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14th March 2005, 04:27
Very nice. I love this protective side of Lex. But when are you going to write the hot monkey action? Just wondering.

14th March 2005, 05:07
Beautiful chap. I love a snuggly Lex. I can't wait for Chloe to get more clues and start putting things together. If they do argue like Polly suggested, would Lex vamp out? ooooohhhhh cool.

star del mar
14th March 2005, 05:44
While I loved Chloe's night out, I'm happy to see that she's all back and snuggly with Lex. It's so cute when the scary vampire can get all mushy, lol. Good thing Elena was sent off for the week, otherwise...what a mess! Loved the update!!


14th March 2005, 06:30
hehehehe yay an update!

14th March 2005, 06:46
You know how much I love these, don't you dear? Lovely caring Lex and Elena is spared... for the moment. :)

Excellent read as always!


14th March 2005, 08:25
wonderful, also like snuggly Lex. Hope Chloe finds out the vamps stuff soon, i Know it would be great fun

14th March 2005, 08:56
Wonderful!!!! Fantastic!!! Cant wait for the next chapter!!!

14th March 2005, 09:16
That was a really sweet chapter, I love when Lex shows his protective side. BellaMR that would be something for Lex to vamp out like that, I wonder how Chloe will find out...hmmmm lol

Can't wait to read the next update, keep up with the fantastic work!!!

14th March 2005, 18:43
How wonderfull...Chloe can be so Chloe (no other words for it).
Can't wait to see Lex's responce to Chloe's little outing....let alone for more Chloe and Lex time.

14th March 2005, 19:58

Wonderful update Fi. Loved how you handled the return to the mansion after the "incidents".

Good luck with that work project. Doesn't sound like fun!

15th March 2005, 01:08
Totally loved how just as Chloe was beginning to analyze deeper into what exactly what happend with Elena....Lex knocked on the door! I was waiting for Chloe to get it, but I guess I'll have to wait....sigh.....! Another fantastic update! Hope your project goes smoothly with no stress!

eurydices falling
15th March 2005, 09:01
poor elena. i hope next chapter we get to see some interaction between her and karl. i get all warm and fuzzy around those two. as for the chlex i'm just about ready to rub my hands in glee. any day now chloe is going to get enough pieces and put the puzzle together. then we can have steamy vampy changing sex. wicked.

15th March 2005, 19:50
great update. i love protective lex.
hope your project goes smoothly.

Lady Candy
15th March 2005, 21:31
UUUUUUUUhhhhhhh FIONA I love this Lex...and Chloe too. I want read more :)

Kit Merlot
15th March 2005, 22:02
Excellent update!

Now, how will Chloe find out about the vamps? Will she figure it out, or will Lex tell her? And how will she react?

But I do like Elena--she cracks me up :)

15th March 2005, 23:55
Love this story.. can't wait for the next chapter... you should hurry up and post it. Keeping it to yourself would be mean when there are so many of us waiting anxiously.

16th March 2005, 00:23
Update please. I love this story it is so great.

16th March 2005, 00:54
wonderful wonderfull!!!! :D

16th March 2005, 06:27
this story is just too good id i dont check to see if there is an update i feel out of the loop!!!! very sweet chapter keep it coming

red turtle
16th March 2005, 18:53
The story is getting really good. Please give an update soon.

16th March 2005, 21:04
Wonderful, I can't wait for more.

Lady Candy
17th March 2005, 17:15
4 days FIONA

18th March 2005, 09:07
Ack! I had no idea that the n-s board had changed, along with all the subscription notifications, so I missed your last three updates!

I love how you're slowly letting Chloe have some clues as to the...odd...nature of Lex and his compatriots. I can't wait to see what happens when everything is revealed to her!

Lady Candy
18th March 2005, 12:58
FIONA 5 days :(

18th March 2005, 19:15
Like I said, updates are gonna be a little sketchy for a bit, my new project at work is taking all my time.... So apologies for the lateness of this...Fiona


Chapter Eighty-Three – Plans within Plans

The smug grin on Chloe’s face grew into a smile as she finished proof reading her article. “I think this interview is in the top three of Chloe Sullivan’s best,” she said to herself and she saved her document. It was the version of her interview with Lillian Luthor that was going to be appearing in the next edition of the Torch and she was damn proud of how it turned out.

“Things are perfect,” she continued as she began clearing her desk, “my dad is getting better, in fact he’ll be out of the hospital in a matter of weeks, the Luthors are the best thing that ever happened to me, Lex is just the most amazing person ever, I have a new friend in Elena, could life be any better?”

Her conversion with herself was interrupted by the arrival of Clark and Lana.

“Great,” she murmured, rolling her eyes as they entered the office.

“Hey Chlo,” smiled Clark, while Lana said nothing.

She nodded at both of them as she stuffed papers into her bag.

“Didn’t see you over the weekend, were you in Metropolis with Lex?” asked Clark, trying to keep his voice light, although Chloe could detect a note of what seemed liked jealously in it. Lana on the other hand watched Chloe with barely concealed envy.

“Yes I was in Metropolis but not with Lex,” she replied, “I had a girl’s night out with Elena.”

“Who’s Elena?” asked Clark.

“She's a friend of the Luthors. She’s 18 and recently arrived from Italy, she is incredible fun,” Chloe grinned. “We went to Metropolis and hit a couple of clubs, Lex let us stay in his penthouse. It was an *amazing* night, dressed to the nines in designer labels and hitting the hot clubs.”

“Sounds great,” Lana managed to say through gritted teeth. It was so unfair, in Lana’s opinion, that Chloe Sullivan was the one that the Luthors favoured. Not only was she living with them, but also she was dating Lex Luthor… how could he have chosen Chloe over her, Lana Lang, the one everyone in Smallville wanted. And listening to Chloe’s tales about nights out in Metropolis and shopping trips with Lillian just made her jealously grow.

Inwardly Chloe grinned as she could practically see the rage building in Lana. She knew the brunette was insanely jealous and the thought of Lana Lang finally being knocked off her pedestal well Chloe feel just great, she knew it was childish but she didn’t care, she had upstaged Lana Lang.

“Well I’d love to stay and chat but I’m meeting Lex for coffee,” said Chloe heading for the door, “see you later,” and with that she was gone.


“The Romanovs children have arrived at their parents’ home,” announced Dominic entering the room.

“That was to be expected, their son’s mate is due to give birth very soon so it’s natural for all the family to be together for that,” replied Harry, watching the younger vampire carefully, “but of course you wouldn’t know about that, seeing as *your* birth wasn’t seen as a celebration. In fact, it was seen as more of an abomination if I remember correctly.”

Dominic refused to rise to the bait. Ever since his arrival in England Harry Hardwick had gone out of his way to make him uncomfortable, always pushing him in to reacting. And while he would have liked nothing more that to pull the older vampire apart piece by piece he needed to keep his cool until he was no longer useful. If he was to destroy the Romanovs and thus in turn really hurt the Luthors he needed Hardwick. ‘But his time will come,’ thought Dominic, ‘and I will enjoy killing him, I think I’ll kill his children first and make him watch.’

Harry hid a smirk as he watched Dominic fight the urge to retaliate. He had to admit to being slightly impressed at Dominic’s restraint. He didn’t like the younger vampire at all but he would serve his purpose. And when it was over it would be a matter of who struck whom first. Harry knew his death was being planned and he just had to make sure he struck before the half-breed.

“It will be the perfect time to hit them,” said Dominic, “we could get the entire Romanov family including the unborn one.”

“It deserves to die,” spat out Harry, “how dare Nikolas Romanov turn down *my* daughter for that half-breed he took for his mate. I mean he’s not even pure himself, his bitch mother was human and he turned down my Victoria. And now the first grandchild is on the way.”

‘Every man with at least two brain cells has turned down anything permanent with your whore of a daughter,’ thought Dominic.

“You don’t have any grandchildren do you Harry?” he asked snidely, knowing quite well he didn’t, as neither of his children had mates. For a vampire as old as Harry was, the fact he had no grandchildren or even mated children, hurt his standing in the vampire community. He was as old as Lionel Luthor was but his children weren’t as young as Lex and Lucas; in fact they were quite old not to have found their mates. The popular theory in the vampire world was that Harry’s son had come across a mate about fifty years ago but because she wasn’t up to Harry’s standards he had her killed, and as for his daughter Victoria she was too busy sleeping her way through the male population both living and dead. She had her eye on Lex Luthor at one stage, after Nikolas Romanov had snubbed her, but the elder Luthor son would have nothing to do with her.

“Watch it Dominic,” snarled Harry, “you are still a *guest* in this house.”

“Of course *Sir* Harry,” smirked Dominic. “So do you agree the time to hit will be when the entire family is there?”

“Of course, I’ll mobilise the army.”

“Perfect,” said Dominic, “just perfect.”


“Word has trickled to England that Sergi and Natasha’s children have arrived,” said Lucas, pouring the drinks.

“Good, good,” said Lillian, “oh thank you dear,” as Lucas handed her a glass.

“And how are they, Christine must be close now,” said Lionel.

“Just over a month to go,” replied Lucas, “and they are fine. I was talking to Alyssa earlier, they all can’t wait to meet Chloe,” he added with a grin.

“I bet they can’t,” said Lillian, “I’m sure Sergi and Natasha have been talking about her.”

“Where are Chloe and Lex?” asked Lucas.

“Lex said he was meeting Chloe for coffee after she had finished on her article for the paper,” replied Lionel.

“Ah young love,” said Lucas with a mock sigh, clutching his heart and earning a grin from his parents.

“Mocking is catching Lucas,” said Lionel, “you could meet your *own* mate tomorrow.”

Lucas visibly shuddered at that thought and Lillian burst out laughing.

“Unfortunately we need to get serious again. Harry and Dominic will strike very soon, they will see the gathering of the Romanovs as the perfect moment to wipe them all out,” said Lionel.

“So we need to strike first,” interrupted Lucas, “what have you planned dad?”

“You’ll have to wait till your brother is here before I tell you that,” he smirked.

Lillian rolled her eyes, “Lionel stop being so childish and tell. Anyway it probably isn’t anything exciting,” she added.

“Your mother is just a little put out that I haven’t told her either.”

“Oh intrigue,” laughed Lucas, “it must be a good plan.”

Lillian snorted, “your father’s best ideas are the ones *I* come up with.”

“You keep thinking that dear,” smiled Lionel, patting her hand.

Lucas sniggered as he watched his parents, ‘don’t hurry home bro,’ he thought, ‘there’s plenty of entertainment here to keep me happy for a while.’


Chloe and Lex were still at the Talon when Lana arrived later that evening to help her aunt. They were seated on a small sofa at the back, and Lana watched through narrowed eyes as Lex kissed Chloe gently. She made her way over to her aunt but her gaze kept slipping to the couple at the back.

“They’ve been here for a couple of hours now,” said Nell when her niece reached her.

“It’s so unfair Nell,” whined Lana as she watched Lex gently brush Chloe’s hair from her eyes.

“I know sweetie,” replied the older woman, “it should be you. How the Luthors chose that Sullivan girl over you is a mystery to me. But all may not be lost.”

“What do you mean?” asked Lana, tearing her gaze from Chloe and Lex.

“Well there is *another* son, isn’t there?”

“That is very true Nell, and Lucas Luthor is still *very* single,” replied Lana.

“Exactly,” said Nell with a sly smile.

“MMM Lucas Luthor,” murmured Lana, her eyes once more finding the couple. ‘And then who knows, maybe taking Lex from Chloe will follow,’ she added to herself.


Lex almost bit his tongue in an effort not to laugh as he *heard* the entire conversation that Lana and her aunt had. He couldn’t wait to see Lana Lang attempt, and then *fail* miserably in trying to seduce his brother.

“What’s so funny?” asked Chloe as she watched a smile grow across his face.

“Oh we seem to be the focus of Lana and her aunt’s attentions at the moment,” he replied, wishing he could tell her exactly what he heard.

“She is so jealous Lex,” grinned Chloe.

“I see it now, you are only using me to get her, I knew it.”

“Well I do seem to remember you saying that I could *use* you at any time,” she smirked, moving even closer to him.

“Feel like using me now and giving them a show,” he grinned as he pulled her into his lap.

“Whatever do you mean Mr Luthor,” she cried in mock outrage, “I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am.”

“An incredibly sexy one who drives me crazy,” he whispered into her ear and delighted in the shudder she gave.

She cocked an eyebrow at him and shot him a sexy grin before capturing his lips in a heated kiss.


A gasp escaped both aunt and niece as they watched Chloe kiss Lex. They could clearly see the pair’s tongues sliding in and out of the other’s mouth. And Nell looked away in embarrassment. Lana continued to watch but even she looked away, her face red, as Lex’s hand slid under Chloe’s shirt and cupped the blonde’s breast.


Chloe groaned into Lex’s mouth as his thumb brushed over her bra-clad nipple and she moved to straddle his waist…but the muted sound of conversations invaded her cloud of lust and she pulled back. She had forgotten they were in a public place. It had started as a way of pissing off Lana but as usual Chloe found herself shutting everything out when she was kissing Lex.

“I think we should head back to the castle and continue this, what do you think?” he whispered.

“Excellent idea,” she replied, climbing off his lap and holding her hand out to him.

They walked towards the front door hand in hand. When they reached the counter where Nell and Lana were Lex handed the money over to them.

“I hope everything was to your liking Mr Luthor?” smiled Lana.

“It was ok, the couch was a little small,” he replied with a smirk, “so we are heading back to the castle. The couches are *much* bigger there.”

“Yes,” said Chloe, “more room to *spread* out on them.”

“Keep the change,” said Lex as he wrapped his arm around Chloe’s shoulders and they walked out of the Talon, their laughter ringing in Nell and Lana’s ears.

18th March 2005, 19:59
hehehheheehhehe love the update.... looooooove it

18th March 2005, 20:04
How wickedly wonderful.

18th March 2005, 21:13
Did Chloe just jinx herself with the everything is perfect coment?
I loved it!, loved it, loved it. About time someone rubs Lanas nose in the fact that she isn't everyones favourite. Can't wait to see her try to hook up with Lucas.

18th March 2005, 21:23
*laughs* Oh, Chloe really has a penchant for evil...she'll make such a fantastic vamp! And while I tend not to like evil!bitchy!Lana characterizations anymore, I have to say that I'm enjoying the very jealous way in which you're writing her. Great update!

18th March 2005, 21:27
Please tell me she didn't.............

[QUOTE=Krysia]Did Chloe just jinx herself with the everything is perfect coment?

18th March 2005, 22:00

so cute

Queen Of Tact
18th March 2005, 22:32
oh I have a very bad feeling about Lana *looks around* come on guys tell me i'm not the only one......

Great update... now as much as i like getting these update as fast as possible, i understand how crazy things can be with work so don't worry take ur time, we'll still be here when u get things uncrazy....


18th March 2005, 22:52
Go Chloe! Go Chloe! Go Lex! Go Lex!

I so glad that you updated! It would be so cool if you could write about Lana going after Lucas and getting totally burned. Mwahahaha

18th March 2005, 23:12
hehe...take that blana. that makes my day, even though I agree that Chloe just jnixed herself.

18th March 2005, 23:16
Can't say enough how much I love this story. You are an awesome writer.

Please, come back with the next part soon!

18th March 2005, 23:42
Sigh. Did I mention how much I love this story? Can't wait to see more of the Romanov's and Lex and Chloe taunting Lana and Nell ... priceless. :)


18th March 2005, 23:54
Oh, loved it like the rest of this god Damn fanfic! i hate oyu, I love you, deal with it and update soon!

Err... Please???

19th March 2005, 00:08
I haven't even read this chapter yet - I just wanted to thank you for updating! Now I'm off to read...I'm sure I'll have more to say after.....

OK, I've finished reading - and I loved it! I love jealous Lana chapters! She really deserves to have her nose rubbed in it - and I'm glad to see you writing it! More soon please!

19th March 2005, 00:32
I agree with Queen of Tact. I'm getting just a little bit nervous about Lana doing something, intentionally or not, that will cause more problems for Chloe and Lex. They'll have to keep an eye on her.

Wouldn't it be priceless if Dominic chose Lana as a mate and got stuck with her whining for eternity as punishment for all he's done. It would be crueler torture then a painful death.

19th March 2005, 01:25
hee hee pissing off Lana is always a plus in my book. Great update.

19th March 2005, 01:30
That was perfect! Especially Lana thinking she should be with Lex instead of Chloe....priceless! And then when Lana thought about getting Lucas....oh man that was too much! Completely loved it!

19th March 2005, 01:45
awesome! make out scene and the pissing off of Lana ;-)

19th March 2005, 01:46
That was great, and I cant wait to see Lana make a fool out of herself by trying to get Lucas.

19th March 2005, 02:10
“But of course you wouldn’t know about that, seeing as *your* birth wasn’t seen as a celebration. In fact, it was seen as more of an abomination if I remember correctly.”

Heh. Just one more thing that I suspect Dominic and Lana have in common.

What? You think that her parents being hit by a meteor was a coincidence? They threw themselves into the path of that asteroid, people.


19th March 2005, 02:35
ooh lex, that was naughty! hehe, take that, Blana!bitch... so can't wait to see her try to get Lucas! lmao at the very thought of it...


19th March 2005, 02:39
I know it would ruin your story line, but I would love to watch Sir Harry and Dominic kill each other!! Either that or the Luthor's could trap the two and make them live together for eternity!! Great update!! I love how Lex and Chloe are getting along!! Am I wrong to want more smut? Soon?!! Thank you so much for the post!!

19th March 2005, 02:57

Update soon.

19th March 2005, 03:14
Why does Lana keep digging her hole. Lucas will never go for her. Great chapter!!!

19th March 2005, 05:19
IT's going to be fun to see what Lana has planned to get lucas.

star del mar
19th March 2005, 06:02
“It was ok, the couch was a little small,” he replied with a smirk, “so we are heading back to the castle. The couches are *much* bigger there.”

“Yes,” said Chloe, “more room to *spread* out on them.”

I just LOVE them and I get so ridiculously excited when I see an update, lol, awesome as usual by the way. And Dominic, what a freaking bastard, he needs to die...and soon. Great chapter!!


19th March 2005, 07:35
Very Cool update! Loving it!

19th March 2005, 07:59
I cannot believe I missed 4 chapters.Varsity suddenly sucks more.Great writing i definetly won't be missing anymore.Keep up the good work.

19th March 2005, 10:52
that rocked!

19th March 2005, 15:20
That was funny. Like it when they take time to tease Lana with the smut scenes.
Hope you´ll find time to update more of this wonderful fic!

19th March 2005, 18:42
oh that was so good, please add more i can't wait to see what they do next

19th March 2005, 19:40
i just love it when they get back at lana for being such a bitch...that was probably the funniest scene ever, great work.

Dark Topaz
20th March 2005, 00:14
more lana bashing

20th March 2005, 04:38
^do you consider that a good thing or a bad thing? :p

Great update Fi. Lana's going after Lucas?! MY BABY!?!?! What is she thinking... loved the Talon scene, love that Harry's kids can't find their mates, love the plan Lionel's holding back, can't wait to hear it.

Awesome, as per usual. ;)

20th March 2005, 17:25
It's so good to come home and have an update.
As Marvelous as always!!!:D:D:D:D

21st March 2005, 00:05
Phenominal update. I love how petty Nell and Lana are. Hope things are going well with work. I understand your lack of updates. I hope Chloe starts putting the peices about the Luthors together soon

Shy Butterfly
21st March 2005, 15:23
Beautiful update!

21st March 2005, 16:52
God, I love this fic...it's just wonderful... more soon, please!

Lady Candy
22nd March 2005, 22:49
4 days :)

FIONA where are you? :(

24th March 2005, 00:08
wooohooo!!!!! wonderfull wonderll!!!!! keep up the fantastic work!

24th March 2005, 11:05
my first ever review!

this is a fantastic story! your a great writer fiona of dublin. Thanks for sharing!!!

24th March 2005, 11:23
Fiona, seriously, 6 days? The Big Guy (*points up*) made everything in 6 days (well, so I'm told)... :D

Now seriously, 6 days?

hehe, you know I luv ya... looking forward to the next chapter, hope RL isn't being too much of a bitch!

Bex xx

24th March 2005, 13:03
Please update can´t wait so long

24th March 2005, 16:41
Sorry about the delay, sorry, but things are just out of control with work at the moment.... Fiona


Chapter Eighty-Four – Fanning the Flames

Over the next few days the Luthors spent their time going over the plans to strike at Harry and Dominic before they hit the Romanovs. Reports had come in that large numbers of vampires, both pure and half-breed had been making their way into the states and stationing themselves in and around the Romanov estate.

“Let them,” said Lionel, “it’s not like any of the Romanovs are there.” Sergi and his family had moved to one of their other estates and all that was stationed in the other one was a group of selected vampires from Lionel’s army. They had been moved covertly and no one outside of the Luthor circle knew about the move.

While in England Lex had been organising their own attack on the Hardwick estate. They all doubted that Harry or even Dominic would make an appearance in the states for the attack on the Romanovs so as Lillian had suggested at the very start it would be a case of attacking first.

Both Lex and Lucas wanted to be in England for the attack but Lionel had forbidden them too, saying it would be safer for them to remain in Smallville. Needless to say neither of them were very happy about that.

Lionel had decided that the moment everything in England was set up they would launch their attack… they didn’t want to give Dominic any chance to launch his. So hopefully they would be ready in a couple of days, and they would take out both Harry Hardwick and Dominic.


With an evil smirk on his face Lucas entered the Talon. Lex had told him what he had heard Lana and her aunt saying and the younger Luthor couldn’t wait to see what the insipid brunette had planned. Lex had also told him not to completely blow the girl off at the first attempt he wanted to see her in action before Lucas completely humiliated her.

So Lucas had decided to call in and test the waters so to speak, maybe lead her on a bit and then tell her exactly what he thought of her. ‘Chloe should probably present for that moment as well,’ he thought as he made his way to the counter.

Nell Potter perked up as she saw Lucas Luthor sauntering over. ‘Not quite the poise or sophistication of his brother,’ she thought, ‘but still handsome and rich enough for Lana. Anyway who knows maybe she can use Lucas as a stepping stone to Lex.’

“Good evening Mr Luthor,” she said, “can I get you anything?”

“Just a black coffee please,” replied Lucas, giving her a smile.

“Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll send Lana over with your coffee.”

Grabbing a copy of the Torch that sat on the counter, Lucas nodded and took a table against the wall so he could watch what was going on. When he was seated he saw Nell pushing Lana towards what looked like an office and he could hear her telling her niece to tidy herself up before bringing over his coffee.

A couple of minutes later Lana emerged from the office, hair brushed and makeup touched up. She took Lucas’ order from the counter and walked over to him.

‘This will be too easy,’ thought Lucas, ‘too fucking easy,’ as he watched Lana *attempt* to sway her hips in an effort to look sexy as she approached him.

“Here’s your coffee Lucas,” she said with a smile…

‘…Go on do it,’ thought Lucas, ‘go on…’

…And Lana fluttered her eyelashes slightly.

It took over a century’s worth of control to stop himself from bursting out laughing in the girl’s face.

“Thank you Lana,” he said, “would you like to join me?” he added at his demon’s prodding.

“I’d love too,” she gushed, “let me just grab a drink,” and she hurried off.

“Yes some new fun,” said Lucas,” since I can’t tease Lex anymore I need some new victims.” He allowed a slight chuckle to escape as he heard Lana telling her aunt that it seemed to be working.

He plastered on his most charming smile as Lana made her way back. She smiled sweetly at him as she took her seat.

“So…how are things up at the castle?” she asked, sipping her hot chocolate.

“Oh parties and orgies every night,” he smirked and Lana almost choked on her drink. “Nothing but sex, drugs and more sex.”

Lana let out a nervous laugh, not quite sure if he was being serious or not. “That sounds…fun.” She managed to squeak out.

“Only teasing,” he said with a laugh, “things are quite boring actually, I’m looking for some fun.”

“Oh what kind of fun?” asked Lana excitedly, once again fluttering her eyelashes.

“Usually the kind of fun that requires a beautiful woman on my arm,” he said, leaning closer to Lana.

Lana giggled and flicked her hair over her shoulder. She then started talking about the tragic way her parents were taken from her.

‘Oh God how pathetic is she?’ thought Lucas. ‘The humiliation better be worth me putting up with any time spent in this incredibly boring and self-centred girl.’


“Oh God,” groaned Chloe arching her back. Lucas was off somewhere, Lionel and Lillian were out meeting friends and Chloe was on her back on the large couch in the room given to her as a study, her shirt on the ground, her bra hanging off and Lex Luthor between her legs sucking one nipple while he rolled the other between his finger and thumb.

He released her nipple from his mouth and blew gently on it.

“Oh fuck Lex,” she cried out.

Lex quickly got over his disappointment at her underwear being black by engaging her in a very heated make out session.

He smirked to himself as he ran his tongue along the valley between her breasts. His free hand slipped under her long skirt and he gently ran his fingertips over her inner thigh. Chloe automatically spread her legs a little wider and grabbing Lex’s shoulders pulled his mouth to hers.

As they shared a wet, deep kiss Lex cupped her through her panties. Chloe pulled her mouth from his and threw her head back, moaning his name as she pressed against his hand. She could feel his hard cock pressed against her. Moving her hand to his she stilled his movements and opened her eyes.

“I want to do something for you,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

Being half naked and thoroughly aroused made saying the following much easier for Chloe, “I want to suck your cock Lex, I want to *taste* you.”

“Oh fuck,” he moaned, “are you sure Chloe?” he asked, ignoring his demon’s shouts of ‘yes’ and ‘why the fuck are you asking her if she’s sure?’

“Oh very sure,” she replied and began pushing him off her.

A few minutes later Lex sat on the couch with Chloe kneeling between his spread legs. Smirking at him she unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down. He lifted his hips and she pulled the pants down. His cock sprang free, achingly hard and leaking for her.

She licked her lips, swollen from their kissing, and slowly stroked his cock, applying pressure just as he liked. Keeping her eyes on his she leaned forward and took a tentative lick of the head.

Lex groaned her name as she ran her tongue up and down every hard inch of him. Still stroking him Chloe slowly began taking him in her mouth, swirling her tongue around as she moved her head up and down, taking him slightly deeper each time.

Lex was moaning her name loudly, the hot wet cavern of her mouth driving him cock crazy. He gently brushed her hair back from her face so he could see his cock sliding in and out her mouth.

Sending a silent thanks to porn movies, books, the internet, eavesdropping on locker room talk and one very amusing sleep over at her cousin’s where they dared each other to see who could take a banana deep in their throats without gagging Chloe took every inch of Lex. She could feel him fill her throat as she relaxed the muscles.

“Look…look at me sweetheart,” he groaned, his voice husky.

Chloe looked up at locked eyes with him as she bobbed her head faster.

“Oh sweet fuck Chloe, so good.” He threw his head back and closed his eyes, feeling his demon come forth. The hot wet suction of her mouth was driving him insane, he could feel the tightening in his balls. “Baby, I’m close,” he growled, “you…oh Chloe…you…you need to pull back.”

‘No fucking way,’ she thought as she used her hands and mouth to bring him to his release. The thought that she had pretty much reduced Lex Luthor to the point of babbling was even better that pissing Lana Lang off.

“Oh shit,” he growled, his eyes gold behind the closed lids, his fangs piercing his lower lip.

Chloe took him deep in her throat, held him there and with one squeeze of his heavy balls Lex came with a scream of her name. He felt his orgasm rip through him and Chloe struggled to swallow what she could.

Lex was panting hard, struggling to get his demon in control as Chloe milked him.

She could the moisture leaking from her own core and trickling over her inner thighs as her pussy throbbed in time with the spurts of his release.

Lex felt his demon recede, very reluctantly and he grabbed Chloe by the shoulders, his cock slipping from her mouth and he all but threw her onto the couch. The sight of her lying there, his seed glistening on her lips, her bare breasts rising and falling as she took deep breaths caused his demon to shout to make itself known again.

With another growl of her name he pushed her skirt up to her waist and Chloe gasped as she heard and felt her panties being ripped off.

‘Taste, I want to taste,’ his demon cried and Lex vamped out as he attached his mouth to her dripping pussy.

Tongue and fangs feasted on her juices while Chloe writhed on the couch, babbling his name and crying pleas of “don’t stop.”

He slid two fingers into her, scissoring them as he scraped a fang along her clit.

“FUCK LEX,” she screamed, her hands linking behind his neck and she pulled him harder against her pussy.

Curling his fingers inside her he rubbed against something and Chloe screamed again, long and loud as she came. Lex greedily drank everything and as he lifted his head from between her legs he crawled up her body, willing his human face back on.

Chloe opened her eyes, dazed from her orgasm and blinked a few times as she tried to focus on Lex, she thought she had seen something strange about his face, but when her focus cleared she saw him grinning down at her, his lips and chin wet with her release.

He crushed his lips to hers, mouths open, tongues tangling as they shared each other’s taste. After a moment they pulled back, staring at each other and smiling. Lex’s demon was sated, for the moment and was remaining quiet.

“Well that was fun,” she smirked, cupping his cheek.

Lex turned his head and planted a soft kiss on the palm of her hand before turning back to her, “you know you are right, the couches here are much better for stretching out on.”

Chloe laughed and held him close.

Lex buried his face in her neck and sighed, content, for the moment.

24th March 2005, 16:47
Ah, Fiona! Update right when I have to leave!!! :P :P :P I'll have to read it later then.. *sigh*

24th March 2005, 17:01
Guh I am drooling Fi and its all your fault. LOL! That was hot smut and Lucas and Lana made me laugh. LOL

Hope :)

24th March 2005, 17:06
Thanks for the update!!! It was HOT!!!

Love it.

24th March 2005, 17:38
thats all i could think of right now :]

24th March 2005, 17:54
that was so great can't wait for more

Queen Of Tact
24th March 2005, 18:38
Fi, that was a great update!!!!!! So yummy.... Oh ilove Lucas.... Lana is such a twit........ I can't wait to see what Lucas does with her......

Now as much as I love this fic, take ur time with work Fi, we all know how crazy it can be.....

I can't wait to read more......


24th March 2005, 19:10
Damn hot!!! Thank you very much for this and already waiting for more.

24th March 2005, 19:23
yes, I think I'm content now too. Great job with the smut and setting up the humilation of Lana. I can't wait for the battle scene. I hope the Luthor troops aren't hurt too badly.

24th March 2005, 19:43
Nice Update, can't wait to see Lana suffer :)

24th March 2005, 19:51
Wow ... so exactly what I needed to read today!! Loved the Lucas playing with Lana (she deserves what she gets) scene and the Chlex play ... YUMMM!

Another great update!!


red turtle
24th March 2005, 20:28
Great update, can't wait to see what Lucas has in store for Lana.

24th March 2005, 20:34
i'm all soft and gooey now

i can't wait until he turns her (if she lets him) and they have hot vampire sex, drinking eachother's blood and puncturing skin with their 3 inch long nails

i was going to ask about the whole vampire deal. is it buffy vapirism or do his fangs grow and eyes go gold and his nails lengthen. wasn't totally sure about it.

24th March 2005, 20:48

Fi, that was flippin' fabulous! Thanks for taking the time in your stress-busy-work days to treat us to this update, we appreciate it... very very very much.

Loved the Lucas/Lana plotbunny. That's gonna be hella fun.

And words cannot describe the hugely satisfying Chlex sex scene. Out of control heat!

24th March 2005, 20:52
That definitely got everyone hot and bothered...lol. Come back soon with the next chapter!


S.Ann Smith
24th March 2005, 22:27
*is reduced to a blathering idiot*


*regains some control*

Fiona... Guh! that was marvelous... more soon please

24th March 2005, 22:33
damn damn damn damn damn!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!! gah.... anf oh my god HOT!!!!! fi. you are a star star!! magnificent! :D

24th March 2005, 22:35
Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it
Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it Love it
did I say that I love it?
Update sooon please... and make Lex tell Chloe the truth!!!!!

25th March 2005, 00:14

25th March 2005, 00:57
Thanks for the excellent update....Lucas playing with Lana will be very fun to read! More please....!

25th March 2005, 01:10
Mmmmmmmm, it's good to be us !

25th March 2005, 01:51
omg omg omg omg!!

First that classic scene with lucas/lana (lmao that she started to telling him about her parents and the way you slipped it in there...)

then my GOD, that smut scene.... it almost shorted my keyboard with the drool!

hope real life settles down soon, but like CC said, take your time.. i'll just keep reading that last chapter over and over :D


25th March 2005, 02:59
Hot damn, that was some good lovin'. LOL. I'm so dying for the moment when she finds out he's a vampy. le sigh. You give good fic. :-) And yes, Chloe should be present at any Lana knock down, it just wouldn't be right otherwise. he he.

25th March 2005, 03:18
OMG.....sooo good...but now we really need some Lana smackdown....and more smut!

25th March 2005, 04:17
that was marvelous!
I love love love love love that Lucas is totally going to humiliate lana

25th March 2005, 04:20
I'll just have to say it. I love this chapter!!!!! That was caliente!!!!!!

star del mar
25th March 2005, 04:51
Mmmm...Lucas plotting and Chlex smut...LOVED the update!!! It was definitely worth the wait :)


25th March 2005, 04:55
you know you kee teasing us with these great chapters we are now ruined for other stories. oh woe are we the helpless readers who must suffer through great writing. SIGH. oh well there are worse ways to live. anyways i just love your story and can't wait for more.
Love Always,

25th March 2005, 05:03
I can't wait to see how Lana makes a fool of herself. Hurry an update please!!

Dark Topaz
25th March 2005, 07:46
can't wait to see Lucas humiliate Lana

25th March 2005, 08:54
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. That was like kettelcorn popcorn... sweet and salty... two things you love and usually don't go well together but sometimes it's the perfect thing. The first part with Lucas and Lana had me laughing and feeling good and light, then we go back to the manor and WOW then it was all hot and sweaty. The concept of a vamp going down on you... can't say I have ever imagined it although I am a die hard Buffy and Angel fan, but wow, I wish I would of thought of it sooner... Thanks for finding the time to update.

25th March 2005, 09:44
Great update. I hope Chloe will find out about Lex soon. And I love Lucas toying with Lana. More Please!!!!!!!!!!!

Shy Butterfly
25th March 2005, 13:26
That was hot and it is funny to see Lucas playing around with Lana! Great update!!!

25th March 2005, 18:11
WOW... That's just about it, really. WOW

25th March 2005, 18:41
Ahhhhh purrrrrrrfect!!! Wonderful scrummy smut with Chlex...totally lovd how Lex had so much trouble controlling his demon. Ahhhh I just can't wait til Chloe finds out about him!

And I totally adore Lucas playing with Blana. Poor thing having to pretend to like her though, even for just a little while! I can't wait til he rejects her...I hope it extremely public and very nasty.

Oh how I adore this ficcy!!! Can't wait for more Fi!

25th March 2005, 19:25
Whew! Great update, I can't wait to see what Lucas has in store for Lana!

25th March 2005, 20:20
damn that was hot

26th March 2005, 00:01
just wanted to let you know that is a great chapter. I can hardly wait for the next chapter. Always love the way you write the smut between chloe and lex.

Dying to know what Lucas is going to do while he is playing with Lana.

hope work gets better so we can have more of your wonderful updates


26th March 2005, 06:12
An update! An update! ::bounces happily:: Yay! And lots and lots of hot Chlex action is always good. How much longer is he going to be able to hide what he and his family are, though? Huh?

And please don't let Lucas humor Lana too long, okay? Because that would just be...wrong.

I feel your pain about work. Six days a week for the last five weeks, here. I hope work eases up on you soon so you can write more of this terrific fic.

26th March 2005, 09:02
damn, wow, and hot comes to mind.

27th March 2005, 00:34
Wow. Just caught up with this fic again and wow. Really really fantastic. Loved the girls night out and totally loved the end of the last chapter, whew! Can't wait to see what Lucas has in store for Lana!

27th March 2005, 01:37
Hot update!! I love Lex having to struggle to hide his demon and the pleasure that both him and Chloe shared!! Lucas and Lana was just hilarious!! I really hope he publicly humiliates her, especially before he has to hear too many "poor me" stories!! Thank you so much for the incredible update!! More soon please!!

27th March 2005, 09:33
more please i must have more. this story is so good. i have been on the edge of my seat the whole time, and i can't wait for more. the smut is excellant so far. i hope everything ends up ok.

Lady Candy
27th March 2005, 20:36
Hihihihihi FIONA 3 days :D

28th March 2005, 06:57
It gets better and better
Please update soon
I love your fic

28th March 2005, 21:23
i love this story. u got to update soon. i can't wait to see what happens next. i've had this feeling thoughout the story that Domice is going to go after Chole.

30th March 2005, 18:10
Again my apologies....work is just a nightmare at the moment...Fiona


Chapter Eighty Five – One Down

“I swear Lex, if there was a stake nearby I would have done myself in,” groaned Lucas. He had been telling his brother about his evening with Lana. “She talked about nothing but herself…and it wouldn’t have mattered so much if her life wasn’t so fucking boring. And to top if all off she actually thought she was getting somewhere with me, she thinks I’m *under her spell* like the majority of the male population in this dumb town is.”

Lex couldn’t hold it any more and burst out laughing.

“It’s not funny Lex,” he snapped, “she has to be the most self-centred and boring person ever.”

“Oh I wish I could say I’m sorry for laughing,” said Lex, “but it’s just too much fun being able to actually laugh at you for once.”

“I should have just shot her down at the moment she brought over my coffee,” mumbled Lucas.

“Oh come on,” said Lex, his voice teasing, “since when has Lucas Luthor turned down the opportunity to tease, toy, and humiliate some poor unfortunate human female, especially one who completely deserves it.”

“But she’s so annoying,” whined Lucas.

“And you sound exactly like her,” retorted Lex, the same whining tone in his voice, “you’ll be perfect together, shall I tell dad you’re ready for your *talk*?”

“Now I really would stake myself if Lana Lang turned out to be my mate. You seem awfully *chipper* today Lex.”

“Having your mate to be give you the best blow job you’ve ever had will do that for you,” smirked Lex.

“Ah finally some *relief* for you,” grinned Lucas, “I was beginning to think you’d go blind from having to take care of things yourself.” He was feeling a bit better now, having Lex tease *him* wasn’t something he particularly enjoyed, so being able to turn the tables and take his rightful place as the designated *teaser* of the Luthor family made him feel a better vampire.

Lex refused to rise to his brother’s bait, yesterday evening with Chloe had been amazing and nothing Lucas could say could spoil his happy mood…

“… So did you deflower the lovely Miss Sullivan? Was she as tight as I imagined her to be?”

‘… Except that,’ growled Lex’s demon, and once again Lucas was pinned against a wall with Lex’s hand tight around his throat.

“Now Lucas whereas I have no problem with whatever you say to me,” growled Lex, “I will *not* have you speak of Chloe like that…” He banged Lucas’ head against the wall for good measure and stepped away.

“Also you even *think* about Chloe in any way other than friendly means I’ll stake you myself.” And with that he left the room.

“Yep,” smirked Lucas, rubbing his throat when Lex had gone, “I am still the king of teasing.”


“I can’t wait to see Chloe again,” grinned Elena, as the reached Metropolis, and with that got ever closer to Smallville.

“Yeah just watch out for Lex though,” said Karl, “he will still want to *have words* with you about what happened in Metropolis.”

“Ah he will have forgotten about that,” said Elena dismissively.

Karl cocked an eyebrow at her and just shook his head, “you don’t know the Luthors,” he mumbled, “they *never* forget anything.”

Elena winked at him and settled back in her seat.


“You are looking so much better dad,” said Chloe as she entered his hospital room.

“Feeling much better sweetie,” grinned Gabe. “Four weeks and counting and I am out of here.”

“That is great news,” gasped Chloe hugging her dad.

“So how are things in the outside world? How is Lex?”

“Things are boring and plodding along as normal, the meteor mutants seem to have gone on strike or something, my paper is suffering because of it,” grinned Chloe, earning a laugh from her dad. “And Lex, Lex is just perfect.”

“If you sigh Chloe I’ll disown you as my daughter,” grinned Gabe.

“Please, Chloe Sullivan sigh over a man, I’d disown myself if it ever happened.”

Gabe shot his daughter a knowing look, she may not admit it yet but his daughter was completely head over heels for Lex Luthor. And while he hadn’t been over the moon about their relationship at the start he was now as accepting as any father would be. Lex had visited him on many occasions and from his chats with the young man Gabe knew Lex was as crazy about Chloe as she was about him.

“Well no mutants means you are keeping out of trouble so that’s good news,” said Gabe, changing the subject from Lex to save Chloe further embarrassment.

“Yep that’s me, stay out of trouble girl,” smiled Chloe, having already decided that what happened in Metropolis with Elena was news her dad didn’t need to know.

“Ok, so tell me about the castle, what can I look forward too during my stay there?”

Chloe settled herself on the chair beside her dad’s bed and began telling him about the rooms he would have at the Luthor castle and how she had now dubbed that wing the ‘Sullivan Wing’.


“The Romanovs are having a party tomorrow night,” said Harry, “a family affair to celebrate the up and coming *birth* of their latest addition. I think while the party is in full flow we should attack.”

“Yes that would be the perfect time,” said Dominic, “have you passed on the order yet?”

“No, I thought you might like to do it.”

“How very gracious of you,” said Dominic, but inwardly he was delighted he wanted to make sure the attack left the pregnant mate intact. He’d never tortured a pregnant vampire before and saw this as a perfect opportunity.

“I’ll leave you to make your call,” said Harry, “I need to call my son anyway.”

Shaking his head of the images of torturing the pregnant vampire Dominic picked up the phone and called the head of the team to attack the Romanovs. He gave him the order and told him to capture the expectant mother. Smiling to himself he hung up the phone, “get rid of the Romanovs, take care of Sir Harry and then Lionel Luthor I’ll be coming for you.”

Pleased with himself Dominic left the room and headed towards the bedroom assigned to him, so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice the figure standing in a darkened hallway. And as soon as Dominic was out if sight the figure moved and quickly made their way out of the house and off the Hardwick estate.


As soon as he hung up the phone Lionel summoned his family to him. “Hardwick and Dominic are going to launch their attack tomorrow night,” he said when all were present, “they heard the news about the *party* and gave the order that the house was to be stormed during it. Dominic also left specific instructions that the ‘pregnant one’ was not to be killed, apparently he had other plans for her.”

“Bastard,” hissed Lillian, “I can just imagine what those plans where.”

“So we strike tonight,” said Lucas.

“You’ve already given the order haven’t you dad?” said Lex.

Lionel nodded at his eldest son. He glanced at the clock, “in two hours Anthony will launch the attack.”

“Have you given any specific instructions?” asked Lex.

“No son, as much as I would love for us to be the ones to kill Dominic, well torture him first and then extinguish his existence, I have told Anthony that if the opportunity to destroy Dominic arises he was to take it.”

“It could all end tonight,” said Lillian, “if Dominic is destroyed.”

“Here’s hoping,” sighed Lex.


“In addition to Hardwick and Dominic there are thirty staff in the house, all half-breed vampires. Neither of Hardwick’s children are present,” said Anthony to the assembled crowd around him. “Our contact has been kind enough to drop a welcome mat at the front and back doors,” he added with a grin.

There was a chorus of chuckles from the others to this news.

“Mr Luthor also said that if anyone gets the opportunity to take Dominic they are to go for it,” he continued, “but I don’t want any of you trying to be a hero, we are here to destroy the house and those in it, not to purposely seek out Dominic, no mater how much the bastard deserves it.”

“And what’s going to happen at the Romanov place?” asked one of the others.

“When that attack happens tomorrow night they’ll be *greeted* by more of Mr Luthor’s *associates*,” grinned Anthony, “and will be taken care of. Ok, if everyone ready?”

There was a collective “yes” from everyone.

“Right, let’s go,” said Anthony.


Something wasn’t quite right he could sense it. Dominic quietly left his room and hurried down the corridor. He always had a knack for sensing when his life was in danger. It was like a sixth sense one Dominic had long thought had been inherited from his mother.

He had been in his room plotting how he was going to kill Harry when the sensation flowed over him, and having learned that paying attention to that feeling had saved his life on many an occasion he acted immediately.

Sir Harry was in another part of the house; he had made sure Dominic was as far away from his rooms at the size of the house allowed. But Dominic didn’t head in that direction, he made his way towards the back of the house.


It caught the household by surprise. Just over sixty vampires attacked, they came through the front and back of the house. Killing everyone they came in contact with.

“Fuck,” hissed Dominic as he watched three making their way towards him. Vamping out he roared as he launched himself at them.


“What the HELL is going on?” shouted Harry as he heard the screams. Running from his room he was immediately hit by the smell of blood.

He hurried down the stairs to be greeted by the sight of his men being literally ripped apart.

Anthony broke the neck of the vampire he had been fighting and headed towards Harry.

“Who do you think you are?” shouted Harry, “how dare you.”

“I bring you greetings Sir Harry,” grinned Anthony bearing down on the older vampire, “from Lionel Luthor,” and attacked him knocking Harry to the floor. Hardwick vamped out and the two began fighting.


Dominic dispelled the three who attacked without sustaining much damage to himself. “Fucking Luthors,” he hissed when he managed to get the name of who hired them from one of his attackers. “Ok survival mode Dominic,” he muttered, “get out, get hiding and lay low for a bit.”

Growling he began making his way through the carnage to leave the house.


With a roar Anthony sank his fangs into Harry’s neck, the older vampire struggled for a moment but he was held fast. After he had taken enough blood Anthony pulled his fangs out and dropped the body to the ground.

“Burn it all,” he commanded.


A little while later Anthony and his men stood watching the remains of Sir Harry Hardwick’s English estate burn to the ground. After talking with the others it seemed that once again Dominic had escaped.

“Let’s go,” said Anthony, pulling out his cell-phone as he did.


“And so the fucking snake slithers away again,” said Lex as Lionel told them what Anthony said.

“Yes, he has more lives than a cat,” replied Lionel.

“All is not lost,” said Lillian, “he has no more allies, he is literally on his own. He’ll lay low and then make his way back to America. Once he is here we’ll get him.”

“Dad can I go to the attack tonight,” said Lucas, “please…”

Lionel shared a look with his wife. “Ok,” he said, “you can go as well Lex if you like.”

Lex grinned at his brother, “a little carnage is always good for the demon,” he said.

“Bet I kill more than you,” teased Lucas.

“You’re on,” smirked Lex, shaking his brother’s hand.

30th March 2005, 18:25
hehehehehehhe!!!! bloody wonderful!!!!!!!! ohh how I love to see harry done in! hhehehe! man, I jut lovethis fic so much!!! damn great stuff!!!

red turtle
30th March 2005, 18:29
I only have one thing to say. MORE!!! :-)

30th March 2005, 18:33
Hee! Those Luthor boys are always one for trouble. Great chapter, although I sure hope Lillian's right about Dominic heading back to America, it'd be not of the good if he decided to join the party and try to get Lex or Lucas. Anyways loved the bit with Gabe and Chloe - Sullivan Wing made me laugh. Hope you update soon!

30th March 2005, 18:43
and nothing Lucas could say could spoil his happy mood…

“… So did you deflower the lovely Miss Sullivan? Was she as tight as I imagined her to be?”

‘… Except that,’ growled Lex’s demon, and once again Lucas was pinned against a wall with Lex’s hand tight around his throat.

“Now Lucas whereas I have no problem with whatever you say to me,” growled Lex, “I will *not* have you speak of Chloe like that…” He banged Lucas’ head against the wall for good measure and stepped away.

“Also you even *think* about Chloe in any way other than friendly means I’ll stake you myself.” And with that he left the room.

OOOOH OOOH!! Yum! Gotta love Lex's demon. :p

Thanks so much for the update Fi, great chapter.... :drool:

30th March 2005, 18:57
loved all of the action-packed chapter! it was a lot of fun.
i thought lucas was hilarious throughout the entire chapter and i laughed at the bet at the end. :D

great chapter, more soon please!


30th March 2005, 19:02
You made me so happy by updating this story. The teasing and interactions between Lex and Lucas are so good and funny. Can´t wait to see what Lucas is going to do with Lana next.
I´m clad Dominic is till alive, because this fic would end too soon, if he would have got killed too early.
Hope to read more about Chloe´s and Elena´s adventures and mischief.
Absolutely love this story and PLEASE update soon.

30th March 2005, 20:23
love it!

Queen Of Tact
30th March 2005, 20:25
yeah... i loved it..... LMAO I just love Lucas.....That boy should know better when he says things like that about Chloe.... Please don't let Lucas or Lex get hurt!!! I can't wait to read more.....


30th March 2005, 20:34
Since Lex and Lucas so badly need someone to kill, don't you think they should visit Lana and Nell? No one would miss them!! Love your update so much, although I wish that Dominic didn't get away!! You are so sweet to keep posting these incredible chapters even though your life is so hectic!! Can't wait for more!!

30th March 2005, 20:43
woah, fi that was awesome! I like a bit of mindless violence before tea :D

Bex x

30th March 2005, 20:44
Good, slaughter was the one good thing missing these days. Now the fanfic has everything and the Luthors are the coolest by far! YAY!!!

30th March 2005, 21:08
you know what would be great? if chloe ran into dominic later on and he turned all vampy on her and she made a quip about watching buffy, and he was no spike, and then staked that mo-fo.

i'd be a happy gal!

but i loved the update, gotta love the teasing, and i loved the carnage!

30th March 2005, 22:22
“Yep,” smirked Lucas, rubbing his throat when Lex had gone, “I am still the king of teasing.”

well. i mean, who could've doubted Lucas' claim? :rolleyes:

cheeky, playful Lucas is always the way to go. :D

can't wait to see how they'll bring down Dominic...

30th March 2005, 22:39
Please let Lucas and Lex come home safely. And don't let Chloe follow them. Without mutants around ahe may go looking for trouble. Loved the action filled chapter.

31st March 2005, 00:03
good chapter, but please can we have more chlex action

31st March 2005, 00:42
That was a great update.

31st March 2005, 01:04
There's nothing better than a good pillaging (did I spell that right?). Anyway, another fantastico chapter.

31st March 2005, 02:00
Loved it! I can't wait to see who wins the body count bet...that should be funny.

Still can't wait for Chloe to find out the truth...

The talk between Lex and Lucas about Lana was hilarious...can't wait to see what Lucas will do to her...

More soon!

31st March 2005, 02:04
whoo hooo go team Luthor!!! Loved the action and also loved Lucas teasing Lex's demon. He definately is the reigning king of teasing.

31st March 2005, 02:20
Crap! Dominic got away again? Sneaky little rat. I realize Lex and Lucas are looking forward to the big brawl, but hopefully neither winds up hurt. Oh, and poor Lucas! He actually sat through an entire date with Lana? What the heck was he thinking? Great update. This is me...sitting here...eagerly awaiting more...'cause I'm greedy like that.

31st March 2005, 02:29
Well, in the end ... Dominic is going to get it ... right? That's why I'll abide by his getting away... this time. Love the Lex/Lucas banter ... and so enjoyed this update!!


31st March 2005, 05:08
that was great! I can't wait to see how Dominic will suffer now that he has no allies to protect him from the luthor :) Hurry and post a new chapter!!

31st March 2005, 05:28
Excellent attention to the back stories. I can't wait till Gabe is back on his feet. That stupid Lana... can Lucas bite her?!?! Please:beg:

star del mar
31st March 2005, 06:08
Awesome update!! I enjoyed this chapter a lot. Sir Harry is dead and now if freaking Dominic would just stay in one place so they can off him too! I just adore the whole vampire Luthor family, you're doing such a great job!!! Can't wait for another update :)


31st March 2005, 06:18
Thanks for the update... Domonic and his plotting was great, but not one Chlex scene? Loved the Lucas comment about teasing...lol More please

31st March 2005, 08:44
more please write more i am dieing to read the end this story is so good.

31st March 2005, 09:23
that was fun.

Kit Merlot
31st March 2005, 14:37
Great update Fi!

I'm glad that Sir Harry is dead, but I like tthat Dominic escaped. That means we'll get a kickass confrontation with Lionel :cool:

And the Lang torture is always a plus ;)

31st March 2005, 21:03
Great update! SSSOOOO glad Harry is now dust - good riddance.

Keep it coming.

1st April 2005, 03:08
love the playfulness between the two luthor brothers... :D great job! as usual. ;)

Shy Butterfly
1st April 2005, 14:08
Great update! Loved the part of Lex teasing Lucas! Great work!!!

2nd April 2005, 00:02
Lol, Lucas is going to get himself killed one day :P Lol... The whole Lucas/Lana thing is just hillarious!

2nd April 2005, 08:26
lovely just lovely.......this fic is always worth the read.......i totally love it..

3rd April 2005, 00:34
I just wanted to say I love you Fi!!!!! Your fic rocks, as they always do. Keep up the good work!

4th April 2005, 18:18
As always, much hugs, kisses and thanks for your continued support with this story......Fiona


Chapter Eighty Six – Candid ‘Chats’

The following morning Lillian had told Chloe that Lex and Lucas had to leave to attend to some business for their father and wouldn’t be back for twenty-four hours. But Lillian telling her that Elena would be back in Smallville and at the castle by the time she got home from school lessened the news of not being able to see Lex for a day. Which was good for Chloe because she had something on her mind and needed to talk to Elena about it.

After school Chloe agreed to meet Pete and Clark for a coffee. She told them she had an hour and then had to go, explaining that a friend was coming to the castle. Things had been going fine and she; Clark and Pete were chatting and laughing away like old times. But forty minutes into their chat Lana made her appearance, and when the brunette joined them Chloe couldn’t help but notice that even Clark looked uncomfortable.

‘Well, well,’ she thought, ‘has the president for life of the Lana Lang fan club finally had his blinkers removed? Oh my the world must be about to end.’ Smiling to herself she missed out on Lana calling her name.

“I’m sorry Lana,” she said, “what did you say?”

“I was telling you about my coffee with Lucas Luthor,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of irritation that Chloe was listening to her.

“Oh that’s nice,” said Chloe, injecting an extra amount of boredom into her voice. She knew all about it, Lucas had told her about how he had rapidly started losing the will to live after spending time with Lana. Chloe had laughed out loud when Lucas told her how Lana had been attempting and failing miserably at flirting with him.

“If was more than nice,” gushed Lana, “he was so nice and so attentive to me.”

Chloe caught Clark’s eye and he rolled his eyes at her causing her to smile.

“That’s great Lana,” said Chloe, and turned her attention back to the guys. “Oh I should introduce you to Elena, you’ll like her she is great fun. Maybe we cold all meet up for coffee in a few days when she had settled back in again. Would you be up for it?”

“Sure,” said Pete, and the comment was echoed by Clark.

‘This is not right,’ thought Lana, ‘they are suppose to be listening to me.’

“What does she look like,” asked Lana, “this Elena?”

“She is stunning.” Said Chloe, “all dark and Latin looking, she’s from Italy. Her and Lucas get on *very* well,” she added, emphasising the ‘very’ and biting back a smile at the look on Lana’s face. Chloe didn’t think that Lana needed to know that Elena had a boyfriend and that she and Karl were very happy.

“Oh I need to talk to my aunt about something,” said Lana suddenly, “I’ll see you all later,” and with that she left the table and hurried over to her aunt. The three of them watched as she whispered to Nell. Nell immediately put one of the girls in charge and the two of them then disappeared into the office.

“Now what was all that about?” asked a confused Pete.

“I have no idea,” said Clark, shaking his head, “but Lana does seem to be a little on edge these days.”

“Her crown is slipping and she’s getting worried,” muttered Chloe, although it was clear enough for both Clark and Pete to hear, neither of them commented.

“Ok, so tell us more about Elena,” said Pete, changing the conversation away from Lana.


“I *hate* waiting,” said Lucas. He and Lex were situated in the Romanov’s mansion waiting for the *attack* by the *late* Sir Harry Hardwick’s men.

“That’s because you have no patience,” replied Lex, “you’re always shooting off without thinking. Are you suffering any premature shootings in other areas?” he added with a smirk.

“Well haven’t we become the comedian lately,” said Lucas, “I see a little *relief* has brought out your sense of humour. Will you be performing your own stand up show when you *finally* claim Chloe?”

“Lucas,” replied Lex, growling slightly.

“Hey, I mentioned *you* claiming her, that’s it, nothing *lewd* at all about your mate,” grinned Lucas. “I still can’t believe it, you have a mate.”

“It’s still kind of surreal to me,” said Lex, “but I can totally picture myself spending eternity with Chloe,” he added after a moment.

“And I *get* to be an uncle,” said Lucas, “and mom and dad will be *grandparents*,” he laughed.

“Shit, I hadn’t thought of that,” said Lex, laughing as well. “Damn, I’ll be a dad…”

“Ok bro, we’re kind of getting ahead of ourselves here. Chloe’s still unclaimed and even more important she still doesn’t know a damn thing about what we are. Have you even thought about how you’re going to explain that to her?”

“I’m trying not to even think about that at the moment,” replied Lex.

“You’ll need to start giving it serious thought Lex,” said Lucas, “anyway looks like the gang’s all here, let’s get this out of the way first.”


Chloe entered the Luthor castle in a happy mood. She had enjoyed her coffee with Pete and Clark, well except for the blip that was Lana Lang but that didn’t last long.

“Ah Miss Sullivan,” said David, meeting her in the main hallway, “Miss Falchi has arrived back and is looking for you. She is in your study upstairs.”

“Thanks David,” she grinned and hurried up the stairs to Elena.

She entered the room to see Elena sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine. Elena looked up immediately and smiled.

The two girls embraced and Chloe sat down beside her.

“Has anything exciting happened while I was gone?” she asked.

“No, all quite boring, I’m hoping you’ll liven things up again,” grinned Chloe. “Oh I was telling my friends all about you and they’d like to meet you. I thought we might arrange coffee soon.”

“Excellent, I’d like to meet them, especially this Lana person,” grinned Elena.

“On the subject of her, I think she’s making a play for Lucas.”

Elena burst out laughing, “from what you’ve told me about her and from what I know about Lucas, I highly doubt she’ll have *any* success.”

“I agree, but it will be fun to watch her crash and burn.”

“Actually Elena there is something I want to talk to you about,” said Chloe, her voice serious, “what say we grab some chocolate ice cream and go to my room.”

“Is everything ok Chloe?”

“It’s fine, I just want to ask your advice on something.”

“Sure. I’ll get the ice cream.”


“Amateurs,” said Lex as another body fell to the ground by his hand. “Dominic’s standards and reputation must be slipping if this is the best he could get.”

“I agree,” said Lucas, snapping another vampire’s neck and grinned as it turned to dust. “I was expecting a little bit of a fight, and this lot actually thought hey could take out a family as powerful as the Romanovs. What do you think Dominic will do now?”

“Hide, lick his wounds and try to drum up some more support,” said Lex.

“I think he is completely screwed this time,” said Lucas, “no one will have anything to do with him.

“True, but a cornered vampire is a very dangerous vampire, so we need to be careful.”

Lucas nodded. “Oh look more who want to play,” he said a moment later as a group of vampires advanced on them.


Elena was new enough to being a vampire that she still savoured the taste of human food. So it was with gusto that she attacked the chocolate ice cream. “MMM,” she moaned appreciatively.

Chloe laughed at her as she took a spoonful herself.

“So what did you want to talk about?”

Chloe put her spoon down and took a deep breath. ‘Just go for it Sullivan,’ an inner voice spoke, ‘just say it.’

“Chloe,” said Elena when she didn't speak.

“Is losing your virginity very painful?” she said in one breath.

“Ok, I wasn’t expecting *that* question,” muttered Elena, a small smile on her face. “Are you thinking about having sex?”

“Thinking, yeah pretty much all the time, and dreaming again pretty much all the time,” replied Chloe, blushing slightly although she had a slight grin on her face.

“Well in answer to your question, yes it does hurt, as to the degree of pain that depends on how good your partner is and how relaxed you are,” said Elena. “I take it you’re not a complete innocent.”

“Well Lex and I have done… things,” she said, “using hands and tongues things.”

“Bet he’s great with his hands.”

“You have no idea,” replied Chloe, “and his tongue, my god the things he can do with his tongue.”

“Karl can work magic with his tongue as well,” admitted Elena. And both girls were quiet for a moment, lost in thoughts.

“Anyway,” said Elena, shaking her head, “back to the conversation at hand. Like I said it’s going to hurt Chloe, but if he is as *gifted* as I expect him to be, well I’d say the pain will be very minimal.” ‘The bite afterwards will be a different matter all together,’ she added silently, she had heard stories that the bite made during the claiming was equal parts intense pleasure and pain, but it was *so* not her place to say anything about that to Chloe.

“Of course if he isn’t well endowed it won’t hurt much either,” she added with a sly grin.

“Oh no need to worry about that Elena, he is *very* well endowed,” said a very smug Chloe and both girls started laughing.

“How serious are you about this?” asked Elena after they had calmed down.

“I’m very serious,” replied Chloe.

“Are you sure Chloe? This is a big decision.” ‘And if Lex Luthor could hear me now he would kill me for trying to talk his mate out of having sex with him,’ she thought, ‘which I’m not I’m just making sure *she* is sure.’

Chloe was silent for a moment. “Yes I am sure Elena. I’m ready.”

“Wonderful,” smiled Elena, clapping her hands together, “when are you planning on doing it? I want details, and I mean details afterwards.”

“It’s not going to happen immediately,” laughed Chloe, “but very soon.” ‘I need to do something first,’ she added silently.

“And the details,” prodded Elena.

Chloe laughed harder, “Ok, ok I’ll give you *some* details.”

“No way my friend, I want the NC17 version not the PG13 one, you will be losing it to an experience partner unlike my fumbling idiot at sixteen…I *need* the NC17 version,” she mock-pouted when she finished speaking, causing Chloe to laugh harder.

“Ok, ok,” gasped Chloe between laughs, “I’ll tell you every little detail.”

“I wonder should we make a bet on the amount of times he makes you cum!”

“Elena, we will not be betting on that!”

“You’re no fun…I’d say at least 5 times.”

“Stop it…” said Chloe, trying to sound stern but couldn’t prevent herself from laughing.

“Ok, 8 times,” she continued.

“Oh be reasonable Elena, it will be double figures before the night is out.”

Both girls stared at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing falling onto their backs on the bed as they did.


Lillian smiled to herself as she heard the girls’ laughter. ‘The claiming will be soon,’ she thought as she moved away, her eyes glowing gold.

Kit Merlot
4th April 2005, 18:33
Excellent update, Fi!

I love that even Clark is getting tired of Lana's dramatics, but I can't wait for Clark and Pete to both start drooling over Elena. And then when Lucas shoots her down, she just might have a mental breakdown :D

Also, when will the claiming be? I think we all want to know!! :o

4th April 2005, 18:35
“Oh be reasonable Elena, it will be double figures before the night is out.”

Oh I just love chloe and elena, and who you have lanas 'Crown slipping' perfect!!!! I really cant rave about this fic enough, it really is far far to good!!!

wonderful writeing!

4th April 2005, 18:45
Big smile on my face after reading this wonderful entry.

Chloe having the sextalk with Elena, definitely didn´t see this coming, but it was hell of a fun.

Chloe irritating Lana is just perfect.

It´s finally getting closer to the claming, so so happy.

Waiting for more like always.

4th April 2005, 19:13
hehehehee She is soon going to be Lex's mate.

4th April 2005, 19:29
Yeah! Can't wait for more.

I wonder what Lana is going to do next...lol. And I think it's great that Clark is starting to "remove the blinders".


4th April 2005, 20:58
oww that was so sweet :p I also hope to see Lana crash and burn while trying to win Lucas.

4th April 2005, 21:07
please please tell me that lillian is right and they are finally going to do the whole claiming spill soon, come on 86 chapters which is pretty talented I must say to write such a long story and yet people are still reading it even if it hasn't got to the really good parts yet. Great job as always

4th April 2005, 21:28
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesye syes an Update
As great as always Fi

4th April 2005, 21:29
Is Lex going to tell Chloe the truth before the claiming? If not she is going to be one confused puppy!! Excellent update!! I love both Lex and Lucas, and Chloe and Elena's talk!! I also can't wait for Lana to crash and burn!! Please post again soon!!

Queen Of Tact
4th April 2005, 21:31
well, if we all know lex, then i don't think they were all the far off about the double figures...

My only question is, well Lex can't bite her yet cause she doesn't know, and lets face it, if you having sex and the guy ur with starts Biting you and well sucking ur blood unless u were really kinky (and i don't think chloe is that far yet) wouldn't you kind of freak out......

Great great update... I so can't wait to see Lana fall on her face.... Though i still have a bad feeling when it comes to her...

I can't wait for more....


4th April 2005, 21:34
lana so needs to get bitch-slapped in the not-too-distant future :D

oh, and fi... thought i'd post this here as it's hidden over in the General Discussion forum.... sanguis vs. SouthPark...


i just thought it would make a nice visual for you fi, while you're beavering away at work, just to remind you that we're all here dying for the smut!!

take care :D

Becky xx

4th April 2005, 23:00
Princess Fi you have out done yourself...that is until you actually write about the claiming.
As for Lillian, I just have to say I love her to death...she would make a perfect grandmother for Lex and Chloe's devious children.
But back to the present...loved Elena and Chloe's little talk...just wonderful.

4th April 2005, 23:09
Another awsome chapter Fi! I love your characterizations.

4th April 2005, 23:33
:D, that update was awesome! The girl chats with Chloe and Elena are always a good laugh :)
I'm so excited that Chloe's ready...now let's see if we can make this happen REAL soon. ;)

5th April 2005, 01:18
I'm so glad you brought Elena back. Chloe needs a pal. This claiming thing. I hope it happens soon. I mean real soon. Nice chapter.

5th April 2005, 02:00
Update! Yea!

Short but good. Lovely Chloe moments and Lex had better get thinking! I would be terrified trying to keep a secret from Chloe! It's just not safe, it's inevitable she'll find out and then there's the possiblity she'll want to kill you for not telling her!


5th April 2005, 02:54
Claim! Claim! Claim!!!!!! Hurry!!!!! I am so loving the dissing of Lana! I get so excited when I see this updated!!!!!

star del mar
5th April 2005, 03:40
Chloe and Elena are too funny together, I love it! Another great chapter as usual and I'm already getting all geared up for a claiming...soon! please!!


5th April 2005, 04:37
The girl talk is always great fun. Oh, and I can't wait for the whole claiming thing. this teasing in downright wrong!

red turtle
5th April 2005, 04:41
Great update, please have another soon.

5th April 2005, 05:06
yet another lovely update... I so love Elana. And I can't wait to see Lana take a fall!


5th April 2005, 05:26
“Oh be reasonable Elena, it will be double figures before the night is out.”

with experienced, sexy, vampy LEX?!!!


5th April 2005, 05:28
Excellent! I thought for sure Chloe was going to talk to Elena about the weird stuff she had seen....Elena's eyes...Lex's face changing....but I loved the convo about sex even better! Watching Lana's crown crash and burn is always great!

5th April 2005, 06:49
Double figure orgasms? Oh my, I am really, really looking forward to this claiming. *evil grin*

Fi, you are a goddess. Love your characterizations! Wonderfully developing! The Chloe/Clark/Pete/Lana angle is a great side story. Lucas/Lex chat was fun. :D Oh Lucas you.... ha

Elena and Chloe's talk? :D All those orgasms to come... I love their friendship. And I love the promise of all those orgasms.

Thanks for the update!

5th April 2005, 07:38
Great update! I love the girl talk - it definitley added a earthy, fun element to the chapter.

5th April 2005, 07:42

5th April 2005, 12:14
Excellent update! I loved the Clark/Chloe/Pete moment, its nice that those two are making an effort with Chloe again. Even better is Clark realising how shallow Lana can be. Loved the girl talk, the friendship between those two is hilarious. Looking forward to more!

5th April 2005, 15:21
oh that was so good can't wait for the next chapter

5th April 2005, 19:12
I can't tell you how happy I was that Lucas was nagging Lex about telling Chloe! Coz she's gotta know before he claims her and until then...no sex! *pout* Hopefully the fact that Chloe's ready will prompt Lex to tell her everything!

Luved the continuing girl-bonding between Chloe & Elena, especially the way you've juxtaposed it with "Blana the irritating". It's so satisfying that even Clark's getting sick of her *happy sigh*.

As always I can't wait for some more of this Fi!

5th April 2005, 19:25
boo yah!


love lea

5th April 2005, 21:09
Ok, so I'm new here and have been trying to figure out where to start. I just kinda checked out some of the discriptions to decide where to start. Come on, Vamps and Luthors *yum*.
I'm only up to chapter 56. I copy pasted all the story posts to my WP to make it easier to keep track of where I'm at, did you know that makes for 371 pages???? *yikes*

My thoughts so far, other than *OhmyGodfrikenwow*

The talk between Lex and Chloe over if she the possibility of Vamps existing, this line really struck me.

“Cower in terror and ask it not to kill me,” she half-joked.
I don't see that happening. From what I've read so far I see Chloe getting snatched by Dominic, him trying to intimidate her in a pathetic sort of way and her unleashing a double barreled barage of Chloesnark on him just as Lex comes to her rescue.

I love Lillian in here, she is soooo a perfect mom keeping an eye on her sons and worrying about what is best for them.

I'm crossing my fingers for poor Gabe, I really hope everything works out ok in that direction.

Time to go to work, I'll finish reading later, I just wanted to drop off some FB like a good little person.

5th April 2005, 21:12
It took me nearly three hours to finally catch up, and its a amazing story. Hope you update soon :)

6th April 2005, 04:20
im so excited cause the claiming is close, which means you'll post it in around 20 or so chapters:rolleyes:
totaly agreed about the double figures:D


6th April 2005, 05:15
I really don’t think you could have me any more addicted to this story :D . It’s like I can’t get enough. All I can say is bring on the claiming.

Please please update more soon


6th April 2005, 14:14

this is so much fun!

you are so incredibly talented, i don't know how you keep it up. and what's the thing that chloe needs to do before she goes in for the kill?

6th April 2005, 20:10
Still faithfully following this story. Can't wait for the next chapter!

S.Ann Smith
6th April 2005, 20:22
excellent update, loved the chats, and the return of Elena, can't wait to see what else you have cooked up for us in the next chapter....


6th April 2005, 23:12
I adored this chapter. I wonder if Lillian heard the whole conversation. I can just see her gloating around Lex. hehehehehe

7th April 2005, 00:41
this story is so good more i must have more. i hope lana just goes away she makes me sick. chlex forever!

8th April 2005, 15:20
Read up to chapter 71 so far...it's getting really steamy. LOVE IT!

8th April 2005, 20:52
ok, so i'm excited....

yeah, i know i've read this chapter already, but i've just noticed that there are some excellent smilies... thought i'd christen my favourite one by putting it the place it was most deserved:


tee hee. i think it represents Fi and her Sanguis Posse....


9th April 2005, 09:09
Loved the update, can't wait to read the next installment!!

9th April 2005, 12:12
Thanks Becky.... that makes me feel all regal :lol: I don't know if any of you are aware but I have been writing this story for over a year.... :eek: And the first chapter was posted back in Feb '04.... So a big thank you to every one who has read this and left a note and continued to follow it.... I am very grateful for your support and the fact you are all so into the story...Thank you :wub: ..Fiona


Chapter Eighty Seven – Hints and a Very Special Purchase

Chloe didn’t see Elena the following morning but she did she Lillian and the older woman gave her a very funny look as she left for school. Shaking it off she concentrated on getting through the day, getting the final copy off to the printers for the Torch and getting home to see Lex.

Following her chat with Elena, she had fallen into a very dream-filled sleep. Dreams that consisted of herself and Lex involved in all sorts of activities, in fact some of the dreams had been so powerful that when she woke that morning she was aching between her legs and Chloe believed she had cum during the night and it had been more than once.

‘If that doesn’t convince me that I’m ready for sex nothing will,’ she had joked with herself as she took her shower.

As soon as the final bell rang she stuffed her books into her bag and left the classroom, quickly hurrying down the corridor to the Torch office. When she got there she found Lex sitting in her chair, reading an old issue of the Torch.

“Lex,” she grinned crossing the room quickly to him.

He dropped the paper and pulled Chloe into his lap, their mouths meeting immediately. Chloe moaned into his mouth as his tongue met hers. One hand caressed her thigh as the other rested on the back of her neck, holding her head in place. Chloe wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him close. They kissed slowly, their tongues tangling.

“Miss me,” he smirked when they parted.

“Not really,” she replied, grinning at him.

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her and drew her into another slow, wet, deep kiss. His hand slipping under her shirt and caressed her stomach gently.

“Miss me,” he asked again when they parted, smiling at Chloe’s swollen lips and flushed cheeks.

“Maybe a little,” she replied, panting slightly. “Did you get all your business done?” she asked, making herself comfortable on is lap.

“Yes all done,” he replied, “it wasn’t much. What did you get up too?”

“Nothing at all. Elena’s back so we had a night in eating ice cream.”

“Oh no terrorising the men of Smallville?”

“Nah, decided to give them a break for a while,” she grinned, placing small kisses along his jaw. “Anyway I’d much *rather* terrorise you.”

“Good,” he murmured, and groaned slightly as her lips moved to his neck.

“Chloe do you need…” Clark trailed off as he saw the two of them. “Sorry,” he said, blushing slightly.

“That’s ok Clark,” she grinned, “what can I do for you?”

“I’m heading to the printers to drop something off for my mom and was wondering if you wanted me to drop off the paper for you.”

‘Let’s see,’ thought Chloe, ‘drop off paper myself and miss out on an extra long make-out session with Lex, or stay… like there’s a choice.’

“Thanks Clark that would be great if you could,” without getting off Lex’s lap she leaned across him to her desk and grabbed the version she wanted. “Here you go,” she said handing it to him.

Clark took it and nodding a goodbye to both of them he headed out the door.

“Close the door please,” Lex called after him.

“Now where were we,” Clark heard Lex say and as he closed the door he saw them lip-locked again.


“It was a disaster dad,” said Lucas, “the Romanovs would have been able to take care of it themselves. I never saw such an unprofessional bunch of ‘hired’ vampires in my life.”

“Ah poor Lucas, didn’t get to vent his frustrations,” teased Lillian.

“*I* am not the one frustrated,” retorted Lucas, “my brother is the one with the unclaimed mate.”

‘She will not remain unclaimed for much longer,’ thought Lillian.

“As expected Dominic has gone into hiding,” said Lionel, “unfortunately we don’t know where just yet. Although I can’t imagine there are many places left for him to hide in. Also even though it was my men that killed Harry word has spread that it was all Dominic’s fault for getting him involved in the first place. Yes Victoria and her brother have been mouthing around about revenge, but most families would rather take out their revenge on Dominic than us.”

“Thus narrowing Dominic’s hiding places down even further,” said Lillian.

“Precisely my dear.”

“Where do you think he’ll go?” asked Lucas.

“Personally I see him heading back to the states as soon as possible. He still has a *few* friends here that are stupid enough to give him sanctuary,” replied Lillian.

“Lucas I would like you and Karl to start calling around, find out who still supports Dominic and see if we can narrow it down to an area he may hide to in,” said Lionel, “have Elena help as well.”

“Yes sir,” said Lucas, “would you like me to start now?”

“Yes,” said Lionel.

With a nod Lucas got up from his seat and left the room in search of Karl.

As soon as he was gone Lillian sat back in her seat and smiled.

“Curb your enthusiasm Lillian,” smirked Lionel, “just because she was talking about it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen immediately.”

Lillian had told her husband about the conversation she had *overheard* Chloe and Elena having.

“Nonsense Lionel, she wouldn’t have asked those questions if she wasn’t ready to sleep with him,” replied Lillian.

“Being ready and actually doing it are two different things Lillian. Knowing you you’ve probably already bought something to wear to the mating ceremony,” he said with a laughing, joking with her. “Oh Lillian, please tell you haven’t actually bought an outfit,” he added when he saw the look on her face.

“My lips are sealed,” she smirked.

“That will be a first,” muttered Lionel.

“I heard that Lionel Luthor,” she said.

Lionel just grinned at her.


The following day, while Chloe was at school, Lex sought Elena out. He found her with Karl and Lucas. “Ah Elena, could I have a word with you,” he said, “in private.”

“Sure Lex,” she replied, getting up and following him out. As she exited the room she could have sworn she heard both Karl and Lucas murmur ‘good luck.’ She followed Lex down the hallway; up a small flight of stairs and into a small room she had never been in before.

“So how have you been settling in,” he said, gesturing to a seat.

“Fine thanks,” she replied, taking the offered seat, “everyone has been so nice and your parents have been amazing.”

“Good,” he replied, taking the seat opposite her, “and you enjoy it here?”

“Very much so,” she said, nodding her head.

Lex rested his elbows on his thighs and steepling his fingers together leaned his chin on them as she stared at her. Elena began to feel a little nervous. “Elena, do you remember the *chat* we had prior to your and Chloe’s night out?”

“Yes,” she replied, knowing where this conversation was heading.

“And was there any part of that chat that wasn’t completely clear to you?”

“No, but Lex you have to understand it wasn’t my fault, it’s not like we went looking for trouble,” she babbled.

Lex smirked at her babbling and held his hand up for her to stop. They remained in silence for a moment and Elena began fidgeting in her seat. She glanced at Lex and watched as he licked his lips. Suddenly the conversation she had with Chloe the night before came flooding back, particularly Chloe’s comment about Lex’s tongue. ‘This is not the time for that,’ she thought.

“Not only did you put Chloe in a position where should could have been hurt but you risked exposing what we are to her, as it is she thinks she saw something *different* about your face but put that down to the knock on her head.”

“I’m sorry Lex,” she said, “so sorry. I would never hurt Chloe or let her get hurt intentionally.”

“I know that Elena, but that doesn’t stop me being furious with you. In fact had it been anyone else but Chloe that told me the events of the night, I probably would have gone through with the threats I made to you during our chat.”

“Do I have to leave?” she asked, her voice hesitant.

“No,” he smirked, “Chloe would be upset if you did.”

Elena let out a very audible sigh of relief. “Thank you,” she said, “I really like Chloe and I’m glad we’re friends.”

“Yes, I can see the two of you causing lots of trouble in the future,” said Lex. “Anyway Chloe needs a female friend around her own age.”

“True and we’ve been having some very *interesting* conversations lately,” she added, a sly grin appearing on her own face now.

“Really, and what kind of conversations?”

“Oh you know, just *girl* talk,” she replied off-handed, “discussing men and orgasms over ice-cream.”

“Excuse me!” said Lex, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.

“She is well impressed with *you* in *that* department,” she added, winking at him conspiratorially.

“Sending you away is seeming like a better idea by the moment,” he muttered, although inwardly he and his demon was preening and purring in delight that their mate was *impressed* with them.

Elena ginned at him.

“I think you better head back to the others, I believe you have work for my father to do,” he said.

Still grinning to herself Elena got up from her chair and headed to the door. She opened it and stepped out into the corridor, but before walking off she turned to Lex once more, “Oh and Lex you may be called on to be even *more* impressive very soon,” and with that she hurried away, leaving Lex to ponder on what she had said.


Chloe sat in her car staring at the shop. She was drumming her fingers against the steering wheel and had been doing so for the last ten minutes.

“Oh for goodness sake Chloe it's just a stupid store,” she said to herself, “Go in, buy what you need and leave. It’s as simple as that.”

Embarrassed at her hesitancy Chloe grabbed her bag and keys and got out of the car. Locking the door, she hurried across the street and entered the store, gratefully that it was empty.

“I’ll be with you in one moment,” a voice called out, startling Chloe.

She busied herself by looking around the displays.

“Now how may I help you?” a young woman in her twenties appeared behind the counter and asked.

“I’m, em, looking for something fairly specific,” said Chloe, approaching the counter. “It needs to be very sexy and has to be red in colour,” a blush appearing on her cheeks.

“Ah a woman who knows what her man wants,” grinned the sales girl, “well come with me and I’ll show you what we have.”

Chloe followed her to the back of the store. The woman turned and faced Chloe, allowing her eyes to run up and down Chloe’s form. “You’re quite curvy, I bet he loves that…” she turned around and picked something off the shelf, “try this one on first,” and thrusted it into Chloe’s hands.


Forty minutes later and $50 dollars poorer a very happy Chloe left the store and headed back to her car. She placed her package on the back seat and started the engine, heading back to the Luthor castle with a huge smile on her face.

9th April 2005, 13:15
This chapter was so much fun. Go Elena!

Yes to the claiming soon, but I think that Lex Is going to tell the truth first and that means we have to wait a little longer.

Hope for more as always!

9th April 2005, 15:36
YES!!!!! now were talking!!!! and I loved how elena handled her chat with lex!! and Lilian contiues to be an apsolute delight!!! fantastic!!!


9th April 2005, 15:58
This is just too good :wub: hope you update soon

9th April 2005, 16:26
oh come on where the loving Great chapter

9th April 2005, 16:50
OMG update, update NOW!!! You know I was kinda hoping that chloe would get something in purple I think she would look good in purple but I guess red fits being as lex is a vampire and all.

9th April 2005, 16:56

I knew it!! *jumps up and down in glee*

hahaha. I was pretty certain that'd be his favorite color, being the color of blood and all... (and love... *sigh* *giggle*)

This is wonderfu, I loved the 'chat' between Elena and Lex... Can't wait to read more of this!

Kit Merlot
9th April 2005, 17:04
Excellent, just excellent!

Ii's weird, but I love the fact that Lillian is as anxious for Chloe to sleep with Lex as we are.

Well done :D

9th April 2005, 17:24
Loved the chapter, I'm soooo glad the claiming is coming soon. I love all the interaction with the other characters. Long live Fiona!!!!

Shy Butterfly
9th April 2005, 17:32
That was a great new chapter. This story is so much fun!

9th April 2005, 18:06
I just can't get enough of this story!!!
Love it as always:D
Update again soon!!

9th April 2005, 18:25
Yes, yes, yes! At last its beginning to happen!!

9th April 2005, 18:42
Forty minutes later and $50 dollars poorer a very happy Chloe left the store and headed back to her car. She placed her package on the back seat and started the engine, heading back to the Luthor castle with a huge smile on her face.
and here i was thinking it's gonna be purple...but red does seem logical too.

*ahem* may i just say...

*pumps fist into the air* WOOHOO! they're gonna do it! they're gonna do it! *breaks out into jig of joy*

more happy satisfying orgasms to *come* :devil:

9th April 2005, 19:08
That was an awesome update :blinkkiss . I loved chloe and lex in the Torch office. I can’t wait for the next update.


9th April 2005, 21:01
Awesome! I cannot wait for the claiming. Are they gonna tell Chloe what they are before that? If not...I think she may be a bit...upset...lol.

More soon!


Queen Of Tact
9th April 2005, 21:01
Eeeek! That was so good.... If you want a list I can give one for everything I loved about this Ch...

1. Loved Chloe and Lex at the torch
2. Lillian having something for Chloe
3. Elena and he little talk with Lex
4. Chloe going shopping!! And please tell me it’s going to be used in the next ch!!!

And all that’s just for starts, cause well there are just so many things to like, and well love about this fic…. I can’t wait for more… :love2:


9th April 2005, 21:38
oh can't wait to see how lex reacts to item she bought

9th April 2005, 21:42
omg fi i loved this!! and ooh you're a tease leaving it like that. it's no good i know you're busy with work, but i need an update!! can't you pull a sicky? :D i was thinking something along the lines of "sorry boss, i won't be in today... my fans need me!"

tee hee.


9th April 2005, 22:16
love it love it love it love it....did I mention I love this fic?

9th April 2005, 22:42
I just said "Yay!" out loud. (blush) That was a great update.

9th April 2005, 22:45
YAY!! Managed to catch up now. Loving how the story is developing. I hope that the claiming will be in the next chapter or so. ;) Bet it will be spectacular.

9th April 2005, 23:00

I'm still curious, are they Angel type vamps, or is it just their fangs and eye color that change?

9th April 2005, 23:06
:nsparty: Whoot!
*starts chanting* Chloe's buying lin-ger-ie! She's buying lin-ger-ie! They're gonna do it! We're gonna get Chlexy smut! [/chant]

Sorry 'bout that Fi. I know, I really need to take Lionel's advice to Lillian - this doesn't mean it'll happen immediately... I just hope that it will!

Also loved the convo between Lex & Elena. I always luff protective Lex! I really like the fact that Elena's comfortable enough with Lex now that she's even teasing him about Chloe.

I can't wait for more of this Fi!!! :ecstatic:

10th April 2005, 04:41
She's bought it!! I am so doing a happy dance right now!

As always, I loved this chapter and cannot wait for more!

10th April 2005, 04:49

I'm still curious, are they Angel type vamps, or is it just their fangs and eye color that change?

I think Fiona told me that they are Angel type vampires white face and fangs.

Hope ;)

10th April 2005, 04:51
Thank you for updating, but that was way too short! And that is an opinion separate from the lovely intisipation of the content and evil stopping point. So please come back soon!


star del mar
10th April 2005, 06:34
Now we're really getting somewhere!! lol. I love this story, I can't emphasize that enough and I really can't believe you've been writing this over a year! Wow but it's been great with EVERY chapter. Lex and Chloe need to get mated soon, I don't think I can't wait any longer :)


10th April 2005, 06:35
That was fun. Great story it keeps me coming back for more.

10th April 2005, 07:57
and here i was thinking it's gonna be purple...but red does seem logical too.

*ahem* may i just say...

*pumps fist into the air* WOOHOO! they're gonna do it! they're gonna do it! *breaks out into jig of joy*

more happy satisfying orgasms to *come* :devil:

I was rooting for Pink, myself!!! That wanted to see how funny that was! Although I logically speaking I thought purple, since I saw it mentioned a few times and I thought Red would be too easy a guess.

Question is it just me or did no one else picture Lillian sitting there at the foot of the bed as Lex claimed Chloe...when it was said that Lilian got her gear for the claiming ceremony...?!

10th April 2005, 10:24
She's ready. I can't wait for Lex's reaction!!! Please come back.

10th April 2005, 10:32
Please come back!!!!!! Lex has to see Chloe in her new red lingerie!!!!!!!!
Great update as always. Can't wait for more!!!!!

10th April 2005, 19:58
ooooooh... the curiosity! lol... come bak.... soon please...

10th April 2005, 21:18
another amazing update but i wonder how chloe will react to beeing claimed by a
vamp who gets all golden eyed and grow extra teeth.

10th April 2005, 23:35
Just wicked....Princess Fi you can't stop now
Your humble servants are drooling waiting for more...soon please

11th April 2005, 00:23
THis is sooo much fun. I'm all caught up with no more to read. I'm still waiting for the "Chloe, do you remember that talk we had about Vampires? You do, good, cuz see I am on and I want you to be one with me. You see, Chloe, it doesn't have to be till death do us part." talk.

11th April 2005, 00:49
:nsparty: Still lovin this story. Can't wait for next part. Excellent. :love2:

11th April 2005, 03:24
ooooh!! amazing! I can't wait for the MOMENT to come!!

Fiona I adore you!


11th April 2005, 03:52
It has taken me a long time to catch up to everyone and be able to post a reply. $50 for something sexy. Is she going to be wearing next to nothing?

My heart went out to Lucas when I read that he had to put up with Lana. King of teasing; pain in the butt, seems more like it. Elana was a nice add in. Good to read that Chloe will have someone to muck around with. Worried about what Dominic is going to be pushed to do. He's not very smart, is he.

A year of posting. That is amazing and to still have a good following with the story is great to see. More important is the fact that you have not repeated a climax part in the story. each situation that happens is sifferent from another.

I happy that I have finally caught up with everyone because now I can have that feeling of anticipation with this story. Excited about the next update.

11th April 2005, 05:25
My smile probably matches Chloe's. I'm sitting here grinning like an idiotwaiting for the next chapter. Will Lex tell her the truth first? I hope so, but I'm also afraid that they may postpone the smut we've all been waiting for.

11th April 2005, 18:33
Good girl Chloe!! Very smart to pick red!! I'm so glad that it's almost time for Chloe and Lex to make their relationship permanent!! I think it's so cute that Lillian has already picked out an outfit for the mating ceremony!! :) But I'm still worried about Dominic!! Maybe he should be killed first?!! ;)

red turtle
11th April 2005, 20:08
Great chapter. I can't tell you how much I love this story.

12th April 2005, 21:48
oh my goodness... i just started reading this story a few days ago and i have now read all the chapters so far. I have to tell you this is the best au fic...no the best chlex fic period. i can't belive i did not read it before. i don't know what i am going to with my self untill your next update... i will probly go carzy. so i hope you update soon. :o)

13th April 2005, 00:39
Somehow i don't think i reviewed the latest post so here we go....

...this story always impresses me, honestly, most writers really can't pull of fics that are humorous and dramatic at the same time because it just comes off awkward or corny or weird, but you write this with such ease and it never feels forced, the characters always seem exactly who they are. I think another thing that is so great about this fic is your use of dialogue, it just seems to always be the perfect amount. It's really challenging to find the perfect mix of prose and dialogue for certain types of fics but you do that so well and that's one of the reason i love reading this fic. I NEVER EVER EVER GET BORED. I'm always awaiting the next update and I'm always excited to read it because I know it's just going to be great.

I might get killed for saying this, but, oh well. I think another reason this fic is so great and unique is the way you've managed to drag out Lex and Chloe's getting together. It makes the fantastical story more realistic and while we''ve all wanted them to just 'do it already' it's so much better the way you've written it. Wow, if it's possible for you to know, i got that all out in one breath and now i have nothing else to say except: continue the lovely work


13th April 2005, 20:17
:love2: Just started reading this fic again. Still really love it. Can't wait for the next update.:love2:

14th April 2005, 18:26
Apologies for the delay with this, but I'm managing about 3 projects at work that are taking up all my time..... :puppydoge Fiona


Chapter Eighty Eight – Preparations

The following night found Lucas wandering about. Since his mother has shut down Dominic’s rogue hunter set-up in the Metropolis there hadn’t been a sighting of a hunter in Smallville. ‘I need a night out,’ he thought as he approached the back of the Kent’s farm, and I need to get laid.’

He heard voices coming from the barn and quietly made his way over. Peeking inside he saw Clark and his father; they were talking as they moved bales of hay. Well, Jonathan was talking while Clark was lifting the bales like they were pieces of paper.

Lucas bit back a laugh as he heard Clark tell his dad about the *change* in Lana and how he didn’t seem to know the girl anymore. He also heard Jonathon express his concern about Chloe’s relationship with Lex, saying he felt Lex was too old for her.

‘If you only knew,’ thought Lucas.

As exciting as their conversation was Lucas was much more interested in Clark. With everything else that had been happening their interest in finding out what exactly he was had waned but watching him throw those heavy bales around like they weighed nothing ignited Lucas’ interest once again.

‘I think it’s time to take another look at the information gathered on Clark Kent,’ he thought to himself as he moved away from the barn.


“Now line up your shot,” whispered Lex into her ear, “pull back and shoot.”

Lex and Chloe were in the poolroom and he was giving her a rather interesting lesson in playing pool. Chloe was currently bent over the table; cue in hand, while Lex was almost on top of her, her back was pressed against his chest. He had his hands positioned over hers as they went through the motions of taking the shot.

“Think you’ve got it,” he said before running his tongue over the shell of her ear.

She moaned softly, “no, run through the motions with me *once more*,” she said. ‘God this man could make watching paint dry an erotic experience,’ she thought.

Lex smirked to himself and pressed harder against her, his body lined up with hers and he ran, slowly, though the motions again. ”Ok you do it,” he said, and began placing soft kisses on her neck and shoulder as she lined up the shot.

Chloe tilted her head slightly to give him better access and hit the ball, surprising herself that it actually flew into the pocket. “Go me,” she grinned, “do I get a prize?” she asked looking over her shoulder at him.

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her and in a matter of seconds Chloe found herself on her back on the pool table and Lex looming over her.

“Maybe you don’t deserve a prize,” he grinned, placing kisses over her jaw.

Chloe pretended to pout as Lex reached her lips. He ran his tongue over her plump bottom lip and Chloe parted her lips and sucked his tongue into her mouth.

He groaned softly as she wrapped her tongue round his. Chloe spread her legs slightly as they kissed and Lex settled himself between them.

“Ouch,” said Chloe after a moment.

“What’s wrong?” asked Lex, pulling back and looking at her with concern.

“I’m lying on a ball,” she grinned, reaching under her and pulling a pool ball out.

Lex let out a laugh and stood up. Chloe sat up and he stood between her spread legs.

“Is this all you think about?” she said, his hands slowly unbuttoning her shirt.

“When I have my hands full of a beautiful woman, yes sex is pretty much forefront in my mind,” he smirked, undoing the last button.

“You’re going to be disappointed,” she said in a singsong voice as he pushed her shirt off.

“And how could I be disappointed by the sight of those gorgeous breasts clad in,” he glanced at her bra, “blue lace,” he said, cupping her breasts and caressing them softly.

“MMM,” moaned Chloe, arching into his hands.

“I told you I’d never pressure you into doing something you weren’t ready for,” he continued as he undid the front clasp and pushed the cups back, her breasts spilling out. “And while yes there is nothing I’d like more than to make love to you,” he gently ran his thumbs over her nipples, “being together with you like this is more than enough Chloe.” He lowered his head and placed wet kisses over the soft mounds, licking his way to her nipples.

“Lex,” she gasped as he licked and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

He gently pushed her back till she was lying on the table once again and he continued to kiss and suck her breasts. Chloe ran her hand gently over his head, holding him in place against her chest. His other hand slid under her skirt and moved to her panties, rubbing his finger over her lace-covered slit.

“I am prepared to wait for as long as you need,” he said, slipping his hand into her panties and groaning softly at the warm wetness that greeted him.

He slowly pushing a finger inside her, “oh Lex,” she gasped.

“So hot,” he murmured against her skin, running his tongue from her breast to her neck, “I love how your body responds to me,” he added a second finger and began pumping them slowly in and out her core.

“Please Lex, more,” she moaned, moving her hips against his hand.

He covered her mouth with his and kissed her hard, his tongue flicking in and out her mouth, mimicking the actions of his fingers. His thumb rubbed against her clit as he added a third finger and increased the speed. Chloe spread her legs wider, moving her hips faster.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned.

“Are you ready to cum for me love?” his hand moving hard and faster. “Yes like that,” he murmured feeling her pussy tighten around his fingers, “now Chloe.”

“LEX,” she cried and arching her back hard she came, clinging to him as her body rode out the waves of her release.

Lex continued stroking her with his fingers as she came, drawing it out.

“Oh god, oh Lex,” she babbled.

“Magnificent,” he purred, his demon agreeing as they took in the sight and scent of her. He could hear her heart beating furiously and the blood rushing through her veins.

Chloe took a couple of deep breaths as she tried to calm her body down, she groaned as she felt Lex’s fingers slip from her. Opening her eyes she saw his looking down at her with a smug grin on his face.

“Let me get myself together,” she said, her voice a little breathless, “and then I’ll give you *your* prize.”

Grinning Lex allowed her to pull his mouth down to hers and she kissed him slowly.


“I hear Lex is giving Chloe a different kind of torture,” grinned Lionel as he and Lillian heard her scream his name.

“She is rather vocal all right,” replied Lillian with a grin of her own.

“Well Luthor men are renowned for making their women scream,” said Lionel smugly.

“Are they now?” said Lillian, “I’ve never noticed that about Luthor men before.” She bit back a laugh as a look of outrage appeared on her husband’s face. “Actually I don’t ever remember screaming,” she continued, “No wait…I did, once, but that was about 250 years ago, I believe it was the night Lex was conceived.”

Lionel couldn’t speak, and his demon was furious.

“Are you ok Lionel dear? You don’t look so good,” she said sweetly.

Lionel said nothing as he stood up and vamped out. He grabbed his wife and threw her over his shoulder.

“I’ll show you screaming,” he growled and carried a laughing Lillian into their room.

‘I can still drive him wild,’ was her last thought as Lionel threw her onto the bed.


“Hey Elena,” said Chloe a few hours later, poking her head into the room, “have you got a minute?”

“Of course, of course, come in,” grinned the girl. “So how are things? Any developments I should know about?”

“No, that is still very much intact at the moment,” replied Chloe with a grin of her own.

“But you have fun earlier no?” asked Elena.

“What? How?”

“Chloe my dear, you are still looking flushed, and I know what *that* flush represents,” replied Elena knowingly, “and also you look rather sated. I’m sorry Chloe I’m only teasing,” she added as the colour drained from her friend’s face.

“Thanks Elena, I thought I was having a heart attack for a moment there,” said Chloe.

“Ok enough of that, you wanted to ask me something.”

“Yes, I have a favour to ask you. Do you think you could get Karl and Lucas out of the house on Saturday?”

“Why do you need…Oh my,” said Elena as it suddenly dawned with her, “You want the place to yourself…you and Lex!!!”

“Please Elena,” said Chloe, “can you do it?”

“Hell yeah,” she replied, “I’ll suggest the three of us go to Metropolis and hit a club.”

“Thanks, and stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” said Elena innocently.

“Like I’m the first girl to lose her virginity,” said Chloe, “it’s unsettling.”

“But it such a momentous occasion and I’m just so happy that you’re allowing me help you in this.”

Both girls stared at each other before bursting to laughing.


“I know I said I’d wait,” groaned Lex as his climax subsided, “but Chloe is going to kill me, permanently, if I don’t have her soon.”

They had stayed in the poolroom for a little while longer and he had been treated to another of Chloe’s excellent blowjobs. And after he’d brought her to another climax they rested for a while before Chloe said she needed to talk to Elena and left to take a shower.

Lex had hurried to his room and jerked off a few times to calm him and his demon down. All he wanted to do was sink his cock inside her and drive his fangs into her neck as they both climaxed.

His demon was screaming for them to claim their mate, and Lex wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep control.

“Please Chloe,” he whispered to the empty room, “soon!”

14th April 2005, 18:43
Ohhhh, this weekend... Can't wait. I'm still worried about the telling issue thought. Thanks so much for the update.

14th April 2005, 18:51
GAH....... Fi!!!! man, this is getting soo steamy! an YES! the date is set!! heheeh! I cant wait!!!! and lucas finding out about clark should be interesting! You know how ranid I am for this fic!! FEED ME!! fantasic chappy, wonderful!!!! :D

14th April 2005, 19:26
aw, feel so sad for Lex...

so is there an update in the near future?? like oh I don't know, now?? well at least I tried, that never works, wonder why??

red turtle
14th April 2005, 19:29
OH MY GOD!!! That was a great chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter, plus I'm curious to see how Chloe will react when she finds out the truth.

14th April 2005, 19:36
That was amazing! Although the boy had better tell her before Sat. or she'll kill him!



14th April 2005, 19:48
That poor, poor boy lol that was an amazing chapter, hope you update soon :wub:

14th April 2005, 20:02

FI!!!! That was an awesome update! God.... I love you. The Lionel/Lillian, the screaming Chlex hotness that the house knew about, hee. Lucas finding out a little bit more about Clark. Yum. And Chlex sex is coming? The Claiming is COMING?!

*jumps up and down*

*more squealing*

Queen Of Tact
14th April 2005, 20:09
Oh bloody hell that was great, and so HOTT.... I just love lillian and lionel....

I can't was for sat night!!!! Please please please please please please please please please update soon....


14th April 2005, 20:26
Blue lace. Blue balls. :shocked:

Go figure. :rofl:

14th April 2005, 20:41
aaah, you tease! :P Leave it there... Baah! Get back here you! Screw the projects you have, we neeeeed an update!!!!

14th April 2005, 21:19
hee hee, Lex is gonna get lucky!!!! Great update. Can't wait for more

14th April 2005, 21:22
Yeah! It's happening! I can't wait for your next update.

14th April 2005, 21:53
AN UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And finally it's going where we all want it!!!!!!!
Next one soon......please.....please please

14th April 2005, 22:27
that was great!!!! very interesting and sexy. i hope everything goes as chloe plans.