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28th May 2004, 09:53
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

Distribution: I have posted these stories and have control of them on this site. I don't want them to be posted anywhere else unless I'm the one posting them. Please take down my stories if you have them posted on another archive site. I understand I can't stop you from doing this but I hope by asking politely you'll respect my work and my wishes. If anyone has more comfort and convenience saving the text of a story to their own computer, I have no problem with that.

A/N: As a long-time lurker I'm finally possessed of what I think may be a good plot to follow to the end. Hopefully it pans out and helps me work out some of my lingering dissatisfaction with the underuse of Chloe, Lex and what is likely the most interesting ship possibility on Smallville. I've attempted to include any clues about next season that I've heard, like Chloe's new hair colour. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Chapter 1

The explosion ripped through her mind every moment, whether she had indulged in the highest dosage of the ineffective sleeping pills prescribed by a doctor or in the largest amount of strong coffee she dared to drink. It haunted her and shook through her limbs at strange moments of the day, destroying her concentration and her sanity. She was alone, forced to wait meekly until he could come to her. The danger had not passed over either of them, and together they were a larger target than they were as individuals.

Chloe Sullivan fingered her newly dyed hair as she thought with some irony that Lex might prefer it to her natural colour even if it didn’t come with double D breasts. The medium brown tone covered her previously golden locks but allowed some of the lightness underneath to warm its tones. It wouldn’t pass close inspection but it gave her a small advantage when the people looking for her hesitated over it. Her skin, usually pale, was a light tan from her time lounging on the beach. The doctor’s advice again and Lex had insisted upon it. He could offer her little in the way of comfort, but his money was evident in every day of her life now.

With one final look into the ridiculously large mirror she left the bathroom and climbed onto the equally ridiculously large bed. She hadn’t bothered to ask why all the furniture was almost too oversized to be used, but assumed it had something to do with the style of the baroque pieces. Stretching out, she arched her neck to look out the french doors to the beach. The Bahamas were beautiful, and she would have reveled in being there under other circumstances.

Chloe felt tears well up and pushed them back, knowing they could easily flow for days if she gave in. If she thought about her circumstances too much she was as susceptible to depression as any other teenager, and now that she was alone she had a responsibility to pull herself together.

One of Lex’s guards passed in front of the doors and she saw him glance into her room without acknowledging her. In a fit of pique she pushed herself up on her elbows and rolled out of his view, knowing he merely wanted to assure himself she was on the premises. Like everyone else in this gilded cage he would never presume to ask about her emotional well-being. The most ridiculous thing about the tropical escape was that she could have anything she wanted but nothing that she needed. Crying alone had lost its appeal and there were no friendly shoulders anywhere nearby.

A month ago she had felt a sense of victory as Lionel Luthor was denied bail in a Metropolis courtroom. With Lex as her ally and her father supporting her unfailingly she had dared to feel hope that her time as Lionel’s victim was over. The news of his illness, she shamefully reflected, had been a blessing and additional encouragement to speak against him despite his power.

Her victory only lasted four hours. FBI agents drove Chloe and her father for three hours and 45 minutes, until they reached the elegant house that would be theirs until Lionel’s trial was over. She remembered her father’s pleased amazement that it was so large and expensive, and his jokes about a “cardboard box condo” because of government cut backs. He had insisted on carrying her overstuffed suitcases into the house, and taking a walk around the garden while Chloe laughingly accused him of scaring the birds with his exclamations. Her lips curved in a fond smile: her good-natured father could make any situation seem like a grand adventure.

A choked sob escaped her as the explosion recurred in front of her eyes. The door had just latched behind them after they entered the house when it shook the foundation and seemingly dissolved the floor underneath them and the ceiling above their heads. From her place just inside the door Chloe had been thrown back out into the street, screaming unknowingly in agony. She had been the lucky one.

Her father’s funeral had been seven days after that, attended only by Lex Luthor. She had been in the hospital for the better part of the last month, recovering from a broken arm, minor burns and severe bruising on most of her body. Doctors had called it an odd miracle that she had lived, but she was beginning to consider it a curse. She was alone save a young billionaire who wanted her help to put his father in prison. Her mother was uninterested, her father had been killed because she couldn’t squelch her curiosity and bitter ambition, and it was too dangerous to contact any of her family members in case they became targets of Lionel’s frustrated revenge on her.

Lex called her once a week on a secure line. Still in Smallville, he had barely survived himself after being poisoned, but at least Lionel was attempting to keep his efforts to cause his eldest son’s demise low-key. She wouldn’t receive the same treatment if the magnificent bastard found out where she was.

Suddenly exhausted, Chloe sighed and buried her head into the plush counterpane of the bed. Surrounded by luxuries but isolated from everything she was, the teenager cried until she fell asleep.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

With a whirr of turning gears the camera swiveled and the lens zoomed in on the sleeping girl. Her shuddering breaths continued long after her limbs went slack, and there was obvious tension in her spine. A practiced eye noticed her weight loss, robbing what little extra body mass she had possessed from her small frame.

Eddie Haring had worked for the younger Mr. Luthor since his exile to Smallville, and he knew Chloe Sullivan from her various spectacular appearances at Luthor manor. When he had been promoted to head of security for this rented vacation home he had been surprised to find out his main concern would be the young woman who seemed to have such an incidental relationship to his employer. Sullenly assuming she had bowed to greed and empty flattery, he had cynically thought Miss Sullivan had become Lex Luthor’s mistress.

He had been ashamed to hear the story of her injuries and the loss of her father at the senior Mr. Luthor’s hands and had promised his employer she would be well taken care of. The frantic man had apparently made the long plane ride with the girl and a medical staff after bundling her from the hospital, then flown back to Smallville for a full work day all within a single night.

If Eddie had any lingering suspicions about how overprotective Lex Luthor had been over her security, he pushed them aside. The rich really did live differently, and as far as he knew there was nowhere else for the girl to go. The FBI had already failed her. Eddie had no intention of doing anything of the sort.

He dialed the telephone with one eye still on the video feed from Chloe’s bedroom.

“Lex Luthor.”

Eddie grimaced at the nervous feeling of dealing with his exacting employer, but tried to ignore it as he gave his encoded message. “Sir, I think your investment here might need some extra assistance. Perhaps another accountant might be necessary to ensure your success.”


Lex Luthor worriedly ran his left hand over his bald head. Chloe was ill, grieving and isolated, and the most he could offer was a short telephone call once a week. His head staff member was raising the alarm and requesting another doctor to help her.

“I understand. I’ll make sure someone is available. He should arrive by this time tomorrow,” he replied.

Hurriedly, Lex looked at the clock in his study. Calculating his duties at the plant, he should be able to board the helicopter by three o’clock.

“Thank you, sir. Should I pass the news along to the other parties?” Eddie asked.

Lex sighed audibly, and Eddie found himself shocked to hear the young man in such obvious distress.

“That won’t be necessary, Mr. Haring, but thank you for informing me of the situation.”

Eddie grinned. “My pleasure, sir, this investment is obviously one of a kind.”

Lex nodded in agreement but said only, “I’ll be in touch. Good-bye.”

As he put down the receiver, Lex Luthor winced as the worry of his tenuous position hit him once more. He was the only thing that stood between a beautiful, brilliant young woman and his father’s wrath, wrath she had incurred in order to help him. He had failed Gabe, but was determined not to do the same with his daughter.

Hold on Chloe, I’ll be there soon, he thought as he picked up the telephone.

End Chapter 1 - Survival

28th May 2004, 10:10
Great start!

Can't wait for more. I'll add this one on my list of must read :biggrin:


28th May 2004, 10:28
Please add in a rating in the topic title or topic description. I suggest you go take a look at the forum rules (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/index.php?showtopic=1481) to make sure you don't break any other rules in the future.

28th May 2004, 11:18
awww poor Chloe. i hope Lex makes her feel better.

this is a wonderful story so far.

please be sure to update soon! :)

28th May 2004, 12:15
Interesting. Looking forward to seeing where this is going.


28th May 2004, 13:39
What an interesting beginning! I'm waiting gor more soon. :biggrin:

Poor Chloe. That must be a hard situation she has to undergo.


28th May 2004, 14:06
More ?

The monosyllabic lurker.

28th May 2004, 15:40
Great way to delurk. More soon please.

28th May 2004, 18:02
Welcome, welcome! :wave:
This is really cool, I hope we can have more soon!


28th May 2004, 22:27
Poor, poor Chloe!! I feel so sorry for her!! What she really needs is a friend, someone who she can cry on and tell her troubles to!! I hope Lex will be able to be with her soon!! Please upda|e quickly, I really enjoyed the excellent beginning to your story!! :yay: :chlexsign4: :yay:

28th May 2004, 22:51
Love it... and so can't wait to see what Lex does to help Chloe! _elcome to the fandom, I look forward to reading much more from you!


29th May 2004, 01:20
Extremely well written and interesting chapter. Can't wait to read more.

29th May 2004, 02:03
I love it


29th May 2004, 07:12
Thanks for de-lurking to write us this. Great start, and I like the amount of detail you put into it. I also think you've written Lex and Chloe pretty accurately -- Lex's protectiveness and Chloe's struggling to put herself together despite her grief, for example. Hope to see more soon!

29th May 2004, 07:44
Terrific beginning. Very interesting portrayal on the possible outcome of the season finale cliffhangers. You have Lex's and Chloe's characterizations down very nicely. Can't wait for more.

30th May 2004, 00:23
Great begining. I cant wait to read more.

Hope :chlexsign2:

1st June 2004, 03:56
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: As a long-time lurker I'm finally possessed of what I think may be a good plot to follow to the end. Hopefully it pans out and helps me work out some of my lingering dissatisfaction with the underuse of Chloe, Lex and what is likely the most interesting ship possibility on Smallville. I've attempted to include any clues about next season that I've heard, like Chloe's new hair colour. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Chapter 2

Chloe shuffled along the hallway, half-heartedly sipping on some lemonade. It was excellent, freshly made and entirely unappealing. The cook, Elsie, was an effusive woman in her fifties who was deeply offended by her lack of appetite and horrified by her love of coffee. Lemonade was a compromise between the coffee Chloe had wanted and the milk Elsie had tried to foist upon her. In the end she had perversely enjoyed the motherly insistence, even if it had brought tears to her eyes to realize no one was left to make sure she drank her milk except Lex’s hired help.

She was desperately lonely and anxious. Security was diligent, but she knew as well as anyone that Lionel Luthor had plenty of money and power even in prison. He would try to kill her again when he found her. He might well succeed despite all of Lex’s precautions. Pathetically, Chloe knew that she needed to care more to survive but couldn’t find the fight that she had always used to prop herself up in times of trouble. She had lost so much, everything really, and it was her own fault.

Daddy, she thought, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better daughter. Tears welled up and she stopped walking, miserably standing in the middle of the hallway clutching the glass of lemonade to her chest. Ragged breaths escaped as she fought the urge to sob out loud. It was all her fault, she had brought all this unthinkable misery upon herself with her ambition. Her wonderful father was gone forever and she was left with nothing. Even if she did manage to survive Lionel, Chloe was at a loss as to what she wanted from life. The years stretching before her seemed as interminable as the prison sentence her former employer was facing. Her crimes had been so much smaller, but she felt as if she was suffering one hundred times the punishment he would face, and all because of her own lack of foresight.

Stupid, stupid girl, she berated herself. Her fists clenched and the glass began to slip from her grasp. Chloe watched, detached, as her clumsy fingers tried to catch the falling vessel and broke it instead. Her hand was immediately damp with lemonade and the stinging sensation of lacerated flesh.

Lex heard the chiming of glass breaking as he stepped into the house. The two security guards with him made a move to follow the noise but he lifted a hand to stop them. They withdrew silently and he turned into the dim corridor.

The polished floor seemed to jolt underneath his feet as he saw Chloe, facing away from him with a spreading pool of what looked like blood around her feet. Before he got to her side at least three large drops of the ruddy liquid fell with disgustingly loud splashes.

“Chloe?! Are you all right?” He stopped short of touching her when he realized she was trembling. Not wanting to panic her, Lex looked at her carefully. Her clenched hands were still wrapped around shards of a drinking glass, blood welling up between her fingers and the jagged edges.

He put one hand on her shoulder and tried not to jump as she jolted. His other hand hovered near the glass, longing to remove its harshness from her poor hands but worried about causing more damage.

“Lex?” She responded slowly after her initial shock, looking at him vaguely before looking down at her hands. “It slipped . . . I’ve made a mess.”

From her tragic tone Lex knew she meant the larger situation more than the mishandled drink, and he was overwhelmed with sudden grief for both of them. No parents or siblings to count on and under the gun of a vengeful man with nothing to lose - it was hardly surprising they were both cracking under the pressure. He rued the day Chloe Sullivan had ever walked into the manor, for her sake.

He cupped his right hand under hers and tightened his left upon her shoulder. “Can you walk to the bathroom?” Her nod was laconic, but she stepped over the fallen glass without his direction and continued down the hallway.

Once he found a bathroom Lex sat her at the vanity and delicately placed her hands down on the surface, still curled around the broken glass. Digging around in the drawers he found a first aid kit and pulled out several rolls of gauze.

Chloe watched as Lex rifled through the medical supplies. Now that she was sitting down she felt less light-headed, and she asked him the question that once would have been the first of many lightening-fast queries she had to throw at him. Oddly, right now she could only think of the one.

“What are you doing here?” Her eyes traced his familiar form hungrily, even though he reminded her of happier days and incited a longing for her father that caused more tears to rise. His pleasant and subtle cologne reached her nose as she sniffed back the tears, and she deliberately drew in a long, deep breath to smell him again.

Mistaking her indrawn breath as a sound of pain, Lex turned back to Chloe. She was looking at him with some kind of fascination he couldn’t identify. It was different from her early curiousity as a journalist, different from the searching looks of recent months after his accidental revelation to her that he had always wanted his father’s love. Meeting her eyes, he was surprised to see the grogginess of a few minutes ago was gone.

“I’m going to have to open your hands off of the glass, Chloe. It’s going to hurt like hell,” he told her, gently grasping her hands again. At her nod he slowly pried her fingers free, watching as new blood rushed out. Finally, agonized by the process but unable to speed up, Lex had removed all the large pieces of glass. Guiding her hands under the cold running water in the sink he held them flat and watched as the tinier shards were rinsed away.

Chloe relished his gentleness as he applied disinfectant and bandages to her abused hands, letting her fingers curl lightly around his own. His tight smile would have discouraged her a year ago, perhaps even a few months ago, but she knew who he really was now. She knew they were both suffering the same way, from such similar pains and he was the only one who understood her.

“You didn’t answer my question,” she observed.

“Which question?” Lex continued to fuss with the bandages, even after they were all secured. “Do you want a painkiller?”

Chloe gave him a look that carried some of her old sarcasm, even if it was tinged with weary sadness a 17-year-old girl should never know.

“I don’t think there’s a painkiller big enough to make me feel better, Lex. Why are you here?” She raised her hands in front of her face and wiggled the fingers, watching the bandages flex.

“You. I heard you were . . . “ He trailed off, embarrassed to discuss a weakness even in someone else.

“Going crazy?” She pulled her hands down and faced him. “I’m not crazy, I just - when your life goes away what do you do the next day?”

Chloe’s voice dropped to a whisper and he bowed his head, wrapping his hands around her wrists and rubbing comfortingly.

“I don’t know, Chloe, but I promise you, you’re doing as well as anyone who’s ever had to do this,’” he said, before realizing how absurd it was. “Not that I know anyone else who’s had to do what you’re doing. But you’re coping extremely well. I just wish I could be here for you.”

She nodded and stood up, waiting for him to do the same. “ I wouldn’t want my father’s hard work at the plant to go to waste now. You have to be there. I have to be here. I’m grateful to you.”

Lex winced visibly. “Your gratitude is misplaced in me. I caused all this, my life-long rivalry with my own father. This is the very least of what I should do for you.” He dropped his gaze in shame. “We Luthors bring pain and trouble wherever -”

Chloe sensed correctly that he was about to launch into a self-deprecating rant and grasped his hands gingerly with her own injured ones. “Lex, stop it. You didn’t do this. I don’t blame you.”

She led him gently into the adjoining bedroom and perched on the edge of the bed. He followed but didn’t answer. Chloe studied his face and smiled sadly.

“Why can’t you recognize how different you are from him? You’re a good man, Lex.” She pushed herself up toward the pillows still holding his hand and giving it a shake when he shook his head in negation. “Yes you are. You are.”

Lex stood awkwardly, leaning slightly over in order to allow Chloe to continue holding his hands. He was in no shape to deny her anything, especially with the sacrifices she had made for him.

“I want to be.” Lex surprised himself with the choked declaration but she just smiled and laid her head back against the pillows tiredly. He fixed his gaze on their linked hands, his slack in her gentle grasp. She was thinner, drawn and wounded, but still radiant to him. The brown hair was an interesting but not unwelcome change and her tan made up somewhat by her subdued behaviour. The intellect and intensity that was Chloe Sullivan was still there underneath her pain.

He leaned heavily against the bed, slumping in weariness. It was such a long, lonely fight and he was so tired of being alone through it. He had been dreading the prospect of months without contact from Chloe when she told him the FBI was putting her into protective custody. She was the one constant ally he had in the past few months, unintimidated by his father and fueled by her convictions.


He started, and accidentally pulled on her injured digits, giving her an apologetic smile. She pulled on his hands slightly, forcing him to lean further onto the bed until his face was hovering over hers.

“Would you do something for me?” Her face was serious, contemplative and showing her waning energy.

“Anything.” He was thrown by how eager he was to fulfill her request, whatever it was. She was his help, his confidant and the only one who could understand him.

Chloe felt shy but voiced her request anyway. She had nothing to lose, it was all gone. “Sleep here with me?”

Lex hesitated before nodding and levering himself up beside her on the large bed. Settling next to her, he carefully placed his arm around her waist and watched as she closed her eyes. Feeling her body go slack, he was surprised to find he was equally tired and relaxed. Before long both were asleep.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Back in the security room, Eddie watched the couple get into bed before turning off the bedroom camera. Whatever was going on between them and his personal feelings about it, they deserved privacy and Mr. Luthor would demand it. Still, some of his cynical suspicions melted at the way they stayed nestled together even in sleep. The girl looked peaceful at last and, Eddie suspected, Mr. Luthor was as close to peace as he had been in years.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

1st June 2004, 04:32
oh. i really like this story. more, more, more. please?

1st June 2004, 04:40
:clap: Wow! This story.. Me like it! :chlexsign1: It's just so sweet! Update soon!!!

1st June 2004, 04:57
Great chapter.

1st June 2004, 05:21
Excellent... More, please!

1st June 2004, 05:34
Amazing. Truly amazing.


1st June 2004, 07:07
The amount of emotion you've captured is just incredible, and the love that's quietly building up in between their loneliness is just so heartachingly sweet. Beautiful writing, and more please.

1st June 2004, 08:20
this is a great story so far.

please update soon!

1st June 2004, 08:36
Excellent new chapter!! I only wish their peace could last!!! :chlexsign4:

1st June 2004, 11:34
they are so sweet!!! I hope they'll feel better soon. :chlexsign3:

1st June 2004, 12:10
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: This would be where the NC-17 starts up. Fair warning, Chloe and Lex are going to be having some sex. They might not have very good reasons for doing so in some estimations. I think if you consider their very extreme circumstances and their characters they might choose to go this way. As usual, constructive criticism welcome. Please avoid reading this if you are underage or offended by graphic sexual content.

Chapter 3

Chloe woke up in darkness in a room that wasn’t her own. She recognized a certain stiffness in her hands and the overall unfamiliarity of her surroundings. Shifting around, she found a warm male body resting against her right side and wondered sleepily who it was. She spent several minutes floating peacefully above her memories before she was abruptly plunged back into reality. Stifling a moan, Chloe started to sob, burying her face against Lex’s shoulder.

Awakened by her shaking, Lex wrapped his arms tightly around her and held on. Despite her palpable distress, Chloe made only the smallest sounds of grief. The agonizing choked sobs continued for several minutes, while he murmured trite comforts and stroked her hair.

“Chloe, it’s alright. It’s alright.” Lex was relieved when her shaking finally subsided into silence made rough by her sniffles. Running his hand up and down her back, he folded her against his chest. She didn’t react except to move her elbows to his sides and allow him to pull her close.

Chloe calmed slowly, drawing in the feel of Lex at her side and his arms around her. His body was amazingly warm to her, and she realized it had been weeks since anyone had touched her. Her face was pressed into the light stubble on his neck and she felt surrounded by his arms. Dragging a deep breath in past her sore throat, she imagined molecules of his scent entering her body and felt warmed by the idea.

As her hands unwound from their tense fists and rested open upon his chest, Lex leaned back slightly and tried to see her expression. There was a different mood from her now, something less like grief and more like the vibrant Chloe he had known before she had become a pawn in his father’s ambitions. He struggled with words to ask her what she was feeling, but ended up simply stroking his hand over her prominent cheekbone. She had lost an unacceptable amount of weight, he estimated she weighed at least 15 pounds more the last time he had seen her two and a half weeks ago.

“Do you want some water?” He broached the question quietly, without loosening his grip. Her weak smile and head shake were followed by her furtive attempt to wipe away the tears lingering on her eyelashes. “Here.”

Leaning back, Lex fished in his trouser pocket with one hand, came up with a silk handkerchief and dabbed carefully over her obligingly closed eyes.

He watched as the tangled eyelashes dried and became soft, dark fans against her cheeks. Tracing her features with his eyes, Lex realized the strain of the past month hadn’t robbed her of the lucious quality he saw in her face.

Chloe sighed and leaned in as he wiped her face. This kind of treatment from Lex Luthor, this focused care, was an unimaginable gift. She suspected it was a rare moment, even for the former Mrs. Lex Luthors, to be given all of his attention. She didn’t even care how she must look with her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. She basked in the gentle touch as he trailed the hanky down her face to get the last traces of tears.

Lex felt mesmerized as his knuckles brushed her lips. She was warm and flushed from sleeping and her hair was mussed, but Chloe Sullivan in any condition was a gorgeous woman. He felt arousal stirring and pushed it away, reminding himself how precarious their positions were likely to be in the foreseeable future. Lowering his hand, he shifted slightly away from her body in what he hoped was a subtle move.

“Do you have enough room?” Chloe voiced the question without much concern, knowing the stupidly large bed was more than adequate for both of them and a small orchestral arrangement.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Lex met her eyes briefly, before returning the handkerchief to his pocket and using it as an excuse to look away. There was a suspicious amount of heat between them, and he needed some space to mask its effect, especially since he didn’t have any way to gauge if Chloe was feeling the same way.

He felt a jolt of arousal as she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

Clearing his throat, Lex tried to adjust the crotch of his pants without alerting her of his problem. “You don’t have to thank me Chloe.”

She smiled. “I know.”

This time the kiss landed on his lips, surprising him and putting him off balance. Chloe pushed him over onto his back as she teased the corner of his mouth with her tongue and ran her hands over his chest. He instinctively tried to push her back and found she was offering no resistance, pulling him on top of her as she fell.

Lex was torn between taking a victory lap or a very cold shower. He knew there was something between them, he knew they were both legally consenting adults, but Chloe had been through so much recently. He didn’t want to lose what they might have on a one-night stand.

“Mmmm-phhf - Chloe-” He pushed himself up a few inches from her body, his hands sinking into the plush mattress. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

She grasped his wrists and bent them out, forcing him to let himself drop on top of her. “Mmmm - Sure.” Biting his jaw, she ran her tongue down his neck, sucking lightly on his adam’s apple. She pulled his shirt out of his pants, unbuttoning as she used her teeth on his earlobe.

Lex pushed her sweater off of her shoulder, planting small kisses along her collarbone. She smelled like tangerine and his own cologne - in short, delicious. Meanwhile, she had pushed his suit jacket and shirt down his arms, cutting off the circulation. He sat back, quickly pulling off his cufflinks and shucking both items. Bare chested, he reached down and levered Chloe into a seated position so he could return the favour.

Chloe watched as his abdomen tightened when he pulled her up, realizing for the first time just how muscular he was. She had always known he was fit, but she was mystified at how he stayed that way. Now she was even more in the dark unless he was secretly some kind of super hero who fought crime while the citizens of Smallville were asleep.

Lex unfastened her jeans with one hand, pulling at her sweater with the other. She extended her left arm, pulling it back as she held onto the cuff with the right then shoving the sweater over her head. He pulled on the jeans, hauling them roughly off with her socks.

He moved back up to find Chloe sporting acres of glowing, smooth skin over a toned body. Even with her recent weight loss she was beautiful, he thought, and he tentatively laced his fingers over her covered breasts. She sighed as her nipples reacted with tension, poking against his palms.

Chloe arched her back and unhooked the bra, pulling the straps down as Lex removed the cups. He freed her from the garment before settling between her legs and staring openly at her breasts. He torturously ran his tongue just around the aureolas, teasing her with subtlety.

Unable to manage lying down, Lex stood up and pulled off his pants with enthusiasm. He slowed down only a little to remove his silk boxers, freeing an impressive erection. Chloe found herself staring, then blushed as he caught her.

Simply smiling, Lex held out his hand and she stood up with his help. He hooked his thumbs underneath her panties, pulling them down and off. Kneeling in front of her, he blew warm air over her clit and tested her wetness with a finger. Lightly pressing inside, he felt her shiver as moisture gathered at her opening.

He flicked his tongue over her begging clit, breathing in the scent of her arousal. His cock jumped as she gave a long moan of pleasure. Backing her toward the bed, Lex guided her down onto her back and followed behind her.

Chloe watched as he ran his hands up her ribcage, cupping her breasts and massaging gently. She knew it wasn’t going to solve things but she wanted this night with Lex.

Impatiently she pulled him down and arched her hips, rubbing her mound against his cock. Hearing his gasp, Chloe bent her knees and angled her hips to bring his erection in line with her dripping slit. He met her lips in an open-mouthed kiss, plying her tongue with his and easing his hands underneath her shoulders.

“Chloe . . .” Lex hesitated before lowering himself on his elbows and sinking slowly inside her. They sighed together as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and started moving. Long, controlled thrusts quickly escalated into rougher strokes and they were both out of breath within minutes.

Chloe was so close to an orgasm she could feel the scream rumbling up her throat. Her hands shifted on Lex’s shoulders, trying to push him faster, and he responded by bursting into a torrent of staccato plunges that contacted her clit each time.

She came with a scream, dragging her fingernails over his back and tossing her head wildly. He let her ride it out, shaking in the aftermath before pushing her disarranged hair off her face.

Lex splayed his hands over her hips, stopping her grinding motions with a squeeze. “I want to be deeper,” he gasped over her mouth.

“Yeah . . .” She moaned a noncommittal answer and tried to coax him into thrusting by rolling her hips. “I want all of you.”

Lex felt beads of sweat start to form on his skin. He was having trouble maintaining his composure, but he ruefully conceded to himself that was the point of sex. He nipped at Chloe’s lower lip.

“You’ll tell me if it hurts, right?” His hands slid up to cup underneath her knees.

Chloe made the same breathless “yeah,” as a response, but he felt her cooperation as he cupped her calves. Pushing her legs forward and straight up from her body, Lex waited as she braced her hands flat on the mattress. Leaning his shoulders into the divots of her knees, he pulled out slowly and then watched as his cock disappeared back inside of Chloe with his slow thrust. She shuddered but didn’t react painfully, and he cupped his hands around her knees to bring her body tighter to his own.

Holding her still, Lex relished the firm grip her inner muscles had on his cock. He stared as sweat beaded on her quivering abdomen, glistening next to her bellybutton. He called her name and watched as she fought to open her eyes.

“How does it feel, baby?” He kept her sealed tight to him and flexed his cock, grinning wickedly as she gasped and involuntarily clenched around him.

“Lex-” She shook hard for a moment and gripped handfuls of the bed sheet underneath her hands. “It’s . . . intense . . . I can feel all of you,” she moaned.

He angled his hips up and then down quickly, using his hold on her legs as leverage to pull her body with his. Hauling in a deep breath, Lex concentrated on keeping a rhythm that had her alternately gasping and stifling screams.

Feeling a tightening in his balls, Lex let his thrusts get faster, abruptly withdrawing almost entirely before shoving himself back inside equally roughly. He leaned forward even further, feeling Chloe’s legs bend at the knees as her body folded nearly in half around his.

Unclawing her hands from the sheet, she reached up to urge Lex’s face down to her own, running her tongue over the roof of his mouth. “Don’t stop,” she gasped as she let him go.

Barely aware of his weight coming down hard on her exposed body, Chloe was desperate to come with him inside her. He was large, strong, hard and all encompassing, and it was difficult to believe in that moment that she had been unaware of how good this would be.

Lex stretched his neck to take her left nipple into his mouth, sucking hard as he pistoned his hips. Feeling the tremours in her limbs, he traced his tongue to her other nipple and lapped at it.

“Are you close?”

Chloe barely heard his question over the rushing of blood in her ears, but she figured the answer to anything right now was “yes.” She nodded, curling her fingers around the headboard in an attempt to stabilize them. Lex planted his fists on either side of her waist and, impossible as it seemed to Chloe, began to plunge even faster inside her. His breath was coming in gasps and the slick sweat between their bodies made their skin slide smoothly.

He was coming unglued and couldn’t seem to dredge up any urge for self-preservation as Chloe’s strong internal muscles pulled at him. Her cries narrowed his concentration to only one thing: making her gasp in pleasure for as long as he could possibly hold out.

Unfortunately she wasn’t working toward the same goal because soon the desperate spasms of her vagina and the twitching of her hips meant Lex was coming whether he wanted to or not. As Chloe hit her orgasm he felt enormous pressure on his cock and dully heard her unabashed scream, before he was lost as well.

He locked his arms while the wave of heat poured over them, tensed muscles shaking and lungs heaving. The weakness that followed forced Lex to open his eyes and guide Chloe’s legs down his arms to rest on the bed, before he slumped forward to press his face between her breasts. He felt her sigh and listened to the frantic pulse of her heart, wrapping her in his arms to still her shivers.

For once in his life Lex didn’t know what to say, and he could only hope that Chloe would start the conversation if he waited long enough. Long enough turned out to be at least fifteen minutes while they clung to each other, until she sardonically broke in with a question.

“So, it’s the hair, right?” Lex opened his mouth to answer, thought better of it and nibbled on the lower curve of her breast instead. Chloe giggled and nodded to herself. “Who says blonds have more fun? I never stood a chance until I turned to hair dye.” Her languid fingers traced whirls on his chest and back, belying what little anger there was in her voice.

Lex trailed his fingers over the newly-chestnut locks, then picked up a curl to tickle her nose. “Chloe, I can assure you I never even took your hair colour into consideration.”

Her arched eyebrow conveyed her disbelief. “Mmmm-hmmm?”

“It was lovely before, and it’s lovely now,” Lex added. “I don’t know why you wanted to change it in the first place.”

Chloe stiffened and turned her head away.

“Doll? What’s wrong?” Lex brushed his lips against her clenched jaw, but she refused to look at him. “Why did you change your hair?”

Stubbornly she closed her eyes to avoid looking into Lex’s concerned face. “No reason.”

“Tell me.”


“Chloe, tell me now.” Lex’s voice rose to a note of mild anger and he angled his head to grate his teeth along her chin.

“Your father.”

She waited for a reaction, and when it didn’t come, Chloe cautiously looked up. Lex was hovering above her on his elbows, looking bemused.

He sighed, loudly, and lowered himself down to hold her closer. “He can’t find you here. I won’t let him.”

Docilely accepting the hug, she nodded. “I just . . . I felt like I should do something . . . It might give me a few extra seconds when I need them, or maybe I just wanted . . . “

Lex waited, knowing she would continue in her own time. Finally, after a long moment while Chloe hid her face in his neck, she finished the sentence.

“Maybe I just wanted to be someone who hadn’t lost her father,” she whispered.

Tears were unexpectedly present in his eyes, and Lex rolled over so that Chloe was draped across his chest. He thought back to all the days he had wished for a normal home with a family rich in love instead of money. The hardest thing he had to grow up with was knowing he was being short-changed and not having a way out. Chloe was feeling the same way now.

“I know, baby.”

She pressed a kiss to his skin before looking up at him.

“So what do we do now?”

1st June 2004, 12:42
God that was so beautiful. I love every single thing about it. Thank you so much for writing this.

1st June 2004, 15:15
So hot!

1st June 2004, 17:30
Wow! :yay: :yay2: :yay:

This story is so beautifully written.

Great job!! :wub:

1st June 2004, 18:26
Wow!! Not only was the sex awesome, but the emotions were beautiful!! Poor Lex, how will he be able to leave her now? Thank you for this chapter!! I love this story!!!! :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

1st June 2004, 21:59
Lovely, absoultely lovely! This was steamy and sensual and so beautifully emotional. I loved it!


2nd June 2004, 09:44
wow! that was so beautiful.

i can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

please update soon!

4th June 2004, 05:45
Oh that was beautiful. Oh they have to stay together.

Hope :blinkkiss:

4th June 2004, 10:38
he beginning was really sweet... but the second part is realy hot! Keep writing!

4th June 2004, 18:32
“So what do we do now?”

Hohoho... I've got TONZ of ideas of what Lex could do to her... :eyebrows: UGH! Forgive me... It's been a while since I have my coffee! Update!


4th June 2004, 21:08
Oh! I missed that update somehow. Weird. Okay I'm addicted. Not seeing an update for three days is unbelievable, yup, addicted. Great chapter.


4th June 2004, 21:29
wow wow wow wow.
there are no words to describe how great that was.
hot hot hot.
and so sad ans sweet at the same time.

unbelievable. i´m very glad you came out of lurkdom, this is so fabulous!

i ´can´t wait to read more of this, and any other fics you´ve got.

11th June 2004, 16:25
Can we please have an update? Pretty please? :wub:

12th June 2004, 04:07
Originally posted by buddyfozzy@Jun 11 2004, 03:25 PM
Can we please have an update? Pretty please? :wub:
:yay: Please!! :yay:

13th June 2004, 10:58
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: Many thanks for all the reviews, but please remember constructive criticism is always welcome and sometimes required. Knock me around a bit, I like it.
Also, I’m using some information here that I believe is canon regarding the number of marriages Lex Luthor has had. My apologies if it is in error or if it is something I have read about in your story without giving proper credit.

Chapter 4

“So what do we do now?”

The question echoed around the room, shaking the scant space between them and bringing them back to the harsh light of day. They weren’t young lovers sharing a tropical getaway, they were accomplices who had taken on a dangerous, powerful man and were currently losing to him. Imprisoned but no less dangerous, Lionel Luthor had done away with any artifice to disguise his intentions for them. No longer an ambiguous evil in his son’s life, he was emphatically their enemy now.

Chloe felt a sinking in her stomach as she pictured Lionel’s coy smirk. He never stopped, never admitted defeat, even in the face of terminal illness and the strong prospect that whatever time he had left would be spent in a wire cage. His hate outweighed any obstacles even Lex could set in front of him.

The only thing he hated more than his son was her, and their relationship could only intensify his loathing. Chloe wondered how she had imagined a mistake like sleeping with Lex would go without a punishment-how she could possibly believe it would lead anywhere?

Shifting uncomfortably on the luxurious bed, she accepted his comforting hand on her shoulder, stroking as he had done so many times in the past few months. She had surprised herself by wanting him, desiring his closeness when the thought of human company left her cold and jittery.

“I . . . Could you-” Chloe hesitated awkwardly over the question, clutching the sheet over her chest. At Lex’s patient glance, she started again. “Did we make our situation worst . . . just then?”

His hand withdrew to lie with the other one across his chest, rising as he took a deep breath and let it dissolve slowly.

“I don’t . . . Chloe, I know this is a strange time for you. I’ll agree with whatever you decide.”

Lex was wearing his Luthor mask, an ugly, spare expression that hurt her in a way she couldn’t articulate. She was disappointed, Chloe thought, even though she should have been grateful. That was most likely the nicest ditching Lex had ever extended to one of his women, and she should be relieved. She should feel better now that the complication of a fling with the man who protected her was out of the way. She pushed away the queasy unease she felt and forced a smile, ready to call it a one-time thing.

“I know th-”

Lex held up his hand to stop her. “But Chloe,” he looked at her head-on, obliterating the Luthor mask, a rarity for a man raised to conceal everything of himself except his obstinate ambition. “I don’t regret it.”

The smile she had painted on dropped in surprise, then returned with sincerity. Her eyes glowed with joy as she leaned forward.

“I don’t either.”

Lex’s mouth quirked into a real smile as well, and her eyes inadvertently welled with tears. He met her halfway, kissing her gently.

Pulling back, Chloe brushed at tears, shaking her head in self-mockery. “Sorry, mood swing girl returns.” She blushed but didn’t seem upset. “You have no idea what you’re getting into.”

Lex pulled her into his chest, loving the feeling of her arms wrapping around his bare back. “I think I can handle it.”

He had been frightened when she had doubted, genuinely horrified at his vulnerability to her. She had him wound up tighter than he could ever remember being over a woman and she wasn’t even trying to seduce him. Unnerved, he ended the hug and lay on his back, leaving one tingling portion of his right arm and leg touching her body.

Hell, Lex thought to himself, I can’t miss her when she’s right there. I have too much to deal with already. He sighed.

Lying quietly, they pondered. She finger combed her hair, he adjusted his watch strap. Fluffing her pillow, Chloe shuffled her body up slightly higher to lean on an elbow and chewed on a fingernail. Lex cleared his throat and rotated his neck around to loosen stiff muscles. They remained silent until Lex frowned and voiced a question that had just occurred to him.

“We didn’t use anything just then. Is that a problem?” Lex continued to look at the ceiling as he twitched his head around.

Chloe blinked twice, realizing with mild alarm that she hadn’t even considered protection at the time. “I’m on Depo-the shot, and well, I haven’t . . . I don’t . . .”

“Okay.” Lex nodded. “All the same, I am sorry didn’t think about it sooner. I should have been more responsible.”

“My fault too, no worries.” Chloe fussed with the sheet covering their naked bodies, wondering how she was going to get out of bed while she was so nervous about Lex seeing her naked. Early morning sunlight streaming in from the beach front view didn’t help.

Lex sat up, still chagrined at his distraction. He had never in his life had sex without a condom and usually a second line of defense as well. It had been a priority for him, and his loss of control was troubling at a time when he could afford it the least.

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, glancing over his shoulder at Chloe. She was adorably awkward, clutching at the sheet and giving him wary glances. Clearly, she wasn’t tired anymore and wanted to get up, but had no idea how to go about it with him watching. Lex decided to take pity on her.

“I’m going to take a shower, but I think it might be better for you to take a bath.” He reached down and pulled on his discarded boxer shorts before reaching back to rub a soothing hand over her belly. “Are you sore?”

Chloe stretched under his hand, happy to see he wasn’t watching her. It made her answer a bit easier to give. “A little bit. I’m fine.”

“I’ll only be a few minutes.” He stood up and walked into the bathroom, and Chloe listened to the hushed sounds of him taking off his boxers and the rush of the shower. When she was sure he was occupied she scrambled out of bed, located her robe and picked her clothing from the knot of wrinkled fabric next to the bed. By the time the shower had stopped she was making up the bed.

Lex opened the shower door and toweled off, pulling on the bathrobe hanging in the cupboard. Wiping a towel across his face, he turned the faucets of the large bathtub to a mildly hot temperature and added a pleasant lavender oil he thought would suit Chloe.

“Chloe?” He walked out into the bedroom to see her doing a sloppy job of smoothing the pillow cases, and noted her nervous jump as he came up behind her. “Sorry. I started a bath. It should be ready soon.”

“Thanks.” She lowered her gaze and blushed.

He placed one hand on her lower back and another on her shoulder, pulling her around into his arms. Chloe relaxed and rubbed her knuckles over his cheek, burying her face into his neck.

“When do you have to go back?” She didn’t want to be alone again. She had just gone through the longest three weeks of her life and she dreaded the return of the cold numbness that had frozen her.

“Tomorrow. I have to be back by Monday,” Lex replied. He had pushed and pulled dozens of appointments, canceling several outright without an explanation. Chloe had been bad for business even before he had admitted his interest in her, and he supposed now he would only feel worst when she wasn’t nearby.

She nodded and dropped her arms, trying to push away disappointment. You knew he couldn’t stay for long, she chided herself, don’t fool yourself into thinking this means more than it does. “I’ll go have that bath.”

Sensing she needed a few minutes alone, Lex waited in the bedroom, calling for his suitcase to be brought in. He wanted to order breakfast, but realized he wasn’t sure what Chloe would like. The feeling of closeness he felt with her was based entirely on short intervals of time together, and he couldn’t recall even sharing a meal with her. He resolved to change that when they could reclaim their lives again.

Approaching the bathroom door, he knocked softly. “Chloe, can I come in?”

He heard the lap of water as she moved suddenly, but her voice was steady when she answered. “Yes.”

He walked in deliberately slowly, trying to put her at ease. He was sensing a growing panic in her actions and in other circumstances he would have allowed her to have some personal time, but that wasn’t possible when he had so much to plan with her. His father had only given them a reprieve and he was likely already aware that Chloe was still alive. They needed to agree on what happened next.

Chloe tried to give him a smile, but knew it came off as a lame attempt. She didn’t know what to say to him and felt overwhelmed after being so suddenly pulled from her alienated grief.

“Can I wash your back?” Lex pulled the short chair out from the vanity and placed it next to the large tub as she nodded. Chloe was relieved when the position of the chair made it impossible for him to see her face while he was seated. She leaned forward slightly, hunching her shoulders and waiting, listening as he dipped the sponge into the water just inches from the small of her back.

Her skin was unmarked by the explosion that had robbed her of her previous life, smooth and glorious Lex thought. He started rubbing the sponge over her left shoulder, ignoring the slight flinch as it first touched her skin.

“We have to discuss how to continue,” he told her. She nodded vaguely and he felt unbearable remorse that he had no choice to keep pushing her. “We need to do that right now, Chloe. I’m sorry. I gave you all the time we could afford.”

Her head slumped forward and Lex heard a sigh. “He’s still looking for me?”

“He is.” Lex didn’t bother with empty consolation, just kept rubbing the sponge up and down her back gently.

“Isn’t he after you, too?” Her hand caught his as he moved the sponge over her shoulder, keeping it there and pressing her cheek against it.

Lex thought he couldn’t have been more affected by her, but he was amazed again by her question. She worried about him when her own safety was at stake, even when he expressed his uncertainty in being able to shield her from danger.

“He is, but he’s too smart to go after me so openly again. I’m too high profile.”

Chloe smirked and let out a cynical snort, letting his hand go. “Yet another benefit to the Luthor name. Money galore, plenty of hot homicidal wives and an amazing ability to cheat death. Too hot to kill - I think you should make that title of your biography. Maybe you can hire me to write it if I live long enough.”

Lex tried not to feel stung as she pulled away, but he didn’t feel right giving her a promise of his protection after his failure the last time.

“I will do everything I can, Chloe. He won’t get to you again unless he goes through me.”

She stretched out in the bathtub, her feet easily a foot too short to reach the other end. “I didn’t want to believe it would come to this. I wanted to think there would be a happy ending at the end of it.”

Lex said nothing and tried not to stare too openly at her breasts as they floated in the fragrant water. He didn’t have any comfort to give, so he launched into his plan.

“I think we should get married.”

Queen Of Tact
13th June 2004, 14:29
Oh I like the start of this! I can't wait to see what Chloe says to Lex..... Please update soon...


13th June 2004, 14:41
*big shining eyes* O_O married! :yay2:

Lovely lovely update... :)

13th June 2004, 16:13
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!???????? MARRIED Wow that will be interesting. :D

Hope :chlexsign2:

13th June 2004, 16:58
:biggrin: now thats what ya call a plan!!!!

13th June 2004, 16:58
Say yes Chloe. It doesn't matter if it's a plan or not, just say yes.

13th June 2004, 17:21
Oh yes!! Marriage!!! Couldn't agree more. :biggrin:
Great Update!!! Can't wait till the next chapter!

Gabs :biggrin:

13th June 2004, 18:44
Originally posted by asharnanae@Jun 13 2004, 03:58 PM
:biggrin: now thats what ya call a plan!!!!
I'm so proud of Lex!! What an excellent plan!! Now Chloe doesn't have to be alone anymore!! :yay: Thank you for the update to this wonderful story!! I can't wait to hear Chloe's answer!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

13th June 2004, 19:39
Originally posted by asharnanae@Jun 13 2004, 03:58 PM
:biggrin: now thats what ya call a plan!!!!
I agree!
I love it when Lex marries her to protect her. I think it was done in another fic, but I can't seem to remember the title or the author for that matter. Damn!
Anyway, still great, can't wait to see how Chloe answers to that!

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

14th June 2004, 04:11
Oooohh, I knew that's where you were going when you said the part about the "benefit of the luthor name" I LOVE IT!!!!! Can't wait to see how you work this. I like this Chloe too, her vunerability, sometimes on the show they make her too two dimensional, either she is overzealous or crying to clark to be forgiven for it. You have given us a great character here, can't wait for more. :worship2:

UPDATE AGAIN SOON!!!! :chlexsign3:

14th June 2004, 11:41
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: Many thanks for all the reviews, but please remember constructive criticism is always welcome and sometimes required. Knock me around a bit, I like it.
Also, I’m using some information here that I believe is canon regarding the number of marriages Lex Luthor has had. My apologies if it is in error or if it is something I have read about in your story without giving proper credit.

Chapter 5

“I think we should get married.”

Although neither of them was aware of it at the time, at least half of the bath water splashed over the marble tile as Chloe sat up quickly and then ducked back down underneath the water a split-second later. Lex watched her, fascinated as she literally dove for cover - presumably from him. She stayed down long enough for him to get concerned, and he knocked lightly on the side of the tub.

Chloe sputtered as she surfaced, pushing her hair back and trying to form the questions boiling over in her panicked mind. She was broad sided by his suggestion and oddly irritated that Lex was proposing to her while she was in the bathtub. He’s not even on one knee, she thought resentfully, glaring at the spindly chair from the vanity. Her only consolation was that the chair had stupid, girlie filigreed legs. Take that, she thought, you silly-chair-using freak!

Despite the hot bath, Chloe couldn’t feel her limbs. She wanted to move, to jump up and run but there was no might to match her will. Her mouth was hanging open, her tongue making vague noises of upset. Her hands were clenched into fists and she was aware of the impulse to use them on the man sitting so quietly next to the bathtub.

Lex shifted uncomfortably, ruefully thinking he might have done better to avoid giving her another surprise in her life. He felt an uncharacteristic urge to run.

“I realize I’ve surprised you-” He was cut off by her sharp look and sarcastic yelp.


He waited for her to continue, but after a long thirty seconds he realized that was all Chloe was going to be contributing.

“As you said the Luthor name has its advantages, and one of them is to make you a subject of public interest. As my wife,” Lex was surprised to find some constriction in his throat as he said the word, but continued. “ . . . you would be protected with the best security teams and the scrutiny of the world press if anything should happen to you. My father would be the obvious suspect if you were harmed, as he was when he tried to kill me . . . the last time . . .”

He trailed off rather lamely as he realized he was doing a very poor job of selling her on the idea of marrying into his family. Clearly, she was unimpressed as she shook her head but she still didn’t say anything. Her continued silence worried him, especially when her shoulders started to shake and her hands came up to cover her face.

”Chloe, I’m sorry, I know this is hard, but it’s the best way I can think of. We only need to stay married a few months. That bastard is set to die very soon, and with any luck prison life will speed up the process.” Lex leaned forward but stopped short of touching her.

Her legs gave a little kick as Chloe lowered her hands to reveal tear-streaked cheeks. For a single moment Lex thought he had pushed her beyond her ability to cope.

“Ha!” Chloe barked out a laugh and sat up. “I’m sure I’d be safer, but I don’t know about you. Your wives always end up trying to knock you off eventually. By my count we’ll need one security team for me, one for you, and a third to protect you from me!”

Lex blinked as she laughed out loud, trying to figure out if she was hysterical. He knew women didn’t like to be accused of being hysterical unless they actually were, but he was ill-equipped to judge. His long-standing aversion to overt emotional displays was alive and well, although he reluctantly admitted he had benefitted from his young friends in Smallville and their openness.

“You have the strangest sense of whimsy.” His lips twitched.

Chloe turned around to find a visibly confused Lex Luthor wondering how his life had gotten to the point where he was proposing marriage to a 17-year-old girl who was mocking him mercilessly for his previous attempts at the institution. Still laughing, she watched with glee and fascination as he fought to keep a straight face.

She was driving him crazy, he thought, crazy after only a day. He fought a nervous tingle up his spine when he considered the mental defects he would be displaying after they had been married for a few months. His condition might be irredeemable.


He nearly fell off the chair into the bathtub with her. “Yes?”


His newly-minted teenage fiancee nodded before ducking under the water. Lex was left dumbstruck and contemplating his future with such a truly odd woman.

Chloe held her breath for as long as she could before emerging, blinking at him in bewilderment. “This is absurd.”

“Very much so,” her fiancee agreed.

“So what am I, the fourth Mrs. Lex Luthor?”

“Only the third. Mind control is sufficient grounds for an annulment.”

Chloe nodded. “Good to know. This is one hell of a plan.”

“This is only the first step. Finish up and we’ll have breakfast.” Lex regained his legs and walked out of the bathroom without a fraction of his usual poise. He reached the bedroom just in time to slump onto the bed in bemused astonishment, amazed that he was contemplating marriage again.

Left to her own devices, Chloe pursed her lips and shrugged to herself before reaching for the shampoo. If the rest of his plan got any more eventful she was going to be shopping around for her own book deal by the end of the week.

She scrubbed down quickly, rinsed her hair and climbed out of the bath. Toweling off, she shrugged her way into the remaining robe. Much like an upscale hotel, the house had random goodies lying around and the robe was unmistakably the most expensive terry cloth available.

Chloe walked out into the bedroom, feeling disconnected from reality. In the past day she had met an entirely new Lex Luthor, one who would soon be her husband. She pushed back a sentimental thrill at the thought, only to find herself overwhelmed by another type of thrill as she saw Lex sprawled over the bed.

His legs hanging over the side, the robe he still wore was pulled open slightly to reveal beautifully toned legs that were surprisingly muscular. The belt was loosely knotted and had parted to display his chest as well. One arm was thrown over his eyes and his overall manner was exhaustion.

“With that kind of stamina I’m not sure how long we’ll be married,” She quipped.

“Uhhhnnnn . . . “ He didn’t move anything but his lips to answer. “It’s been a long morning.”

“We’ve only been up for an hour,” Chloe pointed out, feeling again how strange her life had become. An hour into the day and she had gone from being Lex Luthor’s lover to his fiancee.

Lex refused to rise to the bait. “You’re very stressful.”

Chloe shrugged and combed through her wet hair. “I’m just saying, if I have to be on top all the time I might get bored.” She took another long look at him, still laid out on the bed.

“I’m sure you’ll adjust,” Lex replied as he flopped his arm down onto the bed but kept his eyes closed. Chloe really was more than he could handle at times, and he was having serious doubts about either of them surviving each other.

Chloe put down her hairbrush and advanced toward the bed, gratified to see no awareness in Lex. He wouldn’t know what hit him. She shrugged out of her robe easily, letting it fall to the floor. Careful to stay quiet, she stopped at the edge of the bed between his knees.

“Lex?” She called his name in a deceivingly gentle tone, and waited until he opened his eyes before she opened his robe.

He caught only a glimpse of her sly grin before her mouth lowered to his cock and he felt her tongue roll over him. She licked up one side and down the other, teasingly avoiding the sensitive head to focus on tracing the veins that were suddenly throbbing with blood. Giving the same attention to the entire surface of his penis, she deliberately skirted over the most sensitive areas feeling him grow hard in her mouth.

“Chloe . . . “ He moaned softly, arching his hips up toward her bent form. She let him do so for a few seconds before placing her hands on his hips to push him flat.

She let him drop from her lips and blew cool air over his wet skin, watching as he shivered. “Patience.”

Chloe curled her hand around his base, letting the other stray up to feel the tense jumps of his stomach muscles. She flicked the head of his penis with her tongue before sinking her mouth over his entire length and sucking hard. Closing her grasp around him, she pumped slowly and felt his entire body buck.

Lex bit his lip as she took her hand away from his stomach to cup his balls, rubbing gently at the spot where they met the base of his penis. He wondered how someone so young had learned this growing up in conservative Smallville, before giving up on thinking at all. His hands started to rub up and down over the bed, frustrated that he couldn’t touch her.

She whipped her tongue over him quickly, sensing he was approaching climax. Her hands moved faster, tugging on him and urging him to let go.

He sighed, long and loud, sucking in a breath through gritted teeth. “Chloe, stop, stop.”

She eased her mouth off of him, looking up to see him prying his eyes open to look at her. Lex extended his hands to pull her up to him, steadying her as she straddled his hips. Shrugging his arms out of the robe, he planted his hands on her hips, guiding her down to accept his penetration.

Biting her lip, Chloe sank onto him and felt her muscles stretch around his circumference. She leaned forward onto her arms, angling her hips to rub her pelvis against his.

“Ohhhhhhhhh . . .” She let out her breath in a long exhale, grinding down to him with the rhythm he pulled on her hips.

Lex opened his eyes to watch her, face taut with strain and concentration. She twitched back and forth with every thrust, digging her nails into the bed. He pushed away his orgasm, waiting for her to start moving faster on him.

Feeling the first wave of dizzying pleasure, Chloe clamped her eyes shut and locked her arms. She rolled her hips faster and faster, building up to jerky, quick movements. The muscles in her back and stomach clenched as her body tried to close impossibly tight around him. Lex felt her drag the breath for a final scream, letting himself go as she did.

Fracturing around each other, they held on in biting grips as their tension drained. Bruises formed unknowingly on Chloe’s hips and Lex’s arms, but they could care less. Her scream had echoed in the room and through the hallways, alarming several staff members but fooling none of them as to what was going on.

Shaking badly, Chloe rested her forehead against his chest and let her arms fold up. Lex’s arms came up to run through her hair and over her spine.

“We should get dressed before you jump me again, “ he joked with her, feeling more than hearing her chuckle.

Chloe levered herself up onto her elbows and kissed him, dragging her fingernails across his scalp. “I’m very sorry, Mr. Luthor, I couldn’t help myself. You’re irresistible.”

Lex held her hand as she carefully climbed off the bed, sitting up with her. Shrugging back into their robes, they embraced once more, only separating when Chloe’s stomach growled.

“Mrs. Urset tells me you haven’t been eating much,” Lex said. He pulled back to look at her. “Looking at you I believe her.”

Nodding, Chloe put on a spring green bikini with a matching sun dress over it. “I haven’t felt like it. Elsie worries too much, though.”

Letting it go for the moment, Lex pulled on a pair of khaki shorts and a collared blue t-shirt, forgoing shoes or sandals. He took Chloe’s hand and led her through the door and into the breakfast room, where the table was already set with juice and coffee.

Pulling out her chair, he sat beside her and waited until she helped herself to some coffee before speaking again.

“Are you ready to go over the plan?” He noted her less-than-enthusiastic nod, but knew their time was short if this was going to go their way.

By the time Elsie had brought out the scrambled eggs and bacon, Lex had already covered four sheets of note paper with scribbling.

As she stopped briefly in the security room to deliver Eddie’s breakfast, Elsie couldn’t hold back a pleased grin.

“She’s looking so much better now. They’re such a nice couple,” she gushed to the security guard.

Eddie glanced up from his food to the video stream of the dining couple. Leaning closely, they were taking turns using a pen to write notes to each other on a notepad placed between them. He had to admit they were well-suited physically, but knowing there was a difference of six years and oceans of experience between the young woman and his employer he still felt uneasy. He had a little sister just a year older than Chloe and he cringed a little to see Lex Luthor’s hand stroke over the young woman’s thigh.

Resigning himself to his discomfort, Eddie reminded himself why he needed the salary Luthor paid him. People were counting on him and he didn’t have the luxury of a moral snit right now.

14th June 2004, 13:21
:yay2: :yay2: :D I'm so loving this.... :) :)


14th June 2004, 15:27
Oh my God that was perfect. :drool:

Hope :chlexsign2:

14th June 2004, 16:04
Finally you updated! I was beginning to wonder y'know? That was one hell of a plan! Lex is sooo tricky! Keke.. But that's not enough for me! :crygreen:


14th June 2004, 16:07
What a plan! :yay: :yay:

Thanks for the great updates, keep 'em comin' :worship2: :chlexsign2:

14th June 2004, 16:28
Oh what a great plan. I must have more soon, please.

14th June 2004, 16:42
Everything about this fic - the plot, their odd relationship, the MB's evil plans, and all the emotional energy - is just incredible. Thanks for the update and I hope you continue with it soon!

14th June 2004, 17:09
i'm hearing the bells! I'M HEARING THE BELLS AND THE BRIDAL'S MARCH TOO! :yay:

oooh! this is sooo crazy! i LOVE this fic!...but, does eddie is a meany?

too much trills for me, i'm going to lie down!



14th June 2004, 17:50
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the update!! :dance: I am so loving this story!! :love: Your last chapter was perfect!! Hopefully, their marriage will last longer than a few months!! :yay: Please let Lex fall in love with Chloe!! :heart: Can't wait for your next chapter!! :yay2: :chlexsign1: :yay2:

14th June 2004, 18:22
Wonderful! :biggrin: Wonderful! :biggrin: :worship2: :worship2: More please!


14th June 2004, 18:47
:yay: :yay: Smoking! This story is keeping me satisfied till Smallville returns.More Chlex,More,More More! :worship2:

14th June 2004, 19:37
Smoking! This story is keeping me satisfied till Smallville returns.More Chlex,More,More More!

Couldn't agree more :biggrin: I'm so loving this fic. I just love coming home to find a new chapter to this excellent fic. Low-key wedding?? or a very much very publicize wedding.

He had a little sister just a year older than Chloe and he cringed a little to see Lex Luthor’s hand stroke over the young woman’s thigh.

Part of me can't help but agree with Eddie.

14th June 2004, 22:37

14th June 2004, 22:55
Aww they're going to get married. :wub: I just hope that Lex proposed her not only because he wants to protect her.
Please come back and update. :chlexsign3:

15th June 2004, 08:29
I first read chapter one on fanfiction.net and I'm glad to see all the updates.

I'm really enjoying the plot and the story is well written. However, I think it's for Chloe to undergo a slight character change. Sex with Lex was a great start and it's allowed her to start feeling past her grief. I would love to see an angrier, more bent on revenge Chloe. With all the time she has, she needs to begin researching ways to effectively terminate Lionel and finish school (face reality). She can also work with Lex and hopefully it'll further cement their relationship.

I think the wedding should be very low-key but leaked to the public so that Lionel gets the message.

23rd June 2004, 07:12
I can't wait for your next post!! I love this story so much!! I can't wait for the wedding and Chloe and Lex's marriage!! Please update soon, please!! :wub: :chlexsign2: :wub:

23rd June 2004, 10:05
WOAH! I have no idea how I didn't find this story until now! EXCELLENT!!! Constructive criticism? Um, hun, you don't NEED any. This story is absolutely perfect!!! Lots of yummy Chlexy Bedroom Judo, a wedding, and do I hear the pitter patter of little tiny Lex and Chloe feet in the distance seeing how they've neglected protection twice?

You have to update soon cause I'm waaaaaay addicted to this!

~Manda :blinkkiss:

Queen Of Tact
23rd June 2004, 14:20
I love this fic... Great job hon... You have me waiting on the edge of my seat to read more.....


S.Ann Smith
24th June 2004, 18:27
:yay: this is such a well written story.. now hurry along and update :D

25th June 2004, 08:10
Chapter Six

A/N: A few of your much appreciated reviews asked questions about the plot. I’m not going to answer them but I wanted to acknowledge them anyway. Stay with me, I’ve got things in mind for everything you’re noticing. ; ) My apologies to anyone who was expecting to see a Chlex wedding in this chapter, sadly it was never part of my plan.
As always, constructive criticism is appreciated, or any second opinions on my new signature or avatar. (The width to height ratio looks a little off to me, but I’ve been looking at it so long I’ve gone cross-eyed.)

Chapter Six

Chloe Sullivan stared at the piece of paper in front of her, wondering how much money and influence had been required to produce it. Every signature, down to her own, was perfect and in different circumstances it would have bound her to Lex Luthor forever.

“Why in March? What difference does it make?”

Lex sipped his coffee but never looked away from her face. It was evening, and they had spent a companionable day walking on the beach and discussing their plans. He debated coming up with a lie to preserve the peace but decided she would likely see through it.

“That day your father was still alive to give his signature to allow you to marry me, it coincides with a day neither of us is on the books as working and it also happens to be a day all three of us were in Metropolis.”

Chloe nodded, remembering that trip as a visit to her cousin Lois and a shopping expedition for some new business wear for her father. He had been a guest speaker at a big crap convention somewhere in Canada and he had wanted to look his best.

“Do I have to call myself Luthor?” She tried not to cringe over the name, but from Lex’s hurt expression it hadn’t worked.

Lex quashed his feelings quickly and tried to convince himself he was only slightly insulted by her tone. Chloe had every right to hate the Luthor name, but it was the only thing he could give her that would protect her.

“I wouldn’t insist upon it, but it would look odd if you didn’t acknowledge it at all. As it is we’ll have to do some convincing in Smallville,” he replied.

She blinked a few times and played with the coffee cup in her hands. “I can deal with Sullivan-Luthor,” she offered.


Lex tried to smile reassuringly through his nervous queasiness. They had hashed out most of the details of their marriage fairly quickly. They would live at the mansion in Smallville full-time, with visits to the Metropolis penthouse. She would continue high school with two guards at her side whenever she was away from Luthor property. Her previous wardrobe and her beetle would be put into storage and replaced with the expected, pricier accouterments of the wife of an extremely wealthy man.

Chloe had signed the prenuptial agreement that would allow her to keep all of her personal possessions before and during their marriage in the event of their divorce, as well as a substantial support package. She had balked at the latter, a rare and oddly pleasant experience for him. Usually women were asking for more and wheedling for gifts, not insisting on financial independence. However, no one would believe Lex Luthor had married without a comprehensive plan to provide for his spouse under any contingency.

Her hesitation had been much greater when she saw the new version of his will. Lex had had to ask his lawyer to wait in another room for over an hour while he explained that his protection was based both on her position as his wife and her legal position as the heir of Luthorcorp. With Lionel in prison, possession of his empire went to his son, and in turn to his daughter-in-law. Family pride and chauvinism would prevent the older man from killing his son only to see the company fall to an inexperienced young bride or to a pack of grasping shareholders if she died as well.

Chloe felt terribly overwhelmed. In a single day she had become a very wealthy, married woman without even having been near a church in years. Lex had said the wedding was only a formality in making a marriage legal, and there were several people who would ‘witness’ their union if it should come into question. Apparently they had been wed in a civil ceremony in the afternoon with her father and two witnesses in attendance.

“We won’t need to do a lot of social things will we?”

She knew Lex spent a lot of time making business contacts and charitable contributions at functions in Metropolis and around the world and she could likely hold her own at any of them, but the thought of trying to was too much at the moment.

Lex put his cup down and made an uncertain gesture, knowing he would have to give her an answer she didn’t want to hear.

“I’ll try to get us out of as many things as possible but we will have to make public appearances together,” he said. “I know you’re grieving, Chloe, and I promise I will make this as painless as possible.”

She nodded and smiled bravely. “I know. It’s okay.”

“I’m going to have someone come down here to provide you with a wardrobe. I’ll go back to Smallville tomorrow and get things arranged there,” Lex said, looking her in the eye to make sure she understood the importance of what he was telling her. “I’ll have someone leak the marriage license and the photos at midnight tomorrow. If you change your mind you need to let me know before then.”

Mid-sip, Chloe stopped and lowered her cup, giving him an odd smile. “I don’t think I will. I’m not sure why, I’m jittery as hell about all of this,” she gestured in a circle, “but I don’t think I’ll be changing my mind.”

Lex swallowed hard, feeling touched but ridiculous as he realized Chloe’s simple words had affected him more than the most romantic sentiment he’d ever received. She didn’t love him but she trusted him, which was more than he’d received from any woman in years.

“By Monday morning it will be everywhere. I’ll triple your security for the flight but you should be prepared to answer questions,” he said.

Chloe’s lips quirked. “Do you want to make a wager on how many people are going to think I’m pregnant once they find out?”

Lex grinned at her, pleased to see hints of her sense of humour returning. “I’ll bet a million the Kents will be knocking down my door to rescue you the second you get there.”

Chloe sobered. “Have they heard anything about Clark yet?”

Lex thought back to his last meeting with Jonathan and Martha Kent. Both of them had brusquely accepted his offer of help before hurrying him back to his car, and there had been no sign of their son.

“The police are still investigating, but the sheriff took a look at his file and is telling people it’s likely he ran away like last summer. I offered my assistance to Jonathan and Martha but they weren’t interested,” he told Chloe.

“They’re guarding a lot of secrets. I hope he’s okay.”

“I do too.”

The silence stretched out between them as they toyed with the cooling cups of coffee and avoided eye contact. When Chloe pulled her legs up onto the chair, huddling in on herself, Lex looked up to see tears rolling down her cheeks. He fumbled for a handkerchief and pushed his chair out, stepping behind her and handing it over her shoulder before rubbing her shoulders. He looked out the window to the sun setting over the ocean, surprised to find he was near tears as well. He had to make this right for her and rid her of this heartbreaking sadness.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Lionel Luthor stared down the man standing rather fearfully in front of him, pleased that he could instill fear even from a prison cell. His decision to crop his long mane of pampered hair had the desired effect, and his payment of turkish cigarettes to his “barber” had garnered goodwill within the general population.

The guards were afraid of him, intimidated by his money and his bearing. They had learned to recognize problem prisoners by their capacity to cause trouble and a disregard for the rules. Possessed of money, power and an upper-class feeling of entitlement, Luthor was marked as the most likely cause of upheaval in the facility.

He relished his innate power as he watched the nervous shuffling of the lawyer on the other side of the plastic wall. The man had brought a briefcase and clutched it with white knuckles in both hands, seemingly holding it in front of his crotch like some kind of shield. He probably just brought it to beat off the lustful attentions of the inmates, Luthor thought with amusement.

Quelling the smirk he felt pulling at his lips, Lionel Luthor gestured to the man. “You have the picture?”

As with any question he asked, the only correct answer was the one he wanted to hear.

“Yes sir, right here.” The lawyer, whose name escaped his employer at the moment, reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a print. He fumbled as he realized he could neither place it on a desk or hand it to the exacting millionaire.

“Good. Press it against the glass.” Lionel resisted rolling his eyes, as he resisted most of his usual mannerisms. He no longer had his long mane of hair to belie his age, or his manicured nails to lend grace to his gestures. The preening motions he had used to dominate the outside world had been replaced by his clenched fists and sharply turning head. He wasn’t afraid in prison, but he wasn’t relaxed either.

The twitchy lawyer flattened the photo onto the glass at the level of his collarbone, maintaining his distance by stretching his arm to its full length. He was relieved to have the older man’s eyes off of him.

Lionel scanned the photo three times before zeroing in on the details. His son was cradling the prone body of a pale Chloe Sullivan, carrying her up the stairs of a small charter plane. There were at least five bodyguards crowding the edges of the photo, and he spared a moment to congratulate Lex and his young friend on their wisdom upon receiving a second chance. Extra security was a good idea. It wouldn’t be good enough to stop him, but it was a concession to reality that his son had long avoided.

He squinted at the girl’s hands, but they were covered by a blanket and the print was clearly an enlargement from a distant shot.

Lionel sneered. He had been surprised to hear the news, genuinely shocked for the first time in decades, and he was enraged by the feeling. This had gone on long enough. His son’s clumsy attempts to land him in prison were never supposed to be anything more than distractions that kept him from causing too much unexpected trouble. With the addition of Clark Kent’s testimony and Chloe Sullivan’s betrayal too much damage had been inflicted on the image of Luthorcorp and he had been confined. It was unforgivable.

“What about the documents,” he barked at the lawyer.

More fumbling ensued as the harried man produced a certificate and pressed it to the glass next to the photo. Lionel read it with interest, looking for any signs of tampering.

State of Kansas marriage license, dated March 15, 2004, and signed by Alexander Luthor and Chloe Sullivan with parental permission from Gabriel Sullivan, he read. The ides of March, nice touch son, he mused. If the document was authentic, Chloe Sullivan had been his daughter-in-law for exactly two months before the explosion he had ordered injured her and killed her father.

“Find out if it’s legitimate and don’t come back until you know.”

The lawyer scurried out, wondering how someone in an orange jumpsuit could issue an order like that and make it sound like he was banishing you from the corner office.

Lionel watched his escape before strolling back to his cot. Perhaps I’m about to be a grandfather, he thought.

When he punched out a few hours later, one of the guards made a note of the wide smile that had covered Luthor’s face at that moment in his daily log.

25th June 2004, 13:45
Oooh, and the plot thickens. I've just read the whole fic up to the current part and I'm lovin' it. It's very, VERY well written. You convey the emotion of it wonderfully and I totally got teary eyed in the earlier part where Chloe stops and thinks about her father in the hall before breaking the glass. So sad.

I love the bond forming between Chloe and Lex. It's growing at a nice pace, and it's nice to see how much he cares about her.

The fic has a nice dark undertone to it that makes me feel like something horrible is just around the corner....

Look forward to the next addition. :-)

25th June 2004, 15:04
Oh wow that was amazing. The growing feelings between Chloe and Lex are wonderful. Lionel needs to die. :die:

Hope :chlexsign2:

25th June 2004, 16:46
I'm really enjoying how you show Lex and Chloe's growing feelings and dependence on each other!! I think Lionel is going to find they're going to be tougher competition then he thinks!! Thank you for the excellent update!! Can't wait for chapter 7!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

25th June 2004, 18:08
You're really doing a fantastic job with this. It's a nice story line so far and has risen far beyond pleasant pifle due to the level of writing. I tend to leave minimal reviews ( for which I do feel guilty and I aplolgize any writers I've short changed) because I'm harsh. But you have talent so I'm going to go for it and try to offer the constructive criticism you've asked for.

I'll go for the good stuff first. It's good and I have my reasons for liking it.

1. Your attention to detail and characters subsequent attention to detail.
I particularly liked Lionel's examination of the photo and Chloe's hands, I assume he was looking for a wedding ring. It really brought him to life.
On a completely different note I liked that Lionel was the first to suspect Chloe's pregnancy it showed just how well he knows Lex and his son's efforts to be the good guy but bottom line it was just my type of humor.

2. Chloe's retreat to the Bahamas
The contrast between that paradise and her pain- well I found that intriguing, you might have played it up even more.

3. Eddie
We really haven't seen much of the character but I thought his presence was one of the most vital parts of the story. It was a little flare when the readers are being sucked in to the the Chloe/Lex relationship that screamed 'all is not well.' It's that little stab of reality that everyone hates but that keeps the story from spinning off into the surreal.

Now for the suggestions.
1. Lionel
He's a tough character to handle but I think you're a person that can do it. While his actions were very in character I'd like to see more of his motivation. Yes, his son landed him in prison and for most people that would merit revenge. But it's just part of the Luthor game and honestly I think Lionel loves the game. So are his moves objective and claculated or is he bent on revenge? And if the latter, why? Is he really dtermined to destroy the legacy he has in his son?

2. Chlex
Their relationship changed quickly and Chloe changed fast enough to suggest a split personality (exaggeration, sorry ;) ). But actually the way I interpret the relationship you've set up justifies all this. Because to me it's unstable. Chloe's world has been obliterated - all except Lex, an ally more than a friend. Her dependence on him is scary. In three weeks she did nothing but grieve then he swept in and made it better. Thus it's natural that she would give it all and get lost in him.
She's picked a volitile center for her world. Does she know this? I hope you explore this beyond the reactions of the community and lifestyle change because I think the blow to Chloe's independence is more devastating. So if the relationship from here on out it happy and healthy then it was too fast and unfounded if it's somethingt wisted their going to have to untwist then it works just fine.

3. School
Why's she going back? Clark, Lana and Pete are gone. Does she want to pretend everything is normal? Why doesn't she hire out a tutor? It's not a bad piece of plot unless it goes unexplained.

That's all I can think of at the moment. I hope I've helped if not just let me know and I'll happily read with my mouth shut and my fingers off the keyboard.

Oh, one more thing. You signature is my favorite part of this fic. In my head it is part of the story because whether you intended it or not it describes Chloe's situation perfectly. If Lex has built up any feelings for her they were from before the ordeal when she was a pure as the virgin. He can she compete with that image in the heart of a man who's looking for something pure to love?

26th June 2004, 18:33
I love this story. More soon.


26th June 2004, 22:56
Lionel watched his escape before strolling back to his cot. Perhaps I’m about to be a grandfather, he thought.

When he punched out a few hours later, one of the guards made a note of the wide smile that had covered Luthor’s face at that moment in his daily log.

Ok that was somewhat comforting but frightening at the same time. Maybe it means Lionel will stop trying to kill her. That doesnt mean he'll stop trying to hurt them though... *sigh*

Had to grin at how Lionel is predictable like the masses though. Heh. Automatically assuming she's pregnant.

I just caught up with this fic and I love it so far! You're doing a great job with the plot and your writting is great!

Please update soon!

27th June 2004, 05:53
Great update again, I love the way you told a lot of it from Lionel's perspective inside the prison cell; also like your take on why our MB shaved his raven locks ;) Can't wait to see what he'll be up to in subsequent chapters. Like the others, I enjoyed the way Chloe and Lex's relationship is evolving. Hope to see more of that too, and soon!

27th June 2004, 13:16
Nice update!!! :biggrin:

27th June 2004, 23:48
I'm breathless. This is such a powerful piece of fiction. -Very- good. I hope to see more soon. Wonderful plot!

28th June 2004, 06:12
This is such an amazing story I am not sure what to say. I think the interation is great and your writing is beautiful. I can't wait for more and to see where you are taking us. :worship2: :worship2:

14th July 2004, 08:01
I hope you come back soon and update!! :yay: This story is really good!! I can't wait for more!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

14th July 2004, 14:00
Hey, it's been a while... update please?

18th July 2004, 23:54
Originally posted by sylvia@Jul 14 2004, 08:00 AM
Hey, it's been a while... update please?
With sugar on top!


30th September 2004, 12:03
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

Chapter Seven

Eddie sipped a strong cup of coffee and watched the security monitors with disdain. Mr. Luthor and his young bride were cuddling on the verandah, and even though Elsie had gushed about how romantic it was he didn’t feel any better to know the girl was legally married to his employer.

Feeling the roiling of indigestion in his stomach, Eddie thought about the situation. Mr. Luthor was fair and considerate to the people who worked for him, and certainly public opinion was on his side after the court hearings that had dragged Lionel Luthor through the mud. Chloe Sullivan didn’t have any close living relatives, and she was of the legal age of consent. There was nothing to be done legally to protect her from being taken advantage of, Eddie thought with a sigh.

If I had known Luthor was into jailbait I might have taken the job as a mall security supervisor instead.

Shaking himself out of the bad mood, he turned back to his paperwork. The Luthors were going to be outnumbered five-to-one by their new security officers and the schedules needed to be revised. Hell, Eddie thought with disgust, they probably have to be scheduled around Mrs. Luthor’s cheerleading practice.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Lex shortened his strides to accommodate Chloe’s shorter legs and looked down at her hand in his. She had tentatively reached toward his hand several times during the day, but she had been brave enough to follow through this time. She had cried for a while, then calmed down as the last of the sun fell beneath the ocean. Elsie had appeared offering more refreshments, but Chloe had declined politely and said she was tired.

Now, after wishing Elsie goodnight, Lex was walking her to her room. He hadn’t known whether to say so or not, but he had no intention of sleeping with her tonight. Ideally he would be on the plane before she woke up tomorrow and could avoid all the drama of a farewell.

Lex Luthor didn’t do soggy goodbyes. Not since he was eleven. Not since he could avoid them.

Chloe tried to fight off a sudden sense of panic. This was - in her mind at least - her wedding night. She didn’t know what to do, and things were happening too fast. The past few weeks had robbed her of her quick-thinking and she was tired of rolling with the punches. She just wanted to sleep.

“I - “ She started and stopped as Lex politely met her eyes. Smiling weakly, Chloe continued walking and was surprised as he cooperated.

Lex opened the door and looked at the bed with her. He wasn’t sure how to bring up the topic of sleeping arrangements yet, and he suspected Chloe wasn’t up to making any more decisions. He looked into her eyes, noting the tension behind them.

“Goodnight Chloe,” he said.

He drew her hands up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the left one while holding the right one to his chest. She seemed to be comforted by it, especially when he didn’t try to pull her closer. He was relieved it was working, especially since he didn’t consider himself to be good at emotional support.

“Goodnight Lex.”

She freed her hands from his, stroking her fingers across his chest, and backed into the room. In someone else Lex would have considered it a seductive ploy to get him to follow, but it seemed to be an innocent move in order to look at him.

Chloe gave him a tiny, real smile as she slowly closed the door, and Lex couldn’t seem to pull himself away until he heard the final latch of the tumbler.

As she walked into her bathroom, Chloe was struck with a sudden chill. He was leaving tomorrow, probably early. When she saw him again, Lex would be fielding questions about their marriage and juggling the running of both LexCorp and LuthorCorp. His undivided attention was a rare occurrence at the best of times, and there were definitely challenges coming their way.

As she washed her face, Chloe wondered what she was supposed to do. Aside from the Kents’ Sunnybrook Farm existence, marriage was a mystery to her. She assumed the cooking and cleaning bits would be taken care of, but would Lex expect her to be planning parties and schmoozing with his business partners? Would she be supervising the servants?

Fighting off a headache she tried to force tears down. Dammit, I can’t cry forever, she yelled inside her head. And I can’t afford to need him this much.

Lex had stripped down to silk boxers before the tiny knock sounded against his bedroom door. He suspected it was Chloe but he still took the time to pull on a robe before he answered.

She huddled into the door frame and as soon as he opened the door, Chloe was pushing into his arms. Her own arms wrapped around him with more strength than he would have thought she possessed. He pushed the door closed and pulled her toward the bed, settling her in his lap.

“Don’t worry. It’s alright.” She hadn’t made a sound,nor was she crying, but Chloe seemed to relax into him as he spoke. Lex had to tighten his arms while she melted around him.

Chloe whispered against his shoulder, afraid to break the peace. “Can I sleep in here?”

She felt his nod and adjusted her grip accordingly. No need to scare the guy with unnecessary force when he’s already married you, she mused.

Lex spent another twenty minutes sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling Chloe get increasingly more relaxed until she slumped bonelessly into sleep. As he levered them up to rest on the pillows, he couldn’t help but wonder how such a mercurial creature would survive as his wife.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Sunday dawned as bright and sunny as one could possibly hope in a tropical paradise, but Lex Luthor woke with a heavy sense of dread. His wife - a seventeen year-old high school student, no less - was cuddled tight to his left side and he was certain she would wake up as soon as he tried to move away. The jet was set to fly him back to Kansas by 10 a.m. and the clock display showed 8: 57 a.m. He had to get up now if he wanted to be ready.

He couldn’t bring himself to move, caught between wishing she would wake up and fearing it. He had expected Chloe to insist on sleeping separately after she showed such apprehension over their newly-married state. His intention had been to use another guest room, so she could stay in bed as long as she wanted undisturbed. Now, oddly overwhelmed by her small body and quiet presence, he was forced to admit that he hadn’t wanted to sleep alone.

It had been years since he had felt stillness, and Chloe made him feel like the focal-point in the midst of chaos. He wanted to hate how he felt with her. He wasn’t enough of a fool to do so.

Business, pleasure and any combination of the two required knowing your own mind as well as those of the people around you. Lex Luthor had worked hard to become a very good businessman. He didn’t know exactly why or how Chloe Sullivan - Sullivan-Luthor, he reminded himself mentally - affected him so deeply, but she pushed all his buttons and pretending it wasn’t happening would be a weakness.

His sense of irony tweaked at realizing of all the women who had tried to wrap him around their little fingers, Chloe had succeeded without any hint of trying.

He ran a careful hand over her hair, applying only the tiniest amount of pressure so he could feel its softness. She was young, beautiful, intelligent and unique; all the qualities of a first-class trophy wife. Many men would give a great deal to have her in their bed and their life.

He was very fortunate, he mused, and would be even more lucky if only he could bring himself to pull away from her and take a shower before his flight.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Chloe sat on the verandah, wearing what she considered to be her most respectable casual outfit. White deck shoes with white socks tapped on the ridiculously expensive wood of the deck, while her supposedly wrinkle-free cream coloured pants wrinkled in the heat. Her shirt was a red silk tank top that draped gracefully over her cleavage in the front and hung a little too loose in the back. She frowned behind sunglasses.

Elsie had been fussing over her for hours. She was excited about the marriage, the new wardrobe and the upcoming relocation in a way that Chloe couldn’t be. The kindly old housekeeper didn’t know life would be getting exponentially harder the second Smallville came into view.

The only person who could possibly understand was Lex and he had left before she woke up. Chloe had wasted two hours lying in bed trying to decide whether she was angry or relieved about that.

She knew she was angry that her visit from the stylist who had been hired to provide her wardrobe had been more about the woman’s desire for gossip than doing her job. Dominique, as she had introduced herself with a patently false French lilt, had repeatedly asked if she would be needing any loosely-fitted clothing for the next few months and had spent an uncomfortably long time staring curiously at her midsection. The catty woman had even gone so far as to pull a digital camera out of her case and shoot pictures of Chloe while she was changing. Eddie the security guard had shown her out and returned to the room to hand Chloe the memory card from the camera.

At least her wardrobe was filled out with new designer fashions that emphasized her best qualities. Some of the boxes had even contained jewelry that was easily worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, including the rings that adorned her left hand. Twisting them almost alleviated the tight feeling in her stomach. They tapped against her cell phone as she passed it from one hand to the other.

She had half an hour until Lex would be releasing the news of their marriage. Half an hour to back out and opt for the slimmest chance at peace and quiet. Lex had offered her a plan B with his marriage proposal; enough money to keep her hidden and provided for and a new identity to live in anonymity.

Chloe knew she could still ask him to help her disappear. He would help her out of loyalty to her father and his well-hidden but strong sense of fairness. He was determined to pay for his father’s sins toward her and was willing to do whatever she asked. He would forget she existed and make sure everyone else did the same.

Unfortunately she could only think of one thing at that moment to influence her decision. He made her feel safe. His voice, his face, his touch, even their loveless marriage to a certain extent, all made her feel secure in a way she hadn’t believed would ever exist again. It wasn’t love or anything so well-intentioned, but a selfish desire to be shielded and comforted by his strength. His power meant she could afford to relax and heal. She wished he was sitting beside her as he had been last night, instead of her silent bodyguard.

Chloe wasn’t comfortable using Lex, but she was also aware that it was a two-way street. He got her testimony against his father and her presence as his wife. His stock in the world would rise with all the feel-good stories of their relationship as his father’s plummeted.

She avoided thinking about the end result of their collaboration. She and Lex both needed to see his father suffer for what he had done to them. His entire life had been about underhanded power plays and illegal acts. He had hurt countless people and killed several that they knew about. He was a lower form of life and he had killed her father.

Chloe felt tears of rage drizzling down her cheeks. She wanted him to hurt more than she wanted peace. She owed her father that much.

She sat for a long time, long past the time fax machines and wire services all over the world started printing the press release announcing her new status as a Luthor wife. It was over an hour past the deadline when she speed-dialed her husband’s matching cell phone and listened to the rings.

“Chloe, how are you?”

He sounded winded. He had rushed to answer it as soon as he name came up, Chloe thought. It was an unsettling feeling to know she had to power to make Lex Luthor jump. “Hi Lex. I’m okay.”

She paused and could somehow sense his tension from across the world. “Is it done?”

Her tone gave none of her emotions away.

Lex answered shortly. “Yes.”

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Lex exhaled and replied, “Yes. Sleep well, Chloe.”

She hung up and went to her bedroom to lie awake until it was time to go to the airport.

Back in Smallvile Lex carried the cell phone to his bedroom, laying it on the extra pillow as he tried to catch a few hours of sleep before the feeding frenzy began.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++

Luthor heir takes child bride

Billionaire playboy Lex Luthor has tied the knot for a fourth time, to a high school student he met while exiled to a small town in Kansas.
Our legal sources say the marriage license was filed in Metropolis on March 11, and the happy couple were married in civil ceremony on March 15. The bride’s proud papa was on hand to sign the documents giving his consent for the match.
The new Mrs. Luthor is Chloe Sullivan, daughter of one of LexCorp’s Smallville employees and a friend of the younger Mr. Luthor for several years. The 17-year-old girl is attending her senior year of high school this fall, but her summer will likely be spent with her hubby in exotic locales.
A friend of the couple said Chloe is delighted to be married but she won’t be jet setting for long because she hopes to be pregnant within the year.
“They both want kids very soon,” the anonymous pal gushed to our reporter. “They’re both really impatient to get started on their life together.”
But the friend said Chloe also intends to continue her schooling and keep her job as editor of the high school newspaper, The Touch.
“She’s really interested in becoming a reporter just like you,” the friend confided to our reporter.

Lex Luthor weds again

One of the richest men in the world has embarked on his second marriage.
Lex Luthor, heir to the fortune built by his father Lionel, married Chloe Sullivan in a civil ceremony on March 11 in Metropolis. The only family member in attendance was the bride’s father, Gabe, who is a widower.
Luthor’s new bride, who prefers to be called Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor, is still in high school in Smallville, Kansas, and representatives for the couple say they intend to remain there. Luthor has been based out of the small town for the past three years, transforming a failing LexCorp fertilizer plant into a successful cash cow for the company.
It has been a busy few months for the Luthor family. Patriarch Lionel Luthor was arrested on double murder charges last month, and both his son and new daughter-in-law testified at his bail hearing in favour of denying him bail. If Lionel Luthor is convicted he could face lethal injection.
Father and son have often shown a less-then-united front to the world, most remarkably when the younger Luthor dissolved his interest in LuthorCorp to form the rival company LexCorp. Now that Lionel Luthor is in prison the control of both corporations falls to his son and to his legal heir, Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor.

New Mrs. Lex Luthor Four Months Pregnant

Lex Luthor has finally given up his womanizing ways to be a good husband and father, a source close to the billionaire says.
A close business partner of Luthor said the 22-year-old business magnate is taking his responsibility to his pregnant bride very seriously and looking forward to the new arrival. His wife is Chloe Sullivan-Luthor, a 17-year-old high school student from Monastery, Kansas, where he has been living while he underwent treatment for drug addiction.
The source said the couple married with her father’s consent on Valentine’s Day, only days after the bride announced her pregnancy. Now that she is four months along they are booking a planned Caesarian section at a Swiss clinic and the newest Luthor may well be an early Christmas present.
Dominique Destine, another friend of the young family said after the latest prenatal exam the Luthor’s team of specialists have told them they might be expecting a multiple pregnancy. Destine is also the stylist and designer for the new bride, and said she expects to be kept busy in the coming months, keeping her friend beautiful and well-heeled as her belly expands. She hinted she is also working on some adorable baby clothes as a gift for Chloe, with whom she became fast friends.

Lex Luthor embraces small town life, love

Lex Luthor, once a familiar face in Metropolis hotspots with a bevy of beauties, has found his future and is setting down roots in a small Kansas farm town.
The eldest Luthor son, and heir to the Luthor business empire, met his new bride within weeks of moving to Smallville, a sleepy town that just happens to contain a LuthorCorp fertilizer plant. 20-year-old Soleil Sullivan worked for the billionaire and helped him clean up his act after years of too much drink and drugs on the Metropolis club scene. They were married in January but declined to announce the nuptuals until this week.
Luthor is a notoriously private person, but his fondness for Smallville has been well-established. He has lived there for the past three years and donated to many organizations in the community. He was the major donor to the $10 million rebuilding fund that helped the town recover from a devastating tornado in 2002.
Local newspaper The Smallville Ledger has reported upon Luthor various times, including his close friendships with several local families and his campaign to keep the fertilizer plant open to provide jobs.
Psychologist Jeannine Forrester said she did not know Luthor personally, but has seen many of her patients respond positively when taken out of their old environment and placed in a simpler one.
“The simpler, quieter life of a small town is often a great incentive to become a better person and a strong person within yourself,” Dr. Forrester said. “It has been proven very effective as well in overcoming drug, alcohol and sex addictions. A small town is just a friendlier, more personalized place to live.”

Exclusive photos of the Luthor honeymoon getaway!

When the Luthors need to relax they take it very seriously by renting this 30,000 square foot home in Barbados, lounging on the beach and swimming in the crystal blue ocean just steps from their door. The happy couple honeymooned here for a month, with Mr. Luthor flying back and forth on his private jet to attend business meetings in the U.S. Mrs. Luthor occupied herself during his absence with nude sunbathing and practicing yoga with a master instructor. They are reportedly looking into buying a beach house nearby so they can take off whenever they get the urge. Luckily for them, the typical house costs about $6 million which will hardly make a dent in the massive Luthor fortune.

Chapter Eight

“Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! CHLOE! CHLOE!”

The chant was constant and overwhelming, but it left Chloe out somehow. She had always assumed that being mobbed by reporters and photographers was invigorating and exciting, but now that it was happening to her it just felt empty and threatening. She watched as the reporters pushed toward the front as the photographers lifted pricey cameras high above their heads to shoot over the people in front of them. Several of the video camera operators had retractable step ladders they used to elevate themselves literally, filming from a few feet above everyone else.

“Chloe! Here, here, Chloe!”

They were all yelling for her to turn their way, asking for a smile or a frown. She got the impression that it didn’t really matter if she turned and posed gracefully or fell down in a heap and cried provided they could get a shot of it. The noise of the crowd, though 300 people held in only by human chains of security guards seemed to be more like an unruly wild animal, rose and fell as she moved through the pathway. The reporters closest to her sometimes yelled questions that were ridiculously personal or downright lewd, but most just seemed to be waiting for her to flash a little chest or show some form of upset.

“Are you pregnant Chloe?! When are you due?!”

The reporters nearest to her seemed to screech the loudest, desperate to see some sign that she was acknowledging them. Chloe was beginning to doubt her vocation. She never wanted to make someone feel they way she was feeling at that moment. Lex wasn’t even there with her and it was insane.

Eddie had her left arm in something like a deathgrip but she wasn’t complaining even though he was wrinkling the Chanel suit she had chosen. The dusky rose colour was a little girly for her taste but it was suitably bridal and covered her conservatively but attractively. The high heels were just a bitch, but they matched. Chloe had already told Eddie that if she had to make a run for it someone should just pick her up and carry her or save himself.

Eddie hadn’t laughed. Now that she was facing the full force of a media circus, Chloe didn’t think it was funny anymore either. Forty bodyguards and she still felt like a steak hot off the grill being dangled in front of a pack of wolves.

“Mrs. Sullivan Luthor will not be answering questions at this time. There will be an official statement later this week. Thank you for your interest.” The LexCorp public relations person at Chloe’s right arm was getting pushed around as much as she was, but seemed less bothered. She also managed to evoke gratitude in her voice while she was yelling at the top of her lungs. It would have been impressive if anyone had heard her.

The woman turned to Chloe and said, “This is hopeless Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor. Let’s just get you to the car. I’ll stay behind and make sure they get something so they don’t follow.”

Her name was something dignified and uppercrust, but Chloe hadn’t caught it over the yelling so she just said thank you and kept moving with Eddie. The bodyguards had formed a large, muscled circle around her, like some scene from a movie about a president. It was rather fascinating except it was hot, uncomfortable and she was afraid she would slip in the heels and be trampled.

The bodyguards moved forward in waves, lining the pathway up ahead so it remained open. As they got closer to the limo the crush of bodies got even more aggressive as the people trapped in the back saw they were about to lose their photo opportunity. The woman from public relations disappeared and Chloe found herself looking out through a group hug of men taller than her by a good foot. She couldn’t see anything but she assumed they must be very close to the car.

Eddie suddenly turned his back to her, holding open the car door and shoving people back as hard as he could. Chloe saw several people fall into the crowd before she stepped into the car. Three guards she didn’t know and Eddie followed, though they were careful to sit on the other side of the seat and give her space. The car didn’t move and she knew the other few dozen guards were climbing into the SUVs that would make up the rest of their entourage.

Life as a Luthor was all about excess. She had expressed an interest in checking out the magazine stand at the airport but Eddie had suggested that she stay in the first class lounge and send one of his men to get what she wanted. When she had said she wasn’t sure a guard had been sent off anyway. He returned fifteen minutes later with what had to be $300 worth of magazines, books, candy, soda and souvenirs. Chloe had turned beet red and thanked him, but the truth was she couldn’t even have carried all of it without help, let alone used all of it. She would have to ask Lex and Eddie about the procedures for ordering the bodyguards around in order to avoid other embarrassments like that one.

The first class lounge had been stocked with champagne, as had the flight, and Chloe noticed the limo also had a bottle chilling in the ice bucket. It was only 2 p.m. and she could easily have been plastered three times over by now.

She settled back into the seat, trying not to wilt too visibly in front of the guards. They tended to fuss almost as much as Elsie if they thought she was suffering in any way. From now until the day she divorced Lex, at least two of them would be with her anywhere she went. She was trying to convince them she didn’t need to be coddled.

Chloe Sullivan-Luthor was very much in the public eye, and she had decided not to appear needy and weak. Bodyguards were precautions, not neccessities because Luthors weren’t weak.

A shrill ringing came from the inside breast pocket of Eddie’s black suit and he pulled out his cell phone. The guards were all wearing stereotypical black suits with sunglasses. They all looked like stylish undertakers and she didn’t care what Lex said - they had no chance of blending in anywhere.

“Yes sir. Yes. About forty-five minutes sir. Fine sir. Tomorrow at 7 a.m.”

Eddie was answering a string of questions with brief, respectful answers and listening to the caller carefully. He was a polite, deferential employee, but Chloe found him to be slightly insincere. She had the idea that he didn’t approve of her but was too professional to admit it. However, he did his job well and Lex had hired him personally to look after her. She trusted Lex so she trusted Eddie. Besides, Chloe thought, I wouldn’t want to oversee this kind of moving operation.

The Barbados house was rented, so most of the furniture stayed there, but there were boxes of books, toiletries, and luxury items that Lex had sent down for her that had been loaded on the plane. Her luggage, including the new designer clothing, took up about five suitcases and several boxes. Dozens of cases of local wines and flowers had also been loaded and the scent of blossoms had been so strong that even the unflappable bodyguards had seemed to cringe a little.

Excess. It was apparently the word to live by. She just hoped the flowers weren’t all for the castle.

Chloe pulled a notebook out of her small gold and green purse. It was the only part of her outfit that reflected her personal style. If it had been any larger than a pocketbook it would have looked gaudy, but it was tiny and subtle enough to work. Dominique had been obnoxious but Chloe couldn’t fault her work. She didn’t feel particularly confident but she didn’t feel at all outclassed by anyone’s clothing.

The notebook contained the bits and pieces of her files that she could still remember. Her files were lost in the explosion with her computer, but she had written down everything that she remembered. The articles could be replaced by visiting a few newspaper morgues, but she still liked having personal lists and reminders on file.

She looked at the newest to-do list.

1. Buy new laptop

2. Arrange internet at Castle

3. Hire private investigator

She stared holes into the sheet of paper, thinking about how incomplete it really was. But if she added everything she wanted to accomplish it would look more like a wish list, or perhaps a confession of premeditation.

Chloe put the book away and sighed. “What’s our ETA, Eddie?”

He met her eyes with a gaze that managed to be both steely and neutral. “Ten minutes, ma’am.”


There were only a dozen media people clustered around the gates of the castle, and Chloe felt bad when she realized one of them was a friend from the Smallville Ledger. But if she got out, Eddie and the boys got out with her and he wouldn’t be any closer to an interview.

The gates swung inward as armed guards appeared to make sure no one slid in past the car. It was unlikely, but security was a primary concern at the moment. When your own father tries to kill you who are you supposed to trust, she thought.

Chloe stepped out of the car after the bodyguards. Now that they were on open ground two got out from either side and Eddie gestured the all clear for her to climb out on his side. It was all so melodramatic except it was neccessary. She hadn’t forgotten her father’s death or how pointless it all seemed now that she had hindsight to guide her.

Chloe Sullivan-Luthor didn’t trust her safety to just anyone anymore. It was too late in so many ways, but it was the truth.

Eddie offered her an arm as she stepped out, and Chloe took it, but her mind wasn’t on him at all. She wanted to see Lex and get started on what she needed to get done so she could have some peace.

The moment she stepped inside the castle the feeling of crawling observation on her back was gone. She was safe here, queen of the castle almost literally. It was reassuring.

Now to find the king, she thought.

He was in his office, working on paperwork while he talked on the telephone and paced. Chloe smiled when she saw him. He was safety and beauty and sometimes just plain sex. He was of much more value to her than simply as her protector.

She caught Lex’s eye and walked up to him as he rounded the corner of the desk toward her, feeling the smile drop under his serious look. He didn’t look unhappy to see her, just intense. He didn’t put down the papers in his hands, nor did he sign off and hang up the phone.

Chloe rested her left hand on Lex’s belt and used her right hand to balance against his shoulder. On her toes she pressed her face to his, her forehead to his chin, sliding her nose and angling her jaw until she was pressing her lips just below his mouth. He had fallen silent and still but one hand came up to stroke at her waist.

“Hi honey, I’m home,” she whispered it to the dimple in his chin, her eyes watching as he smiled.

“Hi.” He mouthed it without any sound and Chloe could hear a voice still speaking to him in the headset.

She took his lower lip in hers and gave it a brief nibble before stepping back. As she walked out of the room, Chloe could feel his eyes on her ass and she reflected that their marriage, though unplanned, didn’t have to be unpleasant.

30th September 2004, 12:49
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

Chapter Nine

Deidre Bennet looked up attentively as her employer silently entered the executive offices. Her desk was situated directly across from the door to the main areas of the fertilizer plant so any visitors were clearly visible as they approached.

She had sat at that desk for three years, serving as an executive assistant both to Mr. Luthor and Gabe Sullivan. She liked her job, so much so that when a crazed gunman had taken the plant a few years ago she had been reluctant instead of eager to leave as most of the hostages were released in exchange for Mr. Luthor.

Deidre had originally been hired by Lionel Luthor as his assistant and had been charmed into his bed. Like many other female employees she had been fooled into believing she was the only one who was receiving his personal interest.

She had learned differently only when Lionel had reassigned her to Smallville, ostensibly to lend her talents to a struggling office. She had been surprised to find the Smallville office in perfect order and even more surprised to hear Lionel had replaced her within hours of her departure with a woman he had been dating for months. Her replacement was a leggy, attractive brunette, like Deidre herself, except she was six years younger. At the time Deidre had been twenty-nine but feeling more like a septagenarian.

She had been prepared to hate the Smallville job and had started putting aside money so she could quit and research her next job thoroughly. Her bitterness at his father had spilled over to Lex, and had exploded just before Christmas. Out of the blue he had placed a gift-wrapped box on her desk and given her his most charming grin. Before he could give his salespitch she had grabbed her purse and coat, leaving the office enraged.

Deidre had been in her apartment typing her letter of resignation the next day when the doorbell announced Lex Luthor and his lawyer. He had apologized sincerely and made it clear that the gift had been an innocent one, asking her to open it before she decided to quit.

As she unwrapped the box, Lex had explained that he gave every employee a gift at the end of the year. The gifts were general tokens instead of personal items for the most part, with all employees of the same level and gender receiving the same thing. It was an attempt at a politically correct, nondenomenational, workplace appropriate personal gesture, ironically gone wrong, he had joked.

With a lap full of unfurled ribbon and crumpled tissue paper surrounding a tasteful sterling silver and crystal candle-holder engraved with a Dylan Thomas quote, Deidre had believed him. Somewhere in her fumbling apology she found herself confessing the dalliance with Lionel to his son.

Lex had expressed his sympathy for his father’s poor treatment of her, and assured her that she wouldn’t have to suffer Lionel’s company in the future. A silent alarm button was installed under her desk and Lionel was always accompanied by an executive as he passed by her work area. She had permission to hang up on him if he was anything but professional and could have him expelled from the building if she saw fit.

Having proven himself an entirely different kind of man than his father, Lex Luthor had earned her respect and Deidre had grown to like him as a person. He was a Luthor, certainly, but he had a sense of humour and decency in person that didn’t necessarily come through in his television appearances.

With her loyalty, Deidre couldn’t help feeling concern for Lex. He had been lost in a plane crash on his honeymoon, found barely alive, and just when he had almost recovered from the trauma he had been admitted to a mental hospital by his father. Add in the loss of his plant manager and friend and a secret marriage and she thought he had easily lived through more in the past year than most people did in their entire lives.

She had been distressed to realize there was very little she could do to help him except to do her job the best she could. However, she kept her eyes and ears open and tried to pass along things that might help him gain leverage against his father. Needless to say, she was pleased when the bastard was hauled off to prison.

“Good morning. Can I get you some coffee?” Deidre made a motion to rise but stayed put as Lex shook his head. He rested his briefcase on the corner of her desk as he leafed through the phone messages.

“Good morning, Deidre. I can grab it myself. I’ll be needing a few refills along the way if I’m going to catch up,” he replied with a thin smile as he hefted a bundle of papers under his arm.

“There are some lemon buns by the coffee maker if you’d care to indulge,” she told him, watching him carefully. Guaging whether it was a good or bad day for him wasn’t impossible, but it required a good eye and some experience. Today even she couldn’t tell.

He gave her a better smile but it was still tinged with some ambiguous other feeling. “You know I will. There are men one floor down who will kill for one of them.”

“Good to know, since it’s the only thing I’ve ever successfully cooked,” she quipped.

“You could builld an empire on them,” Lex said. He glanced at a message slip and frowned. “Is the Mr. Gregory with OmniTech a Richard or a David?”

“A David. Mr. Gregory with TransLo is a Richard.” She double-checked in her massive rolodex but recited the information off the top of her head.

“Thank you. I’ll be in my office if there’s anything else,” Lex said, retrieving the briefcase and turning away.

Deidre debated the value of silence but decided she should say what was on her mind.
“Actually, if you have a second . . . “

He turned back and nodded politely. “Sure.”

“Now that it’s public, I just wanted to congratulate you on your marriage. I’ve always liked Chloe,” she said.

Lex didn’t know how to respond for a moment. He hadn’t expected anyone to offer simple congratulations. Prying for gossip, snide remarks about his previous luck with marriage or hostile suspician he had been prepared to deal with. He had even felt cautious when Deidre brought it up, and he knew she wasn’t a gossip.

“Thank you. I’ll pass your congratulations along to her.” He knew he had let his silence go on too long because Deidre had paled, so Lex smiled. “I’m not upset, I just didn’t expect anyone to offer congratulations. It wasn’t a popular announcement.”

Deidre nodded. “I’ve seen the headlines. You shouldn’t listen to any of it. I’m sure Gabe is at peace knowing you’re there for Chloe. He respected you a great deal.”

Speechless for the second time in a minute Lex nodded thoughtfully before walking into his office. Deidre sat in silence for a moment before returning to work, resigned to the fact that she wasn’t going to be able to tell how he was feeling that day.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Lex sat behind his desk roughly, shifting his weight almost forcefully into the expensive leather of his chair. He planted his feet and opened the first report. A stack of eight other thick folders was waiting at his left elbow. He smoothed the cover back and hooked his finger underneath the first page, ready to turn it. He could get through all of them in about three hours at his typical reading rate, and then he would go home early.

To dinner with his wife if she was still there.

Chloe’s half-joking words of a few days ago had come true. The moment Martha and Jonathan Kent had known she was back in Smallville they had come to the mansion demanding to see her. He had met them at the door personally and welcomed them into the sitting room for coffee, then listened as they spent two hours trying to convince Chloe to leave him.

Lex Luthor, raised to be a cocky billionaire by the the original cocky billionaire, had sat meekly beside his young wife and watched her listen to two people she saw as parental figures villify him. They had been polite about it, hinting, alluding, and implying their negative opinions. They had offered Chloe a place in their home whenever she wanted it for as long as she wanted to stay. They had suggested she was rushing on making major decisions in a difficult year, but it wasn’t her fault because she no longer had a parent to help her.

Martha had patted her hand gently and told Chloe it was only natural for her to be looking for someone to hold on to when her life had changed so much. She had even looked pointedly at Chloe’s midsection and said that she shouldn’t feel hesitant to ask them for help no matter what the circumstances were.

Never once did it occur to the Kents, poster couple for the happily married, that he and Chloe might be in love or that she had married him because he had something to offer on a personal level. They never even glanced down to Chloe’s sweaty hand in his, as it tensed in aggravation and stress they were causing. The Kents had finally left when Chloe turned to him, kissed his cheek and told him she was going to catch a nap before dinner. She had smiled vaguely at them and thanked them for the visit, then excused herself. Both Kents had gaped as she walked out, uncomfortably silent as Lex walked them out. Unfortunately Jonathan had regained his voice at the door.

“We’ll be back tomorrow, Lex.”

He had said it with an implied threat that would have bothered the average person. Lex wasn’t average.

“You can’t badger her. You’ll see her if she wants to see you,” he had replied. “I won’t stop her but it has to be her choice. Everything in Chloe’s life is by her choice.”

Jonathan had been winding up another threat when his wife linked her arm through his and addressed Lex.

“I’m sure you’re not forcing her into anything, Lex, but we’re concerned she feels she has to stay with you for lack of any other options. We just want what’s best for her.”

“I’d pull down the sky if she asked. I want what’s best for her, too,” Lex had replied, then pointedly looking at Jonathan, “but I won’t give her up if it’s not what she wants.”

“We’ll be in touch,” Martha had said, pulling her angry husband behind her as she walked to their truck. Jonathan had managed to throw a final glare over his shoulder.
They had showed up at the castle as he was driving to the plant, and Eddie had called to inform him, sounding irritable. As much as Lex had wanted to tell him to deny the Kents entry he had left it up to Chloe. Security was there and would get rid of Jonathan and Martha on her orders if it came to that.

Lex thought it was much more likely they were sitting on his furniture, drinking his coffee out of his cups while trying to steal his wife. He could just imagine what they were saying to her:

“Chloe, he’s the devil himself and he will suck you right down into hell with him,” from Jonathan. Lex wondered if the man had missed his calling as a televangelist at times, his lectures were certainly hypocritical enough to run a TV ministry.

“We just feel you’re too young to make this kind of decision right after your father passed away,” from Martha.

He took a sip of coffe, burning his tongue and dripping some of it on a report. Angrily sopping up the mess, he growled as the wet paper ripped and smeared, but continued to imagine the Kents’ visit with Chloe.

“You need to get as far away from him as possible before he gets you killed,” Jonathan would melodramatically offer.

“You know we’d love to have you stay with us for as long as you need to,” Martha would say, sympathetically smoothing Chloe’s hair off her forehead.

“We can get Judge Ross to annul the marriage by the end of the week,” Jonathan would say.

“Then you can marry someone more suitable later, when you’re ready,” Martha would say. “Even if you’re pregnant now, it’s not so bad. Everyone makes mistakes.”

“No one could blame you for not wanting to continue with a pregnancy under these horrible conditions,” Jonathan would conclude.

Lex came back to reality with his fists clenched so hard his fingers hurt, enraged that the Kents would try to talk Chloe into an abortion simply because she was carrying his child. He was tired of being judged by his father’s actions, tired of learning to trust people like the Kents only to be let down as they fell back on old prejudices. He was good enough to handle their son’s messes and give them the money that allowed them to keep their farm, but he was too tainted to have someone as good as Chloe even if she wanted him. People like the Kents made him feel so angry that he sometimes understood how his father could be so morally reprehensible, because no matter how much good he did they only saw the bad.

Lex blinked rapidly as he realized he was sweaty and raging inside his mind over an imaginary conversation in which his decidedly unpregnant wife was encouraged to leave him and abort his child. It wasn’t the height of crazy that he’d reached, but it was up there.

He just had trouble accepting the Kents’ proprietary interest in his wfie at such a convenient time for them. A month ago when they were searching for Clark around the clock they hadn’t even bothered to call her, but now that she was a Luthor they were riding to the rescue. Their casual possessiveness of Chloe was galling as well.The domineering attitude made him feel jealous and greedy for Chloe’s undivided attention, but denying them access to her only feuled their arguments. He wouldn’t play the monster for them.

Lex realized he had been in his office for over half an hour and hadn’t read a single page of the reports. He sighed. The coffee spill was now a huge patch of illegible, battlescarred text and he didn’t even feel capable of concentrating anymore.

He had unsettled to find that he craved Chloe’s company all the time. Lex had hoped the tropical atmosphere had built up a false sense of intimacy around them, but the intimacy arrived yesterday with her. His eight to twelve hour workday had crumbled in the draw of her nearness. He was angry at everything, angry and stinging with the unfairness of the situation. Neither he nor Chloe deserved this.

Lex closed the mangled file and put it with the others, pushing back his chair. He was going home to make sure the Kents didn’t make things worst.

30th September 2004, 12:50
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series. Kyle Layton is a product of my imagination and a tribute to my own alpha male, who turned 25 on Tuesday.

A/N: This is the smut chapter I’ve been promising for so very heinously long. I’ve been meaning to earn that NC-17 rating and now that Smallville is back on the air I have all the more reason to work on this so I don’t have to watch it. I hope you enjoy and also forgive the long absence.

Chapter Ten

Nodding a greeting to Eddie as he entered the manor, Lex walked into the study to find it empty. He dropped his briefcase and jacket on the desk and continued through to the other rooms. There was no sign of Chloe or the Kents. He looked for a rumpled piece of furniture or discarded tea tray to indicate where they had been sitting but every room looked like it was set for a catalogue shot.

Lex frowned. He knew that the security guards would have said something if she had left, but Chloe was smart enough to give them the slip easily. The guards had never really been ordered to keep her against her will, just to stay with her when she wasn’t at the manor. While she was inside all they had to do was remain on the grounds and available to her. He had been counting on her desire to be here at least for a while and had never thought to order the guards to keep her in as well as deflecting threats.

He found himself unaccountably angry at Chloe for not being there, at the Kents for their moral posturing and at himself for caring so much. He knew she had as much reason to go with the Kents as she did for staying with him, but he had somehow thought he had her loyalty. Apparently even a marriage of convenience was filled with messy emotional hurdles, he thought with a sigh.

Lex hurried upstairs to the guest room that had been set up with Chloe’s things. Technically she had the room only until his bedroom was renovated to hold her belongings as well as his own. The real reason she had her own room was because he didn’t want to take anything for granted with her, including her previous sexual advances. Chloe had been robbed of too many choices already.

“Chloe?” He knocked gently and waited, feeling his bad mood feed upon itself. He had expected to be dealing with the Kents and their prejudices with Chloe quietly censuring them by his side. Instead he suspected she had abandoned their agreement and had left him.

He knocked a second time, feeling the heavy wood of the door shake under his fist. He could have understood if Chloe had decided to leave him to face his father alone. Lex would even admit to himself that she might well be better protected by distancing herself from him, but he had put all his efforts against his father into this plan. If she divorced him or annulled their marriage after only a few months he was going to lose a lot of credibility in his testimony against his father. She didn’t have any right to leave him without a word.


He was losing his temper again, he realized, lowering his arm and trying to calm down. He didn’t remember any of his previous marriages making him this moody and he was starting to feel bad for Chloe. If he was going to feel this insecure every time he left her alone she should leave him before he drove her insane.

He forced himself to stop knocking and wondered if he was capable of going over to Kent Farm to cajole or strong-arm his wife back to his house. It was unappealing but it didn’t make him feel as queasy as trying to continue his plan without her. He had gotten used to trusting her with his secrets.

A door opened across the hallway and Lex listened to the padding of bare feet towards him while keeping his eyes on the door in front of him. He could smell Chloe’s perfume, a light scent of gardenias and lavender, and he could feel her eyes on him.

“I was hiding from the Kents in your room,” she said, hovering at his elbow.

He nodded and turned to see her wrapped in a blanket from his bed, hair tousled and sporting a reddened crease mark across her left cheek. He brushed his fingers across the stripe and felt better instantly. Flesh and blood Chloe was still there and she didn’t appear to be inclined to leave anytime soon.

“They are a bit much,” he replied.

Chloe snickered. “No need for diplomacy after today. They’re as pompous as Clark. They think I should live with them so you can’t get your hands on me. Little do they know . . .”

He told himself he wasn’t anticipating anything she might say, that he didn’t hope for anything.

She looked at him with a smile. “Well, I’m not cut out for farm life.”

He pushed off what someone weaker might have labeled disappointment. He felt like an idiot and a jerk. Of course she wouldn’t leave him in the lurch, because Chloe Sullivan-Luthor was a woman of her word.

Lex studied her face, wondering what it was about her that made her different than everyone else around him. Aside from the people he paid for their loyalty, no one had ever stayed with him through so much upheaval. She was tough, brilliant and gutsy, but incredibly kind and fair-minded as well. She had the intelligence and common sense of a woman of the world but remained untainted by what she had seen.

Chloe stood silently and waited for something from her husband. She was slowly learning to read the non-expressions he had but his current look was confusing. He looked almost dazed, maybe bored, so she decided to get down to business.

“I was hoping we could talk when you got home. Do you have to go back to the office right now?” she asked.

Lex shook his head and finally managed to get his feet moving. He gestured for her to lead the way into his bedroom and watched as she carefully hiked up the blanket so that her pink toes were visible. He felt an unexpected surge of desire looking at them, then wondered where all his vaunted self-control had gone if he was getting a hard-on looking at her feet.

Chloe resettled on the rumpled covers, sitting against the heavy mahogany headboard and winding the blanket around her legs. It occurred to Lex that he wasn’t sure if she was wearing anything under the blanket. He hesitated before shrugging out of his suit jacket, pushing the door closed.

It was a novelty to have a woman in his bedroom again, especially a wife. Chloe had fallen asleep in her own room the night before, and though he had checked on her several times, Lex had slept in his own bed. Now that she had built herself a little nest in his most personal space, he was amazed to find himself touched and not the least bit uncomfortable.

“What did you want to talk about?” He said it as he removed his shoes, toeing them off too carelessly for what they had cost. He looked down instead of at her, because he wanted her to at least think he was listening.

Chloe leaned toward him, though he still didn’t look at her. “I know this is a little late for this discussion, but we haven’t really talked about sleeping arrangements.” She fought a blush and failed, feeling uncharacteristically out of her depth.

Lex felt a reflexive smirk begin, but tamped it down with the bleak thought that she didn’t want him sexually. He remembered a time when sex had been an awkward topic to discuss for him, though it had been long before he turned seventeen. No need to make this a horribly awkward experience for her. Chloe had every right to choose not to have sex with him and he had to accept that with grace and understanding.

He sat on the edge of the bed, around the middle and shuffled up until he was lying flat. He watched her eyes follow his motion, and gave her the words he thought she was hoping to hear.

“Chloe, while I expect both of us to maintain the image of a faithful marriage, I wouldn’t insist on the physical aspects.”

Her face went from poorly disguised surprise to an unnatural blankness as she fought her initial reaction. She hadn’t wanted him to insist on anything, would have been deeply offended if he had, but she hadn’t expected him to give her carte blanche to screw around on him. She hadn’t expected him to ask it for himself.

From his forced casual pose Lex watched her react with surprise, feeling a bit hurt. Surely she hadn’t thought he was the kind of man who would take advantage of the situation? He shifted his shoulders uncomfortably as he reconsidered that thought. He wasn’t known for his more merciful qualities, even in his current, relatively mellow state. Chloe didn’t know him well personally and she was well aware of the qualities that had allowed him to succeed in business.

She scooted forward, gingerly inching her fingers onto his shoulders. Kneading gently, she worked the taut muscles at the join of his neck and torso, letting the blanket fall down to reveal her pale blue camisole. Lex closed his eyes and indulged in her touch, trying to maintain his patience until she felt like talking.

I’m not like that pushy bastard and I won’t be responsible for destroying her just because she’s married me.

He’d be damned if Chloe walked away from their marriage as embittered as all of his stepmothers had done. Lex had no illusions about the blissful nature of marriage but it didn’t have to be the life-altering misery that his father specialized in.

“I didn’t - think you’d-” Chloe started and stopped and started twice more before she finally got a sentence together. He was looking vaguely up into her face and it was making her nervous. “I know you wouldn’t expect me to do anything I didn’t want to do, but that wasn’t really what I was asking.”

Lex suppressed a twitch of anticipation in his shoulders and continued looking generally in her direction. “I think it might be best if we were specific.”

Chloe nodded and smiled a little, moving her hands in soothing circles. “You’re right. Sorry. Teenage thing, I guess, euphemisms and such.”

Lex waited out her pause, searching his mind for a reassurance that would help her say what she needed to say. He knew how to offer flattery and bribery much better than he understood offering real emotion to a woman. Chloe was too smart to believe a lie.

“Level with me Chloe and I won’t lie to you,” he said. “Think of it as a negotiation.”

He wrestled a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket, handing them to her. She took them warily and quirked the left corner of her mouth.

“Write what you’re prepared to offer and I’ll give you a counteroffer.” He closed his eyes again, missing her full grin and the gleam of mischief in her eyes.

Chloe uncapped the pen and balanced the paper on her thigh, suppressing a gulp. Money where your mouth is time, she thought. Damn, I hope he doesn’t think I’m a pushover after this. She scribbled a few letters on the paper and stared at them, recapping the pen absently.

“Ready?” Lex didn’t open his eyes, but he reached a hand up to accept the paper. She handed it over with the pen. He levered up on one elbow, tilting his chin down to hid his face from her.

He read the card four times, carefully, like he was scrutinizing a deal with the devil. The letters never changed and Chloe was starting to fidget on her knees behind him before he brought the pen to his mouth and bit the cover off. He scribbled the answering bid and covered the pen, handing both items back over his shoulder.

Chloe took them back and gripped the pen tightly. The paper was actually a business card from Lex’s Smallville office, and she busied herself with memorizing the fax number before she turned it around.

The two words in blue ink stood out starkly, hers only three timid letters and his answer composed of seven bolder ones.



When furious blinking didn’t help, she looked down at her husband. He was lying flat again, but his eyes were on her and she blushed.

“Oh . . . Good.” She nodded and Lex parroted her.

“Good?” He sounded almost insulted.

“I just wasn’t sure how that was going to turn out,” she clarified. His top shirt button was open and winking in her direction, distracting her with the minimal amount of bare chest she could see.

Lex chuckled, but not unkindly, delighted to realize her apprehension was that of inexperience and not because she was doubting his intentions. “Well, what did you think I was going to say?” He rotated his shoulder to run his hand over her ribs, feeling the tension there. Still too thin, he thought. I’ll hire a pastry chef.

“I don’t know,” Chloe replied, allowing herself a grin as she realized humiliation wasn’t forthcoming. “Possibly order a piano to fall on me.”

“I’m afraid the falling pianos are all in the falling piano room, but I can have one brought in if you like.”

She giggled far more than the joke deserved, relieved they were still okay. Inexperience didn’t make her unaware of the fact that they’d just had a heavy relationship conversation and survived relatively unscathed. His hand wrapped around her back, nudging her down towards his face.

His blue eyes were open and on hers as she ran her finger over his shoulders. Their smiles faded.

Lex sat up slowly, angling to meet her lips. His upper lip grazed her lower one and then they were both holding their breath and kissing openmouthed. Chloe felt a flush start building in her cheeks and she realized they were kissing upside down with little trouble. Just as she was beginning to get impressed with herself she turned her chin and felt it hit Lex’s nose.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” She sat up again, refusing to look as he was rolling his eyes and cursing his luck to end up with her.

Lex wiggled the tip of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, then sat up carefully. Chloe was covering her face with her hands but the deep blush glowed around the edges. He stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it off and tossing it aside.

He walked around to the far side of the bed and pulled down the covers before climbing in. He was still wearing his pants and it was only afternoon, but he’d been planning this for Chloe for a while.

Her curiousity finally won and Chloe lowered her hands to see if he had gotten naked. Lex was bare from the top of his head to the tight muscles of his lower abdomen, crouching behind her on the huge bed. She watched over her shoulder as he smiled briefly, running one hand over her back in a strange pattern. It wasn’t a soft touch, nor was it rough, more like a tiny massage from each of his fingertips. He moved his hand slowly, keeping his fingers straight and his palms up, inching down as they pressed in.

“Lex, I . . . “ Chloe spoke more out of habit and lost her train of thought without much regret. He was still using just the fingers of one hand and she struggled to understand how it felt so good.


Lex used his free hand to take a few strands of her golden brown hair, remembering her previous colour. It still shone, but not with the dazzle of vibrance that the blond Chloe Sullivan had. Maybe she would dye it back if he asked. He closed his fingers over the locks and pulled it slightly, feeling her shiver as he dragged it taut.

Chloe exhaled loudly and recognized the feelings he was causing. It was as if he was leaving his fingerprints across her skin, pressing trails into her flesh like an explorer leaves footprints, making sure he and she could remember where he had touched her. She thought that anyone looking at her from that moment would know that they had done this together and exactly how it had felt. It felt more than real and she thought she understood why so many girls liked wearing bruises from their boyfriends’ mouths on their necks.

“So may I assume you’re accepting my offer, Mr. Luthor?” She didn’t want to lose her membership in the snarky reporter club, after all.

His snicker was surprising, as was the sudden feeling of being lifted up and onto his lap.

“I’d call it a deal, Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor,” he replied, arranging her legs to straddle his. The shudder that ran through her could have been from cold as the blanket fell away, the surprise at the unfamiliar title or the sensation as he settled her on his groin, but Lex preferred to believe it was the last.

What he had thought was a top was a thigh-length slip with a side slit, and since she wasn’t wearing anything underneath Chloe’s beautiful pussy was rubbing over the cloth of his pants. Lex used one hand on her tensed thigh to press her down tighter, trying not to abrade the tender flesh. Her fingernails dug into his forearms and she moaned.

“You’re really . . . “ Chloe came to her senses before she embarrassed herself, but she couldn’t stop thinking what she’d wanted to say. He was really everything - big, hard, wonderful, cocky, overwhelming, but from the way he nuzzled the nape of her neck he knew what she had meant.

“So are you.”

She giggled and shook her head. “Not as much as you are.” He was nibbling on her just where the shoulder becomes the arm and it was clearly going to become one of her new favourite erogenous zones. She wiggled around and accidentally slid off his lap, rolling onto her back as he followed her down.

Their lips met again and Chloe wrapped her arms over Lex’s shoulders as he pressed her down. His fingers slid the slip up until it was trapped under her arms and he knelt up for a second to pull it off. She looked momentarily uncertain before he kissed her gently, holding his weight on his elbows.

“I want to make you feel good,” he said, once he dragged his mouth away.

She nodded and sighed, breathing hard from nothing but anticipation. Lex went back to mapping her with his fingers, starting at her collarbone and moving down over her arms, looping back onto her torso once he reached the ends of her fingers. The pressing motions turned into long strokes over her breasts, and she closed her legs around his and clenched her thighs.

Lex drew in as much air as his lungs could hold and let it out slowly, trying to compel his penis to ignore how tight his pants were feeling because he knew taking them off would ruin his plan for Chloe. He felt a slight easing of the pressure and ran his tongue over her nipples in short lapping darts. Each time he lifted his tongue she arched up to maintain contact, and each time he used his hands on her ribcage to keep her down.

“You’re not getting off that easily,” he mumbled into her skin, feeling her laugh at the pun. His hands traced over her stomach and tickled inside her belly button, ran over her hips. He let himself pull her up sharply as he brought his hips down, groaning when the heat of her body made his cock twitch. He needed to move faster if this was going to last.

Her upper body bared to the room, Chloe watched as Lex nipped at her hipbone. She gripped the bedclothes tightly and tried to keep still. She trusted him more than ever and she’d always been secretly certain that he was definitely trustworthy for a good time in bed.

His breath landed on her clitoris and she let out a loud whimper as he paused there. The heat between her legs was almost too much and it was building up where he was breathing it into her.

Lex waited as Chloe settled back, counting to 30 before he closed the distance to her pussy. He used his lips and teeth and tongue in equal measure, switching off every few seconds and sometimes using his free hand to pinch her flesh. She moved unconsciously with each touch, making noises that weren’t helping him stay calm. Most of the time he needed to keep both hands on her hips so he didn’t lose his place, not that he cared if he had to start over again.

“Let it go, Chloe,” he said, and she let out a wail that echoed off the high ceiling. Chloe covered her breasts with one arm as she held on to the bed with the other, shaking hard as she came.

He wanted her to know, to understand, to feel his hands hovering over her body about to meld with his. This was as close to forever as he’d ever felt with a woman and as sad as he’d ever been that he couldn’t believe in anything as trite.

Lex watched her and she could feel it like she could feel his tongue savouring her juices. She fought to open her eyes and reached down to tug on his shoulders.

Breathlessly, she demanded, “Clothes off,” and he backed off the bed quickly to obey.

He was back seconds later and Chloe gratefully wrapped herself around him. His cock rubbed her thigh and she levered herself up on her heels to urge him inside. Lex propped himself up on his arms and rubbed himself against her, entering slowly. He fought an instinct to muscle his way in as quickly as he could and waited for Chloe’s reaction.

“Mmmmmmmmmm . . . “ She purred and bit his lips, arching her neck back in pleasure. Lex felt his balls spasm but he reined himself in by kissing her back as roughly as he wanted to thrust.

He made himself concentrate on long, slow strokes in, followed by swift withdrawals. Chloe’s fingernails were marking his shoulders by the time he let himself go as deep as he wanted and she broke from the kiss to scream.

They were both flushed and sweaty, grasping each other hard enough to bruise and not caring in the least when Chloe figured out how to use her pelvic muscles to keep him inside. Lex grunted in surprise and bucked down and forward, hitting her deep and losing control. He bit down above her breast as her body bowed under him, feeling the orgasm run up his body from his feet, calves, thighs and into hers.

“Chloeeee . . . “ He ground out her name into a verbal thrust, holding their bodies together tightly.

Chloe hadn’t realized Lex would react that strongly and she was surprised to feel a blissful burn explode in and around her, like a thunderstorm breaking the air pressure. She dimly realized her limbs were out of control and she was scratching him, but she felt the drowning pleasure most of all. Heat pooled inside her as his cum pulsed out and Lex seemed to melt into her skin. She found the idea to be perfect.

He tilted his chin to look at her face and found Chloe staring blankly at the ceiling. They were both clinging to each other, chests heaving as they gasped. Her hair was mussed and stuck to their wet skin, resembling a net. Some trap, he thought.

He forced his arms to work long enough to pull out and roll to one side, holding his breath as her muscles clung wetly to his penis. She shivered as his weight lifted off and his body heat left her cold. Lex threw his arm over her, pulling her close to him and wrapping her in a blanket.

They were still floating between being asleep and awake when Chloe realized her throat hurt a lot. She said as much in a disinterested tone.

“You did scream really loud,” Lex replied. “The security guards might think I’ve killed you.”

Chloe blushed. “I wasn’t that loud.” She tried to sit up and found her upper body was cooperative, although she had her doubts about the condition of her legs. “I need a pillow.”

Lex sat up at well, enjoying the view. He shuffled up to the head of the bed and she followed, collapsing on one of the large pillows next to him.

“Yay, bed,” she enthused, unaware of Lex’s sudden bout of uncertainty. He didn’t usually sleep with women in the sense of having them spend the night, and the few that had the privilege hadn’t been anything like Chloe. They didn’t have her expectations of affection.

Lex Luthor didn’t snuggle. He had even been known to suggest moving to the guest room for sleep to a number of women he had bedded. He adjusted his pillow to stall, staring at Chloe’s smooth back. Her tan was fading a little, he thought, I’ll have to take a few days off so we can go somewhere nice before school starts.

Chloe was huddled in on herself, clearly still cold and maybe a little nervous. She kept sneaking quick looks at him over her shoulder and tensing up. She was waiting for him to touch her, clearly, and it was hurting her feelings that he wasn’t. But Lex didn’t feel quite right about it here in his own bed and he couldn’t make himself close the gap.

Chloe shivered and wondered what Lex was doing. She knew he wasn’t very far away but after what had just happened anything short of head-to-toe contact felt distant.

“Lex?” She arched her neck to look back at him and he moved quickly, closing the few inches of space between them. He pulled her into his chest with one hand on her hip, working his other arm underneath her neck. His legs lined up easily behind hers, bent slightly at the knee, but he spent a few seconds debating where his hands should go.

His free arm wrapped naturally over her waist with his hand resting on her stomach, but the other one was splayed out awkwardly between her body and the bed. He bent his elbow in and felt his fingers brush against her breast. Tacky, he thought, searching for another place his hand could go.

Chloe surprised him by wiggling back tighter to his body and linking her hands in his. She pulled his arm tighter around her waist so that his arm bent along hers on her ribs. Her other hand urged his fingers flat over her heart, stroking over his fingertips. He could feel the slowing pulse in her chest underneath his palm and from the soft pads of her fingers.

“Comfortable?” She had an undertone of smugness that Lex should have been bothered by. He didn’t like an overconfident woman and he’d seen more than his fair share. Quite a few had tried to take him for every penny of his considerable fortune.

But he was comfortable, too much so to worry about what he usually liked or was. He had expected to feel trapped or for his arms to go to sleep, but Chloe had moved them so there was no strain on his muscles at all.

Chloe relaxed into his arms and smiled peacefully, and both were asleep entwined a few minutes later.

Maybe Lex Luthor didn’t snuggle, but Chloe Sullivan-Luthor’s husband did.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

“Did you confirm the marriage?”

Lionel Luthor could make the most innocuous question sound devastatingly threatening when he wanted to. Since his incarceration he had given up a lot of the pretensions of good humour that he had kept up around his employees and the more nervous members of his staff were almost debilitated around him.

Kyle Layton was made of stronger stuff and he had taken over from the first liaison. Larry-something - there were too many LuthorCorp lawyers for them to be acquainted - had said no amount of money would make him face his boss alone again. Larry was fired and Kyle was standing on the outside of the box that might be Lionel Luthor’s residence until he died.

Watching the man pace back and forth like a caged tiger, he felt a certain amount of sympathy for Larry. The ridiculous orange jumpsuit didn’t make Luthor any less intimidating and he was just as dangerous as he had ever been. It was never a good idea to disrespect him or to disappoint him.

Kyle was happy he didn’t have to do so this time.

“It is legal, sir, a filing for the license on March 11 and the civil ceremony on the 15th. The witnesses, besides the father of the bride, were Bruce Wayne and Jean-Claude Dumas. Both men were attending your son’s boarding school in Manhattan at the same time he was enrolled.”

He paused and looked to his employer, startled to see him standing very near the clear wall with clenched fists.

“Wayne and Dumas are both billionaires. I guess Lex didn’t offer them money then,” Lionel sneered. “What else?”

“Both men confirmed they had attended the wedding to a reputable media outlet, but didn’t give many details. Reports are that the couple will be based out of Smallville and Metropolis. Most of the media attention is speculation that your daughter-in-law is pregnant. No official comment on that, although it has been only four days since the media leak. A LexCorp public relations employee said they will make an official announcement tomorrow, but so far no one has denied anything,” Kyle continued, referring to his notes.

He produced a tabloid cover with a large picture of Chloe Sullivan-Luthor on the front. She was surrounded by press and bodyguards and looked frightened. The banner headline proclaimed “New Mrs. Lex Luthor Four Months Pregnant!” The photo was shot down at a rather unnatural angle that emphasized the swells of the young woman’s breasts and the slight rounding of her abdomen.

Lionel squinted at the photo and scoffed. “Impossible to tell from that, you could decide whichever way you wanted. Who is her doctor?”

“We don’t know yet, sir,” Kyle hesitated over his next words but his employer remained silent. “The closest thing we could find to an eyewitness report was this seamstress. Dominique Destine was flown to the bride in Bermuda and later sold her story to a number of newspapers. She said they had hired her to keep Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor in maternity clothes and that the pregnancy might be a multiple.”

Lionel made a sharp turn and paced a few turns before returning to the wall to ask, “What are they expected to announce tomorrow?”

“Our people won’t know until the last minute. Lex Luthor and Chloe Sullivan-Luthor are going to be speaking to the press themselves at 3 p.m. They have been advised that the bride’s age will need to be addressed but they refused any kind of advance preparation. We don’t know what they will say about a pregnancy.”

Kyle returned the clippings to his briefcase and waited. Lionel Luthor was unreadable.

“What do you think?”

“Pardon me, sir?”

“I asked you what you think will happen tomorrow.” Lionel crossed his arms across his chest and for the first time Kyle noticed the man had been working out enough to build significant muscle across his chest.

“From my perspective, sir, there’s no way she’s pregnant,” he said.

Lionel blinked in what might have been surprise. He wasn’t used to people being so open with personal opinions when they didn’t have evidence to back their words. Truthfully he didn’t want employees to share personal opinions most of the time, but he appreciated finding one of them who wasn’t cowed by him. It was a tiresome, delicate balance to keep employees fearful without making them ineffectual at thinking for themselves. He did appreciate one with a spine every now and again.

“Why do you say that?”

Kyle hesitated for a brief second, but decided he was going to give Mr. Luthor what he had asked for. If the man was going to hold it against him it was his fault for asking. When Lionel Luthor didn’t want you to have the right answer you were screwed anyway.

“She’s a 17-year-old who just lost her only family, and became an enormously wealthy public figure overnight. If your son cares for her at all he wouldn’t add a pregnancy to that mess and expect her to deal with it. He’s not careless, sir, and he’s not heartless.”

Luthor pondered the man’s words with a wry grin before nodding noncommittally.

“I want to see them together. Tape the announcement tomorrow and bring it in for me,” he said.

“Certainly, sir.”

30th September 2004, 12:57

So very sorry everyone. I didn't realize I needed to repost three chapters before I added the new one. I'll pay better attention next time. Kudos to our dedicated administrators on returning the site to ship-shape!

30th September 2004, 15:48
The smut was good :drool: and Lex is so falling for the new Mrs. Luthor. :lol:

Hope :chlexsign2:

Susan S
30th September 2004, 18:56
Very nice. I love the developing relantionship between Chloe and Lex. I can't wait to see the MB's nextmove or the press conference.

Susan S

S.Ann Smith
30th September 2004, 19:31
Oh Lex, you know you can't resist her... She'll have you acting emotional yet... hehe.... especially after smut like that...

30th September 2004, 20:35
:biggrin: fantastic update!!!! love the chlex development. more soon as you can! :worship2:

30th September 2004, 20:45
I am so, so glad that you are continuing this story!! I love it so much!! :wub: How will Chloe and Lex handle themselves at the press conference? As great as the sex was, and believe me it was good and I hope you write more, the snuggling was my favorite!! Please update this story soon!! I really, really, REALLY can't wait for more!! Caring Lex is the best!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

1st October 2004, 06:01
I absolutely love this story and well your smut was :drool:

I may need a moment to recover. I love her assessment of the kent and his jealousy. I also saw him as jealous of anyone who messed with what was his. I really like this Chloe she is assertive yet still innocent. Great work and excellent writing. :worship2:

Please another update soon, and thanks for the repost. SOON!!!!

Queen Of Tact
1st October 2004, 06:31
Oh that was just yummy!!!!!

And I have to say Awww with them getting all snuggely after....

I can't wait for more....

And please tell me Chloe will tell the Kents off, and tell them she wants to be with Lex...


1st October 2004, 07:14
The two words in blue ink stood out starkly, hers only three timid letters and his answer composed of seven bolder ones.


I thought that entire exchange was SO cute and funny. So happy that you updated! You need to do it again. And like, soon, you know? Cause I like this story and *this* is how the writers should've handled the resolution of the Chlex stuff. Unlike the crap out shit we got... *grumbles angrily at ALMiles*

Aaaaaanyhoo. So, yeah, Update. Please?! Soon!

~Manda :blinkkiss:

1st October 2004, 07:44

I'm so glad you're continuing this. That was an awesome update and I would so want to see all of it on Smallville. I think you're write, if I keep reading fics like yours I won't have to put up with all the ridiculous LanaWarriorPrincess stuff they keep pimping on the show.

Thanks for the update, and may we have another one soon?

1st October 2004, 09:18
:worship2: :worship2: Brilliant! Your story is so much better than the crap of season 4.It's one of my only Smallville pleasures these days.There's a show on now called Veronica Mars, and I swear she's another Chloe she even has the same hairstyle.

1st October 2004, 17:52
Oh wow, that was amazing! Thank you so much for the update, I've been missing this story so much! :worship2: :yay: :worship2:

1st October 2004, 23:35
I love that new update. I hope you will update soon. Loved the snuggle part.

2nd October 2004, 00:22
:worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

More Please.


3rd October 2004, 14:07
:worship2: This is such a good fic. Your writing is really impressive, the emotions and characterizations are spot on. :puppyeyes: :puppyeyes: Please update soon! :puppyeyes: Please, please, please!

Queen Of Tact
4th October 2004, 05:24
sweetie, i know i'm the last person who should ask for update cause lord knows i take forever, but ummm could you please please please update...... I love this fic...



4th October 2004, 10:22
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series. I still own Kyle and Larry, my fictional lawyers. I’ll trade them for Lex if that’s possible.

A/N: I can’t believe how wonderfully supportive everyone has been with each update, even with my inexcusable slacking. Thank you very much for the nice reviews, but please feel free to point out any problems I seem to be having. It really does help me do better.

Chapter 11

Eddie Haring had a name for the conflicting sentiments he felt when he was watching Lex Luthor with his new wife. It was an uneven mix of distaste and unwilling sweetness and he called it dammit. Sometimes out loud, too, he thought despairingly.

Luckily he did most of his observation from a small, dark room packed with security monitors, otherwise he would have been fired fourteen times that morning alone.

His job was quickly becoming unbearable. All day long he watched her in the house, doing nothing in particular except being gazed at by him. Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor would wander into the kitchen to the coffee maker and the man would trail in a few seconds later and rifle through the cupboards until he found something that made a good alibi. He never ate the food he found and he always turned down any offers of assistance from the staff members. He would stand there clutching a can of artichoke hearts and watch his wife pour coffee like she was performing miracles.

Once she was satisfied with her beverage, Chloe gave polite smiles and farewells to the kitchen staff and left the room. Luthor would wait a bare thirty seconds before tossing down the can and hurrying after her. Elsie and the cooks would shake their heads indulgently and fix up the mess he had made being busy.

Chloe would go to the library to read, the pool to swim, upstairs to put on a sweater, and her husband would dog her heels. He was working from home, something he hadn’t even done when he was recovering from one of his frequent beatings. He did paperwork with a distracted air while the petite woman lounged on a sofa within arm’s length. Even with her so close, he rarely finished a work day.

His employer had routinely spent 13-15 hours of every day working, but she never let him do more than six. Sometime in the afternoon she would put down her book and take his hand and then Eddie was forced to walk ten paces behind them as they strolled through the grounds.

He had seen billionaire Lex Luthor pick wild bluebells and shyly offer them to her. He’d seen the man adjust his pants over a hard-on when she bent over to tie her shoes, and he knew they went to bed by ten every night. Since they didn’t appear downstairs before ten a.m., Eddie suspected they weren’t catching up on sleep.

Nothing added up about how Luthor was acting. He was showing every sign of a man hopelessly in love. Eddie thought it was disgusting in a touching sort of way, but he didn’t think it was a good thing for the young woman who was causing so much upheaval. His contracts forbid any kind of disclosure of the information he knew from the Luthor household, but Eddie knew the tabloids and the legitimate newspapers had been duped. A week ago Chloe Sullivan hadn’t been Luthor’s wife and they hadn’t been sleeping together. A month ago he had treated her like a fond acquaintance, not a lover.

The more he thought about it the more he realized Chloe Sullivan should have been running screaming from everything to do with the Luthors, and she had married in instead. He couldn’t figure out what that meant and he couldn’t stop trying, no matter how many lectures he gave himself to sit down and shut up. Was she so desperate that she was trading her body for Luthor’s protection from her own father-in-law? Had Luthor knocked her up? Was she so savvy that she was pulling one over on everyone?

“Dammit,” Eddie muttered, watching as Luthor leaned tenderly over the young woman to butter her toast. He was really looking forward to his weekend off.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

“I can do that myself, Lex,” Chloe said, but she didn’t try to take the knife back from him. Drawing in a breath heavy with his cologne she watched the muscles work in his arms and enjoyed his heat. She let him fuss and tried not to grope him. It was like playing hopscotch with her hormones.

They had done the same thing the past three mornings, since the night had negotiated their sleeping arrangements. Lex ate his breakfast in quick bites between pouring her more juice and encouraging her to eat a little more. She ate most of what he pushed on her and when they were both finished there was still enough food to cater a forty-person buffet. She was still trying to convince Lex she was happy enough with a coffee on the tiny kitchen table, but he wouldn’t hear of it.

She thought he might be fattening her up.

“Are you fattening me up for Thanksgiving?” She asked the question with a straight face, in her fake earnest tone.

“The Luthor family tradition of eating wives for major holidays hasn’t been in practice since, oh, say, 1988, I believe,” Lex replied deadpan. He topped her toast with a thick layer of strawberry jam and gave her a look that dared her to complain.

Chloe sighed and picked up a slice. “What can I do to get a smile this morning?”

Lex thought she sounded hurt but he couldn’t force himself into a better mood. In a few hours they would be facing the world press and he was worried. He didn’t want Chloe to have to be exposed like that, he didn’t want to face it and he didn’t want his father to gather ammunition from it. The press loved and hated the Luthor family in dizzying turns and it was never possible to predict what kind of day it would be for them in print.

“This is going to be a hard day. You should eat your breakfast,” he said. He sipped his coffee and brooded over all the things that could go wrong. He was relatively confident that they would be physically safe, but he wasn’t sure how well Chloe would respond to the questions that were going to be asked. She had never been on the other side of an interview before.

“You’re worried,” she said, wiping jam off the corner of her mouth. “About me. You think I can’t do it.”

Lex studied her calm face. She was resolute, almost relaxed, and he wondered if she was aware of how difficult it was going to be a convincing married couple on the world stage. They had spoken briefly of their cover story but any details would have to be ad-libbed on the spot, under the glare of scrutiny from literally hundreds of people hoping for a slip.

He knew the score: The news wasn’t good unless it was scandalous. Lex Luthor enjoying an uneventful, happy marriage wasn’t what they wanted. They wanted an unplanned pregnancy, wanton infidelity and fast-brewing hatred between him and his spouse. They wanted exactly what his father would want to discredit their testimony against him.

“You’re technically not well enough to be doing anything except resting at home,” he said. “I’m regretting the necessity of parading you in front of a bunch of judgmental assholes to prove you’re mine when what they think doesn’t mean a damn thing. They’ll make the Kents look like my cheering squad. I have every confidence you can pull this off, but it won’t be a fun day, honey.”

Chloe frowned. “I’ll be fine. It will suck but we’ll get it over with and try to enjoy the weekend.”

“Quite contrary to all the practice I’ve had in my life, I don’t enjoy being the gossip around every water cooler on Earth. They’ll paint me as the evil, philandering Luthor heir who knocked you up and you as a gold-digging whore who fucked both the father and the son and there’s not a damn thing we could possibly do to change their minds.”

Lex stood abruptly, pacing the room behind Chloe as she sat stunned. He was so angry, so angry and hurt, and his flat tone indicated it was a festering wound. She knew he’d had very little personal life that truly remained personal, but she’d never considered things from his perspective.

Every small embarrassment in childhood and his teenage years, every ill-advised action in his wild times and every one of the cruel squabbles with his father had been recorded for posterity. No doubt there was a massive file of background on Lex Luthor in every major newsroom, containing a wealth of right and wrong information that could be thrown in his face any time an enterprising journalist wanted to look through the back issues. It was a constant vulnerability and there was absolutely no hope it would ever stop.

Chloe suddenly felt bad for every time she’d ever speculated with Pete or Lana about Lex’s most recent appearance in the tabloids. She hadn’t imagined it would bother him this much.

She pushed her chair out and stood in his path, waiting as he stopped. His expression seemed to soften slightly and she reached for his hand. “I know it’s going to be bad and I appreciate that you want to protect me, but it’s not part of the plan. All we can do is watch out for each other.”

Lex hesitated, holding her hand uncomfortably tight. “You don’t understand, Chloe, they’ll as much as accuse me of fucking around on you with every woman I’ve ever met and they’d rather do it in front of you to see your face. They don’t care and they won’t see us as anything but a byline. They’ll ask you about things . . . things you don’t know about from my past . . . “

“Stop it!”

He did, shocked that his wife had yelled at him. No one yelled at him. He was usually paying their salaries.

Chloe gave him a look of resentment, her jaw clenched. “I think if anyone has learned to spot a lie in the past few years it’s me, and I sure as hell know you’re not suggesting I’m dumb enough to believe everything I read in the paper,” she paused and he shook his head.

”I wasn’t-”

Chloe broke in. “Good. Now that that’s settled we can sit back down and eat a good breakfast and reflect on how a good fight now and again is a healthy aspect of marriage.”

She let go of his hand rather more gently than he had expected from her tone and sat back down to eat her toast. He stared for a few seconds until she shot him a glance over her shoulder and he felt compelled to join her. He was back in his chair before he realized he’d just displayed every symptom of ‘yes, dear’ syndrome.

“And here I was thinking we were becoming shy and retiring,” he quipped.

Chloe thought he could be forgiven for the assumption since they’d been lounging around the castle like codependent house cats for the past three days. However, she knew the old chestnut about settling down into marriage only worked if the two parties were inclined to settle down in the first place. She summed up the thought for him succinctly.

“No chance in hell.”

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Lionel Luthor watched the television through two extra layers of glass that were less than sparkling clean, but he didn’t notice after the screen filled with his first images of his son and daughter-in-law. They stood together, holding hands with fingers intertwined. Lex was dressed in his usual fare, a light gray linen suit and blue shirt. Lionel scoffed at the opened buttons at his collar. No serious businessman would be caught dead at a press conference without a decent tie. He’d taught him better than that.

Chloe Sullivan-Luthor was a striking figure, looking tiny and exquisite beside her tall husband. She was wearing a knee-length dress that mimicked the colour of Lex’s shirt but wasn’t so close in colour that it became precious. It bared her arms and a nicely-tanned span of cleavage, and Lionel smirked unkindly.

I can’t fault you for taking her into your bed, son, he thought. If the circumstances had been more favourable I might have been there first. The question is how long she’s been there and how careful you’ve been.

She didn’t appear to be carrying any extra weight, but he knew that wasn’t a sure sign. The first few questions were standards for any celebrity couple; how was the wedding, when did you meet, when did you know he was the one?

“Have you found her doctor yet?” Lionel asked the question absently to Kyle Layton, who was standing to one side of the screen.

“No sir, we believe she was treated by a European physician your son hired exclusively. We did acquire her latest medical records,” Kyle paused over the words, aware of the video and audio equipment that surveilled the room. They had actually bought the records from an unscrupulous member of the hospital staff. “There’s no sign of a pregnancy.”

He stood at ease, knowing most of his employer’s interest was on the television.

“Keep looking,” Lionel barked. “These things tend to reveal themselves to everyone before long and if it is true I need to know before it becomes common knowledge.”

“Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor, is it true that you are pregnant?”

The disembodied voice of the reporter made Lionel quirk his eyebrows. Bold, he thought, quite bold for a Luthor press conference. Usually they left the terribly presumptuous questions for the last few minutes for fear the guests of honour would walk out.

The young woman blushed prettily and shook her head. “No, that’s not the case. Perhaps in a few years.”

Lionel watched as his son made a miniscule expression of shock that most people would have missed. Either it hadn’t occurred to him where babies came from or he was reacting to the idea of the marriage lasting for years. He filed the slip away.

“Mr. Luthor, will your wife be playing a role in the running of Luthor business interests?”

Good question, Lionel acknowledged.

Lex kept his hand in Chloe’s as he answered, “Chloe is an intelligent woman and I trust her expressly. I’m sure I’ll be grateful for her advice many times in the future.”

Nice dodge, son.

There were a few more questions about the honeymoon before a reporter piped up with the coup detat.

“Is it true you first fell in love while you were plotting the downfall of Lionel Luthor?”

Lionel let loose with a rare genuine laugh. Perfect, he thought, I couldn’t have planned it better. He watched as Lex stayed tellingly still and Chloe flinched. The reporters murmured and the pause stretched into a few seconds longer than was comfortable.

“Chloe and I have a relationship based on a friendship spanning the years I’ve lived in Smallville,” Lex answered, and the murmurs faded to a disappointed hum of conversation.

Clearly the reporters had expected them to trip over the question and admit it, and Lionel smirked. Enemies or not, he had to give Lex and Chloe more credit.

His smirk slipped away as the next question rang out.

“So you admit you were dating Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor when she was 15 years old? How long have you been sleeping together?”

Silence followed the question as all eyes were trained on the couple. Chloe had frozen this time, but Lex was enraged. He took a step closer to the podium and clenched his free hand around the edge, grating out his answer.

“I realize as a public figure I’m a subject of interest to people, but I fail to see how it is of any benefit to anyone for journalists like you,” he made the word journalists a slur, “to start unfounded rumours that slander innocent people.”

From the way he drew Chloe slightly closer it was clear that she was one of the innocent people he referred to. The couple stepped back and a public relations person from LexCorp moved to the microphone and announced the press conference had ended.

The tape, recorded from a live broadcast three days previously, ran to static and Lionel turned away. He paced a few turns around the room and considered the interview overall. It had been fairly predictable but the last question had been informative. Lex had given the standard “shame on you for bad journalism” spiel, but the intention had been clear. The press had been put on notice that the new Mrs. Luthor was not fair game.

Kyle stood quietly and waited, showing no outward signs of the irritation he felt at being called to work on a Sunday. He knew Lionel would eventually speak again.


His employer had the irritating habit of referring to employees by their last names, as if even a lawyer earning six figures was on par with the maid who changed his bed sheets.

“Yes sir,” he answered.

“I want you to monitor what the press says about them and summarize it for me. Buy whatever pictures you can find. The main priority remains the same, but there are a few sidelines that might be worth our attention.”

Lionel waited until the lawyer left before sitting on his cot. He thought about all the possibilities that could result from the newest addition to his family and he couldn’t help but feel rather enthused by them. Lex was certainly a challenge in his own right, but Chloe Sullivan was a surprise at every turn. Every time he thought she’d shown all of her cards she managed to lay down something entirely unexpected.

4th October 2004, 13:04
:yay2: :yay2: Awesome! :worship2: keep up the good work.

4th October 2004, 14:09
That was just fab! :biggrin:

More soon please?! :worship2:


4th October 2004, 14:41
I just read your whole story again and just want to tell you how much I love it!! Excellent new update!! I like how protective Lex is of Chloe!! Can't wait to read more of this incredible story!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

4th October 2004, 15:49
Awww Lex is so cute following Chloe around like a lost puppy. :wub:

Eddie needs to get over it or get another job. Its none of his damn business. :tease:

I can't wait to see what that bastard Lionel is up to. He better leave Chloe alone.

Hope :chlexsign2:

4th October 2004, 18:54
that was great. I love this story. Lex and Chloe priceless. is eddie going to cause trouble?

4th October 2004, 18:58

great chappy! more soon I hope! :worship2:

4th October 2004, 23:22
loved it!!
and i cant wait for more.


5th October 2004, 06:15
Really good. I especially liked the beginning part from Eddies point of view. I think changing it up like that makes it interesting. Eddies description did make the whole thing sound a lot longer than 3 days, but still great.

Loved Chloe yelling at him and the way you told the press conference form lionels point of view. That is an interesting technique.

Keep up the good work, i really like this story.

:yay: :yay:

5th October 2004, 09:44
Brilliant. I like the way you had some of the Chlex scenes coming from a third party's perspective. Lionel's thoughts and reactions are spot on, as are all your characters, really.

This is a great piece of writing. I'm hoping for more soon!

5th October 2004, 14:41
AWWWW :wub: Lex is so whipped! :biggrin: Great chappy, can't wait for the next part.

9th October 2004, 04:12
That was impressive and brilliant. Can't wait til you post more. Soon hopefully.



eurydices falling
10th October 2004, 22:27
Sweet Mississippi moonshine, this story is good!

I love the idea of a besotted Lex. It makes him seem so domesticated.

Can't wait for the next update. I'm sure whatever the MB has planned will be good times.

16th October 2004, 00:09
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: So, this was supposed to be smut, but Chloe and Lex got overwrought once I told them what was happening in Resetting the Bar, and I had to make amends to them and to you guys (unless you’re actively boycotting my fics, that is). But don’t worry, Chlex is the only ship I would bother writing about unless it’s a set up for Chlex.

Chapter Twelve

Dignified was the word of the day. They were nicely dressed but not ostentatiously flashing wealth. They were also holding hands like good newly weds. The wedding band and emerald engagement rings on her fingers were a match to the platinum ring that had appeared on Lex’s finger after his shower that morning.

By all accounts their first public appearance together had gone well. The press had pulled some nasty questions but Lex hadn't let them railroad the interview into post trial comments or family gossip. Chloe thought they would be getting more good press than bad, if only because they wouldn’t say anything that could be used as ammunition.

She was relieved and relaxed but suspected she might be missing something. Lex was sprawled on the other side of the limo quietly fuming.

Chloe squirmed and adjusted her skirt back down, then stared at her ring finger. The emerald was really pretty, although she could have managed with something considerably less than 6 carats. She wondered if Lex was going to continue to wear his ring. We didn’t really exchange them but it still might be nice if he did, she mused.

She glanced at him quickly, trying to think of a way to break the ice that seemed to keep them on separate sides of the car. She knew he couldn’t be angry at her because she had barely spoken throughout the interview, so what was bothering him so much?

She couldn't stand angry silences, not because they intimidated her but because it meant there was something she didn’t know about. She, Chloe Sullivan-Luthor, was incurably nosy. It was an addiction to ask questions about things, starting in early childhood and continuing every day since. She thought death might be the only reason good enough to be kept in the dark and even then she was looking forward to slipping incorporeal through walls to learn other peoples’ secrets.

“Maybe you should call Jerry Lee Lewis and ask how he got over his London tour?”

Oh no, Chloe thought, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I meant to think it, quietly, to myself. Dammit, why do I need to know everything?

Lex looked up sharply, knowing he had to have mistaken her meaning. Chloe wouldn’t make a joke like that about them when they were neck deep in the fallout of a publicity nightmare. “Are you suggesting people think I’m a pedophile?”

Chloe shrugged. “No one thought he was a pedophile, they were just tweaked about him marrying a 13 year old.”

She blinked. Oh, why can’t I shut up? I’m not funny, this is not funny.

Lex blinked. “You’re not 13.” He sounded grumpy and he regretted it, but he wasn’t appreciating her humour. She wasn’t funny, he thought, then said it out loud for good measure.

“I think it’s funny.” She smiled and he marveled at her. She was as fearless of him as always, with seemingly no desire to let him off the hook for anything.

Meanwhile Chloe was internally battling to shut up for once. She didn’t know what was making her so irritating. Shut up for once, just shut up.

“I’m not sure there’s room for more than one smart ass in this car,” he said, rubbing his temples. She was making him tired. He was too old for this. Marriage got harder every time he attempted it.

“I know,” she preened, “ and it’s me.”

Oh my god, I think I’m picking a fight. I am picking a fight. I can’t win this against him. He’s Lex Luthor.

He gave her a look she recognized from grade school recess showdowns. Prove it.

Hold on, he’s a Luthor but I’m a Sullivan-Luthor. Prepare to lose, wise ass!

“First of all, I married into the royal family of smart ass, and you know it’s true.” She waited for a moment but he didn’t respond. “And second, I was an Olympic level smart ass before that, so all things considered,” her eyes sparkled. “You’re outclassed.”

Lex narrowed his eyes and his lips parted on a retort before he realized he didn’t have one. She was a world class smart ass, had been as long as he’d known her. Even without his years of experience she could keep up with him in a quick-draw of insults with no strain. She was better than him at a younger age and getting better all the time. He was outclassed.

I sure am, Lex thought, letting his eyes wander down to her bare legs. He knew self-delusion didn’t make your problems disappear. He was looking at 120 pounds of pure threat wearing his ring and he knew he was in deep trouble. If only verbal judo was the only thing at stake.

Chloe waited as Lex paused. She knew he must have something just devastating if he was hesitating whether to use it or not. She wondered how long it would take to recover her self-esteem after he trampled her arguments into the dust. She could feel another attack of her inability to shut up coming on when he finally inclined his head gracefully.

“I concede,” he said, and Chloe’s eyes widened.

“You what?”

“I concede my defeat. You’re right. You are definitely the better smart ass,” Lex said, offering his hand in a display of sportsmanship he had been taught numerous times in boarding schools.

He ignored her bewilderment and concentrated on presenting a gracious calm. He would tell her the truth in a few years, when she didn’t have him in a spin constantly, but now he let her believe he had let her win. Letting her assume he was going easy on her was the only way to level the playing field in his favour.

“You let me win,” Chloe accused, waving his handshake away. Jerk, thinks he’s so good. He probably didn’t even have anything that great anyway.

Lex just smirked. For the moment she wasn’t an insurmountable intellect but it was quite likely she would eventually be able to make him look like a buffoon. The sad thing was he was rather looking forward to it.

He shuffled closer to her on the bench. “Don’t be like that.” He slid an arm around her shoulders as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“I suppose you don’t want my advice on running the companies either, huh?” Chloe gave him an aloof look without relaxing her posture.

“I didn’t know you were interes-”

Chloe sighed. “Relax, dear, I know what you meant when you answered that question. It means you can say ‘yes, Chloe and I discuss business all the time and she’s a valuable second opinion’ in public, but you can privately reassure your shareholders that I’m not making the decisions for LexCorp or LuthorCorp.”

He nudged aside her hair and buried his face into her neck, drawing deep breaths of her perfume. “Is it so much for a man to ask for a little mercy from his wife?”

Her arms uncrossed and her left hand rested on his thigh as Chloe tilted her head back. “It depends on what kind of mercy he’s asking for . . . “ she said, just as Lex ran his tongue over her jugular. “Mmmm . . . say he’s been a patronizing ass who treats her like a child everywhere except the bedroom. Then he might be expected to apologize before mercy can be given.”

“I’m sorry I’ve been a patronizing ass and I promise I’ll try to deserve you in the future.” His mock solemnity was in direct contrast to the hand inching under her skirt and the chuckles she could feel against her neck. “And I sincerely beg mercy for my transgressions.”

Chloe gasped as his fingers slid under her panties. “Well, I guess I have to accept that apology, then.”

She lifted his chin and turned her face to his, outlining his lips in tiny, unsatisfying pecks and pulling back when he tried to open her mouth under his.

“So . . . why . . . are . . . you . . . so . . .tense?” The question, even interspersed with kisses, broke Lex’s good mood.

“Chloe, I don’t want to talk about it.” He slouched away from her and leaned back into the seat.

Finding herself suddenly all alone with a Lex who was keeping his hands to himself, Chloe rearranged her clothing. She felt ashamed for trying to manipulate him with sex, she wasn’t even sure why she had done it.

“You’re the only person I’ve got on my side, I don’t need you messing with my head, too.”

He mumbled it, but Chloe hadn’t moved very far away and she heard him clearly. Tears welled up in her eyes. She hunched over and pushed as far back into the corner as she could, trying to calm down.

God, he’d be better off without me. I’m ruining his life, I nearly got him killed . . .

She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, ducking her head down to hide her face. For the first time since her wardrobe had expanded so rapidly, Chloe wished for a pair of comfortable jeans and an oversized sweater. The silk dress was chilly and she felt terribly exposed. The worst was she knew she was the one in the wrong, but she couldn’t stop crying.

Lex listened to her sniffling and his fists clenched. This entire situation was impossible, it was tearing them apart trying to manage double lives when so much was going on. Chloe was still grieving for her father and he for his, they were the subject of gossip the world over and there were still no guarantees that Lionel wouldn’t kill them both.

It hurt somewhere in his chest to hear each muffled sound she couldn’t contain and Lex pressed his hands hard against his own eyes. What good was surviving if they both lost their sanity?

“Come here,” he said, grazing his hand over her knees. Chloe shook her head and wrapped her hands over her ears, digging her nails into her skin. “Don’t do that, baby, come here.”

He pried her arms free and pulled her into his body, lying back onto the seat of the limo. She resisted, eyes tightly closed.

“I’m not angry at you.” He pulled her stiffly down onto his chest, pinning her arms to his sides and wrapping her tightly in his arms. “Don’t cry, Chloe.”

She was breathing hard, gasping and choking in a near-panic.

“Shh . . . It’s alright, Chloe, it’s alright.” He freed one hand to push back her hair and cupped her chin. “I’m not angry, I promise you.”

Her hands fisted into his jacket and she opened her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she rasped it out hoarsely. She could barely focus on his face, and Chloe blinked rapidly. He looked as miserable as she felt and guilt hit her again.

“I’m sorry, Lex, I don’t want to be like them,” she whispered, pressing her forehead to his shoulder. I can’t look at him, she thought, he hates me, I’m terrible, he hates me.

She cried into his chest as he held her, using all his strength to fight her trembling and the motions of the car to keep them on the seat. Lex closed his eyes and pressed his cheek against her hair.

He knew she could never be as truly vicious as the other women he had married, and he knew that she wasn’t playing with him like they had. But how did he reassure her when everything was such a mess and there were so few certainties.

“It’s alright, Chloe, you’re not like them, I’m not angry. You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re alright, it’s alright, I love you.”

He exhaled harshly, recognizing what he had said as the truth. Chloe was strangely still in his arms and he knew she had heard it as well, but he took a few seconds to acknowledge it to himself. Even before he had said it he had known it was true, that it was growing and pushing him to let the feeling out.

“I love you.” The second time he said it was more certain but flatter in tone. He was in awe and he was in love.

Lex tightened his arms around Chloe, and she did the same to him, turning her face sideways on his chest so she could catch her breath.

The car was still rolling with a gentle hum of motor and wheels through clean wind, and they were both breathing hard and the world didn’t stop turning.

But Chloe thought it might have shifted on its axis a little.

16th October 2004, 00:26

he said it!! I'm a grinning idiot now!!! :D :D :D


16th October 2004, 01:21
:nono: Do you have any idea how much I was anticipating your update?! That said...

:yay2: I am sooo happy you did. I really liked this chapter. Smut is great but plot is fabulous. Plus,
he said it!! I'm a grinning idiot now!!!

Now I just have to worry about how long it will take you to update again!

16th October 2004, 02:25
*does a little happy dance* He loves her, he loves her!!!! :wub: :biggrin:

16th October 2004, 02:37
that was great. I can hardly wait for the next update.

Susan S
16th October 2004, 03:10
Wow! That was a great update. I loved that Lex said he loved her first. The fact that he didn't realize it until he said it was just so in character for this story.

Susan S

16th October 2004, 04:31
Wow, great update. Post more soon, this is a great fic! :worship2: :wub: :worship2:


16th October 2004, 05:00
Aww that was so sweet. He said I love you . :wub:

Hope :chlexsign2:

16th October 2004, 06:48
Please let Chloe tell Lex she loves him too!! Please!! Thank you for this beautiful update!! I can't wait for more!! Please update soon!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

16th October 2004, 07:03
The car was still rolling with a gentle hum of motor and wheels through clean wind, and they were both breathing hard and the world didn’t stop turning.

But Chloe thought it might have shifted on its axis a little.

:wub: That part was just beautiful!

And I like how you were realistic about the stress getting to them, and about their first argument and Chloe's slightly over-the-top but still understandable worries that she might turn out just like Lex's other wives.

Brilliant job as usual, and please update soon!

16th October 2004, 08:58
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!


i'm so happy he said it!!! here i am at 3:00 in the morning and i'm doing a happy jig in my chair!!!!

that was wonderful!

16th October 2004, 09:41
I really love this story and this was a great chapter.

More soon please?


16th October 2004, 13:20
What a great chapter! Love the snippet of smut you doled out. :wub:

Your portrayal of Chloe in her self-recriminations are perfect. There are just times when you say and do wrong things to your significant other that you can't help but find yourself so lowly to the point of believing your partner hates you. Then you produce a deluge of tears because of it. I'm glad that your Lex told Chloe that he loves her....done a perfect job in reassuring her.

Please more soon! :yay:

16th October 2004, 22:13
Amazing. I am so glad that you updated this story. This is so great. I think your description of Chloe is right on. She tends to speak first and think later. I think her outburst makes sense, and so does Lex's response. He wants to take care of everyone he cares about. Please keep writing. Update soon... :blinkkiss:


21st October 2004, 07:02
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: Seems to be a good time for updates considering I’ve hit a rich vein of inspiration lately. Fair warning, this is a chapter that starts kind of fluffy and happy and gets heavier. Hopefully I've managed to keep it from flattening you.

Chapter Thirteen

When the car stopped at the airport Chloe and Lex were sitting up again. He had wiped off her smeared eye makeup and she had shyly thanked him, as if the words he had spoken had made them much younger people. They were holding hands, lightly and chastely, like the friends they had only just realized they were.

A friend watched you shaking apart and held you together with their arms, legs and whole body, even when you fought and raged at them just for being there, even when you punished them for not being who you wanted. They let you rant and go crazy if you needed it, then they took their cues from you to never mention it again. They didn’t get offended if you wished sometimes to trade them for another person you had lost, or if you blamed them for coming up short. When you were finished shaking you could push them away for a while until you called them back again, and they would let you do both without judgment.

Lex had never had that kind of friend until it was far too late for him to really believe it was possible. He had learned to grieve without support beyond his father’s achingly rare overtures. His pain was a bone set wrong in a twisted limb, useable but embued with a constant tenderness that made his emotions more difficult to use than other peoples’. Much like a father with an old football injury who couldn’t play catch with his children, feeling love hurt Lex to the point of his near inability to do so.

He held Chloe’s hand in his and simply felt. It was her left, and her wedding rings shifted between their joined fingers, reminding him that she wasn’t going anywhere.

He thought back to the days before Smallville, days when he hadn’t known a creature like her existed. Back to the early days of living in the small town, when Chloe hadn’t inspired much of a reaction beyond mild interest. It all seemed inconceivable now.

She made him alive like being outside on the coldest day of winter, looking into a warm house where he was welcome - air cold enough to hurt as he breathed it, but a sense of the complete absence of that pain very soon. He was feeling the rush of joy as pain eased and lessened. It still hurt, but there was hope contained in it, a promise of better times.

She’s bringing out the inner Byron no one could have suspected I had, Lex thought humourously. He chuckled and jarred Chloe from her reverie beside him, smiling as she met his gaze.

She smiled back and he could see the same dazed-drunk relief he felt on her face. Chloe looked down and watched his fingers toy with hers, exhilarated.

It doesn’t matter, she thought, none of this matters. It can be wonderful, it can hurt like hell, but life doesn’t ever stop for him or me or anyone. Here and now is as good as it can be if I just let it happen.

She leaned into her husband, finally giving up all the reservations she had been collecting in the back of her mind. They might not stay married, they might not even see another day, but they could help each other today. For the first time she let it really sink in that Lex was a person she needed to give her hope.

“Thank you.” She looked at him and enjoyed the warm optimism between them. He nodded happily, wrapping an arm over her shoulder. His eyes were extra blue, cheerful and light. He looked his age for once, scarcely older than she.

“I needed that a lot,” she continued. His hands cupped hers and she traced his wedding band with the pad of her thumb.

She thought about it, dug around in her feelings, but she didn’t find love for him. There was lust, attraction, an intense affection that could only be inspired by being loved, but she wasn’t certain she returned it. If so it would be a first for her, and Chloe didn’t want to add another lie to his life.

Lex kissed her, gently and without demands, trying to convey his contentment. As he pulled back, Chloe relaxed. There were strings that held them together, but it was a voluntary bond without any of the strangulation of the relationship she had attempted with Clark.

“You don’t have to thank me, Chloe.” He turned to look out the window. The car was parked behind the cover of a small hanger, next to the helicopter that ferried him to work in Metropolis occasionally. He turned back to Chloe to find her looking at him uncertainly.

She chewed her lower lip. “Do you still want to go to Gotham for the weekend?”

Lex shrugged, elegantly. “I have no plans that can’t be canceled. My main concern was avoiding reporters for a while. Is there somewhere else you’d rather go?”

She echoed his shrug, but met his eyes. “Smallville. I think . . . I want to visit my dad.”

Gabe Sullivan’s remains had been buried in a cemetery in Smallville, next to an empty grave that was supposed to be his daughter’s. The matching marble stones had shone slickly during the short graveside service, and though Lex tried to play the role of the sole mourner with equal attention to both father and daughter he had been unable to tear his eyes away from Chloe’s plot. He had known she would need his sympathy and attention far more than Gabe would ever need anything again.

He hesitated. “Are you sure? You remember that there’s also . . . “ His words stopped as he contemplated the gentlest way to remind her that visiting Gabe’s grave would also be looking at her own.

“I’m ready, Lex. I’ll be okay now.” She put her hand over his heart and pressed down slightly, feeling his pulse. It was slightly fast, a small slip from the eternal calm he had always projected. He was worried about her and it restored safety to her world.

Strong, he wondered to himself, how did she get so strong?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

Chloe had always related to the world through words, almost effortlessly.

She remembered the large print books from her childhood well enough to recite some of them. She knew the date her mother had left because she had looked at that block on the calendar for a long time, memorizing it with a precocious recognition that everything had just changed for her family.

Her triumphs in print were fond memories on paper imaginings, first essays from classes, then bylines in the Torch, the Ledger, the Inquisitor and the Daily Planet. Her biggest stumble was a folder of printed pages outlining the damning information she had given to Lionel, her redemption a similar folder collecting evidence against the man and given to his son.

The latest additions to this mental archive were the death certificates proclaiming the Sullivan family dead and the marriage certificate that had resurrected her as someone new.

As she held Lex’s hand in the cemetery, Chloe wondered if she hadn’t pushed too hard for this moment. He was holding her tightly enough that she couldn’t move forward unless he let her, maybe keeping her at a safe distance from the gravestones. She could read the names clearly, but not the dates etched in smaller script or the brief memorial messages.

They were both dressed in black in the still morning, with an underlying intention. Eddie had suggested a graveside visit would be best done in morning to avoid any reporters, so they had gone to bed early after returning to the mansion. Lex had silently held Chloe most of the night while she slept, and dressed in a dark suit as she showered. Chloe had put on a black sweater and slacks, although her clothing hadn’t mattered. She knew he thought this was some kind of ceremony for her and didn’t try to explain differently, but for her it was really just a visit.

“Are you okay?” He whispered it to her and she nodded. Chloe pulled against his hand and Lex let her go reluctantly.

A dozen steps and she was standing between the two graves, Lex two steps behind her and hovering. She read the words on her stone first, but they meant nothing because she was still standing.

Chloe Abigail Sullivan, 1987 - 2004, Beloved Quirky Daughter.

She cracked a smile, acknowledging this gift from Lex. Her father had called her that when she would display the odd tendencies of her personality. It had summed her up beautifully to his unwilling coworkers when they were suffering through yet another proud father anecdote about her. No doubt Lex had heard a number of them over the years.

Lex watched as she disregarded her own grave and turned entirely to look at her father’s. He had ordered both stones and he knew they were the same colour, but Gabe’s seemed a deeper black.

She took her time reading the second stone, and he forced himself to stay where he was. He pushed the guilt he was feeling viciously away. Today wasn’t about him.

Gabriel William Sullivan, 1962 - 2004, Wonderfully Punny Father.

Her father had prided himself on the relentlessly unfunny jokes he spouted. They were mostly bad puns that had made his language-savvy daughter cringe, but they always made her laugh, too. He had delighted in thinking up new ones to ambush her with at breakfast, sending her fleeing to school to escape.

She would later realize that those new puns appeared on mornings when she was dreading something about her upcoming day, whether it was her friends, nearly empty Torch pages to fill or the knowledge that Lionel Luthor would be stopping by. On that morning the only thing that struck her was the fact that she would never hear another of her father’s puns again.

Lex knew she was crying before the tears fell and he was wrapped around her from behind in seconds. She sobbed in silence as he anchored her, both keeping their blurry vision on Gabe Sullivan’s grave. Long minutes passed and Lex physically felt the aching grief in her torso press into his own heart.

Her breath heaved out one last sob as Chloe finally dropped her eyes from her father’s resting place. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, feeling Lex do the same. His arms slackened marginally to let her step to his left and take his hand.

“Hi Daddy,” she said. “I’ve missed you.”

Chloe had known she was ready to see this patch of grass without dying herself when Lex had told her he loved her. Until he had said it there had been no one who did, so she couldn’t let her father go. Now that there was someone alive who cared for her it was alright to say goodbye.

Lex watched a gentle smile cross Chloe’s face, the same one he had seen her use on Gabe when she picked him up at work. Her hand held his, but there was none of the desperation in her that he felt at his mother’s grave. Her grief was a striking contrast.

“I brought Lex, too. Don’t worry though, next time I’ll get him to wear jeans so this doesn’t feel quite so much like a business meeting. Maybe if we’re married long enough I’ll convert him to shorts.” Chloe squeezed his hand to soften the joke. “So I’m sure you can see everything from up there, but I wanted to make sure you know I’m okay. Lex is taking care of me.”

Hell, Lex thought, she’s taking care of both of us and I’m just here to write the cheques. She’s amazing.

Chloe had stopped and seemed to be choking on tears again, so he pulled her close.

”She’s driving me insane, Gabe, stark raving mad. I’d be worried if it wasn’t a place I’ve been so many times before.” He said it without questioning whether his father-in-law could hear them. Sometimes saying something without having anyone hear it was fine.

“You were painting clowns before you ever married me,” Chloe retorted.

He grinned. “Before you the clowns didn’t tell me to burn things.”

“Sure, sure, blame the wife.”

They snarked at each other and to Gabe, smiling and laughing. Chloe was glad Lex could understand her so well. The loss of her father was tragic, would always be, and they both would need to cope with it eventually. But the initial steps were behind them. No apologies to this patch of ground and shiny stone because they knew Gabe Sullivan would never blame them for his death. No fetishizing this as a place to loose their emotions because they were a part of them to cope with every day.

Her father wouldn’t want to be an albatross around her neck or Lex’s, and Chloe would make sure that wasn’t how he was remembered. She would set things right and when it was safe she and Lex could take their futures back.

The end of things was a blessing. It changed a life from an incomprehensible mass of time into good, bad and neutral days that meant more than just watching it pass. It made people, places and things precious while they lasted. It carried the blessings of infinite new starts, and opening the door when opportunity knocked was most assuredly something every Luthor knew how to do.

21st October 2004, 07:50
wow. great update. more soon PLEASE.


21st October 2004, 08:09
Oh, that was so good. I almost cried at the last paragraph. Beautiful. It wasn't too much. The little quips between Lex and Chloe were cute, but I still felt so bad for them.

More soon.

~Manda :blinkkiss:

21st October 2004, 08:16
god that was great. i am almost crying!! :blush: thanks for a great update. please let them survive together. :blinkkiss:


21st October 2004, 08:37
That's a very beautiful chapter. BRAVO!!! :chlexsign2:

21st October 2004, 09:24
Very good chapter, and the last paragraph... really had me thinking. The idea of the two of them in the quiet solitude of the cemetary, talking to Gabe, was just beautiful. Well done.

21st October 2004, 10:25
:worship2: that was a beatiful, touching update.

21st October 2004, 12:12
why oh WHY aren't u in charge of the SV-fucking-scripts?! WHY!! :crygreen:

that was horribly wonderful! i want more! :worship2:

xoxo LaLa :blush: :chlexsign3:

21st October 2004, 15:26
Oh wow that was great. I loved all the emotions they boh showed.

Hope :chlexsign4:

21st October 2004, 17:41
Ok, I finally caught up with all of this and wow am I glad..... Absolutely brilliant.... great storyline, wonderful smut ( :drool: ) and great characterisations of Chloe and Lex.

Excellent story....


21st October 2004, 17:47
loved it can't wait to see what u come up with next time

22nd October 2004, 08:45
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: Rating still stands, for obvious reasons in this chapter. This is also the chapter that inspired my new signature.

Chapter 14

Lex imagined the sweat and heat in their bedroom hanging in the air around them, like blurring heat rising off a desert blacktop.

He focused on a single bead of sweat. Quivering on Chloe’s shoulder with every synchronized breath they took, the tiny droplet would start to stretch and nearly roll off the curve of her body before reforming on the same spot. Indrawn breaths caused the tenuous beginning of a fall, exhales resettling it.

He was enervated, caught up and balls and elbows deep in her body. Innumerable tiny bits of moisture danced on his own skin, at turns a sensation that was almost overwhelming or unrecognizable amongst the others. He seemed to be unable to work all his five senses at the same time: If he licked her skin or kissed her mouth he couldn’t savour her hands wrapped over his back. If he concentrated on picking up the scent of her perfume he could no longer hear the delicious moans she let slip out. Looking at her was dizzying, and a fuzzy halo of blurred vision made him blind to everything except Chloe.

He had been discomfited to realize his primary feeling after returning from the cemetery was arousal. It didn’t seem right to go directly from the cemetery to their bedroom to have sex, even loving sex with his wife. Chloe had been quiet, thoughtful, and he had wanted to give her time to wind down from the visit. Lex had been in his study for less than a minute when she entered the room, her quick strides alarming him. He had pushed his chair back to stand, but she had been on his lap and pressing against him too quickly. There was no grief or thought in the posture of her body, and the sexual instinct he was feeling was vindicated by her own.

They had gone upstairs from his study, groping dangerously and clinging to each other on the spiral staircase, hands in places that had forced any servants they passed to turn their faces away. There was no real awareness of circumstance until they were naked on the bed, joined almost abruptly.

Chloe had been almost shocked to feel him hard inside her, her thought process no more concrete than a need to be touching him. She was deeply, profoundly alive and making love to her husband was the only thing real enough to manifest that.

She had thought there was nothing to top the intensity of Lex before, but the entire experience was different. Their eyes had met as he entered her body and that eye contact had lasted, mesmerizing them. Drowning blue eyes met hers and Chloe would later search her mind for words to describe it but find none adequate.

He loved her and she could see it because he was letting her. The reserve he wore for everyone else was gone and it was like staring into the sun. There were so many important things there it was impossible to see them all, certainly impossible to acknowledge them all as they deserved. She felt like isolating every emotion he’d ever felt and cradling each one like a baby, giving it all the attention and care she was certain no one else had.

When his eyes closed on a blink or a reflex, Lex forced them open again. The visceral pull of looking into green depths was too precious to lose a split second. She was all open trust and sincerity, and the layers of meaning in this familiar act intimidated him.

Her golden brown hair fell over the pillows, gleaming up at him in a way that made him wonder why he had ever thought Chloe wasn’t his type of woman. How had she hidden this gloriously sexual nature from everyone else so that he was the first to discover it? What was it about her that gave her certainty when he felt like a babe in the woods?

Her dewy skin slid smoothly along his, her breasts crushing into his chest as they moved together. It was her supple adjustment of legs that urged him to move faster - he found himself strangely indifferent to his own release when Chloe was with him. The desire to have himself wrapped in her for hours overruled primitive physical sensations.

As she approached climax, Chloe closed her eyes and let her nails claw Lex’s back. She lost the view of his eyes but he was speaking now, breathing out her name hoarsely with each drive inside. His lips came down to hers and they kissed briefly, both too short of breath to linger.

Muscles were working overtime, close to exhaustion and threatening the aches and pains they would grin about later. Movements were almost careless while adrenaline buffered them from ill effects. Lex moved his hands from a bracing position on the mattress to curve under her neck, arching it and tangling in her hair.

Seconds to go for both of them, he felt her grip him with every muscle, arms and legs and torso pressing up and around. He watched her stricken expression, holding out on the burning ache in his lungs and his balls.

Her mouth opened on a scream and he lowered his face, nipping her lips, then her chin and finally raking his teeth just under her collarbone. Her scream broke with the pleasure and he let his eyes close finally and felt the encompassing heat cocoon them.

Chloe felt the pain in her lungs as they emptied, watched the sparks on the back of her eyelids and noticed they were the same colour blue as Lex’s eyes when he was really happy. Her body suspended itself with an almost impossible arch as his came down hard enough to make her breasts tingle with pressure. She could hear blood rushing through her veins and the roar of his release.

The end of massive sensations brought warm numbness and the return of tiny ones. The marks from her nails started to sting with sweat and the imprint of his hasty bites became tender. Their collapsed bodies started to slump toward sleep, grabbing oxygen as quickly as possible through open mouths.

They gazed at each other, too emotionally drained to speak.

Chloe twitched her torso underneath him and Lex held some of his weight up on his arms. She winced then froze, gasping. Her chest, everything in her body was in agony and her fists clenched.

“Lex, I can’t breathe,” she said, before the coughing spasms forced him to let her go.

He staggered off the bed and dialed the security team, barking orders at the first man to pick up and dropping the receiver. Terrified, he clutched her hands and tried not to show the panic and the despair as her lips turned blue.

“Hold on, just hold on Chloe.” He coaxed her to stay with him as the paramedics arrived and as they loaded her onto the helicopter, pushing his way in when most of the bodyguards were trying to pull him back. He whispered it to her unconscious form during the flight, putting all his will behind it. She would live because she had to.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

Lionel Luthor smirked and placed his book down, eyeing his employee with derision.

“You’re a day early, Layton,” he said, not bothering to walk closer to the glass. “I don’t have any use for you.”

The man stiffened with the insult, but his expression stayed neutral. Lionel granted him a small reprieve and his attention. A good poker face is an underrated skill.

Kyle pushed down his irritation with the man and tried to school his features. He wasn’t pleased to be there, only two days after the last report, but it would be his hide if he didn’t deliver the latest news immediately.

“Sir, there’s been a development. Chloe Sullivan-Luthor is in Metropolis General Hospital in critical condition.”

Shock made only a brief appearance on Lionel’s face before it was replaced with anger.

“Tell me.”

She was rushed to the hospital on Saturday morning, less than a day after the press conference, showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock and barely breathing. She was currently being ventilated with the hope that the incident had been caused by an acute allergic reaction. The team of doctors dedicated to her care didn’t know what had caused the emergency, but the mansion was being turned upside down and they were scouring her medical records. She had also received blood.

“What about my son?” His face showed a hint of concern at the question. Somewhere inside him the older man still loved his son, Kyle marveled.

The lawyer placed a newspaper page against the glass. It depicted Lex in a hallway surrounded by reporters, looking enraged and untidy. There were dark circles under his eyes and hollows in his cheeks, and the shirt he was wearing was beyond rumpled.

“He has been in the hospital with her since she arrived. He seems genuinely upset and has asked that the press be confined to the lobby of the hospital. They are holding a virtual siege and he was denied permission to bring in more of his security people. It is safe to assume they’re at risk.”

Kyle returned the newspaper page to his briefcase. Lionel was silent and tense.

“Sir, I’ve consulted a medical expert to analyze what we’ve found out. She said that if Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor is pregnant she can’t be further along than ten weeks, and has likely suffered a miscarriage. It could explain the need for blood transfusions.”

The man nodded and scrubbed a hand across his shorn scalp, visibly uncomfortable. He seemed to have forgotten he was being watched, a truly rare event.

“Deploy whatever security I can spare to the hospital. Guard them,” Lionel said, before turning away.

It was a clear dismissal and Kyle took it gratefully. He kept his eyes on his employer, backing off cautiously.

Lionel waited until he was alone, save the omnipresent camera surveillance, and allowed himself to slouch onto the cot. His hands pressed down on his closed eyelids, trying to banish the memories that were rising.

His moment of rest over, he stood and paced. He recalled what he knew, which wasn’t nearly an acceptable amount to work with. Whatever was wrong with his daughter-in-law wasn’t his doing, so he knew nothing. If she had been pregnant it was likely his grandchild was dead. Lex looked like death and he was showing absolutely no good sense when it came to security.

He pondered the facts and the sequence of events, but nothing jumped out as a starting point. The Luthor family had many enemies, too many for him to properly track.

Blasted hopeless, he thought. How am I supposed to protect my family when I’m forced to spy on them like a petty criminal?

22nd October 2004, 09:05
AAAAAAAA!!! Oh no!!!!!

ToT That's horrible!!

Lionel is awesome!!

I'm torn between ecstatic and sad!


Queen Of Tact
22nd October 2004, 11:03
OMG!!! How could you stop like that!!!! Please please please please let Chloe be alright!!!! I don't think lex could survive if anything happened to her.... I so love Lionel......

please please please post more soon...


22nd October 2004, 11:47
The reserve he wore for everyone else was gone and it was like staring into the sun. There were so many important things there it was impossible to see them all, certainly impossible to acknowledge them all as they deserved. She felt like isolating every emotion he’d ever felt and cradling each one like a baby, giving it all the attention and care she was certain no one else had.

Loved this paragraph, it was just beautiful.

But what did you do to Chloe? :crygreen: Though, Lionel's reaction was written like a charm, I really love that MB, despite all the evilness.

Please update soon, I really want to know what happens!

22nd October 2004, 16:16
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHLOE!!!!!!! She has to be all right. Don't let her die. Please...... :crygreen: :crygreen:

Hope :crygreen:

22nd October 2004, 17:32
:crygreen: Chloe's going to be fine right? Of course she's going to be fine, you wouldn't do that to Lex. He needs her. PLEASE let Chloe be alright.

22nd October 2004, 22:44
:crygreen: AWWWW... Lionel cares!!!

CHLOE!!!! :crygreen:

22nd October 2004, 23:22
I hope everthing will be ok. And who knew that Lionel Luther would even care.
Hope that you write more soon.


23rd October 2004, 00:08
*gasp*... :huh: Get back her and fix it!!!! What happened to Chloe! Poor Lex... And... Lionel... Is he good? I'm slow... And confused...

Update soon!

~Manda :blinkkiss:

23rd October 2004, 12:38
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: I’m aware of how cruel the last chapter was, but it was seriously nothing compared to what I briefly considered doing to Chloe. I’m a terrible, terrible person, but in my defense just writing this fic is incredibly intense for me. I can’t seem to stop adding layers.

Chapter 15

Misery had a strange way of making doing nothing almost bearable.

Lex Luthor had been seated in various rooms in the hospital over the past five days, docilely shuffling his feet down the puke green hallways to a new one when he was shut from his wife’s room. The hospital staff were treating him like he was broken, speaking to him quietly and offering coffee at every turn. They were trying to be helpful in little ways, overcompensating for their complete failure to help Chloe.

She was still unconscious, as serene as he was disheveled. They said it was poisoning, something that had been slipped into her food or drink, something she had ingested in his presence, in his home, under the care of his security officers.

The doctors had been puzzled by the lab results, recognizing the substance only as a synthetic drug, an expensive neurotoxin unknown to any medical database. Lex knew why: It was a one-off drug made to kill either Chloe or himself. Perhaps the intention had been to give them both the mercy of dying together.

It didn’t matter how those despicable molecules had found their way into his wife’s already weakened frame, just that they were there. No one had used the word coma yet, but he wasn’t fooled. He knew it was possible she would never wake.

Lex was at least privileged enough to be sitting with her. He pressed his forehead to her hip, hiding his face and inhaling the scent of her that hadn’t quite faded with the sponge baths that forced him to wander the halls like a ghost.

Her arms were tiny and covered in needles and tubes. They were feeding in blood and saline to keep her alive, along with an experimental antidote. He had felt like Dr. Frankenstein as he signed the form allowing them to try it, knowing he would effectively be her killer if the terrible side effects they warned of took her life.

He was afraid to touch her like this. It looked like anything might hurt her. One of the quiet, kind nurses had told him it was alright to hold her hand but he couldn’t. It wasn’t enough.

Lex slumped closer to the bed but kept his weight on the balls of his feet. It seemed as if any extra strain on her would be the breaking point. He tilted his head to the side to watch her chest rise and fall. The tubes going into her nose delivered oxygen from the hissing ventilator, and he cherished the harsh artificial sound.

She was alive. He would keep her alive. He needed to keep her alive because she was the only one who believed he could love.

The doctor had looked at him askance upon finding out Chloe was 17, then very seriously had asked if she was pregnant. His tone had the condescension of a medical professional already diagnosing the patient on appearances. Clearly a wealthy 26 year old man didn’t wed a woman eight and a half years younger purely out of love and desire.

If his splintering sanity hadn’t been apparent with every painful gasp from Chloe, Lex correctly assumed the doctor would have believed he was behind the poisoning.

For her sake he had gritted his teeth and ignored the affront, assuring the man that he was responsible for the care of only one life.

Unfortunately it wasn’t true.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

“How did you do it, you bastard?”

Lionel rose from his cot and approached the glass wall, his expression cautious. He recognized some of himself in his son’s desolate rage, a drive to fight with fists and body when only prayer could do any good. A need for vengeance against a world that had allowed their family money and power but no peace.

He knew what Lex was feeling at that moment because he had lived that pain for years, watching his wife die by inches. He had sat vigil next to a hospital bed, lost to the passage of time except as a way to measure his dwindling moments with the woman he loved. No doubt he had looked then as Lex looked now, wearing clothes that were days old, old and new sweat giving his face an unhealthy shine.

“I was very sorry to hear about Chloe, son. How is she?” There was none of the manipulative push or pull normally found in his voice, just sincere concern.

Lex couldn’t handle it, short of temper as he was. Both of his fists collided with the strong glass, producing a minute sonic boom echoing his rage. Lionel could see the blood rushing to the surface of the bruised flesh before Lex turned around. He stood rigid and tensed, breathing harshly, nearly unaware of his father’s presence.

Chloe, I’ll kill him for you, I swear I will. Lex thought about her face, tried to see her smile, but the only image his mind would give him was her pallor and the blue of strangulation stealing her beauty.

“Arrrgh!” He picked up the folding chair for visitors and hurled it against the wall, tears filling his eyes.

He whirled back on his heels and slammed his body into the glass hard enough to make it vibrate. Lionel took an involuntary step back, unable to hide his fear of the man he had raised, stunned as his fists continued to hammer on the glass.

The younger man sank to his knees, his forehead pushing brutally into the wall. His arms hung slack at his sides, all energy having been used up. For a long minute there was no indication Lex even knew where he was, a startling reminder for his father of his time as a patient in Belle Reve.

Eventually his blue eyes squeezed shut, then reopened with cognizance. Lex leaned back and lifted his face to Lionel’s. His voice was chilling as he asked his questions.

“Why her and not me? Why couldn’t you let me have something, just once?”

“I always wanted you to have everything, Lex,” was Lionel’s quiet answer.

He knew they were frequently at odds but Lex was his legitimate heir and the man who would carry the Luthor name after he was gone. He also knew that the mistakes he had made as a parent would fill an encyclopedia, especially as a single parent and a widower. All of that pushed aside to reveal the bare bones, Lionel loved his son. Everything he had done had expressed that in one way or another, whether it was the emotional reserve he employed in raising him or the underhanded ways he interfered in LexCorp.

Lionel’s own father hadn’t been a good model of sane parenting, but there were shades of the same kind of conflict between father and son of all three generations.

You had a boy, gave him a few years with his mother so his bones could harden, then you started regularly and systematically beating the tar out of him. At first it wasn’t something you enjoyed, just a necessity in raising a strong son, one who would survive. The world was harsh and it didn’t care about anyone receiving a fair chance. It rewarded winners who would accept nothing less than what they wanted. Later it was a habit, a release of the frustrations brought on by crushing poverty and hope so deeply subverted that it had become a kind of joy to wallow in how bad things were.

Lionel’s upbringing had been about literal beatings that had chased him onto streets only a little safer. In the legendary Suicide Slums of Metropolis in the mid-twentieth century, everyone was equally at risk for violence. In the tiny tenement apartment where he existed-not lived-with his perpetually intoxicated father, the only available victims were his debased mother and himself. On the street at least he was one of many and there was always another alley to present escape.

When Lex was born Lionel had been as sentimental about the transition to fatherhood as any man, in love with his wife and honoured to have a child with her. The happy family life dissolved quickly under the pressures of building an empire and losing his wife and second son. Left to their own devices and kept separate the two living Luthors had few problems that couldn’t be buried in their minds and dulled by excess of one kind or another. In the same room one could feel the ozone rise like a lightening storm.

Lionel’s aversion to beatings meant the conflict took place with words, maneuverings and manipulations. He would challenge his son to impress him, to be stronger, smarter, faster, better than him. He would see what Lex seemed to value and take it from him, daring him to take it back. He would step in when his son grew tired of women, trying to glean from them an understanding of his progeny.

But Lionel had never taken the final step in that conflict. He had never absolutely forgotten the infant he had once cradled under his wife’s warm gaze or the little red-haired boy who had sat on his lap and smiled at him with love.

Deep in the twisted mass of emotions between the two there had always been that awareness. They couldn’t trust each other but they had limits. Neither wanted to be the executioner of his only remaining family. Certainly there were incidents that belied this but it was, in essence, the Luthor family code of conduct.

Chloe Sullivan was not protected under those rules, but Chloe Sullian-Luthor was.

Lionel was actually rather pleased with Lex’s choice. He certainly hadn’t wanted one of the interchangeable brunette bimbos raising his grandchildren. It complicated things that she was also the key witness in his murder trial, but he was nothing if not adaptable. Bouncing a red-haired, green-eyed baby on his knee would go a long way to all things being forgiven.

If she lived.

Lionel pulled himself from his thoughts and looked into his son’s eyes. He needed to win him over, convince him they could work together to protect their family’s future. Otherwise all their sacrifices of the past year would add up to nothing.

Exhausted and defeated, Lex waited. He didn’t know what was going on anymore and decoding the machinations that dictated his life was beyond him. The best he could hope for was a bargain for the antidote. He would sign over everything if he could hold on to Chloe.

“I didn’t do this, son. I didn’t poison Chloe or you and I didn’t arrange the explosion that killed Gabe Sullivan. I’ve been trying to protect you. That’s why I’m here.”

The older man made a spare gesture indicating the cell walls. Lex labouriously got to his feet, levering himself up against the glass.

He looked searchingly at his father, trying to see the lie so he could protect himself and Chloe, but he couldn’t find it. All of his training in reading the man had either abandoned him or there was no lie.

23rd October 2004, 15:48
:ohmy: GAH....... *heart wrenched free from body*

DAMN!!!! OMG this is sooo fantastic, I want to yell out, WHAT NOW!!!!!! so get back hear and update!! PLEASEEEEEEE!!! :worship2:

23rd October 2004, 17:11
OH! :ohmy: That was so intense and so sad :cryblue: She'll be okay right?

23rd October 2004, 17:16
*heart wrenched free from body*

Yeah... me too.
The Luthor family is a bloody emotional rollercoaster cum train wreck and I'm glad you managed to deal with it and express it in all its complexity in this story.

Definitely hoping for the next update soon!

23rd October 2004, 18:22
I can't believe I missed three chapters of this beautiful, wonderful, incredible story!!! Please, please let Chloe be ok!! Who is trying to kill her? Is Lionel telling the truth? I hope you come back soon!! This story is so intense!! I love it so much!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

23rd October 2004, 19:03
Oh this is so sad. :crygreen: Chloe has to survive. :crygreen:

Hope :crygreen:

24th October 2004, 01:52
:ohmy: The MB isn't completely :devil: ?????So who's trying to kill Chloe then??? Who killed Gabe???? What's going on???? You have to update again soon, please!!!!

p.s. Please make Chloe ok again, woobie Lex makes me sad. :chlexsign3:

24th October 2004, 03:33
Wait what? who just got a hart? So then who is the one doing all this. the plot gets more twisted. Hope you write more soon. i love this story.


27th October 2004, 09:33
This just keeps getting more and more interesting not to mention twisted!
I love the relationship and bond between Chloe and Lex and how you're portraying Lionel.

I like he seems to suddenly have grown a heart and decided to protect his family which included Chloe.

And by this bit:
'For her sake he had gritted his teeth and ignored the affront, assuring the man that he was responsible for the care of only one life.

Unfortunately it wasn’t true.' does it mean that Chloe is or was pregnant?

Keep going with this amazing story. Can't wait for the next installment.

Wicca :yay2:

2nd November 2004, 09:54
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: Sorry about the gap between updates. I had an inkling that my Hallowe’en story might be better appreciated if I got it finished before next spring. This chapter takes up directly from the last and it’s all about the Luthor men.

Chapter 16

“This must be the biggest red herring in your Magnificent Bastard career.”

The cold smirk that spread across his son’s face was chilling because Lionel recognized it as his own. What had he done to the sweetly brilliant child who had been his lifeline after his wife and infant son had died?

“You never stop, do you Dad? I’ll never feel bad enough for you to stop twisting the knife. What did I do to fail you so badly.” The last wasn’t a question. He backed away from the glass and took several steps toward the door in his normal stride, before stopping and hunching his shoulders.

Lex pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to push back the feeling of pressure in his sinuses. He needed to leave, to get back to Chloe so he could be there if she-

His eyes squeezed shut on threatening tears, and he realized he couldn’t do it. If there was any chance Lionel could save her he needed to ask, pride be damned. He was shuddering as his feet moved him back to face his father, and he braced his hands against the glass wall.

“Do you know anything that can help me save her?” The hoarse whisper moved Lionel to step forward, but the clear wall might as well have been a chasm the width of the Grand Canyon for all of the notice Lex gave him.

“I don’t. I’m sorry. This wasn’t my doing, son,” Lionel said, choosing his words as carefully as he usually did when he was trying to imply a meaning beyond them. The difference was that this time he was attempting to be simply and clearly honest. It shouldn’t be so hard.

Silence mourned for them, because the Luthor men did not give in to the weakness of feelings. Their thoughts ran across the city to a small woman in a hospital bed, suspended in life by machines and her husband’s stubborn grip.

“Chloe is a remarkable young woman. I was very sorry to hear about her illness,” Lionel said, cursing the stiff formality of the words.

Brooding silence from the younger man, which he took as a invitation to continue.

“Were the reports of her pregnancy true?” He strove for a gentle tone, a skill rarely cultivated even before he landed in the concrete tomb.

“Go to hell, Dad!”

For a moment Lionel thought his son was going to launch into another spurt of violence, but Lex stayed where he was, looking exhausted.

“I know the pain of losing a child, Lex. It never goes away, but you’re young . . .”

He trailed off as blue eyes blazed at him. Something he could recognize there - anger.

“And so is she - She’s 17 years old and she’s dying in a hospital twenty minutes away because of you and I. We’re poison. We’ve always been poison!”

Lionel paused. Not anger. Hopelessness, defeat. He leaned into the glass as much as possible, fixing a steady gaze on the man crumbling in front of him.

“Luthors don’t die, son, they get stronger.” His voice never wavered, implacable and sure as the turning of the world.

God, he wanted to believe it. Lex wanted so badly to believe marrying Chloe had saved her, not ruined her life. He dragged a reluctant breath in through his nose, forcing it past the lump in his throat that urged him to just give up. His head lifted. If she could fight he would too.

Relief filled Lionel as Lex’s sense of purpose returned. His shoulders squared to mimic his father and his chin tilted up until their eyes met.

“Why do you want to help us?” Challenge thrown down to his father, Lex waited.

Nodding, Lionel answered without dropping his gaze. “Contrary to what everyone seems to believe, I want you to be happy and loved. I’ve never been a good father and I’m not sure I ever will be, but I would like . . . “

He had been going to say a second chance, but that was ludicrous. He had thrown away innumerable chances already.

“I would like another chance to be a father to you.”

Lex nodded noncommittally. Only a few months ago the words would have meant the world to him. There was much more to his world now.

“And Chloe?” His heart gave a pang when he said her name, but he didn’t show it.

“I’m fully capable of forgiving my new daughter-in-law for past indiscretions. Under the circumstances her actions only heighten my esteem for her. It’s nice to know you finally have a wife I can respect,” Lionel said evenly.

Although he was amazed that the man standing in front of him was his father, Lex believed what Lionel was saying, and he blinked. For the moment they were a united front.

“So enlighten me on what you’ve really been doing.” He walked over and righted the chair he had thrown away earlier, setting it in front of the glass. Lowering himself into the seat he allowed his muscles some much-needed rest.

Lionel took a sip from a bottle of water and nodded. “This goes without saying, but obviously I never intended to end up in here. I won’t be underestimating Miss Sullivan - rather, Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor, again.”

“When she refused to do the research I needed, I dismissed her services and pushed her toward an alliance with you. My hope was that she would lead you to a few promising leads that would keep you both occupied for a few months until they turned out to be dead ends.”

Lex tilted his head with a remnant of the rage he had felt when Chloe had recounted his father’s threats to her. “So the things you threatened her with were just to push us together?”

Smiling, Lionel spread his hands. “Clearly I’ve a talent for matchmaking that has gone unnoticed all these years.”

He sobered. “I had no reason to hurt her or her father, and I would never kill the heir to my empire. However, your combined efforts caused too many waves in dangerous waters when you started looking very far into the past. Many of the greatest criminals of the last fifty years made their starts in the Suicide Slums at the same time I did.”

Lex laced his fingers together and leaned forward on his knees. “What we found out about you was true.”

“There is a kernel of truth in every good lie, and unfortunately your young lady managed to get herself exposed to an experiment that allowed her to ferret it out of me. I’m not entirely sure she wouldn’t have found out anyway, but it certainly came as a surprise at a most inconvenient time.”

He hadn’t answered the question but Lex let it drop.

“Ironic. Your distraction fooled us but it worked against you in the end.”

“I also underestimated your friendship with Clark Kent, and unexpectedly the testimony of two teenagers from a town of less than 45,000 people convinced a judge to deny me bail. Still, it did draw attention from my main project,” Lionel mused philosophically. “I had been prepared to incite a family scandal of my own, but mine was a little less . . . epic in scope.”

Lex smirked and was surprised to see amusement on his father’s face. “The fall of Lionel Luthor was quite dramatic. I’m sure a great many viewers will be tuning in next September to see the trial,” he said, frowning. “Perhaps it will have a different outcome than I had been expecting.”

With an arched eyebrow Lionel continued. “Perhaps. My progress has been delayed significantly since my incarceration and most of my resources have been committed to protecting my family. I had to drop a great deal of my previous work.”

Lex’s gratitude was expressed with a bow of his head. “So what was your initial project?”

“There is a conspiracy to destroy us, and I’ve been trying to root out the identities of those behind it. I’ll make arrangements for the files to be delivered to you, but they don’t narrow the list of suspects. Our power is limited but our enemies are legion.”

Lionel paced an oval and took another swig of water.

“How much danger are we in?”

The wording of Lex’s question warmed the older man’s heart. It had been a long time since cooperation had been easy between them, but it was still possible. As long as there was still effort from both sides reconciliation was possible.

“I believe I am relatively safe considering I am effectively out of play,” Lionel replied, gesturing to his orange prison garb. “However, I am informed that you and Chloe are being called the story of the year by many media outlets. That will naturally make you more of a target.”

Lex rubbed his forehead. “The hospital won’t allow me more than six of my people inside. That’s not enough. Who do we know on the board?”

“Lloyd Burke owes me a favour. He’s the chairperson of the Oncology fundraising committee. Under the circumstances I don’t think a call from me would help, but he should be equally answerable to you.”

Oncology - the cancer ward. Lex studied his father’s leaner body. While it was clear that he was working out, it was also apparent that he was losing weight. He was dying, it was real.

The pain didn’t hit him like a fist in the stomach, the way the thought of Chloe’s death did. It activated the same hurt feelings of watching Lionel leave for work without a goodbye when he was seven, a feeling of being cheated of something he couldn’t appreciate because it had never been his.

“How are you?” The question came out wistful, and Lex felt very young in that moment.

“There’s still a lot of fight left in me, son,” his father replied with a gentle smile.

He remembered that smile from family photos so long ago, but he had thought it was faked for the camera. Lex managed to return it and stood abruptly.

“I should get back to the hospital. I’ll talk to Burke and have more guards brought in.”

He brushed off his wrinkled pants and lingered awkwardly. “I’ll keep you informed.”

The words were aloof but the meaning was not. It was a stanchion supporting a falling bridge, keeping it intact so it could be repaired. If those repairs never happened it would still fall, but there was time.

Reenergized, the young billionaire headed for the door. Trust was a strange fit after all his battles with his father, but the discomfort was accompanied by tenuous optimism.


He stopped and waited for his father’s voice.

“When you speak to your wife next could you tell her I’m hoping for grandchildren; two boys and two girls, if possible. She might appreciate some advance notice to get used to the idea.”

The certainty and arrogance Lionel imparted would normally have raised his hackles, but Lex found himself smiling slightly.

“I’ll do that.”

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

He stepped lightly into the room as if she was just sleeping, dropping into the chair pushed up close to the bed. A night light illuminated the head of the bed for the nurses to check her, and Lex remembered that Chloe preferred darkness to sleep.

Wake up, baby. I need you.

He slumped over the edge of the mattress, resting his forearms near her body. His fingers brushed over her hand, watching for a sign of pain. When there was none, his fingers slid underneath hers. Lex looked at her hand cradled in his palm and was struck by his responsibility to her. He ducked his head down to her, pressing a kiss to her bare ring finger.

So much smaller when she’s not trying to run the world. So quiet and still.

She looked peaceful but it was lost on him.

“As long as I’m waiting for you to wake up, I’ll tell you about my day. You’re never going to believe this one, but my father is apparently on our side. We could have spent so much more time having sex if he had told us, so of course I’m pissed.”

He looked at her face, tilted slightly toward him as if she knew he was there.

“Don’t get too hung up on the solitude. There’ll be plenty to do when you wake up. I’ll put the coffee pot on myself if you let me know when that will be.”

He pressed the lightest of kisses to her pale cheek, whispering, “Goodnight, my love.”

Slouching down, Lex pillowed his face on his arm and breathed her in. For the first time in days, he slept.

2nd November 2004, 10:48

Lionel!!! grandchildren!!! matchmaker!!

moooore *hungry look enters eye*



2nd November 2004, 11:37
:cryblue: The hospital scene was so beautiful. Please wake up Chloe!!!! Glad to see the Luthors pulling together. More soon :puppyeyes:

2nd November 2004, 14:00
*Reduced to tears*

So beautiful, love your writing.

Tears of happiness next time please though...oh okay, I don't mind a bit more angsty sadness seeing as how I love how you write that stuff too...

It's so nice to see Lionel trying to repair their relationship...and in saying that, you better not pull a whammy and turn Lionel into the bad kind of MB again. Grrr. lol.

Look foward to the next installment.

2nd November 2004, 16:20
That was beautiful :wub: I can't believe I am liking Lionel in this fic. :lol: More please..

Hope ;)

Kit Merlot
2nd November 2004, 18:38
This story is just beautiful--WELL DONE :biggrin:

2nd November 2004, 18:38
*sigh* That was so good :wub: I've missed this story! :chlexsign4:

2nd November 2004, 20:05
Thank you for the beautiful update!! Chloe just has to wake up soon!! Please!! Lex needs her so much!! Please post more soon!! This story is excellent!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

3rd November 2004, 01:13
Oh man.

The Luthor showdown was just brilliant. It always amazes me how accurately you capture their attitudes and mannerisms. I especially like this part:

“And so is she - She’s 17 years old and she’s dying in a hospital twenty minutes away because of you and I. We’re poison. We’ve always been poison!”

Lionel paused. Not anger. Hopelessness, defeat. He leaned into the glass as much as possible, fixing a steady gaze on the man crumbling in front of him.

“Luthors don’t die, son, they get stronger.” His voice never wavered, implacable and sure as the turning of the world.

and also the part about Lex's realisation that Lionel really is dying.

Also like the way you're adding another level of conflict and another enemy. The hospital scene was just beautiful and Lex's one line

“As long as I’m waiting for you to wake up, I’ll tell you about my day. You’re never going to believe this one, but my father is apparently on our side. We could have spent so much more time having sex if he had told us, so of course I’m pissed.”

said so much about their love, and so subtly.

*sniffle* Anyway. I loved it. As usual. Can we have more?

3rd November 2004, 06:11
Great chapter. I hope that you will update more soon. i really like this story. I hope that lex and his dad figure out who is doing this. Chloe is going to be ok right?

Please update again soon.


3rd November 2004, 09:46
:wub: :wub: Please more!!! :worship2:

10th November 2004, 01:58
You have no idea how warm and fuzzy I felt when I realised you'd written another chapter. Fabulous as always.

That's not to say you can now rest on your laurels. More, faster, longer. By which I mean, the fanfic, not the... look, I'm just going to leave that comment there.


10th November 2004, 17:47
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won't know how far off-track I'm going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: Bear with me, this chapter has to be done. *Ducks*

Chapter 17

Eddie Haring watched his men work their way through the mass of reporters and photographers in the lobby of Metropolis General Hospital. They were securing the room for his employer to leave the hospital for a few hours. The worried husband in Lex Luthor had finally bowed to his desire for a hot shower and his relative confidence in his wife’s safety.

One hundred well armed, highly trained professionals were standing guard over the Luthors in the hospital, covering every entrance and elevator, and personally keeping them in sight every moment. Eddie hadn’t been informed why they were suddenly allowed to move what amounted to an invasion force into the building, nor did he have time to care. In addition to the hospital guard, there was also security for the castle in Smallville and the numerous relief shifts arriving almost constantly for both locations.

Having missed his weekend off and seeing no chance of any time off in the near future, Eddie was tired and angry. His precautions hadn’t protected Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor and it was quite possible that once Lex Luthor regained his feet he would be out of a job. His performance now had to be extraordinary to make up for the failure.

He had given three security officers to Elsie to test every item of food and drink in the castle and help her clear out all of it and restock. As yet they had no idea what could have been used for delivering the poison. The lord and lady of the house ate the same meals together, and the coffee that was constantly brewed and waiting for Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor was also at the ready for any guests or staff members as well. There was no obvious answer to be had and they were working on the more unlikely aspects. The cosmetics and toiletries in the house were being screened and thrown out as well, all to no avail.

His radio crackled and one of the upstairs guys gave his report.

“Boarding elevator now. ETA to lobby a minute-thirty.”

“Roger that, advance teams in place,” Eddie replied. The lobby guards had formed a loose corridor with their backs to the press, leading from the elevator through the entrance and out to the door of the limo.

The din of voices rose as it became known that Lex Luthor would be getting out of the elevator. By the time the doors opened the crowd had more in common with a soccer riot than a group of professional journalists.

When the billionaire finally stepped out of the elevator he was greeted with harsh shouts and camera flashes, and the bodyguards in the car with him formed a buffer of muscled arms and impassivity.

Eddie waited until his employer was climbing into the limo before getting into the SUV that would lead it to the Metropolis penthouse. An identical vehicle would flank the limo in the rear, just one step down from a full police escort.

He felt a brief moment of doubt tingle through his stomach as he climbed into the vehicle, but ignored it. Dozens of men standing guard at every entrance and several designated to the private hallway leading to her room, not even a stray breeze could touch Chloe Sullivan-Luthor without their knowledge.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++

The women in a nurse’s uniform clumsily prepared the syringe, having received only a few minutes of training on how to do so. She flicked the slim barrel filled with clear liquid, then pushed a little of it through the needle. Straightening stolen clothing nervously, she left the supply closet and walked down the hallway lined with men who would kill her if they knew what she was about to do.

Nodding at the man dwarfing her as she entered the private room, she made a show of checking the monitors on the young woman.

“I’ll need the door closed just for a moment for Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor’s privacy,” she said.

Her polite expression fell into consternation when the man closed the door. Her uniform was from the hospital, and her photo ID was convincing, but he should have checked her more thoroughly and taken her name. Looking at the blond woman lying so still, she was almost happy she was bringing an end to her suffering.

Her hands shook as she held the syringe, but she braced them on the mattress and injected the liquid into the young woman’s arm. She watched breathless for something to happen, knowing that it would actually take about an hour for effects to show. Recapping and pocketing the evidence of her presence, she walked out of the room and propped the door open once again. Scarce seconds after she left the building and drove out of the parking lot, it was as if she had never existed.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++

Lex Luthor stretched his back stiffly, letting the hot water hit the under worked muscles.

It had been a full week since Chloe’s admission to the hospital, and she was in stable condition. Unfortunately what the doctors meant by stable was comatose. He had returned from the men’s room the night before and found a well-meaning nurse taping his wife’s eyelids shut. He had yelled at the woman and banned her from the room, then tenderly removed the tape, incensed.

They were giving up on her. The doctor had said as much, diplomatically offering to cooperate with anyone else he wanted to bring in. Lex knew it was a bad sign when a doctor was willing to share the treatment of a high-profile patient. They always wanted another pair of shoulders to carry the blame, but they were rarely so generous if they expected success.

He tried to lose himself in the heat and normalcy of the shower, tried to put himself in his own shoes eight days ago, when he could count on Chloe being there and healthy. Tried to imagine her curled up on the sofa reading the Daily Planet, or sleeping on his side of the bed until he joined her. Tried so hard to believe it was possible he might hear her light footsteps approach until the curtain pulled back and she joined him under the water.

Exhausted and discouraged, he turned off the shower and dressed quickly in a sweater and slacks. He threw on sneakers for comfort and strapped his watch to his wrist. He had been away from Chloe forty-five minutes and every single one of those moments had been filled with anxiety.

Lex forced himself to go to his office and look at the boxes of files stacked next to his desk. There were eight of them, one dedicated solely to the explosion that had killed his father-in-law. He opened the lid and found the master summary folder lying on top of the others. Unable to help himself, he started to flip through the pages inside.

Photos caught him off guard, char-colours and chaos hurting his eyes, but he couldn’t avoid them. They were of the moment things had changed forever for Chloe and they deserved respect.

The first a photo of the safe house, ruined and burnt. The front door was still visible in the ruins, the door that had stood up to the explosion far better than it was constructed. The frosted glass holding when every other pane in the house had erupted into deadly shards. The solid man-made structure refusing to burn with the house. The paramedics had found Chloe underneath that unlikely saviour.

The next photos were file shots of Chloe, Gabe, the safe house and the FBI agents who were supposed to be guarding them. Lex resisted the urge to stare at Gabe’s frozen face and moved on.

More photos of the ruins, depressing and worthless in figuring out who was after them. He continued flipping until a blood-red flash made him cringe. The effects of the explosion in agonizing detail had been recounted to him in the hospital while he was recovering from the poison, but he hadn’t seen the photos. The body of his father-in-law was lying face down, but it was unmistakably him. His hands were outstretched and on the margin of the photo there was the edge of the door.

In what had become his final act, Gabe had turned back to save Chloe.

Lex had always understood the love of a father as an abstraction. His mother’s love was a demonstrable, vivid part of his early memories, the loss of it still stinging. But his father had always been inscrutable, his affections variable with Lex’s performance in school or business. The idea of the Lionel Luthor whose superiority complex dwarfed his enormous personality giving his life for his misbegotten son was laughable. The idea of giving your life for another person was an overly sentimental lie.

But Gabe’s action hadn’t been a lie. Thinking he was about to die, the man had spent his last seconds of life trying to save his daughter. He must have known there was nothing to be done, must have grieved it in those seconds. The hopelessness of it all was striking, but Gabe hadn’t been lost in that feeling. He had reached for hope and Chloe.

Lex realized he had sat behind his desk by rote, and that he was clutching the arms of his chair with tears rolling down his cheeks. He touched his face and thought about the last time he had cried. It had been years, maybe an entire decade, since visiting his mother’s grave had brought him to tears. Even through the trials of the past year it hadn’t happened.

He expected to feel sad and depressed, but he felt light. There was relief in seeing the worst and letting it hurt you as much as it could, then turning your back on it and leaving it behind. There was hope in giving up the struggles of the past.

He went into the adjoining bathroom and washed his face. The eye redness of sleeping only small segments of time hid the effects of tears.

Lex picked up the folder again, removing all the photos. He would take it to the hospital with him and he didn’t want Chloe to see them.

The forensic evidence of the explosion was the next document, and he looked it over quickly. The investigators had found two separate types of explosive devices at the house, and Lex knew if they had gotten there a day later they would have found another type.

Three separate explosions were planned for the safe house. He had wanted to give Chloe and Gabe a good night’s sleep before they had to start running, so he had asked his security team to wait a day. Regret tried to make itself known, but Lex pushed it down. He had done the best decision-making he could at the time.

His father had ordered an explosion for 11:30 that night. The house had exploded at 7 p.m., long before Lionel’s team was in place to evacuate the Sullivans.

The blast had called Lex and Lionel’s teams to the premises, where they had been barred by the FBI and the local authorities. Both Luthors had known there was no way Gabe and Chloe would be safe in Smallville, or even in Kansas. Lionel had planned to send them to Switzerland for the summer, in exchange for Chloe’s help in clearing his name. Lex had rented the house in the Bahamas to house father and daughter until he could deal with the long-reaching aspects of their security. Crossing Lionel was typically fatal and there had been no reason to believe he would give up on that revenge.

But if both father and son had been intending to fake Chloe and Gabe’s deaths, the third explosion was the mystery. Who had wanted to kill them both? Was it a favour or a strike against the Luthors? Someone had something to gain from a double murder and it stood to reason that the benefit was significant enough to make getting between the FBI and the Luthor family worthwhile.

I guess Dad was telling the truth, Lex thought. He had been mostly convinced, but the evidence supported what Lionel had said the day before. It changed everything in a way he couldn’t sort out, like finding out the devil was a pussycat compared to God. If what you thought was the ultimate evil turned out to be just another victim, what were you up against?

His cellphone rang shrilly and Lex realized he’d been looking at the file for half an hour. He answered with his usual bark of “Luthor,” but the voice on the other end of the line was cool.

“Mr. Luthor, we need you back at the hospital immediately. Your wife’s condition has changed.”

The doctor’s voice continued in professional tones but Lex threw the phone down. He ran downstairs with empty hands, jumping into the limo and yelling at the security detail to get him back to the hospital as quickly as possible.

The hospital was fifteen minutes away and they got him there in ten. Lex barely waited for them to surround him before he was pushing through the mob scene in the lobby for the second time in two hours. He stood ramrod straight in the elevator, tension twitching through his frame.

The bodyguards let him go when the doors opened, and Lex ran all the way to Chloe’s room. He stopped as he knocked into the cart outside the door and entered the room in terror.

Kit Merlot
10th November 2004, 19:33
Oh my God--Chloe had better be awake :biggrin:

Way to draw out the suspense--you are killing me over here!

10th November 2004, 20:00
You did not just stop it there??? You did didn't you?? :tease: She's awake though, right?? She's not dead, you wouldn't do that to us right???? *takes a deep breath before typing again*

Nice update but we need more very soon please.

10th November 2004, 20:53
She's awake, she's awake, she's awake *keeps repeating*

I mean... she's gotta be right?

Who's the mystery woman? Who wanted to kill Chloe and Gabe? Is this about her mother? Is it really about the Luthors? WHAT'S GOING ON?

update soon please. :blush:

10th November 2004, 22:50
Wahahhhahahaa! :crygreen: nooooo I don't like this suspense whatsoever! tell me she's okay!

I hate that word... terror.... >_< you sooooo better update soon... I might die of suspense....


10th November 2004, 23:05
Please make Chloe to feel better. Please. :crygreen:

10th November 2004, 23:55
damn, you just can&#39;t do that, it is just plain mean. PLEASE, alleviate the pain. SOON&#33;&#33;&#33;

and the third party, what the hell, give us a hint, or am I missing it in my pain over chloe.


Queen Of Tact
11th November 2004, 00:30
you know that is so not funny&#33; Gah I can&#39;t believe u stopped there&#33;&#33;&#33; please please please please get back soon and post more&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

(thinks happy thoughts) Chloe is ok Chloe is ok


11th November 2004, 01:30
OK, that&#39;s just not funny, missy. Anyway, she has to be alive and awake because, because... well, she&#39;s just got to be alive and awake, that&#39;s all.

Get back here and provide some kind of ficcy ointment for this itching, nagging doubt I&#39;m experiencing. I&#39;m aware that this is a terrible metaphor but frankly, I&#39;m past caring and may well be scarred for life with fic apprehension.


11th November 2004, 01:40
Survival - NC-17
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won&#39;t know how far off-track I&#39;m going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: I did feel really mean, and I’ve had one of the worst days ever, so this actually cheered me up considerably. It’s a quarter of chapter eighteen, but it should stop the pounding of hearts and shaking of fists.

Excerpt from Chapter Eighteen

The doctors had been telling her to take her time when he threw himself into the room, nearly overturning the cart of medical supplies outside the door. The people around her bed turned to look simultaneously, temporarily blocking her view, but Chloe could hear her husband&#39;s rasping breaths.


She wanted to see if one of the staff members would scold him for being so loud in a hospital, but knowing Lex he had rented out the floor just for her. She nudged one of the nurses and the woman stepped to the side, pulling on the arm of the man standing beside her.

When Chloe saw Lex she knew why no one had said anything. He looked scary - about to snap and kill them all if she was going to be specific. Her husband was a dangerous man, and she was delighted to see him.

The brutality on his face faded into nothing as he saw her. Chloe smiled and held out her hand as far as the IVs would reach. She mouthed his name but her voice was rusty and it didn’t make any noise. Lex barreled through the doctors and nurses and fell to his knees beside the bed, staring at her face.

“When did you get so cynical?” Chloe’s voice came out scratchy and quiet, but it’s wry edge finally convinced him she was real. Clearly exercising restraint, Lex took her hand and closed his fingers around it tightly. He studied her face and his shocked expression became something like contentment.

He was still gasping for air, and Chloe laughed in her tiny, rusty voice. “Did you run all the way from the penthouse?”

“The doctor didn’t tell me you were awake. I was afraid-” He broke off and tried to calm his lungs, which were shaking under numerous waves of adrenaline. Pressing his forehead to their joined hands, he closed his eyes and willed the panic away. His knees hurt from hitting the hard floor, he was hyperventilating and he felt wonderful.

The medical staff had discreetly withdrawn to hover out of sight in the hallway. There were still tests to be run, but no one was inclined to break up the couple’s reunion.

Chloe didn’t know how much it would have taken to make Lex admit fear, but it must have been bad. She wanted to touch his face with her free hand, but it wouldn’t reach that far without pulling out the IVs. Instead she stroked her thumb over his hand by her side and he reached over her torso to make it easier for her.

“If you hadn’t broken your phone the doctor would have let me talk to you,” Chloe teased.

“I’ll work on my phone manners. I’ll take a course.”

11th November 2004, 01:45
You are so beyond beautiful&#33;&#33; Thank you for your two wonderful updates&#33;&#33; Thank you, thank you, thank you for your last chapter&#33;&#33; I was so scared, but you made everything better&#33;&#33; Can&#39;t wait for more&#33;&#33; :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

11th November 2004, 02:05
My God, using crappy metaphors worked&#33; Not ten minutes later and I&#39;ve got an update. I think I&#39;m onto something here.

How about if I quote early Keats and tell you that "my ear is open like a hungry shark to catch the tunings of a voice divine", by which I mean "update again". Would that work?


11th November 2004, 02:07
Oh my God my heart is still pounding. EEEKKK&#33;&#33; That was great suspense and my heart is still going a mile a minute. :lol: More please..

Hope :D

11th November 2004, 02:36
wonderful, just wonderful is what I have to say about the updates. Thanks for not making us sit here in furstration over what was going on with chloe. hope you post more soon.

11th November 2004, 02:45
YAY&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :yay: SHE&#39;S AWAKE&#33; SHE&#39;S AWAKE&#33; MYSTERY WOMAN HELPED HER&#33; YAY&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

I love you. :wub:

11th November 2004, 05:47

This story is rockin&#39;&#33;

I&#39;m loving the you&#39;re throwing into the story, and Lionel and Lex bonding is totally amazing. You have an excellent way with words.

(Hope Edie doesn&#39;t get fired - I kinda like him, for an armed, jaded baby-sitter...)

11th November 2004, 06:05
Beautiful, wonderful, you are forgiven all. I cannot thank you enough, I can finally sleep tonight. I&#39;m sorry you had a bad day, but you have definitely put a bright spot in mine. If we didn&#39;t love it so much we wouldn&#39;t get so upset.

More when you can. Can&#39;t wait for the rest of chapter 18.

AGAIN, THANK YOU&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

:chlexsign2: and Yah for CHLOE&#33;&#33;&#33;

11th November 2004, 07:57
W00T&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin: i&#39;m so happy&#33; :biggrin: you are the best&#33; :biggrin: YAAAAAY Chlex :biggrin:

more updates soon please :blinkkiss:

11th November 2004, 09:01
Lovely reunion scene there, barely-in-control Lex was written very well. I&#39;m glad Chloe&#39;s awake, I really missed her.

Also like the detailed way you went into the evidence of the safehouse explosion. Though I really have no idea at all who&#39;s behind it, if it wasn&#39;t Lionel or Lex. I&#39;m glad PapaLuthor&#39;s on their side, though. It&#39;s kinda sweet.

This story seriously rocks. More soon&#33;&#33;

11th November 2004, 10:55
Yupee&#33;&#33;&#33; She&#39;s fine&#33; Go CHLEX&#33;&#33;&#33; :chlexsign2:

11th November 2004, 11:23
:biggrin: She&#39;s awake, she&#39;s awake&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; *does a little happy dance* Thankyou so much for not leaving us hanging. The Chlex is back baby&#33;&#33;&#33;

Kit Merlot
11th November 2004, 18:33
Oh wow, that was beautiful :biggrin:

This story is beyond wonderful :chlexsign2:

But I must address my concerns with who is trying to hurt them and then who in turn saved Chloe. Hopefully, we will find out soon.

12th November 2004, 05:04
I was about ready to scream where you left off the chapter until I saw the extra little tidbit. I&#39;m so happy&#33;&#33;&#33; :wub: :yay: :wub: :yay:

12th November 2004, 19:32
Originally posted by sylvia@Nov 11 2004, 09:01 AM

Also like the detailed way you went into the evidence of the safehouse explosion. Though I really have no idea at all who&#39;s behind it, if it wasn&#39;t Lionel or Lex. I&#39;m glad PapaLuthor&#39;s on their side, though. It&#39;s kinda sweet.

Sorry, Sylvia. I tried to include the hints that would let you guys put together who was behind the whole thing, but I&#39;d have to introduce dozens of original AU characters or some kind of omniscient Mary Sue. Which would take away from the Chlex romance and Chluthor family interactions, not to mention pushing this to over a year&#39;s worth of writing. Personally I hope to be finishing it up by Christmas and starting on a sequel in the new year.

So, if you&#39;ve been trying to pick through for clues, all I can offer you is my limited abilities to foreshadow and build suspense. And smut as my fallback skill, of course.

The rest of chapter eighteen should be up in the next day.

Queen Of Tact
12th November 2004, 19:39
yeah she&#39;s awake&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; *hugs nonky* thank you thank you thank you....

I can&#39;t wait for more, please please please post more soon...


14th November 2004, 01:29
I just found this fic and I must say it awesome...more soon

14th November 2004, 01:54
can&#39;t wait to read the complete chapter 18 please hurry and post it&#33; :worship2: :yay:

14th November 2004, 12:23
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won&#39;t know how far off-track I&#39;m going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: The reunion chapter in full. Smut was against doctor’s orders, so I had to go with plot development. My apologies.

Chapter Eighteen

The doctors had been telling her to take her time when he threw himself into the room, nearly overturning the cart of medical supplies outside the door. The people around her bed turned to look simultaneously, temporarily blocking her view, but Chloe could hear her husband&#39;s rasping breaths.


She wanted to see if one of the staff members would scold him for being so loud in a hospital, but knowing Lex he had rented out the floor just for her. She nudged one of the nurses and the woman stepped to the side, pulling on the arm of the man standing beside her.

When Chloe saw Lex she knew why no one had said anything. He looked scary - about to snap and kill them all if she was going to be specific. Her husband was a dangerous man, and she was delighted to see him.

The brutality on his face faded into nothing as he saw her. Chloe smiled and held out her hand as far as the IVs would reach. She mouthed his name but her voice was rusty and it didn’t make any noise. Lex barreled through the doctors and nurses and fell to his knees beside the bed, staring at her face.

“When did you get so cynical?”

Chloe’s voice came out scratchy and quiet, but it’s wry edge finally convinced him she was real. Clearly exercising restraint, Lex took her hand and closed his fingers around it tightly. He studied her face and his shocked expression became something like contentment.

He was still gasping for air, and Chloe laughed in her tiny, rusty voice. “Did you run all the way from the penthouse?”

“The doctor didn’t tell me you were awake. I was afraid-” He broke off and tried to calm his lungs, which were shaking under numerous waves of adrenaline. Pressing his forehead to their joined hands, he closed his eyes and willed the panic away. His knees hurt from hitting the hard floor, he was hyperventilating and he felt wonderful.

The medical staff had discreetly withdrawn to hover out of sight in the hallway. There were still tests to be run, but no one was inclined to break up the couple’s reunion.

Chloe didn’t know how much it would have taken to make Lex admit fear, but it must have been bad. She wanted to touch his face with her free hand, but it wouldn’t reach that far without pulling out the IVs. Instead she stroked her thumb over his hand by her side and he reached over her torso to make it easier for her.

“If you hadn’t broken your phone the doctor would have let me talk to you,” Chloe teased.

“I’ll work on my phone manners. I’ll take a course.”

His breathing was getting steadier, and Lex was beginning to feel uncomfortably cramped in his hunched over position. He lifted his head to stare some more, and Chloe wrinkled her nose at him.

“Go get a chair. I’ll wait here,” she said.

He reluctantly placed her hands on the bed and turned to pull the chair over. When he was situated as close as humanly possible without just lying on top of her, he whispered the thought he couldn’t have acknowledged before he was looking into her beautiful green eyes again.

“I missed you so much I thought I was dying.”

It was said quietly but without the shame she sometimes sensed from him when his emotions made themselves known. There was no question that it was absolutely the truth.

“Lex . . .” Chloe was speechless with the responsibility of being the woman he would risk loving. She was far from a safe choice to be everything to him.

She ran her hands over his face and felt him lean into her touch. There was a hunger in his eyes for contact, not lust, but loneliness. She made sure to take her time as she traced his lips and cheekbones, feeling the tension relax from his jaw. Lex leaned even closer when her hands traced his earlobes and she continued over his scalp and neck.

“You didn’t let anyone comfort you at all, did you?” Chloe didn’t need his answer to know what he had done while she was unconscious. Brooded and fussed over her and pulled his emotions closer to himself until they almost disappeared. Bottled it all up until he could barely breathe for all the horror he was hiding.

“Come here.” She pulled him into her arms and Lex resisted, trying to keep his weight off of her. “I’m not made of glass.”

He eased his arms underneath her back, barely daring to squeeze as Chloe hugged him fiercely. The brittle frailties he had seen in her were only images created by the press of his own fears on his eyes. She was a Luthor and she was strong.

Chloe tilted her chin until her lips were next to his and shook her head in mild reproach.

“I’m not leaving.” She kissed him lightly and kept him there with a hand on his neck until he let his body rest against hers. Her face nestled into his neck and she whispered in his ear.

“You’re getting a hundred of these every day, and I won’t hear any complaints.”

He wouldn’t complain if she gave him a thousand every hour.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++

The doctors insisted Chloe should receive a chest X-Ray before they removed her oxygen supply and Lex was reluctantly convinced to wait for her in the room. The last vestiges of panic were nagging at him now that he couldn’t look at her, and it all seemed surreal. He paced in circles by the bed, looking up every time wheels skimmed along the floor of the hallway.

Lex sat on the edge of the chair and reached for the telephone. He should use the time to check in with his managers. The next hour went quickly as he scratched notes on a tiny hospital pad and he was surprised to see how much time had passed after he hung up the receiver.

He looked at the telephone and considered his visit with Lionel. He had said he would keep his father informed and he intended to do so, but it felt odd. Most of his life had been about covering things up from the man and his change of status from enemy to ally was uncomfortable.

His family psychology went no further explored because Chloe was wheeled in on a gurney. Her arms were free from the needles and tubes and the oxygen tank that had accompanied her on her departure was absent now.

She was sleeping like an angel. Lex stood to move the chair out of the way and watched proprietarily as she was resettled into the bed. Her primary physician, Dr. Banting, arrived and gave low-pitched instructions to her nurses, then made some notes on Chloe’s chart.

“Mr. Luthor, I have a few things to discuss with you. Are you available now?” Banting was the replacement for the original lead physician, the one who had insulted his marriage and impugned his wife’s character. He was always very polite and had made particular attempts to speak respectfully.

“Of course.”

Lex nodded and tore the pages he had used off the pad, tossing it back to the night table. He followed the doctor to his office, casting a glance over his shoulder at his wife.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++

The giddy peace of his relief was broken less than three hours after Chloe woke up, when he walked back into her room and found her spoiling for a fight. The doctor had wanted to recruit Lex in his wife’s recovery by making sure he was going to help them keep her in the hospital at least another week. A sudden upturn in her condition was good, but suspect, and it needed to be monitored.

He was thinking of ways to convince Chloe more time in the hospital was a good idea when he entered the room, but her voice cut off his thoughts.

“You’re working with the man who killed my father. How long exactly have I been asleep?” She was sitting up in bed with a tray of food growing cold in front of her, flushed with anger.

She was holding a pencil and the discarded notepad, having rubbed the top page with the lead to reveal his notes to himself. “Call Dad’s lawyer re: Chloe and general update on progress.”

Lex bowed his head and hunched his shoulders. He was aware of how difficult it might be for her to believe Lionel, but so far he had told the truth by the facts and physical evidence.

“He gave me good reason to believe him, Chloe. I’m not just taking him at his word. Everything is being checked and rechecked.” He sat down in the chair beside the bed but didn’t move it closer to her. She was too angry at the moment.

Chloe blinked half a dozen times over tears that she refused to let out. Things were being thrown at her faster than she could cope, and Lex’s defection was a killing blow to her feelings of safety. “I see the look on your face. You believe it now. You’re checking it all out, but you were taken in by him.”

She put the notepad and pencil back on her night table, sorry that it had occurred to her to see what Lex had written. Once again her curiousity had taken her to places she didn’t want to be.

“I know he’s your father, Lex, but he’s my executioner,” she said. Her lip quivered and he wrapped his hands around the arms of the chair instead of her.

“I just need you to trust me for a few days,” he pleaded. “Just give me three days of your trust and I’ll have enough information gathered. Maybe even before that.”

Even as he said it he knew frantic bargaining wasn’t the way to inspire confidence in his objectivity. Chloe’s shuttered expression supported that.

“And if you don’t convince me? Do we get a divorce?” The last word sent a jolt through both of them, although they both hid it very well.

Lex leaned forward on his knees and rubbed his temples. A dull throbbing pain was putting him on notice of a headache about to start.

He looked at her and looked away quickly to cover his misery. “I don’t know. I guess whatever you want to happen.”

“I don’t want any of this to be happening,” Chloe whispered, swiping at tears. She pulled the blanket up as if she was chilly, but the room temperature hadn’t changed. She felt afraid, Lex thought, afraid of him.

He felt guilt twining around him and trying to choke off his ability to function, and the sensation drove him to his feet.

“I’ll be back tonight,” he said, thinking apologies to her he couldn’t say. There was nothing to make up for his failures to her.

“Wait&#33;” She called out on a ragged gasp and he paused in the doorway. “Don’t go like this. Come back.” He turned slowly to find her kneeling up on the mattress. She looked tiny and hurt and he couldn’t refuse.

Chloe studied his face as her husband tucked her back into bed, then sat back in the chair. He looked at her intently and she found herself intimidated by his attention. It was hellish being out on a limb, but she would do it because watching him walk out was unbearable.

“Give me your hand?” He did and she held it softly.

“I wanted to make something clear to you, because we’ve never really talked about it before. I don’t blame you or judge you for your family, and I don’t think you should have to give up all signs of Lionel to be with me. He’s still family and that will always be the case. If you need to talk to him or talk about him with me, I can do that. If we fight about that it doesn’t mean how I feel changes.”

Chloe let her eyes close for a moment before she continued. His silence was deafening and she struggled to find words that got her point across without being unduly harsh.

Lex cursed the hopeful heart he buried under expensive suits and scorn for the world. It wanted, even expected, some grand declaration of love.

“I don’t agree with what you’re doing. I think it’s just another ploy of his and I think it might get us both killed. I’m not sure I’ll ever support this decision you’ve made, especially since you made it without me.”

The Luthor mask had dropped over his face and he was still waiting.

“All that being said, the least I owe you is my trust. Unless and until I can see for myself that Lionel is a threat, I will accept that it is possible he isn’t. I know it’s not unconditional but it’s all I have to offer right now, and I hope it’s enough.”

She let go of Lex’s hand because having him pull it from her grasp would be too much pain. He let hers go because he thought she didn’t want him to touch her.

Lex rubbed at the budding headache and toyed with the edge of her blanket. He didn’t speak, but he didn’t leave either, and ten minutes later her hand brushed his and they clung together.

Jaw clenching, he saw her green eyes were forgiving and kind, far kinder than he deserved.

“I guess I should tell you about the past week,” he said.

“I guess you should.”

14th November 2004, 13:06
:chlexsign2: Great update. :biggrin:

14th November 2004, 15:10
great update. Chloe&#39;s mistrust of Lionel is totally understandable but I don&#39;t want it to cause a rift between her and Lex. The bits where they both wanted to reach for eachother but were afraid that the other did not want them were heartrenching. More soon please.

14th November 2004, 16:58
I know it lead to angst, but I&#39;m so glad that Chloe knows that Lex has been talking to his father&#33;&#33; That would have been too huge of a secret between them&#33;&#33; I&#39;m so proud of her making the first move&#33;&#33; Thanks for the update&#33;&#33; Please post more soon&#33;&#33; Please&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

14th November 2004, 19:36
wonderful update. can&#39;s wait for more.


14th November 2004, 21:04
she woke up&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

loved it all


Queen Of Tact
14th November 2004, 23:39
yeah another update&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;, but I still want more&#33;&#33; so please please please post more..


15th November 2004, 00:18
That was intense, great, satisfying and I want more. :blinkkiss:

Hope :chlexsign2:

15th November 2004, 06:51
Wonderful update. The plotting was great, perfect. Can&#39;t wait for more, and maybe some smut when she is all better, and more on the "good nurse" who saved her.

:blinkkiss: :worship2: :blinkkiss:


16th November 2004, 03:06
Wonderful chapter&#33; :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

16th November 2004, 08:57
*Virtual high five* Wonderful Chapter

Kit Merlot
16th November 2004, 14:50
Excellent update, and I like that Chloe decided to trust Lex-beautiful :biggrin:

18th November 2004, 23:07
okay so i finally did some much needed catching up with this story&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

IT&#39;S WONDERFUL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

keep up the good work. :worship2:

20th November 2004, 23:21
Survival - NC-17

Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won&#39;t know how far off-track I&#39;m going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: The last hospital chapter, with some clearing up of loose ends and some angst.

Chapter 19

She could practically hear him dote over her, and while Chloe appreciated her husband, it was almost as irritating as being in the hospital for a third week.

“I’ve been awake for a week and a half, Lex, and the doctors can’t find a single thing wrong. I’m ready to go home,” she said, trying to ignore his warm gaze.

She didn’t like arguing with him when he was being protective, but she felt smothered by the constant medical surveillance. She tried to harden her jaw line and look serious, but he only sat there and listened intently, pouring love over her with his eyes. It was terribly difficult to pick a fight when he was so wonderful.

Lex leaned forward and kissed her slowly, rolling a strand of soft hair between his fingers. “Another week.”

He knew they should probably be arguing about it, but he felt drugged by gratitude. He had lost everyone who mattered in his life but he’d never had someone return. They’d beaten the odds once again and he was prepared to be unreasonably overprotective. He was going to make sure Chloe was never in danger.

Still, her sigh made him unhappy and he wavered a little. “If you rest up here for another three days I’ll have you home by the weekend. ”

“Get me out of here tomorrow or I’ll start flirting with the doctors,” she threatened.

His droll look told her just how fruitless such an action would be.

“The doctors think I’m crazy, and they know I have one hundred guys with guns in the building. You look mouthwatering, as usual,” he said, taking in her Luthor-purple silk robe. “But I don’t think you’ll have any takers.”

She rolled her eyes and picked up the book open upside down on her lap. When she’d asked for a copy of Anna Karenina it had been a barb thrown at her husband’s insistence that she remain in the hospital. Though she hadn’t expected to read all of it, a week later there was only a thin section of pages after the bookmark.

“You’re a stubborn man.” It was meant to be an insult.

“I adore you.” It wasn’t even a proper rebuttal and she rolled her eyes before reading again. Maybe one of the doctors would be on her side today.

Lex returned to his paperwork, using a bed tray as a desk. It was still very unnerving to be away from Chloe for more than an hour or two, and he spent a lot of hours just watching her be alive and healthy.

Even though worrying about her had taken two decades off his lifespan in their first month of marriage, Lex was quite certain Chloe was less trouble than all of his other wives combined.

She’d let him tell her everything he could remember from his conversation with Lionel and when he was finished her nod had been thoughtful. The rising queasiness in his stomach was soothed away instantly when she pulled him into the bed beside her, saying they should both sleep on it.

When he woke, Chloe was sitting up beside him, reading one of Lionel’s files. Lex didn’t know why he was ever surprised by her. She could work information out of a stone, so it wasn’t much of a stretch to get one of the security people to pick up a box from the penthouse.

Her expression was tired, saddened, but when she saw he was awake she threaded her fingers through his. They were still on the same side, something Lex had learned not to take for granted even from a wife.

They had an agreement now for full disclosure of information, including any details that he might want to protect her from. She considered it a victory but had every intention of making sure she got to talk to Lionel herself as well. Lex’s judgment wasn’t always reliable when he was facing his father.

Dr. Banting entered the room after knocking softly, finding the domestic scene as touching as the devotion Lex Luthor had shown when his wife was unconscious. Their obvious love made him grateful Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor had recovered, and he frowned down at the lab results in his hands.

“Mr. Luthor, Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor,” he greeted, closing the door behind himself. “May I speak with you for a few minutes?”

The woman gave him a smile so large he saw her husband bristle slightly, and Banting made sure he didn’t look at her for too long. The word for Lex Luthor was possessive.

“Are you going to tell Mr. Moneybags I’m fine to go home today?”

A dirty look from her husband had Chloe toning down her delight. Winning was nice but there was no reason to rub it in, even if it was very satisfying.

“Hello Dr. Banting. What would you like to talk about?”

The older man glanced down uneasily and Lex eyed the folder in his hands with suspicion. He wanted to know what would be said before Chloe heard it, wanted to be able to shield her from anything bad.

“I need to relate some information about the hormone levels of your recent test results,” he said, opening the folder. “There are some irregularities that might indicate-”

“Doctor, can I see you outside?” Lex’s voice was cold and Banting led the way out of the room, ignoring Chloe’s protests.

“Hey&#33; Lex, get back here&#33;” She heard the door latch shut and knew if she tried to follow there would be a burly bodyguard politely but implacably in her way. She also knew if Lex tried to put her on a pedestal any higher she was going to use it to jump. She would never be happy as a hothouse flower, encased in so many layers of insulating kindness that she never really lived.

Banting opened his office door and waved Lex to a chair in front of his desk, taking his seat behind it and opening the file. “I realize you’re concerned, Mr. Luthor, but I pride myself on my bedside manner. I would never make your wife anxious over any of her treatments.”

The stiff nod from the billionaire was a courtesy, because he clearly didn’t agree.

“My concern is that you would tell Chloe something she is unprepared to hear when in the last three months she has lost her father and her life as she knew it.”

He leaned forward and Banting felt both menace and pleading from him. “I lied to my wife, Dr. Banting, in order to protect her after her first hospitalization in May. I was told that trauma might have rendered her birth control implant ineffective, and we had . . .” Lex blinked hard and paused around a guilty conscience.

“An incautious moment,” the doctor supplied.

Lex nodded in gratitude for his mild wording, privately counting up all the incautious moments and judging himself a bastard.

“I have no excuse for my behaviour, except that her previous doctors told me her body would likely not be ready for pregnancy for at least a few months. My inclination was to let her feel better before I brought it up,” he said.

Banting took the opportunity to speak when the man stopped.

“I’m sure you had good reason for doing what you did. Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor did have a particularly heavy menstrual cycle last week, which indicates the birth control device is not doing its job.”

Lex tried not to imagine the look on Chloe’s face when he had to tell her he was bastard enough to get her pregnant and hapless enough to allow someone to kill their child by poisoning her.

“However, the hormone irregularities do not indicate a miscarriage,” Banting said. He paused and watched the other man take in the reassurance, an audible sigh accompanying the slump of his shoulders.

He let himself take in the relief for a few seconds, then prompted the doctor to keep going. “Is she in danger?”

“Not at all, but we cannot identify how she was cured. Our antidote was not the cause of her recovery and there is another variation of antidote in her bloodstream,” Banting said.

“We at the hospital must apologize, but the only explanation we can offer is that someone without clearance gained access to Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor’s room and gave her an injection with the other antidote, leading to her recovery.”

Lex was out of his seat in a moment, heading back to his wife’s room, and Dr. Banting followed hurriedly.

“Mr. Luthor, I know this news is upsetting but the hospital has been looking into the matter-”

He stopped in the doorway to see Lex Luthor clinging to his irate wife like she was only thing in the world. The confusion on her face didn’t stop her from holding him back just as tightly.

Lex closed his eyes and let Chloe’s life warm him. The idea that she was only his because of the caprice of the faceless people who were targeting his family was jarring. He had thought the feeling of seeing her slip away was horrifying, but the realization that she was vulnerable no matter what precautions he took was soul-crushing. He picked her up and walked to a chair, sitting down with her on his lap.

Her hands cupped his face as she spoke hesitantly, giving him a weak smile. “I’m still kicking your ass even if I’m dying,” she said.

“You’re not going to die.”

Lex pulled her closer and rubbed her back, overwhelmed. He had never felt this powerless and it gave him a whole new appreciation of Chloe’s forgiveness. He had made her a pawn so many times over and she was still willing to give him her trust.

Dr. Banting cleared his throat and the couple looked at him. He walked into the room and closed the door.

“Medically you are completely well,” he said. “Unfortunately my team cannot take responsibility for it, and we believe someone slipped past security to deliver an antidote that made you well.”

He was relieved to see no anger from Mr. Luthor, and continued speaking. “What I can tell you is that both the neurotoxin and the antidote were custom made for a woman of Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor’s age group. They have interacted with our own treatments and the result is some abnormal hormone ratios that should go back to normal on their own.”

Chloe nodded and ran her hands over Lex’s shoulders. No wonder he was so upset. A small army couldn’t keep her safe.

“We’ll do the best we can to help you find out who breached security,” Dr. Banting said, “but that’s not really my department. I have called our building manager up to be available.”

“Thank you.” Chloe checked her husband but he seemed okay, even if his grip was a little stronger than it needed to be.

Lex made eye contact with the doctor and saw the man’s compassion for him. He wasn’t going to tell Chloe.

“On another minor note, Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor, it appears your birth control implant will need to be removed. I think it’s more suitable for you to be taking oral contraceptives. It’s a short procedure that we can do whenever you’re ready today, and I’m prepared to release you at any time.”

Banting made a motion toward the door and Chloe saw a look pass between he and Lex before he left. She let it go for the moment and concentrated on calming down her husband.

“So, I’m going home, huh?”

His incredulity made her smile and Chloe knew snark was as soothing between them as soft whispers when he kissed her. They might get the hang of this marriage thing yet.

20th November 2004, 23:53
wheee she&#39;s going home&#33; :)

wonder who saved her....? More soon&#33; ^_^v


21st November 2004, 00:09
The curiosity of who&#39;s behind all this is killing me. why would someone poison her and then give her the antidote??? Or are the people responsible for killing her dad and poisoning her completely different from the people who healed her??? If so are they after the Sullivan&#39;s or the Luthor&#39;s???

*lexchloe&#39;s head feels like it will explode beacuse of all these thoughts&#33;&#33;*

More soon please.

21st November 2004, 00:12
Wonderful update&#33; :chlexsign4:

21st November 2004, 03:13
That was a great update. But I am wondering who is behind this and will Lex tell Chloe what he did?

Hope :D

21st November 2004, 11:23
I absolutely love how protective Lex is over Chloe&#33;&#33; I know it&#39;s going to drive her crazy, but it&#39;s so sweet&#33;&#33; :chlexsign1: Thanks for the wonderful update&#33;&#33; Please, please, please post again soon&#33;&#33; :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

21st November 2004, 15:34
:yay: Great update&#33;&#33;&#33; I have a lot of questions in my head. I can&#39;t wait to read more. :chlexsign2:

22nd November 2004, 00:25
I am happy that chloe is going home. Dying to know who is doing this to them.

As always a wonderful update. :yay: :yay:

Hoping for another one soon


Kit Merlot
22nd November 2004, 18:50
This fic rocks extremely hard&#33;

I love that Lex is so overprotective of her, but I am worried about their safety.

Update soon :biggrin:

22nd November 2004, 22:52
Originally posted by nonky@Nov 20 2004, 11:21 PM
Lex nodded in gratitude for his mild wording, privately counting up all the incautious moments and judging himself a bastard.
That Line made me laugh so hard, I don&#39;t know why.

Her hands cupped his face as she spoke hesitantly, giving him a weak smile. “I’m still kicking your ass even if I’m dying,” she said.

I thought that was very Chloe.

23rd November 2004, 01:17
chloe&#39;s going home&#33;&#33;
Yay&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin:


29th November 2004, 07:00
NC-17 Fanfiction

Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won&#39;t know how far off-track I&#39;m going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: I felt the need to clear the air between the oft-hospitalized couple, but don’t worry.

Chapter 20

She had to wait until the next day, but Chloe Sullivan-Luthor went home without any more arguments from her husband. She knew it wasn’t technically winning, but Lex hadn’t said anything to contradict her since the doctor had spoken to him. He hadn’t said much of anything, except to whisper reassurances to her as she was falling asleep.

After witnessing the royal visit caliber fuss that accompanied their departure from the hospital, Chloe had fallen asleep against his shoulder in the limo, wasting the first real privacy they had in weeks. Lex had carried her up to their bedroom and tucked her into bed, then sat guard over her for the better part of the afternoon. He rarely left her alone and when he did it was only to bring more paperwork up from his office.

His only condition was that she lounge around for a few days, on pain of getting a private nurse to supervise her rest. He was quiet and diligent over her comfort, taking care of her personally whenever it was possible. He ruefully confessed that cooking for her would be the gastronomical equivalent of spousal abuse, so they called the kitchen like room service, ordering pizza and chinese food that Chloe recalled tasted like it should be bronzed instead of eaten.

Elsie had brought it herself, rolling it up on massive carts and arranging it on equally massive bed trays while she spoke with Chloe. The older woman was over the moon that she was well, chatting up a storm while she worked.

“We were all so worried, dear, but I knew you’d fight your way back. You certainly have a great deal to live for,” she said, giving the young woman a knowing smile.

Chloe blushed and looked at Lex, puzzled when he frowned and avoided eye contact. Suddenly she wasn’t in the mood to do justice to Elsie’s expert cooking.

“I’m very grateful to be home, Elsie, thank you.” She forced the corners of her lips to maintain the smile, but she just wanted to sleep cuddled in Lex’s arms.

The older woman took the hint gracefully and patted her hand in farewell. “Eat up, and forget all about that dreadful hospital food. Let me know if you need anything.”

When they were alone again, Chloe shuffled around uncomfortably in the plush bedding. Lex had his head down and seemed to be working diligently, but she knew he must be hungry. He had eaten even less than she had in the past few weeks and his weight loss was visible.

“Food’s here,” she tried, keeping her voice cheerful. The stilted smile was starting to hurt but she kept it on her face. He had already gone through too much worrying about her.

Lex glanced up at his unsuspecting wife and wondered how the universe had been twisted to give him this time with her. How could something so good be under his protection when he could barely keep his own soul intact? How long would it be before something he did exposed how selfish he really was and she rejected him?

“Eat without me. I just want to finish up a few things here.”

He fixed his eyes down and tried to pretend that not looking at her was enough penance for his sins against her. All he could see was Chloe, wound up in a nest of blankets and pillows and smiling bravely. She deserved better than this tenuous life with him, but his best efforts to protect her were only getting less effective. It hurt to fail her, just like it hurt to lie to her. When she left him she would be completely justified and he would have no right to ask her to stay.

Chloe picked at a slice of pizza but she barely ate anything. Her eyes kept flicking up to Lex’s stiff shoulders. There was a muscle in his jaw that kept twitching his mouth into an unpleasant half smile. He was upset over something and it was making him distant, not an uncommon reaction for him. Except she was too shaky to be the bigger person and ignore his strange behaviour. She needed him to be soft and loving and felt like such a hypocrite. She wanted to demand from him what she couldn’t return.

Sipping at the one cup of coffee Elsie was allowing her, Chloe tried to give herself a pep talk. He’s been at the hospital with me for weeks and he’s got a lot of work to catch up on. I’m sure it’s fine. He’s just busy, and we’ve only been home for a few hours. He has enough stress without me starting to act like Lana. I’ll just relax until he has some time.

Tears were leaking slowly from the corners of her eyes and Chloe wiped at them self-consciously. She had no idea why she was crying except that she didn’t want Lex to be across the room from her but she couldn’t ask him to come to her. She sniffled quietly and tried to appear normal, picking up a small pitcher to pour into her coffee.

Lex glanced up to see his wife huddled over miserably, crying softly. She was stirring her coffee vaguely and dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

He dropped his pen and crossed to the bed, swiftly moving the tray of food to the floor. She raised tear-distorted eyes to look at him and shook her head vehemently.

“Nothing, I’m fine.”

Lex stroked her face and put his arm around her shoulders when she tried to lean away.

“Chloe, please tell me. Are you hurt?” His voice was husky and worried and she shook her head again.

“No, I’m really fine, Lex,” she said, putting a hand to his chest. His heart was pounding and it just made her cry harder to know that he was upset.

Lex was rubbing her back and looking at her in confusion, and as Chloe started crying in earnest he reached out to the bedside phone. “I’m going to call Dr. Banting and get him here.”

It had been less than a month since she’d nearly died in this spot, and she understood why he was panicking, but Chloe really didn’t want to see another doctor for a long time. She dragged in a few deep breaths and pulled his hand back.

“There’s nothing wrong. I’m really fine, except I guess the pill is giving me a mood swing.”

She gasped out the explanation around sobs and Lex wrapped his arms around her loosely.

“Are you sure this is normal,” he asked, trying to take her pulse with his lips on her neck.

Chloe gave a combined laugh and sob and patted his sides. “Unfortunately, yeah. Being a woman is rough some days.”

She freed one hand and brought a tissue up to her face, cringing to find it wet from the eyebrows down. No wonder he was worried, it seemed like she’d cried a gallon of tears in a few minutes. Lex rocked her back and forth and she fought the urge to start crying again.

Pull it together, she chided herself, before he sends you back to the hospital.

“I’m sorry,” he said, lifting her hair up from her neck and running his cool hand over it. “I haven’t been paying enough attention to you.”

Chloe tilted her head back and frowned at him. “You couldn’t have done any more than what you were doing. It’s not your fault my hormones are going batty.”

She was so trusting and Lex was overwhelmed by shame. He had lied to his wife and he was partially responsible for what was happening to her. His idea of protecting her had been an abuse of her regard for him.

“Chloe, that’s not true.” His voice was serious and she pulled back slightly.

“What do you mean?”

Lex looked down for a moment to avoid her green eyes, then forced himself to face her. She deserved all the apology he could give her.

“I knew your birth control wasn’t working but I ignored it. I thought it wouldn’t matter when you were away and then we . . . “

Chloe’s mouth twisted as she listened, and her hands clasped together in her lap. “When were you going to tell me? We had sex a lot more than once, Lex. I mean, what would we have done if I got pregnant?”

He gulped and covered his eyes with his hand, pinching his nose in punishment. “God, Chloe, I’m sorry.”

His muffled words sent a chill through her, and Chloe hunched back against the headboard and pulled her knees up to her chest. Tears started flowing once more, unnoticed, but choking her voice.

“Are you saying . . . last week . . . I had a . . . miscarriage?”

Lex lurched forward so violently she flinched, and he held back, watching her desperately.

“No, I promise you, no&#33; I would never keep something like that from you.” He was kneeling, literally kneeling at her feet, and he felt so low he should be lying at the bottom of a well.

“I don’t know how I justified it, but you were just coming out of that terrible numbness and I was afraid I’d lose you to it forever if you had one more thing to worry about. I didn’t want you to shut down again, Chloe. Like that you were as good as dead.”

She bit back a torrent of abuse and glared at him fiercely, her fists clenched around her knees. “Very nice of you to have my pregnancy scare for me, but if you hide anything else like that again I’ll divorce you in a heartbeat. I didn’t come to you to get out from under your father’s thumb just to live under yours.”

Lex nodded, and tentatively reached for her, but Chloe pinned him with a look of censure so strong he felt his soul drop closer to hell.

”I’m sor-”

“I know what you are. Get out before I say something I’ll regret.”

She put her head down on her knees and waited until the door closed behind Lex’s plodding footsteps before she started to sob.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

He paced the hallways for hours, shivering in the chilly darkness but avoiding all of the warm, comfortable rooms of the castle. He didn’t deserve comforts until she said he did. The heat of a fire wouldn’t warm him anyway.

His hands twitched with anxiety and he wanted to go for a drive, but he knew he should be there in case Chloe asked for him.

It was around 2 a.m. when he had the oddest urge; to call his father for advice. Aside from business the man had never been much help to his son, and Lex was bemused by the idea. Lionel Luthor’s input on reconciliations with a mistreated wife might be backed up with experience, but he was hardly a matrimonial success story.

Lex cursed into the dark house, wondering how far his moral compass had slipped if he was considering his father reliable enough to confide personal details of his marriage to Chloe.

It was just before 4 a.m. when he got the nerve to return to their bedroom, and he crept in to find his wife lying on the far side of the bed, facing the door. Her eyes opened slowly as the dim light of the hallway filtered in, and she patted the bed next to her, unsmiling.

He slid in as carefully as possibly, oddly afraid that bouncing the mattress too much would make her send him away. Her sleep-softened eyes met his and she touched his chin delicately.

“This can’t ever happen again, Lex. Protecting me can’t mean keeping me stupid and weak. You have to promise me.”

Another shining chance to be a better man in her eyes, in the only world that mattered. Lex found himself trembling with it and he pulled her closer, rolling onto his back to cradle her against him.

“I promise.”

Knowing she might easily regret it later, Chloe believed him.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

“So you have a throne room now?”

Lex winced at her rolled eyes across the breakfast table and tried to keep his expression neutral. In the three days since their return they had been busy reorganizing the security of the castle and agreeing on policies for visitors.

Eddie Haring had suggested that the library office was too close to the private areas of the house to allow people to casually visit, and so they were converting one of the first floor parlours into a reception room. As he watched the security cameras placed in the informal dining room, the security chief struggled not to laugh at Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor’s jokes at her husband&#39;s expense.

“Will we have days where all we do is sit around in there and wait to officiate over the serfs?”

Chloe let out a delighted laugh and Lex just shook his head. She had found the entire idea far too amusing from the start.

“It’s not a throne room, it’s a reception room. Like an office but more welcoming,” he said.

She sipped her coffee with relish and narrowed her eyes at her lying husband. “I saw them install the coat of arms over the fireplace, Lex. There’s a dark purple carpet leading from the door to your desk chair, which cost more than most cars - including some of yours.”

He shrugged and squirmed a little. “All those things have been lying around the house,” he defended.

“You mean the castle?”

“There are only thirty-seven main rooms, which is hardly enough to count as a castle. At best it’s more of a manor house,” he said, attempting to snag the paper from under her hand. “Can I read the paper, dear,” he asked wryly.

Her smile was bordering on cruel and he felt a perverse enjoyment of it. Happy couples fought, while unhappy ones politely froze each other to death. He hoped to get harangued by Chloe for many decades to come.

“Is there a royal proclamation being published today?”

Chloe quickly skimmed the pages of The Smallville Ledger, mumbling to herself about its content. “I don’t see anything in here with the name of High King Alexander Luthor,” she said, flipping the paper closed. “Did they forget it? Will there be floggings tomorrow? Or a beheading?&#33;”

Fueled up on her normal-excessive helpings of coffee, Chloe’s sense of humour had awakened in force. Lex was loosening up considerably and he was almost getting back to snarking at her in return.

“Clearly I will not be able to convince you that the reception room is not a throne room, but can I ask you not to refer to it as such to visitors?”

She sighed theatrically, and put the back of her hand to her forehead.

“Only if you promise not to murder me once I find your Bluebeard room, my dread king,” she said, affecting a bad British accent. “I know I am but the latest and blondest of a string of your wives and the rest are hidden corpses, but I plead for your tender concession to my willful curiousity.”

His rubbed forehead gained him a little mercy, and Lex used it to press his point.

“If you could just refrain from making fun of me in front of investors, that would be appreciated,” he said, finally wrestling the paper from under her hand.

“Okay,” Chloe agreed. “I just had to point out how unbearably pompous your throne room is.”

She finished off her coffee and eyed the pot, but Lex looked over the edge of the paper and shook his head.

“I will make sure all the coffee makers get broken, dear,” he said. “And may I remind you that my unbearably pompous throne room is your unbearably pompous throne room.”

Chloe shrugged.

“Whatever you say, darling. But you’re a genius. I have to hold you to high standards, otherwise you’ll just get bored, roll over and fall asleep.”

“With you, my love, it will never happen.”

And the Luthors smirked suggestively at each other.


NEXT CHAPTER: I watched Bound again and I was weirded out to find myself thinking “I want Lionel Luthor to be my daddy&#33;” And I didn’t even mean it in a dirty way. So next chapter is a family reunion of sorts, with Lex and Chloe making their first joint visit to see the Luthor patriarch. Because I live through Chloe now . . . and I’m not ashamed of it.(At least not until I change my name to include Luthor hyphenated onto my other two last names&#33;)

Kit Merlot
29th November 2004, 16:17
I am glad that Lex came clean about Chloe&#39;s birth control issues.
Her anger was justified, and I&#39;m glad that she forgave him.

I like that the chapter ended with them understanding each other.

Excellent :biggrin:

And can&#39;t wait for Chloe to see Lionel again--AWESONE&#33;

29th November 2004, 22:02
Thank you so much for the excellent update&#33;&#33; I&#39;m so glad that Chloe is getting well enough for her and Lex to snark at each other&#33;&#33; Please post more soon&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

30th November 2004, 00:00

wonderful chappy&#33; :chlexsign1:

30th November 2004, 02:26
Oh that went from angst to banter classic Chlex. Only they can make your heart pound and make you laugh out loud at the same time. More please..

Hope :)

30th November 2004, 04:53
that was a great chapter&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

30th November 2004, 05:22
Wouldn&#39;t Lionel make an awesome dad? Not before, but now that&#39;s he&#39;s all nice and stuff.

Anyway, great chapter. Lex and Chloe are great at the verbal judo, but Chloe and Lionel... I can&#39;t wait.

30th November 2004, 06:21
I like this story so much. I&#39;m glad she is holding him to "higher standards". ;)

Great work, more please. :yay: :yay:


eurydices falling
30th November 2004, 18:14
this story is a masterpiece of insightful layers of sentiment, confounding intrighue and wonderfully characterized Chlex and Luthor dynamics.

please update soon.

i&#39;ll just be over here kicking myself in the ass for falling behind on reading so many chapters, until you do.

30th November 2004, 21:29
Oh&#33; I love this chapter&#33; I&#39;m so happy that Chloe is home and things are slowly getting back to normal. :wub: :wub: :wub:

I can&#39;t wait for the next chappy....thanks for the spoiler&#33; :yay: :worship2: :yay:

:yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

5th December 2004, 05:08
NC-17 Fanfiction
Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won&#39;t know how far off-track I&#39;m going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: I decided some smut was in order, for which I share credit with the great poet Walt Whitman. But Lionel gets his time in this chapter and all of the next.

Chapter 21

“Yeah, right there . . . oh, Lex . . . “

Chloe still hated the throne room but she was being won over to its purpose, especially now that the library was reasonably private - enough to get naked with her husband in the middle of the afternoon. Even his taste in ridiculously expensive desk chairs was growing in her esteem.

He anchored his feet and sat up, leaning forward carefully. Chloe’s breasts were soft and firm underneath his mouth and she arched back even further to lean her elbows on the desktop. Her little hands gripped the edge as the chair rolled a bit, and Lex hooked one of his feet around the leg of the desk to keep them steady.

The sunlight was strong, even through the thick stained glass windows. The purple shadow of one pane was falling over her chest and he licked at it, almost expecting her to have a different flavour. She purred and shifted closer on his lap, her skirt hitching up higher.

It was Tuesday, July 20, and they had five more weeks until Lionel’s murder trial started. Chloe had been home for almost a week and her progressively shorter skirts had finally convinced her husband she was well enough to be ravished. She was happy to find it was just as nice as she remembered.

“Chloe, we should . . . “ He sighed when she managed to arch her hips hard into his erection. It had been so long, weeks of worry and guilt and fear, all building up the moment until he was desperate for her. “ . . . move up to the bedroom.”

She ground herself hard onto his body, spreading her legs as wide as possible in the chair. Lex’s hands ran over her thighs and up to the buttons of her blouse. He grinned as he opened the pale lilac silk - it was his shirt and she knew it would drive him crazy to see her in it. He pulled it free of the plain black skirt and pushed it down her shoulders.

“You’re so gorgeous,” he said, and she writhed appreciatively, pushing her breasts out prominently.

“Then what’s taking you so long? I’m married, not dead.”

Chloe found a way to balance on one elbow and brought her left hand up to push his face into the cleavage created by her bra. His chuckle hit her skin just right and she caught her breath sharply. Lex shimmied the straps down as well and pulled her breasts out to admire, but his mouth hovered a teasing distance away.

“Devoted husbands believe in extensive foreplay, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me,” he said, smiling his shark-like smile at her bemused twist of lips. She didn’t like it when he teased, but he always won her over.

Her free hand gripped his shoulder and dug in while she leaned in to kiss him, her lips moist and demanding on his. Chloe kept changing directions and flicking her once-again blond hair over his face, and Lex closed his eyes. He had asked her late one night if she would mind going back to her original colour, and she had admitted to considering it repeatedly. One call to a pricey stylist to the stars and the original Chloe Sullivan was back, give or take a husband.

Said husband was currently negotiating his arms behind her back and clearing the desk of debris. She looked over her shoulder and grinned her approval, having every expectation of being the next clutter. He stood slowly and let the chair drift away to knock against something, laying her down on the cool glass. Chloe let her hands roam over his chest and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“Hurry up, darling” she jibed. “Time is money.”

He planted his hands on either side of the desk and leaned down hard into her body, giving her the ruthless Luthor stare. Chloe reacted with a snicker.

“Then you’re going to be priceless by the time I’m done with you.”

He caught the look of affection on her face before he started kissing the soft skin of her stomach, counting her ribs with his mouth. They were still too prominent underneath her skin but they left her breasts in greater contrast. Lex ran his tongue along the warm curve underneath the lovely globes, tickling along her belly button lightly.

His lips circled around her nipples without touching and Chloe started tilting her body suddenly in order to get contact. He bit down on her neck and wrapped his hands around her shoulders, holding her still and whispering playfully to her.

“Not that easy.”

Chloe used her arms and legs to pull him down and hold him, nibbling on his lips and darting her tongue in to his mouth. He went along with it, crushing her down into the table and finally pulling her to sit up.

Her laughing eyes opened to meet his and Lex was struck by the urge to be romantic. He started easing his shirt off her arms and kept eye contact as the serious mood conveyed itself to her.

“Her shape arises&#33;”

Chloe gasped as his lips ran hot over her jaw, then down to her earlobes, toying with the delicate skin and nipping it between his teeth.

“She, less guarded than ever, yet more guarded than ever,” he said, moving to lick her neck and breathe on the wet imprints left behind. She tensed in his arms as their hips rubbed at an stark angle, hitting sensitive areas.

Lex unhooked her bra and pulled it down her arms, and she lifted each braced arm in turn and watched him throw it over his shoulder.

“The gross and soiled she moves among do not make her gross and soiled,” he continued, running his whole hands over her breasts. His eyebrow quirked as his mouth closed over one nipple and he spoke against her skin. “She knows the thoughts as she passes, nothing is concealed from her.”

His hands lowered her flat and hitched her skirt up to reveal black lace panties and gently shaking thighs. Chloe was being constantly surprised by his actions, her own and the different sensations he was provoking. She wanted him to move faster, but the meticulous foreplay was arousing and intriguing.

“Lex, can’t we just . . . “ Her hands managed to get at his belt but he pressed them down and ignored her.

“She is none the less considerate or friendly therefore, she is the best-beloved, it is without exception, she has no reason to fear, and she does not fear.”

His mouth tracked the edge of the panties and Chloe slid her hips around, but firm fingers held her in place. Lex ran his thumb over the lace and she made a moaning gasp as he applied pressure.

“Oaths, quarrels, hiccuped songs, smutty expressions, are idle to her as she passes, she is silent, she is possessed of herself, they do not offend her,” he said, tugging the panties off. Quick, pecking kisses covered the triangle of blond curls and her chest heaved with the anticipation.

Lex ran his mouth down her leg, guiding the lace over the pale limbs. “She receives them as the laws of nature receive them, she is strong, she too is a law of nature.”

Hands knocked her shoes off with the scrap of fabric and then her husband was sliding his body up over hers. Chloe went for his belt again, cupping him through the now-inadequate pants, but he only allowed it for a second. Lips and teeth and tongues merged for a brief joining, then he was opening her knees to fit his shoulders.

“There is no law greater than she is.”

“Oh&#33;” He grabbed her hips and held her still as Chloe’s surprise sent her twitching. Her fingers grabbed at the desk and he soothed her by letting her hand find one of his. She let her knees fall over his arms and crossed her ankles behind his back. Her grip was desperate as his mouth found her wet and clenching.

So long, it’s been so long . . .

Lex didn’t bother teasing, just buried his tongue inside her and listened to the muffled screams as she came. He kept her there until he felt her orgasm building again, then extricated his hand from hers. His own shirt was torn off quickly and he looked down at her as she forced her eyes open. They were intense and glazed at the same time, and he felt the same way.

His pants were off and on the floor before he realized he was going to need them. Cursing, he grabbed them and located the pocket, taking out the condom that his wife had so helpfully put there.

“I hate these things,” he grumbled, putting it on as quickly as he could.

Chloe was unzipping the skirt and pushing it down her legs, balanced on one elbow.

“Sorry, but baby Luthors aren’t on my agenda yet.”

He stopped and looked at her like he’d never seen her before, and she resisted the urge to cover herself. The full-on Lex Luthor smirk lit up his face and he pounced, landing between her legs and raking his teeth over her shoulder.

“Yet.” She registered his pleasure in the possibility of children just as he thrust inside her, then any thoughts were long gone.

Neither of them would ever look at the desk the same way, especially after they realized it had shifted seven feet closer to the door under their bodies without tipping over.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++

“What does an apartment without light bulbs mean?”

Lex watched as Chloe studied the small apartment, looking over the inexpensive furniture and mostly bare surfaces. There were casual clothes in the closet and dresser, and fresh food in the refrigerator. It was impeccably neat and clean, and everything was in place to house at least one woman.

Whoever she was, he wasn’t sure whether he should hate her or bow down in gratitude. The security cameras at the hospital had shown the woman who had given Chloe the injection of antidote, and a week of searching had given them an address.

Candra Neilson apparently lived alone in Metropolis and clearly on a thrifty budget. He filed the information away as a negotiating point. Money was an easy way to get people to cooperate.

His wife was looking up into an empty ceiling light, frowning in concentration. She had fought with him to be included, and he had given in a bit too quickly. He didn’t really want to spend any time without her, and they were as safe as they were going to be with a dozen bodyguards each. Still, there might be a time when he would need to keep Chloe out of a situation and he wasn’t sure he would be able to do so.

“Photography?” Lex guessed, and she wrinkled her nose at him.

“No, a darkroom doesn’t need to be this big, and there’s no point in having that much interest without putting any pictures on the walls,” she said.

He reached for her hand and she pretended not to notice, darting into the bedroom again. Chloe knew he would prefer that she stayed out of the physical investigating, but it wasn’t in her to ignore opportunities to poke around. She wasn’t going to let him coddle her any more than she would let the security guards.

The walls were all bare, painted a neutral buttery colour. No books were lying around, not even a television. She felt a swell of sympathy for the woman because she was obviously living on a very tight budget. Everything was in good shape, but generic and inexpensive. The only entertainment was a rack of CDs and a stereo in the living room. There was no discernible style to the place, just practicality; a place to sleep, to sit, to eat.

And not a single light bulb in the fixtures.

The bathroom was lit by a flashlight from one of the cars, while the windows in the living room and attached kitchen gave enough light to see. But there were no candles or lamps in the bedroom.

How does a woman live without a light in the bathroom, she wondered, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She opened the cabinet behind it to find nothing of interest. It was mostly bare as well, just a bottle of painkillers and a roll of dental floss.

What kind of woman doesn’t even own a single lipstick?

Chloe closed her eyes for a long moment and listened to Lex pace in the next room. The walls were thin like in most cheap buildings, and it was nothing to look at.

Nothing to look at . . .

Her eyes flew open and she walked back out into the living room, Lex stopping as she entered. She stepped closer and saw his confusion, but placed her hand against his chest and felt his arms close around her. Reaching up, she placed the hand over his eyes, the fronts of their bodies pressed lightly together.

“What does an apartment without light bulbs mean to you now?”

Lex tried to ignore the heat of her body and concentrated. He could hear everything a bit more acutely, but that was only because he couldn’t see anything.

“Doll, I don’t see-”

He broke off and nodded slowly. She was blind. Chloe’s good nurse was blind.

He shook off the hand covering his eyes and kissed her thoroughly.

“She’s blind,” he said, checking that they were reaching the same conclusion. Chloe nodded and he grinned. “You’re brilliant.”

“Yeah, I know. That means I’m not going to have to cause so much trouble just to come along the next time you discover something, right?”

Chloe pouted as he pulled away and led her back to the car without answering.

Eddie was a bit harder to impress.

“But if she can’t see, how did she walk through that hospital alone? There wasn’t anyone else to get her to Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor’s room, and she didn&#39;t look blind,” he said.

“She could have counted steps, and turned her head in the direction of anyone who spoke to her. Hospital’s aren’t like people’s homes, there’s nothing in the hallways to trip over and the layout of hospital rooms is usually almost identical.”

He listened to the blond woman’s excited explanation and nodded.

“I want the apartment under surveillance. When she comes back I want to talk to Ms. Neilson,” Lex said, helping Chloe into the SUV.

“Yes, sir. I’ll leave one of my men here and call for a team to join him while we’re driving to the penitentiary.”


Lionel Luthor hastily climbed to his feet as his son entered the room, smoothing out the wrinkles in his orange overalls.

“Lex, I’m glad you’re here. My people have found-”

He stopped speaking and Chloe thought he might actually have looked ashamed as he saw her. Lex’s hand tightened around hers and she gave him a mild glance.

“I’m okay," she said, pulling him toward the glass wall.

She tried to ignore the images from The Silence of the Lambs that were flickering through her mind, but Lionel Luthor was cloaked with the kind of menace that couldn’t easily be erased. There were things about him that she would never forget. His cologne was enough to make her queasy, even if it was just on a random man. Sometimes Lex would make a gesture that was more his father than himself and she would be jolted out of her comfort level. It was eerie and disquieting and she would have to face him and put Lionel to rest in her mind before she could move on.

“Hello Lionel. I have some questions for you.” Chloe voice was as cold and unemotional as any Luthor had ever been.

The man’s eyes flinched in surprise and he nodded slightly. If Lex didn’t know any better, he would have thought the discomfort was equal in his father as it was in himself and Chloe.

Give him hell, baby, he thought.

5th December 2004, 08:42
team work&#33; team work&#33; whats going to happen now? who was that woman? should blind people really be giving injections?

loved the chapter, update soon please :blinkkiss:

5th December 2004, 14:36
Thank you thank you thank you&#33; I love Chlex investigating together&#33; And Chloe facing down Lionel with Lex&#39;s help and support is gonna be priceless too. Can&#39;t wait to see what Lionel will reveal.

And only Lex would think of quoting Whitman in the middle of sex&#33;

Update soon&#33;

5th December 2004, 15:19
AWWW Chlexy goodness. Good to see them investigating together. This story&#39;s twists keep coming, the woman was blind????? Who the hell sent her??? Update again soon.

5th December 2004, 16:45
The smut was :drool: very nice.. :cool: I love how they are wroking together to solve who did this to her. Chloe give lionel hell.... :devil:

Hope :)

5th December 2004, 20:51
great update&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

5th December 2004, 23:36
Love the Chlionel scene&#33;&#33; waiii can&#39;t wait for the interrogation ^____^


eurydices falling
6th December 2004, 06:10
Chloe is so totally gonna make the MB bend over and take it....i can&#39;t wait&#33;

as usual, another wonderful chapter. now gimme another one&#33;

6th December 2004, 06:41
Great chapter&#33;&#33; I&#39;m so glad that Chloe is going to be able to interrogate Lionel&#33;&#33; She&#39;ll find out if he&#39;s telling the truth or not&#33;&#33; Thanks for the update&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

6th December 2004, 12:47
NC-17 Fanfiction

Post-Episode for Covenant (Season 3 Finale)
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers abound, up to the current episode in U.S./Canadian release. Possible AU, but I won&#39;t know how far off-track I&#39;m going until the fall, Season 4 premiere.

Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

A/N: And in this corner, weighing in at 120 pounds, the newest, truest Mrs. Lex Luthor, Chhhhhhlooooooeee Sullllllivan-Luuuuuuthor&#33; Her opponent, and father-in-law, the former heavyweight Magnificent Bastard of the World, Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiionellllll Luuuuuuuuuuthor&#33;

This was a fun chapter to write and I hope I didn’t get too carried away. I think the characterizations of Chloe and Lionel are okay, but judge for yourselves. Lex kind of takes a back seat, but he’ll have more to say next chapter.

Chapter 22

Lionel shook himself out of his surprise and fixed the little blond with his condescending smirk. She might be on the other side of the prison walls, but he certainly hadn’t spent decades building up power just to be cowed by a teenager. Tiger by the tail he might be, but still a tiger, and long overdue for an opportunity to use his teeth.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting my latest daughter-in-law officially,” he said, emphasizing the word ‘latest.’ No woman liked to be reminded she wasn’t special in the grand scheme of things, and aside from Lex’s mother none of them had been.

To add to the insult he looked her up and down, lingering on her lush curves in the red dress she had worn. He supposed it was signaling her strength and her anger, but he found it almost pitiful that she felt the need to be so obvious. Subtlety kept your opponents off-guard and it was your asset.

Lex bristled at his father’s crude treatment of Chloe, but held his tongue. She had plenty to say to the man and she would get ample time to say it. And she wasn’t showing any negative reaction to the deliberate taunt, if anything it seemed to be making her calmer.

“We’ve met more times than I ever needed, Lionel, so cut the menacing tycoon bullshit. You’re all but penniless and looking at life in prison, or at least as long as your rotting liver will hold out. Too bad prisoners aren’t eligible for organ transplants.”

Chloe wound up and let loose with the cold facts of Lionel’s descent into ruin, using every one of the carefully chosen words that were flying through her suddenly crystal-clear mind. This was her moment to show him she was strong enough to protect what was hers. This was her chance to do what no one else had ever done.

Lex was her husband, hers to protect from his father, and she wouldn’t fail.

She was icy cold, heart and lungs and blood frozen until it was time to be human again. Monsters were the only things that could fight monsters. Monsters didn’t bleed or cry. Today she could be what she needed to be.

“Please my dear, call me Dad,” he replied, an amicable smile oozing across his face. He made the word sound filthy, as dirty as his eyes had sometimes felt on her body. All the charm in the world didn’t change the innate wrongness of his sexual overtures to a woman younger than his sons.

“I have a father, Lionel, and he raised me better than this. But since I’m already here, let’s agree that we have a common interest,” she said, looking in Lex’s direction.

The older man’s smile slipped off his face and he nodded, looking at his son, then back to Chloe.

“Lex is my only family,” he said, “I doubt you have the same depth of feeling.”

Her eyes narrowed and she stepped closer to the glass, fists clenched. It was one thing for the holier-than-thou Kents to question her marriage, but Lex’s father was a living joke to do so.

“You’re nothing to be judging me on lack of depth. Your entire life has been about getting what you want with no regard for anyone else. You drove your wife to horrible acts and tried to twist your son into a warped carbon copy of your own supercilious contempt for other people. Your lack of family can only be blamed on your decisions.”

Chloe reached out toward Lex and he took her hand, letting her draw him closer. His hand came to rest on the small of her back and his body curved around hers protectively. His eyes didn’t once stray to his father’s slack face.

She turned and kissed her husband chastely, and smiled gently at him. He brushed a finger over her cheek and rested his forehead on her neck to breathe her in.

“If you got out scot-free tomorrow you’d have already lost everything of value, Lionel. Everything my husband is shines with a purity you were constantly trying to tarnish. Every one of his beautiful, human qualities was a flaw in your eyes, but he fought you to keep them,” she said harshly.

Lionel looked at the man his son was with this young woman, barely more than a girl, and his heart sank. She owned him as Lillian had owned him, with the complete ease of utter trust. The unconditional love he had restrained himself from exchanging with Lex was practically visible. To see his normally aloof child cling, actually cling to her, should have been embarrassing. That kind of behaviour with his other daughters-in-law had always made him cringe. Instead he felt envious of Chloe Sullivan-Luthor.

“Everything about him that is extraordinary is a direct contrast to everything you tried to push him to be,” she said.

He looked pale, upset, but Chloe couldn’t spare the time to sympathize. His loyalties had to be proven before they could move forward. Lex shouldn’t have to wonder about his father any longer than necessary.

Lionel tilted his head up imperiously and sneered slightly. “I was building my empire and leading my son to become a leader after me. I taught him to be a good businessman and a survivor,” he said. “The world is not a soft and peaceful place for those who cannot be ruthless to protect their own interests. I would not raise him to be weak.”

Chloe laughed shortly and bared her teeth in a cold smile. He was trotting out predictable excuses and she needed more than that from him. It should have felt like a low blow to use his terminal illness to gouge at his self-control.

“Lex is thousands of times stronger than you are. You are a clod of dirt under his feet. You’ve been so busy looking down on everyone else you’ve left nothing of consequence in the world. Ten years from now, when you’re dead and buried, no one will think of you. No one will look at the empire of LuthorCorp and give you credit for building it. Your legacy was never made of bricks and mortar and money in the bank, and you didn’t see it so you squandered it. Your life will end before you accomplish anything and no one will miss you when you’re gone.”

There was no guilt coiling when even Lex stood back a little from her. Chloe knew this cold cruelty was temporary and it didn’t alarm her to use it. Lionel was no frail old man to crumble under harsh words and she wouldn’t treat him that way simply because he was dying.

“You’re still the nameless petty thug you were in the Suicide Slums, dirty and hopeless and inconsequential,” she said, lining up the winning salvo. “The only difference is that then you didn’t deserve to be treated like shit and now you’ve got decades of evil to pay for.”

She blinked a few times and waited for a response, but there wasn’t one. Lionel was standing with slumped shoulders, silent. His expression was blank.

Lex watched, stunned as he seemed to shrink. The behemoth of disapproval that had ruled his life was fading under his wife’s uncanny ability to strike at the root of his failings as a father and a human being. He was just now seeing that he was taller than his father, that any feeling of his looming shadow was an illusion left over from childhood. This imprisoned man couldn’t hurt him anymore.

Lionel couldn’t find the words to dispute the charges because they were the same self-censuring thoughts that had plagued him since he had been put in this box. He was a bad father and a worst person, but it had always seemed like some kind of secret. To think that his failings as a father were so easily recognized was humiliating.

It was threatening to see the potential of Chloe Sullivan-Luthor turned into the insight that hammered the nails into his coffin. When he discovered her talents and intellect he hadn’t foreseen those gifts turned against him. She had stripped him bare and even Lex seemed to be awed by her accuracy. Clearly the words she was speaking were gleaned from her own mind, not secondhand insults from his son.

“I didn’t kill your father, Chloe,” he said, having nothing else to say in his defense.

She sighed and shook her head.

“I know you didn’t kill my father.”

He looked at her, shock evident on his face. He’d always been unable to see a secondary motivation, especially when it was based in emotions, Chloe thought. He assumed things with feelings he would never assume with facts and figures. Lionel probably thought she was only interested in punishing him for her father’s death.

“There’s plenty of evidence to exonerate you from the explosion that killed him, but you precipitated the situation that led to his death. I’ll never forgive you for that, but I’ll never forgive myself either, so we’re even.”

She let Lex put a comforting hand on her neck, but continued holding Lionel’s eyes.

“What I want to know is simpler than that,” she said. “Looking back on your life, what do you regret?”

Lionel cleared his throat, sighed and turned away to pace in a tight circle. She was right about everything, and his pride was stung that the dressing down of his life was being delivered by a 17 year old. It was bad enough to know Lex valued her partnership enough to side with her, but this defeat was hard to reconcile with his own ideas of power.

But it was clear from his body language that his son was firmly behind every word from his wife’s mouth. He would have to convince her of his desire to help if he wanted Lex to trust him.

“I regret a great many things,” he said slowly, “but it can be summed up in this: I know there are very few people who would go to my funeral, maybe none. Of those who might show up, I doubt any of them would shed a single tear.”

Lionel stood close to the wall, his look entreating his son’s understanding. He hated the mask his son had learned from imitating his own uncaring facade.

“I look at other men with their wives, children, and grandchildren and I wonder what it would be to have that. I wonder how it would feel to have friends instead of business partners,” he said, his voice sadly reminiscent. “These last few years I’ve had to buy everyone around me. I grow weary of being the man no one wants to stand beside. My own son’s defection has taught me that.”

The hard lines of Chloe’s mouth softened and she rested her eyes on her husband. He seemed touched and trying to hide it, so she went back to looking at Lionel.

“I believe you’re sincere in trying to help us, and if that holds up over time there’s no reason why we can’t help you as well,” she said. “But our first order of business needs to be preventing any further murder attempts.”

Lionel grinned in a boyish manner and sketched a few dance steps. It was an outward sign of the happiness he felt, and Chloe smiled. She could feel Lex relaxing as well and she was glad the confrontation with his father was over. Twenty minutes was a long time to face his odd mix of disdainful comments and patronizing silences. Over twenty years of it must have been hell.

“I’ll get some chairs,” Lex said, satisfied Chloe would be fine alone for a moment as he brought them in.

The two remaining Luthors watched him walk out, then looked at each other.

“You seem to make him happy, Miss Sulli-Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor,” Lionel remarked.

She arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips. “I hope so, and you can call me Chloe. Mrs. Sullivan-Luthor gets old pretty quickly.”

“Very well, Chloe. I assume Lex told you about my preference for grandchildren.”

“Two boys and two girls, and no doubt you’ve already thought of horribly derivative L-names,” she said sarcastically.

His lips twitched on a chuckle he was reluctant to let out. She was right on the money yet again and he had already set his heart on having a tiny namesake running around.

“I have a few ideas.”

“You’ll take what you get and be grateful. Since they’re my theoretical stretch marks and labour pains, all L-names will be reserved for middle names only,” Chloe said with a stern look. “And if I decide to name my child after his father, his name will be Alex, not Lex. A kid’s got to have something of his own.”

Lionel’s nod was just the slightest bit mocking, but then again, so was his daughter-in-law.

Kit Merlot
6th December 2004, 15:46
Could Chloe be any feistier?

Could Lionel be any cooler?

And I like how they agree on how much they care for Lex.

Excellent update :biggrin:

6th December 2004, 16:35
And the winner is Chloe Sullivan Luthor by a knock out. :clap: That was great. I am glad she gave him what for. You go girl. :blinkkiss:

Hope :)

6th December 2004, 17:14
Hee Hee, Chloe kicked some serious Lionel butt in that one&#33;&#33; Glad the whole confrontation thing is over and that they can all work together now to figure out who&#39;s behind all this. Can&#39;t wait for more. :chlexsign1:

6th December 2004, 19:20
bravo chloe&#33;&#33; great chapter. i think this whole crazy lionel helping chloe and lex thing might just work.

update again soon please :blinkkiss:

6th December 2004, 19:25
The Chlionel here was awesome. :biggrin:

6th December 2004, 19:47
Now that was a cool chapter. All questions were answered. Well except to the big one of who is doing this? Everyone fit very well in to who they are as characters. Can&#39;t wait for more. Hope you update soon.


6th December 2004, 20:08
Originally posted by Kit Merlot@Dec 6 2004, 03:46 PM
Could Lionel be any cooler?

The answer is no, he couldn&#39;t.

That was a great chapter.

I do have a few questions, though: 1) Not that I miss them, but when are Clark and Lana going to make an apperance? I know that they are going to have a lot to say about the marriage and I want to see how Chloe and Lex handle that. 2) Is the woman working for someone we know? Or is she just a good samaritan?

6th December 2004, 22:03
I&#39;m so proud of Chloe&#33;&#33; She was strong enough to prove herself in both Lex and Lionel&#39;s eyes&#33;&#33; Good girl&#33;&#33; :worship2: Thanks for the excellent chapter&#33;&#33; But now I&#39;m even more eager to find out what you have planned next&#33;&#33; Please update again soon&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

6th December 2004, 23:26
Originally posted by lexodus@Dec 6 2004, 08:08 PM

I do have a few questions, though: 1) Not that I miss them, but when are Clark and Lana going to make an apperance? I know that they are going to have a lot to say about the marriage and I want to see how Chloe and Lex handle that. 2) Is the woman working for someone we know? Or is she just a good samaritan?
In my slightly AU Smallville, Lana is still in Paris and will return in August or early September, pretty much like on the show. I&#39;m giving Jason his freedom from her. Clark is in the cave (or wherever he was) and he&#39;ll return about the same time. I&#39;m leaving out the Kal-Elness because it wouldn&#39;t work with the plot I&#39;ve got going. Obviously, Jonathan Kent didn&#39;t have a heart attack and slip into a coma, because I thought that was just excessive angst for the Kents. Lois is not likely to show up in Smallville, but Chloe might visit her in Metropolis.

Candra, the good nurse, is neck deep in the plot against the Luthors and she&#39;s a new character. It will be resolved by the end of the summer and within the next ten chapters or so.