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8th December 2003, 10:24
Title: Ease

Author: Clannadlvr

Rating: R

Category: Songfic, Short Story

Spoilers: None that I can think of.

Summary: Lex walks in on Chloe on a private moment and proves that sometimes bodies in motion are all you need.

Disclaimer: No, I don’t own them. If I did, Chlex would be a reality. ‘nuff said. Oh, and I certainly don’t own the amazing music of Tori Amos.

Feedback: Please, please! This is my first posted Chlex fic so I’d really love some responses.

Archival: sure…how DOES that whole thing work, exactly?

Author’s note: This whole piece just popped into my head as I listened to the song “iieee” off of Tori Amos’ album, “From the Choirgirl Hotel.” Taking a page from Not an Addict’s utterly amazing “Always With You” series, if you have this song or can get a hold of it, definitely play it when you read this. I think it definitely sets the mood. Oh, and if you’re looking for resolution…sorry! *grins*


Lex fingered the notebook as he beeped the Ferrari closed. Discovering it in his office after the botched interview- botched on Chloe’s part of course- his first thought had been “clever girl.” No doubt retrieving it was a means for her to pay him another visit and continue the conversation about campaign finance and LexCorp that he was not about to have with a 17-year-old. Still, she was incredibly intelligent and resourceful, a theory he’d had of her that was confirmed as he thumbed through her notebook. Granted, these were the notes that she wanted him to see…to see how much closer she was to his corporate intrigue than he had realized, without giving away any new leads she was following.

He was impressed. Impressed that she had gotten so far. Impressed that she was cunning enough to plot her way into another interview.

He hated to spoil her plan.


So after a few well placed questions to Lana, he’d found that Chloe was burning the midnight oil at the Torch. True, he could have had the notebook messengered to her, but that would have ruined the fun of seeing her face when she realized he had figured out her gambit. The pleasure of renewing the challenge and upping the ante was what brought him to the Lysol scented halls of Smallville High. Perhaps more than that…

She fascinated him. A little too much, in fact, for his comfort and for the legal age of consent in the state of Kansas. The corners of his lips turned up at the reaction he expected he’d get from Clark if his friend knew that his thoughts about Chloe were not always…innocent. Still, feelings were one thing, actions another, and Lex Luthor knew how to keep boundaries clean and even when necessary.

Or so he thought.

Walking down the hall to the Torch office, Lex thought he heard the strains of music coming from down the opposite hall. Shrugging it off, he strode purposefully into the office, but stopped abruptly, surprised that the overzealous editor was not in front of her beloved computer. Curiosity getting the better of him, he took her mouse and moved it slightly, ending the screen saver. He broke out in a grin when he saw her editorial on LexCorp, cursor blinking at the end of a sentence, painfully incomplete as a result of their meeting today. Leaving the notebook on her chair, Lex turned to leave, not necessarily wanting to shove the loss in her face. At times, he could be somewhat kind.

Then he heard the music again, louder now.

He walked down the hall, trying to identify the artist…it was dark, angsty, laced with passion. A female voice crooned, moaned, ahhing and oohing over an introduction, swelling with strings and seductive percussion. Intrigued, Lex made his way to the door of the student theater. The blackbox setup was empty, save for a lone spotlight on the floor and the figure occupying it.

All thoughts of keeping things clean and even fled from his mind as she began to move.

Her eyes were closed, her head rolling right to left, in time with the languid beats. Her hips moved as well, sinuously as if each note was connected to the small of her back. The look on her face was one of pure abandon; nothing existing for her but the rolling of the music, the sweet pounding of it. Then the aching voice began its torment:

With your E’s
And your ease
And I do one more
Need a lip gloss boost
In your America
is it God’s
is it your’s
sweet saliva

Those last words went straight to a place well below his gut. The feeling intensified as he watched her hands make their slow progress from her neck, down her chest, along her sides, curving over her flat stomach, then traveling lower, all the while her body wavering like a tendril of smoke.

Desperately wanting those hands to be his own, he barely noticed when he shed his coat and quietly made his way to the dance floor. He knew he’d startle her, but didn’t care. Getting dangerously close, he placed his hands on her hips from behind. She jumped instinctively and tried to turn around.

With your E’s
And your ease
And I do one more

His hands firmly keeping her in place, he brushed his lips against her ear and murmured, “No, don’t stop.” She caught his intense gaze from the corner of her eye as he pulled away slightly, awaiting her decision. Nodding almost imperceptivity, her hips again began their slow rocking.

I know we’re dying
And there’s no sign of a parachute

His fingers spread slightly, gaining more purchase on her hips. Skimming his lips along her neck, he pulled her closer, his hips moving in tandem with her own.

We scream in cathedrals
Why can’t it be beautiful

With a short intake of breath, she tilted her head back slightly, her eyes closed. As if moved by desperation, no longer tentative as she had been moments before, her left hand reached back, snaking up his silk draped arm, along his strong shoulder, till she reached his neck. Pulling him closer.

Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice
Gotta be a sacrifice

The music changed. Now it screamed, demanded. And he demanded with it.

Just say yes
You little arsonist

He turned her around roughly, bracing her against him. She willingly formed to his body, hooking her arm around his neck, pulling him to her possessively. He snaked one leg between her own, hopelessly aroused as she moved against it.

You’re so sure you can save
Every hair on my chest

His hand stole up her back, to her neck, pulling her head back roughly. Her eyes flashed open, filled with knowing as she locked them with his.

Just say yes
You little arsonist

The music sweetened. He lowered his forehead to hers, then slipped slightly past, her face nestling in the crook of his neck. Her lips rubbing against his skin, torturing.

with your E’s
and your ease
and I do one more

Their hands linked and they pulled only a breath apart, still moving as one.

with your E’s
and your ease
and I do one more

He spun her out, then in, bringing her so close he was almost inside of her. They continued to sway, his hands running up her neck to her face, caressing, gentleness with an edge. Her hands kneaded his sides, neck, torturing him as they came to his hips and inched to the front.

Well I know we’re dying
And there’s no sign of a parachute

He stifled a groan as her fingers latched onto his buckle. As she danced slightly apart from him, she looked at him from lidded eyes, a soft triumph lighting her features. Tables turned.

In this chapel
Little chapel of love

He brought his lips a hair’s breadth away from her own, advancing, retreating, but never engaging. The strangled sigh that broke from her was his own private victory. Advantage gained. He turned her around, draping her arm across her body, grasping her hip.

Can’t we get a little grace
And some elegance

His fingers traced the line where her shirt and jeans didn’t meet, then swirled, burning delicious patterns in her flesh.

No we scream in cathedrals

As he felt her completely loosen, he had to fight for control. He dragged his hands up her sides, grazing the sides of her breasts.

Why can’t it be beautiful

Grazing his nails to where her delicate features met her neck, he came in close, whispering only, “don’t stop.”

He pulled away, walking quietly backwards, watching her all the while.

Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice

She continued to move, dipping, arching. He was aching.

Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice

And forced himself to walk out the door.


Susie Q
8th December 2003, 11:22
http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/wow.gif That was a hell of a first fic! I could totally hear Lex thinking those thoughts. I think they ring so true to his character as does Chloe’s attempt to gain a continuation of the interview with her little notebook scheme. I thought the impromptu dance between Lex and Chloe was really hot and sexy. I loved the whole give and take, cat and mouse, seduction on the sly feel it had to it. I just cannot believe you ended it there. Don’t you know you could start a riot ending on a note like that? :p

Anyhoo, I really enjoyed this fic and can’t wait to see what other little gems you have in store for us. :biggrin:

8th December 2003, 11:43
Oh wow, that was really cool. Hope we read more fom you soon.

8th December 2003, 14:26

I loved that! What a tease fic. *grins*


8th December 2003, 16:42
That was your first fic no way. You are lying. That was amazing and hot. :applause:

Hope :chlexsign2:

8th December 2003, 17:44
That was :yay:

soo - are we going to get a second meeting???

8th December 2003, 18:10

But...but...you have to continue it. [whiney voice]You *have* to.[/whiney voice]

8th December 2003, 18:27
Originally posted by Clannadlvr@Dec 8 2003, 09:24 AM
She continued to move, dipping, arching. He was aching.

Why does there
Gotta be a sacrifice

And forced himself to walk out the door.
:huh: He LEFT??? HE LEFT???!!!
There better be a sequel.....

8th December 2003, 18:53
good job.

8th December 2003, 18:53
You can't leave it there, you can't!! Lex is such a tease!! Poor Lex and Chloe!! Maybe you could write a nice sequel where Chloe goes to Lex's mansion?! This is such a great story!! Thanks for writing!! :chlexsign4:

8th December 2003, 19:43
:biggrin: what a story to come home to!!!! that was just magnificent!!!! more please!!! :worship2: :worship2:

happy bunny
8th December 2003, 22:05
Awesome fic! But, that end... arghhh...

If we beg and plead, you'll continue it, right? *bats eyelashes* puh-puh-puh-lease?

9th December 2003, 04:49
You've captured Lex's character close to perfectly. Amazingly written, too.

But...but...you have to continue it. [whiney voice]You *have* to.[/whiney voice]

And I wouldn't be adverse to your continuing this, either ;)

9th December 2003, 07:28
Amazing fic! That was so sexy and hot! Excellent job!

Not An Addict
9th December 2003, 08:06
Well, I have to start out with a thanks for the shout out in the author's notes. Warms my heart, it does. ^_^ Now, what what it I was going to say? Oh yeah . . .


*ahem* Ok. Now you see, that was really incredible. An absolutely wonderful first post. My hat goes off to you, it truly does. But you CAN'T JUST STOP THERE! You have my heart racing and by god, you better fix it. This could be an excellent starting off place for a longer fic, or maybe a part in the middle if you want to give a little bit more backstory. The point is, you can't leave it there. Please, I beg you. Don't make me suffer through finals without more!

In all seriousness, though, even if you decide to be EVIL and leave it there, it really was wonderful. ^_^ Great job!

9th December 2003, 08:21
Wow. This was incredibly good and incredibly hot. You sure you haven't written this stuff before? :) Hopefully, you'll write more soon because I will avidly read it! Wonderful job!


9th December 2003, 08:23
Thanks everyone so much for all of your comments! I'm so glad this is been well received, especially since it's my first fic, but...


I was warned that if I did end things between Chloe and Lex on such an unresolved note that there would be trouble. *grins*

And to be honest, this was the way I was going to leave it.


But, then a funny thing happened.

Enough of you guys yelled so loud that Ms. Muse decided to wake up again. And she gave me a pretty nifty idea..

All I can say for now is that it's going to be a dance suite...

keep you posted!

10th December 2003, 01:53
That was good! You could have ended the story there, but if you already have an idea for a sequel, who am I to stop you? :blinkkiss:


Susie Q
10th December 2003, 07:22
Originally posted by Clannadlvr@Dec 9 2003, 12:23 AM
Enough of you guys yelled so loud that Ms. Muse decided to wake up again. And she gave me a pretty nifty idea..

All I can say for now is that it's going to be a dance suite...

keep you posted!
Well glad to see Ms. Muse decided to see things our way. :biggrin: I guess now you won’t have to walk around in riot gear. :p

15th December 2003, 12:06
mmm this is so evocative and sexy...and I don't have time to say more coz I've seen that you've got the sequal up...*rushes off to read sequal*

18th December 2003, 22:57
Whoa. Nice. :ohmy:

21st December 2003, 22:29
What the.....???

Oh wait...I think I saw something about a sequel. I'm off to find it.

Lilith The First
3rd January 2004, 22:50
what a self-controlled Lex...
:huh: I'm just as frustrated as Chloe... i'm gonna read the second part now because...

...because you write too good for me to stop reading!!!

11th May 2004, 00:00
:wub: Whoa . . . I'll bet he was walkin' funny ;)

28th June 2004, 23:35
Perfect! But what less could you inspect from Tori-inspired anything? :biggrin:

29th October 2004, 01:46
Wow! Lex is a tease. Bad, Lex bad! Great story! The imagery was powerful. I don't know if you wrote the sequel. If you did, can somebody help me find it.

Eta: Nevermind! Found it! :chlexsign2:

29th October 2004, 18:13
Wow, sexy. I loved it. :wub:

30th October 2004, 01:34
i see sequal off i go to read it

love lea

12th May 2005, 05:42
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was great and sexy but lex should not tease chloe it is mean and wrong.

25th June 2005, 16:38
Where did Lex go? Get back there now Lex!!!

Wow that was great!


25th June 2005, 16:51
Wow...that was...wow... :drool2:

I know what dear ole Lex was doing once he got to his car!! :yeahbaby:

Great fic! A sequal would still be nice...I think I'll start writing one in my head, right about....now... :hankpank:

27th July 2005, 10:23
THis is very good.

1st August 2005, 19:38
Hot! Well written, I loved it! And I love how you ended it! :)

2nd August 2005, 05:49
very nice....im off to read the sequel now

14th May 2007, 21:24
This is such a brilliant and haunting story. You claimed it right that with the song playing, the story is that much more entrancing. Beautiful job; now I'm going to go read the sequal.


19th May 2007, 16:07
Damn now that was hot

Ami Rose
17th March 2018, 04:23
Wow damn