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18th June 2004, 04:05
A/N: I think someone forgot to tell my muses that I'm taking a two week break... Here's a new fic from me to all of you.

Title: Signed, Sealed, Delivered – You’re Mine
Author: Jinni (druscilla@cox.net)
Rated: R
Pairing: Chloe/Lex
Disclaimer: All things Smallvlle belong to DC Comics, the WB, et al.
Distribution: The normal places.
Author’s Notes: I know! I’m supposed to be finishing up my other fics, not starting a new one. But this little rabid plot bunny latched onto me this morning, quite painfully, and wouldn’t let go. So, here it is.
Summary: A deal made in all joking, a contract signed just the same, and a man that’s willing to do anything for a shot at happiness.


The office was dark, only the waning sunlight of the descending sun illuminating anything – and even then just barely at all. It glinted off of the gold plated furnishings of his desk, winking before fading out to nothing. The door was closed and his solitude was perfect for this brief moment out of time.

Just as Lex would have it to be.

He leaned back in his chair, eyes half shut as he both tried to remember and sought not to. Tricky thing, memory, he thought bitterly. It could both remind you of your achievements and your greatest failures all in one fell swoop.

Just two weeks until his thirtieth birthday and what exactly did he have to show for it? A successful business? More money than he could spend in his lifetime? All of that and more. But not the one thing that he wanted.

A family.

Lex sighed, leaning back in his chair so that his legs were stretched out under the desk, crossed at the ankles. He resisted the urge to kick off his shoes and get comfortable. The office wasn’t a place for comfort, though he could remember a time when it had been just another room in the mansion. A place where he and his friends could laugh and talk, just as easily as any other.

Had it really been two years since the night all of that had change? Since he’d lost that last friend and become the man he saw every day in the mirror, the one that he hardly knew any more? He was becoming more and more like his father, no matter how much he tried to fight it or rallied against it.

And to what did he attribute his downward spiral? Not genetics or upbringing. Nor any thing he had done in the checkered past of his darker youthful days.

No, he had only himself to blame for this loneliness.
His fingertips rested lightly on the top of his desk, half obscuring faded writing on an old sheet of notebook paper. Filled with wording he remembered and handwriting he recognized all too well, it was a reminder of a happier time in his life.

A time before he’d messed up one of the best friendships he’d ever had…and a chance at love that was second to none.

He brushed his hand over the paper, smoothing out creases it didn’t have. How long had it been? Seven years, give or take, since the day they’d drawn this up. This…mockery of a contract.

Lex doubted she even remembered making it. For her it had been a joke…but for him, even then, it had been a promise that things might one day work out for the best.


Chloe snorted. “Married? Me? Sure…in between running after the next story or researching my latest piece.” She rolled her eyes, drumming her fingers on the arm of her chair. The empty coffee mug on the table attested to the fact that she’d had enough caffeine to keep her wired for at least an hour. Even more so, given that the mug had included two hearty shots of espresso. “Believe it or not, there are few men that would find a woman that’s hardly ever around that attractive of a wife.”

Lex raised his eyebrows. “Or perhaps that would be the most attractive of all wives. The kind that’s never there.”

“Ha ha, Luthor.”

He smirked. The Talon was closed for the night, but yet he was there anyway with Lana, Clark and Chloe, just having what passed for an ‘exciting’ Friday night in Smallville. They’d all be leaving soon, he realized. For one college or another they’d be ditching Smallville and he’d be stuck here, by himself. Clark would drop by every now and then. Lana… well, he somehow doubted she’d tag along for even half of those visits, even though her and Clark were supposedly now an ‘item’.

Chloe, on the other hand… now that was a friendship he expected to last. She’d proven to be an invaluable friend over the last year and despite their difference in ages, he’d found himself secretly thinking of her as a good friend…a best friend, even, though he wouldn’t admit to it openly if pressed.

“Well, you may join the club, so to speak, Miss Sullivan,” he intoned dryly. “I somehow doubt that I will find yet another Mrs. Luthor any time soon.”

Clark laughed. “And here I thought women were beating down your door, Lex.”

“Yeah,” Lana giggled softly. “No future exes lurking in dark corners?”

“Hardly.” Lex smiled slightly. “It appears I’m becoming too much of a bachelor, if that were possible. Too much of a challenge for most women.”

“Hardly,” Chloe mocked with a roll of her eyes. “You make it sound like such a travesty. Being single can be fun.”

“To an extent,” he shrugged. “However, living alone for the remainder of my days doesn’t seem all that it is cracked up to be.”

The blonde grinned, shaking her head. “You’re really something, Luthor. Okay, fine. I tell you what – if you’re still single when you’re thirty – I’ll marry you. Provided I haven’t roped some poor schmuck into keeping me stocked in coffee for the rest of my life by then.”

“Can I get that in writing?” he joked with a snort of amusement all his own.

”Yeah, sure, why not?”

He watched through half-lidded, amused eyes as she tore a sheet of lined paper from her notebook and rifled through her purse for a pen. The black ink spread deliciously over the smooth surface as she began to write.

“There you go…witness it Lana, Clark,” Chloe snickered, holding out her pen to her two friends as Lex gazed on with a smirk.

There could be worse things that marrying his best friend, after all; provided she wasn’t completely joking about the entire deal.

~*~End Flashback~*~

Joke or not, he’d made sure to pocket the ‘contract’ when it had been witnessed, her signature and his joining Lana’s and Clark’s. He’d folded it up with a low chuckle, shoving it into an inner pocket of his suit. From there it had gone into his safe.

And there it had stayed, relatively forgotten, until a week ago when he’d realized what was approaching.

His birthday.

He frowned down at the names. It would be too simple to just let the event slide and not call her on the contract she had willingly signed, albeit in jest. With two years of stony silence between them, it was probably for the best. He’d hurt her, after all, and she was yet to get to the stage where she had forgiven him enough to even be in the same room for very long.

If he could take back that one night – the night that had ruined everything – he would in a heartbeat. How close had he been then to making her his through genuine means instead of some slip of paper that was only likely to enrage her more than bring him closer to her heart?
When all was said and done, she’d been gone and he’d been alone in truth.

That wasn’t what he wanted for the rest of his life. She had his heart, whether or not she even realized it, and he wanted hers in return.

If that meant playing dirty to get her within his grasp again, so be it.

She’d appreciate it in the long run, after he’d wooed her sufficiently to ease the pain he’d caused however unwittingly, two years before. When the pain was gone he had to believe that she would enjoy being his wife.

He hoped.

Lex reached for his desk phone, pressing a number on the speed dial. Only two weeks until his thirtieth birthday.

There were plans to be made.

Wedding plans.

But first he needed a little assistance from his lawyers.

Something told him Chloe wasn’t going to just accept this peacefully.

~*~End Prologue~*~

18th June 2004, 05:29
YES!! :lol: I knew you couldnt stay away from the power that is Chlex. This is a great start. I cant wait to see what Lex did to end up on Chloe's bad side. More please...

Hope :)

18th June 2004, 05:39
:D YOU USED 'SCHMUCK'! hahahahahaha! I love that word...

Anyway, I really like the beginning :) Got me grinning like a dork so, hoping for more soon! :)


18th June 2004, 05:52
You're not very nice you know. I was willing to wait sort of patiently for two weeks so that you could finish another fic. And instead of remaining silent so I wouldn't realize what I was missing you write this little plot bunny.

It isn't fair.

I want more and I want it now.

pwease??? *cute adorable puppy dog eyes*

Cat :puppyeyes: :puppyeyes: :puppyeyes:

18th June 2004, 06:08
Okay, you need to get your talented, creative, little behind back here and give us more cause I am so totally addicted to this already and... and... Update soon! Please?!


18th June 2004, 06:39
Originally posted by ColumbiaBlue@Jun 18 2004, 06:08 AM
Okay, you need to get your talented, creative, little behind back here and give us more cause I am so totally addicted to this already and... and... Update soon! Please?!

Please!! That was such a great beginning to your new story!! I can't wait to hear what caused Chloe and Lex's fight!! Lex's lawyers are going to think he's crazy!! Can't wait for more!! :chlexsign4:

18th June 2004, 12:52
Oulalala! That was an interesting beginning!!! :biggrin: Please come back. :chlexsign1:

18th June 2004, 14:44
That contract had better be binding. Please update soon.

18th June 2004, 21:48

Ah, da beta mommy loves this little bunny!!

You've really gotten me intrigued as to what exactly happened between Chloe and Lex to break off their friendship.

And I can't wait to see what happens when Lex calls Chloe on their contract!

Great beginning!

18th June 2004, 22:25
Great beginning!

I second that! I can't wait to see how Chloe will react to Lex' "proposal" *evil grin*.

19th June 2004, 03:11
Originally posted by ColumbiaBlue@Jun 18 2004, 01:08 AM
Okay, you need to get your talented, creative, little behind back here and give us more cause I am so totally addicted to this already and... and... Update soon! Please?!

What she said!

I can't believe you, Jinni, every time you say you're going away to work on your other fandoms, you start another awesome Chlex fic. I don't know whether to hug you or throttle you!

But, since I am in LOVE with this premise, I will settle for the hugging...if you update soon.

Awww hell... :hug: Here you go...NOW UPDATE! :biggrin:

19th June 2004, 04:51
OOOOH... I love this idea...

19th June 2004, 05:02
I can't believe you, Jinni, every time you say you're going away to work on your other fandoms, you start another awesome Chlex fic. I don't know whether to hug you or throttle you!

*sighs* Me either. The hugging or throttling bit. The plot bunnies can be quite entertaining sometimes...but not when they land on me in droves. I'd sworn that I wasn't going to start anymore fics until I'd finished some of my current ones...and then a Roswell one snuck up and bit me...and then this Chlex piece. I've got ANOTHER Chlex fic that is dying to be written...I just refuse to start it.

**BUT** as of Monday I am working on nothing but TMTC. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing... Except maybe whatever official challenge comes out next...oh dear. See...I'm already planning on breaking my self-imposed TMTC writing spree.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It really is you guys that keep making me want to write Chlex every hour of the day.

19th June 2004, 06:13
Ah you brilliant storyteller! I love the idea! More soon please!

Kit Merlot
19th June 2004, 22:47
This is a great beginning! I want to know what Lex did to Chloe to make her stop speaking to him for 2 years.

Please continue :biggrin:

22nd June 2004, 12:13
I'm intruiged.
I cant wait to see what happens next!

prosthetic ballerina
22nd June 2004, 23:37
I'm intruiged.

I second that.

This sounds like a fab story, can't wait to find out what evilness Lex managed to create that sent Chloe away...sniff...they had better find each other again, damnit!! :chlexsign3: yay!

2nd July 2004, 21:17
A/N: Anyone miss me? Here's the next part of "Signed, Sealed...". I sent it off for beta'ing on Wednesday, but she hasn't gotten back to me. I'll edit this to the beta'd part once I get it back from her. In case anyone is wondering - my hiatus to write TMTC did not go as planned thanks to a sever upper respiratory infection which, still to this minute, is making my life hell. *sniffles, sneezes, coughs* Hope you guys enjoy this new part.

~*~Part One~*~

The papers had been delivered that morning. The courier, very official looking to Chloe’s eye, said he was from a law firm and there it had been, right on the front of his uniform. The honorable law firm of Tate, something and something.

Bradshaw and Phillips, she reminded herself silently as she glared at the paperwork that lay there even now, on the coffee table of her tastefully decorated little Metropolis apartment, right next to the article she had planned on finishing that day in her ‘time off’.

The anger that simmered in her veins had cooled only slightly since the moment she had torn open the envelope and read through the ‘greeting’ that accompanied the very formal set of papers from the firm. It was seeing His name that had set her off first, long before she ever got to the point of the firm’s contact with her.

On behalf of Alexander Luthor…



The Slimiest Scum to Ever Walk the Face of the Earth.

Yes, that Lex Luthor.

The corner of her lips turned up in an indelicate sneer. The first thought that had gone through her mind was that he had some nerve to even attempt to contact her. Hadn’t she made herself perfectly clear, two years ago, when she walked out on their friendship? On that budding relationship that she was so sure they had been on the cusp of? When she’d turned her back, just as he had apparently done to her, and left him? She didn’t want to speak to him, read about him, or hear about him. She wanted nothing to do with Lex or any other Luthor for that matter. They could all burn in the deepest pits of Hell for all that she cared.

And Lex knew that without a shadow of a doubt, as she had told him just as much to his face, the one and only time he had tried to contact her after the incident that had torn them apart. She’d made it abundantly clear that he was never to try to contact her again under threat of certain and immense pain.

Surprisingly, she hadn’t heard from him since.

Until today. She was stunned to see his name on the papers. But stunned disbelief had faded to shock which had then given way to fury as she tossed his name around in her head, half debating whether to even read through the papers further. It was curiosity and a biting sense of ‘what if its something important’ that had caused her to pick them back up from where she’d thrown them on the floor, reading through the rest of the greeting.

Halfway down the page the shock had come back in a blinding rush that left her stumbling for a chair. She’d collapsed into it, biting back the bile that had risen in her throat.

He wouldn’t do this.

He couldn’t do this.

It had just been –

But nothing was ever just a joke to Lex Luthor, she told herself firmly, reaching for the papers again even now. Just a few thin sheets, yet they felt like a ton of bricks in her hand, a weight that could never again be lifted off of her shoulders. This little game he was playing – for she had no doubt that it was a game to him and nothing more – would change her life forever and always.

How. Dare. He. Righteous indignation flooded up from the pit of her stomach, making her see red for the briefest of moments before it washed away again. Getting angry – no, scratch that…getting angrier wouldn’t help her. This was the kind of thing that only happened in movies. Sick and twisted, at one point in time she would have expected better from him. At least where she was concerned. The rest of the world be damned, he had always treated her like she was something special.

Yet he was doing it, just the same.

She flipped past the greeting letter to the page that was behind it. It was just a copy, made on plain white legal-sized paper. She could still see the lines from the notepad, just the same, and remembered the night clearly when she had penned the words that now sat upon it. A marriage contract between herself and Lex, should he not have found a suitable bride by the time he turned thirty. There were conditions and details, things that she, Clark, Lana and even Lex had thrown in ‘just for fun’, but nothing that detracted from the overall purpose of the ‘contract’.

Just a joke between friends is what it had been at the time. She hadn’t even realized he’d kept it, though some part of her knew that it was silly to be shocked that he had. When had friendship ever come between Lex Luthor and having the upper hand?

And that’s exactly what this contract gave him – the upper hand. On her, at least. She’d unwittingly made herself a pawn in whatever twisted little scheme he had going through his mind right about now. If it had anything to do with being lonely – about not having started a family – at this point in his life she’d be well and truly floored.

She didn’t even have to read through the attached documentation his lawyers had provided her with, at his request no doubt, stating all the reasons why the contract was binding. Signed in front of witnesses without coercion of any kind, it was a contract for all that it hadn’t been drawn up by a lawyer and his staff. The documentation they had given was only meant to serve one point and one point only – there was no getting out of this. She could hire her own lawyers if she wanted, but what would they really do in the end other than provide Lex and his legal team with a bit of amusement? With all that money at his fingertips Lex would have hired the best to make sure that this was binding. The best lawyers to make sure that, should she fight it, she lost.

What Lex wanted, Lex got.

And for some reason that was currently beyond her addled thinking, he wanted her.

Chloe bit her lip, shaking her head at the hopelessness of the entire situation. She was being forced to marry Lex after everything he’d done to hurt her. Once upon a time ago he could have had her, maybe, without a contract. She had all but given him her heart and what had he done? Stomped on it like it was nothing more than a piece of trash at his feet.

He didn’t deserve her in his life, but he was going to get her anyway.

Anger bubbled up again, a cold smile licking at her lips. Fine. He wanted her in his life. Okay. Fine. He could have her.

But she would make damn sure that he regretted every single minute of it.

“For as long as we both shall live,” she smirked, gathering up the papers and her car keys. What time like the present to go accept the ‘generous’ offer Lex Luthor had made for her hand in marriage than three in the morning?

If she wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight, then neither was he.

~*~End Part~*~

2nd July 2004, 21:27
:biggrin: ohhhhhhh FANTASTIC!!!!!! Can I just say how much I adore this fic already! Gah... its just to damn good. More please, more!!!! As soo as is humanly possible!!!!! :worship2: :worship2:

2nd July 2004, 23:06
I'm so glad that you updated this fic!! This story is just excellent!! I think Lex is going to have a hard time making Chloe love him!! But, what a Luthor wants he gets, Chloe doesn't stand a chance!! Can't wait for your next chapter!! :biggrin: :chlexsign1: :biggrin:

Hope you feel better soon!! :yay2:

2nd July 2004, 23:33
That is a wonderful update! :yay: Poor Lex! He's so going to regret what he did to Chloe. :devil: I almost feel sorry for him.
THANKS! :chlexsign3:

Lucifers love
2nd July 2004, 23:46
oh, I'm getting all giddy inside

poor poor lex, won't this be fun

*sigh* I just love it!!

Kit Merlot
3rd July 2004, 03:20
Fabulous update! Lex is going to have to work hard to win Chloe, but I'm sure he'll find a way :biggrin:

I hope you feel better soon!

3rd July 2004, 03:36
Wow, you have such knack for building drama. I can't believe you were sick when you wrote this. :worship2:

Chloe's reaction was very IC! Well done.

Can't wait to see the fireworks when they actually see each other.

Get well soon! :hug:

3rd July 2004, 03:47
Now you've got me even more curious about what Lex did to break off their friendship. Even though the characters haven't met yet, the dramatic tensions are already high and I can't wait to see the blowup between the two of them, and how it's going to be resolved.

Update soon, please!

3rd July 2004, 04:03
Wooooooah. Beware of the wrath of Chloe. Lex is going to get his head handed to him on a silver platter... And I'm not talking about the head his neck holds up. Can't wait to see what happens! And I hope you feel better soon!


3rd July 2004, 04:07
Oh Lex you are in trouble.... :lol: :lol: you are dead. Go get him Chloe. :blinkkiss:

Hope :chlexsign2:

eurydices falling
3rd July 2004, 06:58

3rd July 2004, 08:24
In the immortal words of Lestat, "More..."

3rd July 2004, 09:18
Anger bubbled up again, a cold smile licking at her lips. Fine. He wanted her in his life. Okay. Fine. He could have her.

But she would make damn sure that he regretted every single minute of it. Until he melts the clothes off her body with a single kiss. Can't wait for him to turn on all that oozingly sexy Luthor charm to get everything he wants from her.

More soon

3rd July 2004, 16:29
I'm with Chloe - I hope she makes him pay before they kiss and make up!! :biggrin:

4th July 2004, 17:11
ok, what did Lex do that pissed Chloe off that much? good work. more soon.

6th July 2004, 01:55
*cackles* oh this is going to be so much fun!!!! MAKE HIM PAY!!!!

6th July 2004, 16:48
YAY!!!!!!!!!! :yay: okay, more!!!!! UPDATE FAST!!!!!

9th July 2004, 21:12

Oh Lex, Lex, Lex. What are you thinking? Don't you realize that Chloe isn't going to go so willingly?


so sorry about my internet issues getting in the way of beta. The chapter looks great!!!

10th July 2004, 05:29
Jinni, I love you! :worship2: :worship2: I worship the computer you post with! This fic is unbelievable! :chlexsign3: My computer access has been difficult recently and I've only been able to partially keep up with some of the fics but now everything's back, I'm in heaven with all the new ones. And this one is unbelievable! :drool: :drool: :drool:

:biggrin: Lark :biggrin:

11th July 2004, 05:06
Update Please!!!

Please... Please!

11th July 2004, 07:53
Originally posted by Pufkinz@Jul 11 2004, 05:06 AM
Update Please!!!

Please... Please!
Yes!! Please!! :yay2: :yay: :yay2:

15th July 2004, 15:13
~*~Part Two~*~

Lex lifted the glass of scotch to his mouth, the corner of his lips quirking up in a cocky grin as he watched the security monitors. He’d told his doorman to let up the ‘irate blonde’ that would undoubtedly be showing up sometime within the next day or two. True, he hadn’t expected it to be quite this soon. His eyes flickered from one screen to another as the on-screen Chloe paced restlessly in the private elevator that led up to the penthouse. He backed away slowly, waiting until the last second to turn away from the screens and leave the room, already moving toward the front door.

Any second now –

The loud bang of her hand on his front door echoed through the spacious penthouse, ringing from one corner to another. With unhurried movements he took another sip of his scotch.

“Open the goddamn door, Luthor!”

A low chuckle escaped from Lex’s lips as he moved towards the door. His entire body was electric just thinking of seeing her again after so long.

He flipped the locks open with his free hand, twisting the knob, a greeting on his lips.

His head snapped to the side as her resounding slap echoed through the penthouse, the sting of her palm biting into his flesh.

“Good to see you, too, Chloe.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Luthor,” she growled, pushing past him and into the apartment. He arched an eyebrow as she tossed an overnight bag down in the middle of foyer, storming into the living room.

“Is there something I can do for you tonight?”

He knew he was asking for it, baiting her in that way, but a part of him couldn’t help it. Chloe angry was unlike anything he’d ever had the joy of experiencing in his entire life. Her wrath was like watching nature’s destruction and came with all of the same unpredictability as a tornado.

And God if it wasn’t one of the most arousing things in the known universe.

She whirled on him, eyes blazing, as he entered the living room.

“What kind of game do you think you’re playing?”

Lex raised an eyebrow. “Care to elaborate?”
“Aargh!” she screamed, taking a step toward him. Her fists were clenched, held firmly at her sides, though her steps were threatening enough that she didn’t even need to raise them. “You’re ruining my life. –Again-!”

“That is the last thing that I’m trying to do, Chloe.” He sighed and turned his back on her to walk to the bar in the corner. Another drink was definitely called for if she was going to dredge up the past. Though, what had he truly expected – that she would just come along quietly and do as he asked without ever bringing up what had torn them apart so long ago?


In fact, on some levels he would have been disappointed if she had just let it slide. He didn’t deserve to get off easy. Not after what he’d done to her.

“If you don’t want to ruin my life – let me go. Do what I asked you and just leave me alone. Forever.”

“I can’t,” he shook his head and turned back to her. “Believe me when I say that living without you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

“You want me to believe you?” Chloe snorted, her eyebrows flying up into her hairline. “No, sorry. Been there. Done that. Didn’t get a fucking t-shirt but, hey, having my heart handed to me on a platter was certainly an –experience-.”

“Chloe –“

“Don’t ‘Chloe’ me, Luthor. What was it you said that night when you had your arms around me? You thought that maybe we had ‘something special’? That you could see us together for the long haul? That maybe we should ‘give it a go’? Must’ve been the alcohol talking because we both know what happened next.”

Lex winced, looking away. The image of her face, flashing with anger and hurt, racing through his mind. He felt guilt for what had happened even though he couldn’t find it within himself to feel that simple emotion for any other deed he’d ever done. “If I could take it back –“

She laughed sharply, without humor. “I doubt it, Lex. You did what you did to make a point to yourself and to me. Don’t act like you care now.”

He remembered all too keenly how she’d looked when she’d walked into his office that night. The door had opened and he’d glanced up in time to see the shocked, pained horror that had crossed her face.

Why had he done it, she’d screamed. Had what he said been a joke? Just a slip of the tongue? A drunken moment between friends, maybe?

The girl beneath him had been scrambling for anything to cover herself and still Chloe had just stood there…crying…

Lex sighed, forcing his thoughts out of the past and into the present. He met Chloe’s angry, sparkling green eyes. “I was scared of what I felt for you. I wanted to prove –“

Chloe’s harsh laughter interrupted him. Fire burned in her eyes, giving the illusion of flames behind the emerald orbs. “Prove what? That you really were the heartless monster everyone else thought you were? Well, good job. You sure succeeded. I was ready to say ‘fuck the world’ and be with you and you wanted to prove that you didn’t need –me-.”

He sighed and leaned back against the bar, aching for that glass of scotch he’d never quite refilled. With every word she spoke he could hear the pain of what he’d done, the agony of his betrayal. It was a mistake. A stupid mistake that, yes, he’d made to prove that he didn’t care as much as he thought he did. He’d never thought ahead to what it would mean if he didn’t care for her in that way. He’d never once imagined that she might walk in and catch him. He had only wanted to prove that he hadn’t weakened himself by falling in love.

Unsurprisingly, he supposed, it had backfired. Hurting Chloe had only destroyed him in those first months after she’d told him in no uncertain terms to never get near her again.

But now he had a second chance. And he’d do anything to make her look at him the way she used to. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“Ha!” she laughed. “Then start by telling your lawyers to back off. I don’t want to marry you. Not now. Not ever.”

All right.

Almost anything.

“I can’t do that.”

“You mean you –won’t- do that,” Chloe hissed. “Mark my words, Luthor. You are going to regret this.”

He smiled self-deprecatingly. “Threats already? Even Helen waited for the honeymoon…”

The blonde’s eyes widened, her hands once again clenching at her sides. For one moment, Lex was actually worried she might take his joke as an invitation.

And then she laughed. Not the harsh, cold noises she’d been making before. This was a laugh of pure, unabashed amusement.
Which was gone just as quickly as it had come, replaced once again by the icy demeanor she seemed to have mastered during their time apart.

“Death would be –way- too simple.” She smiled and the coldness of the expression sent chills along his skin. “No, Lex – I’m going to do something far, far worse. I’m going to make you live with me. With your mistake. For the rest of your fucking life. Or don’t you remember that part of our little ‘contract’? This is forever. If you break it off you lose ev-ery-thing.”

And she didn’t have an ‘opt out’. She’d laughed it off at the time, saying she was sure she could put up with being a billionaire’s wife, no matter how miserable he made her when he was in ‘a mood’. The contract from her end was binding until death literally parted them.

Which meant, of course, that she could take a page from the book of his ex-wife and try to kill him herself…or hire someone to do it for her.

He’d just have to trust that either she still had enough morals to keep her from doing that or that she really meant it when she said that living with her would be his ‘punishment’.

For all that he wanted this – to have a way to force Chloe into being with him until such time as he could sufficiently woo her into doing it willingly – he couldn’t help but worry about that gleam in her eye.

”I know what I’m getting into,” he smirked with only a touch more confidence than he actually felt. “I still love you and I’m going to make you see that.”

She drew back as if slapped, her eyes narrowing in renewed anger. “Sleep lightly tonight, Lex, because this game starts now. In fact – get used to sleeping lightly. You never know when I might decide that making you live with me isn’t torture enough. I’m a lot smarter than Helen was.”

He watched her, stunned, as she grabbed her bag from the foyer and stormed off in the general directions of the bedrooms. Stepping away from the bar, he watched as she chose just the room he knew she would.


He sighed and finally poured that glass of scotch, knocking it back with one large gulp.

It looked like he’d be slumming it in the guest room tonight.

But not for long, he smirked. Her little game may have started tonight – and he had to give it to her for taking the initiative and getting the upper hand on him.

But his game would start in the morning.

And he was definitely going to win.

Luthors never lost.

Maybe she just needed to be reminded of that fact.

~*~End Part~*~

15th July 2004, 17:20


*smacks Lex in the head* You don't know what you're getting yourself into, mister.

Go Chloe!!!

More Chlex action please!!!!!

:wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

15th July 2004, 18:50
Excellent update. GO CHLOE!!! I so want to see her hold out, she has to make Lex suffer, lots and lots.... :devil:


15th July 2004, 18:54
this should be an interesting marriage.

good update. more soon.

15th July 2004, 19:41
Lex Lex Lex :nobad: you are in so much trouble. If I were you I would sleep with one eye open. ;)

Hope :chlexsign2:

15th July 2004, 19:45
While I do hope for a happy end, Lex is being an ass and I want to see him suffer.
I want Chloe to make his life a living hell for treating her like he does (I wouldn't mind her playing the jealousy card *hint hint*) until Lex realises his wrongdoings and falls down on his knees to beg her forgiveness (literally).
Does that make me an evil person? :devil:

15th July 2004, 22:54
:biggrin: brilliant!!!! simply wonderfull! :blinkkiss:

Kit Merlot
15th July 2004, 23:34
Fabulous update! I can understand Chloe's hurt feelings. That will make it all the sweeter when Lex gets her to fall for him again :biggrin:

I can't wait--WELL DONE :chlexsign1:

16th July 2004, 00:46
Let's get ready to RRRRRUUUUUUMMMMMBBBBBLLLLLEEEEEE! In this corner Alexander Luthor 6'2" weighing 170lbs...and in this corner Chloe Sullivan 5'7" weighing 130lbs. I don't know, they seem evenly matched to me.

Let the games begin.

16th July 2004, 01:47
Chloe rocks my socks off. I lurve dees fic. And I want more to read... Yep.

16th July 2004, 03:43
Lex is such an idiot!! I don't blame Chloe for not trusting him after finding him with another woman!! Lex had better watch his back!! :hammer:
Thanks for the new chapter!! I can't wait for more!! :yay: :chlexsign4: :yay:

16th July 2004, 06:19
Loved that update. Both of them are really in character and you've made Chloe's bitter reaction and Lex's surface smugness very believable. More soon please!

16th July 2004, 21:43
I love it! I can't wait to see what Lex's game is - somehow I doubt he really knows what he's taking on!

17th July 2004, 04:32
Great job!! :biggrin:

hope you'll update soon! can't wait for the next chapter.

17th July 2004, 05:24
Lex is such an idiot. A sexy idiot. But an idiot none the less.

Let the games begin.

~Manda :blinkkiss:

20th July 2004, 07:27
Please come back and update!! I really think I'm addicted to this story and I need my fix!! Please!! :biggrin: :chlexsign3: :biggrin:

20th July 2004, 17:41
Yes, please update again soon. I love this story! :chlexsign4:

Susan S
20th July 2004, 18:09
Great story. Chloe and Lex are very much in character. I can't wait to see what Chloe does to Lex. I hope she makes him wonder if being alone might be a better choice before they get together. Can't wait to see how Lex makes it up to her.

Susan S

1st September 2004, 21:56
A/N: Reposting the 4 parts that got eaten in this round of board problems. Glad to have the boards back, though!!

~*~Part Three~*~

The guest room, for all that it was suitably lavish in accordance with the
rest of the penthouse, was nothing like Lex’s own room. The cotton sheets
were abrasive on skin used to silk, the bed too hard from lack of use. All
in all, the entire situation had not lent itself to be conducive to

Still, he had tried and had finally fallen into a fitful slumber in the
early hours of the morning. All things considered, he should have easily
slept until at least eight, with no true reason to wake up any earlier that

Which was why he was somewhat perplexed, laying there staring at the
ceiling, wondering what had –


He sat up in bed as another cabinet door slammed shut, the noise coming from
the general direction of the kitchen. A soft groan escaped his lips as he
realized that the staff wouldn’t dare make so much noise whiloe he slept.
Which left only one source for the current racket.


The smile that flitted over his lips was brief, but genuine, as he began to
slide from the bed, feet sinking into the plush carpeting. She was actually
there – willingly. Even if apparently not very…happily.

Well, that was fine by him – happiness could always come later. Eventually
he’d win her over.

She’d loved him once – that had to still count for something, despite the
colossal error in judgment he’d made.

His silk robe slid easily over skin that had previously been nude save a
pair of equally silken boxers, and he cinched it tight before venturing out
of the guest room. Another slam echoed through the penthouse. From the end
of the hall a timid head peeked around the corner and Lex offered the maid a
half-smile of reassurance. No, he wasn’t mad at her for the noise. She wasn’
t the one making it – Chloe was. And he could hardly expect her to take on
the irate blonde; it could only lead to a workman’s comp claim when his new
fiancé took out her anger on the poor girl.

“Any idea what she’s looking for?” he murmured to the young woman, casting a
curious glance at the kitchen as a cabinet slammed yet again.

“No, sir,” she shook her head. “She made coffee, and some toast…and then…”

Lex smirked. “We’ll just have to get used to her eccentric ways, I suppose.”


“She’s my fiancé.”

The maid’s face paled and Lex stifled a snort of amusement at her expense.
Why did he get the feeling that she’d met Chloe prior to the blonde’s
essential first cup of the day?

He offered her another almost-smile and stepped toward the kitchen doorway,
eyebrows raising at the sight that greeted him.


On the counter.

Drinking coffee and reading the paper.

While she opened and slammed one of the cabinets.

So her game was to drive him insane, then? He snorted. Funny, his father had
tried something similar to that once, too.

It hadn’t worked then, either.

He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest. “Good
morning, Chloe.”

She jumped, he had the pleasure to note, before she smoothed her startled
look into a firm glare which she promptly shot his way. “Nothing good about
it.” She smiled with saccharine sweetness, the expression falling far short
of her eyes, her words ground out from between clenched teeth. “Sleep well?”

“Just perfect,” he lied automatically, with just the right level of cheer in
his voice. “I didn’t know how comfortable the guest bed could be.”

Chloe snorted. “Good. Then you won’t mind sleeping in there until you give
up on this little farce, will you?”

“Item number five on our contract, Chlo’,” he offered up the hated nickname
with a smile on his lips. “We share the same residence…and the same bed….so
that ‘neither of us is ever lonely.’”

She cursed, eyes narrowing to slits of pure anger. “You can’t honestly
expect…but you do, don’t you? You….”

Lex’s response was a cool smile as he entered the kitchen fully to pour
himself a mug of coffee. The warm liquid hit his tongue, sinfully decadent
in its richness. Trust Chloe to know how to make a good cup of coffee. It
was her passion, one of the things he’d missed about her during their period
of non-speaking. He looked at her over the top of the cup, waiting patiently
for her next move.

When a minute of stormy silence passed, during which he couldn’t help but
worry that she was plotting his demise, Lex took it upon himself to break
the silence. “Do you have to go to the office today?”

“No,” she shook her head, the fake smile back on her lips. “My editor said I
could have the day off when I promised her the exclusive interview with Lex
Luthor’s new fiancé.”

“Chloe – no interviews.”

“What was that?” She tilted her head to the side, eyes sparkling with a
humor that he found none-too-amusing. Of everyone he’d ever let close to
him, she alone knew how much he valued his privacy, how far he’d gone to
ensure it.

“No. Interviews.”

“Then, and listen closely Lex – No. Wedding. Otherwise there will be
interviews. I’m thinking an entire series of them for my paper, you know.
Starting with the engagement, working our way to the wedding plans, then
finally the ceremony.”

He gritted his teeth together, straining to hide it behind a cool mask of
indifference even though he was well aware that she knew better. As much as
he hated it, there was no way he could get her –not – to do the interviews
short of agreeing to dissolve their contract and that was something that
just wasn’t going to happen.

“Okay. Do the interview,” he shrugged, ignoring that little voice inside of
his head that was whimpering over the idea of his privacy being invaded in
that manner. “Since you have the morning off we can go shopping for your

Redness rose in her face and he chalked up a silent point for himself. There
was no way she had expected him to agree to let her do the interview. She’d
probably assumed he’d rather give up entirely.

Far from it.

“Just let me know what time the interview is so that my secretary can block
it off in my schedule.”


He raised his eyebrows. “I was assuming your editor would much rather
interview both of us, don’t you think?”

She floundered, mouth opening and closing for an entire minute before she
snapped it shut. Green eyes were sparkling with fire and he knew he was in
imminent danger of getting burned.

“Sounds…great,” she growled, hopping down off of the counter to stand before
him. “Get your bald ass dressed, Lex. I’m suddenly feeling
very…materialistic. I think a little ring shopping is right up my alley.”

Words he’d thought he’d never hear come from her lips, true. But she was
playing the game as best she knew how.

Too bad for her he was better.

“Just the ring? We do have an entire day, you realize.”

The smile that crossed her lips would have been enough to make a lesser man
freeze where he stood. Thank goodness that he was no ‘lesser man’.

Judging by the look on her face, he also needed to be thanking God that he
had a sizeable bank account for her to do her damndest to make a dent in. It
was futile, of course, but she could try.

“Oh, good,” she purred, raising one finger to trail lightly over his cheek.
“Smile, Lexy. We’re going to have a little fun.”

She slapped him, lightly, but enough that he felt the sting of her flesh
against his, like a faint echo of the resounding smack she had delivered the
night before.

And, as she turned around to go get dressed for their little excursion, he
couldn’t hide the shiver of delight that ran through him, his hand coming up
to rest where her fingers had just lain.

If she thought she could break him, she was in for quite a surprise; he was
more determined than ever to have her in his life. A woman like that could
only be suited to him.

Any other man wouldn’t stand a chance.

~*~End Part~*~

~*~Part Four~*~

Hours, and countless thousands of dollars, later, Chloe still didn’t feel
any better; not that she’d truly expected to with a certain bald billionaire
lurking at her elbow every step of the way, a constant reminder to the
evilness that was currently hanging over her head. She cast a sideways
glance at Lex out of her new designer sunglasses, noting that he didn’t even
look put out in the least.

Well, of course he didn’t, she huffed. The man had more than enough money to
let her go on sprees like this every single day of the week if she wanted
to – and still have enough left over to buy a small island.

If he wanted to, that was. Perhaps even a big island, in the middle of a
temperate tropical sea. With lots of brightly colored birds and rich, exotic
fruits that she could dine on for the rest of her days.

A smile flitted briefly over her lips. Maybe that’s what she needed to ask
for. An island. Somewhere that she could move to get away from –

Never mind. It would do her no good to have her own island when that stupid
contract dictated that they had to not only live together…but also sleep in
the same bed.

She struggled not to shudder, hoping that she was at least successful on the
outside even though her insides were crawling with something very similar to
extreme revulsion. She heaved a sigh, drawing a look from her companion that
she did her best to ignore.

What else could she buy? Shoes…maybe one of those prissy little yippy dogs
like was all the rage to carry in a handbag? She could feed it little treats
and buy it its own diamond-studded collar.

God, spending all this money was starting to get nauseating.


“Can I have a car?”

He raised one perfect eyebrow, cool blue eyes as mocking as his tone was
when he said, “You can have whatever you want, dear.”

The blonde gritted her teeth in frustration. Hard to drive insane someone
that had apparently already been there and back. Hell, for all she knew he
had cornered the market on insanity and was, even now, charging people for
round trip tickets to that happy little place. He hadn’t blinked an eye when
she’d wandered through that upscale women’s store, plucking things off of
hangars left and right. The jewelry store wasn’t even a blip on his radar;
for all that she’d bought things she never would have even dreamed of buying
for herself in any other circumstance.

And then there was the crowning moment, of course; when she’d chosen the
largest, even if not too tasteful, ring that the –other- jeweler had to
offer. Yes, the other jeweler. The jeweler that only opened his doors by
request, on appointment, and only for the richest of socialites.

Of which she now apparently qualified. The owner had been too nice. Oozing
kindness, with dollar signs gleaming in his beady little eyes. She could get
used to this kind of treatment.

Well…if she was a money-grubbing, gold-digging whore, that was.

Which, she wasn’t.

Chloe bit off another sigh and turned a cool glare on Lex. “Fine, rich boy.
Call that limo driver of yours and lets go find me a car. One of those nice
shiny silver ones you enjoy so much.”

“A Porsche?”

“Unless there’s something more…flashy,” she sneered, rolling her eyes to the

“Oh, I’m sure we can find something suitable. Or have it ordered from
overseas.” His voice was a sudden velvet purr in her ear that sent shivers
up and down her arms. Damn him for still being able to get to her, even
after everything that had happened. Damn him for forcing her into this, when
he knew she wanted nothing to do with him.

And damn him for trying to make her care again.

Oh, oh! And damn him for trying to beat her at her own game. Though, she had
to applaud the way he was handling her spend-happy ways.

Most likely because she wasn’t even putting a chink, much less an entire
dent, into the fortune that he possessed.


She’d done her damnedest, of that much Lex was absolutely sure.

What a pity she hadn’t stopped to think that this wasn’t the kind of game
she could win. Not when it came to him or his checkbook. She wasn’t even on
par with someone like Victoria – now –that- woman had known how to spend.
His money, her money. She hadn’t cared so long as she was shopping and
dressed to the nines in the finest, most expensive of the latest designer

Chloe, on the other hand, didn’t have that inclination. Oh, she’d given it a
go, dragging him from store to store, trying to casually spend thousands of
dollars as if it were nothing to her. But it was. He could see it in her
eyes. Spending money in this manner went against everything she’d ever
believed in. She wasn’t that type of girl – and he loved her because of

With that being said – her new car was set to be delivered by the time they
returned from their honeymoon.

And, yes, there was going to be a honeymoon. The contract even dictated
that, much to his eternal delight. He was thinking something nice and
private. Perhaps that little island he’d been stranded on once upon a time
ago. The one that he now owned a nice private villa on, down near the beach,
where the sound of the crashing waves drifted up to quietly serenade anyone
in the master bedroom.

It was beautiful and he’d hoped to one day take her there, back before their
friendship turned sour. Their honeymoon would be the perfect chance.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that she would be stuck with him on the island,
with no where to run, until such time as he ordered the helicopter back to
pick them up.

“Are you finished for the day?”

She turned a blazing scowl his way, her eyes narrowing with anger. “Yes.”

The smirk on Lex’s face grew in steady proportion to the irritation she gave
off with every word and gesture…every huff and snort under her breath.

The limo was almost too small for the size of her irritation and his joyful
glee all at the same time.


“He’s forcing me to marry him.”

“He’s –what-!?!”

Chloe yanked the phone from her ear, wincing under the piercing quality of
Lana’s indignant shriek.

“Marry him? Chloe – you’re joking, right?”

The blonde snorted, flopping bonelessly backwards onto Lex’s bed. The sheets
were nice and smooth beneath her bare arms, the bed made up and ready for
her to sleep in again that night. Lex would just have to make do with the
guest room.

At least….until….

“Did you just growl?”

“Huh?” Chloe’s thoughts came to a screeching halt.

“Growl. Did you just do it? Because it sounded like a growl to me.”

That was how mad Lex made her, she fumed. “Probably. I can’t believe he’s
doing this to me!”

“You shouldn’t have signed that contract.”

“Hey!” Chloe cried. “You could have not witnessed it, you know. You and
Clark both, for that matter. I should have my cousin kick his ass just

Lana snorted delicately. “Wouldn’t that involve you actually acknowledging
that Clark exists?”

She paused. The Pink Princess had a point. For once. “True. But do you think
he’d come rescue me if I yelled really, really loud?”

The other girl sputtered a laugh, drawing Chloe into it within a matter of
seconds. They never came right out and admitted what they knew about Clark,
but they had become experts at dancing around the subject after finding out
his deep, dark meteor-related secret.

Okay, not so dark, she guessed. But definitely meteor related.

The secret had been the undoing of their friendship. Hers with him. Lana’s
with him. It had been that secret that had drawn her and the other girl
closer together as they shared their mutual grief over the lack of trust he’
d placed upon them.

He still didn’t know that they knew.

And they were just as happy to keep it that way.

Did he really think those dorky glasses fooled anyone? Much less the people
that –knew- him, for God’s sake?

And she didn’t even want to get started on the suit. Did Mrs. Kent realize
that her son was running around Metropolis in something so tight that the
entire world knew just how ‘super’ he really was?

“He would. He’d save you in an instant if he thought you were in trouble.
Same with me.” Lana whispered as their laughter drew to a close, he voice
taking on a sad note. Chloe was reminded all too clearly that Lana had never
made it out of Smallville. She was still there, running the Talon. Lana sighed into the phone. “He never understood why we stopped…” She sighed. “You know, why we stopped being his friend.”

A bitter smile twisted up the corner of Chloe’s mouth. “He stopped wanting
to ‘make amends’ for whatever he imagined he did wrong the minute that I
wouldn’t stop being friends with Lex.”

“Lex is evil,” Lana stated as if it were a fact as simple as the sky being
blue. “Take this marriage thing for example.”

Or the fact that she’d caught him fucking another woman over his desk, Chloe
thought with that familiar pang of sadness shooting through her chest. “He’s
not evil,” she argued despite herself. “Just ruthless…and cunning. He does
what he needs to in order to survive. Thank his father for those kill or be
killed survival instincts.”

There was a pregnant silence, the moment lasting so long that Chloe cleared
her throat. “Lana? Still there?”

“Um, yeah,” she offered quietly before - “You still care for him.”

It wasn’t a question, just a statement of fact. Chloe opened her mouth
quickly to deny it, but found herself shutting it again just as quickly. “I
do. I always will, Lana. That’s the way love goes. But… He screwed up and
its just not something I can forgive.”

“Understandable,” Lana offered with what Chloe didn’t doubt was a smile so
bright the plastic of the other girl’s phone was beginning to melt. “But,
and don’t get me wrong, Chloe. I think he deserves to be punished –“

Chloe frowned. “What?”

“Well…you say that you can forgive him the so-called non-evilness because
that’s how he was raised…so why is this any different? He was wrong, yes.
But somewhere in that twisted little Luthor mind, he thought he
was –right-.”

And, for once, Chloe didn’t know what to say. Without a doubt she hadn’t
expected intelligent introspection from Lana. Definitely nothing on this
level. She sighed, shaking her head to herself.

“I’ve gotta go.”

“Avoiding the question?”

”No,” Chloe argued, her voice taking a sadly defensive edge. “I just don’t
know what the answer is.”

“Should be obvious if it’s a good enough reason.”

Another good point made and Chloe felt the sudden need to pinch herself to
make sure she was still awake and not dreaming up this odd scenario where
Lana actually made sense.

“Bye, Lana.”

“Call me later this week?”

Chloe snorted. “I’ll have to. You’re going to be my maid of honor in this

~*~End Part~*~

~*~Part Five~*~




“Chloe –“

“Don’t Chloe me, Luthor. This is my wedding, too, and if I don’t want to
have a big fancy thing in some church that I’ve never set foot in once in my
entire life, then I’m not going to do it. It’s not like you’ve suddenly
‘found God’, so why does it matter?”

Lex risked a glance over the top of the business section of the morning
paper, unsurprised to see that Chloe had put down her fork and knife to
better glare at him in full arms-crossed-over-her-chest glory. Her cheeks
were bright with pink spots of anger dancing on them, eyes sparkling with

As beautiful as ever.

“My mother and father were married in that Cathedral,” he shrugged.

“And…so?” Her voice rose a notch in irritation and Lex found himself quite
thankful for the paper that hid his grin. “This isn’t even a real wedding
and you want me to go into a house of God? No. Not going to happen.”

“On the contrary,” he said, lowering the paper from his face so that she
could see the smirk adorning his lips. “It is a real wedding…” He paused.
“However, if you do not wish to get married in the Cathedral, I suppose I
could arrange to have the Metropolis park set aside for our use that

She snorted and the irritation quickly faded to anger. “You know I don’t
want to get married outside. You don’t forget things, Luthor, so I know damn
well you haven’t forgotten that.”

Lex arched an eyebrow at her and picked up his fork, eyeing the eggs on his
plate dubiously. Had he forgotten that conversation so long ago when she,
whilst half-drunk, had waxed poetic on what she wanted her wedding to be
like? Had he forgotten the ten minute long rant she had indulged in after he
had suggested an outdoor setting for such an auspicious occaision? Hardly.
It wasn’t the type of thing one could forget, seeing her go off like that.
“The park or the Cathedral, Chloe. Unless you can come up with something

Her face clouded over and he knew he’d caught her. She’d followed him right
into the neat little trap he’d set for her with his words. Now she could
either chose one of the places that he’d already named, which were both
completely unacceptable in her eyes, or she could make a choice herself. On
one hand she would be giving into his demands, on the other she would be
forced to play along with this so-called ‘charade’, as she had termed it.

Either way, he won.

He watched her carefully as he pushed aside the eggs in favor of a slice of
toast. Something was going on in that mind of hers, he could see it written
on her face as clearly as the black print of the newspaper that now rested
on the table. “Care to share?”

“Not really, no,” she grinned widely. “But since you asked –so- nicely.”

Whatever she was about to say, he got the feeling that he wasn’t going to
like it in the least. “Spit it out already, Sullivan.”

“OooO. Resorting to calling me by my last name now? Have I gotten under your
skin, Lexy?”

Teeth grinding together, Lex forced his outward expression to remain calm
and collected. He leaned forward, resting both elbows on the table as he
regarded her coolly. “Under my *skin* is not where I’m thinking of having
you at this moment, no.”

She flushed a brilliant shade of pink as he watched and a delighted grin
stole over his features before he could stop it. A scowl darkened her
features, eyes narrowing.

Luthors didn’t feel fear, he reminded himself. They did not wilt under the
rather impressive glare of their future spouse.

“Still have that old thing you call a manor back in Smallville, Lexy?”

He swallowed.

She knew he had no desire to set foot in the hole in the wall little hick
town ever again. There were people to over see the day-to-day function of
the factory and they sent him reports. Those reports were the closest he
wanted to come to that town and that wasn’t saying much. He bit off an
expletive. She’d caught him at his own game. He didn’t know whether to damn
her or praise her for her ingenuity.

“Of course.”

“We’ll have the wedding there, then.” The sweet smile that lit up her face
was undermined by the complete treachery of the statement.

“Great,” he forced the words out of his mouth, the smile on his face so fake
that he could almost feel his skin cracking from the sheer exertion of it.
“We can invite all of our old friends.”

He had the pleasure of seeing her eyes shoot up to her hairline before she
got control of herself again. Oh, she was good at this game. But he was
better. He’d had more practice after all.

Then again, she had learned from the master.


“You don’t have any ‘old friends’, Lex – unless we’re going to count all the
people who’ve tried to kill you over the years.”

“Heh,” he chuckled under his breath. “I was thinking more along the lines
of, oh – let’s say – Mr. Ross and his family, Miss Lang and her family…and
let’s not forget the Kents, shall we.”

The laughter and mocking fun faded from her eyes immediately as the last of
the names on his list left his mouth. He could almost see the fury build
from her stomach up through her eyes, filling her completely.

”Clark is not invited to my wedding.”

“He can be my guest, then.”

She snorted. “He’ll never accept your invitation. Nor will his parents, for
that matter. So you can just wipe that smirk right off your face, Luthor.”

That … was a very good point, actually. His relationship with Clark Kent had
ended so many years ago that he wasn’t even quite sure of the final moment
anymore, that defining time when the friendship had officially come to a
close and the hostilities had begun.

Because that was all that was left – hostility. Clark, bred on those good
old values that his father had instilled in him since day one, couldn’t be
friends with him, of all people. He was evil, Clark was good. Those were the
roles that fate had forced upon both of them, whether they wanted it or not.
Personally, he didn’t see himself as evil, but Clark did and that was all
that mattered.

However, one way or the other, he’d get Clark Kent to that wedding if it
meant seeing the shock on Chloe’s face.

After that, though, he was really going to have to buckle down and get with
the romancing. Spending the rest of his life shackled to a woman that hated
him was not his idea of a good time.

“Oh, he’ll accept – don’t worry,” Lex reassured her even as he wondered to
himself how he’d get the man in question to attend. Probably play on his old
friendship with Chloe and how much she ‘wanted’ him to be there… for
support, of course, since big, bad Lex Luthor was forcing her into this
marriage. Of course, there was also the guilt card. The least that Clark
could do was show up to a marriage that he was, in part, responsible for.
There had been two witnesses to that little contract and his sprawling
scrawl marked him as one of them.

Chloe huffed, settling back in her chair. This round had gone to him and,
judging by the anger in her eyes, he would be paying for it for a while to
come. Just one more ‘sin’ that he had committed against her.

No matter. He’d either make up for all of them or none of them at all.

“Now – about the reception…”

~*~End Part~*~

~*~Part Six~*~

Chloe glared down at the front-page picture splashed across the morning
newspaper. Sure, it was only the front-page of the society section, but it
was still front-page. She’d never rated front-page news in her entire life,
even as a journalist, and now her face was there in living color, in homes
all around Metropolis. Only those closest to her would recognize the smile
she wore in the print as completely fake. It was a little too bright, a
little too large. Her genuine smile was nothing like the overdone, teeth
flashing thing that looked back at her from the paper.

The interview with her editor had seemed stilted and awkward to her
pessimistic ears, though Lex had certainly enjoyed himself. She would have
had a lot more fun with the entire thing if he hadn’t pointed out to her
that saying anything negative in nature violated the “thou shalt not harm”
clause of their contract.

Everything came back to that damn contract. She had to live with him. She
had to sleep in the same room with him once they were married. There were
penalties for getting divorced. She couldn’t say or do anything to harm Lex
or, by default, his business, and in return he was prohibited from doing
such to her. What a shame that this entire sham somehow didn’t qualify as
‘harming’ her, otherwise it would have ended just as soon as it had begun.
But he wasn’t doing anything harmful, outside of forcing on her a marriage
that she didn’t desire to a man that she detested on the best of days, and
that meant that things could continue along as they had been, her hating
him, until death one day parted them.

What a shame Lionel wasn’t still around to make that a ‘sooner’ rather than
‘later’ type of thing.

The plans were continuing whether she liked it or not, with the manor set to
go as the site of their impending nuptials. Flowers had been ordered, a
caterer booked. A team of what she was sure were very expensive decorators
had been hired to turn the small ballroom into the site of the actual vows,
with the larger ballroom being transformed into a reception hall.
Invitations were going out that morning via couriers to ensure that no one
who was to be invited missed out on the chance to either accept or decline.

Which mean that, if Lex’s threat were true, Clark would have his invitation
in hand within hours.

He could even have it now, for that matter, she realized as she glanced at
the clock. A crease appeared on her forehead as she tightly shut her eyes.
It was too much to hope that he’d get it and just throw it away. Too much to
hope that he would leave her be. That was all she’d wanted from him since
the moment she found out who and what he was – just to be left alone. It was
a bitter and childish response and she knew it.

But that didn’t change how she felt.

She pushed aside the morning paper, picking at the toast she’d been brought
almost a half-hour before. It was cold now, unappetizing, and she pushed it
aside with a soft sigh. There’d be time to get something on the way to the
seamstress if she would just get up and get going. The fitting for her dress
was set to begin in a little less than two hours. Thank God Lana was meeting
her there. As odd as it was, the princess of pink had turned out to be a
lifesaver over the last few years. A true friend… a best friend, even.

She didn’t know how she’d manage to get through this without the other


“It’s pink.”

“Uh huh,” Chloe nodded, trying not to move even though she was dying to see
what the dress looked like on Lana. The seamstress at her feet shot her a
dirty look and she knew that she hadn’t been as successful as she hoped in
keeping still. “I thought you’d like that.”

“You don’t like pink.”

She could hear the frown in Lana’s voice and a tiny smile touched Chloe’s
lips. “So?”

“It’s your –wedding-,” Lana insisted, appearing in a flash of pink in front
of the blonde. The dress looked good on her, Chloe couldn’t help but admit
that. Oh, she was sure the seamstress was going to take it in a little
around the chest, make it more snug at the waist. But still, the straight
line with a slit to mid-thigh was classy and elegant all at the same time.
Not like those gaudy bridesmaid dresses that some women forced upon their
friends. Lana’s features were pinched as she regarded her evenly. “It’s
supposed to be about what you like, not what I like.”

Chloe shrugged. “Well then - I don’t like Lex, either. Can I toss him out of
this whole wedding equation?”

Lana snickered, covering her mouth with her hand. Her dark eyes sparkled
with amusement. “Sorry, no.”

“Oh, well, then. Might as well make sure you’re happy, then, at least,”
Chloe flashed her a grin, ignoring the irritation on the seamstress’ face.
For what Lex was shelling out for this monstrosity of white and fluff, the
woman could just deal with her being jittery and moving around a little.
“What do you want to do after this? Shopping? I have Lex’s credit card.”

Lana’s eyes went wide. “He just lets you…take it?”

Chloe shrugged. “He’s trying to ‘make it up to me.”

“With money?”

“It’s the only thing that he knows, apparently.” She sighed with disgust.
“Sweet Daddy Dearest must’ve instilled that in him – what you can’t get with
your charming personality – buy.”

Lana quirked an eyebrow at her before turning to look at herself in one of
many full-length mirrors that were placed around the dress shop. “So he’s
back to being ‘charming’ now?”

“You know that’s not what I mean,” Chloe huffed, crossing her arms over her
chest and shifting the entire dress, much to the seamstress’ now vocalized
irritation. The blonde murmured an apology to the seamstress before shooting
Lana with a lethal glare.

“Hey, you said it, not me.”

“Smirking –so- does not become you, Lana Lang.”

“Chloe Lu –“

The bells over the shop’s door chimed over the rest of what Lana had been
about to say – something that Chloe was grateful for. She knew where the
brunette had been about to go and she just wasn’t ready to hear it yet.


Chloe’s head turned quickly towards the door, wishing that she could see
past the changing screen if only to confirm what she had just heard.

She knew that voice.

“One moment, please,” the seamstress called, taking the pins she had been
holding between her lips and placing them in a small box before leaving
Chloe and Lana alone without another word.

“What’s wrong?” Lana murmured, peering curiously in the direction the
seamstress’ had just disappeared in.

“Wrong?” Chloe muttered darkly. “What could possibly be wrong?”

She jumped down off of the stool, gathering up the voluminous skirts of her
gown in her hand. Of course –she- would show up. This was newsworthy
and –she- was a reporter.

Toss in the fact that they were related and it made sense that –she- would
come looking for her. It probably hadn’t even taken her half a moment to
find out where the dress was being made and what time Chloe would be there
for the fitting.

“Whatever you do – don’t say a thing to her,” Chloe instructed with a muted
growl. “She’s a reporter.”

“O..kay,” Lana nodded, pantomiming locking her mouth and throwing away the

With a deep breath to steel her, Chloe stepped out from behind the changing
screen, her eyes alighting instantly on one of the last people she wanted to

“Lois,” she smiled with saccharine sweetness. “What are –you- doing here?”

Her cousin turned, bobbed brown hair bouncing just a touch. An equally fake
smile jumped to her lips. “Would you believe I was in the mood for a new

“I didn’t know you were getting married. Who’s the lucky man?” The blonde’s
grin slipped into a smirk.

Lois’ eyes darkened and Chloe chalked up a mental point for herself. Taking
her sometimes snotty cousin down a notch was always a game that she’d
enjoyed playing, even as a child. The fact that the other woman had no
qualms against making her own family the center of attention just for a
byline had nothing to do with the animosity she was feeling at that moment.

Okay, so maybe a little part.

“The Daily Planet wanted to get an interview with you about the upcoming
wedding,” Lois recovered quickly, her false pretenses pushed aside. “For old
times’ sake?”

“Ha!” Chloe laughed once, sharply and without humor. “Never too good to call
in the family card, are you, LoLo?”

The childhood nickname hit her cousin like a slap to the face, though the
brunette was quick to cover it. “Oh, c’mon, Chlo’ – you’re marrying Lex
Luthor. It’s news, not personal.”

Lana snorted softly, whispering for Chloe’s ears only, “Been practicing that
verbal judo with Lex? You’re in fine form.”

Chloe laughed before she could stop herself, drawing a curious gaze from
Lois in Lana’s direction. She cleared her throat, bringing her cousin’s
attention back to her and away from Lana. “No interviews, Lois. You know how
Lex –“

The bells over the door chimed, cutting off Chloe’s would-be reminder about
the Luthor interview policy. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt
her heart start to slam in her chest as anger set in.

She should have known.

She should have fucking known!

After all – where one went, the other couldn’t be far behind.

“Sorry, Lois. I had trouble finding parking for the jeep. Hope this write up
on the bridal bazaar is…worth … it…”

His voice died off as he caught sight of the other occupants of the room.
Chloe’s eyes widened as his startled gaze landed on her, her nostrils
flaring once in barely leashed rage. At least it sounded like Lois hadn’t
told him why he was coming here, either. She’d effectively ambushed both of
them with this little stunt. Behind her Lana whimpered softly and the blonde
had to force herself not to grab the other woman and run for the shelter of
the driver that she knew damn well was waiting nearby.

She wouldn’t run.

Not from Lex and certainly not from him. A despicable liar. A sham of a

She lifted her chin, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. “Hello, Clark.”

~*~End Part~*~

1st September 2004, 21:59
Can't wait to read the new one. :biggrin:

7th September 2004, 07:29
A/N: As of the time I’m writing this part (and the previous), the new season of Smallville hasn’t started yet. Thus I’m taking my characterization of a certain female character from Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. It was always a favorite of mine and anyone that watched that first season knows that Mad Dog Lane could be a bit of a … well… bitch.

~*~Part Seven~*~

It was odd, being torn in two, Chloe thought with a small smirk of wry humor. That was exactly how she felt at that moment – part of her wanting to run for the safety of the car, the other wanting to stay and tear Clark into little bitty pieces for the deception he’d lavished on both her and Lana over the years. Lucky for her… and rather unlucky for him… the latter part was what was winning at the moment, as pure fury bubbled up inside of her – both at him and at her sneaky, manipulative cousin.

“I see you brought your shadow, LoLo,” Chloe sneered, gathering the skirts of her wedding dress in her hand as she moved further into the dress shop. She didn’t even need to look to know that Lana was right behind her. “Wish I could say it was good to see you again, Kent.”

“Chloe –“

She raised her eyebrows, a harsh snort halting whatever it was that he’d been about to say. Did he honestly think there was anything left to speak of between the two of them? Real friends trusted each other with everything – even their lives.

Which meant that obviously they had never been real friends. At least, not the type of friends she’d thought they were. Good friends. Best friends.

Thank God she had stopped being that naïve a long time ago.

“Save it. I’d slap you, you know – but I wouldn’t want to hurt my hand. You always were such a ... strong… boy.”

His eyes widened, face betraying the not-so-subtle jab that her words had been meant to be. She could almost see the questions racing through his mind, reflected out through the dull sparkle of his eyes. Did she know or was that just a lucky shot? A coincidence and nothing more?

Lana solved the confusion before it could overload his poor little brain, however.

“Yeah…you were pretty super like that….”

Chloe could have kissed her at that moment. She bit the inside of her cheek – hard – to keep from laughing out loud as shock turned to fear on her former friend’s face. Suddenly she realized why she’d waited all this time to tell him that she knew.

She’d wanted to knock him senseless – like they had at that very moment.

“I –“

“Oh, save it farmboy,” Lois snapped, her eyes flashing with irritation. She didn’t know – of that much Chloe was damn sure. If her dear, sweet cousin ever figured out the truth she’d have it on the front page of the Planet within a matter of hours – even if it meant a special edition being printed. No, Lois didn’t have a clue about what they were alluding to and that suited Chloe just fine seeing as how it was irritating her cousin so much to be out of the loop. “What is this – old home time for the backwards little folk of Nowheresville?”

“Smallville,” the three residents of the town responded as one, the girls with venom and Clark with resignation.

Of course he’d heard it all before, Chloe thought with a touch of smugness, hoping that her cousin gave him hell every single day in her usual snobby way.

“Whatever,” Lois waved them off. “I came here for a story.”

“You’re going to be disappointed, then.” Chloe crossed her arms over her chest. “Because Luthors don’t give interviews.”

“You’re not a Luthor yet,” Lois persisted.

“Not in name,” the blonde drew herself up to her full height, leveling a freezing glare at her cousin. A sneer imposed itself over her forcibly bright smile. “But I am more than a Luthor in attitude – I’m sure you’re aware of what that infers. Hmmm, cousin dear?”

“Don’t threaten her.”

Behind her, Lana gasped at Clark’s suddenly firm tone as he rushed to hurry to Lois’ defense, but Chloe just laughed. “It wasn’t a threat, Kent. Gee – paranoid much? You think I’m going to have my cousin knocked off just for asking me for an interview? Have a little faith. Don’t you trust me better than…” She stopped, hand flying up to her forehead in a sarcastic mockery of understanding. “Oh, right – I forgot! You don’t trust me. Does he, Lana?”

“Uh uh,” the other girl snickered. “He doesn’t trust either of us. To think we trusted him for all those years…”

“Yeah, well – look where that got us.”

“What do you mean I didn’t trust you? You were my best friend, Chloe! And, Lana –“

“Eh!” Lana frowned, putting one hand up, the other resting firmly on her hip. “Don’t you dare, Clark Kent. You didn’t love me. Not real love. Not the type of love where you share everything with the other person. All those deep, dark secrets you wouldn’t want anyone else to know about. That’s love. Hiding big…wait, no – intergalactically huge – things from someone? That’s not love.”

Chloe had to give Lana credit. She’d grown up a lot since high school. The old Lana would have melted with a single word from Clark. She would have rolled over and played dead if she thought for one second that anyone was mad at her or that she was ruining herself in their eyes. Not this Lana, though. This Lana was tougher, though by no means hard-nosed. She was able to stand up for herself, even if later she’d be mortified on some level by what she said or did.

“Guys, this isn’t the time for this,” Clark frowned, glancing with undisguised purpose at an openly curious Lois.

“The time for what?” Lois frowned.

“Catching up,” Chloe covered with a saccharine sweet smile. “You know – talking about the old days like friends are supposed to do.”

“But you guys aren’t friends.”

”Picked that up quick, did you?” Lana snarked.

That’s it, Chloe thought with a tiny smile of pleasure. Lana gets a cookie when we get back to the penthouse.

“Doesn’t matter if we,” Chloe pointed between herself and Lana, “are friends with him or not, Lois. I’m not giving you an interview and this conversation is over.”

She turned to the dressmaker and turned on her best approximation of Lex’s own haughtiness, feigning distaste. Let Lois put this in the paper, for all she cared. “I’m afraid this just won’t do. Reporters being allowed to harass me during my fitting? I assume you can arrange to come by the penthouse this evening? Otherwise I’m afraid Mr. Luthor and I will have to find someone more… accommodating.”

“Yes. Of course.” The dressmaker nodded, her face betraying the nervousness that she was apparently feeling over risking a customer as big as Lex Luthor and his future wife. Chloe knew that this dress alone would pay her rent for the rest of the year. Having her walk out now would be…devastating both in the pocketbook and the reputation of the small shop.

“Great,” Chloe muttered under her breath, gathering her skirts up in her hands as she turned to the back of the store with a parting farewell. “LoLo, Kent – it was fun.”

“Chloe – we need to talk.” Clark’s decisive tone was at odds with the worry she knew he was feeling.

The blonde froze, shaking her head in wonderment. She didn’t bother to turn around before speaking. “Do you really think pissing me off is a good idea?”

“Maybe not. But that doesn’t change anything.”

She closed her eyes, dropping her voice to a whisper that she was sure even Lana, for all that the other woman was standing right next to her, couldn’t hear. He’d hear it, of course. Super hearing had to have some benefits.

“You don’t want to do this, Clark. We said our goodbyes a long time ago. Leave it at that. Don’t make this into something bigger than it has to be. I don’t want to see you get hurt…” She shut her eyes, trying to force down the pain that her admission was causing her. It had been so easy to forget what he’d meant to her once upon a time, long ago when he wasn’t there, right in front of her. So easy to build up the anger and irritation until it was a shield. But even the best shields eroded under pressure and that was what was happening right at that moment.

Louder, she said. “See you around, Clark.”

She swept back behind the changing screen, eagerly pulling the dress from her shoulders with the help of the dressmaker.

“Think he’ll let it go?” Lana asked, already shimmying out of her own dress.

Chloe snorted. “Let it go? If there was one thing Clark is – it’s persistent. He just doesn’t know when to give up.”

“So that’s a ‘no’, then?”

“That’s a big no. I’ve got twenty bucks that says he’ll be waiting at the penthouse.”


“She did? Really? And you told her no, I’m assuming?” Lex turned slowly in his chair until he was looking out over the city, phone to his ear. He rolled his eyes at Chloe’s ranting account of being interrupted by one of the city’s most infamously vicious reporters. There was nothing Mad Dog Lane wouldn’t do to get a story – even if it involved her family.

“Yelling at me doesn’t change what happened – you do realize that, don’t you? Chloe? Chloe?”

He sighed and flipped the cell phone shut, the smirk never leaving his lips. That anonymous tip he’d had his aide place to the paper this morning had been sheer genius. Where Lane was…Kent soon followed… and while Chloe hadn’t outright mentioned her former friend, Lex was confident that the dark haired farmboy was one of the key reasons behind her current state of agitation.

And by forcing Clark to come face to face with the reality of Chloe’s impending nuptials… he’d almost certainly seek her out to have a little heart to heart. And when he found out the reason she was getting married… well, good old Clark Kent wouldn’t be able to just sit back and let her ‘suffer’ alone. No, he’d try to be right there by her side, whether she wanted it or not.

Lex was smiling as he turned back around, looking over the wedding plans that lay scattered on his desk.

To think … Chloe hadn’t thought that he’d be able to get Clark to show up at the wedding.

~*~End Part~*~

7th September 2004, 07:53
Oh, you sneaky devious author! I love you!

Update soon!!!


7th September 2004, 16:37
Woo-hoo! I don't know why, but I absolutely loved the part when Chloe whispered so quietly that only the superhearing could catch it. The whole update was high-five awesome :yay2:

7th September 2004, 16:55
Damn, Lex is mean!! It's like he wants to torture Chloe!! I can't believe he keeps setting her up to get hurt!! Thanks for the update!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

7th September 2004, 17:54
I love this. :blinkkiss: Chloe was on fire. :clap: More please..

Hope :chlexsign2:

7th September 2004, 22:14
hehe, this fic is sooo funny, and i love Lana in this fic too, she kicks ass..even i would want her for a best friend. I can't belive i just said that. I want some more chlexy banter please, sometimes it is more fun when she hates him then when she loves him..update soon

8th September 2004, 00:56
i love lex

and lana? you go girl!

love lea

Kit Merlot
8th September 2004, 02:49
Congratulations on making me actually like Lana!

And I love that Chloe called Lex to rant about Clark. :biggrin:

But I like that she is angry with Clark, but doesn't want him to get hurt--EXCELLENT!

More soon :chlexsign1:

8th September 2004, 08:33
Lois and Clark can go to Hell!!! :angry:

Chloe and Lana are great. :biggrin:

Please I want more. :chlexsign3:

9th September 2004, 10:51
Yay!!! A story where Lana actually isnt worthless !! I cant wait for the honeymoon. ;)

Dark Topaz
13th September 2004, 21:35
please update soon

14th September 2004, 01:53
Thank you for not making Lana an annoying whiny brat!!! This story just gets better with every chapter. Update soon!!!

26th September 2004, 03:08
A/N: To everyone that has said that I'm making you like Lana... I'm glad that I can do that with such a disliked character. Gives me warm fuzzies. Thank you so much for all the feedback. It's like a bright spot in my week. And, as usual, big thanks to Clannadlvr for being a great beta on this.

~*~Part Eight~*~

"He's not here."

Chloe raised an eyebrow, shaking her head. "No. He is." She laughed softly, humorlessly. "Didn't think we'd get off that easy, did you?"

Lana frowned. "But ... where?"

Pointing towards the large window that covered nearly the entirety of one of the penthouse's living room walls, Chloe jerked her thumb to one side of it... at the tiny fluttering of red cape that was just barely visible, off to one side.

Damn hiding farmboy.

Lana's mouth opened in a tiny 'o' of understanding. "Just like Clark to be hovering where he isn't wanted."

Chloe hid a snort of amusement behind her hand, discreetly keeping an eye on the snippet of cape. Despite Lana’s comment, he hadn’t moved. Not that she’d expected him too. It was hard to admit when you’d been caught. Especially when you were supposed to be a super sneaky, superhero type, she supposed. The thoughts were bitter in her mind. "You gotta admit it's also totally like him to think that he can, well, hide something from us."

"Hide something? Oh, you mean like *himself*?" Lana rolled her eyes. She glanced over her shoulder just as the superhero in question finally decided to make his presence known 'officially'. Chloe smirked at the look on his face - a mixture of stern reproof and open wariness.

"Can I come in?" he mouthed through the closed window.

"Use the door," Chloe's response was firm, devoid of welcome and she knew that, closed window or not, he had heard her. Within seconds he had disappeared from view.

She turned back to Lana with a sigh. "This totally sucks. It's not bad enough that I have to marry Lex... Oh, no... Not bad enough by far. No, now I have to talk to my least favorite would-be hero."

"Least favorite?" Lana laughed, flopping down bonelessly onto the couch, dislodging one of the couch's expensive silk pillows so that it landed on the ground. Leather couch... Silk pillows was there nothing about Lex that didn't scream wealth? "So... who's your most favorite, then?"

Chloe's eyebrows rose. "Well... Batman, I guess. You have to respect a man that can run around in that getup and still look so...so..."

"Mysterious? Hot?" Her friend supplied with a quirk of her lips.

"All of the above?"

"Best get those lusty thoughts out of your head. You'll be a married woman soon enough."

Chloe's eyes narrowed menacingly. "Not funny, Pinkie."

A sharp rap on the door ended the conversation, Lana smirking in a devilish way that Chloe was sure she'd picked up way back in the 'old days’ when both of them were still acquainted with Lex on a friendly basis. It was funny how a friendship could change you...

For better or worse, she added to herself as she trudged reluctantly to the door, Lana's m0cking laughter following her. Clark must have used superspeed to get up here that quickly.

Why couldn't he just leave the two of them alone? Wasn't it enough to hurt them like he had, never letting them fully inside his life?

She steeled herself before opening the door, forcing her gaze to remain stony in the face of his timid expression. If he was nervous, all the better. Maybe he wouldn't hang around so long. The sooner he left, the better - gave him less time to reopen those emotional wounds she had hoped she’d buried a long time ago. He’d taken the time to put on his street clothes before coming to the door, thankfully. Clark visiting the penthouse was one thing… Superman doing the same thing, coming right up to the front door even, was something else entirely.

Not an ‘else’ she wanted to explain to Lex.

"Clark - wish I could say it's good to see you again." Chloe pushed the door open, stalking back toward Lana. The other woman looked decidedly peaked now that Clark was actually in the penthouse with them. The door shut somewhere behind her, his slow steps echoing off of the polished, gleaming wood of the floor.

Only then did she begin to feel like a caged animal. Smooth, she chastised herself. Taunt him until he can't help but want to track you down for answers.


His greeting was received with a cool snort and a not-so-subtle roll of Lana's eyes. Like a parent watching their child walk for the first time, Chloe couldn't help but be proud. Long gone were the days when Lana let any man, or woman for that matter, walk all over her. Sure, she hadn’t reached that level of snark that Chloe herself possessed, but she wasn’t the meek and mild Lana Lang of Smallville anymore, either.

"Can we get this over with quickly?" the blonde grumbled. "No telling when Lex will be home... Unless you were hoping to play this little reunion game with him too?"

"What did I do to you?!?" Clark exploded suddenly enough to elicit a tiny stab of fear in Chloe and a genuine, if not small, whimper from Lana.

Chloe recovered rapidly, wide eyes narrowing with pure ire.

"How about what you *didn't* do?" she all but growled. “Like, I dunno… that part where you didn’t tell us that you not only had powers… but that you’re not even one of the normal meteor mutants we’re used to. Oh, no. Not our Clark Kent. He had to fall right from the sky.”

“You realize that you just used the phrase ‘normal meteor mutant’, right?”

“Shh,” Chloe quieted Lana with a tiny, tight smile before turning back to Clark. “Well? Anything to say for yourself?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Sorry? You kept something that big from me – your supposed best friend – and Lana – the love of your teenage life… and all you can say is you’re sorry? My God. You really don’t have a clue what it takes to be human, do you?”

Her words whipped through the air in a millisecond, slapping him across the face with all of the force of the actual phsyical blow she dare not deliver herself. For one brief moment she felt guilty. That comment had been low. Lower than low. Knowing Clark he was almost certainly insecure about not being from this planet. It was just the type of thing that would have stayed with him his entire life, lingering in the background of his mind at all times.

For the barest fraction of a second she wanted to apologize, take the statement back. Do anything to erase that hurt look upon his face.

But she didn’t.

And the feeling passed.

Years of righteous anger had hardened her, but there was nothing she could or would do to change it at this point. It was a shield around her heart and she intended to keep it that way.

“Chloe… Lana… “ Clark sighed, shaking his head. “You two were special to me.”

“Yet we didn’t even rank a confession,” Lana sounded bitter, her response short and clipped. Chloe sat down next to her, regarding Clark with cool eyes as she put an arm around the other girl’s shoulders in a sign of support.

“I wanted to tell you both –“

“Then why didn’t you?” Chloe snapped, rolling her eyes. “It wasn’t rocket science. All you had to do was sit us down and… tell us. That’s it. No fancy speech. No heartfelt proclamations. We were your friends, Clark. We would have done anything for you. And instead how did we have to find out? By watching the evening news? Talk about your shocker. Does your mother know you’re running around Metropolis in spandex?”

He blushed.

Clark Kent…



She chuckled softly, but stopped just as quickly when she saw hope blossom in his eyes. There could be no hope.

“She made the suit.”

“No!” Lana gasped, hand flying to her mouth. Even Chloe felt a little taken aback by that statement.

“Martha made that hideous thing? Let me guess – you told her what colors, right?”

He blushed again and she chalked up a silent point for herself.

“The colors aren’t that bad.”

“They’re hideous.” Lana sniped.

Chloe watched with surprise as Clark actually got up the nerve to roll his eyes.

Her mouth about dropped open when he joined the snark fest with –

“And Pink and White would have looked better?”

Lana, on the other hand, actually did let her mouth drop open, shock registering plainly on her pretty face. Chloe snickered, hiding the laugh behind her hand. The feeling of amusement lasted for all of a moment before Clark turned to look at her, a soft smile on his lips, and she remembered that she was mad at him.

Very, very mad at him.

“We’re not friends anymore.”

“We could be.”

“No,” she shook her head. “I found out your ‘big secret’ one night watching TV, Clark. It’s not like you called me up and said – Chlo’ there’s something I need to tell you. Of course not. That would imply trust, which we obviously didn’t rate. There’s no recovering from that.”

“So – we’re enemies, then?”

Chloe snorted. “Is that all there is in your black and white world? Friends and enemies? No one in between?”

“You’re marrying Luthor. There is no ‘gray area’ when it comes to him. If you aren’t my friend, you’re my enemy.” He frowned. “And what is up with that anyway, Chloe? Marrying Lex? He’s not a nice man.”

“He –“ Chloe bit the inside of her cheek, halting the words that had almost come to her lips. She couldn’t very well say that he’d never hurt her, could she? Sure, it had only been that one time… but it had been a doozy. And wow if that one time wasn’t when they broke off their not-quite-relationship oh so long ago. Still – “He won’t hurt me.”

“Don’t be naïve. You cannot do this.”

“I cannot –not- do this.” she snapped, irritated. “Don’t suppose you remember a night in the Talon all those years ago. Me and Lex making a marriage contract… you and Lana witnessing it?”

“I – Oh… oh wow. Yeah, I remember that. He kept the contract?”

“Give the boy a prize,” Lana sneered. “Did you think she was marrying Lex out of a misplaced sense of love?”

Chloe didn’t wince at Lana’s comment, though it was hard not to. It wasn’t all that long ago that she would have willingly married Lex out of that same ‘misplaced sense of love’ that Lana so casually taunted Clark with now.

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“What?” Chloe and Lana yell as one.

“Well, you always did have a blind spot when it came to Lex, Chloe,” Clark continued, unaffected by their indignant shriek.

“And you were determined to make him the villain,” Chloe growled, rising from the couch. She stalked over to Clark, glaring up into his face.

“Are you going to tell him about me?”

“About you? Or about your not-so-ambiguously gay alter ego?”


“Don’t worry,” she shrugged. “I’m not blowing your secret to Lex. If he’s too blind to see what’s right in front of his face I’m not going to be the one to let him know.”

That, and she wasn’t in the mood to be nice to Lex. If that meant keeping a secret like this from him, then so be it.

Wasn’t like they were getting married for ‘love’ anyway. There was no trust between them to lose from a little oversight or lie on her part. No contractual stipulations to be broken if she didn’t let him know about Clark’s spandex fetish.

“I –am- sorry, Chloe.”

“Just… don’t’,” she sighed, pointing over his shoulder, toward the door. “Go. Or,” she stuck a thumb over her shoulder then, at the window. “Go. Either way, I don’t care. Just go away.”

He turned from her, casting sad eyes at Lana.

“Sorry, Clark.” His former high school sweetheart murmured. “Like Chloe said… There’s no recovering from that.”

Chloe felt the mood of the room drop from unfriendly to depressing within seconds. She’d have to have a talk with Lana… later… make sure this was still what the other woman wanted. Far be it from her to stand in the way of Lana rekindling a friendship with Clark if that was what she wanted.

Even if he didn’t deserve it.

The front door clicked open, breaking the silence of the room as Lex’s voice floated from the hallway. “Chloe? You here?”

“I’m in the living room… with Lana and Clark.”

“Kent?” Lex was frowning as he stepped into the room. He held out a silver wrapped package to her, dropping a kiss on her cheek before she could move away. Biting back a growl, Chloe turned to watch the train wreck, her fingers tearing absently at the wrapping paper. Jewelry was what she was guessing, by the long, flat shape of the box that was concealed beneath it.

“Luthor.” Clark’s voice was cold enough to freeze water. “I was just leaving.”

“Not on my account, I hope.”

“You don’t scare me.”

Chloe raised her eyebrows. So typically Clark – melodramatic to a fault.

“I wasn’t trying to,” Lex smirked. He turned away from the little group, pouring himself a drink at the mini bar. “Did you get the wedding invitation? I’m assuming that is why you’re here, of course.”

“Of course,” Clark bit out. Chloe didn’t miss the glance he threw her way, as if trying to determine if she really wasn’t going to just give him away right then and there.

She shrugged, sliding the top off of the box.


“To the cars I had delivered this afternoon,” Lex was still smirking as he turned. “I couldn’t decide which you’d prefer, so I purchased both. Hope you like them.”

”How sweet,” Lana cooed, causing Chloe to roll her eyes even as Clark ground his teeth together so hard that his jaw flexed with the force of it.

Of course, there was something she could do to get him out of here… to drive a nail into the coffin of their friendship.

With catlike grace the blonde stalked toward Lex.

“Thank you,” she murmured as she leaned up. Her lips brushed his gently, almost tenderly to anyone that didn’t know better.

“Not love?” She heard Clark demand angrily of Lana. “Could have fooled me.”

Chloe stiffened, but didn’t pull away as Lex moved to deepen the kiss. She let him explore her mouth with his tongue, tasting the scotch that he’d just indulged in. Rich, biting. Just like the man himself.

“He’s gone…. Chloe… Chloe…”

The blonde pulled away from Lex, her eyes dazed and unfocused, barely registering Lana’s voice in the background. She met his cool eyes, her heart racing from the intimacy they’d just shared. Her lips were still wet from the kiss and she could still taste him in her mouth.

“Damn you,” she hissed, all but running from the room.

Damn him.

For making her feel something for him… even if just for a second.

~*~End Part~*~

26th September 2004, 03:20
Bloody brilliant!

I snorted club soda out of my nose while reading this, Jinni! My nose!

I would quote the lines that made me do it but there are too many to count. God, I need to see more scenes like that NOW!!!

26th September 2004, 03:21
:biggrin: Gah... this was just fanyastic!!!! God, clark is and ass! and yay! Chlex kiss! :yay: :worship2:

26th September 2004, 03:37
~*~End Part~*~

I think there was a mistake here.....

great update. more soon.

Kit Merlot
26th September 2004, 03:47
Excellent update :biggrin:

Clark is a jackass. But I truly enjoyed the Chlex moment...


26th September 2004, 04:10
Wow, I loved it. The Clark/Lana/Chloe confrontation was great, I enjoyed seeing the two girls gang up on the costumed chicken for a change, instead of weeping/fighting over him. And yay, Chlex kiss!

More soon please!

26th September 2004, 04:41
Such a great new chapter!! I wish you'd write more very, very soon!! I loved the kiss!! Poor Chloe's emotions are being pulled every-which-way!! I can't wait to see what she's going to do next!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

26th September 2004, 08:19
I really do love this fic, especialy Lana, she is great. but chloe hun, you need to forgive lex and relize that he is the only man for you. Its the only way you can be happy. more soon please

26th September 2004, 17:16
:goof: Nonono! I need moooore!

You are keeeling me! KEEELING ME!

Please! PLEASE! Write more!


:yay: :chlexsign4: :yay:

26th September 2004, 20:04
Great Update. Loved it! :biggrin: Can't wait for more. And last but not least, what took you so long? I was dying for an update. :blinkkiss:


26th September 2004, 22:10
Chloe is so falling for him. Give it up. :lol:

Hope :)

27th September 2004, 02:03
Oh I so love this fic. As much as I'm enjoying seeing Chloe make Lex suffer, it's nice to see that she still has feelings for him that aren't homicidal.

And hey, you actually made me like Lana, what's up with that?!

Seriously though, I like fics that give Lana a chance to be less goody two shoes and pull the stick from her posterior, because I think that if she were just a little more laid back on the show, she could be the girl friend that Chloe so obviously needs.

Update soon please?


27th September 2004, 08:57
:biggrin: I really adore this story . Lana is actually cool , Clark gets chewed out and Lex still hasn't won back chloe . Heh. He'll just have to try harder.

27th September 2004, 18:29
Good stuff! It will be interesting to see if her forgiveness extends to Clark as well as to Lex - it could put her into an awkward position when the whole arch-enemy thing comes up. I love the banter here, from all of the characters.

27th September 2004, 20:43
That was so great! You make me like Lana with each chapter. And Clark floating by the window... that mental picture was hilarious! SO, how long do we have to wait for Lex to officially seduce Chloe? ;)

7th October 2004, 03:24
A/N: Thank you to everyone that continues to leave feedback for this fic. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.

~*~Part Nine~*~

The bedroom door was still shut when Lex woke the next morning. He glared at it, looked down at the rumpled undershirt and boxers he’d been forced to sleep in, and seriously debated just taking the master key to the penthouse to unlock the door to the room and being done with all of this nonsense. It had been almost comical to realize how much of an impact his kiss had had on Chloe the night before. And then dinner had came and gone, Lana quietly excusing herself almost immediately afterwards, and the humor he had felt had slowly began to turn sour in his mind.

Now, in the wan light of morning, standing in the very same under-things he’d worn the day before, Lex was anything but amused.

The kiss hadn’t been bad, he told himself. Quite the opposite, in fact. While not soul searing in the least, the gentle meeting of lips had nonetheless been quite enjoyable, reminding him of everything that he’d screwed up in his moment of indiscretion.

So it wasn’t the kiss itself that had provoked his blonde goddess to go running to her room. Which meant that there was some other reason for that look of fear, loathing and hatred which had gone through her eyes.

And he was betting that it had something to do with how she’d felt about the kiss. Not once had she protested when he made a move to keep his lips on hers. She hadn’t tried to pull away at all after Kent had left, and for all that he knew her display was mostly for said farmboy’s discomfort. She’d practically melted into his embrace and he’d been singing his thanks to the powers above for it.

Then had come the pulling away. The glaring. The sharp words and, oh yes, the slamming of the bedroom door. Mustn’t forget that little bit of melodramatics.

He eyed the bedroom door again, shaking his head. Very well. She had asked for this, after all. There was only so much he was willing to endure – and dirty, wrinkled clothing was not on that list.

But he’d be damned if he was going in there without backup.


She was floating in a sea of rich, roasted warmth. Blackness swallowed her whole, encasing her in the bitter sin of its tantalizing aromatics. It reached for her, drawing her under just as she surfaced, swirling her around.


“Not heaven, Chloe. Coffee.”

The blonde wrinkled her nose as the sea of liquid ambrosia disappeared before her eyes, turning into a storm-tossed sea. She knew that voice. And it most certainly didn’t belong here, in this place of blissful –

“Oh, stop moaning and wake up.”

Her eyes snapped open, body stiffening in a moment of shock before the firm grasp of the waking world fully took hold of her. She looked to her right almost dreading what she was going to see.

Yep. There he was. Looking like some kind of rumpled, coffee bearing god –

No, not a god! He’s slimy and good for nothing but heartache, she reprimanded herself, shutting her eyes. “If I keep them shut do you suppose you’ll just go away?”

“Not hardly. You’ve hijacked my room long enough, Chloe. Drink your coffee while I get dressed.”

She heard the clunk of the mug as it settled onto the nightstand and cracked one eye open to regard it evenly. The delectable aroma was, even now, wafting its way toward her. All she had to do was reach out and grasp the handle, lean up a little and lift the warmed ceramic to her mouth and she would taste that small glimmer of heaven. A rich Colombian brew; she could tell just by the scent in the air. No doubt something that Lex either ordered or had imported especially for him. No sir, this was not the kind of stuff you found in a tin canister in the aisle at your local grocery store.

Damn him for tempting her with the one thing he knew she couldn’t resist.

Pulling herself into a sitting position, Chloe ignored the smirk on Lex’s face as she took hold of the mug. Her stomach was rumbling for attention of its own but the coffee would do for now. She was not about to admit that she’d been childish by locking herself in the bedroom all night, thereby skipping dinner and breakfast, by running out of the room to raid the kitchen like the starved woman she was. She’d be civilized about it…

… and wait until he left for work to feast on whatever she could scrounge up in the kitchen.

The coffee was still hot, burning her tongue as it slid over the sensitive interior of her mouth. She couldn’t have cared less. It was warm and soothing amidst this sea of uncertainty that was brewing more and more as Lex just stood there… staring.

They had kissed the night before.

The memory of it came back to her so quickly that she almost choked on the coffee she was rolling around in her mouth.

His lips on hers.

Hers on his.

Their bodies…

And, damnit… it had felt good. So good that she hadn’t wanted it to ever come to an end.

But therein lay the problem.

She hated Lex. Hated. Hated. Hated. There was no way that she could be having those feelings about someone that she loathed with such a passion.

Yet, there it was anyway. She had experienced some deep lust last night. Lust… because she refused to call it anything else. There was no way it could be the other L word. The one that she’d sworn to avoid for the rest of her life after Lex had so callously broken her heart.

He couldn’t fix this, she affirmed silently. He couldn’t make it better. Not with cars or diamonds, trips or parties… not even with cups of superbly made, no doubt very expensive coffee.

“Don’t you need to get dressed for work?” she muttered, eyes fixed firmly on the bedspread as she nursed the warm liquid in her hands. Looking at him right now could be the downfall of everything her brain was screaming against. He hadn’t done nearly enough to make up for the hurt he’d caused.

There would never be enough, she corrected herself. Sheesh. When had she gotten so multiple personality over the whole thing? He had hurt her. There was nothing that could be done about it…

But if he tried really, really hard, that had to count for something, right?”


“No?” Lex’s eyebrows rose. “Care to enlighten me as to what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

She bristled under his mocking, condescending tone. “Are you going to get dressed or not?”

“No rush.” He settled onto the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong?”

“Other than the obvious?” she snapped, turning her eyes toward him at last, hoping that the wall of ice she had built around her heart wouldn’t melt in the memories of the kiss they had shared and how much she wanted to taste him again.

“I love you, Chloe. Do you have any idea how long it took me to figure that out?”

There. Damnit. He’d said the words. She bit the inside of her cheek, letting the pain wash over her. She was not going to react to hearing those words from those lips. He’d said a lot of things over the course of their friendship. Like the fact that he’d never hurt her. And he’d done that. Saying he loved her wasn’t anything special, she tried to convince herself; knowing damn well that he didn’t just throw those words out there for anything or anyone.

“It was after I’d hurt you, of course,” he shrugged, as if this wasn’t some grand moment in his life. Only the glimmer in his eyes told a different story and no one but those closest to him would even recognize that for what it was.

He was being honest.

Fuck, she thought tiredly.

“I knew the second that you walked out of that door… right after you told me to never go near you again… that I’d messed up the best thing that had ever happened to me.”

“I don’t want to hear this,” she whispered, shaking her head.

“You don’t want to. But maybe you need to. Maybe I just need to say it.” Lex sighed. “I love you, Chloe. And I am going to do everything in my power to make this work. I’m sorry it had to come down to this… but I’m not sorry about where I hope we’ll end up.”

She turned her head, unable to bear the honesty in his eyes. Not this early in the morning. She hadn’t even had an entire cup of coffee and already he was trying to turn her world upside down.

“Lex – I don’t know where this Hallmark moment is coming from. But believe me when I say that this is not the right time.”

“Will there ever be a right time?”

As much as she wanted to say ‘no’, to shatter his hopes then and there, she couldn’t manage the word. She bit her lip, sucking it into her mouth, and then sighed, shrugging. “Who knows. But this… isn’t it.”


And like that the moment was over. The glimmer faded from his eye, replaced by the cool, calculating look that she knew so well.

“I spoke with the wedding planner last night after Lana left,” he threw over his shoulder as he opened the door to the closet, disappearing into its depths. She took another sip of her coffee, the rapidly cooling liquid no longer as delicious as it had been before Lex’s little confession. Confusion had threaded its way through every pore of her being, numbing her taste buds until she could no longer appropriately savor the delicate blend that still half-filled her mug.

But it wasn’t. The world was standing still; it was she that was moving. Silently, but surely, she was spinning out of control.

What had happened to not forgiving him?

What had happened to not letting him get the chance to hurt her again?

“She and her staff will be arriving at the manor tomorrow afternoon – assuming that is still where you intend to hold our nuptials?”

See… there it was. The reason why she had to keep on hating him. He was forcing her to marry him. The reminder bolstered her flagging anger, reigniting that spark of ire within her until there was a steady, if not raging, fire burning in her chest.

“Of course.”

“Perfect. The Kents have already RSVP’ed, in case you were wondering.”

Chloe blanched, licking her lips anxiously. “Liar.”

He poked his head from the closet, a wicked smile curling at his lips. “Hardly. Call my secretary if you don’t believe me. She said that Martha couldn’t have had the invitation for more than two minutes before she was on the phone saying they’d be there. All three of them. Better yet – call Martha if you want. I’m sure she’d be thrilled to hear from you after all this time.”

It was hard not to throw the coffee mug at Lex’s smirking face.

But she managed.

The pillow, on the other hand, was another story entirely.

~*~End Part~*~

7th October 2004, 04:25
That was great!! I'm so glad that you updated. I can't wait to see what happens at their wedding. I almost don't want to have Chloe forgive him before it, just to see what she says in her vows. Update again soon!

7th October 2004, 05:45
That was a wonderful update. I hope that you will add more soon.

7th October 2004, 06:39
I love this story, but I don't think that Lex has done nearly enough for Chloe to forgive him!! In other words, this story must have many more chapters!! :biggrin: Thanks for updating!! Can't wait for more!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

7th October 2004, 07:06
Wow that was deep. More please...

Hope :chlexsign2:

7th October 2004, 11:21
Awesome. They can have a pillow fight and make up and live happily ever after, right?

Of course not.

But anyway, that was a wonderful update-- I love how Lex's "backup" was the coffee, and how you described Chloe's reaction. This story is really interesting, in a fun/agonisingstubbornchloe way; can't wait for the next chapter!

7th October 2004, 18:32
I love this story..... and I really really want Chloe NOT to forgive Lex for a long time.... he seems to keep getting one over on her and the evil side of me wants her to win a round and hurt him, not too emotionally or physcially but hurt him......

But still wonderful story.....


7th October 2004, 19:05
ha! gotta love this fic... i sure do

love lea

7th October 2004, 21:14
wow... :biggrin:

More please? :puppyeyes:


7th October 2004, 23:27
Very well done! Chloe's conflict is good, and I loved Lex's little confession.

8th October 2004, 04:05
great update. more soon.

8th October 2004, 08:11
oh yeah....

Great premise for a fic!

And wow... a Lana I can actually respect.... that's a change.... :biggrin:

Loved the Clark/Superman non-secret. Really... in the rest of the mythology, how the HELL did no one realize?????

The Chlex kiss... amazing!!!!

More please?

*asks really nicely*

*has cookies ready to bribe if necessary*

Kit Merlot
8th October 2004, 13:55
Good for Lex for telling Chloe how he feels about her :biggrin:

I love this story--more soon!!

13th October 2004, 20:53
Sigh. Lex needs to realize that sometimes an apology and an I love you don't immediately solve things. I'm an old married woman, I know these things ! ;) I really need more of this story soon . I like how Chloe isnt immediately falling back into his arms even if she still has feelings for him.

19th October 2004, 17:17
Even if Chloe does feel the need to make him pay, she should at least get the benefit of his skills. It's only right to take advantage of your opportunities. No need to go to bed mad, you can just do it on the coffee table! :idea:

22nd October 2004, 02:44
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this part out. The good news is (well, if you like the fic anyway)... this part is done. The bad news is I'm taking the month of November off to participate in NaNoWriMo (nanowrimo.org). So this will not get updated again until December. On a plus note, if anyone cares *snicker* I'm going to be writing my first Chlex crossover fic. I'll be crossing over Smallville and Kindred: the Embraced for anyone that actually remembers that show. The first part of that should be out maybe this weekend. Anyway... thanks for all the feedback. I'm glad people like this, really. I'm not sure why I made Lana so likeable.... but I'm happy you guys like her in this fic even if you wish her dead in all others *grin*

~*~Part Ten~*~

No verbal protest was necessary, the look on her friend’s face said loud and clear that she didn’t want to talk about it. With emotions so glaringly obvious that they might as well have been on a sign tacked around her neck, Chloe Sullivan was declaring to the world at large that she was not in a good mood.

But Lana thought that she needed to talk about it with someone. Whether it was her... or a shrink, and knowing Chloe she was more likely to open up to her than any psychiatrist.

Still... Lana couldn't help but broach the topic cautiously.

"So... how are you today?"

Chloe looked up from the sheaves of paper that were strewn all over the desk, her forehead wrinkling with confusion. "Lana, you've been here for two hours now and we're just getting around to the 'how are you' stage of the conversation? Color me confused, but didn't we do that when you first walked in?"

"Well, yes." Lana nodded. "But you looked like you needed someone to ask again."

The other woman arched an eyebrow, her lips pressing together. It was a move so characteristically Lex that Lana just knew that Chloe would have a fit if she saw herself right then.

And it was an expression that Lana didn't like to see on her friend. Especially if she was on the receiving end of it.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked after a long moment of silence had passed between them, her face unreadable.

Lana sighed, shaking her head both in frustration and sadness. They'd gotten to be such close friends, bonding over their shared dislike of Clark Kent aka Superman aka That Jerk, and this was how Chloe was going to act toward her when she was just trying to get to the bottom of her bad mood?

Well, fine.

"Nothing," Lana snapped. She rose to her feet, meeting Chloe's cool gaze with one of her own. Well, at least she hoped that's what she was doing. She wasn't very good at that cool aloofness thing that both Lex and Chloe seemed to have mastered. "I have to go do... something."

"We're leaving in an hour," Chloe protested.

"I'll drive over myself when I'm done."

"But --"

"Look, Chloe - we're friends, right? And friends don't put up emotional walls between each other."

The other woman let out a long sigh, shutting her eyes. Her face was such a mask of misery that Lana almost felt sorry for making her feel even worse by pointing out, however roundabout, her behavior. Almost. The days when she let people walk all over her because they were having a bad day were long gone, though, and that was Chloe's influence on her. So Chloe could deal with the monster she'd created.

"I'm sorry," Chloe whispered. "I just don't want to even think about what happened the other night... or the morning after."

The morning after? Lana's eyebrows shot upwards, her eyes fixed pointedly on the woman in front of her until Chloe was forced to ask -


"You can't just say 'the morning after' and not elaborate!" Lana bemoaned dramatically, flopping into the chair across from the desk.

"I didn't mean 'morning after' as in, well, a 'morning after'." A faint blush spread over her cheeks, her tone biting but not unfriendly. "I meant the morning after what happened that night. There was nothing inappropriate going on between me and Lex after you left, Lana Lang."

Lana snickered. "Can't be considered 'inappropriate' at this point - you're marrying him. That fine expanse of flesh is all yours."


She laughed aloud at the scandalized look on the other woman's face. "What? He's hot. He always was and darn if he won't always will be."

"He's a jerk."

"And you love him and that's why this is eating you up," Lana stated firmly, meeting Chloe's gaze unwaveringly even when the blonde's eyes went distant again. "Oh, get over it already! Not the whole he hurt you thing or the emotional issues thing... but the fact that you love him. I spent years dancing around Clark Kent - I know the signs and so do you. The little looks... the heartfelt sighs... staring off into space..."

"I do not engage in heartfelt sighing... or little looking," Chloe retorted quick enough.

Too quickly.

Chloe’s protests aside, Lana knew that what she’d said was the truth. She took a deep breath and continued, "The two of you are getting married and it looks like it’s pretty permanent unless you have aspirations to be yet the next in a long line of wives that tries to kill him right off the bat - so why not try forgiving him? He loves you... you love him..."

"I want him to be miserable."

"The only person you're making miserable is yourself, in case you haven't noticed."


The words were spoken with such simple honesty, biting right through that wall Chloe had begun to build up around herself. It shattered, leaving her bare to the truth of the matter.

Lex wasn't hurting. If anything he was more determined than ever. She'd done her damndest to rebuff his efforts, to make him hurt, and yet he was still right there, patient as ever and just a little amused. Despite her best efforts, she was the one that was miserable... even more so now that she realized how much he still meant to her. She was the one keeping him at arm's length, not the other way around.

God... why did love have to suck so much?

"I wish forgiving him was that easy," she whispered. "I wish -trusting- him was that easy."

"Do you honestly think he'll ever do it again?"

Now that was the question. Did she think that Lex would ever cheat on her again? If he was being truthful about loving her, and she didn't doubt that he was now, then he had all the reasons in the world to never hurt her again.

So, no, she didn't think he'd ever cheat on her again.

Easy to admit that she should trust him again... harder to actually put that practice into action. His very name defied trust. Luthor. It was the kind of name that put fear into the hearts of both the young and old. First Lionel and now Lex. And, okay, sure... Lex was practically nothing like his father. But he was still ruthless. Still a businessman.

Okay, so he was more like his father than she would have liked to admit. The difference being that Lex had a heart. One that he was choosing not to use to let her go free, of course; but such was the way her life went.

And, like his father, Lex was still not to be trusted by everyday people.

Which she was not.

No, she was Chloe soon-to-be-Sullivan-Luthor... and she trusted him, as much as she hated to admit it.

But the forgiveness still wouldn't come.

She sighed again and gave Lana a genuine smile. "Sorry I'm being a whiny bitch. I'll figure it out... soon... I hope."

"Me too... otherwise the honeymoon will be pretty darn boring."

It was the leer and wink from Lana that did it for Chloe. She nearly fell off the chair as her laughter consumed her. She gripped the edge of the desk, hanging on for dear life. Only Lana could make that statement, those looks, seem amusing as hell rather than suggestive.

"You mean...spending...a week in paradise...glaring at my husband... isn't your idea of a fun honeymoon?" Chloe managed to gasp out between gales of laughter.

"No. And if it’s yours we have even more serious issues than trust to work through," Lana grinned, rolling her eyes. "At least promise me that one way or another you'll take advantage of that man on your honeymoon. Love him. Don't love him. But **use** him!"

"Living the vicarious lifestyle through me? For shame! Someone needs to get herself a boyfriend..." Chloe teased in a singsong voice. Talking things out with Lana, while not particularly constructive, had helped. And admitting that she loved Lex and could trust him had been another peg in her happiness chart for today.

Forgiveness was something else entirely, however. She could trust him to never hurt her again. Trust him to do everything in his power to attempt time and again to make her happy.

But forgiving him for the pain he’d caused her because of some sick, twisted Luthor outlook on love?

She wasn’t there… yet.

Her eyes darted to the guest list that Lex's secretary had faxed over earlier that afternoon. These were the people that had RSVP'd so far. Nell. The Kents - all three of them! Pete! She hadn't seen Pete in forever and now he was coming to watch her marry Lex Luthor?

"Are we absolutely sure Pete won't try to kill Lex?" Chloe asked with only a trace of humor.


"Alright, then. Next on the list o' weirdness --"

"List of weird? Ooo - can we sneak into the school and tack it up where the Wall of Weird used to be?"

"Pinkie --"

"Yes, Brain?"

Chloe lost the mock-glare she was trying to hold onto. "Cute."

"I try." Lana preened. "Seriously, though - you invited these people."

"Did not!" Chloe protested. "Lex did. In an effort to drive me insane."

"Short trip."

Chloe narrowed her eyes at the other woman. "I thought you were on my side, Miss Lang."

"Thinking again - that always gets you in hot water."

With a shriek of indignation Chloe launched from the chair. She stalked around the desk, detouring at the couch to grab up a pillow.

"Want to take that back, Pinkie?"

An hour later the maid found herself caught in the pillow fight crossfire when she came to tell them the driver was there to take them to Smallville.


“Is everything in place?”

“Yes, Mr. Luthor. All has been arranged according to your specification. We –“

“It was a yes or no question, Frederick,” Lex snapped into his desk phone, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. Chloe was on her way to Smallville even as he sat there, enduring this whining toad’s gushing. “I don’t need to know what you did. I’m sure everything is exactly like I wanted it to be.”

Or else he’d make sure that there was one less florist working in Metropolis come tomorrow morning.


“Oh…dear… God…”

“I’ll second your ‘dear God’ and raise you an ‘oh my fucking God’,” Chloe quipped. It was… horrendous. Her eyes swept over the roses that littered the foyer, taking in the irises that adorned the stairs, then the orchids that disappeared into one of the nearby rooms.

Was the entire mansion like this?

“It’s sweet.”

“It’s revolting,” Chloe growled, kicking at the nearest bouquet. The mixture of red and white roses tipped, spilling onto the wooden floor, water going everywhere.

Ha, she thought with a touch – just a small one – of accomplishment. Let the water ruin his floor. He deserved it.

Did he really think he could fix the problems that he had created with a bunch of flowers?

Okay, admittedly a whole florist worth of flowers.

Maybe even a couple florists’ worth, if there were more in the other rooms.

But that was beside the point.

She could not be won over with material things!

How many times did she have to say that before he got the hint?

“I bet he put tulips in your bedroom.”

“Lana – there’s no way he would remember that“ But even as the words left Chloe’s mouth she knew she was wrong. No if’s, and’s or but’s. Lex remembered everything, even the things he didn’t want to remember.

He’d have put her favorite flower in her bedroom, of course.

She swallowed, an emotion she didn’t want to recognize welling up inside of her as she walked past Lana’s superior gaze. Hand on the banister, she trailed up the stairs slowly, past the bouquets that seemed to litter each and every step, not caring if Lana followed or not. On one hand, she wanted to know if he’d done something that thoughtful… and on the other it was breaking her heart to think that he would have remembered her favorite flower.

The door to the room Lex had already told her would be hers was shut, the petals strewn outside of it telling the story of what she was going to find inside. She hit her hands on the wood of the door, leaning her forehead against it.

“Why is he doing this?” she whimpered.

“Because he loves you.”

Chloe turned her head to the side so that now her cheek pressed against the cool wood. She narrowed her eyes at Lana. “You’re still on my side – aren’t you?”

“Of course.”


Because Chloe didn’t think she could take much more of this without having an absolute and complete breakdown. Her heart was conflicted so much more than she had ever imagined that it could be. She loved him, she really did. But loving someone didn’t mean that you forgave them for everything. Not big things. Not like what he’d done. He deserved to hurt just like she’d hurt… to feel the pain that she’d felt when she walked in and saw…

Her stomach turned as images from that night flooded her mind’s eye. She winced, pressing the heel of her hands into her eyes, trying to block out the pain that came with remembering.

“I’m not going to forgive him,” she whispered as she pulled her hands down. She gave Lana a tight smile. “Never.”

“Never is a loooong time.”

I know, Chloe thought, turning the knob to her bedroom with a sense of dread. The scent of tulips, like warm sunshine, assaulted her almost immediately….

… and she was lost.


He watched on the private feed coming right from the manor, face unreadable as he watched Chloe react to his surprise.




And then… sadness.

Damnit. He hadn’t meant to hurt her. Again.

He watched her beat her hands futilely against the door to her bedroom, the anguish on her face betraying the fact that she already knew what she’d find on the other side. There was no audio, so he had no idea what Lana was saying to her, and Chloe’s mouth was too blurred for him to make out how she was responding to the brunette.

But there was no mistaking the tears in her eyes when she opened the bedroom door.

Lex cursed under his breath, flipping off the screen just as Chloe threw herself on the tulip bedecked bed he’d arranged just for her.

Her favorite flower…. He’d thought that it would make her happy to know he still remembered things like that.

Apparently he was wrong.

He hated being wrong.

With a frustrated growl, the young billionaire scratched angrily through ‘flowers’ on the list in front of him.

If at first you don’t succeed…

~*~End Part~*~

22nd October 2004, 03:51
Oh that was both sweet and sad. God I feel so bad for Chloe and for Lex not realizing he is not helping. :crygreen:

Hope :chlexsign3:

22nd October 2004, 04:33

Poor Lex. So clueless. If he just agreed to let her out of the contract she'd stay with him willingly. He needs to stop trying to buy her and talk to her.

22nd October 2004, 05:49
That was a great chapter. I am sorry that i have to wait so long for another, but i will. As for the crossover story i remember that show i really liked it and look forward to reading it.


22nd October 2004, 08:15
I'm glad that Chloe still loves Lex, and that she is realizing that he loves her too!! Now all Lex has to do is really talk to her!! Please!! I can't stand them both being unhappy!! Thanks for the great update!! It's going to be so hard to wait patiently for more than one month for another!! This is such a wonderful story!! :clap: :chlexsign3: :clap:

22nd October 2004, 11:38
Oh man... I SO love obssessed Lex! Only he would have written out an entire contingency plan of how to win back Chloe... Bet he's got flowcharts and diagrams and things, too. I wonder how Chloe'd react if she saw his list.

Anyway, great chapter! I like how Chloe's starting to deal with her emotions and sort them out.

Have fun with NaNoWriMo, and hope to see you back again shortly!

Kit Merlot
22nd October 2004, 17:32
Oh man, taking off for a month?! Well good luck and have fun :biggrin:

But about the fic? I hope Chloe can finally forgive him, but Lana is cracking me up. She is so cool in this story. I can't believe I just wrote that about Lana.

Anyway, Chloe just nneds to trust Lex again, and Lex needs to just keep telling her he loves her.

This is an awesome story :biggrin:

22nd October 2004, 17:42
I adore this story. ..... *hugs it to me tightly*....... EXcellent update..... Lex needs to suffer, I really really want Chloe to make him miserable.... for a while any way :devil:


22nd October 2004, 17:46
"Pinkie --"

"Yes, Brain?"

Too damn funny!

Great update. The flower part and Lex watching her really got me.

22nd October 2004, 19:39
...try try again, Thats right Lexy, I know you can do it.
And Chloe, just forgive him already, he is a stupid man, he can't help it, they are all like that. :biggrin:

22nd October 2004, 21:05
I kinda feel sad for Lex because he wants to do things well but fails.

Please I want more. :yay:

22nd October 2004, 21:07
Wow. I love that he remembered her favorite flower, and that he went through that much trouble, but really Lex... you're supposed to love this girl? Flowers? Come on! Buy her the Daily Planet or something. Something uniquely Chloe. Get her the rights to The Torch, it was her baby after all.

Great update, it makes me sad that there won't be another one until December but I guess I'll live.

Can I use that Pinkie and the Brain thing? It was hilarious.

22nd October 2004, 23:32
Can I use that Pinkie and the Brain thing? It was hilarious.

Sure. :) Glad you liked it.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

The next part will include Chloe's bachelorette party, I do believe. And with Lana throwing the party who knows what's going to happen...

*runs off to plot, plan and try to find the *cough* entertainment portion of Chloe's bachelorette party*

23rd October 2004, 05:41

As always, your write some amazing fics.

Good luck with NaNoWriMo. We'll all be waiting here when you get back.


23rd October 2004, 09:47
I cried so hard....I'm with Chloe she saw him cheating on her and he isnt showing any real signs of hurt well as much as chloe has. If he thinks material items and memorys can fix what he did to her then he doesnt deserve her and a new love interest should come into the picture. lol im so absorbed in this story..please continue :)


23rd October 2004, 15:36
:blush: Lex Lex Lex........ *Sigh.* I think he needs to get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness every day. Throwing money is not going to help lex.

Fantastic stuf!

23rd October 2004, 16:57
lol loved it

love lea

1st November 2004, 06:29
~*~Part Eleven~*~

Lana looked over her shoulder, taking in Chloe’s sleeping form. The other woman had been so tired after clearing the bedroom of tulips that she’d just… well, collapsed, for lack of a better term. Though Lana suspected it had more to do with the emotional impact of the day than any real physical exhaustion.

Just as well, because she had important business to take care of.

A Maid of Honor had a certain tradition to uphold, after all, and she wasn’t about to let Chloe down.

If only she had a single idea of what to do for Chloe’s bachelorette party!

She opened Chloe’s laptop, thankful that the other woman had shown her not only how to boot it up, but how to connect to the wireless internet as well. There would be tons of great ideas for bachelorette parties on the net.

Well, she hoped so anyway. The last thing she wanted to do was fail at this task. Not that Chloe had given any indication that she was expecting it. In fact, Lana seriously doubted that Chloe had given any thought to a party in the least.

All the more reason for her to plan it out.

She’d even gotten Lex’s credit cards to help with the financial portion of the festivities; when she did, he’d made some comment about not getting Chloe into trouble. Well, Chloe was a grown woman and she could both get herself into and out of trouble if she wanted to. She wasn’t Chloe’s babysitter or nanny or… mother. Making sure she stayed out of trouble was not in Lana’s so-called ‘job description’.

And if Chloe wanted to get into a little bit of pre-marital trouble, then so be it.

Maybe that would teach Lex a thing or two.

She typed ‘bachelorette party ideas’ into the keyword line of that Google thing that Chloe had showed her, tapping pink painted fingernails against the desk as she waited for it to complete its search. Within seconds there were many more hits than she wanted to deal with. She sighed, glaring at the small screen. Everything from theme parties to… oh…

Lana blushed from her neck all the way to the roots of her hair at the rather suggestive website that had been found as a match for bachelorette parties.

Shame that it wasn’t anywhere near here.

Though… Lex’s credit cards –did- have a nice, hefty limit.

No, she told herself, they were not flying to Vegas for Chloe’s bachelorette party.

Even if it did sound like fun.

They needed to do something a little closer to home.

“Oh!” she exclaimed softly, adding ‘Metropolis’ to the keyword search after a moment’s hesitation. No sense putting in ‘Smallville’, she knew. There was nothing to do around here aside from the odd cow tipping or two.


The search had narrowed itself down dramatically with the addition of that locale and Lana leaned forward unconsciously, her tongue snaking out between her teeth as she scanned the results.

Club Olympus? Her eyebrows rose. Well, the name sounded promising, at least.

She hovered over the link for a second before depressing her finger on the mouse button.

Another heated flush spread over her cheeks as the site began to load, pictures appearing almost immediately on her screen.

Male pictures.

-Naked- male pictures.

It was a strip club.

“Come let our Greek gods show you a little piece of heaven on earth,” she read aloud, softly, from the site’s promotional slogan.

Well, that could work. It was a little clichéd and it definitely wasn’t what Lex had in mind for keeping Chloe out of trouble –

Which meant that the other woman would just –love- it.

Lana scanned over the links on the site, a smile lighting up her face as she caught site of one, near the bottom of the list.

They did special hosting for bachelorette parties.

“Jackpot!” Lana squealed.


“But we just –left- Metropolis.”

“I know.” Lana nodded. “You said it yourself, though. Smallville is boring. Do you really want to be bored tonight?”

Chloe sighed, glancing over her shoulder at the now closed doors of the manor. It was a little after seven and already she was bored out of her mind. True, there was plenty in the manor to keep her occupied, provided she really wanted to be, well, in the manor.

The problem was that she didn’t want to be there at all.

Lex was due to make his appearance in Smallville sometime that evening and she was damned if she was ready to face him yet.

So when Lana had suggested they go out for the night, she’d jumped at the idea.

Funny how she hadn’t had the slightest inkling that Lana had something planned until she saw the clothes the other woman had laid out for her to wear, heard Lana order the driver to bring the limo around, and told him to set out for Metropolis.

“Going to at least tell me where we’re going?” Chloe asked as she climbed into the comfortable confines of the limo.

“Your bachelorette party.” Lana grinned, eyes sparkling with a deviousness that Chloe wasn’t sure she’d ever seen from the other woman.

It managed to instill both terror and pride in her all at once.

Right up to the point where she realized what Lana had just said.

“My –what-?”

“Bachelorette party,” Lana repeated, slower this time. “You know – that thing you do before you get married.”

“Uh huh.” Chloe nodded, dazed. “I know what they are… but I don’t want one.”

Lana’s face fell. “You don’t?”

Great. She’d managed to hurt Lana’s feelings. That was so completely not what she’d been planning on doing. Chloe sighed. “Maybe I just don’t realize what I want?”

“Believe me,” Lana brightened, giving her a secretive smile. “You’re going to want what I’ve got planned.”

Why did that sound more than faintly ominous?


Club Olympus was one of the newer clubs to hit the Metropolis night scene. Made to look, presumably, like Olympus itself, the decorating scheme was a tribute to ancient Greek architecture.

Both inside and outside.

Chloe swallowed, looking up at the impressive building. She wasn’t sure exactly what kind of club this was, but the scantily dressed bouncers standing outside the door were giving her a pretty good idea.

“So… Care to tell me what’s on the menu tonight?”

“Hercules… Zeus… Ares….” Lana ticked off one by one with a devilish grin and a faint blush, bringing a startled gasp to Chloe’s lips. “What?” The other woman blinked, the picture of innocence. “A little entertainment of the naked male variety. Isn’t that what bachelorette parties are all about?”

Chloe sighed. Okay. A night with some strippers. Wouldn’t be the first time she’d indulged in a brief visit to the land of eye candy, though definitely the first time she’d be seeing a dancer named ‘Ares.’ As long as that was all that Lana had planned, this night wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Famous last ‘words’, she realized a second later.

“We get a private room for the dancing and then they do this… what was it again…” Lana fumbled in the tiny purse at her side, withdrawing a piece of paper a moment later. “Oh, right – Toys for Brides demonstration slash Tupperware party-ish thing. I wasn’t really sure what that was, but the receptionist when I booked said it was all the rage with wives to be.”

“Oh, God.”

There was embarrassing and then there was Embarrassing, Chloe thought as she felt a blush spread over her cheeks. This definitely fell under the second category.

“Now,” Lana continued, still oblivious to what she’d done as she half-pulled, half-dragged a now very unwilling Chloe towards the front door of the club. “I invited some of your coworkers and…”

Chloe groaned.

Could this night get any worse?


Lois’ eyebrows rose as she watched the Pink Freak drag her cousin into Club Olympus.

A night of good old-fashioned fun with the girls, huh? That’s what she’d overheard while grabbing a bite to eat earlier today, from one of Chloe’s coworkers, no less. Of course, the woman was blissfully unaware that she’d given away the plans. Or that anyone had even been listening in to her side of the cell phone conversation she was having, rather loudly, in the bustling little mecca of sandwich-y goodness.

Too bad for her.

So she’d pulled some strings and had someone tail Luthor’s driver.

And now this.

“Chloe, Chloe, Chloe,” Lois tsked, clucking her tongue in reprobation. One of these days her cousin was going to regret that falling out they’d had a couple years back.

In fact, she was willing to bet the regret would be happening sooner rather than later, at this point.

With a predatory look in her eyes, she discreetly slid a tiny camera into her purse and tossed the strap over her shoulder.

The future wife of Lex Luthor making an appearance at, while still relatively new, one of the more notorious strip clubs in town?

It would make a great story.

~*~End Part 11a~*~

A/N: Okay, now really thats it until December. Got this one in at the last second before starting NaNoWriMo. Thanks Clannadlvr, as always, for the beta.

1st November 2004, 08:52
I can't believe that Lois would be that evil!! Shame on her!! That would be pretty rotten to publish pictures of Chloe like that!! Poor Chloe!! I hope someone steals Lois' camera and kicks her out of the club!! Thanks for the update!! It's going to be so hard to wait until December for more!! This story is great!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

1st November 2004, 09:04
what we learned tonight: lois=BITCH!!!!!!! :tease:

how mean is that?!?!?! but also so lois lane, anthing for a story, right? hmm, maybe chloe should punch her in the face, or something to that effect. chloe deserves to be sooooooooooooooo happy. grrrrrrrr. must kill lois!!!!

please update again soon :blinkkiss:

1st November 2004, 12:39
I can't believe Lois can be such a bitch. She puts Chloe in trouble and I can already see Lex's reaction. Poor Chloe.

Please come back with an update of course. :biggrin:

1st November 2004, 14:48
Oh happy happy you updated...... And for reasons I can only put down to insanity I like how you've written the Pink Wonder in this.....

And I so want Lex to see pictures on Chloe gyrating with some naked Greek-God like stripper LOL...

Excellent update hun,


1st November 2004, 15:52
Chloe needs to :die: Lois. She makes me sick :tease: great update.

Hope :D

1st November 2004, 18:10
Perhaps Chloe can just get embarrassingly drunk and pop Lois right in her camera? I can't wait until December to see how this goes, now - poor, naive little Lana... :lol:

1st November 2004, 18:14
Lois is such a bitch, and that's usually one of the things I like about her. I feel proud of Lana for swallowing her... Lana-ness and actually going to a strip club. Great update. I think you're a bit evil for writing something like that then making us wait until December.

1st November 2004, 19:09
:tease: lois your a first class bitch!

GREAT UPDATE!!!! :worship2:

1st November 2004, 20:03
Originally posted by tthjinni@Nov 1 2004, 06:29 AM
Toys for Brides demonstration slash Tupperware party-ish thing

I'm can't wait to find out what that is :yay:

2nd November 2004, 19:26
umm i think i know what it is,

lingerie, TOYS!!!!

great update, lois is a retard going up against lex and chloe...not smart

love lea

3rd November 2004, 08:49
So... you have some how managed to switch my opinions of Lana and Lois in this story...

Lana; so EFFING cool in this. Why can't she be like this on the show? I would ADORE her! She makes me laugh so hard! And that's awesome that she surprised Chloe with a bachelorette party! With strippes and... what did she call it...

Toys for Brides demonstration slash Tupperware party-ish thing
Lana comparing Sex toys to Tupperware... :pclol: I love this girl.

Lois; I hate her. HATE HATE HATE! What a sniviling, conniving, bitch.

Total role reversal of the two L.L girls.

You better update at midnight on December 1st or I'll... I'll... I'll I don't know but it won't be good!


3rd November 2004, 10:22
Gotta agree with nonky. If you don't want to go to bed mad, don't do it in the bed. Take advantage of the Lexy Love, Chloe! Doooooo it. :devil:

And Lois, you biatch&#33; <Shakes fist>

Superb fic&#33; So well written and funny. Definitely going in my favorites.

5th November 2004, 13:39
oh my goody goodness. this fic rocks. it&#39;s so so great i loved it. i read all these 11 chapters in one time.
please don&#39;t let us wait till december you have to update more

Ami Rose
27th November 2004, 05:10
Love it... :yay: Please continue&#33; :devil:

2nd December 2004, 04:30
A/N: Just a reminder that I started writing the Lois parts of this before the current season of Smallville aired. Thus I had no SV-version of Lois to go on and had to use the version of Lois most near and dear to my heart – first season Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman version. She’s definitely tougher, more jaded, and, yes, she’ll do anything for a story.

A/N2: I’m tickled that so many of you are adoring Lana in this fic. I didn’t set out to make her so likeable, its just happened and I’m glad that none of you are upset about it. *grin*

A/N3: Not beta&#39;d. My beta has been very busy lately so I&#39;m posting this now and will update when she gets the beta back to me.

~*~Part 11b~*~

The club was dim, filled with music, but at least there wasn’t any smoke, Chloe silently chalked up at least one ‘good point’ to the establishment Lana had chosen for the bachelorette party. The room that they were in, some kind of antechamber to the main club she assumed, was just as she’d thought it would be. Corinthian columns flowed from floor to ceiling in each corner. At the top of each column was a flowing expanse of white silk that spread inward to the center of the room, where each piece met and disappeared into the ceiling. It gave the effect of clouds. Or so she knew she was supposed to think.

That was it. Either this was meant to look like Olympus or some kind of fluff bedecked Hades.

Lana was talking to the host behind the podium, gesturing toward her. Yes, this was her bachelorette party. Yes, she just wanted to escape. Clubs like this could be fun, yes, but not with Lana. Not with an untold number of her coworkers.

And not just days before she was supposed to marry Lex. He’d go nuts if he found out where she was. Absolutely nuts. She wouldn’t put it past him to either come down here himself to drag her out of the club or get someone to do it for him.

She was guessing he’d do it himself, though.

For once, the prospect of pissing him off didn’t please her in the slightest. Maybe she was getting tired of fighting the inevitable… maybe it was something else.

“C’mon&#33;” Lana yelled above the music. “Cupid says we have a private room in the back.”

‘Cupid’ being the blonde stud muffin that had greeted them the second they walked into the club. The one that was wearing just a little bit of a toga with a nice little wreath around his pretty little head. He was hot, she could admit it, and a part of her was wondering what the actual dancers looked like if he was just the –host-.

“Great,” Chloe chirped a little too brightly judging by the look Lana shot her. The one that reminded her all too keenly of a kicked puppy dog. This wasn’t Lana’s fault, after all. The other woman had absolutely no experience with bachelorette parties and had just done what was most commonly done.

Although that ‘Toys for Brides’ demonstration was definitely a new one, unless she was so far out of the bachelorette party loop that she’d completely lost touch with what went on at a more traditional pre-marital affair of this type.

Toys for Brides, strippers and the like aside, Lana had done her best and the least she could do was act like she wasn’t completely miserable.

After all, the men were definitely nice to look at.

She walked next to Lana as they set foot into the club proper, watching with nothing short of amusement as the pink princess turned her favorite shade of neon pink.

“You just gonna stand there and gawk?” Chloe teased, following the brunette’s line of sight the largest stage in the room. The one were a dark haired god of a man was currently stripping off some already very skimpy armor. Ares, she told herself with a snort.

“I… well… I…” Lana stammered, eyes still glued to the stage.

“You knew this was a strip club, right?” Chloe grabbed hold of Lana’s elbow, pulling her gently towards the back rooms. Lana nodded. “And yet you’re so shocked to see the man-flesh?”

Lana’s mouth closed, her eyes narrowing. “Go on and mock me. You’re just jealous of my innocence.”

Chloe’s brows rose until she caught the twinkle in her friend’s eyes. “Uh huh, that’s right. I too wish I could wear pink, pet unicorns, and blush like a maiden. Too bad my maidenly days are long gone. Maybe I should return the white wedding dress and get something more in a reddish hue?”

“You still rate red?” Lana asked innocently. “I would have thought black would be more appropriate.”

They reached the private room labeled Aphrodite’s Den just as Chloe landed a playful slap on Lana’s arm. “Just you wait, missy. One of these days you’ll find a man that can make you see colors…”

“Here’s hoping he can make me feel something, too,” Lana quipped. “I can just shut my eyes if they’re no colors…the feeling something I really have to insist on at this stage of my life.”

“Somewhere under all that frilly pink fluff is a closet pervert just waiting to be let loose,” Chloe snickered, opening the door to the private room. She forced herself to smile at the garish decorations, the congratulations banner with her name on it, and her coworkers sitting around looking like the cat that got the cream. The smile faltered at the table in the back. The one that included the life-sized anatomically correct mannequin for the Toys for Brides demonstration.

“Maybe tonight’s the night for letting loose,” Lana muttered dazedly.

Chloe sighed and rubbed her eyes. “There’s alcohol, right?”


“The Sullivan bachelorette party.”

“Your name?”

“Lois Lane.”

The host of the club glanced down at the list on the podium, rifling through a few sheets before looking up at her again. “I’m sorry, you’re not on the list.”

Lois’ eyes narrowed. “Look… Cupid. I’m her cousin. Her favorite cousin. She probably just forgot I was coming.”

“Sorry. The Sullivan party is by invitation only. If you’re not on the list, I can’t send you back there.”

Lois fumed silently, counting mentally to ten before she opened her mouth again. “Fine. I can sit out front though, right?”

“Of course,” Cupid smiled, exposing rows of perfectly white teeth. “Enjoy yourself, ma’m.”

“Ma’m?” Lois muttered to herself as she entered the club. Maybe she was dressed a little too conservatively tonight. She pulled absently at her suit jacket before sliding it off, shifting her purse from one hand to the other as she draped the jacket over her shoulder. There, that was a little better. Maybe if she looked more like she belonged she could get someone to take her to whatever back room Chloe was in.


The statements had to be wrong.

Lex looked down at the credit card statement again, frowning as the charge appeared to jump out at him. The only person that had access to that card other than himself was Lana and there was no way that she had used it at…

The look of confusion on Lex’s face faded to mild bewilderment, then to shock, then something similar to outrage.

When Lana had asked to borrow one of his credit cards to throw Chloe a bachelorette party he’d told her to keep Chloe out of trouble.

A strip club was definitely not keeping Chloe out of trouble.

He inhaled slowly, forcing his breaths into a deep, steady patter, slowing the racing of his heart. Well, they hadn’t left that long ago and couldn’t have been at the club for very long at all at this point. He was only lucky that he had his credit card company send his statement via e-mail every night for his perusal, otherwise he might not have caught this in time.

In time to do what, a little voice in the back of his mind asked him. In time to storm down there and act like the enraged fiancé that he was? Act as jealous and overbearing as Chloe was no doubt expecting him to be?

He settled back into his chair, stretching his legs out under the desk as he contemplated his next move. The office in the Smallville manor still smelled fusty. It had been a long time since he’d graced this place with his presence and if it were not for Chloe he wouldn’t even be doing it now.

But that was neither here nor now. She was at a strip club even as he sat there… doing only God knew what and with whom.

Would she… Lex sat up suddenly, swallowing hard as a single disturbing thought raged through his brain. This would be the perfect time for her to get back at him. To make him hurt as much as he’d hurt her so long ago. She could easily get any man she set her sights on, even if only for one night or a few minutes. It wouldn’t take very long for her to exact her revenge if that was what she wanted to do.

Would it be what she wanted, though? One night of meaningless sex just to hurt him?


Chloe wasn’t like that. As much as she would want to hurt him, to make him feel her pain, she would never lower herself to that level.

She was better than him, in that regard.

Screw that. She was better than him in all regards. A better friend. Fuck. She was a better human being, even.

Whatever she was doing at that club, it wouldn’t be on the same level as what he’d done to her.

And while it was still hard to think about her being there, looking at those men…

… he could live with it and hope that she had a good time.

He wouldn’t storm down there. He wouldn’t send anyone to get her or call her cell phone or do any of the things that she would expect of him.

Because with love came trust.

And he trusted that she would never hurt him the way he’d hurt her.

No matter how much he deserved it.


Chloe stared in open-mouthed horror as the woman hosting the Toys for Brides portion of the night’s entertainment, who had in a rather chirpy voice announced that she was Athena, showed them once again how to put the… Pleasure Ring… on the mannequin.

“See… it just slides right on with the right amount of lubricant,” Athena smiled prettily, her soft voice and innocent smile at direct odds with what her hands were currently demonstrating. “Chloe – would you like to give it a go? The Pleasure Ring is one of the goodies you get to take home with you tonight in your Bride-to-Be Gift Pack&#33;”

Chloe opened her mouth to vehemently protest putting anything on the mannequins rather sizeable endowment, only to find herself drowned out by her coworkers’ cheering.

They were dead women, all of them, she silently vowed. If there was one benefit to marrying into the Luthor family it had to be the henchmen. She’d just have her new henchmen off those busybodies one by one.

With a plastered on smile that only caused Lana to giggle even harder, Chloe took her place next to the mannequin, gingerly accepting the Pleasure Ring that Athena handed her. Feeling as if she could spontaneously combust at any moment, the usually intrepid young woman faced the mock-man, fingering the tiny ring of texturized plastic. She could do this… it was just like putting on a condom…

Except this was a mannequin… she was in a room full of her coworkers… and she hadn’t had nearly enough to drink to make this even remotely fun.

She was half-tempted to give the ring back to Athena, blush like a schoolgirl, and return to her seat.

Unfortunately, she didn’t think her coworkers, not to mention Lana, would ever let her live that down.

Stretching out the piece of plastic, she slid it over the tip of the mannequin’s length, ignoring her friends’ catcalls. What in the hell would Lex think if she ever came at him with this thing? Probably make her toss it aside before he showed her that they didn’t need toys to keep their relationship hot.

And there it was again… her thinking of Lex in terms of a relationship… not to mention Lex in terms of sex…

She quickly rolled the Pleasure Ring down the mannequin, forcing herself to laugh as she turned back to her friends.

There. The night could only get better from here.

“Good news, Miss Bride-to-Be,” Athena chirped sweetly. “Zeus himself will be coming shortly for your lap dance.”

And there it was… the part where the night got even more humiliating.

Chloe groaned.


Hours after she’d taken a chair near the stage, Lois looked up as the a crowd came drifting out the back of the club, unable to get her eyes to focus properly. How many drinks had she had while she sat here and waited for her chance to see Chloe? She looked at the glasses on the table, sighing in frustration when she couldn’t make out how many there were, much less if any of the girls leaving the back room were Chloe.

Well, damn.

There went that angle.

And now she was too wasted to drive.

She glared at the stage as she reached for her cell phone. Maybe Clark wasn’t in bed yet.

Though how she was going to deal with his sanctimonious and scandalized looks she hadn’t quite figured out just yet.

~*~End Part~*~

2nd December 2004, 04:38

Go Lex&#33; Some maturity for once. Excellent. There&#39;s hope for that man yet.

Although I hope Lois gets nothing but a hangover from her nasty intentions.

2nd December 2004, 04:38
Lex is wonderful&#33;&#33; I&#39;m so glad that he realizes that Chloe can be trusted&#33;&#33; :biggrin: I&#39;m also glad that Lois got too drunk to do anything&#33;&#33; :clap: Thank you so very, very much for the wonderful update&#33;&#33; I just can&#39;t wait for more&#33;&#33; :applause: :chlexsign1: :applause:

Ami Rose
2nd December 2004, 05:03
OMG&#33; :drool: Ares&#33; My favorite athenian&#33; Love this chappy&#33; Please do continue&#33; :devil:

2nd December 2004, 05:08
I&#39;m so happy you&#39;re back. :hug: When I saw that you had updated, I immediately had a mental image of Lana, drunk and dancing onstage with a half naked man. :biggrin: This was great. Welcome back. :yay:

Kit Merlot
3rd December 2004, 14:54
Great update&#33;

I am glad Lex has decided to trust Chloe--Good for him :biggrin:

And I&#39;m glad that Lois&#39; plan backfired--YEAH&#33;&#33;

4th December 2004, 13:03
wow great part i loved when lex wanted to go on the club and take chloe i love a jealous lex.
more please it&#39;s so fun

4th December 2004, 20:46
Originally posted by tthjinni@Dec 2 2004, 04:30 AM
What in the hell would Lex think if she ever came at him with this thing? Probably make her toss it aside before he showed her that they didn’t need toys to keep their relationship hot.

If this could happen I&#39;ll certainly be very very very glad. :biggrin: Ooooooooh please update soon. :worship2:

6th December 2004, 18:05
Oh my god, Lana should be beaten for dragging Chloe there. Haha, it was funny though. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: Lois is a bitch, I&#39;m glad she got too drunk to do anything. :devil: :devil: :devil:

I loved the Lex point of view part too. :wub: :wub: :wub: Wonderful chapter&#33;


8th December 2004, 01:17
Great story&#33;&#33; :chlexsign3: I hope that Chloe can forgive Lex in time, but I’m glad that she in not letting him off easy. Keep up the great work&#33;&#33;


11th December 2004, 07:10
~*~Part Twelve~*~

Chloe led a yawning Lana to her room, shutting the door quietly once she’d seen the other woman crawl into bed… shoes and all. The ever proper Miss Lana Lang would have a hangover in the morning and probably no memories of the rather indecent place she’d tried to shove a five dollar bill on Zeus, of all people.

That was okay, though, because Chloe planned on reminding her of every embarrassing moment in excruciatingly painful detail.

And only then would she tell Lana that Zeus, aka Chad, also now had her cell phone number.

Or maybe she wouldn’t remind Lana of that part and hope that she was around when he finally called. Now that would be an interesting scene.

She trailed her hand over the wood paneling of the hallway, step after step taking her further away from her room. There hadn’t been nearly enough alcohol tonight to make things more tolerable. Or, there had, she just hadn’t wanted to imbibe so heavily. This was her next to last night as a ‘free woman’ and, damnit, she wanted to remember it.

So she’d thought, at least. Right about now she was envying the fact that Lana wasn’t going to remember this fiasco of her own volition.

It wasn’t that the strip club part of it had been humiliating. No, she’d been to her fair share of those particular houses of inequity, partaken of their joyous showing of male flesh, and had a grand old time. If she had to name one particular thing about the night that had ruined it for her it was, very simply…

… Lex.

She bit her lip, pausing in the middle of the hallway. Thinking of him had ruined what could have…no, should have… been an entertaining night. Every time she’d seen one of the men undress she’d thought of him, wondering if he could be persuaded to shake and shimmy like that. God only knew what he kept hidden under those suits. She certainly didn’t have first hand knowledge – they’d never quite made it that far together and that night she’d caught him… with that whore of a socialite… she’d rushed from the room too quick to even get a glimpse.

But she had a good imagination and there was a lot that she could assume by his prior relationships and flings. Either God had blessed him with something special or he had made a sensual art form of using what he had.

The Toys for Brides demonstration had been worse. It was during that terribly embarrassing time that she’d actually began to daydream about using some of those things on him… of making him scream her name to the heavens above.

But the final straw on the back of her sanity level, the one that broke her completely, was when she felt –guilty- as Zeus was giving her a lap dance. Guilty because she was with Lex and he was supposed to be the only one trying to get her hot and bothered.

She leaned against the wall, wrapping her arms over her chest. Eyes shut, she tried to alleviate the feelings that her night out had brought out in her. The guilt… the desire… and that unspoken emotion, the one that she kept telling herself she wasn’t ready for yet; might never be ready for.

Maybe that was the problem.

She kept ‘telling’ herself that she wasn’t ready… couldn’t be ready. That she could forgive him, but not yet.

“You can’t force things like that,” she muttered in self-recrimination, banging her head lightly on the wall behind her.

And you couldn’t force things like that –not- to happen either, as the case apparently was.

Somewhere along the line – between the apologizing and the heartfelt confessions, the sadness in his eyes and his little tokens of affections – she had already forgiven him. He was who he was because of how he was raised to be. Only experience taught him anything more or less, and now that he knew how much she could be hurt by his actions, and therefore how much –he- could hurt, he wasn’t likely to do it again.

Amazingly, in the midst of all of that, she had done something even more earth shattering. Without even realizing it she had successfully managed to damn herself to an even greater extent than she had been previously. Because, whereas she had never stopped loving Lex and knew she probably would always carry that torch; she now found herself in the frightening position of being –in love- with him. A terrifying distinction that she was nonetheless pleased to see still made her heart dance a crazy jig in her chest.

She pushed off of the wall, her path now set with purpose as she set off down the hall at a brisk pace. His car had been in the garage but his bedroom door was wide open when she had helped Lana to bed. That left relatively few places that she could think to look for him and only one where he was pretty much guaranteed to be.

Those were the kind of odds she liked.

The doors to his office were closed; a thin strip of light under them giving away the fact that he was in there. The staff would have turned the lights off otherwise, she reasoned.

Hesitantly, unsure of what she was going to do or say, she knocked on the door.

“You can come in, Chloe.”

Rolling her eyes at his presumption, however correct it was, she opened the door.

“Hey,” she offered.

“Hello.” His response gave away no indication of what kind of mood he was in and for once she couldn’t read his expression. At least, not from this distance. If there was anything to be seen, it would be in his eyes. “Did you have fun tonight?”

His words brought her up short as it dawned on her why he was being so distant. He knew where she’d been and what she’d been doing. Yet, he hadn’t come to drag her away or sent anyone to do it for him. Her heart pounded as she thought of what to say, moving to stand next to him nonetheless.

There, in his eyes.


“No,” she sighed. “I didn’t have fun at all.”

His eyebrows rose, disbelief replacing the mask he’d had so firmly in place. “You didn’t?”

“Try not to look so shocked, Lex.”

His name felt right on her tongue after all those days of trying her best to call him Luthor, to provide that emotional distance between the two of them.

“Did the… establishment not live up to your expectations?”

How to answer? To say ‘no’ was to say she’d had any expectations in the first place. To say ‘yes’ was to, essentially, lie.

But there was one answer that she could think to give, however trite, that at least sounded right in her head.

“Nothing could ever live up to my expectations…because they’re all about you.”

“I –“ Lex stammered, taken truly off guard for the first time that Chloe could ever remember. She gave him a hesitant smile.

“Don’t try to figure it out,” she laughed softly, self-consciously. “Because I’m still trying to do that myself.”

He nodded slowly, holding his breath as if he were afraid that breathing might break the moment they were having.

“Have you been drinking?” he asked suddenly.

“Admitting that the only woman that would say she loved you would have to be drunk?” Chloe teased, laughing despite the fact that her heart was still slamming in her chest. Whatever she’d expected from her little admission, this definitely wasn’t it. He hadn’t even tried to hold her or kiss her yet. The big cheesy-dramatic scene she’d played out in her head was so far not coming to fruition.

“You…” Lex shook his head. “Don’t say things like that if you don’t mean them, Chloe. I can wait. I’ve waited this long, haven’t I?”

Chloe’s brow furrowed. “Huh?”

“You said you love me.”



“Well, you know… that would be because it’s the truth.”

He met her eyes, staring into them for so long that Chloe wondered if he would ever find what he was so obviously looking for. She shifted from foot to foot, wondering if it would be too forward of her to just plop down in his lap and continue this lovely little stare fest from there. She was about to do just that, in fact, when he finally spoke again to ask –

“And what about in the morning?”

The question seemed so absurd that she laughed sharply before stifling it under his, very serious, gaze.

“In the morning,” she murmured, bending down so that her face was on level with his, her lips just inches from skin that she wanted to taste more than anything. “I will roll over, look in your eyes, and say it all again if that’s what you need. Now take me to bed?”

~*~End Part~*~

A/N: Tune in next time when we find out just where Lana tried to put that five dollar bill...

11th December 2004, 07:57
Originally posted by tthjinni@Dec 11 2004, 07:10 AM

A/N: Tune in next time when we find out just where Lana tried to put that five dollar bill...
:rolleyes: :wacko:

That&#39;s what I&#39;m supposed to be wondering about until your next update? I can try, I guess, but I&#39;m mostly just thinking about hot Chlexy smut.

11th December 2004, 09:56
so where did lana try to put the money? Great update. I can&#39;t wait to see what is going to happen in the next chapter.


11th December 2004, 10:12
Originally posted by nonky@Dec 11 2004, 07:57 AM
That&#39;s what I&#39;m supposed to be wondering about until your next update? I can try, I guess, but I&#39;m mostly just thinking about hot Chlexy smut.
The same here. I want Chlex. :chlexsign1:

Nice update&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

11th December 2004, 10:45
lana? no thanks

chlex now i&#39;d take that

love lea

11th December 2004, 11:13
Please, please say that Lex isn&#39;t going to turn Chloe down&#33;&#33; I hope that he will tell her that he loves her too&#33;&#33; Great update&#33;&#33; :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

11th December 2004, 11:29
OH YAY&#33;&#33;&#33; i love it, chlexy love and smut&#33; can there be anything better, i think not.

please dont wait too long to update. :blinkkiss:

11th December 2004, 16:36
No&#33; Come back&#33; We want the Chlexy smut&#33; :yay: :yay2: :yay:

Wonderful update, post soon :wub: :wub: :wub:

11th December 2004, 18:35
No offense but I will be waiting for the smut. :D

Hope ;)

11th December 2004, 18:55
No offense but I will be waiting for the smut.

Tee hee.

But, um, to all of you who are so eagerly anticipating smut...you do remember that this is an R rated fic, right? The rating alone excludes smut. Sorries :(

11th December 2004, 19:44

But an R-rating only means you have to stay away from the really filthy smut. Mild smut is okay&#33; Like third base, mild&#33;


No one is buying my explanation of mild smut. This is very limiting on my plot to turn every forum here into NC-17.

11th December 2004, 20:34
I just got the chance to read your last three updates. They were great. Ireally liked this most recent one. Chloe finally giving in to her feelings for Lex. I think Lex needs to do something very special for Chloe for her amittion.

Good to have you back.

11th December 2004, 21:05
I can&#39;t help but wondering if they&#39;re still going to get married. I mean, he has her now. Does she want to marry him?

Update soon, please. All this worrying is making my head hurt.

11th December 2004, 22:41
You can have smut-light&#33; It&#39;s vague but still smut-tastic kissing and gropping.

Excellent update, btw. I really enjoyed it. Update again soon.

13th December 2004, 01:56
:biggrin: Great update. I could tell that the strip club was really not Chloe&#39;s style. It is cute that she felt guilty because she was with Lex. Keep up the great work&#33;&#33;


13th December 2004, 02:44
you are evil.

Awesomeness, can&#39;t wait for more. And I&#39;m with Nonky on the smut factor... :smut: :drool:

Kit Merlot
13th December 2004, 18:54
This was a wonderful update--I am so thrilled that Chloe is finally admitting her feelings for Lex :biggrin:


13th December 2004, 19:40
:yay2: come back :yay2: you need to finish what you started darn it. please update again :wub: PLEASE :wub:

Ami Rose
14th December 2004, 19:07
:goof: :drool: Wow&#33; Wow&#33; and Wow&#33; :drool: :goof:

Love it&#33; Please please please please continue&#33; :devil:

16th December 2004, 06:09
awwwww.... i loved the update... it&#39;s very cute.... lol.. more plz :chlexsign1: soon? lol

23rd December 2004, 13:09
:wub: :wub: *sigh* marvellous fantastic wonderful beautiful *sigh*
more soon please

5th January 2005, 05:36
~*~Part Thirteen~*~

Chloe woke with a smile on her lips. Snuggled down, wrapped in warm, strong arms, she tried to remember all the reasons that she’d deprived herself of this for so long. She attempted, in vain, to summon up the pain that had kept her from Lex for longer than she cared to think about.

And, lying there in his arms, she discovered that the pain she had once felt at his actions of so long ago had finally, after time and heartache, dimmed to a level that didn’t hurt as much or make her want to slap him.

Funny how time and a good deal of introspection could do that to a girl.

She shifted gently in his arms, unsurprised when they tightened around her.

“Good morning.”

There was a questioning note to his voice and the snarky part of her wanted to call him on it – ask him why it wouldn’t be a good morning.

But the realistic, compassionate part of her realized just why he sounded hesitant.

“It is a –great- morning,” she reassured him, wriggling about until he released her just enough so that she could roll over to face him. One look in his eyes made her wonder if he’d slept a wink or if, possibly, he had just held her all night, watching her sleep. On any other man that kind of thing would be sweet, if not completely creepy, but on him it was touching. It wasn’t often that anyone, even her, caught Lex Luthor in a moment of insecurity.

A tiny smile flitted briefly over his lips as her statement registered in what she assumed was his sleep deprived brain. Something told her there was a definite nap in Lex’s future.

For that matter, there could very well be a nap in –her- future, Chloe conceded as she caught sight of the clock. Sure, she had survived on less than five hours’ sleep in the past, but she saw no reason to do it today when she didn’t absolutely have to.

It had taken her nearly twenty minutes of subtle encouragement to get Lex to follow her back to her room the night before. Twenty more after that and he was in the same bed as she was, holding onto her as if for dear life, with her feeling very much the same way.

They hadn’t had sex. In fact, the only kiss she could remember getting was a brief press of his lips to her forehead.

But that was okay in her book. This, being in bed with him right now, was rushing things enough, as far as she was concerned. The rest could go a little slower.

Her honeymoon, which was scheduled to begin in less than thirty-six hours, was quite fine by her for taking that ‘next step.’

“We have a wedding to finalize, you know,” she murmured softly, her comment punctuated by a long, drawn out yawn.

Lex’s brow furrowed. “You still want to get married?”

Now it was Chloe’s turn to be confused. “You don’t?”

“I assumed that with this new development in our relationship you would want to call it off,” he shrugged.

“You would let me?” The thought had never crossed her mind. Not even once. And now that he was bringing it up, the idea didn’t even appeal to her; even if his answer to her question did.

She watched with avid fascination as Lex slowly licked his lips, eyes taking on a distant look as he thought over her question for all of a minute before answering, “I would.”

Chloe sighed, relieved that the wedding would be consensual instead of forced.

Because there was going to be a wedding, damnit. There would have been one a long time ago if he hadn’t screwed up and she wasn’t going to wait any longer.

Wasn’t that where they ere headed anyway?

“Well – okay, then,” she nodded before giving him a smile. “We’re still getting married.”

“We are?”

“We are,” Chloe grinned. “Tomorrow, in fact. Provided everything is ready. And by everything I mean the flowers, the food, my dress, Lana’s….” She trailed off, snorting with laughter. “Actually, forget Lana’s –dress-, I’m not sure if Lana herself is going to be ready by tomorrow.”

Lex’s eyebrows rose. “Do I want to know?”

“Well…” Chloe drawled. “It involved a lot of alcohol…a five dollar bill… and a stripper…”

“Lana drank,” Lex spluttered. “You have corrupted the most innocent thing to ever come out of Smallville, Chloe Sullivan. I don’t know whether to be proud of you or upset with you.”

Chloe grinned. “Just wait – I haven’t told you about the serious grabbing factor when she tried to stuff the fiver into his g-string. Let’s just say she lost her balance and made a grab for the first thing she saw.”

“She didn’t –“

“She did&#33;” Chloe cackled, snuggling down into Lex’s arms. She couldn’t decide what was funnier, the look on his face or her own memories of the night before. “Lana got herself a nice big handful of the stripper and then, since she was already there, I guess, she shoved her hand –inside- his g-string, and tried to put the five dollar bill up close and personal like with her current handrail.”

“Will I be needing to hire Miss Lang an attorney for some sort of harassment?”

That just made Chloe laugh harder. “Uh uh. The stripper kind of liked it, I think. He asked for Lana’s number and me, being the great friend that I am, gave it to him.”

Lex’s mouth spread wide in a smile, a soft chuckle coming from his lips. “Always looking out for the helpless – just another reason I love you.”

She had heard him say the words before, of course. Heard him tell her in no uncertain terms since the start of this marriage contract fiasco how he felt about her. He loved her – she no longer doubted that.

But to hear him say it again, in such an off handed manner, as if it went without saying.

Well –that- made her melt.


Lana groaned.

What in the name of all that was holy was that ringing?

She opened her eyes, regretting the action immensely the second light touched them. Wanting nothing more than to throw herself from the balcony, she fumbled on the nightstand for her cell phone, wondering how it had gotten there in the first place.

For that matter – how had she gotten into bed?

And why hadn’t she bothered to take her clothes off first?

She pressed the button on her cell phone to answer the call even as she put it to her ear. “’Lo?”


Oh, oh – too loud&#33;

Lana bit back a moan of pain and a retort that would have made Chloe proud, settling for. “Who’s this?”

There, had that sounded a little more like she wasn’t some hungover tart laying in bed at… nearly noon?

“Chad… you know, Zeus – from the club?”

She remembered someone named Zeus. Sort of. Remembered a tight white g-string and…not much else. A body to die for.

And something involving a five dollar bill that she was almost positive she didn’t want to fully remember?


But she did not remember giving a stripper her phone number.

She was going to kill Chloe.

~*~End Part~*~

5th January 2005, 06:12
The part with Lana, :biggrin: LMAO&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;. Chloe and Lex were so cute. I am happy that everything is working out. I hope that you will update again soon.


5th January 2005, 07:05
I can&#39;t stop laughing about the stripper calling Lana&#33;&#33; She&#39;s going to kill Chloe&#33;&#33; Lex and Chloe in bed together was so sweet&#33;&#33; Love your update&#33;&#33; More soon please&#33;&#33; :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

5th January 2005, 07:40
:lol: That was funny the stripper calling her.


5th January 2005, 07:49
Ah, Lana and Zeus... Chloe&#39;s a genious. Chlex in this is fantastic... sweet, cute, and snarky all at once. Waiting for more.. as patiently as I can, lol.


5th January 2005, 16:06
poor lana :lol: that was so funny i loved it.
and the chlex part was so cute i&#39;m happy that things are working out for them
more please

5th January 2005, 17:41
:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: That was so funny.

I loved the Chloe and Lex in this chapter, so sweet. :wub: :wub: :wub: I&#39;m glad they are still getting married, but now its by choice. :yay: :yay2: :yay:

Kit Merlot
5th January 2005, 19:00
Excellent update&#33;

This was just wonderful. The romantic parts were very sweet and sexy. :biggrin:
I like the image of them sleeping in the bed together, snuggling--YEAH&#33;&#33;

And Lana kills me :devil:


6th January 2005, 01:28

7th January 2005, 04:54
Good. Really really good. Sequel please. This time, more smut. Good job&#33;&#33;

:chlexsign1: :chlexsign2: :chlexsign3: :chlexsign4:

27th January 2005, 23:44
Oh please please please don&#39;t tell me you are going to stop there... there is still the wedding and not to mention the honeymoon :devil:

I love the bit about Lana ironically being Chloe&#39;s best friend and the snark she has suddenly accquired... But I still think that Lex got off a little too easily... :biggrin:

1st February 2005, 06:49
Oh my God, I can&#39;t believe I&#39;m going to say this but, Lana&#39;s the cutest thing in this&#33; She&#39;s hysterical. And the part where Chloe is explaining to Lex about Lana&#39;s handful of stripper... :pclol: :pclol: :pclol:

Oh. Dear. God.

Speaking of Chloe and Lex... :yay2: They love each other, they love each other, they love each other&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Yayness all around&#33;

More soon&#33;


1st February 2005, 19:13
~*~Part Fourteen~*~

“Chloe – is there a reason that one of the…dancers…from the club last night… would have my phone number?”

Chloe looked up from her breakfast and newspaper, blinking innocently at the rather flustered looking Lana Lang who stood in the doorway of the mansion’s impressive dining room. Lana had obviously just thrown on the first thing that she had found on her bedroom floor in her haste to get out of her room and locate Chloe, much to the reporter’s amusement. Slathering up half of the bagel in front of her with cream cheese, Chloe regarded Lana with faint amusement.

She had staked out one end of the immense dining room table for herself when she had finally crawled out of Lex’s bed, letting him get to the work that she knew he had waiting for him in his office. He had things to do before they got married.

Things to take care of before they could leave on their honeymoon.

A blush rode over her cheeks, Lana and her flustered question momentarily forgotten as Chloe tried to squelch the pesky waves of desire that were threading their way through every inch of her being. Desire that was one hundred and ten percent, without a doubt, for Lex Luthor.

This was what being in love was, she reminded herself.

Or lust.

Yes, definitely lust. Oh, there was love, too. But this warm, tingly feeling that was making her all dopey right now was all about lust.



“Stripper with my cell phone number?” Lana asked, sighing huffily and falling into the seat next to Chloe.

“Oh – I gave it to him,” Chloe smiled brightly, amusement shining in her eyes. “Aren’t I the bestest friend you’ve ever had.”

Lana’s scowl set Chloe off into a fit of laughter.

“He…” Lana paused, face flaming. “He mentioned something involving a five dollar bill…?”

The look on Lana’s face was priceless – confusion mixed with a healthy dose of fear that she was going to hear something she really would rather not know about. Chloe’s laughter tapered off, but the evil grin didn’t leave her lips.

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“Considering I’m pretty sure he’s going to bring it up on our date?” Lana’s flush deepened.

“You have a date with him? Color me shocked and proud, all rolled up into one,” Chloe teased her friend lightly, toying with the bagel on her plate.

“He seemed nice enough.”

“You definitely thought so last night.”

“See&#33;” Lana exclaimed. “There it is again – that hint that I did something completely humiliating. Go ahead – lay it on me. I can take it.”

Chloe wasn’t so sure about that, but she calmly pushed aside her bagel and leaned forward anyway, meeting Lana’s almost frantic gaze head on.

“Well… you see, you’d had a little too much to drink and were sort of unstable on your feet… You tripped and made a grab for the first thing that was within reach –“

“Please tell me I didn’t grab –“

Chloe cackled with undisguised mirth as understanding dawned in Lana’s eyes.

“Oh yes, yes you did.”


Lex wasn’t surprised by the knock on his office door a little after the clock chimed one in the afternoon.

He was surprised, however, by who was there to see him.

“Clark,” he said tightly, with none of the friendliness that might have once existed between the two of them. Being aware that his former friend was in town for the wedding was one thing – he had invited Clark, after all – but expecting the other man to show up in his home prior to the event was something else. The kind of something else that he would rather not happen the morning after a grand night spent with Chloe in his arms. No recent meetings between himself and Clark Kent had turned out well and he had no reason to believe that this time would be any different. He stepped away from the office doors, allowing the other man to enter if that was what he really wanted.

Unfortunately, it was.

“Let her out of the contract, Lex.”

It was the first time he’d heard his given name on the other man’s lips in longer than he cared to remember and it made his eyebrows rise, briefly, in surprise, before he caught hold of his emotions again.

“I’m not forcing her into anything.”

The other man laughed hollowly. “I’ve already spoken to her. Remember?”

“Not recently, you haven’t,” Lex shrugged. “Go on – find her and ask her for yourself. See if she’s still playing the part of the damsel in distress or if she’s ready and willing to take on the admittedly onerous task of being my lawfully wedded wife.”

His words held challenge, open mockery. Clark Kent had never been the sharpest scythe in the barn, nor would he ever be. It was amazing to Lex that he’d managed to get this far in his journalistic career, but the billionaire chalked that up to two things – a good partner, in the form of none other than the mad viper Lois Lane herself and the luck of getting numerous Superman interviews.

The caped wonder’s name alone was enough to make Lex want to openly sneer. Do-gooder just didn’t begin to sum up the costumed freak’s ambitions. True, Lex could admit – at least to himself – that he was no angel and sometimes deserved the things that Superman thought about him. But, for the most part, it was all hyped up nonsense. Probably things that the man standing in front of him right now had filled his head with.

Where had their friendship gone so horribly wrong, Lex had to wonder.

“Fine. I’ll do just that.”

Clark’s response was met with another shrug, a careless lift of the shoulders that Lex hoped showed just how little this entire conversation meant to him. Chloe was his, of her own free will. She had forgiven him, come willingly to his bed, and stayed in his arms without doubt or further recrimination.

She knew who he was. Nothing Clark Kent could tell her was going to come as anything of a surprise. In many ways she knew him better than Clark ever had.

And she accepted him.

The true mark of a good friend.

Fuck – even Lana Lang was more loyal that Clark had ever been. True, she tended to turn her head and close her eyes at things she would rather not know, but she didn’t run screaming to the world that he was a crook or a criminal.

And that was a bitter realization indeed. Lana Lang was a better friend than Clark Kent. Who would have ever imagined?

He turned from Clark just as the other man had done to him so long ago, uncaring as the door swung shut behind him.



Lana and Chloe stiffened as one, their backs going ramrod straight as they looked at each other.

“Oh, hell no,” Chloe muttered, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. “Please tell me my wonderful afternoon of post-snuggle bliss didn’t just get ruined.”

“Post snuggling…” Lana’s eyes went wide. “You and Lex?”

“Of course. Who else?” Chloe frowned, before realizing that somewhere in between telling Lana the parts of the night before that the other woman didn’t remember, she’d forgotten to let her in on a certain development. “I forgave him.”

Lana squealed, jumping up to hug Chloe.

And that was how Clark found them.

“Chloe … Lana…”

Lana sighed, muttering into Chloe’s ear, “Why is he ruining our day?”

Chloe snorted, her vantage perfect to watch the flush that spread over Clark’s cheeks. “You know he can hear you, right?”

“I know,” Lana grinned cheekily as she pulled out of the impromptu hug. Her grin faded as she too turned to Clark. “Though I can’t say that I care.”

Clark winced at the cold words, but made no move to remove himself from the room and thereby also remove the reason for the current thread of unpleasantness that was working its way through the room.

“Chloe – Lex says you’re marrying him willingly.”

Chloe arched a brow, wondering where, when, why, and how Lex had come to have a conversation with Clark in such short order about her new intentions. Not that it mattered in the least, because the answer to his question was a most definite.


“Yes – you’re marrying him willingly?”

She sighed, sharing a knowing look with Lana. “Yes, Clark. I’m marrying Lex willingly. Would you like me to spell it out for you? Or, oh, hey, you could write an article about the whole thing. I’m sure my cousin would be happy to help you.”

Clark frowned. “I can’t believe you –want- to marry him.”

“You can’t believe it? I would have married him –years- ago if he hadn’t acted like such a Luthor.”

“There&#33;” Clark exclaimed, throwing up a hand. “A Luthor&#33; That’s what he is, Chloe. That is what he will always be. There’s nothing good about that family.”

Chloe stiffened, barely feeling the restraining hand that Lana laid gently on her arm. “No, Clark, there you’ve got it dead wrong. Nothing good comes from knowing –you-. Lex never hid who he was from me. The good, the bad – he let me see every little drop of himself. Can you say the same thing?”

“Hardly,” Lana sniffed.

“I didn’t tell the two of you for a reason&#33;” Clark’s frustration seeped into his tone, though what the cause of that current irritation was, Chloe couldn’t say for sure. Maybe it was because she wouldn’t give up the idea of marrying Lex, wouldn’t throw him aside like the criminal Clark would have him made out to be. Or maybe it was because they weren’t going to just roll over and accept him back into their lives, couldn’t possibly begin to forgive and forget the lies and half-truths he had heaped on them during their school years.

“What reason would that be?” Lana murmured, voice deceptively calm. Chloe knew that tone. She liked to call it the calm before the storm. Let it never be said that Lana Lang couldn’t lose her temper like anyone else.

“To protect myself and my family. The more people that knew –“

“Protect yourself? Your family?” Lana asked incredulously. Chloe couldn’t say as how she blamed her, either. It was the most ridiculous, insulting excuse she’d ever heard come from his lips. “From us? You thought we’d go running out and tell the first reporter we met that you like to put on tights and a cape?”

“Oh, hey, maybe he thought that I’d write it up myself. Because, you know, I have no loyalty to my so-called friends, right?” Chloe sniped, crossing her arms angrily over her chest. “You should leave now, Clark, before I do decide to write that story.”

“I think she should.”

Chloe hadn’t heard Lex come up behind Clark, or seen any movement to give away the fact that he was standing there, listening in to their entire conversation. If she had, she might have done something differently to move the conversation away from Clark’s spandex clad secret.

Then again, after hearing his excuse and seeing that he still didn’t get what he’d done wrong, maybe not.

She looked over Clark’s shoulder, giving Lex a genuine smile. Well, there went one less secret between them.

~*~End Part~*~

Kit Merlot
1st February 2005, 19:37
This was a wonderful update&#33;

I&#39;m loving the Chloe?lana friendship and I love how they mock Clark to his face--FABULOUS :biggrin:

And I love Chloe and Lex being in love and working together :chlexsign2:

1st February 2005, 19:50
Oh that was a great update. I am so glad Lex knows now. I hope he doesnt get mad at Chloe for not telling him before.

Hope :)

1st February 2005, 19:56
Fab update. I love that everything is coming out in the open. I can&#39;t wait for the next update.


1st February 2005, 19:56
I&#39;m so glad that Lex knows the truth now too&#33;&#33; Please don&#39;t let him be mad at Chloe for not telling him before&#33;&#33; Thank you so much for the fabulous update&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t wait to find out what you have planned next&#33;&#33;&#33; :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

1st February 2005, 20:07
Originally posted by Kit Merlot@Feb 1 2005, 07:37 PM
This was a wonderful update&#33;

I&#39;m loving the Chloe?lana friendship and I love how they mock Clark to his face--FABULOUS :biggrin:

And I love Chloe and Lex being in love and working together :chlexsign2:
Ditto&#33; :chlexsign2:

Post more soon, please&#33;

2nd February 2005, 00:55
I haven&#39;t liked Lana this much since Chloe liked her in season two. I&#39;m so happy you updated. I&#39;ve missed this story. Chloe and Lex are getting married next chapter, right? And that&#39;s coming in the next few days, right?

2nd February 2005, 01:00
Originally posted by ColumbiaBlue@Feb 1 2005, 12:49 AM
Oh my God, I can&#39;t believe I&#39;m going to say this but, Lana&#39;s the cutest thing in this&#33; She&#39;s hysterical.

Who are you and what have you done with my Manda? IMPOSTER&#33;

Just kidding.

The Chloe/Lana friendship is very nice and refreshing. Clark is wonderfully dense and clueless. Lex is delicious. All is right with the world.

2nd February 2005, 07:16
that was great...almost evil&#33;

loved all the cuddlies between chloe and lex :wub:


2nd February 2005, 19:28

Chlex, oh sweet Chlex, how i missed you.

And i totally missed your ChLana... It&#39;s just so fun. The stripper part had me cackling in evil glee&#33;

Can&#39;t wait to read the next part of this, I&#39;m expecting lots of UST&#33;

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

3rd February 2005, 14:25
a so great update it was i loved it
more soon please

15th February 2005, 17:55
~*~Part Fifteen~*~

“Are you mad?”

Lex looked up at Chloe as she shut the door to their room, mulling over her question in his head. The laughter that had been present no less than ten minutes ago, when they had both watched Clark Kent try to dig himself out of a hole, was completely gone leaving a pinched, tight look to her features that made Lex ache inside for the warmth of earlier that morning, when he had held her in his arms. “I’m not sure. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I kept your secrets from him. I kept his from you,” she offered. When she said it like that, it all seemed so simple. Yet, it wasn’t. And though it touched him to know that she had never betrayed him, it hurt him to know that she had kept Clark in that same confidence.

“Would you ever have told me?” He wasn’t sure why the question mattered, but it did, and he wasn’t sure what answer he wanted to hear. All he knew that it was necessary that he hear one, hear her reasoning and decide for himself if it was adequate.

“No,” Chloe shook her head, a stray piece of hair falling from behind her ear. She pushed it back absently. “As much as I hate him, it wasn’t my secret to tell. This… thing… the two of you have going on between you. You against Clark. You against Superman. Superman against you. I don’t want to be a part of that and I never did. And then he and I weren’t talking anymore and then you and I weren’t talking anymore – and any reasons that might have existed for telling either of you evaporated.”

She shut her eyes, her lips trembling. This wasn’t the collected, devious Chloe that he had come to know so well since he had began the proceedings that had brought her back into his life. This wasn’t even the Chloe of the night before, the one that had slept in his arms, willingly giving him her heart again.

This was a Chloe that didn’t know if what she was saying was right, but did know that it was the truth.

And maybe the fact that it was the truth made it easier to accept. She hadn’t kept it from him to hurt him or deceive him in any way. If anything, she had kept it out of some misplaced sense of loyalty to a friend of whom she had otherwise washed her hands of.

“I don’t want you in the middle of it, either,” he murmured, sighing.

Her eyes flew open, her gaze alighting on his face, relief flitting over her features. “You’re not mad?”

Lex shook his head. “How can I be? If you betrayed him, then I would expect you to betray me, too.” He paused, laughing at the irony. “It’s almost comforting to know that you wouldn’t betray either of us.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, well, like I said – one less secret behind us thanks to Clark’s little goof up out there. I mean, give me a break – he has super hearing and he was too busy being self-righteous to notice you coming down the hall?”

He laughed because he had to, because what she said was so damned true and so damningly amusing that it gave him no other choice but to laugh. “The look on his face was priceless.”

Chloe grinned, chuckling softly. She sat down on the edge of the bed, flopping backward. “He just about blew a gasket, I’m sure of it. And then he just zips out of here in the blink of an eye. Probably ran home to tell Martha that he blew his cover in front of big, bad Lex Luthor.”

“Great,” Lex rolled his eyes. He noticed that Chloe didn’t ask him what he planned on doing with the information that had all but fallen into his lap this morning. Short of exposing Clark to the world, there wasn’t much that he –could- do with it. Superman was destined to be his nemesis. If anything, knowing that Clark was the man in the suit only made it hurt and burn like a cold fire in the pit of his stomach. He wouldn’t expose Clark for the sake of the friendship they might have once had – therefore he would do nothing. But Clark didn’t know that and neither did his parents. “Do you think I can expect her to come beating down my door, begging me not to tell the world?”

“More likely Jonathan will be the one to do the door beating.”

Lex smirked. “Well I’m hardly afraid of Jonathan Kent.”

Chloe rolled onto her side, propping her head up on her hand. “Is that to imply that you *are* afraid of Martha?”

“I plead the fifth.”

Her light laughter filled the room, flowing over Lex’s body. So sweet, so simple.

So unlike anything that he deserved.

And yet… there she was of her own free will.

“What are you looking at, Luthor?”

“You,” Lex answered back smoothly, stalking toward the bed. “You really are quite stunning, Chloe.”

He heard her breath catch in her throat, saw the denial go through her eyes, and hurried to lean over the bed and press a finger to her lips.

“You are,” he reiterated firmly.

She laughed behind his finger, eyes sparkling with amusement and a hunger that he had only been able to dream would ever be directed at him.

Replacing his finger with his lips, Lex crawled onto the bed next to her, leaning up on his elbow so that he was covering her body just slightly with his. He licked her lower lip, tugging it between his teeth before taking both lips with his again, tongue sweeping into her mouth.

She moaned and arched up into his kiss, responding with all the ardent fervor that he could ever have imagined, but never dared hope for. They had never had a chance to take their relationship to this level back before he had committed such an awful betrayal against her. Perhaps if they had, the thought would never have crossed his mind. Her body, her mouth, the pleasure that she was able to give him just by responding to his ministrations…it was heady and addictive. He knew that love wasn’t something to be feared when he was laying next to her.

It was precious.


And to him – having always been able to buy everything he wanted except for love – it was worth anything.

“I love you,” he murmured against her lips, resting his forehead against hers as he tried to calm his breathing and racing heart. “And I would like nothing more than to lay here with you all day and just worship you –“

“But you still have things to take care of before the wedding,” Chloe finished for him, a tender smile on her lips. “I know… and I love you, too.”

Lex grabbed her lips for another brief, heat-filled kiss, before reluctantly sitting up. If he stayed in bed with her he would never get anything done. Well, nothing other than the satisfaction of making her scream his name. That could wait for their honeymoon, however, whereas the work awaiting him in his office could not.

“It should only be a few hours,” he offered by way of apology.

“Pft,” Chloe waved it off. “No worries. I have some last minute things to do myself.” She paused. “I still can’t believe we’re getting married the day after tomorrow.”

“You’re sure you still want to go through with this?” Half afraid to hear the answer, he asked the question anyway. There would be no forced marriage between the two of them – if she decided that marrying him now wasn’t the right thing to do, then so be it. He had waited this long to have her back in his arms that he could wait longer if need be.

However, as usual, Chloe never ceased to amaze him.

“I want to be your wife, Lex,” she laughed softly, shaking her head in amusement. “Go do what you need to do so that we can spend some time together. I have a feeling that as of tomorrow morning Lana is going to lock me away until the wedding. Tradition and all that.”

He hadn’t thought of that part of the whole wedding process until right at that moment, to be honest, and the more he mulled it over, the less he liked it. A night without her in his arms, just when he had finally gotten her back?

“It’s just one night,” she murmured, sitting up so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. “And then you get me every night for the rest of our lives.”

Lex definitely liked the sound of that.

*KNOCK&#33; KNOCK&#33;*

“Mister Luthor?”

Chloe raised an eyebrow as the butler’s voice came through the door.


“There’s a Mister Kent demanding to speak with you.”

Lex rolled his eyes, praying to whatever deity might be listening to give him strength for the confrontation to come. Something told him that it wasn’t Clark that was waiting for him.

“Show him to the office. I’ll be right there,” Lex called out through clenched teeth.

“Told you he’d be the one to run over here,” Chloe laughed. Amusement had brought a rosy glow to her cheeks and a twinkle to her eyes. “Want me to come along as backup?”


Chloe followed Lex into his office, amused that he had denied her the position of ‘backup’ while still letting her trudge along for the amusement of it all anyway. The second the door opened she could see Clark’s dad pacing back and forth, wearing a hole in what was undoubtedly a very expensive imported carpet.

“Mr. Kent,” Lex greeted, ever smooth.

“Luthor – what do you intend to do with what you know?” Jonathan demanded. His face was red and splotchy in a way that Chloe was pretty sure couldn’t be healthy for a guy his age.

“Intend to do?” Lex chuckled under his breath. “Nothing.”

Chloe raised her eyebrows. That was news to her. She had assumed, of course, that Lex would use the knowledge that Clark Kent was Superman in some way – though she hadn’t been quite sure what that would be.

But he wasn’t going to do anything with it?

She was almost disappointed in him.

“Nothing?” Jonathan repeated, his disbelief showing clearly in his tone. He shoved his hands in his pockets, glaring at Lex. “I find that hard to believe.”

“Believe what you want,” Lex shrugged. “The fact remains that I have no plans to use what I learned this afternoon in any way. Your son chose to end our friendship, Mr. Kent. Not me. I haven’t done a single thing to harm him and, for all that he is a thorn in my side, I do not intend to start now.”

Chloe wanted to hug Lex. His words said so much more than what was readily apparent on the surface. He regretted that he and Clark were no longer friends, it was as clear as the nose on her face. Despite the fact that there was no way they could ever be friends again, Lex still cared about Clark.

It was touching, truly, and it showed a side of Lex Luthor that Chloe knew most people would never see.

Or understand.

Like Jonathan Kent, for example, who was still standing there with his hands in his pockets, glowering at Lex. Either he had seen what was behind Lex’s words and didn’t care, or he had missed the more subtle nuances entirely.

She sat down on the arm of Lex’s leather couch, the material creaking under her weight. Jonathan looked over, eyes widening as if he had only just noticed her.

“How could you let this happen?”

Chloe blinked at him in shocked surprise. “Excuse me?”

“Why were you even discussing Clark in this house where –he- could hear you?”

“It was a conversation he was participating in, for your information,” she shot back, mouth twisted into a mockery of a smile. “Or did your precious son fail to tell you that part?”

“Damnit, Chloe – you’re his friend&#33;”

Chloe saw Lex move out of the corner of her eye. Silently he came around the desk, putting himself easily within reach of Jonathan Kent if the man made any move toward her in his misguided rage. She arched an eyebrow at Clark’s dad. “I haven’t been his friend since the moment I found out he had deceived me for all those years. I wasn’t privileged enough to be let in on the secret, remember? I was never that good of a friend, so excuse me if I didn’t go above and beyond to keep a secret that was never mine to keep in the first place&#33;”

She saw the surprise flash across Lex’s face, knew that he would ask her now exactly how it was that she had found out about Clark’s secret escapades in tights. He had assumed, she should have realized, that Clark had told her outright.

How funny, all things considered.

“I think its time for you to leave, Mr. Kent.”

Lex made it an order, his tone a veiled threat of the harm that would come if Jonathan didn’t move quickly enough for his liking or dared to defy him. That would be the end of everything, Chloe knew, if Lex was forced to raise a hand to either of Clark’s parents. Paragon of virtue or not, she had little doubt in her mind what Clark would do to anyone who ever harmed the Kents.

Jonathan’s nostrils flared as he shot her another contemptuous glare, followed by an equally hate-filled look at Lex.

She was happy to hear the door to the office slam shut as he stormed out of the room. Happier still to know that soon he would be back on the road to his farm and out of their hair entirely.

Well, unless the Kents were still planning to come to the wedding.

Damn, she should have asked him in between his harping and accusing.

“Well, that was fun,” she snorted with a roll of her eyes.

Lex grunted noncommittally, leaning back against his desk. His face was an impassive mask, but she could see beyond it to the emotion that lay beneath. She eased off the arm of the couch and joined him at the desk, laying a hand on his arm.

“I love you,” Chloe whispered into his ear. “And soon we’ll be out of here, on our honeymoon, far, far away from Jonathan Kent, cornfields, and this little hick town.” She licked a delicate trail along his earlobe before sucking the soft piece of flesh into her mouth.

Lex shuddered, eyes closing, the tension draining out of him almost immediately. “God, Chloe –“

“Do your work,” she murmured, laying a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away entirely. “And then we can spend some more ‘quality time’ together.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“A good one?”

He smiled. “Anything that makes me forget about Clark and his parents is a –good- plan. Putting you in the middle of that only makes it –great-.”

A warm flush spread through Chloe’s body, creeping over her face. Lex had always been able to do that – make her feel priceless with only a few well-placed words, a touch of a smile.

She kissed him again, shoving her hands deep in her pockets, lest she give in to the urge to help him further release his tensions, right there on the desk.

And then she backed slowly out of the room, her eyes never leaving his, promise shining clearly on her face.

Time to find Lana and make sure everything was all set.

Because in less than forty-eight hours she was going to marry that man.

~*~End Part~*~

15th February 2005, 18:29
:biggrin: fantastic&#33;&#33;&#33; and I love clark and the kents hanging themselves with there own rope&#33; hheheheh, Lexs reaction was cool to.

Fantastic chappy&#33;

15th February 2005, 18:31
Yeah&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; An update&#33; And a great one as always. I LOVE the ineteraction between Chloe and Lex and they conversation with Papa Kent...I can totally see Lex doing that scene, the way he spoke, and the way he moved in order to protect Chloe, subtle almost unnoticed, but still there&#33; :wub: Brilliant&#33;

I&#39;m curious about the wedding and of course the honeymoon so please update soon&#33;&#33;

15th February 2005, 18:42
What a great chapter&#33;&#33; How like Jonathan to be so self-righteous. It&#39;s so easy to hate him at times, to think of the lives he sacrificed to keep Clark&#39;s secret safe. The Kents had better not try to interfere with the wedding&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t wait for Lex and Chloe to be married&#33;&#33; Thank you so much for the wonderful update&#33;&#33; I really, really hope that you come back and update soon&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign4: :yay:

15th February 2005, 19:17
:biggrin: Great update, Jinni&#33; (I also liked the Chlex mention you snuck into TMTC - slowly but surely infecting other sites - bwahahahahaha) :devil:

I&#39;m just wondering why Lex didn&#39;t demand or at least hint that he&#39;d like to know how she found out about Clark&#39;s tights fetish - was he just too angry with PreKentious, Sr.?

Well, great update anyway and I look forward to more&#33;

Kit Merlot
15th February 2005, 20:46
Excellent update&#33;

Could Jonathan Kent BE a bigger jackass?

FABULOUS :biggrin:

15th February 2005, 21:03
So Lex is not afriad of Jonathan but he IS of Martha? And with good reason&#33; Momma Kent is certainly scarier than Papa Kent. As it should be.

Wonderful chapter, love the mushy and sweer Chlex interaction. Perhaps some more soon?

15th February 2005, 23:36
So glad you updated&#33; I love this story. I don&#39;t know who&#39;s the bigger ass - Jonathan or Clark&#33;

16th February 2005, 00:18
“It’s just one night,” she murmured, sitting up so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. “And then you get me every night for the rest of our lives.”

That made me smile. :wub:

I love this chapter. Everything seems to be moving forward well, and as long as Clark is able to keep his nose out of things, I hope the wedding will go off without a hitch, too.

16th February 2005, 00:39
:yay2: an Update :yay2:
I love the Chloe Lex interaction with Jonathan [ he makes me so mad with his i&#39;m always right attitude, it&#39;s like he&#39;s just waiting for Lex to do something that he can consider "wrong"]
can&#39;t wait for the wedding.

16th February 2005, 05:09
Haha, scared of Martha. And Jonathan&#39;s idiot act was so typically him, too. I wonder how the Kents will react at the wedding?

star del mar
16th February 2005, 05:10
yay you&#39;re back&#33;&#33; that was a great update, I&#39;m glad that Chloe and Lex are getting back into their flow together. I can&#39;t wait for the wedding&#33;


16th February 2005, 06:59
This is so great. I love how the both have admitted that the love and need each other. This should definately be wedding of the year.

16th February 2005, 07:44
Aww that was so sweet. :wub:

16th February 2005, 07:59
Excellant update&#33; Pa Kent is always so infuriating. I&#39;m surprised he didn&#39;t show up with his shot gun. I love Lex moving to protect Chloe and I can&#39;t wait for the honeymoon. ;)

16th February 2005, 08:23
Chloe rolled onto her side, propping her head up on her hand. “Is that to imply that you *are* afraid of Martha?”

“I plead the fifth.”

Funny. And somehow very in character. I could see this taking place on the show, actually.

Such touching moments between Chloe and Lex. So many good lines between them that said so much.

I&#39;m really looking forward to the wedding...and beyond&#33; ;)


17th February 2005, 02:09
Excellent update. I can&#39;t wait for the wedding&#33; :biggrin:

17th February 2005, 07:18
That was fabulicious&#33;&#33; Now I can&#39;t wait for the wedding bells and the walk down the aisle. :wub:


17th February 2005, 08:44
How about we skip forward 48 hours, huh?&#33;

LOL. who needs a wedding. lets get right to the honey-moon&#33;&#33; lol :chlexsign2:

Can&#39;t wait to read more, please update soon&#33;&#33;

20th February 2005, 05:54
I really love this story. I started reading it last week on fanfiction.net and was upset when I realized that the story hadn&#39;t been updated there in awhile. I thought it was never updated again, so imagine my happiness when i saw it on this site. Loved the update and can&#39;t wait til&#39; the next part.

20th February 2005, 09:14
I love this story so much, as much as I love smutty Chlex, there is something to say for cute fluffy Chlex about emotions and kinda innocence....I don&#39;t actually know if I am making sense but *looks nervously at other Chlexers*....I would be perfectly happy if there was a fluffy end and no smut, yes, no smut.
Its a great story, I can&#39;t wait for an update.

22nd February 2005, 07:36
Somehow, I missed about four updates on this fic. Which confuses me, because I thought I was checking up pretty regularly. But apparently my sense of time is severly warped. But anyways...great as always. SO....about skipping the next 48 hours and getting on to the continual smut fest. Because it better be, you know, a smut fest. This is Chlex after all. Update soon&#33; I promise to check more often&#33;


23rd February 2005, 06:49
A/N: To everyone that continues to leave feedback - thanks. You guys rock. I love feedback. Makes me all warm and tingly inside. LoL. Thanks also to Clannadlvr for being my beta over the course of this. For those of you wanting smut... I make no promises. I never said this was anything other than an R-rated fic, after all. *smirk*

~*~Part Sixteen~*~

He was pacing.


The sound of his footsteps, back and forth over the hard floor with just a moment’s pause as they made a pass over the rug, was enough after almost an hour to drive any sane person up a wall.

Which was why Lana was doing her best to ignore him or else, friendship be damned, she may very well try her hand at being the next woman try to end Lex Luthor’s life.

“Lana –“

She looked up, doing her best to feign surprise at his slightly rumpled form and the look of absolute consternation on his face.

What business leaders the world over wouldn’t give to know that Lex Luthor could be shook up merely by keeping Chloe from him for any good length of time.


“You didn’t even let me finish.”

Lana arched an eyebrow, laying aside her magazine. Chloe was so going to pay for sending her down here to ‘keep Lex company.’ “Okay – finish.”

“I’ll buy you a new house –“

She snorted, grabbing up the magazine. That was a new one. He was willing to buy her a new house if she would let him see Chloe.

“I like my house,” she grinned into the magazine, body shaking with silent laughter. “It’s nice and home-like.”

“I can buy you a new one that’s even more home-like.”

Lana rolled her eyes. Trust Lex to think that he could buy something as dear to the heart as homeyness in a home. She could just picture him hiring a family to live in it for a week or two just to ‘break it in’ for her.



“You’re being impossible.”

“The groom cannot see the bride the day before the wedding,” Lana said as she frowned. “You don’t want to jinx things, do you?”


The house was dark when he finally made his move.

He could go a full day without seeing Chloe and he knew it. But to be told by no less than Lana Lang that he was unable to see the woman that was soon to be his wife, while she was residing under his very roof, was slowly driving him mad.

Slipping silently through the halls, Lex moved stealthily in the direction of the rooms that he knew Lana had set up for her base of operations. Keeping him separated from Chloe apparently was too delicate a job for them to stay in their rooms, much closer to his suite. No, she had chosen rooms clear across the mansion.

So be it. If anyone knew the ins and outs of this house, the way to get from one side to the other without so much as a whisper of sound or being seen, it was him.

He was going to see Chloe tonight, whether Lana liked it or not. These were not the middle ages and he was not some dimwitted villager who was afraid of all things superstitious in nature. If he wanted to see his bride to be, take her in his arms, and kiss her soundly for making him go through an entire day without her, then so be it.

Lex paused outside the door he had watched Lana disappear into earlier via the mansion’s security cameras, Chloe in tow. This was also the room where his staff had been delivering meals for a good portion of the day, including a rather elaborate sundae spread that had made his mouth water and body harden with ideas of other things that chocolate sauce, caramel, and whipped cream could be used for.

He shut his eyes, willing his body back to a state of relaxation, and put his ear to the door.


Not a sound.

A slow smile stole over Lex’s lips. The two of them were asleep, as was to be expected. Chloe’s day would start early in the morning, much earlier than his. The hairstylist and cosmetician were due to be here at nine. The manicurist at ten. From there she would get dressed and the wedding would proceed, hopefully as planned, at noon exactly. A half hour of ceremony, an hour or two of reception and dancing, and then he planned to have her in his private helicopter and on the way to Metropolis, where they would board his private jet and proceed directly to their honeymoon.

And, like any warm-blooded man, he was very much looking forward to that portion of the proceedings.

However, there were more important things to think of right now, he forced himself to remember, albeit reluctantly.

Like getting Chloe out of that room and into his arms.

Now, how was he going to get her out of there without Lana waking up?

He put one hand on the doorknob and took a calming breath.

Calming breath?

Since when was he frightened of Lana Lang?

Oh, right – the second she started taking lessons from one Chloe Sullivan, Lex reminded himself with a tiny smile. His girl was just that good – she could turn an airhead of a kitten into…

… an airhead of a tiger. It was still an improvement, though just barely so.

He eased open the door, sending up a silent prayer to his staff for keeping everything in the house in pristine condition – including making sure that none of the doors squeaked, squealed, creaked or cracked when opened or closed.

The light from the hall spilled into the room, bathing the contents in a soft, yellow glow that, thankfully, hadn’t disturbed either occupant in the room. He spared only half a thought about whether or not Chloe would want to be spirited away from this ridiculous situation, knowing she would find the superstition just as ludicrous as he did, and crept stealthily into the room.

She was lying on the side of the bed farthest from the door, with Lana stationed between it and Chloe like some modern day honor guard. Lex fought the urge to snort aloud in derision at the absurdity of the situation, and wove his way through the articles they had left laying strewn on the floor. He paused halfway through, his bare foot encountering something soft… tickly.

A feather, he thought with raised brows, bending to retrieve the item. He ran the downy softness through his fingers. There were so many uses for feathers. Torture…pleasure… torturous pleasure. He grinned wickedly, filing those thoughts away for a later date when Lana Lang most definitely would not be in the room.

Now – how had the feather gotten on the floor?

Correction – how had numerous feathers gotten onto the floor? He could see them all over the place now that he knew what to look for – little spots of white in the dark room. On the floor, on the chaise near the balcony.

It was amazing that there were any left in the pillows. In fact, one pillow lay in tatters nearby, feathers still spilling from its insides.

A pillow fight.

How he would have loved to have been privy to that display of feminine frivolity. His Chloe, pillow in hand, dishing out just as good as she got, he could well imagine.

If not better, of course. He somehow doubted that Lana Lang could best Chloe in anything, pillow fights included.

In the semi-darkness of the room, Chloe still managed to stand out amongst the pillows and blankets of the bed. She lay on her side, comforter pulled up nearly to her chin, her limbs safely below it. No part of her body, save her face and a bit of her neck, was visible to his eyes – and yet she still managed to incite nothing short of burning lust in him. Her face was serene, clear of the worry lines that had become so prevalent during these last weeks. He had done that, caused her worry and anger and distress… and probably even more emotions than those. Things that he didn’t want to ponder.

And yet she stayed with him.

He was the luckiest man in the world, there was no doubt about it.

Kneeling next to the bed, Lex took another long moment to study Chloe’s face. She was so… peaceful. So perfect. The world at large would laugh in his face to know he was sitting here, waxing poetic over the beauty of his sleeping fiancée – and yet Lex Luthor couldn’t bring himself to care.

“You going to sit there all night, Luthor?”

Her whisper caught him by surprise. More so because she never once opened her eyes. The only thing that betrayed the fact that she no longer slept was the slight crinkle at the corner of her mouth as she fought not to smile.

He chuckled softly, catching himself with a hurried glance at Lana.

“She won’t wake up. Lana sleeps like the dead,” Chloe laughed just as softly, despite her words of reassurance. “And, on that same note, you’re a dead man if she does, you realize. She takes that whole superstition thing very seriously.”

“But you don’t.”

Chloe snorted, her lips parting with a sigh of irritation as her eyes opened slowly. “Of course not.”

“Then come with me,” he murmured. His hand slid beneath the blanket, confidently running his fingers along her bare arm until he found her hand. Squeezing, he drew it out from the warm confines of the blanket, laying a gentle kiss on each of her fingers, lips lingering on each digit, suckling before releasing.

Her breath hitched, eyes widening. “Lana will kill me, too, you know. Probably quicker than she’d go after you.”

“So we’ll just have to have you back in bed before she wakes up, then,” he whispered with a suggestive leer.

Chloe laughed softly. “I’m not sleeping with you tonight. You can wait until our honeymoon.”

Lex groaned, the sound muffled by Chloe’s hand artfully, and quickly, slapping over his mouth. Sleep like the dead or not, if he wasn’t careful he would wake the sleeping dragon that shared the bed with his beautiful wife-to-be. He looked toward Lana. She didn’t wake, though there was a distinct muttering in her sleep that caught his attention.

“Cream covered cupid?”

“Don’t ask,” Chloe snickered. “Ever since that night at the strip club –“

“Say no more,” Lex shook his head, a wry smile on his lips. When they returned from their honeymoon he would have to inquire as to the possibility of acquiring the security tapes from that evening at the club. If only for the embarrassment factor that it would cause Lana, he would consider it a sound investment. He looked at the way she was laying in the bed, half in and half out, and arched an eyebrow. “Are you coming?”

“Not tonight,” she laughed, easing out of the bed even as she teased him.

So there would be no feel of her body wrapped around him that night.

In the grand scheme of things, with her set to become his wife tomorrow and their honeymoon prepared to commence almost immediately thereafter, he could wait.

He led her from the bedroom without a backward glance, imagining Lana’s eyes burning into their backs, prepared to turn them both to stone if they should dare meet her gaze. Leaving the door open, he led her down the hallway, around the corner. If they heard Lana coming he could duck into an open room and Chloe could find an excuse for wandering. He was sure she had it in her.

Safely around the corner, Lex wasted no time pressing her against the wall. He slid his hands across her waist, where her skin began just beneath the tank top that had ridden up over her flat stomach.

His eyes went instinctively to her lips as her tongue snaked out, wetting them with slow, simple precision. With a low growl, Lex dove at her mouth, capturing her lips with his own. His tongue pressed into her mouth and she welcomed it with fiery enthusiasm, arching into his body even as she began a furious duel of mouths and lips, tongues and softly nipping teeth.

Lex eased his silk-covered knee between her legs, pressing gently up between her thighs. She whimpered, moving against the hardness that he provided.

“I want you to hear you scream my name, Chloe,” Lex whispered against her mouth, his hand sliding into the soft terry pajama shorts that she was wearing, sans panties.

”Lex… no sex…”

“Who said anything about sex?” he murmured as danced his fingers through that nether-hair. He would get nothing out of this but the sight of her face as she succumbed, pleasure dancing through her. “Tonight… a taste of what I’m going to give you tomorrow on the plane… as I whisk you away to a private villa where you will scream my name over…and over… and over…”

“Can’t…scream…” Chloe whimpered. “Lana…”

Lex smirked. “Then scream… softly.”

Almost an hour later, Lex eased into his bed, his body clamoring insistently for a release that he planned to provide with a satisfied smirk already on his face.

And the bite mark on his shoulder?

A testament to just how loudly Chloe had –wanted- to scream.

~*~End Part~*~

23rd February 2005, 07:00
Oh, your ending is almost evil&#33;&#33; You write such hot Chlex, I don&#39;t think one or two NC-17 chapters would hurt&#33;&#33; :biggrin: JK, I&#39;m totally satisfied with this wonderful fic, and I love your writing&#33;&#33; Post more of this story soon please&#33;&#33; Can&#39;t wait for the wedding&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

23rd February 2005, 08:22
You are cruel. Why did you stop :tease: More .....

23rd February 2005, 09:32
:huh: You made me like Lana. I don&#39;t know when or where exactly i began but I just realized i in this chapter. I was laughing at the image of Lana stopping Chloe from getting out of the room, using just a pillow and the force of superstition, when i realized it. You made me like Lana.
And all the smut was SO hot. I loved the ending&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
please don&#39;t let us wait to long for the honeymoon .

Cassandra Jean
23rd February 2005, 09:40
Lana the watch dog...an interesting concept. I like this version of Lana Lang much better than that whinny, bratty version that we see on the show.

I love this fic...I started reading it the other day, and I am totally hooked. I love the way that the Chloe/Lex relationship has developed over the course of this story.

Please don&#39;t keep us waiting for the rest of this wonderful fic&#33; :biggrin:

23rd February 2005, 13:31
:yay: Such a hot update&#33; I love the idea of them slippin&#39; out the room Chloe shares with Lana&#33; :yay: Could this day get any better? YES - pleease promise to update soon :blinkkiss:

23rd February 2005, 19:37
That was great&#33; Very hotl Lana as a guard was too funny&#33; :worship2: More please :yay: :yay:



23rd February 2005, 20:53
This has to be a sign of the apocalypse, but I think I love Lana Lang. *ducks behind a couch*

You are really evil, you know that? Of course, I do enjoy when things are left up to my imagination. :satanwink:

The next chapter is the wedding, right?

23rd February 2005, 21:09
A really wonderful update. This is such a great story. And your Lana. I like her. If only she was written that way on the show.
I love how you have made Chlex. I can&#39;t wait to see the wedding and the honeymoon scenes.

23rd February 2005, 22:23
:biggrin: fantastic&#33;&#33; loved every word&#33; :blinkkiss:

24th February 2005, 01:49
What happened to the juciness. It&#39;s a let down but good chapter. Get to the wedding already&#33; :cool:

24th February 2005, 04:25
LOVING IT&#33;&#33;&#33; (ITS AN ALL CAPS DAY)



24th February 2005, 05:11
Loved this update. I can hardly wait for the wedding. I can only wonder what is going to happen. please thank you for the wonderful update. Please please update the wonderful story soon.


24th February 2005, 05:17
mail Lana to china and let everyone have some REAL screaming fun&#33;

24th February 2005, 05:53
mail Lana to china and let everyone have some REAL screaming fun&#33;

Brilliant idea&#33; Excellent update&#33; More soon please&#33;

star del mar
24th February 2005, 06:03
Mmmm, yummy. Loving this chapter. Update soon&#33;


24th February 2005, 13:03
It&#39;s got to be the first sign of an impending apocolypse, I actually like Lana Lang&#33; There, I said it. *Quickly looks around to see if the hellmouth is opening.*

It&#39;s so great that Chloe forgave Lex, and I can&#39;t believe that I actually said that, cheating is the biggest nono in my book. However, saying that, I think that he really will not do it again.

I love the Snarky Chloe that you&#39;ve written. It&#39;s such a refreshing change from what they have turned her into on the show. *Grumble,grumble*

I will be eagarly awaiting your next update. :chlexsign3:

24th February 2005, 21:46
Good for them&#33;

I mean...shame on them for not respecting tradition. ;)

And I agree with whoever said you&#39;ve done the unthinkable and made Lana kind of likeable. Even though she&#39;s standing in the way of them being together (even if its only for that one night), it&#39;s one of the first times I haven&#39;t wanted to make her pay dearly for it.

So is Clark going to make another appearance? And this time will he behave himself (aka be supportive) and bridge the gap between them?

Or will he just be...well, you know...Clark. ;)


25th February 2005, 09:32
This story is hilarious&#33; Update soon por favor&#33; :puppyeyes:

26th February 2005, 15:48
Loved Lana being seen as a sleeping dragon - and Lex scared of her. Great job, even if your ending was a little cruel. But I&#39;ll take what I can get since this is such a wonderful fic. Great job.

1st March 2005, 14:58
:worship2: How am I supposed to survive this week, if I don&#39;t get an update?????? :worship2: PLEASE update soon&#33; :worship2:

1st March 2005, 21:39
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Update soon. I like that chloe made a contract to marry Lex even if it is a joke. I am glad they made up and hope they have a happy ending. :wub: :worship2: :worship2:

6th March 2005, 04:32
~*~Part Seventeen~*~

She was a beautiful bride.




Guaranteed to render Lex Luthor speechless.

Or so the cosmetician, hairdresser, Lana, and the maid had all cooed at various points of the morning.

Sometimes more than once…

… an hour.

Chloe gritted her teeth, arming herself with a fake smile as she thanked Lana once again for her compliments. All that hard work she had put into molding Lana into something other than a dimwitted socialite had gone down the drain the moment the morning had dawned and the actual wedding preparations had begun. It was almost frightening, the rate at which Lana had deteriorated, turning into nothing more than another wedding-struck woman.

Hopefully she would return to normal once the day was over.

One could pray, anyway.

“It’s almost that time!” Lana gushed. Her bouquet of pink flowers was clutched tightly in her hand, matching her just-as-pink dress perfectly. She, too, had been given into the delicate hands of the beauticians earlier that day, and now Lana’s hair was up in a twist, threaded through with tiny slivers of pink ribbon.

She looked very… pretty, Chloe had to admit. Pink suited Lana like it suited no one else on the face of this Earth, for all that it was a disturbing, sickening color that reminded Chloe personally of Pepto-Bismol.

Maybe Lana really was a meteor freak, she mused silently. And her power of choice? The ability to make pink look –good-.

“Chloe, aren’t you excited?”

“Very,” Chloe answered automatically with a genuine smile. And she was. She really was. Excited that this day was here. Excited that soon it would be over. And even more excited that, in a short time, she would be flying off to some no doubt wonderful vacation spot to get some Lex lovin’ under the guise of ‘honeymooning.’ “I’m just trying not to get worked up and mess up my hair.”

Lana’s eyes left hers, traveling upward. Chloe knew what she was looking at: the veil that was perched on top of a small, sparkling circlet of diamonds. The hairdresser had assured the two of them that it was secure and wouldn’t be moving an inch during the proceedings or the reception, but Chloe had her doubts. It all seemed so fragile.

“Good idea,” Lana nodded solemnly. “You just… stand there until your dad comes to walk you down the aisle.”

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief as the chatter died away, Lana taking up position in front of the second of two floor length mirrors in the room to make sure that she still looked perfect. The cosmetician and hairdresser were still in the manor, Chloe knew, so if there were any emergencies there was always the chance to get them fixed before the ‘big moment’ came.

Her gaze swept back to the mirror she stood next to. Hard to believe this day was here, but harder still to deny it when the proof of it was right in front of her. The dress was a classic white, hugging the top of her body before expanding into an ocean of skirt at her waist. There were no sleeves, just delicate bands of white lace that encircled a portion of her upper arms. The finest of embroidery adorned the bodice, which was woven through with pearls that Chloe knew to be real.

Nothing but the best for Lex Luthor’s wife-to-be, the dressmaker had smiled knowingly. The dress was worth more than most people in Smallville had paid for their homes.

She felt decadent in it. Never having been much for material things, the dress and headpiece made her feel well and truly like a princess.

And after the ceremony was over, she’d just have to convince Lex to donate the gown and headpiece to a charity to auction off. Maybe then she wouldn’t feel like she had bathed in sin just by wearing it.


Lois slipped through the bushes outside of the Luthor manor, camera in hand. No press had been invited to the festivities, outside of one lone reporter from Chloe’s paper.

And Kent, of course, she amended with a silent growl of frustration. Though he wasn’t likely to be taking pictures or reporting on anything. He had told her as much.

He had also steadfastly refused to bring her as his date to the wedding.

Which meant that, since she had not received an invitation of her own, she was persona non grata at the day’s festivities.

Well, she wasn’t going to let that stop her. Not when she was just as capable of slinking around as the next person.

As she moved toward the festivities, she twisted her ankle on the overgrown root of one of the bushes, stumbling in the freshly watered beds that surrounded the house. Her hands came down in a patch of earth so wet and fresh that it squished through her fingers, mud bubbling up from between them.

“Ugggh,” Lois moaned, lifting one hand to stare at the horrid mess that caked her skin and was already seeping through the knees of her expensive pants suit. So much for trying to slip in unnoticed with a group of guests.

“Ms. Lane.”

Lois’ head snapped up, eyes widening. Security. Crap. Two, big, strong security men, at that. The kind of guys that screamed “goon”. Of course Lex Luthor would have goons, she groaned silently. She thought briefly of trying to make a run for it. Then for another few seconds pondered on whether or not she could sweet talk them into just leaving her be. But the hard, cold expressions on their faces said everything she needed to know.

“We were told you might show up,” Goon Number Two smirked.

“Yeah, yeah,” Lois snapped, climbing out of the mud. The camera’s loose swinging around her neck was halted by one of Goon Number One’s beefy hands. She stiffened as he calmly flipped open the film holder, pulling the light sensitive roll into the sunlight.

“I hadn’t taken any yet,” she fumed.

“I care.” The cold smile on his lips said otherwise, but she wasn’t going to argue and risk the two of them making a play for removing her from the premises roughly. Somehow she doubted Superman would be thrilled if he had to fly all the way from Metropolis to save her. And the last thing she needed was him glaring at her in that reproachful way. It was something he had to have learned from Clark, or vice versa, because the two of them were just too damn good at it.

“Of course you do,” Lois forced out through clenched teeth. She debated once more, briefly, the wisdom of trying to get them to let her stay, and then gave up with a sigh. “Care to escort a girl off the property?”


“Are you sure about this?”

Gabe Sullivan watched his daughter ponder the question for all of two seconds before she nodded, flashing him a brilliant smile. He wasn’t sure what had happened years ago for Lex to fall out of her good favor so suddenly, nor was he sure what Lex had done now to win back her affections.

But it was plain to see that she was head over heels in love.

And, as a father, all he had ever wanted her to be was happy.

“Positive,” she nodded once, decisively.

He wasn’t going to get teary-eyed, Gabe told himself as he took Chloe’s arm in his, the Wedding March beginning even as they took their places to begin the walk. He cast one more glance at her, noting the way she practically glowed.

She looked beautiful, but then again, she had always looked beautiful to him.


He refused to fidget or shift nervously.

Luthors did not fidget. It was eerie how well he could still hear his father’s voice, in his head, even to this day.

He looked up the aisle at the doors that would open any moment now. Everything had gone smoothly up to this point and he was anxious, if not eager, for the ceremony to be at an end. Only then would he feel like things were finalized.

At some silent cue, the wedding march began to play. The rich, deepness of the organ washed over the gathered crowd, demanding attention as the doors swung open.

And… then…

… beautiful.

Chloe was breathtaking. Some would say that it was the gown, he knew. Those same some would ‘ooo’ and ‘ahh’ over how extravagant it was. They would ask how much it had cost and concentrate on all the wrong things.

The dress meant nothing, as far as he was concerned. Chloe could have damn well walked up to the altar naked and she still would have been the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth.

Although, perhaps they would reenact this ceremony privately at a later date.

And she could wear the veil… and nothing else.

Body flaming, heart aching to hold her once again, Lex did the one thing he had promised himself he wasn’t going to do.

He fidgeted.



Chloe met Lex’s eyes as she took her first step onto the satiny smoothness of the aisle. She let herself fall into those steely blue depths and wrapped herself up in the emotion that she found there.

Lex loved her.

She clutched her father’s arm like a lifeline, afraid for one moment that she might drown in Lex’s eyes and the passion and caring that she saw there. There would never be anyone but Lex, she knew for a fact. She didn’t believe in fate or destiny – but that didn’t stop her from knowing, just the same, that this man was her other half.

It took a supreme effort of will not to giggle when Lex began to show his impatience in the form of shifting, albeit discreetly, from foot to foot. A part of her hoped that the wedding videographer was getting some of it on tape, for no one would likely ever see Lex Luthor so uncomposed ever again in their lifetime.

Chloe kept time with the music, her gown swishing quietly behind her as she fought the urge to run down the aisle to join him.

She succeeded.

But only just barely.


In his seat, Clark clenched his hands, watching as the girl he had once considered one of his best friends make what had to be the biggest mistake of her life. He didn’t doubt that Lex loved her – not after seeing the way that Lex acted around her. But that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t end up getting hurt by Lex. Intentionally or unintentionally, she would bear the brunt of one of Luthor’s less than legal schemes. It was as inevitable as the sun rising. He had come with the intent to rise up and be that person that would object to everything. Before God and these witnesses, he had been prepared to try one last time to get Chloe to see reason.

But her happiness had stopped him. The look on her face when he had used his x-ray vision to see her in the hall right before the wedding processional began and the doors opened had been radiant.

No matter what he thought of Lex, Chloe was happy with him.

Which made not standing up and not saying his piece one last time that much harder.

His gaze moved from Chloe to Lana. If anything, the girl that had held his heart for most of his high school days was beaming just as brightly as Chloe was.

His mother patted his knee reassuringly and he glanced over at her. She seemed just as serene as ever – a perfect point of calmness in the ever-roughening ocean that was his life. Things were only going to get worse from here, he could feel it, and yet she continued to look on the bright side of things. Lex had said he wasn’t going to tell anyone. That it would serve no purpose.

That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t one day use the knowledge of Clark’s secret identity for ill gain.

Clark knew he would.

His father knew he would, too, which was why Jonathan Kent was at home, safely away from Lex Luthor and the temptation that he represented.

In a perfect world, they would all still be friends with one another, Clark mused, shifting in his seat.

But this wasn’t a perfect world.

“I now pronounce you man and wife – you may kiss the bride.”

And that was that.

“I’m going to skip the reception,” he murmured to his mom, leaning over so that she could hear him as the gathered ‘friends and family’ stood to clap for the newly married couple. He joined in automatically, already thinking about getting out of there, out of Smallville, out of the country.

His mother raised her eyebrows, lips pressing tightly together, but didn’t comment.

How could he explain to her that he was finally starting to feel what Chloe and Lana seemed to have wanted him to feel?

That he had been the one to screw up.

And that empty ache inside of him wasn’t getting any better with every passing moment that he sat here, on the outside of their happiness, looking in.


“Jonathan Kent didn’t show up.”

Chloe smirked, nodding. “But I hear from your security people that my cousin did. How fortuitous it was that you had those plant beds watered so heavily this morning.”

He pulled her closer as they swirled leisurely around the dance floor. It was the first dance and all eyes were on them, probably assuming that they were speaking sweet words of love and affection to one another.

“We can get out of here soon,” Chloe whispered against his ear, her breath sending delightful shivers running up and down his spine, like soft little fingers dancing along his skin.

Not for the first time in days, he was all too eager for the entire wedding affair to be over and done with.

“Another hour, tops,” he murmured in reply, bending his head low so that his forehead was touching hers. He knew what they looked like, to the wedding guests who watched them from the sidelines. Two people, in love. It was the type of thing that, once upon a time ago, he would have scoffed at and silently mocked.

Not now.

So long as it was he and Chloe, that was. Other couples could still bear the brunt of his mocking derision if they were sappy in public.

“Let’s just leave now,” Chloe whispered in response, shifting so that her mouth was now next to his ear. Her warm breath tickled carelessly along the tender lobe of flesh, sending shivers along his spine.

Lex knew they should stay.

Knew that the guests would expect them not to run off at the first chance they had, newlyweds or not.

He also knew that it would take some adjusting to get his private jet prepared for takeoff earlier than he had informed his flight crew and the airport.


He bit off a groan at Chloe’s husky purr of entreaty, nodding sharply once.

Fuck it.

What was the use in having money if he couldn’t throw it around?

They could damn well get the jet ready in the time it took for him and Chloe to get from the manor to Metropolis.

“Should we make an excuse or just run for it?”

“I don’t picture you as the running type, Luthor,” Chloe smirked. “I say we just walk sedately out of here. No muss, no fuss.”

Lex stepped back and took her hand in his. He lifted it to his mouth, grazing his lips across the skin of her knuckles. “Shall we, then, Mrs. Luthor?”

Walk out of the reception without even an excuse?

Sounded like a good plan from where he was standing.

And that was just what they did.

~*~End Fic: Epilogue to Come~*~

6th March 2005, 04:49
Walk out of the reception without even an excuse?

Sounded like a good plan from where he was standing.

And that was just what they did.

Eeeeeeeeeeee! They just walked out! That was great. I smiled the whole time I was reading it.

star del mar
6th March 2005, 05:29
I am so sad to see this story go (even if there is an epilogue) I loved it from the angsty to beginning to their wedding...they're so good together. They're married, aghh!!! Loved it and maybe we'll get some honeymoon smut?? Hehe, updated soon!!


6th March 2005, 05:33

I really hope Lana reverts back from her ... er... regression.....

Can't wait for the epilogue.


6th March 2005, 06:57
This was a great story. I can't wait till the epilogue

6th March 2005, 07:19
I'm surprised to say that it turned out that , just like Lana, I am one of the people who go absolutley koko for weddings so i grined the whole time that i was reading this chapter. I could almost picture Chloes dress and Lex standing at the altar and waiting for her. So sweet. Wonderfull chapter!

6th March 2005, 08:00
Awww ! That was the perfect wedding ! I can't wait for the epilogue.

6th March 2005, 09:16
I love that Lex fidgeted!! That was just so perfect!! Chloe's smile and happiness was also wonderful!! This story is so great!! Can't wait for the epilogue!!

6th March 2005, 09:35
Epilogue!! oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!! wonderful story. can't wait!!!!!!!!


6th March 2005, 09:35
Great story. I can't wait for the epilogue.

6th March 2005, 14:18
i´m sad it will end, but there´s still epilogue. Lois deserved the mud

6th March 2005, 18:04
That was so romantic. :) I can't wait for the last part.

Hope :D

6th March 2005, 18:24
Fabulous wedding!

6th March 2005, 20:25
love it!

6th March 2005, 20:52
Can't stop grinning like an idiot! It was just too cute! The whol thing! I really liked Lana inthis one, and hope that she can go back to herself after the wedding!

Can't wait for the next part!

6th March 2005, 20:58
aweee!!!!!!!1 lovely lovely lovely!!!!!!!!! :D :D!!!

6th March 2005, 22:12
Oh ....so romantic !!!

7th March 2005, 01:55
*sigh* Lovely, just lovely.

And so many great lines...

Maybe then she wouldn’t feel like she had bathed in sin just by wearing it.

Heh. Funny

They would ask how much it had cost and concentrate on all the wrong things.

God, this was a beautiful moment.

In a perfect world, they would all still be friends with one another, Clark mused, shifting in his seat.

But this wasn’t a perfect world.

"I now pronounce you man and wife – you may kiss the bride."

And that was that.


How could he explain to her that he was finally starting to feel what Chloe and Lana seemed to have wanted him to feel?

That he had been the one to screw up.

And that empty ache inside of him wasn’t getting any better with every passing moment that he sat here, on the outside of their happiness, looking in.

Okay, so I know people are going to ask for my head on a platter for saying this but...is there any chance the epilogue could include some Clark/Chloe/Lex/Lana bonding? Your Clark thoughts/observations were just tugging at my old heart strings and I'd love to see some Clark-inclusion (or, at least, steps in that direction) in the epilogue.

There, I said it.

Huh. And I'm still standing... ;)


Susan S
7th March 2005, 02:58
Too cute! I loved that Lex fidgeted! Chloe's thoughts about just wanting to get the wedding over with so they could get to the honeymoon were great. Clark's thoughts were well done, I have to admit they made me feel a bit sorry for him. I also really liked the bit with Gabe before he walked her down the aisle. Can't wait to see the epilogue.

Susan S

7th March 2005, 03:26
Very lovely chapter. Can't wait for the end.