View Full Version : [Completed] Vacation Comfort (PG to NC-17)(Complete)

29th December 2003, 17:55
Okay I got kind of bored writing C&C so I kind of sidetracked for awhile during my trip around the Northern part of Luzon... This is a spawn of my imagination while I was traveling... AU in a sense... Futurefic, more like... i'm still in the process of making the second section... The next chapter WILL be longer... and lemony...

Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville - any part of it whatsoever. This story is merely for entertainment and not for money-making purposes!


The sun slid through the window onto Chloe Sullivan’s sleeping eyes. It was a while longer before it seemed to register on her consciousness for she turned over in a groan, but to no avail. The rays found her drowsy and not too elated by waking up. It had been six years since she’d graduated and four since she’d left Smallville for the flashy life of Metropolis. It hadn’t all started off as a great life in the city, however.

Her dreams of becoming a reporter were ultimately crushed by the sudden realization that that aspiration was connected to her past. Oh sure, she had always wanted to become a journalist, traveling to dangerous countries, or beating other writers to the prints by getting the first scoop on the latest and hottest news. It all grew so distant, however, when graduation day finally came and she found herself looking backwards all the time. No, a reporter’s life was not for her.

Instead, she went for something slightly more practical – that being creating some sort of business. She was well read and she was in tune with the intellectual wants of those around her. Because of this, she opened a small bookstore called “Book Haven” that quickly became a big hit amongst the crowds of the city. She began to open strings of her store in key places, becoming the growth of her success. She soon held ownership to almost ten different outlets of “Book Haven” in six cities.

This business did not appeal to her in such a way that she was ultimately satisfied. She still wanted to write, but not in the snooping sense. She wanted to teach children as well. What more than to teach? So apart from running the book stores, she taught on a regular basis.

That morning she woke up, she was utterly tired but sated. It had been a whole week since the last day of school for the year and summer began. She had told her employees that she would take a month off and her cousin – who had control of the company as well – would be the boss in the meantime. It was officially the first day off in a whole two years. Stretching her limbs, she smiled in satisfaction as the reality of the situation came into play.

Rolling out of the softness of her bed, she lazily made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. She would have her coffee out today, just to take away the order of things. Coffee at home was far too tedious at the moment and she needed to do something to break that. She turned on the shower head and hummed as she began to wash herself.

~~ o0o ~~

Lex Luthor rubbed his eyes before smoothing a hand over his bald head. He had been up all night doing paperwork for the corporation that needed to be finished by eleven that morning. Well, he thought bemusedly as he shifted the papers into order and glanced at the clock that read six a.m., there would be a few satisfied board members today. Sighing, he placed them in a clean folder and dropped it in the middle of his desk. Six years had past since his father died and frankly, it was definitely good riddance. The Luthor Corp had grown since he had become its full owner and he was damn proud of what had become of it.

He couldn’t say the same for himself, however. In fact, he thought he was have damn rotten luck when it came to himself. He was in a stage in his life where he wanted to be with someone that didn’t want his money; someone who was under a class other than supermodel bimbos that wanted the limelight. Quite frankly, his relationships those days came and went like the flutter of wings against the windowpane. He had just broken things off with Paula Burdock a couple of weeks back and it was not a pretty separation. She tried using him to her own advantage, but he had been wary with her and knew her game. It got to a point where she would demand outright for items that were downright expensive – the largest yacht with state of the art equipment was her last one. He was glad that he finally found her husband, who was trying hard to keep the information of their marriage from the public. After that, there was a big blowout, which was finally ended through the court – although he would have hoped that it would be sooner. The couple came out with a ten thousand dollar payment. They were outraged, but would not press even more, knowing just how influential Lex Luthor was.

He sighed. He wished he didn’t have such a complicated life. Believing that he deserved a break from all the craze he was constantly under, he left his work on the desk and freshened up before he headed out for some good coffee. It was a good fifteen minutes walk to his destination, but he didn’t mind. He liked the exercise anyway. The café was small and comfortable, providing the customers with homey couches and a tension-free atmosphere while giving them the satisfaction of good caffeine-loaded coffee. When he went through the doors of his destination, he took a long breath and exhaled in contentment as the coffee wafted into his lungs. He moved over to the counter to make his order.

He didn’t recognize her at first. Her dirty blonde hair had been grown out of its cropped style to a bit farther than her shoulder. From behind, she looked like any other woman he would have probably encountered. Her style of clothing had also grown a bit more expensive. However, her height was, if not the same, just slightly more than the last time he’d seen her. As he came up to queue, he couldn’t help be look appreciatively at the small package in front of him. He was, after all, male and human. The voice was what seemed to register in his brain. He was good with remembering things. And this woman – no matter how annoying she was before – was definitely someone he’d remember.

She was about to turn around when he questioned her. “Chloe Sullivan?”

She froze at her name and turned with a disbelieving look on her face. When she did, he saw the realization spring into her blue eyes. “Why, if it isn’t Alexander Luthor.”

His mouth quirked slightly. “By all means call me Lex. I’m more accustomed to it than Alexander.”

“Sure, no problem. I prefer it in comparison to Alexander anyway,” she admitted, making a face. “It’s far too formal for my taste.”

He chuckled and made his order before turning back to her. She watched him with the same curiosity as she had when he had first met her all those years back in Smallville. He waved his hand to an empty table for two. “Would you like to sit with me?”

She gave a slight smirk. “Are you sure you want to have my snarky company so early in the morning? I’ve been told that it’s not a good way to start a day.”

Lex laughed. “Charming as ever, I see.”

She nodded with a small smile and walked over and promptly took a seat. He followed suit and took the seat opposite of her. There was a moment of silence that fell upon them as they regarded each other idly. It was he who spoke first. “So how are you?”

“I’m doing fine,” she replied, her expression warm. “Couldn’t be any better I suppose.”

“Yes. I hear that you’ve taken a hand in business.” He propped his elbows on the table and linked his hands, watching her over them. She seemed to be unruffled by his knowledge of her achievements and looked straight at him with an unwavering gaze.

“True,” she replied, folding her hands on the table and glancing down at them. “It’s quite profitable actually. I’m planning on spreading it farther in the country to see how successful it becomes before deciding whether to go world wide. I also teach on the side.”

“So I’ve read.” There was a slight pause before he gave into his own inquisitiveness. “But what happened to the dream of being a journalist?” he couldn’t help but ask.

She smiled sadly to that and looked off in a different direction. Her gaze turned wistful before she shook her head and looked back at him. “Just this and that. Nothing really. The desire to write in that sense just left, I guess.”

“Was it,” he hesitated. “Clark?”

She laughed silently to that and gave him a merry look. “No, he had nothing to do with it. Although he and the journalist dream have both been tucked into the past, it holds nothing in my future. The art of words, however, never will leave my heart.”

“It seems quite abrupt for such a dream to be thrown away so quickly. Haven’t you always wanted to be a news reporter?”

She looked at him sharply, but just as quickly she sighed and became wistful again. “Like all things, when someone dies, dreams have a habit of going with them.”

“Gabe has passed away…” he was half statement, half question – to which she nodded. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know. I was…”

“Yes, you were here in Metropolis. I don’t blame you for not knowing. You’re busy with you’re life and we were in a little town called Smallville. Word from such places doesn’t get as far as here. The meteor shower was probably the only thing that was heard throughout the world about that place.”

He nodded and leaned back in his chair, allowing the information she had just provided to sink in. He knew she didn’t need his pity. He remembered that the time when his father died, he resented people’s sympathetic glances as they watched him during his father’s wake. It took all in his power not to smash their faces in – men and women alike. So, with Chloe, he just watched and observed and gave her the company as she revisited the painful times. There wasn’t much else he could do apart from that.

As he watched, he began to notice differences. Her natural habit of asking far too many questions had left and in its place was the demeanor of a very mature woman. She was quiet, pensive and not outspoken and brash. She still hinted a bit of her old self, but she was more refined. How old was she? he asked himself. She couldn’t me farther than her mid-twenties. And already so successful… how like him.

The presentation of their orders by their waiter cut off his thoughts. When he left, Chloe had taken her coffee into her grasp and took a small sip. Black, he thought surprised. He hadn’t believed her to be a black coffee lover. And yet there she was, sitting in front of him as he nursed the cup in her hand, the cream and sugar spared on her saucer as she almost sighed over the dark liquid that slid down her throat. Her tongue flickered out to take the droplets left over on her upper lip. Something in him changed at that moment. There was something sensual about the action and her preference to the type of coffee he liked to have – something that caused a click in his head. He had been brought into swift awareness, causing him to shift, involuntarily.

“I see that some things never change,” he said abruptly, intending to create small talk before he began to really gawk at her.

She placed her cup down and looked at him with a questioning look. “What do you mean by that?”

He indicated the cup of steaming liquid in front of her as his mouth quirked in a small smile. “Your addiction to coffee.”

In answer she gave an un-ladylike snort. “Drinking coffee is not an addiction. It’s just something we regular coffee-drinkers like to call a ‘habit.’”

He couldn’t help but chuckle, before he took a drink of his own. “You’re quite a character, Chloe.”

“And what about you? I believe you have questioned me quite enough. How is business with you? From what I hear from the papers, you’re company is still growing.” She eyed him thoughtfully, thumbing the handle of the ceramic cup.

“Ah yes, the papers,” he said. “My life is under more scrutiny than I could have imagined.” He sighed and took another swallow of his drink. “It is just as the papers say. We’ve been expanding more and more. Investing on a variety of things… really nothing interesting if you ask me.”

“And apart from Luthor Corp, how have the fates been treating you?” It was actually an indirect way of saying ‘how has your love life been’ but she hadn’t wanted to be that blunt so she took a euphemistic approach to it.

He seemed to pick up her hidden message for the next thing she knew she heard his quiet laughter become slightly bitter. “It’s been hell, if you ask me. I can’t help but feel jumpy about everyone I meet.”

“Oh yes, I read about your last – ahem – relationship,” she commented with a little cringe. “Not fun at all. What a wretched woman.”

“She really was.” Lex chuckled. “I don’t remember why I even got together with her.”

“One way or the other, it happens I guess,” Chloe said with a shrug. “I think you’ll forever be stuck with meeting people like that. It comes with the territory.”

“Ah, but you, Chloe, are not like them.”

“What makes me different from all the rest, then, if you cannot trust anyone? Couldn’t you think that I could end up extracting information and money from you?”

He shrugged. “I know you’re not one to exploit others. It’s not in your nature. You’ve had too much experience of others being hurt because someone had used another individual to get what they wanted.”

She digested that for a moment and nodded in approval. “You know me better than others I know here. It’s – actually quite nice, frankly enough.”

“You’re nice to be around,” he replied and finished off his coffee.

She was taken aback by his comment, questioning herself whether it was honesty or just a little compliment he threw regularly to women and tried to ignore the tingling that it caused inside her. Coughing slightly, she gave an weak grin before noticeably changing the subject in order to avoid more bewilderment. “So what brings you here to this less than extravagant café?”

He almost smirked at her attempt to move their conversation at a peripheral direction but he kept it in, and played along. “Oh, I thought I’d break the tedium. I needed the caffeine, too. This place was decent – even for my refined taste –” he smirked then “– so I came in. And it’s a good thing I did, too.”

He gave her a piercing once-over and when his eyes flicked back up to her face, she was blushing profusely. It was obvious she was not too used to a man’s attention. The reason why that would be with her looks was beyond him. She cleared her throat in attempt to regain some of her composure before she looked back up at him. He glanced down at his watch and swore under his breath. Giving her an apologetic smile, he said, regret heavy in his voice, “I truly am sorry, but I have a meeting to catch in half an hour.”

She shook her head, though there was still a hint of disappointment in her expression as she smiled. “No, it’s quite alright. It was nice meeting you again though, Lex.”

Hmm… I like my name on her lips. Before he thought anything of it he went to stand beside her. “Would you do me the honor of having dinner with me? Tonight, perhaps?”

Her jaw dropped slightly before she pursed her lips together again. Flustered by his invitation, she stared down at her half-full cup. “Uh… I – I don’t know…”

“Judging from your reaction, I’m almost sure that your other –” he paused, searching for the right words “– experiences with men were not so great. But,” he added quickly when he saw her eyes grow wary. “I am certainly not like them. I will not leave you hanging. It is not in my nature to let someone as pretty as you get away.”

She looked down again, the rosiness that crossed her cheeks making her look even more tempting than ever. He waited patiently, but gained no reply as she was still unsure of what to say. What could she say? Here was a man who she would have refused to acquaint herself with and now, here he was flirting with her!

“I’ve never groveled before, but I’m willing to try…” he coaxed – bringing her out of her reverie – feeling like nudging her, but not doing so.

Her eyes shot back up at him with raised eyebrows. Then she swiveled her body around so she faced him fully and folded her arms. She looked up at him expectantly, but she got no verbal answer from him and him from her. With unflickering eyes she said, “Well? Go ahead.”

He blinked at her. The laughter came bubbling out of nowhere but it came, startling not only Chloe, but also other customers. No one would ever believe him capable of doing such a thing and there she was, gullible as can be, expecting him, Lex Luthor, owner of Luthor Corp, to beg for her to go out with him. She seemed to catch on with the whole scenario and she, too, emitted a giggle.

“You have to have dinner with me, Chloe,” he insisted after the laughter ebbed away, leaving a smile on his face. “You’ve rejuvenated my day. And I thought it would be boring as hell. Give me something to look forward to.”

She beamed up at him and nodded. “Of course, I believe dinner would be lovely.”

“Good… no, wonderful.” He grinned almost foolishly as he took out a card and pen to scribble an address. “Come to my place at seven. I’ll make it worth your while by making dinner myself.”

She gave him a surprised look as she took the card he had just written on. “Oh? I never would have thought you would be the ‘cook it yourself’ type. Not with all the service you’re constantly presented with.”

“I made it a point to be fully independent of anyone. It comes in handy now and then. Now being one of them.”

“Hah.” Taking in the last bit of coffee left in her cup, she got up and regarded Lex with a critical eye. Ah, there’s that reporter’s look. He chuckled inwardly, his eyes twinkling in merriment. That was a definite rarity, he thought to himself as he made his way out onto the streets again. Must be the coffee…


30th December 2003, 04:36
this is really good! i just love their verbal judo! ;)

please update soon!

30th December 2003, 05:04
Okay next section up. ToT I'm kind of afraid of putting this up, but... I also want to... *sigh* anyway! Here it is! The date sequence... I hope it's okay!


Chloe watched speculatively as the bald, in-demand billionaire walked out – in a somewhat euphoric state – into the street and out of viewing range. Who would have thought that she would see him again? she thought with a wistful smile on her lips. Oh, of course there were moments in the past when she believed she would encounter him again, walking down the streets, but never had she believed that he would actually recall her name, even less ask her on a date.

A slow grin spread over her lips as she began to think of the prospect more and more. It was quite bizarre. She was sure that she was a pest to him in Smallville as she had a habit of getting in his way when he didn’t need the publicity. He certainly didn’t seem all that happy seeing her every time she happened to be in the same building as him. Oh the possibilities now! How odd everything turned out to be.

She left the coffee shop soon after he did, walking down the street towards the shopping malls. If she was having a date with the wealthiest man in Metropolis, she was going to have a new wardrobe on! It was well into the afternoon when she found the most suitable outfit: a sleek one piece dress that clung to every curve of her body. The salesman was delighted by her choice and expressed his joy by clapping his hands and jumping a series of times. She had also bought a new pair of shoes, a whole set of ebony-colored lacy lingerie, and a hand bag. The price was steep but she could afford it, considering she, too, was quite well off. Besides, it wasn’t everyday that she would go off and buy new trinkets for herself.

She sat in the cab with her shopping bags by her side and she sighed tiredly. Men just didn’t know what women did to make themselves look pretty for them. It was a chore to keep their skin soft-looking, their hair glossy and their body in top shape. She looked down at the items she had bought and smiled inwardly, believing that she would leave a lasting impression on the man – even if he had the chance to date any model he wanted. No one would be able to resist this number.

At her condominium, she bathed in bubbles while drinking brandy. She had specifically relaxed her hair so it was sleek and shiny dirty blonde. She dried herself off and got into her dress with little difficulty, although she knew that getting out of it was a different story. The changing room incident gave proof to that. She applied little to no make up, knowing it would just speed up the aging process of her skin. Lip gloss would suffice, she thought and placed it in her new handbag. She smoothed her hand over the lower part of the dress and ran her fingers through her hair one more time, taking a last look at her reflection. Satisfied by what she saw, she made her way down to the basement where she got into a red Ferrari car and drove to Lex’s place.

The building itself screamed rich as a man came up and opened the door for her, and asked if she wanted valet parking. She walked up to the counter and asked which Lex’s floor was and they helpfully provided the information. She was escorted to the entrance to his penthouse and as she made her way in, she couldn’t help but appreciate what he had done to the place. Glass was everywhere, providing light to almost all areas of the house. She had a great view of Metropolis already from where she stood. The furnishing was simple yet elegant; whites and mahogany tables and chairs. She was still observing her surroundings when a movement at above her caught her attention.

She looked up and saw Lex making his way down the steps. From what she figured, he hadn’t seen her yet so she waited patiently in her spot. He wore his usual black slacks and button-up shirt that was open at the top. She caught a whiff of his cologne and felt her senses flutter at the smell. Hugo Boss suited him well, she thought slyly, an animalistic attraction growing at the pit of her stomach.

“I’m really sorry, but I haven’t really started with –” he stopped at mid-sentence and stride as his gaze fell upon the most alluring sight he had seen in his entire life.

She could feel the smugness threatening to spill, but she only smiled modestly at him. Brushing the hem of her dress again, she asked in mock innocence, “So from the abrupt halt in your explanation I take it that you like what I’m wearing?”

Her voice seemed to bring him back to his senses and he grinned wickedly pursuing her in a graceful manner. Taking her hand in his, he brought it up to his lips, but paused to look up at her and smiled. “It’s you – not the dress – that I’m taken with, Chloe.”

She could feel her heart begin to pound erratically as he brought her hand closer to his mouth. There was merely an instance of gentle lips touching before his tongue flickered out to taste the sweet skin of her knuckles. He heard the sharp intake of her breath and, taking it as a positive sign, continued his ministrations. He closed his eyes and savored the softness under his lips wanting to taste more of her than what he had in his grasp. He heard her shift slightly and she gave a breathy sigh with each flick of his tongue, sending the blood in his body towards his waist. He had to stop before he went too far. When his taste buds had finished sampling her – enough for that moment – he placed one last closed-mouth kiss and pulled back and gave her a small smile.

“Sorry I took a bit of dessert a little early,” he whispered seductively.

He watched as her eyes flared with desire and she bit her lip, tempting him beyond belief. He sighed inwardly, however, and stepped back from her, knowing it was best to save the rest for later. “I haven’t really finished our dinner yet,” he informed her, turning towards the kitchen. “I was stuck in a meeting and they didn’t let me go until just recently, but I’m still making dinner, don’t doubt that.”

Regaining her composure, she curiously followed him and tentatively peeked in. “Have you started with it at least?”

“Take a look and see,” he merely replied, stepping towards the stove.

From the looks of it, there were a few pots already placed on the fire, one holding water – that had no indication of boiling any time soon – and another holding bubbling tomato sauce. The aroma was quite lovely, causing her mouth to water in hunger involuntarily. She hummed in approval. She gave him a measuring look and a raised brow. “I hope you didn’t look up my private information on the net.”

He laughed and shook his head. “This is just a personal favorite of mine. I’m glad that you commend my choice. This will take a while to make, however, so I suggest that we have a glass of wine over at the couch while we wait.”

He came to her, holding out an arm, which she took willingly with a little smile. He brought her to sit on the soft couch in front of a roaring fire. A bucket with the wine cooling and a set of flutes was already on a glass table in between the seat and the fireplace. She gave Lex a questioning look. “Don’t you think it’s a little out of season?” she asked, indicating the flames in the hearth.

He regarded her with his trademark smirk. “Ah, but all the more to add to the mood, don’t you think?” He gracefully opened the bottle and poured a generous amount into the wineglass, then handed it to her.

“Hmm, if I didn’t know you better, I’d probably think that you’re intending for me to get drunk” she teased as he poured himself an amount and took a seat beside her.

He took a small sip of the drink, staring at her intently from over the rim then bringing his face to be just inches from her face. Her breath caught in her through at she became entranced in the intensity of his eyes – almost turquoise in color, she noticed. Their breaths mingled, her mouth hanging open slightly in anticipation of what she believed was coming. She watched as his eyes trailed down her face to stop at her mouth, sending odd shivers down her body.

“I’m not the devious kind to take a woman when she’s unconscious,” he murmured. His eyes went back to her stare into hers. “Besides, the experience is far better when the one I’m with is willing and aware.”

Feeling the urge to lean into him threaten to overcome her common sense, she cleared her throat and broke their eye contact. She took a sip of her drink and gazed at the fire, frantically trying to find something comfortably non-sexual to think about. “What happened to you and the neurologist, Katherine something?”

He blinked. “Who?”

“You know… the doctor that you had been with when Clark, Pete, Lana and I were in our last year of High School.” She was actually partially relieved that the sexual tension had snapped, but mentally slapped her self for bringing up an old lover and to accentuate the age gap. Great move, wonder woman!

“Oh… yes, Katherine Mei,” he recalled looking wistfully out the balcony into the view of a still setting sun. “She had gone on a business trip in Norway. When she came back, she claimed to be in love with a new colleague and we broke things off. It was a long time ago. That’s really old news to be bringing up only now.”

“I didn’t mean to open closed scars, Lex,” she insisted quietly, giving him an apologetic look. “I was just curious, is all. My reporter instincts have a habit of resurfacing now and again.”

“Yes, well our past does have a way with catching up with us, I suppose,” he replied giving her a soft look.

She pursed her lips, scared to say anything more in fear of angering him. She took a large gulp of her drink and set it down on the glass table, then folded her hands on her lap as the silence lengthened. She could feel his gaze on her and she became unnerved by it. She took a look at him in uncertainty.

Her eyes bounced off to the side before deciding to settle on him again. “What? Do I have something on my face?” It was meant as a joke, though she still found it lame when she said it. Time hasn’t changed everything… not even my whacked out humor. She cringed inwardly at her failed attempt to lighten up the mood. Her focus did not stay on her failure for long; it was never a possibility with Lex so close.

His eyes were as intense as they had been when she was still a high school student. They had the ability to pierce through the defenses that she was trying to place between her and the world. He opened his mouth and prepared himself to begin to speak – a movement that got her stomach to stiffen.

“I was just trying to figure something out,” he answered smoothly.

“And, pray tell, what would that be?”

“Why I didn’t see just how beautiful you were when we were still in Smallville,” he replied in a matter-of-fact manner.

Chloe, who had been in the process of taking a drink, stopped her glass in midair, and jolted her head back in a terse manner. The sudden movement caused the wine to spill from the glass and fall onto the front of her dress. She let out a squeak of dismay and immediately sent Lex jumping out of the seat to retrieve a napkin. Although the dress she wore was a raven color, the material that was soaked in the liquid grew a slightly darker color, much to her embarrassment.

“Oh God, and I just got this!” she cried, tentatively getting up and biting her lip in exasperation.

Lex returned with a napkin and was just about to dab the spot for her when he cleared his throat and handed it to her. “You do it,” he commanded gruffly before turning away. “I need to go check on our dinner now.”

He stalked off, leaving her wondering about his reaction. Frowning, she took off as much of the wine from her dress as possible, but was disappointed by the results. There was still an obvious stain look on the front and she bit her lip in dismay. She looked up to the direction of the kitchen and hesitantly got up, leaving behind both the napkin and flute on the table. When she came face to face with his back, she looked at him apprehensively and clasped her hands in front of her. It was either she endure a whole embarrassing dinner with the dress on or just get another make-do outfit from him.

“Uhm,” she started with a little grimace. “I was – I was just wondering…”

He stopped whatever he was fixing and turned to face her, a brow raised. “Yes. It’s just me, Chloe. There’s no need to go all shy on me now.” He gave her a little smile.

She cleared her throat and gave him a weak smile. “Well, see, I was just wondering if you wouldn’t mind if I used one of your… shirts… of course if you don’t have one to spare I could just live with this –”

He gestured towards the stairs with his hand in an invitational way. “Go ahead. But if you must know, I don’t have a female selection of any sort. It would, of course, ruin my reputation as people might think I cross-dress.” At that he smirked a little. “Just look through my clothing and use what you like.”

She was slightly stunned, but she smiled gratefully and thanked him. She turned a heel and went to take a look. Once she was gone, the inviting look was no longer on his face. He groaned inwardly and rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb. It was taking him a lot to not follow her at that moment. He felt like an absolute pervert by thinking what he was, but he could not help but imagine what it would have been like to have just licked off all the wine from her body instead of grab her a napkin so she could just wipe it off in the end. He mentally kicked himself for being such an idiot around her.

Sighing, he went back to arranging dinner. He was about finished with placing the food upon the table set for the both of them to dine one when he caught a faint cough behind him. He turned instinctively at the sound and nearly forgot to breathe. She had chosen to wear one of his dress shirts, which for her was quite oversized, covering the majority of her upper body, but leaving most of her legs at the mercy of his hungry eyes.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she apologized in a most shy manner. “I couldn’t help but pick the lavender one.”

He didn’t say anything for a while; just looked at her with a strange look on his face. She fidgeted slightly under his gaze, which seemed to snap the focus back on reality. “I’m sorry… I just…”

Her heart pounded loudly in her chest. She was hoping that he would say something soon before she misinterpreted the look he was giving her to jump him there. It was funny that she actually rendered him speechless for the second time on the same night, but she was more eager for his reason so that she could… act on what he said accordingly.

“Having nothing to say is most unbecoming of you Lex,” she teased, smiling a bit as she looked at him through her lashes.

“Would you mind too much… if I – if we…” he trailed off again, perhaps not knowing how to pursue the subject in a more subtle way. How could he say it?

She had to giggle, raising a coy brow. “I do believe you want to fuck me, Lex,” she murmured, putting her weight to one side and folding her arms. It felt so liberating to just – be spontaneous. She could feel the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as his eyes snapped up to hers; grew stormy when she mentioned the basic idea that was most probably an intention of his. What was going through his mind was: Damn the food. I’m having her now. Although it sounded selfish to him, he didn’t care. He was too aware of the woman and the carnal desires that were rolling through him.

“What I want is not as ruthless as the word you used, Chloe,” he replied quietly, stepping close to her, only to stop with his face inches away from hers. “No… right now, I want something… sweet… poignant… yet still intense… would you like that, too, Chloe?”

She could just diet on his voice, his torturous timbre addicting as it washed over her. Her body began to sway towards him, as if already saying what her mind hadn’t come to realize yet. She watched slowly as his mouth descended, coming so close to her own, but not quite touching, then veering off to the side, causing her almost to sound a protest. All desire to do so died when he kissed the shell of her ear; nibbled on the lobe, eliciting a strangled groan and shiver from her.

“I know you’re screaming inside, Chloe,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. “I saw it in your eyes just now – that wanton look that told me just what you wanted.” His lips trailed the length of her neck and nuzzled the base. “Tell me that you want it, Chloe,” he coaxed. “Tell me you want my hands… mouth… body sliding over – into you.”

She let her jaw hang letting out a little whimper as her hand slid up his arm, clench his shoulder, urging him silently to keep going. Still he held back, pulling away from her just a bit to frustrate her senses. He allowed his tongue to flick across her skin but he turned his head so that it skimmed her jaw line in a feathery-light kiss. “I can’t hear you…” It was a husky sing-song voice, swirling through her. She would make him pay for this later. But at the moment…

“I want you,” she breathed, attempting to press against him, but only able to brush her middle against his growing arousal. “I need you moving within me…” She let out an aggravated moan. “Don’t make me beg, Lex…”

She felt him chuckle; reveled in the vibrations it sent thrumming through her body at his reaction. With no further teasing, Lex brought his lips down onto hers in a decisive swoop, capturing her in a long kiss. The electricity that hummed between them was so potent… and they craved for more. His hands made their way to her hips, sliding the material of his borrowed shirt upwards to allow him access to the silky skin there. He was pushing against her, molding their bodies in a mesh of arousal.

Chloe could feel a throbbing grow inside of her. It was a familiar sensation, but it was far more intense that she had ever experienced before. Although it scared her, she craved for it and brought herself even closer, opening her mouth under his. The touch of his tongue to her own had passion surging within her. It had her yearning to be more aggressive, yet his tender attentions made her want to keep their slow leisurely pace. One of his hands had journeyed up the curve of her hip and began to massage the softness below her breasts. She shifted under his ministrations, whimpering incoherently; encouraging him to finish his journey. He hummed into her mouth and finally came to cup one breast. She pushed into his hold as he rolled the nipple between his forefinger and thumb through the thin material of her bra. She could feel her knees weakening, wobbling at her growing inability to support her weight.

Seeming to sense this, Lex pulled back and swept her off her feet, walking decisively towards the couch. He didn’t believe himself capable of going up the stairs while he was desperate to explore her again. Setting her down slowly on the expanse of the soft couch, he took in her features as the fire flickered in the hearth. Her skin looked golden in the light, making her look even more precious than he already thought she was. Her eyelids were heavy over the cloudy hazel gaze. She was watching him examine her and by the way his pupils grew, she could feel her heart beat faster.

He took his lovely time, trailing a finger on the exposed skin of her chest before beginning to unbutton the shirt. He brought his head down, leaving wet kisses on the skin he was slowly revealing. She shifted underneath him, holding his bald head in both her hands. When the shirt was fully parted, he pushed it off of her body, revealing the sheer black material of her underwear. Lex let out a sound of pleasure at the sight and turned his attention to her bra, sliding his hands underneath her to unclasp it, when her hands on her forearms stopped him.

He looked at her almost desperately, but she was looking at his still clothed body. Understanding her, he moved back, leaving the sphere of warmth created by her body. She in turn brought her self up and just as he was about to take his clothes off, she murmured, “Let me.” He looked at her, wondering to himself whether he would be able to take the physical torture he had subjected her to just moments before. Still, he was curious as to how she would handle this powerful position and allowed his hands to fall to his sides.

Smiling, Chloe pushed him back onto the other half of the couch and planted a hot kiss upon his lips. He seemed to be wonderfully distracted by this and took that moment to take the dress shirt bottom from out of his pants, enabling her to explore the rippling muscle underneath. She felt him shudder as she did what he did to her, rolling his male nipple between her fingers. Their tongues moved together in an intimate dance as she traced her fingers back down his stomach. Bringing out her hands again, she brought herself to straddle him, rubbing her middle against the burgeoning erection concealed underneath the restraining cloth. He let out a strangled moan and thrust up against her, needing the friction to relieve some of the desire in him. Wanting to see more of him, she quickly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a wonderfully sculptured male physique when it was her turn to pull back and inspect him.

She hummed in approval and was rewarded a growl as he brought her head down again for another open-mouthed kiss. His fingers nimbly unhooked her bra from behind and pushed it off. He molded his hand into the mound of flesh and she pressed more firmly against him, eliciting a little gasp as he pinched the tip. His other hand drifted downwards and slid into her panties, probing her center. He could feel the muscles there clenching at his intimate touch, relishing the pleasured cry torn from her throat when she wrenched herself away from his lips. Her hands in turn struggled to free him of the confining pants. When it was unzipped she pushed them and the boxers underneath down his hips. She grasped him then, rubbing the length of his erect penis.

“Gods…” he moaned, letting his head fall back and his rhythm to falter. He couldn’t last long with such a skilled pair of hands on him. Feeling the last of his control flee him, he switched their positions so that she was underneath him. He tore the delicate material off her hips and kicked of the rest of his clothing before coming down onto her. She opened herself to him and, looking into her eyes, he grabbed her hips and plunged into her.

Her eyes closed at the wondrous sensation of being filled, stretched wide by his swollen maleness. His thrusts were long and measured, pushing farther and farther into her. She could feel the pressure building inside her and she arched her back, wanting to feel as much of him on her as possible. Her legs hooked themselves around his hips pressing him further into her. Lex captured her nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, suckling it almost to the point of pain. Their movements became more rapid and as they climaxed she screamed out his name. The cry was mixed with his own shout, and he spilled himself inside her.

Content and blissfully tired, he turned them so she lay on top of him, holding her body close to his. She lay a butterfly kiss upon his shoulder and he smiled as he nuzzled her head. That was how they were when they fell asleep.

To be continued (?)

30th December 2003, 05:29
Good start. I'd like to see more of this -- perhaps a backstory dealing with what happened in Smallville that caused Chloe to leave her "past" behind?

30th December 2003, 06:09
Your love scene was so romantic! I loved how even after all of the models Lex has dated Chloe was the one who made him lose his train of thought when he saw her in her dress! Thank you for the quick update! I can't wait to find out what will happen to Chloe and Lex next!! :biggrin: Thanks for your story!! :chlexsign4:

30th December 2003, 06:12
what do you mean to be continued? of course you have to continue this story you have a great start. and i would like to know what is going to happend next. :chlexsign4: :yay: you are on fire :chlexsign2:

30th December 2003, 07:14
Yep, I'm all for continuing. Lovely job with the love scene, hot and yet beautiful. More soon please!


30th December 2003, 13:04
This definately needs to be continued cause it rocks!!

30th December 2003, 13:34
Originally posted by Blackberry@Dec 30 2003, 02:04 PM
To be continued (?)
You'd better bloody well continue or I suspect that you'll have a riot on your hands!!! That was extremely hot and I can't wait to read more!

30th December 2003, 15:35
please contiue!!!! SOOOOOOOON...

im curious bout your title... 'vacation comfort', sounds like the chlex is only
a by-product of some vacation... NOOOO>>>??

30th December 2003, 23:01
Well, you obviously have to continue, because you can't just leave it there! Great smut though. ;)

Susie Q
31st December 2003, 04:43
Renee is right about the riot thing you know. Chlexers on a rampage is not a pretty sight. http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/Demonstration.gif So in the spirit of avoiding senseless violence you really should get back here and continue this. http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/849.gif And way to go with the Chlex lovin’ :eyebrows:. That was prettyhttp://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/hot.gif!!

31st December 2003, 07:36
Wow, that was wonderfully smutty :yay: You can't just end it there... at least do the morning after... or you could turn this into a whole new series! :chlexsign3:

1st January 2004, 13:14
I'm thoroughly sure that you'd kill me after you read this update :unsure: , but rest assured that I know what is going to happen in the next section. I'm currently trying to get a chapter for this and C&C soon.... well, enjoy! and HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! :party2:


He sat in his office, staring at the monitor in front of him. For the past half hour, he had done absolutely no work and at this rate, he knew he wouldn’t get anything done by the end of the day. His schedule was filled with meeting after meeting, negotiations and probably no break whatsoever. He sighed and leaned back in his seat. There was no possible way to get Chloe out of his mind. The date they had a week ago was haunting him, following his every waking moment. He remembered the way she looked underneath him; over him… even beside him as she lay sleeping in his arms when they finally finished with their delayed dinner that they had shortly after they made love the first time that night.

Their communication had been broken off by the sudden call she got from Pete, who had announced that he was finally a father of two beautiful twins. Knowing that Pete would throw a fit if he saw a Luthor at his baby celebration, he declined Chloe’s offer to have him tag along with her. She looked genuinely disappointed at the prospect of leaving him, but she respected his choice, also knowing that it would have been better anyway. Lana didn’t need to be saddled with a very pissed off Pete Ross when she just had such a difficult time giving birth. So there he was, frustrated, lonely and in need of a presence that only Chloe could fill.

Lex pushed away from his desk and stood to watch the skyline from the expanse of his window. It was particularly sunny, a great contrast to his dreary mood. He wasn’t expecting her until tomorrow as Lana had made it clear she wanted Chloe there for the time being to help with the kids while Pete dealt with the loads of work he was expected to do before he could take his maternal leave. Lex truly hoped that they wouldn’t ask her to extend it. He was yammering to see her again; talk to her where people wouldn’t be able to pry into their privacy. Chloe was also the same, not liking the spotlight fame brought to her life. They talked about it while they ate together at the table; in fact they talked about a lot of things that ranged from impersonal to more personal subjects. The flow of their conversation never stopped. Each small pause was caused by the thoughtful chews and swallows and afterwards they spoke again.

They found comfort in each other, knowing that what their companion needed was merely what was already there between them – the ease of companionship without the strings of wanting fame or fortune attached. He pulled himself away from the window and sat back down in his chair, resting his chin on his two propped-up arms. He needed to stop his reveries and get some work done. Taking in a large breath he finally looked at the screen and began typing and examining the documents uploaded on his monitor.

Finally emerged in his work, he failed to notice the figure that had silently slipped into the room; failed to see it tiptoe slowly towards him until finally the person planted a big smacking kiss on his right cheek. Startled, he jolted away from the person turning his attention as the familiar chuckle made him realize who it was. “Chloe? But you’re supposed to be in Smallville until tomorrow! What are you doing here so early?”

Giving him a playful pout, she turned his seat and leaned forward, her hands trapping him in his place as she moved in. He could smell her heady scent; had a great view of her cleavage, gaping at him underneath the top of the stretchy red dress she wore. “Are you that unhappy to see me? Well, I guess I’ll just make my way back to the countryside then, huh?” She smiled at him and the loneliness fled him leaving only the warmth of a sunny day like today.

All the pent-up desire surged out of him and he pulled her onto him and gave her a hot kiss on her lips. His hands skimmed the entire length he could reach and finally settled on her mons, stroking her through her underwear. She was pressing herself into his touch, grinding herself into him as she held onto his shoulders with strong fingers. Their tongues twisted with each other most yearningly. Their time apart had been too long and the need in their exchange was evidence of this.

“Did you lock the door?” he breathed between kisses. He was pushing up her skirt; freeing her from her dress and exposing her to his carnal delights. He felt himself lengthen even more when he found that she neglected to where a bra.

She nodded her head in answer to his question and let her head fall back when he broke off their kiss to suck on her breast. “Oh, fuck, Lex,” she moaned as she gyrated against him. She felt him push her panties to the side and slid his finger over her slit, smiling into her nipple as he felt her juices flow onto his probing fingers.

“Yes, that’s what you’re getting,” he growled and thrust two fingers into her sheath. Chloe let out a strangled shriek and began to push into his fingers. They weren’t enough, she thought desperately. She wanted something bigger something more like…

She hurriedly freed his full erection from his pants and brought it out, squeezing it to get his attention. He pulled back from her breasts and hissed at her touch. Needing no further encouragement, he pulled his fingers out of her, ripping her underwear off in the process, and slammed into her. There was a still moment when he was fully sheathed inside of her. She looked at him and him at her. Then they were moving together; her muscles clenched around his length as he thrust over and over into her. She let out a cry when she came, her fingers digging painfully into his shoulders. He didn’t notice as he went over the edge with her in one last plunge.

When Chloe finally returned from the clouds, her forehead was resting on his shoulder, her breath still labored. Using the last of her strength she placed her hands around his neck. He shifted underneath her and wound his arms around her middle. “Welcome back,” he greeted in a husky voice, smiling into the base of her neck.

She chuckled and pressed closer to him. “Nice to know that you don’t want me to go,” she teased, causing him to growl playfully. “How have you been without my lovely presence?”

“Just as you have without mine: frustrated and very lonely,” he answered, bringing himself to face her with an intense gaze. “I missed you.”

The games were done; her eyes still shined but it wasn’t in mischief. He seemed troubled by what he told her. There had to be an answer for it. She was prepared to hear it; perhaps she would find her own answer there, too.

“It isn’t usual for me to miss someone,” he continued, his eyes taking in every line and feature on her while his thumb brushed the base of her back. “But I found an exception in you, just as I had with my childhood nurse… and my mother. I know what it means, but I’m afraid to say it out loud, Chloe…” He was uncomfortable again, not used to revealing so much of himself to another human being.

She was familiar with such a sentiment as she had gone through such a scenario many times in her life, having people she liked like someone else instead of her. She was probably never going to get used to expressing herself, but perhaps, she would make it a point to leave herself vulnerable to Lex Luthor. Of course he was notorious of being the biggest flirt in the world, but there was something genuine about his actions when he was around her.

She cupped his face in her own two hands and searched his face. “I understand, Lex. I’m not exactly ready to give anything more than I’ve given you thus far so… I guess we’re on the same boat.” She smiled slightly. “And just for the record, I missed you a lot, too.”

She was brought close to him in an attempt for an embrace, but when she shifted her hips slightly, she felt his cock – still inside her – twitch in reaction. She looked down at their joined bodies and felt the throb of desire once again. She looked at him, who had a hot look on his face again and she smirked. “Round two, I presume,” she said and began to move over him once again.

They paused, however, as the intercom buzzed and a nasal voice called, “Mr. Luthor, you have a meeting with Mr. Wayne in half an hour.”

He groaned in frustration, allowing his head to fall back on the headrest. Chloe was thoughtfully quiet for a moment before she began to extract him from her, but he stopped her, his eyes a dark hue of gray that made her hold her breath. Pressing down on the button of the intercom, Lex replied, “Cancel all my meetings for today and tomorrow. No,” he interjected when the woman on the other side protested. “I don’t care how important they say it is. I have other far more… urgent matters to attend to.” Having said that, he pulled the plug of the line and grabbed Chloe’s hips, thrusting deep into her as he pushed her down onto him. Her gasp in pleasure ran through him like an electric current and he smiled most wickedly. “Now, where were we?”

~~ o0o ~~

It was an hour later that they finally decided to leave the office. After smoothing out their clothes and Chloe ran her fingers through her hair enough to make it look unruffled, they walked out, hands entwined as they made their way to the elevator. Lex noticed his secretary gaping at them, partially outrage (for she wanted to be the one to have him in the office) and horrified. Giving her a glare, he gripped Chloe’s hand tighter in his and pulled her close to his warmth and kept going. When they were finally in the elevator, Chloe emitted a little giggle, and leaned back onto the side.

“You’re fan club will be royally pissed when they find out that you’re not quite single anymore,” she commented with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes. “They are the least of my concerns. You, however,” he said bringing her hand to his lips, “are just the opposite.”

He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist, settling his cheek on her head and drawing in her scent. There was a tinge of evidence of their lovemaking and he could feel himself react to it again. She felt this and looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow. “You’re an agile one, aren’t you?” She shrugged and got down on her knees in front of him. “I guess I can take care of it.”

He looked down at her with darkened eyes and a little mischievous smile on his face. She was heaven incarnated into a woman, he thought as she unzipped his pants and brought him out. He had only been half-swollen, but her touch on his sensitive flesh got him lengthening before her eyes. She hummed in approval. “Quite the stallion, I see.” She flicked her thumb over the tip and he twitched in her grasp.

He let out a guttural moan and tilted his head back against the metal wall. “Damn it, Chloe, not here,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

She gave him a little pout. “You seem pretty keen on doing it, though. The evidence is right here in my hand, Lex.” She pumped him with her skilled hand, causing him to hiss in a breath. Involuntarily, his body bucked against her touch, immensely enjoying the friction. “See? I rest my case.”

“Not here,” he repeated in a growling voice, extricating himself from her touch, though it pained him to do so. Quickly he zipped himself up and pulled her back onto her feet just in time for the doors to slide open. Two men were stationed on each side and both greeted him with a curt ‘sir’ when the spotted him. Grabbing Chloe’s hand, he stalked over to his BMW and opened the door for her to get in. She obliged, wondering what the hell changed his tune from sexy carefree animal to irritable businessman. When he was finally seated inside the car and had the engine warmed up, he catapulted them out of the parking lot speedily, driving down towards his place. It was a wonder that he hadn’t gotten into any more accidents in the time that followed his re-acquaintance with Clark those many years ago in Smallville.

There had been no verbal exchange during the ride back; there was too much thrumming through their bodies to focus on an intelligent conversation. It hadn’t taken long to arrive at the towering building, and soon she was being pulled through the lobby towards the private lifts connecting directly to his penthouse.

It was when they were tucked safely behind the doors of these elevators that Lex pressed Chloe up against the wall and took her mouth in a close to brutal kiss. The pulsing in his cock was painful and it was all her fault. He nudged her legs apart, an action that almost instinctively brought her legs to wrap around his waist. Even though his actions were close to punishing, she met him with just as much wildness, bucking against him when he ground himself to the apex of her thighs.

He pulled his mouth away from hers, gasping for the much-needed air before he turned his attention on the exposed skin of her shoulder. He sucked forcefully to the point that it almost hurt her but she allowed it, knowing that he was marking her; making her his. She’d never had a man do that to her and it was pleasurable to have Lex do it. Through the action, she felt all the more feminine and saw him as even more masculine – as hard as it might have seemed for he was already oh so obviously male already. It released a carnal feeling inside her and she clawed at his shoulders, then as he moved to sample her breasts through the material of her dress, she raked her fingers down his scalp and back up again. Her dress was riding up her thighs and soon the sensitive folds of her center were rubbing against the bulge in his pants causing her to emit a sound of delight.

He in turn let out a strangled sound and before she knew it, he was struggling to unzip himself. She licked her lips at the sight of his glorious length and cried out when he thrust himself into her, loving the sensation of him filling her. The bodily fluids remaining from their previous escapades and her current state of arousal lubricated his path and he grunted as he drove farther into her with each thrust. She was letting out little broken sounds, her breaths coming out in little pants. Lex dug his fingers into her hips and sped up his movements as he neared closer and closer to the edge. Capturing her lips, he tangled his tongue with hers and climaxed with her cry of release muffled against his mouth.

Lex was the first one to become aware of the fact that the elevator had stopped and he lazily checked to see that they arrived on his floor. Not wanting to leave her warm, wet sheath, he gripped her buttocks and left the lift with her wrapped comfortably around him. Apparently exhausted from their excursions had left her exhausted and she was napping against him. Her hair was tickling the skin at the nape of his neck but he enjoyed the feeling. He headed up the stairs and moved towards his bedroom when she began to stir. Sleepily she brought her head up and blinked.

“We’re here,” she mumbled, her eyes flitting across her surroundings.

Amused by her obvious statement, he kissed her forehead, as he progressed to move through his quarters. “Yes,” he replied, his voice still hoarse, coming out in a grated manner. “And I think that a bath is a necessity for the both of us.”

“Hmm… I don’t know… I think we smell rather –” she sniffed him and her lips curled upwards in a smile. “- quite sexy, don’t you think?”

“You underestimate the wonders of sex in the bathtub. Haven’t you done it before?” Even as he asked it, he could feel the foreign emotion of jealousy wash over him. Clearly, he didn’t like the idea of anyone else having their way with her – whether it be male or female (if that ever was the case).

When she shook her head, he heard an inner voice whoop in joy. “I think all of my sexual activities up until now have been limited to the bed.” She looked at him with that coy little look of hers. “It’s nice that I have a variety with you.”

“Since when have you become so wanton, Miss Sullivan?” he asked, the effect of her words and gaze swirling through his senses.

“I was always wanton, Mr. Luthor,” she answered with an innocent look on her face. “You just didn’t bother to notice when I was around.”

“If I remember correctly, I do believe that all the times that I had met you were for but fleeting moments. Getting a good impression of you would be difficult with our limited exchanges there in Smallville. But I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you now.” He nuzzled her shoulder before he disconnected himself from her and started to get the water running.

Chloe cocked her head to the side when she noted him making a grab for the bubble bath soap. “You know, I never figured you for the suds type. I thought that was only a favorite among women. You aren’t hiding something from me are you, Lex? Because, you know, if you are we’ll have to set a few guidelines straight on –” she stopped and squealed, running from his grabbing range as he let out a growl and started towards her.

She quickly left the bathroom, but with her small legs she could not get her far. Soon she had been pushed into the soft mattress, pressed down onto her stomach by Lex’s body on her. She playfully struggled to free herself of his weight, laughing all the while, but then stopped when she felt his stiff member pressing against her bottom. She stopped bucking underneath him, her mouth frozen in a smile. She felt his heavy breaths brush past her ear, causing her to involuntarily shiver at the sensation.

“Stay like that, Chloe,” he whispered, and lifted himself off of her.

She heard the rustle of clothes; she was frozen in her position, half on, half off the bed, her head turned to the side so she could partially see his figure. She was getting wet all over again, her muscles tighten at the anticipation. She wondered how she would be able to keep up with his constantly aroused state, but she could tell she was going to thoroughly enjoy it. Once again, she was surrounded by his male scent and felt the hem of her dress inch higher and higher up her body. Lex was pushing up her dress, exposing all of her to him. She lifted herself enough for the dress to come sliding off easily. She settled back down again in her position, clad in only the high-heeled dress shoes she wore. She waited patiently for him to do something. The moment stretched and she became squeamish, urged to move. He seemed to be debating something. She knew he was still there – the heat permeated from his body and she could feel it close to her.

Finally he spoke in a low seductive voice. “Spread your legs, Chloe.” Biting her lower lip she did as she was requested. What would he do? Her mind reeled at the possibilities.

TBC (no question mark this time!!)

1st January 2004, 15:52
Originally posted by Blackberry@Jan 1 2004, 12:14 PM
What would he do?[/i] Her mind reeled at the possibilities.

TBC (no question mark this time!!)

lol..... damn that was hot, you ended it there!!!

AW>>>>>> update soon please! you *HAVE* to...

evil evil evil evil writer... :devil: .

no, no no, i didnt mean it, please update soon!

Queen Of Tact
1st January 2004, 15:58
Wow that was :drool: ........... after reading this first thing in the morning I'm very much awake..... MMM what a wake up call.....


1st January 2004, 18:51
Really nice smut.

So, I'm guessing that Chloe has given up on her real vacation in favor of spending time with Lex? Not that I can blame her... ;)

1st January 2004, 20:29
You give us such good Chlex smut but then you leave us wanting more! Excellent chapter!! I can't wait to read the next!! :chlexsign4:

1st January 2004, 22:51
Well, it was very :drool: :drool: hot!

2nd January 2004, 00:18
:drool: SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!! but why you stop there!!!!!! :tease: More please, this is really great! :worship2:

2nd January 2004, 10:54
Oh yeah! That was sooo good! :smoker:

:drool: mmmmm wonderful smut but I neeed more so you'd better update soon coz if I don't get my smut fix.... :rage: ....lets just say ya don't want to know me!

2nd January 2004, 19:43
Oh man :smoker: guh :drool: more....

Hope :drool:

4th January 2004, 16:52
This will be the shortest part of the story... sorry about that, but its been a rough few days and my dog died today, but I still thought that you deserved something so... this is what i was able to finish... both C&C and VC might not be updated in a while... i'm really really sorry about that! :sad:

Still, enjoy what is here! ^_^;;


“Lex Luthor: Sex God Extraordinaire,” Chloe mumbled with a Cheshire smile on her face. Her comment didn’t go unnoticed and he chuckled, pulling her closer to his body while he traced patterns on her stomach.

They were both in the large tub, soaking in the bath that he had prepared for the two of them. Lex almost didn’t make it before it flooded the whole bathroom floor. After all he was busy with her on the bed. Chloe could feel her pulse quicken when she recalled what he did. But, damn, did he have the most skilled mouth in the world. He worked her nether lips with his tongue and lips, licking and sucking the little bundle of nerves hidden there. He had pushed her just shy of a climax before he stopped his ministrations, to which she let out a tortured cry of protest, wanting the release… needing it. The warm breath that wisped against her over-sensitive center left and she felt the cold air surround her entirely. She recalled she was just about to push herself off the bed, out of the position she had been told to stay in when his fingers dug into her hips and she was filled from behind.

Variety, indeed, Chloe thought lazily as her head lolled to one side. He was the best thing that happened to her since she discovered how great an orgasm was. Not only was he a wondrous lover, he was a witty companion, something she didn’t find often in partners. Clark was a nice guy, she recalled, but sometimes the boy was so dense that a six-year-old would get the gist of what she was talking about before he did. Lex, on the other hand, was a great verbal sparring opponent. A little part of her – though she didn’t want to address it – hoped a little… that perhaps they would stay together for an indefinite amount of time. It was a disturbing thought that caused her to grow uncomfortable, so she pushed it to the back of her mind for her to think about another day.

She adjusted herself between his legs and closed her eyes. She noted that he his hands were straying from their original position on her stomach and making their way to the patch of curls below. The man was insatiable! Really, he was! Even as her mind protested that she was physically exhausted, her legs moved on their own volition, bending and falling open, inviting him to explore her intimately. The friction cause by the movement of water was heavenly, but his deft fingers were what really caused her to moan in pleasure. She pressed herself more firmly into his touch and he slipped one – two – three fingers into her, stretching her. Her head turned and she bit her lip, one hand snaking its way around Lex’s neck while the other settled on his thigh.

As he pumped in and out of her he spoke as if he was talking over a cup of coffee. “How was your visit to Smallville? Still the same?”

She let out a muffled sound but could not answer him, too lost in the sensations he was creating. Because of her lack of response, he stopped his ministrations and nuzzled the side of her neck. “Chloe,” he strung out in a sing-song voice. “I was asking you a question.”

His answer came in a vigorous nod and a quick reply. “Yes: same.” She figured he was temporarily satisfied with the answer because he began to thrust into her again with his fingers. His unoccupied hand slid up her soapy torso and began to massage her breast. Chloe opened her mouth to a silent scream and she arched against his touch.

“How is Lana doing?” What the hell did was he doing bringing old acquaintances up at a time like this? She wanted to ask him, but there was no way in hell she could speak now when her mind was so focused on his glorious touch. She bit her lip and shook her head, indicating that she refused to speak. That was a bad idea, because, once again, he stopped working her. “Don’t make me repeat myself…” His breath was warm and tickled against her ear. His voice was laced with a number of things: lust, amusement and challenge.

Chloe pursed her lips and took matters into her own hands and twisted around to straddle his waist. Her hands were on his shoulders and she brought her face just centimeters from his face. “You know we could talk about this when we’re out of the tub. But, right now…” she trailed off and sank down onto his stiff cock, causing him to groan with pleasure. “I want to milk you dry.” She smiled at him and captured his lips in a searing kiss as she began her slow and drawn-out rhythm.

~~ o0o ~~

Lex was contentedly seated across from Chloe at the dining table, eating the melted cheese sandwich that his lovely companion made in a last minute attempt to get sustenance. He listened to her little stories of happenings and updates on the latest news from the Meteor town. He could get used to this lifestyle, he thought dreamily as he watched her chew, swallow then speak again. He took note at how her eyes still sparkled at the thought of their old home; at the old meeting places and friends.

“… and right when I opened the pampers to change them, Will let out a fountain of pee! It was so hilarious; I couldn’t stop laughing for a full five minutes after it occurred. Lana scolded me for my childishness, but I didn’t mind. I’m sure Pete would have done the same thing if he witnessed such a feat by his son.”

When Chloe stopped to look at him, she noted that he kept on staring at her with a funny look on his face. Wondering what that meant, she leaned closer and peered at him with measuring eyes. The sudden blink and his drawing back told her that he snapped out of whatever daze he was in. “Sorry, what did you say?”

She frowned at him. “I didn’t say anything. I finished the story about Will’s antics and you didn’t say or do a thing. Lex, are you okay?” She looked down at his plate and felt her lips purse together. “You’ve barely eaten your sandwich and you’re spacing out.”

He shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong with me… I just found it nice to just listen and watch you.” He graced her with that sexy little smile of his.

“But you weren’t listening to me,” she protested. “If you had, I’m sure you would have laughed, too, at what I had said.”

“I was listening… merely to the sound of your voice. I enjoy hearing it.” He felt ridiculous saying it, but that was the only thing he could say to explain his previous lack of response. No matter how cliché his statement sounded, it was the truth. And he wanted to be truthful towards Chloe.

He was so sincere with what he said. She noticed it in the way he looked so vulnerable and uncomfortable in what he said. Touched by his frankness, she reached over to hold his hand; an action that surprised him, but didn’t pull away from. They stayed like that for a moment, looking into each other’s faces until she smiled and let go to lean back into her seat. “So… what do you want to do after you finish your sandwich? And don’t you dare say anything about staying here and having sex or I swear I’ll kick you where it hurts the most.”

He put his hand over his chest mockingly. “Oh, my poor heart!” She gave him a small snort and he grinned at her before taking a large bite of the cold bread and cheese. “Well,” he began after a moment to break down and swallow his food, “we could just sit over there at that couch and talk… among other things.”

She rolled her eyes. “Really, Lex; it’s my vacation and I want it to be more elaborate than our very limited activities.”

“I thought you said you enjoyed the variety I gave you?” he questioned with a quirked eyebrow.

She gave him a miffed look. “Yes, that’s true, but at least my other boyfriends weren’t lacking in the other departments. So, if that’s all you can offer, then I think I would be better off with the other men who entertained me in other non-sexual ways.” Chloe made a move to get up when he swiftly moved to stop her.

He sighed. “As much as it pains me to leave this place, I know of a place where we could do a number of different things all at the same time.” Her unconvinced look made him chuckle. “Do you actually doubt me?”

She didn’t say anything for a moment, then shrugged. “I guess it doesn’t hurt to try it out…”

“Good. Now, I think we ought to dress more appropriately, so off to the bedroom we go!” With that he got up and tugged her towards the staircase. Chloe couldn’t help but laugh as she willing followed him.

~~ o0o ~~

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “The cinema; you took me to a cinema? You know, I was thinking more like a club or maybe some ballroom dinner place, but the movies? I never expected this of you, Luthor.” Her comment was hushed because they were in a crowd with no guards to fend off those who knew their true identities. They had chosen to wear something less conspicuous than the working clothes. They had to make a little pit stop at a women’s clothing store for Chloe to get another pair of underwear, a skirt and blouse that fit with her heels. Lex had chosen to wear uncharacteristic jeans and a shirt covered by a black jacket. They couldn’t get more inconspicuous than they were.

“Always expect the unexpected, Sullivan; that’s what I always say.” He gave her a smirk then accepted the popcorn and coke they had ordered, thanking the attendant over the counter with a quick nod. The person didn’t seem to notice who she had just served – perhaps it was the sunglasses that stopped her from realizing… or the fact that she was frantic to give everyone else their orders before they got too impatient.

As they walked towards the theatre, Chloe took a look at the tickets. She hadn’t gotten the chance to take a look since she was told to queue for the snacks; the line was already long and growing. “Silent Scream… what’s this about?”

He shrugged. “Do I look like a regular movie addict? I figured it was one of those new-age thrillers by the title.”

“I really hope you’re right and it isn’t a war movie.” She shuddered, despising the thought of watching such a thing. “Guns, blood, planes and bombs going off all at the same time. Oh help me, I can’t feel my legs.” The last part was said in a sarcastic pleading voice.

“I never thought that you were so disgusted by the thought of gory movies. What happened to the headstrong female that I know?” He gave her a small teasing smile.

“It isn’t the visuals that get me annoyed; it’s what it expresses: men’s egos are at stake so they go and show off what they are worth by killing those who they think don’t deserve to live. The honor goes only to the ego in the end and it all ends up to be really pointless violence.” They took their seats at the back corner of the theatre – an area least populated by viewers.

“Well, then count yourself lucky that I hadn’t chosen Within the Enemy’s Eyes, which, by the way, is showing in one of the other theatres.”

“Yes, lucky me,” she muttered under her breath before the lights turned down and the movie began. Much to her relief, the story wasn’t of battling nations, but about a ghost that mutes its victims before killing them most brutally and how a man going through his mid-life crisis takes up the challenge of killing it.

They were halfway through the movie when Lex leaned over to whisper in her ear. “You know, there is another thing we could also do in here that we haven’t tried yet.”

He felt her smile and she leaned closer. “I thought I had specifically said no sex?”

He shook his head. “What you said was ‘staying at home and having sex.' We aren’t at home.” He was sliding his hand through her hair and down her shoulders, drawing closer and closer to her nipples. The fact that she arched into his touch and stifled a little whimper made him begin to throb.

“But we’re in public!” she hissed out, feeling her cheeks burn at the idea of them doing it with so many people around.

“All the more fun,” he murmured back and in the light of the projected images on the screen, she saw that lusty smirk of his. She hesitated for a moment, but with his hands massaging her breasts as he was doing, it was hard to say no…

TBC (thank you for reading and to all those who have reviewed, you have been my driving force thus far!)

4th January 2004, 17:37
That was a great update. I loved it. Sorry about your dog. I hope you feel a little better soon.


4th January 2004, 17:39

more !!!!!!!

cinema sex cinema sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i loved the way lex would keep talking to her as if they werent
gettin down and dirty... that was funny!!!!!!!!!

please continue!!!!!

p.s. i have a feeling that the bath tub scene was inspiried by the
People mag scan that was linked on n-s.net?

4th January 2004, 18:11
It sounds good! :blush:

4th January 2004, 21:16
:blush: you know, its a good job I get a sallery now, cuz the keyboards that I break by drooling are starting to cost alot of money!! :drool: :drool: They storys fantastic!! :worship2:

5th January 2004, 01:12
I don't blame Chloe at all!! I doubt whether any of us could say no to Lex! I know I wouldn't want to!! Great update!! Please continue soon! :biggrin: :chlexsign4:

5th January 2004, 02:01
Omg! In the cinema! I cannot believe I haven't read this story already.

It's absolutely fantastic! Chlex is just so fucking hot!

Okay I just have to mention, Petey is a daddy to twins! Oooooooo, and I like him and Lana together... I can picture it, and it doens't gross me out! :huh: :biggrin:

Please continue!

I'm waiting for the next updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Jen x

5th January 2004, 03:40
The movies... very interesting. I am looking forward to seeing how things turn out! :yay: :chlexsign2:

5th January 2004, 07:12
I'm so sorry to hear about your doghttp://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/Comfort.gif I hope your New Year gets better than it has been so far :hug:

This was once again another Hot!Hot!Hot! chapter! and you're such a tease giving us hints of public cinema sex and then stopping like that! :tease: Oh well you know that you just keep us wanting more!!!

6th January 2004, 00:04
Hee hee hee. An entirely different story indeed. More soon please.

7th January 2004, 17:58
I finally got my creative side moving again - thanks to the off-topic section of the NS forum (woohoo), so here's the cinema-plus the after stuff section of the VC story... I'm seriously not sure where I want to go with this story, but... I would like to finish it somehow! Second sem is starting on Monday (already! ugh) so I probably won't update as often as I usually do....

Anyway, on with the fic and I hope it meets your expectations! Thank you for all your feedback btw! :biggrin:


where we left off....

She hesitated for a moment, but with his hands massaging her breasts as he was doing, it was hard to say no…

“You are aware that we’ve already gone through this certain… activity… four times today,” she murmured against his lips.

“Mmhmm” came his reply and he moved forward, bringing him half off of his chair and pushing slightly her over the hand rest.

She winced and shifted in her seat, but it didn’t help the growing pain in her back. She pushed her hands hard against him to indicate her protest, to which he reacted quickly to and he sat back. She frowned as she was led to stand so that she was trapped between his legs, wondering how they were going to pull a stunt like this in such an open area. Lex seemed to be deep in thought as well, and turned his head. The light that caught in his eyes was more than enough to indicate he had found a solution. The little twist in his lips made him look darkly alluring. Looking up at her he pointed with his chin to the very end of the aisle they were seated in and Chloe finally realized exactly what he was thinking: the wall. Of course; it had to work. They were too far away for people to notice any movements, and they were in no danger of causing much of a ruckus with squeaking chairs.

She stepped towards it slowly, with her back facing the wall as she gripped Lex’s hand and brought him to follow her. He gave no struggle – of course why the hell would he when this was the event he was most looking forward to? At the feel of the padded wall directly behind her, she began to feel her heart beat faster. Lex brought himself against her, allowing her to feel his aroused state and she gasped in a breath of air. He was hard, alright; that was a fact. His erection was pressed firmly into her stomach, large and hot. And all for me, she thought slyly, licking her lips.

She watched as his eyes flickered down at the movement, saw how his mouth, too, dropped slightly ajar. It was too much of an invitation; she leaned in and covered his mouth with hers. It was just as electric as it had been the many times before. Their lips opened to each other, allowing the familiar exploration of mouths before drawing back only to meet again. His hands cupped her face, slid through the wealth of blonde locks that parted with little resistance to his blunt fingers.

Her body rocked against his and she felt him draw closer to her, deepen their kiss as he tilted his head for better access. She was aroused and that mixed with the thrill of being in the midst of people who were unaware sent a wave of excitement through her that she couldn’t explain. Chloe began to drag her hands up Lex’s side and finally slid inside his un-tucked shirt, almost giving into the desire to moan her satisfaction at the feel of his rippling muscles. She felt them tighten under her soft touch and he drew back from her mouth, gulping in a breath.

Lex felt a shudder run through him as her moist mouth trailed little kisses down his jaw and clenched his teeth when he felt her tongue wet the base of his neck. Her hands had ventured farther up his shirt and began to circle around his male nipples, nearly eliciting a low groan from him. Tortured and pleasured at the same time, Lex took hold of her leg, sliding the skirt higher above her thighs. He was throbbing hard now, so close to losing control.

The crowd held their breath as the protagonist, Henry Craven, tiptoed along the dark, misty corridors of the haunted hospital. They knew there was a scary moment. Anticipation had their hearts in a riot.

As Chloe sucked hard on his neck and rolled the pebbly nipples between her fingers, Lex hooked his fingers on the waistband of her underwear and pushed it down. Not hesitating, she allowed the material to fall and she stepped out of them. Lifting off her lips from him, she bent down to pick it up and threw it towards their chairs, where it landed softly on her bag.

The rows and rows of doors on either side had the viewers frightened. Which one would the ghost come from? When was it coming? The hallway went on and only the sound of Henry’s footsteps echoed in their ears.

Lex pushed the thin skirt up her legs, bunching it up above her waist. Games were over; no more teasing. Now it was time for what he had wanted to do since they got to the theatre. He brought her legs to wrap around his hips and he unbuttoned his pants pulled down the zipper to free himself. Moving his silk boxers down, he brought out his painful erection and looked at Chloe. Her eyes bore into his and she nodded once. That was all the consent he needed; Lex plunged himself into her warm, wet depths leaving them to stifle a gasp.

Henry stopped. Had he heard something? The crowd in the movie theatre felt their stomachs tighten. There was the sound again. It was an awful sound – of rusty chains dragging on the ground. It was coming from the door diagonal to him on the left. Some spectators hid their faces as he stepped closer to the door.

Lex began his slow thrusts into Chloe and she gripped his arms, rhythmically clenching and unclenching her fingers on the muscles there. He was in heaven, he thought blissfully, feeling himself climb higher and higher. He pushed in farther into her, until their pelvises were pressed up against each other before drawing out again, almost to the tip. It was agonizingly beautiful. Their pace began to pick up and he was slamming into her faster and faster; banging her hips against the padded wall.

He finally came to a stop directly in front of the door and stared at the knob. Slowly, he brought his free hand towards it; it was shaking, showing just how scared he was. His breaths were coming out in heavy pants now and he held his breath when it came to rest on the rusty metal knob. Before he could turn it, the ghost’s face jumped out from behind the closed door and he was staring helplessly into blood-red eyes with streaks of black tears running down its cheeks. The entire theatre shook with the screams of the people.

Just as the crowd screamed, Chloe and Lex peaked and they, too, joined in by emitting their shouts… only theirs wasn’t of horror… theirs was of release. As the last of the orgasm faded, Lex rested himself heavily on Chloe, allowing their vital statistics to return to normal. When he could finally move properly, he pulled out of her and set her back on her feet. Still a tad bit wobbly, she walked over to her seat, and put on her underwear, feeling it soak up just some of the moisture between her legs. Quietly, the two composed themselves and fixed their mussed outfits and appearances.

Lex sat back down heavily and sighed just as Chloe did the same. “What did I tell you?” he whispered almost haughtily. “This was a place of great diversity. We get to eat, watch and have sex all in the same place. And look, no one noticed.”

“Yeah, but if our climax hadn’t been so well-timed, I think we would have been kicked out for sure!” she whispered intensely back to him, and took some popcorn to pop into her mouth.

She only heard his faint chuckle. Afterwards, they resigned themselves to watch the rest of the movie.

~~ o0o ~~

“No, Lex, I have to go back to my apartment! I have things I need to take care of there. And besides, my clothes are there as well. I can’t start living off of you!”

It was midnight and they were both seated in his car outside the restaurant they had just eaten their dinner at. The engine hadn’t been started as they were in a heated conversation about where she would stay for the night. Lex was unnerved by the fact that she refused to sleep at his place. “You don’t have to. Didn’t you leave your stuff at my office? And it’s not like I mind. I have more than enough money to last me a lifetime.”

“Just my car… I had dropped off my things at home before I gave you a visit. Geez, you think you’re my first priority?”

“Oh, and I’m not supposed to be? We’re in a relationship, damn it!” He banged his hand against the wheel in frustration.

“We only dated once and had sex –”

“We made love, Chloe,” he interrupted through gritted teeth. “There is a significant difference between the two. And unless you sleep with every man you date, then I really think that we’re a couple.”

“How dare you insinuate that I’m a whore!”

“I never meant anything like that!” He could feel his blood pounding in his anger.

She let out an exasperated sound and tried to calm herself. “Please, I would like to just go home. It’s been a very long and exhausting day and to stay in the same place as you tonight won’t help me at all to improve my mood.”

Lex was irritated. He didn’t like people disagreeing with him and to have her do it – of all people – was all the more worse. Pursing his lips, he started the engine to his car. “Fine, I’ll just drop you off at your place.”

The ride back to her apartment was tense and quiet; such an uncomfortable atmosphere for any couple. When they got to the entrance, Chloe practically jumped out and he was left behind unable to put in any last words. Angry with her actions, Lex screeched down the empty roads, not looking back to see if she was watching him go. What the hell was her goddamn problem? He asked himself angrily, his hold punishing on the steering wheel. What was it about staying at his penthouse that was so bad? She didn’t mind much the first time! Sure he could tell that she was probably tired, but still, she could have stayed with him! What, she didn’t trust him to stay collected and calm in her presence?

It’s not like you have shown otherwise, a voice countered in his head. The majority of their time had been spent… At the next stop light, Lex slowed to a stop and berated himself quietly. Okay so they had been more fuck-buddies than companions so far. Already he felt the guilt swirl inside his stomach. She had every right to be mad, he thought begrudgingly. The stoplight turned green and he began moving again towards his place.

If anything, they needed the time away for a while to get themselves straight on what they really wanted in a relationship… before they ended up as another broken relationship to add to their list.

Meanwhile, Chloe was fuming, stomping about her apartment and muttering incoherent expletives under her breath. The gall of the man! He would dare to say such things to her. After screaming into her pillow the tears started to come. What a way to really screw things up. It was all wrong, she thought miserably, just like the rest of her relationships. How could they be more than a good lay? That was all they were doing. She felt so physically used and she looked down at her body in disgust. Even when she wanted to erase his touch from her skin; her entire being, there was still that small part of her that screamed for him, despite the things he said.

He was, after all, such a good conversationalist and she couldn’t help but feel attracted to him on virtually every level. The fact that she challenged her both mentally and even physically made him all the more alluring. No one is perfect, her conscience said matter-of-factly, and those who we think are perfect have something wrong with them. Taking in a deep breath, she wiped the tears away with her hands and set down her pillow before heading to the bathroom. She was taking a long soak, to wash away all the tension and problems from her body.

~~ o0o ~~

Someone was ringing the doorbell to Chloe’s front entrance. She groaned, thinking it was Glenn, her cousin, to tell bug her about how her vacation was going. Hoping the person would just going away and take a hint, she covered her head with her extra pillow and tried to go back to sleep. The person was persistent, however, and the bell rang again. Feeling desperately tired and annoyed that, Chloe reluctantly got up and, only clothed in her white tank top and short light blue shorts that she wore to bed she padded to the front door, grumbling the whole way.

She opened the door and mumbled in irritation, “You’re too fucking early – Lex?” Chloe’s body snapped to attention at the site of the bald multi-billionaire standing in his formal attire at before her.

His eyes stayed solemnly on her face, refusing to stray to the rest of her body. His hands were hidden behind him, as they stood there. “Would it be possible to come in?” he questioned politely.

Chloe blinked once then frowned. Should she allow him to enter her house? Hadn’t they been fighting the night before? Shouldn’t she be mad at him? What was it about the corporate look that made men so damned sexy? Dispelling her thoughts, she moved back into the main area of her house leaving the door ajar behind her. “Close the door behind you, okay?”

She headed into the kitchen where she searched her cupboard for the Arabic coffee she had stashed somewhere. Still somewhat irate from last night’s argument, she asked in a stiff voice, “Want coffee?”

There was a small pause before she heard his ‘yes’ – which was just as serious as his previous question. Pursing her lips she placed the water over the fire to boil and searched for the small, traditional cups made for the coffee she was making. She wasn’t particularly certain of his location, but wherever he was, she tried desperately not to look or sound all that forgiving. He was being a bastard yesterday after all and he deserved a cold shoulder. Once the brew was done and placed in the intricately Mediterranean-designed pot, she brought the tray holding the drink, sugar and cups out to where she noted he was waiting – and had been waiting – the entire time.

She set the tray down and carefully poured some into a cup and handed it to him before she moved to pour her own. They had stayed in this tense silence as they sipped in the coffee thoughtfully. Lex was the first one to speak and it was in the most sincere tones she had ever heard him talk. “I’m very sorry, Chloe, about my manners yesterday. I was being rude and brash and I didn’t mean what I said yesterday. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

She didn’t answer him for a while. “It hurt,” she murmured as she finished off her cup.

“I know,” he responded. “And I wish I knew how to make it up to you; to prove that I didn’t mean what I said.”

As she poured herself another cup, she mulled over what he said. Lex was felt the stiffness in his shoulders grow at her silence, wondering how she would reply; what she would reply. His back was meticulously straight and he watched her for any signs that she would forgive him, but found nothing. She was good at hiding things and it made him feel all the more uncomfortable. He felt so weak to apologize but he needed to. He was responsible for their quarrel last night and he would have to make amends for his actions. He felt the muscles in his neck tighten when she looked blankly back at him… then loosen when her eyes softened.

“Okay… I’ll give you one last chance. However,” she added quickly, “As punishment, you must promise to behave yourself today and be a perfect gentleman.”

That doesn’t seem all that hard. “You have my word that you will be accompanied by the most respectful man you’d ever met.”

“You know that means you will have to follow all my orders, right?” She smiled inwardly as he flinched slightly at the thought of being under someone’s thumb. Oh, this is going to be so much fun!

Pursing his lips, Lex replied a curt ‘very well.’ He felt a great weight lift off his shoulders, however at the sight of a full-fledged smile upon her lips and the light that twinkled in her eyes. She looked so beautiful when she smiled, he thought almost airily. He had almost forgotten about his vow to follow all her orders when she got up and commanded, “Well, then for starters, why don’t you clean these?”

His eyes widened when she left him there with the used cups and pot for him. Then, looking down at the table, he pursed his lips. This was going to be the most degrading thing he had done thus far in his life. And he was oh, so very certain she would make it a living hell for him. Sighing, he picked up the things off the table and moved to the kitchen, knowing it was going to be a very long day. Well, he had to start somewhere, he thought, then let out another defeated breath before doing just as Chloe had bid him to do. She would get his gentleman, even if it meant for him to grovel at her feet.


7th January 2004, 19:13
Holidays can be damn inconvenient when they mean you miss amazing fics like this :biggrin:

I love how they are in this fic, they are both really realistic and humble lex is jusy sooooooooo cute :wub:

Can't wait for the next update

7th January 2004, 19:49
I thought she asked for a gentleman, not a butler? :biggrin: ;) I loved your update, the theater sex was magnificient!! :chlexsign4:

7th January 2004, 20:27
:biggrin: hehhehheh! :worship2:

7th January 2004, 22:18

Well, good. He *should* have to prove himself.

7th January 2004, 23:30
oh wow
this fic is amazing and so hilarious
i loved it
and the smut is very good :drool: :drool:
more please

8th January 2004, 04:49
Great update :clap:

Hope :chlexsign2:

8th January 2004, 05:18
That's right Chloe take charge. I'm lovin it'!!! (Mcdonald's/justin timberlake theme song, i've always wondered if he sings fror mcdonald's now) :yay2: Sorry went off on a tangent there! Anyway continue.... I wonder if Lex is a sex god. his name does rhyme with it after all... hmmm....

8th January 2004, 10:14
Oh excellent chapter! I loved the cinema sex!!! :drool: very hottt!!!! The juxtaposition of their erotic actions with the movie and everything that was going on in the cinema was really well done! I'm glad that Chloe's making Lex prove himself to her! He needs to learn to treat her as more than just his sexy plaything! (though I wouldn't mind playing that role :eyebrows: )

9th January 2004, 08:06
Great Chapter. Chloe is :devil: , but I would do the same thing if I were her. The poor girl was exhausted and hadn't been home in a week. I'm glad she forgave him. Looking forward to seeing Lex' trials for the day.

Best of luck with 2nd semester... may it be your best one yet in all respects.

10th January 2004, 23:12
great that Chloe wants some quality time with Lex but the smut you wrote its AWESOME!!!

keep your great work :worship2:

25th January 2004, 05:07
Okay I really couldn't think of another way to end this... it's kind of abrupt, I know but.... I just don't know how to go about this anymore! Anyway... that's it... I might extend it sometime later but... yeah... I'm not too sure... I'm kind of... uninspired right now. Haha... World Lit. Paper and stuff to think of right now.... anyway, on with the story!

They had been sitting in her living room for a full two hours – most of which was spent watching incessant soap operas on the television. As it were, Chloe looked like she was at her lowest point where her brain seemed to cease functioning as she stared almost listlessly at the screen before her. Lex hadn’t thought her a ‘soap’ fan at all and watched her as she watched the TV, her mouth hanging slightly open and her body limp on the couch. It was an interesting to see the slight frowns, brightening of her eyes, and twitches in of her lips – little reactions that told him that she was still aware of what was happening. After a while of flitting his eyes back and forth from the monitor to her body, sprawled over the seat, he shifted in the chair he was in and let out a little sigh. There was a commercial on. It as about some bleach product.

“I’m hungry,” Chloe suddenly said.

The abrupt reaction from her made his insides jump and he quickly turned to her examining how she was suddenly alert. He cocked his head to the side. “I was wondering when you’d get out of your stupor,” he commented lightly.

“Watching soaps is a great way to clear your mind. It’s so mindless that you sort of lose focus and stop thinking.” She narrowed her eyes on him after a brief stretch of her limbs. “You didn’t actually think that I would watch them because I loved the romantic neverending plots did you?”

“I think I’m entitled to that opinion,” he said, quirking his lips. “I was quite surprised when you opened the television and put it on this channel. Just think of what the headlines will be when they find out about this – ‘Chloe Sullivan, successful and witty businesswoman, loves soaps.’”

She rolled her eyes. “Please, Lex, you should know me better than that. Haven’t the years of constant bantering and verbal judo proved that to you? I never once brought up some stupid comment with a ‘Days of Our Lives’ or ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ line in it.”

“And yet you still remember what they’re called,” he pointed out with a smirk growing on his lips.

“That’s the only time I’m actually conscious of what’s happening on screen, you shmuck. After the title I’m gone.”

“Sure, Chloe,” Lex chuckled, getting up. “It’s funny how you get all defensive about it. Usually that’s what people do when they’re guilty as charged.”

He headed towards the kitchen at that point, missing the childish pout that she had on her face. Chloe followed him, wanting to defend herself, but she knew that he would make fun of her. Even though she liked their verbal exchanges, this wasn’t a subject she wanted to discuss any further. So she merely stood away from him as he strolled towards the refrigerator and surveyed the contents.

“Eat much at home?” he asked dryly as he stepped aside and allowed her to see the empty fridge – save for an old package of Gouda cheese.

She shrugged. “So I cleaned it out before I left for Smallville. It’s not like I had time to go shopping recently.” The recollection of what happened yesterday caused her to blush and she looked away from him.

Even though it was just a mere statement, it still got his blood pumping again. Damn it. Needing to take his mind out of the gutter, he turned away to look at the moldy cheese then let out a mocking sigh. “Considering my lady is in need of sustenance, I believe that I must, as a refined gentleman, escort her to a place with a great array of culinary delights.” Shutting the fridge, he gave her a little smirk.

Chloe let out a snort. “You know, you’re taking this thing a bit far by talking like that.”

“Ah, but a gentleman is always proper with his speech as well as his actions. And as you so requested that I must act in a gentleman-like manner, so shall you get the man in entirety.” Walking past her he paused at the door and gestured with his hands for her to go first. “My lady,” he said in a fake British accent.

“You’re bordering on butler right now, Luthor,” she muttered. “And I didn’t ask for you to be one.” She still went out of the kitchen first and headed towards her bedroom. She half-expected him to follow her and was actually feeling quite disappointed when he didn’t. She was starting to regret punishing him because in the process, she was also missing out on what she enjoyed doing as well. Letting out an exasperated breath she rummaged through her closet in search of something she felt like wearing.

As she was changing, Lex rubbed his eyes tiredly. Just watching her retreating backside had him stirring again. This was going to be a difficult task, but if it meant capturing Chloe’s heart – he cut himself off then. What the hell was he talking about? He could feel a frown settle upon his brow as he walked towards the living room. What was it that he wanted from this relationship? What did he mean from all of this? Why was he taking so much of his energies to be a good man to her? Certainly there was something intriguing about her that drew him to her, but did he actually want to keep her for himself?

This might just be a phase. Soon you’ll see that you’re going in different directions in life and you’ll part. You’ll find someone and then she’ll find who she would want to marry… But the thought was met with a sudden twist of his stomach. The mere idea of seeing her happily wedded to a man other than himself was appalling… and unheard of. And at that moment, his eyes widened, the realization coming as swiftly as a bullet through the head. He could not help but say it out loud. “God… I love her,” he let out in a hoarse voice.


He turned swiftly and felt his heart lodge in his throat. She heard him. Oh, she heard him! How could he allow such a thing to slip from his mouth at such an unconscious moment? He could not take his words back. His heart was on his sleeve – and this was not a ‘Iago’ moment where he was lying about it. This was the downright truth. He blinked standing stiffly in his place. Her look was intense and burning against him. Were her eyes shining? Or was he just imagining things?

“Lex,” she called slowly; quietly. “What did you say?”

He pursed his lips. “Nothing; I was just muttering to myself. I get lapses when I begin to talk to myself. Come now, you are hungry. Let us go before the entire restaurant is booked.” He made his way past her to get to the main door of the apartment.

Chloe felt her breath come out unevenly. She knew what she heard. There was no other possible thing that would cause him to tense up as he did; leave him in such a vulnerable position. Perhaps she didn’t want to hear it… maybe she did. She wasn’t sure. She knew, however, that her heart fluttered when she heard him speak in such a raw voice. Feeling all the more confused at that moment, she heard Lex call her and she went to him – with him to dine.

~~ o0o ~~

It was a tense lunch, but they got by. There were a few attempts for light-hearted conversation, but it died quickly, the heavy subject just earlier touched upon hanging over their heads. She was playing with her tiramisu as he sat across from her, his face stony. The clatter of her fork on the plate had his eyes involuntarily shooting up to her. There was a determined look on her face – though with an edge of fear in it as well.

“I want to hear what you said a while ago,” she demanded.

He drew back and leaned on the chair. “Well, I asked ‘how does the food taste’ and then –” he started in a lazy drawl and a small smirk on his face.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it. I’m serious, Lex. I want you to be upfront with me and tell me what you said.”

He looked at her, the upturn of his lips falling away. His eyes were heavily guarded as he looked at her. “Now isn’t the time, Chloe. I –” his voice faltered and he pursed his lips, starting again. “I can’t tell you. Not now. I’m not sure of myself and it scares me to even tell you this much.”

She allowed her gaze to fall back onto her disturbed plate. Closing her eyes she shook her head and smiled then allowed herself to glance back at him. “I’m sorry. I guess I kind of got carried away with everything. I mean, it’s only been a week since we were reacquainted! How can I even think –” she stopped and rephrased her sentence “– We still have a lot of things to discover about each other.”

He nodded, giving her a false smile. He felt so confined at that moment, yet the clothes he was wearing were his favorite ones – loose yet refined and comfortable. He knew that the reason behind his discomfort was because he saw her then as a different person – not as a friend to be at ease with, but someone who he could potentially marry in the future. He couldn’t do this with such an idea clouding his thoughts. He wanted to see who she was inside. He needed to see it so that he knew he wasn’t fooling himself as he had before. So play the gentleman he did. One last time, he put a reign on his unease and cocked his bald head to the side and looked at her as objectively as he had before he had his moment of catharsis.

“So,” he began. “What is it you want to do today? Would you like to walk in the park a bit? Or maybe you want to go back to your place and…” he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Chloe blinked and suddenly let out a stream of laughter. The tension between them seemed to slip past and they were in relatively the same position as they had been when they saw each other at the coffee shop. “That was just so stupid, Luthor. I mean really! The whole ‘maybe you want to back to your place and…’” She copied the motion of his eyebrows and laughed again. “It sounds like a line from a really bad movie!”

“I’m completely offended!” he gasped in mock outrage. “How dare you say such a thing, Ms. Sullivan! I am a Luthor; far more refined than you seem to perceive me to be! I was merely trying to avoid using such direct language as ‘let’s shag’ or ‘bump and grind’.”

Such phrases coming out of his mouth seemed to strengthen her laughter and he watched in awe as tears rolled down her eyes at the intensity of her mirth. He could feel the strong tug at his heart again, but this time he ignored it, not needing such a thing to have him go all serious and sappy to ruin the moment. Still, he couldn’t help but offhandedly think that she looked so beautiful like that. It sounded so common to say it, yet he could put it in no other way. He watched her as long as he could – until finally her laughter subsided and she was wiping her eyes with the napkin.

“Well, to finally answer your question, I think that the stroll in the park sounds like a plan.”

“Very well,” he conceded and called the waiter for the bill, who did as requested in an ample manner.

~~ o0o ~~

As it was, the stroll in the park proved to be quite wonderful. The conversation seemed to flow well; their surroundings seemed to draw the speech in them and they began to ask about simple things such as how adorable the dog that passed by was to why there was such a large line between the rich and poor in the developing countries. They disregarded the curious eyes that settled on them and politely declined the autograph signing. It was so pleasant and soothing. During that time, the had unconsciously held each other’s hands, bringing their bodies close to each other as they ambled and talked in the park. They lost all concept of time and merely chatted, sometimes lapsing into comfortable bouts of silence, but always, conversation came back.

When Lex finally had the wits to look at his watch, he was surprised that three whole hours had past. “Hey, Chloe, it’s already four.”

Her eyes widened. “You serious? I didn’t realize that we were out here for that long.”

There was a pause. “So what would you like to do now?” Lex asked.

Her brows knitted together in thought. As she did, Lex began to unconsciously rub his thumb over the back of her hand, waiting for her answer. It took her a while, but she began to feel distracted and finally settled her eyes on their intertwined fingers and the soothing motion of his thumb. He noticed where her gaze was followed it. When did that happen? It was funny that it never really occurred to him to do it, but now that he was conscious of it, he realized just how right it felt. Damn the clichés, he thought.

“Um, actually I think I should head home,” she finally answered.

Internally shaking himself, nodded to her and they headed towards the space they had left the car. The ride back to her apartment was quiet, but not awkwardly so. When they got to her place, he stepped out to escort her upstairs. She allowed this, though, when this happened that usually ended up being so that the man would end up in bed with her. When they were finally at her door, she turned somewhat nervously to him.

“Lex, I –” she started.

“Don’t worry, Chloe, I’m not coming in right now.” He saw her cast her partially disappointed eyes to the floor, then smiled a little. “That doesn’t mean that I’m not entitled to a kiss.”

This caused her to emit a little chuckle before his lips closed over hers. It was a tentative kiss, as if they had just finished their first date, a closed-mouth, meeting. Still, Chloe could not help but melt underneath the touch and she drew closer to him, twining her hands around his neck to draw him closer. He settled his hands lightly on her hips as their kiss deepened. He was sinking into her; drowning in her scent and her reaction. He needed to taste her and did so, opening his mouth and touching his tongue onto the crease of her lips. She opened up to him, needing the penetration. The throbbing began within her – that wonderful ache that she had only with him.

Lex knew he couldn’t go on doing this and finally drew back, settling his forehead on hers and breathing deeply to calm his needy body. “I’ve got to go now, Chloe.” He felt her shudder at his voice – which was husky and low. God, how he wanted to come in with her. But it wasn’t right for him to do so. They just got out of a fight about having a solely sexual relationship. To go into her apartment would only make matters worse. No, he really needed to go.

Pulling away from her, he graced her with a half smile. “I’ll see you.” Having said that, he turned away, leaving her standing there. As he disappeared around the corner towards the elevators, Chloe sighed and began to rummage through her bag to retrieve her keys. Once inside, she kicked off her shoes and trudged towards her bedroom. The place felt empty. She looked around the room, lost in thought.

Abruptly, she turned and ran back to the front door and unlocked it and threw it open. Just as she did, Lex strode purposefully towards her. She immediately stepped forward and jumped onto him, grabbing his face and slamming a fierce kiss on his lips. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he filled his hands with her bottom and pressed her firmly against him. He angled his head to kiss her more firmly, opening his mouth to hers, twining his tongue with hers.

Against her lips he whispered fervently, “I love you.”

He felt her smile against him. “I love you, too.” More confident that he had ever felt, brought them both into the recesses of her apartment where they proceeded to express themselves more thoroughly than words ever could.


ToT total sap... sorry about that!! -_-;

25th January 2004, 07:42
Aww that was great. :wub: I am sorry to see it go. Great job. :clap:

Hope :)

25th January 2004, 10:16
That was a lovely ending and GREAT smut too! :biggrin:

25th January 2004, 17:16
:biggrin: wonderful ending!! I loved every minuet of this fic. :worship2:

25th January 2004, 18:56
First, I wanted to thank you for updating. :blinkkiss:
Then, it was a magnificient fic you made. :clap:

25th January 2004, 19:27
That can't be the end!!! Please!! I love it!! More please!! :chlexsign3:

26th January 2004, 17:04
Aww - mushy mushy - but in a good way. Well done.

23rd February 2004, 06:48
Aw, I loved that ending! The entire fic and especially the smut was wonderful!

Great job!

9th April 2005, 20:55
this story was great and the smut was wonderful. i realy enjoyed it very much.

9th July 2005, 13:56
I did soooooooooooooooo love it!! It's gorgeous! :)

17th July 2005, 14:55
great story really i liked it a lot!


19th July 2005, 05:12
aw..i feel the love..we all new a fluffy fleeting moment..i loved the way the story was formed and it elegantly written..fantabulous *big girns*

6th August 2005, 09:27
I'm a sap also. I love this.

14th September 2005, 16:07
So cute, *smile*

27th September 2005, 00:28
what? no epilogue? but aren't there, like, 20-some days left of vacation for Chloe? what happens? i need to know!!!

27th September 2005, 06:39
loved it, absolutely perfect!!!

19th November 2009, 21:58
Hi BlackBerry,

I'm used to unrelenting angst from you, so this was surprising. It was just a nice, normal dating relationship without a lot of horrific memories and conflicts getting in the way. Lex, of course, had to muck things up, and he'll never be a favourite dinner guest for a lot of Chloe's friends, but she loves him and they'll be okay.

30th September 2010, 19:49
This was a hot sexy and sweet story i loved it thanks

17th October 2010, 06:48
Awwww, mushy ending! Great story. Very steamy and fun to read. Awesome job. :)


24th April 2016, 08:11
aghh,, i want to have my own vacation comfort too..
lovely story..

Ami Rose
2nd March 2020, 19:17
Hot and sweet... great fic