View Full Version : [Completed] An Unconscious Cupid (18/R)

2nd April 2003, 01:51
Title: An Unconscious Cupid
Author: HumbugGirl
Email: humbuggirl@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/peacefulempress/home.html or http://www.geocities.com/oddfiction
Pairing: Lex/Chloe, slight Clark/Lana
Rating: 18/R
Summary: Chloe’s acting a little out of character.
Spoilers: Post ‘Heat’. Otherwise, pretty much AU.
Disclaimer: Okay so I haven’t had the chance to come up with a proper disclaimer yet so you’ll have to put up with the basic ‘none of the characters belong to me, this is a non-profit piece of work just written for fun with praise directed at the creators of Smallville’ kinda thing.
Author’s Notes: 1) Take this at face value – an idea that went and got a mind of its own. 2) There is no Dr. Dropkick aka Helen seeing as I haven’t seen her yet and haven’t a clue what she acts like.
Feedback: Please.

Part One

With a loud sigh Chloe collapsed onto one of the Talon’s many comfortable chairs startling Lana Lang. The brunette in question jumped then glanced around the coffee house guiltily as she half tried to hide the large mug of hot chocolate she had been holding.

“Oh its you! I didn’t see you come in.” the waitress exclaimed in relief. At Chloe’s questioning glance she added. “I thought it might be Lex; he’s still a bit…”

“Grumpy?” the blonde supplied in an amused voice.

“Not exactly what I was thinking of but pretty accurate I guess.”

Chloe laughed a little then let her head fall back as yet another sigh escaped her. When she met Lana’s eyes again she said, “Thanks, I really needed that.”

Concern filled Lana’s dark eyes as she studied her friend’s face, “Why, what’s the matter?” she asked.

Before answering Chloe reached into her bag and pulled out a stack of papers and a heavy looking book. She slammed them down on the coffee table top; half intentionally, half unintentionally and they made a loud ‘thud’, catching the attention of several other patrons. Lana peered at it cautiously and then said, “Love spells? Why on earth do you have a book on love spells?” Her eyes widened as a thought hit her. “Chloe you don’t need…”

“I know that,” the reporter said and grinned at her broadly. “Things aren’t that bad just yet. Well, not quite. Actually it’s for a book report.”

“I think I’d remember a book report on spell books. It would actually be interesting for once.”

Chloe scoffed. “It was actually Reynolds’ idea. He wants me to write some book reviews for the paper. I couldn’t believe it when he handed me that drivel. I honest to God thought he was joking.” Her eyes suddenly lit up and she grabbed the book from the table and held it out towards Lana. “You do it.”

“Oh no!” Lana exclaimed holding her hands up in front of her. “No way; not after the last time I wrote an article. I still can’t believe that you actually published it.”

A pleading look filled Chloe’s eyes and she continued to hold the book out before her. “Lana that article was great. I loved it.”

“You’re lying,” Lana said kindly.

“Please? I can’t do this; it compromises my journalistic integrity.”

Lana shook her head and took the book from her friend. “Okay, okay. But when it all goes horridly wrong then I’m going to remind you that you forced me into this.”

The other girl leapt up and hugged her gratefully. “I’ll take you chores for a month for doing this,” Chloe told her.

Lana laughed knowing what Chloe was like as far as chores went and silently predicting that the blonde would have conveniently forgotten about her pledge before the day was done. She pulled away from the other girl’s embrace smiling shyly but blushing a little as well as she noticed the curious eyes of a group of teenage boys staring at them with interest. Chloe really didn’t realise how much interest she tended to draw from the local male population but Lana had no doubt they had enjoyed the spectacle of the two girl’s hugging and as they realised the brunette was looking in their direction they grinned at her and she blushed again even brighter. She stood up hastily making a mental note to get one of the other girl’s to serve them. “Do you want a drink?” she asked her friend.

Chloe pursed her lips as she thought. “Um, vanilla latte I think. You can make it with your fancy new coffee machine.”

Lana looked at the grinning girl and chuckled a little before turning and walking away. As she rounded the counter and moved over to the new coffee machine that Lex had bought for the shop Lana became slowly aware that someone had come to stand at the counter. Glancing back over her shoulder Lana felt her eyes widen as she saw Lex stood, his hands resting lightly on the counter top. While in some men the stance would have looked as if they were posing in Lex it seemed entirely natural. The man was entirely incapable of looking anything else than relaxed.

As usual today he was looking especially good although Lana was certain that she would never tell him that. Besides, the brunette waitress was almost equally certain that Lex was well aware of the fact that he had a very definite effect on any woman he came near. The only thing marring the image he was casting today was the slight frown on his features. Putting aside the cup she had been holding Lana took a deep breath and wandered over to him.

“Hey Lex,” she said shooting a smile at him. “What can I do for you today?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet. “Cappuccino – extra strong, to go.”

“Sure thing. I’ll get right on it.” Lana moved away again set about making the coffee for him. Once she had finally figured out how to manipulate the machine into giving her what she wanted the girl turned back to him triumphantly holding the requested drink only to find that the man had disappeared. Lana scanned the room quickly and saw that he had moved to sit beside Chloe. She gave a small mental shrug and decided to kill two birds with one stone by preparing Chloe’s drink to take over at the same time.

2nd April 2003, 02:12
Hmmm, Lex, Chloe and a love spell book... So many possibilities. :chlexsign2:

Not An Addict
2nd April 2003, 02:22
Well now! This certainly has possibilities. ;) I can't believe you cut it off there, though! You need to post more now. Pleeease?

2nd April 2003, 04:24
Spellbook? Hmm...will Lana try to use it? :biggrin: More soon please!

Tandy :blinkkiss:

2nd April 2003, 04:30
Thought you could slip this one past me, didn't you Carmen? ;) It was just as good as I thought it would be - but you had to stop it there, didn't you? Now we have to ponder the endless possibilities of Lex, Chloe and a love spell book!

Get writing!


2nd April 2003, 04:47
I already gave you a review but I just wanted to say more :chlexsign1:

Hope :chlexsign2:

2nd April 2003, 14:42
oh oh oh the possibilities!!! can't wait to see what you do with this!!

:blinkkiss: Sway

2nd April 2003, 15:19
Spell book + Chloe + Lex = *great* possibilities.
So come on, post the next part! What are you waiting for??? ;)

2nd April 2003, 15:21
More please. I can't wait to read the next part. :)

2nd April 2003, 17:46
hmmm another story for the love spell challenge? Good start! This is not enough though! Post more, I need more, more NOW! (god did that sound greedy or what?) :biggrin:


3rd April 2003, 01:00
Ooooh!!! This sounds exciting, I can't wait to find out what you have planned ;)

3rd April 2003, 06:25
This is a good start-- I can't wait to see Lex's reaction to all of the spell books!
Update soon please!

3rd April 2003, 08:25
Great fic! Can't wait for the next chapter!

4th April 2003, 01:13
Originally posted by HumbugGirl@Apr 2 2003, 01:51 AM
Chloe really didn’t realise how much interest she tended to draw from the local male population me time.

I like that you make note that Lana's notices that boys notice Chloe. So, I'm hoping that she is gonna help them along, along with the spell book. Good start. Keep em coming.


4th April 2003, 16:33
Thanks for the feedback :blinkkiss:


Part Two

Her eyes had been closed when he slipped into the seat opposite hers and yet somehow Chloe had known that someone had joined her. She half expected that it would be Lana but then there was no accompanying smell of rich freshly ground coffee so she reassessed her decision and curiously opened her eyes. It was impossible to resist the urge to narrow them as she saw Lex smirking at her with a knowing expression on his face.

“Enjoy your nap Chloe?” he asked and inwardly the blonde felt an uncomfortable sensation settle over her. They had finally decided only a matter of a few short weeks ago to forego the more formal version of their names but Chloe still wasn’t sure how she felt about the change. Somehow it seemed much too intimate. Not that she would let him know she was thinking that. No, that would give him the advantage.

“I wasn’t sleeping. I was resting my eyes. There’s a difference.”

“Of course there is. Actually I was just admiring your choice of reading material. I had no idea you had any interest in the occult.”

For a moment the blonde girl felt nothing but confusion but then her eyes lighted on the book Lana had left on the table. Damn-it, why couldn’t she just have taken the stupid think with her? “It’s not mine,” Chloe said. “I was being forced into reading it by the fascist excuse for a principle but I managed to get out of it.”

The billionaire reached forwards and took hold of the book. For a moment he flicked through the pages and then stopped and stared at a page. As he looked up again Chloe realised she had been unconsciously leaning forwards in order to catch a glimpse of whatever held his attention. “Ah this one looks interesting. Shall we try an experiment, Chloe?” he asked.

Once again Chloe narrowed her eyes. “What type of experiment?”

“Why to see whether this book is actually anything other that a crock of course.”

Chloe let out a pent up sigh of relief and laughed a little. “Very funny.”

“I’m serious,” Lex replied raising eyebrows at her.

Deciding to play along Chloe said, “Oh yeah? Which one did you have in mind then?”

After glancing back down again at the book Lex said with an almost disturbingly satisfied smirk, “This one.”

Growing a little apprehensive and a little weary she waited for him to continue. Chloe tried to remember whether she had spied anything in the book earlier when she had been looking through it that could result in such a reaction from Lex and came up with a blank.

In the meantime Lex had taken a breath and was watching her, obviously having noticed that she hadn’t been paying attention.

“Sorry,” she murmured.

He inclined his head to indicate that the apology was accepted and then read. “A lust spell to bring love.”

The moment the words left his mouth Chloe felt herself begin to blush. Oh God, she should have known. She really should have guessed that if there was anything even remotely connected to sex then Lex would find it and that he wasn’t above using it to embarrass her. Chloe sat very still and kept her face blank; willing the blush to subside before he looked up from the page and at her.

“Well?” he asked looking up from the page and at her.

“Well what?”

“Are you feeling especially lusty yet?”

He let the words roll off of his tongue in a way that could only be described as seductive and once again Chloe had to fight to control her complexion. “No,” she replied, perhaps a little more bluntly than she had intended.

“Oh well, I suppose it is a crock after all. What a disappointment.”

“What’s a crock?” Lana asked, smiling brilliantly and placing their drinks down on the table. Chloe stifled a long sigh of relief as the other girl appeared.

“Chloe’s book of spells.”

“Oh that,” Lana said dismissively. “Hey Chloe, can you take it home with you for me? I just know I’ll leave it here by accident.”

Momentarily forgetting her embarrassment Chloe teased, “You really are interested aren’t you?”

“No,” the other girl protested. “I just don’t want it lying around gathering dust.” Chloe continued to smile at her knowingly. “I don’t!” the waitress exclaimed in frustration and Chloe heard Lex chuckle.

The man leaned forwards and picked up the Styrofoam cup of takeaway coffee. After checking that the order was right he stood and said, “On that note I have to get going. Lana, Chloe, it was good to see you both again.”

Chloe smiled but it was Lana who answered, “You too Lex.”

After focusing briefly on Chloe he turned and left the coffee house. Chloe leaned back on her chair and watched him disappear. When she looked back at Lana she found her friend was grinning, practically from ear to ear.


“You two are just so cute!”

Taking a drink and finding that she had managed to finish her coffee already Chloe said, “What on earth are you talking about?”

“You two; the way you’re all flirty around each other.”

The blonde raised her eyebrows and gave Lana her most cynical look. “No we are not.”

“You are and it’s sweet.”

Chloe laughed at her and chook her head. It didn’t matter what Lana said she had not been flirting with Lex; she did not flirt with him. If anything he had been flirting with her and even then only to tease her. “You know I think I’m going to head off before this conversation gets any funnier and I end up splitting my sides.”

As she stood Lana said, “You’re just in denial.”

“And you’re imagining things. I’m going to head home. Will you be back in time for dinner?”

“I should be. See you later.”

Chloe waved goodbye and quickly made her way to the front exit of the shop. Climbing the steps she stumbled slightly; putting one hand out to steady herself and another to her head until the wave of dizziness had passed. Shaking herself a little Chloe made a mental note not to drink her caffeine fix so quickly next time. When she was certain that standing would once again be easy the reporter left the café and headed to her red and white car.

By the time she reached home Chloe found herself grateful that she hadn’t had an accident on her way there. Climbing out of her car she groggily locked it and headed inside. Chloe paused in the hallway; absently trying to decide whether she should fix a drink or head straight upstairs. As another wave of dizziness passed over her, Chloe decided on the latter course of action. Upstairs she collapsed onto her bed face first and let out a relieved sigh as her eyes fell shut.

Maybe it hadn’t been the coffee after all.

4th April 2003, 16:51
Golly can't wait to see how the Chlex develops...

And aww Chloe doesn't feel too well. I'm gonna go dream abt Lex in a nurse's uniform now ;)

4th April 2003, 16:54
Oh great banter. I love when they do that. :lol: I think all of chloes dizziness is a sign that the spell is working. More please..... I want to see how it has affected Lex.

Hope :biggrin:

4th April 2003, 19:16
Great chappy, can't wait for the spell to finally affect Lex and Chloe, post more soon, please


Not An Addict
4th April 2003, 21:41
Originally posted by Catheryne@Apr 4 2003, 09:51 AM
I'm gonna go dream abt Lex in a nurse's uniform now ;)
*chokes on laughter, falls down*

5th April 2003, 03:47
Thats a good idea! Put Lex in a nurse uniform! The dizzyness means the spell is working, right? More soon please!

5th April 2003, 03:57
Originally posted by HumbugGirl@Apr 4 2003, 04:33 PM
“A lust spell to bring love.”

Two words: Yeah, baby.

Can't wait till Chloe wakes up. And can't wait for her next interaction with Lex. Something tells me it's gonna be fun.


5th April 2003, 09:57
Blast, I was actually hoping that you might have snuck in two parts in while I wasn't looking...so that I could read two in a row. No such luck, and I have to wait impatiently.

In the meantime, I love the "lust into love" spell idea - its so obvious that the lust was already working between them, without the use of a spell! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!


5th April 2003, 15:30
nurses uniform...ahem... whats wrong with this picture??

can't wait til Lex shows symptoms and then they meet and then... well now its your turn...

:blinkkiss: Sway

6th April 2003, 03:38
Ohhhhh! I love it!

Are ya updating soon?


7th April 2003, 01:25
Okay, thanks for all the feedback. Be prepared for some pretty major Clana in this... just thought I'd warn you. :blinkkiss:


Part Three.

On entering Talon Clark’s eyes immediately found the familiar figure of Lana. She was stood at the counter loosening the knot on the apron she wore until it came undone and she could put the apron on the counter top. Clark stood very still for a moment, watching first as she chatted with one of her fellow waitresses and then as she turned to look at him. The boy let a bashful smile filter onto his face as the brunette came over to him.

“Are you done for today?” he asked. “I though you’d like a lift home.”

“That would be great!” she exclaimed. “I was really dreading taking the bus. Just let me grab my bag.”

She disappeared off again leaving Clark stood in the middle of the coffee house. When she reappeared once again he found himself blushing. It was inevitable; there was just something about Lana that had the tendency to turn him into a big clumsy oaf. It didn’t help that she was looking so beautiful yet again.

“Here I am,” the girl said. “Boy has it been a long shift, boring too.”

“Do you want to get right home then?” Clark asked feeling a little disappointed.

Lana’s face creased a little in a frown then she said, “You don’t mind? I’m really tired Clark and I have to get home and work on that review for the book that Chloe dropped off earlier.”

Holding the door open to the street for her to walk through Clark said, “Chloe called by?” She nodded. As they reached his truck Clark added. “Let me guess; she was in need of a caffeine fix.”

“Yup. I think so. Plus she wanted to complain about life at the Torch again. I don’t think things are going exactly how she wants at the moment.”

Clark nodded sympathetically. He had seen how recently things at school had seemed to battle again his small blonde friend and although he knew there was nothing that he could do to help that wouldn’t end up with him getting into trouble he still understood and felt sorry for her.

“But I did get to see her and Lex in action.”

Her comment elicited a grin from Clark who also shared Lana’s amusement in the antics of two of his close friends. “Oh, and who won?”

“I think it was Lex this time; Chloe looked kind of disgruntled.”

“He definitely won then.”

The drive over to the Sullivan house was done in comfortable chatter between the pair. As they pulled up outside Clark suddenly remembered something and said, “Is it alright if I come in for a moment? I just remembered Chloe still have my American History book and I kind of need it.”

“Sure, come on in. Chloe should be here.”

As they approached the house Clark looked up at the dark windows. Chloe’s car was in the driveway but he could see nothing of Gabe’s. “Are you sure she’s there?” he asked looking again at the darkened house.

“She said she was going home,” Lana said unlocking the door and stepping inside. “Chloe!” she called out and when there was no answer she called again. Turning to Clark she shrugged.

They conducted a cursory search of the ground floor and then went upstairs. The door to Chloe’s room lay open and peering inside Clark saw Chloe lying on her bed. The blonde’s coat was sprawled on the floor along with her bag. At some point the girl had stripped off her trousers and started to unbutton her shirt. Clark turned away quickly not quite believing he had just caught sight of his best friend’s underwear.

“I’ll get her covered up,” Lana said and hurried past him into the room. A few minutes later she said, “Its okay. You can turn around now.”

Clark did so slowly and was greet by the sight of Lana perched on the corner of Chloe’s bed while the blonde had been covered by a blanket.

“She’s burning up,” Lana told him.

“Burning up?”

“Really, really hot,” Lana confirmed, concern filling her voice.

“Maybe we should call a doctor or something,” Clark suggested.

After a moment’s contemplation Lana nodded and stood. “Will you sit with her while I go downstairs and make the call?” Clark looked at the sleeping form of his friend on the bed and nodded silently. “I’ll be as quick as I can,” the brunette girl promised as she passed him in the doorway.

When she had left the room Clark entered the room fully, uncomfortably aware of the fact he hadn’t been alone with Chloe while she slept for several years now, and pulled out the swivel chair from under her desk. He sat on it feeling his sense of discomfort rise. There was something very wrong here and he didn’t think it was entirely to do with Chloe being ill, not entirely.

On the bed Chloe shifted suddenly and let out a long low groan that brought Clark to his feet and sent him striding across the room so that he was stood beside her bed looking down at her. Her face was flushed a brilliant rosy red colour and the fine hair about her face had started to clump together with the first small beads of sweat that formed on her skin. An errant hand suddenly appeared from under the blanket and pushed it down to her middle and then some of the energy seemed to be drained from her movement and she stopped suddenly. The tiny blonde girl was breathing in huge shuddering gasps of air that were frightening in their ferocity and left Clark with a mildly panicked feeling. Then she calmed and her breathing returned to normal and green eyes flickered open to stare up at him.

“Clark?” she said very quietly and stretched her limbs out. Clark felt his breath catch in his throat as he stared down at the seductive little movement. Her actions were catlike, very slow and very deliberate while still at the same time looking natural.

“Hey Chloe,” he replied and found he had to lick his lips to get rid of the dry feeling there. “I brought Lana home and we, um, found you and you were asleep and Lana thinks you’re not very well.”

The blonde’s small face creased into a frown. “Really?” She smiled and he couldn’t help but notice how satisfied her voice sounded in the quiet of the room. “I’m fine. I feel… just fine.”

Cautiously he said, “I don’t think you are Chloe. Lets just wait and see what Lana and the doctor says okay?”

The expression in her eyes turned dry and she murmured, “Whatever.”

“You’re awake!” a voice said from the door. Clark spun on his heals and saw that Lana was stood there. She came into the room with a bright smile on her face. The dark haired girl came to stand by Clark’s side and said, “The doctor said it’s probably nothing. Apparently there is a nasty dose of flu going around at the moment and you’ve probably gone and caught it. So, if you need anything, orange juice, cough mixture or whatever, just call, okay?”

Chloe appeared to study the other girl for a moment and Clark could practically see the wheels turning around in the reporter’s head. Finally she nodded. “Okay.”

“Good,” Lana said. “Now why don’t you try and get a little sleep? I’ll be down stairs if you need anything. Come on, Clark.”

“You going to be okay Chlo’?” he asked as he turned to leave the room.

“Sure,” the blonde said.

“Oh, and Chlo’? Is it okay if I get my book back?”

“Yes!” she said and Clark quickly picked it off the shelf sensing the blonde’s irritation growing.

“I’ll see you later then.”

Clark left the room, closing the door behind himself and then quietly made his way down stairs. He found Lana in the kitchen slicing some oranges in half. “I thought I’d get a head start on some juice,” she said. “We’re out of the stuff out of a carton.”

He nodded understandingly. “Did… Did Chloe seem a little strange to you?”

“How do you mean?”

Shrugging Clark said, “I don’t know, a little out of character.”

“No, well, not really. But then she’s not very well so I guess she has a right to be a little out of it.”

After pondering this for a moment Clark shook his head. “I’m going to have to go. My parents were expecting me home ages ago.”

Lana smiled at him. “Okay, if you must. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Sure,” he answered with a smile.

“Oh, and Clark?”


“Thanks for the ride home.”

Grinning widely he said, “No problem. Anytime.”

7th April 2003, 01:52
Okay, well that Clana wasn't too bad - at least they weren't intolerable like they are on the show. ;)

Can't wait for the Chlexy action though. Hurry up and update!!!

7th April 2003, 02:30
More chlex next time girl. :lol:

Hope :chlexsign2:

7th April 2003, 03:09
mhhmmm delicious, can't wait for the Chlex Lust to work full force! Please update ASAP


7th April 2003, 03:11
Yeah, that Clana wasn't too bad, but I'd much prefer some Chlexy goodness.

7th April 2003, 04:15
You're delaying the chlexyness to torture us aren't you?? :lol: I can't wait to see what happens next in this fic!

7th April 2003, 04:16
Ok, so she's obviously infected already. At least she didn't try and mack on Clark. Oh, the trauma. Though I am wondering what she was thinking of Lana when she was looking at her. Can't wait for the next chapter.


7th April 2003, 10:42
completely agreeing with Blue. that would have been awful. speed with the Chlex-yness!!

:blinkkiss: Sway

9th April 2003, 21:16
As promised... lovely chlexyness :D


Part Four

A long shuddering breath escaped him and Lex absently dug his fingers into the sheets on either side of his lean frame. They slipped on the silk and he found himself grasping what he could of them in tight fists as he tried to convince himself he wasn’t feeling what he thought he was feeling. The simple conclusion came to Lex that he must be asleep; had to be asleep and he was most definitely dreaming… Except, well, he didn’t normally dream this vividly and that his mind was surprisingly sleepy for someone who was dreaming.

There was a hand resting on one of his thighs, fingernail’s lightly digging into the taunt muscle there while a slick tongue was working magic on the other and as he lay there trying to shake off the last lingering effects of sleep Lex realised that he could feel something suspiciously like hair tickling his flesh. It was that realisation that brought him back to himself. Dreams were never that detailed when he had them so clearly, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was awake. Turning his head slowly to one side, not wanting to startle whoever had just wrapped a small warm hand around his growing erection Lex took in the time on the digital display of his bedside clock. Two-thirty-three; he’d been in bed for a little over an hour.

Moving one hand gradually up from his side and towards the low set light switch on the wall just above his head Lex was unable to suppress the groan that escaped him a the phantom hand began to stroke him gently. For a moment he was tempted to stop the plan that had been forming in his head; he was tempted to wait and see what would happen next. Christ, he wanted to know what would happen next but then rational thought kicked in and he quickly reached the rest of the way back and switched on the light, flooding the room with a golden glow.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sudden change and in that time he heard a little gasp of protest from whomever else was in the room with him. Blinking away the array of lights still flickering across his vision Lex looked down the length of his body and found himself lost for words.

Chloe’s bare skin almost seemed to glow it was so pale. From his now slightly slumped position he found himself not only looking down at himself half naked but her entirely naked body as well, although admittedly their was little to see as she was still laid on her stomach on the bed. One hand now rested lightly on the sheets to one side of his thigh while the other still drew small patterns on the flesh of his other. Her blonde hair was mused without any real style and yet somehow managing to look delectable while the wry little quirk of her lips into a sly smile only added to the effect. What caught his attention most of all though were her eyes. They were bright, almost startlingly so and the green of them seemed to almost shine and they bore into him with such a lust-filled intensity that Lex felt a shudder of desire pass though him before he was able to stop it.

“Lex…” she all but purred and suddenly she was low on all fours, practically slithering her way up his body under she rest her arms and her chin on the lower half of his chest and he could feel himself pressing into her soft flesh.

There was something indescribably seductive about the way she was just watching him, waiting for him to say something that went beyond the fact that he could feel hard nipples and firm breasts pressed against him. As he looked down at her still unable to speak for the moment her tongue snaked out and danced across her lips in such an inviting manner that even before he had realised what he was doing Lex had begun to reach to take hold of her shoulders and draw her up to his lips.

He stopped abruptly and lets his hands fall away. “Chloe…” he said cautiously, having rediscovered the power of speech. “What are you doing?”

“Playing,” she answered and the way she said it made it sound like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Lex opened his mouth to speak again and then stopped as she started to make a small swirling pattern on his chest with her fingertips and reconsidered what he had been going to say. “I suppose I should ask why you’re doing what you’re doing?”

“Um, because, you’re here and I’m here and you’re looking mightily tasting…”

“Yes, okay, but why are you here?”

She looked at him with wide eyes and pursed her lips slightly before shaking her head as if to clear it. “Not sure…” the girl murmured then added, “Like it actually matters.” The smile he gave him as once full of mischief and she propped herself up so their lips were close together.

It was tempting. He would feel the softness of her breath on his lips; almost taste her already but then Lex remembered what was happening; remembered who this was before him and how out of character she was presently behaving. Placing his hands on her thin shoulders he began to push her away, ignoring the small sounds of protest that Chloe made. She writhed, slipping from his grasp and Lex found himself saying, “Chloe… Listen, Chloe… Chloe sit back a moment.”

Eventually she did so and Lex tried desperately to ignore his body’s response to seeing her sat there. He sat up fully himself, pulling the sheets across the lower, exposed half of his body and absently wondered what had happened to his pyjama bottoms anyway. This done Lex glanced around the room and found a pile of clothes over by the door that he could only presume belonged to Chloe. The blonde girl fidgeted in her sitting position and shifted a little closer to him. Lex suddenly stood up drawing the sheet with him and found his foot on the leg of his pyjama bottoms. Quickly he grabbed them and swapped them for the sheet before wandering over and picking up Chloe’s clothing.

“I’m not entirely certain what is happening here,” he said returning to stand near to the bed and dropping the clothes on it. “But I think that it’s probably a good idea for you to get dressed so we can talk about it.”

Her head cocked to one side. “I can talk the way I am.”

Lex hesistated as he inadvertently glanced at her body. Any other girl he would have welcomed it but no, not Chloe Sullivan. He knew her, how much pride she had and how much it meant to her and he also knew that there was clearly something wrong here for her to even contemplate coming and going something like this.

“You may be,” he said slowly. “But I am not. So get dressed.”

Amusement flittered across her features once again. “Oh but Lex, I don’t plan on talking for very long so you see there really isn’t any point in getting dressed again.”

Uncomfortably Lex realised he did see. “Just for a little while okay?” he promised then wondered whether it was something he was going to end up regretting later.

Chloe slipped off the bed in such a way that the action ended in them being stood very close together. For a second he though he had actually succeeded and then the blonde girl shook her head and said, “But I don’t want to,” while reaching to cover the small distance between them. He took another step away but she followed afterwards with a purposeful light in her eyes.


“No!” she exclaimed. “I know what you’re doing and you don’t have to. I don’t want to stop.” Her hands came up suddenly to grip her arms above the elbows. “I can’t stop.” When she looked up at him again there was a wild look in her eyes and they seemed to glow again with an unnatural light and her small body had begun to shake with the tension trapped in it.

Before he was even entirely certain what was happening she was up in his face with her hands on his shirt, tugging at the buttons so that they popped off in all directions. He quickly brought his hands up to stop her but Chloe batted them away with what could almost be called an irritated growling sound. Then next thing he knew the billionaire was sprawled back on the ground while the small blonde straddled his waist and effectively pinned him to the floor.

His breathing quickened as he felt her wriggle herself around a little until apparently she was settled into a comfortable position. Chloe had been holding his arms down to the ground and it took some effort to break them free from her grasp, having done so however he rolled them both until he was on the top and was holding her down. The blonde gasped and bucked her body against his in a wanton display of lust as Lex continued to hold her down.

“Chloe,” he said after looking around the room for something to tie her up with. “I’m sorry to do this but it’s for your own good.”

“What?” she asked innocently although there was still a gleam in her eyes that was anything but innocent.

“This,” Lex said and slammed her head down on the floor.

9th April 2003, 21:44
Noo, stupid Lex. What does he think is going on? Will the spell wear off or will Chloe try again when she wakes up? Will Lex figure out that she is doing this because of the spell? Update soon.

10th April 2003, 00:18
As much as I hate to say it, he was probably right to do that - she definitely would have regretted their actions...you know, eventually ;)

Please post more soon!!


10th April 2003, 01:42
Awwww...man, I know that Lex is being all good and all but that's just not fair. At all. To do that to us. Ok, next part now, please.


10th April 2003, 02:03
:huh: Wait a minute? You're just going to leave it at that?!!! Why must you torture us, Humbug? (Is this pitiful speech working? Well we truly are suffering, I hope you know.)

10th April 2003, 02:48
This is mean! You can't just leave it there! I must know what happens next, pleeeeaaasse??

10th April 2003, 04:20
Restrain her yeah, but jeez... did he have to slam her head on the floor? I wonder what will happen when he finally puts two and two together and realises it's the lust spell. :biggrin: I love this story, can't wait for the update.

Not An Addict
10th April 2003, 09:35
*poke poke poke* Write more! *poke poke* You can't just leave it there! And may I just say: ow. She's gonna have a bump when she wakes up again. Now c'mon, post more! I need to see what happens when Lex finally realizes what happened, and exactly how far Chloe will go to get what she wants. Not to mention I'm curious about what'll happen to her if she can't. More, soon! *starts to leave, looks back*


10th April 2003, 13:54
HE WHAT!?!?!? Lex Luthor, shame on you, hurting a not so innocent girl... altho he had a point. but yeah, ouch.

update soon??

:blinkkiss: Sway

10th April 2003, 14:34
You give a whole new meaning to the word "unconcious" in "unconcious cupid". :devil:

10th April 2003, 21:40
*looks at watch*

PLEASE put us out of our misery and update? :biggrin:

mina murray
11th April 2003, 06:15
Oh, well. That was...noble of him. :goof:
And stupid.
But hey, good things come to those who wait, right? Right??!! :huh:

12th April 2003, 17:18
Part Five

She had been staring at the computer screen for four hours without a break and the only thing it had produced so far was the threat of a migraine. Leaning back she sipped at her cup of tea and wondered how it was that Chloe managed to balance doing her school work and working on the paper all the time. She herself had only just managed to complete the report that she had been working on; one that Chloe was also meant to have done, and it was well past three in the morning. There was no way on earth that she would have to time now to work on the article that she had said that she would work on for her blonde reporter friend. Well, not if she actually wanted to wake up at all the next day.

Moving in with Chloe had been one of the best things that had ever happened to her. In the Sullivan household she had found a freedom that she had previously not known when living with her aunt. In this house nothing was expected of her and she discovered what a healthy and loving environment that Chloe had grown up in. Like her, Chloe had lost a parent but unlike her Chloe had had a relative who had not tried to impress the ideals of the parent onto her when she was young. Chloe was not expected to follow in anyone’s footsteps and Lana found herself hoping that this too would be the case for her for the remaining time that she spent living with the Sullivans.

A small cry of surprise came from her as the portable telephone on the desk began to ring. She had leaned her head back and closed her eyes to rest them from looking at the bright computer screen and unknown to herself she had begun to slip into sleep. Reaching forwards Lana grabbed the phone from the desk and held it to her ear; half afraid that Gabe would have heard it. She knew how much the man disliked being woken up in the middle of the night.

Holding it to her ear she said quietly, “Hello?”


“Lex?” she replied baffled. “What are you doing calling here?”

“Is Chloe there?” he asked.

Her confusion deepened. “What?”

“Check to see whether Chloe is at home.”

The way in which he spoke prompted Lana to climb to her feet and immediately head out of the door of her room. “Okay, I’m just checking,” she replied moving down the hallway to stand outside of Chloe’s room. She knocked quietly on the door and when there was no reply she pushed it open and looked wide-eyed at the bed. “She’s not here.”

“She’s here,” Lex answered.

“What? Why? Wait, why did you want me to look then?”

“I needed to make sure that it was actually Chloe here and not some, what does she called them? Mutant freak, that’s it.”

“What?!” the brunette squeaked as what he was saying dawned on her. “Chloe is at your place? Why?”

“I need to you come over here,” he said very matter-of-factly and not answering her question.

She wondered for a moment whether he was avoiding answering it and said, “I don’t understand. What’s happened?”

“Lana, listen, you need to come over here right now. It’s important.”

“Has something happened to Chloe? Should I wake Gabe?”

“No!” he exclaimed in such a way that made her feel even more nervous. “No, that wouldn’t be a good idea at all. Just get over here as quickly as you can.”

The line went dead in her hand and Lana was left with a panicked feeling growing ever stronger in her chest as her heart fluttered. For a moment she stood still in indecision and then she jerked into action. Looking from Chloe’s address book she found Clark’s number and rang him up having realised that she would need a lift over to Lex’s place. Besides, if anything had happened to Chloe then the young man would undoubtedly want to know about it and perhaps even be able to help in some way. At first Clark was even more confused but once she had managed to get it into him what she wanted she hung up and rushed into her own bedroom to start getting dressed.

By the time she was ready Clark had pulled up outside in his truck. Lana left the house as quietly as she should, having closed both her own bedroom door and Chloe’s so that Gabe wouldn’t get suspicious if he happened to walk by them. She locked the house door after her and hoped down the steps to stand at the passenger door of the truck. From inside Clark stared out at her with bleary eyes and waited for her to climb in. Once she had done so he pulled away and without a word set off in the direction of Lex’s manor.

“Do you want to tell me what this is all about?” he asked gripping the steering wheel tightly; all too aware that his still sleepy mind might cause an accident if he wasn’t careful. When Lana had called the farm boy had been deeply asleep and the phone call had been entirely unexpected as had having to explain to his parents why he was going out in the middle of the night when he wasn’t so certain himself.

“I don’t really know myself. From the way that Lex was talking I got the impression that Chloe had turned up at his place and that there was something wrong with her.” Looking across at him as he concentrated on the road and admiring the line of his profile in the near perfect dark she added, “He mentioned the words ‘mutant’ and ‘freak’.”

Clark looked sharply at her, all of a sudden very awake and for a moment had to fight with the steering wheel to stay on the road as Lana gripped the dashboard in front of her. “What?” he asked.

“I said the same thing. He wasn’t very clear though.”

“I hope nothing has happened to her,” Clark said and Lana could clearly hear the beginnings of guilt beginning to grow in his voice.

“You can’t be there all the time to save her Clark,” the girl pointed out. “I think Chloe would actually get irritated if you were.”

A frown formed on his features. “What I don’t understand is why she’s at Lex’s?”

“You thought she would go to you if she was in trouble?” Lana asked and felt a twinge of jealousy even though she knew she shouldn’t.

He shrugged a little and looked sheepish. “I kind of thought she might.” Stealing a secretive glance at Lana he noticed the expression on her face and added, “Not that it matters. What matters is that she’s safe.”

Lana smiled approvingly feeling considerably happier.

When they arrived outside of the house the first thing that Lana noticed was Lex stood on the steps waiting for them. The young businessman visibly frowned when he saw that Clark was with her but then seemed to accept his presence easily and came forwards to greet them.

“Clark, Lana, come inside.”

In the hallway he took their coats from them and laid them on a chair before marching off into the manor and leaving them to follow. After glancing briefly at Clark who was giving her the same questioning look he had been giving Lex only moments before Lana did a small little jog to catch up with the disappearing man. They followed him upstairs and down the corridor in silence until Lex came to a halt before one of the large dark wood doors. He appeared to hesitate as his hand rested on the door handle.

“You might want to prepare yourselves,” he said. “She isn’t really behaving in character.”

“What do you mean?”

Once again Lex hesitated. “Perhaps it would be easier if you looked for yourselves.”

He pushed open the door slowly and peered inside before he opened the door fully and let the two teenagers step inside. Lana felt her eyes widen and her jaw drop open in surprise and shock. Chloe was quite literally tried to the bed by her wrists, though what was being used to tie her Lana couldn’t tell. There was a sheet covering her but as Chloe shifted it slipped down making the fact that she was not wearing anything else very apparent. The blonde girl had been calm until her eye’s lighted on them and she let out a whimpering, “Lex.”

Clark rushed forwards and despite Lex’s warnings began to tug at the restraints that Lana now realised were actually silk ties. Lex was quick on his heals but before he could reach his young friend Chloe was loose and to Lana’s amazement automatically launched herself at the approaching billionaire; regardless of her state of undress. Clark’s gasp of surprise was easily audible in the room as Chloe began to tug at the shirt Lex was wearing with every intention of getting it out of the way as quickly as was humanly possible.

“Chloe!” Clark exclaimed then immediately looked away as he began to blush.

Glancing over her shoulder the small blonde said, “Oh Clark. Thanks a lot. You can go now.”

“What?” the boy asked.

Chloe let out a squeal as Lex spun her around and wrapped his arms about her waist and lifted her up. He struggled towards the bed with her as the reporter’s legs kicked out. Before she was even aware what she was going Lana rushed over to help Lex with the struggling girl. She covered Chloe’s body with her own and then dragged the sheets up over her again as Lex finished tying her back up.

“Thanks,” Lex said meeting her eyes.

“Lex, damn-it. Let me go!” Chloe cried and Lana saw tears of frustration appear in her eyes. She ground her heals into the bed and pulled at her restraints. The movement caused the sheet to shift again and Lana pulled it back up.

Looking around Lana saw that Clark’s face was a mask of confusion at his best friend’s strange behaviour.

“Maybe we should move this conversation elsewhere,” Lex said. “This wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

He ushered them both out of the room and as they went Lana heard Chloe calling out Lex’s name once again.

12th April 2003, 18:01
:lol: Carmen what is going on with her? Why did the spell affect Chloe and not Lex? Very strange. More please...

Hope :chlexsign2:

12th April 2003, 18:22
Oh, Clark, why are you ever so dumb? sigh. I mean, come on, you're called to someone's house in the middle of the night, didya think something wouldn't be weird?

Poor Chloe, all she wants is Lex and people keep making it impossible for her.


12th April 2003, 18:43
god, you are such a tease, why did you write such a short part ? hein, why ? that's not fair, i sooooo want to read Lex's explanations as to what happened before to Clark and Lana !!

12th April 2003, 19:55
Geez. That was beguiling. I hope you decide to continue soon enough because I can hardly wait for the explanations.

12th April 2003, 23:33
Has Lex figured out why she is doing this? Will he have to give her what she wants to break the spell? :blinkkiss: 'cause he would then absolutely have to as her friend and all. Great chapter, post more soon!

13th April 2003, 03:59
More please! I'm dying for more! Why is the spell not working on Lex? :devil: Evil, give us more please!


13th April 2003, 07:59
argh idiot! you have a sexy girl in your bed begging for you and you decide to call her friends. i mean come on. just give her what she wants! I have no worries though our chloe is reasorceful! ;)

update soon! :chlexsign3:

13th April 2003, 08:18
Originally posted by beanie1816@Apr 13 2003, 04:59 PM
argh idiot! you have a sexy girl in your bed begging for you and you decide to call her friends. i mean come on. just give her what she wants! I have no worries though our chloe is reasorceful! ;)

update soon! :chlexsign3:
well said!!

:blinkkiss: Sway

14th April 2003, 23:30
Oh poor Chloe :lol: I can't wait to see what happens next, pleeeeaaase update??

15th April 2003, 01:45
LOL Oh dear, that would have been a bit of a shock for Clark and Lana - Chloe throwing herself *naked* to Lex.

I mean, we see the reasoning behind it...but would they? ;)


16th April 2003, 12:36
No update ? girl, this is a cruel and unusual punishment !!!
Are you and Not an Addict trying to torture me ? i am still waiting updates for my two favorites fics ! :devil: :devil: :devil: you are.

17th April 2003, 05:15
Ok, what did this poor little fic ever do to you ? here it is, all by itself, feeling abandoned, while all the other fics are being updated !!! it screams for more, more, more, don't give up on me, can't you hear it ?

17th April 2003, 20:51
Aw, xmag I'm so sorry! Here you go, this is for you! :blinkkiss:


Part Six

It seemed that her throat was dry and Chloe swallowed desperately to try and wet it again. Slowly her green eyes flickered open and then she closed them again for a minute as seemingly harsh light flooded around her before opening them and trying to take in her surroundings. They seemed blurred and distorted around the edges and it took her longer than it should have done to actually see them.

When her eyes finally focused Chloe peered around the room curiously. It was tastefully outfitted from what she could tell in the dim lighting and almost instantly she recognised it as something that would fit perfectly in the Luthor mansion. Studying the room for a few minutes longer Chloe came to the conclusion that she was definitely at Lex’s place although why was still a mystery to her. Actually, now she thought about it, how she had gotten here was an even bigger mystery and probably a more worrying one as well.

She brought her hands down from their position above her head to rub at her eyes – or at least tried to because to her horror Chloe found that they were actually tied above her head. Arching her body she attempted to see where they were joined to and realised something even more distressing as the sheet covering her slipped aside and she felt cold air hit her naked breasts. Looking down the girl attempted not to move too much and displace the smooth sheets anymore as she realised that she was not wearing anything at all. A small cry of distress escaped her lips and she felt panic begin to bubble in her.

Taking several deep breaths Chloe tried to calm herself. Very slowly she attempted to sit up only to find the smooth silk sheets slip completely to the side and Chloe’s worse fears were confirmed as her entire body came into view. In addition it seemed that her arms were held in such a way that any movement at all caused pain.

This was not happening. It was impossible. There was no way on earth that she was laid in bed, naked, at the Luthor mansion with no way to escape. This just simply was not happening.

As if to convince herself the blonde girl shook her head and winced as a waved of dizziness hit. The back of her head hurt and she absently wondered whether that was the reason that she couldn’t remember how she had got here. Did she have a concussion? Oh God, did she have amnesia? That didn’t seem right though. She could remember everything about her life except how she had managed to get here. Chloe gently reminded herself that there was such a thing as selective amnesia though the thought was less than comforting and she shuddered a little as she wondered what it was that might have made her want to forget so drastically and would mean her ending up in a position like the one she was currently in.

She tugged once again at the bindings around her wrist but they still gave no sign of giving. Indeed, the more she tugged on them the more they seemed to tighten. Deciding that one way or the other she was in trouble Chloe took a deep breath and at the top of her voice yelled, “Help! Lex… Anyone… Help me!”

The house remained silent around her and Chloe felt tears of frustration and anger beginning to grow in her eyes. Why was it that whenever something went wrong in Smallville she had to be somewhere near the epicentre? Something out there really had it in for her big time.

As the first tear began to slip down her cheek Chloe found her head jerking up as she was alerted by the sound of the door opening. To her joy she saw that it was Lana that appeared and she immediately forgot her embarrassment as the thought that she would soon be free and would be able to find something to wear entered her mind.

“Oh thank God!” Chloe exclaimed. “Help me get free. Quickly!”

Lana paused in the doorway and when she hesitated to come forwards to help Chloe felt a vein of suspicion spread through her from head to toe. Just what the hell was going on? “Are you feeling alright Chloe?” the other girl asked somewhat cautiously, refusing to come any closer to the bed.

“Well apart from having a stinking headache coming on and not knowing why the hell I’m here – yeah I’m great. Care to tell me what is going on by the way?”

Her answer seemed to please Lana somehow and with a renewed, somehow less concerned lease of life the brunette came forwards and untied the bindings that held her friend to the bed. Chloe immediately sat up and reached for the sheet, pulling to around her body gratefully.

“You’re back to being you,” Lana said sounding relieved and quickly hugged her. “I was so worried. We were all worried.”

When Lana released her Chloe leaned back against the headboard to the bed and with a concerned, anxious look in her eyes asked, “Lana, what’s happened?”

The look on Lana’s face turned hesitant and she half turned away from looking at her friend. “Well, we’re not exactly sure,” she said and related to Chloe all that she knew about the circumstances that had lead to Chloe being in bed, in Lex’s bed, at the Luthor mansion. By the time she was finished the tears that had been burning in Chloe’s eyes were flowing freely down her cheeks as she realised just how distressing her situation was. Lana curled an arm around the other girl’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug.

She couldn’t believe that she had come onto Lex, much less that she had thrown herself at him and for while she thought that maybe Lana was exaggerating and that perhaps she wasn’t telling the whole truth but then reminded herself that would be entirely out of character for the girl. Her body shook slightly as an unexpected sob escaped her and Chloe felt Lana’s arm tighten around her comfortingly.

It wasn’t bad enough that something had clearly happened to her to make her behave so strangely. It wasn’t bad enough that she apparently didn’t have any control over her own body anymore. It wasn’t bad enough that she had been flaunting herself in front of three of her friends naked; she had to go and do it in front of Lex Luthor of all people. The man who was probably one of the few people she knew who wouldn’t be worried enough about her feelings to let it drop.

“Oh God how am I ever going to be able to face him again?” she moaned.

“Face who?” a horribly familiar voice asked from the doorway and Chloe let out a sigh. That’s right; the moment you think things can’t get any worse they do.

Deciding to make the best of the situation Chloe sat up and looked across at Lex who was lingering in the doorway. For once she was grateful of his stoic expression but found that her cheeks had decided to burn brightly with her embarrassment all the same.

“She doesn’t remember,” Lana said quickly and Chloe thanked her silently.

He nodded and Chloe could detect no hint of disbelief in his choice of action. She felt herself grow a little more confident as he stepped further into the room with any more comments. Then he bent slightly to pick something off a chair and tossed them onto the bed; keeping a safe distance that Chloe interpreted that he was worried she was going to leap on him again and felt disappointment bubble through her. Apparently this wasn’t going to be easy either.

“Your clothes,” Lex said pointing to the bundle that was before her.

Chloe looked at them and blushed before picking up her shirt and to her despair seeing her underwear fall out of the folds. She snatched them up.

“I see you’re feeling somewhat better,” he said taking in the expression on her face.

Looking at the distance between them and narrowing her eyes she snapped, “I won’t bite you know.”

“You wouldn’t be so sure if you have seen yourself last night.”

The moment the words were out of his mouth Chloe heard Lana admonish him. She grinned at the other girl. “It doesn’t matter anyway. We’re going to find out what happened to me and it’s not going to happen again.” And now you sound like you’re trying to convince yourself, Chloe scolded herself mentally.

“Don’t worry Chloe,” Lana said and squeezed the arm that she still had around the blonde’s shoulders. “I’m sure that we’ll all help to find out what happened.”

Chloe smiled at her gratefully and happened to glance up at Lex. “I’m sure we all will,” he said confidently.

17th April 2003, 21:01
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! i really love this fic, i am so glad you updated it. So, maybe this spell is working at night, and now that the day has come, Chloe doesn't remember anything.
i loved Lex's attitude, staying away from her, in case she jumped his bones again. And how on earth are they going to investigate this ?

Please, don't leave baby fic (sorry, that's how i call this fic now, baby fic, i have to defend it, like a child, if its mother is busy with another child, or in this case, another fic) for too long, ok ?

17th April 2003, 21:12
Carmen that was so good but I want more.

Hope :chlexsign2:

17th April 2003, 22:30
Argh! I finally read it! Carmen, you're a Goddess! I mean it. Now update! :popdevil:

18th April 2003, 00:50
Originally posted by HumbugGirl@Apr 17 2003, 08:51 PM
“It doesn’t matter anyway. We’re going to find out what happened to me and it’s not going to happen again.” And now you sound like you’re trying to convince yourself, Chloe scolded herself mentally.

Oh, I'm praying that it happens again. Only next time, it's Lex who's hurling himself at Chloe. Thank you SO much for the update.


18th April 2003, 01:09
I want a mutual lust thing the next time. Update soon :chlexsign2:

18th April 2003, 01:36
Poor Chloe, especially since I hope you give her several more episodes like that! :devil:
I really like this fic and I hope that you update soon!

18th April 2003, 02:15
Yay! An update!
Poor Chloe. Yup, that was pretty humiliating and yet all too entertaining.
But where's Clark?
And how are they supposed to investigate matters?
Chloe will (likely) be keeping her distance from Lex, right?
So many questions...

18th April 2003, 03:14
okay so clark and lex have seen her naked and they dont want her? Hello i know guys and once they see the package without doing anything they make it their mission to hit that. lol. guys. anyways you should have some angst like have lex really want her now or something. you will figure it out cause you have made this brilliant so far. so update.


18th April 2003, 06:00
I truly can empathise with Chloe's feelings. Right now, she's thinking that she has thrown herself at a guy that she could never get and she does not even remember what she has said and done.

And the way Lex is treating her now...as if she's some sort of scary thing he need to avoid...ugh! I just want to0 smack him upside down on his bald head. hope he'll get his comeuppance soon. ;)

18th April 2003, 14:26
okay thats it. you and xmag rock. thanks to xmag for requesting the update, and mega thanks to the beautiful HumbugGirl for updating.

i can't believe she forgot everything - and Lex was probably gonna give in soon... ugh. how depressing. :sad:

please tell me they get together soon?? please??

:blinkkiss: Sway

18th April 2003, 20:43
Thanks for all the feedback guys. :) Its much appreciated.


Part Seven

He was having a hard time getting over how frightened she looked; how small and fragile she suddenly seemed. He’d never seen her look so vulnerable before as she did under Lana’s protective arm and it made Lex feel decidedly uncomfortable with the situation, far more than it should have done, and it was made even worse by the fact that every time that he looked at her he couldn’t help but remember how she had seemed to him last night. There was nothing of that girl in this one; none of the confidence or the eagerness was present from what he could see. Of course, remembering how she had looked last night was an even bigger problem.

Lord God he wished she would get dressed before he made an idiot out of himself. Drooling would not be an appropriate response.

Before long he found himself making excuses to leave the room, wanting to escape before his all too physical reaction to the girl became apparent or before she remembered what had happened the night before. The memory of her small soft hands on him was still strong in his mind and several times Lex found himself wondering how he was possibly going to make it through the next few hours if he were in her presence. Hurrying off he searched the house to find wherever Clark had wandered off to. There was no doubt in his mind that the blonde girl still sitting on his bed probably needed some time to compose herself and he too found himself needing the same. A little simple conversation with Clark would give him the time to do so and hopefully to would give her the time too.

As he searched Lex thought over his young friend’s reaction to the revelation about Chloe. He could still remembered the startled look on his face when he had seen the small blonde throw herself across the room towards him. Lex chuckled a little. Undoubtedly things would be a little strained between them for a while.

Clark was sitting at the long table in the breakfast room, staring intensely at a pile of pancakes on the table a little way away from him with a hungry look in his eyes. For a moment Lex stood in the door amused at the sight and then Clark looked at him and he nearly jumped out of his skin. “You can start you know,” he told the boy trying to regain some of his composure yet again.

The dark haired farm body blushed and gaped. “I was just waiting… I thought I should.”

“Tuck in Clark. They’re getting cold.”

He smiled and immediately reached for the pile. Lex slipped into his usual seat at the head of the table to find that his usual breakfast was already waiting for him.

“Is she alright?” Clark asked between mouthfuls.

“She’s seems like she is; perhaps a little bewildered and confused but overall I’d say she is fine.”

“That’s good.” He paused and looked down at his plate of food and put the fork he had been using down on the plate. “I just can’t believe that all this has actually happened. I don’t even know where to start on this Lex…”

Leaning back in his chair and sipping at the cup of coffee that had been sitting on the table for him. “It’s not all up to you.”

“Sometimes I feel like it is.”

“The evils in the world are not your fault anymore than they are Lana’s or Chloe’s. To blame yourself for everything would be morose and pointless.”

Once again Clark lowered his eyes and that guilt ridden look that was all too common on his features appeared leaving Lex baffled as it usually did. “I suppose you’re right,” he answered.

“Besides, feeling sorry for ourselves will get us nowhere.”

“He’s right,” a small voice that seemed to be trying to sound determined said from the other side of the room. Lex looked up from the half eaten grapefruit he had been contemplating devouring as he instantly recognised Chloe’s voice. She was stood in the doorway and half seemed to be hugging the dark wood frame with her body. To one side Lana stood with a slightly confused and concerned expression on her face as she glanced back and forth between Chloe and the two young men.

Lex immediately pushed his chair away from the table and stood. “You must be hungry. Take a seat.” When the two girls had seated themselves, Chloe closest to him on one side of the table while Lana sat next to her protectively, Lex once again sat down. He watched as Lana looked around the array of food on the table before her and then collected some together on her plate while Chloe just looked at it all. When she realised that the other people at the table were all watching her quietly the blonde girl reached forwards to retrieve a piece of toast. “Coffee?” Lex offered and she nodded. He pretended not to notice the way that she gripped the cup so tightly after taking it up into her hands.

After a moment Chloe said, “I must have come into contact with some meteorites.” Looking up from her intense observations of her drink she looked around at the other three people meeting their eyes. Lex couldn’t help but notice that when she looked at him she looked away again immediately, avoiding his eyes. It made his heart beat a little quicker and he felt the beginning of a flush of embarrassment and had to suppress it. “It really is the only explanation.”

Reluctantly Clark nodded. “What are we going to do about it?”

“Blood tests,” Lex said suddenly startling them all. “CAT scans, MRI’s, whatever it takes to find out what’s wrong.”

Chloe let out a long sigh. “Great. Hospitals. Because they’re my favourite places in the world.”

“You don’t think it’s necessary?” he asked raising an eyebrow at her.

“I suppose it is. I think I’d like to go home and get changed before I go though if that’s okay.”

“It might be a good idea to check in with Gabe,” Lana confirmed. “I didn’t even tell him I was going out last night. He’s going to think we’ve disappeared off the face of the planet.”

“Clark will you drive the girls?” Lex asked. “I’m going to make a few phone calls and then I’ll meet you at the hospital.” When the young man to whom he had asked his question had nodded Lex stood and excused himself from the table and headed in the direction of his study.

He had been sat behind his desk for a good ten minutes before the tentative knock came at the door. Looking up in surprise and irritation he had to remind himself that he hadn’t requested to be left alone and called out for whoever it was to enter. When the door swung open he was equally surprised to see a blonde head appear around it and give him a brief weak smile.

“Hi,” Chloe said. “Can we talk for a moment?”

“Of course,” he replied standing and walking back around to the front of his desk. She entered and closed the door after her.

As she approached him Lex felt a line of tension run through him and it must have show because she said, “For God’s sake Lex I’m not going to jump you.” The thought of her doing just that brought an unwanted grin to his lips and he found himself having to suppress it quickly. After all, it was entirely appropriate considering their current situation he reminded himself once again. Somehow he doubted that Chloe would look very kindly on any shows of attention for the moment.

“Sorry,” he said weakly and then was unable to stop himself adding, “I just can’t help seeing you in an entirely different light now.”

She narrowed her eyes at him in irritation but was clearly unable to stop that blush that flood across her features. Lex gave himself a mental kick. “Down boy, it wasn’t really me you know.”

“Oh I know; that didn’t stop it being enjoyable though – at least, in parts it was.”

“Don’t okay? I’m not sure I’m up to it today.”

He nodded and then found himself offering yet another apology. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“Actually, I wanted to apologise. I don’t know what I did exactly last night but I wanted to apologise anyway just in case.”

He smiled at her. “You’ve no need to. You said it yourself; you weren’t being you Chloe.”

She nodded. “I guess I should get going then. See you later?”

“Of course.”

18th April 2003, 21:07
Hehehe, that was a brilliant uncomfortable moment! Go and write us some more! :biggrin:

18th April 2003, 21:26
Yeah, another update for Baby fic :yay: , Lex, glad to see that you are still a guy, and have fond memories of the night.
What would the scanner find ? nothing since it's a spell, poor Chloe will have to come up with another theory. I hope she will have another episode, will Lex be able to resist her this time ?

Not An Addict
18th April 2003, 21:30
Hee hee! Yeah, that's right Lex, tell her you didn't mind her jumping you. :biggrin: More! How long is it going to take them to figure out it was the spell? ;)

18th April 2003, 22:01
Carmen that was great! :biggrin: More more more please :yay2:


18th April 2003, 23:47
Poor embarrassed Chloe! I mean, for her, it's bad enough that she did that, but to have to face her friends after. I'm interested to see if the hospital will be able to turn up anything and how long it will take someone to realize that it was that book.


19th April 2003, 03:13
Poor little mites, now they have to fight from being uncomfortable in the same room together.

I love it! ;)


19th April 2003, 05:30
That uncomfortable scene was really well-written. keep it up. :chlexsign3:

19th April 2003, 18:13
Part Eight

Explaining things to her Dad had gone surprisingly well. When Gabe had woken up that morning to find his house devoid of teenage girls and Chloe’s car missing from the driveway he had merely assumed that the pair had gone out somewhere in the early morning before he had dragged himself away from his much valued Saturday morning sleep in. He had complimented them both on getting up so early and being so active on a weekend which had made Chloe smile and Lana develop a guilt ridden expression.

Clark had driven them both back to the Sullivan place in addition to offering to drive them to the hospital as well after seeing that Chloe’s car was no where in sight. After commenting on this Clark told the blonde that it was at Lex’s but that the billionaire had charged someone with the task of parking it in the garage so that it wouldn’t be recognised and also because they were all worried about the thought of her attempting to drive home after whatever had happened to her. At this revelation Chloe found herself bristling slightly but she pushed away any feelings of resentment she had been beginning to feel and tried to see the situation from her friends’ point of view.

When Chloe had showered and changed and had generally begun to feel considerably better than she had been before the three friends went off to the hospital. On arriving they found that Lex had phoned ahead and already made a whole bunch of various arrangements so they didn’t have to make them their selves. Chloe was not surprised to find that he had somehow managed to bypass the whole issue of her having parental consent as well and tried not to think too hard about that for the moment. She supposed she could always ask him later what he had done although she had the feeling that the answer would probably have something to do with Luthor money.

Before long, Chloe found herself perched on the edge of a hospital bed while waiting for a doctor to appear. Idly she swung her legs and looked down at her bare feet telling herself that there was no reason to be nervous. There really wasn’t. She doubted that the doctor would be able to tell her anything new and even if he did then she had already convinced herself that he wouldn’t know what to do because he wouldn’t know what had caused her problem and she would be better off investigating herself.

When the tall greying man appeared through the door twenty minutes later he did nothing to dispel and disprove her theories on exactly what had happened to her. The man actually seemed baffled that she had felt the need to see a doctor at all and gave her that look which suggested he thought she was wasting his valuable time but wouldn’t complain because of whatever Lex had done to set up appointment between them. Still giving her the look he gave her a clean bill of health and told her to go on her way and not worry anymore; there was nothing wrong with her.

As he left her to get dressed Chloe found herself wondering how long it would be before the medical staff at the tiny hospital would start accepting that there was something strange going on in Smallville and that it was affecting the people that lived there.

Three hours later she was slumped in a chair inside of Talon and staring at Lana as the other girl alternately wiped the counter and handed out coffee cups in impatient customers. Occasionally she would glance over at Chloe and smile at her reassuringly but Chloe got the feeling that Lana was doing so more for her own benefit than for that of Chloe herself.

“So nothing?” Lex asked again. He had asked the same question in three different ways since he had sat down a good ten minutes ago and seemed incapable of accepting her answers.

“Nothing,” Chloe replied through gritted teeth and tried to ignore the tiredness that was currently sweeping through her.

They sat in silence for a moment longer and then he observed slowly, “You’re exhausted.”

Chloe nodded her head and took another sip of her coffee. “I’m fine though.”

“No you’re not.”

“Don’t start Lex,” she warned, hating the way in which he had been fussing over her ever since stepping into Talon.

“I’m not ‘starting’. I’m merely making an observation. Perhaps you should go home and get some sleep. I would be happy to drive you.”

Chloe turned wry eyes on him. “There’s no need. I want to stay around here anyway.”

“I’m not going to get you to change your mind am I?”

“No,” she replied.

“Are you absolutely sure he said there was nothing medically wrong with you?”

“I’m positive Lex. Whatever the hell happened to me last night was nothing natural.”

He paused for a second and then asked, “So you’re going to start looking into the unnatural now?”

Chloe raised an eyebrow at him. “Wouldn’t you?”

“I suppose I would.”

“Then don’t judge me for wanting to do the same.”

This he seemed to accept easily enough but said instead, “Yes, of course, I’ll help.”

Her eyes widened and she scoffed. “And when did I ever ask you for help?”

Lex gave her a knowing look that left Chloe wondering once again just what she had said to him the night before. The idea that they had probably had numerous entire conversations and she didn’t remember them was more than a little concerning to the blonde. Adamantly she refused to blush as what she had actually been told of her actions the night before came to the front of her mind once again.

“You can help if you really want to,” she said with an indifferent tone that managed to make it sound like she had the final say on the matter anyway.

Chloe missed Lex’s little smirk as she looked away and towards the door through which Clark has appeared. The young man smiled at her brightly and waved before going up to the counter and ordering a large soft drink, probably cola, from the petite brunette. He chatted with Lana for a few minutes up at the counter and then wandered over to where they were sitting.

“Hi Chloe, hi Lex.”

“Clark,” Lex replied in greeting.

“Hi Clark.”

The tall farm boy slumped into a chair. “Lana said she should be getting off work soon and then we can all talk; you know, find out what’s happened.”

‘Soon’ translated into nearly another hour in Lana’s books; by then the brunette looked harassed and when she finally managed to get away she practically fell into the chair that they had left for her. She was however carrying a pad of paper and the pencil that she used to take down orders; both of which she placed on the table before her.

“I thought we could make lists of what we know,” she said.

Chloe nodded and reluctantly picked up the pad. With a forlorn little sigh she said, “Where do you want to start?”

19th April 2003, 18:47
Aaah baby fic has been updated. Nothing wrong with Chloe, what a surprise !! but now that they are all in the Talon, will Chloe and Lex remember the spell book and the lust spell ? the place should trigger their memories !!!

too short update !

19th April 2003, 22:47
So there was nothing odd in her blood, shouldn't they relize that its not kryptonite? Who will remember about the spell first? Update soon!

20th April 2003, 11:50
oooooh two updates. i must have done something right in another life... anyway, great chapters, even tho i'm begging for it, i love how you haven't put them together yet. more soon?

:blinkkiss: Sway

20th April 2003, 16:55
Part Nine

Making note on something that none of them really understood proved to be a tedious endeavour and by the time that they felt they had managed to discover as much as they would be able to Lana had suggested it was already getting towards dinner time and they should try not to worry about it anymore for the rest of the evening. The four parted ways; Lex and Clark returning to their own homes and Chloe and Lana heading back to the Sullivan household together. As they entered the house Chloe yawned loudly while kicking off her shoes and pulled off her coat. She found herself clamping her hand over her mouth in surprise at the unexpected motion.

“Tired again?” Lana asked looking over at her blonde friend as she shook her hair out.

Chloe nodded and said, “All of a sudden.” She shook herself slightly. “I think I’m going to go and get some sleep. I’m more tired than I thought I was. Can you tell Dad that I’m still feeling a bit iffy, but, you know, no specifics for me?”

“Sure,” Lana replied and watched at Chloe made to walk up the stairs. “Wait!” she called out as the other girl neared the top. Chloe turned and looked down at her with curiosity filling her expression. She leaned over the railing, looking down into the hallway. “Listen… I… I just wanted to apologise for last night.”

Chloe’s brow frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I should have realised that something was wrong Chloe. I mean, you looked ill, really, really ill and I didn’t realise that there was something else wrong. I should have kept a closer eye on you…”

A tired little smile brushed Chloe’s lips. “Don’t worry about it Lana.”

“I can’t help it,” the brunette answered feeling another wave of guilt pass through her. Ever since she had begun to discover what had happened to Chloe it had been an ever increasing sensation that wouldn’t go away. She felt like she had to explain; like she had no choice but to but the problem was that she didn’t know what to say except that she was sorry.

“Honestly Lana. It’s not your fault.”

The waitress bit her lip and then said, “Just tell me if you start feeling ill again okay?”

Chloe grinned at her. “Will do. I doubt anything will happen though Lana. It was probably a one time deal.”

“You hope it was a one time deal.”

The would-be reporter laughed. “You’re right there. The very thought of thinking of what I must have said to him…” She shuddered in an almost comic manner and then yawned again as sleep threatened.

“Go and have a good nap,” Lana suggested. “I’ll leave you some leftovers from diner in the fridge for later if you want.”


Lana watched as the other girl disappeared and then sighed, taking off her coat and moving through from the hallway into the kitchen where she found Gabe leaning over the kettle as it boiled. As she entered he looked up at her and gestured ‘hello’ before asking if she wanted a cup of coffee.

“If I ever see another cup of coffee again I may end up screaming,” she confessed.

“Busy shift?”

“You wouldn’t believe,” the girl replied moving over to the fridge. She opened the door and shivered slightly as the cold air washed over her. Reaching inside the girl began to pull out ingredients and place them on the side.

“You don’t have to do that,” Gabe told her.

“It’s okay. I like cooking.”

He gave her a patented Sullivan look that she had often seen on Chloe’s face that clearly told her how he didn’t think that anyone could possibly like cooking before turning away again, giving his full attention to the cup of coffee in front of him. “Where’s Chloe?”

For a second Lana stopped what she was doing and then blinked. “Oh, she said to say she’s going to have a nap. I think that early morning really took it out of her.”

Gabe chuckled. “Knowing Chloe it would do.” His coffee was ready and the man held it up gesturing to the door. “I’m going to make a start on some work. If you need any help then just give me a shout.”

Lana smiled at him. “Thanks, I will.”

The man disappeared and Lana busied herself making dinner. In truth it really was something that she enjoyed, even after a long day at Talon when she sometimes wondered whether she would ever even want to twitch again. It gave her some time to think for a start and in the end always ended up being therapeutic. By the time that the meal was ready there was still no sign of Chloe and both being reluctant to disturb her, given Chloe’s notorious temper at being woken, Gabe and Lana left the girl asleep upstairs and Lana wrapped up some leftovers for her and placed them in the fridge with a note.

Reluctantly she trudged upstairs and into her own room, staring at the pile of homework on the floor wondering whether it was actually worth starting and then picked up her tattered copy of ‘Wuthering Heights’ instead.

A knock on the door to her room startled Lana awake and she dropped the book that had been propped open on her lap. Absently she glanced at her digital clock and to her surprise realised it was well past ten at night. Apparently Chloe was not the only one who had suffered for her late night excursions the night before.

“Um, come in,” she called and without hesitation the door sprung open and Chloe came striding in. She smiled broadly at Lana who was still sat on her bed. “Hey,” she said trying not to be startled by the blonde’s appearance.

She had changed clothing and was now wearing a skin tight pair of black leather trousers that Lana knew her blonde friend had bought the previous summer while in Metropolis but had never built up enough courage to wear in Smallville. Her top was a red number with shoestring straps that clung to her upper body and slipped low over her cleavage and exposed her upper arms. Around her neck a leather thong held her only piece of jewellery in place and over one arm one of her numerous coats was slung.

“I’m going out,” Chloe announced. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Where are you going?” Lana asked getting over her momentary surprise.

She smiled. “I’ve just got a couple of things to finish doing that I, uh, forgot about earlier.”

Lana found herself frowning and immediately tried to resist the urge to ask what the blonde was talking about. There was something going on here and her brain was still too foggy from sleep to put two and two together and not come up with five. “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she said finally deciding that caution was the best route to take.

Chloe shrugged dismissively as she turned and marched back out into the hallway, “I’m a big girl Lana. I’m sure I can take care of myself. I just thought that I’d tell you so you didn’t panic and get all ‘I’m gonna rescue you’ again.”

Something clicked in Lana’s mind finally and she pushed herself up off the bed quickly and followed her friend out into the hallway. “Can’t it wait until morning?” she asked.

“Nope,” Chloe replied, pulling on her coat and hurrying down the stairs. Lana stumbled after her.

“You’re not going to Lex’s are you?”

The blonde paused and turned to look at her, a bored expression painted on her features although her eyes were far from indifferent. “Now why would I do that?”

Lana blushed. “Well, after last night and well, you’re dressed kind of…” she trailed off unwilling to finish her sentence now that a look of mischief had filtered into Chloe’s eyes. “Chloe you can’t go there!” she exclaimed.

“And exactly what is stopping me?” the other girl replied.


“Bye Lana!”

“Wait,” she said reaching out to grasp the other girl’s arm. She missed and stumbled forwards as if onto her knees as Chloe danced out of the way. Instead of impacting with the floor though she fell hard against the wall with a loud ‘thud’ and slumped down to the ground.

“Opps!” the blonde laughed and headed out of the door.

20th April 2003, 17:28
Yeah, an update, for my birthday, thanks !!
well, it looks like to me that Chloe is having another "Lex episode" , now the question is, will he be able to resist her ? i can't help but pity Lex, here. He knows something is going on with Chloe, but will he be strong enough to not succumb to a possessed Chloe ? will Lana give him a phone call to tell him that Chloe is on the path of war, hmm, lust, well, of seducing him ?
And why is Lana feeling guilty ? she has nothing to do with the situation.

More, more, more, i really love this fic, as you can see.

20th April 2003, 18:12
Oh my god carmen that was good. :lol: More please...


20th April 2003, 19:33
:lol: That was a great chapter. So whats Lex gonna do when she gets there? Update soon!

20th April 2003, 20:18
Oh yes she *can* go there!

By the way, why does this mysterious (albeit fortunate) illness only affect her at night? What would happen if she decided to nap during the day? Would she still get tired? Geez, I can't keep my mind from wandering!

Anyways, the things that's driving me the most nuts is what Lex's reaction will be once she's arrived--so update A.S.A.P. (The "P" also stands for please. :cool: )

21st April 2003, 01:10
Wonderful chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next :lol:

21st April 2003, 05:31
Uh oh, methinks sexy Chloe is back in control - now things are going to get interesting!


21st April 2003, 05:36
An update, woo hoo! So, Chloe's going to Lex and we have an unconscious (?) Lana. Could life get any better? Hopefully, this time, Lex won't be such a good boy.


21st April 2003, 05:42
I love this story! Great chapter. I wonder if Lex's knowing that Chloe won't remember anything in the morning will seriously affect his control this time. ;)

22nd April 2003, 15:33
wohoo! bad chloe is back!!

:blinkkiss: Sway

25th April 2003, 12:06
*Hugs ns.net mb* Oh thank god its back :lol:

Anyway, an update for you all. I hope you enjoy and thanks for the feedback!


Part Ten

It was like being set apart from herself. Chloe knew it was her moving silently though the halls of the Luthor mansion with careful steps but there was also a part of her that knew it wasn’t really her, it was another part of her that normally stayed buried and did not tend to see the light of day. The worst thing about it wasn’t the fact that she was unable to push it back down though; it was the fact that she found herself enjoying the sensations of this newly liberated self and that she didn’t want to push it down. Chloe would equate it to a lose/lose situation where she actually felt like she was winning.

Before long she found herself stood in the doorway of Lex’s study, watching silently as the man himself worked on something or other at his computer with complete and utter concentration. She leaned against the doorframe and watched him letting the smouldering feelings that had been hidden during the day build up inside of her once again.

He was quite simply delicious. There was something about him that tugged at her and while the conscious Chloe had more than a few problems accepting that fact the Chloe who was now slowly padding her away across the room towards the still unaware man was all too ready to accept what she was experiencing. The liberation she was feeling; that she felt when faced with him was all powerful in her mind and Chloe had to force herself not to get too excited at seeing him and possibly give the other man the upper hand.

“You know Lex,” she said. “The security in this place really is crappy.”

His head jerked up and Chloe instantly recognised the surprised look on his face for what it was. Taking it as her advantage she continued to cross the room towards him and sat in the chair at the opposite side of his desk, a grin spreading on her face. There was a moment when they were nothing but silent and then a look of realisation seemed to wash over his face and he leaned back on his chair, clearly trying to appear relaxed before her and unconcerned over whatever it was that was happening from his point of view. His reaction only made her smile even more.

“It would appear so,” he replied in answer to her comment.

“Not that I’m complaining,” she clarified. “I just think you should be a little more careful in the future. I’d hate to see some random person actually breaking in here and hurting you.”

“I didn’t think you would be complaining. After all, you seem to be taking advantage of it rather often lately. And, speaking of that, just why are you here again Chloe?”

She grinned at him again and said, “You’re going to take me out.”

His eyes narrowed at her in curiosity. “Care to explain why exactly?”

“Because Lexy, I want to go out. I’m bored of staying in and wasting my life away in a dull lifeless town. I want to go out and nothing is going to stop me. As to why exactly you, well, who knows what trouble I could get into all on my lonesome. You, my delectable friend, are going to make sure I don’t get into any trouble.” Her lips curled into a mischievous little smirk as she finished speaking.

“Whether I say yes or no you’re going to go ahead anyway aren’t you?” he asked eyes sweeping over her easily and, to her delight, with a flicker of appreciation. Chloe nodded and continued to smirk at him. Lex leaned back and sighed before saying, “Where do you want to go?”

She laughed aloud. “I knew you’d come around to my way of thinking.”

* * * *

The moment they had climbed into the car Chloe had arched her back against the leather, showing off her body to its best advantage and let out a long, startling purring sound that almost caused him to shiver as it seemed to run through him. She ran her hands over the soft material appreciatively and looked at him out of the corner of her eye with a mischievous, suggestive little smile on her lips that left him shaking his head and turning away quickly.

Chloe, apparently really, really wanted to have some fun that night. It hadn’t surprised him when she had announced that Metropolis was her city of choice for the occasion, she was certainly dressed appropriately and with somewhat less reluctance that he had believed would be possible Lex found himself hunting to the back of his wardrobe and pulling out some of his old clubbing wear – the variety that never went out of fashion. The blonde girl had insisted on sitting in the same room as him as he changed just to ensure that he did not attempt to call anyone to tell them that she had once again turned up. She even went so far as to confiscate his cell phone, hiding it away in her bag and not letting him near it. He had a hard time getting over how avidly she watched him as he changed and found himself having to pretend she was not present at all to avoid some embarrassing reactions that her gaze threatened to bring on to his body.

Outside in the garages she perused the cars assembled there with curious, desire filled eyes before settling on one and demanding that they take it and ignoring his suggestions that she think over what she was doing once again. And that had led to him being stuck in this situation. They were driving through the middle of nowhere, music pounding out loudly as she drummed along with it on the dash board and sang out. Chloe, he had discovered, had a surprisingly good voice and he had to wonder why she did not make more use of it. Even as he listened Lex felt a small smile filter onto his lips.

They were headed towards a club that even Lex had only ever rarely visited back in his days in Metropolis but that Chloe had apparently heard some good reviews of though how she
had heard of the place was a mystery to him. The moment they pulled up outside and saw the line of people waiting there turned to stare at them Lex winced and knew that one way or the other it was going to be an exciting night. Peering out of the windows Chloe reached towards the door handle before turning to look at him. “You are coming right?” she asked and for a moment he thought he detected something like nervousness in her eyes. It was gone again quickly and Lex found himself nodding.

“Let’s go.”

A wave of heavy rock washed over him the moment they stepped past the tall and imposing, muscle bound security guard and through the door. Thankfully the doorman had done nothing more than raise an eyebrow at them as they had approached the door and Lex guessed that he had been recognised. The man had waved them through but not before stopping Lex and telling him to keep an eye on the young blonde girl. Lex had nodded his agreement. He didn’t need to be told twice.

He almost lost her the moment she stepped inside. Chloe disappeared off into the crowd, a wonderfully broad smile on her face as she began to bob her head along to the band that was playing and got enveloped by the crowd. Despite himself Lex found that he was smiling at her and after rushing to keep up with her he leaned close in by her ear and said, “Stay here. I’m going to go and get something to drink. Do you want anything?”

She let a sly expression drift onto her face at she replied, “Whatever you’re having.”

He grinned at her and shook his head briefly in amusement before moving off into the crowd in search of where he vaguely thought he could remember the bar being. When he eventually found it, Lex found that the music was so loud that he had to shout four times into the ear of the heavily tattooed bartender for the man to actually hear what he wanted and even then the man appeared uncertain when he handed the order over. Perhaps chronic hearing loss was a danger of working in this place, Lex thought as he picked up the drinks.

When he turned back to the room Lex felt his jaw drop downwards as he watched Chloe crowd surf across the room, the many hands of the people underneath her carrying her light little body easily along. Wryly and yet with more than a little concern Lex realised that it seemed that the new adventurous Chloe didn’t even have any fear about possibly breaking her neck. When she came back down to the ground she stumbled towards him giggling and flung her arms around his neck in a happy and affection manner and with such force that he found himself stumbling slightly.

“That was so fun!”

Lex felt another groan beginning deep in his throat as she turned to look at the crowd, a speculative look in her eyes and the young man found himself reaching forwards to grab her arm before she could wander off again. If she wanted his attention like Lex suspected she did then she certainly had it now. “Here,” he said handing her to bottle of beer. The blonde girl looked up with questing eyes. “You would only have found another way to get one anyway,” he acknowledged.

Chloe grinned broadly at him, perhaps somewhat proud that he taken notice of the fact that she was more than capable of getting her own way, and promptly took a swig of the beer.

“It’s the only one you’re getting though,” he added and she gave him a disbelieving look before grabbing hold of his hand and tugging him along gently behind her.

“Dance with me.” Not a question, he noted, more of a command.

She was suddenly so close to him that Lex could breathe in the scent she wore despite the counteracting thick smells that surrounded them of sweat and alcohol and cigarette smoke in the club. Chloe small body began moving and he felt himself drawing in a deep breath every time she brushed against him, each time the contact lasted just a little longer and being a little more suggestive. It didn’t take long Lex to decide that the blonde girl knew just what she was doing and that she knew the effect that it began to have on him. As she turned around and began to rub her bottom against him Lex reached forwards and grabbed hold of her hips, pulling her flush against him just to get her to stop the enticing little actions.

Chloe tensed and turned very slowly to look at him, not once breaking the contact between their bodies until he knew she had to be able to feel him hard against her stomach. With a devious look in her eyes she exclaimed, “I knew you wanted to!”

“That is not…” he began and then trailed off.

The corners of her mouth turned up in a smirk. “Okay,” she said. Her voice was light and apparently carefree.

“Okay?” he asked feeling a small wave of confusion wash over him though he tried not to let it show.

“Okay,” she confirmed.

“Chloe, what’s going on here?” Even to him the question sounded exasperated.

Her eye’s widened and managed to make her face look almost impossibly sweet. The action only caused Lex to peer at her harder as he realised his suspicions that her previous reaction was only part of the elaborate game that she was playing with him were correct. Tonight could turn out to be a very long night if he wasn’t careful; one that was fraught with more than a few of the more enjoyable dangers that he knew in his mind that he shouldn’t indulge in with Chloe even if other parts of his body didn’t recognise the fact or rather perhaps, didn’t agree with it.

“Tell you want Lexy,” she said placing a hand on his chest and pushing him away ever so slightly. “How about you go get yourself a real drink? I know beer isn’t really your thing.”

“And what are you going to do in the mean time?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing special.”

He hardly noticed the smile that slipped onto her lips as she turned away from him.

25th April 2003, 13:58
I second that Carmen. Thanks MB for being back I :wub: you. :lol: Your story was great carmen.

Hope :chlexsign2:

26th April 2003, 01:31
Oh, Chloe is SO gonna make him pay. I feel that we may be seeing jealousLex soon. Hee.


26th April 2003, 16:01
oooooooh this is gonna be good!! please don't make us wait too long to find out what she's up to??

:blinkkiss: Sway

26th April 2003, 22:35
Bit of a filler chapter but neccessary for the plot :blinkkiss:


Part Eleven

There was an almost earth shattering pain in her head. Lana was certain that at any moment it was going to split open. She half wished it would if only to make the feeling go away quicker. With a loud groan the girl rolled onto her side and attempted to sit up from where she had been laid on her side. A wave of nausea washed over her and she hunched over suddenly as bile flew up her throat. For a few minutes she leaned over, holding the back of her head and feeling the vomit flow up out of her mouth. She stared at the mess on the floor and tried to remember just why it was she had been lying on the floor in the first place.

It came back to her in a flash and the girl sat up sharply then instantly regretted the action as her head pounded again. Eventually she managed to get to her knees and slowly crawled towards where the phone should have been resting in the cradle. Picking it up she first dialled Chloe’s cell phone only to find that no one picked up. Next, she found herself sitting for a moment, trying to put her thoughts in order before eventually dialling in Clark’s number.

“Kent residence,” a tired, if polite sounding voice asked at the other end.

“Hey Mrs Kent, is Clark there?”

“Lana? Is that you?”

“Yes,” the girl answered and unconsciously nodded her head only to wish that she hadn’t bothered.

“Are you okay honey?”

“I really need to talk to Clark,” she said again.

“Okay I’ll get him for you,” the older woman said and Lana couldn’t help but notice the fact that she sounded concerned.

There were several moments of silence of the other end of the line; moments that lasted far too long for Lana’s taste. Another wave of dizziness came over her and Lana clutched at her stomach. Oh, this so wasn’t good. This was not good at all.

Her eyes rolled back her head and she slumped backwards against the wall as unconsciousness rushed in again.

* * * *

When he picked up the phone Clark was uncomfortably aware of the way that his mother was watching him with curiosity from across the kitchen. Turning he faced the other direction and said, “Lana? Hey, Lana you there?”

There was no answer and the part of Clark that always seemed to know when someone was in danger did that odd little tingle that meant only one thing – something had happened to Lana. He left the phone hanging in the air, not even pausing to tell his mother where he was going and ran out the door and in the direction of the Sullivan household where the caller id had said the phone call was coming from.

Bursting through the front door he found her lying on the floor as if she had been slumped against the wall then somehow fallen over. He looked at the phone just still in her hand and slowly realised what must have happened. Dropping to his knees by her side Clark reached out and laid a hand on her forehead then frowned. She didn’t feel ill or anything and her heart beat was both steady and strong.

“Lana?” he called. She didn’t respond and he shook her gently having already checked to see if there were any broken bones and having found none. Slowly the girl’s eyes opened and on seeing Clark she blinked once, twice and then a third time.


“Hey, yeah, I’m here. How do you feel?”


His face instantly turned heartbroken as concerned overwhelmed him. “Let me help you up,” he said putting his arm around her slight form and pulled her to her feet. The small girl stumbled for a moment then seemed to catch herself. “What happened?” Clark asked.

“It’s Chloe…”

“Chloe attacked you?” he asked, surprise filtering through into the words.

“No, well not exactly. I fell while chasing her. I think whatever happened to her the other night is back again.” Meeting his eyes she said, “I think it might be worse this time… she seemed really alert but still out of it somehow. It’s a little hard to describe.”

“Oh God, Lex!” Clark exclaimed. “We have to warn him. Do you know how long she’s been gone?”

Lana shook her head and clearly regretted the action as she groaned loudly. “I’ve no idea. We should try to phone him.”

Clark leaned her against the wall again and reached for the phone which was still lying on the floor where she had been when he arrived. Quickly he dialled in the number and then waited, finally saying, “He’s not picking up.”

“Did you try the house number?” Lana asked.

Shaking his head Clark quickly dialled it. When it had rung six or seven times there was a click from the other end of the line and a tired sounding voice answered, “Hello? Luthor residence.”

“Hi. I’m sorry to call so late. It’s Clark Kent. Is Lex there?”

“I’m sorry Mr Kent but he left earlier this evening.”

“Can you tell me where he went? It’s really important that I talk to him.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line and then the woman who had answered the phone said, “Well, seeing as it’s you I guess he wouldn’t mind. He went to Metropolis for the night I believe.”

“Was… was there anyone with him?” Clark asked nervously, a sneaking suspicion already entering him.

“I believe there was.”

“Did you recognise them?”

“I think it was that young Sullivan girl.”

“Thank you, you’ve been a big help.” He clicked the phone to end the call and turned to Lana, explaining what had been said. As he did the girl’s eyes widened.

“They went off to Metropolis together?” she said disbelievingly. Clark nodded. “Oh this can’t be good. We need to find out why she’s doing this.” There was an air of desperation to her voice that Clark could only feel echoing in himself.

“The question is how,” he said.

26th April 2003, 22:58
OOh Carmen, this is getting interesting. Finally had time to catch up with this.... :biggrin:


27th April 2003, 16:51
Hee. If Clark and Lana were on the case in the show, It'd never get solved. However, I feel like they have more luck here. I can't wait to see what sort of compromising position they find Chloe and Lex in. :devil:


27th April 2003, 18:31
More more more please :biggrin:

Hope :chlexsign2:

27th April 2003, 19:15
And then there was chlex.... :lol: :blinkkiss:


Part Twelve

Looking at him as he stood to one side, Chloe could see that he was being to grow weary; actually, maybe weary was an understatement. Lex looked like he was on the verge of getting very, very irritated; maybe even angry at her. That thought in mind Chloe turned back to the man who she had been dancing with for the last half an hour or so and took a sip of the vodka and coke he had so generously bought her. So far, she figured her plan was working – Lex really did look as if he might be jealous.

The thought sent a thrill of excitement through her which was only slightly disturbed by a hand on her arm. Chloe looked down at the hand and then up at the look on Lex’s face that could only be described as possessive as he stared down at her. His other hand appeared on her waist and he leaned close to her ear to say, “We’re leaving. Come on.”

His breath smelt slightly of whatever it was he had been consuming alcohol-wise for the last couple of hour and for the first time Chloe found herself wondering whether he had actually managed to get drunk when she hadn’t been looking. Whether that was a good or bad thing was an entirely different matter. When he looked at her for confirmation she nodded and then turned briefly to the man she had been dancing with and gave an apologetic shrug as Lex pulled her away from the dance floor. She clung tightly to his hand, appreciating the strength she felt there, as he pulled them both through the crowds and out into the cool night air. Chloe shivered and looked at Lex and the coat he was holding onto speculatively.

“It’s not far to the car,” he said and walked off leaving her stood behind on the sidewalk.

Chloe huffed and folded her arms across her chest then moved to follow him. “Hey!” a voice called out behind her and the blonde stopped, turning to see her dance partner rushing out of the club behind her. He smiled broadly at her, a lopsided sort of smile that made her do the same. “You just ran off,” he said.

“The master called,” she said and rolled her eyes.

The guy looked over her shoulder in the direction of Lex. “Are you too involved?”

“Not really.”

“Then…” he said. “You wouldn’t mind me asking for your number?”

Chloe raised her eyebrows at him and was just about to agree when a voice from behind her said, “Yes she would mind.” The reporter turned to glare at Lex who had stopped to see whether she was following and overheard the conversation. “Chloe we have really got to go.”

“No one asked you,” her dance partner said sternly then turned back to Chloe. “On second thoughts why don’t we head back inside?” He reached out a hand towards her but Chloe stepped away.

“The master called,” she repeated as if to explain everything.

The man frowned. “He’s a jerk.”

“You’re not getting any argument from me there. He is, however, the jerk who I’m here with so I really should get going.”

“You sure?” the man asked and this time there was the promise of something entirely different in his eyes.

Chloe nodded her reply and walked towards Lex, putting a little skip into her step as she did so. When they were sat in the car he paused before switching on the ignition and said, “You weren’t really going to…” When she looked at him he stopped talking. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Lex,” the blonde said softly catching his attention. He turned towards her and she quickly scooted across putting a hand behind his neck and pulling him into a resounding kiss. When he attempted to pull away she moved closer, straddling his lap and making sure the kiss was never broken.

“Chloe,” the man breathed, for a second breaking the seal between them and then her lips were back on his forcing words away.

She felt hands on her hips and slowly she was pushed away as far as the car would allow. “Its not like I want anything complicated Lex,” she said studying his face and letting the heat she had been feeling rushing around her body enter easily into her eyes. The sudden lust in his own eyes betrayed him and Chloe leaned forwards to kiss him again, feeling him respond eagerly. A hand slid beneath the back of her top and moved easily over the flesh. Chloe hastily pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it away before helping Lex off with his, letting out a admiring little sound as his pale flesh came into view.

Lex’s head came forwards and Chloe arched her back quickly. With approval he ran his tongue over the erect flesh of a nipple through the gauzy fabric that covered her breasts and Chloe found herself moving her one of her hands to his head and holding him there in position as her hips moved forwards against him in a sudden, jerky little movement. The sensation of him suckling on the delicate flesh made her feel like she was going to burning up. This was just too perfect. She found herself suddenly pushed to one side and growled in frustration until she realised that he was repositioning them so that he was hovering over her. It took only seconds for her to register the sight of him reaching for the waistband of his pants and working on the button and then the zip. Immediately she reached for her own trousers and slipped them over her hips. He laughed out aloud as she irritably kicked them off, desperate to be rid of the heavy, interfering clothing as quickly as she could manage.

Her panties came next. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and dragged them down her legs roughly and then leaned over to the glove compartment, successfully coming up with a foil packet. She watched as he struggled to quickly pull the condom on then reach out with one hand and slowly pulled him towards her. Bracing herself against the car down Chloe let out a startled little gasp as he grabbed hold of her hip, repositioning her and then he was inside her with an almost animalistic little grunt that forced all the air from her lungs.

An invading sound startled her and Chloe’s eyes darted to the window behind Lex. It was slightly clouded but there was no mistaking the fact that there was the figure of someone behind it and that that person was currently shinning a flash light inside. Instinctively Chloe reached for the jacket that Lex had discarded when they climbed inside and covered herself as the man himself turned to the window and muttered, “Shit!” beneath his breath. He hastily fastened his trousers and then pressed the ‘down’ button on the electric window while slumping into the driver’s seat. As it slid down he said, “Hello Officer. How can I help you?”

The man looked past him at Chloe, a stern expression on his face as he did so. Chloe smiled nervously and gave a little of her hand. “Can’t you just pretend you didn’t see anything?” she asked. “Or you know, sit back and enjoy the show?”

The man frowned at her and shook his head. “Both of you get dressed. You’re coming down the station.”

“Is that really necessary?” Lex asked and Chloe winced as the police officer’s face tightened even further.

“Get dressed now.”

27th April 2003, 20:38
That's not fair! Why! Well, I suppose I should be happy that it wasn't Clark and/or Lana. *shudder*


27th April 2003, 22:12
Nooo.... Will he let them go when he relizes its Lex Luthor so they can get back to what they were doing? :smut:

28th April 2003, 00:16
Uh oh, that is really not good....that you stopped it there when things were getting interesting! ;)

More, Carmen!


28th April 2003, 04:59
stupid police, interrupting the :smut:

Lex jealous, always a good thing in fics. :wub:

28th April 2003, 12:01
oh thats not gonna bode well with either of them. That policeman is in a looooooooooot of trouble.

:blinkkiss: Sway

29th April 2003, 05:35
Policeman must hurt and hurt.. no fair interrupting Chlex grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr LOL
great chapter


mina murray
29th April 2003, 06:26
Must kill policeman :hammer:
If this van´s a-rockin´... :smut:

30th April 2003, 13:42
bump, bump, bump, an update, please !!

"the master called", care to elaborate ?

1st May 2003, 13:22
I love this story! But damnit, why couldn't they have gotten a policeman with a sense of humour, someone who would have just kept walking and let them continue... :blush: I can't wait to find out what happens in the morning and how Lex will act around Chloe. And what will happen if Clark and Lana find out why they ended up at the police station? So many questions... Update soon?

2nd May 2003, 21:17
Bit of a filler part but its necessary. Forgive me?


Part Thirteen

Lana was tired. She felt like she hadn’t stopped rushing around all night and the feeling didn’t seem like it was going to go away, or even have chance to try, as she slipped out of Clark’s truck and stretched her arms above her head. It was only seven o’clock in the morning and she was having a little trouble adapting to the idea that she was currently stood out in the middle of nowhere with two overly enthusiastic farm boys as they tried to remember exactly where their friend had told them to go from here.

The small brunette yawned and leaned against the side of the truck as her eyes drooped.

It had been her suggestion to call Pete and let him in on what was happening with Chloe and where she had ended up. At first the boy had been furious muttering all sorts of curses about Lex and Chloe and how their blonde friend could be the most irresponsible person they knew but when he had calmed down soon Lana had soon managed to convince him to meet them for an early morning meeting at Talon so they could trade ideas. In the end Lana had found herself thankful that she had called Pete because it was he who remembered that Chloe had been out scaring up a story about some meteorite rocks when she had had an accident that left her sprawled in the middle of a pile the green fragments and more importantly, he remembered where she had been when she had done so. That in turn had led to them driving out to some woods in the middle of nowhere at a horribly early hour in the morning.

“I think it was that way,” Clark argued.

“No it’s that way,” Pete said for what seemed like the millionth time. “I’m pretty sure that Chloe said she headed in that direction.”

“Pretty sure isn’t certain,” Clark replied, his shoulders bunching slightly in annoyance.

Lana looked at them and sighed. On some level Pete blamed Clark for whatever had happened to Chloe and there was no way they were ever going to agree. Tuning them out she walked to the end of the truck and scanned the road behind them until something caught her attention. Forgetting about the two boys for a moment she wandered along the road and just inside the tree line. Lying on the floor was a glistening, pulsing green rock that she instantly recognised as a meteorite fragment. Lana bent down and picked it up, examining it for a moment before letting it fall from her fingers as she noticed another and then another. It seemed like they were scattered all across the forest floor.

After looking back at where the two boys were still discussing what they should do now she then moved further into the tree line, following the trail of rocks and hoping that she wasn’t going to end up getting in too much trouble. This was Chloe territory. Chloe did this type of thing not her and that thought promptly reminded Lana that the reason she was out here at the moment anyway was probably because of Chloe being Chloe-like.

She stopped suddenly as a thought hit her. Chloe liked doing this sort of thing. It was the type of thing she liked writing about for the paper and that she thought was going to make her famous one day. What she didn’t like doing she had given to Lana but not before… The brunette’s mouth dropped open slightly as she remembered hearing Lex read out aloud one of the suppose ‘love spells’ to Chloe. She shook her head and continued walking. No, that couldn’t possibly be it… could it?

Lana tried to put herself in Chloe’s position for a moment to see what her blonde friend would think of the idea. Chloe would think it would be worth following up and Lana had the sneaking suspicion that she would be right to do so.

Suddenly her foot gave way and Lana felt herself tumbling forwards as she skidded down a muddy, rock strewn slope. It wasn’t until she reached the bottom and felt water rushing over her that she realised that she was in real trouble. The water rushed over her head and as she clawed around in beneath it with eyes wide open she saw nothing but sparkling green. Surfacing Lana screamed briefly and reached towards the bank, grasping at the end of a tree root.

She caught hold of it and dragged herself up but not before swallowed a mouthful of foul smelling water. Lana lay on the bank on her back and breathed heavily, closing her eyes and wondering what on earth she had done that was so wrong recently to deserve this. She gave a shuddering sigh and attempted to push herself to her feet only to find them sliding out of her again and she found herself surrounded by water again.

2nd May 2003, 21:37
Carmen :lol: I am sorry having lana in peril is hystercal . :lol: I love it.

Hope :)

3rd May 2003, 01:35
Oh, silly Lana. Thinking that you could be Chloe. It would be pretty funny to see the two of them out of control and taking over Smallville, though.


3rd May 2003, 04:58
"Lana lay on the bank on her back and breathed heavily, closing her eyes and wondering what on earth she had done that was so wrong recently to deserve this."

You don't have to actually have done anything recently, Lana. Merely existing is your crime. As for thinking like Chloe... *snicker* yeah, that'll be the day. Sadly, she must live to tell everyone about the lust spell. Looking forward to the next chapter, hopefully it'll have heaps of Chlex.

7th May 2003, 20:11
Part Fourteen

Chloe groaned and closed her eyes again as she realised she was staring at what looked like bars. This simply could not be happening. She rolled over and nearly slipped off the narrow bunk she had been occupying and onto the dirty tiled floor. Very slowly the blonde girl moved into a sitting position then moved her feet so that they were resting on the floor. Groaning again after looking around and confirming her suspicions Chloe rubbed her face and closed her eyes hoping that when she opened them again then it would all have gone away.

The events of the previous night came back to her suddenly in a rush and she found herself blushing what she was sure was a deep crimson at the images that the memories brought with them. After she had been caught in the car with Lex they had been escorted down to the police station where they had been forced apart by three huge policemen as the moment that they had tried to take Lex away from her sight her out of control, possessed self had gone wild and grabbed hold of his shirt refusing to let go eventually ripping the material and giving everyone in the police station an eye full. Even when they had locked her up in the cell she had shouted so loud that eventually the officer on duty of looking after the prisoners had been forced to come through and tell her in no uncertain terms that if she didn’t shut up then there was a doctor who knew of several different tranquilizers that he would probably be willing to try out on her. Even her altered self had realised that this probably wouldn’t be a good thing and had shut up.

Why she was able to remember what had happened was a mystery of course. After the last time her memories of being effected were blurred but this time… this time is was graphic colour with a few whistles and bangs for effect.

Chloe groaned again.

“Are you okay?” A voice said from above. “You’re not going to throw up are you?”

The blonde looked up at the young woman she was sharing a cell with and shook her head. “I’m fine. Just marvelling at the mess I’ve managed to get myself into.”

“Oh, okay.” With that the girl disappeared again onto the top bunk.

Chloe stood and walked the short distance across the room to look through the bars. She couldn’t believe this place, it was like something out of an old western exception that there were tiles on the floor and the walls were brick and she kind of guessed that those old cells hadn’t had white porcelain toilets. Well, she thought they might have been white once but that was beside the point. She gripped the bars lightly and wondered whether they’d give her a cup to rattle against them if she asked. A short bark of laughter escaped her and she realised that she might be getting hysterical. Once again Chloe closed her eyes and counted to ten taking a deep breath as she did so.

Opening them she leaned forwards and shouted, “Hey! I need to talk to someone.” When there was no reply she shouted again and then again.

“For god’s sake shut up!” someone in another cell snapped.

Chloe scowled. “Hey! Shouldn’t I have had a phone call or something?”

A policewoman that she vaguely recalled from the night before suddenly appeared at the other end of the corridor and stalked down towards her. She loomed almost frighteningly large before the bars. “Are you going to keep quiet?” she asked. “We don’t want another episode like last night.”

Chloe thought for a moment and tried to remember whether she had done anything the night before that might have been especially offensive before she spoke, considering her words carefully. “Listen Officer… Austen. I want to speak to someone,” she said. “This really isn’t my fault.”

Officer Austen looked at her sceptically. “Last night you resisted arrest and in the process elbowed a policeman in the face and broke his nose and you’re saying this isn’t your fault?”

The blonde winced. “I did?” The other woman nodded slowly, her eyes cynical and betraying her doubts about the girl before her. “Look I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I really need to call my Dad and let him know where I am. He’ll be worried… Or… I… I need to at least speak to Lex.”

That got a raised eyebrow and Chloe felt a moment of despair enter her. They would never have been able to keep Lex in jail for long. She didn’t doubt that being a Luthor cut him some sway. He must have got out already and if he had what was she still doing here? Had he taken off without her? Oh God was she stuck here… She’d kill him. Then after that she’d… She didn’t know what she’s do but she was sure it wouldn’t be pleasant.

“Please…” Chloe said letting some of the anxiousness she had been experiencing seep into her voice. “Can you find him for me? Please?”

The woman’s eyes must have softened and Chloe realised she was near to tears. “I’ll see what I can do,” Austen said and then turned and walked away.

* * * *

They had been extremely reluctant to let him go and so far had not offered any explanation as to why. Granted Lex understood exactly why they had been brought in to begin with but not what had taken so long to get them released. Back in the old days he wouldn’t have been locked up longer than five minutes before being back out on the streets again either in the custody of one of his father’s lackies or on his own and creating even more havoc. Actually, back then he wouldn’t even have ended up being locked up in the first place.

So what was so different this time?

Lex bristled. He had more than a sneaking suspicion that someone had stepped in and stopped him from being released quite so quickly and he also had a suspicion that he knew who that person was exactly. Whatever his father was up to this time he had gone too far however because he should never have put Chloe in this situation as well. There was also the slightest chance Lionel hadn’t known who Chloe was but that sounded more than a little unlikely. There was very little that Lionel Luthor didn’t know about when it came down to it and than included knowing about the people that Lex associated with. If that man had… Lex quickly suppressed his patricidal thoughts as he realised that yet another officer had approached him and was staring.

“Um, Mr Luthor, can I speak with you?”

“Not unless you’re here to tell me that my companion is ready to go then no, you can’t speak with me.”

The man shifted from one foot to the other nervously. “Well, no, it’s not exactly that…”

“I have been waiting for nearly four hours now and I am slowly getting to the point where I’m actually thinking of calling the mayor and…”

“Mr Luthor?” The voice was new and Lex found himself spinning around to face a middle aged woman whose badge read ‘Austen’. “You came in with one Chloe Sullivan right?” He nodded. “Well, there is just a little paper work to do and she should be ready to go. We had a little problem speeding things up because of her previous trouble…”

“Oh?” Lex asked, his interest peaking and causing him to raise an eyebrow.

“Just some little trespassing concerns. Nothing important really.”

Lex smirked. Trespassing. Yes, that sounded like something that would get Chloe in trouble. “So she’s ready to go?”

The woman nodded. “If you’ll just follow me then we’ll have her ready to go in no time at all.”

He nodded and followed her through into a long room where the female prisoners were clearly kept. Chloe’s cell was situated far down and on the left and as he walked along there were numerous cat-calls from the others that he passed that left him silently praying that they could get out of the place as soon as was humanly possible until the officer came to a halt.

Stood staring at him through the bars of the cell she was currently occupying was an extremely pissed off looking Chloe Sullivan who looked surprisingly sexy still considering the fact she had just spent the night in jail. Lex winced and tried not to let it show on his face knowing that doing so would only be adding fuel to an already very well developed fire from the looks of things. He couldn’t decide whether she was going to be angrier about the position they were in at the moment of the fact that he had managed to go and get drunk last night and take things a little too far and hence lead to them ending up in this position. Actually, it was most likely to be a combination of the two factors.

She opened her mouth to speak but Lex interrupted quickly and said, “Lets wait until we get outside and then you can start shouting at me okay?”

Reluctantly she nodded and crossed her arms over herself. There was still a smouldering look in her eyes though that resulted in a shot of something far too like excitement run through Lex’s veins. He grew suddenly irritated with himself. She was irritated with him, hell she was more than that she was probably on the verge of wanting to kill him and he was thinking about how wonderful she looked when she was mad.

The sun was shinning brightly when they stepped out onto the sidewalk outside the police station. It beat down on the pavement and momentarily Lex found himself shielding his eyes from the brilliance of it and just as he did he felt Chloe firmly smack him on the arm, almost managing to upset his balance.

“What the hell was that for?” he asked although he guessed he already had more than a sneaking suspicion.

“You were just going to leave me in there!” she exclaimed and he felt surprise run through him. She wasn’t angry about last night and she wasn’t really angry about being in the police station at all she was angry because she had thought he was actually going to leave her there! Lex made the mistake of letting a laugh escape him at the ridiculousness of the idea and he found himself being hit again for his trouble.

“No I wasn’t. I just spent the last four hours trying to persuade them to let you go!”

“Are you telling me the great Lex Luthor couldn’t get one little girl out of jail quicker than that? I don’t believe you.”

“Yes I am and besides, it was partly your fault.”

Chloe’s mouth dropped open and then it closed again and then fell open in silent rage. “My fault?” she asked. “My fault? You seducing me and us getting arrested is my fault?!”

“That isn’t what I meant and you know it,” Lex said trying to ignore the fact that Chloe actually looked as if she would certainly benefit from being seduced right at that moment and the additional thought that if there was a man to do it then it was him. “Apparently there were some difficulties concerning some prior arrests.”

“They weren’t arrests. I was cautioned and that was it.” Her eyes widened as if she just realised what she had said. “You’re changing the subject!” she accused.

“No you changed the subject. I was simply directing it back on course but now you come to mention it last night wasn’t entirely my fault either.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed. “You were taking advantage of me when I was clearly not entirely in control of myself.”

Lex scoffed. “And I was drunk so I could say you were taking advantage of me.”

“You at least had some choice in the matter,” Chloe said then turned and started to stalk away from him.

Cursing silently Lex set off after her, eventually catching hold of her arm and turning her around to look at him. “It was a stupid and possessive thing to do okay? And I’m sorry.”

The comment stopped her in her tracks. “Possessive? What do you mean?” Suddenly Lex found himself at a loss for words and cursed the fact that he had felt the need to stop her stalking away from him at all. When he failed to answer Chloe jabbed her finger against his chest for emphasise and demanded, “Explanations Luthor. Now!”

“Maybe that didn’t come out quite as I meant…”

“Lex!” she snapped and he reluctantly gave in.

“You were getting awfully friendly with this man and well… I…” He sighed and rubbed his brow. “I got jealous okay?”

She gawped at him as an uncomfortably air settled between them. “Jealous? You? I…” Her eyes flashed. “So you felt the need to mark your territory then? ‘Do not touch: property of Lex Luthor’? Gee Lex, thank you; I feel all kinds of special now.” Once again she turned to stalk away from him and this time against his better judgement Lex let her leave.

7th May 2003, 20:47
Love love love it!!




7th May 2003, 20:49
hehehehe, so so good. and what a smart man letting the blonde hurricane walk away from him. Smartest decision yet, I'd say.

Can't wait to see what happens when they get back to Smallville.


7th May 2003, 21:07
Oh Carmen :lol: that was so good. I can't wait to see what Gab says.

Hope :)

7th May 2003, 22:56
I love pissed off Chloe and jealous Lex! Keep em coming and update soon


8th May 2003, 01:29
I love mad Chloe. Especially Lex's reaction to it. Great job, more soon.


8th May 2003, 01:33
Woo-hoo! An update at long last! :yay:
Actually it wasn't that long a wait but with a fic this good it felt excruciating.
(So keep that in mind for the upcoming addition! ;) )

8th May 2003, 04:06
Mad Chloe at her best!

16th May 2003, 18:50
Part Fifteen

Stupid, stupid man, Chloe thought as she slumped into her seat on board the coach and peered out of the window at the ever changing countryside. Stupid, idiotic, selfish man. One who had just let her walk away from him. Not only had he managed to ruin everything between then the night before by letting his possessive nature get the better of him he actually had to go and admit it to her. Of course she had been demanding an explanation but not once in her living memory could Chloe remember Lex ever giving into someone demanding something from him voluntarily. Why did that have to go and change now? If it hadn’t then everything might have been fine between them. She could have put the night in Metropolis down to whatever the hell it was effecting her and the fact that he’d had a couple of drinks too many but now… now things were going to be uncomfortably because she found herself admitting silently to herself that she didn’t mind the idea of Lex Luthor being possessive about her.

Chloe bit at the corner of the chocolate bar wrapped she was holding and tore it open to take a bite almost ferociously.

And that… well, that was something that she couldn’t let happen. Whatever had provoked Lex into being possessive in the first place was probably nothing more some kind of twisting loyalty to Clark anyway so she really couldn’t let herself end up being affected by it.

The problem was that she was being affected by it and there was a irritating little voice at the back of her mind that just wouldn’t let her forget that fact.

The coach ride back to Smallville seemed to take forever and Chloe found herself growing progressively more and more restless. She fidgeted endlessly in her seat until the woman who had been sitting warily next to her finally decided to move seats, muttering something to the person whose seat she moved next to about the ‘strange girl she had been forced to sit by’. Chloe blacked it out and continued to stare out of the window.

When they arrived in Smallville Chloe climbed off the coach and immediately headed towards Talon for a much needed caffeine fix and perhaps the chance to apologise to Lana for whatever it was she vaguely remembered doing to the other girl the night before though the memories were still rather blurred; an odd contrast to what she could remember from her time with Lex. Stepping through into the air-conditioned coolness she began to search the room for Lana but was unable to find the girl. Walking up to the counter she gapped at the person that she saw stood behind it.

“Pete?!” she exclaimed and gave a little laugh. “What on earth are you doing here?”

Her friend spun around, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of her and her relatively unharmed appearance. Suddenly his eyes turned angry and indicated to one of the waitresses to take over the counter. “I want to talk to you outside.”

“I…” Chloe said and then stopped taking in the serious expression on his face. As the young man moved towards the door Chloe followed him. “Pete, what’s happened?”

Stepping out into the mid-afternoon air Pete turned around and said, “Lana’s been in hospital.”

“W-what?” she asked disbelievingly. “Listen she didn’t fall that hard…”

“Not from that,” Pete snapped. “Although trust me there are some questions that are floating around about that. While you were off in Metropolis with the Fabulous Play Boy, no doubt living it up, Lana was trying to find out what the hell is going on with you and she nearly drown in the process.”

Chloe’s mouth fell open. “Oh my god. How is she? Where is she? I have to see her.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Clark’s there and he’s none too happy with you.”

“But how did she end up nearly drowning?”

“I remembered that you said you’d had an accident near to some of the meteorite rock. We went up to take a look around and Lana had an accident and slipped into a pool and she couldn’t get back out.” He glared at Chloe. “I think she was still dazed from hitting her head.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, attempting to suppress the flicker of anger she felt at the judgemental look in his eyes. “I wasn’t exactly in control at that point.”

“You weren’t in control enough to know that you should call an ambulance when your friend is hurt?”

“I know it sounds unbelievable but it’s true!” The look he gave her in reply was a disbelieving one but he shook his head and didn’t say anything in reply. “Did… did you find anything?” Chloe asked hesitantly.

Pete shook his head. “There was nothing but the rocks.”

Leaning against the wall Chloe put her head in her hands. “I ended up in jail last night,” she confessed. “And before you say anything it wasn’t entirely Lex’s fault; it was because of a situation that I put us in.” Looking up at him she said, “I have to find out what’s going on before I end up hurting anyone else but first, first I’m going to check up on Lana.”

“Just try to do it when Clark isn’t around okay?”

“Will do,” Chloe agreed.

16th May 2003, 19:20
YAY you finally updated...after what like a year? Okay, a week... anywho, thanks for updating I've been wondering where this fic disappeared to.


And I like the fact that Chloe's willing to take responsibility for what she does even though she doesn't know while she's doing it.

PLUS, WHAT THE HELL!!! Are you telling me that they can encounter meteor freak one after another yet when Chloe can't control herself, Pete doubts her? Meanie...

16th May 2003, 20:22
At least Chloe is admitting she doesn't mind Lex being possessive of her. That's a step in the right direction. And, Pete deserves a thump on the head. He's so thick!


16th May 2003, 20:24
What a jerk Pete is, grrr...it's not as if Chloe can control her actions when she's not in a sane mind.

i guess for clark, he would blow up even more than pete, after all his precious princess lana is hurt... :goof:

16th May 2003, 20:55
Clark and pete need to both go to hell. She so needs to drop those two. Great chapter by the way.

Hope :)

17th May 2003, 04:15
Ok, Pete doesn't know what the hell is going on, but Lana does, so Chloe REALLY needs to talk to her, and then get back with Lex and have some nice :smut: ;)

17th May 2003, 07:14
Oooh, was that hope being all mean in her post? Wow, never thought I'd see her get so hostile!

Hehe, had to comment,


17th May 2003, 15:20
poor Chloe... she wasn't there to see lana get hurt.

and clark and pete need to take a long walk off a short pier.

18th May 2003, 02:01
Originally posted by Blaire023@May 17 2003, 06:14 AM
Oooh, was that hope being all mean in her post? Wow, never thought I'd see her get so hostile!

Hehe, had to comment,

:lol: Blaire to funny. :lol:

Hope :blinkkiss:

18th May 2003, 10:35
Why are Clark and Pete blaming Lana's accident on Chloe? Don't they understand by now that she has no control over her actions? And she could hardly know that Lana was going to go all intrepid down by the lake. Chloe really needs to get some new friends.

Looking forward to the next chapter. Hopefully something will happen to prevent Chloe from finding out the truth from Lana so we can get another delicious chapter of UninhibitedChloe. ;)

25th May 2003, 15:22
Any chance of an update soon? :chlexsign1:

25th May 2003, 15:29
Sorry, I've had a lot on my plate at the moment. I'm at university and I'm studying for my yearly finals so I don't have much time on the internet. Pretty much anything I've posted recently is actually stuff that I've had done for three or more weeks. I'm going to try and update this soon but other plot bunnies for other 'ships are also calling.

1st June 2003, 03:34
Sorry, for the long wait guys. My end of year finals at uni got in the way of getting this out. Hope you all enjoy it...


Part Sixteen

Clark leapt to his feet and resisted the urge to curse as the doorbell rang. His eyes darted towards the still sleeping figure on the bed to make sure she had not stirred and then he rushed out of the door and down the stairs to the front door. This had better be important. Lana needed to get some sleep now that the fears of her having a concussion were passed. She’d been in the cold water a good ten minutes before Pete had found her and dragged her out. Clark was only thankful that one of them had found her and he was doubly happy that it had been Pete because otherwise… Otherwise there had been all those meteorite rocks and who knows what might have happened as a result.

He reached the front door in a matter of heartbeats and had it open just before the person on the other side could press the bell again. His eyes were as wide as those belonging to the person on the other side and for a moment he could do nothing but gawp. “Lex?” he said finally.

There was something apprehensive about the look in Lex’s eyes are he half glanced behind the young man standing in the doorway. “I need to see Chloe.”

Clark felt himself start as confusion washed over him. “She’s not with you?”

The billionaire visibly tensed. “She’s not here?” Clark shook his head and listened as Lex cursed in what sounded like more than one language to Clark. “Listen, if she’s in there and has told you she doesn’t want to see me then go and tell her that I’m not going away until I speak with her.”

“She’s not here. She’s probably still too ashamed to show her face.”

The words were out of his mouth before he had chance to think and Lex’s face lit with suspicion. “Why?”

“She hurt Lana,” he replied somewhat uncomfortably.


Clark shrugged. “Lana got hit on the head. Then last night she nearly drown.”

“She’s okay now though?”

The younger man nodded his reply. “She’s upstairs sleeping.”

“Do you think she’d be up to a visitor?”

Feeling suddenly suspicious of the man in front of him Clark asked, “Why?”

Lex rolled his eyes. “Because I would like to see for myself whether she is okay Clark; call it friendly concern.”

Clark blushed in embarrassment. “Oh. Sure. Sorry. Come on up.”

The young man found he was less than comfortable showing Lex into Lana’s room but the moment they entered he was distracted by the sight of the previously sleeping girl sat up in bed looking directly towards the door. She still had that slightly frightened, slightly worried look about her eyes that instantly made his heart go out to her. Lana Lang looked deceptively fragile sat there but Clark wasn’t to know that and he felt a rush of defensive concern as he looked at her.

“Lex!” she exclaimed, a smile drifting back onto her features. “You’re okay! We were worried when we found out that Chloe had kidnapped you off somewhere.”

It was Lex’s turn to look uncomfortable. “Yes, well, it wasn’t too bad and you’ll be glad to know she’s back to normal now. Well, at least she is for the time being judging from the last time I saw her.”

“She’s not with you?”

“She took off after we had… a minor disagreement about something.”

Clark watched as something brightened in Lana’s eyes and excitedly she said, “Oh! I remembered something last night that might help us.” When both men continued to look at her in silence for an explanation she added, “What about the love spell? No wait, don’t look at me like that. Stranger things have happened.”

“Yes but a love spell…” Lex said his face covered with disbelief. “What she’s after isn’t love Lana. Trust me on that.”

“Okay, well maybe not but maybe there is something in it. Can’t we at least take a look?” Her voice sounded so pleading that Clark could do nothing else but agree with her. After a few short moments of searching they came up with the book that he gave to Lana. “Can you remember which one it was that you read?” Lana asked Lex.

The young business man shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t really pay attention. I just flicked to a page.”

Lana’s eyes turned mournful and they all looked at the book she was holding. “This could take a while,” Clark observed.

* * * *

Contrary to what Lex had suspected, it appeared that he had a remarkably poor amount of patience when it concerned spending what seemed like an overtly long amount of time searching through the book while in the presence Clark and Lana. He was also beginning to rue the day he had ever decided to help the pair get together. They were positively irritating the way they kept dithering around each other all of the time and he found himself suddenly admiring Chloe’s patience that she was able to put up with it on a daily basis; far more frequently that he was ever faced with it.

Absently he glanced at them and then turned rapidly back to looking through the book as he realised that they were clearly on the verge of having one of their ‘talks’. There was no way in hell he was going to risk getting asked for his opinion. The constant chatter between them died away suddenly and he heard Clark exclaim, “Chloe!”

Lex’s eyes shot towards the door and sure enough there was Chloe standing in the clothes he had last seen her in and with a mildly confused expression on her face. She looked from him and then to the pair of teens and then back at him and suddenly Lex saw her temper flare in her eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded taking a step into the room and ignoring Lana’s question over whether she was okay.

“We need to talk about what happened rationally; preferably without you running away.”

“Why do I get the feeling I’m missing something?” Clark asked and although he clearly expected an answer he never received one.

“Okay!” Chloe spluttered glancing towards the other two teenagers. “So I ran away. It was probably the best thing to do; I was on the point of wanting to kill you.”

Lex’s eyes widened. “I thought we agreed that the mess was both our faults?”

“We never agreed any such thing. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak to my friends.”

He shot to his feet suddenly, anger flaring behind his eyes although the blonde girl didn’t notice. Reaching forwards he grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her out of the room despite Clark’s protests mixed with Chloe’s own. In the hallway he found himself at a loss as to where to go being unfamiliar with the layout of the Sullivan house and simply headed into the next room along. After he made sure she was securely in the room he closed the door as he glimpsed Clark approaching it but not caring that the young man looked as if he were about to try and rush to their rescue. He was somewhat satisfied to find that there was a lock on the door.

“What are you doing?!” Chloe cried as he flipped the lock shut, took the key and deposited into the pocket of his trousers. She rushed past him and pulled at the door handle even knowing that it would be no good. “Lex, this isn’t funny,” she said turning around to face him once again.

For the first time Lex got to look at the room he had chosen. It was far too neat and tidy to be Chloe’s and there was a certain blankness about it that told him he had inadvertently locked them both in Gabe Sullivan’s bedroom.

“It isn’t meant to be funny. We need to sit down and talk about this like adults Chloe.”

“Can’t we just pretend it never happened?” she asked leaning against the door. There was something like hopefulness about her voice that made Lex want to cringe.

Something sank inside of Lex and he found himself taking a step inexplicably towards her. Reaching out slowly he brushed his fingers against her cheek and she lowered her face slowly. Uncomfortable, he pulled his hand away and said, “I’m not sure if I can do that.”

“You’re being silly,” Chloe said and her eyes held a world of expression.

His back straightened suddenly. “I suppose you’re right.”

“Lex I didn’t mean…” she trailed off.

“No you’re right. I forgot for a while that this isn’t real.”

He found himself waiting for her reaction; wanting her to have a reaction and strangely he found himself wanting her to deny it and tell him the opposite. He wanted her to tell him it was real which concerned him because it brought up a whole host of questions as to why he wanted that.

Once again Chloe looked away. “Yeah,” she said.

Lex reached into his pocket and pulled out the key, holding it out for her to take if she wanted to. “Clark and Lana think they may be onto something. You should go and find out what.”

Taking the key she asked, “You’re not sticking around?” He started to shake his head but she stopped him. “I’d kind of like it if you did. Four minds are better than three and all that…”

1st June 2003, 03:43
It took you ten years to come up with a new chapter. And you stop it to soon. How dare you! Now come back right now and give us another chapter.

Hope :biggrin:

1st June 2003, 03:59
You can't just leave it there! Damn you! He'd better stay. That's all I have to say.

1st June 2003, 06:33
:huh: NOOOO! Stay, Lex, stay!

Come on, girl! I've waited quite a while for this new chapter and I am not about to enjoy the following if you yank out Lex and leave me to observe Clark and Lana oogling each other!

1st June 2003, 17:29
:yay: YAY..an update! But why so short??? Need more soon....

and hope you pass your papers with flying colours! :glow:

1st June 2003, 19:04
I just read this for the first time and I have to say that it´s great. I llove the plot. Please continue soon.

1st June 2003, 22:05
sigh. Why are all of these characters working against making themselves happy? It's very vexing, let me tell you. So, Lex, my boy, stay and help. I mean, you increase you chances of getting things settled with Chloe. More soon please.


2nd June 2003, 02:09
Ok I have waited patiently, not throwing around any threats, which is a lot coming from me. And then you update which is nice n all, but then you end it THERE!?!?!

You better get your butt back here and gimme another chapter or major threatening and other evil things will ensue!


2nd June 2003, 17:43
hey now, give her some time. I mean her muse has probably stalled a little bit and just needs a swift kick in the rear. In which case I am lacing up my steel toed doc martens right now.

Please update, even just a sentence....even just a little smidgeon of a chappie.

<bangs fists on floor> I want it now&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Temper tantrum over...


2nd June 2003, 20:20
Thanks for the feedback guys :biggrin:


Part Seventeen

“I think…” Lana said. “I think I might actually have it&#33;”

At the sound of her voice Chloe looked up and turned away from her computer screen, twisting her head to see the rest of the room. Lex too, she noticed looked away from the pile of papers that they had printed off after finding them online and discovering that they related to the area that Chloe had been visiting when she found the meteorites rocks. He still refused to believe that what was happening to her could possibly have anything to do with a spell and Chloe, although known for her more usual theories, was inclined to agree with him. A ‘love’ spell… it just sounded too ridiculous. Actually, it didn’t just sound silly, it actually was silly and so she had started to research other possibilities online including everything from chemical imbalances to meteorites and now, only very reluctantly had she started to look into the possibility that Lana was right.

That in itself was enough to make Chloe cringe from journalistic pride and irritation. The idea grated on her nerves and she knew that if it turned out to be true then this was something that she was never going to be able live down. Her one consolation was that Lex would never live it down either. After all, he had been the one to read the stupid thing out aloud in the first place.

That thought put a smug little smile on her face until she realised that the others were looking at her and that she had apparently missed something. “What?” she asked, putting on her face as innocent an expression as she could manage while secretly wishing she could glare at Lex whose own features were covered in a smirk. He looked entirely too satisfied with himself and the worse part was that Chloe found herself wanting to grin back at him as much as she wanted to glare.

“I said I think I’ve found the spell that Lex read out.” Lana repeated, looking at Chloe curiously.

“I know, I heard that,” the blonde reporter replied dryly. “What did you say afterwards?”

Lana and Clark suddenly shared a knowing look that left Chloe feeling suspicious. She narrowed her eyes slightly. What on earth was that meant to mean?

“I just wondered whether you wanted to take a look,” the brunette girl said, matching Chloe’s earlier innocent expression easily.

The other girl’s eyes narrowed a little more and she reached forwards to take the book from Lana, keeping a finger in the page to stop the book from falling shut. Already a feeling of disbelief that this was all actually happening had begun to well in her as Chloe turned the page around and looked down at the words printed there.

They looked different somehow today; almost like she had not really seen them before and that sent a shrill of worry quickly running through her body and... and well something else. Chloe shifted uncomfortably on her chair and tried to concentrate on the page in front of her, silently saying the words over and over again in her head. Eventually she realised that she couldn’t stop looking at it even as a vein of desire lighted in her. Looking up she found herself look directly into Lex’s blue eyes as he studied her features intensely. An almost undeniable urge to cross the room towards him filled her and left the blonde breathing hard.

This was so not good.

She stood up sharply, upsetting the book on her lap. For a second she looked at it on the floor, the voices of her friend’s questions fading into the background as if they were entirely meaningless. Chloe took one faltering step forwards as a familiar feeling washed over her and she tried to push it away. “G-good work,” she said. “Clark, why don’t you and Lana go and look into it further? I feel the need for coffee.” Almost involuntarily she added, “Can you help me please Lex?” before turning and walking out of Lana’s bedroom abruptly.

She was halfway down the stairs before she was actually aware that he had followed and into the kitchen before he actually managed to reach her and put a hand on her arm to stop her from moving any further away. That in itself was enough to make her feel as if she were on fire..

“Chloe?” he asked and she stopped dead in the middle of the room.

“I wouldn’t touch me if I were you,” she said taking a deep shuddering breath and trying to repress the urge she had to turn around and push him up against the nearest wall. Even as the thought entered her mind she found her head falling back, her eyes closing and a small involuntary little groan escaping her lips.

“It’s happening again?” he asked and his voice sounded cautious. The hand was still on her arm and Chloe wondered absently whether it would be actually possible for it to burn a hole through her top. “Do you need to sit down?” She nodded once and he pulled out a chair for her to slump onto, the action causing a scraping sound, but she pulled away slightly. “Chloe, don’t be stupid, let me help you.”

His words caused her to groan out aloud once again as thoughts, even more vivid than those that had plagued her mind previously filled her and Chloe found herself imagining all of the ways of just how he could help her.

“Maybe I should go and get Clark,” he said and Chloe spun, catching hold of him and looking up into his eyes once again.

“That would be a bad thing,” she said moving her to feet and putting a predatory little sway into the movement of her hips as she stepped close into him, putting her hands on the lapels of his jacket and then sliding them underneath. “You’re more than capable of helping me all on your own.”

He bit his lip, she saw him do it, as a moment of indecision washed over him. It was all it took for her to move, to slip the jacket off his shoulder forcibly, trapping his arms in it as she did so, and pushed him up against the wall, planting her lips on his as she did so. Once again he seemed to hesitate and then Chloe felt his lips part ever so slightly and move on hers and everything that was Lex filled her again as the kiss built in passion and she realised that he would has happily devour her at that moment as she would devour him. Then an arm was around her waist and she was being lifted backwards as a screech of frustration came from her and her arms reached out towards the man who was staring at her with reddened lips and a somewhat dazed expression on his face.

Chloe struggled desperately until tears of frustration welled in her eyes but she was still unable to get free from the person who held her. Some part of her mind registered that it had to be Clark and an intense hate begun to well in her as she cried out, “Let me go&#33; This isn’t fair&#33;”

“I think we may indeed have found the reason for her behaviour,” Lex said, looking right into the blonde girl’s eyes. “Chloe,” he said gently. “Calm down.”

“Lex, help me,” she said softly, a slight whine to her voice as she appealed to him. “Please? This isn’t right. You know it isn’t…”

“Shh,” he said stepping closer and wiping a tear from her cheek even as Chloe inclined her head towards his touch. “We’re going to make everything better again.”

2nd June 2003, 20:28
Damn you Clark Kent, damn you&#33; Okay, so it was probably Lex&#39;s idea as well, but still. *hmph* Bad grr at Clark.

2nd June 2003, 20:37
OH, why did Clark have to stop them?&#33;?&#33;? :crygreen: I Don&#39;t want her to be fixed, i want lots of Chlex&#33; ;) :smut: SO WRITE MORE NOW&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin: :biggrin:

2nd June 2003, 21:02
<snatches up bundles of kryptonite>

That&#39;s it, if Lana can&#39;t keep him busy upstairs maybe some meteorites tied to him can. And yeah, Lex probably planned it too. damn the men.

I want to know what it is that makes her change all of a sudden, or is it just a fluke?



2nd June 2003, 23:17
Clark and his damn crappy timing&#33; Uhm yeah, :biggrin: great fic.

3rd June 2003, 00:38
Um I B I hold your meteor rocks and raise it by a spaceship to send ET back home, once and for all&#33; With Lana if possible.

Good chappy, and I want more soon.


3rd June 2003, 01:01
Carmen Ughhhhh :crygreen: why did you stop there? I want more please :crygreen:

Hope :tease:

3rd June 2003, 01:14
Not fair, not fair, not fair&#33; How could you just leave us hanging there??? Damn Clark&#33; Chloe doesn&#39;t need to be fixed. More soon&#33; :biggrin:

3rd June 2003, 04:37
Stupid dumbass farmboy. Yeah, I *suppose* that they have to figure out what&#39;s going on. But, can&#39;t it be after we gets some smut? *grumbles and pouts*


3rd June 2003, 05:39
Sometimes I wish I could throw a shoe in that stupid farm boy

Great job&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Please more&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

3rd June 2003, 08:56
...shoes...or something bigger... like a meteor incrusted rock the size of Kansas.

great updates... i missed this fic&#33;&#33;

6th June 2003, 20:53
Part Eighteen

Lana had to pause at the door before she could bring herself to push it open and step inside. Memories of the last time she had encountered the possessed Chloe continued to rush at her even as she did so as she mentally shook herself, refusing to let the nervousness she was feeling show through. Even from the other side of the door she could hear Chloe inside muttering away to herself in dark tones that she was suspected were directed towards the people who had tied her up to keep her away from Lex. Even Lex had looked mildly disturbed when that course of action had been suggested but he had gone along with it anyway, more due to the somewhat desperate look in Chloe’s eyes than any other reason as far as Lana could tell.

Inside the room late afternoon sunlight shone in through the open window, falling directly on the body of her friend who was on the bed. Chloe turned as Lana entered, her green eyes flashing quickly and she relaxed the struggling against her bonds that she had been indulging in.

“Lana&#33;” she exclaimed brightly, a smile slipping onto her lips. “Can you do me a favour and untie me? I’m feeling all better now.”

Tilting her head slightly to one side Lana shook it. “I don’t think so. Not with the way you were carrying on before I came in here.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Chloe scoffed and looked towards the tray that her friend was carrying. “Food?” The question was asked hopefully and Lana found herself smiling at it.

“I thought you might be getting hungry,” Lana confirmed and perched on the edge of the bed with the tray sat on her knees.

A thought seemed to pass across Chloe’s face and she asked, “How am I supposed to eat with no hands?”

“That’s why I’m here,” the other girl answered. “I’m going to help you.”

Chloe frowned and rolled her eyes. “Well this is demeaning. I never thought you were the cruel type Lana…”

“Can you just stop it?” Lana asked. “Please? I came in here to help you eat but I didn’t have to. I’m not going to untie you until I’m certain you’re back to being Chloe again; the real Chloe that is not whatever Chloe is currently in charge. Now do you want my help or not?”

The expression on Chloe’s face was one of near perfect amazement and Lana found herself suppressing a small smile. There would be no use in antagonising the other girl right at this moment, not with how she was currently carrying on. It would get neither of them anywhere after all but still, she half wished she had a camera so that she would be able to save the look for later.

Somewhat reluctantly Chloe nodded and Lana lifted up the sandwich she had prepared to the other girl’s lips. After taking several bites which she hastily chewed and swallowed Chloe asked, “I don’t suppose you’ve got anything with any caffeine tucked away on you have you?”

Lana shook her head. “Somehow I don’t think that would be a good idea. You’re restless enough as it is.”

Chloe grinned broadly. “There’s a good reason for that you know and it begins with ‘L’ and ends in ‘ex’.”

Shaking her head Lana said, “No, we both know that’s not the case. This is just something you’re going through.”

“And what if its not?”

Lana frowned. “What do you mean?”

“What if this isn’t just a phase Lana? Did you ever bother to wonder whether this wasn’t something that would have happened anyway? I like Lex.”

“We all like Lex. It’s why we’re friends with him,” Lana said still drawing a blank as to what Chloe had meant.

“I didn’t mean like that.”

Lana’s eyes widened as realisation sank in and she sat with her mouth open slightly, trying to think of something to say. “It doesn’t matter anyway,” she stuttered finally after getting over the silence she had been stunned into. “It’s just the spell speaking.”

“No it isn’t&#33;” Chloe exclaimed. “Don’t you see? I’ve always liked Lex; you’re just all too blind to notice it&#33; Hell, most of the time I’m too blind to notice it myself. Its like walking around with blinkers on – I spend all my days wondering when Clark is going to finally start paying attention to me when I should be looking at the delicious piece of yummy goodness that is right in front of me and if something has happened to me then I say thank god because if it hadn’t been for it then I would never have realised the truth for myself&#33;”

There were tears in the blonde’s eyes again and Lana felt a wave of compassion rush through her. She stood up not wanting the urge she had been starting to feel to help the other girl take too much control. “I’ll come back later to check on you,” she said quietly and walked towards the door trying to ignore the forlorn sigh she had heard escape the other girl. Stepping through the door she turned and walked right into someone. Looking up Lana gasped, “Lex&#33;”

* * * *

He hadn’t meant to do it. He had simply been walking down the corridor to see what was taking Lana so long and, he would admit to himself but to no one else, to check on Chloe when he had heard their voices travel through the open bedroom door towards him.

When Lana appeared through the door he still hadn’t managed to wrap his mind around what he had heard Chloe say. There had been a quality of clarity to her voice, a rationality that had scared him as much as it had confirmed to him that the words she had said were the truth or at least that she believed them whole heartedly as she spoke them at that moment. It was stunning to say the least and entirely unexpected. If he had known sooner… What? The question hovered in his mind refusing to give a clear answer. He supposed he could have gone ahead in the first place and just slept with her, he could have taken the chance then when it had originally been offered to him and he could have truly rejoiced in it. But no, that wouldn’t have been right either. It didn’t matter how much he felt like he might have missed a chance now he knew had done the right thing.

Lex couldn’t help but wonder what would happen when this mess was all cleared up. Until now he had imagined that things would just return to normal, as they had been before and, well, as normal as things ever got in Smallville but now… He wasn’t sure he wanted that to happen. The last few days had been enlightening to say the least and he had to admit that he had enjoyed Chloe’s company both when she was and was not affected by the spell though the thought that it had taken something like a *spell* for him to realise that irked him deeply. And now it appeared that Chloe may have similar feelings on her own part... It was almost too much for him to consider.

For a second he paused by the door wondering whether he should go in to have a talk with her, discuss what she had said and then try to make sense of it for both of them. Before he could act on the impulse though, Lex slowly backed away from the door. It would only cause her embarrassment later when she remembered it he reasoned. That thought in mind Lex turned and went back to Lana’s bedroom. The sooner Chloe was better again then the better everything would be… at least, he hoped so.

6th June 2003, 22:59
Now this is an interesting development. :chlexsign2:

6th June 2003, 23:39
Interesting is right. Can&#39;t wait to read the next chapter. :)

7th June 2003, 11:38
Yes I agree. It´s definately interesting.
But I have a question though. Why do thex need the help of a curse to realise something that we already know. They are perfect for each other&#33; :biggrin:

9th June 2003, 04:13
Ok, so now you&#39;re giving us yet another twist&#33; You know this means that you have to update, um, NOW&#33;&#33;&#33; Lana, get back in there and untie her.


15th June 2003, 01:21
Addition AN: I&#39;m not overly happy with this part but it has to be posted. Also, my experiences with Wicca/witchcraft only ever went as far as the obsessional phase I went through when I was about 13 so forgive me for anything in this which might offend.


Part Nineteen

Her head pounded and there was a thin sheen on sweat covering her body. Luckily the hunger that had accompanied her discomfort had disappeared after Lana’s little visit but the unease, the urge the shuffled and shift around and ultimately to go and hunt down a certain billionaire remained. That unfortunately did not look like it was going to happen though.

Two hours later and she opened her eyes to see three figures stepping quietly through the door and approaching her bed. Chloe peered up at them, a hostile look easily flittering onto her face as she met each set of eyes in turn, the only exception being that when she found herself looking at Lex a sly little smile washed onto her features. It was easy to see that the sight of her still tied to the bed still affected him as much as it had to begin with as she found herself remembering the somewhat anguished expression his features had held when Clark and Lana had insisted on the action. Looking into his eyes Chloe couldn’t help but wonder what was going on behind them as well and the foremost concerned of hers was whether he was thinking the naughty thoughts that she had been participating in. Something told her that even if he wasn’t at the moment then he wasn’t far away from doing so and that made her smile a little wider.

There was a part of her that was half aware that the spell, as they still chose to call it although Chloe had discovered that she liked to think of it in considerably more pleasant terms, was still affecting her long after it should have died away. The simplest explanation was that it had something to do with the fact that she had actually read it herself this time it had effected her and that it had somehow reinforced what had been put in place before. Chloe didn’t really care if it had if she were honest about the whole thing. Whatever it was it gave her the freedom that she had long needed and desired to do as she wished. The problem was that the others didn’t see it that way.

The worst part of it was that she knew she was no way going to be able to convince her wonderful friends of that fact any time in the near future. Typical Clark, Chloe thought dryly, if something isn’t how he wants it to be then it has to be broken. Lana was just being Lana, following along even if she pretended she knew what was going on. If Clark said the word then Chloe had no doubt that Lana would just drop the matter and let things go on as they had been; in other words, go on the way Chloe wanted them to.

It was Lex who was the surprise. She had expected him to protest of course but she had also expected that he would want to sit back and see how things played out. This somewhat stern and unexpected approach he was taking was the most irritating thing about the circumstances that Chloe found herself placed in.

A thought stole over Chloe’s mind. She’d just have to show him the error of his ways.

That however was not her immediate concern. No, that was more something to do with the fact that the three people stood over her were looking extremely confident about something and as Chloe glanced towards Clark and then Lana she saw that smiles had filtered over their features. Unless they had inadvertently managed to get themselves in the same situation as she was in Chloe knew that the matching expressions could not be a good thing.

“What’s going on?” she asked and then glanced at Lex who had looked away from her momentarily. A sinking feeling began to wash over Chloe. “Let me up,” she demanded. When none of them moved to help her she added, “Damn-it this isn’t fair&#33;”

For the first time she noticed the bundle of things that Lana carried tucked under one arm. The brunette placed it down carefully on the edge of the bed and began to unroll what looked like an odd assortment of objects from inside the cloth she had carried them in. The suspicion that had been dawning on Chloe before grew stronger.

“When Clark was on the internet before we found something interesting out,” Lana said as she began to arrange objects on the bed before Chloe. As the blonde watched her the other girl moved around the bed, placing different pieces, the majority of which were strangely coloured stones that looked like something out of an arts and crafts shop, around her in what looked like carefully planned positions. “We trailed though lots and lots of sites that looked meaningless and then we found this one that looked like it might be helpful. Anyway, we emailed the owner and she got back to us quickly with what we think might be a cure.” With her last words Lana came to stand at the end of the bed again looking down on her friend with an expectant, pleased expression on her features.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Chloe exclaimed abruptly.

“I’m afraid not,” Lex replied. There was a strange look about him as he said it and Chloe raised an eyebrow realising she might have a potential ally after all.

“Lex, it’s ridiculous.”

“I agree but it’s the only thing we’ve been able to come up with yet.”

“I can’t believe that you would go along with something like this… I thought you had more sense.”

He didn’t reply but Chloe saw the lingering doubts that his body language held and it gave her some hope that he might be prevailed upon yet to help her.

Lana it seemed however was determined to get started on the ‘spell’ that she was going to perform. The girl quickly picked up several sheets of paper and read them through while Clark and Lex stepped back away from the bed. When she had reread everything the brunette placed the sheets of paper down on the bed and began to move through the instructions physically while reading aloud for the first time.

“Hear me body,” she said picking up a candle from the bedspread. “Hear me mind.” She picked up a book of matches and struck one, watching as it sprang to life. “Hear me spirit. I call upon thee to unite, balanced once again and become true to thy self.” With this she touched the flame to the wick and the candle ignited brightly.

Chloe looked on expectedly and when it seemed that nothing more would happen she said, “What? That’s it come on La…”

Her voice stuck in her throat and Chloe drew in a long shuddering breath. It felt as if she were choking, every cell in her body singing out for air. A wave of coldness rolled through her unrelentingly and her body lifted ever so slightly from the bed as if lapped against the inside of her skull, startlingly cold until she thought she would cry from the pain it caused. A strangled scream escaped her and somewhere in the distance she heard Lex’s concerned voice and then strong hands were on her holding her down against the bed.

When it passed Chloe felt like she was hovering ever so slightly above the bed and it took her several seconds to realise that was not in fact the case. Her hands went out, grabbed at the sheets underneath her and a further revelation that she had been untied came to her. She should have been… ecstatic but instead Chloe found herself feeling rather empty as if something were missing. She frowned and groaned aloud.

“Chloe?” a quiet voice asked. She realised her eyes had been closed and opened them slowly to see Lana looking down at her. It took her a second to focus and then she nodded. “I think it worked,” the brunette added.

“It had better have worked,” Lex suddenly exclaimed and he was there, pushing past Lana and looked down at her with concerned eyes. Chloe managed to smile at him and his expression turned a relieved one. “Everything is going to be okay,” he offered.

Chloe’s eyes drifted shut as fatigue took control of her body. She could only hope so.

15th June 2003, 04:03
Worked, stupid Lana. It was supposed to be lust to love spell, so maybe it just got on to the next part... Update soon&#33;

15th June 2003, 04:08
Yesss, an update...but noooo, poor Chloe, Lex will make it better. At least I hope he&#39;ll be making it better....soonish perhaps....with a kiss...or two..or....
:wub: ~Heida

15th June 2003, 04:12
Stupid, Stupid Lana&#33;&#33;&#33; :crygreen: Dammit&#33;
Now come back here and make it all better ;)

15th June 2003, 05:04
Grrr&#33; Lana and Clark need to just go away. Poor Chloe. I hope Lana didn&#39;t screw something up and take something from Chloe. Oh well. Lex will make it all better. Post soon.

15th June 2003, 05:17
I was so excited to see you posted a new chapter&#33; I love this story. I can&#39;t wait to see what&#39;s going on next&#33; Update soon pleeeeaassseee

:biggrin: Jen

15th June 2003, 05:35
Good chapter but this is what I want to do to Blana and Clark :hammer: :die: the idiots. :tease:


15th June 2003, 16:41
sigh. Why can&#39;t everyone just let it be. I mean, mind your own damn business people. More soon, I want to see what it does to Chloe.


15th June 2003, 21:22
damn Lana :tease:
i hate this girl

she can&#39;t be occupied by her problem with clark :hammer: and let lex and chloe solves their problem :mad:

anyway it&#39;s a good fic i can&#39;t wait to read more
so please update sooner please :worship2:

15th June 2003, 23:18
Ok this in deed has me a little miffed&#33; Whast does the girl think going around and acting out spells like that&#33; God knows what could go wrong there&#33; *shakes head* Now I only hope the spell worked as it was supposed to work and didn&#39;t go awry again&#33; And then of course there will be a lot of taking care of Chloe to do and I know just the person to do that :biggrin:

Anyway, great chappy, can&#39;t wait to read more&#33; Update ASAP


16th June 2003, 02:00
i :wub: this fic&#33; I hope the spell worked and that Lex finally realizes that Chloe really likes him&#33;


16th June 2003, 17:19
Now that all the thing abt spells are over, I hope Chloe and Lex finally see the light...that both of them desire each other, and they should just get it on. :devil:

16th June 2003, 18:30
Now Chloe really needs to be comforted. We all know who is supposed to do it, right?
Great chapter btw.

17th June 2003, 18:21
noooooooo&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; don&#39;t work&#33; i like how Lex is so concerned, it&#39;s so sweet

19th June 2003, 23:35
Okay folks, last chapter and I&#39;ve taken the sappy road out. lol. Anyway, thanks for all the feedback for this. Its appreciated and loved and thanks for the patience you&#39;ve had while I&#39;ve been posting this - I know I&#39;ve been a little irregular.

~ HumbugGirl


Part Twenty

After a while he had found he had no desire to leave, especially while she slept on and he had no chance to say goodbye. Of course, he reasoned, he could have just left anyway. He could have pretended that none of this had ever happened, but he was oddly reluctant to do so. Somehow it felt rude and more than a little selfish to run away and, well, slowly Lex realised, he wanted to be there when she woke just to make sure he hadn’t lied to her. He wanted to make sure that everything really would be okay.

It actually felt a little strange to find he was so concerned about her but then Lex supposed that he should not really be so surprised. Something had happened over the past few days and whatever that something was it needed to be reconciled between them soon. He couldn’t go on wondering what was happening with Chloe. He could not spend his time worrying whether the small blonde girl on the bed really did care for him or not. He needed to know one way or the other so that some type of peace could be found.

Standing from the chair he had been occupying next to her bed Lex went to the window and looked out at the street beyond. Darkness was creeping lower, threatening the imminent return of Gabe Sullivan. How he would explain his presence here; his presence watching over the man’s only daughter was something still beyond Lex. Gabe’s reaction would undoubtedly be more predictable.

A slight movement on the bed behind him caused the young man to spin around quickly. He was greeted by the sight of Chloe steadily moving herself into a sitting position and rubbing her eyes ever so slightly in an adorable little action that left him wanting to smile.

“Feeling better?” he asked in the quiet of the room and the sound of his voice startled them both because she spun around to look at him and Lex felt his heart do a little jump.

As she saw him stood there a rosy blush spread over her cheeks and Lex knew that whatever memories she held of the last few hours were returning to her. After taking a moment to compose herself Chloe glanced down at the quilt he had thrown over her, pulling it more fully over her and said, “Much. You didn’t have to wait around Lex.”

“I wanted to.” Slowly he approached the bed and took up the chair again.

“Oh. Well, thanks.”

They sat in silence for a moment; Lex studying the look on her face, the one that told him she wanted to say something but wasn’t entirely sure how to do it. Steeling himself he said, “I think we need to talk about what’s happened the last few days.”

“I knew you were going to say that. I was dreading it.”

Undiscouraged by her words he continued. “Something has happened and we can’t ignore it. I don’t want to ignore it.”

She looked up again, green eyes wide with surprise and jaw hanging ever so slightly. “You don’t?”

“No. I would have told you the same while we were in Metropolis if you had let me get around to it before rushing off like you did.”

“You would?”

“Chloe, a little feedback here would be helpful&#33;” he exclaimed suddenly.

“Sorry, it’s just so, well, unexpected.” She laughed a little. “All it took was a little love spell to make you notice me.”

“I think I must have been blind.”

“That may have been the corniest line ever,” the blonde girl snorted.

Lex shrugged. “I think I could come up with a worse one if I really tried.”

Her eyes sparkled with warmth and mischief. “I think I’d be willing to give you the chance to try.”

Leaning forwards Lex said, “I think I’d be willing to try,” and pressed his lips to hers.


19th June 2003, 23:53
It was a nice, sweet, innocent ending. I liked it alot.


20th June 2003, 00:40
awe, i liked the ending, very sweet.
hmm, but maybe you could do a short little epilogue about Gabe coming home and finding his daughter and boss now a couple? Because, come on, you give us a short little
Darkness was creeping lower, threatening the imminent return of Gabe Sullivan And now i&#39;m wanting to know what happens&#33;

20th June 2003, 02:48
Originally posted by Charmingjen@Jun 19 2003, 04:53 PM
It was a nice, sweet, innocent ending. I liked it alot.

There you go.

20th June 2003, 04:42
Enjoyed this whole story alot. well done

21st July 2003, 17:28
All I can say is that I wish I could work for Lex ***sigh*** :wub: &#33;

Too bad is over but I had one hell of a ride :yay: &#33;

21st July 2003, 21:13
Oh I appreciate your sappy ending a lot
lovely story :worship2: :cool:

15th July 2005, 03:42
i loved this whole fic.

16th July 2005, 06:14
That was great. I really enjoyed. Great job!

16th July 2005, 07:35

24th July 2005, 20:26
Lovely, very sweet....


1st October 2005, 19:58
Wonderful ending! Very sweet. I loved the whole fic. Great job! :)

30th November 2005, 18:51
i like this story it was really funny at some points but ended sweetly.

1st January 2006, 00:34
I loved the entire idea behind this story. The love spell plot was just perfect and you wrote it so well. The idea that the reason they were in jail for so long was because of Chloe’s trespassing habits made me laugh. It was probably my favorite part.

I look forward to reading more. Thanks for writing.


9th March 2008, 01:16
I really liked this fic, the end was so sweet. I also loved your version of Lana, she did her best to help her friend and she actually used her brain to find out what was the cause of Chloe's 'problem'.

6th June 2011, 04:09
Awww, this was such a cute fic. Nice job! :)


6th June 2011, 22:24
nice fic

15th June 2011, 08:01
beautiful! I love the romantic ending as well as the hot passion Lex and Chloe shared through out the story. Thank you!

20th June 2011, 01:57
This story is so sweet! :) :wub:

I like outrageous Chlex story. It makes for a very refreshing change and I enjoy this story very much. With all the fluffy parts and the parts that makes me grin, the parts that frustrate me and the parts that makes me want to kick the characters in the head.

Thank you for writing this story :) It is much appreciated :D

15th September 2011, 04:31
Fun story! Interesting choice to have Lana save the day! Thanks for sharing it!


1st May 2013, 09:23
lol I would love a one shot of explaining this to gabe

Ami Rose
1st June 2013, 01:06
Lmao awwwww

17th September 2014, 23:19
Re reading and seriously no spell needed for me to break into the luthor mansion to seduce lex