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View Full Version : [Completed] Hands Off (PG)

28th January 2004, 09:49
OK So this was written a long time ago, but Imp had to convince me to post it over here, since it's not specifically chlex, but in a way it is *shrugs* anyway.

It's humor and it's short and I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just playing, so don't sue me *smoochies*

Clark was just doing his staring-off-into-the-distance-while-looking-concentrated thing at the counter when Chloe stalked into the Talon and right up to him. She pulled on his arm until she could get a grip on the sleeve of his flannelshirt, "Clark we need to talk" then jerked him down until he was eyelevel with her, which resulted in Clark being almost bent in half.

Her hazel eyes burned with fury as she fixed him in a hard case. "Keep your hands off my man," she sneered.

Clark blinked, slowly, twice. "Wha-?"

"I said, keep. your hands. OFF. My man." She reitterated seething the words through clenched teeth.

"Chloe, are you ok. Have you been close to the meteor rocks." Clark was concerned for his small blonde friend, she'd never been so out of it before.

"No, Clark. I simply have had enough of you making googly eyes at what's *mine*." She emphasized the last word with a jerk on his collar.

"Wha. Huh? Chloe, I'm confused..."

"Hah," she threw her head back in a bark of cold laughter before she leaned in close to his face. "Don't play the innocent puppy with me, Kent." She spat his surname out like something rotten. "You know what I am talking about."

"No, really. Please Chloe, can't we discuss this calmly. You're making a scene." Clark answered in a trembling whisper.

"I don't give a fuck. You stop hitting on Lex or I will make your life *very uncomfortable*," she threatened, still having a hold on his collar and giving it an occasional jerk when she emphasized a word.

"Lex? What do you mean, you aren't." Clark shook his head confused, his shaggy hair bobbing in front of his eyes,then he stopped his movements all together and narrowed his eyes at Chloe. "I do *not* make googly eyes at Lex! How can you even..."

"Oh please," Chloe snorted in a mixture of disgust and amusement. "Do you think you can fool me?" She shook her head in mild annoyance. "I may be blonde Clark, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid." Her eyes were back on him with a vengeance.

"Do you really think I don't notice? Do you really think *no one* sees? The way you keep undressing him with your eyes? The way you look at his crotch when you think he doesn't look - as if he's hiding the worlds biggest candy cane in there and you are a child on x-mas eve?"

"I do not.." Clark's face was red as a tomato with indignation and emberassment.

"Oh yes you do," Chloe spat. "And I've had enough of it. Back off or I'll make your life miserable Clark Kent. That man is mine, do you understand?"

Clark opened and closed his mouth a couple of times like a fish on land. Then a thought struck him. 'Wow I have a thought' "Wait a moment. Who says so?"

Chloe blinked. "What?"

Clark beamed in triumph.'Hah' "Who said so? I don't see a ring on that finger," he pointed at the hand that still held on to his collar. "And Lex would have told me if there was anything going on between you two." Chloe's eyes narrowed to thin slits.

"Oh really?" she nodded her head a little while she kept giving him the death glare. "Well maybe he didn't *want* you to know. Ever contemplated the thought that I asked him not to tell anyone, much less *you*"

Clark got a hurt puppy-dog-expression on his face that was quickly replaced by a determined frown. "Lex would've told me anyway." He insisted.

"Think what you want, Clark. Just keep your hands off and if I ever catch you checking out his ass again, your ass will suffer." With that she let go of him and turned on her heel. Stalking away like she owned the Talon.

Just as she opened the doors of the exit, Lex entered. Clark saw her hesitate for a moment, before she raised on her toes, grabbed the billionaire's face and kissed him full on the lips for about a minute. Then she stepped back and exited the Talon, leaving a confused and slightly swaying Lex behind.

The billionaire shook himself out of his stupor and looked over his shoulder to see where she was heading. With a last shrug he made his way to the counter as if nothing had happened.

"Hey Clark. How was school?"

Clark opened and closed his mouth again. He shook his head. When he looked at Lex with a question clear in his gaze he was confronted with a smirk and an arched eyebrow. Clark shook his head again and made a note to himself to keep a little more distance between him and Lex from now on. Still he couldn't help but glance down past Lex's belt buckle when the older men turned his attention to the waitress to make his order. 'World's biggest candy cane huh?'

The End.

28th January 2004, 10:12
*giggles* world's *cackles* biggest *snort* CANDY CANE...!! *full on laughter* Hey, hands off Clark!!...and beautiful work as usual sabby!

28th January 2004, 10:26
Tee hee hee!

World's biggest Candy cane.


Oh, how we could go from there....

so great!

28th January 2004, 10:34
ok I just have to say again...


Glad you posted it here hun.

28th January 2004, 13:28
Clark is so gay! ahahahaha :goof:

28th January 2004, 15:19

oh my god, that was hilarious baby. *g* even *bg

*shakes head* world's biggest candy cane.... :goof:


go after your man, chloe, let him have it!


28th January 2004, 18:59
I just knew Clark was checking Lex out on the show!! Of course, who wouldn't!! I love Chloe's rant!! Cute story!! :chlexsign1:

29th January 2004, 20:12
:lol: That was so good. Candy Cane :lol:

Hope :chlexsign2:

31st January 2004, 00:20
That was hilarious!!!! I loved Lex's nonchalant reaction to Chloe's kiss. It was really great!!


31st January 2004, 07:37
:tease: Clark, its Chloe's candy now! hahahahaha!!!! :dance:

2nd February 2004, 15:34
:blush: ummmm is it bad that my reaction to this ficcy was..."Mmmm I'd like to suck on that candy cane!" :drool: What? I'm only human!!!

Cute and hilarious! Loved it Sabby!!!

27th February 2004, 07:05
HILARIOUS!!! :pclol:

thanks for brightening up what had been a boring day so far :biggrin:

27th March 2004, 02:59
My hubby keeps wondering why I spend so much time on this site, hes like 'haven't you read everything there yet'
I keep trying to explain all the catching up I have to do, but, well, he doesn't get it. :goof:

27th March 2004, 17:50
oh my god that was hilarious i loved it

1st April 2004, 21:44
Ooh, that was so much fun! Just what I needed. Thanks for sharing. :biggrin:

27th January 2005, 07:14
I can't...breath.... :lol:

2nd February 2005, 07:26
that was hilarious!


3rd February 2005, 20:21
Originally posted by sabby@Jan 28 2004, 09:49 AM
The way you look at his crotch when you think he doesn't look - as if he's hiding the worlds biggest candy cane in there and you are a child on x-mas eve?"
:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

27th February 2005, 01:09
I love this story and the way Chloe threatens Clark to stay away from Lex and the way she proves that they are together. :devil: I always knew that Clark was secertly gay. Well at least he will stay away from Lex. :devil: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

27th February 2005, 18:26
That was SO funny...

"Hands off! He belongs to me! Hands off! He's my private property..."
If anyone knows where that is from, I shall love you forever. :)

22nd June 2006, 00:26
Dang ... Go Chloe. LOL. This was cute.