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13th December 2005, 22:04
gah...that was awesome!

13th December 2005, 23:20
Wow oh wow that was Hot, Loved the idea with the mirror, fantastic !! This update was so worth the wait !! incredible job well done and can't wait for the next chapter !!

13th December 2005, 23:24
oh my gosh oh my gosh... that is just soooooo HOT HOT HOT!!! this is what i've been waiting for!!!! lol... yay~!

13th December 2005, 23:39
:D :drool: and :clapclap: that is all. :)

Hope :)

13th December 2005, 23:42
Ewwww worrrrkkkkkk! That's definetly stressful...but.......
WOW that was just utterly amazing!!!!!!!! That was some pretty hot and intense smut, but boy was it good. The little tidbit with Lucas had me chuckling hehehe

14th December 2005, 02:59
LOL...love the reaction of Lucas and the others. I agree with Elena...it is definitely time to be jealous of Chloe!

Anyway...Can't wait for the next part!

14th December 2005, 03:35
I'm loving the smut and all...but I'm just waiting for the penny to drop. All this goodness and something has to ruin it. As always, a fantastic chapter.

14th December 2005, 04:28

Drool...that was an amazing chapter!


Leo Princess
14th December 2005, 05:45
*fans self* WHOOO! Holy crud, that was beyond hot!

How on earth did you come up with the mirror scene?

star del mar
14th December 2005, 06:15
God I'm jealous, heh. This was a great update and I'm loving this smut. It was hot, the mirror trick was fun, I can't wait to see what else they get up to :D


Dark Topaz
14th December 2005, 07:42
I am all for smut but I wonder what is happening to our favorite demonic Vampire

14th December 2005, 07:55
Incredible! Loved it! Can't wait for more of the plot line though ;p (don't get me wrong, I love the smut as much as the next girl, I just enjoy the actuall story as well ^^)

14th December 2005, 12:58
Amazing!!!:drool::drool2:and :clapclap::hug:

14th December 2005, 17:06
Guess what; I am that pile of melted goo on the chair in front of my desk. Give me a minute, I need a cigarette... :smoke: Ok, that didn't really help much. Give me an hour and a half, I need a penis. :hankpank:

So, I left work yesterday sad that there was no update, but confident that good things come to those who wait. And when I arrived at work this morning to the update I was satisfied -mentally- beyond my expectations - I'll wait till after work to be satisfied physically.

The part I love the most was where Lex woke Chloe up with lovemaking. That is my favorite feeling in the world, I LOVE waking up to find my guy has been hard at work turning me on. Folgers has it wrong... THAT is the best part of waking up. :D

As for Lucas, Karl, and Elena, I find it hilarious that they were left out of the loop when everyone else went to the plant to party on. Hmm, I wonder why that was? :rofl: And, Elena, I soooo agree with you. I am rather jealous myself, and these are only people in my head!

So, in the end Fi, I say this: :clapclap: :worship: :hug:

And... :beg: that the next update involves some Oliver updates. Even though I hate reading about him, it worries me when I don't know what that dirty cuntdrip is doing. He's a sneaky bastard, and I like to keep my eye on him. Till then, I'll just be here, rereading. : popcorn:

spaceboi's pixie
15th December 2005, 03:24
omg that was so bloody hot :drool2: :drool: anyway great update :worship: :clapclap: want more please:beg:

:nsparty: :respect:

15th December 2005, 06:05
Wow , that whole scene with the mirror was just ...wow.

Queen Of Tact
15th December 2005, 20:17
Well that was well worth the wait... Even though I hate your work for being so evil to you *kicks Fi's work* Be nice to Fi... Don't you know she's writing a kick ass fic and she has to update, and that if she doesn't she'll have a bunch of crazy chlexers on her hands.... *hugs & kisses* sorry your work is being so evil

that was a yummy and hot (very hot) ch... I'm so loving this... Poor Lucas needing to get out of the house... then again if I were him I would want to hear my brother having sex either cause thats just ewwww....

Great job hon...


15th December 2005, 22:19
Yeah, I know it wasn't so long ago that I commented, but deal. I have to say this.

I hate Thursdays, they are the worst day of the week. Friday's are good because it's payday and the weekend begins at 5 o'clock. Saturdays and Sundays are equally tolerable because they are the weekend and I am very busy doing things during the day and drinking during the night. Mondays are better because of the exquisite torture that comes from knowing the ScL update is just a day away. Tuesdays rock the fuck on because that is generally when I get my update. :D Wednesdays are also good because the update is still fresh and I enjoy rereading a day later and picking up on all the little things I miss out on in my excitement. But Thursdays? Thursdays suck crusty unshaven balls. No anticipation of update in the near future, no thrill from rereading for the 8th time, and no weekend to distract, just the deep abyss from the knowledge that there are 5 days before my next fix. :( Yep, Thursdays suck.

At least I have two pick-me-ups: I got a call from my hottie today asking what my stance was on nooners so I will be getting off after I get off :devil: , and then I am going out drinking with friends tonight too, so this will be me later. :drinkin: And then commencing back with the getting off again when I get home. :D But still! Those are only mindless distractions until the next update. :(

Just wanted to let you know. :blinkkiss

16th December 2005, 04:16
i love this fic!!! lol i can't wait for the next update, honestly seeing this thing updated is a real bright spot for my day

16th December 2005, 08:23
:drool: that was amazing.....update soon :beg:

16th December 2005, 08:55
That was hot! I love how neither one of them can get enough of each other. And the mirror part was :drool2: I can't wait for another update of this fic.

16th December 2005, 09:13
I tried and tried to hold out on reading this story because I HATE cliffhangers but finally caved. I’m only up to the part with the student and teacher in the cave. All I can say is TAKE YOUR TIME and STRETCH IT OUT!!! I am so enthralled in this story I keep thinking of how much more you can put in it yet like say way in the future when Chloe gets pregnant and the hormones that hit. Can you imagine what that would be like for Lex to have to deal with also *laughs ass off*. Your doing an incredibly job with this. I am just amazed at how well you come up with these ideas.

16th December 2005, 15:56
perfect i just love it. the sexy scenes were so hot and i think i might have drooled a little. the part with lucas was so funny. :devil:

16th December 2005, 17:00
Great, as always, can't wait for the rest!
This is one of the best fic I've read so far, and it just keeps on getting better and better, sucha delight!

16th December 2005, 20:28
I luv this fic and i can never wait for the updates, i've been waiting for a while for the smut that what was going to happen, you definately did not disappoint.

It was amazing

please update soon

19th December 2005, 00:06
I like everyone else, am pretty much addicted to this fic. As always a great update!

Keep up the good work.

19th December 2005, 01:34
PLEASE update as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19th December 2005, 13:32
Oh, such sweet surrender and to be the voyer to it all....hehehe
Poor, poor Lucus....You know Lillian did it on purpose to teach the young pup a lesson, or even to push him along....how devious...

Shy Butterfly
20th December 2005, 15:39
I adore your story so much and I'm sorry that I haven't reviewed in so long. The last chapter was magnificant just great!!!!

20th December 2005, 18:02
So, it's Tuesday... *kicks Fi's work in the go-nads so she can post the update*

20th December 2005, 18:51
*kicks Fi's work in the go-nads so she can post the update*
I'll join you katieandjason. I love this fic and can't wait for an update.
Sorry Fiona, no pressure intended!!

20th December 2005, 19:05
I'll join you katieandjason. I love this fic and can't wait for an update.
Sorry Fiona, no pressure intended!!
I totally agree with you! I need my Vamp fix I have got the shakes and everything:ecstatic:

20th December 2005, 19:16
Thanks for those kicks :grin3::grin3: Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Six – Clouding Over

“What has you so happy?” muttered Etienne entering the room to see a smiling Oliver.

“Have you deciphered the spell yet?” asked Oliver, ignoring the other vampire’s question.

“No, not yet,” replied Etienne, “it’s proving to be more difficult than I originally thought. The language is completely unknown; there is no record of it anywhere. I have tried every translating key I know and still…nothing.”

“This is not good news Etienne, in fact this is the kind of news that could ruin my good mood,” replied Oliver, his eyes flashing red. The French vampire’s inability to decipher the spell was beginning to get *very* tiresome, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he still needed Etienne for the next part of his plan he would have disposed of him by now. But if his plan for Lex Luthor’s mate was to work he needed Etienne around for a little bit longer.

“And what has you in a good mood?” asked Etienne through gritted teeth, his little alliance with Oliver, was veering rapidly downhill.

“The Luthor mating ceremony has taken place, and now I’d say Lex and his lovely bride are fucking like rabbits,” grinned Oliver.

“How do you know its taken place?”

“Even the Luthors couldn’t keep something as big as their eldest child’s mating ceremony a secret, even if they wanted too,” said Oliver. “And from what I’ve read and heard about Lillian Luthor, despite the current climate and *my* appearance she wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it. It has taken place and the happy couple are making the most of their *bond*, and let them enjoy it as things will very soon take a nasty turn.”

“You’re still planning on kidnapping her then, even without the spell deciphered?”

“Of course,” said Oliver, “I have plans for *Chloe*.”


“This is perfect,” murmured Chloe, snuggling closer to Lex. The pair where lying in front of a large roaring fire, Chloe on her back, one arm behind her head the other resting on Lex’s waist. Lex, his head, propped up on his hand was looking down at her, their legs entwined. A light sheen of sweat covered both of them, and a telltale blush was still evident on Chloe’s body, the remnants of her last round of orgasms.

“How are you feeling?” asked Lex, his fingers tracing patterns over her hip.

“Happy, sated,” said Chloe, looking up at him, “and sore,” she added with a smirk.

“And where exactly are you sore love,” smirked Lex, his eyes glowing gold.

“You know quite well Lex,” retorted Chloe, her eyes twinkling.

“MMM really,” grinned Lex, leaning down and kissing her gently. “Is it here that you are sore,” he asked, his lips on the mark on her neck.

“No,” moaned Chloe softly.

“Ok,” he braced himself over her as his lips moved lower, “how about here?” his wet lips ghosting over her left breast, his tongue lapping gently at her nipple.

“No, not there,” she gasped.

“No,” he smiled against her skin, “ok maybe on this one then,” and moved his mouth to her other breast and lapped at the nipple.

“No,” she sighed.

Lex moved lower his lips and tongue sweeping over her stomach, enjoying the way the muscles tensed. ‘It will probably not be for at least a hundred years,’ he thought, ‘but I can not wait to see your stomach swollen with our first child,’ he placed soft kisses over her stomach, as his demon assailed him with visions of Chloe pregnant. Moaning he slid his lips lower. “Not now,” he muttered to his demon.

“Now, where were we, ah yes, trying to find where you *ache* the most,” he settled between her legs and looked up to see Chloe staring at him, her eyes wide and breathing hard. His eyes turned gold and he ran his tongue over her inner thigh, “are you sore here? Or maybe here?” turning and biting the inside of her other thigh.

“No, but you are *close*,” she panted, raising herself up on her elbows to look at him.

Lex’s eyes widened as he watched her breasts rise and fall with her heavy breathing, her hard nipples pointing up.

“Close you say,” kissing her just above the pubic bone.

“Yes, very.”

“MMM, so you’d say I’m getting hotter.”

“Oh so very hot,” she groaned.

Bringing his hands up Lex parted the smooth lips of her sex, baring her wet pink flesh, “yes, so very hot and wet. Is this the place love, is this were the ache hurts the most?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, “please Lex.”

“Can’t have that,” he said, watching as moisture trickled from her core and disappeared down beneath her ass, “can’t have you aching Chloe.” With that leaned down and took a long slow lick of her centre.

Chloe shuddered and fell back onto the ground as she raised her hips.

“I could feast on you forever,” murmured Lex before swirling his tongue around her clit. He pushed her legs up and out, opening her wider to him. He lapped at the steady flow of moisture from her pussy, curling his tongue inside her, the sounds of his licking and sucking filling the room.

It didn’t take Chloe long to feel the pressure building inside her, her sex was so sensitive at the moment that the merest touches had her on fire. Her hand reached behind Lex’s neck and she pulled him against her pussy as she grinded against his face.

Lex licked harder and could feel her body trembling as she panted. He pulled back and stared as the swollen pink flesh of her pussy, completely vamping out as he watch her sex quiver and clench.

“Don’t stop Lex, please,” she cried out.

“I have no intention of stopping,” he said, “turn around Chloe, and get on your knees love.”

“Oh fuck,” she gasped, and rolled over onto her knees, pushing her ass into the air and looking over her shoulder at Lex.

With a feral grin that was made the more sinister by the sight of his fangs descending Lex covered her body and nudged her thighs apart as he slipped his cock between them. He covered her hands with his and caught her lips as he pushed his cock into her.

Chloe whimpered into his mouth as she was penetrated. “You’re practically dripping you’re so wet,” Lex gasped into her mouth as his cock easily slid in and out.

“Harder Lex,” she groaned pushing back against him.

With a growl Lex grabbed her hips and began pounding into her. Chloe had to grip onto the edge of the couch to brace herself against the hard fucking Lex was giving her.

She whimpered and gasped as he slammed in and out, his heavy balls slapping against her insanely sensitive clit, causing jolts of pleasure to run through her body. She was close to cumming and it was going to be a big one, she could feel the clenching in her womb and pussy.

Abandoning her hips Lex grasped her breasts and kneaded them roughly as his hips moved harder and faster. He buried his mouth against her neck as he felt his own orgasm start, but there was no way he would come before his mate, and knowing exactly what she needed to really push her over the edge he buried his cock deep into her and sank his fangs into her neck. As expected Chloe exploded, and at the first taste of her blood Lex let himself go, shooting his cum into her.

Chloe slumped against the couch, her body boneless as her climax ripped through her. Lex wasn’t much better collapsing on top of her as his own body rode the wave of his release. He had just enough energy to remove his fangs from her neck before taking too much blood.

“Gods Chloe I love you,” he gasped against her shoulder.

“Love you too,” she moaned in reply, breathing hard.

Lex shifted slightly and both groaned as he slipped from her. He fell to the ground and rolled onto his back, taking deep unneeded breaths as he struggled to get his body under control, his cock still twitching in the aftermaths of his orgasm. With a groan Chloe slumped to the ground beside him, breathing hard.

“Still sore love?”

Chloe gave a tired laugh and shifted till her head rested on his chest. “Can’t tell,” she murmured against his skin, “my whole body is numb.”

Lex laughed and wrapped an arm loosely around her, vowing not to move for at least an hour.


Oliver was seated in his main study, watching the many video monitors on the wall. In the library Etienne was bent over some dusty book trying to crack the code of the spell. In another monitor two of the guards outside the building they were housed in were sharing a joke over a cigarette, on another monitor two vampires, a male and female were currently fucking each other in one of the bedrooms, while on another screen a poor unfortunate hobo that stumbled into their building out of the cold was currently being toyed with and tortured by a group of vampires.

“Poor bastard,” murmured Oliver with a grin. But his grin soon faded as his gaze once again rested on the screen with Etienne, and an angrier look appeared on his face. Oliver was now faced with the very distinct possibility that he may have to *lure* the Luthor mate to his side without the spell, and that would mean breaking a mating bond, something that had never been done before.

That other matter bothering him was the fact that he hadn’t been able to locate the source of the demon he had felt shortly after he had announced his return to the vampire world. The power he felt from the other demon was stronger than his own and he had been very eager to meet this other, but he couldn’t find him, and he hadn’t felt the other demon’s power in a while.

He growled, the low rumbling sound echoing throughout the room and he allowed himself to change, letting the demon come forth. The growl increased in volume as his leathery wings sprouted from his shoulders and opened out, the horns growing from his forehead and his eyes turned red as the demon took over.

“Much better,” he said, his voice gravely.

With a roar he swept his hands across the desk knocking everything onto the floor, he then turned to the screen and one by one punched his fist though them, till only the one showing Etienne in the library remained.

Feeling slightly better Oliver settled in his seat again, his wings extended out behind him, “come in,” he growled to the small knock on the door.

The door opened and a young human man entered, audibly gasping when he saw Oliver.

“What is it?” barked Oliver, relishing the fear pouring off the man.

“T-This arrived for you s-s-sir,” he stammered, holding out a large bulky brown envelope with shaking hands.

“I can’t reach it from there,” smirked Oliver, his eyes glowing.

Swallowing hard the young man stepped forward and placed the envelope on the desk, and then stepped back very quickly.

Reaching out one clawed hand Oliver pulled the envelope towards him, he drummed his fingers against the package, his talon-like nails ripping the envelope, and his gaze fixed on the increasingly nervous man.

“What’s your name?”

“Martin sir,” he said.

“Would you like to be immortal Martin?”

“What? Sorry sir what?”

“Immortal boy, would you like to be turned?”

“Someday sir I would like too,” Martin replied, his voice a little stronger.

“*Today* is someday,” grinned Oliver, a truly frightening sight in his current demon form.

Martin’s eyes widened and his heart thumped loudly, “b-b-ut, s-s-ir, to-d-day,” he stammered.

Oliver laughed, the sound filling the room, “calm down boy, after that display you are not ready to be turned, now leave before I decide I’m hungry.”

Martin didn’t need to be told twice and quickly ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him, Oliver’s laughter following.

Oliver turned his attention to the package on the table and quickly pulled off the remains of the tattered envelope. A large red book fell out and he turned it over to read the cover, ‘Smallville High Year Book’.

Smiling Oliver transformed back into his human form as he flicked through the pages.

“Ah,” he said opening the book wide. “Clark Kent, Pete Ross, Lana Lang, and there she is Chloe Sullivan,” his eyes bore into the small picture of a smiling Chloe.

“My, my you *are* a pretty one,” he said, tracing his finger over the picture, “Lex Luthor has a very good eye, I bet you’re a wildcat between the sheets.”

Oliver chuckled to himself as he stared at the picture, taking Chloe Sullivan from Lex Luthor would be a turning point in their war, and now that he had seen her picture, he was seriously considering keeping her around after destroying the Luthors.

“This *will* be fun,” he said, grinning.

Kit Merlot
20th December 2005, 19:33
Excellent update, Fi!

I have enjoyed reading the gorgeous Chlex smut, but I knew that the fic would be taking yet another dramatic turn. I am so afraid of what Oliver has planned for Chloe.

Well done:D

20th December 2005, 19:51
“My, my you *are* a pretty one,” he said, tracing his finger over the picture, “Lex Luthor has a very good eye, I bet you’re a wildcat between the sheets.”

Oliver chuckled to himself as he stared at the picture, taking Chloe Sullivan from Lex Luthor would be a turning point in their war, and now that he had seen her picture, he was seriously considering keeping her around after destroying the Luthors.

“This *will* be fun,” he said, grinning.
You always do that end on a cliff hanger something that makes me scream noooooooo!!!
Excellent update Fiona and as always the sex was extremely hot:yeahbaby: I can't wait to see what happens to Chloe please update when you can:grin3: But don't leave it too long:P

20th December 2005, 19:56
Hey an update and a great one at that !! Loved the smut, very hot but Im really worried about poor Chloe and what Oliver has in store !! Once again im on the edge of my seat waiting to see what you have planned !!

20th December 2005, 20:26
*doing the Happy Dance, doing the Happy Dance*

Yayayayayayayayaayay!!!! :clapclap: ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou. I am so glad Etienne is causing a serious delay of game for Oliver, though knowing you that's not really going to matter much. You seem to love giving us hope that things are looking up for the Luthors, only to bitchslap us from behind with a detrimental twist. This is you ->:evil: But thank you for the insight into Oliver's current state of affairs, and I personally think he is a silly demon if he thinks he will be able to lure Chloe from Lex, keep her around, and live to tell the tale. For while he knows the Luthors, he has no idea who the Sullivans are. Lex wouldn't pick someone just for their appearances, and underestimating Chloe will surely be Oliver's downfall. :devil:

Now I have a couple question...

How many people wanna kick some ass?
--I do, I do!
How many people sick of holding it back?
--I am
Well I am too!
So don't lay another finger on her,
She's mine and I still want her.
If you put your hands upon her
You're a goner! A goner!

Song courtesy of Stroke 9. They rock. Check 'em out

20th December 2005, 20:43
Great update as usual. Lex & Chloe are hot as always. That Oliver has something nasty planned for Chloe but, I don't think it's gonna be too easy for him to execute his plan. Lex will never let anything bad happen to Chloe.

You always end your chapters too quickly (but, I could read this all day long). Can't wait for the next update.

20th December 2005, 20:57
Great update, as always!

20th December 2005, 21:12
Amazing update as always Fiona!!!!!!! Anyway..please tell me that Oliver won't manage to lure Chloe to his side...or maybe she will play him instead....
but really Lex and Chloe are mated so he can't break them.Right?RIGHT?

Update really really REALLY fast please!!!

20th December 2005, 21:26
I have to agree with Oliver - this will be fun!!!

20th December 2005, 21:50
Great chapter, and amzing smut, and i'm not liking this plan that Oliver has.....taking Chloe away from Lex and breaking their bond?!?! It's just not possible!!

20th December 2005, 23:25
As always a fantastic update.

luv'd it and please update soon

21st December 2005, 04:43
Great update! Good to see some more of the plot ^^ Now lets not forget the little people (*cough*Lana*cough*) I want to see more of the teasing of her! ^^

star del mar
21st December 2005, 05:25
I don't even know what to say...Oliver is just SO annoying. Obviously that's not the worst word I could use but I can't think of a better one right now :) He needs to find a new hobby and get away from the Luthors, if he actually succeeds in his plan of separating Chloe and Lex I won't know what to do with myself. Great update!


P.S.- keep the smut coming :D

21st December 2005, 07:03
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing as always.............I knew that once Oliver saw Chloe or a picture of her, then he would want her..........I wonder what is exactly he has planned..........I love the whole Chlex...........Simply Magnificent...........This story keeps getting better and better everytime............Please update soon!!!!!!!!

21st December 2005, 07:11
Loved the update. Keep the chapters coming

21st December 2005, 07:16
Ok, Oliver: definitely scaring me right now. I can't wait for what I know will be his eventual demise. Chloe and Lex: so adorable right now, although I'm curious as to whether you're going to put Chloe's turning into a vampire in the story because I think it would be interesting for them to go at it, with both of them being vampires...wonderful updates.

21st December 2005, 08:45
Oliver sucks. I hope gets staked multiple times.

21st December 2005, 13:28
Lovely update like always and the smut is till hot!!!;)

21st December 2005, 18:59
Loved the updates :) I can*t wait to see how this story is going to develop further :)

spaceboi's pixie
22nd December 2005, 03:01
:drool2: great update starting to get scared for chloe oliver:devil: needs to be dusted but love the fic like always

22nd December 2005, 05:04
OK, Oliver has now freaked me out. Damn he's creepy. Another fantastic chapter.

22nd December 2005, 05:27
THANKS for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

23rd December 2005, 18:49
Oh how I love this story.

23rd December 2005, 20:33
love this story keep up the good work

25th December 2005, 00:21
as always, excellent update. Keep it coming!

25th December 2005, 01:18
I Really love the new chapter, love this story too I'm so glad that Chloe and Lex are mated.

:nsparty: Merry Christmas


26th December 2005, 03:34
Words can't describe how much I love this story. Been reading this off and on for about two days since I found this incredible story. Definitely hope you can post more soon? I am anxiously waiting to see what Oliver has in store for our heroine Chloe. Love all this drama but I love even more all the Chlex smut and sexy luvin scenes. PPMS???

27th December 2005, 15:34
I hope everyone had a great Christmas.... Here's the next chapter, and just to let you know there won't be another update for 2 weeks... I'm off to Vegas for New Years, where I'm meeting Imp :grin3: .. But like before there will be 2 chapters in the next update.... All the best... Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Seven – Plans and More Plans

“Stop that Lex,” said Chloe; slapping his hand away from her thigh, as she picked at her food, “I think we should have a conversation while we eat.”

The pair where in one of the rooms, seated at a table, eating, well Chloe was eating, and both were clad in bathrobes.

“And why would we want to do that?” he asked, returning his hand to her leg.

“Because for the last four days we have done nothing but have sex,” she said, “not that I’m complaining in any way, shape or form about that, as it has been exceptionally mind-blowing,” she added with a grin, “but I do think we need to revisit our communicating skills, via conversations.”

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her, “we have been communicating Chloe, ‘oh fuck Lex harder, don’t stop, oh yes right there, more, harder, faster,’ what do you call that if not communicating?” he smirked.

Chloe gave him a pointed look and pushed his hand from her thigh again.

“Very well love, we’ll talk,” he said, “what would you like to talk about?”

“What happens now?” she asked.

“Well I would like to return to the bedroom and bury myself inside you for hours, but you want to talk.”

“Oh be serious Lex,” she said, trying to sound angry with him, but a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “You know what I mean.”

“Things don’t change Chloe,” he said, “this *need* we currently have will wane slightly as my demon fully accepts the bond, this constant sex, again I agree with you I’m not complaining about that will taper off,” he said, “a little,” he added with a grin, “and then things continue as they have been but with you moving into my room.”

“That’s…” she started saying, “but…oh I don’t know, that sounds, boring.”

Lex laughed, “Sweetie you’re mated to a master vampire, if that’s boring I really don’t know what you want from life.”

“That’s not it Lex.”

“I know, I’m only teasing. Truthfully, Oliver is going to be coming after you. Now that we are mated, everyone in the vampire world will know who you are and that you are Lex Luthor’s mate, and that makes you a target. So your security becomes a priority, now before you start complaining,” he raised his hand, as she was about to speak, “let me tell you that there will be no argument with this, you will be protected, when you are not here or with me you will be watched.”

“I will not be told what I can and can not do, or where I can and can not go,” said Chloe, her tone adamant.

“I wouldn’t dream of telling you that Chloe,” replied Lex, knowing he wouldn’t get very far even if he tried. “I’m just saying that someone, at all time, will be keeping an eye on you, sweetheart I am not going to let anything happen to you. In fact, I think some self-defence lessons may be in order.”

“I could go for those,” said Chloe, “who will teach me?”

“I will of course,” he grinned, “and I think Karl should as well, he is well gifted in martial arts.”

“I don’t like this whole being followed around lark, but I do understand where you are coming from. Have you thought any more about maybe telling Clark about this?”

“I haven’t,” replied Lex, “other more pleasurable activities have been monopolising my time, but I will mention it to my father again, and see what he says. Personally I think it would be a good thing to bring him on board, I think his unique *powers* would be an advantage for us.” ‘Plus he would be very good for keeping an eye on you,’ he added to himself, pleased that his demon agreed.

“Ok, we’ll wait to see what your dad says,” said Chloe.

“MMM,” replied Lex, dropping to his knees and parting her legs.

“What are you doing?”

“You said we’ll talk while we eat,” he grinned, “so I’m going to start *eating*,” his hands pushing the robe up to her waist and baring her sex.

“LEX,” she gasped as his hand brushed her pussy, “I said talk.”

“We will talk,” he continued, moving his head between her thighs, “you chat away love,” his tongue gently swirled around her nether lips.

“Oh Lex,” she groaned, her thighs falling further apart.

“Yes that’s it, chat away,” he murmured before beginning to feast on her again.


Oliver was up to something, Etienne was sure of it. Granted Oliver was always up to something but this time it had something to do with him, and he didn’t like it. Etienne was beginning to feel like he was no longer part of the other demon’s *great* plans. He was only been kept around until he translated the spell, and even that wasn’t a guarantee. It wasn’t like he was purposely stalling on the translating it was just a case of not being able too; he had never come across a spell like in his existence.

Oliver no longer sought out Etienne for anything other than updates on the spell; he didn’t even come to him for sex, obviously getting that from someone else. It was time to start making his own plans, his own plans for survival, because when Oliver had enough of him, he would kill him.

“I need to get some people on my side, some loyal people on my side,” he murmured, “those that are willing and are stupid enough to go against Oliver.”

Etienne paced around the library, mentally going through all the people currently working for them, quickly discarding those that would never go against Oliver. “I may have to recruit outside,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair, and continuing his pacing.


“Poor, poor Etienne, you were fun to have around while it lasted, but I think you’ve almost reached the end of your usefulness,” grinned Oliver as he watched Etienne pacing and muttering on the monitor in his office, the completely *new* set of monitors he had just recently installed.

“I will take the Luthor mate very soon, and then get rid of Etienne. Head to Smallville, take up your cover,” he said to Martin, who was standing in the shadows, “and wait for my signal.”

The young man nodded his head and left the room.


“Things have been very silent from Oliver lately,” said Lionel, addressing the group in front of him, “no doubt he is off planning something.”

“And you think that something is Chloe?” asked Sergi.

“Maybe not directly,” replied Lionel, “but…”

“But, she is *part* of his plans,” interrupted Zhang.

“Very much so; Oliver will see the mating as an opportunity. If he takes her it will drive Lex crazy, he will stop at nothing to find her, and he won’t listen to anyone, not even Lillian or myself. And having Lex out of control is a plus for Oliver and his plans.”

“And you still think letting the mating ceremony go ahead was a good idea?” asked Lucas.

“Yes son, in terms of protecting Chloe and knowing if she is in danger, having her and Lex mated makes that easier. They both knew the consequences and both made the decision to go ahead. Lucas, you and Karl, keep an eye on any comings and goings in Smallville. Watch out for any newcomers, human and demon, Oliver may send a scout to nose around. Have Elena and Alyssa help you. Report directly back to me or your mother.”

“Sure thing dad,” said Lucas.

“Zhang, I want you to follow Byron and Gabe to England, help them out where you can, especially if they are having trouble with an uncooperative demons.”

“I’ll leave this evening,” said the Asian vampire.

“Ok, that’s it for the moment,” said Lionel, “oh Sergi, can you hold back a moment please?”

Lionel waited till everyone had left the room, and after making sure the door was closed walked over to the small drinks cabinet and poured himself and Sergi a large drink. They were in part of the basement of the castle, in a small room converted into an office, the room was completely soundproof, even to a vampire, and was picked so that the *activities* of Lex and Chloe wouldn’t distract people from the meeting. Lucas had even joked about moving in the room until the mating pair had finished their *honeymoon*.

“You have a special assignment for me I take it,” grinned Sergi as Lionel handed him his drink.

“I do old friend, a dangerous one as well,” sighed Lionel, “and if after speaking it over with Natasha, you decide not to take it I will completely understand. If the shoe were on the other foot I would discuss it with Lillian before making my decision.”

“Sounds ominous,” chuckled Sergi.

“It is,” Lionel drained his drink and placed the glass on the table. “Sergi, I want you to head to Egypt and find our demon friend, don’t approach him just find where he is. I know we were both in his cave but I can not remember the exact location of it, and I know you don’t either.”

“Yes I’ve always found that strange,” replied Sergi, “I can remember every other thing from my long existence but not the exact location of that damn cave.”

“That’s why I want you to go, see if anything jogs the memory. I just want you to find him and when you do I’ll join you and we’ll face him together. Now like I said, discuss this with Natasha and let me know your answer tomorrow, and I will understand completely if you say no.”

‘That won’t happen Lionel,’ thought Sergi to himself. “I will discuss it with her tonight,” he said aloud to Lionel.

“Thank you,” said Lionel sincerely, smiling at his friend.


Chloe was holding onto Lex for dear life, her legs and arms wrapped around him as he fucked her harder and harder. They had been making love for the last few hours, Lex moving slowly but forcefully within her, bringing her to the edge, letting her experience small orgasms, before pulling back and teasing her again with a steady rhythm of thrusts, denying her a final release.

She was beyond speaking, just gasps, and whimpers, moans and groans escaped as their bodies moved harder and faster.

Lex grunted in time with his thrusts, his golden eyes locked on hers, their bodies slapping and sliding against each other’s. Lex gripped the headboard behind her with one hand and slid his other hand under her ass, lifting her into his thrusts.

“Please, please, please,” she babbled between gasps.

Angling his hips he thrust into her and angled her own body at the same time hitting that spot he knew would drive her wild.

“Fuck,” she screamed.

Feeling the walls of her pussy begin to twitch around his cock he knew she was about to go over the edge, hitting the spot harder and harder he felt his own orgasm approach, as his balls drew up.

“Lex,” she cried as her climax hit, hard. Her body jerked and she really felt like she was exploding, white spots danced in front of her eyes.

“Yes Chloe,” groaned Lex and thrusted a couple more times into her before letting himself go.

He collapsed on top of her, his face buried in her neck as their bodies jerked. He could feel and hear the pounding of her heart, the blood rushing through her veins.

He lifted his head to see that she had passed out, a very sated smile on her face.

Grinning with male *and* demon pride he eased himself out of her, groaning as their bodies separated. “Finally I completely exhausted you,” he murmured, brushing her hair from her face. “Mate,” his demon growled, their bond fully completed, “love,” he continued, as Lex’s eyes faded back to their normal colour, and his fangs receded.


Hours later Lionel was still in the small office going over some documents when Lex knocked at the door.

“Come in son,” said a surprised Lionel. “Is everything ok?” he asked.

“Everything is perfect,” grinned Lex.

“Then why are you here and not in the arms of Chloe?”

“She’s... well… kind of unconscious at the moment,” smirked Lex, “so I took the opportunity to speak to you.”

Lionel gestured to a seat and waited for Lex to speak.

“Chloe and I were speaking earlier, and she mentioned about telling her friend Clark Kent about us, and the up and coming trouble with Oliver. I told her that I would mention it to you again.”

“I have been thinking about it son,” said Lionel, “and I think it would be beneficial to tell him, he could keep an eye on Chloe.”

“Those were my thoughts as well,” agreed Lex, “when do you want him told?”

“Not yet, we’ll wait a week or so, and then I’ll talk to Chloe about how best to break the news to him. Now, I think you should head back to your mate.”

Lex nodded, “take it easy dad,” he said before exiting the room, “you’re looking rather stressed.” He then closed the door behind him and headed back to his bedroom.

“I’ll take it easy son when my family both immediate and extended are safe,” whispered Lionel.

27th December 2005, 16:32

27th December 2005, 16:45
That was good i cant wait for more. i'm getting greedy u just updated and i already want more.

update soon


27th December 2005, 17:08
yum. what a lovely update! and a promise for two more-awesome!

have a fun and safe time in vegas!!!

27th December 2005, 19:20
love it love it love it..... I hope you have a wonderful trip.

27th December 2005, 19:33
You've made my day. Another great update. I love this story so much. Can't wait to see what Clark's reaction is going to be when Lex tells him everything. Have fun in Vegas ( I'm so jealous).

27th December 2005, 19:38
Oh that was just great! Another chapter that makes me giddy. I'm happy they're thinking of letting Clark know about everything, and as usual the smut....priceless!

Leo Princess
27th December 2005, 19:43
I think Chloe's gonna need a week's vacation at least after that honeymoon! :D I'm surprised she hasn't been split in two yet!

Hmmmmm, Oliver is getting more and more devious by the second. If he can make Lionel be afraid, then I shudder to think what he has in mind for Chloe.

Queen Of Tact
27th December 2005, 19:55
That was a great ch hon!! *pouts* about having to wait 2 weeks, don't want to have to wait that long but i can.... I hope you have a wonderful time in Vegas!!!
Again wonderful update, and smut..... Have a safe and fun trip.....

Happy new year hon!!



27th December 2005, 20:24
That was a great update as usual although I am left wanting more!!! Surprised Chloe hasn't passed out sooner ;) 2 weeks until I can get my next fix how will I cope..........:eek: but 2 updates in one go so thats something to be happy about :D Have a lovely time in Vegas and a Happy New Year to you :)

27th December 2005, 20:46
WOW!!! Smut was amazing!!! Getting really worried that something is gonna happen to chloe though! Who is Oliver sending to Smallville, is he gonna go after Chloe? I think Etienne should go to the Luthors and offer them information in exchange for protection from Oliver!

I love this fic so much Fiona and I can't wait for the next chapter. Enjoy Vegas, I'm so jealous, I'm stuck here in boring old Ireland!!!


27th December 2005, 21:31
Loved it as usual! (This story is the perfect mix of smut and plot both of which always make me impatient to read the next chapeter)

27th December 2005, 21:58
WOW! The smut was fantastic as usual!I can't wait to see what Oliver has up his sleeve. Have fun in Vegas!

27th December 2005, 22:50
I've never rele had the chance to leave you any feedback, it's always been a read quick and then run kinda thing. But now that I've found some time, I just hafta respond. You are an amazing writer. Each chapter is even better than the last one and I kno it's only going to get better. The relationships between each and every one of your characters is so deep and real, that as I read the chapters and can close my eyes and almost see it happening as if i were watching it on TV. BTW, I love the relationship between Gabe and Anna. Well, have a happy New Year and I look forward to the new updates.


27th December 2005, 23:15
Awsome update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

27th December 2005, 23:22
Great update and fantastic smut as usual. Hope you have a good new year and can't wait for the two chapters when you return!!

28th December 2005, 02:35
Most excellant update. Can't wait till you get back! I'm dieing to see the interaction when they tell Clark who they are.

Belated Merry Christmas and have a Wonderful New Year!

28th December 2005, 04:11
That was a fantastic chapter!!! I loved it! Have fun in Vegas!!!

28th December 2005, 05:55
That was an amazing chapter.............I can not wait for more........the suspense is killing me...............Please update soon!!!!!! I am dying for more............I love it..........Awesome writing...........I hope Oliver doesn't get Chloe.........

star del mar
28th December 2005, 07:22
I love this story, I can't get over it. I'm almost hoping that Etienne comes up with some kind of plan so that Oliver gets screwed over but I'm thinking that's probably not going to happen...Etienne doesn't seem like he's with it enough. God, Lex and Chloe...you gotta love the stamina :) Great update!


28th December 2005, 08:07
Happy New Year! Have fun in Vegas... but not too much, make sure you come back to us.
Loved this last chapter. The smut was delicious.

28th December 2005, 08:44
Oliver take Chloe from Lex :omg: can't wait to see how that will go! Loved the update.

28th December 2005, 09:07
Great Update!!!!!! Can't wait for the next one. Have a good time in Vegas!!

28th December 2005, 14:12
Great update, it was good to hear from the others(meaning Lionel and etc) and have fun in Vegas!!!:hug:

28th December 2005, 16:34
Yay! I must confess, I surprised myself by sucking at life a little bit. I went away Monday and Tuesday, and so when I got to work today I took my time checking the site b/c I thought it was Monday. Then I see SqL was updated and BAM! it hit me that it was Wednesday and I was a day late in reading and reviewing. *hangs head in shame* But I am here now, and if it makes you feel any better I am covered in bruises from my first ever snowboarding trip. Which rocks, everyone should try it! :D

And now for the review! Thank you for the update on Oliver again. And I kinda hope Etienne poses a problem for him, simply because I hate Oliver a smidge more than I hate Etienne. Ok, a lot more, but that's because I virulently hate Oliver and only passionately hate Etienne. Also, I am very very very interested in seeing where Sergi's travels take him and what type of meeting Lionel and co. have with the demon. Finally, that was seriously hot smut tucked into the end there. Hours long sex always sounds so damn hot.

I am crying on the inside b/c I will not be getting an update next week, but I will put on a good face b/c everyone needs a vacation and Vegas will be lots of fun. Even if you do abandon us like unwanted kittens.

28th December 2005, 17:22
oooooh can't wait for more

28th December 2005, 21:13
Awesome as always! How long has this fic been going on...about two years? I cannot believe your dedication and ingenuity. I would have run out of ideas, and patients long ago. You're absolutely amazing!

I can't wait for the next part.

28th December 2005, 21:26
Another great, great chapter!! I can't wait for more.
My computer has been break down for a few days so... Merry Christmas to all!!

29th December 2005, 07:05
:) great job as usual! these chapters are drool worthy.... *DROOL

29th December 2005, 17:36
Yay, you updated. I so love reading your fics. You have so much talent.

Shy Butterfly
29th December 2005, 19:10
That was an amazing update!!!!

Thanks a lot!

Hope you post the next chapter soon?!

29th December 2005, 22:18
A new great update! I glad about everybody is worried dor Chloe. It's very sweet.
I hope you enjoy in Las Vegas. But please... don't forget us and updates as soon as you come back, ok?
Happy New Year at all!!!

30th December 2005, 05:46
lol i'm like totally at the edge of my seat!!! please update soon!!!!

30th December 2005, 07:36
I love , love , love this fic. Seriously. And I really like Lionel in this story. Its nice to see Lex have a decent dad instead of a poop head.

1st January 2006, 19:07
PLEASE Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd January 2006, 22:16
I totally forgot you were in Vegas! NOOOooo.... I was so excited yesterday b/c I was going to get an update today! Then I show up, no update, and BAM! it hits me like a laxative. You went on va-ca. And left us behind. Whatever. We won't hate or anything. *grumbles under breath* Spoiled shelfish writer too busy for her captive audience. See if I leave her anymore feedback, that inconsiderate genius. ;) I'm just kidding, hope you're enjoying your trip! I'll be waiting patiently for your return. :D with knives

4th January 2006, 01:44
I cannot wait for another update, I am simply enthralled by this story. Fabulous work!!

4th January 2006, 18:04
Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the best fic ever and when I mean ever that's really it!
Sooooooooooooo good!
I start reading this fic a week ago and since then when I had time for myself I would always read this and I just finish! I so can't wait for the next chapter!
PLZ update soon! You must think I am crazy but it's like I "need' to read this!
I know I am saying the same thing again but This is just amazing!
Hope you update really soon!

4th January 2006, 19:51
update soon. loving it.

9th January 2006, 15:47
I have had a terrible time coping without an update from you so guess what I started reading it again form the beginning. It is even better the second time around I am on chapter 102 so it won't be long now and I will have caught up again so was wondering if there is going to be an update today or tomorrow maybe?????

9th January 2006, 15:52
I hope Vegas was everything you can never talk about, and that you are refreshed and full of contentment. I also hope that you will have had a backup chapter ready for us so that we fiends can be satisfied after a two week drought. And finally, I hope that Vegas was an inspiration and the Luthors reveal further decadence and debauchery and perhaps find a reason to travel.

Can I can I can I can I can I get an uuuuupdate? Maybe tomorrow during our regularly scheduled program?!

9th January 2006, 15:52
Ok........ I'm baaaaccckkkk.... Vegas was a blast and now I'm recovering from a nasty dose of the flu and a chest infecion... lucky me... Ok, I know you're not interested in my health..you want updates. And as promised, here is two chapters. Enjoy ............................. Fiona :P

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Eight – Chats

Martin took a job at the hardware store across from the Talon. He had been specifically told by Oliver not to approach Chloe Sullivan at all; in fact if possible he was to avoid her altogether. His mission was to observe and monitor her movements. Oliver said she would head back to school soon once the final stage on the bonding took place, and while the Luthors would have her watched in daylight hours that would still be the best time to take her.

He had yet to see her, in the flesh anyway, he had overheard two boys talking about in the store yesterday, one, a tall dark-haired boy said he had called the Luthor castle but was told Chloe wasn’t well and couldn’t take any calls but that the message would be passed onto her.

“She called back later, not sounding too good either,” the dark hair one said, “and she sounded kind of breathless and her voice was husky and dead tired.”

“Must be another dose of the flu,” the other boy said.

‘More like a dose of Lex Luthor,’ Martin had thought to himself.

Shaking himself from his thoughts he stood at the counter and watched the people pass by the store, with everything he had heard about the Luthors, and all that he had seen of Smallville Martin just couldn’t understand why on earth the powerful vampire family had settled here.

Shrugging his shoulders he went back to his work, there was nothing to do but wait for Oliver to give the word.


Chloe stood looking out over the grounds from the window of her and Lex’s room; she had just gotten off the phone to her dad. He sounded like he was having great fun with Byron and told her that Zhang was joining them to help out with the research. He sounded so excited Chloe had to laugh.

After that intense love-making session a couple of nights ago, the one where she passed out, and boy was Lex not letting her forget that, their bodies seemed at last sated. The need and passion was still there but the urgency to make love wasn’t. Lex had told her his demon was sated, the bond was fully accepted.

‘Thinking of me love,’ Lex’s voice sounded in her mind, it was faint but she could make him out. This was another side effect of the mating, and it would only grow. He could hear her as well, but again it was faint and didn’t carry over great distances just yet.

‘Yes,’ she replied back, and smiled as she *sensed* him getting closer.

“Good, because I was thinking of you,” he said as he quickly entered and crossed the room, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Chloe leaned back against him and covered his hands with her own. She moaned softly as he kissed her neck. “That mind speak thing is so cool,” she said.

Lex chuckled against her neck.

“Will I be able to hear and communicate with your parents or maybe even Elena?” she asked, twisting her head to look at him.

“My parents, possibly,” replied Lex, “but not for a long time and definitely not before you’re turned, as for Elena I don’t honestly know, but it’s worth asking mom about.”

Chloe nodded and settled back against him again.

“As nice as this is,” he said, “and as much as I would like to continue onto more pleasurable activities, my father would like to speak with you.”

Chloe turned to face him, “is this about Clark?”

“I’m guessing so.”

“Ok, let’s not keep him waiting then, we can have *fun* later.”


“Sergi arrived safely in Egypt,” said Natasha, “he’s going to stay in Cairo for a day or so and then head south. He will contact you when he has reached the outskirts of the desert.”

“How are you Natasha?” asked Lionel.

“Scared,” she replied, “Sergi never really talked about what you, Martin and he saw all those centuries ago, but I knew it scared him.”

“It scared us all.”

“I also know that you would never put him knowingly in any danger, and that was a big driver in me agreeing with him going.”

Lionel smiled at her, touched by her words.

“I have a small favour to ask you Lionel.”

“Anything Natasha, you know that.”

“I would like Nikolas, Christine and the baby to join us here. With Sergi gone I would like all my family around me.”

“Of course they can come, it will be nice to have a baby around the place.”

“And now is a good time with Lex and Chloe cooling down,” she added with a grin.

Lionel laughed, “yes it will.”

A knock on the door interrupted them. “Come in Lex, Chloe,” he called out.

The door opened and the pair stepped in. “Darlings,” grinned Natasha rising from her seat and giving both a kiss on the cheek.

Chloe smiled and hugged the older woman.

“Lex, will you escort Natasha to your mother please? I’d like to talk to Chloe.”

Lex leaned forward and kissed Chloe softly on the lips, “I’ll wait for you upstairs,” he whispered against her mouth.

“This way milady,” he grinned at Natasha, holding his arm out.

Giggling she took it and they left, closing the door behind them.

Lionel walked around his desk and hugged Chloe tightly, a hug she returned just as tightly, “feels like I haven’t seen you in ages,” he grinned when he released her.

“Oh things to do, you know,” she replied.

Lionel chuckled and led her to a chair. After she had taken her seat, he took the one beside her. “I’m sure you know what I want to speak with you.”

“Yes, it’s about Clark.”

“After talking to Lex I’ve been thinking about your friend a lot, and I think it would be beneficial to us, and especially you if he did know. I also think you should be the one to tell him. And you can tell him as much or as little as you want. I’m not sure you’d like the full extent of your relationship with Lex to be known but then again maybe you do.”

“Eh no, I think we’ll just leave it at Lex and I dating, there is absolutely no need for Clark to know we’re practically married,” grinned Chloe.

“Well like I said what you chose to tell him is up to you. The timing of when you want to have your little chat and the place is again all up to you,” said Lionel.

“I was thinking of the guest house,” said Chloe, “it’s kind of neutral and away from prying eyes, and I’d like to talk to him as soon as possible, so maybe in the next few days, and in the evening.”

“Good,” replied Lionel, nodding his head, “would you like me or Lex there?”

“Both of you please, out of sight for starters, but in case Clark needs a visual... well then you can make a grand entrance.”

Lionel chuckled.

“You look tired Lionel,” she said after a moment, “everything ok?”

“Not really Chloe,” he admitted, “I am very worried about Oliver, and I hate not knowing about an enemy, especially how to destroy them.”

“Is that why Sergi’s gone to Egypt?”

“It is, outside my family I trust Sergi the most, and he was with me all those centuries ago when we met that other demon. He’s going to search for him there and Byron and your dad are scouring Byron’s *very* extensive library in London for more information.”

“And having a damn good time doing it,” grinned Chloe. “I was talking to my dad earlier, he is having so much fun. Ok, he knows all this is very serious but he can’t help himself.”

“He’s right to enjoy it,” smiled Lionel, “and he and Byron have become very good friends, and not too mention the fact that *Anna* is over there as well.”

“Please Lionel, I try not to think of my dad and Anna as my dad and Anna,” said Chloe holding up her hand and cringing slightly.

The elder Luthor laughed, “I think I can count on you to always cheer me up my dear,” he said, smiling fondly at Chloe.

“You need to take care of yourself Lionel,” aid Chloe, her voice serious as she laid a hand on his. “It’s your strength they all draw from, even Lillian. It will be a plus for Oliver if something were to happen to you.”

“I am so very glad you are part of this family,” smiled Lionel, leaning forward and kissing her on the forehead, “and I’ll promise to take better care of myself.”

Chloe stared at him, “no you won’t,” she said after a moment, “you say you will to keep everyone happy but you’ll push yourself just as hard.”

“Smart girl.”

“But that doesn’t mean that everyone is going to stop caring *or* pushing you to take breaks, and I intend, along with your wife, to be the main pushers.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way my dear,” smirked Lionel.


“Chloe you look radiant, tired, but radiant,” grinned Lillian as Chloe entered the room after her talk with Lionel. “I do hope my son has been looking after you,” she hugged the younger woman.

“Oh, he’s been taking very good care of me,” replied Chloe, hugging Lillian back.

“I take it Lionel has been speaking to you,” Lillian said as they took their seats.

“He has, and I intend on having the chat with Clark soon.”

“Good, good,” murmured Lillian.

“Wow I can’t get over everything that has happened in the last week,” said Chloe after a moment. “The mating ceremony took place, Lex and I had our, ehm, honeymoon, and now I’m going to tell Clark that his neighbours are vampires in the middle of a war with some freaky demon.”

“No one said life was a bowl of cherries,” deadpanned Lillian, causing both women to laugh.

“On to top it all off, the worst thing is I have to go back to school in a couple of days,” exclaimed Chloe, “so not fair.”

“It’s your final year Chloe, and even at that there isn’t much left, see it out, with everything going on you could do with *some* normality in your life.”

“I know you’re right, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it,” replied Chloe with a grin. “Oh I meant to thank you for the little silver box, it was beautiful, and perfect to hold the ribbons from the mating ceremony.” During one of her *breaks* from Lex, Chloe had spied the small silver box on her dresser with a note from Lillian, it was just perfect for the ribbons as Chloe was loathe to throw them away.

“Don’t mention it dear.”

“Also I have your necklace, I’ll drop it back to you later.”

“No, you keep that Chloe,” smiled Lillian, “and give it to your daughter, or daughter in law, if you’re blessed with two sons, for her mating ceremony, its tradition.”

“Thank you Lillian, it will be an honour to continue the tradition.”

“I knew you would be part of our family the moment I met you the day you arrived to interview Lucas,” said Lillian.

“That seems to long ago now,” sighed Chloe. “I wouldn’t change anything that happened, well except maybe how I found out about you all. That I would change. I’m so happy to have met all of you, even my dad is happy, I just couldn’t imagine you, your family, Elena and the others not in my life, especially Lex, I don’t know how I had lived my life before he came along.”

“See the two of you were fated,” grinned Lillian. “Now, Nikolas, Christine and the baby are on their way here, Natasha wants all her family around with Sergi gone.”

“It will be great to see them all again.”

“It will, now I was thinking of…”

Chloe sat back and smiled as she listened to Lillian talk about where she would put them, and what it would be like to have a baby in the castle.


The candles flickered around the room, causing silhouettes and shadows of the pair in the bed to appear on the walls and ceiling. Chloe’s soft gasps and Lex’s moans filled the room.

Lex kissed her deeply and wetly as he moved within her, his tongue mimicking the actions of his cock. Chloe shifted her legs higher, resting her heels on his ass as her tongue tangled with his.

“Missed you all day,” Lex whispered against her mouth, his hips moving faster.

“Missed you too,” she moaned, rubbing her feet against his ass, feeling the throb build in her sex. She moved her hips in time with his as Lex slipped a hand to where they were joined and gently rubbed her clit.

Chloe moaned, kissing him again. Lex’s other hand found her breasts squeezing and caressing one then the other as he let his mate dominate the kiss.

She dragged her mouth away to take in gulps of air as Lex began moving with more purpose, pushing them both towards their climaxes. Lex slipped his hand beneath her ass and lifted her into his thrusts.

“Lex,” she groaned as he caressed her ass.

Moving harder and faster he allowed his finger to slip between her ass cheeks and gently rubbed her crack.

“Oh fuck,” groaned Chloe arching off the bed.

‘Interesting,’ thought Lex, and kept his finger there, adding pressure as the moved harder and faster.

“Chloe,” he groaned when she swirled her tongue around the mark on his neck, and he growled when she bit it gently. “Please love.”

Chloe bit down hard against his neck and Lex roared, fucking her harder and harder, grunting in time with his thrusts. It was the feeling of her tongue lapping at the blood that sent Lex over the edge and he came hard, spurting into her. Grabbing her head he pulled her from his neck and sank his fangs deep into her mark.

Chloe cried out his name as she hit her own peak. Lex drank down her blood as her pussy spasmed around his cock. Lex lapped gently at the mark till the blood stopped, as Chloe panted and struggled to get her breath back.

“Amazing as always love,” he groaned, rolling to the side, taking her with him.

“MMM,” replied Chloe, snuggling against him, “my brain is fried from great sex.”

Lex laughed and held her tighter as she fell asleep. “Things are going to get nasty Chloe,” he whispered, “Oliver will try and take you, we’ll need to be strong to beat him,” he kissed her forehead gently. “I will protect you,” he promised.

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Nine – Set Ups

Chloe sat at the traffic lights, waiting for them to change to green. ‘God I love this car,’ she thought to herself as she saw people staring at it as they passed on the street, ‘got to love the Luthors’ taste in Porsches.’

As she waited for the lights to change she contemplated whether or not to stop at the Talon for a coffee. “I probably shouldn’t,” she muttered, “but fuck it; the chance to rub Lana Lang’s nose in it is far too great.”

The lights changed and with a screech of tyres Chloe took off down the street and in the direction of the Talon, singing aloud with the song on the radio.


“Shit,” swore Lana as she saw the Porsche pull up outside. She really wasn’t in the mood for dealing with Chloe Sullivan at the moment, and she just knew the blonde had parked right outside on purpose.

Lana glanced over the other side of the coffee shop to see Clark and Pete deep in conversation, there were a few other people scattered around the place, and towards the back was the new guy who had started in the hardware store. Lana had gotten use to seeing him come in every day for something.

She drummed her fingers against the counter and narrowed her eyes as the door opened and Chloe walked in. There was something very different about Chloe lately, she seemed, well so much more mature and self-assured than she had ever seen the other girl, obviously being Lex Luthor’s girlfriend brought that out in her.

‘So not fair,’ thought Lana. And to make matters even worse Lucas Luthor hadn’t been seen around the place for the last couple of weeks, how the hell was she suppose to get anywhere with him if he was never around.


Chloe approached the counter to see Lana staring off into space, obviously deep in thought. “Hey Lana, anyone at home,” she said, waving her hand in front of the other girl’s face.

“Oh sorry Chloe didn’t see you there,” said Lana, smiling.

“Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing but could I get a latte please?”

“Of course.”

“Thanks I’ll be over with Clark and Pete,” said Chloe, giving Lana just as fake a smile as the brunette had given her. Without waiting for Lana’s reply, Chloe headed over to her friends, feeling the other girl’s glare.

“Chloe,” smiled Pete warmly as she approached them, standing up and hugging her, “haven’t seen you in a while girl.”

“I know, my bad, but I’ve been kind of busy,” she replied with a grin.

“Well I’d love to stay and chat but I was just heading off,” said Pete. “Call me and we’ll arrange a get together.”

“You bet I will,” she grinned and gave him another hug before he waved at Clark and left.

“Hey Chlo,” said Clark, hugging her just as tightly.

“Oxygen Clark,” she mock-gasped, “human here,” she added with a whisper. Releasing her with a laugh, they sat down again just as Lana brought Chloe’s coffee over.

“Thanks Lana,” said Chloe, and turned her attention back to Clark.

Realising she wasn’t being invited to sit down with them Lana just barely held back on stamping her foot in a tantrum, instead she spun on her heel and went back to the counter, mumbling as she did.

“Pete’s right,” said Clark, “we haven’t seen you around at all. Has Lex taken to keeping you prisoner up at the castle?” he teased.

“Yes, I’m chained to the bed every evening,” replied Chloe, “a slave to Lex’s every whim and fancy. My body his…”

“Chloe,” Clark choked, blushing fiercely.

“What they don’t have kinky sex where you come from?”


“Ok, ok I’ll stop,” she said, laughing.

“Bad visual,” muttered Clark, shuddering, although a grin graced his face.

“Clark, are you doing anything this Friday evening?” asked Chloe, when they stopped laughing.

“Nothing planned,” he replied, “mom and dad are heading to Metropolis for a night, and Pete just informed me he won’t be around either, why?”

“Why don’t you come over to the castle, well not actually the castle, but the small guesthouse on the grounds, we can chat watch scary movies, you know hang out.”

A smile broke out on Clark’s face, “I’d like that a lot Chloe.”

“Brilliant, let’s say you come over at 8.00pm?”

“It’s a date,” he grinned.

‘It will be *something* all right,’ Chloe thought to herself as she sipped her coffee.


‘So that’s her in the flesh,’ thought Martin as he watched Chloe talking with the dark-haired boy, Lex Luthor has excellent taste.’ He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but a smile stole across his lips as he watched the boy blush at something she had said.

Deciding he had been here long enough, Martin dug some coins from his pocket and dropped them on the table before grabbing his jacket and heading out of the table, sparing Chloe one last glance before he did.


The black-haired woman narrowed her eyes at the man who left; she had been watching him watching Chloe from the moment the blonde entered the coffee shop.

She watched him walk past the window before turning her own attention back to Chloe.

‘It may be nothing,’ she thought, ‘but I think Mr Luthor should know about him. I’ll tell him tonight when I give my report.’

Settling back in her seat she motioned to the waitress for another coffee and made herself comfortable as she continued to keep an eye on the Luthor mate as per her instructions.


A happy Chloe entered the Luthor castle some time later. She and Clark stayed chatting and laughing for a couple of hours in the Talon before leaving. She had given him a lift home and was then invited in by Martha for another chat. Chloe had enjoyed herself, she was glad that things between her and Clark were good, although that may change significantly on Friday night when she told him about the Luthors. Chloe had decided that she was going to tell Clark pretty much everything; the only bit she would leave out would be that she and Lex were mated. For the moment that news was reserved for those in the vampire world and her dad. Humming to herself she made her way to Lionel’s study where she knew Lex was as well.

“Ah Bella, there you are,” Elena said s she passed one of the rooms, “I was beginning to think I’d never see you again.” She looked Chloe up and down, a smirk appearing on her face as she did, “wow I see multiple orgasms are good for you.”

“Copious amounts of great sex is good for me,” replied Chloe with a grin of her own.

“I know, I *heard* you on enough occasions.” To Elena’s surprise Chloe didn’t blush, instead she just cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned.

“I’m on my way to speak to Lionel,” said Chloe, “if you’d like to join me.”

The Italian vampire fell into step beside Chloe as they continued on the way to the study.

“Where’s your ring?” asked Elena, noticing it missing.

Chloe tugged at the chain around her neck and pull it from under her blouse to reveal her ring. “Too many questions will be asked if it’s spotted on my finger,” she explained, “so I wear on the chain.”

“Good idea, even if it’s a shame not being able to be completely open about it.”

“I know, but we won’t have to keep it secret for long, hopefully.”

“Lionel told myself and Karl about your friend Clark, mama mia, an alien.”

“I know, and it’s really weird that I find that even freakier than the fact that Lex, you and the others are vampires. But, I do think Clark could be a help.”

“If the shock of telling him about us doesn’t give him some sort of an alien heart attack.”

“Yes well there is always *that* to consider,” laughed Chloe.

“I’m sure you’ll break the news as gently as possible.”

Chloe smiled as she saw Lex standing outside the door waiting for her.

“Did you have fun?” he asked crossing the distance to her and kissing her gently.

“It was nice to get out for a while,” she grinned.

Minutes later all three were in Lionel’s study, along with Lillian, Lucas, Karl and Lionel. Chloe told them about the invite she issued Clark and his acceptance.

“I think you and Lex should be already in the guest house when Clark arrives,” she said to Lionel, “out of sight of course. I’m not going to tell him immediately, I’ll give him an hour to get comfortable and then spring it on him.”

“Good idea, Lex and I will remain upstairs and only make an appearance when you request us too.”

“Or if Clark tries anything,” added Lex.

A knock at the door interrupted them. And David entered, “apologies, but Miss Reynolds is here to see master Lex and Lucas.”

“Excuse us,” said Lex, and he and Lucas left. As soon as they were gone, the others returned to their conversation.


“It may be nothing,” said Melissa, “he could just have been checking her out.”

Lucas smirked at the growl that Lex emitted after hearing that. “Come on Lex, Chloe is *very* attractive, guys are going to check her out.”

The three of them were in one of the other rooms while Melissa gave her report on the events of the day; she had just finished telling them about the guy that had been looking at Chloe in the Talon.

“I saw him again when I left,” continued Melissa, “he was working in the hardware store.”

“Find out who he is,” said Lex, “if he’s local well then he probably was just looking at her, but if he’s new to town…”

“I’ll find out everything,” finished Melissa, “don’t worry, you can count on me.”

“Oh we have no doubt that you will be thorough in your research,” Lucas grinned at her.

“As always thanks Melissa,” said Lex, hading the young woman an envelope.

“Thank you Mr Luthor,” she replied, pocketing it immediately, “I will be in touch as soon as I have the information.”


“She is very attractive in the flesh, petite and rather curvy,” said Martin over the phone. “It’s easy to see what Luthor sees in her. She was meeting with a friend of hers, they sat there for a while laughing and talking and then left in her car.”

“Did you notice anything else?” Oliver asked.

“Yes, she was being watched,” continued Martin, “just as you said, a young woman, obviously hired by the Luthors.”

“Predictable,” muttered Oliver, “and did you make sure she saw you looking?”

“Of course, I could feel her eyes on me as I left, I have no doubt that she will be looking into my history very soon.”

“Excellent, I have your *past* all mapped out perfectly,” chuckled Oliver. “I will call you again in a couple of days,” and then he hung up without waiting for a reply.

Oliver leaned back in his chair and let out a deep uncharacteristic sigh. While things in Smallville were moving along like he planned, the situation with Etienne was getting worse. And as much as he wanted to rip the French vampire apart with his bare hands he needed to keep him around until the Luthor mate was taken…

But Etienne was really pushing his hand; Oliver knew he had gathered a few misguided vampires to his side and that he was planning to stage a coup or something. And on top of all that he still wasn’t any closer to deciphering the spell.

“Fuck,” growled Oliver, slamming his hand down on the desk, “it is looking more and more likely that I won’t have the spell. Just a small set back, nothing to stop my plans. The Luthors will be destroyed and the lovely Chloe will be in my bed.”


Meanwhile the object of Oliver’s thoughts was engaged in far more important actions. Namely reducing *her* vampire to a babbling and begging mess.

Lex groaned as Chloe slowly took him deep in her throat. With a shaking hand he brushed her hair from her eyes. Chloe’s movements were slow and deliberate. ‘Teasing minx,” he thought, fighting the urge to tell her to hurry up. It was a battle of wits, and he refused to be the one to back down.

But did she have to have such a fucking talented mouth.

Keeping her eyes locked on Lex’s golden ones Chloe slowly bobbed her head up and down, savouring the feeling of his cock sliding in and out her mouth. One hand stroked the base of his cock while the other squeezed his balls.

“Chloe,” he hissed, biting down on his lip, his tongue quickly sweeping up the blood that appeared.

Grinning internally, Chloe released him from her mouth and gently blew against the head of his cock.

Lex gritted his teeth even as his hips surged upwards. Chloe repeated the action as she pushed his thighs further apart. She swirled her tongue around the weeping head before once again swallowing him deep.

‘Do it, do it,’ his demon begged, but Lex gritted his teeth harder.

Chloe knew he was close as she released him from her mouth with a loud pop, before running her tongue up and down every inch. Her hand dipped lower till she brushed her finger against his anus.

The reaction was instant, Lex’s hand tightened in her hair. She gently pressed against the opening, teasing it as her mouth took his cock.

“Fuck Chloe, please,” he cried out, his body tense.

‘Yes,’ she thought and began sucking him in earnest as he worked her finger inside him.

That was it for Lex, he had been so close already that he came with a growl, filling her mouth. Chloe swallowed some before pulling back and Lex cried out again as his cum splashed onto her bare chest as her hand milked him.

“Witch,” he groaned.

“I won that round,” grinned Chloe, loving that she could do this to him.

Lex’s eyes flashed as he recognised the challenge.

“A minor set back love,” he growled, pulling her up his body, “easily rectified.” He pushed her onto her back and moving down her body set about making sure he won the next round.

9th January 2006, 16:20
Sorry you're feeling so bad right now. Glad you had a great time in Vegas ( did you win anything?). Get lots of rest & fluids ( ok that was the mom in me). Getting to the updates, OMG! Two chapters, I'm so happy. They were terrific ( but I never doubted they wouldn't be). I hope the Luthors realize that Oliver knows Melissa is watching Martin. How are they gonna work this out? Can't tell you how happy new chapters of this story make me. It's almost ridiculous.

Can't wait for Clark's reaction to what Chloe has to tell him. Great updates.

9th January 2006, 16:35
Fantastic update loved it as usual you have made my day:D
Oliver actually wanted his spy to get caught I am confused (which isn't hard:P ) Looking forward to finding out what his plan is.
Loved this part Chloe is getting so much more confident it's fun to make farmboy blush:P

“we haven’t seen you around at all. Has Lex taken to keeping you prisoner up at the castle?” he teased.

“Yes, I’m chained to the bed every evening,” replied Chloe, “a slave to Lex’s every whim and fancy. My body his…”

“Chloe,” Clark choked, blushing fiercely.

“What they don’t have kinky sex where you come from?”

The bedroom scene at the end how hot was that !!

Meanwhile the object of Oliver’s thoughts was engaged in far more important actions. Namely reducing *her* vampire to a babbling and begging mess.

Lex groaned as Chloe slowly took him deep in her throat. With a shaking hand he brushed her hair from her eyes. Chloe’s movements were slow and deliberate. ‘Teasing minx,” he thought, fighting the urge to tell her to hurry up. It was a battle of wits, and he refused to be the one to back down.

But did she have to have such a fucking talented mouth.

‘Do it, do it,’ his demon begged, but Lex gritted his teeth harder.

Chloe knew he was close as she released him from her mouth with a loud pop, before running her tongue up and down every inch. Her hand dipped lower till she brushed her finger against his anus.

The reaction was instant, Lex’s hand tightened in her hair. She gently pressed against the opening, teasing it as her mouth took his cock.

“Fuck Chloe, please,” he cried out, his body tense.

‘Yes,’ she thought and began sucking him in earnest as he worked her finger inside him.

That was it for Lex, he had been so close already that he came with a growl, filling her mouth. Chloe swallowed some before pulling back and Lex cried out again as his cum splashed onto her bare chest as her hand milked him.

“Witch,” he groaned.

“I won that round,” grinned Chloe, loving that she could do this to him.

Lex’s eyes flashed as he recognised the challenge.

“A minor set back love,” he growled, pulling her up his body, “easily rectified.” He pushed her onto her back and moving down her body set about making sure he won the next round.
Think a cold shower is in order and thankyou for 2 great updates and hope you are feeling better soon;)

9th January 2006, 17:05
I loved the update, can't wait to find out where this is heading to :)

Realising she wasn’t being invited to sit down with them Lana just barely held back on stamping her foot in a tantrum, instead she spun on her heel and went back to the counter, mumbling as she did.

The only good Lana, is a dead one but a jealous Lana works too lol

Meanwhile the object of Oliver’s thoughts was engaged in far more important actions. Namely reducing *her* vampire to a babbling and begging mess.

Lex groaned as Chloe slowly took him deep in her throat. With a shaking hand he brushed her hair from her eyes. Chloe’s movements were slow and deliberate. ‘Teasing minx,” he thought, fighting the urge to tell her to hurry up. It was a battle of wits, and he refused to be the one to back down.

But did she have to have such a fucking talented mouth.

I just :wub: the last scene, I hope there's going to be more soon

9th January 2006, 17:06
Oh my god you are a freaking mind reader. I had just been thinking to myself that with all the things they've done, and with all the stories on here, there has been a marked lack of anal exploration. And then there you go and start toeing the line!!!!! Evil minds think alike I guess. :devil:

Contrary to your opinion, we do care how you are feeling. I am very sorry you are sick, stupid airplane air always gets people sick. But at least Vegas was awesome! I really hope you feel better soon. Make sure you get your :sleep:

Ok, and now about the chapter. *happy dance! happy dance* Two chapters! TWO!!! WOOT WOOT! :wub: :nsparty: And what excellent chapters they are. I'm glad to see the plot progressing again - though I'm not complaining about the smutfilled manna you've provided with us, I swear! - I am just really worried that Chloe's pushing telling Clark too far away and something bad will happen beforehand. Also, if Oliver does take Chloe, Lex hearing her will be so so so bad in some respects and so so good in others. I am really scared for them both. And, does Oliver know that bonded mates can mind-speak? Is he counting on that or planning on breaking the bond before she gets a chance to contact Lex? Or is he hoping he'll be able to torture Chloe physically and thus Lex mentally, then severing the bond thus making Lex think she is dead? O the possibilites! Don't hurt my Luthors!

9th January 2006, 17:25
Its great to have you back Fiona, you were missed!!! Do we get to hear any gossip about what went on in Vegas or is it a case of "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"!!!

I'm getting so worried about what Oliver is planning for Chloe, he seems to be one step ahead of the Luthors and that is bad news!!!

Update again soon please Fiona, I'm addicted!!!


9th January 2006, 18:15
Thanks for the awesome update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

buckles squared
9th January 2006, 19:04
Great "chess game" between the Luthors and Oliver. And the rest is, well, fantastic as usual!


9th January 2006, 19:11
wooooooow... let this honeymoon faze last forever. lol.

Kit Merlot
9th January 2006, 19:27
Hey Fi, I'm glad that you had fun in Vegas, but I'm sorry that you're sick.
I hope you feel better soon;)

Now, the double update ROCKED!! So Oliver has this Martin person set up as a decoy. I hope the Luthors are able to outsmart him.

Oh, and th smut? FABULOUS, as always:D

Queen Of Tact
9th January 2006, 19:39
Your back!!!!!! I'm glad you had a good time in Vegas... *Hugs* so sorry ur not feeling well love...*passes some chicken soup* I hope you feel better soon....

Now on to the update.... Oh how I have missed this fic, and OMG was it good.. They sex was yummy.... Sadly Chloe can't tell everyone she and Lex are now married (errr well you know what i mean)... I hope she tells Clark very soon, because they're going to need him... And I have a feeling something bad is going to be coming there way..... Great, and wonderful update!!!!! I can't wait to read more...



9th January 2006, 19:49
God I love this fic.

9th January 2006, 21:34
Thank god you are back.And sorry for you virus or bug- and we do care about your health...for very selfless reasons but we do care.
Anyway- a brilliant update as usual. Can't wait for Chloe and Clark to work things out and not to mention finally finding out what Oliver has planned:D
Keep the updates coming..pretty please

9th January 2006, 23:27
lol everyone seems to know what everyone else is doing!!! i wanna know who has the upper hand in all this!!!! please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10th January 2006, 00:05
YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear your not well so an extra thank you for still updating. Hope you atleast won in Vegas.

I've got to say i that the updates were absolutely brilliant, fantastic etc...
Smut was fabulous, are we gonna have the next round? What's clark's reaction going to be when he learns the truth?

Cant wait for more update soon.

Get well soon.

10th January 2006, 00:26
aw. we care. hope you get better soon!

the updates were, in the words of lex...
“Amazing as always..."

great job!!!

10th January 2006, 01:27
Hope your feeling better soon Fiona !!
Loved the update as usual, I cant wait for more you keep me hooked every chapter !!

10th January 2006, 01:50
Insanely awesome! I love this story. I'm sorry to hear you were sick...its that time of year. I had my Dad and brother sick. Here's to hoping they don't feel the need to share! :irefuse:

Great sex! I wish the rest of us could get some of that...:hankpank:

10th January 2006, 02:15
You have returned!!! Isn't Vegas great!!! Did you learn that anus thing in Vegas? Just kidding. Two fantastic chapters!!! More please!!!

10th January 2006, 02:29
Awesome updates! Can't wait for more!

GET WELL SOON!!! It sucks to be sick, so you just get better!

10th January 2006, 03:48
Not a good sign that Oliver's getting all growly. I wonder how long Etienne has left.

Also, I can't wait to see Clark's reaction to the reality of the Luthors' origins.


10th January 2006, 04:42
awesome update!!!

star del mar
10th January 2006, 05:32
Great update! Those chapters were definitely worth the wait...it's great to see that Lex and Chloe are still ready to jump each other at any given moment even though their honeymoon is over :) I am hoping that Clark will agree to help the Luthor family because Oliver needs to get beat down...thinking that Chloe will be in his bed. Pff, in his dreams. I can't wait to see if Sergi finds that creature in Cairo. This story just keeps on getting better and better!


10th January 2006, 06:02
Brilliant update , as usual. I love all the twists and turns this story has . I nver know what is going to happen next.

10th January 2006, 06:43
Great updates- you more than made up for being gone! The story just gets more and more complicated but in the best way possible.

10th January 2006, 17:16
Amazing update as always..........I can not wait to see what you have instored for us next...........I wonder if Oliver is able to get Chloe and see what happens afterwards...........Please update soon...........I love Chlex.........you are such a talented writer.............

11th January 2006, 01:50
Loved it! Fantastic as usual! I can't wait to see what Oliver has up his sleeve. Great update! I need more! Update soon.

11th January 2006, 07:00
I'm glad you had a great time in Vegas and still managed to make it home safely, even if you managed to catch a bug on the way. Get well soon, you need a clear head in order to keep up with this intricate plot.
Chlex smut was fantastic as always, but I'm worried about her return to school. I know at least Clark will be there to help her, even if the attack comes before Friday's meeting. I wonder how Clark will react. You've done a pretty good job at having Clark be reasonable and not totally self-centered, so I hope that is a good omen for the big reveal.
I don't know, if I should be happy that Oliver is planning on moving forward with the bond-breaking spell. I don't want the Chlex bond to be broken, but it was a good stall in action. I'll have to keep my fingers crossed.

Good luck and get well soon.

spaceboi's pixie
11th January 2006, 12:08
the fic rocks can't wait for clark to know anyway great job want more please

11th January 2006, 12:21
great story, your dialogue is great and the plotting of this mind boggling

you are one helluva writer

11th January 2006, 21:33
Two new and amazing chapter!!! Great!!

I can't wait to see the Clark's reaction when Chloe tell him about the Luthors.
And what about that Martin? I don't like him at all. I hope that he can't deceive Melissa.
And Etienne. I wonder what is he up to?

Please, update soon. And thanks for the two chapter.

12th January 2006, 00:03
Whoa.... catching up on the last couple chapters since the mating ceremony... omfg... wow.

*collapses into a puddle o' smut* :drool:

12th January 2006, 11:56
Hope you'll get better soon!!!
Loved those chapters very much. Mmaking Chloe interact with Lionel; having coffee with Clark and getting on Lana's nerves was refreshing.
And ending both chapters with Chlex smut was a brilliant idea and :drool:
I hope that if Oliver kills Etienne he at least wont get the spell of unbinding mates, that would be too awful and so hope that the new guy that keeps an eye on Chloe for Oliver won't get his hands on her!!!:hug:

13th January 2006, 22:47
Excellent update as always.

Oliver needs to keep his dirty hands to himself and leave Chloe and Lex alone.

14th January 2006, 22:15
i love this story.very good work..one of the best stories ever. well hope you update soon.

15th January 2006, 07:35
Okay, it's been a long, long while since I've had time to settle in and catch up--but now that I have, I just have to say-- dang it woman, you absolutely ROCK with this one.

I'm so intrigued by the plot, on the edge of my seat worrying about Oliver's plans, and damned in need of a cold shower after the smut. Life is stressed for me right now, but this just provided a big dose of relief.

So glad to catch up, so glad you're still working on this one--and bring on the next chapter!


15th January 2006, 19:21
Love this story!!!!!!!!! I hope that by getting Clark on the side of the Luthors Oliver can be sent back to hell where he belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please update when convinient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

16th January 2006, 11:43
Hi Fi,
You know how much I love this story and it has been a week so I was wondering if there was any chance of an update today pretty please :D

16th January 2006, 19:46
Hey all..... This is for pipersmum and katieandjason.... who always make me laugh... :blinkkiss Also I had a few different outcomes on Clark's reaction, but decided on this one (I'm trying to make him mature LOL) Fi

Chapter Hundred and Forty – Show and Tell

Friday found Chloe in a rather nervous mood. She hadn’t slept well the previous night despite Lex’s best efforts to exhaust her. She kept thinking about her meeting with Clark and going over in her mind how her friend may react. Her troubled mind seemed unable to imagine a positive outcome as each scenario ended with Clark storming out of the gatehouse.

She knew she was being silly. Yes Clark would react and it probably wouldn’t be pretty, but he was an alien, and despite the fact he could be a complete and utter hypocrite he really couldn’t have any cause for being angry, his secret was just as big.

“If you keep thinking about it, it will only get worse in your mind,” Lex’s voice drew her from her thoughts.

“I know, I know,” replied Chloe, “but my overactive imagination has gone into overdrive about this. It’s completely silly and irrational but my mind insists on being the complete pessimist.”

“Well there is only one thing for it Chloe,” said Lex seriously, “we’re going to have to put that overactive imagination to better use.”

“Oh, and what exactly do you have in mind?”

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her, and with a shriek and a laugh Chloe ran from the room, a laughing Lex right behind her.


“So what are you going to do for the evening Clark?” asked Martha as Jonathan took her overnight bag from her.

“Probably going to hang out with Pete,” said Jonathan.

“Actually no,” replied Clark, “he’s not around. But as luck would have it I ran into Chloe in the Talon a couple of days ago and she invited me to the castle, well not exactly the castle but the small guesthouse on the grounds. We’re going to chat, watch movies and eat junk food it will be fun. I haven’t spent much time with Chloe lately.”

“That sounds like fun,” said Martha, “will it be just the two of you?”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it, especially with Chloe knowing about me she still treats me the same.”

“That may be so son, but you still need to be careful,” said Jonathan. When Clark had told his parents about his decision to tell Chloe, his dad had been the one to object. Martha was all for it, thinking that Chloe was the one person that wouldn’t judge Clark, if anything Chloe would be upset at not being trusted enough beforehand to be told. Jonathan wasn’t so sure, especially with Chloe’s involvement with the Luthor family. But Martha won out in the end and Chloe was told.

“I know dad, and I’ll be ok.”

“Now, you have the number of the hotel, and the restaurant,” said Martha, as they made their way to the truck, “and you call us if there is anything.”

“You two enjoy yourselves, don’t worry about me. I’m going to enjoy my evening with Chloe, nothing will happen.”

“Nevertheless you don’t…”

“Martha, he’ll be fine,” interrupted Jonathan, opening the passenger door so Martha could get in, “no parties Clark, we’ll be back sometime tomorrow evening and I’d like to see my farm and house still standing.”

“Don’t worry dad,” grinned Clark, “I’m sure I can fix any damage before you get back.”

“You better be joking Clark Kent,” said Martha as Jonathan rounded the truck to get in the driver’s side.

“Make sure you finish your chores before heading over to Chloe.”

“I am joking mom, and I will dad, I’m not due over there till 8.00pm. Now go, have fun, enjoy yourselves.”

Jonathan started the engine. “Remember Clark call us if you need anything,” Martha called out as the truck pulled away.

Clark shook his head and waved after them. As soon as the truck was out of sight, Clark turned to the barn and set about getting his work finished.


A few hours later Clark was on the phone to Chloe, “no you don’t have to pick me up,” he said, “I can be at the Luthors in seconds.”

“Ok… show off,” replied Chloe with a laugh.

“I’ll be over at 8.00pm like we agreed, do you want me to bring anything?”

“Your copy of Spaceballs, can you believe Lex doesn’t own a copy of that movie?”

“Sacrilege,” said Clark, “you should dump him immediately.”

“I considered it for a moment,” she laughed, “Ok, well I’ve got to go, I’ll see you at 8.00.”

“Bye Chlo.”


Chloe had decided to limit Clark to the front room and the kitchen. Lex and Lionel would be upstairs, and would not make an appearance until she called them, or if things got out of hand with Clark they wouldn’t be waiting for the signal.

Lillian and Natasha were cooing over baby Mila who had just arrived, and were joined by Christina and Alyssa. Lucas, being rather *put out* at not being allowed to be there, and with not having Clark to tease had announced he was off to see if Lana and Nell were around, and took Nikolas with him while Karl and Elena had gone out for the night.

Despite Chloe’s reservations Lionel had brought the iron safe from his office with them which contained some of the green meteor rocks, or Kryptonite as Clark had told them were called. The safe was under a tablecloth, pushed into a corner of the room, out of sight.

“They are insurance,” Lex had said, “and a *very* last resort.”


Chloe busied herself in the front room, her eyes glancing at the clock every now and then, 7.59pm it read. She looked up at the ceiling, knowing that Lex and Lionel were up there.

‘It will be ok love,’ Lex’s voice sounded in her head.

‘I know,’ she replied ‘and you stay out of my head when Clark is here, it’s going to be hard enough to concentrate without you rattling around in there.’ She could hear his chuckling echoed in her head.

She jumped at the knock on the door. Taking a deep breath she went to answer it, opening it to reveal a smiling Clark. “I brought ‘Spaceballs’,” he said.

“Lucky you did or you wouldn’t be let in,” Chloe grinned standing back to let him in. “Go straight through,” she gestured to the front room.

“Whoa, nice TV,” commented Clark when he saw the large flat screen mounted on the wall.

“It’s not bad,” smirked Chloe, “give me your jacket. Do you want something to drink?”

Clark handed over his jacket, “whatever you’re having will be fine.”

“Ok, you set up the DVD and I’ll be right back.”

He placed the disk in the machine, grabbed the remote control and sat down as Chloe disappeared into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with two cans of root beer and a bowl of popcorn.

“Man I haven’t watched this in ages,” said Clark as Chloe took her seat and handed him a can.

“Me neither, I’m looking forward to it.”

Clark nodded in agreement and hit the play button. Both settled back against the couch and watched the movie.


They had sat and laughed through Spaceballs and were chatting about school and the fact that Christmas wasn’t that far off when Chloe laid her hand on Clark’s. “Clark I have something to tell you, and I’m not quite sure how to go about it, even though I’ve been going over and over this conversation in my mind for the last week or so.”

“Chloe you know you can tell me anything don’t you?” asked Clark, his voice tinged with worry and concern.

“I’m not sure this falls under that category,” she murmured, dropping her hand from his. She stood up and paced in front of the television.

Clark watched her, saying nothing for the moment, trying to think what on earth she wanted to tell him. An unbidden thought crossed his mind and he gasped softly, causing her to stop and look at him.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re…you’re… *pregnant*,” he exclaimed, “that’s it isn’t it?”

Chloe burst out laughing, “oh god Clark, I’m not pregnant. And no offence I wouldn’t be worried about telling you that. My dad is the one I’d fear breaking that news too.”

“Thank goodness for that,” said Clark in relief, “well what is it then.”

Chloe’s mind frantically tried to come up with the easiest way of saying the Luthors were vampires, but with no luck.

“Oh fuck this,” she muttered, “Clark there is no easy or sugar-coated way to tell you this so the cold hard truth it will have to be. Clark, Lex and his family are vampires.”

Clark stared at her, mouth slightly open, vacant look on his face.

“Yo Kent, you still in there,” said Chloe after a moment, snapping her fingers in front of her face.

“Ok good one Chloe,” he said, “you know for a little moment there you had me going, but come on vampires…”

“And you’re an alien Clark, what makes vampires so far fetched?”

“It’s vampires Chloe, you know Dracula, suck you blood, what is this all about? What are you saying this?”

“Because it’s the truth. And yes I know how it sounds, but it’s what they are, and I’m really surprised at your reaction,” said Chloe, although deep down she wasn’t, “I mean you’re not everyday people yourself. Remember that guy you saw ages ago, what was it you told me he seemed like for a moment?”

Clark couldn’t believe how serious she sounded and looked, she really believed what she was saying, but it was crazy… completely crazy.

“Good joke Chloe, now is Pete hiding in here somewhere ready to jump out?”

‘Lex, time for your entrance,’ said Chloe.

“No Clark, not Pete,” said Chloe, and what felt like a small gust of wind flew through the room.

“Sweet fuck,” whispered Clark, as a fully vamped out Lex and Lionel appeared behind her in a flash.

“Clark Kent you swore,” exclaimed Chloe, the word ‘fuck’ coming from Clark Kent’s mouth being more surreal than anything.

With his speed Clark headed for the door only to be cut off by Lionel, “now son I know you’re quick and strong but so am I. We don’t want to hurt you we only want to talk. Chloe is your friend and you trusted her with your secret, which is why we are letting her tell you ours. Now sit down and listen to what she and we have to say, and if then you want to leave and well, try to forget everything we will let you go. Do we have a deal Mr Kent?”

Clark’s eyes roamed over Lionel’s face, taking in the golden eyes, the smooth skin, and the hint of fangs. His eyes flickered over to Chloe who was standing beside Lex, a vamped Lex, who had his arm gently wrapped around her waist.

“Please Clark,” said Chloe, her tone and face pleading.

“We have a deal Mr Luthor,” he said in a slightly shaky voice, and watched as Lionel and Lex’s faces turned back to human...


A few hours later a rather pale and gob-smacked Clark Kent flopped onto the couch, staring wide-eyed at Chloe and the two Luthors. Lionel had told him their story and about Dominic, the attack on the plant and this new enemy, Oliver. Lex and Chloe had added bits and pieces to the tale but it was Lionel that did most of the talking.

It was an incredible story, incredible and utterly fascinating. Clark knew Chloe was right; he was an alien for heaven’s sake, why should the thought of vampires be so out there, but still, it did take a lot to get use too.

“Why are you telling me all this now?” he asked, when he could get his vocal cords to do something other than gasp.

“For purely selfish reasons,” said Lex. “We know what you are, Chloe told us, and we are going to need all the help, both worldly and outer-worldly, that we can get to get through this up and coming *war* with Oliver. And secondly, Oliver is targeting Chloe, he knows what she means to me and he knows taking her would destroy me. Even if you decide not to help *us*, I don’t think you’d abandon Chloe.”

“Of course I wouldn’t,” said Clark, “I would never do that, I’ll protect her.”

“Of course we’ll completely understand Clark if you don’t want to get involved,” said Chloe…

“Chlo, how can I *not* get involved, especially now that I know you may be in trouble. And I do want to help Mr Luthor, in whatever way I can.”

“Damn that hero complex,” she grinned, “but seriously Clark, thanks.”

“Yes, thank you,” said Lex.

“One other thing Mr Kent,” interrupted Lionel, “you can’t tell anyone, and I include your parents in that. Them knowing puts them in danger.”

“I suppose,” murmured Clark, not happy at having to lie to his parents.

“I think we have shocked Mr Kent enough for the night,” said Lionel with a smile, “come on Lex, we have things to discuss.” Lionel kissed Chloe gently on the forehead and nodded at Clark. Lex brushed his lips over hers and smiled before he also nodded at Clark and followed his dad out.

Clark and Chloe stared at each other when the other two left.

“Well, let it never be said that Chloe Sullivan leads a boring life,” said Clark after a moment, “demon wars, vampire boyfriends, and an alien friend.”

They smiled at each other, and both could see the relief in each other’s eyes. “This is going to take a bit of getting use to Chlo,” continued Clark, “but I will try, and of one thing you can be certain of is that I will make sure that you are ok.”

“I know you will,” smiled Chloe, taking Clark’s hand, “but there is one other very important thing that we need to get cleared up.”

“What would that be?” he asked, wondering what else she could possibly tell him.

“What I want to know Clark Kent is when did you learn to say *fuck*,” replied Chloe with a smirk on her face.

Once again they stared at each other but within seconds they had burst out laughing, the tension gone.

Outside the guesthouse Lex heard the pair laughing, and smiling to himself headed back to the castle, glad that Clark was on their side, and that he and Chloe were still friends.

16th January 2006, 20:02
Great update!! I knew Chloe was gonna need a little help convincing Clark that the Luthors were vampires. I was really happy that Clark is going to help ( I knew he would.) Can't wait for the next update.

16th January 2006, 20:05
You updated and as usual it was great :D Well Clark took it pretty well and you have made him more grown up but thats cos he has ditched Lana and is hanging around Chloe more often she has rubbed off on him:P Loved Chloe being shocked about Clarks use of the word fuck!!!!
It will be much better now that Clark is going to be keeping his eye on Chloe but Oliver still worrys me :eek:
Looking forward to more and spaceballs is a great movie !!!

16th January 2006, 21:49
Great an update ! Can't believe how cool and chilled out Clark seemed with the whole situation and im pleased he has agreed to help cos I have a feeling things are going to get very bad for Chloe and the Luthors.
Once again great chapter and can't wait for the next !!

16th January 2006, 22:31
Great update, Clark took it better than I thought he would, I loved how when he said "Fuck" Chloe was as blown away as the readers. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Also, I know you probably won't answer this but...

Why does it feel like Clark will somehow fall under Olivier's control and that Kryptonite will really come into play.

Lionel maybe as strong as Clark and more experienced in fighting but Clark doesn't even realize his full potential and an all-out battle with the Luthors would probably ignite something in him that would be better left alone.

16th January 2006, 23:55
I'm glad the Luthors have an ace in the hole. A secret weapon is just what they need in this war.
I can't wait to see how Lucas is torturing Lana.

17th January 2006, 00:12
Clark and that hero complex!!!

Gr8 update


17th January 2006, 02:07
This is such a great story, and I'm enjoying the many twists that happen :) I hope there's going to be more soon

17th January 2006, 02:19
Great, great update!!
I like Clark's reaction, very mature, I like it. I can't wait the next chapter.
I'm eager for see which are the Oliver's plans.
Update soon.

17th January 2006, 02:24
great update! i'm really glad that clark is maturing and for once, i can actually stand his presence in a fic and that he is such a good friend to chloe!

17th January 2006, 02:25
Spaceballs! Excellent. That's the first DVD I ever owned. Anyway another great chapter as usual and can't wait for the next.

17th January 2006, 04:26
So glad that they finally let Clark into their secret. Now that Clark is on board to help protect Chloe, I get the feeling that still wont be enough to keep her safe?

star del mar
17th January 2006, 05:01
I'm glad that Clark agreed to help, I never really doubted that he would but he can also be a bit of an idiot sometimes :) But good for him and I loved Chloe's reaction to his swearing, lol. Hopefully with Clark's help they'll be able to keep Chloe safe and have an advantage. Great update!


17th January 2006, 05:41
Of course Clark had to help. Who could leave Chloe behind? Nice chapter.

17th January 2006, 05:55
WOW...........I loved it............I can not wait to see what else happens; the suspense is killling me.......Please update soon............Truly amazing writing......

17th January 2006, 15:10
Great update!!!
Glad how it went with Clark and that we had some more hapiness in this story!! Hope that Clark will be a big help!!

17th January 2006, 17:38
I loved it!!!! I was hoping Clark wouldn't let Chloe and the Luthors down!!!
Please update again soon!!

17th January 2006, 17:39
"Sweet fuck." :eek: :rofl: *reads again* "Sweet fuck," :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That was a fantastic update! I'll admit, I was as nervous as Chloe while waiting for the update. My main concern was if you were going to be truly evil or give us a break. After all Chloe had pushed off the telling 5 days! Was something going to happen and we'd all be screaming 'Why did you wait to tell Clark!?' Or if nothing happened during the wait, would Clark flip out, sulk for a few weeks, and only change his mind after something happens or almost happens to Chloe? I tell you, this wait gave me a grey hair.

AND IT TURNED OUT PERFECTLY!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY! :worship: I loved Clark's quip about dumping Lex for not having Spaceballs - one of my favorite movies, I thank you - and then Clark's reaction to vampLex was, as you saw earlier in my review, absolutely hilarious! Seriously, you did a great job of this. You built up the tension for the reader slowly then released it with a well timed joke, built it up again faster and released it with a jarring reaction from Kent, then proceeded to work out the final hurdles between the characters smoothly, leaving the reader with a chuckle and feeling of contentment. For now. Knowing you, the next update is going to smash our contententment into a thousand tiny pieces and then tapdance on them while whistling Dixie.But that's why we love you! :D

PS: I can't wait to see what trouble Lucas causes with Lana and Nell! I'm giggling like a schoolgirl already. :D

18th January 2006, 02:14
Loved it! I'm happy Clark decided to not freak out and be his usual self. Can't wait to see what happens. The suspense is killing me! Great chapter. Update soon!

18th January 2006, 04:38
Awesome! I hope that they destroy Oliver without too many casualties. I would hate for anyone to die...it would break my heart!

Anyway...another great chapter. Can't wait for more.

18th January 2006, 06:44
great update i can't wait for more.

18th January 2006, 17:01
I just love your updates!!!! So that means that you need to keep them coming Fiona:D

19th January 2006, 13:54
Great Update!!! Can't wait for the next one!!

20th January 2006, 02:04
I loved the part when Clark said he would have everything repaired before they got home! That was great.

Awesome update, can't wait for more!

21st January 2006, 04:59
Oh my goodness, I am loving this fic. Can't wait for the next update.

22nd January 2006, 15:46
Well it has been 6 days since your last update! I am having the day from hell my kids are being very noisy and they are all arguing and I am trying to have 5 minutes peace on my laptop. So what I was wondering was (and you know what I am going to ask already!!) any chance of an update to make my day???
Sorry to keep pestering you but when you think about it it's your fault if you hadn't wrote such a fantastic story I wouldn't be addicted and pestering you for updates lol !!!!!!!

P.S did I mention how fab you are :P

22nd January 2006, 23:57
Ohhh I loved these chapters :) It was so nice to see so many things happened while my computer crashed ^^°

I really love the way you describe the reactions...and a swearing Clark? Mythat was great :) Keep on rolling!

23rd January 2006, 04:15
Wonderful update. Hope you are feeling better!

23rd January 2006, 05:36
I spent a great weekend reading this story...now that i'm all caught up you can update!


23rd January 2006, 15:55
I have only just found this site when somebody told me about this story. I have read the whole thing in a couple of days (and I have been to work as well) so plenty of late nights for me. Please update soon.

23rd January 2006, 19:19
I spent two days reading this nonstop. The story is amazing. I need more...more I say.

VAMPS AND CHLEX the perfect pairing


23rd January 2006, 20:48
A big hello and thank you to the new readers of Sanguis... hope you hang around till the end... This is for Diane who always asks so nicely for an update :P ...... And it's back to the plot!!! Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Forty One – Breakthroughs

Clark didn’t go home that evening, he stayed at the guesthouse. In fact he and Chloe stayed up most of the night talking about the Luthors. She told him everything, the only part of the whole story she left out was the fact that she and Lex were mated, but everything else was fair game. Elena’s story, Sergi and Natasha, all of it were told, Chloe explained about pureblood vampires and half bloods, how they had children, etc.

Clark was fascinated; in fact there was a small part of him that was delighted to hear he wasn’t the only non-human around. To believe that this complete other race has been thriving all around them for centuries for was almost too much to take in. As he had listened to Chloe talk all evening one thing was evident through it all, she really loved Lex, Clark could hear in it the way she talked about him, even how she said his name.

At around 5.00am they had called it quits, and decided to get some sleep. Rather than head back to the castle Chloe stayed in the guesthouse as well. She went to her room after showing Clark to her dad’s.

While Chloe has fallen asleep pretty quickly after getting into bed, Clark lay in his bed staring at the ceiling, his mind going over everything that had happened. Now that he was on his own that tiny little voice in the back of his head, the one that sounded like his dad had started to make itself known. There were vampires, in Smallville, vampires in the middle of a war with another vampire, one that sounded completely psychotic. And his best friend was in love with one of those vampires. He shouldn’t be *helping* them, he should be against them, all of them, even the ‘friendly’ ones.

Sighing he rubbed his temples; he could have this moral argument with himself for eternity. All the mattered was making sure Chloe was safe, and that this Oliver demon was brought down. Sighing again, he turned over and tried to go asleep.


“His name is Martin Adams; he arrived in town a couple of weeks ago,” said Melissa, “settled into a guest house on the edge of town and began working in the hardware store pretty soon after arriving.” She glanced up from her notes to see Lex and Lucas watching her intently.

“He’s originally from Charlestown, has travelled around a bit, served eight months for petty theft in Denver, in fact he was released just six weeks before arriving here. He has no other convictions, or arrests.”

“Anything on family?” asked Lucas.

“Parents both dead, he has a brother living in Australia. Seems a fairly unassuming kind of guy, I asked his landlady about him and she said he keeps himself to himself. He has gone out with workmates for drinks on a few occasions, and seems friendly enough with customers. That’s a deep into his past that I went on the first sweep, I decided to tell you what I had found before delving any further.”

“Everything about him screams that he is just an ordinary guy, who despite that one brush with the law has kept his nose clean,” said Lucas, “but…”

“But he’s new to Smallville and shouldn’t be discarded,” continued Lex.

“Do you want me to dig deeper?” asked Melissa.

“Where was he before coming to Smallville?”

“He was in Metropolis,” replied Melissa.

“Dig deeper Mel,” said Lex, “start in Metropolis, head there yourself, as usual charge everything to us.”

“Yes sir,” she replied, “I’ll get on it right away.”

Thebes, Egypt

Sergi placed his drink on the table and resisted the urge to sigh. So far the trip had been fruitless, no one knew anything about the demon, or if they did they weren’t saying anything. But Sergi believe them, the fear coming off them when he threatened them with torture was enough to convince him that they knew nothing.

‘Your granddaughter grows more like you every day,’ Natasha’s voice sounded in his head, and Sergi let the comforting sound wash over him. He missed his wife and family, he hated being separated from her.

‘Give her a kiss for me my darling, tell her I miss and love her,’ he replied.

‘I sense your tiredness and frustration Sergi.’

‘I just hate not having any news, that and the fact I miss you love.’

‘Be strong.’

“Sorry to disturb master,” a nervous looking man entered the room, bowing at Sergi.

‘Later my love,’ he told his wife.

“What is it?” he asked the man.

“Lady here to see you, very old, will only talk to you,” the man babbled in heavily accented English, “says her name is Iset.”

“Send her in,” replied Sergi, keeping his tone one of boredom.

Keeping his body bowed the man backed to of the room, only to return moments later with a very old woman with him.

‘Human’ thought Sergi, ‘but there is an air of old dark magic around her.’

“Leave us,” he said to the servant, waving his hand in the direction of the door.

“But master, she has no English, only the old tongue,” babbled the man, “you need translation.”

“GET OUT,” growled Sergi, allowing his eyes to flash gold.

As soon as he was gone Sergi gestured to a seat and the old woman shuffled over to it and sat down.

When she had settled herself Sergi took his own seat and faced her. Neither said a word, and Sergi allowed his demon a little more control as he took the old woman in with his demon eyes. Old didn’t come close to describing her, Sergi didn’t think he had even seen such an ancient human.

He sipped on his drink, waiting for her to start the conversation. The old woman’s eyes flickered around the room before resting on Sergi.

“May I have one of those,” she said, pointing at his drink and using a language he hadn’t heard in over five hundred years.

Sergi said nothing as he got up and prepared drinks for the both of them, after handing one to her he sat down again.

“Thank you,” she said, and took a large gulp, but immediately afterwards the pair fell into silence again.

Minute after minute ticked by, Sergi amused himself by communicating with his wife again, listening as she told him about their granddaughter and he told her about the old woman.

As she sipped her drink the old woman studied Sergi intently. When she had finished her drink, she placed the drink on the table and nodded her head as if she had decided something.

Sensing the change in the old woman’s demeanour Sergi told his wife he would contact her later, and he gave his guest his full attention.

“I know what you seek,” Iset began.

“I have made no secret of that,” replied Sergi, speaking the same language.

“I know where the demon sleeps, the one you seek, it’s name is Altair,” she continued, “although it’s slumber is restless, those that dig the tombs have disappeared, the demon wakes to feed.”

“Dig the tombs,” said Sergi, momentarily confused, “ah archaeologists,” he said a moment later in English. “Did their digging wake him?” he asked.

“No, it woke because it senses another, another like it, you know of what I speak vampire.”

“Continue,” said Sergi.

“The other demon wants to break the balance, it wants power. The ceremony the half-breed performed not only brought his lover back, but allowed this demon the way to enter our world, and it grows stronger and stronger, taking over it’s human host. I wouldn’t normally help your kind, but the balance must be set right. I know you and others like you have met the one that wakes, this is true?”

“Many centuries ago,” replied Sergi, “there were three of us.”

“It is the only one that can tell you how to destroy the other, but all of you have to meet it.”

“One is no longer with us.”

“But Luthor is,” replied the old woman. “Oh don’t look so surprised, all those of us that know of your kind knows the name of Lionel Luthor.”

“Are you going to tell us how to destroy it?”

“No, not me, but I can tell you where Altair slumbers,” replied the old woman, “it will tell you what has to be done.”

“Oh I can see it telling us how to destroy it,” replied Sergi sarcastically.

The old woman chuckled, “the demon has been here for many a millennia, it could have at any time decided to show its power and strength, yet never bothered. It has existed to ensure balance, it doesn’t want this other to succeed any more than you do.”

Sergi leaned back and studied the old woman, trying to find any deception in her words or tone. “What’s in it for you? Why are you helping?”

“All I ask is that you only destroy one demon, the new one,” she said. “I have lived here a long time vampire, I keep an eye on the resting place, and in return Altair has given me long life. We have an agreement; I’d like to keep that agreement. Although I can not guarantee that it will help you.”

“Where does Altair sleep?” asked Sergi.

“I won’t tell you, but I will show you, and only when Luthor arrives,” replied Iset.

“Make whatever arrangements you need,” said Sergi, “I will tell Lionel.”

Iset smiled and nodded her head.


Oliver stood looking over Etienne’s desk. It was strewn with books, and printouts. On the wall beside the desk was a copy of the spell he was trying to decipher. The other vampire had gone off earlier that evening to check out an old antique bookstore one of his researchers had come across.

“What is this?” murmured Oliver picking up a piece of paper. “We have made a little breakthrough haven’t we Etienne and when were you planning on telling me this.”

Oliver’s eyes scanned the page, according to what Etienne had found out there was no guarantee that the spell would work. Whomever you were casting the spell on had to want the bond to be broken. Chances of success were greatly increased however if the one you were trying to unbind was human and that the pair hadn’t been bound for long.

“That is good news,” said Oliver, “Chloe is human, and the bond isn’t a month old yet. Ah I see you have managed to decipher some of the ingredients needed… blood of both, MMM could be a problem getting Luthor’s blood, lavender, silver, oh and of course the obligatory entrails, oh a cat’s entrails this time, ancient spell casters did like their entrails.”

“Oliver,” Etienne’s startled voice sounded behind him.

“I see you have made some progress,” said Oliver, not turning around to face the other vampire, “when were you planning on telling me?”

“Later tonight,” replied Etienne, approaching him, “I wanted to check the bookstore out to see if it would help me decipher more.”

“No actual breakdown of the casting of spell I see,” continued Oliver, “but I see you have some ingredients and some other good news. Did the bookstore have anything?”

“Not really, a couple of ancient prophecy books that you may be interested in though,” he held out the two books to Oliver.

Oliver took them and without looking at them put on the table. “I don’t like this tension between us Etienne,” he said, bringing his hand up and caressing the other’s cheek.

Despite himself Etienne leaned into the caress, closing his eyes. Oliver hadn’t touched him in weeks.

Oliver smiled and slipped his other arm around Etienne’s waist, bringing him closer, “you and I are friends, we are *more* than friends, I would not be here if it wasn’t for you.” He leaned forward and nuzzled Etienne’s neck.

The French vampire moaned softly, wrapping his own arms around Oliver’s waist.

“Let’s forget about spells, and the Luthors for a few hours,” continued Oliver, and smiled when he felt Etienne nod. He needed to bring Etienne back under his control, he knew all about the little mutiny the other was planning and he couldn’t kill him yet, not until they had captured Chloe.

“Oliver,” groaned Etienne, submitting to him.

Smirking with victory Oliver brought the other vampire’s head up and kissed him hard.

23rd January 2006, 21:07
Loved it as usual typical of Clark to ponder about things for hours and wonder if he's doing the right thing. But at least he realises the main thing is keeping Chloe safe!! Wonder what his reaction would be to finding out Chloe is actually mated to Lex, and will one day become a vampire but I am sure thats another chapter :D

Seems they are making progress on the whereabouts of the other demon but if Lionel leaves is that when Oliver will attack and snatch Chloe :eek:

Hope you update again soon looking forward to it already :D

23rd January 2006, 21:16
Great update !!

And his best friend was in love with one of those vampires. He shouldn’t be *helping* them, he should be against them, all of them, even the ‘friendly’ ones.

I hope Clark doesnt get any silly ideas after he has helped Chloe !

‘Your granddaughter grows more like you every day,’ Natasha’s voice sounded in his head, and Sergi let the comforting sound wash over him.

I loved this ! Just shows what a fantastic power this would be to have !

“I know where the demon sleeps, the one you seek, it’s name is Altair,”

Finally !! what I have been holding my breath for can't wait for Lionel to go out to Egypt and get some answers!!

We have made a little breakthrough haven’t we Etienne and when were you planning on telling me this.”

OH NO! Not good !!

He needed to bring Etienne back under his control, he knew all about the little mutiny the other was planning and he couldn’t kill him yet

I wish he would !! lol

ok !! So this is officially my longest review ever ! But I just love this fic so much ! I'm there with Pipersmum each week waiting for the update! Fantastic once again and can't wait for more!

23rd January 2006, 21:19
Ack, don't end it there! Oh damn. That was a really great update. I was wondering if Iset was the demon in some sort of disguise but, it's good to hear that it wants the other one ( Oliver) destroyed. I was gonna be angry if Clark decided not to help Chloe but, he didn't so I'm ok. Thought that Oliver was going to rip Etienne apart but, he hasn't figured out the whole spell yet so he's still got a little time.

Can't wait for the next update.

23rd January 2006, 21:34
Etienne and Oliver are so getting on my nerves. I really hope they kill each other sooner rather than later. So glad that things are much better for Clark and Chloe. I am still anxious to see what Oliver has in store for the Luthors and of course his plan for the newest Luthor, (Chloe). I can't wait to read the next update???

23rd January 2006, 21:35
An update, an update, an update, an Update- don't I love when there are updates:D
Anyway- who is the old woman, and when will Chloe finally become a vampire:)?

Great as always Fiona:D

23rd January 2006, 22:58
Heh. I love little boxes that pop up as soon as I log on. They always tell me there is an update. :love2:

And what an update!!!!! YES!!! Info on all running threads! So many questions answered, yet even more prevoked...

How appropriately perfect that as soon as Clark got a minute to himself Jonathon's closeminded view of the world started to worm its way in. Granted, it's part of Superman's whole belief system to prevent death of all kind, but at least the Luthors keep truly bad guys under control. Guys like Dominic, Hardwick, and Etienne. And I'm even happier to see him looking at the greater good, rather than sides. I don't know if I've said it recently, but I just love this Clark you've created. He's fantastic. Full of all the typical teenage problems, but still showing the nobility and care that made me fall in love with Superman.

Now, Sergi. SO COOL! :D Seriously, that vamp just radiates awesomeness. Calm, collected, dangerous. With the bonus package of being European. Love him. I am glad to see that he is finally getting somewhere with the other demon. And such a cool name... Altair. Nice. Now, that old lady; is she human or halfbreed? And can she really be trusted? I hope so, and I hope Altair helps kick Oliver's ass.

Now, as for Oliver... *grumbles* stupid megalomanial sadistic hamster-raping assmuncher. What a jerk. I am worried that he discovered Etienne was farther along than reported, but happy to see that they are nowhere near close. And, just, ew. Oliver and Etienne? *vomit* That's a visual I never want to have again. Forget blood, those two are so fucked up chances are the only way they either one can get off is by drinking each others piss.

All in all... :clapclap: :nsparty: Yay for the update! And :wub: for posting a day early!!!!!

Now, it's 5 oclock somewhere, and I have some :drink2: to do. Love ya!!!!

24th January 2006, 01:56
Oliver taking Chloe away nooooooo...:eek:

Great up date. Can't wait for more


24th January 2006, 01:58
even though he is a bastard and outright evil, you have to admit that oliver is kinda hot. he should definately see the error of his ways and not kill chloe!

no? yeah, i thought so too. great update! it gets better with each one!

24th January 2006, 02:12
lol this is getting sooo good!!!!!! omg i hope clark doesn't goo all "i'm the good guy" blah blah blah and tries to do something stupid. ^_^ please update soon!!

24th January 2006, 02:50
There's actually an end to this story? I hope not!!! Oliver's creeping me out!! I'm just dreading the death of Eteinne just because it probably wont be pretty. As always a fantastic chapter.

24th January 2006, 05:08
Of course I agree with everyone else! Awesome, I can't wait for more.

star del mar
24th January 2006, 05:51
Etienne is an idiot...just because Oliver is giving him some doesn't mean all of a sudden that everything is fine and dandy! Hello? He's going to use you and then kill you! But what the hell do I care at this point? As long as they all go down. While I know that they're getting closer to the truth I don't think that it's a good idea for Lionel to leave Smallville and go all the way to Egypt, it might be the perfect in that Oliver needs. This story just keeps on getting better and better! Update again soon!


24th January 2006, 07:51
Hello all, here's the new one...I'm not sure how often updates will be but they'll probably be once a week. I've been a bit reluctant about posting this one, but anyway here is it...............Fiona


Sanguis quid Ligurat
(Translation: - The Blood That Binds)
Author: Fiona
Rating: NC17 (eventually)
Spoilers: AU, but events that have happened in the show may be used and twisted, and please note that all these happened without Lex involved at all.
Disclaimer: Smallville, its characters etc, do not belong to me, they all belong to someone else. (Sigh) I’m just borrowing them.
Feedback: Please, let me know what you think about this one, I really need to know if you want it continued.
Dedicated to Imp and Hope (thank you my dears for constant words of encouragement)

Summery: Lex and the rest of the Luthors (Lionel, Lillian and Lucas) are a family of very powerful natural born vampires, i.e. they were born vampires and not *turned*. Reaching his 250th year Lex begins to feel the pull for a mate and begins his search, which of course leads the Luthors to Smallville. I will be using most of the vampire stereotypes and mutating some for the story. There will also be a large hint of the supernatural in this. Nell is still around so Lana will not be staying with Chloe. Nell owns the Talon and Lana runs it. And this is the first time any of the Smallville gang have ever met the Luthors.

Author’s Note: This will be another long fic. Also it may not seem at the beginning or on other occasions to be Chlex but trust me. It will also, hopefully, be a little darker than what I normally write. And big, big thank you and hugs to Sabby for the Latin.


Prologue – The Name

It was like they had always been there. Through the ages the name had grown in both strength and power, and although it’s spelling and pronunciation had long since been altered from its original Ancient Egyptian roots; the meaning and superiority were still clear. It was a name that struck fear even into the blackest hearts of the very few families who had come before them. It was a name that meant death. It was the last word that many a mortal and demon uttered before succumbing to an everlasting darkness.

Despite the many centuries of internal conflict, of fathers killing sons, of sons killing fathers, and of brothers killing brothers, they endured. Through various external power struggles they persisted. Through rivers of blood, considerable death, and vast destruction, they survived.

Then seven hundred years ago when the ruling family were fighting, and after the son had disposed of his father, he brought to an end the inter-family killings. ‘No longer will fathers and sons struggle for power. Never again will we spill the blood of our own. We are far above all that,’ he declared. ‘Let the other families destroy themselves from the inside. In fact, let us help them; let us show them what we can do together.’

‘United we are unbeatable,’ was his cry. It soon became the family motto.

He declared *war* on the other ruling families. Over the course of four hundred years he and his family systematically conquered or destroyed them all. Those that did not pledge their allegiance to him were massacred. When the final day of reckoning arrived, there were none left to oppose them.

And so on that day he settled on the name that became as synonymous with power and wealth as it was with death and destruction. And on that very day, he vowed that *his* family would forever rule. His children and his children’s children and so forth would only strive to make the name greater.

On that day immortals, demons and even mere mortals, bowed to the name *Luthor*.
Wonderful! You can't see it, but I'm grinning from ear to ear. Boy am I glad I stumbled upon your fic! Excellent job!

24th January 2006, 14:08
I'm gald that Sergi has made progress and the acient creature wants to help them.
But oliver manipulating Etienne is not a good sign, it's making everything more complicated.
Glad that Clark thinks Chloe to mean more to him than being against vampires!!:p :clapclap:

25th January 2006, 02:06
Wow........... this story keeps getting better and better everytime......I can not wait for more.............Oliver and his plans has me on edge; I hope Chloe will be o.k..............amazing writing as always...............Please update soon!!!!!!

25th January 2006, 02:50
Oh, this story is more and more interesting with every update.

I'm a little concern about Clark, he's not back out of the agreement with the Luthors, isn't he? And about the old woman, I don't know what think. I can't belive than Etienne accept Oliver again.

I can't wait for the new update. Please, dont be gone long!!!!

Thank you for this amazing fic.

25th January 2006, 05:02
YAY can't wait for more

25th January 2006, 07:30
One of the best Chlex!

25th January 2006, 19:54
even though he is a bastard and outright evil, you have to admit that oliver is kinda hot. he should definately see the error of his ways and not kill chloe!

no? yeah, i thought so too. great update! it gets better with each one!

:eek: :eek: :eek: I thought you were serious for a second and almost needed a minute to myself. Actually, yeah, 'scuse me... http://www.weisnerrealestate.com/vomit.gif Sorry, I'm back. Now, where were we? Ah yes, you were joking. Thank god. :D

So. Fiona, as you can see, I keep up with the comments to make sure everyone is supportive of this story. And it helps pass the time between updates. And it gets pretty bad when I feel the need to comment on them, so I think you should take pity on us and post a little update. Maybe just a little miniupdate on Lucas and Lana, since it was a few WEEKS ago that he left to go cause trouble in LangLand. :D

26th January 2006, 18:23
I haven't been able to read for a while so I was wonderful to come back to a nice chunk of updates. Yeah so I cannot wait for a showdown between Oliver and The Luthors and Clark for that matter. I love that he's not such an annoying ignoramus but I hope he can get over his "i should be against all vampires thing," especially if Chloe is going to become one. Great updates. I look forward to more

26th January 2006, 18:47
uh, wow and amazing don't even seem to be able to cover the thoughts going through my mind. I just finished reading your fic this morning before class, after reading all day yesterday, and I almost didn't go because you had me so flustered.

You are an amazing writer and I love how Chloe and Lex are so in character yet at the same time no where near how they are portrayed on the show.

Lucas, Elena and Karl are defintely favorites of mine. I love how Lucas is playing both Nell and Lana and neither of them seem to notice.

Gabe, where to start. I wish my dad was like him. He's so open-minded and just lovable.

Lionel and Lillian, their love for their family is so tangible, even in a fic, and I love that they are willing to do anything for one another. I just hope nothing bad happens to either of them with this upcoming war. In fact I hope nothing happens to any of the main characters. That would just kill me!!

Speaking of upcoming war, Oliver kinda scares me. I mean this vamp/demon is capable of anything and has no conscious. He only sees what he wants and I guess while that is what ever bad guy only ever wants, he just seems way more dangerous than your normal Smallville freak of the week.

Well, as my official second post comes to an end, I hope you'll update really soon. I can't wait to see what's going to happen.


26th January 2006, 21:19
Hi again. I've really been thinking about the upcoming battle, and just want to get some things off my chest.

1. I hate Oliver b/c he scares me. He has the desire and ability to do great evil and simply kill everyone in the story. I am glad though that he is preferring to be sneaky and powerhungry because it is giving my Luthors and extended family a chance to prepare.

2. I firmly believe that the Luthors are more intelligent than Oliver, so as long as he stays away from the outright killing rampage they have a shot.

3. Altair is a bit of a comfort b/c he probably matches Oliver in power and so will be a balance for the Luthors in the weight-scale of Oliver v. Luthor.

4. I want to marry Clark b/c I love how you've written him here, and I fully expect him to be the deciding factor in Oliver's defeat by the Luthors & Co.

5. I know you are going to be doing some considerable damage to the & Co part of Luthors & Co, but please please please don't kill off anyone! Maim, injury, make unconscious... do what you need to do, but I know I'll cry if Sergi, Natasha, Elena, etc get eliminated. Don't make me cry. 'Kay? :D

Now, I know I'm jumping ahead here, but I see things building covertly, and it's the covert ops that get people killed. Besides, I really can't wait for the story to come together, and so am piecing it together in my head while I wait for you to get off your duff and post already! ;)

PS: Yes, I realize it's only Thursday, but I refer you to my post a ways back about why Thursdays suck. This is the result... deal.

27th January 2006, 10:16
hmmmm....a little advancement in the plans of Oliver but then we have a little advancement in Luther's plans....very balanaced
cant wait to see how it goes

28th January 2006, 07:13
Great update......soooo when will Oliver attack? Can't wait to find out!!Update Soon.

30th January 2006, 05:06
Hi Fiona, I found out about this fic from Becky's incredible video. I actually joined this forum just to read it. I've not been in the least disappointed. It's amazing.

The only bad part of finally catching up is that there's no more to read until your next update.

30th January 2006, 15:21
Well It's only been 7 days since your last update but as usual I am craving more so I was wandering will we be getting an update today?? Please :D

30th January 2006, 19:18
Thanks to Diane's subtle nudge... here's the next chapter. And katieandjason, I'm glad you like Clark in this.. I am trying to make him somewhat mature and not Blana-Whipped........ Fiona :P

Chapter Hundred and Forty-Two – Go Gabe!!!

“You two look exhausted, you need to take a break. Go grab a few hours sleep, Zhang and I will continue the research,” said Anna, as she looked at the visibly drained Gabe and Byron.

“Another pot of coffee will be enough,” replied Byron, not looking up from the dusty leather book he was reading.

“Make it really, really strong coffee this time, add some whiskey,” said Gabe, his eyes fixed to the computer screen.

“Humans,” muttered Anna, rolling her eyes, and earning a chuckle from Zhang who himself was engrossed in research.

Seeing that neither of them was going to move Anna stormed out of the library to the kitchen to make more coffee. Byron and Gabe had been pulling all-nighters for the last four days. Spending every moment hunched over books or the computer. If she and Zhang didn’t remind them to eat she was sure neither would bother. They were intent on finding out about the demon that was now Oliver.

She admired their dedication and tenacity while part of her raged at the complete disregard they seemed to have for their own well being. She had known Byron for a while, his friendship with the Luthors ensuring she had met him on numerous occasions, and Gabe, well Gabe was a puzzle she hadn’t quite figured out. Smiling she busied herself with making a pot of coffee.


“Byron, did Lionel ever tell you what happened to the horn the demon gave him when he first met him?” asked Gabe.

Bryon looked up from his books, as did Zhang.

“Now that you mention it, he never did,” replied the English man. “Why…”

“It kind of disintegrated when Lionel took control of the warring families,” said Zhang, interrupting Byron. “Lionel said the night after the pact was made with the other master vampires he returned to his fortress and when he went to retrieve the horn it had crumbled into dust.”

“It’s like it knew its job had been done,” said Byron. “I wonder if Sergi and Lionel stumble across the demon will it have grown back. Gabe, why do you ask?”

“It maybe nothing,” said Gabe, “but I’ve been looking into those prophecies we found last week, and I think they all refer to the same thing.”

Both Zhang and Byron stood up and headed over to Gabe, standing on either side of him as Gabe brought up one of the web pages he found. “Ok this was the first one Byron, the ancient Chinese script, see here,” he pointed at a particular passage, “originally we thought it read ‘ancient destroying ancient’ until Zhang informed us it read ‘true ancient destroys unworthy,’ or something like that. I checked the script from Abyssinia and after a *lot* of research on translating, I came across this phrase,” and he pulled up another item on the screen, “‘the usurper shall fall by the hand of the chosen,’ and in the Celtic script it says something along the lines of, ‘the worthy will triumph in the war of the dead when the pretender falls.’ I think they are all linked, I have found references to ancients battling, and the true one winning in numerous texts, I think they speak of Oliver and Lionel’s battle, and that this original demon that he met those centuries ago is the key to all this. I think it is needed to defeat Oliver…” Gabe found Byron and Zhang staring at him. “Of course, I could be very wrong, I am new to all this,” he said.

“Well done Gabe,” gushed Byron, “I think you are completely right. There are too many of these prophecies saying similar things for it to be coincidental… oh this is brilliant, this gives us the subject we need to concentrate on, as in finding that one prophecy that will tell us, well pretty much exactly what is going to happen.”

“Ah the easy bit to look forward too,” said Gabe with a laugh.

“Well done Gabe,” smiled Zhang, “very well done. But, why did you ask about the horn?”

“Well, it was with the horn that Lionel aligned the families, this object was the proof he had met and walked away from the demon,” said Gabe…

“So something from this demon, say a horn, could have a similar effect on Oliver,” said Byron.

“Exactly,” said Gabe, “I think this other demon, the original one is the key.”

“And we have no proof that Oliver even knows of its existence, which is of course a plus on our side,” Anna’s voice sounded as she entered the room. She placed the coffee tray on the table and crossed over to the others, “I knew Chloe got her brains from you,” she smiled at Gabe, winking at him, and causing the man to blush slightly.

“We need to relay this information to Lionel immediately,” said Zhang, “I’ll call the castle and let him know what *Gabe* found out.”

“And we’ll get back to work,” said Byron.


Clark had left the Luthor property late the following afternoon, saying he needed to be home for when his parents arrived. He assured Chloe he was fine with everything and could just do with some time alone to let everything sink in and he promised to call later.

A smiling Chloe made her way to the castle after seeing Clark off and was met by Lex at the door.

“Come with me love,” he smirked, taking her hand and leading her down the corridor.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Nothing, I just want to see how much you’ve learned from Karl on self-defence,” he grinned, opening the door and dragging her gently into the room. A large blue mat had been placed on the floor, almost taking up all the floor space and the furniture had been pushed to one end of the room.

“You want me to try out my self-defence skills on you!” she said, cocking an eyebrow.

Lex grinned as he took off his jacket. “Now what did Karl tell you?” He asked as he placed it on a chair, and began kicking his shoes off.

Seeing that he was serious Chloe walked over to him and took off her own shoes, “he said my size and the fact I’m human were big minuses, that I’m no real match for a vampire and the best form of self-defence is to make my escape…quickly.”

“Always knew he’d be a good teacher,” grinned Lex as he made his way to the centre of the room.

Chloe followed him and the two faced each other, “he said that if running away wasn’t an option I should look for anything that could be used as a weapon, and if it’s a male that has me, vampire or not, a kick in the privates will have the same effect.”

“Yes, well there is no need to demonstrate that.”

“He told me to make it difficult, to move and fight against any hold they might have on me. More often than not it will be my blood they’ll want and the more wriggling I do that hampers them getting their fangs into me to better chance I have of slipping away.”

“Good advice,” murmured Lex.

“Although he did show me this,” and before Lex had any idea what was going on, Chloe swung her leg, catching both of his and sending him crashing to the floor.

“PFFT, call yourself a master vampire,” she teased.

Lex’s pride had been hurt more than anything else, although his demon found it very amusing. “Very funny Chloe,” he said, and without getting up, grabbed her legs and pulled her to the ground.

Chloe shrieked and tried pulling herself legs from his grip as she rolled and twisted. Lex laughed, tightening his grip on her legs and pulling her towards him. Chloe tried kicking him but his grasp was too strong.

‘Right,’ she thought, ‘time to play dirty.’ Twisting her body, she grabbed him between the legs and squeezed…hard.

“Fuck,” he cried out, letting her legs go, Chloe quickly trolled away and jumped to her feet. Breathing hard she looked at him.

“Wench,” he gasped, wincing slightly, “that was unfair.”

“You’re just pissed that I got away,” she retorted, sticking out her tongue, “and don’t call me a wench.”

Lex smirked as he stood up, the pain now completely gone, “ok, how about vixen,” he began stalking towards her, “or minx,” he continued as Chloe began backing away, “or my personal favourite sex kitten,” he practically purred, his eyes flashing gold.

“Lex, we are here for me to show you the moves I’ve learned.”

“I know Chloe,” he replied, “I want to see *all* your moves.”

“You are sex mad,” she murmured, and then ran for the door.

“Silly girl,” Lex teased and moving with blinding speed caught her before she had barely made it halfway.

Determined not to let him gain the upper hand she began twisting and wriggling in him arms, “naughty, naughty,” he whispered in her ear.

Chloe went completely still, freezing her body. Not prepared for the sudden change Lex almost let her fall, but the loosening of his arms was enough for Chloe and she wriggled free again.

Laughing she ran away form him again, “you are just too easy Lex, I’m going to have to reconsider this whole mating thing, I mean you just aren't the master vampire I thought you were. I don’t know if I could be seen in vampire society with you, knowing what a pushover you are.” Still laughing she turned her back to him and almost skipped towards the door.

Through the ever-increasing bond she could feel his indignation at her words, plus a hint of admiration at what she had done. It made her feel incredible that she had this much power over him, ‘well it’s only fair,’ she thought, ‘he is well aware of the power he has over me.” It was no surprise to Chloe when she found herself pressed against the wall by Lex.

“A pushover am I,” he whispered, grinding his hips against hers, “I could have you begging me in seconds, swearing you’d do anything, anything…” his eyes were completely gold, boring into hers, issuing the challenge.

Chloe tossed her head back, her nostrils flaring as she held his gaze. She pushed against him, their hips moving in a rhythm. “Do it then Lex,” she whispered back, “make me *beg*.”

With a growl Lex kissed her hard, his fangs cutting her tongue, as his hands ripped her shirt off.

“Let it out Lex,” she groaned.

Vamping out completely Lex let his demon take over and picking his mate up he strode across the room and dropped her unceremoniously onto the couch.

“Mine,” he demanded, clawing off his own shirt.

“Yours,” replied Chloe. “Mine?”

Lex covered her body with his, “only yours,” he replied before sinking his fangs into her neck.

‘Yep a pushover,’ Chloe thought happily.


“Lionel, I’ve just been talking to Zhang, and you will not believe what he said,” gushed Lillian as she entered her and Lionel’s bedroom.

Lionel was getting ready for his trip to Egypt, Sergi had been in contact and told him all about his meeting with Iset. He hadn’t even told Lillian yet that he was going.

“What’s going on love?” she asked.

“Sergi met with a woman who can show us where the demon is, and on top of that we even know its name,” he said. “I’m heading to Egypt immediately. The plane is all fuelled and ready, I was just finishing up here before going to you.”

“Well you need to hear this before you go,” said Lillian. “We’ll talk as you make your way to the airfield.”

Five minutes later the two Luthors were in the limo on the way to the private Luthor-Corp airfield with Lillian telling him about the conversation with Zhang and what Gabe had uncovered. By the time they reached the airfield he had been told everything, and Lionel had told Lillian all the Sergi had discovered.

“Be careful love,” she whispered as he was about to board the plane, “come back to me.”

“I could never stay away,” smiled Lionel, kissing her gently. “Tell the boys everything. I love you.”

“I love you too,” and Lillian forced herself to smile as Lionel boarded the plane. She moved back to a safe distance, and with tears in her eyes watched it move down the runaway.

“Are you ok mistress,” Andrew’s voice sounded behind, his tone one of concerned.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself Lillian turned to face him, a determined look on her face, “I am fine Andrew. Take me home, I have much to do.”

30th January 2006, 19:40
ACK!! THAT'S THE END!!! Omg, I was so into that update & you pulled the rug out from under me! Gah, that was a great update. The part with Chloe & Lex & the "self defense lesson" needed to be a lot longer . Hopefully, you'll continue it in your next update.

Gabe is proving himself to be worthy research assisstant for the Luthors. I hope he & Anna can get together after all this Oliver mess is taken care of.

Really glad that Clark is not Blana-Whipped. That he was going to actually think about what had happened before acting on any of his stupid feelings.

Now we're gonna have to wait an entire week before another update. ( Boo) I love this story.

30th January 2006, 19:43
Hooray an update :D They seem to be getting the upper hand at the moment I can only worry that Oliver will do something bad while Lionel is away!!

“A pushover am I,” he whispered, grinding his hips against hers, “I could have you begging me in seconds, swearing you’d do anything, anything…” his eyes were completely gold, boring into hers, issuing the challenge.

Chloe tossed her head back, her nostrils flaring as she held his gaze. She pushed against him, their hips moving in a rhythm. “Do it then Lex,” she whispered back, “make me *beg*.”

With a growl Lex kissed her hard, his fangs cutting her tongue, as his hands ripped her shirt off.

“Let it out Lex,” she groaned.

Vamping out completely Lex let his demon take over and picking his mate up he strode across the room and dropped her unceremoniously onto the couch.

“Mine,” he demanded, clawing off his own shirt.

“Yours,” replied Chloe. “Mine?”

Lex covered her body with his, “only yours,” he replied before sinking his fangs into her neck.

‘Yep a pushover,’ Chloe thought happily.

I just love it when Lex vamps out with Chloe :yeahbaby:
Excellent as usual and I am as ever in need of more til next week then ;)

30th January 2006, 19:48
You updated!!!!*does a happy dance* SHE UPDATED!!!!:D
Should have figured that Chloe had her wit and smartness:) from Gabe..and Anna...well let's hope for the best.
Up to the next part please:D

30th January 2006, 20:01
That self-defense part with Chloe and Lex was amazing and HOT :grin3: Feel free to continue in this way :D

30th January 2006, 20:45
Great update ! I loved it , Lex vamping out with Chloe was hot and I'm glad Gabe and the team are getting somewhere with the research. Can't wait for next update !!

30th January 2006, 21:17
Love the self defense session with Chloe and Lex. And of course definitely love the vamped out Lex and Chloe luvin!! hehe!! More please???

30th January 2006, 21:29
lol i loved the little chase that they did... lol. cuuuuute.

31st January 2006, 00:47
Come on that was a tease. Need more more....

I love how understanding Gabe is and is helping out so much.

Lex and Chloe fighting so cute

I hope Lionel comes back in one piece.


Queen Of Tact
31st January 2006, 02:00
Fi, you know you are so evil... You can't end an update like that... *pouts* you have to update more.... I know i can't wait another week for more...

Though it was a great update.... I can't wait for gabe and Anna to get with it.....



31st January 2006, 03:02
Doesn't Chloe have any concerns about her being taken by Oliver? Great discovery by Gabe. I hope you put more Gabe and Anna to see where their relationship is going. As always another great chapter.

31st January 2006, 03:10
Another great chapter.
I love the moment of Lionel and Lillian say goodbye each other. I hope that Lex and Lucas will be tender towards their mother and care of her.

I almost can't wait for the next update.

star del mar
31st January 2006, 05:17
A smidgen of smut and some plot,all in all a pretty good update :) Gabe is one smart guy figuring that all out I'm sure that information will come in handy to Lionel especially now that he's on his way to Egypt. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him, I can only hope that whatever that demon tells him will be able to help the Luthors fight Oliver. Awesome as usual, I can't wait for more!


31st January 2006, 14:13
Happy to hear something from Gabe and that he made a big progress in their task. He's really helpful!!!
Loved Chlex in this!!!
Update soon:P

2nd February 2006, 20:53
Magnificent..............I love it.................I can not wait for what is to come.......Please update soon............the suspense is killing me...........I loved the whole Chlex scene...........

3rd February 2006, 19:06
i love this story. it is by far the best chlex stroy ever. update soon please.

Shy Butterfly
3rd February 2006, 20:34
I can't believe that I missed so much chapters just because my computer broke down but I finally caught up with this fic. The last chapter was great. I liked the scene between Chloe and Lex a lot. I'll gladly wait for the next part!!!

4th February 2006, 14:03
Loved the update =) Pushover *snicker* More soon please =)

5th February 2006, 04:25
Awesome, we are getting closer and closer to some big things! I can't wait!

6th February 2006, 13:23
It's Monday so I will ask my usual question is there any chance of an update today pretty please :D

6th February 2006, 18:54
Well it's that time of the week again :D .... As always everyone's comments and words are geniuinely appreciated... that's why I continue with this fic... So thanks all :wub: Fiona PS katieandjason, I haven't decided on what the casualty list will be come the final battle....:devil:

Chapter Hundred and Forty-Three – Trips and Discoveries

“Lionel,” greeted Sergi with a smile when he arrived through the door of the villa they would spend the oncoming daylight hours in. “How was your trip?”

“Long and uncomfortable,” replied Lionel, pulling Sergi into a hug.

“I’m glad you are here,” said Sergi, “how is everyone?”

“They are holding up, Natasha misses you terribly, and Mila has the entire castle entranced,” said Lionel, releasing his friend from his embrace. “I never thought I’d be jealous of anything of yours my friend, but every time I look at your granddaughter I long for one of my own.”

“I bet Lex and Chloe would love to produce one for you,” said Sergi, “eventually,” he added with a grin, earning a mock glare from Lionel.

They both laughed for a moment before their expressions became more serious. “Come my friend,” said Sergi, “Let me fix you a large drink and we can share what we have learned.

Lionel nodded and they moved in the drawing room where Sergi had a few large and expensive bottles of vodka waiting for them.


Five hours and three bottles of vodka later Sergi and Lionel had told each other every detail of what they had learned; ending with Sergi telling him that Iset would be here this evening to tell them where to find Altair.

“The more I think about what Gabe discovered the more I think that Altair is the key,” said Lionel, swirling the crystal glass around in his hand, “and this… war could hinge on what it… *he* decides to do.”

“According to Iset, Altair doesn’t want Oliver to succeed, she said this would upset the balance, but she couldn’t guarantee that he would help. Lionel have you considered that we may have to destroy Altair to get what we need.”

“It has crossed my mind, although I have no ideas how we go about that. I hope it doesn’t come to that and he is willing to part with the information readily.”

“Maybe we should bring a couple of rocket launchers just in case,” chuckled Sergi.

“This is my first visit back to Egypt since we went looking for the demon as the war ended,” said Lionel. “It’s kind of karmic that I’m back here again seeking him out while we are on the verge of another war.”

“Well he did say another would rise,” said Sergi, filling their glasses again.

“And that it could be my and my family’s ending,” replied Lionel, running a hand through his hair.

“Could be, being the important words in that statement,” said Sergi, “we won the last war and our world has been in relative peace since then, we can do it again my friend…”

“I know,” sighed Lionel, “but that doesn’t mean I’m, not worried, or afraid.”

“I’d be worried if you weren’t. I am scared as well, I have visions of my Natasha being taken from me, of never seeing my beautiful Mila grow up… we have to succeed Lionel. I’ve known you for almost seven hundred years and you have never broken a promise to me, and I seriously doubt you are going to start now.”

Lionel stared at his best friend, the vampire who had been a *brother* to him over the centuries, and let Sergi’s words wash over him as he gathered strength from them. “You’re right,” he said, “we will triumph,” he held his glass up, “to family,” he said.

“Family and friends,” replied Sergi, clinking his glass against Lionel’s before both knocked back their drinks.

A clock chimed 11.00pm followed immediately by a knock on the door. Both vampires could here the servant making his way to answer it. “She’s here,” said Sergi.

Lionel closed his eyes and took a deep unneeded breath, when he opened his eyes again they had taken on a golden hue. It was time for Lionel to be the master vampire he was renowned for.

“Let’s see what the old woman has to show us,” he said, and with a smile Sergi allowed his own eyes to change and they turned to face the door.


“Lionel Luthor has gone to Egypt,” said Oliver, as he addressed the three vampires standing in front of him. “He landed on a private airstrip just outside Cairo, and then headed towards Luxor, but he was not observed entering the city. Sergi Romanov is also believed to be in Egypt; in fact he was the one who called Luthor there. I want you three to head out there immediately; find out where they are and more importantly what they are up too. Try not to generate too much local interest in yourselves, but do what you must to get the information, do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” all three said, bowing their heads.

“There is a car outside waiting to take you to an airfield where a private plane is waiting. Contact me as soon as you land in Cairo. Any questions?”

“What about Luthor and Romanov?” asked one of them.

“Luthor is not to be harmed; I want that honour, but if you get the chance to take the Russian out, go for it. Anything else?”

All three shook their heads.

“Very well, go then,” Oliver smiled as they left. “What is in Egypt Lionel? Must be very important if you’ve left your mate and family… interesting.”

He leaned back in his chair as he watched Etienne busily working away in the library. Since they had *rekindled* the intimate relationship, Oliver found the other vampire to be working harder than ever before.

“Karen,” he barked out, and seconds later a tall brunette vampiress appeared at the door. “Get me Martin on the phone; it’s time to move the plan for the lovely Chloe forward.”


Melissa smiled as she helped the old woman with her groceries, earning a way into the apartment block.

“Thank you my dear,” smiled the old woman as she reached the door of her room, “that was very kind of you.”

“It was no trouble at all,” said Melissa, placing the bags on the ground.

“Well thank you again,” and with a small wave the woman entered her apartment.

“No, thank you,” Melissa muttered as she headed to the elevator. The elevator creaked as it headed up the two floors to her destination. Quickly exiting it Melissa crept down the hallway and stopped at apartment 37B. Glancing quickly up and down the hallway, she expertly picked the lock and entered the apartment, closing the door behind her.

It seemed a normal enough apartment, albeit quite sparsely decorated. According to the tenants records she had managed to see Martin hasn’t been at this apartment in a few months, but was still keeping up the rent payments.

She made her way into the bedroom, “hello what’s this?” she murmured.

A number of bookcases filled the room, and they were filled with books about vampires, every single shelf. “Interesting,” said Melissa as she perused the titles.

“Ok, this mightn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things, lots of people are fascinated by vampires… but this is all a little too coincidental.” She was heading towards the small chest of drawers beside the bed when she heard a noise at the door to the apartment.

“Shit,” she muttered as she heard the door being opened. She quickly looked around for somewhere to conceal herself and ended up scrambling under the bed as she heard voices.

As the door to the bedroom was opened she held her breath.

“All we need to do is grab the few personal things that are on the list,” said one male voice, “I believe they are in the dresser.”

“I’ll get them,” another male voice said.

Under the bed Melissa could see the feet of one of the men pacing in front of the bed. “Hurry up,” he said, “I want to get out of here.”

She could hear drawers being open and closed, and papers being rustled. “Got them,” the man said.

“Good,” said the other, “Let’s get out of here so we can drop those off and get paid.”

“Wonder what the boss needs them for.”

“Who cares what they’re for, all I’m concerned about is getting our money.”

Melissa remained where she was as she heard the outer door being closed and continued to lie under the bed for at least another ten minutes until she was sure that the coast was clear. Breathing a sigh of relief she rolled out from under the bed and got to her feet quickly.

Glancing at the dresser she saw that the drawers had been left open, she quickly looked in them but other than a few bills there were no clue as to what was taken.

“And things get even more interesting,” said Melissa. She exited the apartment and the apartment building quickly, and as she made her way to her car she pulled out her cell-phone and called Lex Luthor.


Late that evening, Lucas strode into the Talon, and headed towards Nell who was at the counter. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Chloe’s friend Pete chatting with a couple of football mates, and Lana was sitting with a group of girls. Inwardly Lucas sighed in relief at the fact she hasn’t seen him… yet.

But Lucas’ main focus was on the young man seated in the corner. Melissa had called Lex and told him what had happened in Martin’s apartment in Metropolis. Lucas had been there when the call came through and said he would head into town and see if he could find anything out.

Fixing his best smile on his face Lucas made his way to the counter. “Nell, looking lovely as always,” he said, giving her a wink.

Nell blushed slightly and smiled back at him. “Lucas, how have you been? We haven’t seen you around.”

“Oh family business,” he replied.

“Making more money?” said Nell, a slight glint in her eye.

“A couple of billion here and there,” he said with a smirk as that glint in her eye brightened.

“Well don’t work yourself too hard,” and she patted his hand gently.

“Nice to know you care Nell,” Lucas took her hand n his and raising it to his lips kissed it, allowing his tongue to brush over her knuckles.

“Oh,” she gasped, her eyes widening.

Lucas just couldn’t help tease her more, ‘besides,’ he thought, ‘Martin doesn’t look like he’s moving yet.’

“You are a very attractive women Nell,” he said, his voice low and hypnotic, “I find it hard to believe some man hasn’t taken you for his own.”

“Lana was and still is my priority,” she replied a little breathlessly.

“And a fine job you’ve done raising her,” continued Lucas, caressing her hand, “but don’t you ever feel the need to… let go.”

“Oh yes,” gasped Nell, leaning forward, feeling herself getting lost in Lucas’ eyes.

Lucas could see Martin stand up and fish in his pockets for money. “I need to go Nell. I have to do something for my brother, but how about dinner some night?”

“Lana is staying the night with friends tomorrow,” replied Nell.

“That sounds perfect,” he grinned, “I’ll be over a 8.00pm.” Before she could do or say anything Lucas leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Bye,” he called out waving over his shoulder as he followed out of the Talon.


Nell slumped against the counter when Lucas left. Feeling rather hot and flustered she fanned her face as she downed a glass of water. “Oh my but that man is handsome,” she murmured, “and dinner tomorrow should be interesting.”


Once outside Lucas quickly spotted Martin and discreetly followed him. The man seemed to be heading back to the hardware store, even though it was closed for the evening.

Martin headed around the back of the store and stopped at the back door. Looking behind him to make sure no one was about he then quickly entered the store, closing the door behind him.

Lucas stepped out of the shadows and approached the door. Concentrating he made sure he couldn’t hear anything before making short work of the lock and following Martin into the building.

The store was dark, with the exception of a light coming from what looked like an office. Lucas silently made his way towards it and as he got closer to the door he could hear a voice… it was Martin’s.

Focussing his energies on what was going on in the office Lucas blocked out everything else, till all he could hear was Martin, and the voice of the person he was on the phone too. Martin was asking the person on the other end if everything he asked for had been retrieved from his apartment.

The voice on the other end of the phone was very muffled and Lucas was finding it difficult to make it out clearly.

“When can I leave this shit-hole?” he heard Martin ask, and could just about make out the voice saying “it won’t be long now.”

‘What is that accent?’ thought Lucas.

“It fucking better be soon, I am going out of my mind with boredom, and why I am talking to you and not to….”

“Just do as you’re told,” the voice on the other end shouted down the line.

Outside the door Lucas’s eyes widened as he heard the voice more clearly. ‘French accent,’ he thought, ‘fuck could that be Etienne?!’

Martin hung up the phone, “fucking bastard,” he swore, “just hang on Martin, he’ll be gone soon.”


Lucas exited the store and hurried back to his car, seems like Lex’s feeling about Martin were right, he wasn’t what he seemed.


Still in the office Martin answered his phone as it rang, “I’m assuming he was there,” Oliver’s voice asked.

“Well I didn’t see him, but he was in the Talon and left the same time as me.”

“Oh Lucas was there, he would have been following you,” said Oliver, “you did very well Martin, I will be in touch very soon.” And he hung up.

“Bye,” said Martin sarcastically, hanging up his own phone. “Hope you heard what you needed to hear Lucas,” he said with a grin.

6th February 2006, 19:13
Another great update! I wonder when Lucas is going to realized that he played into Oliver's plans by following Martin? Hope Melissa can get some dirt up on Martin pretty soon. Either that or torture him to get the info.

Lucas toying with Nell is just too funny. I hope it doesn't go too far though ( eewwww).

Keeping my fingers crossed that Altair will work with Lionel & Sergi to get rid of Oliver (scary to think of what plans he has for Chloe).

Can't wait for the next update. Maybe some Lex & Chloe defense lesson smut ( maybe....please).

6th February 2006, 19:29
Um. :wth: Quick questio: How many more chapters do you think this story will be? Just for curiosities sake....

6th February 2006, 19:33
Ohhhh and the plot thickens. Can't wait for more.

6th February 2006, 19:52
Damn that Oliver.. Wonder what the heck is he planning? Hope we can get some more Chlex luvin.. smut, lol

6th February 2006, 20:15
Great update I hope Altair helps the Luthors I think he is going to be the only one able to help bring down Oliver although they do have Clark so that could be interesting!!!!!

Lucas does make me chuckle though winding up Nell and Lana he is just too good at it :P

When I read this bit I was like :eek:

“Oh Lucas was there, he would have been following you,” said Oliver, “you did very well Martin, I will be in touch very soon.” And he hung up.

“Bye,” said Martin sarcastically, hanging up his own phone. “Hope you heard what you needed to hear Lucas,” he said with a grin.

We are getting closer and closer to something happening to Chloe and I can't wait to find out exactly what happens. :D

I love this story and I hope it goes on for a long time to come ;)

6th February 2006, 20:51
oO the bad guys are really too clever in this one oO
Please I want to know what happens next.

(Brilliant update by the way)

6th February 2006, 21:11
Okey..things seem to be heating up. With Lionel and Sergei in Egypt, and Lucas being played, one can't stop wondering what Oliver has planned with out sweet Chloe. Hopefully Lionel can get the old vampire to help them before Chloe get's hurt.
And bring as another update soon please:)

7th February 2006, 01:27
Great update. :clapclap:

Lucas playing Nell so funny.:P

Damn Martin!

Hope Lionel makes it home ok and we get some Chlex smut soon.


7th February 2006, 02:18
lol oh boy i'm getting confused and excited and i dunno what the heck is gonna happen next!!! please update soon!!!

7th February 2006, 02:24
wow, can't wait for more

7th February 2006, 02:31
What's the story on Nell and Lucas? What's Oliver up to? Springing the trap?
As always a fantastic chapter.

7th February 2006, 03:07
But what soo evil boy is Oliver!!!! I can't belive that him and Martin have suceed deceive Lucas, he's a smart boy.
I like the small chat between Lionel and Sergi, they are really friends.
And Nell? Really Lucas will take up with her? I HOPE NO!!!

A great, great Chapter. Until next time.

7th February 2006, 05:19
You can't end it there! I need to know what happens next! Update soon!

I hope nothing bad happens to Chloe, although I am sure that Oliver is going to get his hands on her sometime. Lets just hope that he doesn't have her too long, and there won't be any damage.

star del mar
7th February 2006, 06:35
Dammit! I hate to say it but Lex and Lucas are seriously getting played at the moment which is not a good thing since that brings Oliver one step closer to Chloe, not good! But at least it seems that Lionel and Sergi might get some answers from this demon...hopefully. And Lucas...that boy is a devil :D


7th February 2006, 07:21
Um. :wth: Quick questio: How many more chapters do you think this story will be? Just for curiosities sake....

Josie it is going to be going on for long while. I asked a lot of times and I still can't pin her down with an answer. ;)

Hope :)

7th February 2006, 13:39
Great chapter!!!
Lionel and Sergi are going to meet Altair and I hope that Oliver won't find out too much about it!!!
Nice to have Lucas in this chapter, but doesn't like him beibng played by Oliver that creep!!!
Hope you update soon!!!

Possibilities Unknown
8th February 2006, 01:15
As always a great chapter. I don't want anyone to get hurt though. So keep Surgi and Lucas alright, okay? Not to mention Chloe and Lex, and the whole Lurthor brood. 8-| Thanks!

9th February 2006, 14:17
Great chapter as usual loved it and can't wait for more.

9th February 2006, 23:41
love this fic so much

11th February 2006, 17:54
Just started reading this story! It is absolutely fantastic!

Keep up the great writing!

Please update soon!


12th February 2006, 19:08
i want my own vampire family now, lucky chloe *sniff sniff* yay oliver is going down woohoo

13th February 2006, 05:44
I'm loving this story... Great job:)


13th February 2006, 06:03
Finally, finally caught up and just as enthralled as ever. I so can't wait to see what happens next ... you so have me hooked my dear!


13th February 2006, 19:32
Ok, there's going ot be a lot of Sergi and Lionel over the next few chapters.... Unfortunately the plot has taken centre stage again. :P Fiona

PS SUZANNE :hug: Good to hear from you hun
Chapter Hundred and Forty-Four – Journeys

Iset found herself studying Lionel Luthor as they made their way in the truck to the outskirts of the ruins of the Temple of Karnak. They had been travelling for hours and she was feeling rather sore and uncomfortable, but the two vampires gave no impression they felt anything.

She had felt the *power* radiating from Lionel the moment she met him. Iset could easily see why he was so respected and feared in the vampire world and the human world in his position as a ruthless but very successful businessman. Lionel had this unassuming air about him in both manner and look, but Iset could detect the steely glint in his eyes. ‘Yes the ancient demon was right in letting this one survive,’ she thought, ‘and it would do right by helping him again.’

She glanced over a Sergi who was kind of slumped against his seat, eyes closed and looking like he was asleep, but she knew better, those eyes could snap open at any moment.

Bringing her gaze back to Lionel she found him staring at her, and for the first time in her very long life she struggled to hold someone’s gaze. She backed away first, lowering her eyes, not in defeat but in respect.

“How did you get involved in all this?” he asked.

“My great-grandmother was the seer of our village, and she had been his guardian, granted with long life till she had found a replacement,” said Iset. “I showed the signs of being blessed with her gift when I was five and my great-grandmother took me under her guidance. When I reached 16 she took me to meet Altair and explained what my destiny was. Two days after that initial visit she died, and I took over. I’ve been the guardian for a long, long time, buried numerous husbands, children and grandchildren, but I think my own time is coming to a close; my great great granddaughter is beginning to show the signs of a seer, I believe I have found my replacement.”

“We all may find ourselves with replacements if Oliver is not defeated,” said Lionel.

“If that is what the gods have designed for us then so it be,” replied Iset.

Lionel chuckled softly, “spoken like a true seer. But tell me this, what does your gift show for the future?”

“Nothing,” she replied, the exasperation quite evident in her tone. “Since Altair woke my visions have been cloudy and confusing. They show many paths the future could take, and some of them very dark, leading to many deaths and completely destruction, not just for your world but the human world as well. And at the moment those paths are the only somewhat clear things in my visions.”

“We are fifteen minutes from the ruins,” the driver’s voice sounded out.

“We must proceed on foot when we reach the temple,” said Iset, “I will lead you part of the way and from then on you and your friend are on your own. I will tell where to go, but for this visit my presence is not wanted.”

“I still say we should have brought rocket launchers,” said Sergi in Russian, his eyes still closed, causing Lionel to laugh.

“Well if we don’t survive you can hold that over me,” replied Lionel in the same language.

Sergi chuckled as he tried to get into a more comfortable position in his seat, while Lionel smiled once at Iset and then turned his attention to looking out the window.


“Really Oliver this Martin sounds far too stupid to be sent on such a venture,” commented Etienne.

“He is perfect for what is required of him,” replied Oliver, “his usefulness will soon be at an end, but, until then I *have* plans for him. Speaking of plans what’s the latest update on the spell?”

Etienne bristled slightly at the mention of the spell, and Oliver inwardly smirked, knowing that the other vampire was rather touchy when it came to being reminded that he *still* hadn’t deciphered the spell.

“There is no update,” said Etienne, “I’m sorry Oliver but I think you are going to have to change your plans, I don’t believe the spell will be anyway near deciphered by the time you take Luthor’s mate.”

“I expected as much, I have already got a back up plan in place for such an occurrence,” replied Oliver.

“Ah so instead of capturing her and trying the break the bond, you’re just going to capture and torture her,” said Etienne, his eyes lighting up at the thought of it, “preferably on video so it can be sent to Lex Luthor. I can see it now, I can not *wait* to hear her screams as I take her...”

“Well you will have to wait my dear Etienne,” interrupted Oliver, “she will *not* be hurt, she will be seduced. Think how much sweeter it will be when Luthor sees her *willingly* submit to me, to see her want me, to beg me to make love to her. It will completely destroy him, which in turn will destroy the whole Luthor family.”

Etienne could see that it was a very good idea, but to break a mating bond without the spell, he didn’t think even Oliver could that, and to not torture the girl at all, now that bit he did not like.

Oliver knew exactly what the other vampire was thinking, and he knew that the lack of torture on the girl would be the biggest blow to Etienne, and that’s exactly what Oliver was counting on. When she was taken Oliver wanted Chloe to see that Etienne was the bad guy and that he was the one who would hurt her, while Oliver would show himself as more caring, thus working towards winning the girl’s trust.

While the tiny part of him that was still Oliver had reservations about being able to break the mating bond, the demon that almost had complete control had none. It fully believed that a fresh mating bond could be broken. Plus the demon seemed to have taken a liking to Chloe Sullivan since seeing her picture.

“And if your *seduction* tactics don’t work?” asked Etienne, “what then?”

“Of course they will work,” said Oliver, dismissing the question.

‘There will be your downfall Oliver,’ thought Etienne, ‘that blind belief that you can not fail.’

“Now enough talk of this,” continued Oliver, “I want to know how the preparations are going with the house…”


Despite not really needing sleep on a regular basis Lex still *slept* with Chloe. As he took off his clothes he smiled as he watched her sleep. Once naked he slipped under the covers and pulled her close, groaning as her warm naked body pressed against his. Chloe had given up wearing anything to bed the nightclothes never lasted long. Although sometime she would wear a sexy silk number and Lex loved *divesting* her of it.

His talk with Lucas replayed in his mind, and Lex was concerned What Lucas had heard in the phone conversation and what Melissa had discovered at Martin's apartment all seemed to point to Martin working for Oliver, or at least Etienne. And the only reason he could be in Smallville was for Chloe.

He growled softly as he pulled Chloe closer to him, his demon screaming at him to find out exactly what Martin was up to with every means possible. He would give Melissa another couple of days and then if she had found no more information he and Lucas would have a little chat with Martin.

“Hey what’s wrong?" a sleepy Chloe asked.

“Nothing love,” he replied, “go back to sleep.”

“Nothing my ass,” she replied with a yawn as she propped herself up on her elbow, “I can hear you growling and I can *feel* that you’re equal parts angry and concerned about something, so cut the crap and tell me what’s wrong.”

Lex grinned and brushed her hair back from her face, “I’d rather *not* talk,” he said, sliding his hand down her throat and resting it just about her breast.

“Uh, uh, mister,” slapping his hand away, “none of that till you tell me what’s going on. Come on Lex, tell me.”

And so he did, he told her what happened when Melissa went to Martin’s apartment in Metropolis, and the conversation Lucas had overheard.

“Ok, this is much more than pure coincidence,” said Chloe when he had finished, “are you going to talk to this Martin?”

“Yes, but not right away, I will give Melissa another couple more days to see what else she can uncover and regardless of whether or not she does Lucas and I will have a chat with him.”

“Will this chat involve pain?”

“Depends on how forthcoming with his answers he is,” he replied. “How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t like it,” she replied honestly. “I’m not a violent person, except where Lana Lang is concerned,” she added with a smile, “but this is a war, and these things happen. I also know that neither you or Lucas would shy away from dishing it out when it’s needed,” she shivered slightly as she remembered watching Lex and Lucas torturing that man who had been part of the gang raping those women.

“I will not let anything happen to you Chloe, and if that means ripping apart some misguided fool who joined forces with Oliver and is part of a plot to hurt you he will suffer for it. I will make no excuses or apologies for what I will do for you.”

“And I don’t expect you too,” she replied, cupping his cheek, “I *know* just how possessive you are, and that it’s your nature to use any means necessary to protect what is yours. It’s like I said, I’m not a violent person by nature and this going to take getting use to. I suppose when I become a vampire myself it will be different but at the moment I’ll deal with it.”

“I would do everything and anything within my power to shield you from having to be involved but we both know that is not going to happen. Until the threat of Oliver has been destroyed you are going to be a target and as a result of that you will have to fight back.”

“I know Lex, and I’m ready to do what is necessary.”

“I know you are love,” he grinned, kissing her forehead.

Chloe smiled and pressed closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. It wasn’t the most pleasant conversation she had ever had with him but it was one that needed to take place.

“Now that I told you what was wrong, is it ok to do this now?” he asked as his hand cupped her breast.

She knew what he was doing, and loved him even more for it. “Oh yes it’s more than ok,” she replied with a soft moan as he caressed her.

“And what about this,” he asked gently pushing her on her back and covering her body with his.

“Oh this is very ok as well,” she grinned before pulling his face to hers and kissing him deeply.


Even though they had been ravaged by time Lionel was still awed by the splendour of the temple just as much as he had been the first time he saw them. It was cool as they made their way across the ruins, the feet making the only sounds to be heard.

Iset led the way with Sergi right behind her; Lionel remained a little further back as he tried to work though what he would say to the demon.


‘Be strong my darling,’ Lillian’s voice sounded.

‘I wish you were here with me,’ he replied, ‘I could do with your strength.’

‘You will be ok, you’re Lionel Luthor.’

Lionel smiled, her words comforting him, ‘I am frightened my love,’ he said.

‘I know you are, I can feel it, but you faced him once before and walked away, you can do it again. Beside you promised to return to me, and in the five hundred years we’ve been together you’ve never broken a promise to me… I don’t expect you to start now.’

‘Give my love to the boys and to Chloe… I love and miss you my Lillian.’

‘I love and miss you to Lionel. Come home soon.’

‘I will, I promise.’


“It is here I must leave you,” Iset said as Lionel came to a stop behind them. “You need to keep heading westward, and when you reach the sections that were added by Ramses II and his sons you will see a small enclave, behind this you will find an entrance to an underground chamber. When you have entered again head west along the tunnel this will, eventually, bring you under the Valley of the Kings and there you will find Altair, or he will find you,” she added with a grin.

“Thank you for your help,” said Sergi.

“I fully expect to see both you Sergi Romanov and you Lionel Luthor before my time on this earth is done. I would very much like to introduce you both to my great-great-granddaughter, let her meet the men who made sure she has a destiny to follow.”

“We will do our best,” replied Lionel, “thank you Iset.”

Giving her one last glance Sergi and Lionel headed off into the west. Iset bowed her head and whispered an ancient prayer, when she had finished she grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it in the direction of Sergi and Lionel.

Sighing she began heading back to the waiting car.

13th February 2006, 19:54
I love Mondays that include an update of this story. Another great chapter. I think Etienne intentionally held back on deciphering the spell. Hope Chloe is strong enough to not fall for Oliver's seduction ( eewwww). Etienne is right when he says that Oliver's blind belief will be the end of him ( cross my fingers). Can't wait for next Monday ( a week away is too long).

13th February 2006, 20:10
Great update, I can't believe Oliver thinks he can actually seduce Chloe without using a spell !! Can't wait for the next chapter , hopefully we will get some answers with Lionel in Egypt !

Queen Of Tact
13th February 2006, 20:23
Good update hon... Loving the fic and loving the plot... I can't wait to see what happens next..... most off all I can't wait to see Oliver fall on his ass...

I can't wait for the next update, you have me so hooked.....


13th February 2006, 21:07
Great an update and I didn't even ask this week!! :P
Glad Lex has made Chloe aware of the situation with Martin maybe she will be more alert to danger! Oliver is deluding himself if he thinks the bond can be broken so easily without a spell!! This is Chloe Sullivan we are talking about she would be difficult to seduce without them being mated ;)

I can't wait til next week or maybe sooner for an update :P

13th February 2006, 21:19
Hello my dear! I just got your message and realized that I had not commented in two weeks. :( Sorry 'bout that, all I can say is that it is a wicked world that we live in and I got caught up in it.

So! Oliver thinks he can seduce Chloe? http://www.weisnerrealestate.com/vomit.gif And.. :rofl: No. Not gonna happen. Silly silly man. Lex will be the only one Chloe would count on, and Oliver is in for a BIG surprise when he actually meets her. Lex didn't fall in love with her face, he fell in love with her personality. And, Oliver, that personality is going to bitchslap you facefirst into Entienne's asshole. :D

Buck up, Sergi! Altair doesn't want the balance to shift any more than you do, he'll help you - at least a little - fight Oliver. I just hope that Oliver doesn't 'feel' Altair before it's too soon.

And Lex, what were you thinking trying to hide your worries from Chloe? Granted, I'm very worried that you seem to be taken in by Martin, and have a feeling that it will lead to the imminent capture of Chloe, but I also believe that that capture will lead to the imminent destruction of Oliver. :clapclap: So, I'm sorta ok with Chloe getting taken, as long as that is the result gained.

And FYI, I am perfectly ok with the plot bunny running away with the story. This is the good stuff, and it feels like the buildup to the climax of the story. A very long buildup. One that you seem to delight in extending, rather like the lead-up to the mating

13th February 2006, 22:50
Things are becoming interesting:) Chlex is still good of course. And you will have to show that Oliver is wrong and that he won't win Chloe over. EVER(Unless of course, it is part of a bigger picture/plan:))
And bring on the ancient Vampire

13th February 2006, 23:28
First, I have to say that I lurve the barfing smilie in katieandjason's post. Made me :rofl: ...


But -- :wth: -- you didn't answer my question. Do you have any idea how many more chapters will this fic be? :wth:

14th February 2006, 02:38
I think Chloe and Lex's love is too strong for Oliver to break it. Jeez I do miss the Chlex lovin'. Great chapter.

14th February 2006, 03:52
I can't wait for more!

How can Oliver believe that he can seduce Chloe? That's pure blasphemy! lol...anyway, more soon!