View Full Version : [Completed] Playing House PG-13

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25th May 2009, 11:59
Great stuff!!!
I can always rely on you guys to give us entertaining reading material.
More soon please!!!

24th August 2009, 13:40
This was so good. I really enjoyed reading this strory.

3rd October 2009, 08:09
Really enjoyed it!

26th November 2009, 12:29

Really, really enjoyed reading this fic. It was really well written, and will definately reccommend this for people. Wonderful job!!
I look forward to more of your work.

12th October 2010, 04:55
Fantastic story. Even without any smut you've managed to write a winner. Lex and Chloe are adorable when they aren't infuriating me. The whole story seem very plausible since their relationship really grew and evolved throughout the story. Very nice work! :)


27th August 2011, 03:03
The story is alright but it's tedious..I mean, you two practically write EVERYTHING they do and say down..It's not good writing.. I mean, I don't need to know when Chloe or Lex 'PICK up a spoon/fork' or whatever..Do you get what I mean..It's a very tedious and annoying story to read but it isn't bad; just tiresome!

Ami Rose
5th February 2013, 09:02
loved it

14th February 2013, 02:17
great story!

4th April 2013, 06:24
awesome story

27th October 2013, 20:01
Fantastic, brilliant, wonderful story. :D Love the concept, the realistic way that they related, how they still have problems etc but how lovely it is too. Great job!

Particulay things that I liked (in no particular order):

1) Townsfolk - I love that they are being loyal for once. I think that most paps could do with being punched in the face.

2) Chlex - love it love it love it.

3) Gabe - he is so understanding, funny but realisitic.

4) Bianca - I loved her "polite language", why didn't Chloe use that when she needed to get through the Talon? I'm using it from now on. "You're welcome", barges through.

5) Lionel - Ah, the king rat. I'm so glad that he didn't succeed in hurting them although I can't imagine what he will be like in the future, hope he dies from a rat bite.

1st October 2016, 00:05
Its been a while since I read a Chlex story. And I was looking for a great one to read and I fell on this one. And this story is as great to read as it was a couple of years ago.

15th March 2017, 08:51
I read myself freely

Pink Tree Lady
26th January 2018, 03:17
As an ON/OFF lurker during the years and Chlex follower, I don't know how I missed this story. If you want an easy, smooth entertaining read, go for it! Some might be deterred by the non-smutty content but do not worry, the emotional and fun factors will satisfy your dirty little minds 100%. Enjoy!