Chloe.”

“I know it was a bit presumptuous of me to ask to leave early like that, but it was for an important reason. And like I said it won’t happen again, I’m now at your disposal…”

“Chloe you know how I said this PA job was only going to be temporary, well I think we should consider…”

“Are you…sacking me Lex?” she asked in a small voice.

“Think about it Chloe, you should be enjoying your time off school, not spending your days working on spreadsheets and contracts. I can easily get a temp from an agency.”

“But I like working for you,” she said. “I thought I was doing ok, I mean if I wasn’t doing the job right I can fix that.”

Lex inwardly cursed himself. Despite her snarky attitude Chloe Sullivan was fragile. Years of being treated as a ‘best friend’ rather than a girl had shaken her confidence in most things except her reporting sills. Clark had told him about Chloe’s mother leaving and how the blonde viewed herself as a result of that rejection by her own mother. ‘Well done Lex, good to see you can still be a complete and utter bastard,’ he thought.

“Chloe, there is nothing wrong with your work, that is exemplary,” he said truthfully. “I just don’t want to see you wasting your time working,” he lied. ‘I just don’t want to see you all over my brother,’ he added to himself. ‘And it’s distracting having you there.’

“I’m not wasting my time,” she said. “Please Lex I like spending time with *you*.” She blushed slightly when she realised how that sounded, “Working you know,” she added quickly.

He knew the ‘wasting your time’ reason was lame. But her slip of the tongue caused him to smile.

“So Lex, do I still have a job?” she asked.

“Yes, you do,” he said.

“Oh thank you,” she exclaimed and threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Lex was momentarily surprised but then slid his arms around her waist and hugged her back.

“Sorry,” she said, blushing furiously and dropping her arms from his neck. Lex smiled down at her but kept his arms around her waist. Her head was bent and she found herself looking at his chest.

“I didn’t realise working for me was that important to you,” he teased, the familiar smirk back on his face.

She looked up at him, “yeah well,” she said.

“Not your usual articulate answer Miss Sullivan.” He knew he should drop his arms be he liked the feeling of her there.

“Well I haven’t had my usual dose of caffeine so the snark factor isn’t at it’s fullest,” she replied. She tried to move back but his arms kept her in place.

“Chloe where did you and Lucas go today?” he asked softly.

Chloe cringed slightly and managed to extract herself from his arms. “It wasn’t anywhere important. Lucas just had something to do and asked me to come along to help him.” She made a mental note to talk to Lucas so they could get their stories straight.

“And what was that?”

You will need to talk to Lucas about that,” she said.

‘Don’t ask her,’ a voice in his head warned. Lex ignored it, “Chloe, what exactly is going on between you and Lucas?”

“Nothing Lex, we are just friends,” she replied.

“And that’s it, just *friends*.”

“Yes Lex, you know it is possible for men and women to be *just friends*,” she snapped. “Anyway what does it matter if it was more than that. What is it so difficult to believe that he might be interested in me, or aren’t I up to Luthor standards.” Chloe was sick and tired of people questioning her decisions and pretty much everything she did. Usually it was Clark but now Lex Luthor had decided to butt in as well.

“You’re too good for the Luthors,” he said softly.

“Pardon,” she said, not quite hearing what he said.

Lex reached out his hand and cupped her cheek gently, his thumb rubbing over her soft skin. “No it isn’t hard to believe that he might be interested in you,” he whispered. Chloe closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. ‘Feels nice,’ she thought.

Lex leaned closer and her eyes fluttered open when she felt his breath on her face. She looked into his eyes. “Chloe,” he whispered and pressed his lips gently to hers.

His kissed her softly and Chloe timidly kissed him back. Seeing as she hadn’t pull back Lex increased the pressure of his lips. With a soft moan Chloe open her mouth and he slid his tongue in. He released her cheek and wrapped both arms around her waist again, pulling her close.

As he deepened the kiss and tangled his tongue around hers Chloe slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck. ‘This is crazy,’ she thought. He released her mouth and smirked when she let out a groan of disappointment. He placed wet kisses on her neck, sucking the skin gently into his mouth.

“Lex,” she moaned. He lifted her till she sat on the counter and he moved between her legs, he mouth returning to her neck. He nipped gently at her soft skin and then laved it with his tongue. Her legs spread wider and she pulled him closer. He lifted his head and their mouths met again. Lex slipped his hand under her shirt and ran his fingers along the underside of her breasts, causing her to moan into his mouth.

‘What is he doing to me?’ she thought. ‘Helen Bryce is one lucky woman.’ That thought was like a bucket of cold water over her. She pulled back form the kiss, her breathing ragged. “Stop,” she said, “this is so wrong.”

“What?” asked a confused Lex. “What’s wrong?”

“This,” she replied gesturing between the two of them. “You…you have a girlfriend. Helen…”

Lex moved his hand higher under her shirt and cupped her breast over her bra, causing her to moan loudly. “Who is Helen?” he whispered, before capturing her mouth again. Despite what she had just said, she couldn’t help but respond to his kiss. As their tongues duelled Chloe ran her hands up and down his back. Lex pulled back and took in her glazed eyes and swollen lips; he cupped her other breast and massaged them gently.

“Oh God,” she panted, “L…Lex.”

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, rubbing his thumbs over her hard nipples. Her brain was shouting YES but the rest of her body was crying NO.

Lex wasn’t sure he could stop even if she asked him too; he thought he would only ever get to touch her like this in his dreams. “Well Chloe.”

She grabbed his face and kissed him hard, thrusting her tongue in to his mouth. He moaned and began pushing her back to lie on the counter. He removed one hand and placed it under her skirt, slowly caressing her thigh.

“Chloe are you home?”

The pair released one another as Lana’s voice rang out. “Shit,” muttered Chloe, getting off the counter. She fixed her clothes and hair. Lex draped his coat over his arms and held it in front of him to cover his aroused state.

Chloe refused to look at Lex. “I’m in the kitchen,” she called out.

Lana came in and looked curiously at Lex. “Lex I didn’t know you were here.”

“I just dropped by to go over some work-related business with Chloe,” he said. “Well Chloe I‘ll see you bright and early tomorrow at the plant. Lana.” And with that he walked out and Chloe breathed a small sigh of relief when she heard the door close. Part of her wanted to hug Lana for arriving when she did while the rest of rest wanted to kill the brunette.

“I’m going to grab a quick shower before dinner,” said Chloe, brushing past the girl. ‘A VERY cold shower,’ she added to herself. She ran up to her room and ran Lucas, telling him what she had told Lex about their little adventure.

When she had ended the call she fell back on her bed and wondered how the hell she was going to face Lex tomorrow.

Chapter Fifteen – Acting Normal

Chloe woke up the next morning determined not to think about what happened between her and Lex yesterday on her kitchen counter. She had blame the entire mater on a cloud of meteor gas that just happened to be floating around in* her* kitchen at the exact time she and Lex had been there.

“I mean, come on,” she said to her reflection, “what other possible reason could it have been. This is Lex Luthor, a man who usually has some gorgeous bimbo hanging on his arm. His girlfriend is away and he was feeling a little…well... whatever. It’s not going to happen again, and I will NOT blush when I go to work this morning.”

She finished getting dressed; wearing the black shirt and red silk shirt she had worn on her first day and tried to put her hair in some order. She retrieved the videotape from her drawer and stuffed it in her bag. “Ok,” she said, glancing at her watch, “I have enough time to get to Karl’s with the tape and still make it to the plant on time.”

Grabbing her stuff, Chloe left the room, “hi Lana, bye Lana,” she to the brunette who was coming out of her room.

“Dad, see you later,” she shouted and left the house. She tried not to think as she got into her car, that the plant would be pretty much deserted today, and it was quite possible that she and Lex would be the only two there.

“I think that was my daughter,” joked Gabe, “although it might have been a mini-hurricane.”


Lex stood in his office looking out of the window. He had slept well, and that was probably due to the fact that his dreams were filled with Chloe. In fact he had woken up moaning her name as in his dream Lana hadn’t interrupted them.

And he would have, had Lana not arrived when she did Lex would have made love to her on the kitchen counter. ‘And once again you have a porn movie moment,’ he thought.

He knew it was wrong, every fibre of his being was screaming at him that it was wrong. But, God she felt good and the way she responded to him made him hard just thinking about it. ‘This has got to stop,’ his mind screamed. ‘Think of Helen.’

“Ok that did it,” he murmured as thoughts of his *girlfriend* immediately made his hard-on go away.

“LEX,” his father’s voice rang out.

“Oh great,” he muttered.

“He’s in here,” said Lucas and they walked into Lex’s office.

“Are you heading to the plant today?” asked Lionel.

“Yes, in fact I’m just heading there now,” replied Lex, stuffing some papers into his briefcase. “Is there something you wanted?”

“Is that Sullivan girl going to be there?”

“Yes dad, *Chloe* will be there, she’s helping me with the Nova deal.” Lex rolled his eyes and Lucas grinned at him. Lionel saw the reaction of both his sons and resisted the urge to chastise both of them.

“Ah the Nova deal, and how is that going?”

Lucas glanced quickly at Lionel. ‘He’s going to sabotage the deal on Lex,’ he thought. ‘I’ll talk to Chloe later.’

“It’s going fine,” muttered Lex.

“And I believe *you* were out with the Sullivan girl yesterday,” said Lionel, addressing Lucas.

“And I believe *that* is none of your business,” retorted Lucas. “And before you give me the ‘I’m your father’ speech let me just say whom I see or do not see has nothing to do with you.”

Lex smirked at his brother.

“But a high school girl,” sneered Lionel, “I would have expected someone with a lot more class.” Lionel *watched* as both Lex and Lucas grew angry at his words. He had thought Lucas was interested in the blonde, but now it seemed that Lex was as well. ‘Interesting,’ thought the senior Luthor.

“I need to get to the plant,” said Lex. He grabbed his briefcase and brushed past his father and brother. If he had of stayed in the room he would have said something that his father could use against him.

As he drove to the plant he decided that there would be no mention of the *kitchen incident* and they would just continue on like nothing had happened. She was his PA and they had a deal to get ready and that’s all that would happen.

‘Yeah right,’ a sarcastic voice in the back of his head spoke up. Lex chose to ignore it and continued on towards the plant.


“So here’s the tape Karl,” said Chloe handing it over. “Any information that you can get will be appreciated.”

“No problem Chloe, I’ll see what I can do,” he replied. “Should I even ask what this is all about?”

“Not really, it’s the exciting world of corporate business not really you’re forte,” she replied with a grin.

“MMM just because it’s the corporate world it doesn’t mean there isn’t a conspiracy somewhere being covered up by the government.”

Chloe sighed; she really didn’t have the time to listen to Karl go off on one of his rants. Because once he got started on his conspiracy theories it could be hours before he shut up again.

“Oh I brought you these,” she said interrupting him. She rummaging in her bag and took out a small package, handing it to him.

He opened the package and smiled at the box of Belgian chocolate he held in his hand. “You remembered,” he said. “Thanks Chloe.”

“You’re welcome. Now I would love to stay and chat but I have to be somewhere. You’ll call me as soon as you can get anything from the tape.”

“I will, see you Chloe.”

“Bye Karl.” She left with a smile on her face, Karl had an obsession with Belgian chocolate and that box she got him would ensure her tape would be put first on his list.


Lex had spread out all the documents that needed to be checked on the large table in his office. He was giving his presentation to the people from Nova in three days and he wanted everything to be perfect. This deal would be worth $100million and would really put Lex-Corp in full competition with Luthor-Corp. Lex couldn’t help the delight he felt at that thought.

Today’s work needed his full concentration and he almost rang Chloe to tell her that she didn’t need to come in. But he was a Luthor and he could resist her delectable body, well at least he hoped he could.


Chloe walked slowly towards Lex’s office. She offered a silent prayer that she wouldn’t blush when she saw him. When she reached the door she took a deep breath and then walked in.

Lex heard the door open and walked out of his own office. “Hi,” he said.

“Hi Lex,” she said, acting as if everything was normal. She took off her jacket and hung it up. “So what’s the plan for today?”

“The Nova deal,” he said. “I have everything laid out inside so whenever you’re ready.”

“Ok give me a minute and then I’ll be in,” she said. Lex turned and went into his office. When both were out of sight and earshot of each other they breathed a sigh of relief.

After composing herself Chloe entered his office. Lex had his back to her and was leaning over the table. And Chloe found her gaze locked on his ass. ‘Stop it Chloe,’ she thought, and walked over to him.

“Ok, let’s get stuck in,” she said.

‘This is going to be tough,’ he thought as she leaned down beside him and looked over some papers. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and saw that once again the top button of her shirt had come undone. ‘Very tough,’ he added.

Chapter Sixteen – Resistance is Futile

They had been going through the papers for about an hour and had managed to concentrate on the matter in hand. Notes were made and any comments passed where to do with the job. Although when the other wasn’t looking they threw glances at each other. Glances full of longing and on Chloe’s part, glances filled with confusion.

Even in her most naughty thoughts about Clark she never feel anything like how she felt when she was just close to Lex. And when he had touched her, well Chloe thought her entire body was going to burst into flames. So here she was, alone with him in his office and the plant, so close to him yet so far. She allowed her eyes to slowly trail down his body. He had abandoned his jacket earlier and was wearing a fitted pair of black pants and a deep lilac shirt. Her gaze lingered on the front of his pants and she allowed her mind to dwell on what was hidden behind them. Heat flooded her body and a throbbing settled between her legs. She pulled her eyes from him and looked at the papers on the table.

Lex felt her eyes on him and it took all of his control not to allow his body to react to her. Over the last hour he had allowed his own gaze to rest on her body. And every time she leaned over the table he could once again see the outline of the black bra she had on underneath. ‘I need to get laid,’ he thought. But he didn’t want some nameless woman or Helen; he wanted to be buried deep in the blonde standing beside him. He wanted to feel her move beneath him as he thrust into her. He wanted to know what she felt like on top of him, as their bodies moved as one. He wanted to hear the sounds she made when she was in the throes of passion. And most of all he wanted to hear her scream his name as she came.

“I need to make a phone call,” he muttered and moved quickly to sit behind his desk. Actually what he really needed to do was go somewhere and take care of the erection he was now sporting due to his thoughts about Chloe.

He sat down and was grateful that the desk covered up with could have been very embarrassing if Chloe had have noticed it. He picked up the phone and dialled the number of his lawyers. Chloe shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention to proof reading the pile of documents on the desk.

Lex talked to his lawyers about the deal. Going over a conversation he had already conducted with them on numerous occasions. As his lawyer explained about some of the conditions of the contact Lex switched off listening to him. His eyes moved once again to Chloe and he groaned softly. She was leaning on her elbows on the table, her back to him and her ass swaying slightly as she hummed to herself.

‘Oh god,’ he thought. ‘Chloe stop, this is so not helping.’ He hung up on the lawyer and was about to head to the bathroom when the phone rang. “Luthor,” he said answering it. “Dad, what do *you* want?” “No I haven’t why?”

Chloe kept one ear on the phone conversation, although she could only hear Lex’s side of it. But she could hear him getting angry, his voice taking on a harsher tone. She hated what Lionel did to Lex, she always go the impression that the older man enjoyed berating his son on every occasion.

“I am not his keeper,” spat out Lex, “have you considered the fact that maybe he wants to get away from you.” “Fine, yes.” Lex slammed down the phone. The only good thing from the call was the fact he was no longer worried about his pants bursting.

Chloe bit her lip as she tried to decide whether or not ask Lex is he was ok. She guessed from the call that Lionel was looking for Lucas. ‘He’s probably with that secretary from Hexagon,’ she thought with a smile. Deciding not to bring up the phone call or Lucas she picked up on of the papers from the desk that she was having trouble understanding and headed over to Lex. ‘Maybe talking work will help,’ she thought.

“Lex your excellent handwriting skills are causing a problem again,” she said with a smile as she approached him. She rounded the desk and leaned down beside him, putting the paper in front of him. Lex smiled gently at what she was trying to do. But his gaze didn’t follow hers to the page, his focussed on her chest. ‘Much more interesting,’ he thought.

Chloe looked at him to see what he wasn’t answering and she gasped slightly when she saw where his eyes were focussed. “See something you like Lex?” she asked, her voice sounding a lot more confident than she felt.

“Very much so,” he replied, his eyes not moving.

“You know, they don’t actually talk,” she said sarcastically.

“Talking is not what I had planned for them,” he replied. Smirking he lifted his gaze to her face, “although using my mouth and tongue was part of the plan.”

Chloe closed her eyes briefly as a wave of lust flowed though her. When she opened them Lex was staring at her face. She had one hand on the desk and the other on the back of his chair. Something electric passed through them as they locked eyes. Chloe licked her lips, “show me,” she whispered, hardly believing she had said that.

Without removing his eyes from hers, Lex reached up and unbuttoned her shirt the rest of the way. He leaned forward and kissed the swell of each breast. “Lex,” gasped Chloe. He ran his tongue over the lacy material down her nipple and sucked it gently through her bra. She tasted of peaches. Lex moved his hands to her waist and pulled her till she was straddling him on the chair and pushed the shirt off her shoulders. With shaking hands Chloe unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off. She ran her hand over his smooth chest and stomach, watching as the muscles tightened under her hands.

‘This can not be happening,’ she thought, and that was the last coherent thought she had. Lex’s mouth found hers and he kissed her passionately, his tongue tasting every part of her mouth. His hands undid the front clasp of her bra and he peeled the cups aside, his hands caressed her breasts, causing Chloe to moan into his mouth.

“I tried Chloe,” he whispered when they parted, “but I can’t resist anymore.” He pushed her gently and she found herself lying on his desk, her legs either side of his waist. “You need to tell me now Chloe if you want to stop,” he said, his voice husky. He began pushing her skirt up, “because otherwise I won’t be able to stop.” Her skirt was now around her waist, and Lex groaned her name when he saw the wet patch already forming on her panties. “Well Chloe?” his finger rubbing her gently through the material.

Chloe’s breathing became ragged, “Don’t…don’t stop Lex, please don’t.”

“I wanted this to be slow,” he continued as he began to pull her underwear down. “But you are driving me crazy,” he slipped a finger inside her and began moving it slowly in and out.

“Lex…Lex, oh God what are you doing to me?”

In the frantic minutes that followed the rest of their clothes where shed and Chloe once again found herself straddling Lex, only this time both were naked. Lex positioned her over his erection. She moaned as she felt the tip of him slip into her. His kissed her hard and thrusted up into her. She cried into his mouth and he held her still.

“Ok?” he asked. Chloe nodded. Lex moved her hips gently and she moaned as she felt him move inside her. “You Chloe, it’s always been you,” he moaned as she soon picked up the rhythm and began moving herself on him.

She rested her hands on his shoulders and used them for leverage. There was a throbbing pain, but the feeling of him sliding in and out with growing speed felt so good. “Oh Lex,” she panted.

With a growl, he lifted her and laid her on the desk and began pumping harder into her. Chloe arched her back and her inner muscles tightened around him. She pulled his head down and kissed him hard. When she broke the kiss they panted into each other’s mouth.

“LEX,” she screamed as she came her body trembling. A few more hard thrusts from Lex was all he needed and he climaxed, moaning her name over and over. He collapsed on top of her, both breathing hard. There was a sound of bells ringing in her ears.

“What?” Chloe blinked a couple of times and realised her cell-phone was ringing. Lex glanced up from his desk and smiled at the confused look on her face.

“Your phone is ringing Chloe,” he said with a smirk.

‘Why aren’t we naked on his desk,’ she thought. ‘OH MY GOD, it was all a daydream, God I hope I wasn’t moaning. Damn stupid fucking dream. Shit my panties are all wet.’

“What?” she barked, answering her phone. “Oh hi. No it’s ok. Now? Hang on.”

“Lex, would it be ok if I took off for an hour, I have to do something for my dad?” she lied.

“Yes that’s fine Chloe take as long as you need,” he replied.

“Ok,” she said into her phone, “I’m on my way,” and hung up. “I’ll be only an hour, 90 minutes at the most,” she said grabbing her stuff.

“See you later Chloe,” he said, and returned to his work.

7th April 2003, 22:40
Chapter Seventeen – Breakthrough

“Stupid fucking dream,” muttered Chloe as she made her way to her car. “God how pathetic am I, standing in the office dreaming about having sex with him on his desk. Please tell me I wasn’t moaning, and I so need to change my underwear. But it felt so real, HE felt so real.”

She dug her phone out of her bag and dialled Lucas’ number.

“Lucas hi it’s Chloe,” she said when he answered. “Karl just rang and he has some information. I’m on my way there now, do you want to meet me.” After giving Lucas the directions she hung up her phone and got into her car. She glanced up at the plant building to where Lex’s office was and sighed. She started her car and headed off.


When Chloe had left Lex breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn’t believe that while she had been standing no more than five feet from him he had been imagining fucking her on his desk. He was sure he had moaned more than once. He could literally taste her the image was so strong.

These daydreams were going to get him into trouble. He had to have her; it was as simple as that. But how could he, ok she had responded to him in her kitchen, but how would she react if he approached her again. “Probably slap my face and run a mile,” he muttered.

He glanced down, “Jesus Lex you’re not some teenager anymore, and you have more control than that.” He stood up and headed to the small bathroom attached to his office to change his pants. After changing he threw some water over his face and head. “Ok,” he said to his reflection, “focus Lex, this deal is too important for you to fuck up. So start using the brain in your head and not the one between your legs.”

The pep talk over he headed back to his desk to get his presentation ready.


After making a quick underwear change stop at home Chloe made her way to Karl’s place. When she got there Lucas was waiting for her outside.

“What did you tell Lex?” he asked as she approached him.

“I said I had to run an errand for me dad and that I’d be back in an hour or so,” she replied. “I think that whatever information Karl has for us we should go to Lex with what we have. I don’t think we should keep this from him any longer. He has a right to know.”

“I agree Chloe. Also I think Lionel is going to sabotage the Nova deal. He keeps mentioning it and asking Lex how it’s going. Of course Lex tells the old man nothing, but this is Lionel Luthor we are talking about, I’m sure he knows exactly how much work Lex has done.”

“If that deal falls through Lex will be ruined. Lex-Corp will be destroyed,” said Chloe in a small voice.

“Which is what he wants. And then he’s going to give what’s left of the company to me. I mean he hasn’t come straight out and said ‘Lucas, Lex-Corp will be yours soon,’ but he keeps asking me about running my own company.”

“How can he be so evil?” asked Chloe. She just couldn’t understand how a man could be like that with his own sons.

“It’s probably the Luthor equivalent of the selection process. Pit one son against the other and the strongest inherits everything. I have to admit the thought of inheriting the Luthor billions is very appealing, but not at the expense of Lex. I like him, sure he’s a little uptight, but when it all boils down to it he is still my brother.”

“I think Lex is very lucky to have you for a brother,” said Chloe honestly. She hugged Lucas and kissed his cheek.

“I think he’s lucky to have you in his life as well,” said Lucas with a smile.

“Yeah he does need friends.”

‘Friends is not what I mean,’ thought Lucas, but decided now wasn’t the best time to bring up that. “So Miss Sullivan, let’s see what your weird friend has found out.”

Chloe linked arms with him and they walked up to the front door of Karl’s’ house.


“Dalton, it’s Lionel Luthor.”

“Lionel how are you?” said the other man.

“Have you spoken to your friend Dalton? And your answer better be yes because my patience is wearing thing with you at the moment.”

“Relax Lionel everything is going according to plan. They know what to do. Do you honestly think I’m going to fuck this up?”

“Yes Frank I do. You were always incompetent and I don’t think $5million of my money is going to change that.”

“Everything is on schedule Lionel,” said Frank, knowing that arguing would only make things worse for him. “I will call you after Lex has given his presentation and we can move on to the next step.

“Fine,” said Lionel and hung up the phone. “I think Mr Dalton you have lost your usefulness. It’s definitely time to terminate our association.


“Karl, this is Lucas. Lucas this is Karl,” said Chloe as way of introductions. The two men shook hands.

“Chlo, those chocolates were the best,” said Karl. “Ok I had a look at your tape. Boy it was bad quality, you’d think in the 21st century they of used a digital camera instead of stupid VHS. And did you know that VHS is so easily corrupted you could frame someone by just knowing how to splice together various bits of video tape.”

“Karl. Focus. My tape,” said Chloe.

“What? Oh yeah sorry.”

Lucas rolled his eyes at Chloe and she smiled at him. “Weird,” he mouthed to her.

“Ok I ran the tape through my equipment a few times,” began Karl.

“What equipment?” asked Lucas. “That would be classified,” said Karl seriously. “I don’t know you, oh I know you’re a friend of Chloe’s but how does she know you? You could work for anybody. The government...etc.”

“Karl, calm down,” said Chloe, “it was an innocent question. So let’s forget it and get back to what you found. Ok?”

Lucas shrugged his shoulders. “Ok,” said Karl.”

“So you ran the tape through your *equipment* and then what?”

“I cleaned it up a bit,” continued Karl, “but it still wasn’t great. There is no way you’ll get to hear what they are saying because sound is just non-existent on that tape. Also you couldn’t even get a lip-reader in because of how the people are positioned. I couldn’t clean every frame but I did manage to get a couple of clear ones. I scanned them and cleaned them up on the computer.” He got up from the couch and walked over to a desk in the corner of the room and picked up a few photos. Walking back over he sat down again.

“This is the best I could do,” he said, “it’s almost like whoever recorded this originally didn’t want anyone to ever be able to watch it.” He handed the photos to Chloe.

She looked down at them and gasped. “Lucas, look.”

He took them form Chloe. “It’s…”

“It’s Helen Bryce,” finished Chloe, “I don’t know who the man is, but the woman is definitely Helen.”

Chapter Eighteen – Plans

Chloe and Lucas stood outside Karl’s house. In her hand Chloe held the photos Karl had gotten from the videotape. “His father and now his girlfriend,” she said. “Poor Lex.”

“Chloe,” said Lucas, “we can’t tell Lex yet.”

“What? Why?”

“Think about it Chloe, we don’t know when the video was recorded. Maybe this guy is an old boyfriend of hers.”

“But why did Frank Dalton have this tape?” asked Chloe.

“I don’t know,” sighed Lucas, running a hand through his hair.

“He needs to know Lucas.”

“I know he does Chloe. But wait a little. Let’s see if we can find out who this guy is.”

Chloe sighed; she wanted to tell Lex. But she could see Lucas’ point. “How do we find out? I mean we could go back to Hexagon and see if there are other tapes.”

“Well the room where I found that one had a stack of them. But they weren’t marked so we’d need to take them all,” said Lucas.

“I don’t think we’d get back in and out with an arm full of videotapes,” said Chloe. “Although if you could keep that secretary busy long enough…”

“I don’t think so Chloe,” he said with a grin. “So it looks like we’ll have to break in. I think you’d look great all in black.”

“Break in,” she gasped. “Lucas if we got caught…”

“We won’t. Trust me I’m a professional.”

“Do I even want to know what you mean by that?”

Lucas just smirked at her. “Get me all the info you can on Hexagon and we’ll get in and get the tapes.”

Part of Chloe was exciting at the thought of breaking into Hexagon with Lucas. But the rational side of her was scared, screaming at her that if she got caught she would be in serious trouble. But this was for Lex and although she didn’t want to analyse her feelings for him, she would do it for him. She and Lucas needed to know everything, and then they’d tell Lex that his father was trying to ruin him and that his girlfriend was probably helping.

Lucas watched Chloe as she seemed to be having an internal debate with herself. If she were adamant about not breaking in, he’d respect her wishes, and go by himself. He could understand her fears and they were actually going to be committing a crime.

“Ok,” she said. “I’ll go with you.”

“Are you sure?”

Chloe nodded. “I have all the info I got on Hexagon in the car, you can take that and go over it. I’ll leave the planning in your *professional* hands. I need to get back to the plant, I told Lex I wouldn’t be long.”

“We’ll need to do it soon Chloe. Lex gives his presentation to Nova in a few days and they will be making a decision on the contract shortly after that. Lionel will probably strike then. I’ve no idea where Helen is.”

“She’s away at some seminar thing,” said Chloe, “at least that’s were she told Lex she was going. I don’t know if they have been in contact.”

“Ok you see if you can find out where she is exactly and I’ll look into Hexagon again,” said Lucas. Chloe got the documents from her car and handed them over to him. “I’ll call you later Chloe,” he said, and got into his own car and drove off.

Chloe took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She got into her own car and headed back to the plant.


Lex was pacing up and down his office going over his speech in his head. He had the presentation all planned out and just needed to get it right. He would spend the rest of the day and tomorrow getting all the documents he wanted to bring with him ready.

“And then I’ll ask Chloe to come with me,” he said. He decided he would need someone with him, and as his PA Chloe was perfect for the job. He just wasn’t sure how she would react to spending a night away in a hotel, alone, with him. Also he wasn’t sure how her father would react.

And it probably wasn’t his best idea having her along for a day and night away in a hotel. The presentation was in the morning and then there was a dinner that evening. He glanced at his desk and the daydream he had earlier flooded his mind again. Visions of Chloe spread out on his desk as he pounded into her caused him to moan. He could feel a tightening in his pants again.

“I’m back Lex,” Chloe’s voice called out.

“Damn," he muttered and sat behind his desk again.

Chloe left her bag and jacket on the chair, composed herself and banished all thoughts of having sex with Lex and his desk from her mind and walked in.

“Hi, sorry about that. But I’m work-now girl.”

“That’s ok. There are some memos that need typing, I left them on your desk.”

“Ok, I’m on it.”

He smiled as she left his office. “Ok,” he stood up and began pacing. “We at Lex-Corp feel that…” he began his speech again.


As she typed up the memos she could hear Lex’s voice drifting out the door. And every now and then he would utter a swear word and then the speech would start up again.

She would, with Lucas, get all the information they needed and then they would tell Lex and help him fight his father, and whoever else was trying to ruin him.


“What? Yes,” she looked up to see Lex standing there a smirk on his face. ‘At least it wasn’t naughty thoughts this time,’ she added silently.

“As you know I’m giving the presentation in a few days time at the Nova headquarters,” he began; he walked over to her and sat on the edge of her desk. “It’s a day and night away in the Hotel Avalon, and I…I want you to accompany me.”

“Me,” she squeaked. She cleared her throat and her voice went back to normal, “go with you…overnight.”

“I’ll need a PA with me, and last time I checked that was your job.”

“I…I will...em…have to check with my dad,” she said. “And if he’s ok with it, well then I’ll be going…with you…to a hotel…Overnight…Great.”

“Good, you clear it with Gabe and I’ll make the arrangements. I will need to know tomorrow. Ok?”


Lex got off her desk and walked back into his office, a smile on his face. ‘She’s worried about being away with me, alone,’ he thought and he smile grew.

When Lex had gone back into his own office Chloe panicked. “A night away with Lex,” she whispered, “alone in a hotel.” A shiver ran through her body, part desire and part fear. Glancing at the closed door to Lex’s office she dialled Lucas’ number.

“Hi it’s me,” she said when he answered. And then proceeded to quickly tell him about the whole hotel business. “It’s not funny Lucas,’” she hissed when he started laughing.

“Chloe, it’s a business trip to a hotel, not the end of the world.”

“I got to go,” she said as she heard moving around in Lex’s office, “I’ll talk to you later.” She hung up her phone and continued with her typing.

She jumped slightly when the phone on her desk rang. She picked it up, “Hello.”

“Is Lex there?” a rather irate voice asked.

“Yes he is, can I say who is calling?” asked Chloe.

“Helen Bryce, put me through now.”

Chloe gasped but covered it well; she put the call on hold. “Lex,” she called out. He opened the door, “what?”

“Helen Bryce is on the phone for you, sorry to have shouted but I don’t know how to use the intercom.”

Lex sighed at the mention of Helen’s name. “Put her through,” and then walked over to show Chloe how to do it. He went back into his own office and slammed the door shut.

As tempting as it was to listen in to their phone conversation Chloe restrained herself and concentrated on getting the memos finished so she could talk to her dad about the night away.

Chapter Nineteen – All Systems Go

When Chloe got home she mentally prepared herself to talk to her dad. He was watching TV and after dumping her jacket and bag upstairs she went to talk to him.

“Hey sweetie how was work?” he asked as she entered the front room.

“It was fine, actually that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this,” he said. “You haven’t gone a got sacked have you?”

“Daddy,” she said rolling her eyes. “No I haven’t got sacked. Actually, Lex is putting together the really big deal, it’s worth millions and millions. He’s giving a presentation to the main people from the company in a few days time. And…and he wants me to accompany him.”

“Wow, check out my daughter attending a high level business meeting,” said Gabe with a grin. “So what’s the problem?”

“Well the meeting is out of town, in fact it’s just past Metropolis,” she replied.

“That’s fine honey.”

“And it’s overnight,” she added.

“That’s not fine honey,” he said.

“Dad, it’s in a hotel. It’s a really, really important presentation for Lex and he needs a PA. And I’m his PA,” she started.

Gabe rubbed closed his eyes and his temples. He liked Lex, and to a certain extent he trusted the young Luthor, but the thought of his daughter spending a night away, albeit in completely innocent circumstances, didn’t sit well with him. He opened his eyes to find Chloe staring intently at him. Her eyes were part pleading, and part ready to argue. He sighed deeply, “ok.”


“Ok you can go. You’re seventeen, and I think it’s time I started trusting you.”

“You are the best,” exclaimed Chloe, hugging her dad.

Gabe laughed and hugged her back. “Just don’t get in to any trouble,” he said his tone half-serious.

“I won’t, I‘m gonna call Lex and tell him.” She kissed Gabe’s cheek and ran upstairs.

When she got to her room she dialled Lex’s number immediately.

“Lex Luthor.”

“Lex hi it’s Chloe. I just checked with my dad about going with you to the presentation, and he said it was ok.”

“Excellent Chloe. I will have all details etc. tomorrow. Also can you come to the mansion tomorrow? I’m going to finish up the presentation here.”

“No problem, see you then. Bye.” “Bye Chloe.”

When she hung up Chloe feel back onto her bed, “a night away with Lex Luthor,” she whispered, a huge smile on her face.


Lex hung up his phone and smirked. He was certain that Gabe wouldn’t have let Chloe go.

“What has you so happy?” asked Lucas, strolling into his office.

“Nothing,” replied Lex. “Where have you been all day?”

“Here and there,” said Lucas with a grin. “Is the lovely Chloe not around?” Knowing quite well she wasn’t.

“She’s gone home for the day. Oh I’m out of town on Wednesday and won’t be back till Thursday afternoon; I’m meeting with the people from Nova. Chloe’s coming with me.”

“Now Lex, taking a young girl away for a night under the pretence of a business meeting,” teased Lucas, “you cad.”

Lex couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his brother. “It’s not under pretence it is a meeting and I need a PA.”

“And how much personal assistance will she be giving?”

“Grow up Lucas.”

Lucas laughed as he did some mental calculations. If Lex and Chloe were heading off on Wednesday, he would need to get the tapes from Hexagon before that. ‘That only leaves a couple of days to plan it,’ he thought.

“Was there something is particular you wanted?” asked Lex.

“No not at all, just saying hello. And now I’m saying goodbye, I have something to do.” And with that Lucas left the room to go see Chloe. Lex shook his head as his brother left.


When Lucas got to Chloe’s house, her father had gone out. They sat at the kitchen table and Chloe made coffee. “So I hear you and Lex are heading off for the night,” he said.

“Jeez Lucas, could you make it sound anymore sordid?”

“Yes I could actually,” he retorted. “You. Lex. Hotel Room…”

“TWO hotel rooms,” interrupted Chloe, “as in one each. Anyway I don’t think you came over here to talk about that.”

“And you would be right but this is so much more fun, and I see you’re not panicked like you did earlier when you called me. Warming to the idea are we?”

“Lucas,” warned Chloe.

“Ok, ok, I’ll let it drop,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender, “for the time being anyway.”

“Thank you,” she said, handing him his coffee. She really liked Lucas, and the two of them had become good friends. ‘Wow Chloe Sullivan friends with Lex Luthor’s brother, that’s Wall of Weird material.’

“With you taking off with Lex, we’ll need to hit Hexagon tomorrow night. I can then spend the couple of days you’re gone looking through them.”

“Tomorrow,” exclaimed Chloe, “how can you make breaking into somewhere sound as blasé as a walk in the park?”

“The same way I can make a night away in a hotel for a business meeting sound like something sordid,” he grinned in response.

“I don’t know about this Lucas,” she admitted. “The whole breaking in makes me uncomfortable.”

Lucas put his cup on the table and took Chloe’s hands in his, “I will completely understand if you don’t want to do it,” he said, “it is a lot to ask and I don’t mind going in alone.”

Chloe took a deep breath and squeezed Lucas’ hands. “I will do it,” she said, “I’m just uncomfortable. But it is for Lex and I’ll do it for him.”

“So you wouldn’t break in for me?” he teased.

“No, but that’s because you have no qualms about doing it yourself,” she teased back.

Lucas smiled. “I’ve had a look at their security set up, it’s nothing too fancy. I’ve got a *friend* of mine that can hack their system and is on standby from when it happens.”

“Wow it all sounds so professional and covert,” said Chloe. “And how do you know someone who care do that, and more importantly someone who will do that?”

“The Luthor name and questionable friends,” he said.

Chloe laughed gently. She couldn’t believe she was going to break into Hexagon’s head office with Lucas Luthor to steal some videotapes. Tapes that might prove that Lex’s girlfriend was in cahoots with his father to ruin him and Lex-Corp. “Only in Smallville,” she muttered.

“Are you working tomorrow?” asked Lucas.

Yes,” she nodded, “but I’m at the mansion, not the plant.”

“Ok, I’ll get everything organised and we’ll head off as soon as you’re finished. What time are you and Lex heading off on Wednesday?”

“I don’t know yet, he said he’d have all the details tomorrow.”

Lucas finished his coffee and stood up. “We’ll talk tomorrow Chloe.” She walked him out to the door and waited till he had driven off before closing. After tidying up the kitchen she headed upstairs.

“Please let everything be ok tomorrow night,” she whispered. “Please.”

Chapter Twenty – Mission Impossible

“I have us booked into two suites at the hotel,” said Lex. “We’ll leave early Wednesday morning, the presentation is at 3.00pm, that should be over by 5.00pm. The dinner with the people from Nova is scheduled for 8.30pm.”

“How early? What dinner?” asked Chloe.

Lex smirked, “6.30am on Wednesday. And the CEO etc of Nova has invited us to a dinner.”

“There’s a 6.30am on a week day, how long has that been going on?” she asked horrified. “And is this a dressy up kind of dinner, because if it is I so do not have anything to wear?”

“Chloe, we can get you a dress when we get there. We are flying down at 7.00am, you can sleep on the plane if you like.”

“Lex, what exactly am I going for?”

‘You’re going so I can get you alone and see if I can make any of my very recent and X-rated dreams a reality,’ he thought. “I need a PA,” was all he said.

“Jeez, cryptic much,” she muttered.

He smiled at her and Chloe grinned back. Images of the two of them in her kitchen flooded their minds and Lex reached his hand out. He gently brushed her hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her cheek. He leaned forward and brushed her lips gently with his. ‘This wasn’t going to happen again,’ a voice in Chloe’s mind spoke up. ‘Shut up,’ she answered back and kissed Lex.

Mouths opened slowly and their tongues met. Chloe moaned softly and rested her hands on Lex’s thighs. As Lex took control of the kiss Chloe wondered briefly if this was another daydream. As the kiss became more passionate Chloe began rubbing his thighs, causing him to moan loudly.

They pulled apart, breathing hard. “Sorry,” he gasped, “that shouldn’t have happened.”

“I know,” she replied, she glanced down and saw where her hands were. Blushing deeply she pulled them away.

Lex cleared his throat, “we…em...probably should get back to work. I need to get everything ready for the meeting with Nova.” He stood up and moved away from her. ‘Stupid.’ He thought to himself. This night away in the hotel was getting more and more dangerous by the minute.

“Yes,” she said a little too brightly, “I’ll get going on those reports for you.”


‘Denial thy name is Chloe and Lex,’ thought Lucas with a smile as he watched them carry on as if nothing had happened.

‘How can either of them deny there is something after a kiss like that?’ He shook his head and walked away, a smirk on his face.


Chloe and Lex managed to get through the rest of the day without getting too close to each other. Finally at 4.00pm Lex told her she could leave.

“I think we are as ready as we are going to be,” he said. “I will send a car to pick you up at 6.30am and take you to the airstrip. I'll meet you there.”

“Ok,” she replied, not quite looking at him. “I’ll see you then.”

As she walked out Lex’s gaze lingered on her back. ‘This is going to be one interesting business trip,’ he thought.


“My life had gone out of control,” she said as she drove home. “Tonight I am breaking into Hexagon’s head office with Lucas Luthor. Tomorrow morning at some ungodly hour I’m heading to an airstrip to travel on a business trip with Lex Luthor. A business trip that involves staying one night in a hotel with him, with the man that I am so attracted too. The man that can make me wet by reading the latest stock prices.” She glanced heavenwards before turning her attention back to the road. “Whom on high did I piss off to have my life screw up like this?”

Chloe sighed deeply and continued home.


Four hours later she and Lucas were on the road heading towards Hexagon. Chloe had packed what she needed for the business trip when she got home. Lana was visiting her aunt in Metropolis and her dad had gone fishing with a couple of friends. Neither would be back for a few days.

Lucas was telling her about the security set up. They looked like a couple of professional thieves. He was dress all in black and Chloe had to admit he looked good. Black pants, black sweater, black gloves and a black cap to top it all off. She was dressed the same herself.

“You ok Chloe?” he asked.

“Not really,” she replied with a smile.

“It’s not too late to back out. You can wait in the car while I go in.”

“I’m going in with you Lucas,” she said defiantly.

“So I’ve decided my *code name* with be *Sex-God*,” he said with a grin.

Chloe rolled her eyes, “I think it should be delusional.”

He laughed out loud and was joined by Chloe. “Thank you,” she said after a moment. He just grinned and they continued driving.


They sat in the car out of sight of the building as the y waited for everyone to go home. As it turned out Frank Dalton was the last to leave. Just before midnight, when they were sure the only people in the building were the security guards, Lucas and Chloe made their way around the back. Lucas had called his friend prior to them moving and he had assured them they could get in and out without tripping any alarms or being caught on security cameras.

The only thing they had to worry about was physically being caught by any of the security personnel making their rounds of the building.

With stealth they entered through a back door, Lucas picking the lick with ease. “A good teacher,” was all he muttered to Chloe’s questioning gaze. “Pretty impressive,” she murmured back.

“Someone’s coming,” said Lucas and he grabbed Chloe. They ran into an office and hid behind a desk. The door opened and a torch was flashed around the room. Chloe closed her eyes and buried her head in Lucas’ chest. The torch disappeared and the door was closed. After a moment they got out from behind the desk, Chloe’s heart was thumping.

“That was close,” she whispered. Lucas took her hand and they left the office and hurried along to the room where Lucas got the tape previously. Once inside he shut the door.

On the table were stacked about eight videotapes. Chloe took the bag off her back and began putting them into it. Lucas stood listening at the door. “Hurry Chloe,” he urged.

“Ok I got all of them,” she said, zipping up the bag. Lucas took it from her. “Quick over here,” he said as pushed her into a darkened corner and he heard voices approaching the door. Chloe found herself pressed against the wall by Lucas. She could barely breathe they were so tightly packed together.

The door didn’t open and the voices disappeared as the guards walked off. Lucas moved back form Chloe. “I think you broke a rib,” she whispered to him.

He took her hand and they left the room and quickly made their way to the back door. They had just got outside when the door was spotted being closed.

A guard cried out.

“Chloe run,” said Lucas and the pair of them ran across grass to the back gate. Chloe began climbing it, quickly followed by Lucas. They could hear the guards in the distance, and they were getting closer.

Chloe got over the gate and landed on the ground on the other side. Lucas dropped the bag with the tapes in it to her and he jumped off the top.

He cried out as his ankle gave way. Chloe helped him up and she half dragged him to the car. He threw her the keys and she started the car, taking off at high speed.

Lucas made a quick call to his friend to reactivate the security systems in Hexagon. “That was too close for comfort,” gasped Chloe as she speeded along the roads. “Is your ankle ok?”

“Hurts like hell,” he muttered, “but I don’t think it’s broken.”

“Do you want to head back to my place, there is no one home?”

“Yeah just for awhile, thanks Chloe.”

She checked her watch 1.30am. In five hours time Lex would be sending a car to take her to the airstrip. “I need sleep,” she muttered.


At 3.00am Lucas had left her house and headed back to the mansion with the bag full of tapes. His ankle wasn't broken and they had managed to keep the swelling down. He said he would look through the tapes over the next couple of days and they’d discuss anything he finds when she got back.

And despite being in pain and the fact that they had just committed a crime he still managed to tease her about spending the night away with Lex.

As she crawled into bed she couldn’t believe that she would have to get up in three hours. ‘Those tapes better have something worthwhile on them,’ she thought as she fell asleep.

Chapter Twenty One – The Trip

At exactly 6.30am the doorbell rang. A showered, dressed but still half-asleep Chloe muttered to herself as she opened the door.

“6.30am, who the hell gets up at 6.30am?” The man on the side if the door smiled to himself as she took Chloe’s bag and put it in the car.

Still muttering Chloe locked the front door and following him to the car, she climbed into the back seat and when she was settled the car took off. “Would you be able to make a really quick stop,” she asked. The driver looked at her in the mirror, “where do you want to stop miss?”

“I really, really need to get caffeine,” she said, “like matter of life and death really.”

He chuckled to himself and pulled up at a coffee shop. “You are a life saver,” she exclaimed, reaching to open the door.

“I’ll get it miss, what would you like?”

“I would like a large, very large latte, in fact get them to put a couple of extra espresso shots in it.”

He took off with a grin and Chloe yawned loudly. “Note to self, get more sleep. She had only got three hours sleep thanks to her and Lucas’ raid on the Hexagon office, and now she had to fly to wherever and attend a business meeting with Lex. “God I hope I stay awake,” she said. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat. The sound of the door opening and closing jolted her awake again.

“Your coffee miss,” said the driver, handing the large cup over to her.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said taking a large sip. Chloe closed her eyes again and let the coffee work it’s magic. The driver smiled and started the car again.


Lex sat in the small Lex-Corp aircraft waiting for Chloe to arrive. He was going over his speech in his mind. He felt slightly nervous, and that sensation felt alien to him. He was a Luthor, he wasn’t supposed to feel *fear* in any capacity. But this deal could make him; it could also break him. If it succeeded he would be able to really challenge his father.

He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself and returned his attention to the papers. After a few moments he glanced out the window and saw the car he had sent for Chloe pulling up along side the aircraft. He watched with a smile on his face as an obviously half-asleep Chloe climbed out of the car clutching her coffee as if her life depended on it.

Chloe looked up and saw Lex looking out the window at her. She gave him a small wave and made her way up the steps and into the aircraft.

“Good morning,” he said brightly.

“Well it’s morning,” she mumbled back, settling into the seat opposite him.

“Not quite awake I see,” he teased.

Although all she wanted to do was fall asleep she managed to glare at him. ‘How can he be so…awake?’ she thought.

“How much sleep have you had?” she asked.

“About five hours,” he replied. “And you?”

“Three,” she said with a yawn.

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her but said nothing. The pilot announced that they were preparing for take off. Lex leaned over and fastened Chloe’s seat belt before sitting down and doing his own. “Thanks,” she said with a small smile.

Ten minutes later they were in the air. “The flight will take at least a couple of hours,” he said.

“Good,” she murmured, her eyes already closed. Lex smiled as over the next five minutes he heard her breathing deepen indicating she had fallen asleep. He took the coffee cup from her hand and returned to his speech.


After an hour Lex could feel his vision getting blurry from concentrating on the documents. He put them back in his brief case and leaned back in his seat. He looked over a Chloe and saw that she was still asleep. He allowed his gaze to slowly travel over her face and body; he lingered on the slow rise and fall of her chest.

When he had booked their hotel rooms he had tried getting the two rooms far apart, preferably on different floors. But that hadn’t been possible and their suites were right next door to each other. In fact Lex would be able to access Chloe’s room via a connecting door. A soft moan from Chloe drew Lex’s gaze back to her face. He watched as she tried to get more comfortable in the seat. Unbuckling his seat belt he sat down beside her and unbuckled hers. Without waking her he managed to manoeuvre her body so that it was lying against him.

“Lex,” she murmured softly in her sleep and buried her head deeper into his chest.

His breath caught in his throat when he heard her say his name. She moaned his name again. ‘She’s dreaming of me,’ he thought. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. Closing his eyes he rested his head on the back of the seat.


Chloe was having a really good dream, the kind of dream she never wanted to wake up from. She was curled up around Lex and he felt so good against her. She wriggled against him and he groaned softly.

{Please get ready for landing.} Sounded around the cabin.

Chloe woke up to find herself in Lex’s arms. She looked up to see him smiling down at her. “Sleep well?”

Blushing she removed herself from his arms and sat up. “Yes it was fine,” she muttered.

Lex leaned over and buckled her seat belt around her again, “we’re going to land,” he said. He sat back in his seat and did the same. Chloe looked out the window until her blush dissipated.

“So where to first,” she asked.

“We’ll check in first and grab something to eat and then it’s off to the Nova offices for the presentation,” he replied.

Chloe nodded and mentally thanked herself from remembering to pack her suit.


Lucas yawned as he entered the Talon. He had slept much and his ankle was still paining him. He decided that before he got stuck into watching the videotapes they had taken he would get some fresh air and coffee. Anyway Lionel was still at the mansion and wasn’t due to leave for Metropolis for another hour and Lucas didn’t want him there while he looked through the videos.

“Hi,” beamed the waitress, “what can I get you?”

“Just a cappuccino please,” he replied.

“Lucas,” said Clark by way of a greeting. The younger Luthor just nodded at him.

“Is Lex about today?” asked Clark.

“Thanks,” said Lucas to the waitress as she handed him the coffee. He then turned to Clark. “Lex is away today and best part of tomorrow at a business meeting,” he said, “and Chloe’s gone with him,” he added with a grin.

“As in away for the night,” exclaimed Pete, who had just arrived and heard what Lucas had said.

“Yeah, the meeting is this afternoon and there’s some corporate dinner this evening, they are staying in a hotel and will be back Thursday.”

“And what did her dad say about that?”

“She asked him before agreeing to go,” said Lucas. “I don’t know what your problem is, Lex needs his PA for this meeting, and Chloe is his PA. Lex and Chloe have gone together.”

Lucas smirked to himself as he saw Pete’s anger levels literally rise. And Clark didn’t look too happy wither. ‘Well my work here is done,’ he thought. He took his coffee and left, laughing as he headed to his car.

7th April 2003, 22:41
And here are the latest two....Fiona


Chapter Twenty Two – The Meeting

After a very quick lunch Lex and Chloe retired to their respective rooms. Chloe couldn’t get over hers. It was about three times the size of her own modest bedroom. It had a sunken bath that she promised herself she would definitely be using before heading back to Smallville.

She took her suit out from her bag and hung it up. When she was settled in she lay back on the bed. She didn’t feel as tired as she did earlier; the little sleep she had on the plane seemed to have did the trick. Lex had told her earlier that a dress had been organised for her for the dinner later on. Chloe had asked him how he knew her exact size etc, but he just grinned and said nothing.

So when they get back from the meeting her *outfit* for the dinner would be waiting for her. Although she would never say it to Lex she couldn’t wait to see what he had organised for her to wear. Chloe could picture exactly what he would be wearing. Lex would be perfectly turned out on a suit, black of course, and even thought he had a penchant for purple, she really hoped he would have a white shirt on.

‘MMM,’ she thought, ‘Lex dressed in a black Armani suit with a white silk shirt. Though it would be better for a naked Lex Luthor…’ As her mind indulged in another fantasy about Lex Luthor she didn’t hear the door separating their rooms being opened.

Lex had knocked on the door before opening it. And on hearing no answer he entered the room. Chloe was lying back on her bed. “Chloe,” he called softly.

She sat up, “I’m not asleep,” she said.

Lex laughed and sat beside her on the bed. “What do you think of the room?”

“It’s beautiful,” she replied. “What time is the meeting?”

Lex glanced at his watch; “we’ll need to be leaving for that in an hour’s time. Think that will be enough time for you to get ready?” he teased.

Chloe stood up and rolled her eyes at him, “plenty of time Mr Luthor.” Despite the sexual tension that seemed to hang around them now they still managed to banter with each other. “So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a shower.”

It was on the tip of Lex’s tongue to ask her if she wanted some company, but he managed to restrain himself from actually voicing anything.

“I’ll leave you to get ready,” he said, standing and heading for the door. “One hour Miss Sullivan,” a teasing tone in his voice.

“I’ll be ready Mr Luthor,” she replied. With a laugh he went into his own room and shut the door.


“Mr Luthor,” said the secretary, “there is a Frank Dalton here, he says he needs to talk to you.”

‘What the hell does he want?’ thought Lionel. “Very well, send him in.”

The secretary left and Frank Dalton walked in. Lionel kept his gaze slightly off Frank, in keeping up with his *blindness*. “What can I do for you Frank?”

“I was broken into last night,” said the other man. “The Hexagon off ice was broken into.”

“And this concerns me how?” retorted Lionel.

“All that was taken was a pile of videotapes,” continued Frank, “these are tapes of meetings between parties that will be quite put out if they were to fall into the wrong hands.”

“Well Frank if you insist on leaving these tapes just sitting on a desk somewhere you are looking for trouble,” said Lionel. ‘Time to take care of you,’ he added silently. ‘An *accident* needs to be arranged.’

“But they were obviously taken by someone who knows what’s on them,” exclaimed Frank. “Nothing else was touched, only the tapes. Lionel this is serious.”

“Not for me,” replied the elder Luthor. “I’m not on those tapes.”

“But they could be linked back to you,” stated Frank.

“I do hope you aren’t threatening me Frank,” said Lionel, his voice low and dangerous.

The other man backtracked slightly. “Lionel of course not, I would never…I’m just worried.”

“I think it would be prudent if we were to avoid contact for awhile. When everything has gone according to plan you will get your money,” he lied.

The other man breathed a sigh of relief; his $5 million was safe. “Ok Lionel I‘ll lay low for awhile.” With that he left the office. When he was gone another man entered the room. “Paul,” said Lionel, “see that Mr Dalton has an accident.”

“Very well Mr Luthor,” said the other man, and left the room.

When he was alone again Lionel checked his watch. Lex would be in the middle of his presentation now. He had no doubt that his son would secure the deal and when Lex had committed Lex-Corp, Lionel would strike. With a smirk he turned his attention back to Luthor-Corp business.


“Lex-Corp can guarantee all deliveries, and we even have a contingency plan should any urgent requirements pop up,” continued Lex. Chloe watched in awe as Lex worked the room. He had begun speaking an hour ago and she could see each person at the table get more convinced that the deal was a good idea.

She allowed her gaze to travel over the men and women that made up the board of directors of Nova. Her attention kept going back to one man, for some strange reason he seemed familiar to her. Or maybe it was the fact that every time her gaze fell on him he was smiling back at her. ‘Creepy,’ she thought, ‘kind of reminds me of Frank Dalton.’

Lex had finished speaking and sat down beside her. She squeezed his knee gently and smiled at him. “Well done,” she whispered.

“Lex,” spoke up Gary Ryan, CEO of Nova, “I have a question. Is the plant in Smallville the only Lex-Corp plant or do you have others?”

Lex cleared his throat as he prepared his answer. “At the moment Gary it is, but it is more than capable of meeting your requirements. And I am currently in the final phase of getting planning permission to build another one.”

“I see,” he replied. He leaned to his side and whispered to the woman beside him. Lex reached his hand under the table and clasped Chloe’s. She squeezed it gently.

“Your proposal is excellent Lex,” continued Gary, “and I have no doubt to your business skills, especially if genetics are anything to go by.”

Chloe felt Lex squeeze her hand harder at that statement.

“We will make a decision tomorrow, I think now we should forget business. I believe you and Miss Sullivan are to be our guests at the dinner tonight?”

“We are, replied Lex, “and again thank you for the invite.”

“Excellent, well you shall meet again tomorrow morning with our decision, and we shall see you both later at the hotel.”

Everyone stood up and handshakes were exchanged. The man that Chloe thought she recognised held her hand a little too long and it took her a couple of attempts before she managed to prise it free.

“See you later,” he said with a wink and walked off.

Lex came up behind her and rested his hand on the small of her back. “You ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” she said with a smile. “Let’s get back to the hotel, I’m dying to see what I’ll be wearing.”

Lex threw a glare at the man and led Chloe out of the boardroom. When they were back in the limo, Chloe threw her arms around Lex and hugged him. “You were brilliant,” she said, to his surprised expression.

‘Screw sexual tension,’ he thought and hugged her back. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. No one had ever complimented him on a meeting before, his father usually pointed out where he went wrong.

They pulled back at the same time and found their mouths inches apart. “Lex,” she breathed and brushed her lips against his. Within seconds the kiss deepened and their tongues duelled. Lex pulled her closer till she was almost in his lap.

“We are here Mr Luthor,” the driver said. A blushing Chloe pulled away form him and Lex let out a groan.

They got out of the car and headed to the elevator. Chloe didn’t look at Lex and they stood at opposite sides of the elevator. When they got to their floor both headed to their room. “I’m going to get ready,” she muttered opening the door.

“Me too,” he said, entering his own room.

‘Damn,’ they both thought, leaning against their respective doors.

Chapter Twenty Three – The Dinner

“Ok Chloe, lets see if you can figure out what is wrong with this picture,” she said to her reflection. She stood in front of her mirror in the *dress* that Lex had organised for her. It was a beautiful dress, Chloe couldn’t fault that, it just showed a lot more skin than what she was use to showing.

The dress was royal blue and made of silk that felt cool against her body. It stopped mid-thigh and a pair of barely black lace top stockings covered her legs. It had tiny spaghetti straps and dipped low at the back, the front dipped to show a hint of cleavage, which was enhanced by the strapless push-up bra she was wearing. A pair of black 3-inch heels with little straps around her ankles completed the outfit. She had left her hair wild and flippy and went for dusky colours with her makeup. All in all she looked great, even if she did say so herself.

“I am going to a dinner party with Lex Luthor, the same Lex Luthor that seems to cause the sexual tension to rise to levels that can’t be measured with modern technology wearing this,” she addressed her reflection, gesturing to her dress. “Why don’t I just wear a sign saying ‘Take me now.’”

And take her is exactly what she wanted him to do. She wanted him to make love...have sex...fuck her. Anything she just wanted to feel him inside her. “Oh God,” she moaned as she felt the heat between her legs.

“Stop it, stop it, stop it,” she muttered. She took a couple of deep breaths and sat on the edge of the bed trying to get her body under control.


Lex checked his appearance in the mirror. He didn’t want to go to this dinner, especially with Chloe wearing that dress. He knew she would look stunning in it. And he didn’t think his infamous Luthor control was going to be enough. He didn’t he was going to be able to keep his hands off her.

He glanced at the door separating their rooms. He could hear her moving about as she got ready. Lex closed his eyes and pictured the silk encasing her body, he could imagine running his hands up and down.

He groaned as his pants became tighter. He reached down and adjusted himself.

“I am Lex Luthor,” he said, “I have grown up with the devil himself, I can control myself for a few hours in the company of Chloe Sullivan. Chloe Sullivan dressed in blue silk, that hot body of hers so close yet so far…”

He groaned loudly and sat on the bed, willing his erection away. Glancing at his watch Lex realised that they needed to make their way downstairs. After getting his body under control he walked over and knocked gently on the door between their rooms.

“Come in,” said Chloe.

Lex opened the door and stepped in. “Oh Chloe,” he gasped as he saw her. “You look incredible. His gaze slowly travelled over her body, he drank in how the dress hugged her breasts, down to her hips, to her legs.

Chloe could feel her nipples harden and the heat between her legs intensify as Lex literally fucked her with his eyes. She took in his appearance, immaculate black suit, pants fitted perfectly; she noticed he wore a silk shirt the same colour as her dress. Their eyes locked as unconsciously they moved towards each other.

‘Not yet,’ thought Lex. He reached out his hand and Chloe took it. Brushing his lips over her knuckles, he whispered, “let’s go.”

Chloe nodded and picked up her bag. Hands still entwined they left her room and headed downstairs to the dinner.


“Mr Luthor,” said Paul. “Mr Dalton has unfortunately had a very nasty car accident.”

“Really,” smirked Lionel, “and pray tell what happened.”

“He lost control of it driving back to his office, the brakes seemed to have failed and he crashed. He was dead before the ambulance reached him.”

“That is tragic,” said Lionel sarcastically. “Thank you Paul.”

“Mr Luthor,” said Paul and left the room.

When he had left Lionel took off his glasses and chuckled silently to himself. “That’s Dalton taken care of, and my $5 million safe. Just Lex left”


“How are you doing?” whispered Lex as he handed her a glass of champagne. “I’m ok,” replied Chloe. Lex loosely wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned against him. The dinner had been pleasant enough. Most of the talk had been about business and Chloe found herself switching off from the conversations. Also throughout the entire evening she and Lex couldn’t seem to stop touching each other. They held hands or she would rest her hand on his arm or back. Lex would do the same, and during dinner he had spent most of the time caressing her thigh.

“Want to dance?” she asked.

Lex took her glass back and rested it on a table. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. A slow, sultry song began and they wrapped their arms around each other. Chloe rested her head on Lex’s shoulder and he lightly ran his fingers up and down her back.

They moved slowly together, pressed so close that every time Lex moved his hips it caused Chloe to move hers.

“May I cut in?” a voice sounded behind Lex. They both turned and Chloe saw that it was the creepy guy from the meeting.

“Chloe, this is Simon Lands, he’s one of Nova’s directors.”

“Chloe,” said Simon, taking her hand and kissing it. Chloe just about managed not to shudder. “So may I cut in?” he asked again. Before wither Chloe or Lex could answer, Sarah, Gary Ryan’s PA appeared and told Lex that Gary wanted to talk to him.

“Come back quickly,” whispered Chloe to Lex as Simon took her hand.

“So you are Lex’s PA,” he said, looking her up and down as they danced. “Much better than the last.”

“So Mr Lands you’re a director, that must be...neat,” she said, a fake smile on her face.

“Business is power Chloe,” he replied, “and call me Simon.” He tightened his grip around her waist as they danced.

Chloe rolled her eyes could he be more clichéd, he sounded like he was channelling Lionel Luthor. Suddenly Frank Dalton appeared in her mind and she gasped. This guy…Simon Lands was the man in the pictures that Karl had gotten from the video the Lucas had first taken from Hexagon. ‘I need to let Lucas know,’ she thought.

“So is there anything else to your relationship with Lex,” he asked.

“That would be none of your business,” she replied. She glanced around the room and saw Lex talking to a group of people. ‘Get over here,’ she thought, glaring at the back of his head when he didn’t turn around.

“Why don’t you and I go somewhere more private,” he nuzzled her cheek. Chloe brought her heel down on his foot. “I don’t fucking think so,” she said and stalked off. Simon clutched his foot and hopped around.

There was a gasp from people around the room and Lex looked on with a smirk on his face. ‘That’s my girl,’ he thought proudly. ‘But she’s not,’ that annoying voice that sounded like his father spoke up.

Lex began walking over to her and they met half way. “Making new friends Chloe,” he teased.

Chloe glanced over her shoulder and saw that Simon Lands was glaring at them. She placed her hands on Lex’s shoulders and kissed him hard. Lex responded immediately, he wrapped his arms around her and slid his tongue into her waiting mouth.

When they parted both were breathing hard. “Let’s get out of here,” whispered Chloe.

Lex grabbed her hand and they quickly left the dining hall.

7th April 2003, 23:11
Daaaamn, that was a great couple of chapters. Best depiction of sexual tension I've read in a while :lol: Pity that your previous thread got lost- but you know everyone loves this fic;)

8th April 2003, 00:19
Yes, you can practically feel the sexual tension between these two - its just amazing!

Okay, so that was two new parts...where are more? ;)


Queen Of Tact
8th April 2003, 01:26
great chs... I so love this story... You are going to have to post more and soon.... I want to see Lionel brought down....


8th April 2003, 01:39
Hey Fi, love the chappies, but you do realize that losing the thread doesn't mean you got rid of the shackles *jangles the keys* and as you still seem not willing to RESOLVE that incredible sexual tension, you will stay where you are, chained to the computer

mwahahahaha hee hee hee (that was equal parts evil and insane)


8th April 2003, 03:26
I loved those two chapters! Don't keep us waiting long for more!
Tandy :biggrin:

8th April 2003, 03:27
Those were some great chapters Fi. More soon. What is Lex gonna think of her having to call Luccas?

8th April 2003, 08:37
ooooooooooooh that was awesome, pity about the lost thread tho...

yeah, you don't happen to have any more just floating around do you??

:blinkkiss: Sway

8th April 2003, 11:49
I've managed to lock the plot bunny up for a while. Thanks for your patience waiting for this chapter, I really hope it was worth the wait...(Please Sabby can I have the key now :biggrin: )....Fiona


Chapter Twenty Four – Passion Overload

As soon as the elevator doors had closed Chloe found herself being pushed up against the wall and Lex’s mouth was on hers. She gasped and Lex slid his tongue into her mouth. As soon as she had gotten over her surprise she grabbed his shoulders and kissed him back. Lex slid a thigh between her legs and he moaned into her mouth when she began rubbing against it.

Oxygen became an issue and reluctantly they parted, breathing hard. Their mouths met again, more ferocious than before, both moaned as tongues glided against each other’s. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Mouths still fused they stumbled out of the lift. Eventually they reached the door to Lex’s room.

“Key,” breathed Chloe. “My pocket,” replied Lex, as his mouth began sucking and licking her neck. Chloe slipped her hands into the pockets of his pants, he lifted his head from her neck and they locked eyes. She dug her hands in deeper, her actions causing the material of his pants to be pulled even tighter against his rapidly growing erection.

“Chloe,” he gasped. She pulled out the key and with her other hand she cupped him through his pants, rubbing her thumb over the growing bulge. “Chloe,” he moaned again, burying his face in her neck. She couldn’t believe she was being so forward but she couldn’t help it, her body seemed to know exactly what to do. With great effort Lex took the key from her *unoccupied* hand and opened the door. Neither moved, he continued to moan loud and her hand moved harder and faster. He began moving his hips in time with her hand, the pleasure building. ‘This will be over before it begins,’ he thought.

“Too good,” he panted, pulling her hand away. They entered the room and Lex slammed the door shut behind him. Chloe stood staring at him, breathing hard. Lex took in her swollen lips and mussed hair, he groaned as he saw her nipples, hard and pressed against the silk of her dress.

He slowly removed his jacket and threw it on the floor; his shirt quickly followed it. Chloe licked her lips, as she took in his bare chest, surprisingly muscular. Her hands literally itched to touch him. A haze of lust and desire hung in the room, it was so thick they could have cut it with a knife.

“Take off your dress Chloe,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. It sent shivers up and down her spine. “Now Chloe.”

She reached behind her and slowly pulled the zipper down. As she did the straps fell from her shoulders. She slowly shimmied out of the dress till it landed in a pool around her feet. She stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. Lex hungrily stared at her blue silk covered breasts, her pale flat stomach, the matching silk panties that covered where he so desperately wanted to go. Her stocking covered legs that he wanted tightly wrapped around him.

A tiny part of Chloe’s mind was wondering why the hell she wasn’t embarrassed standing in a hotel room, clad in just her underwear with Lex Luthor staring at her as if she was a main course. But the rest of her didn’t care, she wanted him, she wanted him so badly. He was just staring at her and she felt like a volcano about to erupt.

“God you are beautiful,” he whispered walking over to her. His ran his finger down her cheek and neck, along her collarbone, down the valley between her breasts. “I need to know this is what you want, but I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”

Chloe moved her hand to the front of his pants again and rubbed gently. “God I want this Lex, I think I always wanted it.”

He snaked a hand to the back of her neck and slammed his lips against hers. His other hand slipped between her legs and he rubbed her. “Lex,” she moaned into his mouth. He manoeuvred them till her back was against the door. Releasing her lips he took both her hands and lifted her arms over her head. “Don’t move them,” he said, holding her wrists in one hand over her head. He began licking and kissing her breasts, wetting the blue material as he sucked her nipples through the silk.

“Oh yes,” she moaned. He flicked the clasp and pulled the bra off throwing it on the floor. Chloe was breathing hard her chest rising and falling, her nipples standing out. “Keep your hands there,” he whispered. He cupped both her breasts, flicking his thumbs over her nipples. Chloe whimpered as he squeezed her breasts together and licked and sucked the nipples.

He moved lower, his lips and tongue lavished her stomach. Lex dropped to his knees and spread her thighs. “You smell delicious,” he whispered, and ran his tongue over the front of her panties. “Lex,” she moaned. He pulled them off and they joined the rest of her clothes. All Chloe had on where the thigh high stockings. Lex parted her outer lips and slowly licked her.

“Oh fuck,” she gasped, moving her arms and resting her hands on his head. Lex worked his tongue inside her and Chloe cried out. He lifted one of her legs and put it over his shoulder, the material of the stocking rubbed against his skin. As he nibbled and sucked on her clit he slipped a finger inside her, groaning as the muscles contracted around it. “So tight,” he murmured against her. He added a second finger and began rubbing her inner walls. “Lex…oh wow…I’m…” she panted.

Lex’s fingers and tongue increased the pressure and she couldn’t take it anymore. White heat flared in her stomach and she exploded, screaming out. Lex lapped up every drop, his fingers slowing down. Lex looked up to see her pressed against the wall, breathing hard, her eyes closed.

He removed his fingers and stood up, Chloe opened her eyes and moaned as she saw him lick them. “That was incredible,” she said. “Your turn.” She pushed herself off the wall and kissed Lex hard, tasting herself. Quickly she moved her mouth down his neck using her tongue as she licked her way down to his stomach, silently thanking herself for watching those movies she shouldn’t have been watching.

She looked up at him as she opened his pants. “Chloe you don’t…” he began.

“I want to,” she said cutting him off and she pulled his pants and boxers down. Lex groaned in relief as his cock was freed from the tight confines of his pants. ‘Let me do this right,’ she thought. She stroked him gently, “oh Chloe,” he groaned. Her touch was so unsure and innocent it was driving him wild. He closed his eyes and moved his hips gently in time with her strokes. Chloe glanced up at him and seeing his eyes closed leaned forward and sucked him into her mouth.

“Fuck,” he gasped as her hot wet mouth surrounded him. Moving her head she took him deeper and deeper in her mouth, Lex rested a hand on her head, stroking her hair. “Oh that’s it Chloe, so good. You’re doing great baby.”

She swirled her tongue around him, her hand and mouth working in tandem. Lex tugged on her hair gently till she pulled back. “I want to be inside you when I come,” he said to her confused expression. “And you are too good at that.”

Within seconds she was lying on the bed and Lex was braced over her. She pinched herself gently to make sure it wasn’t a dream. He sat back on his knees and spread her legs wide. Her soft curls glistened and Lex moaned. He placed the very tip of him against her and pressed forward slowly. The head slipped in and Chloe gasped. It was like hot honey surrounded his cock; he pressed forward and slipped in deeper.

He loomed over her and hooked her legs around his waist. When he met resistance inside her he pulled back and thrust forward hard. Chloe cried out and tightened around him.

“Relax sweetheart,” he whispered, kissing her face gently. “Just relax, it will pass.”

Chloe willed her body to relax and clutched at Lex’s shoulders. He remained still till she was ready. She moved her hips gently underneath him. He began a slow rhythm. “You feel so good,” he muttered against her lips.

As they moved as one, Chloe moved her legs and the feeling of the stockings rubbing against him drove him on. His thrusts became harder and faster, and Chloe cries increased.

“I want to be deeper in side you,” he panted.

She nodded and Lex grabbed her legs, pushing them up, bending her knees. He slipped in further and both groaned. The delicious combination of pain and pleasure was too much for Chloe. “Oh Lex, so close, please.”

He could feel her get tighter and tighter around him, and he swelled inside her. That was it for Chloe; she arched her back hard and screamed, coming all over his cock. Lex thrusted into her and few more times and then launched into his own orgasm.

“Oh Chloe,” he groaned, as he emptied himself inside her. Her internal muscles milking him. He collapsed on top of her, their sweaty bodies entangled, both trying to catch their breath.

“So better than the dream,” she whispered.

Lex lifted his head and smiled at her. “Much better,” he echoed. They kissed gently and Lex rolled off her, slipping from her, and he pulling her close. ‘This changes everything,’ he thought.

Chloe reached down and pulled the sheet over the two of them. She yawned lightly and decided she would worry about the consequences in the morning. She snuggled closer to him and they both fell asleep.

8th April 2003, 12:19

you rock!


8th April 2003, 14:45
you did have more!! that was totally everything that i've been waiting for... it was excellent wow... :drool:


8th April 2003, 19:29
That was great. :drool: More soon.

*incapable of long, thought out sentences*

8th April 2003, 22:14
I already told you over at tbt but here I go again in short version

great chappy, awesome smut, *removes shackles* but don't run too far or I might find another way to keep you in place *g*


8th April 2003, 23:07
Oh, wonderful job with the smut! :biggrin: Lex doesn't even remember Helen anymore! LOL


Queen Of Tact
8th April 2003, 23:15
oh you are so going to have to come back and post another ch, and like now.. That was hott... I loved the chlexy goodness....


9th April 2003, 00:26
I don't smoke but for some strange reason, I'm craving a cigarette! LOL

Fantastic part!


9th April 2003, 05:21
Wow. I'm in sensual heaven at the moment. Write more soon!! This was wonderful!


9th April 2003, 10:55
this is too good, omg omg I can't think off anything to say right now, I'm still too much in the wauw-fase!! moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I love this fic~sigh

9th April 2003, 12:16
Ah it's good to be free...Thanks Sabby (big hug)....Fiona :biggrin:


Chapter Twenty Five – The Morning After

When Lex woke up, Chloe was facing away from him but their legs was still entangled. He managed to disentangle himself without waking her up. He got out of the bed and retrieved his cell-phone from the floor. Two missed calls.

“Damn it,” he muttered, and then glanced to see if Chloe had woken up. She turned over onto her back and the sheet pooled around her waist, but she remained asleep. Her breasts bared and Lex watched as her nipples hardened in response to the cool air hitting them.

Lex felt his body respond immediately. He threw his phone onto a chair and slowly closed the short gap to the bed. Part of him couldn’t believe that they had sex, and incredible sex at that. ‘At least it wasn’t over my desk,’ he thought ‘although that could still happen.’ He grabbed the sheet and pulled it gently off her. He crawled onto the bed and placed a light kiss on her stomach. Chloe moaned in her sleep. The stockings were still on her legs and he slowly peeled them off.

“Lex,” she muttered, opening her eyes.

“Good morning,” he smirked, climbing over her and kissing her soundly. She couldn’t help but respond. “Good morning,” she said when they parted. It was only then she noticed that they were still naked.

Lex kissed her neck and made her way to her breasts. “MMM Lex, don’t you have a meeting this morning,” she whispered.

“Probably,” he muttered, sucking a nipple into her mouth, swirling his tongue around it. “Oh God,” she moaned.

“You’re probably right,” he teased, moving his hand between her legs, and groaning when he felt that she was wet. “Lex,” she moaned, pressing against his fingers.

“So we should get ready for the meeting,” he removed his hand and got off her. He grinned to himself as he heard her groan of disappointment. Chloe got off the bed and wrapped a sheet around herself. She walked over to the door between their rooms, “ok Lex, I’m going to take a shower. I was going to ask you to join me…” She trailed off and entered her own room. Lex stood open-mouthed watching her.

Chloe dropped the sheet and stood under the shower. The water felt good on her body, especially after the exertions of the night before. She had sex with Lex Luthor, and there was no awkwardness after it. They had acted like it was the most normal thing for the two of them to do.

She gasped as she felt someone get in the shower behind her. Lex wrapped his arms around her waist and she leaned back against him. He began kissing her shoulders and neck. “You know this changes everything,” he whispered against her skin.

“I know,” she replied just a softly. “Is…is that a problem?”

“God no Chloe,” he gasped. He turned her around and kissed her hard. “Wow,” she gasped when he released her lips.

He smirked at her and spun her around again. She rested her hands on the shower wall and he pushed her forward gently. “Are you ready for me baby?” he asked, his voice low. He slipped a hand between her legs and felt the wetness that wasn’t caused by the shower. He spread her legs and slowly entered her. “Lex,” he panted, as she felt him fill her. He began thrusting into her gently and when she started pushing back his thrusts grew harder and faster. His hands left her hips and began caressing her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples.

She moaned and groaned louder and louder, the water pounding over them. Lex wasn’t going to last much longer. He hand found her clit and he begin rubbing and pinching the hard nub.

“Jesus Lex,” she gasped, pushing harder back against him. “Let it go Chloe,” he groaned and thrust harder and deeper.

“Yes,” she cried, and slumped against the wall as she came. “Oh,” groaned Lex following her into ecstasy. Their sounds of their heavy breathing mixed with the sound of the shower. After a moment Lex slipped from and turn her again to face him. Chloe kissed him gently.

“Told you it wasn’t a problem,” he said with a smile when they parted.

‘Ask about Helen,’ the annoying voice that sounded like Lana at her whiney best spoke up in her head. Chloe ignored it; she knew it was something she needed to talk to Lex about but not right now.

“We need to get ready for the meeting,” she said, kissing his nose. Reluctantly Lex released her, Chloe turned off the shower and they stepped out. Lex wrapped a towel around her before wrapping one around himself. “Knock on the door when you are ready,” he said and kissed her gently before heading into his own room to dress.

When he was gone Chloe stared at herself in the mirror, she opened the towel and saw the marks on her breasts and hips from Lex’s hands and mouth. She smiled to herself and set about getting ready.

‘I need to ring Lucas before we go to the meeting,’ she reminded herself. ‘He needs to know who the guy in the photo is.’

“Hey partner, find anything interesting,” said Chloe with a laugh when Lucas answered the phone.

“My, my you sound very awake and perky,” he commented, “Did someone get a good seeing to last night?”

“Crude Lucas, even for you,” replied Chloe

“One does try,” he said with false modesty.

“Oh I met the guy who is in the pictures with Helen Bryce,” she gushed. “His name is Simon Lands, really sleazy, he’s someone high up in Nova.”

“Nice one Chlo. I’ve looked through most of the tapes they are pretty much like the first one. Clandestine meetings between our Miss Bryce and the now know Mr Lands. Also I just heard that Frank Dalton died in a car accident.”

“Oh my. When did that happen?”

“He was apparently in Metropolis for a meeting and was on his way back to the Hexagon office when the crash happened. And do you want to take a guess at who he was meeting in fair Metropolis?”

“Lionel,” she said.

“Give the girl a prize, you got it in one. Bet they were talking about the break in.”

“Do you think Lionel had anything to do with the accident?” she said softly.

“I wouldn’t put it past him,” replied Lucas, “but the police aren’t treating the crash as anything other than a tragic accident.”

“Lucas, we HAVE to tell Lex, we have to tell him everything.”

“I know and this time I completely agree with you. What time are the two of you due back in Smallville?”

“We are due back at 7.30pm,” replied Chloe.

“Ok, good. Lionel is in Metropolis until tomorrow. So come back to the mansion and you and I will tell Lex everything. I’ll check into this Simon Lands and finish looking at the tapes, there are only two more to go.”

“Oh I can hear Lex at the door. I’ll see you later. Bye Lucas.”

“Bye Chloe,” and they both hung up the phone.

“Right Simon Lands,” muttered Lucas, “let’s see what we can find out about you.”


Once again Chloe found herself sitting around the table in the Nova boardroom. She noticed that Simon Lands was missing. ‘Hopefully still in pain,’ she thought to herself. She spared a quick glance at Lex. He had his usual cool, calm exterior on, but she knew on the inside he was nervous. She entwined her fingers with his; he didn’t look at her but squeezed her hand gently in gratitude.

“Well Lex, we have gone over and over your proposal and discussed it in detail,” said Gary. “And Nova looks very much forward to doing business with Lex-Corp.”

Lex resisted the urge to jump up and kiss Chloe soundly. Instead he stood up, releasing her hand and shook Gary’s hand. “Gary, you’ve made the right decision,” he said. “For both of us.”

“I hope so Lex,” replied the other man, “you can expect Nova’s first order at the end of the week.”

As the other members of the board shook hands with Lex, Chloe managed to catch his eye and she smiled at him. Lex smiled back and winked at her before accepting people’s congratulations.

9th April 2003, 20:28
That was a great chapter Fi. More soon! :chlexsign2:

Queen Of Tact
9th April 2003, 22:01
That was so great... You are going to have to post more soon..... I grave more....


9th April 2003, 23:35
Yay! That was an amazing chapter Fi! It's hot, and you still manage to keep an awesome plot going :biggrin:

9th April 2003, 23:43
Excellent Fi!

10th April 2003, 00:14
You know how much I love each single chapter, but I have a queazy feeling in my gut that there is trouble rearing it's ugly head just around the corner. So please, don't get our favorite couple into a big fight, except if they're on the same side. Oh and make Lionel and Helen pay dearly for their betrayal!

BTW I looove a good cat fight *hint*

Can't wait to read more,soon. Remeber, I still have ways of keeping you stuck to the keyboard *devilish grin*


10th April 2003, 03:58
“Did someone get a good seeing to last night?”
lmao I love Lucas in this fic! Hell, I love everything about this story. Great build up with the sexual tension, made their getting together all the more spectacular. Looking forward to the next chapter. :biggrin:

10th April 2003, 11:33
I know Sabby, that's why I'm writing and writing. I haven't even had time to read anything yet.... :biggrin: ...Fiona


Chapter Twenty Six – Heading Home

When the Lex-Corp plane was in air, Lex unbuckled his seat belt. He sat beside Chloe and took her hands in his. “This deal is everything Chloe,” he said, barely able to contain the excitement in his voice. “I’ll be able to really compete with my father now.”

Chloe fought to keep the smile on her face. ‘Only if we can stop Lionel destroying you,’ she thought.

“So Miss Sullivan I was thinking that we’d have a little private celebration of our own,” his low voice jolted her from her thoughts, that and the wonderful thing he was doing with his tongue on her neck. She pressed his head against her neck and she felt him unbuckle her seat belt. Her hand rested on his thigh and she caressed it gently.

‘Helen, Helen, Helen,’ the whiney voice in her head kept chanting.

“Lex stop,” she said, pulling back.

“The pilot and co-pilot are kind of busy Chloe,” he said with a smirk, “there is no one else on the plane but us. Don’t you want to join the mile high club??”

Chloe couldn’t help but laugh at him. “It’s not that Lex, we…we need to talk.”

“What’s wrong Chloe?” he asked a little worriedly. “I thought we agreed that what had happened wasn’t a problem.”

“And it isn’t,” she replied, kissing him gently. But that wasn’t enough for Lex and he soon deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers. Chloe moaned into his mouth.

“No Lex, we *need* to talk,” she panted after dragging her mouth from his. “We need to talk about Helen.”

“Well that has killed the mood,” he muttered. He got out of the seat and returned to his own. They sat opposite each other. “Ok, Chloe you wanted to talk, so talk.”

She took a deep breath. She hadn’t really thought about exactly what she was going to say. She had sort of hoped that when she mentioned Helen’s name, Lex would have picked up the conversation and continued with it. But no, now he was Mr Cool and Calm again.

“Lex what are we?”

“Lovers,” he replied with a smirk.

“And what are you and Helen?”


Chloe rolled her eyes at him, “and does she know that Lex?” ‘Ok she maybe seeing this Simon Lands, but those videos could have been made before she starting seeing Lex,’ she thought.

Lex leaned forward in his seat and took her hands in his. “Helen and I never really got started,” he explained, “there wasn’t any real chemistry.”

“So why have you stayed together?”

“I suppose it was safe,” he replied. He took a deep breath and tightened his grip on her hands. “Did you know…that the first time I kissed Helen, I thought of you?”


“It’s true, from some reason as we kissed your face floated into my mind and suddenly I was kissing you,” he let out a wry chuckle, “I think Helen thought she was going to get lucky that night.”

“And did she?” muttered Chloe, not really wanting to know the answer.

“Chloe; Helen and I have not had sex,” he said and then grinned at the shocked expression on her face. “We got close a few times, but it just didn’t seem right, there was no passion. I could have gone though the motions, lord knows it wouldn’t have been the first time, but I found myself not wanting too. There was more passion in the one kissed we shared in your kitchen than anything Helen and I did.”

“So what happens now?”

“I let Helen know it’s all over, although if she’s a smart as she seems to think she is, it should be pretty apparent to her already that things are finished. And as for you and me…” he trailed off.

“We have lust but we’re not sure if there is anything deeper,” she finished for him.

“I think it’s more than lust Chloe, and I think it could be something very much deeper.”

Chloe smiled at him and squeezed his hands, “so what you’re saying is that we shouldn’t over analyse it and just see where it goes.”

“Yes, exactly,” he grinned, not quite believing that he was going to be spontaneous with a relationship. ‘But that’s how Chloe is,’ he thought, ‘free and spontaneous.’

“Ok Lex I can live with that. So do you think we can stop by your place when we get back to Smallville?”

“Why Miss Sullivan, whatever have you got in mind?” he teased, a smirk on his face.

“Oh you’ll see,” she said with fake coyness. ‘Lucas and I are about to put you in a very, very bad mood,’ she added silently.


Lucas glanced at the clock, 7.00pm. “Lex and Chloe should be on their way here,” he muttered. He was in Lex’s office, the pictures that Karl had got form the video plus the file they had first taken from Hexagon lay on the table. A copy of the memo that Chloe had found was also there. He had finished looking at the videos, and they were pretty much all the same. Helen would meet with Simon Lands, documents would pass hands, they would kiss and then both would leave via different exits.

He ran his hand through his hair and knocked back his scotch. He was not looking forward to this *meeting* with his brother, he was just glad that Lionel was still in Metropolis.

“Things could really get out of hand if dear old dad was here as well,” he said.

Sighing he picked up the information he had managed to get on Simon Lands. He had to admit he enjoyed the snooping around and digging up of information, he could understand why Chloe loved her reporting and why she was so passionate about it. He had the usual information on Lands, most of it boring. But he did manage to find out what it was that Lionel was holding over his head. The man had gambling debts that ran into hundreds and thousands of dollars.

“I guess Lionel told him he would look after all that in exchange for information. Mr Lands might want to keep an eye on the brakes in his car if he is going to continue to deal with elder Luthor.


“I think the car has stopped,” muttered Chloe. With a groan of disappointment Lex removed his hand from under her shirt. “We will finish this inside,” he whispered before kissing her hard.

Chloe was left very dazed and wanting after the kiss. They had spent they entire drive back from the airstrip making out in the back of the limo. And things had really began to heat up when the reached the house. Lex got out of the car and held his hand out to Chloe.

She took it and he entwined his fingers around hers and they walked into the house. They headed first for Lex’s office, where Lucas greeted them.

“Good time I take it,” he said with a grin and he took in their entwined hands.

“Lucas,” said Lex, “not even your innuendoes can dent my good mood, so don’t even try. We had a *very*pleasant trip, and Nova signed the deal.”

“Well done Lex,” said Lucas honestly, shaking his brother’s hand.

Lex smiled at him and walked over to fix himself a drink.

“Tell him,” muttered Chloe. “No you tell him,” Lucas muttered back. “You.”



“Ok one of tell me what’s going on?” asked Lex as he watched Lucas and Chloe argue.

Lucas nudged Chloe’s shoulder. “I think you should make yourself a very stiff drink Lex and then take a seat,” she said.

Lex added another shot to his drink and sat on the couch, a very confused look on his face. “What’s going on?”

“Chloe and I have something to tell you,” Said Lucas, “and believe me, you are *not* going to be happy.”

10th April 2003, 14:01
aint that the truth...

great chappy, that 'hell'en witch is out of the picture... WOHOO

:blinkkiss: Sway

10th April 2003, 20:16
Great chapter Fi. Woohoo, Helen is gone! And now they are gonna tell Lex the truth. And by the way, I love Lucas!

10th April 2003, 21:38
Ooooh! I can't wait to find out how they break the news to him :lol: This was a great chapter!

10th April 2003, 21:53
Yay, Helen's gone and they're finally going to tell him! :blinkkiss: Great chapter, loved the chlex!

11th April 2003, 01:04
I wonder if Lex is going to be upset that they hadn't told him their suspicions earlier. He is going to be seething when they tell him though.

And yay! Helen is gone!


11th April 2003, 05:04
Uh oh. Lex ain't gonna be happy about this one. And the sex scene *fanning self* nice, very nice. Hope Lex doesn't go off the deep end. I think that with the three of them, Lionel doesn't stand a chance.


11th April 2003, 12:38
This chapter is a little rushed and 2 rewrites was enough...So apologies if it doesn't quite work...Fiona


Chapter Twenty Seven – The Talk

“Ok, what is this all about??” asked a very confused Lex as he sat down. He watched as Chloe and Lucas glanced at each other, he couldn’t help but notice how nervous they both looked. “Chloe…Lucas,” he said, his voice low.

Chloe took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. “First off I want to say I’m sorry for not coming to you first but I wanted to find out exactly what was going on before mentioning anything.

“And *what* exactly is going on?” he asked.

“It all started when I was sending those faxes for you that day at the plant,” she began. She could feel Lucas move closer to her and she was grateful for the support. “When I was filing them away I found a list of passwords to some files relating to *Luthor-Corp* on the computer. I mean I knew your last PA was stupid, but this sets new levels…”

“Chloe I told you when I gave you the job that you weren’t to delve into any of the business,” said Lex.

“You said Lex-Corp, you never mentioned Luthor-Corp at all,” she retorted. “Anyway that’s a trivial matter. So I found the passwords and used one to open a list of files. In there I found a memo from your father to Frank Dalton. So I dug a little and found out who he was and where he worked. And that Hexagon held a contract with Lex-Corp. That’s when Lucas got involved.”

“I met with Chloe when she was heading off to look into Hexagon and she told me what she had found. And we decided to find out what was going on.”

“I arranged an *interview* with Frank Dalton so that we could get into the office building. While we were there I interviewed him…”

“And I took a look around…” continued Lucas. “I managed to take a file and videotape before we had to leave. The file contained pictures of dear old dad and Frank Dalton laughing and shaking hands.” Lucas picked the file from the desk and handed it to Lex. A still slightly baffled Lex took the file and looked through it. “What else?” he asked, looking back at them.

“We looked at the tape but it was of really bad quality and the only thing we could figure out was that it was of a man and a woman.”

“So I got a friend of mine,” said Chloe, picking up the story, “to take a closer look at the tape. He's really into things like that. He managed to get a few very good quality photographs from the tape. I’ll show them to you in a moment. We were going to tell you what we had found out…”

“But I told Chloe to hold off for a while,” finished Lucas. “I decided that we needed to see if Hexagon had anymore information. And there was a pile of tapes in the room where I had taken the first one. The night before you went to the Nova meeting, Chloe and I broke into Hexagon’s main office and got the rest of the tapes.”

“You BROKE in,” exclaimed Lex, standing up from the couch. “You took Chloe with you while you broke in,” he began walking toward his brother. “Hey,” said Chloe, stepping in front of Lucas, “he didn’t force me, I went on my own accord. In fact Lucas gave me more that one opportunity to change my mind.”

“Just continue with your *story*,” said Lex, running a hand over his head. He would talk to Chloe later about the bad influence his brother seemed to be on her. ‘Yeah like she needed a big push,’ a voice in his head spoke up.

Chloe glanced at Lucas before continuing. “We had come to the conclusion that Lionel was trying to sabotage the Nova deal, but we didn’t know how he was going to do it. I mean Lex-Corp’s contract with Hexagon had nothing to do with Nova so we didn’t know where Frank Dalton fitted in. And actually we still don’t.”

“When you and Chloe headed out of town to the meeting I went through the tapes. There wasn’t much on them; each was like the first, these meetings between the man and woman. But that was until I got to the last tape, not only were our two stars in it but there was a very special guest appearance by Lionel.” Lucas turned to Chloe, “I didn’t get the chance to tell you about that one,” he said to her. “I tried ringing your cell-phone while you were in the limo but you weren’t answering it.”

Chloe blushed as she remembered exactly what she had been doing in the limo that prevented her from answering her phone. “Yes well,” she said, clearing her throat. “The pictures my friend got from the video. We recognised the woman immediately, but the man remained a mystery; at least until we met the people from Nova. My wonderfully sleazy dance partner, Simon Lands, turned out to be our mystery man.”

Lex took a deep breath. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Ok, Lionel trying to ruin the deal didn’t come as that big a shock, but all this information that Lucas and Chloe were throwing at him was incredible. And he could feel himself getting angry that they hadn’t told him sooner. “Why do I think that there is more bad news to come?” he asked as he took in the look on their faces.

“I think you should sit down Lex,” said Lucas.

“I’ll stand thank you,” he replied. “So what else is there?”

“We don’t know how exactly Lionel is going to ruin the deal, especially now that Nova have signed. But Simon Lands is obviously working for your dad,” said Chloe.

“I also found out that he has quite a gambling problem, and has substantial gambling debts,” added Lucas. “With some very shady customers.”

Chloe took the pictures Karl had gotten from the video and walked towards Lex. “If what Lucas says is true about Lionel being in the video well then she is most definitely working for him as well.” She handed the photos to Lex and scampered back to stand beside Lucas.

Lex took the photos and looked at them. Her gasped when he saw Helen talking with Simon Lands. The second picture showed him handing something to her, and the third had them kissing. “Bitch,” he hissed and threw the photos to the floor.

“Why didn’t you tell me immediately?” he asked both of them, although his gaze was fixed on Chloe. “I should have been told. Maybe I could have found out what my father was planning to do before the deal had been agreed.”

“We wanted too Lex,” said Chloe. “But each time we thought we had something another mystery popped up.”

“And we wanted to have all the facts before bringing them to you,” added Lucas.

“You just couldn’t keep your reporting nose out of it, could you Chloe?”

“I was doing it for you Lex, it was never a story. I didn’t want to see your father ruin you,” she explained.

“Hey if she hadn't of been so curious none of this would have come to light until it was too late. And then you would be finished and dear old Lionel would be giving me what ever was left of ‘Lex-Corp’ to run,” interrupted Lucas. He didn’t understand why his brother was picking on Chloe.

“And why did *you* help?” said Lex, turning to Lucas. “Or have those Luthor genes got an ulterior motive?”

“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer,” snapped Lucas.

“Lex calm down,” said Chloe, stepping between the brothers. “Why are you getting angry at Lucas? If it hadn’t of been for him I would have never gotten all the information.”

“Oh it’s not just my *brother* I’m angry with,” he said, turning his attention once more to Chloe. Part of him couldn’t quite understand why he was angry. The information they had given him was priceless and it could save his company. But it galled him that they waited until now to tell him. Lucas he could understand, but Chloe…especially after they had become so close.

“Why are you angry at all?” asked Lucas. “Chloe and I have just saved your company, a thank you would be nice.”

“Thank you,” said Lex, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Come on Chloe,” said Lucas, taking her arm. “Let’s get out of here. Obviously our efforts haven’t been appreciated.”

Chloe stared at Lex, who refused to meet her eyes. She took a deep breath and then grabbed Lucas’ hand. They walked out of the office, Lex’s gaze fixed on her back.

11th April 2003, 13:23
GGGRRRR, sometimes Lex is just a mule!

If they had come earlier, he would probably have dismissed it or just raved about them prying in his private life and fired Chloe on the spot! I hope you'll shake some sense into the man with the next chapter!

Please, post more soon


11th April 2003, 13:52
:huh: Ungrateful bastard! Doesn't he realise they've just saved him from losing his company to Lionel? I don't understand his reasoning here. He doesn't seriously think Chloe would betray him by looking into LexCorp too, does he? Is that what he's worried about? So many questions and *sigh* now I have to wait another 24 hours for the next update.

11th April 2003, 21:28
Stupid, stupid Lex. I love how Lucas and Chloe both defended the other though, they make good friends. I hope that Chloe and Lucas make Lex grovel a bit before they forgive him. Update soon!

11th April 2003, 22:36
Oh my goodness, I hope Lex calms down soon! Those Luthors are so damn impulsive sometimes :lol: Great chapter Fi ;)

11th April 2003, 23:39
For once, Lex is the one who needs a slap upside the head, it's usually Clark. I'm wondering when he's gonna wise up and realize they saved his ass.


Queen Of Tact
12th April 2003, 07:26
Ok, you really need to update again, and soon.. I can't wait to read more of this.... I just love this story... Great job....


12th April 2003, 12:30
I know I keep saying this, but thank you for the reviews...... :biggrin: Now on with the show...Fiona


Chapter Twenty Eight – It Starts With An Argument

“What just happened?” asked a very confused Chloe when she and Lucas got outside. “I can understand him being a little pissed that we didn’t tell him immediately. But I don’t understand why he flipped out like he did.”

“It’s because he is an asshole,” snapped Lucas. Lex had made him so mad. Here they were doing him a favour and he acts like a complete asshole. He glanced at Chloe and saw the look of confusion and hurt on her face. “Come on and I’ll buy you a coffee,” he said, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “We’ll give him time to calm down and let everything sink in. And if he’s still acting like an idiot I’ll hold him while you punch him...HARD.”

Chloe smiled at Lucas and leaned her head on his shoulder and they walked to his car.


Lex stood at the window in his office and watched as Lucas and Chloe drove off. “Damn it,” he muttered. He looked over at the table and saw the file, pictures and tape. He walked over and picked up the tape. Grabbing the remote he put the tape in the VCR and pressed the ‘play’ button.

The tape started and on-screen appeared Simon Lands, holding a file in his hands. A minute later Helen appeared and she and Simon embraced. Lex cringed as they kissed, not out of jealousy but out of disgust. When they parted Simon handed the file to her. They seemed to talk for a moment, but the tape contained no sound. A few more minutes passed and then Lionel strolled into the room, looking around as he did.

“He can see,” muttered Lex, “the bastard can SEE.” He watched as Helen handed the file to Lionel and then Lionel shake hands with Simon. Again they all chatted for a while. Lex sighed and stood up, he grabbed the file and pictures from the table. When he got them he sat down again. On screen Simon had left the room, Lionel and Helen talked and then he handed her an envelope.

“I need to get Helen back to Smallville,” said Lex as he switched off the tape. He ran a hand over his head as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel the anger rising inside him.
“Lionel has really done it this time,” he said. “I am going to kill him, and I’m going to kill Helen. But first I am going to get drunk. I need to try and obliterate this day from my mind, well for a few hours anyway.”


“Cheer up Chloe,” said Lucas, “he’ll calm down in a few hours and thank us for all our hard work. You know, you and I could really make a career of this.”

“Out of what?” she asked, absently stirring her latte.

“This whole digging for information thingy,” he replied with a grin. “Luthor and Sullivan, has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

Chloe grinned back at him, “yeah it does, but *I* think ‘Sullivan and Luthor’ sounds even better.”

“Details, details,” laughed Lucas. “Although I still think we should have special code names.”

“Thanks Lucas,” she said with a laugh, resting her hand over his.

“Thanks for what?”

“For cheering me up. I know Lex has every right to be a little angry but that doesn’t give him the right to be an asshole. And go all Jonathan Kent holier than thou. We did him a favour.”

Lucas smiled to himself as he heard the anger replace the confusion and sadness in her voice. Chloe was getting angry at Lex, and if his brother hadn’t of acted the way he did, Lucas might actually of felt sorry for him, as it was he totally deserved the wrath of Chloe. “And what do you plan on doing?” he asked, a smirk on his face.

“I am going to have another cup of coffee,” she said, determination in her voice. “And then I am going to the mansion to give Lex Luthor a piece of my mind.”

“Cool, I’ll sell tickets and bring the popcorn,” piped up Lucas.

Chloe rolled her eyes at him, “I’m going *alone*,” she stated.

“Ah so if things get heated you might have to get *physical*. Again I could sell tickets, live-action porn, could be a big seller.”

“Grow up Lucas.”

“Why? Where’s the fun in that?” he grinned.

“I’m getting another coffee, do you want one?” she asked as she stood up. Lucas nodded and she headed to the counter for their refills.


“Helen this is Lex. I’ve been thinking about you and I and we need to talk. Let me know how soon you can be back in Smallville. Bye.” Lex hung up the phone after leaving the message for Helen. He gathered up the video and other information and locked them in the bottom drawer of his desk. He poured himself his third very large scotch and headed upstairs to his bedroom. He collapsed onto the couch and took off his tie, throwing it on the floor.

“Christ Lex, you’ve really fucked up,” he said. “Chloe and Lucas are never going to talk to you again *or* help you stop Lionel.” ‘But they should have told you what was going on from the beginning,’ a voice in his head spoke up.

“And once again I have a member of staff who doesn’t listen to me,” he muttered and then downed his drink. He leaned back and closed his eyes, letting the alcohol hit his system


Chloe stormed into Lex’s office. “Ok Luthor…you’re not here,” she said, looking around the empty office. “Damn it, where is he?” She threw her hands up in exasperation and left the office. She began checking all the rooms on the ground floor. She made her way up the stairs. “LEX LUTHOR, where the hell are you?” she shouted.

“Ah crap,” muttered Lex when he heard Chloe’s voice. “For God’s sake Lex, she’s a teenager, a very pissed off sounding teenager, but one nonetheless.” He took a deep breath, “I’m in here Chloe,” he called out, cringing at the very slight slur in his voice. “I am NOT drunk,” he mumbled to himself.

The door to his room flew open and a very angry Chloe Sullivan stood there, her hands on her hips.

“Is there something I can do for you?” he asked smugly.

“Actually there is,” she replied. “First off you can apologise to Lucas and myself for being a complete asshole.”

“And where is your partner in crime,” he sneered back.

“That didn’t sound like an apology to me Mr Luthor.”

“I am not going to apologise *Miss Sullivan*,” he replied. “You and my brother went behind my back and should have come to me at the very start.”

“I know that but we didn’t, so just get over it,” she snapped back. “What is important is you saving you company. And in addition to that a ‘thank you’ for getting all the information wouldn’t go amiss.”

“Why Chloe, why did you go to Lucas first?”

“I didn’t *go* to Lucas first. Lucas just happened to tag along when I was looking into Frank Dalton and Hexagon. I told him what I had discovered and he said he would help me find out exactly what was going on. I wanted to tell you Lex, so many times and after our stay in the hotel I decided to tell you everything when we got back to Smallville. Which is pretty much what I did.”

“Thank you for the information,” said Lex, his voice filled with false sincerity, “you can go now.”

“Oh for God’s sake Lex, get off the “oh poor Lex left out of the picture” buzz and grow up.”

“Excuse me,” said Lex, getting up off the couch. He swayed slightly but after steadying himself he moved towards her.

“You heard what I said,” she retorted and moved towards him as well. “Get off the pity train Lex or your father is going to destroy you. And do you really want Lucas and I to say ‘I told you so’ over and over and OVER.”

“Jesus that would be worse than losing my company to my father,” he quipped. Now they were only inches apart. “Chloe, you should have…”

“If you say, ‘Chloe you should have told me at the start,’ I will…well I don’t know but I will do something,” she interrupted. A strong whiff of alcohol hit her. “Are you drunk?”

“You will do what? And I had a few drinks, it’s not illegal.”

“Wow drowning your sorrows now Lex, how very mature of you.”

“Have you any idea how *hot* you are at the moment?” he said with a smirk.

“Cut it out Lex, I am way to angry with you for this.”

Lex just smiled at her, the alcohol and the argument was fuelling his desire for her and making him not care about what they were arguing about. And having her standing there all angry with him was too much. He stood right in front of her and ran his hand up and down her arm.

“Lex,” she warned, stepping back a little out of his reach. She meant it, she was angry with him. Granted pretty much since their first time she had thought of nothing else but him pounding into her, but now was not the time. She glanced at him and saw the smug expression on his slightly inebriated face; he knew he was getting to her.

“Chloe,” he said, dragging out her name and stepping right up to her again. “You really should have come to me at the start.”

“Bastard,” she hissed and grabbed his shoulders, kissing him hard, forcing her tongue into his mouth. When they parted Lex had a dazed but lust filled look on his face.

“Good evening Mr Luthor,” she said smugly and turned away, walking out of the room.

12th April 2003, 14:31
Woot! Go Chloe! Heh. I wonder if he'll be able to chase after her in his condition? Loved this chapter - especially Lucas.

“Cool, I’ll sell tickets and bring the popcorn,” piped up Lucas.


Great job on this! Please write more soon!

12th April 2003, 14:31
Told ya already that I love it, thought I'd say it again just for the hell of it!

Love Lucas as Chloe's friend

Make Lex grovel!!!!

more soon


12th April 2003, 15:24
as above, i am loving Lucas - he should be every girls best friend...

lex totally deserved that - he was such a male in the former chappy, always thinking about themselves...

:blinkkiss: Sway

12th April 2003, 17:08
That was great! Lex is really going to have to learn one cardinal rule: Chloe is always right. In fact, I think everyone on the show should listen to that one. Still loving Lucas. Hope we see some serious groveling in the next chapter.


13th April 2003, 00:46
Heh, Lucas is great, Chloe is great, Lex deserved what he got. Great chapter, update soon!

13th April 2003, 03:42
Hee, great chapter! I know it's already been said but he completely deserved that. Wonder what he'll do to maker it up to her?!!
Tandy :goof:

13th April 2003, 08:05
Thats the Chloe I know and love! Yeah Lex so deserved that. I cant wait till his father and the dr. go down. Its going to be beautiful. update soon please. im addicted to this fic!

13th April 2003, 10:29
Ok, the plot and the smut bunny have mutated into one, and it's scary..... :biggrin: ..Fiona


Chapter Twenty Nine – And Finishes With An Apology

She had just exited Lex’s bedroom when he had shook himself out of his daze. He saw her leave and began walking after her. Chloe heard him behind her and smiled to herself. Although she was still angry with him and the fact he still hadn’t apologised for his behaviour earlier, deep down she wanted him. And their argument had fanned those flames and she felt the throbbing between her legs. The kiss had been delivered in part to wipe the smug look off his face, but also because she really wanted to kiss him. ‘Guess Lucas was right when he said things might get physical,’ she thought. She quickened her pace and heard Lex do the same.

“Chloe,” he all but growled. She said nothing and continued walking. By now she had reached the top of the stairs. “CHLOE, stop right now,” he ordered.

“Or you’ll do what,” she replied, turning to face him, “if I don’t?”

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her and walked closer. “I’ll make you say ‘Lex I was so wrong to keep this from you for so long.’”

“Really, and just how do you plan on doing that?” she asked. As she spoke she moved down a few steps. Lex began to move towards her and before she turned to hurry down the rest of the stairs she gasped at the look of lust in his eyes.

She practically ran down the rest of the steps, laughing as she heard Lex behind her. He was moving fast as well. When she reached the bottom she took a left and headed towards the study.

“Got you,” muttered Lex as he saw the room she ran into. He followed her in and locked the door behind him. This was the main study and was quite a large room. An enormous couch was at one end in front of a large fireplace, and it converted into a very comfortable bed if his memory served him right. A pool table stood in the middle of the room and even more important there was no other door out of the room.

“Fuck,” swore Chloe as she looked around and found no other way out.

“Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly,” said Lex with a smirk, his voice low and husky.

“Open the door and let me out Lex,” she demanded, but her voice lacked any real conviction. Lex laughed and placed the key on a small table to his left. “By all means Chloe, the key is right here,” he said, pointing to it. “All you have to do is…get it.”

She grinned at him, her anger was gone but it was replaced with something much more potent. ‘I’ll get angry with him again later,’ she thought, ‘now it’s time to play.’ She moved slowly towards the pool table, her gaze fixed on him. She picked up a cue that was lying on the table and began rubbing her hand up and down it suggestively. “So all I need is that key,” she said, moving her hand fast then slow.

Lex just nodded his gaze fixed on her hand. He licked his lips and groaned as he imagined it was his cock that she was stroking. “Just that little key,” she sighed. She ran her eyes up and down Lex’s body and groaned when she saw the telltale bulge in his pants. She dropped the cue and walked around to the front of the table and sat up on it, swinging her legs.

“Well Chloe you know it’s not really a *little* key,” said Lex, moving closer to her.

“MMM I know, and it really just about fits the lock,” she replied, pulling her long skirt up till it rested around her thighs. Lex now stood in front of her and rested his hands on her knees. “It is a tight fit,” he whispered, pulling her legs apart and standing between them. “But with the right penetration it will open up completely.”

Chloe locked her legs around his waist and leaned forward. She began licking and kissing his neck, while her hand found it’s way to the front of his pants where she cupped him, rubbing her thumb over his hardness.

“Chloe,” he moaned, moving his hand between her legs. He rubbed the front of her panties feeling them getting wetter. “Hold onto me,” he whispered. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he lifted her up, carrying her over to the large couch. Without letting go of her, he hit the right buttons and the couch became a large bed. “Now that is handy,” grinned Chloe. Lex covered her mouth with his and their tongues clashed. Lex stumbled and they fell onto the bed, their mouths still fused.

Chloe could taste the alcohol he drank earlier, and coupled with Lex’s own unique taste it was driving her crazy. “Naked now,” he panted when they parted.

Chloe pulled away from him and grabbed both ends of his shirt tearing it from his body buttons flew everywhere. Lex returned the favour, ripping her blouse from her and then pulling her skirt off. She lay on the bed, clad in black underwear. “You are so fucking hot Chloe,” he groaned.

She smiled at him and sat up reaching for his pants. She undid the belt and slowly pulled the zip down. Lex moaned as she pulled his pants and boxers from him. He reached around her and undid her bra. He cupped both breasts in his hands, caressing them gently before pushing her to lie down. He lay down beside her and they kissed passionately. He slipped his hand into her panties and ran his fingers over her outer lips causing her to groan into his mouth.

“Off,” he whispered. Chloe slipped her panties off and then helped rid Lex of his boxers. He pulled her tight against him, their bodies rubbing together.

“For me,” whispered Chloe, stroking his cock. In one swift move Chloe found herself on her back looking up at Lex who was settled between her legs. “Much better position,” she breathed. Lex smirked and leaned down, kissing his way to her breasts. He sucked on her nipples and began rubbing his cock up and down her wet slit.

“Lex,” she groaned, pressing against him, “don’t tease.”

“Say it Chloe,” he said, fighting the urge to just pound into her. She was so hot and wet under him; he needed to be inside her.

She knew what he was asking, “no,” she gasped. He pressed just the tip of him inside her and groaned as her inner muscles clenched around it. Chloe tightened her legs around him and tried to pull him in deeper.

“Say it.”

“Lex please,” she whimpered. “Please, just fuck me.”

“Oh God,” he groaned at her words. Sensing he was losing his control, Chloe angled her hips and rested her hands on his ass. “Lex,” she whispered and pulled him into her. Both cried out as he thrusted deep inside her.

They stared at each other, both breathing hard. Lex pulled back and slowly slid back in. “Yes that’s it,” she panted. He kept up the slow, teasing rhythm, allowing Chloe to feel every inch sliding in and out of her. She began kissing his face and neck, moving her hips in time with him.

“Faster Lex,” she whispered into his ear.

“Say it Chloe,” he said through gritted teeth, trying to keep the rhythm slow. But the way she was moving beneath him made him want to do nothing but pound into her harder and faster.

She grinned at him, knowing his control was almost gone, she silently thanked all the scotch he had drank earlier. She squeezed her internal muscles around him; causing him to groan, “oh fuck Chloe. That feels so good baby.”

“Harder Lex, fuck me harder,” she cried out. “Please.”

“Screw it,” he muttered and began moving harder and faster inside her. Chloe could feel her entire body shake with each thrust. Lex moved himself onto his knees and pulled Chloe up with him. She planted her feet on the bed and rested her hands on his shoulders and began moving up and down on his cock.

“Chloe,” he cried out loudly as he felt the tension build in his groin. He moved his hand between them and began rubbing and pinching her clit. “So close Lex,” she gasped, moving faster on him.

He couldn’t hold back any longer and with a roar of her name he came hard. The feeling of him swelling inside her caused Chloe to explode and she joined him. Moments passed and then Lex fell back on the bed with Chloe collapsing on top of him.

“Oh baby,” he whispered, planting light kisses on her face, “that was one argument I have never been happier to lose.”

She smiled at him and began returning his light kisses. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” she said softly between kisses.

He pulled her tight against him. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “So am I,” she whispered back and their lips met in a kiss.

13th April 2003, 11:15
*Pats the funny-looking, hybrid bunny on the head* "Well, aren't you just the most fantastic thing ever?... Oh, :biggrin: you too Fiona." I loved that Chloe didn't back down, only apologising after Lex did. Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one. :blinkkiss:

13th April 2003, 13:37
mutation is a great thing really. especially when that chapter is the result.

:blinkkiss: Sway

13th April 2003, 20:38
I think I want one of those as a pet so I can get things like this whenever I want! Great chapter Fi, more soon.

13th April 2003, 21:30
this really just keeps getting better and better. I cannot wait for more and for that hussy helen to find out that Chloe turns Lex on in a way she never could.

14th April 2003, 05:29
Fi, great chapter. I love that they were totally even and that he had to apologize first. I also, cannot wait till he tells Helen.


14th April 2003, 06:07
:drool: :drool: :drool:

Yeah, those emoticons pretty much sum it all up.

14th April 2003, 13:53
wonderful to see chloe not giving in to lex's brand of 'persuasion', heehee. if it were me, i would be like :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: a drooling idiot

14th April 2003, 18:05
What??? No more??? Oh c'mon!!!

14th April 2003, 19:37
Thank you all for the reviews....Fiona


Chapter Thirty – The Build Up

After a few hours they managed to make their way back upstairs to Lex’s bedroom. They lay entangled in his bed recovering from another bout of lovemaking. Lex brushed her hair out of her eyes; Chloe was resting on his chest, looking up at him. “You said sorry,” she said. She placed a kiss where his heart was.

“So did you,” he replied, with a smirk.

“Yes, but *you* said it first,” she retorted, smirking back at him.

“Whatever,” he said with a smile. “The important thing is to stop my father. I left a message for Helen, told her we needed to talk and when could she be back in Smallville. I plan on confronting her when she gets here.”

“Get her to come to the mansion,” said Chloe. “And get Lucas here too. Actually you owe him an apology as well.”

Lex rolled them till he was on top. Chloe spread her legs and he settled between them. He began licking and kissing her neck. “You still have to apologise to your brother,” she said, although it came out sounding like a moan.

“Later,” he murmured as he reached her breasts, “much, much later.”

“MMM definitely later,” she moaned as his hand moved between her legs.


As she drove back towards Smallville Helen Bryce couldn’t help but ponder on Lex’s phone call. Since she had left for the ‘convention’ they hadn’t spoken at all. And now out of the blue he rings and leaves a message saying he wants to talk.

“Hey, maybe my leaving made him realise he needs me around,” she muttered to herself as she drove along. A sly grin appeared on her lips. “Dating an heir to a billion dollar fortune and sneaking around with the said heir’s father, you’ve hit the jackpot this time Helen.”

Her mind drifted back to her first meeting with Lionel Luthor, it was a week before she had met Lex. She discovered that the elder Luthor knew all about her and knew about her indiscretion with a married doctor at the hospital she was interning at.

Not that the information was really blackmail worthy but if it got out it would hurt her career. So when Lionel asked her to *meet* his son and find out what was going on with his company she said yes. Granted the $5million he promised her didn’t hurt either.

And Lex was very handsome and sexy. Ok they hadn’t had sex yet, but it was only a matter of time, she knew he had a disastrous marriage and was probably a little apprehensive about another relationship. And when Lionel ruined Lex’s company she would make sure she was there to console him. So obviously Lex had come to his senses and was going to tell her that he wanted to give their relationship a real go.

“And I can tell Simon Lands that it’s all over,” she said. Laughing to herself she hit the accelerator and sped along the roads to Smallville.


“Ok they have had enough time,” muttered Lucas, “and I think I’m losing all feeling in my body from all the coffee I’ve drank.” He stood up and headed over to the main counter to settle the bill with Lana.

“Where did Chloe shoot off to earlier?” asked Lana, taking the money from Lucas.

‘None of your business,’ thought Lucas. “She had some…business…to take care of,” he told her with a smirk. He glanced at his watch. Chloe had been gone for a few hours now. So either Lex was dead or they were in…

‘Ooh nasty visual,’ he thought, as a brief vision of his brother and his new best friend in bed together suddenly entered his mind. ‘New best friend,’ he thought, ‘actually Chloe’s is my own friend, well next to my brother.’

“Here’s your change Lucas,” said Lana with a smile. Lucas took it from her and dropped it in the tip jar that stood on the counter.

He walked outside and headed to his car. “Oh fuck,” he said as he saw Helen Bryce drive by. “When did she get back? Shit, she’s probably on her way to see Lex.” He reached into his pocket for his phone and dialled the mansion. It was still ringing as he got into his car and started.

“Damn,” he muttered, he dialled Lex’s cell phone number and again no answer. The same happened when he dialled Chloe’s. “Jesus, they have to come up for air sometime,” he said as he hit the accelerator and sped towards the mansion.

He drove along, Helen’s car just in the distance. “Got to get past her,” he muttered, speeding up again. She was about fifty feet in front of him when suddenly a herd of cattle appeared. “Fuck,” screamed Lucas, slamming on the brakes and stopping just in time. He turned off the engine and got out of the car.

Jonathan Kent came running up. “You stupid fool…” he began.

“Can it cowboy,” snapped Lucas. “What kind of idiot just decides to take their cows for a walk? Get them moving, I’m in a hurry.” And before Jonathan could answer Lucas got back into his car and started the engine. He pressed his palm over the horn and pressed down hard. “Hurry it up,” he shouted out the window.

“About time,” muttered Lucas and sped off again.


“Paul,” shouted out Lionel. The man came rushing into the room. “Yes Mr Luthor.”

“Paul, get my plane ready I want to leave for Smallville within the next hour. And then get me Simon Lands on the phone.”

“Yes sir,” said Paul, and left the room.

When he was gone Lionel picked up his phone and dialled Helen Bryce’s number.

“Hello,” she said.

“Miss Bryce it’s Lionel Luthor. Are you still at the convention?”

“I’m not Lionel,” she replied. “I got a call from Lex saying he wanted to talk. I’ll be at the mansion in about fifteen minutes.”

“Excellent,” said Lionel. “I’ll be leaving for Smallville myself in an hour. I assume you will be still at the mansion, and I will talk to you there. Goodbye.” He hung up his phone before she had a chance to reply.

“Ah Lex,” said Lionel with a grin to his empty office. “You’re little bout of rebellion is about to end. You did well son, but still not good enough. And then it will be time to see how Lucas does, and in the process have the two of you as rivals.” He chuckled lightly and turned his attention back to his paperwork.

Helen shook her head at Lionel’s abruptness, but she had come to expect it now. She smiled to herself as she saw the mansion in the distance.

“I could get use to living here,” she said, “and to spending the Luthor billions. Mrs Lex Luthor, it has such a nice ring to it.” Laughing she continued on her journey.

Chloe moaned as Lex’s tongue swept through her mouth. They had eventually got up and got dressed. But as soon as they had settled themselves on the couch in the study they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

Lex leaned into her, his body moulded around hers. He groaned as her tongue began to duel with his. Chloe’s hand rested on his thigh, squeezing it gently. His mouth left hers and began kissing her neck. Her own shirt was ruined so she was currently wearing one of his. He pulled the collar aside and began sucking on the mark he had given her earlier.

“Lex,” she moaned, pressing his head against her neck. Her hand moved up his thigh and began rubbing him through his pants, causing him to groan against her skin. They were both so caught up in each other that they didn’t hear the voice calling Lex’s name.

“Lex I got back…” Helen’s voice trailed off as she walked into the study and saw the couple passionately making out on the couch.

“What the FUCK is going on?” she screamed.

14th April 2003, 20:16
OOooooo :devil: :devil: LOVING THIS!!!! update .... update..... update..... :drool:

14th April 2003, 22:38
Oh that was great!!! I can't wait to see how your wrote everyone's reactions :lol: :chlexsign1:

15th April 2003, 00:01
Originally posted by ruafair@Apr 14 2003, 07:37 PM

“What the FUCK is going on?” she screamed.

I can't wait till Lex explains it to her. Hopefully with charts and diagrams.


15th April 2003, 01:26
I've missed so many parts of this fic - but lucky me got to read them all in a row ;)

“What the FUCK is going on?” she screamed.

Oops ;) The look on Helen's face must have been priceless!

Okay, now Chloe, Lex and Lucas are going to triumph over the evil Lionel and Helen!


15th April 2003, 01:32
ahahahahaha!!! die helen you greedy, oppurtunistic bitch! We all hate you! Whoooooooo!


15th April 2003, 14:18
oooooooooooh that was good... can't wait to see what happens next.

:blinkkiss: Sway

15th April 2003, 19:56
And on with the show........Fiona


Chapter Thirty One – Showdown

Chloe pulled back from Lex but didn’t get very far as he kept his arms around her. She glanced at him, blushing, but he didn’t loosen his arms.

“Well,” said Helen, she had her hands on her hips and was tapping her foot on the floor. ‘Boy she looks pissed,’ thought Chloe and leaned in closer to Lex.

“You’re earlier than I expected Helen,” said Lex. “You do know it is common curtsey to call before you arrive.”

“I think I am right on time,” she snapped back, moving into the room. “Right on time to catch you with your little whore. Isn’t she a little *young* for you Lex?”

“Watch who you are calling a whore,” said Chloe, all the embarrassment of been caught now gone.

“Lex, Chloe, you’ll never guess who I saw…” Lucas trailed off as he ran into the room and saw Helen standing there. “Oh you have a guest.”

“Who did you see?” asked Lex with a smirk.

“Oh I thought it was Elvis but I could be wrong,” answered Lucas with a matching smirk. He moved over to where Chloe and Lex sat and all three faced Helen.

“You still haven’t answered my question Lex,” said Helen, not liking that she was being ignored now.

“Well if it’s an answer to what is going on,” he said, “I think when you walked into the room what was going on was…pretty obvious.”

“She’s a TEENAGER.”

“She’s in the room,” retorted Chloe. “Why does everyone talk like I’m not here,” she then mumbled to herself, “Clark does, Lionel does it and now this.”

Helen narrowed her eyes as she looked at Chloe. “Didn’t I see you here before?” she asked. No one answered her. “Ah yes, you were *working* here, you’re a secretary or something.”

“Oh excuse me for not having a great medical career like you,” shot Chloe back as she manoeuvred herself from Lex’s arms and stood up. Both Luthor brothers smiled at Chloe’s answer.

“Lex, the message that you left said you wanted to talk,” said Helen, turning her attention back to him.

“Yes I did,” he replied, standing up beside Chloe. Helen stood there waiting for him to say more. All four in the room stood in silence for a few minutes.

“Well aren’t you going to ask *them* to leave,” she said, pointing at Chloe and Lucas.

“No way lady am *I* going to miss this,” laughed Lucas.

“Lex,” whined Helen, stamping her foot like a spoilt child.

“Helen how do you know Simon Lands?” asked Lex.

“And he goes straight for the jugular,” muttered Lucas, earning him a grin from Chloe. The colour drained from Helen’s face and it took a moment for her to compose herself. “I…I don’t know any Simon Lands,” she said, a slight hitch in her voice.

“Are you sure Helen?” asked Lex, his voice and face giving away nothing. Lex leaned over to his brother and whispered in his ear. With a nod Lucas left the room.

“What’s going on?” whispered Chloe. Lex just winked at her and turned his attention back to Helen.

“I told you Lex I don’t know this man,” repeated Helen.

“You are a liar Helen.”

She began stuttering and stammering. “I’d shut up if I were you,” said Chloe, “you’re only going to make things worse.”

“Don’t tell *me* what to do little girl,” the brunette uttered through gritted teeth. Lucas came back into the room with the file and the pictures from Lex’s desk. He shot a grin at Helen as he passed her and handed them to Lex. Chloe recognised it and smiled.

Lex leafed through the file and took out the photograph of Helen and Simon talking. He walked over to her and held it out. With an annoyed sigh Helen snatched if out of his hand.

“I fail to see what this…” she trailed off when she saw who was in the photo. “Shit.”

“So Helen how do you know Simon Lands?” asked Chloe with a smile.

“He’s a friend, and a business associate of my father’s,” she replied, but the confidence wasn’t in her voice.

“Must be a very close friend,” said Lex, handing her the picture of them kissing.

“You’ve been spying on me,” she snapped.

“You’ve been working with Lionel to ruin Lex’s company,” said Chloe.

“What? How?” she stammered, her mouth dropping wide open.

“You might want to close your mouth before a bird nests in it or something,” remarked Chloe, casing Lucas to burst out laughing.

“You might want to shut up,” hissed Helen. “And don’t you have something to say,” she turned her attention to Lucas.

“Just one word,” smirked Lucas, “*busted*.”

“Why don’t you tell us what is going on?” said Lex.

“I don’t know where you are getting these wild accusations Lex. Ok I know Simon Lands and we had a…fling. But you are carrying on with this…teenager.”

“Don’t you turn this on Lex,” said Chloe stepping in front of Helen. “We know all about you. About your *friendship* with Simon Lands and that he works for Nova. That he had been giving you information on Lex-Corp’s deal with them and that you’ve been forwarding it onto Lionel. Now we know that Mr Lands has a real gambling problem and owes some nasty people a lot of money, so that’s what Lionel has over him. Where Frank Dalton fits into this we are still unclear about and now that he is dead we might never find out. We don’t know how Lionel is going to sabotage the deal, especially now that it has been signed. What does he have on you? And what’s in it for you? My guess is money. But just remember Helen, Lionel likes to *dispose* of those that are of no use to him any longer. So it would be prudent for you to tell us what you know.”

“How does she do that without taking a breath?” commented Lucas to Lex, a hint of awe in his voice.

“Apparently it’s a gift,” replied Lex.

As Chloe had been speaking Helen had been getting paler and paler. ‘How the hell do they know all that?’ she thought. ‘Ok Helen damage limitation.’

“Simon *is* an old friend from way back,” she said. “And I bumped into him a while ago. Then I met Lionel who asked for my help in getting some information from him.”

“And when exactly did you met dear old dad?” asked Lucas.

“A week before I met Lex,” she mumbled. Chloe glanced at Lex as saw the slight tightening in his jaw. She walked over to him and took his hand, squeezing it gently.

“Isn’t that cosy,” sneered Helen. “That whole disposing of those not needed anymore is probably a Luthor trait, you might want to remember that little girl.”

“My name is Chloe,” she replied, heading back over to Helen again, “you might want to remember it.” She leaned in closer and whispered to the older woman, “it’s the name Lex screams when he makes love to *me*, it’s the name he moans as he pounds his body into mine. It’s the name that lingers on his lips when he comes hard inside me.”

“Bitch,” hissed Helen and slapped Chloe hard across the face. Lex made a move to help her but Lucas placed his hand on his arm. “Wait,” he said.

Chloe’s hand flew to her cheek and it took only a second for her to retaliate. She curled her hand into a fist and punched Helen in the nose. A sickening crunch sounded in the room as Chloe broke to other woman’s nose. Helen howled in pain, clutching her bloody nose.

“You know, if they were in bikinis and a vat of hot oil this would really be interesting,” said Lucas in a very matter of fact tone. Despite the situation Lex couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his brother’s comment or allow a slight grin to grace his features.

Helen made a lunge at Chloe but the blonde managed to get out of the way. She left her foot trailing and Helen tripped over it banging her head and she hit the ground. The older woman lay unconscious on the floor.

“Oops,” said Chloe innocently. Lex took out his phone and made a call. “Toby, it’s Lex, can you call around? Yes, as soon as possible. Ok see you then.” He hung up. “We had better move her to one of the rooms.”
An hour later Helen lay asleep in one of the rooms. Toby had been to see her and said there was no permanent damage but that she would be out of it for a while. He also left some sedatives as per Lucas’ request.

The two of them sat in the kitchen and Lex was holding some ice to Chloe’s cheek. Lucas was outside on the phone. “Better,” he asked. Chloe nodded and Lex placed a light kiss on her cheek.

“Well still don’t know what Lionel is going to do,” she sighed.

“But we are about to find out,” said Lucas as he walked back into the kitchen. “That was dad on the phone, he’s on his way here.”

15th April 2003, 20:08
Ooo, not bad :D Hhihihih... A small cat fight.. ah, loving it!!

15th April 2003, 22:15
Catfight YAY *dances*

Great chapter Fi! Can't wait to find out what Lionel has in store and how the three musketeers will thwart his plans.

Please update soon, k?


15th April 2003, 23:33
YES!!! Go chloe, kill the bitch!!! :biggrin: oh, and now Lionel's comming home? :devil: hehehe :devil: i can't wait to read more!

15th April 2003, 23:50
That was amazing! This is seriously one of the best plots ever! Hehehehe :devil:

16th April 2003, 01:52
I just read the last two chapters. Great stuff, go Chloe! More soon please! :chlexsign2:

16th April 2003, 02:14
Yay Chloe! That was amazingly satisfying imaging Chloe hitting Helen :)


16th April 2003, 02:38
Lovely, not much for catfights, but she had it coming. I really dont care for helen at all. Cant wait for more.

16th April 2003, 05:16
If only we could see ANYTHING that was in your story in the acutal show. That would be a very happy day. I'm anxious to see what Lionel will think of the whole situation.


16th April 2003, 07:54
Chloe *kicked* her ass!! wohooo. great chappy as usual. can't wait til daddy Luthor gets there...

:blinkkiss: Sway

16th April 2003, 13:24
That was a great chapter. loved the chlex. Man the way your protraying the dr. she is a complete moran to think that lex would call to make up in the middle of no where and think after helping his father bring down his company that she still could be his girlfriend let alone his wife. Have chloe save the day and then lex will have to pay her back in beautiful ways :caugh smut caugh: :eyebrows:.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt=';).gif'> so keep up the amazing work and update soon!

Im in :wub: with this fic!


16th April 2003, 20:10
Ok my dears, this is more of a filler chapter, but the bunny demanded it be written...Fiona


Chapter Thirty Two – Preparations

“Where exactly is he?” asked Lex.

“He’s still in the air, and I don’t know exactly when he going to be here. But he is definitely on his way to Smallville,” replied Lucas.

“What are we going to do?” said Chloe.

“Confront him,” replied Lex.

“WHAT?” exclaimed Lucas and Chloe as the same time. “We can’t,” said Chloe, “we don’t have enough information to confront him with.”

“Which is why I will be confronting him,” replied Lex. Looking at her. “Alone.”

“Like hell you are,” she retorted. “Yeah, no fucking way,” said Lucas.

“Look I appreciate everything both of you have done, but I need to do this on my own,” he said.

“Now he decides to thank us,” muttered Chloe. “Look Lex, I know you like to be all Mr ‘I can do this alone’ guy and yeah we all love you for it. And although Lucas and I did get all the information, which included a break in to help you save your company from your father, there was also a hint of selfishness about it as well. I want to know what Lionel is up too and how he plans to ruin the deal. Also I didn’t get a bruised cheek and break Helen Bryce’s nose to be left out of the final act. So I don’t care that you want to confront him alone and unless you plan on locking Lucas and myself up somewhere we are going to be there.”

“Actually I’d like to hear more about this being locked up together plan,” grinned Lucas.

“SHUT UP LUCAS,” said Lex and Chloe, still staring at each other.

“Fine,” he muttered, “be like that.”

“Chloe…” began Lex.

“Oh do not take that tone with me Lex Luthor,” she interrupted. “I am not a child.”

“I am well aware of that Chloe. But this is my father we are talking about. The same bastard who has been pretending to be blind; who had my *girlfriend* spy for him; and who was planning to destroy my company so he could give it to Lucas. In the process completely ruin me just to prove that he fucking can.”

“I know you won’t admit this so I’ll say it for you Lex,” said Chloe, taking his hand. “But you *need* Lucas and I. Please, let us help you.”

Lex closed his eyes and felt Chloe squeeze his hand gently. “Please Lex,” she whispered.

He opened his eyes and looked down into her compassion filled ones. He glanced over her and saw his brother grinning. “Ok Chloe,” he said looking at her again. He bent his head and kissed her gently. She kissed him back and as their mouths opened and tongues began duel Lucas started clearing his throat very loudly.

“The plan first,” he said when they parted, “and then…other things that I really don’t want to dwell on personally.”

“Right, first off let me call Gary Ryan from Nova,” said Lex. “Lucas can you check on Helen I want to make sure she doesn’t get a chance to talk to dad first and ruin things or to make an appearance in any way while he is here. Chloe can you get all the information you and Lucas gathered and bring it all to my office.”

“So does this mean Chloe and I aren’t going to be locked up together,” said Lucas with a smirk.

Chloe sighed and rolled her eyes, “come on Lucas,” she said, dragging him by the arm. Lex allowed himself a small smile as he watched them leave.


“And are you absolutely sure of this Lex?” asked Gary Ryan.

“Unfortunately I am,” replied Lex.

“This is not good,” muttered Gary. “I can be there within the hour, and I’ll bring Mr Lands, the soon to be ex-member of the Nova board.”

“Thank you Gary. I am really sorry about all this, and I would understand completely if you…”

“It won’t come to that Lex. I signed a deal with Lex-Corp and with Lex-Corp I intend to honour that. I will see you in an hour.”

“Thank you Gary. Bye.”

“Bye Lex.” And both men hung up their respective phones.


After checking on Helen, Lucas made his way to give Chloe a hand. He found her in Lex’s office placing the rest of the videotapes on his desk.

“Is that everything?” he asked.

“Yes, everything you and I managed to uncover is now sitting on Lex’s desk,” she replied. “Lionel is going to be tough isn’t he?”

“Oh yeah,” replied Lucas. “And as tough as I like to think I am, I’m no match for him.”

Chloe crossed the room to him, “maybe not, but you and Lex together can do it. The fabulous Luthor brothers.”

“Well it is true I am pretty fabulous,” grinned Lucas, “ don’t know about Lex though.”

Chloe shook her head, “and so modest too.”

“I do try.” He pulled Chloe into a hug and kissed her forehead. “What was that for?” she asked, looking up at him.

“For being my friend Chloe. You have no idea how much that means to me,” he said, blushing slightly at the sincerity he heard in his own voice.

“I’m glad we are friends too,” she said, hugging him back. They stood like that for a few moments and then Lucas kissed her forehead gently again and let her go. “Ok, sentimental moment over, let’s get back to work.”


All three sat in Lex’s office. “So how is sleeping beauty?” asked Lex.

“Well I don’t know about beauty, but Helen’s still asleep,” replied Lucas. “And I’ve locked the door to the room she is in.”

“Any word on your father?” asked Chloe.

“No,” said Lex, “but that is not surprising. Just because he rang Lucas to say he was on his way, doesn’t mean he’ll call when he’s nearly here. We probably won’t hear from him again till he walks through the door.”

“Oh great, the element of surprise,” murmured Chloe. “He could be pulling up to the main door as we speak.”

“So are we going to pretend that we think he is still blind?” asked Lucas.

“Yes,” answered Lex. “He will put on the whole blind show anyway, so we’ll just play along. But we’ll *do* things while he is in the room and see if we can get him to show his hand.”

“What kind of things?” asked a wary Chloe, not too comfortable with the look in Lex’s eye.

“Oh a bit of this,” he smirked, running his hand up her thigh, “and maybe some of that,” leaning down and kissing her. His ran his tongue along her bottom lip and Chloe opened her mouth with a moan.

“Guys,” said Lucas, as the kiss got more passionate. “GUYS.”

Neither paid any attention to him and Lex pulled Chloe into his lap. Don’t make me throw this cold water over you,” said Lucas, his voice deadly serious. Lex reluctantly released Chloe’s lips to see his brother standing over them with a bottle of water. With a blush Chloe got off Lex’s lap and stood by his chair again.

“Sorry,” she mumbled.

“I’m not,” grinned Lex.

Just then the doorbell rang. “It’s not dad,” said Lex getting up. “He’d just waltz in.” He disappeared to answer it.

A few moments later he entered his office with Gary Ryan from Nova and Simon Lands in tow. “Gary, Simon, you both remember Chloe?”

“Yes,” both men said. “And this is my brother Lucas,” said Lex, introducing them. After a round of handshakes everyone sat down. They all chatted for a while, and Chloe noticed how nervous Simon looked. Lucas disappeared for a few minutes to check on Helen and returned immediately.

About fifteen minutes later the voice Lex, Chloe and Lucas dreaded sounded out.

“Lex,” shouted out Lionel.

“And so it begins,” muttered Lucas, giving Chloe a small smile.

Not An Addict
16th April 2003, 20:29
Oooh! It's starting! *bounces in anticipation* I'm so excited! Finally we'll get to find out just what's been going on. More! More soon!

16th April 2003, 20:59
:devil: this is going to be great, so hurry up and post the next part!!!! :biggrin:

16th April 2003, 21:10
:yay3: :yay3: :yay3: can't wait for the ass-kicking of lionel to start. i'm all ready at a prime front-row seat :popdevil:

16th April 2003, 21:52
Hey drina, this seat taken? Cause I'm all with ya in the front row for the big show down :biggrin:

Been to long anyway, since i had a decent spot of violence :evilbat:

*grabs popcorn* :popdevil: *sits down*

So come on Fi, on with the show! I wanna see them beat Lionel's ass

17th April 2003, 06:52
All right, this is gettin' even better than good! Once again, I will eagerly drive tomorrow to make it to the next hotel and hope the next chapter is up! You're giving me incentive to make it across country faster!

Let's bring on the Luthors' confrontation!! (and the smut, because I'd never forgive myself if I didn't add that bit!)


17th April 2003, 18:00
Oh I hope this lives up to people's expectations....Fiona


Chapter Thirty Three – The Big Bad

“Lex,” Lionel called out again. Chloe saw Simon Lands flinch when he heard Lionel’s voice. She glanced at Gary Ryan and saw that the man had the same stony expression on his face that she had seen grace Lex and Lionel’s face from time to time. ‘This is going to be interesting,’ she thought. Lucas caught her eye and he smiled reassuringly at her.

“LEX,” he shouted.

“I’m in my office dad,” Lex called out. They heard the shuffling outside and the sound of Lionel’s cane hitting off the floor. The door opened and the *blind* Luthor shuffled in, his cane out in front of him. ‘He does put on a good act,’ thought Chloe as she watched him carefully.

Behind his dark glasses Lionel’s eyes flickered around the room. He managed not to gasp when he saw Simon Lands sitting there with the CEO of Nova. ‘And Lucas and that Sullivan girl are here as well,’ he thought. ‘What have we got going on here?’

“Lex I called you a few times why didn’t you answer?"

“I’m sorry dad,” said Lex, his voice dripping with false sincerity. “I was in the middle of a meeting. Allow me to introduce you to Gary Ryan and Simon Lands of Nova.” The two men stood up and made their way over to shake Lionel’s hand. When Simon shook his hand, Lionel squeezed it hard, glaring at the man. “I’m sorry to have disturbed your meeting son,” he said, his voice filled with matching insincerity.

“That’s fine dad. Lucas why don’t you take Gary and Simon to the kitchen to get something to eat? The staff have the day off,” he added before his father asked the obvious question.

“Give us fifteen minutes,” whispered Lex to Lucas as he walked past, “then come back, all of you.”

Lucas nodded. “Mr Ryan, Mr Lands, if you’d like to come with me. Later dad.” All three men walked out of the room, Simon glanced back at Lionel but soon hurried out. It was on the tip of Lionel’s tongue to ask if Miss Sullivan was going to leave. But she had not spoken since he arrived and he was *blind* so how would he explain knowing she was there.

“So dad, did you get all your business in Metropolis finished?” he asked. Lionel manoeuvred his way to an empty chair and sat down. “Yes it’s almost complete,” he replied. Lex motioned to Chloe and she sat on his lap with her arms around his neck. Lex rested one arm around her waist and his other hand rested on his thigh. She turned her head to face Lex so that Lionel couldn’t *see* her face and smiled at him. Lex smirked and kissed her gently.

Lionel’s eyes widened behind his glasses, as he watched Lex and Chloe kissing; he could see their mouths open and tongues entwine. Lex’s hand moved up her thigh and Chloe spread her legs a little. She let out a low moan.

‘My chance,’ thought Lionel. “Is there someone else in the room Lex?” he asked. Lex released Chloe’s mouth and she began licking his neck. “Yes dad, Chloe Sullivan is here.”

“Miss Sullivan, still working for Lex I take it,” he said.

“Yes,” she replied, running her hand over Lex’s head, “and loving every minute of it. It has certain…perks.”

Lex grinned at her and captured her mouth in another hot, wet kiss. In the back of her mind she couldn’t help wonder why she wasn’t embarrassed making out like this with Lex in front of his father. But when Lex’s tongue began drawing hers into his mouth and sucking on it gently all coherent thought left her.

Lionel suddenly felt very uncomfortable at what was playing out before him. “Has the Nova deal been signed?”

With a sigh Lex released Chloe’s mouth, and turned to face his father. Chloe remained on his lap but now faced Lionel as well. “Yes everything has been checked by the lawyers and signed. “That’s why Gary is here, we are discussing the first order.”

“This is quite a deal for Lex-Corp,” commented Lionel.

“$175 million dollars,” said Chloe, “give or take a couple of million.” The door to the office opened and Lucas and the others walked in. “Yes dad it is a great deal, and one you almost ruined,” added Lex, his voice cold.

“What are you talking about Alexander?”

Chloe got off Lex’s lap and he stood up, both moved around to the front of the desk and leaned back against it. “Well let’s see,” began Lex. “There was your little deal with Frank Dalton, whom is now dead. There are of course your clandestine meetings with Mr Lands here and who was the other person, oh yes Helen Bryce.”

A gasp flew from Simon Lands’ lips. “There are the very large gambling debts Mr Lands has accumulated,” continued Lex.

“Did he promise to clear them for you? And did you actually believe him?” asked Lucas. He moved behind Lionel and quickly pulled the glasses from his eyes. “Lucas,” exclaimed Lionel.

“And you knew it was me how? Save the excuse dad, we know you can see.”

“So that’s what your little display was for earlier,” said Lionel, turning to Lex and Chloe. “Partly,” said Lex with a smirk, “and mostly because I can’t keep my hands off her.”

“So what were you going to do dad? The deal has already been signed, so what was the plan?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” replied Lionel.

“I think he was going to wait until Nova had placed their first order,” said Chloe, “and when you were working on filling that…”

“He’d get Hexagon and maybe another couple of the smaller companies that we don’t know about to suddenly increase their orders,” continued Lucas.

“And if I couldn’t manage to fill my first order with Nova, there is no way they would continue with the contract, and because so much time and money would have been ploughed into the Nova order I’d probably go bankrupt,” said Lex.

“Setting it up for you to step in and buy it out,” finished Lucas. “Hey we’re like the Scooby Gang,” he said with a grin to Lex and Chloe. “Nobody appreciates my humour,” he muttered to himself when no one reacted to his quip.

“You are all delusional,” said Lionel. “Mr Ryan, I wonder do you know what you are getting involved in.”

“Dad, we have the files and the videotapes. Granted Helen and Mr Lands here are the main stars but you do make a very interesting cameo. So your denials are worth shit.”

‘Damage control,’ thought Lionel. “Lex, son, it was a test. A test you passed I might add.”

“Bullshit,” snapped Lex. “It was never a test. It was just you demonstrating that you are the best. Oh Lex looks like his company might do well so what do I do. I try and destroy it. And the thing is it probably would have worked. It was Chloe and Lucas that found out something was going on, they are the ones who got all the information.”

“Lex,” said Gary Ryan. “I’ve heard and seen enough. Nova’s deal with Lex-Corp still stands, I will contact you tomorrow and we’ll discuss the first order. Simon you are fired, if I see you anywhere near the office I’ll order the security guards to shoot to kill.” He crossed the room and shook Lex’s hand before walking out. Lucas left the room to show Gary Ryan the way out.

Lionel slumped into his chair. “What about my debts?” whined Simon. “Shut up,” said Lionel, waving the man away.

Lucas came back into the room, a very sluggish Helen with him. “You might want to take your girlfriend with you,” he said to Simon, thrusting the woman at him. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked.

“She fell and knocked herself out,” replied Chloe innocently. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

“But my debts…”

“Get the fuck out of here,” shouted Lionel. A very scared looking Simon left, dragging a barely conscious Helen with him.

Lucas moved around his father to stand by Lex and Chloe.

“So what happens now?” asked Lionel.

17th April 2003, 19:29
Nice, not bad, but you know me, I demand smut, smut smut :D

17th April 2003, 22:00

Ah, this story is just brilliant! Update soon!

Not An Addict
18th April 2003, 00:33
Forgot to mention when I reviewed on TBT: I laughed out loud when I saw the title of this chapter. :lol:

18th April 2003, 03:01
ooh how is lionel going to get out of this one? want more chlex. beautiful when they made out in front of him. so update soon please.


18th April 2003, 05:13
Oooooh, I smell the smut in the air, please let them have sex on Lex's desk, pretty please? :angel:

continue soon!

P.S that stupid bitch (helen) and that fucking bastard (Lionel) sooo got what was coming to them. Just a test? bah, that sounded pathetic even to *my* ears :rolleyes:

whoooo :chlexsign3:

18th April 2003, 05:23
“So what happens now?” asked Lionel.

I wanna know too&#33; :yay: <----jumping in excitement

18th April 2003, 06:48
Now that was *definitely* fulfilling.
Except for the umm, sex part... (or lack thereof).

So I&#39;m just gonna crawl into Lex&#39;s lap now and pick up where they left off. You&#39;re all welcome to do the same.

18th April 2003, 10:51
The second last chapter, and I apologise if it seems rushed...Also I hope to have the last chapter posted later on today...Fiona


Chapter Thirty Four – Questions, Answers and Deals

“So what happens now?” asked Lionel.

“Now there is the &#036;175 million question,” smirked Lex.

“Miss Sullivan this is a *family* matter,” said Lionel, turning his attention to her, “leave.”

Chloe glanced at Lex and he smiled at her. “Chloe stays,” he said. “If you don’t like that then *you* can leave.”

“Very well,” said Lionel.

“Why did you do it?” asked Lucas. “Lex is your son, and you purposely set out to destroy his business and him.” Lucas shook his head; he was still having a hard time coming to terms with what Lionel was planning to do.

“What I said about it being a test was partly true. I wanted to see how successful you could make your company,” replied Lionel, his gaze fixed on his eldest son. “And I have to admit you surprised me. Going after Nova was brilliant, and actually getting them to sign a contact was very impressive. But did you honestly think I would let Lex-Corp sign a deal worth that much money, if you succeeded Luthor-Corp would be under threat and that I would not permit.”

“So I actually worried you,” said Lex. ‘My father panicked because he was afraid of my success,’ he thought. ‘I guess I should feel proud but for some reason I don’t.’

“Nonsense Alexander,” retorted Lionel, “I do *not* get worried. What I did was business, simple as that.”

“But Lex is your son,” spoke up Chloe. “And I’d say it made running the deal all the more sweeter because it was him.”

“You are a very astute young woman Miss Sullivan, but you should really stop poking your nose into things that do not concern you. If you continue, you will…get hurt.”

I really don’t think you are in any position to threaten anyone,” said Lucas.

With a wry smile Lionel stood up, his cane still in his hand. “You really need to control your emotions Lucas, you are far too generous with them. Like your feelings for Miss Sullivan, doesn’t it bother you that your *brother* is sleeping with her.”

Lucas rolled his eyes at his father’s attempt to goad him. “I’m happy for them,” he replied with a sincere smile. “My brother and my best friend, because that’s what she is dad, my *friend*. Now I know friendship is an alien term to you and it was to me till I met my brother. And I probably would have ended up like you had I not given my emotions a free rein. So personally I think I got the better end of the deal.”

“Weak,” said Lionel, “you’re far too weak to be a Luthor.”

“And again, I’m not seeing any problem with that,” replied Lucas. He glanced at Chloe and she smiled at him.

“But you Lex,” said Lionel, “you have really proven yourself this time. Although I would expect in the future that your brother and the girl will not be around. I am proud of you son.”

Lex closed his eyes; there was a time when he would have said or done anything to hear those words come from his father’s mouth. But now, now they just sounded hollow and empty. Lionel was only saying them as a means to get out of the predicament he suddenly found himself in.

“The lies just fall from your lips with such ease dad, you really should be in politics,” said Lex. “You’re not proud, you’re running scared.”

“I am not…” interrupted Lionel.

“Shut up,” commanded Lex. “You are *not* the one in control. I have listened and put up with your demeaning for almost twenty years and frankly I’m sick and tired of it. I have never been good enough. Each time I passed one of your tests you just kept on raising the bar. And don’t say it was all an education; it was just you keeping control. But that’s the one thing I have got out of this whole episode, you have to be in control. Without it you are really…well…nothing. You are just a man, and a pretty ordinary one at that. Your entire life has been about beating the other guy by whatever means possible. I have no doubt that you had something to do with Frank Dalton’s death but as with nearly everything else you’ve done I have no proof of that. You knew Lucas was alive all this time and you had your little experiment going with the two of us. And all because you wanted your two sons fighting to be daddy’s number one. Well wake up and smell what you have been shovelling dad, Lucas and I don’t care anymore. With this deal and the money and shares in Luthor-Corp that Lucas has we are going to destroy you. And it is up to you on whether it is done in public or in private."

“What are you talking about Lex? If you think I am going to make a deal with you, you are sorely mistaken.”

“I have here a contract drawn up by my lawyers,” continued Lex, ignoring his father completely and holding up the papers in his hand. Chloe shot a confused look at Lucas, but he just winked at her and mouthed, “Just watch.”

“This contract gives Lucas and myself power of attorney over Luthor-Corp should anything…*unfortunate* happen to you. It is not open for negotiation. You will sign it.”

“I will do no such thing,” spat out Lionel. “Your threats have no effect on me Lex, you are wasting your time.”

“We haven’t threatened you yet,” said Lucas. “Or did we threaten him and I just missed it?” he asked Lex with a grin.

Lex grinned back at his brother before turning to Lionel again. ‘Ok,’ thought Chloe, ‘obviously Lex and Lucas had something planned. Boy Lex is going to pay for keeping it from me.’

“Sign it,” said Lex, handing the contract and a pen to his father.

Lionel let out a snort and took the contract and ripped it into pieces. “Very childish dad,” said Lucas, handing Lex another copy of the contract.

“If you do not sign this,” began Lex, moving close to his father. “I will ruin Luthor-Corp. I will spread rumours about the company; I will assist in insider dealing. I will force the stock to drop so low in price that you won’t be able to give it away. I will bleed every cent out of you and leave you with absolutely nothing. Now for the last time sign the fucking contract.”

Chloe found herself half scared and half aroused by this side to Lex. She wanted to both run away and jump him at the same time.

With a slight look of fear, Lionel paled and took the contract from Lex’s hand. He leaned on the table and signed it, handing it back to Lex with a shaking hand.

“Thanks dad,” said Lex with a smirk.

“You beat me,” Lionel croaked out. He felt his legs give out under him and he reached for the chair. His breathing became ragged.

“Mr Luthor, are you ok?” asked Chloe, sensing the older man was in some distress.

“Oh God,” he gasped, clutching his chest. He collapsed to the ground in a heap.

Lucas rolled his eyes, “bit late dad for the dramatics, everything’s signed.”

Chloe ran over to the older man and turned him on his back. “Oh shit,” she exclaimed, “I think he’s having a heart attack.” She looked up at the others. “Call an ambulance…QUICK.”

18th April 2003, 12:48
wohoo. loving this. i can&#39;t believe its almost over... tell me you have something bigger and better (if possible) planned?

:blinkkiss: Sway

18th April 2003, 13:00
Should i feel sorry for lionel?....I guess NOT&#33; he brought it upon himself.

18th April 2003, 21:33
Ok here it is, the last chapter. I want to say a huge THANK YOU and big hugs to everyone who read this and left a review. I&#39;m glad you enjoyed it, especially those who were there from the start. Again your reviews/feedback were greatly appreciated....Fiona


Chapter Thirty Five – Aftermath and Going Forward

“What a day,” exclaimed Lucas as they got back to the mansion. All three headed to the study and Lex poured them all a brandy. “Take it Chloe,” he said when she was going to refuse, “once won’t kill you.”

Lucas took his and flopped into one of the large armchairs. Lex and Chloe settled themselves on the couch. Chloe kicked her shoes off and curled up beside Lex, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and held her close.

It was 3.30am and they had just got back from Smallville hospital. According to the doctors Lionel Luthor had a mild heart attack. He would remain in hospital for a while, as they needed to keep an eye on him and run some more tests. Apparently the initial tests indicated that his heart would have given out soon and had it gone on any longer the attack probably would have been fatal

“I actually saved his life by helping to bring on his heart attack,” Lex had half-joked to them at the hospital.

The doctors also said that when Lionel was released from hospital he was to avoid stress and shouldn’t go back to work. Lucas had almost burst out laughing at that statement, and when Lex said the they would look after all their father’s business interests, Lucas had to excuse himself to go somewhere more private to let out the laughter that was building up inside him.

Lucas was a little upset that Lionel was sick, and was glad the doctors said he would be all right. But he couldn’t help but think that everything had fallen into place for Lex and himself. They now had the power to run Luthor-Corp and he was looking forward to working with his brother. He finished his drink and got up to make himself another.

Lex let out a sigh and kissed Chloe’s forehead. She smiled gently at him and rested her head on his chest. Lex looked down and kissed the top of her head, his arm tightening around her.

His father was in hospital, recovering from a mild heart attack that he probably had a hand in inducing. He had also managed to threaten his father to signing over power to Lucas and himself, just before his heart attack. The doctors said Lionel was too avoid stress, which meant no working, so he and Lucas were now running Luthor-Corp.

‘Either the Gods are working with me,’ he thought, ‘or someone is having a very big joke at my expense.’

“When did you and Lucas work out your little *deal* for your dad?” asked Chloe in a quite voice. All thoughts of making Lex pay for keeping it from her where gone. The sight of Lionel Luthor being carted off in an ambulance put pay to those thoughts.

“The contract to give us power of attorney was something we had got drawn up a while back,” answered Lucas. “There was never a specific date for bringing it into use we sort of decided it would be there if we ever got the opportunity to get dad in a position to sign it. Not that we ever thought we could catch Lionel out. But when stumbled into his little plot Chlo I began thinking that maybe the chance had arrived.”

“Earlier, when we were preparing for his arrival,” continued Lex, “Lucas suggested that now might be a good time to bring it into play. It’s not that we kept it from you Chloe, with everything happening so quickly we just didn’t get the chance to tell you.”

“Wow talk about having the cards land where you wanted them,” she said with a grin. “I mean could things have worked out any more perfect for you tow. Well the whole your dad having a heart attack maybe not, but everything else. Check out Lex and Lucas Luthor, hey maybe we should go to a casino you guys are on a roll.”

Both men started laughing and were soon joined by Chloe. “Thanks for that,” said Lex after a while, kissing her gently, “we needed that.”

“Hey I wasn’t kidding,” she replied with a grin.

“I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to bed,” said Lucas as he stood up. “This has been one long day. Night Lex, night Chlo.”

“Night Lucas,” said Chloe.

“Lucas, we’ll talk tomorrow about what going to happen,” said Lex.

Lucas nodded and left the room. Chloe placed her half drank brandy glass on the table beside her and Lex put his down as well. He pulled her into his lap and hugged her close. “It wasn’t my fault, was it?” he asked softly.

Chloe pulled back a little and took his face in her hands. “Lex, don’t even think that. You heard what the doctor said; Lionel’s heart would have given out anyway. So no, it was *not* your fault.”

“I guess I just needed to hear you say it,” he replied. “Hey how is your cheek?” he cupped her bruised cheek in his hand and gently rubbed it with his thumb.”

“Not as painful as Helen Bryce’s nose is I bet,” she replied. Lex chuckled and repositioned her on his lap so that she was straddling him. “Mr Luthor, what ever are you up too?” she asked with a smirk.

“Well Miss Sullivan, that is my shirt you are wearing.”

Chloe cocked an eyebrow at him and began unbuttoning the shirt, when it was completely open she took it off and threw it on the couch beside them. “Not wearing it anymore,” she said.

“MMM no,” he said, his hands slid up her hips and cupped her lace clad breasts, squeezing them gently. “Actually Lex, I think I found this bra somewhere around the mansion as well.”

“Oh well then it will just have to come off,” he replied, his voice low and husky. He flicked open the front clasp and peeled it off her body. Chloe grabbed the ends of his sweater and began lifting it up. Lex raised his arms over his head and she pulled the garment off. He hands dropped to her waist again and he pulled her tight against him, and groaned as her breasts pressed against his chest, he could feel her hard nipples against him.

Mouths met and tongues duelled, gliding slick and wet, making the both moan. Chloe slowly ran her down his chest, over his stomach and began unzipping his pants. Lex pushed her skirt up around her waist. She gasped into his mouth as he ripped her panties off. He released her mouth and grinned at her, “I’m sure they didn’t belong to you either.”

Chloe grinned back and freed his cock from his pants, and began stroking him, feeling him harden in her hands. Lex slid two fingers inside her, groaning as wet heat surrounded them. Their hands moved in tandem, both of them panting hard.

“You ready for me baby,” he panted. “Always,” she whispered, and lifted her hips. Lex guided himself inside her, and Chloe slowly lowered herself down onto his cock. “Oh god,” groaned Lex when he was fully inside her.

His hands gripped her hips and began moving them. Chloe started riding him slowly, allowing them both to feel him sliding in and out. She kissed, sucking his tongue into her mouth. Lex’s hands moved to her breasts again and caressed and squeezed them, rolling her nipples between his fingers. “Oh fuck Lex,” she groaned and picked up the pace, moving harder and faster on him.

“That’s it Chloe, just like that,” he panted, thrusting up into her. “Lex,” she cried out. Her hands rested on his shoulders and she used them for leverage as she lengthened her strokes. She bent her head forward, her hair falling around her face. “Faster baby,” groaned Lex, he moved a hand to where they were joined and began rubbing and pinching her clit. “Oh yes,” she groaned, moving faster. Lex groaned as he felt her tightening around him. He was so close, he could feel it building in his groin, but he wanted her to join him.

He thrust up hard into her, “oh God yes,” she groaned and then she felt it, building in her stomach. “LEX,” and she came hard. “YES,” he cried out and let himself go. They held each other as they got their breath back. “So good Chloe,” he panted into her ear.

“GET A ROOM YOU TWO,” Lucas’ voice boomed down the stairs, “SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP.” Lex and Chloe smiled as they heard the teasing in his voice.

“You’re definitely the best PA I’ve ever had,” he said with a smile.

“Well you’re the worst boss I’ve ever had,” she replied. “I haven’t even been paid yet.” Lex let out a laugh and hugged her close.



Lionel had been let out of hospital and Lex had him convalescing in a beach house in the Caribbean. There were no phones or computers anywhere in the house. Lionel had kicked up an almighty fuss, but during his rant he felt a twinge in his chest and soon stopped. As far as Lex knew from his weekly updates from the nurse looking after him was that his father was still sulking. He smiled to himself as he looked at the headline and picture in the Daily Planet. It was of Lucas and himself outside the Luthor-Corp main office. The Luthor-Corp sign and logo had been replaced with a new one. The company was now called Luthor Brothers.

“So how did Lucas’ first meeting go?” asked Chloe as she came into his office.

“I don’t think the rest of the board knew what to make of him,” grinned Lex, “but he did very well.” Actually it had surprised Lex how seriously his brother had taken to the business, and that he was very good at it. Although his methods were different from his own they did work well together. And work together is what they did, every decision had to be agreed by both of them, ok there were still arguments but in the end this was a partnership.

“Hey forget the ‘Daily Planet’,” announced Lucas, walking into the office, “we made ‘The Torch.’ He held out the latest copy, which featured a picture of the both of them. Of course they had granted Chloe an exclusive interview, which she had typed up on the brand new laptop she had got. “Call it a bonus,” said Lex when he had presented it to her.

“Excellent article Chloe,” said Lucas. “Oh Lex, those guys from Japan will be here on Thursday.”

“Good,” replied Lex, “this deal could be a big as the Nova one. And there is no Lionel around to try and ruin it.”

“Damn, so there won’t be anything for me to uncover,” pouted Chloe.

“Well Miss Sullivan, you are still my PA,” smirked Lex, “and I think you should come over here.” He patted his lap, “I really need to you to *take down* something.”

Lucas rolled his eyes, “I’ll leave you two alone,” he said as he left the office. He closed the door behind him and laughed as he heard Chloe’s laugh turn into a moan.

“I guess I’ll take that meeting Lex has in a hour,” he muttered and headed towards the plant.

The End

18th April 2003, 21:55
loved the fic :yay2: :yay: :yay2:

18th April 2003, 22:24
That was a great fic. :yay: And a great ending :yay3: except for the whole being over part. So how soon do you start your next story? :blinkkiss:

18th April 2003, 22:43
:yay3: :yay: :yay3:

Loved the fic, loved the end, LOVE Lucas.

Next fic please, like NOW :biggrin:


and :yay: :yay3: :yay: :yay3: (sorry I love that little bugger ;) )

19th April 2003, 04:02
Mmmmmmm, that was a *very* satisfying fic. Nice ending, no desire to see another chapter (no offense meant, I mean, there&#39;s no way the ending could&#39;ve been any better) Yet another nice story, Fi, I have to say I&#39;m mind-meltingly jelous :crygreen:


19th April 2003, 05:25
‘Either the Gods are working with me,’ he thought, ‘or someone is having a very big joke at my expense.’

It&#39;s Fiona who has been looking out for you, Lexy baby...lol

Sigh...i just :wub: happy endings, makes me all warm inside :yay: :yay: :yay:

Great story again. have you ever written a story that&#39;s not great? haha


19th April 2003, 14:59
happy with that&#33; great fic, one of your best&#33;&#33; please tell me you have another one lined up?? or are you taking a break??

:blinkkiss: Sway

19th April 2003, 17:22
Hey all, again a big thanks for all the reviews.

And in answer to your question Sway, I&#39;m working on a couple of new fics at the moment. I hope to start posting next week sometime... :biggrin: I would like to take a break but the muse and the plot/smut bunny won&#39;t let me.... ;)

19th April 2003, 18:35
Oh, that was so much FUN :blinkkiss: . Loved the ending, and I got a kick out of the showdown between Chloe and Helen. Great stuff&#33;

19th April 2003, 19:44

I, for one, am very happy that the bunnies won&#39;t let you rest. Loved this fic, it had the perfect blend of humor, evil Lionel, cool Lucas and great smut.


19th April 2003, 21:44
*sob* I can&#39;t believe it&#39;s over&#33; This was SUCH an awesome fic- the best characterization of Lucas too, not to mention the cool plot, and of course the boss/PA/chlexy relationship... mmm... :biggrin:

20th April 2003, 03:30
Oh, man, that was good&#33; And I liked the ending&#33; Not often I&#39;m satisfied with the ending... But this fiction rocked&#33;

21st July 2003, 04:55
Too bad...never happened in the show **sigh***. Oh well.

I&#39;ve truly enjoyed the ride. Funny, romantic, edge of the seat, roller coaster ride and the smut, WOW&#33; :wub: :devil: :worship2: . Thank you :cool: &#33; I really wish they&#39;ve made Lucas&#39; character became a permanent one on the show. I really luv him in this fic, though.

21st July 2003, 20:28
Wow what a hilarous story, funny sexy Chlex, bashing Lionel , caring Lucas
you rock :yay: :worship2: :yay: :yay:

22nd July 2003, 00:59
:worship2: :worship2: I love you &#33; This fic is just awesome &#33; :wub: Lex and Chloe ... and Lucas is so much fun &#33;

23rd July 2003, 03:03
I loved this fic. :yay: The Luthor brothers are both very hot. Chloe has the best of all worlds, Lex as a lover and Lucas as a friend, with the best possible way of getting rid of Lionel. Rock on&#33;&#33;&#33;

Write another Please&#33;&#33;

12th August 2003, 22:42
I just read this whole story and I loved every minute of it.

11th September 2003, 00:28
wonderful, absolutly wonderful...and i can&#39;t even begin to descirbe how great the sex scenes were... :chlexsign4:

Lady Candy
18th October 2003, 23:43
Wow I would like to have Lex as *boss* :b
I love this ff, sure...

2nd December 2003, 05:35
*grin* This story was so great&#33; I love the Lucas/Chloe friendship thing and the smut was awesome...man, you do write good smut. *sigh*

2nd December 2003, 13:17
big and stupid grin scotched on my face
i loved it a lot
fi like always your fics rocks
keep on writting
and i hope you will write another one soon

7th December 2003, 12:10
What an amazing fic this is&#33;&#33; I loved it.


23rd February 2004, 05:24
I loved this fic&#33; I enjoyed the Chlucas friendship a lot, Lucas was so funny and sweet&#33; And the Chlex was great: romantic and sexy, and the smut was hot&#33;

Awesome job&#33; :)

23rd February 2004, 05:36
I read this months ago but I just read Wild at Heart which reminded me of the getting rid of Lionel method in this. Both were awesome.

God, Fi, you could write a whole book called "101 Ways to Lay the Smackdown on Lionel Luthor"

27th October 2004, 04:59
This was very interesting and it was very enterteining. Good job&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

2nd February 2005, 06:04
i gotta say that was wicked &#33;&#33; i love this story&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; eek.. i love Lucas&#33;&#33; AND...... :chlexsign4:

22nd March 2005, 01:12
that story was just great and i enjoyed it so very much. it was interesting and the smut was just perfect.

24th March 2005, 04:08
I'm liking it a whole lot though maybe it's just me, but the plot is taking a long to "get on the move." I'm pretty sure its there though. Nice work.

N2S: chapter 12

28th May 2005, 02:34
That was a great story, I loved it :wub:

30th May 2005, 18:18
I totally loved this story. Stories with Lucas are great, he makes it funnier!!!

3rd June 2005, 07:58
That was a good one xD

13th June 2005, 06:16
My goodness. That was an amazing story. I have never read a story that well before. The sex scenes are amazing! They are the best I've ever read and you can definately get a rise out of anyone reading those scenes. You also had an amazing plot. You kept up with it and kept it consistent. AMAZING!!!! AMAZING!!!! did I mention it was AMAZING!!!

15th June 2005, 06:02
yay! That was so sweet. That was the first story I've read of yours, so now I am going to go find anything else I can!

14th July 2005, 23:09
I would love to have such a boss !!!!!!!!!! Great fic very well written !


15th July 2005, 08:09
i just loved this fic

31st July 2005, 19:15
Amazing story, wonderful work. Congrats !

7th September 2005, 22:58
I love this story. And i just love lex and chloe.

13th September 2005, 01:51
This story was fantastic :D I really enjoyed it :D
Love Chloe working for Lex and thought Chloe and Lucas becoming friends was lovely :wub:
Plus they managed to get one over on Lionel so the story had everything :D
Lex being hot for Chloe all the time was great to read :yeahbaby:

14th September 2005, 18:24
I loved this story, like the rest of your work it was great !
I'm off to find another one of your fics!

17th September 2005, 22:25
:D This story was insanely good. So good I spent two days reading it when I should have been studying ;) . Loved the Lucas and Chloe friendship. Glad Lionel got what he deserved. Can't wait to check out some of your other stories.

29th September 2005, 21:02
Wow lovely story. I just blew up my internship repport to read it (a step closer to addiction)
Do you sell your Lucas? cause I would buy him anytimes. Well, a girl can dream.
Keep writing

3rd October 2005, 01:15
awesome!! I loved this!!!!!!!!!!!!

10th October 2005, 08:15
um... how come lex and chlo never use, i don't remember anymore... i know it was important... oh yea... PROTECTION! lol. just a little side note.

spaceboi's pixie
30th November 2005, 13:50
:drool2: bloody brillant chlex was so cute aswell as lucas :yeahbaby: off to find more of your fics

2nd December 2005, 07:29
How did I manage to miss reading this one? Loved it, especially Lucas & Lex working together.

4th December 2005, 18:53
damn that was hot...and the chlex smut was hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....i loved the whole thing

10th June 2006, 14:43
I loved this fic. I got a kick out of it. You had a very nice, twisted, and original plot style as well. Bravo.

25th June 2006, 23:23
This was great. I giggled and actually snorted in amusement at parts of it. I loved it. I adore your Lucas. I can just picture him being all... :yeahbaby: So all in all, yeah, twas wonderful.

2nd July 2006, 15:54
Excellent story telling. After the smut scenes I think my neighbours needed a cigarette :drool2:

11th August 2006, 11:58
Great story, I can't wait to find and read more of your fanfiction.

24th June 2007, 13:25
GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it, Lucas, Lex and Chloe, what a wondeful team they meke. Lucas is so cute, but Lex is Lex, he's the BEST.

Congrats, Fi.

13th May 2008, 21:05
I like... I really like!

5th April 2010, 12:07
I'm glad you re-posted this it gave me a chance to read another of your wonderful fics. It was nice seeing Chloe and Lucas working together, they do make a great team.
My fave scene had to be Lex and Chloe making out in front of Lionel to piss him off. Fabulous work! One of my favorite parts too. That and the part where Helen catches them. Both Lionel and Helen seem to like to talk about Chloe like she's not in the room. Lucas as always is very amusing. Overall, a very good fic.

6th April 2010, 17:57
loved the fic! My fav parts were when everyone kept talking like Chloe wasn't even there totally lmao!

2nd June 2010, 22:53
as soon as i finished it i wanted to start reading again! very good!

5th June 2010, 17:59
ahhh an old favorite...what a way to spend a rainy Saturday.....

20th August 2010, 05:16
Awesome story. I loved how Chloe and Lucas had a real friendship between them. Good job!! :)


23rd August 2010, 09:25
great fic, loved it

12th September 2010, 00:51
This is a wonderful fic. It's one of my preferite... great!!

12th September 2010, 16:13
great story. it was a fun to read and to review at last.

20th October 2010, 17:45
Excellent fic! I love them together and her friendship with Lucas.

18th January 2013, 08:49
Just reread it
Love this fic

18th January 2013, 22:33
Brilliant! Fantastic! Wonderful! I loved the story, I couldn't stop reading it. I am so happy that she got her laptop in the end ... and Lex etc, but mostly the laptop. :D

20th January 2013, 07:39
Great story! It was fun and sexy, what more could you ask for

7th March 2013, 09:22
I can't believe that it took me so long to find this fic! Absolutely love it!!

9th March 2013, 10:20
loved it!

Ami Rose
29th June 2013, 17:28
Awsome story loved it.

9th March 2014, 10:18
Great fic, keept me up all night!

15th March 2015, 19:22
Really enjoyed this fic. I just love how you write Lucas!