View Full Version : [Completed] Jaded (NC-17)

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2nd March 2004, 18:07
That was :clap: awsome. I loved it. :wub:

Hope :chlexsign2: :blinkkiss:

2nd March 2004, 18:14
Woo hoo!! Ditto on what Kris said about Chloe continually fighting back- that's our girl!!

One small quibble though...you said that Bruce Wayne had a 9mm- but Bruce Wayne is notorious for being anti-gun. Batman won't use one. I know he's a prototype Batman at this point, but I'm just curious if you're trying to make him more AU

Anyway, thanks so much for the fantastic update. Now when is Lex going to tell Chloe that he loves her??

2nd March 2004, 18:48
:yay2: :worship2: You are a beautiful, wonderful person!! :worship2: I loved this last chapter!! Thank you for having Chloe fight back against Apollo!! I'm so glad that Bruce was there and that Chloe was able to tell Lex her feelings!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Can't wait for chapter 18!! :chlexsign4:

2nd March 2004, 21:18
:yay2: :yay: :yay2:



2nd March 2004, 22:16
Another wonderful update!!! :biggrin:
I would have prefered Lex to save Chloe. He's so sweet with her. :wub:
And Apollo finally died.

Please update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter.

3rd March 2004, 00:39
the last part was so awww so damn cute i so loved it
and i love you bruce for rescuing chloe
more please

3rd March 2004, 06:35
Yep, I'm with the props to Bruce... you go Batman! (pre-Batman?)

Seriously though. Apollo got his just deserts, Chloe confessed and Lex realizes what he's got.

I loved it and can't wait for more!


4th March 2004, 00:09
aww i loved it (nice forshadowing with bruce by the way) please update again soon!

Lady Aquitaine
8th March 2004, 19:24
Hello everyone... I'm so sorry for the delay... So now we come to the last installment and I have to say I had a blast writing these characters... Thank you all so much for your wonderful reviews and I hope you enjoyed my little story...So here it is... :biggrin:


Jaded - Part 18

A few days later…

“So let me get this straight, this masked guy saves you and then he just disappears. That’s freakin’ weird. What’s the matter with him?” Roxy voiced disbelievingly. Chloe shrugged her shoulders while she adjusted her legs. She still couldn’t believe they were all back in the Lex’s penthouse apartment safe and sound. The fallout from the shootout at Eden’s was relatively mild compared to the disaster it could have become. The police and newspapers were baffled by the gangland war that erupted overnight at Eden’s and news reports state that while the police have some clues no arrests can be made at this time. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the reports. She was a little frustrated that the story of a century would have to remain untold but for her friends she’d do anything. Memories of the aftermath invaded her mind and she couldn’t help but remember…

Remember… that with the help of Snakeman and what was left of his men, Lex, Chloe and the others managed to get out just before the police arrived. Lex insisted that the women be taken to his penthouse for care. Snakeman was not to keen of this idea, but one glance at his sister and he quickly caved. She looked like hell. They all arrived at the penthouse, the doorman wisely kept his mouth shut as he helped with the doors and elevators. Chloe realized this must really be a strange sight and wondered if Lex had given the man money on the side to keep his mouth closed.

She was very grateful to see that Toby was all ready awaiting their arrival. Toby glanced over the strange crowd and shook his head slightly. He knew better than to ask questions of Lex Luthor. He immediately took charge of the situation and order each woman (Chloe included) into their own bedroom, (luckily there were plenty of bedrooms). Lex guided Chloe to his bedroom and her eyebrows rose at his assumption. He grinned in return.

“Mr. Luthor, is there something you trying to tell me?” Chloe smiled teasingly.

“Yes, Ms. Sullivan, I believe I am.” Lex closed the door softly and he quickly pulled Chloe into his arms. His lips descended upon hers in a deep, searing kiss that took Chloe’s breath away. Never had Lex kissed her like that and she reveled in the delicious feelings his lips caused. Her lips parted slightly and Lex’s tongue swooped in to mate with hers. His hot tongue glided over hers sending delightful shivers down her spine and she moaned in response. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he pressed her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. He couldn’t get enough of her.

When she tried to caress the back of his neck, a sharp pain shot through her arms. With a slight gasp, she pulled back quickly and glared at her offending hands. Damn! Just when I was starting to have some fun! Lex immediately looked at her hands and frowned. Concern was written all over his features as he gently traced the deep red welts with his finger. Chloe grimaced at the touch but managed to hold back the groan.

She really wanted more kissing and when she tried to kiss him again, Lex shook his head. She glared at him and he winked back.

“No kissing until Toby takes a look at your wounds.” Lex responded.

“But…But that could be hours from now…” Chloe protested heatedly but Lex held with a firm “No”.

“Lex…I know you care but I…” Chloe’s voice drifted off at the sudden anger and disbelief that appeared on his face.

“Is that what you think? That I just care for you. For a woman who’s very intelligent, you certainly are acting like an idiot.” Lex growled furiously.

“Well, thank you for that lovely endearment. You do know the mood has just been killed.” Chloe growled back as she backed away and Lex had the sudden urge to shake her. How could she be so clueless? He pulled her back into his arms and rested his chin on her head. She struggled with him for a bit but gave into the wonderful sensation of being in his arms.

“Chloe, I don’t just care for you. Sweetheart, I love you…with all my heart.” Lex said softly. Chloe stiffened with shock. She knew he cared but love…Wow! She was not expecting this and she pulled away to look into his eyes. He loved her. She could see it clearly in his beautiful eyes. Lex really loved her. Damn! I’m going to cry…

And cry she did. Chloe almost cried again as she remembered how he showed her his love once Toby bandaged her hands. She was turning into such a sap! Ugh!

“Chlo? Chlo…pay attention.” Roxy clapped her hands in Chloe’s face. They were all gathered in the room Sin was currently staying in. Sin was propped up on pillows while Roxy sat next to her and Delilah sat, sipping hot tea, in a overstuff chair by Sin’s huge bed with Chloe sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs wrapped about Indian style. Out of all of them, Sin’s injuries were the worst with three broken ribs and her left arm had been fractured. Roxy suffered two broken ribs and a sprained ankle while Delilah suffered a mild concussion. Chloe looked at her friends and smiled. They all looked as if they been in a battle. Which technically, they did go through.

“Sorry about that. I was thinking about the news reports and what they were saying about Eden’s Gate.” Chloe lied as her face heated up. The other women rolled their eyes in total disbelief.

“I asked if you remembered what he looked like.” Delilah asked as she sipped on some hot tea.

“Who? Oh! Sorry! Nope! He just wore that damn mask.” Chloe eyes narrowed as she remembered the dark, intense yet friendly eyes. Her savior! He saved her life and it was killing her not knowing what was underneath the mask. He would definitely make one hell of story. Front page! She could write articles for months on him. If only she had gotten some thing on him.

Hmm…Mental note – find out if he’s struck in other places…

“Chloe! Chlo! Focus and quit thinking about your knight in shining armor. Lex seems the jealous type to me and he will not like you thinking about another guy.” Roxy grinned as Chloe snapped to the present. Chloe grinned at the term.

“Knight in shining armor. Rox, have you been reading one too many romance novels?” Chloe taunted causing Roxy to blush a very vivid shade of red.

“There is nothing wrong with reading a nice book. So fuck off…” Roxy griped and the room erupted in laughter.

“I’m sorry for teasing you like that. You’re absolutely right. There is nothing wrong with a good book. Besides, I like the nick name you gave him but its way too long.” Chloe replied.

“Well let’s think about this. You said he wore dark clothes and a mask. How about we call him ‘Masked Avenger’?” Delilah chimed in. The women just stared at her.

“That sounds like it’s straight from a comic book.” Chloe shook her head.

“Well, he’s a fucking weirdo…How about ‘Masked Psycho’? It has a nice ring to it.” Roxy supplied. The ladies in the room laughed softly. It did have a nice ring to it.

“I don’t know if I want to call the guy who saved my life the ‘Masked Psycho’. It just doesn’t sound heroic.” Chloe again shook her head at her friends though a huge smiled formed on her face.

“Dark…How about Dark Knight?” Sin volunteered in a soft voice. Chloe’s face brightened immediately.

“Ooooh! I like that. Dark Knight. Perfect! Remember that ladies when we speak of him.” Chloe said formally.

“Speak of whom?” Lex replied softly as he walked into the room. Chloe’s face immediately lit up as her green eyes fell upon Lex’s sexy visage. God, he was so cute! Lex smirked at her as he came to sit behind Chloe placing an arm around her waist. Chloe happily settled herself against him.

“We were talking about Chloe’s Dark Knight. That’s his new name.” Delilah grinned cheekily.

“I wish I could have had a chance to meet him. I would have thanked him for saving Chloe’s life.” Lex said as he pressed his lips to Chloe’s head.

“Still, it’s very weird that he left so quickly.” Roxy voiced suspiciously.

“Perhaps he was shy…” Delilah voice drifted off as she pondered Chloe’s Dark Knight. I wonder what he looks like…

“Mmm…I don’t think so. Perhaps he’s been horribly disfigured in an accident. Hey that sounds good. He doesn’t want anyone to see his face for fear of having people run from him…” Chloe said quickly as her imagination took flight. Everyone with the exception of Lex rolled there eyes.

“All right! Whatever! Rox, since you’re so damned suspicious, do you have a better suggestion? ‘Cause really I’d love to hear it.” Chloe said sarcastically.

“Whoa! Watch the tone! Watch the damn tone, missy!” Roxy frowned. Sin and Delilah laughed at the budding argument that was about to take place.

“I will use whatever tone I want.” Chloe shot back.

“Sassy. She’s entirely too sassy for her own good. That’s you’re fault, Rox. You taught her too well.” Sin commented softly. Roxy scowled at Sin. She was about to comment when Lex interrupted the rising argument.

“Ladies. Ladies…please…I have a proposition.” All eyes turned to upon Lex.

“A proposition? Hmm…” Delilah asked curiously.

“A fivesome…Kind of kinky, ain’t it?” Roxy teased giving Chloe a wink.

“Why Lex…you wild, nasty thing…” Sin cooed at him and Lex felt his face heat up with embarrassment. Only these women could ever make him blush like a little boy.

“Not that kind of proposition.” He went on a bit quickly causing the women in the room to chuckle wickedly.

“Well, you see, Chloe loves you all very much.” He went on. Delilah, Roxy and Sin turned to Chloe with big grins on their faces and Chloe, herself, turned red with embarrassment.

“We love her very much in spite of the fact that she can be a stubborn, willful, opinionated brat who doesn’t take advice easily…” Roxy taunted.

“Ha! You’re certainly one to talk!” Chloe grinned cheekily in Roxy’s direction. Lex continued before another argument could begin.

“Chloe loves you very much and…I love Chloe with all my heart.” Lex continued. Silence filled the room before a series of ‘Awwws’ burst forth from the ladies causing Lex to blush even more.

Aww…I love him so much…Chloe thought before she turned and threw her arms around him squeezing him tightly.

“Sweetheart, I’m not finished…” Lex said in between the kisses Chloe was planting all over his face.

Chloe stopped a few seconds later and resettled herself again next to Lex.

“I love Chloe with all my heart and I know it will hurt her very much to see you go. So I wondered if you all would consider moving to Smallville.”

Again silence filled the room. Even Chloe was silent for a few minutes. She turned and caught the gleam in Lex’s eyes.

“Just a minute…You want us to move to Smallville? Smallville, right? Are you crazy?” Roxy asked in surprise.

“Please hear me out. There is a house that just came on the market and I’ve taken the liberty of buying it. It’s very large with five bedrooms and close to where Chloe lives. It’s very nice and quiet and if you agree I will deed the house in your names.” Lex looked at each woman and noted the astounded expressions on their faces.

“You bought us a house! Y-You… bought us… a house!” Roxy muttered. Chloe looked at her friends with a huge grin on her face.

“Come on, Rox. Just consider it for a few minutes. We’ll be close to each other and I won’t have to worry about you guys anymore.” Chloe pleaded.

“How will we live?” Sin questioned considering the possibility.

“You know, Rox, I am pretty tired of the life we live. I’d kind of like to settle down.” Delilah said quietly.

“Delilah, how are we going to live? I mean think about this. Smallville. Flannel capital of the world.” Roxy responded.

“Rox, I’m tired too. I kind of want to live like normal people. You know, grocery shopping, attending meetings, we’ll even be close to Chlo. As for living…We can get normal jobs.” Sin offered.

“Normal jobs! Do we look the normal type to you? Can you see me working in some burger joint?” Roxy growled.

“Not so much a burger joint as a waitress in some coffee shop.” Sin chuckled at Roxy’s gasp of horror.

“Lex, where is the house located?” Chloe asked quickly. The thought of her friends moving to Smallville was thrilling.

“I think you know the place. It was the old Adler place.” Lex responded smoothly. Surprise registered on Chloe’s face at this statement.

“Lex, isn’t the Adler place located…” Chloe voice trailed off and she looked at each of her friends quickly. Laughter bubbled up inside her. Oh, lord, but this was too good…

“Yes, sweetheart. It is.” Lex grinned at her good humor.

“Will someone tell us what’s so damned funny?” Roxy asked not pleased by the entire situation. Smallville… Move to Smallville… The horror!

“N-Noth…It’s j-just…” Chloe voice trailed off as she laughed hysterically.

“What, my angel, is trying to say…Is that the house located very near here.” Lex replied forcing his face to remain neutral. He really shouldn’t have done it but the devil inside him just couldn’t resist…

“And that’s why you’re laughing like a freak.” Sin responded dryly.

“Sorry…So sorry…Never mind…You’ll find out soon enough.” Chloe grinned.

“Can we please get back to how we will live? I am not a nine-to-five type. How in the hell are we going to support ourselves?” Roxy asked a little less heatedly.

“Well, we did bring down a drug dealer. You guys could become investigators and I’ll be your investigative reporter. That would be so cool.” Chloe added.

“You – have been watching way too much television.” Roxy murmured.

“I’m going to have to go with Rox on this Chlo. I think you’ve seen one too many Charlie’s Angel’s eps.” Sin responded with a laugh.

“There is nothing wrong with having ideas…” Chloe smiled at her friends.

“There is when they are stupid.” Roxy shot back with a grin. Chloe glared before a little laugh escaped her. Investigators was a little far fetched.

“I’m sure we can find something appropriate at the plant.” Lex volunteered. All the women looked at him as he had suddenly grown two heads.

“We’ll figure it out. Come on, Rox. Say yes. Please, it will be wonderful to have you guys close by.” Chloe pleaded ignoring Lex’s previous comment. Roxy rolled her dark eyes. She looked towards Sin and Delilah’s hopeful faces and knew when she was beat.

“Ugh! Something tells me I’m so going to regret this.” Roxy growled.

Chloe just grinned happily in her direction. She couldn’t wait for her friends to move to Smallville. It was going to be wonderful. And she really couldn’t wait for her friends to meet their new neighbors. Now that was going to be a sight to behold. With that thought in mind, Chloe let out a roar of laughter. Lex knowing exactly what his beloved was laughing at couldn’t help but join in. Times were indeed going to become very interesting.


Wayne Manor…a few days later…

Bruce Wayne sat, as usual, in his study staring intensely into the roaring fire. The events of the past few days still swirled in his mind. Apollo was gone. And all his hopes to find his parents’ killer went with him.

It simply can’t end like this...There has to be someone else…

The door to the study open and Alfred the butler walked in distinguished as ever.

“Well, Alfred, how are my favorite and intriguing group of people?” Bruce asked with a laugh. Never had he had the pleasure becoming involved with a more interesting cast of characters.

“They are well. I’m happy to report that are all back at the Luthor Mansion recuperating. Mr. Luthor has even gone so far as to buy a home for the ladies or so I’m told.” Alfred responded with a grin.

“Really? Interesting… And how is your cousin?” Bruce asked as grinned back at his long time friend.

“Danvers is doing very well. He actually confessed he’s having a wonderful time with the ladies around. Says it livens up the place.” Alfred laughed.

“That it must, my friend. It would be interesting to see first hand what these ladies are really like.” Bruce’s grin widened as an idea formed into his mind.

“NO!” Alfred yelled then abruptly turned red with embarrassment. “Sorry, sir! I didn’t mean to shout! Don’t you think it would be wise to sever yourself from Mr. Luthor? He still has no idea that you were involved but if he were to find out…” Alfred voice trailed off.

“Do not worry, my friend. We have taken every precaution to ensure that Lex never find out about my involvement.” Bruce responded solemnly.

“Sir, I beg you to forget whatever idea is forming in your mind. Mr. Luthor and these ladies do not seem to be the normal run of the mill type of people. I see complications forming.” Alfred tried once again for reason.

“Alfred, calm yourself, I shall be very, very careful. It’s about time I had a little fun.” Bruce Wayne laughed wholeheartedly for the first time in a very long time. Alfred knew this was a foolish endeavor but looking upon his master’s pleased face, he knew he would just have to work hard to make certain that his master was protected at all cost.

Bloody Hell! Why do I get the feeling we are all going to be in serious trouble?

The End

So what did you think? Sorry, but I really can't end it there so be on the look out for Tainted very soon... :biggrin:

Junice ~ aka Lady A

8th March 2004, 20:05
You're going to write a sequel!! :yay2: :yay: I'm so excited!! Thank you for ending this story on such a happy note!! I'm so glad that Lex told Chloe his true feelings!! I hope they can remain happy together!! What a great story!!!! :chlexsign4:

8th March 2004, 23:12
This is what I think :clap: :applause: and :blinkkiss: I cant wait until the sequel.

Hope ;)

8th March 2004, 23:31
wow wonderful update
but is bruce a bad guy too :huh: is he playing a double game and he want in fact hurt lex
alfred is danver's cousin :huh: :huh:
awww i'm so happy they are all moving to smallville so they can be together
more please i want a sequel quickly

8th March 2004, 23:42
This was a greeeaaaat update! :applause: but is it already finished ? :crygreen:
You're going to make a sequel!!!! I can't wait. :yay: Please do it soon. :worship2:

9th March 2004, 00:24
Woo hoo!! I love it...they're going to live in Smallville! Oh, please let them work at the Talon and give the Pink Princess a run for her money!!

Make sure you post the link for your sequel in this post too so we know where to go, K?

Can't wait to read more!

9th March 2004, 01:59
Ooh that was awesome! :biggrin:
Loved the whole fic, glad you added Bruce into the mix and I can't wait for the sequel! I'm looking foward to seeing how his meeting with Lex and the girls go! :biggrin:

9th March 2004, 02:53
lol, what a great fic, and i can't wait for the next part, your posting it like tommorow, right?
great job, and i love how it ended so happy, :wub:

9th March 2004, 07:10
Sequel please!!!???!!! I loved that!

And I'd forgotten all about that sissy mask of batman's before he got the cape. Hit him, hit batboy in the face. Pretty please?

Err.....I don't see the joke. Who lives next door to the Adlers? The only way it would be that funny is if it were........The Kents?

): )

Queen Of Tact
9th March 2004, 07:28

I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so kick ass.......... I can't wait to read what u have next...


11th March 2004, 11:23
Aww, Chloe and Lex were so adorable there in the end. I'm so glad he told her he loved her.

This was a wonderful story. Great job! I'm sad to see it end but I can't wait to start the sequel! :)

11th March 2004, 18:08
I really liked this story, thanks for sharing. :)

And, BTW, nice avatar, Lady Aquitaine. :hush:

11th September 2004, 20:12
That was fab!! chloe and lex were great, and their 'inner conversations' were spot on: Loved all the action in the later chapters... bruce... rox, sin and delilah (lol btw, they were great!!)... I totally loved your treatment of Lana :devil:

Can't wait to read more of your work,


2nd April 2005, 07:13

6th May 2007, 19:57
A just read this story and absolutely love it.

The Chlex relationship was a adorable. Sin and Roxy hade me laughing my ass off. Bruce just love him. Lana what a bitch.

I'm hoping you wrote the sequel, can't wait to see when Bruce the whole gang!

20th June 2007, 23:04
This is one of the best fics I've ever read. I found it long ago in your web, before you changed it and I love it. Homourr, smut, adventure, but especially LOVE. They are so cuteeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep writing. You are the best.

By the way, I remember a sequel, no? Did you finished that fic? Bye

3rd April 2010, 19:56
It was a very nice fic fun and sexy !

16th June 2010, 13:29
ooo my god......

21st March 2011, 09:52
all i can say is perfect, this fic is perfect.
This story has everything, a lot of fun, many hot scenes, a nice end.
And the great bruno saving the day.

23rd March 2011, 07:28
great storyline really enjoyed all the girls charecters...can you imagine the mayhem they are going to cause in Smallville - lol

great job thanks for writing

Ami Rose
11th March 2020, 07:09
That was awesome! Action, romance, drama and comedy! Loved it!