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4th December 2003, 02:24
Title: Okay
By: ColumbiaBlue
Rating: PG-13 (the F-word managed to slip its way in there a couple times…)
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Damn… not mine.
Feedback: You will if you wuv me!
Summary: A marriage proposal gone horribly wrong… or horribly right.

AN: Don't really know where this came from. Oliver just kinda spit it out when I was trying to write another installment of "Fighting The Obvious." (*ahem* plug *ahem*) Hope you like it and as always, feedback is appreciated!!!

~*~ Okay ~*~

I blinked, stunned, letting the words settle a little, and then did what any normal girl would do if faced with the predicament of Lex Luthor asking her to marry him…

I said no.

It was so quiet after that. So very silent and still, enough that I could hear the warm breeze softly blowing outside. His fingers dropped from mine and I watched as his tongue darted out to lick his lips.


"Okay?" I repeated.

He nodded his head slowly to the statement. "Okay."

My face scrunched up. I hadn't expected that. "It's okay?"

"It's okay," he echoed. And then he just… smiled.

Not the usual "you can't deny me" smile, not the "I can read what you're thinking" smile, not the "this will get me out of this mess" smile. It was just a smile. And I had no idea what kind of emotion was laced beneath it. And well… it scared the living daylights out of me. My heart felt like it would beat right out of my chest. What kind of reaction was that? Was he insane? This was insane. He was insane. Whole reason why, that between the two of us, I was the one who proceeded to freak out.

My mouth opened. It shut. It opened. Hell, I gaped. "What?!" I jumped to my feet at the same time he did, and started to pace. "It's okay?" I ranted. "It's okay!" I stared at him accusingly. "How can you think it's OKAY?!"

His eyebrows rose in question and he opened his mouth to reply. But I shot him another glare before he could form any words. His mouth instantly closed.

"That's right! You can't!" I disputed, before continuing on my tirade pointing at him. "I know that you know that I know that this whole thing is not!" I continued to rant and rave about how it was not okay and he was crazy to think it was. "It's so not," I stopped mid pace, a hand on my hip, a finger accusingly smack dab in the middle of his chest. "OKAY!"

Alright…" he replied hesitantly. "Maybe it's not."

My voice, I think, went up an octave. "Maybe?"

His hands clasped around my finger that was still jabbing his chest. "Did anyone ever tell you that you think too much?"

I glared and ignored the statement. "Admit that it is not okay!" I demanded, beginning to pace again.

Of course he didn't. He just stood there watching me, his eyes trailing me as I continued to pace back and forth, and I swear he was trying to fight back a smirk at the fact I had lost my cool.

"And stop acting like this!" I cried out just for good measure before I sulked back into the couch and brooded.

"You done?" He asked me calmly.

Calmly? What in the hell? This was just NOT making any sense! I was supposed to be the calm and collected one. He was supposed to be the hysterical one, right? I crossed my legs and leaned my head in response, biting my lip. "You're supposed to be upset! You could at least be a little heartbroken you know!"

"Who says I'm not?" He challenged.

I frowned. "You're supposed to be pleading with me! Professing everlasting love. Begging even! I mean… SOMETHING Lex!"

He sank down onto his knee behind me so we were level, and smiled at me. Smiled! Smiling that stupid smile from before!


Here we go again…

"Lex.." I cautioned.

He laughed. A kinda nervous laugh. Actually come to think of it, more than nervous. And then he just stopped laughing, blue eyes wide, gazing at me expectantly.

"Do you love me?"

Fuck. Calm, serious, AND rational?

My eyes darted to the ring, still in his hand, before meeting his gaze wearily. My stomach dropped, for the second time in a minute. "Do I love you?"

He pressed his forehead against mine, saying it again. "Do you love me?"

He knew I did. Hell, he knew I did before I knew I did. I mean come one! He'd been the one trying to deny the whole thing in the first place. "Lex, don't be stupid. You know I do." I answered softly.

He tugged on my fingers, smiling sweetly. "So then…"

I looked at the ring again. That huge, flashing, bright diamond. It just taunted me. Didn't he understand?

Him? Me? Forever?

For God's sake he was Mr. Commitmentphobic! I mean, didn't he realize how long it took for him to actually commit to the idea of just dating me? LONG! And add how long it took for me to convince him to even think about us dating? LONGER than that LONG! What was going on?


"Have you been drinking?"

He looked a little taken aback at that. "You think I'm drunk?"

"You're telling me you're sober?" I scoffed, quickly swallowing back that anxiety when he raised an eyebrow.

Fuck. He was sober.

I didn't know what to say. Actually, scratch that. I did. That first time he had asked, my mind had processed it as unbelievable. But now… now it was processing definite comprehension.

"You're talking about forever with me Lex." I said cautiously, still trying to get over the fact that this was really happening. "Forever is a long time…"

"Nah," he disagreed. He lightly skimmed his fingers over my cheek. "It's not nearly long enough. Not for us."

He wasn't serious? "Lex…"

"Just say yes," he murmured, cutting me off, his eyes staring straight into mine. "Marry me."

Fuck. He was serious.

"Me?" I asked in disbelief, my eyes ending the contact with his. I could feel his hands trembling in mine, or was it the other way around?

"Yeah, you." Lex's voice was hoarse now, pleading, as he drew me closer to him, kissing me gently. "Say yes Chloe," he whispered against my lips.

I searched his eyes. It was crazy. He was crazy. This was crazy.

So I stumbled forth and did what any other girl would do if faced with the predicament of Lex Luthor asking her to marry him, not once, but twice in one day.


The corners of his mouth lifted up and I realized that that damn smile of his meant as he slipped the ring on my finger.


I smiled back. Maybe he wasn't insane after all.

4th December 2003, 02:37
I love it! I absolutely love it! Lex is a brilliant man, I tell you.

GOD...How I love this ship! :biggrin:

Awesome Job!


4th December 2003, 03:09
that was beautiful! absolutely beautiful! :hug:

4th December 2003, 03:15
That was so damn cute!
I loved it! Thanks Oliver for making her write it! :biggrin:

4th December 2003, 03:32
LOL, that was hilarious. Ingenious way to get Chloe to say yes. I wonder if that'll work in real life.....hehehe

Susie Q
4th December 2003, 04:02
Well ‘Okay’ then. Glad that’s settled. :tongue: This was great Manda! Cute and funny.http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/clapping.gif

4th December 2003, 05:41


happy bunny
4th December 2003, 05:51
That was so adorable. And you just gotta love Lex, knowing just the way to get her to agree. Great job, loved it.

4th December 2003, 06:10
:wub: I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this story!! It is so excellent!! I love Chloe's reactions to Lex and how he shows how much he loves her by asking her to marry him twice!! Your story is so beautiful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I just needed to read a happy Chlex story!!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

4th December 2003, 07:14
Oh that was so CUTE!!!! :wub: I love this story. great job. :worship2:

Hope :blinkkiss:

4th December 2003, 07:22
AWWWW That was so sweet. Good job :chlexsign3:

Queen Of Tact
4th December 2003, 09:45
Awww, that was so sweet.. I loved it... Chloe and Lex were so cute...


4th December 2003, 10:31
Very cute way of tackling trust and commitment issues between the two of them. Nice job :)

4th December 2003, 11:04
Thas was so cute :wub:

4th December 2003, 12:02
:wub: so cute

4th December 2003, 15:02
Aww. Mushy but not in an overly done way. I liked it. :wub:

4th December 2003, 16:19
Topics merged

4th December 2003, 19:49
Loved it!!! That was so cute... Awww.... :wub:

4th December 2003, 21:34
:biggrin: lovely lovely lovely!!!!!! :worship2:

4th December 2003, 23:24
Aww, that was adorable. I love it!

5th December 2003, 02:35
*sighs* I love it when Lex is sweetly manipulative...


great job!


5th December 2003, 05:25
Meh, it was an "okay" story. HAHA Just kidding! I was trying to be funny there, just so you know. ;) That was a great story! I love mushy Chlex, and all the okays... Chloe freaking out... Lex all cool and everything. TEE! great job.

5th December 2003, 16:48
Awwww :wub: what an adorable little ficlet!!!

8th December 2003, 17:59
That was just totally :cute:
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

20th November 2004, 00:52
I'm smiling like an idiot. Their reaction was perfect. I specially love Lex. He was perfect.


20th November 2004, 19:52
Aww :wub: :wub: :wub:

20th November 2004, 22:49

*happy squeal*


Great story Manda! Loved it... Chloe blowing up like that... Lex's calm....


23rd November 2004, 02:02
that was great!! :chlexsign2:
i could so see that happening.
it was perfect for them too


29th November 2004, 23:03

I just love manipulative Lex!


25th April 2005, 05:15
Ok, I just found this while doing a search on the word diamond, and I was like, ooh, a ficcy from ColumbiaBlue, maybe this will satisfy my monthly ColumbiaBlue quotient, because certain fics *coughyouruntitledsequeltolastnightwashorriblecoug h* have not been updated in OVER THREE MONTHS...and then I read this, and all in the world was good...except for lack of update....

29th April 2005, 19:24
i loved it soooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!1

29th June 2005, 07:58
awesome ficlet, loved the thought process. *g*

28th July 2005, 03:19
This is a sweet short story.